
Sad statuses after breaking up with a guy. Statuses about breaking up with your beloved boyfriend and girlfriend


The best statuses about breakup on! When we are young and in love, every day away from our significant other seems endless. We feel sad, write sad messages, watch romantic melodramas and look through photographs. But we know that very soon the beloved will return, and the world will again sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow. Your love will become a guide to the world warmth and affection, and your hearts will beat in unison with the beautiful melody of love! At such moments, lovers post statuses about separation on their pages. Let love warm them even from a distance!

Sad sayings about breaking up with a guy!

It’s a completely different matter if a tragedy occurred in your life and you broke up! That's it, the relationship is complete! And you no longer exist as one whole. There he is, and you are two parallel lines that will not intersect. The bitterness of resentment and regret, anger at oneself, sometimes hatred of each other and pain. This whole range of feelings overwhelms two people who only yesterday swore to each other eternal love. And it is at such moments that statuses about breaking up with a guy appear on your contact page! On you will find interesting selection the saddest, saddest, angry statuses about breaking up.

Statuses about breaking up with a girl for strong guys!

Ah, these treacherous daughters of Eve, temptresses. How much suffering and painful days of waiting have to be endured because of you by the stronger half of humanity. How easily and carefree, like butterflies, you flutter from one man to another. They say that men don't cry. You may not see their tears, but their hearts are crying. And at this moment I want to punish my ex with an angry, furious quote! She should feel what you feel when you see her with someone else. The best thing would be to place it on your pages in in social networks statuses about breaking up with a girl! All your mutual friends should know what she really is like.

Statuses about breaking up with your loved one - the saddest quotes!

Parting is a very difficult and painful process in the life of any person, which almost all of us have had to face. During this sad time, as a rule, we are unable to think about anything other than this event. It becomes the primary and only topic for our thoughts, conversations and experiences. And everyone experiences it differently. The main thing at this moment is not to withdraw into yourself, not to remain alone with the pain, but to find the strength to start all over again. After all, life is so short! Best statuses You will find information about parting with your loved one on our website! A little sad or, on the contrary, cheeky statuses, which will accurately reflect your mood after parting with a once close person.

The best breakup statuses are here!

Personal statuses about separation will help you reflect the storm of feelings that is raging inside you on the Internet pages of your favorite social network. If you have rethought the problem of parting and are optimistic, humorous statuses about parting, which, of course, are available on our website in sufficient quantities, are perfect for you.

Breaking up is a rather complex and, of course, painful process. And so painful that often the experience at the peak of the peak of emotions is the only topic that bothers your head. This storm of feelings will be revealed most fully sad statuses about breaking up. But since people are different, everyone experiences these experiences in their own way. And here both sad and funny statuses. Therefore, next we offer you a selection of statuses that can fully display the whole gamut of your emotions.

Those who love very much do not notice for a long time that they are no longer loved.

Separation has its own laws.

We won't be together again this summer. I won’t be able to take care of you, hug you, talk to you, say I love you - Because you are no more, grandma. It's a pity that I didn't have time to say goodbye to you -

Why, when a guy appears, the girlfriend disappears, when the guy disappears, the girlfriend comes back

When you were around, it seemed to me that the world was wonderful, that love would always be there, but everything tends to end...

You know, I’m ready to write all sorts of nonsense to you, if only you remember me from time to time.

I want to fall in love without it hurting. To be a complete fool and not notice how they betray you and spit in your soul, while looking into your eyes.

So what? Life doesn't end!!! More devastating disappointments still await us.

No need. You're proud. I have no such concept.

when you love, you don’t notice how painful you are to those who really love you -

We met... Like for the first time. The eyes also shine. True, already from tears. You're eating me with your eyes again. That imperturbable smile again. It's like you're taking all of me...

Love is a mystery! Don't tell anyone about her if you want to save her. Even those you love

You are an ex... but we have bright meetings - we hold hands, sit on the shore of the lake, remain silent, intertwining our fingers...

Love is a tiny life that lasts forever

We met the sunset with him... the wind blew in our faces... it was so good with him - it’s a pity that he’s already an ex.

