
Are there any changes in the pension legislation. The latest news in the pension issue. Recent changes in pension legislation on indexation

breast cancer

The graph shows that those who could retire in 2019 will only retire in 2020. And those who were going to become a pensioner in 2020 will receive their first pension only in 2022.

For men

Ddate of birth

Retirement age

How many years added

1963 and younger

For women

Date of Birth

Retirement age

How many years added

What year do you want to retire

1 year (but you can retire 6 months earlier)

2 years (but you can retire 6 months earlier)

1968 and younger

Raising the retirement age for residents of the Far North

Below is a table of increasing the retirement age for residents Far North and similar areas.

Men and women

What year to retire

1 year (but you can retire 6 months earlier)

2 years (but can retire 6 months earlier)

Right to early appointment an old-age insurance pension is provided to citizens if they have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in equivalent areas

Citizens who have worked in the regions of the Far North for at least 7 years and 6 months are granted an insurance pension with a reduction in the generally established retirement age (65 years for men and 50 years for women) by four months for each full calendar year of work in these areas.

Raising the retirement age for teachers and artists

For educators and artists, the retirement age is increasing.

Year of retirement under the old law


On October 3, 2018, Vladimir Putin signed Law No. 350-FZ on amendments to pension legislation, according to which the increase in the retirement age will take place gradually - year by year, starting from January 1, 2019.

The draft law on raising the retirement age in Russia was submitted by the Government on June 14, 2018. Initially, it was assumed that new reform men will go out insurance pension old age from 65 years old, and the women from the 63s, that is, the working age should have increased for them by 5 and 8 years, respectively. However, on September 6, 2018, Vladimir Putin sent amendments to the bill to the State Duma, according to which retirement age will be increased for both sexes for 5 years, from 55 to 60 years for women and from 60 to 65 years for men.

Other presidential amendments:

  • Possibility of early retirement for mothers of many children. Women with three children will be able to retire three years earlier deadline, if four children - four years earlier, for women with five or more children, the possibility of retirement will remain at 50.
  • Benefits for citizens who, under the old legislation, were supposed to retire in the next two years - the right to apply for a pension six months before the new retirement age.
  • Setting for employers administrative or even criminal liability for the dismissal of employees of pre-retirement age or for refusing to hire such citizens because of their age.
  • Increase in the maximum amount of unemployment benefits for citizens of pre-retirement age from 4900 rubles to 11280 rubles, starting from January 1, 2019, the payment period is set to one year.
  • The current conditions for granting a pension will remain the same for indigenous peoples of the North.
  • Introduction 25 percentageallowances to the insurance pension for non-working pensioners, living invillage who have at least 30 years of experience in agriculture.
  • Reducing the length of service, giving the right to early retirement for three years, that is, for women it will be 37 years, and for men 42 years.
  • Retaining all federal real estate incentives as well as tax incentives effective as of December 31, 2018, throughout the transition period.


Not all. Citizens whose pension already assigned will continue to receive all the required social and pension payments, the existing benefits will also be preserved. Recall that in 2018, men could apply for an old-age insurance pension no earlier than 60 years old, and women - no earlier than 55.

The law also provides for early retirement upon the development of a long seniority. The pension will be given 2 years earlier for women with experience over 37 years and for men with experience over 42 years but not before reaching the age 55 and 60 years old(for women and men respectively).

Retirement schedule by year

The retirement age will be raised gradually year by year starting January 1, 2019. Although the site pension fund Russia (PFR) indicated that the transitional period of increasing the retirement age will end in 2028, it follows from the text of the law itself that men and women will reach the new retirement age in 2023.

