
Improvement of children abroad in families. Report on practice: Improving children's health abroad problems of legal regulation. How to prepare for long trips with kids


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The procedure for the rehabilitation of Belarusian children abroad is currently bureaucratized. The number of necessary approvals, permits and other "pieces of paper" exceeds all reasonable limits. On the one hand, one can understand the concern of the state, which is interested in obtaining maximum security guarantees and creating good conditions the presence of children abroad. On the other hand, the existing mechanism for processing all the necessary documents seems to be very complicated and does not meet the goals set.

Normative acts regulating the rehabilitation of children abroad

The issue of improving the health of children abroad is regulated by:

Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated February 18, 2004 No. 98 "On the organization of the rehabilitation of children abroad, carried out on the basis of foreign gratuitous assistance" (hereinafter - Decree No. 98) and Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated August 25, 1997 No. 1113 "On improving the procedure for organizing treatment children outside the Republic of Belarus", regulating the basis for the implementation of this activity;

Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 14.07.2003 No. 17 "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities" (hereinafter - Decree No. 17) and Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 1601 dated 10.12. Department of Affairs of the President of the Republic of Belarus" (hereinafter referred to as Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 1601), which determine the procedure for obtaining licenses for this activity;

Decree of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 4 dated May 6, 2004 (hereinafter referred to as the Decree of the UDP No. 4), Decree of the Ministry of Labor and social protection of the Republic of Belarus dated May 24, 2004 No. 56 (hereinafter referred to as the Decree of the Ministry of Labor No. 56) and the Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated June 29, 2004 No. 42 (hereinafter referred to as the Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 42), regulating the issues of obtaining approvals and permits for such trips in these bodies.

It should also be taken into account that such activities are carried out within the framework of receiving foreign gratuitous assistance. Therefore, it is subject to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated November 28, 2003 No. 24 "On the receipt and use of foreign gratuitous assistance" (hereinafter - Decree No. 24) and the resolution of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 30, 2004 No. 7 "On approval of the Instruction on procedure for registration, receipt and use of foreign gratuitous aid".

Activity definition

In accordance with Decree No. 17, activities related to the rehabilitation of children abroad are licensed. Meanwhile, neither Decree No. 98, nor the Regulation on Licensing Activities Related to the Rehabilitation of Children Abroad, approved by Council of Ministers Resolution No. 1601, contain a definition of this type of activity, but only indicate some of its features.

The definition can only be found in the Instructions on the procedure for issuing permission to travel abroad for health improvement of children and their accompanying persons, confirming the humanitarian nature of the trip, approved by Resolution No. preparation and execution of documents for the departure of children and their accompanying persons, transportation to the place of rehabilitation and back, to create favorable conditions for living and eating in the host country, as well as to conduct sports, recreation, educational, cultural programs aimed at optimizing conditions for recovery and strengthening the health of children, which is carried out on the basis of foreign gratuitous assistance provided by foreign states, international organizations, foreign organizations and citizens, stateless persons and anonymous donors, aimed primarily at mitigating the consequences of catastrophes offices at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, providing assistance to children from low-income families, orphans, disabled children, as well as children in extreme situations.

The above definition of the activity in question allows us to find in the latter similarities with tourism activities, which are also licensed. The Law of the Republic of Belarus dated November 25, 1999 No. 326-Z "On Tourism" defines tourism as a temporary departure (travel) of citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons in recreational, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other for purposes that do not contradict the law, to the country (place) of temporary residence without engaging in paid activities in it (it).

The main differences between these two activities are as follows. Firstly, the subject composition does not match: health improvement activities abroad are aimed exclusively at children, while tourism activities are not limited by the age of participants. Secondly, activities to improve the health of children abroad are exclusively non-commercial in nature, while tourism activities are commercial (although this is not directly stated in regulatory legal acts). Moreover, activities to improve the health of children abroad are carried out exclusively on the basis of foreign gratuitous assistance.

Due to the vagueness of the definitions, it is impossible to say exactly what type of activity refers, in particular, to activities for the rehabilitation of children abroad in the case when such activities are sponsored by a resident of the Republic of Belarus, or activities for the rehabilitation of adults (for example, disabled people) abroad, carried out by on the basis of foreign gratuitous aid. If one adheres to the formal interpretation of regulatory legal acts, these areas do not apply to activities for the improvement of children abroad, carried out on the basis of foreign gratuitous assistance. However, whether they relate to tourism activities (or any other) and whether they are subject to licensing, it is impossible to say with certainty.

License requirements and conditions

Licenses for children's health improvement activities abroad are issued by the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus. However, all organizational issues are in charge of its structural subdivision - the Department for Humanitarian Activities of the Office of the President of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter - the Department).