My heart is beating madly, I want to tell the truth. But I know how much you love her, and there’s no point in confessing anything -

Well, how can I not live in my past? How can I face the future with confidence? How can I continue to live without her if she is the only one who accepted me THIS way?

Laughing - at what? - at your behavior - happy! Why? That you are not there - you taught me to be strong

When I see couples walking in the park, when they laugh, run around like children, and the guy kisses her so tenderly - I envy them with white envy -

I gave you my heart - you have nothing more to give - if this is not enough for you, then you need another -

But I still love you - even if I spend this day with someone else, you give her the ring that we chose together as friends, I will still love you. And know that nothing can change my feelings for you. HOW DIFFICULT IT IS TO BE A FRIEND FOR THE PERSON YOU LOVED.

I broke up with my beloved - he was strict and forbade me a lot. I am tormented by various feelings: JOY, since I can now sit normally with my friends or go to the cinema and FEELING OF PAIN - I miss him, I love him madly, I want to be with him...

She took without asking, she took someone else's - just yesterday there were two of us under heaven, only two -

Yes, go - Yes, exactly there. I have already learned to live without you, to smile, to have fun. But I always want to get drunk when I see you.

Go to hell, sweetie. I love it spicy.

All I can do is run - from you

- Why did you stop smiling? - He stopped being around...

Hip-hop headphones on, shitty in my soul, I was abandoned by the one with whom I wanted to be until the grave.

I deleted his number, all messages, tore up our photos together - I decided to erase him from my life! It's just a pity that it can't be removed from memory so easily -

Someday he will realize who he has lost.

Can't I really be happy? I thought that happiness was nearby, but it turned out to be just a mirage. Fabulously beautiful, but unreal -

Do you know when the heart really bleeds? When you love each other more than life itself, but his mother asks you to - go away - leave him alone - you write him a farewell LOVE and, without explaining anything, just leave - This is painful...

Don't come back and don't write. Never show up again. I can't stand another crash of my universe, please

Only “I” and “You”, not “We”

I didn't write anymore. Didn't call again. She didn't answer anymore. I never forgave you again!

one day we leave our loved ones, only to mentally return to them throughout our lives

Do you know when I'll realize that I let go? When, three or seven months later, I’m grinding my teeth and I want to call you, but I realize that I just forgot your number

By leaving me, you showed yet another weakness of yours. I'm too much for you!

Why did you give me hope again? Why did you call, invite you to your place? My heart jumped again, like a crystal ball, and shattered... about your words: “Nothing will work out anyway.”

Another glass, another cigarette, another sad song, tomorrow I'll change this disc. And I won't say another word about you

There are people who don't know how to break up. They get attached, hold, call and don’t want to let go. It seems to them that together with the person they have recognized, they are losing a part of themselves.

Parting is pain, because of which you do not see the meaning of life, coffee, a horse dose of nicotine and endless tears into the pillow.

New love. new breath. new calls. text messages and suffering. but without tears. without tears and without you. you are just a past that is forgotten forever!

And tomorrow is my last birthday

You know, I still wrote down your number and played THAT melody for you. And yet, somewhere deep inside I believe that someday it will play

I can’t be with you, I can’t love, get away from me, I want to forget everything, forget our love, forget about the words that you always told me

The heart beats calmly. Everything is good in my life. It doesn't even hurt me anymore. I'm getting used to it without you

If I write in the status “Free and happy”, know that I am lying. I’ll say more, I’m waiting for you to come and say: “You won’t get rid of me so easily!

I won't be too upset if you leave. Lovers often quarrel. I'll go crazy if you don't come back

Forget him, he doesn't deserve you. Blah, but how can I forget him if I come across his name everywhere, smell his scent and have difficulty holding back tears when I meet him?

Even if we broke up. when I see you with someone else. I whisper quietly: only mine

Darling, you have become so dear to me that my solvency has given me an ultimatum: Either you or her! I hope you understand my choice

You can go in English, in French, in Chinese, but now, you go to.

