
Parliamentary Hearings “Patriotic Education of Russian Citizens: “Immortal Regiment. New figures of losses in the war. Doesn't anyone care? Parliamentary hearings on February 14


The 14th of February The Committee on Education and Science of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation held parliamentary hearings on the topic: " Patriotic education citizens of Russia: "Immortal Regiment".

Hearing led Chairman of the Committee on Education and Science, Doctor of History V.A. Nikonov. In his opening speech, he noted: “The past largely shapes citizens worthy of a great country. In the great work to protect our Victory, to preserve the memory of all those who fought for it, the Immortal Regiment initiative is one of the most important and worthy. The descendants of the victors live in all countries that fought against German Nazism.”

Many well-known persons throughout the country spoke at the hearings - co-chairmen of the All-Russian public civil-patriotic movement "Immortal Regiment of Russia" People's Artist of the USSR V.S. Lanovoy, the founder of the movement G.K. Ivanov from Tyumen, deputy of the State Duma N.G. Zemtsov; People's Artists of the RSFSR M.I. Nozhkin and A.Ya. Mikhailov, biker A.S. Zaldostanov (Surgeon), Chairman of the "Russian Union of Veterans" General of the Army M.A. Moiseev, deputies and senators - member of the Committee on Science, Education and Culture of the Federation Council V.V. Kondrashin, Deputy Chairman of the Defense Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Yu.N. Shvytkin, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for Compatriots V.P. Vodolatsky. Education was represented by the rector of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky V.N. Ivanova and Director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Education of Children and Youth of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation I.A. Mikheev.

“It is difficult to talk about patriotism when children do not know who Leskov is, have not read Korolenko, cannot tell the story of the Russian-Japanese war, have not heard of General Karbyshev,” V.N. Ivanova.

Mikhail Nozhkin rightly noted: "Patriotism is an innate sense of duty of every normal person to his past and to his future." He called the "Immortal Regiment" "a celebration of fellowship" and "the main event in our country in all the recent post-war years."

Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Viktor Vodolatsky proposed to take the federal law, which will allow establishing a unified approach to patriotic education, will determine the powers of authorities and municipalities.

Speakers of the Supreme Council of Pridnestrovie Alexandra Shcherba, director of the Russian Center in Nuremberg Irina Fixel, journalist and poet, member of the board of the Union of Writers of the Donetsk People's Republic Vladimir Skobtsov met with applause. They talked about how the Immortal Regiment movement is developing outside of Russia.

In a conversation with the Chairman of the Committee on Education and Science of the State Duma V.A. Nikonov, who represented the head of the department of humanitarian and aesthetic education V.G. Petrovich noted the need to hold parliamentary hearings on the state of teaching history in the country's schools, since the disappointing knowledge of young people about their country, noted during the discussion in the Duma, is largely due to the lack of time to study the course of Russian history in the 20th - early 21st centuries in general educational organizations in Russia. The transition to a linear system of teaching history at school did not solve this problem.

Photos and videos from information portal the Russkiy Mir Foundation.


On February 14, 2017, parliamentary hearings were held in the Small Hall of the State Duma on the topic "Patriotic Education of Russian Citizens: The Immortal Regiment". The event was organized by the State Duma Committee on Education and Science together with the State Duma Committee on Labour, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs and the State Duma Committee on Defense.

The hearings were attended by deputies of the State Duma, members of the Federation Council, representatives of the legislative and supreme executive bodies of state power of the subjects Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and public associations.

Ivanovo region was represented at the meeting by a member of the Public Chamber, general manager Sistema LLC Pavel Griko.

The participants said that since 2013 the effectiveness of state policy has grown significantly, largely due to the organization of the search movement, the holding of events and actions dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day (“Train of Memory”, St. George Ribbon" and etc.). However, the all-Russian patriotic action "Immortal Regiment" received perhaps the most active response from the Russians.

Such results are not accidental. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is actively working to improve the public-state system of civil, patriotic and spiritual and moral education of children and youth, as well as to form a socially active personality of a citizen and patriot with a sense of national pride, love for the Fatherland and readiness to defend it Based on the knowledge, experience and traditions of patriotic education of citizens accumulated over the past decades, taking into account the importance of ensuring Russian civic identity, continuity educational process aimed at the formation of Russian patriotic consciousness in difficult conditions of economic and geopolitical rivalry, was developed and approved Government program"Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020"

Based on the results of the discussion, the participants of the parliamentary hearings considered it necessary: ​​to approve and support the people's project "Establishing the fate of the missing defenders of the fatherland" as an effective form of patriotic education.

