
Video What is a baby booster? Baby booster seats: description, review, specifications, reviews


A car seat without a back, which lifts the child in the seat for a secure fit, is called a booster seat. The product is intended for children from 3 to 12 years old, models are designed for a weight of 15-36 kg (group 2) or 22-36 kg (group 3). Specialists from the Daughters-Sonochki online store will tell you how to properly install the booster in the car so that the little passenger feels protected.

Basic installation rules

When the device is correctly installed, the safety belt should fit over the chest and hips of the baby. Such a car seat is mounted only on the back seat, in front in the direction of traffic. Modern models fastened with regular car belts or using the Isofix (Latch) system.

The easiest to install are those models that can be fixed with auto belts. For example, the Dream Luxe booster is distinguished by ease of installation and reliability. It is enough to put the device on the seat, press it tightly against the back, put the child in it and fasten it. The most reliable models are equipped with a correct installation indicator.

In order for the car seat to meet all the requirements, it is necessary:

  • carefully place the device on the back seat (preferably in the middle or on the driver's side);
  • press the device well against the back and fix it;
  • seat the baby, his hands are conveniently placed on the armrest;
  • fasten the child with a three-point standard belt;
  • check that the safety straps run diagonally exactly across the chest and over the thighs.

Reliable fixation

If the car is equipped with an Isofix fixing system or its American counterpart Latch, it is better to choose a model with a similar mount. A product with such a system is more reliable. It is attached directly to the body. Then, in the event of an accident, the car seat will not fall, but will remain in place. Good feedback users received the Clek Ozzi model. It has a solid frame, a roomy seat and armrests, it is comfortable for the baby to sit during long journeys.


Installing used boosters that have already been used in other vehicles is not recommended. They may have broken or worn Isofix fixation. If the system is worn out, it will not work to fix the device. In addition, the seat often sags in the used device, so it is not possible to fasten the belts in the right places.


Modern boosters are mounted exclusively in the back seat. They are attached using stationary seat belts or the Isofix system. The second method is more reliable, it requires connecting the structure to the body. This provides extra grip. After installation, the protective belts must fit snugly against the chest and pass through the hips. If the belts are tight on a small passenger, the device must be reinstalled.

In a family where they are used to traveling by car, transporting a baby is a separate item of necessary security measures and expenses. The fact is that, according to the law, it is forbidden to transport a baby up to a certain age and weight without a restraint device. As the child grows, it is necessary to change the car seat to another or booster. The pricing policy of the latest invention brings it to a leading position in the ranking of budget devices for the safe driving of children in a car.

A booster is a type of restraint in the form of a seat with small armrests, but without a supporting back and headrest. The purpose of the design is to lift the small passenger, and then the regular seat belt will not pinch his neck (which happens if the child is transported simply in a car seat).

What the law says

According to the traffic rules version of 2017, children who have not reached the age of 12 must move in a car in a special restraint device that is suitable for age and height and weight.

It is interesting. Article 12.23 part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states that the transportation of children without special restraints is punishable by a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

At the same time, any home-made pillows and linings are not included in the recommended devices for transporting small passengers. In other words, the child-safety vehicle design must be certified and meet or exceed federal or state standards for transportation.

Rules for using the booster depending on the height, weight in kilograms and age of the child

Like other types of devices designed to carry small passengers, it has clear parameters for use according to the age, height and weight of the child. To understand the features of its use, it is worth first understanding the categories of restraints:

  • 0 - car seats for newborns and infants up to six months. Designed for body weight up to 10 kg;
  • 0+ - car carriers for babies up to a year old. Designed for body weight up to 13 kg;
  • 1 - car seats used from one and a half to 3 years. Withstand a body weight of 9–18 kg;
  • 2 - devices for preschoolers from 3 to 7 years old with a weight of 15 to 25 kg;
  • 3 - products for children aged 6–12 years, weighing from 22 to 36 kg.

You can sometimes hear about models with a back, but in fact such products are group 2/3 car seats, which, if necessary, are transformed by removing the back.

Booster in comparison with other restraints (frame and frameless car seat, FEST)

For long trips, the most suitable and comfortable restraint would be a frame car seat. It also ranks first in terms of safety. All other restraint options do not provide side protection for the head and body.

