
Report of the head of the dhow at the parents' meeting. Non-traditional parent meeting in kindergarten First general parent meeting in kindergarten


Irina Vladimirovna Kaverina
Report of the head of the preschool educational institution at the parent meeting


MBDOU kindergarten number 18

(performance head at the general parent meeting, 2015)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten

No. 18 city of Vyksa

short name: MBDOU kindergarten number 18

Year built: 1957, cap. Renovation 1993

Mailing address: 607060, Nizhny Novgorod region, Vyksa, st. Leningradskaya, building number 55

Telephones: head of d / s 3-56-98

Founder: Administration of the city district Vyksa

The head of the preschool educational institution since 2008 is:

E-mail address:

The institution carries out its activities on the basis:

Of the Charter No. 4409 dated December 22, 2011.

Licenses for the jurisprudence of educational activities for an educational program registration date June 23

Our kindergarten is located in a residential area. The preschool educational institution consists of 3 buildings: two 2-storey buildings and one 1-storey, detached, surrounded by a fence. Various breeds grow on the territory trees: (pine, birch, rowan, maple, spruce) Various herbaceous plants grow on the territory of the kindergarten. A flower garden with perennial plants is laid out near the building.

V kindergarten operational 7 age groups.

Total number 153 children

Nursery group from 2 to 3 years old - 1 group - 20 people.

2nd younger group from 3 to 4 years old - 46 people

Middle group from 4 to 5 years old-1 group-25 people.

Senior group from 5 to 6 years old-2 groups-37 people

Preparatory group from 6 to 7 years old - 1 group - 25 people.

Working hours for 12 hours from 6.00 to 18.00

The recruitment of children in kindergarten is carried out from 1.5 years old through the Education Department of the urban district of Vyksa.

The founder of the Institution is the Vyksa City District Administration. The superior body is the Department of Education under the administration of the urban district of Vyksa.

Management of the Institution is carried out on the basis of the principles of one-man management and self-government.

Administrative department of the preschool educational institution.

1 level of management - the administrative management of the preschool educational institution carries out manager institutions - Rogankova Marina Yurievna

Management activities manager provides: material, organizational, legal, social and psychological conditions for the implementation of the function of managing the educational process in a preschool educational institution. Control object manager the whole team is.

2nd level of control Head of the household, senior educator, nurse. The object of management of second-level managers is a part of the team in accordance with functional obligations.

3- level - level management is carried out by educators, specialists and service personnel. The control object is children and parents.

Public administration of the preschool educational institution.

Public administration in a preschool educational institution carries out:

The Council of Educators;

Trade union committee;

Parental committee;

General preschool meeting;

The preschool institution has a set of premises for the implementation of educational programs:

1. Office of a teacher-psychologist-1

2. Music hall-2

3. Gymnasium-1

4. Group rooms-7

5. Methodical office-1

6. Sports ground-1

The children's institution has a social welfare security:

1. Medical office-1

2. Food block-1

3. Laundry-1

All premises are equipped in accordance with the SanPin requirements.

In order to implement the educational process in the kindergarten, a subject-developing environment has been created in accordance with the goals of safety, psychological well-being of the child and his development.

The kindergarten has a methodical room, where assembled and presented visual, theoretical and practical material, methodical and children's fiction, there is a library for teachers.

The preschool educational institution has didactic tools and equipment for the all-round development of children.


The MBDOU has 15 educators:

With higher education-6 people

With an average special-9 people

SZD - 4 people


Senior educator-1 person

Educator-psychologist - 1 person

Musical director-1 person

All teachers pass qualification improvement certification, refresher courses, and are tested for their position in a timely manner.

So in the 2012-2013 academic year head of preschool educational institution Rogankova M... Yu took courses at the Nizhny Novgorod Institute for the Development of Education at theme: « Actual problems preschool education management "

In the d / s, certain conditions have been created to ensure the safety of the stay of children.

The head of the d / s issued an order "On measures to increase the vigilance of employees to prevent terrorist attacks", appointed those responsible for solving problems in the field of civil defense, drawn up a watchdog schedule.

In a conspicuous place posted a list of emergency phone numbers, addresses and phone numbers of the administration.

In buildings there are 6 entrance doors, and in a family group there are 3 exits. The entrance to the territory of the d / s is carried out through the gates, which are locked after the children leave home.

The OS has an evacuation plan, emergency exits are marked with directional signs, the passages are not blocked. There are no comments in the order of the OGPS Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The employees and management of the Shelter are familiar with the instructions on what to do in case of critical and emergency situations.

The kindergarten works according to the main general educational program developed by the creative group of the institution using the program for the upbringing and education of children edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, N. Ye. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova.

The organization of the educational process at MBDOU No. 18 is based on the principle of an individual approach to the child, taking into account medical indicators, psychophysical characteristics, the pace and general level of the child's development, his mental and emotional-moral development, inclinations and interests.

EDUCATIONAL PROCESS is adjusted every year depending on the recruitment of age groups, taking into account requests parents and new developments in the field of pedagogy and psychology.

Financial support for the operation and development preschool is carried out in accordance with the plan of financial and economic activities of the Institution, approved by the Founder.

The preschool educational institution has technical facilities: tape recorders, music centers, computers, scanner, printer, multimedia installation There is methodological literature and teaching aids to ensure the educational process.

New in design and equipment Preschool:

Purchased: children's furniture, piano, parquet for the music hall, furniture for honey. cabinet. Redecorated in all age groups;

In accordance with the goals set, during the implementation of the education and training program, the following are solved tasks:

1. A systematic, comprehensive study of the personality psychophysical characteristics of a child, contributing to the accumulation of quantitative and qualitative indicators to determine the content and main areas of work.

2. The combination of studying the development of children with targeted pedagogical influence, which allows programming the dynamics of the child's transition from the zone actual development to the zone of proximal development.