Delicious, right? -No. -Why? -Something is missing. -What? -Her lipsticks are on the edge of the cup

You are just another beautiful page in my book of life. And it doesn’t spoil her at all that she’s soaking wet from tears.

You wrote that our separation was a mistake. Not true. Our meeting was a mistake.

And love is evil, and the goat is evil

But she doesn’t write to him, and he doesn’t write to her either. They even try not to see each other again, so as not to hurt themselves. And no one knows how she often looks aimlessly out the window at night, clutching her phone in her hand, with icq turned on, where is it online?

I want to be little again, so that I don’t know what it’s like to feel for a guy and break up with him! To live carefree and enjoy every happy minute of your life!

I was not at all jealous of my great boys; my mother taught me from childhood to give old toys to those who were less fortunate.

Now all that remains is to break your piggy bank, buy Moment glue with all your money and glue it together from small fragments... no, not our photo together - a heart for new love

A real woman leaves with her head held high, slamming the door loudly. And let them slide down the other side of the door - no one will ever see it

Now I’m your toy and your tears into your pillow are all in vain. I was tormented by dreams about you, thanks to fate for that. I will no longer love, I will not give hugs. You were a mistake for me, I told you as I left

She was only once His, but the important thing is that He still remains only HER

I know that you have never been and will never be mine. But I will name my son after you!

I remember when you left there was only pride and fear in my eyes. Pride from the fact that I will never say: “COME BACK!”, and fear from the fact that I WILL NEVER COME BACK

Parting with a loved one is a happy ticket to a new life. A life full of loneliness and sad songs

We broke up, I had a nervous breakdown, I forgot, you came back, I didn’t notice you, you yelled at me and texted me that I was a fool. But now I’m very happy without you! Honestly

The hardest thing to forget is the person with whom you came up with names for your children

Tell me how you live. About friends, about work, study. Just don’t talk about her, don’t even say her name. I don't want to hate HER name

When he called me Sunshine, I glowed, When he called me Beloved, I loved. Yesterday I said that I’m a rare piece of trash - beware, YOU BAFT!

Parting is like a jump from a height. The hardest thing is to decide. Once you're in the air, you have to let go.

It's hard to understand why breakups are called heartbreak. It feels like all the bones are broken too.

That night she sat quietly on the windowsill, her legs dangling from the window. she thought, repeating his every word to herself. it was at night that she realized that life without him simply did not make sense

Breaking up with a guy teaches not only life, but also lies: - How are you doing? - Yes, everything is great!

People are constantly developing and changing. Often these changes between two close people do not coincide in direction. Bon Voyage!

Breaking up is when we say we are letting go. But the heart still holds.

I was wondering about HIM and it came up with “takes care of you.” Why don't you care, it gets into your heart and gnaws at it from the inside

I loved you... or I just lost my mind - it's hard to say. Every time the sun goes down in the evenings, I want to scream in pain. We are not together anymore

Is it love or secret magic? A wild affection for which I cannot find any explanation. We suffered and burned... and are burning out now - each one alone

Breaking up doesn't hurt. It hurts to meet you on the street. It hurts to realize that there is no one to call and wish Good night. It hurts to realize that you will no longer hide my frozen palm in your pocket.

Even cigarette smoke and alcohol. They don't help me forget you.

Sometimes when visiting the pages of our friends, we notice sad statuses on VK about breaking up with our beloved guy. Having learned from your friend's status about her separation from her loved one, meet to support her in a difficult time. Often statuses about breaking up with a guy are written with meaning just so as not to be left alone with your experiences.

The sage was asked: “If a person loves, will he return?” The sage replied: “If a person loves, he will not leave.”

She unfriended him as a sign that everything was over between them and she didn't want to know him. But I added it to my bookmarks, afraid of losing it forever.

Today I saw the mother and sister of the guy I broke up with a year ago. And only now I realized how much I missed this family and how dear they are to me...

I feel like everything that once held us with great strength is being torn apart...

After a breakup, normal people still have memories, photos with him, his T-shirt. And for some reason I only have thousands of SMS messages from him that once made me happy.

When two people break up, the phrase “Let’s remain friends” sounds like a control shot in the heart of one of them...

