
The theme of the teachers' council: "creating a social situation in the development of pupils, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards. Pedagogical Council "Emotional development of preschoolers Text: Emotional component of education

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preschool childhood- the time of the initial formation of the personality and what this personality will be like, to a large extent depends on the teachers.

Modern children live in an era full of contradictions, saturated with information, constant changes, and the transience of events. Live communication with adults or other children is gradually being replaced for them by watching television programs, films, computer games. The behavior of the child often repeats what he saw on the screen. At the same time, he does not have enough reserves of physical, mental health to deal with such loads. Children become impulsive, it is difficult for them to control their emotions, to understand their own experiences and the feelings of other people. And without this it is impossible to become harmonious developed personality.*

From the practice of working with preschoolers, it can be seen that from year to year, children come to kindergarten with a depressed emotional sphere. They cannot express their feelings, and if they express them, then this happens in a harsh form, which causes problems in communicating with peers and adults. The child closes in on himself with his problems, fears.

The radical transformations taking place in last years in Russia, pose special challenges to the system preschool education. Care for the emotional well-being of the child is a priority today.

Thus, the relevance of the study is determined, firstly, by the increased importance of empathy, secondly, by the insufficient development of this problem in relation to preschool age, and, thirdly, by the state of the issue in practice related to the need to establish the priority of personal interaction based on empathy as universal human value. Therefore, the problem of our study was to comprehend the scientific foundations for building a pedagogical process that allows a teacher to develop empathy in children aged 5-7 years, and its implementation in an educational institution. The identified contradictions led to the choice of the research topic: * "Development of empathy in the process of formation of interpersonal relationships in children preschool age» The object of research is the process of personality development of a child at preschool age in an educational institution.

Subject of study: pedagogical conditions development of empathy in preschool children.

Purpose of the study: creation of the necessary pedagogical conditions for the development of empathy in children aged 5-7 years. *

The object, subject and purpose of the study determined the range of research tasks:*
1. To study both the essence and the structure of empathy as a property of a person.
2. Analyze the pedagogical conditions conducive to the development of empathy.
3. Describe the criteria and determine the levels and development of empathy in children 5-7 years old.
4. Create a program for the purposeful formation of empathy in preschool age, taking into account the age sensitivity and individual characteristics of children.

Considering the urgency of this problem, the following research hypothesis is put forward:* the development of empathy in preschool children will be implemented more effectively if the necessary pedagogical conditions are met.*
The design of this process will be based on the understanding of empathy as a personality trait in preschool age, expressed in comprehending the emotional states of another person, understanding his feelings and experiences, striving to provide support and effective assistance to other people, as well as self-realization in interaction with others.
Levels will be identified and criteria for the development of empathy in children aged 5-7 years will be described, ensuring their emotional and moral development.
The creation of special pedagogical conditions will be considered as the leading condition that determines the effectiveness of the development of empathy.
The development of empathy will be built as a process in which the child is projected to gradually master the methods of emotional and moral attitude towards peers and the world around him. various types joint activities.

The problem of the development of morality occupies a significant place in scientific research, which has shown that the foundations for focusing on the emotional state of a peer begin to be laid already at preschool age. In the scientific literature* there are different approaches to the definition of empathy as a property of a person and empathy as a process, the levels of its development, the stages of formation, the mechanisms of formation. However, we note that at present there are no universal criteria for determining empathy. An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature only makes it possible to single out a certain set of features that reveal its essence.* Despite the fact that quite a lot of attention is paid to the development of empathy in the scientific literature. The problem of constructing a dynamic model of the process of developing empathy in a child at preschool age remains unresolved, in which pedagogical conditions would be sufficiently developed and specific technologies would be presented. For more effective development of empathy in preschool children, I developed the “Feel and Understand” work program. When implementing work program I tried to find the best methods and techniques for the development of empathic feelings in children.

Since the development of empathy is a sequential, step-by-step process, it requires appropriate step-by-step actions on the part of the teacher. In this regard, the natural choice pedagogical technology how essential condition development of empathy in children of senior preschool age.

The implementation of pedagogical technology will allow the educator:

Make the process of solving problems consistent, orderly, thoughtful and conscious;
achieve the predicted result;
as opposed to a method, method or technique, to answer the question: “How and why do I do this?”

The system of work on the development of empathy in preschool children includes four stages.*

1st stage. Diagnostic*

Target: studying the features of empathy in children of senior preschool age
The main areas of diagnostics are related to the study of:
emotional susceptibility of older preschoolers;
features of children's manifestation of empathy;
The purpose of our experimental study is to study the age-related sensitivity of preschool children (5-6 years old) to manifestations of empathy in their behavior.
To determine the age characteristics in the manifestation of empathy for a peer, we, together with a psychologist, used a number of proven diagnostic tasks.
After analyzing the results, it was concluded that, on average, about 54.7% of children in a forecasting situation tend to show empathy and help others. The results obtained are presented in diagram1.*
The diagnostics carried out confirmed the need for work in this area.