Below is a table (graph) of retirement under the new reform:

Year of retirement under the old law The age of emergence of the right to an insurance pension under the new law Year of retirement under the new reform
For men For women
1st half of 2019 60,5 55,5 2nd half of 2019
2nd half of 2019 60,5 55,5 1st half of 2020
1st half of 2020 61,5 56,5 2nd half of 2021
2nd half of 2020 61,5 56,5 1st half of 2022
2021 63 58 2024
2022 64 59 2026
2023 etc. 65 60 2028 etc.
The table was compiled taking into account the amendments of V. Putin. Citizens who, according to the old law, were supposed to reach retirement age in 2019 and 2020, will be able to retire six months earlier than the new retirement age.

First of all, the new pension reform will affect men and women, born in the first half of 1959 and 1964 respectively. They will retire in the second half of 2019 aged 60.5 and 55.5 years.

Who will be affected by the retirement age increase?

The changes will affect not only citizens who apply for old-age insurance (labor) pension, exit age social old age pension will also be increased, now disabled citizens or persons who have not completed the required length of service will retire at 65 (women) and 70 (men). It will be possible to issue a social disability pension, as before, at any time, regardless of age.

The working age will also increase for some categories of workers retiring early:

  • For employees of the Far North and other localities equated to such areas. Northerners will now be retiring at 60 years old (men) and 55 years old (women) and not at 55 and 50 years old.
  • For teachers, medical and creative workers. For this category of workers, the main requirement for retirement will remain development of the required experience(25 or 30 years). However, according to the new pension reform, in order to apply for an old-age insurance pension, one must pass 5 more years(starting from 2026) or less (if the citizen falls into the transition period).

The law also provides for categories of citizens for whom the working age will not rise. These include:

  • Citizens working in the field with harmful and dangerous working conditions in favor of which the employer pays all the necessary insurance premiums.
  • Persons whose pension is assigned for social reasons or for deteriorating health.
  • Citizens affected by exposure to radiation or man-made disasters.
  • Former employees of the flight test staff, directly involved in the testing of flight equipment.
Detailed list categories of citizens whose working age will not be increased is presented on the official website of the PFR.

The new law also provides for an increase in the pace of raising the retirement age for civil servants. Recall that for this category of citizens, the retirement age began to increase as early as January 1, 2017 with a step of six months a year. However, after the entry into force of the federal law, the working age will increase in accordance with the rate of increase in the generally established age - year by year starting from 2020.


The main reason for raising the retirement age is elimination of imbalance pension system . Every year the number of pensioners in Russia is increasing, while the working-age population is declining. Life expectancy is also growing, from 2000 to 2017 for men it increased - from 59 to 67.5 years, and for women from 72.26 to 77.64 years. As Dmitry Medvedev notes, the duration of the active phase of life has increased, new opportunities have appeared and working conditions have improved. The Government believes that raising the working age will make it possible to pay higher pensions in the future.

The funds saved as a result of increasing the retirement age of Russians will be used to implement Presidential Decree 204 of 07.05.2018 on the tasks of Russia's development until 2024.

Until 2019, they were due to persons who have reached the age of 65 for men and 60 for women (that is, 5 years later than the generally established retirement age for 2018 of 60/55 years). Under the new law, this right will only arise upon reaching 70 and 65 years(i.e. also with an increase of 5 years from the new age of 65/60 years).

At the same time, for social pensions the law also provides for transitional provisions that establish a phased increase in the retirement age, starting from January 1, 2019(and in 2019 and 2020 preferential retirement conditions will apply, according to those proposed by the President).

All new statutory retirement ages for receiving social pensions for men and women (70 and 65 years, respectively) will be finally set from 2023.

Who will not be affected by the increase in the retirement age in Russia?

First of all, statutory changes from 2019 will not affect those who are already retired- all pensioners will continue to receive all payments already assigned to them in accordance with the rights and benefits acquired earlier.

