
Means with hyaluronic acid in a pharmacy. Effective pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products. How to choose cosmetics with hyaluronic acid

breast cancer

Hyaluronic acid is produced naturally by our body, filling the intercellular space and giving the skin elasticity and firmness. It has a transparent gel-like texture. Modern scientists have learned how to create its synthetic counterpart.

Hyaluronic acid has found wide application in cosmetology: it is used as part of products to maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, in daily complexes for young normal and problematic dermis, including high-quality anti-aging care. A cream based on "hyaluron" allows you to moisturize the epidermis well and retain moisture inside it by creating an invisible film on the surface.

At the same time, hyaluronic acid differs from each other: it can be low molecular weight and high molecular weight.

The cream, which contains a low molecular weight product, tends to penetrate and work in the deep layers of the dermis, that is, it is considered more effective in the fight for skin youth. Its analogue is a high-molecular product, characterized by a high density of molecules and is able to act on the surface of the skin, creating an invisible film and preventing the evaporation of moisture from the inside.

Basic properties

There are legends about the properties of hyaluronic acid: it is a good moisturizer, retains moisture in skin cells, fights wrinkles and problems of anti-aging dermis, normalizes the water balance inside the skin, and provides energy exchange.

Hyaluronic acid in a daily cream can become great alternative medical injections, it is important to determine its properties and find the right application for a particular product:

  • The main property of hyaluronic acid is to retain and accumulate moisture in skin cells. Thanks to the use of a face cream based on its low or high molecular weight, the skin becomes moisturized, gains elasticity and strength, and its tone is created.
  • High molecular weight acid in the composition of a cosmetic product acts as a barrier against the negative influence of external factors, forming an invisible film on the surface of the dermis; it also prevents the evaporation of moisture;
  • Hyaluron maintains the hydrobalance of the dermis, that is, its water structure. It is known that the human body consists of 80% water, exactly like its largest organ - the skin;
  • Hyaluronic acid helps prevent skin aging due to the fact that it accumulates inside the dermis and fills its intercellular space with itself, it increases the elasticity of the skin, its strength, smoothes wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones;
  • It also promotes the natural production of collagen and elastin., which are responsible for the strength of the skin and their elasticity, youth.

Note that the benefits of hyaluronic acid are expanded by adding active elements to the cream - nourishing vegetable oils, vitamins, mineral complexes, and especially water, ideally if it is enriched with minerals - thermal.

Skin Benefits and Benefits

The natural production of hyaluronic acid slows down over time, which causes some problems. The use of creams based on hyaluronic acid begins when:

  • Excessive dryness and peeling;
  • The appearance of wrinkles;
  • Loss of facial contour and elasticity of the dermis;

In this case, the age of the woman is not important, rather, it is necessary to assess the condition of her skin.

In any physiological age manifestation of these signs is possible, especially since the first noticeable mimic wrinkles appear at the age of 25, and there is no need to talk about dryness of the epidermis. Continuous use of the cream hyaluronic acid helps to moisturize the skin due to which its surface and shade are leveled, cell regeneration is improved and the process of natural production of collagen and elastin is started - they are responsible for the tone of our skin.

It is worth knowing about the features of hyaluronic acid molecules: they tend to crystallize in the cold. Using a cream based on this component can be used throughout the year, but after application, it is worth letting it soak in properly.

We note its main advantages for the dermis:

  • According to cosmetologists, hyaluronic acid is considered the best component in the composition of the cream for the care of any type of skin, it is important to determine its correct concentration to solve the problem of dryness or the formation of wrinkles;
  • Synthetic analogue of the acid is perfectly absorbed by our skin, not rejected, perfectly absorbed and accumulated inside;
  • "Hyaluronka" has found its application in products for the eyelids, where its low-molecular structure is more often contained;
  • Skin rejuvenation is impossible without this component in the cream. In this case, it is important that it be based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which will penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and work from the inside.

How to apply

Hyaluronic acid is capricious in nature, and in the composition of the cream, it requires a special attitude for high-quality work.

  • Before applying the cream, pre-cleanse the skin by washing and do not forget about toning with tonic;
  • It is better to apply a cream with hyaluronic acid on slightly damp skin - do not allow the tonic to be absorbed into its surface completely or “flavor” the dermis with thermal water before you apply the cream;
  • Day cream is recommended to apply an hour and a half before leaving the house, especially in the cool and harsh season. The fact is that hyaluronic acid molecules tend to crystallize at low temperatures, that is, to acquire a solid form on the skin or inside it.
  • Before applying the cream, warm it up between your fingers.- this will allow him to "warm up" and penetrate into the deeper layers, quickly absorbed into the epidermis;
  • Regular use of a product with hyaluronic acid in the composition will allow you to achieve a visible effect sooner. Beauticians recommend using day and night care of the same brand;
  • Experts recommend distributing the day and night face cream with smoothing movements along the massage lines, the product around the eyes - with light driving circular movements.

Effect according to age

Creams with hyaluronic acid are conventionally divided into two types: those where the recommended age for their use is indicated, and without such an indication. It is worth noting that experts recommend using a cream without age marking for women aged 25 and older, of course, this recommendation is conditional and does not require precise execution.

Even a young epidermis can be dry and lifeless, and a classic product based on a moisturizing component will come to the rescue - a day or night product.

The use of hyaluronic cream on skin aged about 25 years without additional active elements, it allows you to moisturize the dermis from the outside, make it smooth and velvety. At this age, it is recommended to use a high-molecular day cream to work only on the surface of the epidermis: the active ingredient creates an invisible film and avoids evaporation of moisture from the inside.

After 25 years useful additional elements in the composition of the cosmetic cream will be other acids - lactic, glycolic, mineral and oxygen complexes to maintain proper energy and water exchange inside the epidermis. Hyaluronic acid should now act not only as a barrier, but also as an active component for moisturizing, and it is better to pay attention to its low molecular weight type.

For skin age 30 and older the effect of moisturizing and nutrition is achieved due to the presence of fatty acids in the composition, so look for a mention on the label vegetable oils among the components of the cream. Regular use of a cream with hyaluronic acid will saturate the dermis with moisture and give it elasticity, get rid of fine mimic wrinkles and prevent the formation of deep, age-related changes.

Anti-aging creams based on hyaluronic acid will not do without collagen or retinol in the composition, which stimulate the production of natural substances and cell regeneration, thereby smoothing the surface of the dermis and getting rid of wrinkles. The effect of using such a product is expected with daily use as part of day and night care: the skin acquires density, smoothness and additional radiance, wrinkles are not completely smoothed out, but noticeably smoothed out.

Collagen in the composition will allow you to restore the contour of the face and neck, and skin care products around the eyes - get rid of bags.

How to choose a good tool

Choosing a quality product is half the success, so before buying, you should take a few simple steps to acquiring a good product:

  • Familiarize yourself with the range of hyaluronic acid creams before going to the store or pharmacy: this will allow you to determine in advance the budget of the purchase and its place;
  • Read product reviews: which ones women think are the most effective, which ones are not. It is worth knowing about the individual characteristics of your epidermis, at least the type and presence of sensitivity to components, in order to avoid the latter in the composition of the cream;
  • After reading the reviews and choosing several products in advance, you should find out about the composition and components. Among the main moisturizing component, you need to look for hyaluronic acid - hyauronate, and not derivatives like salt. If you see salt among the components of the cream, then the purchase should be postponed and a more active composition should be chosen;
  • A good hyaluronic acid cream has a protective factor (SPF). It acts as a guarantor of quality care and protection against ultraviolet radiation, or premature aging. The presence of SPF indicates that the acid in the cream will “work” throughout the day and will allow you to use the cream in sunny summer for its effective work;
  • If you can, rate the cream for smell.- a quality product does not have a pronounced aroma;
  • An effective anti-aging agent, in addition to hyaluronic acid, contains retinol and some other key components to nourish and strengthen the cells of the dermis. Any of them have the same UV filters, since anti-aging care is not complete without an SPF factor.
  • It is good if the cream has a natural composition with additional vitamins C, E, B, natural antioxidants and a complex of oils for night care;
  • The main rule when choosing a high-quality and effective product is the presence of a low molecular weight acid in the composition. Not all manufacturers indicate the type of component and its concentration, however, among well-known and not very professional brands, there are those who informed women about the acid on the face or reverse side packaging. It is the low-molecular formula that is the most effective due to the ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and work inside the skin.

The choice of a good cream is determined by the age at which the product is intended.

Look for the label on the packaging - conscientious manufacturers indicate the necessary brands right on the front side of the jar of cream: recommended age, presence of additional components, SPF factor, type (night, day), on the back side, some brands inform about the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the composition.

List of popular manufacturers

Popular Russian brand Librederm tops the rating of budgetary funds and has in its line of creams based on "hyaluronic acid": a classic pharmacy product for any skin type and a serum based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

Skin care cream Doliva contains olive seed extract, shea and hyaluronic acid.

