
Game ideas for a themed party. Themed birthday party. Use the sign of the zodiac


If you are wondering which holiday is loved the most, then most likely you will hear: “Birthday!”

The usual feast can be replaced with an exciting themed party.

What topic to choose?

For kids, it's more or less understandable. But what if it is necessary to unite adults and children? There is a small nuance here: exclusively “adult” topics that will be boring for children, or they simply will not understand what it is about. And between adults and children there are such categories as youth and teenagers – these comrades have generally different interests.

So, when choosing the theme of the upcoming holiday, remember that some "Uncle Petya" may not share your enthusiasm when you want to see him in Carlson's costume. But he will most likely go to the Hawaiian party with pleasure.

Ideas and scripts for themed birthday parties

Pirate Birthday

Suitable for any age. A prerequisite is that everyone should come in the form of pirates: bandanas, blindfolds, large earrings in their ears and nose.

At the doorstep, guests can be greeted by a real captain, inviting them to the table, on which delicacies from seafood are already placed. Well, what else can pirates eat?

Seafood doesn't have to be real: it can be a dough jellyfish, a cake with waves and dolphins, octopus salads ... Although you can surprise guests with tropical fruits as a dessert.

If the party is intended for guests over 18, then stock up on rum as well. Remember the battle cry "Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum"?

Do not forget about the "nail" of the scenario of a real pirate party - treasure hunting! The most real adventure - with a map, a cipher in a bottle, difficulties and dangers.

For “difficulties and dangers”, the most suitable place is special areas where outdoor games are organized - paintball, climbing on a climbing wall, rope towns.

Charm of the East

The East beckons with its mystery and mystery hidden behind the veil of a black-eyed beauty.

Arrange yourself a fairy tale in the style of Aladdin: for example, the birthday boy or birthday girl is Aladdin or Jasmine, respectively, and all the rest are eastern khans, princesses and padishahs from neighboring lands.

It is worth trying to cook some traditional Arabic dishes- for example, Tabbouleh salad, hummus with olive oil, shawarma or just meat on the fire. For dessert - Arabic sweets, which are still better to buy in the store if you have not had to cook them before.

As an entourage - candles, carpets, pillows, light aroma of essential oils. You can arrange a tea party at a low table with a hookah, leading a leisurely conversation, entertain guests with tricks.

But the East is different. These are China, and Japan, and Indonesia, and many more countries, so you can choose the style of one of them for a birthday party. If this is an unknown exotic country, at the same time introduce guests to its culture.

A buffet is one of the best solutions for a light snack at a party.
On the page you can find recipes for appetizers for the buffet table.

Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka

This will definitely be a very unexpected idea, and guests will surely like it. You can start inviting guests from the sixth grade and up to infinity - everyone has read at least one of the works of Nikolai Vasilyevich.

On the table - salted, smoked bacon, for extreme people - in chocolate, borscht with donuts, dumplings, pies with cherries.

Costumes - sundresses, wreaths of flowers, ribbons woven into braids for girls (or maidens), shirts with Ukrainian ornaments for guys (or guys).

It is especially interesting when the participants feel sympathy for each other. You can arrange various competitions where boys and girls compete, better mobile, and when everyone has played enough, sit in a circle, light candles and read “Viya” aloud or just tell horror stories to each other.

Topic related to the participants' favorite movie or book

For example, an evening of Sherlock fans. Let all the guests dress up as typical residents of England during the time of Sherlock Holmes, and the hosts of the holiday will need to prepare several difficult and confusing situations for the participants in which they will need to find the key to unraveling some mystical story.

Anything can be on the table: try English cuisine recipes, or serve oven-roasted chicken. That's just "oatmeal, sir!" better not to offer.

Beach party

Everything is clear here - summer, beach, cocktails, beach volleyball, barbecue, barbecue, water pistol battle. And when it gets dark - lie down, admiring the stars.

Of course, this version of the scenario is more suitable for the warm season - go to the nearest city beach or rent a house on the coast of the sea or lake and start the fun!

You can enrich this party scenario by choosing a Hawaiian theme for your birthday guests. In addition to bright swimsuits, flowers and fruits, special paraphernalia is not needed on the table.

Except perhaps an unobtrusive sound background with melodies of the ukulele and the cheerful mood of the invitees.

Fairy tale opens doors

Offer guests the attributes of the heroes of traditional Russian fairy tales (caps, masks, helmets, crowns, “heroic” weapons and raincoats).