On February 14, at the parliamentary hearings “Patriotic Education of Russian Citizens: The Immortal Regiment”, the co-chairman of the Immortal Regiment of Russia, a structure created with the support of the ONF and the Presidential Administration, People’s Artist Vasily Lanovoy, accused another co-chairman, State Duma deputy Nikolai Zemtsov, of usurping power and unauthorized disposal of multimillion-dollar grants allocated to the movement from the state budget.

For the first time the Immortal Regiment was held in Tomsk on May 9, 2012. Then more than 2,000 portraits of veterans were carried in the column of the regiment.

The procession was initiated by journalists from the Tomsk media group: Sergey Lapenkov, Sergey Kolotovkin and Igor Dmitriev. The movement has its own website. Currently, there are coordinators of the "Immortal Regiment" in 30 countries of the world and in 1200 cities and villages.

In 2015, the Immortal Regiment civil initiative was included in the federal program of preparations for the 70th anniversary of the Victory. In the same year, a new organization "The Immortal Regiment of Russia" appeared, organized by the former coordinator and deputy from the United Russia, Nikolai Zemtsov. Nikolai Zemtsov was once excluded from the number of movement coordinators, as he violated the charter of the Immortal Regiment. The "Immortal Regiment of Russia" was supported by the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF) and the Administration of the President of Russia. So at the end of 2016, the regiment, in particular, won a grant of 3 million rubles for the All-Russian hotline, which will counteract "the policy of information warfare, manipulative technologies aimed at negatively reassessing the events and results of World War II, the Great Patriotic War."

On February 14, parliamentary hearings “Patriotic Education of Russian Citizens: The Immortal Regiment” were held in Moscow. At the hearing, the co-chairman of the Immortal Regiment of Russia, People's Artist Vasily Lanovoy, accused State Duma deputy Nikolai Zemtsov of usurping power and embezzlement.

“In the movement,” announced Vasily Lanovoy, “serious structural problems and a crisis of power have arisen. Changes have been made to the charter for which the congress did not vote! Nikolai Zemtsov does not even inform the co-chairs about the upcoming events, but instead actively develops state grants - at least 15 million rubles for 2015 and 2016!”

Nikolai Zemtsov considers criticism unfair:

“When the movement was being formed, it was decided that it would be headed by three co-chairs. And the role of each of them is obvious, - he explained. - Lanovoy's line is concerts and appeals to people's hearts. The line of Gennady Ivanov is the continuity from the source of the movement, which he initiated in the Tomsk (? - ed) region. And for Nikolai Zemtsov - the implementation of current activities, which is a large and complex mechanism. So everything that Vasily Semenovich said is not true! I mean what he said about financial manipulation. Manipulating movement money is impossible. It is transparent, and besides, there was just an inspection.

People's Artist Mikhail Nozhkin asked to elect the leadership of the Regiment, since "the central headquarters does not know a damn thing, but these are people whom the people trust."

The coordinators of the interregional movement "Immortal Regiment" in their official statement on the website emphasized that what they had warned about had happened: the "Immortal Regiment" had become a bureaucratic structure.

Having given the name of the civil initiative to the “official” office “Immortal Regiment of Russia” (BPR), the authorities created another pump that pumps money into the pockets of cynical BPR functionaries, hangs awards on their chests and helps them climb the career ladder. They trample the name of Polk into the dirt, defile the memory of our ancestors. But there is a choice. Make sure that these "patriots" cannot touch your "Immortal Regiment", your memory. It's up to you, folks. Once upon a time, our grandfathers stood behind us as a wall. The time has come for us to stand up for them, - the text of the appeal says.

For TV-2, the co-chairman of the council of the Interregional Historical and Patriotic Movement "Immortal Regiment" Sergei Kolotovkin commented on the situation.

“In the parallel structure of the Immortal Regiment of Russia, a showdown began at the very top. Because of money. Someone stole something, or didn’t share it with someone, or spent it and didn’t report it - I don’t know, and I don’t want to know. One thing is bad - such scandals denigrate the name of the Immortal Regiment, trivialize the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpreserving personal memory and repel people. We warned about the possibility of such situations, we said that the Regiment does not need nationalization and bureaucratization,” Sergei Kolotovkin commented to TV2.

Last year, the Immortal Regiment interregional movement received a presidential grant in the amount of 1 million rubles. In 2015 . This money went to the development of the site.

