
Mustache whitening. How to lighten the mustache above the upper lip. How to bleach hair above the lip with cosmetics


A mustache growing in the area above the upper lip is a problem that worries many women. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, it is necessary to identify which of them causes problems. Fighting without knowing the source is useless. Regular epilation, depilation will provoke stiffening of the hairs and their radical darkening. The only true one is to lighten the hair above the upper lip. Under the action of aggressive solutions, they will become thinner, the roots will weaken and gradually all excess vegetation will disappear.

Hair growth under the nose in women is provoked by hormonal imbalance. There are various reasons for its occurrence, which contribute to the production in the body of an increased amount of the male hormone - testosterone. To completely get rid of excess vegetation, it is necessary to restore balance.

When a hormonal imbalance occurs:

  • prolonged use of oral contraceptives;
  • depression, stressful situations;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • kidney pathology;
  • pregnancy;
  • a brain tumor;
  • poor ecological situation in the environment;
  • epilepsy;
  • oncological diseases.

The growth of hairs on the face can be promoted by medicinal creams, ointments containing lanolin.

After establishing the cause, proceed to the removal of the "decoration" above the lip.

Ways to lighten at home

Many girls, seeing for the first time how beautiful their plump lip covered with fluff, rush for help to the old, proven razor. Stop! This is the biggest mistake! After shaving, the antennae begin to grow more actively and change color to a darker one. In rare cases, epilation is the only right solution. If the vegetation is dense and characterized by increased rigidity, it is better to go to the salon, where a professional cosmetologist will choose the right procedure for radical removal.

You can deal with the problem yourself at home without dangerous consequences only with the help of clarification. To do this, you must choose the appropriate recipe and strictly follow the instructions for its use.

Hydrogen peroxide

You can whiten a dark hair, restore beauty to your face with a simple and affordable pharmacy product. There are several ways to use it.

No. 1 If the problem is not running, it is enough to regularly wipe the antennae with a 3% hydrogen solution. To do this, peroxide is applied to a cotton swab, which is used to treat the problem area for 5 minutes. Treat the face daily until the desired result is achieved.

№2 Prepare a mask: combine shaving cream and 3% hydrogen in a container. Proportions 1:1. Distribute the finished composition over the area above the upper lip, rinse after 20 minutes. Lightening is carried out in an aggressive way, requires additional care - after washing, apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

№3 Crush perhydrol in the form of tablets. Ammonia is introduced into the powder - 1 drop, peroxide 3% - brought to a mushy state. The hydroperitone solution is distributed over the area above the lip. Lighten hair for no more than 10 minutes to eliminate irritation and redness.

Hydrogen helps to bleach excess vegetation. This aggressive ingredient is not suitable for sensitive skin. In this case, it is recommended to choose an alternative option.


A decoction of a medicinal herb is able to discolor unwanted antennae above the upper lip quickly and effectively. The recipe is easy to prepare and safe.

With boiling water in a volume of 100 ml, steam 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers. Pour the broth into a thermos and insist for 4 hours. Strain before use. Lubricate the upper area above the lip 2-5 times a day. Hair bleaching occurs gradually, but the first result is noticeable after 2 days.


Indian women know about the wonderful properties of this delicious spicy seasoning. Turmeric, like natural henna, penetrates the inside of the hair, removes the pigment substance forever, which contributes to a noticeable lightening and thinning.

A folk recipe is prepared according to the following scheme: milk 1 tbsp. combine with wild turmeric 2 tbsp. Apply the mask on the face for 15-20 minutes. Remove with water and rub with a soothing lotion.

Turmeric acts like paint. After the procedure, a yellow tint remains on the skin, which can only be removed with lemon and water mixed in equal proportions. To discolor the skin, it is necessary to wipe down throughout the day.

honey and lemon

Often, simple products - honey and lemon - come to the rescue in solving cosmetic problems. The combination of components allows you to gently lighten the antennae, take care of the skin.

The natural composition, designed to whiten hair, is prepared as follows: honey 2 tbsp. l. and lemon juice 1 tsp. Mix the ingredients in a bowl with a toothbrush or a thin wooden stick. Distribute over the problem area, capturing each antennae. Remove with cool water after 20 minutes.

Pine and nut shells

To solve the problem of antennae will help effective home recipe, which is used to eliminate excess vegetation on the face and body.

