
Military-patriotic education of adolescents. Military-patriotic education and the basics of preparation for military service


Patriotic education

Each person is distinguished by a great love for their Motherland - the state of working people, and they express this love in concrete deeds aimed at strengthening its glory and power. True patriots of our Motherland are distinguished by consistent internationalism, that is, deep respect for other countries, our friends, and also for the working people of the whole world. Love for the working people, fraternal solidarity with them presupposes hatred of their exploiters, the stranglers of freedom and progress. Thus, patriotism is an alloy of feelings of love for the Motherland. These features of Soviet patriotism leave their mark on the entire process of patriotic education of children. The formation of a citizen, a patriot of his homeland begins in childhood with a feeling of love for relatives, native land, nature, traditions. On the basis of these common feelings for all, a high feeling of love for the Motherland is formed and strengthened. Therefore, the development in adolescents of a feeling of love for loved ones, for their native land becomes one of the important directions of the school's work in the matter of patriotic education. The formation of a feeling of attachment to their native places is one of the components of patriotic education. Based on these feelings, it is necessary to go further. As they acquire knowledge, the school is called upon to instill in children a feeling of love for our Soviet system, to show its advantages over the capitalist system, to raise conscientious, convinced defenders of our socialist society. An important task is to instill in adolescents love for the labor and militant revolutionary past of our Motherland. A colorful, vivid story about the actions of the heroes of labor, about the feats of arms of our people during the war causes strong feelings and a tide of noble patriotic feelings... Experiencing can also arise as a result of empathy with the life of another person. On these noble traditions of the past, the desire is formed to increase the glory and power of our country. The school directs its efforts to ensure that the patriotic feelings of adolescents find expression in useful deeds for the good of the Motherland, and another task is closely related to this - educating children to be ready to defend their country. All the work of the school for the patriotic education of adolescents should be carried out in unity with international education: instilling in children a sense of friendship of the peoples of our country, fraternal solidarity with the peoples of socialist countries, with the working people of the whole world, intolerance of racial and national hostility, hatred of the enemies of communism, the cause of peace and freedom of peoples.

A high feeling of love for the Motherland can develop only as a result of a whole system of educational means, including propaganda, example, organization of students' behavior and activities. The educational process is of great importance in fostering patriotic feelings. In the classroom, students study the past and present of our Motherland, get acquainted with the best representatives of science, culture, heroes of war and labor. Knowledge is an essential prerequisite for the emergence of patriotic feelings. The lesson is a source of knowledge about the Motherland.

On the basis of this knowledge, a feeling of love for the Motherland is formed and consolidated. Sometimes elementary school students do not have a sufficient understanding of their country. Many of them understand by the word Motherland only the area in which they live. This idea is the starting point for the formation of a different, deeper understanding of the Motherland as a state. Depending on the nature of the material, teachers do this in different ways. The level of patriotic education largely depends on the content of the material in school textbooks. Its impact on children can be enhanced by attracting excerpts from memoirs, the use of films and filmstrips, paintings.

Preparation of young people for service in the Armed Forces is of great importance in military-patriotic education. Its main forms are primary military training, study in schools and clubs of the Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and the Navy (DOSAAF), technical and military-applied sports. Even before being drafted into the Armed Forces, young men acquire military knowledge and skills in advance in order to quickly become skillful defenders of their homeland. This corresponds to Lenin's instruction that along with military training of adult citizens, in order to increase the defense capability of a socialist country, it is also necessary to train all adolescents in military affairs. Initial military training of young people is carried out in the tenth to eleventh grades of general education schools, in secondary specialized educational institutions of the vocational education system. It aims to help young men acquire military knowledge and practical skills in the scope of training a soldier, sailor, master one of the military-technical specialties, and study the basics of civil defense.

Initial military training is inextricably linked with the military-patriotic education of young people. The system of compulsory forms of training young people for service in the Armed Forces that has developed in the Soviet Union is complemented by measures of mass defense and sports work. Its task is to promote military and military-technical knowledge, to equip young people with knowledge of the basics of military affairs and civil defense. The knowledge and skills gained in the process of initial military training are supplemented by classes at universities of military knowledge, at the faculties of military knowledge at popular universities, clubs of the future warrior. Many young men who have received military, physical and moral training in military-patriotic clubs enter military schools and become officers of the Armed Forces. The successful mastery of military knowledge by young people is facilitated by the patronage of military units, military educational institutions over secondary schools, vocational schools, technical schools, educational organizations of DOSAAF. Pre-conscription military training and the system of mass defense work, military-patriotic education of young people for service in the Armed Forces are yielding positive results. Young men called up for active military service in the army or navy are more successful in mastering the complex modern military equipment and weapons, quickly become the ranks of the heroic Armed Forces, vigilantly guarding the peaceful labor of our people.

Military psychology

Military psychology studies the personality of a soldier, taking into account his social status. As a person, a warrior is a full-fledged citizen of society, a representative of the working classes, a member of a military collective, performing the sacred duty of defending the Fatherland stipulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He is characterized by high political consciousness, moral maturity, psychological readiness and skill to perform educational, service and combat missions. Each warrior has individual psychological characteristics.

The personality is social in its essence and origin, and its significance is assessed by the criteria of social and class interests. At the same time, personality is a complex complex of individually unique mental processes, properties and prevailing states. It has its own content and structure. The content of the personality is understood as the spiritual world of a person, his individual consciousness, which is a kind of reflection of the consciousness of the social, social and natural environment. The elements of the content of the personality are representations, knowledge, concepts, views and beliefs.

The central part of the warrior's spiritual world is his worldview. This is a system of socio-political knowledge and conviction, the consciousness of patriotism and internationalism, military duty. The most important place in the content of the personality belongs to the moral and legal consciousness.

The central property of a warrior's personality is directionality, which is a generalized characteristic of a warrior in terms of what he strives for, what he values ​​in the world, and how, therefore, perceives external influences. Knowledge of the content and structure of a warrior's orientation gives an idea of ​​the prevailing orientation of his thoughts and aspirations, allows one to correctly assess and, which is very important, predict his actions and their motives. Attached to the orientation of the personality is character, which is understood as the ability of a warrior to act in accordance with his views. It represents a set of traits in which the attitude of the soldier to the typical conditions and requirements of service, as well as the corresponding methods of response, is fixed. Character is a relationship based on the ideological, morality and culture of the individual and manifested in the basic professional habits and qualities that were formed in the conditions of military service and necessary for it. Character is especially clear in a difficult situation, when increased demands are made, when a soldier must show such qualities as courage, selflessness, courage, perseverance, a sense of military honor, mutual assistance, etc. comrades and the team of the unit, to various kinds of material and spiritual values, as well as to oneself. Diligence, discipline, accuracy, punctuality and a number of other professionally important traits characterize a warrior as a specialist. Courage, dedication, vigilance, composure in a combat situation form the basis of a military character. Collectivism, benevolence, comradeship, readiness for mutual assistance, or individualism, hostility, isolation - all these are character traits of a warrior as a member of a collective, his immediate social qualities. Character traits that reinforce a person's attitude to the world of material values, primarily to weapons and military equipment, national and military property, as well as to values ​​of the spiritual order - laws, moral norms, science, art, culture, are of significant importance. An important area of ​​character is the attitude of a warrior to himself: his self-esteem, modesty, pride, a sense of honor and personal dignity, neatness in clothes, concern for appearance and other qualities. In the process of studying the abilities of people, such indicators as the level and possible rate of development of thinking and memory, observation and imagination, the sensitivity of the organs of sight, hearing, touch, the adaptability of the psychophysical organization of the individual to the implementation of subtle, jeweler's precision of movements are determined. An essential aspect of a warrior's personality is his temperament - a property characterized by the peculiarities of the course of mental processes, activity and behavior in general: mobility, poise, activity, excitability, the degree of emotionality, impulsivity. Temperament complements the personality with dynamic indicators and is a significant factor in the overall pattern of behavior. It is closely related to both the character of the warrior and his abilities.

The important characteristics of the personnel are due to age; young men are characterized by enthusiasm, dedication, a desire for independence, a desire to understand complex worldview and moral issues, an increased need for communication and friendship. Many qualities of this age are of great social value. “... It is not necessary to suppress these youthful special qualities,” M.I. Kalinin. “On the contrary, they must be protected, they must be developed, on the basis of them a new, more perfect person must be raised." conditions of military service. Adolescence is also characterized by certain difficulties of formation and growth. Often, categorical and immaturity of judgments and assessments, the predominance of emotional forms of behavior, group isolation, inability to apply previously acquired knowledge, and lack of self-criticism are manifested. The personality of a warrior - its content and structure - is not something fixed, given once and for all. On the contrary, it is dynamic, because it is formed in the process of military activity, training, education and self-education. A young man who enters a unit or enters a military school is already a person. But he still has to go through a certain path of development in order to acquire, consolidate and harden those moral, political and combat qualities that determine the essence of the personality of a warrior - an armed defender of the Fatherland.

The tension, responsibility and great importance of service are strong nurturing factors that shape the personality of a soldier. The social significance of military activity, its complex content determine the development of high, noble features of the defender of the Motherland in him. The development of the personality of a young warrior is the maturation of an 18 to 20-year-old man. Modern psychological data suggest that at this age development not only does not end, but is activated in many directions. At the initial stage of the service, the individual adapts to the new conditions of life and activity. Many people experience a certain amount of stress when changing their life environment.