If we are not talking about children, then it is better to coordinate such topics with the guests. Why? We remember about "Uncle Petya" ...

As a treat - recipes of Russian cuisine: pancakes, pies, pies, homemade dumplings, goose baked with apples. And then - a game of bast shoes, in cities, in Cossack robbers, tags, hide and seek.

Attributes of the holiday and the cost of the organization

In fact, you can afford to organize a theme party even with only 300 rubles in your wallet. For example, imagine that you are treasure hunters. To do this, the host of the celebration must draw a map in advance, bury the treasure, come up with different places where to hide the clues, so that they also first need to be found.

Take with you a minimum of food that can be fried on a fire - bread, sausages, vegetables. It will also be very interesting to grab a pot from home in which to try to boil tea!

If you really want to have fun - no financial problems will stop you!

But seriously, the cost of the party is not limited and depends only on your capabilities.

I have a difficult relationship with birthdays. I don’t like to “cover the clearing” at work and banal congratulations on the wall in Vkontakte, but I always try to organize something unusual for my friends on my birthday. I must admit that sometimes diiiko has no time, sometimes it’s insanely lazy, sometimes you want to spit on everything and say that “I don’t want to order, it’s better to organize a holiday on any other day just like that”, and sometimes original ideas just don’t come to mind and even Pinterest does not save.

1. Role play

It was at the institute. We celebrated a birthday with my classmate, somehow magically pushed about thirty people into my three-room, but small apartment and staged (don't laugh!) role-playing game. In theory, a role-playing game could be taken ready-made, but we decided to come up with the whole plot on our own. The script was not particularly intriguing, but each of the guests received a description of their role (there was an elderly millionaire, young hunters for his inheritance, a Greenpeace fan and a lover of furs) and had to fulfill their goals. We, as birthday girls and authors of the story, played the role of journalists, filmed it all on camera and interviewed the participants in the events on a rolling pin instead of a microphone. The alcohol was strong and it was clearly enough. The heroes of the drama (and not all of the guests were familiar with each other) quickly dispersed through the rooms and got to know each other. I remember that even the defender of animals made friends with the lady in the fur collar.

2. Quest

If the budget allows, then you can already invite professionals to host an interesting game, which I did in 2010. Once again, the end of May was approaching, and once again I puzzled over how to arrange such an interesting game for my friends on my birthday. This time I did not come up with the script myself, but ordered the organization and conduct of a pro quest. We all reincarnated as actors, actresses, screenwriters who came to the hotel for testing and further filming of the film, but our task was to find the killer of the director. In parallel, we still somehow managed to take part in the auditions for the role of the main character of the film. Great pastime: on the one hand, a great opportunity to be at the table (well, you understand me), on the other hand, to move your brains and participate in the action, but without jumping in bags.

If you want to order a quest, I recommend contacting the guys from Questime. Their representative offices are located in many cities of Russia, as well as in Kiev, Astana and even New York. I personally know the founders. They are passionate about what they do, so I highly recommend it.

3. Party at the Jolly Roger

It was 2007, the day before my birthday, another film from the series about the pirates of the Caribbean came out in Russian cinemas. To this topic, I decided to time the theme of the celebration. The evening began with a joint trip to the cinema, and then we sat down in a small company in the restaurant "Jolly Roger" with the appropriate interior, which I had previously found. It was a long time ago, but if I remember correctly, in addition to the feast itself, I organized a mafia game, which I remade in a pirate style with black marks, a ship's doctor and a cabin boy. There were also small gifts for the participants - some simple souvenir with images of the Pirates of the Caribbean.

My friend and I are at the cinema for the Pirates of the Caribbean premiere.

4. Costume party

The idea is simple - everyone comes in costumes. You can turn this idea around in any way you like: say that the theme is not important, the main thing is that the costume should fit (my friends in such a situation quickly played free, kicked dandelions in the yard and came in wreaths) or set a specific theme for reincarnation.

My friend was throwing an American style party for her birthday. Aside from the stylized clothes she asked guests to wear, the theme of the party was kept alive by the menu - awesome homemade burgers and chips.

But another friend of mine decided to arrange a trip to karaoke for her birthday (and no, I do not agree that this is banal!). All invitees had to transform into some kind of musical hero (you could choose at least Beethoven, at least Lady Gaga). It just so happened that both of my friends celebrated their birthdays with different companies, but on the same day. So I became an American Britney Spears. True, everyone confused me with a Japanese schoolgirl.

