
How is an early pension assigned to mothers of many children. Pension reform for mothers with many children Retirement age for women with 3 children


In conditions of low birth rates and general instability of the demographic situation, the state is developing a set of measures aimed at increasing the birth rate.

In particular, for mothers who have given birth and raised a certain number of children, the retirement age is reduced, and other benefits are provided for in Presidential Decree No. 431 of May 5, 1992 “On Measures ...” (hereinafter referred to as the Decree).

Who is entitled to the status

There is no clear answer to this question in the legislation.

In particular, the provisions of the Decree define the right of the subjects of the Russian Federation to independently determine who is considered a mother of many children.

In most Russian regions, it is customary to refer to mothers with many children:

  • mothers raising 3 or more children who have not yet reached the age of 16;
  • or mothers who are also raising 3 or more children, but already under 18 years old, if they are studying in educational institutions under general educational programs (see, in particular, part 1 of article 2 of the Law of Moscow No. 60 of November 23 2005 “On social…”).

There are also exceptions to the general rule. Some regions refer to mothers of many children those who are raising 4 or more children (the Republic of Mari El), and some others - 5 or more (Krasnoyarsk Territory).

In some cases, a family is considered to have many children if one of the children has reached the age of majority, but is studying full-time at a university or college. The loss of the corresponding status occurs immediately upon graduation from the university or the student reaching the age of 23 years.

Terms of appointment

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There is no separate type of pension for mothers with many children. If there are pension grounds this category may receive an insurance, social, GPO or other type of pension provided for by the current legislation.

However, none of the laws, except for 400-FZ of December 28. 2013 “On insurance ...” (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 400), it is not indicated about any special conditions for mothers of large families.

But in Art. 32 of the Federal Law No. 400 says that mother of many children has the right to early retirement, subject to the conditions established for insurance experience and the number of pension points.

From what age

Mothers who have raised a large number of children are afraid. old-age benefit is due 5 years earlier than the generally regulated retirement age - from 50 years.

At the same time, a mother of many children can retire early for 1 of 2 reasons.

1st base:

  • give birth to 5 or more children;
  • educate them until they reach the age of 8;
  • have at least 15 years of fear. experience and at least 30 IPC.

2-base is associated with the presence of a certain work experience in the Far North (hereinafter - KS) and areas equivalent to it (hereinafter - PKS) (details - below).

Women with two children today rarely decide to give birth again, because the status of having many children today is almost a curiosity. However, the state considers it obligatory to provide support to such women. A pension for mothers with many children in Russia is calculated in the general manner, but some benefits are provided in the order in which it is provided.

Status of mother of many children

The most important benefit from the state is established regarding how much a mother of many children can retire. But first, let's analyze the status and the criteria for its relation. In society, it is generally accepted that having three children or more gives the assignment of the title of having many children. This is true, and a woman rightfully uses certain social benefits. But this rule does not apply in the case of a pension.


The law regulating the payment procedure for this category does not have a detailed description, but mentions the requirement for having at least 5 children.

An amendment to provide similar opportunities and apply for an earlier pension for a mother of 3 children or more is acceptable at the level of local authorities. This should be clarified in social and pension funds in your city.

conditions for retirement

Early retirement for mothers with many children is due if each of these requirements is met:

  • Having 5 kids or more. There is no difference between adopted and relatives. In this case, parental rights are taken into account. Those. for example, when cohabiting with an unadopted stepson or stepdaughter, the children are not considered "legitimate". And in the opposite case, if the father, grandmother or other relatives are actually raising their own children, the status of the woman is not removed if parental rights she is not deprived (even when living apart).
  • Achieving 50 years is the minimum norm.
  • By the time they reach age, children must be over 8 years old. At the same time, the retirement of a mother with many children is postponed until the youngest is 8 years old. In the same year, it is permissible to engage in registration.
  • The time of official employment is over 15 years.

If at least one criterion does not match, there is no way to retire earlier.