The novelty of the situation makes some young soldiers and sailors feel insecure and even confused. After a certain time, as the modes of behavior necessary for a given situation are formed, the state of internal discomfort, longing for the past, habitual weakens, which indicates the completion of the process of adaptation to the conditions of military service. In the course of it, usually reversible changes occur in the system of habits and skills of everyday behavior, in the level of personality functioning and the basic vital functions of the body. A person must get used to the daily routine, an increased regime of physical activity, to new forms of communication and interaction with people, to the form of clothing, conditions of life and rest, as well as often to new climatic and natural conditions. All this is a great burden for the body and psyche of young soldiers. The whole way of life and activity changes significantly - a task with which some of them cope with work. Favorable changes affect all structural elements of the personality: orientation, character, abilities and temperament. An understanding of military duty is developing, feelings of love for the Motherland and hatred for the imperialists are growing. All this finds its expression in the daily readiness of a soldier with arms in hand at any time to defend the social values ​​of the Kazakh people and the peoples of other countries of the commonwealth. Simultaneously with the development of the orientation of the personality, tempering of character takes place, especially of such traits as courage, perseverance, courage, discipline, combat activity, the will to fight and victory, collectivism and military comradeship.

Certain changes also occur in the area of ​​temperament: positive tendencies become brighter and more expressive, negative ones are smoothed out. As a rule, warriors acquire poise and restraint, feel more confident under new circumstances of life. Under army conditions, soldiers receive all-round general development. They expand their general political and cultural horizons, participate in social work, acquire new knowledge, skills, habits that are useful for life, become stronger and physically enduring. For many soldiers, service in the army is an excellent school for mastering the national language, familiarization with the national and cultural values ​​of other peoples. Of course, all these and other positive shifts in the content of the culture of the personality of soldiers do not occur by gravity, not spontaneously, but with effective combat and political training, skillful conduct of political educational work, and a clear organization of the entire service.

Cultural education

Among the many factors actively influencing the process of restructuring Soviet society, culture is undoubtedly assigned a key role. “Without culture,” said Academician D.S. Likhachev, - there is no morality in the country, social and economic laws do not work without elementary morality, decrees are not fulfilled and science cannot exist. If in the past culture was considered, first of all, as a product of social relations, now it acts as a dynamic force shaping the entire life of society, exerting a tremendous, and in some cases decisive influence on the state and development of the entire totality of social relations. In this regard, social progress is largely dependent on cultural progress ”. Perestroika opened wide scope for the development of culture. She has already done a lot for the cultural revival of society, and with it the army. The shackles of prohibition and command-and-control dictatorship have been shaken off culture; it is gaining free breathing. Cultural heritage in all its volume and diversity is returning to spiritual life. The intelligentsia received freedom of creativity, which it had never known before. The potential of the national cultures of the peoples of Kazakhstan is straightening and gaining strength. Various cultural movements and associations are making themselves known. In other words, culture began to restore its own function in society.

At the same time, one cannot fail to see that the shifts outlined here are so far unstable and contradictory. On the one hand, the spiritual life of society is rapidly enriched with previously forbidden works of literature and art, the revival of national cultural traditions, the expansion of participation in the culture of the church, the intensification of international cultural exchanges, etc. On the other, the attendance of theaters, philharmonic societies, cinemas, museums, libraries, clubs, mass amateur performances are disintegrating, anti-culture is gaining more and more recognition among the youth. That is, the tendency to deculturize the life of a significant part of Soviet people makes itself felt.

A critical mass of spiritual poverty has accumulated in our society. Lack of spirituality has taken on rampant proportions, and hardly anyone will object today.

The latter circumstance clearly deserves a special discussion. It is necessary to see if the army cultural institutions are doing everything so that each officer is truly a man of high culture and morality. After all, he is an educator of youth, a bearer of such concepts as officer honor, military duty, defense of the Fatherland. One cannot discount the fact that for many today the words “army” and “culture” sound like mutually exclusive concepts. They say that the army is an environment that naturally or rather unnaturally suppresses any individual cultural manifestation. Hence, some people interpret the concept of "culture" as something alien in relation to the military. The army is not only the keeper of the best traditions of society, but also the purest and most exalted personification of spirituality. And this tradition is deeply rooted in Russian history. For example, academician D.S. Likhachev emphasizes that the best traditions of the Russian army have always been, above all, cultural traditions. For a long period of history, the Russian army personified a huge cultural and moral potential. It is no coincidence that many geniuses of Russian and Kazakh culture went through military service, including F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, M.P. Mussorgsky, Chokan Valikhanov and others. This means that the army is not only an armed force, but also a spiritual one.

In the military work of our distant ancestors, we find today not only vivid examples of loyalty to military duty, the Fatherland, but also manifestations of a high general culture and good breeding. The famous Chokan Valikhanov (1835-1865) is a striking landmark in this regard. He was one of the most educated people of his time. The years of his wanderings and labors coincided with a historically very significant period in the life of his people, when the Kazakhs of all zhuzes were completing their entry into Russia and at the same time their reunification into one big people - peaceful and poetic, cheerful and ambitious, full of strength and energy, giving tremendous hopes for development ... And in everything that happened by 1865, which was a milestone in the history of the Kazakhs, there was a trace of Chokan, his efforts, understanding of his duty to the people, his courage, his historical foresight. To explain to multilingual Russia what the Steppe and its nomadic people are, to open to all mankind the life of Kazakhs, their past, their present, their thoughts about the future ...

The discoveries he made put the young lieutenant of the Russian army in a row with the outstanding people of the world. Not only historians, travelers, but also linguists, philosophers, archaeologists and literary scholars have written and are writing about him. The advanced officers attached great importance not only to their military, but also to their general education. Wide knowledge of literature, history, foreign languages was considered mandatory among the officers. Any officer who cared about his reputation as a cultured and well-mannered person was distinguished by the ability to maintain a conversation on a serious topic in society.

In the old Russian army, an officer, introducing himself, uttered the seemingly archaic phrase: "I have the honor!" In our time, the concept of officer honor should be deeper, but it is no secret that for some people it has worn off, faded. The loss of a sense of honor led to the fact that we began to "hesitate" to pronounce this word. How can you not recall the statement of the Roman sage Apuleius "Shame and honor are like a dress: the more worn, the more careless you are towards them." Of no small importance is such a problem as aesthetic culture. Prominent educator and innovator V.A. Sukhomlinsky was deeply convinced that without aesthetic education there can be no education at all. It is a person's appeal to beauty that ennobles his soul, removes, as they say, "thick skin", refines his feelings. “... Man, - said V.A. Sukhomlinsky, - stood out from the world of animals and became a gifted creature not only because he made the first tool of labor with his own hands, but also because he saw the depth of the blue sky, the twinkling of the stars, the pink spill of the evening and morning dawn, the crimson sunset before a windy day, the endless distance of the steppes, a flock of cranes in the azure of the sky, the reflection of the sun in transparent drops of morning dew, gray threads of rain on a cloudy autumn day, a delicate stalk and blue bell of a snowdrop - I saw and was amazed and began to create new beauty. "

Through the perception of beauty in nature and art, we discover the beauty in ourselves. “Holding a violin in his hands, a person is not capable of doing bad things,” says an old Ukrainian wisdom attributed to the remarkable thinker Hryhoriy Skovoroda. Evil and true beauty are incompatible. And therefore, one of the important tasks of aesthetic education is, figuratively speaking, to put a violin in the hands of every future warrior so that he can hear the sound of his soul strings. There are many springs that feed the aesthetic culture. Among them, of course, one of the most fruitful, one of the most powerful is the one that comes from the army's cultural institutions. But not only the club, the House of Officers, the musical ensemble contain a spiritually ennobling function. This also applies to military educational institutions. For example, it is very good that a course on the basics of culture has been introduced in all military-political schools. Much can be done to further improve aesthetic education in the lessons of primary military training Military Publishing House

Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For example, it could increase the production of literature on urgent problems aesthetics. The process of educating young people would find much more subject if teachers and political workers had at hand such, say, publications as “Aesthetics military uniform"," Aesthetics of the behavior of military personnel "," Literature and art in your life "," Beauty and morality ", etc.

Some of the greats very subtly noticed that real culture is not in museums, archives, libraries, not in theaters and concert halls - these are only its symbols. Real culture is in the person himself. Indeed, it is so. That is why it is necessary to constantly instill in our adolescents the desire to be morally purer and richer, more intelligent, to develop the ability for creativity, spiritual and cultural self-perfection. No matter how great the material and spiritual treasures accumulated by humanity are, they will not have a beneficial effect until they become a part of the individual's own worldview. It is in the ability to take into account, use, apply what is learned from these treasures in your Everyday life and the culture of each of us is manifested. You can not miss a single film premiere, not a single opening day, a concert, but in itself this does not mean high culture. How many cases are known when, say, an inveterate theatergoer or music lover can afford to appear at the service unkemptly dressed, behave disrespectfully towards others, etc. this or that work of art, cultural phenomenon for moral self-improvement.

A future military man who knows how to fruitfully combine service with serious creative hobbies is always interesting as an extraordinary personality. Such a person cannot but command respect, especially when what they have achieved is highly appreciated by talented craftsmen.