In addition, the adopted law does not provide increasing the retirement age for certain categories of citizens:

  1. Employed in jobs with difficult and harmful working conditions, namely:
    • employees in favor of whom the employer pays insurance premiums at the relevant rates, which were determined as a result of a special assessment of working conditions;
    • pilots civil aviation, engineering and technical staff for aircraft maintenance;
    • flight test personnel involved in testing aviation and other equipment;
    • workers of locomotive crews, workers organizing transportation and ensuring traffic safety on railway transport, in the subway;
    • machinists of construction, road, loading and unloading equipment;
    • tractor drivers working in agriculture and other areas;
    • workers in logging, timber rafting, as well as those involved in the maintenance of mechanisms and equipment;
    • truck drivers in mines, crankcases, mines, etc.;
    • in underground or open-pit mining, in mine rescue units, in the extraction of shale, coal, ore and other minerals;
    • in the construction of mines and mines;
    • in geological exploration, search, topographic teams and expeditions, in survey and other works;
    • in the crew of the sea, river fleet, in the fishing industry;
    • drivers of passenger transport on regular city routes (buses, trolleybuses, trams);
    • lifeguards in emergency services;
    • working with convicts in organizations executing criminal sentences in the form of deprivation of liberty;
    • women working in the textile industry with heavy loads in conditions of increased intensity and others.
  2. Citizens who are entitled to a pension for health reasons or social reasons:
    • one of the parents or guardians, who brought them up to the age of 8;
    • visually impaired people of the 1st group;
    • women who have given birth to 5 or more children and raised them up to the age of 8;
    • women who have given birth to 2 or more children and have established work experience in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them and others.
  3. Persons who have suffered as a result of man-made or radiation disasters (at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the Mayak chemical plant, the Semipalatinsk test site, etc.).

A complete detailed list of persons who will not be affected by the increase in the retirement age planned by the Government from 2019 is provided in (PDF file format) prepared by specialists from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The work of the Government of the Russian Federation on amendments to the pension legislation has been completed and all the innovations to be introduced from January 2019 are reflected in the new federal law No. 350-FZ dated 03.10.2018 Transformation in the field pension provision, by the way, the third large-scale over the past thirty years, brings significant changes with regards to the age limit for retirement, as well as the amount of benefits paid.

Federal Law No350-FZ, approved by the President on October 3 current year, includes a whole range of changes regarding not only the old-age insurance pension, but also social and early pensions for Russian citizens. One of the most significant innovations of the law is the correction of the age at which a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to a pension. The correction carries an increase in the age limit. The transition from the current age limits to the new ones will be gradual and smooth. Every year, starting from January 2019, one year of “working time” will be added to the retirement age.

New procedure for assigning an insurance pension

For the bulk of the population applying for a labor (insurance) pension, the modified version of the limits of the age limit is as follows:

  • the male population will be able to receive the status of a non-working pensioner at the age of 65, instead of the current 60;
  • women will be able to leave work at the age of 60, instead of 55 previously envisaged.

The Russians, who are almost close to retirement age and, according to the current law, were supposed to finish working in the next couple of years, also fall under the novel. But for them, at the initiative of the President, compensatory measures are provided. The preferential procedure gives the right to go on vacation for 6 months earlier than the already adjusted age limits. The first to be affected by the adopted amendments will be men born in 1959. and women born in 1964

For information! Initially, the Cabinet of Ministers submitted for consideration a bill establishing an old-age pension at 65 and 63 years for men and women, respectively. Putin, in turn, came up with an initiative to soften the reform and indicated that it is acceptable to equalize the increase in the age limit for men and women for a period of 5 years.

The general rules for raising the generally established retirement age are shown in the table:

YearIncrease relative to previously established criteria, monthsFinal retirement age after the reform, men/women
2019 12 60,5/55,5
2020 24 61,5/56,5
2021 36 63/58
2022 48 64/59
2023 and beyond60 65/60

The right to early retirement

The adopted bill, with amendments recommended by V.V. Putin, clearly defines the categories of pension recipients who will not be affected by the introduced innovations. The document also fixes certain categories of employees, as well as persons who, for medical reasons or social status, receive the right to retire earlier than the generally accepted period.