5. Every hunter wants to know

In 2012, the theme of my birthday was a rainbow. No, a law against propaganda had not yet been passed, so I invited seven invited friends to choose one color from the rainbow and choose clothes and accessories of this color (although, of course, you could stir up something in the style of Snow White and the seven dwarfs). The idea was to go so beautiful and colorful to nature and take a good picture (). My girlfriend is a very good photographer and gave me a photo shoot, and bought all sorts of colored accessories and donuts. By the way, I also gave each guest an envelope with colored Skittles (try the rainbow!) and hairpins with a flower of the chosen color.

Colorful donuts were also accessories at the party, but not for long.

And so, a significant event is planned in the circle of your relatives and friends: it doesn’t matter what it will be - a birthday, a wedding celebration or a holiday without a reason, it is important to know and be able to properly organize the event. But first things first.

First, you need to know who is coming to the party and the date of the party. It makes sense to call all the participants of the event and find out who can come and when. Next, we think over a convenient time for the celebration. It is clear that parties are organized on weekends and during the summer holidays. It’s not very convenient to organize a party at the beginning of the working week, you won’t be able to relax, and what a party without cocktails and alcohol.

The next moment is thinking about what will be at the party - an award for participating in the competition, writing a script, as well as a venue. The venue is very important, since you can’t hold a party in an open field, there are no conditions, and you want to dance, sing, and chat. In order to preserve the flora, not to be scared yourself and not to scare the smaller brothers, not to get caught in the rain, not to be “eaten” by mosquitoes - think about the venue of the party in advance. The best option is a party outside the city - it’s quiet, good, you don’t bother the neighbors. If there is a house outside the city, it is very convenient to hold a party there.

It is clear that it is difficult to surprise someone with “dances” and “chants”, therefore, the party organizer will need maximum composure and communication - developing a holiday scenario and thinking through a competitive program is very important.

The network has many games and competitions for different ages, you can download forfeits for an adult company. Of course, the competition program is no less important point for holding a party than anything else, but you will make your life much easier if you include everyone present in the preparation of the competition program, thinking through the competitions. So that no one forgets anything, it makes sense to get together before the party and summarize and systematize the developments, decide on the contests you like.

There should be several presenters at the party - sociable, cheerful, provocative. Distribute roles in advance, responsibilities for organizing a party: everyone should be responsible for something, then you will get an interesting and collectively organized holiday, which will leave wonderful memories. And yet, do not grab onto everything, determine the main and priority. If you have real friends with you, then they will help you in everything, the main thing is to ask well or agree in advance.

Menu. Fresh air, the sun is shining, it would seem that all the conditions have been created, however, take care of treats for the company in advance. Of course, you don’t need to “bother” and prepare the first and second, party treats are specific. You can make kebabs, popcorn, canapes. Anything that does not require a significant investment of time, including a variety of cuts.

Musical equipment and the Internet, where without it. With music, of course, it will be more fun. Before the party itself, check the serviceability of the equipment and the availability of electricity in the house, otherwise you will have to sing songs around the fire, which will not greatly affect your authority and reputation.

If you're hosting an out-of-town party, consider a handwashing area and a hygiene room. In order to avoid cystitis and other inflammatory diseases, it is better to think about it in advance.

In addition to the countryside, it is possible to have a party in the apartment. This is not always convenient, but everything is at hand, you don’t have to think about where to go to the toilet, where to wash your hands, how to wash dishes, however, do not forget that you have neighbors behind the wall and on the lower floors, they will have to deal with noise and loud music. soul. In order to avoid conflicts, you will either have to invite your neighbors to a party or turn the music down.

An equally important issue is travel to the venue of the party and departure home. If you and your friends have a car, then this is not a problem, but if there is alcohol at the party, then you will not have to drive, and a city taxi is at your service. You will have to explain to the taxi driver how to get to you, it is very difficult, especially when the intoxicant is taken on the chest, but still, anything happens, and you need to be prepared for force majeure

However, if you have people in your friends who organize a party and love to do it, feel free to take them to your helpers. Despite the huge list of what is “needed”, a party is, first of all, a holiday where communication with loved ones, friends, without hesitation and pathos, should bring pleasure and be comfortable.

A few more ideas from farid47 (Serov Sergey Danilovich)

As a child, at the New Year's party, the girls were chanterelles and snowflakes, and the boys were bunnies. We grew up, but the children remained inside us. Maybe that's why masquerade parties and carnivals are so popular today? If you want to find a place in life for a holiday, you need to make it yourself.