2nd stage. Formative*

At this stage, the “language of emotions” is mastered, fixation on the emotional states of others and their recognition includes:
- highlighting a fixed emotion
– recognition of intonation and intoned speech
- teaching pantomime - gesture, posture, expressive movement
– speech and behavioral ethics on an emotional basis ( various forms etiquette - polite expressions, polite forms of behavior).
— empathic reading of the work*
The aim of the second stage is the development of the ability to see another, to perceive his experiences, feelings, problems. For this, the following were carried out:
- conversations ("Lessons of politeness", "Lessons of kindness", "How to understand another person");
- analysis of problematic situations such as: “You offended your friend, try to make peace with him. You want to play with the toy your friend plays with. Ask him.";
- reading fiction with subsequent questions on the text (Why did he do this? What did he feel at the same time? ...);
- analysis of proverbs and sayings (example: the guest is satisfied - the owner is happy, the heart is happy - and the face blooms, ...);

3rd stage. Educational *

At this stage, in order to arouse interest in children, to create an appropriate emotional mood, I introduced a cycle of games - trips to the island of Good Deeds.* The main purpose of travel games is:
enrichment of children's ideas about empathy as sympathy, empathy, assistance;
expansion and enrichment of children's ideas about emotions and feelings, ways of their verbalization;
One trip is designed for two or three meetings with children. About eighteen game interactions are planned (if necessary, the number of meetings can be increased by including additional literary material). After each journey, new objects appear on the island, such as: an apple tree of joy, a garden of conscience, a river of kindness, and many others.
The content of travel games can be included:*
fairy tales, poems and stories of empathic content, the plots of which are material for dramatizations, conversations with children;
personal experience of preschoolers;
solution of moral situations.
It uses a wide range of methods and techniques aimed at enriching the child's individual experience of feeling; allowing you to turn to your own feelings, experiences, feelings, analyze them, realize and find their expression.
etude games based on the plots of fiction;
conversations with children;
problem situations;

4th stage. fixing

The 4th stage is fixing, generalizing, The main goal of this stage is:
activation of empathic experience in children;
consolidation of the experience gained.
The form of work was:
individual, subgroup and group play interactions with children;
inclusion in regime moments and regular improvisation games based on events from the lives of children.
Used methods and techniques:
problem situations that require an independent solution, activation of the empathic experience of children;
the introduction of literary material of empathic content for independent dramatizations of preschoolers in order to enrich the empathic experience and maintain interest in fiction;
observation in nature (living and inanimate objects);
joint, collective activity, collective work;
birthday celebration.

The result of the work was the island of "Good Deeds", this is not only the result of children's work, but a constant reminder of moral behavior, we also jointly designed the Magic Book * (photos of children, statements of children's attitudes towards manifestations of empathy with each other, illustrations of literary and fairy-tale characters, which can be called empathic).

In order to determine the success of the work done to increase the level of development of the emotional sphere, the development of empathy, the ability to empathize and sympathize, the diagnostics were repeated, * the results of which showed, based on the data obtained, it was concluded that, on average, 77.6% of children have quite high level of empathy.

As a result of the work carried out, the children became more attentive to each other,* began to show sympathy not only for close people and peers, but also for others around them. The facial expressions of the children became more expressive and plastic,* all the children willingly participated in theatrical activities,* actively participated in discussions. After all, when a child is in a harmonious balance with himself, when his inner state is colored with positive emotions, and he knows that he will cope with any situation within himself, this gives him confidence.

Conduct form- "Pedagogical Hyde Park"

Today our Hyde Park Pedagogical Park will have several stops where we will discuss the issue of Emotional Development of Preschoolers. And the first stop "Methodology office".

Methodist: At present, the social prestige of intellect and scientific knowledge has sharply increased. Related to this is the desire of adults to give children knowledge, to teach them to count, write, and read.

But few people think about emotional development, and every year different children with developmental disabilities come to kindergarten, among which disorders in the emotional-volitional sphere occupy a special place. Children are less surprised and admired, less likely to empathize.

The emotional sphere is an important component in the development of preschoolers, since no communication, interaction will be effective if its participants are not able, firstly, to "read" the emotional state of another, and secondly, to control their emotions. Understanding your emotions and feelings is also important point in the development of the personality of a growing person.

Invite teachers to form a cluster

Happiness, sadness, irritation, loneliness, surprise, skepticism, rage, thoughtfulness, shame, fatigue, sarcasm, approval, fun, sadness, pleasure, discontent, joy, resentment, indifference, fear, anger, pleasure, admiration, admiration, compassion, love, pride, anger, grief.

One team voices the name of the emotion, the other adds.

Methodist: Do emotions affect educational process? To answer this question, I offer you a short text "The emotional component of education."

Working with text involves the use of the "Reading with marks" strategy. Notes are made in the text in the margins on the right, then they are placed in the table.

Litter table

Text: The Emotional Component of Education

Life without emotions is just as impossible as life without sensations.

The success of the education of a preschooler is determined not only and not so much by his awareness (knowledge, skills, abilities), but by the desire to receive information, use it in practical activities, life situations.

The child must go to the realization of the meaning of his actions, his behavior through feelings. The mechanism that sets in motion cognitive processes - emotions - is a means of activating his voluntary behavior, inclusion in activities. After all, in a state of increased interest, emotional upsurge, a child is able to observe an object for a long time, reason about its properties, relationships with other objects, fantasize, describing in detail the fruits of his imagination, enthusiastically craft, draw, play, etc. This is, firstly . Secondly, emotions contribute to the modification of the course of the cognitive processes of the child's activity, change their direction, selectivity.

Without much stress, a preschooler remembers an event with all the nuances and details if it is brightly colored (fear, joy, sadness, etc.). The desire to relive a certain state can serve as a motive for activity for him, a stimulus for the manifestation of activity.

Finally, thirdly, emotions regulate cognitive processes, the nature of actions and, as an accompaniment, give them a special tone, acting as a "peculiar currency of the brain."

Under the influence of emotions, attention, thinking, and speech manifest themselves in a qualitatively different way, the competition of motives (how to act, what activity to choose) intensifies, and the mechanism of “emotional correction of behavior” improves.