The infusion is prepared from cedar nut shells. It is diluted in a 2:1 ratio with water. Wet a cotton swab in the solution, process the hairs. The reaction lasts for 20 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, wash your face and apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

To achieve your goal, follow the main condition - properly prepare masks and solutions, use them regularly, without missing procedures. Perseverance and time will help to discolor the hair around the lips.

Hair bleaching ointments

If it is not possible to prepare masks at home or there is a fear of harming the skin using oxide, then we suggest that you seek help from pharmaceutical products. Special cosmetics contain whitening ingredients that will lighten and make the mustache thinner, less noticeable.

Popular means:

  • Oway WithOut. natural oils and a special complex lighten hairs by 5-6 tones.
  • Decocream X-Cromatic. The composition is balanced, which eliminates the risk of side effects. Natural extracts and oils remove hair of any type and stiffness.
  • Bleaching Cream. An oxidizing agent is used to prepare the composition, but it does not cause irritation, it is neutralized by jojoba oil. Feedback from professionals about the tool is positive.

Rules for the procedure

Before applying a new bleach to sensitive skin above the upper lip, a skin test must be done. A small amount of cream is applied to the area behind the ear and the reaction is monitored for several hours.

Apply creams strictly according to the instructions. Avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes.

If discomfort occurs, immediately wash with warm water, apply anti-irritation lotion.

Every girl is watching appearance, clearly thinking through makeup, outfits, tracking the latest fashion trends. Antennae above the lip can greatly spoil the appearance, cause serious psychological problems. To solve the problem, it is necessary to restore the balance of hormones, regularly apply masks and creams for lightening.

Vegetation on female face can hardly be called beautiful. Noticeable antennae above the upper lip, in addition to aesthetic inconvenience, can be a sign of hormonal disorders in the body. To figure out how to lighten dark hairs, it is important to find out the reason for their appearance.

Natural causes of antennae

The smallest hairs cover the entire body and normally do not cause concern. Problems begin when there are noticeable dark thick hair s in places where they should not be. There are several reasons for the appearance of hairs above the lip in women:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • phenotype;
  • pregnancy;
  • genetics;
  • side effect from taking COCs;
  • prolonged illness;
  • a number of cancers.

A common reason for the appearance of excessive hair on a woman's face is an excess of male hormones, when male hair occurs, hair appears on the face, chest, arms, and back. Before proceeding with the removal of hairs, it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment, otherwise the problem will return again. In no case should you take hormonal drugs on your own without the recommendation of a doctor.

It will be more difficult to deal with unwanted vegetation for those who have older relatives with an identical problem. Genetic hirsutism is not a disease, does not pose a threat to health, its disadvantage is purely aesthetic.

Sometimes the mustache in girls appears due to improperly selected cosmetics. Often a similar side effect is observed in creams with lanolin. They provoke hair growth above the lip or on the chin; such cosmetics should be used with great care.

When is it necessary to lighten the mustache?

Not always cosmetic procedures allow you to cope with facial hair. When selecting the appropriate method, it is important to consider the following factors:

  1. Discoloration is too thick and dark hair useless, excess hair is removed by laser.
  2. Light thin hairs are bleached at home using ordinary peroxide.
  3. There is no point in bleaching a barely noticeable fluff above the lip, this is a natural hairline.
  4. It is undesirable for dark-skinned girls to resort to lightening their mustaches, blond hairs will become more noticeable on tanned skin.

Important! If the antennae above the upper lip appeared unexpectedly, it is worth checking with an endocrinologist and gynecologist to rule out possible health problems.

Hydrogen peroxide

For girls who want to finally get rid of unnecessary vegetation above the upper lip, ordinary hydrogen peroxide is very popular. With it, various masks are made or regular rubbing of problem areas for five minutes. Such a simple procedure must be carried out daily until the effect becomes noticeable.

Important! Peroxide concentration should be 3%.

Hydrogen peroxide is used when necessary along with other ingredients, here are a couple of effective recipes:

  1. You will need the same amount of peroxide and shaving cream, the resulting mixture is applied to the desired areas of the skin like a mask. After 20 minutes, you need to wash with warm water without soap and lubricate the skin of the face with any nourishing cream.
  2. To prepare the following remedy, you will need hydroperite (1 tablet), ammonia (2 drops) and peroxide. The components must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous creamy substance is obtained. The mask is applied for 10 minutes and washed off with warm water.