Art is also perceived through the people who create it, through creative personalities. Each viewer, listener has his own authorities, his own idols. Reading today's press, we closely follow what art workers think about the modern army, military service, about the problems that excite the life of the Armed Forces. I am glad that in the majority of such statements there is goodwill in understanding and assessing the current far from simple situation in the army. Kirill Yuryevich Lavrov, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, said: “We, people of creative specialties, are obliged to fully reflect on the stage, in the cinema, in other forms of art, the heroism of peacetime, including the everyday, very difficult service of soldiers to ensure proper combat readiness. We must not forget: everything that we have now is provided and guaranteed by military labor. " In our time of perestroika, we must not mock the Army, not look for spots on its uniform, but help it educate patriotic warriors, warriors-internationalists, take care of our reliable defenders, be proud of them. "

When she goes on stage, it seems that the steppe itself is singing, the snowy peaks of the mountains are singing, the blossoming gardens at their foot are singing. Songs performed by People's Artist of the USSR Roza Baglanova have long conquered listeners not only in our country, but also abroad. She first appeared on the professional stage in 1941 in Tashkent. Then there was the war. Rosa Baglanova spoke to the front-line soldiers - on the front line and in hospitals. It happened that she carried out the wounded from the battlefield. It was not in vain that on February 23, 1945, near Warsaw, K. K. Rokossovsky himself presented her with the second medal "For Military Merit". She received the first in 1943.

These are the most expensive awards won by the artist's courage. Songs of the Kazakh steppes, Soviet composers, songs of the peoples of the world performed by Roza Baglanova open up to the world our multinational, multicolored musical art, inspire, charge people with optimism.

The famous singer headed the Alma-Ata Relief Society. Its members - students, workers, office workers - held patronage over the disabled, war and labor veterans, providing them with all possible assistance.

Once they asked Rosa Tazhibaevna what she sees as the reasons for the negative phenomena in the military environment, in particular the notorious "bullying", and it seems to us, in a philosophical way, she very wisely saw the connection between morality, mercy and the named phenomenon:

“Mercy is a tuning fork of morality, which, unfortunately, has become a deficit in our time. And it seems to me that an Octobrist or a pioneer who helps people who have lost their health acquires moral health himself; he will definitely become a real defender of the Motherland, a real Soviet soldier. The one who, at the cost of his life and shed blood, won us victory in the forty-fifth. I am sure that the boys who have gone through our school of mercy, having joined the army, will never support the "bullying", on the contrary, they will fight it. V Lately we often have to read and hear accusations against our army about this shameful phenomenon. People who blame everything on the army forget that it is many of them who supply the army with ready-made organizers of "bullying." The whole world must fight this evil. "

Culture is common sense, for it is mental health. Culture is beauty, for it is physical health. Culture is dignity and conscience, for it is moral health. And also culture is loyalty to the father and mother, loyalty to the family and the Fatherland, it is truthfulness and tenderness, kindness and fearlessness, which are always together.

There is a vocal-instrumental ensemble "Kaskad" at the Almaty House of Officers. Which was formed in Afghanistan, its participants are Afghan warriors. He is popular with the soldiers, but the young people of the city know him too. Military-patriotic, soldier's and lyrical songs performed by the ensemble won the hearts of the audience. The ensemble gives charitable concerts, funds from which go to replenish the fund of the center for the rehabilitation of internationalist soldiers. The ensemble gives concerts in different garrisons of the district, with their songs awakening in the hearts of listeners love for their native lands, devotion to the Motherland.

Today, Central Television is actively involved in the propaganda of military musical creativity, which in itself is very commendable. Let us recall with what success the TV contests "When the Soldiers Sing" were held in the recent past, what a huge audience of viewers they attracted to themselves.

The need for mass song propaganda is becoming more and more obvious. The song in its best examples - patriotic, lyric, pop, drill - is considered to be a kind of formula of public mood. It affects the emotional state of the human soul, forms musical taste, social position. It is true that love for the Fatherland is unthinkable without love for the native song.

When we talk about the art of music, of course we mean not only its purely utilitarian role, but also as an important means of forming a healthy aesthetic taste. With the total onslaught of the so-called mass culture, young people, of course, including the army, found themselves in the most defenseless position in front of it. And this cannot be ignored.

Today, concern for the intellectual and spiritual revival of the country is one of the most important political and practical tasks. This should find concrete expression in overcoming the monopoly of departments and organizations in the field of culture while guaranteeing the accessibility of culture to the people by the state; improving the state-public system for managing cultural processes and ensuring the protection of cultural figures on a legislative basis; respect for the originality and equality of cultures of all peoples living in the former Soviet Union, expanding and improving their free interaction and mutual enrichment, creating conditions for the formation and development of cultural and national centers; in freedom of creativity, encouragement of talent, unhindered competitive development of various cultural trends, styles, schools; finally, in the openness of the multinational Soviet culture to humane ideas and values ​​that ensure the full inclusion of the country in spiritual life modern world.

Culture is loyalty to father and mother, loyalty to family and Fatherland, it is truthfulness and tenderness, kindness and fearlessness, which are always together. Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev is not only the President of our Republic, but also the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan. He has done and is doing a lot for the prosperity and reliability of our army. Today, army soldiers receive an enormous amount of diverse information - political, historical, economic, artistic, socio-legal, environmental, etc. They began to look wider at the world, look deeper into yourself. Undoubtedly, a significant contribution to this process is made by the cultural institutions of the army, the role of which as operational information centers has significantly increased in recent years. The system of agitation and propaganda activities is also being improved. The restructuring of the public life of Kazakhstan caused a radical rethinking of entire historical layers, highlighted unknown pages of our history, including those concerning the life of our Armed Forces. On the this moment serious reforms are taking place in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The introduction of modern technologies, computerization, updating of the technical base is underway.

Today, one of the most pressing issues in the field of youth policy is the question of forming a healthy personality. In this context, it consists not so much in physical health as in spiritual, intellectual and cultural health.

The system of military-patriotic education of young people operating during the Soviet era, in addition to the ideological core, included a system of education based on the military-sports training of youth - the games "Zarnitsa", "Eaglet", as well as the norms "Ready for work and defense", - showed their effectiveness and efficiency. The need to develop such a system in the USSR was due to the low level of patriotism among the population in the pre-war period. In the first days of the Great Patriotic War, more than 2 million servicemen of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army surrendered or went over to the side of the enemy. Although this fact was not subject to disclosure, meanwhile, it served as a serious reason for thinking about the issue of creating a system for educating youth in the spirit of patriotism.

After the collapse of the USSR, the system of military-patriotic education was completely destroyed. Niche physical, mental and spiritual development thanks to the skillful propaganda of violence and bad habits, including the use of cinema and mass advertising, young people have taken pseudo-values, the purpose of which, up to this day, is to form a consumer society devoid of all moral and cultural guidelines. An indicator of the scale of the problem that has arisen is the number of all kinds of pseudo-religious destructive formations (sects).

The poor health of young people is indicated by information about conscripts, and this level is decreasing from year to year. So, just over the past 4 years in Ukraine, the number of conscripts who are on medical records increased by 9.6 thousand (45.4%). Most often, their recovery had to be carried out in connection with diseases of the respiratory system (72.2%), blood and hematopoietic organs (71.8%), organs of vision (70.7%). Among those who underwent the course of rehabilitation, there were also those who were lagging behind in physical development.

At the same time, the number of healthy conscripts for 10 years has almost halved, 74-76% were recognized as fit for military service, 4-6% of conscripts received a deferment for health reasons (while the number of such young men is constantly increasing). The poor health of young people has a number of specific reasons. Among all the factors that in one way or another affect the state of both physical and mental health population, the most important is behavior. This factor exceeds the role of heredity, environment and the quality of care.

The most serious illnesses in developed countries today are associated with individual habits, especially persistent ones, which in the aggregate are often called a lifestyle. Human behavior is extremely important for health and affects it directly, as a way of life, or indirectly - through economic or socio-economic conditions, which are the main determinants of health. The cultural development of young people is often replaced by the promotion of subcultures that have a destructive effect on the personality of a young person. This is manifested in the fashion for piercings, tattoos, implantation of various implants that disfigure the human appearance. Unfortunately, such young people cannot realize not only the fact of how disgusting they look, but also the degree of harm to their health, which is inflicted in the process of such "tuning". Until recently, such images were a rarity, exotic, but today these people live next to us, and the overwhelming part of society is trying to convince themselves first of all that this is quite normal and is only a manifestation of the free choice of a citizen.

Instead of the problems of the institution of the family, pro-Western public organizations bring to the fore the completely far-fetched problems of homosexuality and feminism. To date, the density of such negative manifestations as youth drug addiction, alcoholism, sectarianism, juvenile delinquency and homelessness has practically reached its limit. There is no doubt that these phenomena are links in one chain, the ultimate goal of which is the destruction of the cultural, spiritual and moral foundations of the nation. In this context, it can be concluded that the most acute social problems in the youth environment are the issues of preserving the health of the younger generation, their upbringing in the spirit of respect for the Motherland, its history, traditions, culture and people. Of course, it is the military-patriotic education of youth that occupies an important place in solving these problems. Since the proclamation of Ukraine's independence, attempts have been made at various levels to change the situation in this area for the better.

These attempts took the form of reviving both the Cossacks and elements of the Soviet system of military-patriotic education of young people. These initiatives have failed mainly for two reasons. Firstly, such ideas as the revival of the Cossacks and the Soviet "Zarnitsa" are alien to modern youth both for reasons of their backwardness in the context of rapid scientific and technological progress, and because of their complete inadequacy to the challenges of our time. Secondly, all initiatives in this direction are characterized by a lack of consistency. The targeted implementation of measures aimed at immediate results does not bring any benefit, but only proves their failure. Attempts to create a system of patriotic education, including in institutions of secondary education at the administrative level, also did not bear fruit and ended in a series of reports from officials about their successes. As a result, these programs were curtailed, and the niche of military-patriotic education continues to be empty. This is openly discussed at the ministerial level. It is becoming more and more obvious that the administrative apparatus today is not able to independently create and implement such a system that would be characterized by the following features.