3. Systematic registration of the results of the examination by all specialists, which makes it possible to trace the effectiveness of the pedagogical influence on it, which helps to determine the prospects for its development and to develop recommendations for further education and training.

In the 2014-2015 academic year, pupils and teachers of MBDOU became participants in city, regional and all-Russian activities:

Annual music Festival "Musical mosaic"

City competition Educator of the Year- Balabasova Olga Vasilievna was awarded a diploma for participation;

City competition among kindergartens "Winter buildings"

City competition "Dad, mom, me"

Competition among members of the trade union. Participant Balabasova Olga Vasilievna.

The preschool educational institution held interesting Events:

Competition "To the best site"

Competition « Christmas story» on the best decoration groups, competition "Snow carousel" for the best snow building.

Thematic exhibitions of children's works are regularly held in conjunction with parents... Throughout the year, the institution conducts systematic and purposeful work of the entire teaching staff to interact with the families of pupils;

Familiarization with statutory and local documents;

Conclusion of contracts with parents newly admitted children;


Carrying out parenting meetings;

Kindergarten excursions;

Consultative conversations on request parents;

Group leisure activities;

Organization of joint affairs, holidays and birthdays; information stands design; work with dysfunctional families;

Promotion of pedagogical knowledge parents(exhibitions, information stands)

Our kindergarten has a 10-day menu for organizing meals for children in a preschool educational institution, approved by order manager from 17.12.2012

The menu includes 4 meals, which account for the bulk of products with high nutritional and biological value:

1st breakfast;

2nd breakfast (juice or fruit)

Compacted afternoon tea.

The menu contains a variety of dishes, no repetitions. The daily diet includes juices and fruits.

The daily menu is posted for reference. to parents in dressing rooms of group rooms.

There is strict control over the quality of food supplied to the children's institution. Dishes are prepared in strict accordance with the cooking technology at the preschool educational institution. The terms of storage and sale of food products are strictly adhered to. Samples are stored for 48 hours.

Monthly, to parents who issued documents in accordance with the requirements, is paid for the child's actual visit to the institution if there is a paid receipt for the current month in the amount of 20% for one child, 50% for the second child, 70% for the third.

Parents enjoy benefits for paying for kindergarten in accordance with the law, subject to a complete package of documents confirming the benefit.

In the 2014-2015 academic year, the educational process in preschool educational institution will be aimed at developing the success of the preschooler. The main component of the success of pupils is a special, competent organization of the pedagogical process.

Thank you for your attention!

Head of MBDOU number 18

Synopsis of the first parent meeting in a group of older children preschool age 5-6 years old "Rainbow"

Topic: Start of the academic year 2016-2017

1. A brief description of the age characteristics of children 5-6 years old.
2. Consultation for parents "What our children should learn by the end of the year"
3. Miscellaneous
4. Choosing a parent committee

Parent-teacher meeting

Question 1... Educator: "Good evening, dear parents. At the very beginning of our meeting, let me introduce you to the age characteristics of our children. I think many questions will become much clearer for you after my consultation.
At the age of about 5 years, a big leap occurs in the development of the child:
a) emotionally, children acquire the ability to control their behavior, they already know how to consciously hide their feelings from others. Now real relationships become for them the main source of joy and sadness (children think about whether their parents love him, whether they like a girl or a boy with whom they want to be friends). New to them is control of behavior and mastery of their feelings. The main difficulty for a five-year-old child is learning to subordinate his behavior to general rules. (if we play a game and you lose, do not show negative emotions);
b) it is in the sixth year of life that it is important to draw the attention of children to the beauty of the world around them, because they are now very sensitive to color and shape;
c) the stability of attention continues to grow (if a child needs a ball in the game and he follows it. Then along the way, as a 3-year-old, he will not be distracted by other interesting objects). It is at this age that children are interested in games according to the rules: both board games (loto, children's dominoes) and mobile ones;
d) speech becomes more coherent. More monologues appear in the speech. Their main theme is human relations;
e) by the age of five, the ability to build logical chains appears - he tries to restore the line of his own life, to remember himself in more younger age, asks adults questions: what did he eat. As said. How did you sleep. Also, children have a question of what it means to die, and there is a fear of the death of their parents;
f) now it is necessary to form a culture of behavior in in public places, at the table. At a party, etc., mastering the rules of formal politeness, rules of decency;
g) consciousness develops - the child begins to realize such methods of conflict resolution as drawing lots. Counting, sequence;
h) senior preschool age is crucial for the moral development of children. This is the period when the foundations of moral behavior and relationships are laid for life;
i) the child still considers himself an unconditional authority, begins to criticize adults;
j) now about relationships with peers - now there is a division of children into more popular, visible, and less noticeable children. This is the drama. The more popular children do not want to take the less visible to play with them, which causes very deep feelings. Deception appears in communication with peers. or petty blackmail. They define the characteristics of other guys: "She is a liar", "She is a sneak", "She is smart and kind", "He always imagines and brags", "He is the strongest, but does not hit anyone." And the relationship is already recorded: "I don't mess with girls" or "We are all girlfriends"
As you can see, the age of children now is very difficult and we must jointly build the foundation that will serve them all their lives.