In addition to hydrogen peroxide, decoctions of clarifying herbs - chamomile, parsley, etc., are effective as daily rubbing.

Folk recipes

Among the people, lemon juice is the most popular after hydrogen peroxide. This tool is used to lighten hairs, it is used in its pure form, or added to the composition of masks. The easiest way to lighten the mustache is to apply lemon juice to the problem area and go sunbathing in this form. The hairs will burn out faster and become invisible, but this method is for the most risky - the acid in lemon juice is still too aggressive for delicate skin. It is much safer to use juice as part of masks:

  1. Lemon with protein. One raw egg white is mixed with 15 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice and mixed thoroughly. The mixture should be applied to the antennae and kept on the skin for about 20 minutes and rinsed with water.
  2. Lemon with vinegar. The tool is effective, but you need to keep it on the skin for at least 60 minutes. Vinegar, lemon juice and water are mixed in equal amounts, the finished mixture is applied to the skin. After the time has passed, the mask is simply washed off with water.
  3. Lemon with kefir. Fresh kefir and lemon juice are thoroughly mixed in a ratio of 2 to 1. The composition is applied to the skin, and then washed off with warm water after 15 minutes.

To make the recipes more effective, more than one procedure will be required. Such masks and solutions will need to be applied to the hairs for at least a week.

In addition to various variations on the theme of lemon juice, white henna is used to lighten the antennae. The tool is sold in cosmetics stores or pharmacies, the powder is not difficult to find and it is inexpensive. Henna is diluted according to the instructions on the package and applied for a few minutes, then washed off with water without soap. After the procedure, a moisturizer should be applied to the treated area, since henna has a drying property. For these reasons, this remedy is not suitable for dry skin.

Important! For henna to be effective, you need to buy the freshest product.

Special funds

A brightening cream will really help to cope with the problem, but it is important to carefully read the instructions for it. Each tool has its own characteristics, but there are a few general rules:

  • for convenience, the mixture is applied with a cotton swab;
  • on the face, the product is kept no longer than the period specified in the instructions;
  • wash off the cream with warm water;
  • after the procedure, it is necessary to apply nutrients.

The same principles should be followed when using lightening paint. Since the hairs above the lip are thinner than on the head, you do not need to keep the product for so long.

It is not enough to know how to remove the antennae above the lip, you need to properly care for the skin in order to avoid new problems. It is important to follow a number of rules:

  1. If the skin is sensitive, you should not use too aggressive products to lighten the hairs. It is better to abandon the idea altogether, or choose sparing options.
  2. After clarification of the antennae, the skin requires proper care. Some formulations can cause redness, irritation, dryness, so it is useful to apply to the skin. baby cream or nourishing mask own cooking.
  3. From possible redness after the procedure, almond oil will help.
  4. Alcohol dries the skin, for lightening it is better not to use alcohol-containing lotions and masks.
  5. Having decided to get rid of the antennae once and for all, it is important to understand that this is a long process. Before obtaining a visible result, 10 procedures can take place. It all depends on the chosen method of removal, the thickness and length of the hairs, their density, etc.
  6. If it is not possible to lighten the antennae at home and not a single remedy has worked, it is better to contact a beautician. The doctor will select the appropriate procedures, and if necessary, prescribe the necessary examinations if he suspects a disease.
  7. Using any cosmetics to lighten facial hair, you must first apply a small amount of means for bending the elbow. If there is no reaction within a day, the remedy can be safely used.

You can lighten the mustache above the upper lip different ways. In any case, you should tune in to the fact that this process will take a lot of time, and sometimes require treatment from a specialist. The choice of method depends only on the individual characteristics of each woman.

Agree, a beard and mustache are the lot of the stronger sex, but nature is a big joker. Sometimes these clear signs of courage and strength appear on pretty girlish faces. There are many ways to discolor the mustache above the upper lip, thanks to which you can forget about this aesthetic problem for a long time.

noble fluff

Hairline is on every millimeter of our skin, moreover, it is a derivative of the epidermis, designed to protect against negative effects. environment. In addition, it contributes to proper thermoregulation. In women, in most cases, body hair remains light, almost transparent and invisible.

Darkening of the hair is noted in several cases

  • repeated hair removal
  • disruption of the endocrine system
  • taking a number of medications
  • stress and depression

The risk group includes girls whose close relatives suffered from unwanted facial hair. It should be noted that in this case the problem is purely aesthetic in nature and can be solved through cosmetic procedures.

