
Is the parent obligated? Are parents required to do homework with their children? Time for homework


This article will discuss the role of parent-teacher meetings in raising a child and whether attendance is parent meetings parent's responsibility.

The grounds for the emergence of the rights and obligations of parents and children are enshrined in Art. 47 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which states that the rights and obligations of parents and children are based on the origin of children, certified in the manner prescribed by law.

This means that with the advent of a child in your family, you have a number of rights and obligations, including:

  • Parents have the right and duty to bring up their children;
  • Parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children;
  • Parents are obliged to take care of the health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of their children;
  • Parents have a preferential right to the education and upbringing of their children over all other persons;
  • Parents are obliged to ensure that their children receive a general education;
  • Parents have the right to choose an educational organization, the form of education for children and the form of their education, taking into account the opinion of children before they receive basic general education.

All of the above rights and obligations of parents are enshrined in law in Art. 63 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

Among other duties of each parent is the obligation to ensure that the child receives a general primary education.

The school is a socially significant institution that contributes to the formation of a socially mature personality of each child who plays important role in raising a child.

parent meeting at school First of all, this is the main form of joint work of parents and teachers, where decisions are discussed and made on the most important issues of the life of the classroom community and the education of students at school and at home.

The main purpose of the meetings is to harmonize, coordinate and unite the efforts of the school and the family in creating conditions for the development of a spiritually rich, morally clean and physically healthy personality of the child. parent meetings are also held in order to improve the pedagogical culture of parents, to activate their role in the life of the class, to increase responsibility for the upbringing of their children.

Any educational institution is a legal entity (organization) and, accordingly, has a Charter. The Charter prescribes the main goals and objectives of the institution, as well as the rights and obligations of teachers, children, and parents.

Among other duties of parents, the Charter of the school may stipulate the obligation of the parent to maintain close contact with the school administration and the class teacher, and regularly attend parent meetings.

It should be noted that this obligation of parents is not established by the school in order to impose an obligation to strictly observe the charter. The charter of the school is adopted and approved by its founder without the participation of parents. Imposing the obligation on parents to comply with the charter in terms of attending parent meetings is nothing more than an additional motivation for parents to jointly participate in the upbringing of the child.

Neither the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation nor the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, nor any other regulatory legal act provides for responsibility for not attending parent-teacher meetings.

Thus, it cannot be unequivocally stated that attending parent meetings is the responsibility of each parent for non-compliance with legal sanctions.

To attend parent-teacher meetings or not is an individual matter for each parent and depends on the degree of the parent's desire to participate in the upbringing and social development your child and is more of a right than a duty. But, before making a decision to attend a parent-teacher meeting or not, the parent must take into account whether his understanding of the child’s personality and the adequacy of the educational measures taken for him will be complete without interaction with the educational institution and information about how the child adapts and behaves in environment other than home.

Summing up this article, in my opinion, although the obligation cannot be placed on a parent to attend parent-teacher meetings, parents are still obliged to attend an educational institution, to be interested in the life and progress of the child. And on the basis of this, draw conclusions and take appropriate measures.

The school and the family are responsible for the education and upbringing of children, so they must be in close cooperation. So far, the main way of interaction between the family and the school remains parent meetings - school-wide and classroom meetings.

Class parent meetings are held by the class teacher in accordance with his official duties, as a rule, once a quarter.

For the teacher and parents, class parent meetings serve as a place for mutual information about the education and upbringing of schoolchildren, setting common goals, creating a team of like-minded people, teaching parents about upbringing methods, organizing joint events with students, etc.

Why do parents not like going to parent-teacher conferences?

Because many parents consider parent-teacher meetings to be a waste of time and empty talk.

A few characteristic comments from parents about cool parent-teacher meetings on the Internet :

The methodology for holding class meetings is almost always the same: at the beginning of the lamentation that parents do not attend meetings well, then they distribute leaflets with children's grades. Then unpleasant comments follow, and the parents take turns shrinking into a ball at the desk, blushing and turning pale, or start arguing with the teachers, often in raised tones.