So how do you organize a themed party? First you need to decide on a topic. I would like to offer you five, in my opinion, the most original themes.

1. Winter party.

Location: ice rink. If it is winter, then you can choose any (in many cities there are special children's hockey fields in the courtyards of houses). Well, in the summer - rent an indoor skating rink. Along the perimeter, you can decorate the board with garlands. The menu is only a buffet, but for drinks, organize a mini-bar with a real bartender in a suit with a bow tie.

Required attributes:

A) skates. Warn guests in advance. Not bad, if, just in case, agree with the skate rental office.

B) ice cream. For couples in love, there is nothing more romantic than treating each other to ice cream.

C) Hot coffee with buns. A lot of calories are burned on the rink, and you can freeze.

Party entertainment.

Any active games are welcome. You can play tag, bast shoes on skates, tug of war. In the presence of sticks - in hockey (dividing the guests into two teams).

2. A party of wizards or visiting Harry Potter.

Location: Any location. To match the theme, be sure to curtain the windows, you can drape the walls with dark material, let huge stars hang from the ceiling. They can be made from foil.

Required attributes:

A) Candles. The bigger, the better. They will create a mysterious atmosphere.

b) All Harry Potter films.

C) Mead, butter beer (what the main characters of the book drink).

Party entertainment.

Prepare some "magic" tricks (you can even use cards), arrange a chess tournament or play a video game based on the movie. Mandatory - watching a movie.

3. Halloween party.

Location: abandoned house. Offer your friends an unusual, themed Halloween. For example, Dracula's Wedding. All the guys are in Dracula costumes, and the girls are their brides.

Required attributes:

A) Many, many large pumpkins with a candle inside.

B) Music in the style of punk rock and rock. The compositions of the Nightwish band are ideal.

C) Candy and cookies - hand out to passing children.

Party entertainment.

Arrange a competition for the best children's horror story, watching a horror movie like "Saws". It will be interesting for girls to announce a "fortune-telling evening".

4. Pajama party.

Location: apartment. Usually, the dress code of the party is pajamas and robes. When organizing a similar themed party, invite guests to attend in underwear instead of pajamas.

Required attributes:

A) pillows.

b) Lots of sweets. Declare a protest against the slogan "It is harmful to eat at night."

C) Soap bubbles, large foam. It won't stain your clothes. She just doesn't exist.

Party entertainment.

Pillow fights, competition of wet T-shirts (for girls) and wet panties (for boys).

5. American party.

Location: country house. When organizing an American-style themed party, look for a large, at least two-story, house with a sauna and a swimming pool.

Required attributes:

A) Kegs with beer. Necessarily kegs and always with a beer supply system.

B) A local punk band that plays "live", which performs not only songs of its own composition, but also knows at least a couple of "hits" (Sum41, Blink182, etc.).

C) Disposable tableware.

Party entertainment.

In principle, everyone will have fun, who is what much and without you. That's why it's an American party. You can invite guests to watch a well-known and beloved movie. For example, "American Pie" or "Euro Tour".

There is no need to cry and say goodbye to your twenty years. Celebrating your thirtieth birthday isn't too bad - especially if you decide to throw a superb party with balloons and cake. Since we are ready to offer you some ideas with great cool photo booth ideas - everyone will say “There is no point in regretting your twenty!”. You deserve worthy celebrate your 30th birthday . The best way to start the new decade is with a party - we have no doubt that at 30 your best years are yet to come.

1. BAR PARTY is a great occasion to have a great time and enjoy champagne. What could be better than a celebration with neon and glitter?

2. BRILLIANT PHOTOS : So many good things happen at this party, from the number 30 made of tinsel to the cupcakes with the signs. All of this is worth capturing. If there are a lot of such photos, you can use old photos as decoration.

3. "ADULT" CAKE on the occasion of the anniversary of 30 years: The fact that you met your friends when you were 21 years old can also not be mentioned on this day. But you can still (as before) order a cake, full glasses of beer and other delicious dishes.

4. NUMBER 30 FROM MATCHES Candles are set at 29. Now that you are 30, you can use a new style to express your age - put the number 30 out of matches and set them on fire.

5. CHANDELIER FROM BALLS with your photos. Favorite photos of you and your friends attached to helium balloons will fly right over the heads of your guests. They will be able to tear off photos on the fly and remember the good moments of life with you.