It is aimed at rejuvenating the dermis due to a highly moisturizing complex, smoothing wrinkles, improving complexion and normalizing energy exchange in the epidermis. Doliva brand moisturizers are divided into night and day care. Reviews about the product of the German brand are ambiguous: some girls note its too liquid consistency and the formation of a shiny film on the surface of the dermis, others talk about it as an affordable tool for daily care and rejuvenation, especially since the cream is not tied to a specific skin type or age women.

The rating of budget brands continues creams Faberlic Prolixir: intensive moisturizing day and night products, eye cream and serum for use by women 25 years and older. The brand's creams contain hyaluronic acid for moisturizing, an oxygen complex and peptides to restore dry and stressed dermis.

Brand L'Oreal known for a whole line of anti-aging products, and among them there is a product with hyaluronic acid - a filler that does not require subcutaneous injection.

The brand's specialists have created a unique cream with a low molecular weight base for better penetration into the deeper layers of the epidermis, so that the skin becomes elastic and toned, acquires a smooth surface and moisture saturation. Cream L'Oreal, unlike other products, is suitable for use by women aged 45 years and older.

Hyaluronic cream Caviale produced in Russia and deeply moisturizes the skin.

It contains no additional active elements, only a moisturizing component., which is aimed at working with fine mimic wrinkles and dryness of the dermis. Its price is pleasantly surprising, and the reviews are doubly. Women note its availability and high-quality hydration with daily use.

Hyaluronic cream primer Novosvit It has a light texture and excellent absorbency.

It contains reflective particles to give the face volume and freshness.. The unique formula of the Novosvit product based on hyaluronic acid smoothes fine wrinkles and normalizes the water balance of the epidermis, so that the result is already felt after the first application.

Belarusian cream Bielita-Vitex contains ginger extract - a powerful natural antioxidant and a component that enhances cell regeneration, essential rose oil to nourish and restore the epidermis. After applying the cream, a thin film forms on the surface of the dermis - a natural barrier to protect against external factors and retain moisture inside the skin.

Brand Alpika releases a light day cream based on hyaluronic acid, which, in addition to it, contains aloe extract to give freshness to the dermis. Hyaluron in the composition restores the water structure and maintains it at a level in order to prevent skin aging and the appearance of dryness and wrinkles.

Natural product based on "hyaluron" - cream Savonry with a high rating.

It contains a low molecular weight component, which is famous for working on the deeper layers of the dermis and for its effectiveness for age-related skin types. The delicate formula of the cream is easily absorbed, the collagen in its composition fights wrinkles, the rice protein complex restores the protein structure of the epidermis without clogging pores.

Budget creams based on life-giving "hyaluron" are represented by the brands Lora, Chistaya Liniya, Garnier, Natura Siberica, Black Pearl.

Professional cream-balm Myrrh, in addition to moisturizing acid, it contains a complex of vitamins E and F, grape seed extract and natural ingredients that make it safe to use.

An excellent analogue of a professional product - hyaluronic gel Dr. Stern with a complex of healthy omega-3 and 6 fats to maintain the natural lipid and water balance of the dermis. Its gel-like texture penetrates the skin better and is ideal for aging epidermis due to the high concentration of hyaluronic acid and additional vitamins A, E, F, B5.

age cream Diademin with hyaluronic acid restores the elasticity of skin cells and is suitable for use by women over 30 years old.

The cumulative effect of the regular use of Diademin cream is marked by an increase in moisture by 48%- proven by brand experts, in addition, additional elements have a tightening effect and act in a complex for greater hydration and rejuvenation of the dermis.

Hyaluronic cream La Roche Posay with collagen is indicated for women who have crossed the line of 30 years. The complex of components has a smoothing effect on the surface of the dermis, including the area around the eyes, which is vulnerable to the formation of wrinkles. It is known that with age, the natural production of hyaluronic acid slows down, so it is recommended to use daily creams based on it to prevent the formation of wrinkles and dryness of the epidermis.

Cream cocktail Premium consists of a complex of hyaluronic acids for the care of aging skin. It is aimed at external moisturizing, that is, creating a protective film to prevent moisture evaporation, and internal, that is, it penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis and “works” from the inside, holding water molecules.

Comprehensive moisturizing care promises face cream compliment deep action.

It intensively moisturizes the skin and saturates it with moisture to restore the skin frame and get rid of even deep wrinkles. The work of the cream is banal: its components create a film on the surface of the dermis, or its natural barrier, to protect against external factors and evaporate water from the inside.

What should be a good cream to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes? First of all, safe, because it is most likely to be used at home by women who are far from cosmetology. Secondly, it is simple and convenient to use, since even the most effective drug, if its use requires special knowledge, is unlikely to win the hearts of women. The best cream to help fight wrinkles should also take into account the features aging skin, which in 50-60 years becomes lethargic, inelastic and too dry. So, to correct these shortcomings, it requires the presence of natural components with retinol and collagen. All these requirements are met by a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid for the face. Finding it in a pharmacy is quite simple, but choosing the right one specifically for your skin is much more difficult. Why is hyaluronic acid the best for getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes? Which creams presented in the pharmacy deserve your closest attention? This is what we will talk about today.

Basic properties

Cream with hyaluronic acid is one of the most effective means to get rid of wrinkles available to every woman at home. There is an opinion that even the best drug based on it is not able to cope with age-related skin changes, but this is not so. In fact, even in its pure form, hyaluronic acid slows down the formation of wrinkles around the eyes. But if you can find and choose the right cream with retinol and collagen, its healing effect on the skin will be amazing.


  • Remarkable moisturizing effect, especially noticeable in the area around the eyes. And taking into account the fact that starting from the age of 30-40, the production of hyaluronic acid by the body is rapidly declining, the use of preparations based on it becomes more and more desirable every year. Thus, you will provide a physiologically natural level of hydration for the skin of the face. At what age should you start thinking about it? The first folds on the skin appear on the forehead and around the eyes at the age of 25-30. It is at this time that we recommend starting to take care of yourself much more thoroughly.
  • A good cream with hyaluronic acid not only fights wrinkles (including around the eyes), but also stimulates collagen production, and also has a pronounced lifting effect and stimulates cell regeneration.
  • To enhance the effect of the composition on the skin, it should be regularly cleaned with suitable peels and scrubs.

  • The effect of the procedure comes after 1-2 sessions, but if you want to fix it, you need to deal with yourself regularly, and not from case to case.
  • Hyaluronic acid is a versatile cosmetic ingredient. First, it is equally well suited for all skin types. Secondly, preparations based on it can be used at home. Moreover, you choose the time of the procedure yourself, because the night cream is no less effective than the day one.
  • Gentle action with minimal risk of side effects: Hyaluronic acid cream based on natural ingredients does not interfere with normal gas exchange between the skin and the environment.

Action on the skin

  • Fight the network of existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.
  • Saturation of the epidermis with moisture and its effective retention in the cells.
  • The most powerful stimulating and regenerating effect.
  • Healing of small wounds, cuts and abrasions.
  • Stimulation of collagen and elastin production.
  • Improvement of elasticity (turgor) of the skin.
  • Whitening age spots that can appear on the face even at 30 years old.

Effect according to age

After 30 years:

  • Slowing down the aging process.
  • Effective hydration of all layers of the epidermis.
  • Increasing the elasticity and smoothness of the skin.
  • Good refreshing effect.

After 40 years:

  • Effective protection against adverse environmental factors.
  • Regeneration and nutrition of cells.
  • Excellent moisturizing and healing effect.

After 50 years:

The therapeutic effect is provided by the introduction of calcium, stem cells and algae extract (usually kelp) into the cream.

  • Improvement of the overall structure of the skin of the face.
  • Stimulation of collagen synthesis.
  • Soft rejuvenating effect and slowing down the natural aging process.

After 60 years:

The most important active ingredients: biocalcium, stem cells.

  • Increased skin turgor.
  • Alignment of the contour of the face.
  • Deep hydration of the epidermis, which is especially important for the skin of the eyelids.

Purchase rules

As we have already said, it is not difficult to purchase a product with hyaluronic acid. It is much more difficult to choose the cream that best suits your skin. What should be paid special attention to?

Subtleties of choice

  • In a pharmacy, you can be offered products with both hyaluronic acid itself and its salts. In the first case, the package should contain the inscription "Hyaluronic acid", in the second - "Sodium hyaluronate". Both options are quite acceptable, but the first one is still preferable because of its higher efficiency.
  • Remember that you want to buy exactly medicinal, and not decorative cosmetics. The best cream should not have any extraneous flavors and be as neutral as possible.
  • If you like a day cream, take an interest in its SPF factor. After all, facial skin needs not only hydration, but also protection from ultraviolet radiation. If there is no such information on the label, it is better to refrain from buying. An exception to this rule is a night cream. UV protection is optional for it.
  • Face creams with collagen, vitamins E and C, AHA and BHA acids, and green tea extract have a remarkable anti-aging effect. If you are already 30 years old, look for them. We have to fight for youth!
  • Retinol products have an even more pronounced anti-aging effect. Such a night cream will easily save you not only from wrinkles, but also “correct” your passport age by 10-20 years. It is unlikely that you will refuse it.
  • And one more important note. A hyaluronic acid formulation doesn't have to be expensive. Therefore, with a limited budget, it makes sense to look for something relatively affordable, and not splurge on a luxury moisturizer with a mind-blowing price tag.