In the 12 years that my son spent at school, I cannot remember a single meeting with pleasure. Tyagomotin, constant reprimands to everyone and for everything, rare praise for one or two excellent students.

When it comes to financial matters, I want only one thing - to give money, as much as they say, and leave the premises as soon as possible.

I would gladly pay for someone to go there for me and check in.

By and large, the teacher does not care who comes: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, neighbor or uncle Vitya. The main thing is that he should come, get information, vote and donate money when and how much is needed.

A parent-teacher meeting is a very long, drawn-out video that we are forced to watch.

We had such a cool one that constantly made us depressed and treated the parents of the children as if they were delinquent schoolchildren.

Unfortunately, positive comments are much rarer.

In Moscow, they proposed to resolve the issue of visiting school meetings through the Internet. Parents of each student can get answers to common questions related to education at online meetings. All questions are discussed online. These meetings are usually held once every two weeks. In this case, parents of schoolchildren do not need to go to meetings. For now, this is being done as part of an experiment.

Are parents required to attend meetings?

Sometimes class teachers require the mandatory presence of parents at the meeting. Those who did not appear are asked to write an explanatory note or are called in for a conversation with the director of the school. Is it legal?

According to federal law“On Education in the Russian Federation” (Article 44), parents have the right to:

  • get acquainted with the content of education, the methods of education and upbringing used, educational technologies, as well as with the assessment of the child's progress;
  • receive information about all types of planned examinations of the student and give consent to conduct such an examination;
  • take part in the management of the organization.

Parent meetings, open days, open lessons for parents are a form of exercising the rights of parents to participate in management educational institution, obtaining information about the educational process.

At the same time, the Law does not regulate the attendance of parents' meetings as a duty of parents. Therefore, the legislation does not provide for administrative responsibility for the fact that parents do not attend a parent meeting at school. Moreover, the school is not an organization that can fine participants educational process for certain actions. Also, the school does not have the right to oblige parents to write explanatory notes.

If parents are unable to attend meetings, they can obtain the necessary information by attending individual consultations. Each teacher has scheduled hours during working hours for individual conversations with parents. During such individual meetings, issues that relate directly to the child's school life, his education and behavior are discussed.

At the same time, parents should participate in the process of raising and educating children. Therefore, if parents do not systematically attend parent meetings, are not interested in the school life of their child, then this situation should alert the teacher, the school.

It often happens that parents, due to being busy at work, cannot attend the meeting in person, and instead of them, the grandparents of the children come to the meeting. Is it legal?

If parents warn class teacher that a grandmother or grandfather will come to the meeting instead of them, then this is quite possible. There are no legal grounds for refusing their presence at the parent-teacher meeting. However, the parents are the official representatives of the child, and only they have the right to resolve certain issues that arise in the process of discussion with the parents and the teacher.

What to do?

Today the situation has changed significantly: most parents have access to the Internet, each school has its own website that contains all the information necessary for parents, students have electronic diaries that parents can use to track the successes and failures in their children's education, receive advice from teachers, receive certain information about the student through SMS messages, etc. Thus, parents can obtain a significant amount of necessary information through the Internet.

From a parent's point of view:

  • the parent meeting should be as informative as possible, and the information should be equally important for all parents;
  • the mistakes and misdeeds of children should not be discussed publicly, as well as their appearance;
  • financial matters should not be main theme for discussion;
  • it is advisable that the topics of upcoming parent meetings be discussed and agreed with parents in advance;
  • parents attend meetings with interest, at which the school psychologist is present and answers questions;
  • the presence of subject teachers at class meetings is not desirable, tk. this often leads to conflict situations and senseless skirmishes, because among parents there will always be at least one dissatisfied with the quality of teaching.

Therefore, today the parent meeting should be non-traditional. And this means that parent-teacher meetings should use such methods and techniques that activate the attention of parents, make it easier to remember the essence of conversations, and create a special mood for a friendly, frank, businesslike conversation.

Non-traditional methods of holding parent-teacher meetings increase the interest of parents in the issues of raising children, significantly improve turnout, and activate parents to solve problems of upbringing.