We discolor the antennae

You can remove unwanted vegetation in specialized beauty salons using modern equipment (ultrasound, photoepilation, etc.), but these services are not always affordable for us. It is much easier and cheaper to bleach hairs at home. To ensure that the procedure does not harm you, conduct an allergy test. Apply to a small area of ​​skin behind the ear or the inside of the wrist. finished product and wait a few minutes. If you do not feel discomfort, the skin does not turn red and does not become inflamed, you can safely use the chosen remedy.

The most common lightening method is the use of hydrogen peroxide, but be aware that this drug can cause burns. You can use only a 3% solution, and the duration of contact with the skin should not exceed 4-5 minutes, during which you need to wipe the antennae with a cotton pad soaked in the solution.

No less popular is the method of lightening with lemon juice. Moreover, this is practically the most sparing option for solving an aesthetic problem. Mix 2 tablespoons of juice with egg white and beat the resulting mixture into foam, then apply it to the hairs and leave for 15-20 minutes.

In a pharmacy or cosmetic store, you can buy ready-made preparations for lightening hair, which should be used strictly following the manufacturer's instructions.

The mustache on the girl's face does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Brunettes usually suffer from excessive facial hair growth. Shaving and pulling hair with tweezers is not recommended. They will become thicker, blacker and tougher. You can lighten unwanted hairs with hydrogen peroxide. In the pharmacy you need to buy 3% peroxide and ammonia. Before you remove the mustache with peroxide, you need to check if you are allergic to it. To do this, a few drops are dripped onto the hand and wait 15 minutes. If the skin does not turn red and does not start to itch, then everything is fine, peroxide can be used.

To lighten the antennae, a teaspoon of pharmacy peroxide is mixed with 5 drops of ammonia, a drop of shaving foam is added and the resulting mass is applied to the hairs with a cotton swab. After 20 minutes, the solution is washed off with warm water. The procedure is carried out daily until the expected effect is obtained. The hairs will become thinner and lighter, or disappear completely. It all depends on the structure of the hair and the pigment contained in it. Peroxide brightens not only the hair itself, but also the skin under it. Swarthy girls will have to put up with a light stripe above the upper lip for a while or look for another method of removing excess hair.

To make it clear what the essence of the brightening procedure is, it is necessary to find out how hydrogen peroxide works. The peroxide oxidizes the hair pigment, turning it into a colorless substance. The greater the concentration of peroxide and the duration of action, the faster the hair becomes discolored. But, not observing the exact dosages, you can burn not only the hair, but also the skin.

For clarification, a b% hydrogen peroxide solution is sometimes used. How is hydrogen peroxide made at home? Often pharmacies sell perhydrol containing 30% peroxide. To obtain hydrogen peroxide of the required concentration, 6 cubes of perhydrol are drawn into the syringe (to obtain a 9% solution - 9 cubes), poured into a flask and topped up with water to the 30 ml mark.

Many girls are interested in the question of how to remove hair with hydrogen peroxide quickly? In a solution of hydrogen peroxide, it is necessary to wet a cotton pad and wipe the antennae for five minutes 3-4 times a day for 3-5 days. After the procedure, wash your face with warm water and lubricate the skin above the upper lip with baby cream.

If there is little hair above the lip, then using peroxide will help. But if there is a lot of hair, then before you bleach your hair with peroxide, you need to find out the reasons for their excessive growth from a doctor. Perhaps this is due to the malfunction of the endocrine glands and increased production of male hormones. Sometimes it is enough to undergo a course of treatment to permanently get rid of unwanted hair.

Women may face various cosmetic defects on the face. One of the disadvantages that causes a lot of trouble is the “vegetation” on the face. The mustache above the lip of a woman does not look like a hard mustache of a man. Hair can be singular or cover the upper lip with fluff. If it is dark, women dream of a way to easily get rid of their mustache forever.

Why mustaches grow in women and how to get rid of them?

The reason for hair growth in women is the production of the male hormone progesterone. If there is a failure in the hormonal system or if a woman has an increased amount of male hormone due to predisposition, the vegetation appears better, grows thicker. If the hair grows on the scalp, this will not be a problem for the girl, unlike the location on the lip.