It is known that the main means of educating a preschooler in kindergarten is play activity and communication with the teacher. As some researchers note, "the development of the personality as a whole occurs in the process of activity, through the comprehension of this activity and oneself in it, in a dialogical emotional contact with another person."

The main function of the emotional component is to provide children with the assimilation of content through experience, as well as support for interest, enthusiasm for activities, and the development of a positive attitude towards cognition.

However, the development of the child's emotional sphere is not always given sufficient attention, in contrast to his cognitive development, although emotions affect all components of cognition: sensations, perception, imagination, memory and thinking. Closing themselves on TVs, computers, children began to communicate less with adults, and yet communication greatly enriches the sensual sphere. Modern children have become less responsive to the feelings of others. Therefore, work aimed at the development of the emotional sphere is very relevant and important.

After reading, listen to the answers: what did you know, what did not match, what did you learn new, what surprised you.

Methodist: It has already been said more than once about what important role In the development of the personality of the child, the influence exerted on him by communication with his parents plays. Attachment to parents is an essential component of emotional development. If a child often cries, is naughty, annoyed - this is a signal of trouble in some areas of relations with adults that are significant for him. In order to find out how well the families of our pupils are, a survey of parents was conducted.

Questionnaire for parents "Emotional well-being of the child in the family"

1. What does “emotional well-being in the family” mean?

  • parents love children;
  • parents know what their children are interested in, what worries them;
  • parents respect the opinion of children, their experiences;
  • parents and children experience a steady need for mutual communication;
  • moral atmosphere of the family;
  • Availability family traditions(birthdays, cinema, theater visits and others);
  • the presence of hobbies among family members (sports, fishing, needlework, cooking, collecting, and others);
  • the presence of household duties;

2. How does your child develop relationships with adults?

  • safely;
  • sometimes there are conflicts;
  • offended by adults for being punished, or something is not allowed;
  • unfavorably.

3. How do you resolve conflict situations with your child?

  • I insist on my point of view;
  • looking for a compromise
  • “I follow the child’s lead”;
  • I turn to other family members for help.

4. How does your child interact with other children?

  • balanced;
  • patient;
  • compliant;
  • friendly;
  • hot-tempered;
  • inclined to command;
  • your choice ___________________________________________________________

5. How do you think the relationship between children and parents affects the child's communication with peers and adults in kindergarten?

  • do not have a direct influence;
  • well-being family relations- this is psychological protection, emotional rear of the child, making his life easier in kindergarten;
  • the essence of family relations is not yet sufficiently understood by the child.

Thank you for participating in the survey!

Review the results of the parent survey.

Methodist: It is at preschool age that the emotional sphere child. Disturbances in communication as a sign of a weak adaptation of a preschooler to the world around him can cause serious emotional problems in the future. Therefore, for further conversation, we will go to the psychologist's office - the topic for discussion is "Prevention and correction of psycho-emotional stress in preschoolers."

Psychologist: It is known that the soul and the body respond together to any event. Mental tension causes muscle tone, and muscle tension leads to emotional outburst. Muscle relaxation causes a decrease in emotional stress and leads to calm, restoration of rapid breathing.

Teachers in the form of Reminders receive: Exercises for relaxation, Exercises for relieving muscle tension, A set of breathing exercises. Some of them are conducted with teachers in the form of training.

Methodist: With the development of ideas about emotions in unity, mastery of the vocabulary of emotional vocabulary should also be carried out. Only by directly perceiving emotional life, “reading” the emotional state from the face, gestures, posture, children learn to translate emotions into a verbal plane, learn to “read” and verbally designate different moods, talk about their feelings and the feelings of others. We invite you to the speech therapy room to talk about the "peculiarities of mastering emotional vocabulary by children of preschool age."

Speech therapist: Emotions and feelings are closely related to the development of speech. The emotional coloring of speech predetermines the effectiveness of communication, since the state of emotional tension affects the speech statement.

Methodist: Cause positive emotions in children and adults works of art: music and visual activity. Listen to the information on the topic: "Emotions and Art", we invite you to the art studio.

Fine Arts teacher: The famous actor, director, theater teacher S. V. Obraztsov said: “A work of art evokes emotions. If it does not evoke emotions, then it is either not art, or it is not addressed to someone who is in this moment perceives it."

The teachers were presented with an electronic presentation of the project "The Joy of Creativity" - unconventional techniques drawing, testoplasty. Being engaged in this activity, positive emotions are formed in children, which are very necessary for the successful advancement of children in the educational process.

Methodist: Our journey through the "Pedagogical Hyde Park" has come to an end. And today we are once again convinced that it is "emotional well-being" that is the most capacious concept for determining the success of a child's development.

In the senior group kindergarten at the beginning school year were included in the cyclogram "Emotional minutes" in the morning educational block. How this work is carried out by the educator can be seen at open viewings.

Methodist: To analyze our emotions, feelings about today's meeting will help us POPS formula .

P- position "We believe that ..."
O- Explanation "Because..."
P- example "We can prove this with an example ..."
WITH- consequence "Based on this, we conclude that ..."

Conduct form- "Pedagogical Hyde Park"

Today, our "Hyde Park Pedagogical" includes several stops, where the issue of "Emotional development of preschoolers" will be discussed. And the first stop "Methodology office".

Methodist: At present, the social prestige of intellect and scientific knowledge has sharply increased. Related to this is the desire of adults to give children knowledge, to teach them to count, write, and read.