It must: - be really effective; - to cover the out-of-school and club employment of youth; - to be modern, progressive, technically advanced, interesting to the younger generation; - serve as a supplement to school subjects for pre-conscription training of youth; - to promote the diversified development of youth; - to educate young people in the spirit of respect for the Motherland, its history, traditions, culture and people. The best way to solve the problem of youth is to involve public organizations with appropriate assistance from the state. Unfortunately, for many years, no scientific and methodological work has been carried out to develop and improve the methods and techniques of military-patriotic education of youth. Numerous organizations, clubs and communities of enthusiasts, each in their own way, have tried at different stages to implement their vision of the process. As already mentioned, these attempts are characterized by a lack of consistency, which minimizes their social effect on a national scale.

An equally significant drawback is the use of techniques that do not meet the requirements of the time. Simply put, they do not arouse the younger generation's interest in engaging in military-applied activities. As much as someone would like, but the "methods", which are based on the program of pre-conscription training for young men, do not correspond to modern realities and opportunities, and therefore have no development prospects. Comprehending the mystery of incomplete disassembly and assembly of the Kalashnikov assault rifle may be interesting, but for the time being. The disadvantage of most techniques is often the subjectivity of the leader (the creator of such a technique). His personal convictions are the main tenets of this or that patriotic movement. However, such views may not be perceived by all members of society. As a result, citizens who adhere to one or another worldview unite around the organization. In our opinion, the ideological basis of the system of military-patriotic education of youth at the state level should be exclusively objective and uncontested values ​​- these are spirituality and morality, family values, patriotism, devotion to a common idea. Otherwise, the methodology, built on the subjective ideas of the leader, over time turns into a circle of interests with elements of sectarianism. And it is worth noting that many sects, especially those promoting the "revival of Slavic culture", or, to put it simply, paganism, have adopted the theme of patriotism, but interpret it from the perspective of the revival of paganism as the only correct path to the prosperity of the state. The other extreme of such public formations is associations of citizens who reject the state and patriotism in general.

So, an analysis of the nature and structure of various military-applied methods shows that the basis of a nationwide program should be primarily a system, the ideological basis of which will be uncontested universal human values. This system must meet modern advances in science and technology, must use progressive methods of working with young people. It's time to face the truth and admit that games like Zarnitsa (in its classic form) and other similar events are hopelessly outdated and do not meet the needs of today's youth. They can be successfully replaced by paramilitary games using paintball equipment, laser tag equipment (Miles system), airsoft equipment (soft pneumatics). Each of the above types has its own principle of operation, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, and therefore its choice remains with the direct user. In any case, modern advances in science and technology provide us with a wide range of tools for the implementation of certain tasks within the framework of the organization and conduct of military-patriotic and military-sports events.

The "tool" itself has absolutely no value without a methodology for its correct application, since it is only one of the elements of the system, which, if properly implemented, gives a tangible result. Activists of the public organization "Kharkiv Regional Youth Military-Patriotic Association" Dynamo "for many years have been working on the creation, systematization and implementation of the latest principles of organizing and holding military-sports and military-patriotic events. The work is carried out both in the field of cooperation with educational institutions (schools and universities) and with the adult population. The ranks of the Organization include both active and retired military men, police officers and other law enforcement and security agencies. The newest technologies and methods, multiplied by the experience and authority of the older generation, are yielding results.

The methodology itself includes several directions, including: - organization and conduct of paramilitary games, military sports competitions and camps; - methodological work on the creation of new approaches to the organization of military-sports events. As for paramilitary games, it should be noted that this direction is the most dynamically developing.

Carrying out games using the latest techniques and achievements of science and technology, according to plots that meet the most demanding tastes of young people, makes this direction the most interesting and in demand. The aim of the competitions held by the VPO "Dynamo" is, first of all, the revival of the system of military-applied training. Today, the competition allows to attract young people to the ranks of the Organization to participate in the main areas of activity. Methodical work allows to identify, systematize, adapt the latest methods, approaches, achievements of science and technology for holding military-sports and military-patriotic events. Separately, it is worth noting the work with the leaders of methodological associations and teachers of the subject "Defense of the Fatherland".

This direction makes it possible to timely inform teachers of schools and other educational institutions about the activities of the Organization and thus makes it possible to attract more and more young people to participate in the organization and conduct of military sports events. Military-sports camps VPO "Dynamo" - this is a real school of courage. They are not held in the usual format of children's health camps, where the emphasis is on entertainment events, discos, etc. In the Dynamo camps, cadets live a life close to the military field camp according to the regulations: they wear outfits, undergo various training, both general and special. In addition to general physical, fire and tactical training, cadets learn the basics of hand-to-hand combat and self-defense, medical and sanitary training, the basics of reconnaissance and observation, and terrain orientation. Through camps and camp-based special courses and workshops, cadets can acquire highly specialized knowledge and skills such as wilderness survival, scuba diving, climbing and more.

In general, it should be noted that in the modern world, a high level of informatization of the young generation, for effective work with young people, the latest and most demanded methods and tools should be used. As the practice of European countries shows, in solving many social problems, it is most effective to involve public organizations of the corresponding orientation in solving certain problems.

Geopolitical confrontation and the intensity of the international situation simply oblige us to take full responsibility for the defense of our Motherland. One of the ways to protect their native land is the military-patriotic education of young people in Russia. The purpose of education is to raise morally mature people, loyal to their military and constitutional duty.

Military-patriotic education consists of three main areas:

  • Introduction to the military victories of the Russian people.
  • Organization of military sports games.
  • The relationship between military and school teams.

The school, the family, and also specially organized centers play a significant role in patriotic education. The main ones were given by the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

Life has set completely new tasks, we found ourselves in the center of a real war. But it is not being conducted with cannons and missiles, but with a word. In a word, you can injure and heal, so you need to raise young people who will be ready to distinguish truth from lies and always remain faithful to their Fatherland.

The state needs to educate courageous, healthy and courageous people who are ready to study and work for its benefit, and not look towards emigration to the ghostly better Western world. Correctly educated youth should defend their families, native land and state.

In the light of such tasks, the role of correct military-patriotic education of young people is noticeably increasing. It is this upbringing that will contribute to the training of strong and skillful defenders of Russia.

Three directions of patriotic education of youth

  1. Introduction to the military traditions of the people, honoring their victories.

This area includes the following activities:

  • Perpetuation of those killed in the struggle for the independence of Russia. To do this, they organize not only one-time visits to monuments and mass graves on major public holidays, but also teach them to take patronage over a mass grave. Participation in the honor guard as part of the memorial watch is encouraged. Maintenance of monuments becomes not a duty, but a matter of honor.
  • Lessons of Courage are held, meetings with war veterans are organized. It is important to set up young people correctly, prepare them mentally for such events. Pupils participate in congratulations, come up with a program themselves, put their hearts into it.
  • Celebration memorable dates- for the great holidays associated with glorious victories in the military history of Russia, visits to museums are organized, exhibitions, contests, quizzes, and viewing of thematic videos are held.

The most important thing is to remember that military-patriotic education is a systemic process. Its foundations are laid in kindergarten and school.

  1. Organization of military sports games.

Speeches that are complex and sometimes pretentious in the minds of young people need to be supported by more interesting entertainment events. Among them are military sports games. For example, "Zarnitsa" or "Eaglet".

You also need to organize visits by young men, especially graduating classes, military units. It is possible that someone will find here their calling, a profession for life. Communicating with the military strengthens the spirit of patriotism that makes ordinary people Citizens of their Fatherland.

Creation of an OBZh cabinet

Out-of-school education is interesting and productive, but the main bonds for patriotic education are laid precisely in the classroom. An important lesson in terms of the formation of civic consciousness is OBZH.

In schools, sometimes they are frivolous about this subject, considering it a semblance of an auxiliary elective. Not all educational institutions have a special office, so we will give basic tips on its creation. It is important to equip, here they place materials on the education of schoolchildren on the traditions of previous generations. Symbols of Russia are placed on the walls, information about compatriots-heroes of Russia can be indicated.

The OBZh cabinet can be used not only for specialized classes in the subject. On its basis, lessons of Courage, lessons on history or literature with a patriotic component are held, meetings with military personnel and veterans are organized here. It is convenient to watch patriotic videos and classes in military applied circles in a specialized OBZh office.

Putin on patriotic education of youth

The Russian President urged to educate young people even more patriotic, to fight the falsifications of history. According to Vladimir Putin, patriotic education is simply obliged to become an organic part of society. The president said this during the 37th meeting of the Russian organizing committee "Victory", which was held in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Vladimir Putin clearly outlined the tasks facing modern Russian society in terms of educating the younger generation:

  1. Respect for veterans.

Read more: Topical issues of patriotic education

Centers for patriotic education

The main goal of the activities of the centers of patriotic education is to prepare young men for military service. It also supports student and student initiatives that are related to fostering a sense of citizenship. People who sincerely love their school, university, native land, country as a whole come to the centers. There must be a strong desire to change society, starting with oneself.

What do the centers of patriotic education do?

The centers have the following responsibilities:

  • Teaching the basics of military service by conducting military training for senior students.
  • The level of physical fitness of young men is being increased so that it becomes appropriate for military service.
  • Focus on the successful delivery of the TRP standards for physical fitness.
  • Organization of events for military-patriotic education and preparation for military service.

The correct military-patriotic education of the younger generation depends on each of us. You should not be idle and place all responsibility for the process on the teachers. Everyone can make a feasible contribution to the development of the consciousness of young people; you need to start with your family and your close circle.