The face reflects the state of the body. If up to a certain point a woman did not have hair on her upper lip, a mustache appeared unexpectedly, the shaft is thick and dark in color, its appearance may indicate problems in endocrine system, malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine glands. The appearance of a mustache can be a signal of the need to take tests in order to detect problems in the body in time, to prevent gynecological diseases from developing.

Is it possible to remove mustaches for women?

If the hair on the upper lip is small and thin, they are not visible to others, in which case you should not remove them.

If the mustache brings moral discomfort, upsets the woman, you can remove them. Before removing it, you should think about the reason for their growth. If the mustache has appeared recently, you should consult a doctor for testing for hormones. The appearance of a mustache can be a sign of a disease in the body. If a woman has always had a mustache, she may have a predisposition to the predominance of the male hormone over the female.

Unwanted vegetation should not be shaved, it will worsen the situation.

Better to use:

  • tweezers;
  • methods of wax or sugar epilation;
  • photoepilation;
  • laser epilation.

It is worth remembering that if the cause of growth is a malfunction of the body, removal will not bring the desired result.

How to remove mustache at home

Women who find hair in a place they don't think it should be will do their best to remove it.

If the hair is dark, one, it can be removed with tweezers. You need to grab it at the base and pull it out. It will take little time and effort for one hair, if a woman’s upper lip is covered with a mustache, this method will not be convenient. The procedure will be long and painful.

Epilation should help remove the mustache on the upper lip, according to the manufacturers of the products, from 2 to 4 weeks. The duration of the procedure depends on the intensity of restoration and hair growth in a woman. The method works more long time compared to shaving. The method simplifies removal in comparison with the procedure for using tweezers. The mustache will not disappear forever, the procedure must be repeated.

You can do hair removal using wax or a sugar solution prepared at home. An easy way to remove the mustache is to buy wax strips, apply them to the place where you want to remove the vegetation, smooth and sharply remove the strip. Sugaring or sugar hair removal can be done independently by preparing sugar syrup at home. Both methods are painful.

If the mustache is not thick, the hair is short and thin, the woman is worried that the mustache is visible due to the dark shade, but the mustache can be lightened.

You can remove the mustache at home or in a beauty salon, a clinic that offers appropriate services. The electrolysis method consists in the destruction of the hair follicle by impulses produced with the help of an inserted needle into the pore at its base. The destruction of the bulb leads to the fact that a woman can get rid of her mustache forever. The duration of the procedure, the sensation of pain somewhat scares the woman. The method is effective, hair does not grow at the site of electrolyte application for a long time, someone helps to get rid of the mustache forever.

There is a method for removing hair on the upper lip using a laser. This procedure consists of photo or laser hair removal.

How to remove the antennae above the lip at home once and for all

It is very difficult to permanently remove vegetation. It depends not only on the type of method, but also on the hormonal characteristics of the body. At home, permanent removal is more difficult compared to cosmetic procedures such as photoepilation, laser hair removal.

Judging by the reviews on the sites, folk remedies can help. The use of mixtures of certain components will help remove facial hair permanently.

Nettle is known for its useful properties, which can be applied to remove the mustache on a woman's face. Crushed nettle seeds in the amount of 40 g pour a glass of oil (vegetable or olive), leave for 2 weeks in a dark place in a glass container. Apply infusion 3-4 times a day.

If you make a mixture of alcohol, iodine, ammonia and castor oil, lubricate the mustache twice a day, you can remove the vegetation from the upper lip forever.

Mixture proportions:

  • alcohol 35 g;
  • iodine 2 g;
  • ammonia 5 g;
  • castor oil 5 g.

Depilation at home will help remove vegetation only for a time, which depends on the characteristics of the body.

Is it possible to pluck the mustache of girls with tweezers

Tweezers are a necessary attribute of every woman who wants to remove unwanted hair. It will be easier to remove it if the procedure is carried out after a bath, enlarged pores will make it easy, with minimal painful sensations remove hair. The tweezers will not remove it permanently, the bulb will remain deep in the skin layers.

When removed, you can damage the bulb, this rarely happens. The hair will reappear after a while. The tweezers may break the rod. If the hair is broken near the base, the tweezers won't catch it, you have to wait a day or two for it to grow back enough to remove it. The procedure will be repeated once a week or two, depending on the intensity of vegetation growth in a woman.

Mustache removal for women with a laser

The laser will help remove unwanted mustache on the upper lip. It is believed that laser removal will be carried out for a long time, for someone this procedure can remove the mustache forever.