If we talk about a frameless car seat and FEST, then the first device showed its unreliability during independent tests (the belts with which the child is fastened break at the time of the collision), and the second leads to abdominal injuries (the belt raised by the adapter does not pass through the reeds, but the passenger’s stomach ) and does not protect against the diving effect.

Some parents install both a booster and a FEST. Such reinsurance is not a violation, but it does not have any particular expediency.

Gallery: types and photos of child restraints

FEST is designed to properly fix regular seat belts, but it does not provide the required level of protection. Booster is convenient to use for short trips, including in a taxi. Frameless car seats are a choice in favor of saving, but at the expense of safety
The car seat on the frame is the most secure restraint

Video: crash test booster, car seats and other devices

How to choose a booster for a child

Having decided to buy a booster, it is necessary to take into account the maximum nuances of choice so that the purchase will serve faithfully for several years. To do this, pay attention to important parameters:

  • fastening method;
  • the material from which the product is made;
  • passenger comfort level.
  • Mounting methods in the car

    The booster in the car can be fixed in 2 ways, depending on the model of the device:

  • regular seat belts;
  • Isofix system.
  • Regular seat belts: instructions

    In this case, the small passenger himself performs the role of the device lock.


  • We put the restraint on the car seat.
  • We plant the child.
  • We draw the lower tape of the standard belt under the armrests of the booster along the legs of the child.
  • We fix the body of the child to the back of the seat with a diagonal belt.
  • We check that the belt does not pass over the neck of the passenger.
  • Video: how to properly install a booster in a car

    Isofix system to fix the device in the cabin

    If the car has isofix hinges, then you should choose a booster with the same type of installation. In this case, the rigidity and reliability of the grip of the holding device is ensured by fastening to the car body. In addition, seat belts additional protection and fixation.

    Installing the booster on the seat with Isofix is ​​very simple: you need to insert the guide products into the brackets located between the backrest and the rear seat cushions until they click.

    Latch is the American analogue of the European isofix. The difference of this type of installation is that instead of guides, fastening with straps to the brackets is used.

    Isofix system provides a more rigid fixation of the device

    What is the "pillow" made of: material that manufacturers can use

  • Pressed foam. For the price, these models compare favorably with the rest. Many parents tend to choose this type of booster also because it is light, that is, you can easily take it with you on a trip in a taxi. However, sometimes during an accident, such a structure breaks down, which, of course, will not protect the baby from injury.
  • Plastic frame. Provides a fairly high protection in emergency situations, not too heavy, the price is not much different from the foam ones.
  • Metal frame. These products have only two drawbacks in comparison with others - a lot of weight and a relatively high cost.
  • The safety class of the booster depends on the material of manufacture. The highest is for fixtures on a metal frame, the smallest is for foam plastic ones. But in any case, all parts for an increased level of protection should have soft lining so that the child is not injured because of them.

    Child comfort

    To assess which booster is more comfortable, it is recommended to take a child with you, because the products differ in width, length and height. The baby should be soft, comfortable, and even in bulk winter jacket. From the same position, the fabric with which the device is sheathed is also considered. Opt for breathable material so that the passenger does not get too hot in summer. Perfect option- removable covers.

    If you think more or less long journeys, then it might make sense to pay attention to models with additions (for example, coasters for glasses, a table). But often such improvements create more difficulties on the road - the child wants to use all the possibilities, and doing it awkwardly provokes the appearance of stains in the car interior.

    Most manufacturers provide a retractable cup holder so that it can be hidden in the case if necessary.

    Most parents leave positive reviews about boosters, noting that it is very comfortable for a child to ride in them.

    We have a booster. I fasten it in the center with a central belt, the cross fits well, it does not pinch my neck, like an adult. Fixes perfectly, sharp turns do not even move. It is convenient because it does not hinder the movement of the child, and there are armrests.


    Booster Operating Rules

    When buying and installing a booster, it is necessary to take into account the basic rules and features of its use.

    Where to put: front or back seat

    The booster can be placed on the front or back seat of the car always in the direction of travel. However, in practice, quite often inspectors of the road patrol service, taking advantage of the ignorance of citizens, fine for installing a restraint next to the driver. In this case, you need to refer to chapter 22.9 of the SDA, which describes possible options for placing devices for transporting children, among which boosters are also declared.

    However, the safest location for any type of restraint for transporting a toddler is in the center of the rear seat. It is there that your child will be maximally protected from a side impact, as well as in a head-on collision, when the driver, reflexively obeying the instinct of self-preservation, will turn the steering wheel in such a way as to protect himself.