Love for one's homeland, observance of the constitutional norms of one's country and respect for the traditions and cultural heritage of one's own and other nations - all this is the goal of the patriotic education of the younger generation. Since the issue of the patriotic aspect of education is global, it is considered at the state level. In every state of the world there are whole programs of patriotic education of youth. Their foundations, activities and tasks facing the programs will be discussed below.

Activities for the patriotic education of youth

Patriotic education of young people is impossible in a break with such institutions as museums, art schools and houses of culture. Secondary schools, interacting with them within the framework of patriotic education programs, introduce young people to the cultural and historical heritage of their country.

The activities aimed at the patriotic education of youth should include:

  • Exhibitions;
  • holding competitions;
  • collective and creative affairs;
  • festivals of creativity;
  • visiting local history, historical museums and art galleries;
  • improvement of historical monuments;
  • conversations and cool watch;
  • defense sports games;
  • district and regional thematic competitions, etc.

Civil-patriotic education of youth

Civil-patriotic education in the framework of our time presupposes preparing the younger generation for the forthcoming responsibility for their behavior and civil position.

Young people brought up correctly and competently can freely interact in today's democratic society. Young people develop an awareness of the value of public affairs in which they take part and the importance of their own contribution to them. Young people become ready to take initiative, develop their abilities and grow as a person, benefiting not only themselves and those around them, but the whole country as a whole.

Civil-patriotic education forms a culture of interpersonal and interethnic interaction among young people.

Military-patriotic education of youth

Military-patriotic education is an equally important aspect in the entire educational system, as it prepares future defenders of the fatherland. Within the framework of this direction, such qualities as reliability and firmness of character, physical endurance, and also courage are brought up in young men. All these traits are inherent not only for those who have to serve in the army, defending their country, but also for ordinary professions, for example, doctors.

Education is carried out within the framework of lessons at school, for example, the subject of life safety. In a number of sections of this subject there is a specialized course of lessons "Features of military training." Also, young people are brought up by participating in commemorative events in honor of those who once fought for their homeland.

Problems of patriotic education of modern youth

The main problems of patriotic education in modern society include:


Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of the problem of military-patriotic education of adolescents

2 The system of military-patriotic education in Russia

Chapter II. Spiritual and moral values ​​in the military-patriotic education of adolescents

1 Teenager: social development

2 The importance of spiritual and moral values ​​in the military-patriotic education of adolescents


List of sources used


The relevance of research.Unfortunately, the situation in which the Russian military-patriotic movement is developing should be recognized as problematic. Last years military-patriotic education is coming to naught, there should be no illusions. In the reporting documents of the Ministry of Defense, the term "military-patriotic education" disappeared, only "pre-conscription training" remained, education was curtailed. The attitude towards military-patriotic education in the Ministry of Internal Affairs has changed for the worse. A regulatory and legal framework has been created to make this type of education disappear, and its place was taken by the so-called "civil-patriotic education", the goals of which fundamentally contradict military-patriotic education. The Law on Youth, developed by the State Duma of the Russian Federation, also lacks even a mention of patriotic education. In the regions, as they say, on the ground, practical obstacles are posed to military-patriotic activities. In short, the state does not seek to help the Russian military-patriotic movement. Therefore, the role of public organizations has increased.

One of the fundamental tasks of military-patriotic education is personality formation. The solution to this problem should be carried out on the following basic principles: uniform moral norms, live contact of pupils with educators (interaction), personal example of upbringing. Lofty historical examples are also extremely important. It is possible to educate young people only on clear spiritual and moral values. This raises the question of how to connect the concepts of spirituality and patriotism. military patriotic education teenager

The problem of filling the moral void, the vacuum of spirituality, must be addressed primarily in close cooperation with the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Another urgent task: it is necessary to increase the prestige of military service. Without this, it is impossible to attract worthy young people who can become real leaders into the army, strong body and spirit. But it is in the real leaders that our society, and above all the officers, is in dire need of today.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to coordinate the efforts of all participants in the military-patriotic movement of Russia. It is required to create a unified information system and a methodological center at the federal level.

Object of study:military-patriotic education.

Subject of study:spiritual and moral values ​​as a means of military-patriotic education.

Purpose of the study:theoretically substantiate the problem of organizing the military-patriotic education of adolescents; to determine the ways of solving it through spiritual values.

Research objectives:

1.On the basis of a theoretical analysis of the philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, methodological and spiritual literature on the problem of military-patriotic education of adolescents, to determine the essence and structure of basic concepts.

2.Consider the system of military-patriotic education in Russia.

.Reveal features social development adolescents.

.Study spiritual and moral values.

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of the problem of military-patriotic education of adolescents

Targetmilitary-patriotic education - the development of civic consciousness among young people, patriotism as the most important spiritual, moral and social values, the formation of professionally significant qualities, skills and readiness for their active manifestation in various spheres of society, especially in the process of military and others related to it , types of civil service, loyalty to constitutional and military duty in peacetime and wartime, high responsibility and discipline. To achieve this goal, the following main tasks are required:

conducting scientifically grounded management and organizational activities to create conditions for effective military-patriotic education of youth;

affirmation in the minds and feelings of young people of patriotic values, views and beliefs, respect for the cultural and historical past of Russia, for traditions, increasing the prestige of state, especially military service;

creation of a new effective system of military-patriotic education, which ensures optimal conditions for the development of loyalty to the Fatherland among young people, readiness for worthy service to society and the state, honest performance of duty and official duties;

creation of a mechanism that ensures the effective functioning of an integral system of military-patriotic education of young people, including those serving in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.

The first of them is characterized by a broader socio-pedagogical orientation. It is based on such elements as: positive ideological views and positions on basic social, historical, moral, political, military and other problems; the most important spiritual, moral, activity qualities (love for the Motherland, respect for legality, responsibility for fulfilling constitutional obligations to protect the Fatherland and ensure the safety of its citizens, and others).

Socio-pedagogical componentcontent is dominant and constitutes its core. Only having formed the personality of a citizen and a patriot of Russia with his inherent values, views, orientations, interests, attitudes, motives of activity and behavior, can one expect to successfully solve more specific tasks in preparation for the implementation of the function of defending the Fatherland, for the military and others related to it, types of public service.

Specific componentmilitary-patriotic education is characterized by a much greater concrete and activity orientation. The practical implementation of this content is designed to ensure: a deep understanding by each young person of his role and place in serving the Fatherland, based on high personal responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of military and public service; conviction in the need to fulfill the function of protecting the Fatherland in modern conditions; the formation of the basic qualities, properties, skills, habits necessary for the successful fulfillment of duties in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies. The basis for the content of a specific component is love for the Fatherland, loyalty to civil and military duty, military honor, courage, perseverance, dedication, valor, courage, and mutual assistance.

In modern conditions, in the content of the military-patriotic education of young people, the following spiritual and moral values ​​are highlighted as priorities:

· citizenship, supra-class, supra-partisanship;

· nationality on a national scale;

· priority of public and state interests over personal;

· loyalty to the foundations of the state and social system, to the existing political system;

· patriotism, devotion to one's Fatherland;

· continuity, preservation and development of the best traditions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies;

· dedication and ability to overcome difficulties and hardships;

· humanism and morality, self-esteem;

· social activity, responsibility, intolerance to violations of moral and legal norms.

Among the fundamental principles of military-patriotic education,constituting the initial guidelines for the implementation of practical activities in this area, are highlighted:

scientific character;



priority of the historical and cultural heritage of Russia, its spiritual values ​​and traditions;

consistency, continuity and continuity in the development of youth, taking into account the characteristics of its various categories;

a variety of forms, methods and means used to ensure the effectiveness of education;

its focus on the development of the capabilities, abilities and qualities of each person on the basis of an individual approach;

close and inextricable connection with other types of education.

The implementation of these principles in the process of military-patriotic education of young people is designed to ensure the development in her of a new, truly interested attitude towards military and public service, readiness for a worthy performance of the function of protecting the Fatherland and is carried out according to the following main directions:

1. Spiritual and moral- a person's awareness of the highest values, ideals and guidelines, socially significant processes and phenomena of real life, the ability to be guided by them as defining principles, positions in practice and behavior. It includes: the development of a high culture and education, awareness of the idea, in the name of which the readiness for worthy service to the Fatherland is manifested, the formation of highly moral, professional and ethical norms of behavior, the qualities of military honor, responsibility and collectivism.

2. Historical- cognition of our roots, awareness of the uniqueness of the Fatherland, its fate, inseparability with it, pride in involvement in the deeds of ancestors and contemporaries and historical responsibility for the fulfillment of constitutional and military duty, political and legal events and processes in society and the state, military policy, basic provisions the concept of the country's security and military doctrine, the place and role of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in the political system of society and the state.

It includes familiarization with the laws of the state, especially with the rights and obligations of a citizen of Russia, with the functions and legal foundations of the activities of the military organization of society, awareness of the provisions of the Military Oath, military regulations, the requirements of commanders, chiefs, senior officials.

3. Patriotic- upbringing of the most important spiritual, moral and cultural and historical values, reflecting the specifics of the formation and development of our society and state, national identity, lifestyle, world outlook and the fate of Russians. It includes: selfless love and devotion to one's Fatherland; pride in belonging to a great nation, to its achievements, trials and problems; veneration of national shrines and symbols; readiness for dignified and selfless service to society and the state.

4. Professional - activity- the formation of a conscientious and responsible attitude to work associated with serving the Fatherland, striving for the active manifestation of professional and labor qualities in the interests of successful performance of official duties and assigned tasks. It includes: motives, goals and objectives, value orientations of the professional and activity self-realization of the individual, professional aspirations and focus on achieving high performance results, the ability to effectively and efficiently perform official duties and achieve specific goals, the ability to predict and implement plans for their professional growth.

