
Child psychology: child psychology and development. State educational institution Psychologist topics about young children


Studying the psychology of the child, his behavior and patterns of his mental development.

The social development of a child begins with his relationship with his parents.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​One of the first manifestations of a child's recognition of others is a smile. Opinions about what causes a baby to smile are controversial, but it is well known that by the age of two months it can appear at the sight of a human face.

At this age, the baby does not distinguish the mother's face from others, but by 6-7 months the child's smile becomes selective. Now he smiles at his mother and those whom he knows well, and meets strangers with restraint. For children of this age, fear and embarrassment at the appearance of unfamiliar faces are typical. This indicates the development of an important social relations the ability to distinguish “us” from “them”.

Already for babies, father and mother perform different functions. According to a study, kids perceive their father primarily as a toy. For both the boy and the girl, dad is the most best toy: an interactive toy from which you can learn everything. Babies perceive mom differently: as a subject from whom you can get food, warmth and protection.

No matter how different children are, all young children from 9 months to 9 years old have common, at least similar features and characteristics. Which?

The little child is natural energy and ingenuity. Talk about the fragility of a child's soul is a myth, a child has a stronger psyche than adults. The child is small, but helpless is not. This is a lively, this is a trained combat unit, a small energetic predator and manipulator, using any mistakes of adults, easily jumping on the neck of parents and seizing power over them. The child's arsenal of influence is much poorer than that of an adult, but the child has more energy, imagination and perseverance. See →

A small child is an anticipatory activity in caring for one's own interests. The child has his own tasks regarding life and regarding you. While. when an adult approaches a small child with his tasks, the child does to the adult what is included in his plans and interests. Children know what they want and get it.

Situation. I'm at the airport, flying on a business trip. I see a family, four adults: mom, dad, grandma and grandpa. In the arms of dad Small child. The child, shooting with lively eyes in the direction of the grandmother, reaches out to the grandfather. He shows his grandmother that he is more interested in his grandfather. The grandfather is happy, pulls his hands to the child, the child gets to him, the grandmother is upset. But then the child turns around to face the naive grandfather and cries in his face. Grandfather is washed... Mom takes the child away from grandfather, he cuddles up to her, but is already looking at dad... The child plays with these adults, pushes them against each other, has fun to the fullest. At the same time, it seems that the adults themselves, included in this situation, did not really understand who actually controls them in this situation.

From the very first days of his life, the child actively uses his emotions (innate, learned and invented) in order to achieve from those around him what he wants from them. At least some children have been controlling their parents and other adults for a year now.

From the early memories of people about their childhood, the story: “I remember, I was two years old, I was lying in bed, my grandfather came in and smiled at me, wanted me to smile at him too. I loved my grandfather and treated him well. I played with him and smiled at him. And I didn’t love my grandmother much, I didn’t smile at her, and often cried in her face.

Most of the emotions of children are not reactions, not a mechanical reflection of your actions, but their small creative projects. Sometime exploration, sometime play, sometime testing your strength, sometime revenge.

A small child is an active relationship management. A child always has a lot of ideas and plans, and what will happen to you with him is not only you who decide, this is already your common romance. And it is possible that not you, but the child will determine who will learn from whom and who will put up with whom.

If you didn’t buy a game for your child at his request, he will cry for you, but this is not an unfortunate insult, but an attack on you and revenge for your bad behavior. When a child forgives you, he will decide for himself, and in the history of your relationship, the main player is more often a child, and you are a puppet in his hands.

It is good that children are usually quick-witted and forgive us quickly enough.

Each child initially has his own world. The child was born - and created his own world. He now lives in his own world, with his characters and his stories. Will he let you in - ask him. You won’t get there by force, but if the child wants to, he will slightly open the doors and you can look in there.

Interaction between children

With age, specific types of social behavior also change with age. For example, in the preschool period, when children begin to compare themselves with others, competition between them intensifies. The number of fights and quarrels almost does not depend on the age of the child, but their nature changes. Instead of short-term purely physical conflicts, older children start more sophisticated, verbal quarrels, in which resentment persists much longer.