In regions, a preferential pension for a mother with many children can be provided on more loyal terms. For example, for women working in difficult conditions ( Far North) it is permissible to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Having 3 children.
  • Total work experience - 20 years.
  • The period of work in the northern regions is 12-17 years (the sizes are fixed by region).

Calculation features

The pension for mothers with many children in 2017 is calculated under the same conditions as for all citizens. The length of service prescribed by law and the number of individual points are taken into account. The latter are formed according to insurance premiums paid by the employer on the basis of the salary. Today the minimum score is 9 points. But, according to the pension reform, the limit is subject to increase every year to the standard of 30.

Thus, what kind of pension will be paid to mothers with many children depends on her personal characteristics and the amount of insurance points.

Women who have already made payments according to earlier standards can recalculate today. This is due to changes in accounting for vacations for babies under 1.5 years old. Today, 6 years of being on such a vacation are included in the seniority, and even before 2014, such a rule was valid for only 3 years. But the more children, the more time a woman is forced to avoid work and provide them with full-fledged care, especially in infancy. And this does not make it possible to form the proper amount of experience.

A separate pension supplement for mothers of many children at the state level is not provided today.

What documents are needed for registration

For recalculation or registration, you must visit Pension Fund. A pension for mothers with many children is calculated upon the transfer of such documents:

  • The passport.
  • Children's birth certificates.
  • Death certificate if one of the babies has died. It is taken into account if he was over 8 years old. Otherwise, the child is not counted in the total.
  • Documents confirming working hours: certificates from employers, employment history, etc.
  • Confirmation of the level of wages before 2002, when insurance premiums were not deducted (if any).
  • Documents giving the right to fringe benefits: single mother, disabled child (if any).

After 10 days, the first payment is accrued or a response is received regarding the recalculation.

Thus, a mother of many children receives pension benefits mainly in the opportunity to draw it up earlier, and not in any way in increasing its size.

Women who have one or more children (including adults born in the Soviet era before the 1990s or later) and retired due to old age until January 1, 2015, can receive an increase by taking into account in the form of pension points the so-called "non-contributory periods" in which they cared for each child until the age of 1.5 years.

  • Until 2015, these periods taken into account only in the length of service women and did not affect the size of the established pension provision.
  • Now, under the new law "About insurance pensions" dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ, they can be taken into account in the form of pension points, on the basis of which the amount of the pension is directly determined (however, at the same time, the length of service of the woman will be reduced for the corresponding periods, which may negatively affect the already registered pension rights of the pensioner).

To receive an addition to the pension for children in 2019, you must contact the Pension Fund (PFR) authorities at the place of residence with the appropriate application for recalculation or appointment new pension in connection with the replacement of periods, on the basis of which the amount of payments can be revised due to the inclusion of non-insurance periods in points. Moreover, it is far from always possible to do this - often, in order to get the right to account for pension points for periods of child care, it is necessary to fully revoke a previously awarded pension with an application for the appointment of a new one, in which the option of such a replacement will be taken into account, which may entail significant changes in pension rights. At the same time, when recalculating with points, the experience will be reduced (including preferential, giving the right to).

In this regard, the pensioner must approach this issue responsibly - in case of refusal, it will be impossible to return to the previous conditions of payment!

It must also be borne in mind that the amount of a possible increase for children will be strictly individual, and to determine it, PFR specialists will need to raise the payment case and again carry out extensive work on. There are also no guarantees that the result will be more than the amount that the pensioner is already receiving at the present time.

According to statistics, only 20-30% of total number As a result of such recalculation or reassignment, the women who apply receive an increase in their pension, and its average amount in most cases does not exceed several hundred rubles.

Who is entitled to recalculate the pension for children?