“Everything is transparent with us: the grant money goes to the site, its current support, operational costs,” says Sergey Kolotovkin. - The site needs constant development. It seems that this million is a lot, but if you break it down into 12 months, then the amount is small. The main part of the grant goes to the deployment of additional technical capabilities for work in April - May, when the load on the site multiplies. The costs are serious, the company, which now helps to maintain the site for free, cannot work for free all the time. Even in this million is a small amount per person who is engaged in search queries. (We accumulate messages that come to the site, to the mail, in social networks with a request to find a soldier, to establish his fate - the task of this specialist is to indicate advisory assistance). A significant part of the grant is "eaten off" by taxes. So in March we are planning to announce a simple public fundraiser to support the movement.”

The figure was presented by the co-chairman of the Immortal Regiment movement, State Duma deputy Nikolai Zemtsov. During the entire post-Soviet period, it was customary to estimate the size of losses at about 27 million people. Zemtsov referred to some "declassified data of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation." According to them, the total decline in the population of the USSR in 1941-45 amounted to more than 52.8 million people. Of these, irretrievable losses as a result of the action of war factors - more than 19 million military personnel and about 23 million civilians, that is, about 42 million. Unfortunately, during the presentation, more detailed references to "declassified data" were not provided, but it was said that "the information is confirmed by a huge amount of genuine documents, authoritative publications and testimonies."

Meanwhile, other figures appear on the website of the Ministry of Defense itself. Thus, the "demographic losses of the Armed Forces of the USSR" (including those killed, those who died for other reasons, and even those who were shot by the verdicts of military courts) were estimated at 8,668,400 military personnel on the payroll. And they are included in the total losses of the country's population, from which the Ministry of Defense comes. However, the total net losses, "taken into account promptly," another - 11.4 million people. But it also includes those who went missing or were captured. And according to the registration books of military registration and enlistment offices, it was established that 12.4 million notifications about the death or missing of a serviceman were delivered. There may be double counting: notices delivered to relatives at their request and reflecting losses also in other formations, for example, in partisan formations, could be taken into account. Sometimes different military registration and enlistment offices duplicated notifications for the same people. Therefore, the archivists of the Ministry of Defense consider the information of the military registration and enlistment offices to be overestimated (by about a million people), but they believe "reports from the troops and other archival documents." but total number population losses, we emphasize, are estimated on the website of the Ministry of Defense at the same 26.6 million people.

The assessment of losses during the war years has always been politicized. And serious scientific study of this issue began only in the late 1980s, when perestroika and glasnost began. Prior to this, the Soviet leaders took the figures of losses virtually from the ceiling. Without any justification and responsibility. So, Stalin in 1946 called the total loss figure of 7 million people and limited himself to that. How many civilians, how many military? Who counted them there? As he put it, "women still give birth." Maybe he just didn't want to at the beginning" cold war to expose what our new enemies in the West might perceive as weakness. Perhaps there was a fear of one's own responsibility for the catastrophe of the first months of the war, when it turned out that the country was not ready to repel fascist aggression, and the army was weakened by repressions.

Nikita Khrushchev named another figure in 1961 - 20 million people. But to whom did he give it first? Prime Minister of Sweden! But not the Soviet people in special treatment. Leonid Brezhnev adhered to the same figure, adding to it the word "more" - "more than 20 million." But under him, on May 9, a minute of silence began to be announced throughout the country in memory of the dead, and Victory Day became a national holiday and a day off. These "over 20 million" have been canonical for decades. Only Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990 will give a new estimate of the losses - "almost 27 million people." It reflected the large-scale research carried out at that time (they began in 1988) by a group of military historians led by Colonel General Grigory Krivosheev (the work was completed in 1993). The research was based both on archival documents discovered for the first time, and on the results of the work (they were previously classified) of the General Staff commission of the late 60s. Which, obviously, were known to Brezhnev, hence it is "more than 20 million." At the same time, the Krivosheev group estimates the loss of the civilian population at approximately 13.7 million people.

With all the abundance of figures, in this case we are talking about a key event in our history. It still affects our society in a monstrous way. And not just demographically. It is enough to look at the devastated, in decline, other villages of the Non-Black Earth region. And to the obelisks of memory standing there everywhere with dozens (!) The names of local residents - young, in the prime of life, who did not return from the front. And now there are a dozen residential buildings left.