  • Due to the rather high prices for pharmacy creams, many women are thinking about buying them on the Internet. This option is quite acceptable and allows you to save a lot, but the slightest mistake can bring only disappointment instead of getting rid of wrinkles.
  • Buying Chinese and Korean creams is another way to save money. The range of well-known marketplaces (Taobao, Aliexpress, GMarket) can overwhelm the unprepared person, but there are subtle subtleties here. Firstly, you will have to wait for an order for quite a long time - sometimes 2-3 weeks, or even 1.5 months. Secondly, for the most part, you will not be able to make purchases on your own - you will need the help of an intermediary. Thirdly, get ready for the fact that at first you will regularly make mistakes, acquiring not at all what is required.

What to choose?

What creams will not damage the delicate skin of the eyelids? What can be advised for use at home without any reservations? There is no single answer to these questions. Much depends on the budget that you are willing to allocate for the purchase, the type of cream (night or day), the desired level of effectiveness, the condition of the skin of the face, the number of wrinkles and many other factors. Therefore, before starting treatment, it would be nice to consult a dermatologist and a cosmetologist. If this is not possible, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the unofficial rating of drugs with hyaluronic acid, which will help you not get lost in all the variety of choices.

Budget creams (up to 1000 rubles)

It's skin Hyaluronic Acid, 950 r.

  • This face cream is free of parabens and mineral oils.
  • Excellent moisturizing effect.
  • Relatively affordable price.

Our verdict: given the declared cost, the use of hyaluronic acid salts is difficult to explain. Such funds should still be cheaper.

Eveline bio HYALURON 4D, 150-200 rubles

  • Exceptionally low price.
  • The use of hyaluronic acid, not its salts.
  • Contains allantoin, panthenol and vitamin E.

Our verdict: cream from Evelyn claims leadership in the budget segment. Take a closer look.

Cream with hyaluronic acid D'Oliva, 300 r.

  • Balanced composition (very similar to the one that has Eveline cream).
  • High concentration of panthenol and linalool.
  • Justified price.

Our verdict: this cream is based on hyaluronic acid salts, but given the positioning, this drawback is very conditional.

Loreal Derma Genesis, 800 r.

  • Humane cost, taking into account the big name of the manufacturer.
  • Good moisturizing and lifting effect.

Our verdict: there is very little hyaluronic acid in this cream. And given the extremely high competition, such a purchase does not seem particularly profitable.

Moisturizing cream Librederm, 750 r.

  • Good value for money.
  • Positive feedback from women of all ages.

Our verdict: This cream from Librederm contains isopropyl myristate and mineral oil - far from the most useful ingredients. And there is not much hyaluronic acid in it.

Hyaluronic cream Laura, 350 r.

  • Suitable for skin care.
  • Multi-component composition, effective and safe for home use.
  • Wide availability in the pharmacy network.

Our verdict: everything would be fine, but it will take quite a long time to wait for any noticeable cosmetic effect - at least a month.

Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler, 950 R.

  • High performance formula.
  • Allows long term storage.
  • Convenient dosage.

Our verdict: a good low molecular weight anti-wrinkle cream with no visible flaws. And the price seems to be quite reasonable.

Cream-mask Bark with hyaluronic acid, 500-600 r.

  • The composition contains extracts of ficus, kelp and wheat.
  • Made with thermal water.
  • Restores the lipid layer of the skin.

Premium creams (from 1000 rubles)

Planter's Acido Hialuronico, 2400 rub.

  • It contains hyaluronic acid, not its salts.
  • There is no oily film effect on the skin.
  • Does not clog pores.

Our verdict: a good and versatile option, if not for the price. To call it accessible is very difficult.

Cerave Moisturizing Lotion, 1100 r.

  • Balanced composition.
  • Among the components of the cream are glycerin and ceramides.
  • Very soft action.

Our verdict: Relatively inexpensive cream, the only significant drawback of which is the difficulty with the purchase itself, since you can only find it not on eBay.

Vichy Liftaktiv Retinol, around 2000 p.

  • Using pure low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.
  • There are two types of cream in the line: night and day.
  • The effect is noticeable after the first application.

Our verdict: the company's creams have always been famous for their excellent quality, but the manufacturer does not recommend using them for treating the skin around the eyes.

La Roche-Posay Hydraphase UV Riche, 1200 r.

  • This cream is based on shea butter, which is no less than hyaluronic acid itself.
  • The presence of a powerful UV filter (SPF 20).
  • Relatively humane cost.

Our verdict: a confident middle peasant who does not offer women anything special, but does his job "100%". The only significant limitation is the narrow scope. The cream is only suitable for dry skin.

Cream-mousse Merz with hyaluronic acid, 1400 rub.

  • Applicable to the skin of the eyelids.
  • Effective formula.
  • Excellent moisturizing properties.

Our verdict: a good cream without any reservations. Even a fairly high price does not spoil the overall impression of it.

Planter's Antirughe tonificante, 1600 rub.

  • Elimination of mimic and age wrinkles.
  • The cream contains a complex of biologically active peptides.
  • A good tightening effect (subject to regular use).

Our verdict: A good cream with a little overpricing. But if material considerations are not a priority for you, it will be a good choice.

Homemade cream

It is not so difficult to make it, therefore, in the case of an extremely limited budget, this option cannot be ignored. First of all, you should prepare the gel. To do this, combine a little hyaluronic acid powder (0.3 g) and distilled water (until a creamy consistency is obtained), mix thoroughly and refrigerate for 6-8 hours. Next, take any inexpensive cream (30 g), add 8-10 g of the obtained gel with hyaluronic acid to it, mix everything well and leave it in a dry and cool place for 6 hours. Attention: the resulting composition should be stored only in the refrigerator.

Beautician review

There are legends about the miraculous properties of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Its effectiveness in the fight against wrinkles is not much inferior to other salon hardware procedures, and the possibility of using it at home makes this compound a leader. But you must understand that there is no cream that is equally effective for everyone. Therefore, get ready for the fact that you can find your ideal only by trial and error. At what age should you start taking care of yourself? The sooner the better! If you start thinking about it at the age of 40, then you will have to dream of fresh, toned and wrinkle-free facial skin for a very, very long time.
I would also like to say a few words about the cost of preparations with hyaluronic acid. Unfortunately, finding a cheap and at the same time effective cream is much more difficult than it seems. And the examples that the author of the article uses are, to a certain extent, a compromise between price and quality. Therefore, you should not expect miracles from frankly budget cosmetics for the face. At least right away.

Cosmetic products with hyaluronic acid are in demand because of the unique chemical properties. Hyaluronic acid helps keep the face in a toned, healthy look. Pleasant oval, elasticity, youth help keep the skin in good shape, give it the maximum level of moisture. Deep penetration depends on the molecular weight of the hyaluronic acid molecules. The smaller it is, the deeper penetration. Deep absorption activates the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the appearance and pleasant impression of health. If we consider an acid with a large molecular weight, then it also plays a positive role in the composition of the cream. Creates a protective layer that does not allow moisture to leave, along with beneficial substances and vitamins.

Cream with hyaluronic acid of Russian production

Russian cosmetics manufacturers offer a wide range of facial creams. They opt for the properties of hyaluron that benefit the female body.

  1. Isolation of water from the total number of components and its binding for conversion into gels. The uniqueness of the acid is in its ability to hold a huge number of water molecules. Elasticity depends on this property.
  2. Acting as a lubricant;
  3. One of the components of the synovial fluid that fills the joint cavity;
  4. Promotes the proper functioning of heart valves;
  5. Contained in the composition of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes.

The product range consists of numerous types:

  • Serum for the face;
  • Activator;
  • Hyaluronic water;
  • Foam for washing off cosmetics;
  • Face cream;
  • Body cream, etc.

Actions of cosmetics made on the basis of the properties of hyaluronic acid:

  1. Prevent drying out. Keeping moisture in the cells and attracting it from the atmosphere (hyaluron is a “moisture catcher”) is necessary to maintain youth and freshness. This process occurs not only to protect the age-related changes that occur in the body, but also from the effects of natural phenomena on the face: wind, sun, street dust and dirt.
  2. Maintain firmness and elasticity. Wrinkles, folds appear on the face from drying out, loss of water. The composition restores the required level of moisture, does not allow the skin to be in an overdried state, wrinkles do not appear. If the application is started already with a wrinkled coating, then the acid smooths out the wrinkles, evens out the face.
  3. Prolong youth and beauty. The amount of hyaluron produced by the body on its own gradually decreases with age. External help is needed, adding the necessary component. Cosmetics easily perform this task.

The quality of the cream depends on the source of the acid. There are several possibilities. Cosmetics mainly use hyaluron obtained as a result of the biological synthesis of bacterial cultures. It is safer and better absorbed by the body.