Question 2... "The summer is over, the holidays and vacations are over. We are starting a new school year. During this year we need to teach them a lot. And of course, without your help, dear parents, we cannot cope.
-I want to demonstrate to your attention a multimedia presentation "What our children should learn by the end of the year"
Slide 1.
Presentation for the parent meeting in the group No. 9 "Rainbow" senior preschool age 5-6 years old MADOU No. 14 "Solnyshko"
Slide 2.
The main directions of the development of children and educational areas: Physical development, Artistic and aesthetic development, Cognitive development, Social and communicative development, Speech development.
Slide 3.
Educational area "Social and communicative development" "Socialization"
Achievements of the child by the end of the year.
In play: The child is interested in playing together, emotional background communication - positive, coordinates their interests and the interests of partners; Shows interest in game experimentation, developmental and cognitive games; In games with rules, it acts in accordance with the game task and rules; Knows a lot of games, counting rhymes.
In the sphere of development of social representations, knowledge of oneself and others: The child is positively disposed towards others, willingly communicates with close adults and peers, restrained in relation to strangers; Observes generally accepted norms and rules of culture of behavior; He is sensitive to others, recognizes various emotional states, readily responds to requests for help, to teach something; Interested in the subject and social world, has an idea of ​​what is good and what is bad; Shows interest in the city, the country in which he lives, knows its name, state symbols, some sights and events of city life, is proud of his country; Feels pride and satisfaction in a job well done and the approval of elders.
Slide 4.
Educational area "Labor" Achievements of the child by the end of the year. The child seeks to know different types labor activity adults and reflect their ideas in visual and play activities, role-playing games; Understands the importance of different professions, the work of parents, the importance of using technology, various machines and mechanisms in work; Protects the work of adults, tries to provide all possible assistance in their work; Self-service; Achieves the result of labor, with a little help from an adult, he successfully solves intellectual and creative problems when creating crafts, experimenting with materials, designing; The child has formed the foundations of a work culture (respect for tools, rational use of materials, cleaning of the workplace).
Slide 5.
Educational area "Cognitive development" "The world of nature"
Achievements of the child by the end of the year: Formation of ideas about animate and inanimate nature, seasonal changes in it and human activity; Plants, mushrooms, animals as representatives of living things in the natural world; their basic vital functions and needs, environment; On the natural communities of animals and plants, their relationship and the peculiarities of adaptation to the habitat and seasonal changes in it; Man as a living being, his similarities with other living beings and differences; human nature protection activities; On the value of nature as an environment for human life.
Slide 6.
A high level of development of mathematical concepts presupposes: Ability to independently examine, compare, contrast, geometric bodies and figures, in length, width, height, volume, mass; Determine your location among the surrounding objects and the direction of movement (directly, to the left, closer, inside the circle, etc.); Mastering temporary relationships (days of the week, parts of the day, the name of the months); Mastering quantitative and ordinal counting within 10 and numbers from 0 to 9; comparison of numbers, equalization of inequalities; determination of the composition of numbers from ones and two smaller ones within 5; The ability to measure time intervals (5 - 10 minutes) using hourglass, and the distance is a conventional measure; The idea of ​​the invariability of quantity and magnitude (mass, volume) regardless of conditions;
Slide 7.
Educational area "Speech development". Achievements of the child by the end of the school year. In a coherent speech: Independent construction of game and business dialogues. Retelling of literary works; In descriptive stories, accurate and correct word selection, using adjectives and adverbs; Composing story stories based on the picture and from personal experience in accordance with the logic of the story; Listening carefully to the stories of peers, isolating speech errors and kindly correcting them; In mastering the vocabulary: Mastering and using new words in speech (names of professions, institutions, techniques, labor tools; words denoting shades of color; personal characteristics of a person (honesty, justice, kindness), his state and mood; combining objects into groups based on essential features and their naming (furniture, vegetables, transport)
Slide 8.
In mastering grammatically correct speech: Using the basic grammatical rules of the Russian language; grammatically correct use of non-declining nouns; words that have only plural or singular; the formation of words using suffixes; As part of the development of the sound culture of speech: Clean and correct pronunciation of the sounds of the native language in everyday communication and in the sound analysis of words; Independent use of means of intonation expressiveness; In preparation for learning to read and write: Children will learn the terms “word”, “sound”, “letter”, “sentence”, “vowel and consonant sounds”, “sound analysis of a word”; Learn to divide words into syllables, make word schemes; Determine the number of words in a sentence and compose sentences with a given number of words; In the process of practical mastering of the norms of speech: children learn to independently follow the basic rules of speech etiquette when greeting, saying goodbye, getting to know each other, making a request; use non-verbal means of communication correctly (facial expressions, posture, gestures); Get acquainted with the rules of telephone etiquette, norms of behavior in a museum, theater, cafe.
Slide 9.
Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"
Mastering the Technical Skills of Fine Arts In Drawing: Application various materials and tools (pastels, crayons, watercolors, stained glass paints, helium pens, felt-tip pens), using the palette, creating new color tones and shades; different ways drawing with a brush (with the entire nap, the end of the brush, wetting, etc.) In the application: the use of various materials (paper, fabric, natural and waste materials); mastering the technique of symmetrical and openwork cutting, breaking and volumetric applique, collage; cutting out circles and ovals, short and long stripes, etc. In modeling: the use of various materials (plasticine, dough, snow, sand, wax); creation of volumetric and relief images (drawing with plasticine, prints, drawing with a stack); sculpting in a constructive and mixed way, smoothing the surface of an object, sculpting small details; creation of multi-figure compositions; In design: mastering origami techniques, designing from natural and waste material, the creation of buildings for various purposes from plastic, wood, metal constructors
Slide 10.
Educational area "Health". Achievements of the child by the end of the year. The child seeks to protect his own health and the health of others, knows how to support, strengthen and maintain health; Knows how to serve himself and has basic personal hygiene skills; Knows how to determine the state of his health, name and show what exactly hurts him; Owns the culture of food intake, distinguishes between healthy and unhealthy food products, uses them wisely; Knows how to perform breathing exercises, gymnastics for the eyes, morning exercises, some hardening procedures; Distinguishes between some edible and poisonous mushrooms, berries, herbs, behaves correctly in the forest.
Slide 11.
Educational area "Safety" Achievements of the child by the end of the year. The child shows interest in the rules safe behavior, can give examples correct behavior in some dangerous situations; Under the supervision of an adult, he knows how to use dangerous household items (scissors, needles) and electrical appliances (tape recorder, TV, vacuum cleaner); Cautious when dealing with unfamiliar animals; Observes the rules of the road, behaves correctly in transport; Behaves correctly in the water, in the sun; Does not come into contact with strangers outside; In the event of unexpected situations dangerous for life and health, he knows how to attract the attention of an adult.
Question 3. 3.1. "- Continuing our meeting, I want to remind you of the safety rules. These are personal safety rules, traffic rules, rules fire safety, and of course don't forget about terrorism.
In kindergarten we study and repeat these rules, but don't forget about them. Be an example for your beloved children. "
(Remind parents of safety rules. Focus on joint work with children in this direction.)
3.2. "I would also like to remind everyone not to bring toys from the children's home to the kindergarten. We have enough toys."
Question 4... "At the end of our meeting, let's decide on the selection of the parent committee for the 2016-2017 school year.