The licensing requirements and conditions for the applicant for the relevant license are as follows:

The presence of at least one employee with a higher pedagogical education and at least three years of experience working with children (if such an employee works in a commercial organization, he must be on the staff, in a non-profit organization he must be a member of the governing body). An individual entrepreneur must have a higher pedagogical education and experience working with children for at least five years;

Financing activities related to the rehabilitation of children abroad through targeted foreign gratuitous assistance.

Documents for obtaining a license are submitted to the Department. In addition to the standard package of documents for all licenses defined by Decree No. 17 (application, copies of constituent documents, information about the UNN, a document confirming the payment of a license fee), in order to obtain a license to improve children's health abroad, you must additionally submit:

A program that reflects the basic principles of work on the implementation of activities related to the rehabilitation of children abroad, and includes the name or list of host foreign organizations, the procedure and conditions for financing, conditions for the stay and transportation of children and other conditions;

Information about the head of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur - the license applicant (according to the approved form).

It should be noted that in accordance with Decree No. 98, republican government bodies and structural divisions of local executive committees have the right to carry out such activities without a license, provided that this is within their competence (is one of the functions). However, to date, neither the Regulations on the Ministry of Education, nor the Regulations on the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, nor the Regulations on the Ministry of Health contain any mention of such a function of these ministries.

Formation of groups of children

Groups of children are sent abroad only if the organizer of the trip has a contractual relationship with the host. The contract should stipulate the issues of insurance of children and persons accompanying them, the conditions for their transportation to and from health improvement, the procedure for financing the children's health improvement program.

Decree No. 98 divides groups of children into general and special. General organized groups are groups of children who do not have medical contraindications, which are confirmed by relevant documents, to be sent for rehabilitation abroad. Special organized groups include groups of children who have medical contraindications confirmed by relevant documents to be sent for rehabilitation abroad as part of general organized groups.

The division into groups affects the procedure for agreeing on their composition, as well as the quantitative and professional composition of accompanying persons. Yes, composition common groups should be agreed only with the Ministry of Education, while the composition of special groups is agreed in advance with the Ministry of Health. There is another category of children - children from boarding schools. Groups formed from such children are common, but their composition must be agreed with the Ministry of Labor, as well as with the Ministry of Health.

Unfortunately, the very process of selecting children for a health trip abroad is not completely clear. Decree No. 98 establishes that the groups are recruited by the organizations sending them, taking into account the capabilities of the receiving party. Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 42 also determines that the acquisition of groups of children, the selection and direction of persons accompanying them is carried out by organizations, including in cooperation with educational institutions, departments (departments) of education. In addition, as noted in Decree No. 98, children affected by the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, disabled children, orphans, children from large families, low-income and incomplete families have the advantage of being included in the group. It is not clear what this advantage is expressed in: are the listed organizations obliged to provide a certain quota in the group for such children, or do they have to form a group exclusively from such children and do not have the right to include other children in it (which seems practically impossible)? Or perhaps the priority is expressed in something else?

Certain features are associated with the formation of groups of children from boarding schools. The decision of the Ministry of Labor No. 56 established that the organizers of the trip must apply to the labor and social protection committee of the relevant regional executive committee or the Minsk City Executive Committee, which will determine which children from which boarding school will be sent for rehabilitation abroad.

Decree No. 98 introduced restrictions on the age of children sent for rehabilitation: children from the age of 7 years go abroad for rehabilitation (in exceptional cases - from 6 years old, and children held in children's boarding institutions of the Ministry of Labor system - from 4 years old) to 18 years.

In addition, Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 42 contains some additional requirements for the recruitment of groups: the latter are completed taking into account age, time of referral (school time or holidays), medical reports (certificates) on the possibility of including children in the group.

Choice of accompanying persons

An important role is played by the definition of persons accompanying the group. Decree No. 98 determines that:

The selection and direction of persons accompanying general and special organized groups of children for rehabilitation abroad is carried out by the organizers. An exception is made for groups with children from boarding schools: children from orphanages, boarding schools and other institutions are accompanied by teachers working in these institutions, and therefore they are selected by the administration of these institutions;

Adults with a pedagogical or medical education, employees of organizations that send children to recovery are sent as escorts, if they have a recommendation from the place of work (study), experience working with children and after passing the appropriate training and instruction, and as interpreters or assistants to escorts - senior students of higher pedagogical or medical educational institutions;

Special groups must be accompanied by medical professionals, while for general groups this is not necessary in all cases.

Decree No. 98 establishes general requirements for the number of accompanying persons: the number of the latter is determined by the size of the group, the age of the children, their state of health, the form of organization of recreation (family or stationary base), the time spent by children abroad (study time or holidays), type of transport, opportunities foreign organizations.