6. THIRTY ANNIVERSARY IN THE STYLE OF CHANEL No. 30 If you love fashion very much, you should celebrate your 30th birthday in the style of Chanel. The combination of black and white will never go out of style. This is a great way to celebrate your anniversary.

7. CANDIES ON STICKS : There's nothing better than celebrating a birthday with a little reminder of the good old days. In our case, the 80s! Candies on a stick will remind you of your favorite moments in the 80s - the way you were as a child!

8. FUNNY BAG on the 30th anniversary: ​​30 years old, of course, is a respectable age, and it should be hidden. This fun bag will help you with this.

9. KISSING STICKERS ON CANDY : kiss goodbye to 20s, wishes for entering the third decade and other special tags-badges pasted on sweets.

10. 30 WISHES: There is no better idea than this. Each guest writes birthday wishes for a boyfriend or girlfriend, and attaches a balloon to each wish. Such wishes, as well as blowing out candles, no one will ever forget.

11. CASSETTE THEME: You're old enough to be over 30 years old. You're old enough to remember the days before iTunes and CDs. Why not use tapes for your party? And yes, mix tapes will definitely cause a buzz.

12. 30TH ANNIVERSARY IN GATSEBY STYLE : no doubt there were a lot of cool moments when I was 20+, but it's time to remember those days. Costume: flyaway dresses, feathers and coffee pearls.

13. A SET OF PROPERTIES "INSECURE THIRTY" : this is not so, but this humorous prop may well cheer you up. If your guests disappear, just look at the flashing camera.

14. DYLAN'S CANDY BAR Time Capsule: To sweeten up the party and make your guests remember the past. These capsules represent all the sweetness, and everyone will remember the candy stores of our childhood.

15. SIGNS 30 YEARS ON EVERYTHING : Yes it's true. You have just turned 30 and have achieved a lot. "Reminders" will be on all food.

16. BOW: These huge bows look very bright and fun. Fill up your photo collection with such photos and they will always remind you of the 80s (as well as Cyndi Lauper).

17. BRIGHT and FUN + lyric memory song, it will remind you of the past. It's best to start the party with one of your favorite childhood songs. Complete the look with fun DIY hats.

18. SELECTION OF PARTICIPANTS : You can tag any food, sandwiches and even cake with these cute tags on a stick.

19. Chocolate Bunk Cake: Thirty doesn't mean you have to grow up. It is better to celebrate with your favorite cake from childhood. And of course, do not forget to fill it with milk for impregnation!

20. GOLD AND PINK + Wishes at the booth: this year it is worth forgetting about standard postcards. Gold ribbon, pink flowers and wrapping paper, as well as helium pens (remember those?) - and guests will leave you their birthday wishes.

- one of the most favorite holidays of children and adults, and you always want to organize it so that after that, the best and brightest memories remain.

Today, the question of in what style to celebrate the birthday of a child or an adult birthday is especially relevant. After all, times change, and every year there are many interesting themes for the celebration. In our article we will talk about them in more detail.

In what style to celebrate a birthday?

Deciding on the theme for the celebration, you should focus on the premises and the capabilities of your guests. So, for example, a birthday party in an extremely popular today is better to spend in a large cafe hall. Such an event will be remembered for magnificent outfits, luxurious hairstyles, rampant American dances in the style of the 20s, luxurious interior, confetti and plenty of champagne.

Choosing in what style to celebrate a birthday, a great solution would be Hawaiian party. Flower wreaths, exotic cocktails and a hula dance will definitely become the main attributes. The entertainment program depends only on your imagination. It can be a competition for the best dance, making unique cocktails, pranks and fun games. A yard with a swimming pool, a country house with access to a lake or river will be an excellent venue.

If you don't know what style to make a birthday, do it for your friends pirate party. You can order costumes for rent, make yourself a bottle with a message (wish) inside. The main attributes in the interior will be a bottle of rum, a parrot, nets, binoculars, a steering wheel, a “sail” made of sheets, a chest with coins, etc. Entertainment for the "wardroom" can be contests, for example: who will find the "treasure" faster, playing the most terrible pirate, a photo shoot, etc.

For those who can’t decide what style to celebrate their birthday in, a themed theme is a great idea. Party "Dandies". Bright makeup, colorful outfits are the main dress code for guests. An unusual atmosphere of the 60s will be created by Elvis Presley posters, records, a rotary telephone, an old alarm clock, etc. Rock and roll, boogie-woogie, light snacks and drinks in the atmosphere, competitions and raffles will not let guests get bored.