Nadezhda Bukhlaeva
General parent-teacher meeting"The beginning of the school year is the beginning of a new stage in the life of a kindergarten, parents and pupils"

Scenario general parent meeting at MBDOU« Kindergarten"Baby" pos. KIM "

the date of the: October 2017

Topic: « The beginning of the school year is the beginning of a new stage in the life of a kindergarten, parents and his pupils»

Goals: increased contact between educators and parents; modeling the prospects of interaction for a new academic year; improving pedagogical culture parents.

Tasks: introduce parents with tasks and features educational work, the tasks of the preschool institution for a new academic year; update the personal data of families pupils; teach parents observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace

Form of conducting: meeting in the music hall.

Participants: head of the preschool educational institution, specialists, educators, Art. nurse of preschool educational institution, parents.

The plan of the:

1. Introductory part.

2. Elections

3. Familiarization parents with the goals and objectives of the educational institution for a new academic year

4. Filling out the questionnaire.

5. Briefly about different things.

Event progress

1. Preparatory stage

1. Preparation of questionnaires for parents and reminders.

2. Development of a draft solution parent meeting.

2. Introductory part

Expensive parents of our children! We are very glad to see you at general parent meeting preschool because we understand: no union with families pupils, without your support and help in upbringing and development of children, creating for them a cozy and joyful environment in children's garden is an impossible task. What should be our union? What can we adults do for children to a life in the garden was joyful, rich and interesting?

We want to continue the meeting with the most important document we are working on - the Law of the Russian Federation "On education" where in article 18 it says: « Parents are the first educators. They are obliged to lay the foundations of the physical, moral, intellectual development of the child's personality in childhood ... To help the family in education children there is a network of preschool educational institutions ”.

Dear parents!

How do you imagine what is modern Kindergarten?

(Survey parents)

Child the garden is a big house where "Live" and "Create" children, teachers, parents.

How do you imagine modern children?

(Opinion exchange)

Modern children

Various such:

There are children - fidgets,

There are naughty children

There are children why

They want to know a lot

Dream when they grow up (children read poetry)

Fly to the moon.

Children are calm

Quiet and humble

They love with their mothers

Play all day

Friends do not offend

Adults are respected.

About these kids

You can only dream.

- Child the garden is not only children, but also wonderful teachers. I would very much like to know what you mean by the concept "modern educator» .

(Statements parents)

Modern educator -

This miracle is a teacher:

Knows and knows a lot,

He will teach everyone a lesson.

For children - a second mother, (children read poetry)

He is a friend to employees

For parents - mentor,

He will replace everyone around.

He is both a janitor and a painter,

Modern educator -

He has God's gift.

The image of the modern kindergarten will be incomplete if we do not describe parents... Let's try to compose a portrait of a modern parent.

(Statements parents.)

Modern parent -

How can I reproach him?

There is parent -"customer" -

He loves to say

Observer - parent

Will only see.

Activist and Assistant -

To give joy to children.

During the child's stay in kindergarten we(children, teachers and parents) make up a triangle.

(Educator points to the diagram in the form of a triangle.)

Educator Parent

At the head of the triangle is, of course, a child. He, knowing new, opens itself (what I can, what I can, what I can do)... The task of adults is to help him in this difficult task. We should not forget about society, which plays an important role in the development of a child.

What do you think happens to a three-legged stool if one leg breaks? (Will fall)

Remember the fable of I. Krylov "Swan, Cancer and Pike": "When there is no agreement in the comrades, their work will not go well, but it will not work out, only torment." From this it follows that we should combine our efforts to make children comfortable and interesting in kindergarten.

You probably already guessed that our the meeting will be unusual.

So, today we are children, teachers and parents- we go on a cruise on the ocean of Knowledge.

The main commandment of travel: do not leave the race and reach the finish line. Finish, the main goal is our children, general development of each child as a person, their preparation for school. The length of the trip is not one month, but a whole year.

The distance is long and uneasy: with twists and turns, difficulties and problems.

At the same time, those parents who successfully pass this distance with children, along the way, expect new knowledge, discoveries and ideas. All employees participate in the trip kindergarten, the group of leaders is parents, educators.

Organizing time

To set off on such a long voyage, we need a reliable, equipped and beautiful swimming facility. This is our kindergarten and our groups(subject-developing environment, without it a full-fledged all-round development our children). A story about a subject-developing environment

And how can you go sailing without a reliable team! I suggest to choose parental committee from each group, which will deal with educators organization of all our joint projects.

Elections the new composition of the parent committee

Conclusion. Understanding, good relations, mutual assistance and mutual respect are very important in any team. Conditions of harmonious relations between children and parents, children and teachers, teachers and parents is the ability to yield to each other, mutual tolerance.

Features of the educational process at a preschool educational institution

The ship is ready to sail. Full speed ahead! No. something else we are missing! Of course, life-saving appliances - pedagogical knowledge.

Story to parents about educational programs, according to which the pedagogical process is carried out, tasks education and learning for a new academic year... Features of the educational process in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO. (Art. educator)

Feedback from parents

Parents ask questions of interest to them, make suggestions for improving the quality of the educational process. They are given a memo "Rules for parents»

1. The team is also a family. Strengthen the peace of our family with good thoughts, kind words, good deeds.

2. Be always friendly. Friendliness is the foundation of your health.

3. Living is easy, simple and joyful. To see the positive in everything.

4. Be kind and honest. Remember that the good you have done will always return to you multiplied.

5. Be always in balance, restraining negative emotions.

6. Do not create conflict situations.

7. Get out of conflict situations with dignity and humor.

8. To love the child as he is.

9. Respect the personality of every child.

10. When your child talks to you, listen carefully. Be generous with praise.

11. To notice not the shortcomings of the child, but the dynamics of his development.

12. Praise, encourage, encourage, creating a positive emotional atmosphere.

The story of the teacher of additional education about circle work in the preschool educational institution.

Head nurse on the prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections at the preschool educational institution

Filling parents of the questionnaire

Briefly about different things

Reception of children in child the garden runs from 7.30 am to 8.30 am. Being late interferes with the pedagogical process, distracts children and educators from regime moments and charging.

If for some reason you are late by warning educator, wait until the morning exercises are over, do not drive the children while exercising.

* per child pay for the garden by the 15th day of each month.

If the child does not attend child garden due to illness, vacation, etc., then the child is accepted into child garden only with a certificate from a pediatrician.

The group is not allowed to bring pistols, sabers, swords, nail polish, lipstick, perfume, etc., chewing gum, candy for treating your friends. If we want to treat, then we bring it to all the children, or we don’t.

Children cannot be taken to parents drunk and persons under 15 years of age. Educator has the right not to give up the child in these cases.

Request to parents- take part in group and kindergarten life.

Final part

The exercise "Wish"(wishes for a new school year for children, to parents, teachers)

Parents in a circle, plays a tambourine

You roll, funny tambourine,

Quickly, quickly from hand to hand.

Who has a cheerful tambourine

That wish will tell us!

In conclusion, I would like to say that together we will lay the foundation of goodwill relations in children and parent groups as well as in relationships

v kindergarten was fun, Okay. I wonder if he would happily go to Kindergarten, made friends with the guys and returned home happy, because loving adults were waiting for him at home.

The journey to the Land of Knowledge continues. We wish you success, interesting discoveries, fun games and real friends! Only forward!

Our the meeting has come to an end... Until next time!

Solution parent meeting:

1.Chairman the parent committee of the kindergarten to elect:

2. Approve parental committee next the composition:

3. Accept the rules for parents.

4. Educators and to parents to interact with each other, striving to fulfill the main task - to create favorable conditions for the education of children in an established team.


Dear parent!

MBDOU child garden number 7 asks you to answer the questions and fill out a questionnaire. The profile is anonymous.

Your opinion about work is very important for us kindergarten.

1. Are you satisfied with the work of our kindergarten?

Satisfied completely;

Satisfied partially;

Not satisfied at all.

2. Your child goes to Kindergarten

With pleasure;

Through force;

More often with pleasure;

Seldom with desire.

3. Are you satisfied with the work of teachers in a group?

Satisfied completely;

Satisfied partially;

Not satisfied at all.

4. What do you think? Children in kindergarten

Get interesting knowledge and skills of cultural behavior;

Received, but not enough;

I get nothing new;

Receive harmful information;

I am at a loss to answer.

5. Your job awareness kindergarten


generally do not have information;

You prefer not to have information, as it upsets me.

6. Information about children's garden you get

From visual agitation kindergarten;

According to others parents;

From educator;

On the meetings;

From the manager;

Do not receive.

7. Do you calmly go to work, leaving the child in kindergarten?


8. Would you like to kindergarten:

The material base has increased;

The ethics of everyday life has increased;

The attitude towards children has changed;

Respect for to parents;

The quality has increased educationally-educational work;

Interesting work would be done with parents;

More often, interesting work would be arranged with parents;

More often meetings were arranged with a nurse, a doctor;

I would like you to know more about your child, his difficulties, successes

You can add comments and suggestions for work kindergarten. Thank you for your participation!

Parent's meeting synopsis

Educators of the middle group number 4
Ronzhina O.A., Klyushnikova N.L.
Date: September 30, 2014

Topic: "The beginning of the school year - the beginning of a new stage in the life of the kindergarten and its pupils."

Goals: expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling the prospects for interaction for the new academic year; improving the pedagogical culture of parents.
Tasks: consider the age and individual characteristics of children 4-5 years old; to acquaint parents with the tasks and features of educational work, the tasks of a preschool institution for the new academic year; update the personal data of the families of the pupils; teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace; to intensify work on the development of children's speech.

Meeting plan:
I. "Let's get to know each other." Introductory part.
II. 2. Congratulations to parents on the beginning of the school year. Presentation of letters of thanks for active participation in autumn fair and carrying out repair work.
III. Consultation: Topic: "Age and individual characteristics of children 4-5 years old."
IV. Familiarization with the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution.
V. Familiarization of parents with the design method N. L. Klyushnikov and O. A. Ronzhina.
Vi. Parent committee selection
Vii. miscellanea
VIII. Meeting results

Meeting progress:

I. Educators: Good evening, dear parents! We are very glad to see you in our cozy group! We are very glad that you took the time to talk with us about your children. Today is our holiday. Try to guess which one. Our famous travelers turned four to five years old, they moved to middle group kindergarten! Let's pass on your wishes to them !.
The theme of our meeting is "The beginning of the school year is the beginning of a new stage in the life of the kindergarten and its pupils."
Now let's get to know you. My name is, as you already know, Olga Aleksandrovna Ronzhina, and your new second tutor is Natalia Leonidovna Klyushnikova.

II Delivery of letters of thanks
I would like to start with a pleasant one and thank all the parents who took part in organizing and participating in the autumn fair, which was held on September 19 at 17.00. and carrying out repair work in the group by the beginning of the school year. But I would like to congratulate separately: Kovalchuk Yulia Konstantinovna; Mukhortov
Parents are given Thanksgiving letters for help in carrying out repair work and preparing the group for the beginning of the school year.
III. We met, and now we can start discussing the topic of our meeting.
You all know your children well, their habits, features. For each of you, your child is unique and inimitable. But for sure, you thought about the fact that you do not understand everything in his behavior, preferences and whims. We invite you to listen to a consultation on the topic "Age and individual characteristics of children 4-5 years old" - reads NL Klyushnikova.
Educator. The ship is ready to sail. Full speed ahead! No ... there is something else we are missing! Of course, life-saving appliances - pedagogical knowledge. Do you know, dear parents, the peculiarities of our main travelers? What are children aged 4-5?
Each child develops differently, each has its own path and pace of development. But still there is something in common that allows us to characterize children, their age features... Let's compose a general age portrait of a 4-5 year old child, highlighting the indicators of different aspects of his development. (A description of age characteristics can be found in the educational program according to which the preschool institution operates).
The age of 4-5 years is rightly called secondary preschool. Closer to the age of five, children begin to show traits characteristic of older preschoolers: a certain arbitrariness of mental processes, an increase in cognitive interests and independence, attempts to explain the phenomena of life around them that are of interest to them. Curiosity, the need for independence and activity, in turn, have a beneficial effect on the psyche and behavior. These features, for example, make it easier for a child of the fifth year of life to master the norms of the native language and the functions of speech.
At the same time, instability of mood, attention, emotional vulnerability, concreteness and imagery of thinking, enthusiasm for the game and game situations bring children of the fifth year of life closer together with younger preschoolers... And the expanding opportunities for the upbringing and education of children at this age stage cannot be realized without knowledge and consideration of this duality of development. (V.V. Gerbova.)
Educator. It is very important in education to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. They are due to the type nervous system... I.P. Pavlov identified four main types of the nervous system (depending on the body's response to external stimuli): phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric, melancholic.

IV Purpose: To ensure the development of educational activities of pupils, the effectiveness of the quality of providing educational services, and complementary safety of preschool educational institutions with the Federal State Educational Standard.
1. To ensure the preservation and strengthening of the health of the pupils; to increase the health index by 15% from the last year.
2. To ensure the positive dynamics of the program material in the field of "Speech development" section "Development of speech" through the introduction of the project method "Development of communication skills of middle preschoolers through the use of innovative technology O.А. Bizikova "
3. Take effective participation in competitions of different levels and focus of at least 5 pupils.
4. To increase the efficiency of work through the passage of the qualification category I degree and participation in professional competitions, improvement of self-education.

V.. Acquaintance of parents with the project method Ronzhina O. A. “Development of communication skills of middle preschoolers through the use of innovative technology O. A. Bizikova "and Klyushnikova N. L ,. "". Explain the essence of the project goals and objectives. List the parents who will take part with their children in these projects.

Vi. Selection of the parent committee.
The work of the parent committee of the group is regulated by the document "Regulations on the parent committee of a municipal preschool educational institution".
Parents should be briefly reminded of its functions.
Possible positions for committee representatives:
the chairman of the parent committee (he is the representative from the group to the parent committee of the MOU or the Council of the MOU);
deputy chairman of the parent committee (his right hand);
parent meeting secretary;
a group of parents responsible for the implementation of measures to strengthen the material and technical and visual and didactic base of the group, improvement and the creation of normal sanitary and hygienic conditions in it;
attention sector (responsible for purchasing gifts for birthday people, for New Year, organization of "sweet evenings", etc.);
sports sector (holding and equipping events aimed at strengthening and preserving the health of pupils);
the cultural sector (involving parents in participating in educational, cultural and mass work with pupils outside of developmental classes, as well as during vacations);
public relations (development and strengthening of relations between the parents of pupils with the teaching staff of the MOU and other organizations of culture, education and sports);
editorial board;
Parental votes are counted, the results are announced, and the personal composition of the parent committee of the group is discussed. The parent committee is approved by direct voting.
Conclusion. Understanding, good relations, mutual assistance and mutual respect are very important in any team. The conditions for a harmonious relationship between children and parents, children and teachers, teachers and parents are the ability to yield to each other, mutual tolerance.

VII. Miscellaneous (topical issues of parents and caregivers)
1. The teacher's message
The teacher tells parents about the daily routine, educational programs according to which the pedagogical process is carried out, the tasks of upbringing and education, about the main activities and types of children's activities (classes), about additional education (circles).
2. Feedback from parents
Parents ask questions of interest to them, make suggestions for improving the quality of the educational process. They are given a memo "Rules for Parents"
3. Please, please, observe the uniforms for physical education and music lessons (gym - white T-shirt, black shorts, on bare feet; Music hall - group uniform on the legs of Czech girls, white girls, black boys). Swimming pool - terry robe - long with a hood, spare panties (2 pieces), if the robe is short, then with pajama pants. Everything is signed.
4. Payment to the preschool educational institution, please, make timely before the 10th day of each month. If the payment has not been made (except for valid reasons - vacation), the child is not admitted to the kindergarten on time.
5.Reminders from the accounting department to get acquainted and sign that they are familiar.
IX. Familiarization of parents with the goals and objectives of the MOU for the new academic year.
6. Completion of the questionnaire by the parents (Information about the parents)
Parents fill out a family questionnaire, where they make all the changes that have occurred during the current period (changes in surnames, telephone addresses, places of work, etc.). Parents receive a printed list of educators (full name, contact numbers, time of consultations)

VIII. The results of the meeting.
Well, that's all the questions that we have considered today.
Genus selected. Committee.
Thank you for your time and attention. Goodbye.

Parent meeting in the senior group:

“The beginning of the school year. Introductory ".


Game "Complement".

Hello dear parents, I am glad to welcome you. Parents meeting tonight, I want to start with the Complement game.

Since it's autumn outside, I am holding such a leaf in my hands. Now you and I will pass it on to each other, while saying a compliment or any wish to a neighbor standing next to you.

Dear parents, it really felt like warmth and good to my soul. With this game I wanted to show you that we, educators, and you parents are one, together we create the mood for our children.

Please take your seats.

Dear parents, we have gathered today with you at the beginning of the new school year. Today I would like to talk specifically about our children, about achievements and problems. We, the collective of our group, want us to be one friendly, strong family.

I would like to remind you that we are now the senior group. We have changed the daily routine, the time and the number of classes per day.

Your children have become older, and therefore their responsibilities increase. And I would really like you - parents to be serious about educational process.

Much can be done for a child in this regard, parents - the first and most important educators. - Tell me, can I make a clap with one palm? Need a second palm. Cotton is the result of the action of two palms. The entire pedagogical team that works with your children is just one palm. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she may be, without a second palm (and she is in your face, dear parents), we are powerless.

From here, the first rule can be deduced:

Only together, all together, we will overcome all difficulties in the upbringing and education of children.

Age from 5 to 6 years is a new important stage in the development and upbringing of a preschool child.

The upbringing of 5-year-old children is a qualitatively new step in comparison with the upbringing of children of middle preschool age, these opportunities must not be missed. A child's success in school will largely depend on how attentively parents will be about solving educational and educational problems this year.

The transition of children to senior group associated with some changes in the conditions of their life and upbringing: they are now included in a systematic and more complex in content collective activity (play, work, training). Both the program and teaching methods take on the character of an educational activity.

Teaching methods.

Motor skills

Between the ages of five and six, your child makes even more significant improvements in motor skills and strength. The speed of movements continues to increase, their coordination is noticeably improved. Now he can already perform 2-3 types of motor skills at the same time: run, catch a ball, dance. The child loves to run, compete. Maybe for more than an hour without stopping to play sports games on the street, run up to 200 m. He learns to skate, ski, roller-skate, if he did not know how, then he can easily master swimming.

Emotional development

The child already has his own ideas about beauty. Some people enjoy listening to classical music. The kid learns to throw out some of his emotions in his favorite activities (drawing, dancing, games, etc.), and strive to control them, tries to restrain and hide his feelings (but he can not always succeed.) The most difficult thing for children is to cope with their fear ...

Social development

From the age of five, the child already clearly knows his gender and does not want to change it even in games. At this age, in the upbringing of a boy, a very important place is given to the father, and among girls - to the mother. Dads teach their son to be courageous, mothers of daughters - to be feminine. Only these qualities inherent in childhood come harmoniously into adult life... The baby develops ideas about the role of the opposite sex in life. The daughter comprehends the role of the man through the behavior of the father, and the boys - the role of the woman, through communication with their mother. At this age, you should already tell in an accessible form for the baby about how he was born. The child has grown up to understand such a secret. It would be more correct if you open it to him at home, otherwise the children in the yard will do it. After five years, relationships with peers turn into friendships. The first friends appear, usually of the same gender. He spends most of his time with them. Some distance from the parents occurs. The child is already painlessly endure a short separation from loved ones.

Intellectual development

By the age of six, a child can no longer just distinguish between animals, but divide them into wild and domestic ones. Can combine objects according to various characteristics, find similarities and differences between them. After five years, the baby is interested not only in the names of objects, but also in what they are made of. He has his own idea of ​​the physical phenomena around him, he can explain what electricity, a magnet is A child is very well oriented in space: on the street, in friends

premises, at home. Knows where to buy toys, food, medicine. He tries to master the alphabet and learn to read by syllables, and also continues to improve the writing. in block letters... It can count (sometimes up to a hundred), add and subtract up to ten.

Features of behavior

The child already has his own opinion about everything. Can explain who and why he likes or dislikes. He is observant. He is very interested in everything that happens around him. He seeks to find the reasons and connections between various phenomena. The kid becomes very independent. If he wants to learn something, he can do new interesting things for I am it takes more than half an hour. But it is still very difficult to purposefully switch it to different types of activities. The child applies his new knowledge in games, he invents the plots of the games himself, easily masters complex toys - constructor, computer). By the age of six, he masters most of the necessary skills and improves them right before our eyes - he becomes more accurate, follows his appearance- hairstyle, clothes, helps you with the housework.

Creative development

Peak creative development child. He creates without getting tired, barely waking up, turning a simple tulip into an extraordinary scarlet flower, builds houses for aliens. He is very attracted to painting, he can look at paintings and paints for a long time. He paints himself with pleasure, tries to sketch something from the picture and come up with his own plot. At the age of five, a child expresses his feelings in various colors in relation to what he is drawing. It is believed that children's drawings are the key to the inner world of the baby. Now he already draws a person as he really is, detailing the face with eyes so that he can see, with ears so that he can hear, with his mouth so that he can speak and with his nose to sniff. The little man has a neck. He already has clothes, shoes and other clothing details. The more the picture resembles a real person, the more developed your child and better prepared at school.

So, taking into account the above-mentioned age characteristics of children of the 6th year of life, it is necessary to carry out the following tasks:

To develop the movements of children, to achieve their greater coordination, accuracy, speed;

To foster independence and speed of movement in self-service;

Expand children's ideas about social life, nature, work of adults, educate correct attitude to them;

To cultivate the ability to hold on to a goal, follow the instructions of an adult, focus and dedication;

Form separate concepts in children, develop logical thinking;

Develop coherent speech of children;

Improve artistic skills in drawing, singing, dancing, reading poetry, retelling fairy tales, stories, enriching aesthetic perceptions and experiences;

Educate children in teamwork skills

Develop children's voluntary control of their behavior.