Similarly, the stability of friendships changes. The friendships of young children are fleeting. According to one study, even at 11 years of age, only 50% of children best friend remained the same as two weeks ago. In a similar survey of 18-year-old schoolchildren (in the same study), 80% of them named the same person both times.

One of the most acute social problems at present is the formation of negative social attitudes, especially national and racial prejudices. Children from families and social groups with pronounced prejudice begin to internalize the same negative attitudes at an early age. school age; in adolescence these views are reinforced.

Development of sensations and perception

It has been proven that a newborn distinguishes speech sounds (phonemes), i.e. he already has an ability that will allow him to understand speech in the future. The newborn seems to perceive the constancy of form. When the infant is shown the same object over and over again, he gets used to its shape, and the time of visual fixation on it becomes shorter and shorter. Despite these first advances, the infant is still relatively undeveloped. But gradually his sensations become more clear. Yes, they improve with age. sensory abilities: color and depth perception, hearing acuity. Some early onset abilities then disappear and reappear a few months later in a more complex form. Whatever abilities a child shows, they improve with age, becoming more differentiated.

The development of emotions and feelings in childhood

According to one of the most interesting hypotheses, there is a limited number of so-called. basic emotions, apparently innate, although not all of them appear immediately after birth. These include fear, discontent, and a number of others. Anger, for example, is caused by interfering with the actions of the child; facial expressions and behavior that express anger can be recognized in the very early age. The same emotional manifestations are found in different ones, which confirms the idea of ​​​​their innate character.

Emotions and feelings of children are a product of social learning, and this social learning goes in two directions: while children master those states that most effectively protect them from their parents or allow them to be controlled by their parents, adults teach children those states that are comfortable and interesting for adults. The child, with the help of the adults around him and the influence of culture as a whole, masters the feelings accepted in this society, in particular, joins the feelings of friendship, love, gratitude, patriotism and other high feelings. It is thanks to socialization that children develop composure and will, boys master the role of a man and lay the foundation for the future role of a father, girls master female roles, internalize the values ​​of being a wife and mother, and master the skills necessary for this.

Value-semantic sphere of the child and the formation of life values

How do life values ​​appear in a child's life? Differently. Sometime it is a gradual maturation, crystallization of something originally amorphous into something definite, sometime it happens abruptly, suddenly, like an insight. Sometimes it comes from within, sometimes it is set from outside, by the traditions and rituals of society. The birth of life values ​​usually occurs as a result of the addition of several factors: 1) behavior that has developed or is ready to develop, 2) an internally or externally motivating situation, and 3) semantic forms that tell a person the name and status of his new life value. If the child began to behave "boy", if his "boyish behavior" is supported by others; if everyone calls him a "boy", and especially those whom he would like to be like, soon the child will have masculine values ​​...

However, the same question can be posed more meaningfully: thanks to what are the future life meanings and values ​​of the child formed (or not formed)? The main sources here seem to be the children's subculture, the (still) family, and the already heavily influenced virtual reality media and computer games.

Exploratory Behavior

Healthy children are usually curious, although there is no evidence to suggest that children have a natural tendency to self-development. Rather, the evidence suggests that children only develop when their parents develop them.

From the moment of birth, a child actively explores, and first of all, those objects that move or change in some way. The infant explores his surroundings, although at first not very skillfully; he starts to follow large moving objects with his eyes very early. At the same time, auditory and visual perception are already coordinated to some extent. The visual field does not remain a blur for long - infant trying to make it clear. If the experiment is designed in such a way that rapid sucking on the nipple brings the object into focus of the infant's visual field, he will suckle very quickly; in the opposite situation, i.e., when the object goes out of focus during fast sucking, the child begins to suck slowly.