Just be quiet and don't shout. Never beg anyone for anything. Just straighten your shoulders and go into silence. The one who loves you will not leave you alone.

Well, why did we spend so much time living next to each other and being silent, like strangers?

When I see you, my heart skips a beat, as if I was pierced through by an arrow, and it’s so offensive to know that we will never be together and still dream and think about you, it’s so cruel and sad, but such is life!

If you have irretrievably broken up with your loved one, there is no need to live in memories of him. It's like remembering and waiting for your childhood. Almost as pointless...

You suddenly remember everything that happened between you and suddenly becomes so sad. Not because everything has passed, but because it may never happen again

It doesn't matter how much it hurts now, the main thing is that one day you will look back and realize that this changed your life for the better.

You left without recognizing love, chewing chocolate candy, so let an evil horse love you, and not a ray of sunshine like me!

Sorry, dear, but I'm tired. Forgive me, but I'll go. I've been looking for the key for too long, but I can see in the wrong heart.

I'd rather watch you die. Hurt? Yes! But watching you kiss someone else is even more painful!

In order to get to know a guy well, you need to break up with him.

And in the morning again the pain of separation. Again the grayness of endless days. Only memory eases the torment. In memory you are closer and dearer.

Along with trust, respect, and affection, he stole my heart. He didn't notice, I didn't find it in time. Now it's too late to accuse someone of a crime.

You see that this is no longer love... We’re just used to being close to you... Stay with me for a couple of minutes, I’m screaming... Go away, but there’s no need for tears...

One day you will wake up and understand how dear I am to you... But when that day comes, I will wake up with someone who has already understood this...

What was your boyfriend's name? - “Asshole” - “There are coincidences! Mine too!”

But it’s always sad to part, even if there is no love anymore...

By leaving me, you showed yet another weakness of yours... I am beyond your strength!

Great Love is canceled due to technical reasons.

I saw my ex's girlfriend... now I know exactly what to give him for his birthday - glasses!

Everything is serious... Forget it, erase the number... It's over, it's over, game over.

Whenever we part with someone we care about, we hope that the Universe will reward us for our selfless choice.

Yes, it was hard. Yes, I suffered. But only now, when we broke up, I realized that I could no longer live without you...

For a man, accepting a woman into his life is an art. And parting should be an art. The farewell should be as beautiful as the beginning.

If you saw yourself through my eyes, you would understand how special you are to me...

If you call and say we're breaking up, and then you hear a pop, don't worry, I opened the champagne.

Another glass, another cigarette, another sad song, tomorrow I'll change this disc. And I won't say another word about you.

As if on purpose, after our separation there were so many loving couples on the streets!

When people break up, they talk too much... It's rare when breakups go like this: - Let's break up? - Come on... So short and clear... Nothing superfluous... No banal phrases, unnecessary tears, empty promises... Nothing...

When you part with your loved ones, learn to let go, because someday you will also want to leave.

It's better to quarrel with your loved ones than to communicate with people you hate.

Love is not afraid of separation, for falling in love it is the end...

People part ways and wait to see who will scream first.

People are dying, and we are running from each other.

People leave our lives, but traces remain...

We broke up, it’s easier for me... he’s generally awesome... everything is great.

We broke up... It seems like forever... I miss her and so does she... Question: why was it worth breaking up then?

I don’t know what I’ll do when I see your eyes... After all, the heart says: “I love...” And the mind whispers: “I hate”!

Don’t get used to a person if you don’t know how to cope with a breakup with dignity.

Never say goodbye, because you can come back at any time. Better say goodbye and leave forever...

New love... new breath... new calls... text messages and suffering... but without tears... without tears and without you... you are just the past, which is forgotten forever!!!

So what, I broke up, I cry, I bite my elbows, the cats are scratching at my soul, but I will be happy, I will be!

One day we leave our loved ones, only to mentally return to them throughout our lives...

He confesses his love so boldly that you can immediately see that he has experience.

She smiles at everyone and repeats “I WILL NOT COME BACK TO HIM,” but in the depths of her soul she dreams that he will return her.

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