For mothers who have retired since 2015, both of these options (to take into account the time spent on childcare as work or to calculate it with points as a “non-insurance period”) were already calculated by the employees of the Pension Fund at the time , and the most profitable way according to the new law has already been assigned to them for payment. Therefore, apply to the FIU with an application for the recalculation of payments, taking into account the time of childcare for such pensioners doesn't make sense.

Only those pensioners whose pension was appointed until January 1, 2015 and who will be more profitable accrue pension points for child care periods until they are 1.5 years old, which is usually true in the following cases:

  • if during these periods a woman there were work breaks- in other words, if she was not employed at all at the time of the birth of the child and until he reached one and a half years (for example, if replenishment in the family coincided with the woman's studies at a school, technical school or university);
  • if a woman was employed at the time of birth and caring for a child, but the replacement of the period of work with a “non-insurance period” (for which pension points are now provided) would be better for her, which in practice is often common in such situations:
    • if a woman has 2 or more children- in other words, the more children were born, the more points can be awarded for them and the more tangible the addition to the already assigned pension can be (however, according to the law, points can be awarded for no more than 4 children);
    • if, when assigning a pension, it is taken into account wage pensioners in the period before 2002, which accounted for the care of a child under 1.5 years old, did not exceed the average salary in the country or did not exceed it by more than 20% (the maximum ratio of earnings taken into account in the law in force before January 1, 2002 " On state pensions in the Russian Federation” was set at 1.2) - in other words, if a woman at the time of the birth of the child had a low salary at the place of employment.

As a rule, in connection with all the above circumstances, a woman's pension in most cases until January 1, 2015 assigned at a low rate(in practice, this is usually no more - in most regions it is 10-11 thousand rubles as of 2017). If such circumstances take place, and the pensioner has several adult children, then the recalculation of the pension may be beneficial for her. She may be eligible for a raise if she scores for non-contributory periods of childcare.

If a woman has all the grounds for revising the amount of a pension, but the results of the recalculation still turn out to be “with a minus sign”, then the employees of the Pension Fund will refusal decision, and the amount of payments to the smaller side will not change.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that there are separate categories of pensioners for whom such a recalculation not allowed at all according to the law:

  • recipients of early pensions, which at the time of her appointment did not reach and are no longer working (that is, they do not belong to the category) - in this case, as a result of replacing seniority they may lose their right to early retirement due to declining preferential service(this is especially true for medical workers, teachers and other preferential categories);
  • recipients state pensions installed in fixed size(including for living in the territories affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant);
  • survivors' pension recipients(situations where the insured person has died or gone missing, and the pensioner is a disabled family member who is dependent on him, the fact of caring for children of which does not affect the pension points of the deceased person, from which the amount of the payment was calculated).

How much will the pension increase be for pensioners with children

The amount of the supplement to the pension for children born depends on a large number individual factors. Even if two pensioners of the same age have the same number of children, in each case the amount of the increase will differ, since the place of work, length of service, wages and the time of the birth of children are formed individually for everyone.

  • Such a recalculation will be unambiguously beneficial for women who, at the time of birth and during the first 1.5 years of a child’s life, didn't work(for example, they were educated). In this case, they simply add a new, previously unaccounted for period, for which pension points will be assigned.
  • If the period of childcare comes at the time of employment mother, then it can be credited to her only in one of two forms, the most beneficial in each particular case (either in the form of work experience and the salary received during this period, or, according to the new rules, with insurance points). At the same time, the size of the woman's earnings received during the "non-insurance period" will play an important role, as well as how much the length of service will be reduced as a result of such a replacement.

According to Art. 12 law "About insurance pensions" in the insurance period from January 1, 2015, along with periods of work, periods of implementation are counted one of the parents care for each child until they are 1.5 years old, but no more than 6 years in total(i.e. no more than 6 years / 1.5 years = 4 children).

At the same time, according to paragraph 12 of Art. 15 of the same law, for child care periods of up to one and a half years from 2015, the following number of pension points can be accrued (see table below and calculation example).