And when now a new, even more monstrous figure of losses is heard in the highest legislative body of the country, this requires at least an official reaction. Or confirmation, and at a fairly high level, given how sacred the memory of that war is, at the level of a national consensus. Or denials. In the second case, if the figure is erroneous or premature (which also needs to be stipulated), then it is not good to “put pressure on patriotism” in educating the younger generation by trying to stun it with the “arithmetic of large numbers”, if those have not yet been supported by serious research. This is not something to make a sensation on to attract the attention of boys and girls who are distracted in the lessons.

In any case, it must be admitted that the study of the history of that war is not finished. And it will continue until the fate of everyone who died at that time - military and civilian - is known. After all, they are all enlisted in the Immortal Regiment.

"We in the central headquarters don't know shit!"

41 million 979 thousand. These are, and not the notorious 26.6 million people, the losses of our country in the Great Patriotic War. These data were announced on February 14 by the organizers of the Duma parliamentary hearings “Patriotic Education of Russian Citizens: “The Immortal Regiment”. And before that, the co-chairman of the Immortal Regiment, People's Artist Vasily Lanovoy, accused another co-chairman, State Duma deputy Nikolai Zemtsov, of usurping power and unauthorized disposal of multimillion-dollar grants allocated to the movement from the state budget.

The main argument in favor of the speedy deployment of the patriotic education of Russians, and especially young people, as is clear from the speeches at the hearings, of course, is a military threat: "There is a terrible misfortune - the third world war," the people's artist and co-chairman of the central headquarters of the "Immortal" described the situation. regiment "Alexander Mikhailov. According to other participants in the hearings, this war, however, has already begun, albeit in a hybrid form: “And victory in it is one of the most important goals, especially in the face of a wave of falsifications of history that has hit our country,” the head of the State Duma Committee emphasized. in education and science Vyacheslav Nikonov.

But here's the problem: modern children, Nikolai Zemtsov stated, "do not know the history of Russia well." And it’s not very clear “which of them is a natural patriot, and who is a conformist who simply repeats what is necessary.”

To find an answer to this most important question, obviously, the draft law “On the Patriotic Education of Russian Citizens”, which is being actively developed in the State Duma, is called upon. The Duma members are determined to accept it already in current year. However, in what form this will happen is not yet clear: it was decided only, according to the developers, that it “will establish a single approach and a single mechanism for patriotic education throughout the country, as well as the duties of officials and the powers of executive authorities and the media.”

The need for such a law, the authors of the bill emphasized, was immediately confirmed by the conflict around the leadership of the Immortal Regiment movement, which played out directly at the hearings.

“In the movement,” Vasily Lanovoy announced, “serious structural problems and a crisis of power have arisen. Changes have been made to the charter for which the congress did not vote! Nikolai Zemtsov does not even inform the co-chairs about the upcoming events, but instead actively develops state grants - at least 15 million rubles for 2015 and 2016!

Zemtsov did not accept the reproach of the people's artist and his co-chairman of the movement:

- When the movement was formed, it was decided that it would be headed by three co-chairs. And the role of each of them is obvious,” he explained. - Lanovoy's line is concerts and appeals to people's hearts. The line of Gennady Ivanov is continuity from the source of the movement, which he initiated in the Tyumen region. And for Nikolai Zemtsov - the implementation of current activities, which is a large and complex mechanism. So everything that Vasily Semenovich said is not true!

The hall perked up, Nikolai Zemtsov slightly softened the blow:

“I mean what he said about financial manipulation. Manipulating movement money is impossible. It's transparent, and besides, it's just been tested.

A colleague in the acting workshop and the leadership of the Immortal Regiment was supported by another people's artist - Mikhail Nozhkin:

“We at headquarters don’t know shit! But we are people who people believe! It is necessary that on the ground, in the headquarters of the "Immortal Regiment", there are authoritative people who are trusted. It is necessary to convene a congress and elect a leadership!

Returned the discussion to the topic of patriotism only "Surgeon" Alexander Zaldostanov. At the same time, he did it in a very peculiar way:

- Patriotism is a strategic resource of the country, without which it is impossible to win the war! The country has yet to raise patriots from children, which is much more difficult than raising engineers or doctors. We saw this only in the Stalin era. Now we have to do it again!


The declassified data of the Ministry of Defense, the organizers of the hearings said, allowed them to update the data on the human losses of our country in the Great Patriotic War. If in 1947 it was officially believed that they amounted to 7 million people, and from 1990 to the present - 26.6 million, now the terrible figure has risen to 41 million 979 thousand people.