    If you fix the booster on the seat next to the driver, then turn off the airbags on that side, as they can work and injure the child during heavy braking.

    Video: side impact booster crash test

    Features of use: how to fasten and transport a passenger with maximum safety

    There are two ways to fasten a child, depending on his weight:

  • the lumbar belt passes under both armrests of the booster, and the shoulder belt only on one side if the baby weighs between 15–25 kg;
  • the lumbar belt passes under both armrests of the booster, and the shoulder belt is located on top of one of them if the passenger's body weight reaches 22 kg.
  • The safety of the child in the car is a priority when choosing travel accessories. A newborn baby should travel in a cradle, an older child in a car seat. But when a child reaches a certain height and weight, he becomes uncomfortable in the standard version, so many parents purchase booster seats. But from what age it is allowed to use such a device, and from what material to choose a device, you should figure it out.

    What is a booster?

    A child car seat - a booster - belongs to the category of road devices designed to ensure the safety of a small passenger during a trip. Moreover, it differs from a conventional chair in such factors as:

    • no back;
    • there are no specific seat belts in the kit;
    • smaller size and weight.

    Baby booster seats (description):

    • seat equipped with armrests;
    • the device is fixed with a car belt.

    Varieties of boosters

    To decide on the choice of accessory, you need to know their differences. According to the type of material used, there are three types of boosters. Each of them has its own advantages. But the disadvantages should also be considered.

    Foam booster. The foam chair belongs to the budget models, but rather impractical. Its main advantage is its low weight and ease of installation. However, due to the fragility of the material, such a device is not able to protect the child during an accident, because it will fall apart.

    Plastic booster seat. Stronger and more reliable than the first option. Unlike the foam version, they are able to withstand significant loads. Their weight is small, and the price is not very high. Therefore, this option is the most popular among parents who are looking for a means of protection for a grown child.

    Booster on a metal frame. The chair is quite heavy and can be difficult to assemble. However, crash tests have shown that such a device is able to withstand impact and protect the child during a collision. The frame is rigid, but manufacturers hide it under numerous layers of soft materials. Therefore, the child is comfortable in the chair.

    Benefits of using a booster

    Parents choose to buy these protection products for many reasons. Some are attracted to them affordable price, others do not want to install a volume seat in the car. Among the advantages of the booster are the following:

    1. Easy to fix and install.
    2. Convenience for the child and ease of fixation. For protection, a stationary seat belt is required, which is located in the car.
    3. Compactness and lightness. The booster seat is suitable for small cars where there is not enough space to install a bulky option.
    4. Low price. The device is affordable for most consumers, and foam options are generally budgetary.

    Device disadvantages

    Despite the advantages and ease of use, there are users who do not trust the booster to protect their children. There are quite logical explanations for this:

    1. The security level is quite low. The child is not protected from all sides and in the event of a collision can be seriously injured.
    2. Booster tests are carried out with lesser requirements. They have more simplified standards than car seats.

    However, if the child has already grown, you should take a closer look at this device, but choose it wisely.

    Permitted age of use

    Child car seat (booster) belongs to group 2-3. This means that the device is intended for children whose weight has reached 15 kg and does not exceed 36 kg. According to these parameters, it can be seen that the accessory is able to serve quite a long time. long time. If you focus on age, then everything is not clear. There are two factors to consider when changing to a booster seat:

    1. Child's weight.
    2. Offspring growth.

    The weight must be at least 15 kg. Many reach this size only by the age of three, but some can boast of such a weight as early as two years.

    Growth is also important. It must be at least 120 cm. Otherwise, the child will not be properly fixed, and the back will not have proper support.

    Thus, comparing all the factors, we can identify the optimal age - 5 years old, when they switch to a booster.

    custom model

    However, manufacturers have released a booster car seat for children from 9 kg. This option belongs to category 1 and has special parameters designed to transport children up to 15 kg. But many do not recommend so early parting with a full-fledged car seat. A thin and small baby can slip out and get serious side impacts in an accident.

    Criterias of choice

    Child car seats must meet certain parameters. When choosing, you should pay attention to many criteria. The main ones are the following.

    Material. Baby booster seats consist of four layers: frame, plastic base, soft padding, fabric upholstery. It is important that the seat is moderately hard and keeps its shape well. Children often stain the upholstery, so it should be removable and easy to clean.