Table - Recalculation of pensions for women for children in 2019

For example, an increase in the pension for 2 children to pensioners in 2019 for periods of caring for them until they reach 1.5 years old would be equal to 2.7 + 5.4 = 8.1 points. from January 1, 2019, it is set at 87.24 rubles. In other words, the amount of additional payment to the pensioner may amount to up to 8.1 × 87.24 rubles. = 706.64 rubles. per month. Similarly, the maximum supplement for 4 children can be up to (2.7 + 5.4 + 8.1 + 8.1) × 87.24 = 2119.93 rubles.

However, in practice, the amount of the increase in recalculation in most cases appears to be much less. The fact is that if a woman worked during these periods, as a result of such a replacement the amount of the already assigned pension will be reduced in proportion to the amount of earnings received during this period. In this regard, for example, for the first child, the result of the recalculation may even be negative., since it provides for the smallest number of pension points, and it will not be economically profitable to carry out such a replacement (especially if the mother worked in a good position and received a high salary).

In other words, sometimes periods of work give a higher increase in pension than 1.5 years of childcare, so the replacement of these periods when recalculating the pension can turn out to be “with a minus sign” and will lead to a reduction in the amount of the pension.

According to the data of the territorial bodies of the FIU, according to statistics only in 20-30% of cases of the total number of requests woman may receive a surcharge when recalculating a pension for children, while the average amount of the increase is within 100-200 rubles(although in some cases you can get a more impressive amount, so it’s worth trying).

What documents are needed to recalculate the pension for mothers

The recalculation of the amount of the insurance pension in connection with the increase in the amount of pension points (value - IPC) for the periods before January 1, 2015 is carried out in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 18 of the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ. It is produced in a declarative manner - i.e. the pensioner will need to send to the Pension Fund pension recalculation application(the application form was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of January 19, 2016 No. 14n), which, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 23 of the same law is submitted with the simultaneous provision of the documents necessary for such a recalculation.

It is also necessary to understand that the recalculation of pensions for pensioners from January 1, 2015 in accordance with Art. 34 new laws "About insurance pensions" was held on the basis of documents of the payment case. If some documents indicating that a woman was caring for children were not presented when applying for a pension, then they could not be taken into account automatically, and in order to take into account the points of the period of childcare, recalculation will need to be done in a declarative manner.

An application can be submitted in person at the PFR client services, as well as through the MFC. Currently, it is also possible to apply in electronic form through the "Personal Account" on the public services portal. Before this, it is advisable to make an appointment and get advice from the employees of your PFR department, if possible - with carrying out preliminary calculations, which will confirm the appropriateness of applying in your particular case.

It is recommended to use a preliminary appointment (the service is provided on the official website of the PFR without registration). However, in some regions, the queue for the appointment may be busy a few months ahead. Due to the long queues on the issue of recalculating the pension at the offices of the Pension Fund, it is often recommended to submit completed applications remotely, including by mail notarized copies necessary documents.

When applying for the recalculation of a pension for women for children, it is necessary provide the following documents:

  • identity document of the applicant (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation), ;
  • birth certificates of all children (if they are not in the pensioner's payment file);
  • documents indirectly confirming that children have reached the age of 1.5 years:
    • if the birth certificates bear a stamp on the issuance of a passport to the child, then it will be sufficient to submit only a certificate with such a mark;
    • if there is no such stamp in the certificate, then you can present any other official document issued to the child after reaching 1.5 years of age (for example, a school certificate of education, a notarized copy of the child's passport, his marriage certificate, etc.).

In cases where a pensioner for some reason cannot present birth certificates of children (for example, if the children grew up and left with their documents to another region or even left the country), then you can get it from the registry office child's birth certificate.

There are no restrictions on the deadlines for submitting an application for recalculation by law (in other words, you can apply for a pension recalculation at any time). It is being considered no later than 5 working days, counted:

  • from the date of receipt of the application with a full set of necessary documents submitted on the applicant's own initiative;
  • from the date of receipt of the necessary documents by the Pension Fund through the channels of interdepartmental interaction.