The sensorimotor stage covers the period of infancy. In the first months of life, the child behaves as if the objects that he this moment cannot observe, simply do not exist, and only gradually begins to look for objects that have gone out of sight, starting to guess where they are. He is also able to coordinate information from different senses, so that the tactile, visual and auditory perception of an object are not three independent elements of his experience, but three aspects of the same object. Another significant achievement at this stage is the development of the ability to purposeful actions. At the first stages, the baby makes only those voluntary movements that are attractive and interesting for him in some way, but gradually he moves on to actions aimed at achieving the goal. Initially, they are based only on previously mastered voluntary movements; in the future, the child begins to independently and intentionally vary his behavior.

Stage of pre-operational thinking. At this stage, verbal and conceptual thinking begins to form. The first stage, or the first stage of the development of thinking, is characterized by the fact that the child masters the world at a behavioral level, but cannot foresee or verbally express the consequences of an event. For example, he recognizes an object if he sees it from a different angle, but is not able to foresee how it will look in a new position. In the second stage, the child begins to acquire knowledge, make comparisons, and predict consequences. However, his thinking is not yet systematic.

Stage of specific operations. In the third stage, starting at about seven years of age, the child is able to consider problems at a conceptual level and acquires the simplest concepts of such categories as space, time, and quantity. If at the previous stage the child thinks that, for example, when pouring water from a narrow glass into a wide one, there is less water, then at the third stage he understands that the amount of water does not depend on the shape of the vessel. By the end of the second stage, the child can tell which of the two sticks is larger, but cannot arrange several sticks along the length in correct sequence. At the third stage, he acquires the concept of the ordering of objects.

The stage of formal operations begins at about 11 years of age. The child's thinking is systematized, he is able to determine the consequences, based on the causes of a phenomenon. For example, if liquids A and B turn red when mixed, the color disappears when liquid C is added, and liquid D does not change anything, the child will systematically go through all possible combinations until he establishes the features of the action of each liquid. Thus, at the 4th stage, the child acquires the ability to formulate and test hypotheses through systematic scientific research.

Boy and girl development

The difference between boys and girls seriously begins to appear somewhere from the age of 6 ... Boys have their own stages of development, girls have their own.

When parents first encounter a disobedient child, the first reaction may be anger and a desire to rein in the little rebel. It’s as normal for adults to experience these emotions as it is for children to act up and learn to assert their boundaries.

The child needs to go through age-related crises correctly so that his personality develops harmoniously. Age-related crises of a child affect the atmosphere in the family, so a psychologist's classes with children will help to go through these stages correctly, maintaining a warm relationship between parents and a child.

Why is psychological training with children useful?

Classes with a psychologist for young children are necessary in case of a slowdown in development.

If a child begins to noticeably lag behind his peers in the development of speech, memory, the ability to serve himself, or it is difficult for him to express his emotions, then psychological studies with children will correct this process.

Psychologist for a child of 3 years old - the crisis "I myself"

The crisis of the age of three is one of the most famous age stages. The period when the child begins to separate himself and the world around him. The first rebellion of disobedience, it is also called the "I myself" period. This age is a real test for parents. Classes with a psychologist for a child of 3 years old will help to go through the crisis more comfortably and support the baby. Help child psychologist for a child of 3 years old at this time is important, because right now basic personal values ​​are being laid - self-confidence, self-sufficiency, the ability to make independent decisions.

It is important for parents to explain to the child the limits of his behavior. If this is not done, then adolescence children will have problems in communicating with their peers and depend on the opinion of more confident comrades.

Psychology classes with preschoolers

At different ages, the child needs to solve different personal problems. Classes with a psychologist for a child of 4 years will be different from the work of a psychologist for a child of 5 or 6 years. Between the ages of 4 and 6, children begin to explore the world more actively. Psychologist's classes with children from 4 to 5 years old help to develop cognitive skills - attention, thinking, speech, perception and imagination. This helps children prepare for school and learn better. educational material. A psychologist for a child of 6 years old helps to develop communication skills and communication with peers, which will help in the future to socialize and make friends.

Sometimes to find mutual language with children, as well as understanding their experiences can be quite difficult. This problem is especially acute for parents. Sometimes, a child can behave aggressively and secretly even in relation to the closest people. Books on child psychology will help to understand the experiences of the baby, as well as normalize relations with him. This is explained by the fact that the parental instinct is not enough for the proper upbringing of children. It is also important to be guided by scientific recommendations.