    Options. The main criteria are the width of the seat and its height. To make the child comfortable and the device last longer, you should choose a wider design.

    Mounting method. There are simple models that are fixed with a car belt. However, this method is unsafe, because with a sharp turn, the child may fly out of his seat. The most reliable child car seats should have a Latch or Isofix attachment system.

    Price. On sale you can find options that cost 300-500 rubles. Such a booster is probably made of low-quality materials and is not able to provide proper safety. The foam option will fit only for one-time transportation in emergency cases. For permanent use, it is recommended to purchase booster seats with a metal frame.

    How to make the right choice?

    In order for the purchase to satisfy parents and not cause negative feedback from children, you should follow some rules:

    1. It is best to go shopping with your child. Booster seats may look attractive, but the child will be uncomfortable. Therefore, it is advisable to sit on the selected options and choose where it is most convenient.
    2. You should focus on the armrests. They must be tall. This is the only way to minimize the risk of damage during sharp turns and collisions.
    3. When fixed with a belt, it should pass below the level of the neck.
    4. The booster should not be high, otherwise the child may hit his head against the ceiling of the car, even on small bumps.
    5. More expensive models are equipped with a small fixing back. Perhaps this option will be more comfortable.

    Baby booster seats: an overview of popular models

    Many companies that specialize in the production of children's goods also produce automotive protective equipment.

    American company Graco. The manufacturer offers a model - Booster Basic. The chair is comfortable, comes without a back. The option is designed for children from 5 to 12 years old. The device is able to withstand weight up to 36 kg. The advantage is a metal frame and high-quality plastic. The armrests are adjustable in height, which is convenient for a growing body. The top cover is removable, so care is not burdensome.

    Chicco. A popular brand of children's products that produces the Quasar booster. The model is suitable for children whose weight has reached 18 kg. The advantage is the light weight and the use of cotton materials in the upholstery. The booster is comfortable and durable.

    Nania Dream Animals. A car seat for children from 9 kg can be replaced with this booster. It is designed for the youngest category of children (from 3 years old), equipped with a metal frame and a soft seat. The cover is removable, made of hypoallergenic cotton.

    German company Heyner. The manufacturer offers a variety of boosters designed for different age categories. It is important that all products have passed voluntary crash tests and received the appropriate certificates. Pediatricians and auto protection specialists recommend boosters from this brand. The developers have developed a special technology that provides thermoregulation of the chair. In summer, the baby does not sweat, and in winter the material retains heat.

    Clek Ozzy. The model differs in universality The chair is suitable for use by people up to 54 kg. This option is preferable to take for large children. The booster is quite easy to install, it is lightweight and guarantees the safety of the child. The height of the armrests is increased, which guarantees protection during sharp turns.

    Children's booster seats have different characteristics. But the best models are made on a metal frame, using plastic elements. The inner layer is soft, provides comfort while sitting. The outer padding is removable to meet hygiene requirements.

    In 2015, another new and incomprehensible tool called “booster” appeared in the beauty dictionary. It was positioned as a super replacement for facial serum, but many people did not understand the idea and still ignore it, returning to the usual skincare products. But let's get to know the booster closer and stop being afraid of it like fire.

    What is a booster

    The name of the booster comes from English word boost, which in translation means "strengthening" and "acceleration" of something. With regard to the beauty product, the effect of other cosmetic products that we use is enhanced. For example, if you use a booster before applying the cream, the ingredients will penetrate much deeper, faster, more actively saturating the cells and tissues with nutrients. This beauty product is quite light, non-greasy (despite the fact that the consistency is similar to oil), it is well absorbed and does not form a film. By the way, the booster can be used not to enhance the effect of other cosmetics, but as an independent product.

    Unlike the same serum to which we are all so accustomed, the booster retains moisture, completely eliminating dehydration, dryness and flaking of the skin. In addition to the fact that the booster can be applied before the cream, it can be added to various masks, tonics, lotions, milk and even serums. In general, the tool is really universal, taking home care to a new level. It should be noted that boosters are completely free of dyes, flavors and preservatives, so they do not violate the concentration of active substances in other face care products.