But few people think about emotional development, and every year different children with developmental disabilities come to kindergarten, among which disorders in the emotional-volitional sphere occupy a special place. Children are less surprised and admired, less likely to empathize.

The emotional sphere is an important component in the development of preschoolers, since no communication, interaction will be effective if its participants are not able, firstly, to "read" the emotional state of another, and secondly, to control their emotions. Understanding your emotions and feelings is also an important point in the formation of the personality of a growing person.

Invite teachers to form a cluster "Emotions"

Happiness, sadness, irritation, loneliness, surprise, skepticism, rage, thoughtfulness, shame, fatigue, sarcasm, approval, fun, sadness, pleasure, discontent, joy, resentment, indifference, fear, anger, pleasure, admiration, admiration, compassion, love, pride, anger, grief.

One team voices the name of the emotion, the other adds.

Methodist: Do emotions affect the educational process? To answer this question, I offer you a short text "The emotional component of education."

Working with text involves the use of country

Text: The Emotional Component of Education

Life without emotions is just as impossible as life without sensations.

The success of the education of a preschooler is determined not only and not so much by his awareness (knowledge, skills, abilities), but by the desire to receive information, use it in practical activities, life situations.

The child must go to the realization of the meaning of his actions, his behavior through feelings. The mechanism that sets in motion cognitive processes - emotions - is a means of activating his voluntary behavior, inclusion in activities. After all, in a state of increased interest, emotional upsurge, a child is able to observe an object for a long time, reason about its properties, relationships with other objects, fantasize, describing in detail the fruits of his imagination, enthusiastically craft, draw, play, etc. This is, firstly . Secondly, emotions contribute to the modification of the course of the cognitive processes of the child's activity, change their direction, selectivity.

Without much stress, a preschooler remembers an event with all the nuances and details if it is brightly colored (fear, joy, sadness, etc.). The desire to relive a certain state can serve as a motive for activity for him, a stimulus for the manifestation of activity.

Finally, thirdly, emotions regulate cognitive processes, the nature of actions and, as an accompaniment, give them a special tone, acting as a "peculiar currency of the brain."

Under the influence of emotions, attention, thinking, and speech manifest themselves in a qualitatively different way, the competition of motives (how to act, what activity to choose) intensifies, and the mechanism of “emotional correction of behavior” improves.

It is known that the main means of educating a preschooler in kindergarten are play activities and communication with the teacher. As some researchers note, "the development of the personality as a whole occurs in the process of activity, through the comprehension of this activity and oneself in it, in a dialogical emotional contact with another person."

The main function of the emotional component is to provide children with the assimilation of content through experience, as well as support for interest, enthusiasm for activities, and the development of a positive attitude towards cognition.

However, the development of the child's emotional sphere is not always given sufficient attention, in contrast to his cognitive development, although emotions affect all components of cognition: sensations, perception, imagination, memory and thinking. Closing themselves on TVs, computers, children began to communicate less with adults, and yet communication greatly enriches the sensual sphere. Modern children have become less responsive to the feelings of others. Therefore, work aimed at the development of the emotional sphere is very relevant and important.

After reading, listen to the answers: what did you know, what did not match, what did you learn new, what surprised you.

Methodist: It has been said more than once about the important role in the development of a child's personality is played by the influence exerted on him by communication with his parents. Attachment to parents is an essential component of emotional development. If a child often cries, is naughty, annoyed - this is a signal of trouble in some areas of relations with adults that are significant for him. In order to find out how well the families of our pupils are, a survey of parents was conducted.

Questionnaire for parents "Emotional well-being of the child in the family"

1. What does “emotional well-being in the family” mean?

    Parents love children; parents know what their children are interested in, what worries them; parents respect the opinion of children, their experiences; parents and children experience a steady need for mutual communication; moral atmosphere of the family; the presence of family traditions (birthdays, going to the cinema, theater and others); the presence of hobbies among family members (sports, fishing, needlework, cooking, collecting, and others); the presence of household duties;

2. How does your child develop relationships with adults?

    Safely; sometimes there are conflicts; offended by adults for being punished, or something is not allowed; unfavorably.

3. How do you resolve conflict situations with your child?

    I insist on my point of view; looking for a compromise “I follow the child’s lead”; I turn to other family members for help.

4. How does your child interact with other children?

    Balanced; patient; compliant; friendly; hot-tempered; inclined to command; your choice ___________________________________________________________

5. How do you think the relationship between children and parents affects the child's communication with peers and adults in kindergarten?

    They do not have a direct effect; the well-being of family relationships is psychological protection, the emotional rear of the child, which makes his life easier in kindergarten; the essence of family relations is not yet sufficiently understood by the child.

Thank you for participating in the survey!

Review the results of the parent survey.

Methodist: It is at preschool age that the emotional sphere of the child is formed. Disturbances in communication as a sign of a weak adaptation of a preschooler to the world around him can cause serious emotional problems in the future. Therefore, for further conversation, we will go to the psychologist's office - the topic for discussion is "Prevention and correction of psycho-emotional stress in preschoolers."

Psychologist: It is known that the soul and the body respond together to any event. Mental tension causes muscle tone, and muscle tension leads to emotional outburst. Muscle relaxation causes a decrease in emotional stress and leads to calm, restoration of rapid breathing.

Teachers in the form of Reminders receive: Exercises for relaxation, Exercises for relieving muscle tension, A set of breathing exercises. Some of them are conducted with teachers in the form of training.