If a positive decision is made, the recalculation is made in the general manner from the 1st day of the month following the month of application.

Important! If the periods of childcare coincide with the implementation of a woman labor activity, then the recalculation of the pension with the replacement of work for "non-insurance" periods can only be carried out by waiving the previously established pension, which may entail a significant change in the pension rights of a pensioner. In this case, this issue must be approached more responsibly, because after refusing to receive a pension on the same terms it will be impossible.

Is there a supplement to the pension for children born before 1990?

The recalculation of pensions for children born before 1990 is carried out in a general manner - there are no significant features in this regard, and the age of children does not affect the possibility of taking into account the period of care for them up to 1.5 years in points.

Additional payment to the pension for adult children born in the Soviet era, will be significant in two main cases:

  • if a woman during these periods did not have official employment;
  • if she had a low income at that time.

In practice, the addition to the pension for children in 2019 will not be possible in the following cases:

  • If the woman is retired starting from January 1, 2015(i.e. in 2015-2019) - in this case, the most advantageous option has already been calculated and selected automatically when assigning pensions, since all the necessary documents are already at the disposal of the Pension Fund employees;
  • if a woman has only one child(pension points for the first child are minimal and the increase for them is usually completely “eaten up” by a reduction in seniority and earnings attributable to it);
  • if the calculation of the woman's pension was originally made for maximum earnings, taken into account until 2002 (a maximum of 20% more than the national average - the maximum considered earnings ratio was then set at 1.2).

Adoption of a new law "On insurance pensions in the Russian Federation" No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, made a lot of adjustments to the law enforcement practice of assigning and paying pensions. An important innovation since the entry into force of this law was the calculation of pension payments from January 1, 2015 in relative units - points. It is especially noteworthy that, according to the new rules for calculating for periods of childcare now additional, previously not provided for pension coefficients are accrued.

In this regard, rumors have begun to spread actively among the Russian population in recent months that, thanks to a new law for women whose pensions were assigned before January 1, 2015, it is possible to carry out the so-called (incorrectly) "recalculation of pensions for children born before 1990" by taking into account periods of childcare by children under the new rules - in pension points.

It is worth noting that in reality year of birth of children before or after 1990 does not affect for the possibility of recalculation. The possibility and amount of the allowance depends entirely on other parameters relating directly to the length of service and the salary of the pensioner himself!

Thus, in reality, for PFR employees there is no such thing, how "children born in the USSR"- neither before 1990 nor before 1991. Recalculation for the replacement of periods of work with non-contributory periods of care can be made for any children regardless of their year of birth. In the practice of the FIU, there really is such a milestone as 1991, but it only applies to valorization of pension- this is an additional increase for the "Soviet experience", and it has nothing to do with children born before this period.

It should also be noted:

  1. This procedure does not apply to all women having children and receiving a labor (insurance) pension. And we certainly don’t have to talk about any fixed additional payment (they often talk about some kind of non-existent increase of 300 rubles for each child) - in fact, everything is very individual, and for most people the amount of “increase” received in case of applying the new rules is completely may be negative!
  2. For recalculation, please contact only to employees of your branch of the Pension Fund with the application and the necessary documents. Only they, based on the materials of the payment case, can make correct preliminary calculations and determine whether it will be beneficial in each specific case or not!

Moreover, the deadline for filing an application for recalculation not limited in any way, so there is no need to create a big stir around this issue. However, it must be remembered that date of application will affect from which month the size of the pension will increase in case of a positive result (the sooner you apply, the sooner you will be assigned).

Therefore, in order not to create unnecessary queues and additional difficulties in the work of the Pension Fund, it is important to determine in advance in which cases a pensioner can most likely count on an increase, and when it does not make any sense or is generally contraindicated!

What is it in general and why did they start talking about it only now?