Anna Bykova " independent child, or How to become a lazy mom "

The history of this book on child psychology began with a small article on the Internet, which caused a lot of controversy. The main problem of this publication is the slow growing up, as well as the complete lack of independence in children. But in order to overcome this infantilism, it is necessary to create a certain atmosphere in the family. The author recommends becoming a "lazy mother" in the interests of the child.

To appreciate the usefulness of this book on child psychology, it is worth noting that the author Anna Bykova is the mother of two children. In addition, she has a psychological background. Having a decent teaching experience, she collected all her knowledge in a small book, which caused a real resonance.

The book is written in a fairly light and even cheerful language, which makes it easy to understand. Parents will learn how dangerous is excessive guardianship and control, which modern moms and dads often sin. The author teaches moms to be moderately lazy. At the same time, explanatory life examples are given for all key points.

In order not to mislead readers, it is worth noting that a lazy mother is not a woman in a dressing gown and curlers who spends days watching TV while the children are left to their own devices. This is a mother who gives a certain freedom to the child, without relieving herself of responsibility. In addition, she does not forget about the need to relax and take care of herself. A lazy mother involves the child in all household chores (even if she gets more work after that). Thus, she cannot be accused of indifference.

This book helps parents develop an adequate approach to the issue of raising children. It helps to overcome fanatical love and get rid of the "cult of the child." This edition can be criticized, but you should definitely read it.

Lyudmila Petranovskaya "Secret support. Attachment in a child's life

The main purpose of this book on child psychology is to explain the deeper meaning of the bond between a child and parents. Based on this phenomenon, the author tries to decipher the content of whims, aggression and other manifestations of the child's character.

Based on this book, parents can develop the right tactics for communicating with children in order to become a reliable support during their active development and maturation.

Particular attention should be paid to the structure of this book on child psychology. It will be useful for parents to find out what mistakes they make in communicating with their children at different ages. So, in the first chapter, relationships with babies are described, and in each subsequent section, new stages are considered. It is worth noting the good perception and memorability of the text. This was achieved thanks to a large number life examples.

Many child psychologists call this book a must-read. At the same time, it is worth starting to study it already when the baby still does not know how to speak, walk and does not understand much. This will help you protect your baby and yourself from psychological trauma, resentment, misunderstanding. You can also form healthy attachments.

Janusz Korczak "How to Love a Child"

It is a necessity and even a duty to read this book on child psychology. For parents around the world, it has become a real bible for communicating with babies and raising them. The book is written in a very sincere and kind language. It contains a lot of thoughts of the author, as well as life stories and practical advice.

The text of the book "How to love a child" is a manifestation of the wisdom of a teacher with a capital letter. No matter how strange it may sound, he teaches you to love children correctly, without deifying, but without suppressing them either. Using simple examples and life situations, the author explains the need to provide children with freedom of thought and self-expression.

The main feature of this book is that the author gives many examples from his rich teaching experience. Thus, parents can determine the fine line beyond which the necessary freedom ends and connivance begins. Each situation is considered literally under a microscope.

Daniele Novara "Don't Yell at Children"

Despite the fact that all the best books on child psychology forbid raising your voice to children, in practice this is not so easy to do. No matter how old the child is, situations inevitably arise when parents cannot contain their emotions. Nevertheless, the cry not only does not help resolve the conflict, but even aggravates it. Daniele Novara teaches how to live such situations correctly, so as not only to get out of them without loud quarrels, but even to benefit from them.

The book "Do not yell at children" is relevant for any age. It addresses the following key questions:

  • resolve conflict situations with children without screaming and assault;
  • educate kids without belittling their own dignity and without resorting to an orderly tone;
  • be able to find constructiveness in every conflict situation, extracting the maximum benefit from it;
  • build a system of family rules that will be interesting to follow not only for children, but also for all other family members.