5. Psychological- the formation of high psychological stability in young people, readiness to perform complex and responsible tasks in any conditions of the situation, the ability to overcome the hardships and deprivations of military and other types of public service, the most important psychological qualities necessary for a successful life and activity in the team of a subdivision, unit. It includes: the study and forecasting of socio-psychological processes in military and other collectives; prevention of negative phenomena and manifestations of deviant behavior; removal of psychological tension, overcoming stress, the formation of psychological qualities, taking into account the characteristics of various categories of personnel, each personality; individual educational work in the process of professional selection and on the basis of its results.

6. Education on military traditions, which are stable, historically established, passed from generation to generation, specific forms of relations in the military organization of society in the form of order, rules and norms of behavior, spiritual values, moral attitudes and customs associated with the performance of combat training tasks, the organization of military and other types public service and everyday life.

The most important military traditions that have the greatest educational impact on young people are: loyalty to the military oath, the Battle Banner and the Naval Flag; serving the interests of the people, not individual political parties and their leaders; selflessness and self-sacrifice in battle for the sake of achieving common victory; mass heroism and courage at a time when the fate of the independence of the Fatherland is being decided; military valor, the ability to endure the difficulties of military service; democratism of relations between military personnel and mutual trust; humane attitude towards the defeated enemy, the population of foreign countries and prisoners.

Thus, it is necessary to do everything possible to ensure that the formation and development of every young person as a citizen and patriot of Russia is ensured by social and state institutions, macro- and micro-conditions, factors harmoniously interacting in achieving this goal. Only in this case can one count on a successful solution to one of the most important problems of Russian society and its military organization, the importance of which in the difficult and contradictory period of their development can hardly be overestimated.

1.2 The system of military-patriotic education in Russia


The main institution that ensures the organization of the entire system of this direction of education, its functioning and control over its effectiveness and end results is the state. It organizes the process of upbringing the younger generation at the level of preschool and, above all, family education, school, while receiving vocational education, at the level of local self-government bodies, in ministries, departments, etc. Military-patriotic education of young people is one of the directions of the state youth policy of Russia at the stage of the transition period and in the long term.

The system of military-patriotic education includes:

Formation and development of socially significant values, citizenship and patriotism in the process of education and training in children preschool institutions, in general education and higher education, in other types of educational institutions.

Mass military-patriotic work, organized and carried out by state and public bodies and organizations, local authorities and administration, bodies and organizations of the Armed Forces, military registration and enlistment offices, organizations and associations of reserve soldiers, veterans, law enforcement agencies and organizations, the relevant structures of other troops, military formations and bodies, ROSTO, Goskomsport, the Ministry of Health, some social movements and youth organizations, etc. (patriotic and military-patriotic, cultural-historical and military-historical, military-technical and military-sports and other clubs and associations, special schools, courses , various circles, sports sections; clubs, training centers of the future soldier, officer; months and days of patriotic work, memory watches, search activities, military sports games, hiking, etc.).

The activities of the media, creative unions, especially cultural and art workers, relevant scientific, youth associations, organizations, in one way or another, aimed at considering, covering and finding solutions to the problems of patriotic education, at the formation and development of the personality of a citizen and defender of the Fatherland.

The organization and conduct of military-patriotic work involves the use of a whole range of appropriate forms, which can be differentiated into three main groups.

First group, due to the general developmental component of the content of military-patriotic education, it includes very extensive and diverse forms of a general patriotic nature. They are used mainly in the context of the process carried out in the system of educational institutions (at all basic levels) or in the form of complementary elements (training sessions) in a variety of academic disciplines, especially humanitarian ones, at specialized faculties, circles, courses, sections, etc. ; conversations, matinees, evenings of questions and answers, "round tables", meetings with veterans, reserve soldiers and military personnel; improving the educational and material base of primary military training, etc.

Second group, due to the specifics of the content of military-patriotic education, it is less diverse and is characterized by a greater military and military-applied orientation. These forms, carried out mainly in the form of practical exercises, work, various games, etc., include, in particular, familiarizing adolescents and young men with the life and activities of the troops, with the peculiarities of the service and life of military personnel (military-technical circles, tactical exercises, tactical and drill lessons, military-sports games, sections on military-applied sports, etc.).

The most promising in terms of highly effective implementation of the tasks of military-patriotic education is the use of complex combined integrated forms that optimally combine both general and specific in its content, forming third group. It includes such forms as a defense-sports health camp, field training camps, patriotic clubs and associations of various orientations, universities of the future warrior, officer, schools for young sailors, pilots, border guards, paratroopers and some others. These forms include various multifaceted activities that are carried out systematically, with a certain cyclicality, in accordance with scientifically grounded organizational conditions. Thus, to a large extent, the gap between the theoretical and practical-applied components of military-patriotic education, between its general developmental orientation and specific tasks is overcome.

To the material and technical meansclassrooms, classrooms and classrooms for primary military training, museums, places of battles, monuments, burial grounds, specialized schools, patriotic and military-patriotic clubs, equipment, special equipment, weapons, models, training fields, sports towns, shooting galleries, simulators, as well as relevant media, works of literature and art.

Educational aidsinclude the main theoretical and scientific-practical recommendations on the organization and conduct of military-patriotic education, on the formation of views, beliefs, needs and interests, fostering love for the Motherland, readiness to defend its freedom and independence, on the development of public opinion about the problem of ensuring and strengthening the stability and security of society, about state and social institutions participating in the implementation of the function of protecting the Fatherland, about military and alternative service, etc.

Organizational meanspatriotic education is a whole range of activities carried out with the use of material and technical and educational means, carried out in appropriate forms, maximally realizing general and specific tasks for the formation and development of the personality of a citizen and a patriot. All three groups of means of patriotic education are closely interconnected, complement each other, and only their complex use in the process of interaction between subjects and objects of this activity contributes to the achievement of its main goal.

When determining the main directions for increasing the efficiency of the military-patriotic education system, it is necessary:

a) proceed from the presence in Russian society and its military organization of the necessary prerequisites, a huge unclaimed potential of education, patriotism, worthy service to the Fatherland as a real basis for creating conditions for a radical improvement of this activity; b) to ensure close interconnection in the process of education of various, almost unconnected, structures and bodies of management of educational work.

These directions should be conditioned by the need to overcome the deformed and negative aspects of upbringing, which is influenced by a number of unfavorable and even opposing factors.

Finally, the leaders and organizers of educational work must have all the conditions, have all the necessary means for the effective use of qualitatively new forms and methods of this activity in order to achieve its final result. In accordance with this, the following main directions and conditions can be distinguished:

Outreach support- affirmation of patriotism, constitutional duty, readiness for worthy service to the Fatherland as the most important values ​​in the consciousness and feelings of young people, especially in close connection with the interests of the state and society; active use of the mass media for these purposes, especially the military periodical press, while overcoming the prevailing stereotypes and negative complexes.

Scientific and theoretical support- a significant intensification of research in the field of military-patriotic education of young people, the use of the results of developments in practical activity with the aim of its radical improvement in the context of changes taking place in society. Justification and enrichment of the content of educational work by including cultural-historical, spiritual-moral and other components, the most important achievements in the field of social and humanitarian sciences, as well as modern military thought.

Pedagogical and methodological support- fundamental development of a complex of educational and special programs and methods for the organization and conduct of military-patriotic work in its various forms, the use of all the diversity pedagogical forms and funds, taking into account the characteristics of a particular category of youth. Development and improvement of forms and methods of military-patriotic education. Regular publication of relevant literature covering this area of ​​activity, taking into account innovations, advanced teaching and educational experience.

Ensuring interaction of the subjects of the Federation and their structuresin the system of military-patriotic education - increasing the efficiency of this system, the functional capabilities of its main subjects, the creation at the level of the Federation, regions and local self-government of interdepartmental and interregional commissions to implement the goal and tasks of forming citizenship, patriotism among young people, and readiness for worthy service to the Fatherland. Development of a model for the implementation of the main directions of activities for the education of youth in the regions Russian Federation.

Organizational activities- the formation of special structures, both departmental and especially interdepartmental for the implementation of measures to enhance this direction of education at all levels of this activity in the Russian Federation, taking into account the provision of coordination and interaction between its subjects on the principles of mutually interested cooperation. Raising the level of organization, improving the functioning of both individual elements of the system and the entire system as a whole. Ensuring its relationship and interaction with the education system, culture, media, the military organization of society, other elements of its state structure and social institutions. Creation of a management system for the upbringing process in order to form and implement a general strategy in this area of ​​activity, combine the efforts of various organizations, ministries and departments, as well as provide them with assistance and support.

Staffing- organization of a system of training specialists who are able to effectively, at the level of modern requirements, solve the problems of educating young people of high patriotism, readiness for worthy service to the Fatherland. This process could include not only basic training of leaders and organizers of educational work among various categories of young people, but also their preliminary selection, retraining and a system of advanced training.

Thus, the implementation of these directions and the creation of the necessary conditions presupposes, as one of the first steps, the search and development of fundamentally new approaches, the introduction of which would contribute to the creation of qualitatively different foundations for the education of patriotism, readiness for worthy service to the Fatherland. More specifically, we are talking about the need to adopt a new concept of military-patriotic education and a long-term comprehensive target Program focused on the practical implementation of the main provisions of this concept.


Military-patriotic education is a multifaceted, systematic, purposeful and coordinated activity of state bodies, public associations and organizations to form among young people a high patriotic consciousness, a sublime sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill their civic duty, the most important constitutional obligations to protect the interests of the Motherland.

The purpose, objectives, content and principles of military-patriotic education are implemented in practice through the functioning of a complex ramified system, including various links, structures, organs, all the variety of ways, forms, methods and means of carrying out this activity.

The system of military-patriotic work representsthe established or established order, the content of educational activity at all its levels, starting with the primary collective, the group and ending with the highest governing bodies. The purpose of the system is to ensure, in practice, a comprehensive account of all factors affecting military-patriotic education, in creating the necessary conditions and mechanisms that contribute to increasing efficiency in the process of performing tasks in the interests of society, the state, strengthening the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and organs.

Chapter II. Spiritual and moral values ​​in the military-patriotic education of adolescents

.1 Adolescent: Social Development

It is necessary to find out what drives the social development of adolescents, what qualitative social transformations occur at this age. Psychologists note that changes in this area depend on such new formations as the desire for adulthood and the desire for identity, which, in turn, lead to a change in selectivity and a change in the leading type of activity. Socio-intellectual abilities and socio-behavioral actions acquire a qualitatively different character. Breaking through to adulthood, a teenager discovers differences in himself and begins to separate the attitude towards himself as a child and attitude towards himself as an adult. In direct connection with this, analytical abilities are actualized in the content of social intelligence. Thus, the teenager begins to compare the grounds of companionship and friendly relations that arise among adults and among children; he focuses on the similarities and differences in emotional expressions in the same situation in children and adults; he identifies and classifies special styles of behavior and communication among adults. Teenagers tend not so much to listen as to "peer" into human relationships. Consequently, there is a reorientation of the functions of social intelligence: from recognition and reflection to analysis and comparison.

The quality of social intelligence is also changing. He begins to work on the principle of distillation: what is offered to the adolescent as an adult, and not as a child, is selected from the relationship. Social intelligence, which solves the problem of predicting the consequences of social actions, is becoming qualitatively different. Adolescents striving for adulthood are encouraged to use the makings of social intelligence to solve more complex problems than younger students. If in primary school age the forecasting of situations was carried out in a single-line “if-then” scheme, then adolescents begin to notice that in the same situations the consequences are different, and in many cases the predicted results are determined by the age of the participants in the situation and the long-term prospects for the development of relations. A contradiction arises, the removal of which depends on the resolving power of social intelligence: straightforwardness or a variety of options. The pursuit of adulthood encourages adolescents to move away from straightforwardness and seek involvement. a large number factors that make it possible to predict aftereffects with sufficient clarity.

Gender differences appear in social intelligence. Adolescent girls develop a desire to develop relationships and affection, and boys develop the ability to anticipate and control their environment. The communicative and personal potential is more developed in girls. They are more likely to describe their feelings better than boys, more accurately identify the feelings of others and express empathy. Teenage boys are better at controlling their feelings and are able to control their own emotional states. Feeling like adults, adolescents become more sensitive to the needs and wants of others. They become able to comprehend the relationship between external behavior and the internal world of others.

Significant changes are also taking place in the content of the social competence of adolescents. Age-related neoplasms lead to the fact that social competence, as a personality trait that allows one to act skillfully and confidently in society, becomes more complicated and structured in a different way. Complication is due to the growing independence and autonomy of adolescents. In the content of social competence, such aspects as the ability to navigate the social structure of society, the ability to put forward social initiatives and take responsibility for their implementation are actualized. For adolescents striving for adulthood, it becomes relevant to behave rationally in life situations, to make decisions competently. Competence begins to include the ability to overcome internal and external obstacles in building relationships with people, groups and social environments. The ability to interact with other people is complemented by the ability to relate to oneself as a subject of life. To the characteristic of social competence is added the ability to make decisions about oneself and strive to understand one's own feelings and requirements. In contrast to primary school age, adolescents are forced to independently, without the help of adults, cope with numerous tasks of social choice. This sharpens the value-semantic attitude to the content of competencies and requires the adolescent to realize his abilities to influence the course of events and the actions of other people. A feeling of self-esteem begins to take shape, freedom from complexes, suppressed impulses, an openness to new ideas appears. The social skill of a teenager is reflected not only in direct relationships with peers and adults, but also in mediated (even against their own will) actions and relationships. This leads to the fact that such aspects of competence as the ability to live together and the ability to live in general are in demand in the content of competence. The teenager learns to understand the desires, expectations and requirements of other people, to weigh and take into account their rights. A system of complex social skills and abilities appears, scenarios of behavior in typical social situations are being worked out, mechanisms of self-control and self-regulation are being improved. The complication of the content of the social competence of adolescents inevitably changes its structure. Communicative and verbal competence determine the adolescent's position in the peer group and in the ability to build relationships with adults. Socio-psychological and ego-competence (mental and physical endurance, activity, weak exhaustion) is becoming relevant. Teens learn to forget blocking feelings and insecurities of their own. Adolescents actively begin to develop business and social qualities that correspond to their first dreams of a future profession, which leads to the actualization of special abilities in social competence (observation, democracy, responsiveness, etc.). The social competence of adolescents begins to align with such key abilities as the ability for social self-regulation and social self-realization. Awareness of the spirituality of social competence and its value-semantic component, which consists in promoting sociality to humanity, is sharpening. Teenagers, in contrast to younger schoolchildren, are beginning to realize the fact that social development depends on the presence of inclinations, their intensity and training. V adolescence this interpenetration begins to be recognized and becomes the basis for social behavior and social development. The dynamics of social competence, conditioned by age-related development, inevitably leads the adolescent to the realization of the humanity of social skill to consciously choose a strategy of social development from tribal sociality to social sociality, i.e. to awareness and assertion of oneself as a person in correlation and interaction with other people. Changes in social intelligence and social competence lead to changes in the content of social interest. In it, more clearly than in previous age stages, the interests of the sociality of the clan and the sociality of the public begin to collide. A teenager faces a difficult task - to find a compromise (harmony) between the individual and the public in his own interest in society and people. The movement proceeds from interests determined by individual needs and individual motives to interests related to the solution of common human problems. The teenager begins to realize that his individual social interest depends on the results of solving common human problems. Social interest is coupled with the inevitability in this case with social responsibility. Social interest is influenced by the active desire of adolescents for self-knowledge, self-expression and self-affirmation. Teenagers, seeking recognition in the adult world, try to delve into his needs and requirements, try to coordinate personal and public interests. They become especially sensitive to the opinion of their peers and adults, for the first time they face acute problems of a moral and ethical nature. The standards of interpersonal perception that adolescents use when assessing the interests of the people around them are becoming more generalized and correlated not with the opinions of individual adults, as was the case in primary school age, but with ideals, values ​​and needs. The content of evaluative standards continues to expand and deepen, they become more subtle and differentiated, individually different. The result of these processes is a change in the entire system of relations with people around them and with themselves: adolescents strive to develop useful personality traits in themselves, characteristic for achieving a stable position in society. At this age, the organizational and leadership abilities of adolescents become in demand, which, undoubtedly, is reflected in the enrichment of social interest. Both adolescents themselves and adults support efficiency, enterprise, purposefulness, providing the ability to establish business contacts, agree on joint affairs, and distribute responsibilities among themselves. During adolescence, the scope of social interest expands. He goes beyond the family, group, region, country. Teenagers begin to take an interest in the fate of the world, humanity, to correlate their personal fate with the fate of human society, with the changes that are taking place in it. Next, we turn to psychological and pedagogical research, which gives a picture of changes in adolescence in the sociality of the public. The main feature of this age is the adolescent's entry into an active social life. Feeling mature allows adolescents to exercise faith in the ability to define and control their own behavior, thoughts and feelings. Having gained freedom of action in peer groups, the adolescent demands the expansion of his rights in interaction with adults. He is involved in the formation of social values, in the discussion of the meanings of relations, predicts the possibilities of social partnership and social project activities. The values ​​that adolescents acquired faster - freedom of expression, use of information technology, etc. - are recognized by the adult community as socially significant. All this leads adolescents under the influence of positive social models to a high level of social activity. At the same time, it should be constantly borne in mind that the natural activity and dynamism of adolescents, which remains without proper pedagogical management, manifests itself in open spontaneity, spontaneity, uncontrolled impulses and risky actions. In other words, adolescents, left to themselves, are characterized by dynamism in themselves, activity for activity, which open the way to various forms of deviation. Therefore, purposeful work to support the activity of a teenager with the aim of his social development is so important. Another no less serious and deeply concerned about society, researchers and educators side of the development of sociality of the public in modern conditions is the forcing of social feelings, states, orientations of adolescents. Early social development, propelled by the dynamism of modern society and the ambitious plans of parents and teachers, imposes on adolescents an exorbitant burden of social responsibilities and social roles. Even if, at the beginning of adolescence, the child manages to reach the bar that exceeds his capabilities (performance at world sporting events, participation in research activities, conducting journalistic investigations, etc.), whether this should be considered a real success. It is no coincidence that today they refused to force training in primary school and moved on to a four-year education in order to preserve the health of the child. If the measure of physiological stress, training sessions, additional education, sports training, social impulses, etc. is not observed, then already in early adolescence withering is noticed, and often a complete denial of social activity. Artificially supported social activity does not have time to gain a foothold in the inner world of a teenager and leads to a deformation of the sociality of the public. Teenagers who take on themselves under the influence of parents, school, life circumstances, etc., realize social responsibility after some time the impossibility of changing society and attitudes in it and move from exaggerated constructiveness to direct social destructiveness. Moreover, there is often an outright disgust for sociality. As a result, not only the impossibility arises, but also the unwillingness to change something in society and in oneself. A self-sealing process occurs. Hinders the development of sociality, social and social utilitarianism and pragmatism. The teenager focuses on individual abilities, strives to one-sided, narrowly develop his abilities, instrumental skills, tries to accumulate bonuses, sometimes completely unnecessary (for admission to a university, for additional education, material support). The activity of a teenager is so bogged down in details and trifles that social values ​​against this background lose any meaning and social activity is minimized or completely extinguished.