Pension coefficients under the new law are calculated both for periods of employment and for non-insurance periods, to which, in accordance with paragraph 3 of part 1 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law No. 400 includes periods of childcare up to one and a half years, but not more than 6 years for all in total. Thus, in total, according to the new rules, periods of 1.5 years of care can be counted in the length of service. no more than four children.

Currently Holiday to care for the child provided until they reach the age of 3 years. However, the length of service for each child includes a period of no more than 1.5 years. Also, only until reaching one and a half years is now paid.

What documents are needed to recalculate the assigned pension payments?

For all questions regarding the recalculation of pensions assigned before January 1, 2015, for children born, you must contact the specialists of the Pension Fund, who will raise the payment file, check the availability of the necessary documents in it and calculate the amount of a possible additional payment, as well as tell you what documents will be required additionally .

To recalculate the previously assigned pension payment, you must submit:

  • an application according to the established form (filled in directly at the PFR office or in electronic form on the website of public services);
  • a document proving the identity of the pensioner or her legal representative;
  • insurance certificate number (SNILS);
  • birth certificates of children, and in their absence - a birth certificate from the registry office;
  • documents confirming the care of a child under 1.5 years old - to choose from:
    • certificate of education;
    • child's passport.

If there is a mark on the child’s birth certificate that he was issued a passport, it will be enough to submit only this document, since such a stamp in itself already confirms the fact of caring for a child under 1.5 years of age.

It should be remembered that the obligation to submit the listed documents rests with the applicant. In addition, all necessary documents must be submitted in original or in the form copies certified by a notary.

How can I apply to the Pension Fund for recalculation?

The recalculation of pensions for women under the new rules for children born before or after 1990 is carried out by application only. Pensioners need to apply for recalculation to the Pension Fund, namely to that of its territorial body where the pension business is located.

At the same time, there is several ways to apply:

  • directly to the PFR client service in person or through their legal representative (if he has a notarized power of attorney);
  • at the MFC at the place of residence (if the service for accepting applications for recalculation of pensions is provided there);
  • through the post office, sending documents by registered mail;
  • through a single portal of public services, by submitting an electronic appeal or making an appointment with the relevant department, after selecting the name of your locality in the upper right corner of the site.

You need to know that when choosing an electronic application, the applicant will still have to bring the documents necessary for recalculation personally to the Pension Fund within five working days. In the case of sending documents by mail, the originals are not sent - these must be notarized photocopies.

If the FIU specialists make a positive decision, it will be possible to receive the due surcharge only from the first day of the month following the submission of the application. Such a rule, according to par. 2 p. 1 art. 23 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 is valid for all pension recipients applying for recalculation, which entails an increase in the amount paid.

I heard that under the new law, women are entitled to a pension supplement for children born before 1991. I have two children born in 1980 and 1985, I became a pensioner in 2014. Am I entitled to an increase and how much? And does the region of residence matter for receiving an allowance?

Indeed, it is possible to recalculate, under the new rules, pension payments assigned before 2015 under the previous legislation. This can be done only after applying to the Pension Fund with an application - and then only if new version calculation will be beneficial for you.

The new rules are introduced in accordance with federal law No. 400 of December 28, 2013 - that is, they apply to all citizens of the Russian Federation, and the place of residence in this case does not matter. Also, no additional regional supplements are provided for the inclusion of non-insurance periods in the length of service.

Without familiarizing yourself with the documents of the payment case, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether it will be possible to receive an additional payment, or whether such a recalculation will reduce the amount of payment. Also, it is impossible to specify in advance the amount of such an increase! However, in any case, the amount of the pension originally established for you will not be revised downwards.

You can see an example of the recalculation and with detailed description existing ways its registration in the article Additional payment to the pension for children.

There are some paths that you need to go through yourself in order to feel how difficult they are. No one can say how hard it is to raise one, two, three, four children. For the most part, in a friendly and intelligent family, no matter how many children there are, upbringing occurs simply and naturally. Difficulties of education from those that bring joy. And sometimes breaking through anxiety and tears are the payment for the happiness that children bring.

Strictly speaking, it is extremely difficult to raise one child already, if you set yourself big tasks - to raise a deeply decent person who distinguishes Picasso from Debussy.

But on the other hand, we somehow got used to always taking the situation out of context, blaming it on the difficulties of upbringing when a person is already 10-15 years old. Here the question only arises - what did you do when he was 2-3 years old, when he was 7 and already 8. Very often, the difficulties of education are born by us, when we bring the situation to an extreme point, and then try to correct it, strictly speaking, when nothing can be fixed. You can muffle the situation, you can smooth it out a little, but you can’t really fix it.

Yes, the most difficult, of all the most calm and long, is the occupation of raising children. You can talk about this endlessly and on any initial occasion, including about the calculation of increases in the pension of a pensioner raising children. And so the occupation is difficult, and so it requires great, including physical effort, and then there is the age of under 60.

The state represented by the Pension Fund understands this and is ready to help. Just do not expect that this assistance will be any significant. This is not a million for 20-year-olds. You can't take this money.

Everything happens according to the general. According to this law, pensioners who support minor children are entitled to additional payments to their pensions.

Of course, first you need to prepare documents, the list of which is stipulated by the Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 958n.

Please note that there is another law related to the topic. It already applies to pensioners who have retired from the internal affairs bodies, from the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - such pension supplements are accrued in accordance with Federal Law No. 4468.

Here are some provisions of the law, according to which the Pension Fund operates Russian Federation.

  1. An increase in the amount of the pension is possible only if the child is fully supported by the pensioner and is not more than 18 years old. If the child is studying at an educational institution, then no more than 23. Age does not matter if the child is disabled.
  2. Payment is made only to persons who have reached and issued their pension.
  3. The pensioner will not have to spend efforts to prove that the child is on his content. Just the fact that the child is officially his is enough.

Conditions affecting the amount of the allowance

The amount of the allowance received depends on

  • the number of children;
  • age of the pensioner;
  • the fact of his work or not work;
  • the fact of his physical condition - perhaps the pensioner has a disability.

Based on all the above conditions, if the pensioner is not yet 80 years old, a glorious age, at this age Valentino “conjured” his most exquisite perfume aroma, and Vladimir Vladimirovich Pozner still leads his popular television meetings and looks “like a cucumber”. We rejoice, we rejoice in life, no matter what, at this age, but, oh, what a store of knowledge. You can't buy it or find it on the road. This road must first be passed, from the very beginning, without turning halfway.

So, what is the pension supplement for raising children, if you are not yet 80:

  • if the child is alone - 3416 rubles are due;
  • if there are two of them - 4270 rubles;
  • if three - 5124 rubles.

If you are already the age of Valentino and Posner, then the allowances are higher:

  • if the child is alone - 5970 rubles;
  • if there are two of them - 6832 rubles;
  • if three - 7680 rubles.

Unfortunately, not all “80+” pensioners manage to maintain their “20-year” health, many already have to switch to disability. In this case, the allowances become even higher, although they depend on the disability group:

  • if the child is alone - from 4000 to 11200 rubles;
  • if there are two of them - from 6440 to 12800 rubles;
  • if there are three - from 7,200 to 14,400 rubles.

If a pensioner is so attached to the North with his soul that he decided to stay in this region even at this age, then the allowances become even higher, here, however, the usual calculation “according to the northern coefficient” is already going on - in any case, it will be from 6000 to 16000. Read more about the northern pension.

The situation becomes more difficult, of course, if the child has already crossed the line of 18 years and is studying at an educational institution, but he is still less than 23. In this case, the pensioner is entitled to an allowance of 1500 rubles.

All these "from and to" should not scare. It's just that the pensioner should find out and calculate the specific size of the allowances together with an employee of the regional branch of the Pension Fund.