The author of the book teaches parents to calmly perceive conflicts. Situations like this are not abnormal. This is the norm. The author teaches parents to be competent leaders who should be able to resolve any situation in the family. A cry can only suppress the personal qualities of the child, or, conversely, cause acute opposition.

Dima Zitser "Freedom from upbringing"

Quite in vain, many parents fundamentally ignore books on psychology. Children's authors explain that upbringing sometimes turns into violence. On the one hand, it is pressure on children to impose their own principles and generally accepted rules of behavior on them. On the other hand, this is the violence of parents over themselves, which consists in constantly forcing themselves to educate. Thus, communication between children and adults loses its shade of joy.

In the book "Freedom from Education", the author calls for the abandonment of generally accepted patterns of education. It is necessary to raise children in such a way that both the child and the parents find it pleasant and interesting. Zitzer teaches not only to love, but also to respect the child, taking into account all his interests. At the same time, parents should arm themselves with such a tool as observation. This will help to identify the needs of the child, as well as to track his reaction to certain educational techniques.

It is worth noting that this publication is criticized not only by parents, but also by psychologists. In view of the young age and insufficient life experience of the author, he interprets such concepts as children's pedagogy and psychology in a somewhat peculiar way. Zitzer's books somewhat exaggerate the child's ability to analyze his desires. But even despite this, the main idea of ​​the work will be clear to everyone.

Lyudmila Petranovskaya "If it's difficult with a child"

Books about child psychology certainly address issues of difficult relationships with parents. Motherhood or fatherhood is not only pleasant family moments but also frequent conflicts and misunderstandings. However, often in an attempt to resolve difficult situation, it can be aggravated even more. Petranovskaya, whose books have become desktop references for many parents and teachers, teaches us to take a cold-blooded look at the conflict and deal with it with dignity in order to maintain good relations in the family.

The book contains up-to-date practical recommendations for raising children. At the same time, the author notes that not only kids need it, but also parents themselves. This will help stop the permanent war that constantly occurs between the older and younger generations. The author explains that by trying to make their child more “comfortable”, parents make the problem even more difficult to solve.

In the work “If it is difficult with a child”, the author pays close attention to the issues of punishment. Of course, you can not let the child offences. Nevertheless, this must be done correctly (and even intelligently). The author considers popular methods of punishment, from which it becomes clear that many parents seek to "train" their children. The author teaches not to adjust them for himself, but to form relationships that will be pleasing to both parties.

Masaru Ibuka "It's Too Late After 3"

The borderline age, which is determined by child psychology, is 3 years. It's Too Late After 3 examines the amazing abilities of young children. It turns out that babies are characterized by increased learning. At the same time, newborns are affected not only by interaction with parents, but also by Environment. Thus, by the conscious age of the child, it is quite possible to invest the basic inclinations of correct behavior.

The main feature of this book on practical child psychology is that it is adapted specifically for fathers. The author believes that there are such educational moments that only a man can handle. To make it easier for dads to perceive information, the book contains a lot of practical advice and a minimum of lyrical digressions that women love so much.

Eda LeChamp "When Your Baby Drives You Crazy"

When reviewing the best books on child psychology and parenting, one cannot pass by the work of Eda Le Chan. Many associate the author with the famous Dr. Spock, which indicates the practical significance of her recommendations and observations. It is important to note that this book is fully adapted for modern parents.

“When Your Child Drives You Crazy” is a collection of typical conflict situations that, perhaps, arise in any family. Naturally, children are their epicenter. The author teaches how to pull yourself together and find the right way out. In relation to each example, the main causes of a particular deviant behavior of a child are considered. In addition, a number of valuable practical recommendations are provided.

The book is written in a fairly simple and understandable language. The sooner parents become familiar with its contents, the more likely they will be able to avoid common mistakes in communicating with children. And even in the midst of a conflict situation, you can find good advice by looking at this publication. Considering the value of the book, it is also recommended for educators and child psychologists to read it.

Madeleine Denis "Whims and tantrums. How to deal with childhood anger

If you want to read the best books on child psychology for parents, you should pay close attention to this publication. Adults do not always respond adequately to the whims and aggression on the part of the child. Without noticing it, they automatically suppress these manifestations, which can later lead to even more serious problems. However, just like adults, children can experience strong emotions that are constantly looking for a way out. Thus, the child should not be oppressed, but listened to, trying to cope with the experiences through joint efforts.

The main purpose of the work is to explain that aggression and whims are normal (both adults and children). Books on psychology for children of this author help to build relationships with a child during a period of disorder. At the same time, from a scientific point of view, the features emotional development children different ages. So, for example, the nature of the hysteria of a one-year-old baby is fundamentally different from the whims of a four-year-old child. In this way, parents will gain the necessary wisdom to help them communicate constructively with their children.

Madeleine Denis's book is worth reading, if only because she invented a fundamentally new approach to raising children. It replaces education and suppression with joyful communication, which is a creative process. The main goal of this work is to teach parents to understand their children. Thus, screams and whims will no longer be an annoying factor.

Julia Gippenreiter “Communicate with a child. How?"

Given the abundance of literature on parenting, it is imperative for parents to find useful books on child psychology that are worth reading. One of these works is the publication “Communicate with a child. How?" Its essence lies in the fact that you should not rely only on generally accepted methods of education, because each baby is individual. You need to understand your child, because serious experiences can be hidden behind a banal hysteria. The author sets himself the goal of teaching parents to communicate constructively with their children, and most importantly, not to ignore or be afraid of them. For this, practical exercises have even been developed that will help develop the appropriate skills.

It should be noted that the book consists of two parts. The first is a theoretical guide, which contains both the author's personal conclusions and generally accepted pedagogical and psychological postulates. As for the continuation, these are practical examples. They are taken both from the personal observations of the author and from the practical activities of leading experts in this field. Each of the given life situations is the answer to a parenting question.


Do I need to read books on child psychology? The authors argue that this is necessary. Despite the self-confidence of many parents, there are situations that cannot be resolved only based on their instincts and the experience of older generations. The beauty of modern publications is that their content is adapted to the characteristics of this particular time, taking into account the conditions in which children are brought up. The main thing is to choose for yourself some of the best publications that will help you find the right approach to your child and help resolve conflict situations.

walking with transformed actions. This means that any operation is initially formed in the form of a conscious action subordinate to a clearly defined goal of an action that carries out a certain link in living human activity - practical, educational, cognitive, etc. Only the complete assimilation of an action and its inclusion in the composition of more complex holistic actions, in which it is finally worked out, leads to the elimination of its redundant links and to its automation, turns it into a way of performing these actions, i.e. in the actual operation. As a result of such a transformation, the initial action loses its dependence on those motives and goals with which its appearance was associated; it also loses its original emotional personal coloring. Directly in the operations themselves, only connections and relations are fixed, abstracted from the concrete-objective conditions for performing the action and generalization. These operations become completely impersonal, are formalized and can be described in the form of appropriate algorithms, formulas, axioms, etc. At the same time, they themselves can become the subject of further analysis and generalization. Being coded, they form relatively stable systems of knowledge - logical, mathematical.

Like other products of human activity, mental operations are separated from man and thus acquire their objective existence and development. Since the system of mental operations that carry out mental actions completely covers their content in its scope, the impression can be created that it completely exhausts thinking, i.e. as if formal logic is the only science of thinking and its laws are its only laws” [Leontiev A.N. Selected psychological works. T.2. - M., 1983. - S. 911.

Can the process described in this fragment be called "exteriorization"? What about the “depsychologization” of human activity? Do psychologists still need to give further analysis of the fate of these operations? What other laws of thinking, besides formal logical ones, do you know?

178. "Everything good psychology begin with..."

"... child psychology". So P.Ya. Galperin repeatedly spoke at his lectures. Indeed, if we consider the most mature psychological concepts of the 20th century, we will see in each of them not just a significant place in terms of volume assigned to the problems of development of children's

thinking, etc., but the central node of all theoretical constructions and experimental studies. Why is this happening? Try to prove or disprove such a point of view on the example of any concept that interests you. What loses initially psychological concept, ignoring the deep analysis of childhood?

3 79. The warehouse of the head is formed by tongues...

“Someone will be surprised that I consider the study of languages ​​among the things that are useless in education; but he must not forget that I am speaking here only of the occupations of the primitive age; Whatever they say, I don't think any child - I'm not talking about miracles - could really learn two languages ​​before the age of 12 or 15.

I agree that if the study of languages ​​consisted only in the study of words, i.e. images and sounds that express them, then it could be suitable for children; but languages, by changing the name, also change the ideas they represent. The warehouse of the head is formed by languages; thoughts take on the color of adverbs. One mind is universal; the mind in each language has its own special form, its own difference, which can partly be both the cause and the effect of national characters; my guess is confirmed by the fact that in all the nations of the world the language follows changes in morals and, like the latter, is preserved or deteriorated.

Do you agree with these with the eyes of F-F Rousseau? What should be the current position of the system of education and upbringing in relation to multilingualism among children? What is the role of language acquisition in mental development human?

180. Tolstoy is against positivism.

“Each person has one of his own specific properties, that there is a person who is kind, evil, smart, stupid, energetic, apathetic, etc. ... We can say about a person that he is more often good than evil, "more often smart, than stupid, more often energetic than apathetic, and vice versa, but it will not be true if we say about one person that he is kind or smart, and about another that he is evil or stupid. And we always divide people. And this is not true. People - like rivers: the water is the same in all and everywhere the same, but each river is sometimes narrow, sometimes fast, sometimes wide, sometimes quiet, sometimes clean, sometimes cold, sometimes muddy, sometimes warm. So are people. Every person wears in itself the rudiments of all human qualities and sometimes manifests one, sometimes another, and is often completely unlike himself, remaining all the same one and himself.

Barabash Elena Anatolievna

Education is no easy task. As parents, we often make mistakes while raising our children. And, unfortunately, we realize these mistakes only when it is too late to correct.

What is the most important thing in education, what should not be missed? Of course, this is attention to children, love and care. What is the right way to express these feelings?

1. Remember that a child needs touch from the first days of life...

Good mother and bad mother.

Ladatko Marina Georgievna

When they say that this mother is good, and that mother is bad, they are talking about stereotypes rather than reality. Are there criteria for a good mother? And what does "bad mother" mean?

Since everything is relative in this world, it would rather be correct to say that there are mothers with whom children are good, and there are mothers with whom it is bad. And there are women who are absent as mothers to their children. Each case has its positives and its negatives.

So, in more detail about each case.

"A good mother is one who...

Secrets of Successful Parenting! Parenting styles and their impact on adult life.

Kartveli Erika Shalvovna

Everything ingenious is simple - this is also true for education! The main principles are love, personal example, consistency - just great tips in articles on raising an "ideal" person! At the same time, it is necessary to know not only general recommendations but also the influence of parenting style on the emergence of both desirable and unforeseen character traits. The same parenting style in relation to children with different psychotypes also forms completely different character traits. That is why those parents who think that they keep...

Andrianova Anzhelika Viktorovna

Let's start the whole topic with the understanding of the word "education".

There are different concepts of education.

Upbringing- purposeful formation of the personality in order to prepare it for participation in public and cultural life in accordance with socio-cultural normative models. In other words, we take a personality and start sculpting what we need. From this it turns out that a personality is a plastic material from which a certain image can be molded.

The question is, who is involved in the very process of creating the image and who is responsible ...

How to help a teenager cope with a computer addiction?

Geronimus Ivan Alexandrovich

Computer addiction is one of the most common problems for teenagers. It develops more often in adolescents who have psychological problems like conflicts with parents, disadvantage social support, loneliness, low self-esteem.

With the help of going into computer reality, a teenager seeks to escape from problems and satisfy needs that he cannot satisfy in real life: it is important for him to feel that there are things that he does well and to feel ...