Thus, psychological studies emphasize that it is in adolescence that the most complex processes take place, providing a dialectical leap, a breakthrough into adulthood. During this period, the adolescent realizes and conquers his place in the wide social relations and interactions. The teenager throws all his efforts and energy to achieve new things. social status... Social restrictions not overcome by a teenager undermine the driving forces of his development: they overextend personal activity, stand in the way of self-actualization, disrupt the process of forming social interests, deform values ​​and needs.

2.2 The importance of spiritual and moral values ​​in the military-patriotic education of adolescents

Value is one of those general scientific concepts, the methodological significance of which is great for pedagogy. Being one of the key concepts of modern social thought, it is used in philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy to denote objects and phenomena, their properties, as well as abstract ideas that embody moral ideals and act as standards.

It's obvious that

Of course, Russian society is currently experiencing a spiritual and moral crisis. The current situation is a reflection of the changes that have taken place in public consciousness and public policy. The Russian state has lost its official ideology, and society has lost its spiritual and moral ideals. The spiritual and moral teaching and educational functions of the current education system turned out to be reduced to a minimum. The consequence of this was that the set of value attitudes inherent in mass consciousness (including children and youth) is in many respects destructive and destructive from the point of view of the development of the individual, family and state.

All this has led and continues to lead to a number of destructive tendencies in the spiritual and moral life of our society. In particular, there is a growing loss of the ideals and values ​​that Christianity gave Russia in its time. The striving for spiritual and moral perfection is replaced by the striving to seek only bodily pleasures and pleasures. An unhealthy tendency develops to prefer material values ​​to spiritual ones. It is not uncommon for such situations when waking up in a person natural need in spiritual life begins to be replaced by a surrogate in the form of an unhealthy craving for the mystical cults of religious sects and the occult. As a result, children and adolescents develop rather vague, distorted ideas about such virtues as kindness, justice, mercy, generosity, love, citizenship and patriotism. Spiritual emptiness of modern young people often pushes them on the path of alcoholism, drug addiction, criminal business; feelings of hopelessness and despair lead to suicide. The issue of combating the growing problem of abuse of narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs, as shown by world experience, is extremely difficult. The strategy for countering this evil largely depends on the position of the state, that is, of all power structures, while tactics depend on the position of society and all its strata.

Spiritual and moral education on the basis of Orthodox traditions formed the core of the personality, having a beneficial effect on all aspects and forms of a person's relationship with the world: on his ethical and aesthetic development, intellectual potential, emotional state, general physical and mental development, worldview and formation of civic position, patriotic and family orientation.

The attempts made to date to educate a spiritual and moral personality show that the weakest place in this activity is the family. Many parents simply do not know what exactly is in preschool age there is an assimilation of social norms, moral requirements and patterns of behavior on the basis of imitation. Therefore, it is necessary to help parents realize that, first of all, the moral and spiritual customs and values ​​created by the ancestors should be preserved and transmitted in the family, and that it is the parents who are responsible for the upbringing of children.

Orthodox pedagogy directs education to a specific person who must be responsible not only for his life, but also for the preservation and development of the historical and cultural traditions of his people. Orthodox pedagogy enriched secular pedagogy with the integrity of the world outlook, the experience of the moral way of life, and the development of a harmonious personality.

The concepts of “moral” and “spiritual” in Orthodox pedagogy are defined as follows: spirituality is a state of closeness of the soul, the inner world of a person to the Highest and the Heavenly world; morality is a firm constant determination of the will to follow the good instincts of the heart and conscience (good nature).

Thus, spiritual and moral education is understood as a purposeful activity aimed at introducing a person to the Higher and Upper Worlds, at the gradual restoration of the integral structure of the personality, self-determination of a person and his improvement in virtue.

Based on this, spiritual exercises of the mind, feelings and heart of a child are the main means of spiritual and moral education, and the main form is serving good, serving people, serving the fatherland.


Social development during adolescence has a much greater impact on the basic foundations of personality development than in all other periods of childhood.

There is a reorientation of the functions of social intelligence: from recognition and reflection to analysis and comparison.

The teenager actualizes the search for constants of the unfolding situation, stimulates the ability to understand the logic of behavior of other participants in the action. Internal argumentation is sharpened, tolerance to uncertain and incomplete situations grows, personal responsibility for an intellectual decision is manifested. The ability of social intelligence, such as the ability to penetrate into the social feelings and spiritual values ​​of other people, is also becoming more complicated. As in the situation of comparing the behavior of adults and the behavior of children, adolescents become aware of the difference between the feelings of children and the feelings of adults.

The social competence of adolescents begins to align with such key abilities as the ability for social self-regulation and social self-realization.

The main feature of this age is the adolescent's entry into an active social life. Feeling mature allows adolescents to exercise faith in the ability to define and control their own behavior, thoughts and feelings. Having gained freedom of action in peer groups, the adolescent demands the expansion of his rights in interaction with adults.

The means of movement of a teenager to a high degree of social development is a pedagogically organized social work.

Educational values ​​constitute the spiritual basis, the basic spiritual component of the personality, determine the essence of her inner world, its orientation, embodied in the worldview, beliefs, abilities, skills, manifested in socially conditioned relationships, activities and communication. Educational values ​​become especially effective in the case of their theoretical pedagogical comprehension, their conscious use and instilling in children.

Spiritual exercises of the mind, feelings and heart of a child are the main means of spiritual and moral education, and the main form is serving good, serving people, serving the fatherland.


"Military-patriotic education is a multifaceted, systematic, purposeful and coordinated activity of state bodies, public associations and organizations to form among young people a high patriotic consciousness, a sublime sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill their civic duty, the most important constitutional obligations to protect the interests of the Motherland." ...

The goal of military-patriotic education is the development of citizenship and patriotism among young people as the most important spiritual, moral and social values, the formation of professionally significant qualities, skills and readiness for their active manifestation in various spheres of society, especially in the process of military and other related her, types of public service, loyalty to constitutional and military duty in peacetime and wartime, high responsibility and discipline.

The implementation of the basic principles in the process of military-patriotic education of young people is designed to ensure the development of a new, truly interested attitude towards military and public service, readiness for a worthy performance of the function of protecting the Fatherland and is carried out in the following main areas: spiritual and moral, historical, patriotic , professional - activity, psychological, education on military traditions.

All these areas are organically interconnected with each other, united in the process of practical activity by the purpose, objectives, spiritual, moral and ideological foundations, principles, forms and methods of military-patriotic education.

The purpose, objectives, content and principles of military-patriotic education are implemented in practice through the functioning of a complex ramified system, including various links, structures, organs, all the variety of ways, forms, methods and means of carrying out this activity.

The purpose of the system is to ensure, in practice, a comprehensive account of all factors affecting military-patriotic education, in creating the necessary conditions and mechanisms that contribute to increasing efficiency in the process of performing tasks in the interests of society, the state, strengthening the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and organs.

The implementation of patriotic education involves the use of a system of means, which includes three main components: material and technical, educational and organizational.

Social development during adolescence has a much greater impact on the basic foundations of personality development than in all other periods of childhood.

It is in adolescence that the most complex processes take place, providing a dialectical leap, a breakthrough into adulthood. During this period, the adolescent realizes and conquers his place in wide social relations and interactions. The teenager throws all his efforts and energy to achieve a new social status. Social restrictions not overcome by a teenager undermine the driving forces of his development: they overextend personal activity, stand in the way of self-actualization, disrupt the process of forming social interests, deform values ​​and needs.

Pedagogically organized social work acts as a means of moving a teenager to a high degree of social development. This is due to the fact that social work as its ultimate goal sets the disclosure of the potential of a teenager to full-blooded human life, the disclosure of his abilities for social and social self-realization.

Value is one of those general scientific concepts, the methodological significance of which is great for pedagogy.

Educational values ​​constitute the spiritual basis, the basic spiritual component of the personality, determine the essence of her inner world, its orientation, embodied in the worldview, beliefs, abilities, skills, manifested in socially conditioned relationships, activities and communication. Educational values ​​become especially effective in the case of their theoretical pedagogical comprehension, their conscious use and instilling in children.

The appeal to the experience of Orthodox pedagogy at the present time, when there is a search for the spiritual revival of Russia, is especially important, since society and the state are in dire need of educational models that provide spiritual and moral components in the content of education.

The attempts made to date to educate a spiritual and moral personality show that the weakest place in this activity is the family.

Spiritual and moral education is understood as a purposeful activity aimed at introducing a person to the Higher and Upper World, at the gradual restoration of the integral structure of the personality, self-determination of a person and his improvement in virtue.

It is necessary to do everything possible to ensure that the formation and development of every young person as a citizen and patriot of Russia is ensured by social and state institutions harmoniously interacting in achieving this goal. Only in this case can one count on a successful solution to one of the most important problems of Russian society and its military organization, the importance of which in the difficult and contradictory period of their development can hardly be overestimated.

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Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions. - Morality, value. / Authors - compilers. S. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedova, Russian Cultural Foundation; 3rd ed. - M .: "AZ", 1995.

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