    Interestingly, some creams and masks cannot work at full strength, but this does not depend on them at all, but on the structure and characteristics of the skin. For some, the natural protection of the skin is so strong that it does not allow the components cosmetics penetrate to a sufficient depth and work at full strength. The booster, on the other hand, has the ability to bypass any barriers, penetrating the skin and mucous membranes, enveloping the molecules of active substances and delivering the necessary ingredients to the deep layers.

    Boosters vary in effect. Some are aimed at rejuvenation, others for nutrition, others for moisturizing, fourth for protection, and fifth fight against rosacea, acne and pigmentation. There are even boosters with the effect of filling wrinkles - booster revitalization. Their action can be compared with full-fledged contour rejuvenation, since they contain a large concentration of hyaluronic acid with peptides and growth factors. As a result, wrinkles are filled, the face becomes visually younger and more toned, but you should not count on a full-fledged rejuvenation effect - after all, this is an auxiliary care. When choosing a booster, you should clearly understand why you need it and what skin problems you will solve with it.

    You should also remember about the standard dosage, because the rule “the more the better” does not always work exactly according to this scheme. The optimal dose of the booster is 1 drop per single dose. If you go too far with the dosage, the skin will still take only as much as it needs, leaving the rest on the surface. As a result, you will have to blot the greasy film with napkins, and this is an irrational waste of an expensive product.

    be careful

    Some beauty brands went to the trick and under the guise of a booster release a mixture of essential and vegetable oils. Yes, these products also have conductive properties and take care of the skin, but not enough. Moreover, the cost of these false boosters is greatly inflated: 3,000 rubles against 60 rubles - the prices of regular essential oils sold in every pharmacy. So before buying, carefully read the label so as not to overpay 50 times more for regular chamomile oil mixed with lavender.

    5 best face boosters

    Cover FX Custom Infusion Drops F + Neroli

    An ideal remedy for those who want to get rid of scars and post-acne. The booster contains concentrated ingredients - neroli oil, which deeply nourishes the skin, giving it a fresh and radiant appearance, and vitamin F, which is aimed at tissue regeneration and smoothing out irregularities.

    Cover FX Custom Infusion Drops F + Neroli Face Booster ($48)

    Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Clinical Concentrate Hydration Booster

    This booster is aimed at deep moisturizing the skin, getting rid of dryness and flaking. He literally revives her, as happens with a wilted flower that has not been watered for a long time, but in the end they took it up and began to correct their oversight. The composition of the product includes glycerin, hyaluronic acid, extracts of chamomile and watermelon. The life-giving power of the components will put in order even the most dull, dehydrated and exhausted skin.

    Dr. Face Booster Dennis Gross Skincare Clinical Concentrate Hydration Booster ($68)

    Philosophy Turbo Booster C Powder

    Organic Vitamin C Booster has antioxidant properties. It can be mixed with any skin care product and applied to hyperpigmented areas, evening out skin tone and gradually getting rid of spots. Each time the skin will become clearer, and over time, pigmentation will disappear completely. Just do not "scold" the remedy if it did not help you in a month: sometimes it takes many years to cope with the problem.

    Philosophy Turbo Booster C Powder ($39)

    Clarins: Detox, Repair and Energy

    Clarins skin care products are renowned for their amazing effect on the skin. The brand's cosmetologists could not resist the novelty and were almost among the first to create a facial booster, which, when added to the cream, gave the skin a tan shade. Over time, Clarins released three booster concentrates, each with its own property. For example, Booster Detox is aimed at cleansing the skin of toxins and toxins, enriching the cells with oxygen. Booster Energy energizes the skin from within, giving it a natural glow, tone and fresh color. Booster Repair is designed to restore damaged skin, fill in scars, scars and post-acne.

    Booster Detox face booster (1 495 rubles at a discount)

    La Prairie Anti-Aging Rapid Response Booster

    The targeted action booster contains active anti-aging components responsible for total hydration, elastin and collagen production: plankton extract, hyaluronic acid, a mixture of jojoba, mimosa and sunflower waxes, extracts of skullcap, licorice, mulberry, wormwood and jujube, horsetail and ginseng root, stabilized vitamin C, glycoproteins. Together, these substances have an unsurpassed anti-aging effect, acting at the cellular level, from the very first day of use. Wrinkles will be smoothed right before your eyes. A truly visible improvement in the structure of the skin occurs after a two-week course of application of the product.

    La Prairie Anti-Aging Rapid Response Booster (20,915 rubles)