Creams are mainly offered to the consumer through pharmacy chains, so it is difficult to get a low-quality product.

From the first application, the action begins, there is a tangible improvement, so there is a desire to use it constantly or for the recommended period of time.

Creams made in Russia

Hyaluronic cream Libriderm contains, in addition to acid, various useful components:

  • Alteromonas enzyme filtrate. It stimulates the skin to produce acid, soy protein. Protein, in turn, contains amino acids and peptides that retain moisture.
  • Cinnamon oil. It helps to make the skin soft and pleasant in appearance. Oil adds freshness, elasticity. The natural aging process slows down. Decreases the sensitivity level. Acts as a sedative.
  • The cream is intended for daily use. There are several options for use: face, neck, décolleté.
  • The manufacturer has thought of a convenient packaging. The dispenser dispenses the right amount of cream from the bottle, it is enough for a single application. The consistency of the cream is light and airy.

The effect of the application is long, the skin becomes smooth and moisturized. The face looks younger, more natural, smoother. Contours are clear, taut. If there are inflammatory processes on the face, the remedy has a therapeutic effect, helps to eliminate the source of inflammation.

The product has the color of milk, the smell of linden and a light texture. It gives a good effect when moisturizing the eyelids, cheeks, neck.

Contains important ingredients:

  • Vitamin E, called the "vitamin of youth", promotes the restoration of skin cells (rapid regeneration). It acts as a protection against ultraviolet rays, strengthens the skin, increasing its density.
  • Phospholipids. They create the necessary balance of acid and alkali, moisturize, saturate.
  • Yam extract. Improves the process of protein synthesis, is responsible for maintaining skin color, beauty and radiance. It is a catalyst (amplifier) ​​of rejuvenation at the cellular level. A strong effect of the substance is able to penetrate far inside, heal and restore the structure of the skin from the inside. The recovery process has the effect of a long-term result. After the course, the result will last a sufficient amount of time, a second session is sometimes applied after three months.
  • Esters of tocopherol, retinol. Stabilize the dissolution of fats, improve elasticity, make the skin dense, whole.
  • Vitamin. Creates a protective barrier against the perception of external negative influences.

It is part of a set of anti-aging complex of cosmetics. Mesotherapy carried out in clinics is comparable in results to the effect of serum exposure. Produced by manufacturers in capsules and creams. It is recommended to apply together, alternating cream and capsules.

Cream mousse Merz. Notable production Russian cosmetics offers this type of cream. Mousse perfectly moisturizes, improves tone, activates the internal processes of cells, makes them work, release hyaluron on their own. Cream mousse is applied in a thin, almost imperceptible layer. The applied film causes a sensation of bubbles bursting on the face. The layer spreads over the entire area of ​​the face. It does not prevent the entry of oxygen into the body, but blocks the access of infection, dust, and dirt. It also provides protection against UV rays.

The low molecular weight composition of the acid improves blood circulation, restores the nutrition process, and normalizes the supply of oxygen.

The cream contains seaweed. They contain vitamin B, useful trace elements. Algae interfere with substances that destroy and slow down the action of hyaluron. Therefore, mousse slows down natural aging, increases the composition of the necessary acidic trace elements.

The composition includes marine glucosamines. They activate the production of collagen. The skin restores firmness and elasticity.

The cream according to the recommendations is offered as a moisturizing cosmetic product, it is advised to use it during a night's rest. At the time of application, the skin will shine and shine, so it takes time for it to be completely absorbed by the skin. Suitable for two skin types: sensitive and combination.

Cream mousse can be purchased only in pharmacies, or, the second option, by online order.

The company is engaged in the scientific development of cosmetics, produces various face care products.

The cream has a wide range of applications:

  • Anti-aging protection;
  • Elimination of dryness;
  • Allowed for care not only for the face, but also for the body. It is used to improve the condition of the hands, elbows.

The positive properties of the cream is its ability to apply for a long period of time as a night and day remedy. Skin - Active contains useful material, making the skin more protected, resistant to damage, strong and beautiful.

  • It is a protection against external influence of negative natural phenomena;
  • Barrier to the penetration of allergens, bacteria, viruses, infections;
  • Easy application;
  • Does not dry and does not cause peeling;
  • Not absorbed by the pores of the face, creating a feeling of heaviness;
  • It is a remedy for recovery after diseases;
  • The purity of the content of the components: no alcohol, a minimum of dyes.
  • Environmentally friendly composition;
  • Price for quality.

  1. Get advice from a doctor - a cosmetologist, a specialist - a dermatologist.
  2. Check the action on an inconspicuous area, conduct a trial session. Most often this is done on the forearm or elbow. This is done to check the allergic reaction of the body to the perception of the components of the remedy.
  3. Remember that acid tends to crystallize at low temperatures. There will be no effect from such a state, moreover, frostbite of the face may occur at the places where the cream is applied. It is recommended to apply depending on the season: winter, autumn - at night, indoors; summer, spring - any time of the day, anywhere.
  4. Check the acid level on the package.
  5. An obligatory inscription in the list of constituent components of a cosmetic product is low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. It is considered ideal for obtaining the required effective result.
  6. Pay attention to the price of the product. Such funds cannot be cheap. Production is considered innovative, therefore it cannot be cheap.
  7. Cosmetologists do not advise women under 30 to use the products. At this age, the acid is produced by the young body in the right amount on its own, the cream can work negatively. The body will stop producing acid, hoping for help from outside. Problems will appear much earlier than expected.
  8. The best recommendations are Russian manufacturers. They fulfill all the requirements for content, release, technology.

A product with hyaluronic acid can replace the numerous procedures offered by beauty salons. It is convenient to use at home. The effect of use is undeniable and proven in practice by numerous positive reviews.

Cosmetics are diverse in terms of goals, problems, but all of them have the desired result of skin rejuvenation. The choice of means will satisfy any requests.

There is hardly a woman today who has not heard about hyaluronic acid and its almost magical properties: they talk about it in the media, write in the press and on the Internet, and are often used as one of the key components in skin care cosmetics. Hyaluronic acid became known to the world as early as 1934, but for a long time it was not popularized. If earlier hyaluron was obtained from rooster combs and cartilage of cattle, which caused various allergic reactions from use, now hyaluron is obtained by biosynthesis, and it is completely hypoallergenic.

Not everyone knows that hyaluron is also produced naturally by the human body at the cellular level, and is responsible for maintaining moisture in skin tissues. However, with age, the production of own collagen decreases, and its decay accelerates, gradually fading away, and then biosynthetic hyaluronic acid comes to the rescue. In addition to age indicators, smoking, an unhealthy diet, and even ultraviolet rays of the sun lead to a decrease in the level of hyaluron in the body.

Hyaluron is very much appreciated in the composition of anti-aging products, because it is mature skin that suffers from a lack of tone, which the sensational acid perfectly fights against, nourishing the epidermis and retaining water in it. When choosing a cream, according to the advice of cosmetologists, you should adhere to your age category. So, for women over the age of 40, it is recommended that such a component as hyaluron be listed in the first five ingredients in the description of the composition.

In addition to moisturizing, this component is capable of:

  • improve skin elasticity;
  • activate cell regeneration;
  • prevent the appearance of new wrinkles;
  • heal shallow wounds;
  • eliminate age spots.

Hyaluron in the cream penetrates into the layers of the skin, activating the production of collagen and elastin. It is especially useful for dry skin. But the claim that hyaluron smoothes wrinkles is a little misleading. Yes, acid really nourishes tissues with moisture, and it is hydrated, radiant skin with an even tone that looks younger, wrinkles on such skin are not so pronounced - this is the main property of hyaluron. An interesting fact is that 1 hyaluron molecule binds an average of 1000 water molecules.

We bring to your attention a selection of the 10 best hyaluronic creams. The following aspects influenced the rating of products:

  1. Safety.
  2. Price corresponding to the quality.
  3. Use of composition.
  4. Opinion of experts and reviews of ordinary women.

The best hyaluronic creams bestsellers

5 Librederm Hyaluronic Moisturizing Cream

Most wanted
Country Russia
Average price: 600 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.3

A cream of medium density, a well-known manufacturer of products based on hyaluronic acid in the CIS countries, is easy to apply, well distributed over the skin and absolutely does not create a feeling of greasy. It can be especially pleasing that the bottle has a dispenser, eliminating the need to expose the product to dust and other things in the cream.

Beauticians of the manufacturer claim that this is the best cream filler and promise rejuvenation without injections in a short time, however, hyaluronic acid, declared in the composition, is not the main one in the list, its concentration is quite small. But this product perfectly eliminates only emerging wrinkles, intensively moisturizes the skin. It is well suited as a make-up base, as the product instantly gives the face a fresh look, masking signs of fatigue.