Dear parents! Help the school make your parent-teacher meeting interesting!

P.S. parent-teacher meeting scripts unconventional form, as well as the methodology for their implementation, can be found on the Internet.

Used in preparation:

Attendance at classroom parent-teacher meetings - a necessity or obligation

Replenishment in the family is always a happy event. Few parents at this moment think about the fact that they were born new citizen. The rights of the baby, as well as the obligations of the father and mother to him, are regulated by law. Normative acts define the right of a minor to care, care, normal living conditions, skills and education. Compliance with these norms is the responsibility of parents (guardians, adoptive parents) in relation to their child.

How is this issue regulated at the legislative level?

Kinship relations and mechanisms for their regulation are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Family Code, the Law "On Education", the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Duties of parents and rights of children are divided into personal and property. The latter, in turn, are divided into alimony and property.

The constitutional duty of the father and mother is to take care of the children (Part 2, Article 38). Chapter 12 of the Family Code defines parental responsibilities during the period when the child needs special care (until the child reaches the age of majority). Articles of the RF IC explain the obligations of different categories of parents - families, adoptive parents, single parents, minors.

Federal Law No. 273 "On Education" sets out the features of legal relations in the educational field. The father and mother are obliged to participate in the choice of an educational institution, the form and methods of teaching, to be interested in curricula.

The Declaration of the Rights of the Child regulates the legal aspects of the life of children, regardless of social status, race, religion. It is the right to citizenship, education, medical care, protection, respect, own opinion.

Responsibilities of parents in relation to a minor child

Until what age are parents legally required to support children? To answer this question, you need to figure out how old children are considered independent:

  • adulthood (18 years old) (more in the article:);
  • marriage with parental permission;
  • emancipation (recognition at the age of 16 as fully capable) (we recommend reading:).

In relation to children, parents are legally obliged to perform the following actions: educate, support, be responsible for safety and health, provide a complete secondary education, instill moral and legal values.

By their actions, the father and mother do not have the right to inflict physical and psychological harm on the child. Divorce and living separately does not relieve the parent of the responsibility to raise and support children.

Article 63 of the RF IC defines the duty of raising children in a physical, spiritual, mental, and moral context. This involves caring for children, nurturing manners, development, training.

Education requires certain material costs. From this follows the obligation to support children - providing food, clothing, treatment, toys, education, recreation and others in accordance with age-related needs. In the event of a divorce, alimony is withheld from the parent who does not live with the children.

When should a parent provide for a child until death?

The period of material support for a child by parents can be extended after the age of 18 - in the event of a child's incapacity for work (Article 85 of the UK). Disability 1.2 groups means inability to work. voluntarily or in judicial order the parent is obliged to provide for the child for life or until the removal of this status. In addition, the parent is obliged to provide the child with the necessary medicines and pay for complex treatment.

To determine the degree of need, the level of expenses and incomes, the presence of dependents are taken into account. Usually, people with a pension below the subsistence minimum are recognized as needy. The term and amount of payments are determined by a court decision.

What threatens the failure to fulfill parental obligations?

Improper performance by parents of their duties threatens to bring to civil, administrative, criminal liability. The first case recorded by the guardianship authorities leads to an administrative punishment - a warning or a fine. Child abuse is punishable under criminal law - up to 3 years of forced labor. The totality of facts of non-fulfillment of obligations in relation to children can lead to partial restriction or deprivation of parental rights.

When someone owes something to someone, it means that the relationship is out of balance. That is, only one of them gave something, and only one took something.

This is true for many, I am asked about this all the time. What is there - I myself have long searched inside myself for the answer to this question. Or even questions:

  • Why do parents often expect their children to repay some debt?
  • Do children owe their parents something?
  • And if so, what? How much and how to give?
  • And if not, then what to do? Ignore these requests?

First of all, I would like to say about how we ourselves do not become like that (after all, you can’t change your parents and their position, and there’s no need to). Let's try to figure this out.

Why is this happening, why do parents expect their children to repay some debt? Based on what? Why do parents have so many worries about this and children have feelings of guilt? Where has the error and injustice crept in? Who owes what and to whom? And should it?

When someone owes something to someone, it means that the relationship is out of balance. That is, only one of them gave something, and only one took something.

Over time, debt accumulated, and the first person inside has a feeling that he was deceived and used - everything was taken away and nothing was given back. I will not consider the situation when the first gave the second many years disinterestedly. There is practically no selflessness in this world. Even in parent-child relationships.

Parents in their care of children keep in mind at least a glass of water, which the child still has to bring. They are waiting for care in weakness, and financial assistance, and that they will continue to obey, and that children will live the way their parents want, and reasons for pride and boasting, and attention. And a lot to look forward to. Even if they don't explicitly say so. But on what basis?

Parents really invest a lot in their children - time, nerves, money, health, strength. For many years. They often have to push their desires into the background - for the sake of the child. Do what you don’t want to do - again for the sake of it. To give up something, to sacrifice something - at least your own sleep for several years. Who said being a parent is easy and simple?

Years pass, and suddenly - or not suddenly - the child hears transparent hints or direct instructions of what exactly and how he owes his parents. But how legitimate and justified is this? Does he really owe something? And where does this feeling of injustice come from?

Parents are worried because their parenthood seemed to them to be a huge unrequited victim. A one-way process that does not give any bonuses and joys. They suffered for twenty years and now they are waiting for this whole disgrace to be rewarded somehow. They gave a lot and got nothing. Nothing at all. There must be justice! But is it?

No. This world is always fair in everything. Children really give a lot to their parents. More precisely, even God gives us so many things through children! Can't even describe in words. Their hugs, declarations of love, funny words, first steps, dances and songs ... Even just the sight of a little sleeping angel - the Lord created them so sweet! For the first five years of life, so much happiness comes from a child that it attracts adults like a magnet. Further, there are also many different bonuses, albeit in a slightly lower concentration. That is, through children, God also gives parents a lot, moreover, such that you cannot buy for money and you will not find it on the road. And everything is honest, everything is compensated - parents work, the Lord rewards them. Immediately, at the same point. You did not sleep at night - and in the morning you will have a smile, cooing and new skills.

But in order to receive all these bonuses, you need to be with the children nearby. And to have the strength and desire to enjoy it - which is also important. To see all these gifts, to be grateful for them.

It is in their childhood, while they are small, and from them all this happiness radiates just like that, every minute. The way they smell, laugh, swear, get offended, love, make friends, learn the world - all this cannot but rejoice the loving heart of their parents. Happiness in our heart is the reward for our labors.

Then why do parents feel that someone owes them something? Because they were not near the children, and someone else received all these bonuses and joys - a grandmother, a nanny or a teacher in kindergarten(although the latter probably did not use it either). Parents had no time to breathe on the tops of their children and hug them in the middle of the night. We need to work, to be realized. You need to run somewhere, the children will not run away, just think, baby! You won’t talk to him, you won’t discuss the day, he doesn’t seem to understand anything, he doesn’t care who pumps and feeds him. Relationships with babies often do not fit into our understanding of relationships - what is there, just wash-feed-lay. There is no time for us to admire the sleeping children, the fatigue is so strong that you can only fall somewhere in another room. There is no time to study grasshoppers and flowers with him. There is no strength to draw, sculpt, sing together. All forces remain in the office.

But even if the mother does not work, most likely, she is also not up to these strange “bonuses” and trifles. This is some kind of nonsense, a waste of precious time (as well as for herself), but she needs to clean the house, cook food, take the child to the circle, go to the store. She can’t lie next to him and chat in his incomprehensible language, this is stupid. There is no strength and absolutely no time to just look into his eyes and exhale all the tension. And if we go on business, then we must go quickly, and not stop at every pebble. Although physically her mother is nearby, all these bonuses quickly fly past her. And often a non-working mother has even more complaints about her children - she even sacrificed her self-realization for them, without working, so that the potential score will be even higher.

So sometimes you want to stop some mother running somewhere with a stone face! Stop, mom, the biggest miracle is near! And it can't wait!