The purpose of the procedure is to destroy the hair follicle. The procedure is not one of the cheap ways to remove a mustache. Whiskers can be removed with a laser in less time than with tweezers or the electrolyte method. It will take time for the anesthetic to take effect, which will help to carry out the procedure without pain. The mustache on the upper lip of a woman is treated with a laser beam, then the skin is lubricated with panthenol.

The laser destroys the hair and follicle. When the hair is destroyed, it heats up and can burn the skin. To remove a mustache from a woman on her upper lip, she needs to undergo at least 7 procedures. If a woman has problems in the hormonal system or with the endocrine gland, then the procedure may not help. If the lady is healthy and she really wants to remove her mustache, this procedure can help her get rid of the vegetation on her upper lip for a long time, perhaps even forever.

Mustache shugaring for women at home

The mustache on a woman's upper lip can be removed using the epilation method. The procedure is carried out using strips with wax or sugar solution. The method of using sugar syrup to get rid of unwanted mustache for a few weeks is called shugaring.

The method can be applied at home.
Before the procedure, you need to apply a scrub daily to remove dead skin particles on the face. It is believed that then the sugar mixture will be able to capture the hair deeper, which will allow you to get rid of the mustache for a longer period. For a week, you need to stop plucking your hair with tweezers, use other means to remove the mustache. It is necessary that the length of the rod be 3-4 mm for the procedure to be effective.

Before the procedure, a woman should moisturize the skin with a cream or apply a chamomile compress to open the pores. The mixture for shugaring should be heated to 40 degrees, a small part is kneaded and tightly applied to half of the upper lip against hair growth. Next, you need to sharply remove the mass according to hair growth.

If after applying the method there are a few hairs left, you do not need to apply the mass again, this can severely injure the skin. It is worth using tweezers to finally remove the mustache.

Sugaring mix can be purchased or you can make your own. At home, you can make sugar clay to remove unwanted vegetation by shugaring:

  • ½ bottle of greenery;
  • water ½ cup;
  • vinegar ½ cup;
  • sugar 1 kg.

Combine the components, heat over low heat until a thick mass is obtained, apply to the upper lip area, remove the mass with a sharp movement.

How to remove antennae folk remedies

It is believed that the use of folk remedies can help get rid of unwanted mustaches on a woman's face.

A tincture of pine nut shell and walnut partitions is an effective folk remedy for gradual hair removal. The product must be poured with alcohol in a dark container, leave for a week. Wipe the mustache with the resulting solution for a couple of weeks daily before going to bed.

A tincture of 50 g of walnut 150 ml of alcohol, left for a week in a cold place, should be applied 4 times a day. According to reviews, the hair on the lip will soon begin to become thinner and fall out.

Mix the sifted ash with crushed soap to a paste-like consistency, apply on the mustache, leave for 20 minutes, apply for 2 weeks.

Paste composition:

  • ash 1 or 2 tablespoons;
  • baby soap 1 PC.;
  • water 100 ml.

A folk remedy obtained from 1 tablespoon of soda and 1 cup of boiling water for a compress will help get rid of hair on the upper lip. The solution should be cooled, fix the compress with adhesive plaster, leave overnight. This method is not recommended for dry skin.

How to lighten the mustache above the upper lip at home

Lightening hair is easy. For a procedure that will help lighten a woman's mustache, you will need a solution of hydrogen peroxide 6%, ammonia.

There may be a chance of a burn when a woman bleaches her hair on her upper lip. If she decided to lighten her mustache and did not check the reaction of the skin in a place other than her face in advance. A burn can be caused by improper concentration or too long exposure to the skin of the lip.

If a woman decides to lighten the vegetation, then subsequently applying shugaring to a clarified mustache can bring problems. The hair becomes brittle due to the chemicals used, the sugar mixture cannot pull it out, only breaks it, which can lead to its ingrowth under the skin.

How to discolor antennae with folk remedies

To lighten the mustache on a woman's face with folk remedies, at home you can prepare a mixture:

  • hydrogen peroxide 100 g;
  • 2 tablets of hydroperite;
  • 5 drops of ammonia;
  • flour.

Combine the components to a mushy state, apply for 10 minutes on the mustache.
Helps lighten mustache folk remedy made with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and one egg white. Apply the mixture on the upper lip for 15 minutes.