The number of children cannot exceed 25 per accompanying person. These requirements are spelled out in more detail in the decrees of the Ministry of Education No. 42 and the Ministry of Labor No. 56:

When organizing the rehabilitation of children at a stationary base, at least 3 accompanying persons are sent to a group of 30 children;

The number of children in groups that are made up of students from orphanages, boarding schools and other institutions that provide special education, and leave with the organization of the educational process, should not exceed 12 people per accompanying person;

When sending a special organized group of children with special needs of psychophysical development in the amount of no more than 4 people, 1 accompanying person is appointed;

For each child with severe disorders of the musculoskeletal system and (or) moving in a wheelchair, an accompanying person is assigned.

If a group of children is sent for rehabilitation during school hours and the duration of such a trip exceeds 15 days, the organizers must ensure the organization of the educational process. For this, teachers with the appropriate level of professional training may be sent as accompanying persons. The number of teachers accompanying groups of students is determined by their composition: for a group of middle and high school students - at least 3 teachers of basic subjects, for a group of children primary school- 1 teacher.

The organizer of the trip concludes an agreement with all accompanying persons. The standard form of the contract was approved by Resolution UPD No. 4.

Training and briefing of accompanying persons

All accompanying persons are required to undergo appropriate training and instruction in the system of the Ministry of Education in accordance with the Instruction on the procedure for the preparation and instruction of persons accompanying general organized groups of children for rehabilitation abroad, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 42.

For the preparation and briefing of accompanying persons, the organizer of the trip is obliged to apply in advance (no later than 2 months before the departure of the group) with an application to the educational institutions that provide such training. When applying with an application less than a month before the departure date of the group, the preparation is carried out unscheduled at the expense of the organizers. The Ministry of Education has identified organizations authorized to conduct training. This educational institution "National Center artistic creativity children and youth", educational institution "Republican Center for Tourism and Local History of Studying Youth", as well as educational institutions that provide advanced training and retraining of personnel as part of advanced training courses for specialists in the education system.

Preparation is carried out in the form of a 6-hour seminar in accordance with the developed plans and ends with a test of students' knowledge (in the form of an interview). Knowledge acquired must be tested at least once every three years.

Coordination of lists of children and accompanying persons

The next stage after the formation of the lists of children sent for rehabilitation, and the persons accompanying them, is the coordination of these lists. According to Decree No. 98, the lists are:

Children from residential institutions and persons accompanying them are coordinated with the Ministry of Labor;

Children sent as part of general groups, and persons accompanying them, are agreed with the Ministry of Education;

Children sent as part of special groups, and the persons accompanying them, are agreed with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health.

To date, the Ministry of Health has not yet determined the procedure for coordinating the lists of children, as well as the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. The latter only shifted this function to the "shoulders" of its regional (Minsk city) committees (paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Ministry of Labor No. 56). The only agency that has regulated the issue of coordinating the list of children is the Ministry of Education - the corresponding Instruction was approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 42.

To coordinate the lists, it is necessary to submit an application to the Ministry of Education, lists on paper and electronic media, petitions from education departments on the need to leave children under 6 years of age (if any). The forms of the lists are approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 42. However, before submitting documents to the specified Ministry, the lists must be preliminarily agreed with its lower structures, namely with the head:

The district (city) department of education and the head of the educational institution, if a group of children from one educational institution is sent;

District (city) department of education, if a group of children from different educational institutions of the same district (city) is sent;

Regional (Minsk City) Department of Education, if a group of children from different districts of the region (or the city of Minsk) is sent.

For approval in the departments (departments) of education, the organizers submit the following documents:

Certificates or lists from the place of study of children;

A copy of the diploma of education of accompanying persons;

Page copies work book confirming labor activity an employee with children (for accompanying persons who have a pedagogical or medical education and are not working in their specialty at the date of registration of documents);

Characteristics from organizations or from foreign organizations confirming the positive experience of employees working with children, including in Russian (for accompanying persons who do not have a pedagogical or medical education);

Written consent of the head of the educational institution on sending students for rehabilitation abroad during the academic year with information on the organization of the implementation of training programs in full upon their return to the educational institution (in the case of sending children for rehabilitation during school hours without organizing the educational process);

A copy of the order of the head of the educational institution on sending teachers to teach subjects during the period of rehabilitation of students abroad (in the case of sending children to the rehabilitation during school hours with the organization of the educational process).

After approval in the lower structures of the Ministry of Education, documents are submitted to the Ministry itself, and no later than 25 calendar days before the date of departure of the group for rehabilitation abroad. Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 42 determines that, based on the results of consideration of the submitted documents, it makes a decision on the approval or disagreement of the list. At the same time, it is not specified in which cases the Ministry can decide on disagreement.

Getting permission from the Department

At the last stage, before sending a group of children for rehabilitation, it is necessary to obtain permission from the Department, confirming the humanitarian nature of the trip. To do this, the organizer submits to the Department:

A copy of the agreement (with presentation of the original) on cooperation with a foreign organization;

A document of the host party confirming the creation of conditions in the places of stay that comply with sanitary standards and hygiene rules of the Republic of Belarus (in the case of collective residence of children in health-improving institutions or other stationary bases);

Agreed lists of children and persons accompanying them;

Agreement on accompanying an organized group of children, concluded between the organizer and the accompanying person;

Other documents confirming the humanitarian nature of the trip.

Documents must be submitted to the Department no later than 15 days before they are submitted to the embassies and consulates of foreign countries.

Responsibility for violation of legal requirements

In accordance with the Regulations on Licensing Activities Related to the Rehabilitation of Children Abroad, approved by Resolution No. 1601 of the Council of Ministers, the licensing authority (the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus) has the right to decide to cancel the license. At the same time, gross violations of the requirements and conditions for the implementation of a licensed activity include non-compliance of the licensee's activities with regulatory legal acts. Such a rather "blurred" wording makes it possible to classify as violations virtually any violation of the procedure for carrying out this activity and consider it a sufficient reason for canceling a license.

In addition, since the activities for the rehabilitation of children abroad are carried out at the expense of foreign gratuitous aid, liability is also established by Decree No. 24.

Some Conclusions

Thus, in order to send a group of children for rehabilitation abroad, it is necessary, firstly, to have an agreement with a foreign host organization and a document confirming the proper living conditions. Secondly, it is necessary to obtain a license to carry out this activity, coordinate the lists of children and accompanying persons with the departments of education and the Ministry of Education, and in some cases with the Ministry of Health or the Ministry of Labor, conclude agreements with accompanying persons, who must also undergo appropriate training and receive certificates . Thirdly, you should obtain permission from the Department for Humanitarian Affairs of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Given this a large number of approval and authorization procedures, it is necessary to prepare a list of children and their accompanying persons for the approval procedure at least two months before the submission of documents for visas. At the same time, it should be remembered that this period does not include the time required to obtain a license to carry out the considered type of activity.


Normative legal acts

Constitution of the Republic of Belarus. Adopted at the republican referendum on November 24, 1996. Minsk "Belarus" 1997.

Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus dated December 7, 1998 No. 218-З. Passed by the House of Representatives on October 28, 1998. Approved by the Council of the Republic on November 19, 1998. (Vedomosti of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, 1999, No. 7-9, item 101).

Special literature

Borzova K.A., Gavze F.I., Glebova L.V. etc. Scientific and practical commentary on the Civil Code of the Byelorussian SSR. Minsk: Belarus, 1991. 528s.

Kolbasin D.A. Civil law The Republic of Belarus. Special part: Prakt. Benefit. - Minsk: Youth Scientific Society, 2001. 547p.

Remember how you were children and went to camp during the holidays - for a shift, or even for a whole summer. Now your children have grown up to independent travel, and there is an opportunity to send them on vacation abroad. Children's camps abroad have obvious advantages. Firstly, it is communication with peers from other countries and a great way to improve knowledge of a foreign language. Secondly, these are good living conditions and an extremely rich recreation program. Children gain strength after the school year, get acquainted with the culture of other countries and participate in interesting activities.

However, not only sea air has a beneficial effect on the child's body. Children have a great rest in the bosom of nature, at the foot of the mountains. Therefore, the Czech Republic, Slovakia are so popular.

When choosing a language camp, you can focus on the country where the language of interest is official. For example, English is good to learn in the UK, German - in Germany. Many countries have strong language schools, and children's camps invite experienced teachers - native speakers to work with children. Thus, the leading positions in teaching English are held by Malta and Finland. Therefore, when choosing a holiday country, we recommend that you also pay attention to the length of the road, as well as additional opportunities for recovery.

If you would like your child to realize his Creative skills, try to find a theme camp abroad or pick up a suitable theme change. Events can be designed for adventure lovers, young actors, artists and musicians, fans of active games, children interested in science. Children who are seriously involved in sports will have a good time at the sports camp.

Making inquiries, preparing questions for the camp

Even sending a child to a grandmother in another city, parents worry about whether everything will be fine. What can we say about an independent trip of a child to another country? Complete information about the place of rest will help you find peace. You can get the necessary information from the camp administration or from a travel agency that has been cooperating with the children's summer camp for several years. It is also useful to study the site children's camp, see photos, look at the forum or guest book. On such sites you can find the daily routine, the program of events, an approximate menu, a list of things that the child will need on vacation, and other useful information.

We offer a sample list of questions that should be answered before the child travels.

1. How long has the camp been open?
2. How is the transfer organized?
3. What are the living conditions for children? How long ago was the renovation done?
4. What is the diet plan? Is it possible to follow a diet if necessary?
5. How is the territory protected? Are caregivers close to children at night?
6. How is medical care organized? Is there a doctor in the camp?
7. Is there a place for children to swim (private beach on the seashore, lake, pool)?
8. Which teachers are invited to work in the children's language camp? What is the entry level for the classes? How long will it take to learn a language every day? Will the child receive a certificate at the end of the shift? Will there be an opportunity to practice using a foreign language outside of class?
9. Are there staff in the camp who speak the child's native language?
10. How long is the shift? In summer camps, shifts can last 2, 3, 4 weeks. Note that in many European countries, June is the time of study. And if you want your child to communicate more with foreigners, choose July - August shifts.
11. What activities are included in the recreation program? The programs of foreign camps are often very unusual: there you can learn horse riding or self-defense techniques, immerse yourself in the intricacies of cooking, learn to play the guitar, try your hand at programming, and finally find out exactly what barbecue is.
12. Will the child need money for additional expenses? It is not necessarily about cafes or souvenirs. Sometimes the camp program includes excursions, which are paid separately.
13. How is the child connected to the home?

What documents are needed for the camp?

Choice made? It remains to purchase a ticket to the camp, tickets and draw up documents for the child's trip abroad.

The main documents for traveling to another country are a foreign passport (a child's travel document for traveling abroad), a notarized permission of the parents to leave the child and medical insurance. The list of documents, depending on the country of residence, can be expanded.

It is worth talking about insurance separately. If the child has any health problems, this must be specified in the insurance policy. Also, most likely, you will need to get a visa, Schengen or national.

Is it worth it to collect all the papers yourself? If you started preparing for the trip long before the start of the holiday, you can slowly collect all the documents. In the case when time is running out, you can entrust the paperwork to a travel agency. At first glance, there is a lot of work to be done. But imagine how your child returns from camp rested, full of new experiences and a desire to learn. It's worth your effort.

After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, funds began to appear in Belarus that took children abroad for rehabilitation: little Belarusians lived in families in Italy, Spain, England, Germany, France and even the USA. We asked the residents of Minsk, who first came to Western Europe in the 1990s, to tell us about their trips.

24 years old, copywriter

The first time I went to France for recovery at the age of 9, the second time - at 10, and the third - at 15. The first two times it was one family, and then, at 15, another.

I am from Minsk, but we also had many children affected by Chernobyl. I had some diseases - I don’t really remember which ones, but I remember, for example, an examination during which we large armchairs measured the level of radiation. Upon our return, we were also examined: as far as I remember, there were good indicators - we arrived “recovered”. And parents said that it was more difficult to control us.

The first time I went with another girl to a family who lived on the Loire. They took a vacation during our arrival and took care of us: they took us to the Tour de France, to the castles of the Loire - they showed us, they bought something, there were always some guests. All in all, it was an incredible experience. I had a French gymnasium, so at the age of 9 I already understood almost everything and could explain myself without any problems. And the family treated us very warmly, as if we were their children, that is, they took care of us very much, tried to understand, but at the same time they explained if we did something wrong.

This was my first conscious trip abroad, because before that I had only been in Bulgaria at the age of 5. And it was all very impressive! When I first saw their house, I did not believe at all that I would live there. In fact, many had this: it seemed that he was in a fairy tale - everything was so beautiful, well-groomed and not like ours! And when they showed us the room where we would live (there were huge porcelain dolls that their children collected), I generally had a feeling of unreality of what was happening.

I rather experienced a culture shock upon my return - it was 1999, everything was so gray. We rode the bus past some district towns, and I remember crying. And I didn’t understand why we drove for two days, and everything around is no longer the same: gray houses, people walk around and get angry. Everyone, not only me, was very sausage about the shops, because in a month we somehow got very used to the fact that you come, say hello and talk to you. And then everyone tried to politely talk to our saleswomen, to say hello and goodbye.

Just before we left, we had a nice cultural moment: we went to the store to buy food for the party - and they packed us huge backpacks of food. And our hostess began to tell the saleswoman that we were from Belarus. She was very happy, began to question us, ran away somewhere and brought baubles that she weaves - in memory of France, so that we would come again. And we were very impressed, and especially by the fact that the line behind us listened to all this with interest and no one scandalized.

There were a lot of things in France that I tried for the first time: for example, cheese. Every afternoon, a special box was opened with a huge amount of all kinds of cheese: there were cheeses with white mold, with blue mold. Of course it was a delight. Big shops were also impressive - it was not clear how it could be that a whole town of shops. Well, they explained a lot to us: they say, here we buy food, there are discounts now, and stuff like that. We were very surprised that we all saw this for the first time.

Shops and things, of course, were impressive, but I was shocked by the fact that people somehow treat each other differently, dress differently, perceive their image, that they smile. That is, I was more impressed by the relationship - for example, that they kiss when they meet. That is, 10 friends gather and everyone greets each other like that - and us too. By the way, I don't remember such a close contact in Minsk. We, probably, only at the university began to hug at a meeting, and before that, bodily contact was somehow not accepted. I've never even seen my parents act like this with their friends, or anyone in town do that, except when people haven't seen each other for years. It was all very impressive.

33 years old, actor and musician

The first time I visited my family in Germany was in 1992. I remember this fragmentarily, but there was a family of dentists, they lived near Hamburg and were really rich dudes. They took us everywhere - they entertained us, gave me clothes, all kinds of chewing gum. When I went there, I already knew that the Germans were punctual and meticulous guys, but I was still amazed that they made me go to bed at 8 pm: it was summer, it was light, but they had such a schedule.

I also remember that the translators in the program were a couple of Kazakhs who had lived in Germany for 10 years, but they, of course, had a Soviet mentality: once we were walking down the street, and there was an old bicycle - it was in the order of things for them , outdated bike and they sent it to a landfill. And this woman-translator says: "Let's take him away, my heart bleeds." In the same way, I was surprised that when these Germans had an obsolete car - and there were five of them in the family - they simply took it to a landfill, and that's it. Of course it was amazing.

But on the other hand, they had some kind of economy with food: they forbade eating tasty things that I liked. For example, you could eat one Kinder chocolate per week. I don't know, maybe they were worried about my teeth? But when the teeth were treated there, I didn’t even understand it. They took me to a beautiful place, put me to watch a cartoon and said: “Open your mouth.” Well, I sat through the whole cartoon with my mouth open - it didn't hurt. And at the end they say - here's ice cream for you. Well, I think: “Class, I watched the cartoon, and they gave me ice cream, but when will we go to treat our teeth?” And it turns out - that's all.

Then, when I was 12 and 13, I went to the south of Italy with my family. They lived in a big house - the whole family: with grandparents, brothers and sisters. The house was just full of people, and I was amazed that they live like this, very noisy. We had dinner - it was to eat and talk. And they could have a scandal over dinner, almost a fight. But it's all loving.

At that time I was not very interested in shops - yes, of course, you come, and everything there is so modern, in a European way. But I was more struck by the sea. Maybe at that time shops and chocolates impressed me very much, but then it was erased from my memory, and eternal things, the sea and mountains, remained. And football was very shocking - after Italy I almost became a football player, I arrived and immediately signed up for the Labor Reserves section. It's very contagious there - everyone plays football. In the evenings they block the square, put up gates and play - this is called "calcho". Well, I became a fan, although before Italy I had no relationship with football.

When I went there, I remember crying because you leave the house for a month - there will be no dad, sister, what kind of nonsense at all. And when he left Italy, he also cried. I wanted to stay there - you get used to it quickly. Of course, after Italy, everything seemed miserable, but it was so. When you see well-dressed, good-smelling people, then you come here, and here is the 90s. Well, on the other hand, I came in new clothes, brought chewing gum, chocolates, stickers of football players - they tried to be friends with me, asked questions. Yes, and then I seriously addicted part of my yard to football.

These trips to families were my only trips abroad. The next time I got there was already 22 years old. And I think that if it weren't for the childhood experience, it would have been tough - probably, it would have been depressive. Because we then went to Riga with the theater, and for many guys it was the first time, and it was really a shock. And I'm already kind of prepared.

28 years old, handyman(spoke to us from USA)

My mother worked in the district executive committee and made all these trips normally, so the first time I went to Germany was when I was 7 years old. I don’t remember anything about this trip at all, only that I was the youngest there and I either for good behavior, or for some kind of creativity they gave "Raffaello".

Then, when I was 8 years old, in one summer I went first to Italy and then to Spain. The first memory of Italy: I wake up in the morning, and my family sits around and says to me: “Doccia! Doccia!" I think: damn, what a daughter, do they take me for a girl? My hair was quite long and I looked like a girl, so I sat there and thought that they had a trick, I'm actually a boy. Then it turned out that doccia is "shower" in Italian. And it was they who tried to persuade me to take a shower all morning.

I had a real shock then: it turned out that their eldest son was suffering from mental retardation. At the age of 8, I couldn’t even determine for the first week whether it was a girl or a boy - he looked strange, behaved strangely - and, of course, I had never seen such people until that moment. For about a week I could not figure out how to communicate with him, but then I began to speak Italian, the family explained everything to me. I also began to communicate with him absolutely normally, as with other children. And this whole topic, which is now developing in Belarus in relation to people with disabilities, what our society is trying to teach, it turns out that I learned this already at the age of 8 thanks to Italy.

Both in Italy and in Spain, both masters, as we then called them, were artists. The Italian generally worked at a metallurgical plant and painted landscapes - I sat and watched what he was painting all the time. But the Spaniard painted some absolutely wild surrealistic pictures: for example, playing football with human skulls - in short, things that are quite scary for a child's brain. The Spanish family lived in a hotel that belonged to them. It was such a non-working hotel with a restaurant in a small town: people only went to the bar - and then very rarely. And so this whole hotel was hung with his paintings, and the Spaniard himself even taught me to draw. Probably some basics artistic education they put in me.

But in general, Spain for me was associated with the wildest sadness, because I lived alone with the old people in a huge empty hotel, hung with scary pictures. Yes, just like in horror movies. They had a boy working there who sometimes came to work. And in these happy Days I played soccer with a boy in the hotel yard with a deflated basketball. The rest of the time I sat in the utility room, where there was a typewriter - and this was, of course, a dream for a Belarusian child - and reprinted lists of football games from old sports newspapers. So I spent a month. They fed me boiled beans and for some reason they also gave me a bag of beans with them - and they explained for a long time how to cook them properly.

But I went to Italy with my family 8 times - every summer from 8 to 16 years old. And it was great, I learned Italian and still speak it. It probably ruined my life, instilled a love of travel, and now I can't sit - instead of buying a car and getting married, I dangle back and forth around the world.

We didn’t do anything special in Italy: we had breakfast, went to the sea, dined, slept, went to the sea, had dinner and went to bed again. Nothing happened, but I had fun. And, of course, you could brag to your classmates when you returned tanned! And once I came back with my hair dyed blue color, - there it was fashionable. Then in the fourth grade I pierced my ear - also in Italy. I was the first boy in school with a pierced ear, so at the very first lesson the teacher took me to the director. But, since I was the most excellent student, I got away with everything. Now, telling, I understand that because of the trips you really became some kind of more progressive fellow, more daring, or something.

I didn’t have a collision with the consumer society: the family in which I lived somehow didn’t bother with all this garbage - they didn’t take me to supermarkets and didn’t give me bags of toys. Although, of course, the children who traveled like that, for some reason, were convinced that since these Italians and Spaniards invited us there, they were obliged to give us gifts or give money there, and lamented: they say, there are few gifts, someone more! And there was also a topic - I don’t know if it corresponded to reality - that families who take children like this are getting tax cuts. So there were all sorts of stories: they invite me to lower taxes, they take advantage of me. Yes, small-town foul language, of course, but it was.

Photo: site, archive of heroes.

3.3. Organization of foreign tourism and health improvement of children

The subjects of tourism activities organizing trips abroad of Ukraine must adhere to the Guidelines for organizing trips of domestic tourists abroad and certain requirements.

The subjects of tourism activities must organize individual and group trips abroad for tourists on the basis of agreements (contracts) on cooperation in the provision of tourism services, which are drawn up with foreign and domestic partners in writing.

Subjects of tourism activities during the organization of tourist trips of tourists abroad must issue the following tourist documents:

Application of a tourist for booking a tourist service (tour);
- confirmation of the host party about booking a tourist service (tour);
- an agreement between the subject of tourism activities and the tourist;
- tourist voucher (ticket);
- insurance policy;
- documents (receipt stubs and cashier's checks) confirming that the tourist has paid the cost of tourist services (advance payment or the full cost of the tour) to the cash desk of the subject of tourism activity, stipulated in the application of the tourist and the agreement between the tourist and the subject of tourism activity;
- transport documents (tickets), if the subject of tourism activity provides transport services or provides a service for booking and purchasing tickets;
- the program of the tour.

The application of a tourist for tourist services must be made directly by the tourist or the subject of tourism activities in writing.

To a written agreement (contract) between a subject of tourism activity and a tourist traveling abroad, the subject of tourism activity must provide tourists with full information about the organization of the tour, their rights, obligations and rules of conduct, insurance conditions, the procedure for compensating for losses caused, conditions for refusing services, rules for crossing the state border, as well as complete and objective information about the laws and rules of residence in the country (locality) of location, the customs of the local population, behavior in in public places and places associated with the conduct of religious rites, on cultural, archaeological, architectural, historical, natural values ​​​​under the protection of the state, insurance conditions, termination of the agreement (contract) for the tour.

The tour program must be drawn up by the subject of tourist activity in writing for each group tourist trip. The tour program must contain the following information:

Name of the country of travel, route and duration of the tour;
- information about the time of departure from Ukraine and arrival in the country of travel, check-in and check-out from the hotel, transfer (meeting or seeing off);
- the schedule of excursions or other events (which the tourist ordered) for each day of the tour according to the tour route, information on the tour (indicating the place and time of the start of the tour, its duration and subject matter, the procedure for paying for Additional services, diet on the days of the excursions);
- names, locations, telephone numbers of the subject of tourism activity and the foreign partner, full name and the phone number of the group leader.

For the departure of an organized group of children aged 6 to 18 traveling on a certain route abroad for the purpose of recovery, the following documents are required:

Agreement (contract) on cooperation with a foreign partner or on the exchange of organized groups of children for the purpose of rehabilitation or invitation (in Ukrainian and foreign languages);
- an agreement with an insurance company on compulsory medical and accident insurance for children and accompanying persons;
- an agreement with a transport company licensed for international transportation;
- a certificate of health of each child (in case of illness, indicate the diagnosis);
- data on the epidemiological environment, preventive vaccinations according to the vaccination schedule;
- notarized written consent of the parents, and for orphans deprived of parental care, the written consent of the head of the educational institution or the guardian (trustee) in which they are brought up, certified by a state notary, to travel abroad for health improvement (for each child);
- permission, respectively, of local executive authorities for a group trip for the rehabilitation of orphans and children deprived of parental care abroad;
- an order to appoint a leader (teacher of an organized group of children) and, if necessary, medical worker and guide-interpreter.


Abstract on the topic:

Rest and health improvement of children


  • 1 Institutions
  • 2 The sphere of recreation and health improvement of children in Russia today
  • 3 Recreation and rehabilitation of children abroad


Rest and health improvement of children- a set of measures that ensure the development of the creative potential of children, the protection and strengthening of their health, the prevention of diseases in children, their occupation physical culture, sports and tourism, the formation of healthy lifestyle skills in children, their compliance with the diet and life in a favorable environment when fulfilling sanitary and hygienic and sanitary and epidemiological requirements (Article 1 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in Russian Federation»).

1. Institutions

Institutions - children's health camps (country health camps, day camps and others), specialized (profile) camps (sports and health camps, defense and sports camps, tourist camps, labor and recreation camps, environmental and biological camps, technical camps, local history and other camps - pioneer camps, children's camps, summer camps), health centers, bases and complexes, other organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, the main activity of which is aimed at providing services to ensure children's recreation (on holidays, etc.) and their recovery (Article 1 of the Federal Law “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” dated July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ).

As a result of changes in the socio-economic and political structure of Russia in the early 1990s, the former pioneer camps that survived during privatization and the economic crisis in the country were gradually transformed into recreation and recreation organizations for children. The final legalization of the transformations and the creation of a new social sphere is fixed federal law No. 170-FZ of December 21, 2004, which introduced the concept of recreation and health improvement of children and “organizations of recreation and rehabilitation of children”, which includes “institutions of recreation and rehabilitation of children”.

2. The sphere of recreation and health improvement of children in Russia today

At the beginning of the 21st century, more than 50,000 recreation and recreation facilities for children were opened in Russia annually, a significant part of which were camps with day stay students at the base educational institutions. The number of out-of-town stationary camps for children has been steadily declining, with 816 out-of-town camps closed in seven years (2001-2006). In 2007 alone, the network of out-of-town camps was reduced by 200 establishments. However, every year more than 10 million children school age use the services of these institutions, and the total money turnover of institutions and recreation organizations in 2007 amounted to at least 32 billion rubles. A significant role in the financing of institutions is played by the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, on whose funds more than 5 million children aged 7 to 15 years have a rest every year. Since 2008, it is planned to introduce the National Standard GOST-R “Services for Children in Recreation and Recreation Institutions”. At the same time, private children's holiday camps are opening and starting to operate in the country. Independent companies buy out former "departmental" children's camps from enterprises and build new modern health complexes for children on their basis. In a private camp, the developmental program changes every year, replacing the standard accommodation for 8-10 people in a room, and a shower and toilet at the end of the corridor; in a private camp for children, elite accommodation is provided - 2-3 people in a room, amenities in the room , TV, renovated rooms, high-speed internet, a menu with C-vitaminization and iodization of products, fashionable animation instead of KVN and a fire. But finding a child in such a camp costs a lot for parents. With the onset of the 21st century, forms of family holidays with children are also becoming increasingly popular. By analogy with family kindergartens, individual parents and groups of enthusiasts create summer camps for children's outdoor recreation. Initially, family camps were organized by religious communities - Christian and Jewish - the leadership of the community selected a place for a summer vacation, set up a tent camp there, parents pooled their accommodation and meals, and specially trained teachers worked with children, in accordance with their religion. Today, quite secular family camps are also functioning in Russia, where children not only relax and gain health, but also take part in various educational and creative development programs.

3. Recreation and rehabilitation of children abroad

In Western Europe, the USA and Canada, children go to summer camps. As a rule, such camps are private, although in some countries there is a developed network of municipal camps. Private camps accept children from different countries: the main purpose of staying in them is considered to be immersion in a new cultural space and language environment, combined with active recreation. In the school curriculum abroad foreign languages much more attention than in Russia. The degree of economic and cultural integration in the West is very high, so fluency in 2-3 languages ​​is by no means a luxury, but a vital necessity. Camps are designed for any budget: there are prestigious, expensive ones with their own stables and a swimming pool. and there are also quite democratic ones, the cost of staying in which is not too different from Russian camps. The stay program is thought out to the smallest detail, each camp has its own program and profile orientation.

  • International Language Camp or International Linguistic Camp
This abstract is based on an article from the Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed on 07/12/11 03:21:09
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