It grows every minute and gives you so many miracles and happiness, and you skip it all by, not paying attention! As if sculpting a very important sand castle, you do not notice grains of gold in the sand.

I also often stop myself when I suddenly have more important things to do than read a book, play Lego with them, or just lie down next to a sleeping miracle. And where did I go? And why? Maybe it's better to let happiness enter my heart right now and melt it?

As a result of all this, we get such a situation that people worked for many years, worked hard enough (how can this be easy?), And their honestly earned wages were given out in another place, to some other people. Because they were exactly where they needed to be. For example, while mom and dad are working hard to pay off the mortgage on their huge house and pay for the services of the nanny, this nanny is happy, she enjoys life in this house with these children (I am such happy and filled nannies, go crazy with children and communication with them, I saw a lot when we lived in a village near St. Petersburg). Or it may be that no one received all these joys - no one needed them, and after many years the child himself already believed that there was nothing interesting and good in him.

At the same time, a person who worked hard and for a long time after twenty years still wants a salary - immediately for all these years! And he demands - from those for whom he suffered. And who else? But they don't. So there remains dissatisfaction, a feeling of deceit and betrayal ...

But whose problem is it if we ourselves do not come for our parents' "salary" every single day? Who is to blame that we forget that everything in the world will pass, and children will be small only once? Who is responsible for the fact that careers and achievements are more important for us than children's tops and conversations with them? Who pays for our decision when we are ready to give our children to kindergartens, nurseries, nannies, grandmothers for the sake of some achievements, losing contact with them and losing everything that the Lord so generously gives us through the kids?

It is useless to wait for the repayment of debt from adult children. They won't be able to give you what you want, because they have already given you so much, even though you haven't taken it all.

Children return the debt not to their parents, they give the same to their children, and this is the wisdom of life. And drinking juice from adult children means thereby depriving your own grandchildren, no matter how sad it may be.

"I'm sorry Mom, I can't help you right now. What I owe you, I will give to my children. I am ready to give you gratitude, respect, necessary care in case it is required. And that's all. There is nothing more I can do to help. Even if I really want to."

This is the only thing that an adult child can answer to his parents demanding the repayment of a debt. Of course, he can try to throw all his strength into it, all his life, giving up his future, investing not in his children, but in his parents. But none of the parties will be satisfied with this.

We don't owe anything to our parents directly. We owe all this to our children. That is our duty. Become parents and pass it all on. Give all the power of the family forward, leaving nothing behind. Similarly, our children do not owe us anything. They don't even have to live the way we want and be happy the way we see it.

Our only payment for everything is respect and gratitude. For everything that was done for us, how it was done, to what extent. Respect, no matter how parents behave, no matter what feelings they arouse in us. Respect for those through whom our souls came to this world, who took care of us in the days of greatest helplessness and vulnerability, who loved us as best they could and as best they could - with all their spiritual strength (just not everyone has a lot of strength).

Of course, we are responsible for last years our parents' lives when they can no longer take care of themselves. It's not even a duty, it's just human. To do everything possible to help parents recover, to ease their life and days of illness. If we cannot sit next to a sick parent, hire a good nurse, find a good hospital where proper care will be provided, as far as possible - visit, pay attention. It would also be good to help them "leave this body properly." That is to help them prepare for this transition by reading books. Talking about it with spiritual people. But this is not a debt. This goes without saying, if we have retained something human in ourselves.

The children don't owe us anything else. And we don't owe our parents. Only respect and gratitude - directly. And the transfer of the most valuable further. To give our children as much as we ourselves received. And it is better to give even more, especially love, acceptance and tenderness.

Therefore, in order not to stand with an outstretched hand near their house in old age, demanding payments, learn to enjoy today what is so generously given to you from above.

Hug them, play with them, laugh together, sniff their tops, chat about anything, take your time, lie in bed, sing, dance, discover this world together - there are many different opportunities to experience happiness together with children!

And then the difficulties do not seem so difficult. And the work of the mother is so ungrateful and burdensome. Just think of a sleepless night, you hug the little delicious-smelling body of an angel, he will lay his plump hand on you - and life is immediately easier. At least a little. Or not even a bit. published