4 Janssen Day Vitalizer

Excellent base for make-up. Economic consumption. Cumulative effect
Country: Germany
Average price: 1,980 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The products of the world-famous Janssen brand are trusted by professional cosmetologists and celebrities in 70 countries around the world. The brand is known for its consistency in developing product systems for each specific skin type. For example, for dry skin, the Dry Skin line has been created, in which the Janssen Day Vitalizer cream plays a key role. Due to the activity of the components (hyaluronic acid, shea butter and macadamia, imperial root extract, etc.) and the synergy effect that occurs due to a scientifically based recipe, it perfectly copes with moisturizing and revitalizing the skin.

After application, the cream does not leave a film feeling on the face, it is quickly absorbed and moisturizes, and can be used as a base for subsequent makeup application. According to reviews, for the summer it is a little heavy, and the degree of UV protection is small (SPF-15), but for winter this remedy is optimal. Users are pleased with the minimum consumption, and the fact that a spatula is provided for hygiene. If the skin is too dehydrated, you should not expect an immediate result, but after just a week of regular use, you can already notice how much better it looks.

3 Tete Cosmeceutical Hyaluronic Lifting

Best in class Lux
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 2,600 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Switzerland, famous for its scrupulous attitude to its reputation, has released unique products under the banner of Tete. The content of three-dimensional hyaluronic acid and liposomes in the cream works wonders: the cream actively fights the signs of aging and prevents the appearance of wrinkles for a long time. That rare case when everything that the inscription on the package promises comes true.

Deep penetration of active ingredients, restoration of skin elasticity, narrowing of pores, rejuvenation effect, elimination of the effects of stress, fatigue, lack of sleep - this is far from full list what this product can do. The cream has a long-term cumulative effect and requires a break in use, so your costs for this expensive product will be fully justified.

2 Zeitun Masdar

A wide range within the line. Natural raw materials. Ultrahydration
The country: Jordan (produced in Russia)
Average price: 1,840 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Everyone who has visited the East and who was lucky enough to admire the beauty of Arab women must have wondered how they manage to maintain an impeccable appearance in difficult climatic conditions. The answer to this riddle is known by Zeitun, the direct heir to Eastern beauty traditions. Masdar products (translated from Arabic - source) are designed to give life-giving moisture to even the most desiccated skin. The series includes all cosmetic preparations necessary for complete care: serum, emulsion, elixir, tonic, express mask, micellar water.

But the true star of the Zeytun range is the Masdar cream. In the first places in the list of ingredients are green tea hydrosol, hyaluronic acid, wheat germ, mango and olive oils, as well as other natural ingredients. It is no coincidence that the main principle of the company is the postulate "Beauty is created not by cosmetologists, but by nature itself." It should be noted that the effectiveness of the product is confirmed by reviews, it can really cope with dehydration of the skin and make it soft, supple, radiant.

1 Filorga Hydra-Filler

The best prolongator of youth. rich composition
Country: France
Average price: 3,740 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

From about the age of 30, cosmetologists advise to take a close look at the skin of the face, neck and décolleté in order to prevent their premature aging. To do this, the French laboratory of aesthetic medicine "Filorga" suggests using the "Hydra-filler" cream as a basic care product. Its formula is designed to activate all the mechanisms of moisturizing and rejuvenating skin tissues: the synthesis of epidermal lipids, the formation of a hydrolipid mantle, the strengthening of the skin barrier and the gradual filling of wrinkles.

The composition includes many substances patented by the company, including high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, a complex of moisturizing components "Revidrat", amino acids, plant extracts and antioxidants. In the reviews, users are surprised that with so many useful ingredients, the manufacturer managed to create a cream that is light, almost imperceptible on the face. It moisturizes perfectly, many notice the effect of use in the very first days after application. It is noteworthy that the cream, although expensive, is often offered in small samples, so before buying, you can personally verify its impeccable quality.

The best budget hyaluronic creams

5 Elizavecca Aqua Hyaluronic Acid

Water drop technology. Pleasant fragrance. Counterfeit protection
Country: South Korea
Average price: 640 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.2

This is the first water drop cream on the market. Its uniqueness lies in the transformation of the product into water immediately after application - it is visually visible how the creamy mass melts on the face and a scattering of small droplets appears instead. They are instantly absorbed, leaving the surface smooth, matte and healthy in appearance - a kind of wow-effect is obtained. It is not surprising that since its inception, the cream has gained unprecedented popularity, and a lot of fakes immediately appeared. However, the Elizavecca company took care of its customers by providing the packaging with scratch strips with codes that can be used to verify the authenticity of the product.

However, not all users of Water Drop Cream were 100% to their liking. Among its advantages, mention is made of a pleasant aroma, or rather, its almost complete absence from the product, the pleasure of application, the good degree of moisture, which is achieved with regular use. Among the shortcomings are a minimum of substances useful for the skin, the absence of anti-aging and whitening components, and the effect of clogging pores seen in some people. Nevertheless, the cream remains among the bestsellers, which means that the number of its fans is increasing every day.

4 Mizon Hyaluronic Ultra Suboon Cream

The best concentration of hyaluronic acid. Gel texture
Country: South Korea
Average price: 590 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.3

Mizon cosmetologists once caused a stir all over the world, presenting their most famous products - snail cream and peeling roll. And although today the hype around Korean cosmetics has somewhat subsided, some products still surprise with the richness of the composition, affordability and performance. One of them is the Hyaluronic Ultra Suboon cream, which, according to the manufacturer, consists of 30% hyaluronic acid. Due to this percentage of the main moisturizing component, the drug should actively regulate the water balance of the skin, eliminate tightness, and smooth wrinkles.

What do the reviews say? Opinions were split roughly in half. Some argue that the "Korean" is flawless and with dehydration of the skin is the best choice. Others complain about the list of ingredients, including silicones and alcohol, and “hyaluron” is somewhere in last place, and even that is in the form of salt. However, both categories of users agree that the cream really provides enough moisture for medium to slightly dry skin, that it has a pleasant gel texture and low consumption.

3 Eveline Bio Hyaluron 4D

Easy to find in any store
Country: Poland
Average price: 350 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Cream from Eveline boasts an unobtrusive aroma and light texture, which gives a feeling of freshness from the moment you open the cap. It is absorbed within 3-4 minutes, almost immediately creating a feeling of smoothness and softness of the skin, giving it elasticity and radiance. The cream is best suited for dry skin, as the effect of moisturizing and deep nourishing the face lasts long enough. Hyaluronic acid in the description of the composition is one of the first, which indicates its sufficient concentration in the cream, it is it that ensures the retention of moisture in the deep layers of the skin.

Face cream with hyaluronic acid moisturizes, soothes, nourishes and rejuvenates. The composition of such funds is always multicomponent, the main results after application depend on it. The most popular creams with "hyaluron" are Laura from Evalar, a line of products from Vichy and Libriderm, cream from Faberlik and others. Their cost is variable - 300-3000 rubles.

Apply cream with hyaluronic acid in the morning and / or evening, as indicated by the manufacturer on the package. The course of anti-aging therapy lasts an average of 3 weeks, after which a break of 10 days is required.

Read in this article

Face cream with hyaluronic acid

The best choice of skin care product for skin of all ages and with various problems is face cream with hyaluronic acid. Such funds have the main property - to attract moisture into the cells of the dermis and retain it. This provides an anti-aging effect, when wrinkles are either not formed at all, or existing ones become less pronounced.

You need to choose a cream taking into account the effect:

Planned result How it works Main cast
Improve skin tone Normalizes and stabilizes metabolic processes, moisturizes. Extracts of green tea, thyme. Tocopherol, hyaluronic acid.
Lifting effect Heals the skin, tightens and protects it from the harmful effects of external factors. Peptide complex, hyaluronate, jojoba oil, tocopherol.
Maximum hydration Activates regeneration, tightens pores, relieves irritation, attracts and retains moisture in cells. Extracts of mallow, horsetail, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, vitamins.
Recovery It has a nourishing and protective effect. Olive oil, hyaluronic acid, vitamin complex, shea butter.

Calming (for especially sensitive skin).

Fights rosacea, normalizes metabolism, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Hyaluronic acid. Extracts of calendula, mallow, mimosa.

Benefits for the skin and advantages over the rest

Hyaluronic acid is produced in human skin on its own, it is responsible for youthfulness, smoothness of the skin - by attracting and retaining moisture in the cells of the dermis, it prevents dryness and the formation of fine wrinkles.

But at the age of 30 and later, the process of synthesis of “hyaluron” becomes slow, there is not enough of its own substance, and all the cosmetic defects of the skin that are characteristic of this age are associated with this - dryness, peeling, decreased tone, flabbiness, wrinkles and folds, age spots.

  • regenerative processes in skin cells become more intense;
  • hyaluronate acts on proteins in the tissues, which ensures the smoothness of the skin, the evenness of its surface;
  • fills all small wrinkles, making them invisible;
  • improves skin color, whitens (but does not completely “erase”) age spots;
  • maintains a stable level of metabolism in the cells of the dermis;
  • removes decay products, toxins and slags from the skin.

In addition, products based on hyaluronic acid make scars and scars less pronounced, form a protective film on the surface of the face - ultraviolet rays will not be able to aggressively act on the skin, which will prevent the development of photoaging.