Methodist: With the development of ideas about emotions in unity, mastery of the vocabulary of emotional vocabulary should also be carried out. Only by directly perceiving emotional life, “reading” the emotional state from the face, gestures, posture, children learn to translate emotions into a verbal plane, learn to “read” and verbally designate different moods, talk about their feelings and the feelings of others. We invite you to the speech therapy room to talk about the "peculiarities of mastering emotional vocabulary by children of preschool age."

Speech therapist: Emotions and feelings are closely related to the development of speech. The emotional coloring of speech predetermines the effectiveness of communication, since the state of emotional tension affects the speech statement.

Methodist: Works of art evoke positive emotions in children and adults: music and fine arts. Listen to the information on the topic: "Emotions and Art", we invite you to the art studio.

Fine Arts teacher: The famous actor, director, theater teacher S. V. Obraztsov said: “A work of art evokes emotions. If it does not evoke emotions, then it is either not art, or it is not addressed to the one who perceives it at the moment.

The teachers were presented with an electronic presentation of the project "The Joy of Creativity" - non-traditional drawing techniques, testoplasty. Being engaged in this activity, positive emotions are formed in children, which are very necessary for the successful advancement of children in the educational process.

Methodist: Our journey through Hyde Park Education has come to an end. And today we are once again convinced that it is "emotional well-being" that is the most capacious concept for determining the success of a child's development.

In the older group of kindergarten at the beginning of the school year, they were included in the cyclogram "Emotional minutes" in the morning educational block. How this work is carried out by the educator can be seen at open viewings.

Methodist: To analyze our emotions, feelings about today's meeting will help us POPS formula.

P- position "We believe that ..."

O- Explanation "Because..."

P- example "We can prove this with an example ..."

WITH- consequence "Based on this, we conclude that ..."


1. Deepening the knowledge of educators about the psychological and pedagogical foundations of communication.

2. Acquaintance with the functions, forms and conditions of optimal pedagogical communication.

3. Ensuring the activity of educators and their participation in the dialogue on the problem of pedagogical communication.

4. The study of different styles of communication between a teacher and children and self-diagnosis of the style of pedagogical communication.

5. Deepening knowledge about the conditions for optimizing pedagogical communication and "pedagogy of cooperation."

6. Development of skills to show pedagogical tact in various conditions of educational work in a preschool educational institution.

Issues for discussion:

1. What, in your opinion, caused the need to find new ways and approaches to the upbringing and education of children, to communicate with them?

2. How do you understand the problem of a personal approach to a child?

1. Theoretical basis pedagogical communication.

Communication is the interaction of people with each other in the exchange of information of a cognitive or affective-evaluative nature.

The interpretation of related words with a root is generally the following:

General - characteristic of all, concerning all, collective, belonging to all.

Communicate - maintain communication, mutual relations.

Sociable - easily entering into contact, open.

Commonality - totality, unity, integrity,

Communication is characterized, first of all, by the involvement in the practical interaction of people about work, study or play activities.

Under pedagogical communication, we will understand the system of interaction between the teacher and the pupils in order to get to know them, provide educational influences, organize pedagogically appropriate relationships, form a microclimate favorable for the mental development of the child in the group. preschool.

Communication is a special human need to interact with each other.

There are several functions of communication:

Establishing community among people, which is facilitated by the sign exchange, which allows you to distinguish "ours" from all others. A person who keeps silent and turns away from people, thereby gives them (whether he wants or does not want) a sign that reads as follows: “I am not yours, you are not mine.”

Regulation of joint activities. Participation in joint activities requires certain knowledge from each of us. Children receive them from birth through communication with elders.

The original tool for knowing everything in the world.

Awareness of one's "I". The child in the process of communication is constantly moving to the "objectification" of himself, to the allocation of "I" among other people, among the various "not I".

Self-determination of personality in its thoughts and actions. Occurs during the satisfaction of physiological and psychological needs (the need for positive emotions).

Forms of communication between the educator and the children.

During the first seven years of life, several levels of forms of communication between children and adults consistently arise and replace each other.

1. Directly emotional communication with close adults. It is based on the child's need for attention and a benevolent attitude towards himself from others. Communication between the infant and adults takes place outside of any other activity and constitutes the leading activity of the child. given age. This form of communication is of great importance in mental development child. The main means of communication at this stage are facial movements.

2. Situational-business form of communication between children and adults(6 months - 3 years). The main feature of this type of communication between children and adults should be considered the practical interaction of a child and an adult. In addition to attention and goodwill, the child early age begins to feel the need also for the cooperation of an adult (a request for help, an invitation to joint action, an application for permission). This helps children recognize objects, learn how to act with them. During this period, a positive assessment is very important, since it affects the assimilation of actions with objects.

3. Extra-situational-cognitive form of communication (3-5 years). Signs of the emergence of a third form of communication can be the emergence of questions in the child about objects, their various relationships. The most important means of communication at this stage is speech, because it alone opens up opportunities to go beyond one particular situation and to carry out that "theoretical" cooperation, which is the essence of the described form of communication. In this type of communication, the child discusses objects and phenomena of the world of things with adults. This includes news reports, cognitive questions, requests to read, stories about what they have read, seen, fantasies.

4. Extra-situational-personal form of communication(6-7 years). This communication serves the purposes of cognition of the social, and not the objective world. The world of people, not things. This type of communication exists independently and is a communicative activity in its “pure form”. The leading motives at this level of communication are personal motives. An adult as a special human personality is the main thing that encourages a child to seek contacts with him. In extra-situational - personal communication, the subject of discussion is a person. It is based on the child's need for emotional support, his desire for mutual understanding and empathy.

Conditions for optimizing pedagogical communication.