- Take everything by flower. Color them (on the tables there are identical flowers in size, shape, colored pencils). Now compare your 2 flower with those of your neighbors. All flowers were the same in size, color, shape. - Tell me, after you have painted a flower, can you find two completely identical flowers? (No). Under the same conditions, we do everything differently. Hence our second rule:

Never compare your child to another!

There is no one or something better or worse. There is something else! The main mistake of parents of preschoolers is that from early childhood, adults, with the best of intentions, try to develop the child's intellect as best as possible, overshadowing the physical, speech, personal development... But all these components preschool development should be formed in parallel.

Game "Question-answer".

- Well, now we will find out how you know your children (there are leaflets with questions on the table), the parents take turns answering.

2.Can your child distinguish between right hand, left hand, leg?

3. In your opinion, does your child navigate the parts of the day?

4. Does your child know the address of residence?

5. Can your child name a favorite fairy tale, read a poem?

6. Can your child compose a fairy tale himself?

7. Does your child know how to take care of living objects of the surrounding world? How does he relate to animals, plants?

8. Do you think your child can talk about a desire to acquire a certain profession in the future?

9. Do you think your child is polite?

10. Do you think your child can compare 2-3 objects in size? (more - less, shorter - longer)

11. How does your child behave when visiting?

12. Can your child hold the scissors correctly? Can you cut a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle?

13. What does your child like to draw the most and does he show interest in this type of activity?

14. Does your child have an interest in sculpting? What does he like to sculpt at home? 15. How does the child inform you when he comes from kindergarten?

16. Is your child interested in speech sounds? Hear the first sound? Can you come up with a word for a given sound?

17. Will your child be able to empathize with the offended person and disagree with the abuser's actions? 18. Can your child determine the position of objects in space in relation to himself? (in front - behind, above - below).

If you answered in the affirmative to 15 or more questions, it means that you are not working with him in vain, and in the future, if he has difficulties in learning, he will be able to cope with them with your help.

Let's play a little!


Parents are given a sheet of paper in a cage. The teacher says, now we will learn to draw different patterns. Try to keep them nice and neat. To do this, listen carefully - I will speak in which direction and how many cells to draw the line. Draw only the lines that I will name. When you draw one, wait 3 until I name the next one. Start each line where the previous one ended, without lifting the pencil from the paper. We start drawing the first pattern. We put a pencil, retreat 4 cells to the left, seven cells from above, put a point and start drawing: 8 cells to the right, 2 cells up, 4 to the right, 5 down, 4 left, 2 up, 4 left, 3 down, 1 left, 1 up, 1 left, 1 down, 1 left, 3 up, 1 left, 1 up.

What did we get? That's right, the key! Draw a hole in the head of the key by cells. If the task is not getting it right, it is helpful to practice starting with the easiest ones. We wish you all to find your key to your child. Don't forget to praise the kids anyway!

Test forparents"Me and my child."

I can and always do this - A

I can, I don't always do this - B

I can't - B

Can you:

1. Leave everything at any time

your business and take care of the child?

2. Consult with the child, regardless of his age?

3. To admit to the child in the mistake committed in relation to him?

4. Apologize to your child if you are wrong?

5. Always refrain from using words and expressions that might hurt the child?

6. Promise the child to fulfill his wish for good behavior?

7. Give the child one day when he can do what he wants and behave as

wants to not interfere with anything?

8. Not react if your child hit, pushed roughly, or just wrongly offended another child?

9. To resist children's tears and requests, if you are sure that this is a whim, a fleeting whim?


Answer "A" is estimated at 3 points.

Answer "B" is estimated at 2 points.

Answer "V" is estimated at 1 point.

Test results

"Me and my child".

30 to 39 points. A child is the greatest value in your life. You strive not only to understand, but also to get to know him, treat him with respect, adhere to progressive methods of education and a constant line of behavior. In other words, you are doing the right thing and you can hope for a good result.

16 to 30 points. Caring for a child is a matter of paramount importance to you. You have the abilities of an educator, but in practice you do not always apply them consistently and purposefully. Sometimes you are too strict, in other cases you are too soft; in addition, you are prone to compromises that weaken the educational effect. You should think about your approach to raising a child.

Less than 16 points. You have serious problems raising your child. You lack either knowledge or patience, or perhaps both. We advise you to seek the help of specialists, teachers and psychologists, to get acquainted with publications on issues family education.

Game "Flower - seven-flower".

Now we are going to play the game "Flower - seven-flower". (there are flowers with stems on the parents' tables) - Before you is a flower - a seven-flower. imagine that this is your baby, gentle, blooming. Write affectionate derivatives of the name or family nicknames on the petals.

Conclusion: From all that we have heard, we can conclude that our group is attended by smart, cheerful, inquisitive and moderately mobile children.

Dear parents, please answer another question:

« What makes you sad about your child?» (parents, naming the negative qualities of the child, gradually unwind the ball.)Conclusion: the problems of our children lie in the misunderstanding of us - adults, our requirements. We often lack patience and trust. In order to earn the child's trust, one must have common interests with him. It's good if you share common hobbies. And how we love them! And what we call them affectionate, gentle, warm words!

Raising children is a complex process. Show ingenuity in choosing the means of education, and most importantly, do not forget that one of the most reliable is a kind example, you, parents. Return to your childhood more often - this is a good school of life.

Our third rule:

REMEMBER! A child is the greatest value in your life!

Strive to understand and get to know him, treat him with respect, adhere to the most progressive methods of education and a consistent line of behavior. I wish you success and more faith in yourself and in the capabilities of your child.