In general, in this situation, it will be necessary to have very close contact with the employees of the Pension Fund, only calmly, striving to clarify all the nuances, without this treacherous feeling that "nobody needs us here." This is absolutely not true. “We are just needed here” to set an example of education and respect for life for employees of the FIU, who are often only on the way to this.

And, in general, an application is first submitted on a special approved form outlining all the circumstances of the case related to receiving an allowance for children raised for the state. Pride, more pride - you are doing a very important task for everyone. No one owes nothing to nobody. But everyone deserves respect.

In parallel with the application, all necessary accompanying documents are prepared, the term of consideration of which is no more than 10 working days. In other words, file on Friday the 10th, it is wiser to expect a response no earlier than Monday the 27th. Along with you, perhaps, those who submitted documents 3 days later, on the 13th, on Monday, will come.

Among the documents, in addition to the application:

  1. Personal data of the person who claims the allowance.
  2. Information about children and their place of residence.
  3. Birth certificate for each child.
  4. The document on the labor activity of the pensioner.
  5. Please note that a certificate is also required that the pensioner has not previously applied for such an allowance and does not receive it.
  6. Document in form No. 9, issued by the passport office.
  7. If the child is already studying at a higher educational institution, then you will also need a certificate from there.
  8. If the child, God forbid, is disabled, then it is also necessary to provide a certificate of disability.

In our age of computer technology, such an allowance can even be issued through the Internet site of public services. This is a very convenient feature. Let it not give you unnecessary acquaintances, let it not give you the opportunity to add an extra 2-3 kilometers to your movement program (and for a pensioner, movement is life, in the truest sense of the word), but it saves time.

Consider one more important detail - the state is now so zealously striving to develop services via the Internet that sometimes it seems that it is better to receive a service over the network “from the wires” than through the receiving window of the Pension Fund, but this is a completely different topic, we don’t even touch it yet .

Thus, a pensioner, a citizen of his country, enters the website of the public services of the Russian Federation, logs in and is then “directed” to his personal account.

Now we select the item - "Assignment of a pension" and fill in the text fields of the proposed form.

We send the application and expect a decision within 30 days.

First, a bow to the ground to such mothers, as Leonid Arkadyevich says, and he is absolutely right.

And, secondly, you can retire at 50 if you have at least 5 children. True, do not forget about the experience - it should be at least 15 years.

Well, and, thirdly, in this case, it is not the national services that deal with the allowance, but the regional ones, and therefore the amounts of the allowances are completely different.

For example, if we talk about Moscow, then the amount of allowances for mothers of large families here ranges from 4 to 9 thousand rubles. In St. Petersburg, such an allowance is fixed - 2820 rubles.

The case is so important and so clearly characterizes, not even so much the level of development of the region, but the level of moral development of the leadership of this region, that allowances of this kind are made in each region without fail.

However, the current federal law that determines the calculation of pensions provides that mothers with more than 4 children should receive pension supplements.

Such an allowance can be received by those who retired before 2015 (for those who took a well-deserved rest since 2015, periods of child care are calculated automatically). At the same time, 6 years are additionally counted in the experience for raising at least 4 children. In other words, in order to get the opportunity to receive an early pension at the age of 50, you need to have another 9 years of real work experience.

Points are also awarded for the entire child care period. In the submitted application for the allowance, there must be a mention of the need to recalculate points for the period of education.

Here is the situation with these allowances - state assistance to pensioners who, at this age, also dare to raise children.

Numbers! Of course, the numbers, you can't get away from them. But it was not by chance that we started the conversation with education, and this is not at all about Picasso. Whatever the allowance is, it is nothing if the upbringing of the child is spent on money. Hence the conclusion - it is not at all difficult to get these allowances, at the very least, but our sovereign people have learned to respect families with 4-5 children, it is much more difficult to direct this money in the right direction, no matter how many there are.