The main advantage of creams with hyaluronic acid over other anti-aging products is their safety, hypoallergenicity. This makes it possible to use them for a long time.

What type of hyaluronic acid to choose - with a low molecular weight component or high molecular weight

On the packaging of the cream, it must be indicated which hyaluronic acid was used in its production - low molecular weight or high molecular weight. In the first case, you can expect a high price of the product, but its effectiveness will also be maximum - low-molecular "hyaluron" can penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and have its beneficial effect there.

High-molecular hyaluronic acid "works" only on the surface of the epidermis - the anti-aging effect is achieved quickly, but without continued use of the cream it quickly disappears.

For young people aged 25-30 years, experts recommend using creams with high molecular weight hyaluronic acid in the composition - it will be enough to prevent early aging and improve appearance. But if the skin already has pronounced signs of aging, then you will need a product with a low molecular weight "hyaluron" in the composition.

The main qualities of good cosmetics with hyaluronic acid

Good cosmetics with hyaluronic acid is determined by the following factors:

  • the composition should contain a pure main component - hyaluronic acid without salt impurities;
  • among the ingredients can and should be retinols - they are enhancers of the properties of "hyaluron";
  • if the packaging is indicated among the components of the oil, then this good cosmetics- such products provide the creation of a protective film on the face and additionally nourish the skin at the cellular level;
  • the presence of vitamin complexes in the composition - they help to increase the production of collagen by the own cells of the dermis.

Be sure to high-quality cosmetics must have a sign on the packaging indicating that it contains an SPF factor. It is these creams that have a long-term effect and are able to create protection against ultraviolet rays.

Watch this video about the use of hyaluronic acid in cosmetics:

How to spell hyaluronic acid in cream

As part of the cream, hyaluronic acid is written in two ways:

  • hyaluronic acid - Latin designation of the main active ingredient;
  • sodium Hyaluronate - a salt of hyaluronic acid, sodium hyaluronate and creams with it are advisable to use only at a young age.

Next to these designations there are always numbers and percentages - this is the concentration of the main active ingredient in a particular product. Usually this figure does not exceed 0.2%.

At what age should it be used

It is worth using cosmetics based on "hyaluron" from the age of 25. At first, these can be multicomponent creams with sodium hyaluronate - there are no pronounced age-related changes yet, but for prevention and such care it will be quite enough. After 30 years, you need to switch to creams with a "pure" acid in the composition.

How hyaluronic acid can help oily skin

For oily skin Hyaluronic acid will also benefit:

  • stabilizes metabolism - we are talking not only about the supply of oxygen to the cells of the dermis, but also about lipid and protein metabolism;
  • accelerate the removal of toxins and toxins - the pores will narrow, the sebaceous glands will work in a stable mode;
  • will improve all circulation processes in the dermis - the products produced by the sebaceous glands will be quickly excreted, which will prevent the formation of acne, acne.

Moisturizing is also important for oily skin, and if on dry dermis you can use cosmetic oils, then with a fat type this is contraindicated - the pores will become clogged, the result will be extensive acne. And funds with "hyaluron" solve the problem without side effects.

The best hyaluronic acid cream in pharmacy

Cream with hyaluronic acid can be purchased at a pharmacy - these are not popular brands, but no less effective means to combat age-related changes on the skin. The best include Laura from Evalar, a line of products from Vichy and Libriderm, a cream from Faberlik and others.


Cream, the composition of which is enriched with aloe extract, and therefore it:

  • accelerates the healing of all wounds, skin damage;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • reduces the severity of acne and pimples;
  • shrinks pores.

The composition of the cream has been tested by dermatologists and is recognized as hypoallergenic if the body's reaction to the plant component is adequate. The cost of such a tool ranges from 500-600 rubles per tube of 75 ml.

Dr. Stern

It is often offered in pharmacies to those who want to not only hide wrinkles, but also nourish the skin, get rid of intense pigmentation, improve skin tone and make it more elastic, and get rid of sagging. Cream Dr. Stern in its composition contains "hyaluron", oils and a complex of vitamins. Together, all the ingredients have a beneficial effect on all layers of the skin with age-related changes already present.

The price of a package of 75 ml is 290-300 rubles. It should not be used under the age of 30.


This is a cream serum that is sprayed on the surface of the skin. The task of this drug is to create a protective film on the face, which will prevent the evaporation of moisture and protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Such a pharmacy is used only on the skin without pronounced age-related changes - at the age of up to 30 years.

The cost of a package of 50 ml is 900 rubles, but the product is used very sparingly.

Hyaluronic ointment

Pharmacy hyaluronic ointments are distinguished by a high concentration of the main and additional active ingredients, so they should be used for anti-aging skin care at the age of 30 and older. The most effective are:

  • Solcoseryl. Refers to wound healing agents, additionally moisturizes and nourishes the skin as much as possible. It is used in combination with a solution of Dimexide - first the face is wiped with it, then a thick layer of ointment is immediately applied. The mask remains on the face for 20-30 minutes, every 5 minutes you need to spray it to prevent drying.
  • The procedure is performed 2-3 times a week. The cost of Solcoseryl is 200 rubles, Dimexide solution costs 50 rubles.
  • Blefarogel. The composition contains, in addition to hyaluronic acid, aloe extract and glycerin. It has a powerful moisturizing property and a gentle effect, because it is mainly used to treat ophthalmic diseases. It can be applied to the skin of the face every day with a thin layer, suitable for solving the problems of age-related changes in the area around the eyes. The cost of the drug ranges from 250 rubles.

Pharmacy ointments with hyaluronic acid are contraindicated in facial care for:

  • bearing a child;
  • breastfeeding;
  • malignant tumors with localization in any organ or system;
  • previously diagnosed autoimmune pathologies;
  • mental illnesses;
  • the presence of injuries on the skin, cuts, opened acne.

Expert opinion

Tatiana Somoylova

Cosmetology expert

With the constant use of Solcoseryl or Blefarogel, side effects may appear: severe reddening of the skin, peeling, extensive rashes, itching and burning sensation. They are the reason for the immediate cessation of caring procedures and the use of antihistamines such as Tavegil, Suprastin, Zodak.

Watch in this video about how Blefarogel works for wrinkles and how to apply it:

Cream with hyaluronic acid: which one to choose

You can choose the best cream with hyaluronic acid only on the recommendations of specialists:

  • The composition of cosmetics must be studied in advance. This will help to avoid using a cream with components that can cause allergies or are not suitable for skin type.
  • A good, high-quality anti-aging cream is one that contains UV protection ingredients. And the SPF index of the cream should be at least 50+ - it means that the product will “work” in the dermis throughout the day.
  • Preference when choosing should be given to green creams. That is, pay attention to the fact that the composition contains vitamins, minerals, basic cosmetic oils and a maximum of plant extracts. But you need to remember about the likelihood of developing an allergy and exclude it from the composition on the package.
  • The main active ingredient of the product should be low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. It is she who is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and already there to provide its beneficial properties.

Hyaluron face cream: instructions for use

Hyaluron face cream is produced by the Alpika brand and contains:

  • bioactive hyaluron - maintains the desired level of moisture;
  • aloe extract - has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects;
  • argan oil - improves and accelerates regeneration processes;
  • vitamin E - has an antioxidant effect.

The instructions for use indicate that the cream is applied once a day. It is applied in a thin layer on the pre-cleansed skin of the face and lightly rubbed with the fingertips. Movements during the procedure should correspond to the massage lines, the product can be applied in the area around the eyes. Suitable for all skin types, including those with deep wrinkles, sagging areas and pigmentation.

The cost of Hyaluron face cream ranges from 700-800 rubles per tube of 75 ml.

Cream with hyaluronic acid for the face: rating of the best

Creams with hyaluronic acid for the face are always multi-component and based on this, as well as the time of application, a rating of the best was compiled:

  • Faberlic Prolixir
  • L'oreal Revitalift Filler
  • Novosvit
  • Faberlic Prolixir
  • Aqualia Thermal
  • Liftactiv Retinol from Vichy
  • Weightless Ultra Definition Liquid Makeup Naked Skin, Urban Decay
  • Designer Lift by Giorgio Armani
  • Youth Liberator Sérum Fond de Teint by Yves Saint-Laurent
  • Hydra Zen, SPF 15, Lancôme
  • Moisture genius for normal to sensitive skin, L'Oréal Paris
With collagen
  • Eveline product line
  • Medical Collagen 3D
  • Aquanti by Novosvit
With urea
  • Christina
  • D-olive
  • Vivaderm
With vitamin C
  • InstaNatural
  • Libriderm


Day creams with hyaluronic acid are characterized by rapid absorption and the absence of a greasy film, shine on the epidermis after application. These include:

Cream How does it work Photo
Faberlic Prolixir The cost is only 300 rubles, it is instantly absorbed into the skin, can be used as a base for makeup. Does not solve the problem of deep wrinkles, but can be used at the age of 25+ as a prevention of early aging
L'oreal Revitalift Filler

The cost ranges from 700 rubles, provides nutrition to the deep layers of the skin, perfectly smoothes even medium-deep mimic wrinkles.