1. Sincere interest in a person, the ability to overcome your egocentrism in dealing with him. People who are especially talented in communication are distinguished by increased attention and subtle observation, an excellent memory for everything related to another person.

2. Ability to listen to others as a concrete manifestation of interest in people. A sign of an interesting interlocutor is the ability not so much to speak as the ability to listen. Simple everyday observations show that many people feel more need to speak than to listen. Unfortunately, there is a clear shortage of appreciative listeners, and if you manage to become a good listener, people's sympathies will be drawn to you, because they like those with whom they can satisfy their needs, and many have a strong need to talk out.

3. Appeal to a person(child, colleague, parents of their pupils) by name. Remember that a person's name is the most important sound to them in any language. A person is more interested in his name than any other names in the whole world put together. By remembering this name, and using it at ease, you are giving such a person a subtle compliment.

4. Goodwill towards people. If you want people to treat you well, try to treat them kindly, because the law of mutual response works inexorably in the field of communication.

5. Smile when interacting with people. A smile gives a lot for mutual sympathy. It warms and creates an advance of a positive attitude.

6. Satisfying the human need for communication. To win the sympathy of people, it is useful to be able to satisfy their needs. Any person has many needs, and they need to be studied, to show interest in the interests of another person. The surest way to a person's heart is a conversation with him about what he values ​​​​above all. Therefore, you need to talk about what interests your interlocutor. The ability to let people feel their significance, respect for their opinion is extremely important for gaining authority in pedagogical communication.

2. Styles of pedagogical communication.

One of the most important requirements that the pedagogical profession imposes on the personality of a teacher is the clarity of his social and professional position. The position of a teacher is a system of intellectual and emotional-evaluative attitudes towards the world, pedagogical reality and pedagogical activity. The social and professional positions of the teacher cannot but be reflected in the style of his pedagogical communication.

The style features of pedagogical communication and pedagogical leadership depend, on the one hand, on the individuality of the teacher, on his professionalism, communicative culture, emotional and moral attitude towards pupils, creative approach to professional activity, on the other hand, on the characteristics of the pupils, their age, gender, training, upbringing and characteristics of the children's team with which the teacher comes into contact.

The style of communication and leadership also depends on the moral attitudes of the teacher - on love for children, a benevolent attitude towards them, on the humanistic orientation of the teacher's personality. Style also depends on knowledge of the basics of pedagogy and the psychology of communication.

The style of pedagogical leadership is manifested in the positions of the teacher and pupils, in the prevailing ways of interacting with the individual and the team, in the ratio of disciplinary and organizational influences, direct and feedback, in assessments, tone, and form of address.

The first experimental psychological study of leadership styles was carried out in 1938 by the German psychologist Kurt Lewin. In the same study, a classification of leadership styles was introduced, which is commonly used today:

Democratic (cooperation tactics).

Conniving (tactics of non-intervention).

With an authoritarian leadership style, the teacher single-handedly decides all issues related to the life of both the children's team and each child. Based on his own attitudes, he sets the goals of the activity, methods for its implementation, subjectively evaluates the results. He does not explain his actions, does not comment, shows excessive demands, is categorical in his judgments, does not accept objections, and disdainfully treats the opinions and initiative of students. The teacher constantly shows his superiority, he lacks empathy, sympathy. The official, commanding, bossy tone of address prevails, the form of address is an indication, a lesson, an order, an instruction, a shout. Communication is based on disciplinary influences and submission.

This style can be expressed by the words: "Do as I say, and do not argue."

In a democratic leadership style, communication and activity are built on creative collaboration. Joint activity is motivated by the teacher, he listens to the opinion of students, supports the pupil's right to his position, encourages activity, initiative, discusses the idea, methods and course of activity. The teacher is focused on increasing the subjective role of the child in interaction, on involving everyone in solving common problems. This style is characterized by a positive-emotional atmosphere of interaction, benevolence, trust, exactingness and respect, taking into account the individuality of the individual. The main form of address is advice, recommendation, request.

This style of leadership can be expressed in the words: “Together we conceived, together we plan, organize, sum up.”

With a conniving (liberal) leadership style, there is no system in the organization of activities and control. The teacher takes the position of an outside observer, does not delve into the life of the team, into the problems of an individual, strives to be minimally involved in activities, which is explained by the removal of responsibility for its results. The teacher performs his functional duties formally, limiting himself only to teaching. The tone of the address is dictated by the desire to avoid difficult situations, largely depends on the mood of the teacher, the form of appeal is exhortation, persuasion.

This style can be expressed by the words: "As everything goes, so let it go."

1. Analysis of diagnostics and self-diagnostics of pedagogical communication.

Conclusion: In real pedagogical practice, mixed styles of communication and leadership most often take place. The most preferred democratic style. However, elements of an authoritarian leadership style may also be present in the activities of a teacher, for example, when organizing a complex type of activity, when establishing order and discipline. The teacher cannot absolutely exclude from his arsenal some methods of the authoritarian leadership style, since sometimes they turn out to be quite effective, especially when working with a group and individual pupils of a relatively low level of socio-psychological and personal development. But even in this case, the teacher should be generally focused on the democratic style of leadership, dialogue and cooperation with students, since this style allows you to maximize the personal development strategy of pedagogical interaction. Elements of the liberal style of leadership are acceptable in the organization of creative activity, when the position of non-interference is appropriate, providing the pupil with independence.

Thus, the teacher's leadership style is characterized by flexibility, variability, depends on specific conditions, on who he is dealing with - with young children or older, what are their individual characteristics, what is the nature of the activity.

2.Test for checking the logic at resolution life situations and problems.

There are 14 rows of words in front of you. Each of them includes 5 words, 4 of which are to some extent homogeneous and can be combined according to a common feature for them, and one does not meet these requirements. You need to find it and cross it out.

1. decrepit, old, worn out, small, dilapidated.

2. bold, brave, courageous, evil, resolute.

3. milk, cream, cheese, sour cream, lard.

4. soon, quickly, hastily, gradually, hastily.

5. leaf, bud, bark, tree, bough.

6. house, barn, building, hut, hut.

7. hate, despise, resent, resent, punish.

8. dark, light, blue, clear, dim.

9. nest, burrow, anthill, chicken coop, lair.

10. failure, collapse, failure, defeat, excitement.

11. hammer, nail, tongs, ax, chisel.

12. minute, second, hour, evening, day.

13. robbery, theft, earthquake, arson, assault.

14. success, victory, luck, calmness, gain.

Answers to the test

1 - small, 2 - evil, 3 - fat, 4 - gradually, 5 - tree, 6 - building, 7 - punish, 8 - blue, 9 - chicken coop, 10 - excitement, 11 - nail, 12 - evening, 13 - earthquake, 14 - calm.

Conclusion: If you made a mistake more than once, it means that you do not always act logically when resolving life situations and problems.

3. Decision of pedagogical situations

Pedagogical tact of the educator. Analyze the situation.

1. Seeing that Vadik is going to draw in his free time, the teacher asks:

What are you going to draw and with what?

How will you arrange the drawing on a sheet of paper?

What do you draw first, and then what?

Reminds you to put everything in place after drawing.

Question: Is such adult intervention necessary in the independent activities of children? Comment on the situation. What is your advice to the teacher?

Communication with parents.

1. In the locker room in the presence of children, one mother says to the other:

How well your Seryozha draws. And my Dimka has only scribbles. No matter how much I tell him to draw carefully, he draws badly every time.

Have you tried teaching him?

I often sit Dima down for drawing while I do household chores so that he does not interfere with me. He probably doesn't have the ability.

1. Comment on your attitude to this conversation.

2. Is Dima's mom right?

3. What would you advise the mother of this boy?


The quality of a child depends not only on innate abilities, but also to a greater extent on the development of his abilities in the process of learning to draw. The child's ability to draw under the influence of an adult develops, which is as follows: parents draw with the child, developing his visual skills, arousing interest in this activity; more often they consider objects, phenomena with the child, highlighting their distinctive features.

2. Seryozha (4 years old) at home when dad asks “What does the kindergarten teacher do, how does she work?” answered that she does not work, but plays with children, walks and studies. In the evening, mother, who is in maternity leave for the care of the second child, laughingly tells the teacher about this conversation. The teacher, having called Seryozha, asks him: “And what does your mother work with? What is she doing?" Serezha's answer was as follows: “My mother does not work and does nothing. She sits with her little brother, goes to the store, does laundry and cleans the apartment.” Mom indignantly asks: “How is it Seryozha? Isn't that work?" “No, they go to work and then get tired, like dad.”

What is the reason for this child's response?

What would you advise Serezha's mother?

Answer: the child has not formed the concept of "labor", without a special explanation, preschoolers cannot understand what the work of an adult is made up of, what is its significance.

3. The teacher tells Natasha's mother (6 years old) that the girl loves to help adults very much.

Perhaps at home you teach your child to do everything with you. This is very good - she will be your assistant.

Yes. My daughter has a very big desire to help me. Whatever job I take, it's right there. But what is her help? One hindrance. I send her for a walk, without her I quickly manage the housework. And don't be too hard on her. Nothing to interfere with adults.

Comment on the situation.

What would you advise mom?

Answer: with this approach, Natasha's desire to work may gradually disappear. The girl must be included in joint activities, directing this activity. In order to form a stable motive for work, it is necessary to teach Natasha specific labor actions, to evaluate the results of her work.

4. Before a daytime sleep, the teacher makes an installation for children (5-6 years old): for each remark, I will lengthen your sleep by 10 minutes. If there are a lot of comments, then you will sleep until your mothers arrive. The children fell asleep quickly.

How do you evaluate the teacher's performance?

What is the basis for obtaining the desired result?

What is your advice to a teacher?

Theoretical conclusions of the teachers' council "Psychological and pedagogical foundations of communication between educators and children" and solutions to optimize communication with children.

1. As a type of communication, any activity with children is the transfer of information (knowledge), the formation of skills and abilities. In order for the lesson to arouse the interest of children, strengthen their desire to study, it is necessary to diversify the forms of its conduct. If you communicate with children in the same way from day to day, it will quickly get boring for both children and adults.

2. In dealing with children, situations often arise that, as it were, specifically test the educator for restraint, patience, and self-control. Sometimes, when explaining a new task, one or two children have to make comments several times, and often the teacher does not hold back, he is tired of disobedience, he is tired of repeating the same thing several times, and he breaks into shouting and threats. It must be remembered: “Screaming is the surest sign of the lack of a culture of human relations” (V. A. Sukhomlinsky).

3. Mood is of great importance in communicating with children. The teacher must monitor his mood. He is obliged to immediately rebuild his sad, depressed mood. In this case, it is not bad to master the art of reincarnation, which the actors are fluent in. How important it is to learn this, it is clear to everyone. Our mood is contagious, it is transmitted to children, influencing their perception, readiness to understand, follow the instructions of the teacher. Children are always drawn to people who are characterized by an increased cheerful mood, and, on the contrary, avoid people who are gloomy, unsmiling, bored. Children are fettered by the mood of sadness, depression of adults.

4. If a teacher wants to maintain the respect and love of his pupils, he should not show his disposition or rejection to any of them with a single word, look, gesture. We must treat each and every one equally. At the same time, it is necessary to satisfy the desire of each child to be loved, so that he feels that he is loved and loved somewhat especially.

5. Working with the children's team, the teacher must know the individual characteristics of their children. It is bad if the teacher begins to “comb one size fits all”, “adjust” the individual properties of this or that child to a common line. Careful attitude to the personality of the child is, first of all, the recognition of his dissimilarity, the features of the manifestation of character, will, thinking, actions that distinguish one child from all others in children's team. The teacher must take into account the individuality of each child, and even more pronounced individuality.

Used Books.

Dubrava V.P., Milashevich E.P. Organization of methodological work in a preschool institution. - M., 1995.

Tochilkina Tatyana Ivanovna,

senior educator of the first qualification category

MADOU kindergarten No. 18 combined type,

Elena Sarkisova
Message at the teachers' council: "The development of emotions and self-awareness of children in the process of their socialization"

O development of emotions and self-awareness of children in the process of their socialization

One of the most important ways socialization is emotionally indirect formation emotions in relation to the norms, values ​​and rules accepted in society. Such emotions and can be named social.

Specially organized training at senior preschool age contributes to development of social experiences helping child's socialization process. social experiences reflecting the child's attitude towards social environment and one's place in it, along with I-experience, are one of the mechanisms for the formation of identity children preschool age. Particularly significant for development of emotional experiences is emotional experience, which defines their content.

The process of socialization of a preschooler is complicated, role social emotions in it is great.

V the process of socialization the child must be taught the rules and norms of behavior, emotional response to different situations, ways of expressing and experiencing different feelings. The child gradually learns how to know the surrounding natural and social world how to organize your life, what moral and ethical guidelines to follow, how to effectively participate in interpersonal communication and joint activities.

Child initially social because he is as dependent on the people around him as possible. Acquaintance with social the world comes from the birth of a child. How consciously and successfully will he learn the necessary social life knowledge so the child will be adequate in interaction with others.

It is necessary to direct educational work in such a way that the child feels confident, protected, happy, convinced that he is loved, that his reasonable needs are satisfied. Integrity in understanding concepts social reality is achieved through the widespread use of literature, musical, visual material, as well as their own creative use of the surrounding reality. It is important to create moral and ethical situations as the most important condition for the emergence emotionally- creative experience of reality. Takes a big place Team work adult and child to consolidate concepts in different forms.

In addition, conditions are being created for free and independent activities of children. Classes are held in the form of exciting and educational games, since the game method of teaching contributes to the creation of an interested, relaxed atmosphere, the establishment of a psychologically natural communication situation for the age.

The content of education should take the child beyond his immediate personal experience into the sphere of human experience and thereby give the child a new form of life in society - interaction with generalized, universal knowledge. The child is invited to mentally become a participant in the events, to evaluate the actions of the characters, to offer and justify their own behavior.

The process of socialization begins in childhood and continues throughout life. For quality development of the socialization process the following directions:

Work with children;

Interaction with parents;

Working with teachers.

At the same time, in working with children, special attention should be paid to the following aspects of:

Adaptation young children;

Joint games aimed at understanding emotions(feelings) at the senior preschool age;

Identification of the structure and correction of interpersonal relations in preparatory groups.

Social experience is acquired by the child in communication. Communication involves people understanding each other. Each kindergarten group unfolds complex picture of childhood relationships. Preschoolers make friends, quarrel, reconcile, take offense, help each other. All these relationships are acutely experienced by children. With children of different age groups must used:

Adaptive games that help to form trusting relationships at the bodily and subject-game levels children with adults, arouse interest in the actions of an adult, teach to navigate in the playroom, exchange play actions and objects with peers;

Games aimed at social development, forming emotional contact with adults and peers and causing positive emotions for a partner in the game.

V childhood huge impact on the process of socialization is provided by agents of socialization, that is, the persons with whom the child has direct interaction. They can be:

Family (parents or persons constantly caring for and communicating with the child, brothers or sisters);

Kindergarten (primarily educators);

Society (peers, friends).

An important factor in education and child development, in their acquisition social experience is family. A child in a family learns to communicate, acquires the first social experience, studies social orientation. The family should be directly interconnected with the preschool educational institution. It is obvious that the family and the kindergarten, performing their special functions, cannot replace each other and must interact in the name of a full-fledged child development. By establishing relationships with the family, a preschool educational institution creates the conditions for a full-fledged the process of socialization of a preschool child. If the child's family will be directly involved in the upbringing and development your child with the help of a preschool, the child will developed socially and as a person.

It is important that educational process in preschool educational institution covered all types socialization child and provided the initial conditions for a complete and successful socialization of the individual in the future. It is necessary to organize the conditions for the entry of the child into the system social relations as a component of this system, i.e. the child must become part of society.

For a successful and complete socialization a preschool child in a preschool educational institution must comply with the following conditions:

It is necessary to adhere to the consideration of age, individual, personal characteristics children preschool age;

It is necessary to fulfill the condition of continuity in the interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family in order to successfully build a single educational space and ensure child development. Parents should be familiar with the forward-looking work plan to familiarize children with social reality. To do this, every month in the parent corners should be placed perspective plan on the topic under study and offer recommendations for working with children: conversations, excursions, joint events.

Our task is to educate an active creative personality capable of self-realization able to install harmonious relationship with other people, with yourself.

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