The retirement age limits remain the same for the following citizens:

  • Russians who have already retired;
  • workers employed in work with difficult and harmful conditions, if the employer regularly deducted contributions to the treasury (miners, employees of hot shops);
  • employed in mining, in mines;
  • professional lifeguards;
  • women working in hard jobs (textile industry, logging);
  • victims of the Chernobyl accident;
  • test pilots.

Legislators have also revised the procedure for assigning early benefits. According to the new law, the following people will be able to leave their place of work earlier than the generally accepted age from January 1, 2019:

  • citizens with long work experience (42 and 37 years);
  • mothers of many children with more than three children;
  • mother or father (guardian) of a disabled child (previous norms remain);
  • invalids: wars, 1st group, by sight.

A detailed list of preferential categories and the intricacies of calculating the retirement age, and there are many of them, can be found on the website of the Pension Fund.

For information! It will be possible to quit your job due to retirement, having gained the length of service established by the new legislation, no earlier than when women reach 55 years old, and men 60 years old.

A new procedure for the retirement of teachers, doctors

The changes did not affect seniority teachers and health workers. Depending on the field of activity, citizens of these professions need to work, as before, from 25 to 30 years. However, the retirement age will be increased by 5 years. The establishment of a new age limit will also take place with the application of the transition period.

Pension benefits for the "northerners"

Workers of the Far North from next year will also retire on a new one. Legislators explained the possibility of adjusting the retirement age for this category of Russians by improving living conditions and increasing average life expectancy. From January 1, 2019, with a step of 12 months in several stages, the age of future pensioners of the Far North will be increased by 5 years.

A new category of beneficiaries - pre-pensioners

Tracking the news about the latest amendments to the pension provision, Russians are increasingly hearing the expression “pre-retirement age”. Expression from the people as a result pension reform has become a legal term. Pre-retirement age (PPV) - citizens will have such status within five years preceding the appointment labor pension by old age.

State with the intent to strengthen social protection elderly Russians provided for a certain set of benefits and privileges:

  • the opportunity to receive a new profession or improve qualifications at the expense of the state;
  • receive twice the unemployment benefit (compared to the amount of the benefit at the current time);
  • relief in tax payments;
  • benefits for travel, payment of housing and communal services, provision of medicines;
  • the right to a free medical examination for two days of vacation plus the main one, paid at the expense of the employer.

In addition, persons of pre-retirement age will be protected by the letter of the law from unjustified dismissal and refusal to hire.

On a note! Employers who ignore the new rules regarding pre-pensioners risk a fine of 200,000 rubles or face criminal prosecution.

The amount of pension payments will increase

Large-scale reforms are not limited to changing the criteria for retirement age. Another, but more pleasant innovation for the population, will be the updated principle of indexation of pensions. Previously, the increase in the amount of the retirement allowance was carried out annually once in the amount of inflation. From the new year, the supplement will be significantly larger, but the frequency remains the same - once every 12 months. The amount by which the allowance will increase will be calculated by multiplying the basic pension by the indexation percentage, individually for each pensioner. Thus, someone will have more gain, and someone less.

The new legislation plans to increase payments until 2024. The following indexation plans have been announced for the next few years:

  • 2019 - 7.05%;
  • 2020 - 6.6%;
  • 2021 - 6.3%.

With an average pension of 14,414 rubles, the additional payment in 2019 will be about 1,000 rubles. Pensioners will receive increased payments in January 2019.

The indexation of pensions will affect only non-working pensioners. For senior citizens who do not leave their labor activity, as before, the “indexation freeze” program has been operating since 2016. But the government also took care of this category of citizens - as soon as the pensioner stops working, his pension payment will be recalculated taking into account all missed indexations.

In final form new law on pension reform was adopted subject to the proposed amendments on September 27, 2018 in the third reading. Already on October 3, the document was approved by the Federation Council and signed by the President. The text of the law No. 350-FZ dated 03.10.2018, published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

The most significant amendment of the President to this law is the reduction of the new retirement age for women by 3 years - up to 60 years instead of 63 years originally proposed in the bill. The President also proposed preferential conditions for retirement in the first 2 years of the new law - in 2019 and 2020. (see new retirement table). All presidential amendments were approved by deputies during the reading of the bill in the State Duma.

The new schedule for raising the retirement age from 2019 is based on the following initial conditions:

  • In total, the retirement age for women and men will be increased by 5 years - up to 60 and 65 years, respectively.
  • The increase will take place in stages - annually with a step of 1 year. It will start already in 2019 (that is, 1 year will be added to the current retirement period already in 2019).
  • For citizens who, according to the old law, should have retired within the next two years (in 2019 and 2020), on the instructions of Vladimir Putin, an opportunity will be provided to retire 0.5 years earlier.

The corresponding changes can be illustrated by the following graph of increasing the retirement age by year:

It is noteworthy that:

  • in 2019-2022, men and women will be able to go out annually with breaks of six months to a year;
  • after 2022, retirement will only occur in even years (2024, 2026 and 2028);
  • after 2028, when the transitional provisions end, retirement will again take place annually - both in even and odd years (2029, 2030, etc.).

By year of birth, the corresponding changes are as follows:

Thus, the transitional period of the pension reform will last for 10 years - from 2019 to 2028. At the same time, the final new retirement age for women and men will be set within 5 years - by 2023.

The change in the retirement age from 2019 will not affect all citizens - for some categories of pensioners, the old retirement rules will be preserved (that is, there will be no changes for them due to the retirement age reform):

For those who, as of 01/01/2019, have already issued an old-age pension (no one plans to return pensioners from a well-deserved rest to work out additional years).

For those who work in hazardous and harmful conditions labor:

  • on geological prospecting, prospecting, prospecting and forest management works;
  • in underground works, in hot shops;
  • in mining (underground and open), in the extraction of coal, shale, other minerals, the construction of mines and mines;
  • public transport drivers on regular urban passenger routes;
  • pilots and engineering staff of civil aviation, etc.

For citizens entitled to a pension for health reasons and social motives:

  • disabled people of the 1st group, visually impaired, patients with pituitary dwarfism (Lilliputians), and disproportionate dwarfs;
  • women who have given birth to 5 or more children, raised them up to the age of 8;
  • women who have given birth to 2 or more children who have the necessary work experience in the regions of the Far North;
  • parents, guardians of people with disabilities from childhood who raised them up to the age of 8 and others.

For persons affected by man-made accidents, radiation disasters, including those at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Mayak Production Association.

The pension reform also provides for the adjustment of the rules for obtaining early pensions for the following "preferential" categories of citizens:

  • workers in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them;
  • health workers;
  • teachers;
  • creative workers.

For the “northerners”, the law provides for the preservation of a special length of service, but the retirement age for them will be increased similarly to the generally established 5 years for men and women. That is, from 2019, the limit of the working capacity period will be gradually increased until the final values ​​\u200b\u200bare set - 60 years and 55 years.

For teachers, doctors and creative workers, the requirements for special experience will also be preserved - for early retirement, it will still be necessary to acquire from 15 to 30 years of professional experience. But the bill provides that the deadline for applying for an early pension for them will be gradually postponed by several years - starting from 2019, 1 year will be added (except for 2019 and 2020, when the conditions for preferential registration for six months ahead of schedule). Transition period to implement the relevant changes, it will be extended until 2023 inclusive, when the postponement of the pension registration period will be finally fixed at 5 years.

The corresponding changes are best illustrated by the following table:

Note: * - The year in which the necessary special experience for teachers, health workers and workers of creative professions is developed will be fixed, but the relevant workers after completion will be able to apply for pension payments after a few more years (in the final form, starting from 2023 - through 5 years from the date of completion of this experience).