The cost is 100-150 rubles, it can be used as a base for makeup, moisturizes and nourishes the skin throughout the day.

Deep wrinkles will not change, but the surface of the face will become smooth, small mimic wrinkles will disappear, pores will narrow


Night cream with hyaluronic acid has its own distinctive features:

  • heavy structure - superimposed in a thick layer;
  • slow and incomplete absorption;
  • the need to remove the remnants of the product an hour after application.

An excellent choice for an evening caring procedure will be:

Cream How does it work Photo
Faberlic Prolixir

The cost is 500-700 rubles, it has a rather light texture, but it is absorbed for a long time. It is applied in a thin layer on the face, can be used in the area around the eyes.

After 20-30 minutes after application, you need to remove excess cream with napkins

Aqualia Thermal

The cost is 300-500 rubles. A thick cream evenly falls on the skin of the face, is slowly absorbed, but intensively nourishes and moisturizes the dermis throughout the night.

Suitable for all skin types, saves from predictable swelling in the morning (for example, if you drink a lot of tea or eat a lot of fish)

Liftactiv Retinol from Vichy

The price fluctuates within 1000 rubles, it is distinguished by a soft structure and the content of vitamin A in the composition - it is able to enhance the anti-aging effect of hyaluronic acid.

Tone cream

  • Weightless Ultra Definition Liquid Makeup Naked Skin, Urban Decay. The composition, in addition to the main active ingredient, contains green tea and vitamin E, a peptide complex against wrinkles. Can be used daily and for a long time. The cost is 500-700 rubles.
  • Designer Lift, Giorgio Armani. It has a powerful lifting effect - it tightens the skin of the face, makes it even and velvety, hides age spots, fills in fine wrinkles and makes them invisible. It is important that this foundation protects the dermis from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. The price of one bottle of 50 ml is about 1000 rubles.
  • Youth Liberator Serum Fond de Teint, Yves Saint-Laurent. The composition contains an anti-aging serum based on "hyaluron", the cream is able to improve the synthesis of collagen and elastin by skin cells, but a similar effect is achieved only after 3 months of constant use of the product. The cost is 400-700 rubles.

Foundation creams are not always harmful to the skin - if they contain "hyaluron", vitamins and minerals, then they can replace daytime skin care with age-related changes.


All creams with hyaluronic acid in the composition can be considered anti-aging. If they are used at the age of 25, then their ingredients will have a preventive effect - it will be possible to delay the natural aging of the dermis. If you need to get rid of existing wrinkles, you need to choose anti-aging creams with a mark of 30+ - the concentration of "hyaluron" is high, the composition is enriched with vitamins, minerals and oils.


In principle, any cream with "hyaluron" can be called moisturizing, but there are some products in which this effect is especially pronounced:

  • Hydra Zen, SPF 15, Lancôme- suitable for all skin types, contains plant extracts that additionally moisturize and soothe the skin;
  • Moisture genius for normal to sensitive skin, L'Oréal Paris- has a very light structure due to the high water content in the composition (80%), does not clog pores, does not provoke the formation of comedones.

The cost of these moisturizers ranges from 300-500 rubles. You can use them for a long time and on a daily basis.

With collagen and hyaluronic acid

Excellent results are obtained by the use of such creams with collagen and elastin:

  • product line Eveline- produced for different age categories (30+, 40+, 50+), the composition is enriched with calcium, which is needed to connect and strengthen elastin and collagen fibers, the cost of one package is 300 rubles;
  • Medical Collagen 3D- among the components there are fruit acids, restorative complexes, it is distinguished by an airy structure and instant absorption, the price of 30 ml is about 1000 rubles;
  • Aquanti by Novosvit- suitable for use in the summer, moisturizes as much as possible, has an effect for 24 hours, cost - 200-250 rubles.

The presence of collagen in the cream in combination with hyaluronic acid enhances its rejuvenating, smoothing and nourishing effects at times.

With urea and hyaluronic acid

Creams with urea and hyaluronic acid are optimally suited for the care of dry, excessive sensitive skin th faces. Such funds are available in the line of almost all brands that produce anti-aging creams:

  • Christina- Israeli cosmetics, has a rich composition, but belongs to hypoallergenic products, the price is within 2000 rubles;
  • D-olive- in addition to the main active ingredients, the composition contains carbamide, which can cause severe allergies, the skin after application becomes smooth and well hydrated, the price of one package is 300 rubles;
  • Vivaderm- almost immediately makes the skin soft and smooth, retains the effect for 24 hours, can be used as a base for makeup, the price of the cream is 900 rubles.

With hyaluronic acid and vitamin C

One of the most effective products with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid is InstaNatural.. This is a serum and cream, which are recommended to be used in parallel:

  • in the morning and in the evening, pre-cleansed skin is wiped with serum - it is consumed a little, 3-5 drops are enough to treat the entire face;
  • after the serum has dried, you can apply the cream.

The products are intended for use on dry, sensitive, allergy-prone skin, and therefore can be applied to the area around the eyes.

Vitamin C in creams with hyaluronic acid is an additional component that not only enhances the moisturizing effect of the product, but also has an antioxidant, renewing effect. If this element is sufficient in the layers of the dermis, then collagen synthesis is normalized and stabilized at the cellular level.

Russian creams

Of the Russian-made creams, which contain hyaluronic acid, the following stand out:

Cream Advantages
Libriderm does not contain fragrances, parabens and synthetic substances, is perfectly absorbed, contains camelina oil (has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect), can be used daily
Bark does not spread over the surface of the face, is not absorbed quickly and requires the removal of residues of the product with napkins, narrows pores, eliminates wrinkles and sagging, prevents the appearance of acne
Laura creates a protective film on the face, has a beneficial effect on the dermis throughout the day, contains yam extract, which directly stops the aging process, should be used every day

The cost of creams from Russian manufacturers is usually low - 300-800 rubles. But this makes their effectiveness no less than that of their foreign counterparts.

Face creams with hyaluronic acid: a list of popular

The list of face creams with hyaluronic acid is large - these are products from manufacturers Vichy, Libriderm, Cora, Evelyn, the Russian Institute of Beauty and Health, Loreal, Nivea and others. The best of the best were evaluated in terms of cost, quality, composition, and results of use.


Vichy "Liftactiv retinol" - contains vitamin A, which is able to improve skin structure and enhance the anti-aging effect of the product. It is recommended for use after 30 years, it is possible to treat the nasolabial folds and forehead with a cream at a younger age, which will prevent the appearance of age-related changes.

It has a low content of sun protection factors, so it should be used in winter, autumn and early spring, when ultraviolet rays are not yet aggressive. Contraindicated for use during pregnancy, because an excess of vitamin A may form, which will negatively affect the development of the fetus.


This is a Russian-made cream, which is designed specifically for overly sensitive skin. The composition contains two main active ingredients - low molecular weight hyaluronic acid and camelina oil. The latter has an anti-inflammatory and nutritional effect, promotes rapid healing of injuries, wounds on the skin.

If you use the cream every day, then the intensity of the rashes decreases - acne first becomes not convex, and then completely stops forming. To achieve the desired anti-aging effect, you need to apply the cream for 3 months in a row, after which you can take a break for 2 months and repeat the course.

Hyaluronic cream from the Russian Institute of Beauty and Health

The Russian Institute of Beauty and Health has released a phytocosmetic hyaluronic cream, which is multi-component, hypoallergenic. It can be used for a long time, it is not addictive, but cosmetologists advise using such products with a short break - for example, take care of the skin of the face for 1 month and give it the opportunity to recover on its own for 2 weeks.

The cream has not only a rejuvenating effect, but also anti-inflammatory, soothing - can be used in the care of oily, problematic skin. If the type of dermis is dry, then the hyaluronic cream will relieve it of peeling and make it well moisturized.


In addition to low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, Kora Cream Mask contains seaweed extract, making it suitable for all skin types. The product is positioned as a powerful moisturizer, but it:

  • relieves inflammation, makes pathological foci with rashes less visible;
  • smoothes small and medium mimic wrinkles;
  • whitens age spots, but if they are too pronounced, they do not completely disappear;
  • tightens the skin, improves its tone, firmness, elasticity;
  • gets rid of sagging.

The composition of the product also contains a complex of lactic and succinic acids, therefore, with each application, a light peeling of the face is carried out. Such procedures are not recommended to be performed too often, it is enough to use this cream-mask 2-3 times a week.

It is applied to pre-cleansed skin of the face, the area around the eyes, the décolleté and neck area can be involved in the manipulation. Then, for 10 minutes, you need to massage the skin with your fingertips, but you should not apply too much effort. After the end of the procedure, the skin is washed with warm water and dried naturally, maximum - blotted with a towel.


Evelyn is a series of creams with hyaluronic acid, which are able to influence the regenerative, metabolic processes in the deep layers of the skin. The entire line is divided into 4 age categories - 30+, 40+, 50+, 60+, for each manufacturer made a unique composition of the product. The main components are collagen, apple and green tea extracts, shea butter.

Any of the creams has a high level of sunscreens, so they can be used in the summer with high solar activity.

Evelyn creams are used in the daytime and in the evening, applied to previously cleansed skin. If you use a cream marked "day", then it can be used as a base for makeup. The duration of the course is not limited, but once every 3 months you need to take a break for 1-2 weeks.


The French brand Loreal has released a whole series of products with hyaluronic acid - night and day creams, serum, gel. The main effect of creams is deep skin hydration, starting the process of dermal cell renewal.

The cream for use in the morning is additionally enriched with light particles - the skin acquires a natural glow, becomes smooth, even complex makeup fits flawlessly on it.

The evening cream contains soft abrasive particles that exfoliate the keratinized scales of the epidermis. The composition is also supplemented with oils - they nourish, moisturize the deep layers of the dermis.

A positive result of the use of creams can be assessed after 3 weeks of regular use. Then it is recommended to take a break for 1 week and repeat the course.


Cream with "hyaluron" from Nivea Hyaluron Cellular Filler has a simple composition, which does not contain plant extracts and oils. This makes the product suitable for all skin types, even if it is overly sensitive and prone to allergies. Some cosmetologists are not afraid to recommend it for use during pregnancy, breastfeeding, but these factors are individual and in any case it is worth consulting with a gynecologist, pediatrician.

Apply Nivea cream with hyaluronic acid on a daily basis, since its structure is quite dense, it is not applied to the area around the eyes. Use in the evening, pre-cleanse the skin. It should be slightly “driven in” with your fingertips, and 10 minutes after manipulation, remove excess funds with a napkin - it is absorbed quite hard.

German face cream with hyaluronic acid

Merz is the name of a German face cream with hyaluronic acid, which is available in the form of a mousse. The composition of the product contains, in addition to hyaluronic acid, extracts of aloe, oats, seaweed and a vitamin complex. Together, they create a protective film on the face that protects the dermis from ultraviolet rays and the negative effects of external factors.

Cream mousse can be used in the morning and evening, it is quickly absorbed and can be used as a make-up base. There are no restrictions on the duration of use of the tool.

Hyaluron Plus

Hyaluron Plus is a complex, multi-component cream that is optimally suited for dry and overly sensitive skin. Its cosmetologists recommend it for use at the age of 50+, when signs of aging are clearly visible on the face. If you use the cream daily in the evenings, then after 3 weeks:

The cream can be applied to the area around the eyes, but its layer should be small. Be sure to wait until it is completely absorbed - the texture is heavy, so the process can take 20-30 minutes. After that, the excess funds are removed with napkins.

Fito cosmetics

Fito cosmetics is a cream that is fully saturated with natural ingredients. These are plant extracts with anti-inflammatory, soothing, moisturizing effects - aloe, mint. Additionally, natural oils have been introduced into the product, so it is better not to use the product on oily, problematic skin with enlarged pores.

Such an “aggressive” remedy cannot be used on a permanent basis, it is necessary to follow anti-aging therapy courses - for 1 month every evening, carry out a caring procedure, then take a break for 3 weeks. An allergy test must be carried out first - a large concentration of natural ingredients can provoke a powerful allergic reaction.


Cream fluid Compliment is positioned as a night skin care product with existing signs of aging. It is quickly and fully absorbed, does not clog pores, perfectly moisturizes. Don't expect miracles from him.

  • age spots remain unchanged;
  • deep and medium wrinkles do not disappear;
  • visible changes in the places of sagging skin are not observed.

This cream can be used as a prevention of early aging or in the presence of the first age-related changes - loss of elasticity, flaky spots, increased sensitivity of the dermis, the appearance of small mimic wrinkles.

It is applied with gentle movements along the massage lines in the evening, in the morning you can get a qualitatively moisturized and smooth skin. The duration of application is not limited.


The Evalar formula is hyaluronic acid and a complex of peptides, supplemented with yam extract, oils and a vitamin complex. Due to this composition, a complex effect is exerted on “tired” skin - wrinkles are smoothed out, all layers of the dermis are moisturized, the relief is evened out, and become less visible.

It is allowed to use the cream from Evalar from the age of 25, it belongs to the category of daytime products and can be used as a base for makeup. Cosmetologists do not recommend applying the product to the area around the eyes - hyaluronic acid attracts moisture into the cells so powerfully that severe swelling can be detected in a day.

Chinese face creams with hyaluronic acid

Chinese face creams with hyaluronic acid are characterized by low cost and inconspicuous effect, they contain plant extracts and oils, can be used on any skin type and for an unlimited amount of time. Such products are not suitable as a base for makeup, because they can roll under foundation and loose powder.

Apply to pre-cleansed skin with soft massage movements. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening, the product should be applied in a thick layer, then you need to give it 20-30 minutes to absorb and only then remove the excess with a napkin.


Mesolux is a bio-reinforcing cream with hyaluronic acid, which is characterized by a prolonged action - the longer it is applied, the more fully the skin is moisturized. It can be used every day, it is better to perform manipulations in the evening, but if you do not need to apply makeup, then it can be applied to the skin of the face in the morning.

A prerequisite is that the dermis must be pre-cleaned and there must be no enlarged, clogged pores on it.

Bioreinforcement consists in strengthening collagen fibers at the cellular level, which provides the effect of rejuvenation, tightening. The first results can be assessed only after 2 months of using the cream.

La Roche Pose

A series of products with a rejuvenating effect La Roche Pose has the simplest composition:

  • low molecular weight hyaluronic acid;
  • thermal water;
  • sun filters.

The cream can be used in the care of any skin type and at any age. It evens out the relief of the epidermis, improves regeneration at the cellular level, makes the complexion even and without pronounced age spots. Apply the product on the face in the morning, treating the area of ​​the neck, décolleté, and the area around the eyes.

Budget options

Tool name Price
Evalar "Laura" 200-300 rubles
Topping up 180-230 rubles
Bark 100-150 rubles
Black Pearl 200 rubles
Pharmtek 250-300 rubles
Novosvit 105 rubles
Faberlic Prolixir Maximum 300 rubles

Eye cream with hyaluronic acid

The best choice for moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin around the eyes is a cream with hyaluronic acid from the Korean manufacturer It's Skin Hyaluronic acid moisture Eye Cream. An additional active ingredient in the product is a secret produced by snails (mucin). The cream has a non-dense texture, cloudy shade, is easily distributed over the surface of the desired area of ​​the face and is quickly absorbed.

The main effect that can be achieved is the smoothing of "crow's feet", dark circles and puffiness will also disappear (if it is not provoked by internal pathologies). The cost of the cream ranges from 500 rubles.

  • swelling and "bags" under the eyes;
  • allergies and the development of conjunctivitis;
  • the formation of foci of peeling and redness.

Watch this video on how to make hyaluronic acid eye cream at home:

Body cream with hyaluronic acid

The most popular body creams with hyaluronic acid are:

  • silk cream "Milk and honey" from Gehwol;
  • firming cream from DUO;
  • modeling cream from Levi Sime.

The cost of such creams ranges from 1000-2000 rubles.

Body cream with hyaluronic acid contains the main active ingredient in high concentration, and this makes it the most effective against aging, dryness, flabbiness, sagging. Such products can be used 2-3 times a day, the skin must be pre-cleansed and, preferably, slightly steamed.

Any cream is applied in a thin layer, you need to wait for complete absorption, and this can take 30-40 minutes - products with a dense structure are prepared for the body.

Homemade hyaluronic acid face cream recipe

Face cream with hyaluronic acid can be prepared at home according to the following recipe:

  • Mix 5 grams of hyaluronic acid powder with distilled water (to a state of sour cream) and put in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours;
  • add 1 teaspoon of any nourishing cream to the mixture (choose according to skin type);
  • add 2-5 drops of bergamot, myrrh, rose, patchouli or ylang-ylang essential oil.

The shelf life of such a product is 4 days, and this should be done in the refrigerator. The cream is applied to the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and eye area every day in the evenings. The duration of the rejuvenation course is 3 weeks, after which a weekly break is taken and therapy can be continued in the indicated mode.

Which is better - Vichy or Libriderm?

Vichy and Libriderm are considered the most popular facial skin care products with hyaluronic acid, and which of them is better to be determined individually, but here's what experts say:

  • Vichy creams are designed to prevent early aging and can be used at the age of 25+;
  • Libriderm - means for rejuvenation at an older age of 40 years and older;
  • Vichy has a milder formula, is hypoallergenic and can be used on overly sensitive skin;
  • . From the article you will learn about how peptides work in cosmetology, their benefits and harms, the best manufacturers cosmetics with peptides for the skin of the face and the area around the eyes.

    And more about how to choose a serum with hyaluronic acid.

    Creams with hyaluronic acid will be useful at any age, if you correctly choose a specific product. They should be used in courses, because with constant use, the skin will completely stop producing collagen, and the independent process of updating dermal cells will stop.

    Useful video

    Watch this video on how to use hyaluronic acid face serum at home: