
Funny contests for youth. Competitions, games for youth day, entertainment for youth holidays Team competitions for youth


Get in order!
This team game, which requires ingenuity and quick reaction, is suitable for a youth company. A variety of situations in which its participants will be able to stir up and cheer up any person.

Who is faster?
The game does not require special training, it can be played with any number of players, but the larger the company, the more fun. Passing different objects to each other without touching them with your hands is not easy, but very fun.

Tiptoe, quietly
A prank game, suitable for a fun friendly company. Blindfolded, you need to go along a route strewn with expensive fragile things, and at the same time do not damage anything. Having removed the bandage at the end of a difficult journey, the driver will understand that he worried in vain.

guess the word
For the implementation of the gameplay, it is necessary to be able to isolate the team of players from the participant who guesses the word. As an option, you can put headphones on team members.

Incendiary pas
A fun, active game with an unlimited number of participants. Ideal for any holiday, you just need to pick up a good musical accompaniment. This game will stir even those people who are difficult to get up from the table.

All for one
A fun game, familiar from fun at school breaks. She does not need special preparatory activities, the main thing is the desire to have fun. The driver needs to be observant and ingenious in order to guess which of his friends touched him.

merry window dressing
In this exciting game, you need to recognize a person by the visible part of the body. It is ideal for companies consisting of representatives of both sexes. To participate in this entertainment, you do not need to prepare props, all that is needed, the players have by nature.

This entertainment is suitable for youth, teenage and children's companies. Preparation for the game is minimal - each participant needs a scarf or scarf to blindfold. And then you need to collect your flock, using only hearing.

A mobile and incendiary game, it requires a crowded company and a lot of space. Droplet dancers first find a couple in the dance, then they unite in groups of three, four, until, finally, all the guests form a round dance.

Fate is not destiny
Is your "half" among those present at the party? Try your luck, take part in this peculiar lottery of fate. The guests stand in a circle, in the center is the driver. Fate will take care of the rest.

Who am I?
An interesting role-playing and analytical game designed for a large number of players and a spacious room. Try to guess what role the host assigned you by using leading questions addressed to your friends.

Chief lamb
A prank game, played once during a party. It is desirable that the company of participants be large, then the fun will be more fun. The organization of the game requires a host and a victim player with a good sense of humor.

Strain your memory
This entertainment is suitable for a small company, then everyone can take part, only a leader is needed. With a large crowd of guests, you can make several pairs, and the rest will be spectators. Check how attentive you are to the details of clothing and the appearance of the people around you.

Direct hit
The game can be played without interrupting the meal, right at the table. It is especially relevant when it is necessary to stir up and cheer guests. The game requires attention and good winking skills. The one who masters the art of eye shooting to perfection will win.

Exciting and intellectual fun for all ages. It will take a little time to prepare, but this work will pay off a hundredfold with the joy and pleasure of the guests. The competition involves the creation of teams, it is better if the number of players in them is no more than ten.

You can play this cool game right at the festive table. It will help to stir up the guests and improve their health. After all, laughter prolongs life! The main thing in the game is to try to keep your composure and not burst out laughing, but this is almost impossible.

Mr. X
Ideal for a company of well-known people. With the help of masterfully composed questions, you need to guess who the host has guessed. And it can be any guest at the party. Try to find it by asking tricky questions.

cocktail competition
Great entertainment for a company of any age, where rude masculine or affectionate feminine qualities are not needed. Competitors will need to focus on creating original cocktails from all available drinks and products.

polar explorers
An exciting and funny competition. To conduct it, you need to pick up several pairs of shoes in advance. They should be large enough to fit every guest, and have long, strong laces.

Dancing with balloons
Do you like to dance? Then try it with three people: you, your partner and a balloon. Everyone can participate in this dance marathon, even those who claim that they cannot dance.

Dark side of the Moon
The main characters of American thrillers often end up in the offices of psychologists and psychiatrists. Try to briefly become the object of research by an American psychologist. He, like an astronaut exploring the dark side of the moon, can easily see the hidden corners of your soul.

They do not look at a given horse's teeth
The game requires two packages. In one are cards with the names of all kinds of gifts, in the other - cards with descriptions of ways to use them usefully. It would seem that there is such a thing? However, a blind lot will suggest an original use for the most banal gift.

Clinking glasses
Those who want to drink brotherhood will have to work hard. In this game, the right to drink champagne and kiss together must be earned. Try blindfolded to find a partner by ear, going to the clink of glasses.

Never say never
The game allows the guests invited to the party to learn a lot of interesting things about each other. Of course, if their answers are true. The more thoughtful the driver's phrases are, the more chips he can take from the rest of the participants.

A sweet table is the culmination of any holiday, and a cake is its decoration. Try handing two teams each a cake and have them compete for the speed of eating sweets. The winning team should be generously rewarded, for example, with another cake.

Competition "Incendiary steps"

The preparation is simple: a neckerchief and a presenter responsible for musical accompaniment are selected. The main task of the presenter is to provide the competition with fast, incendiary melodies that can make the participants want to perform the most incendiary pas and pirouettes.
Everyone taking part in the entertainment stand in a large circle. The first dancer is chosen. This may be the hero of the occasion, if there is none, you can decide by lot or counting. The player stands in an impromptu circle, they tie a scarf around him, the music turns on, and everyone dances. Having made several or many movements, the dancer must transfer his attribute to another person standing in a circle. The scarf must be tied around the neck in a knot, and even kiss the "heir". The new dancer takes the place of the previous one and performs his steps. The dance continues as long as the musical accompaniment lasts. When the leader turns it off, the remaining dancer in the circle is caught off guard and forced to yell something like “co-ka-re-ku.” The more unexpectedly the music stops, the more fun it will be for those present.

Competition "Merry show"

To organize the game, you only need a thick cover, as well as two guys who are able to hold this “screen” throughout the action.
Action one. Young people are asked to turn away while the girls hide behind a curtain. Having exposed at the same time the same part of the body, having previously agreed which one, the young ladies are waiting for their partners. The guys are allowed to turn around. Their task is to guess who owns each charming pen, leg or knee. To maintain the purity of the experiment, the girls must ensure that the edges of their clothes and other attributes that can serve as a clue are not visible because of the curtains. Action two. It was the turn of the guys to hide behind the curtain and present their arms and legs for display. Girls must give them the opportunity to prepare, and then choose who owns this or that arm, shoulder or leg.
Action three. To organize it, you need a mirror. Girls tint their lips with brighter lipstick, after which they leave imprints of their lips on the mirror. Young people must determine the mistress of each print. In the absence of a mirror, “sponges” can be left on paper or a napkin. Further competitions of the tongue, ear, top of the head may follow. It all depends on the imagination of the players and their emancipation.

Who is the smartest?

Arrange the figurines on the floor. Everyone walks in a circle to the music behind the leader and by the whistle or how the music has stopped should grab the figure. Anyone who doesn't get it is out of the game. The number of figures is reduced by one each time.


Future singers are given cards with the names of political leaders of different years (Gorbachev, Lenin, Stalin, Brezhnev, Yeltsin, Zhirinovsky, etc.) written on them. The task of the players is to perform the song in the manner indicated on the card. The lyrics of the songs that are offered for performance should be well known, and even better - printed on the back of the cards.


Two chairs are placed with their backs to each other, a rope is pulled under them. At the command of the host, two participants walk around their chairs. On command, they sit on their chair and pull the rope out from under it. The game is played up to three times. Whoever wins twice gets a prize.

Game for drunk company

At first glance, this is ordinary football: two teams, a ball, a goal, the usual rules. But this is not so ... The players in the teams are divided into pairs and tie one leg to the partner's leg. You can also tie the torso, as you like. The game starts on command. The task is to score the ball into the opponent's goal. Goalkeepers are not needed, it will be difficult to score the ball. General wallowing on the ground is guaranteed!!! It is best to play in winter in soft snow.

Merry competition

The game involves two people - a guy and a girl. Tamada picks up an ordinary chicken egg, preferably raw, offers the girl to put it into the left half of the guy's trousers, gently drag it through the entire "internal" space of the trousers and pull it out of the right half of the men's clothing. At the same time, she should not run her playful hands into men's pants, but do everything by touch, through the fabric. Entertainment, funny comments and an unforgettable experience for the participants are guaranteed. For greater "demonstration" and convenience, the guy is usually put on a chair - and the girl is comfortable, and the guests can see what's what ...

Active competition

The guests are seated at the table. At the command of the host, one of the guests puts the button on his index finger and, turning to his neighbor, invites him to move the button to his index finger. Other fingers are not allowed. And so in a circle. The dropper is out of the game, and so the last players have to reach across the table. The last two participants win and receive a prize.

Chunky Lipslap

For this competition, it is necessary to stock up in advance with a package of sucking sweets (Barberry type lollipops). Two volunteers are selected from the company. Each of them takes one piece of candy from the bag (which is held by the presenter) and puts it in his mouth (but does not swallow it). Putting a candy in the mouth, the participant must call the opponent a “fat-cheeked lip-slap”. Whoever manages to stuff more sweets into his mouth and at the same time say the “cherished phrase”, he is the winner. It is worth noting that the sounds that the participants in the game make are insanely amusing to the audience!


Players line up, one after another, away from sharp, breakable and fragile objects, so as not to be injured and not to spoil anything. The leader takes a place at the head of the line. Everyone should repeat his words and movements. Stretching his right hand forward, the leader says: “Hippo”, and begins to shake his hand. After the last participant says the coveted word, the leader, with outstretched hands, squats down and says: “Where?”. After waiting for this to be repeated by the participant closing the line, leading with a cry of “There!” strongly pushes the neighbor, while the whole line falls together.

Those wishing to take part in this competition are invited to overcome a given distance by putting on flippers and looking from the back through binoculars.

Young people invited to a birthday party should not only be tasty food and drink, but also cheer up so that the holiday does not turn out to be dull and uninteresting. The hero of the occasion does not have to be a professional presenter or invite animators to your holiday! It is enough just to organize a couple of unpretentious, but original contests, and then everything will go like clockwork, there can be not even the slightest doubt about this! Guests will definitely get into the taste, and everyone will be provided with a cheerful mood!

Game from the movie "Inglourious Basterds", or Guess the word from the sticker

Remember Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds? This is not only a classic of cinema, but also a storehouse of all kinds of ideas for an unforgettable vacation in any company!

There is a fragment in the film when the characters had fun playing, gluing special cards with inscriptions on each other's foreheads. This entertainment will be discussed. Props:

  • colored stickers,
  • pens.

The rules of the game are that each of the participants must write a well-known word on the sticker in accordance with the topic, which should be decided in advance, for example, “Animals”, “World famous characters”, “Heroes of cartoons and films”. Each player writes a word and sticks a sticker on their neighbor's forehead. Main condition: the neighbor should not know what word is written on his sticker! After all the participants are with stickers, you can proceed to the main part of the game! The goal of each player is to find out what word is written on his forehead. To achieve it, one must ask other participants any questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no”. The first person to guess their word wins.

Acting Competition, or Game "Crocodile"

"Crocodile" is a creative game that can be a great entertainment at a youth holiday. The essence of the game "Crocodile" is to unravel the word, which is shown solely with the help of gestures and facial expressions, but without any explanation.

This game develops logic, vocabulary, artistic data and helps to relax and get to know each other better.

Props. It may not exist at all. In this case, the leader must himself come up with a word that one of the players needs to portray, and for everyone else to guess. A few examples of words on a specific topic for the game "Crocodile":

  • professions: diplomat, miner, gynecologist, archaeologist, psychiatrist, croupier;
  • living beings: flea, ladybug, boa constrictor, turkey, skunk, shrimp;
  • aphorisms: God's dandelion, chickens laugh, a cat in a poke, beauty requires sacrifice, a bear stepped on his ear;
  • TV shows:“In the world of animals”, “So far everyone is at home”, “Dom-2”, “Dancing on TNT”, “Minute of fame”, “Malakhov +”, “Fashionable sentence”;
  • famous people: Lady Gaga, Ivan the Terrible, Yuri Gagarin, Michael Jackson, Verka Serduchka, Alexander Reva, Jackie Chan, Napoleon Bonaparte;
  • characters: Jack Sparrow, Hobbit, Cat Dog, Gingerbread Man, Mermaid, Call Girl, Alien, Doctor House, Chuck Norris.

There are also ready-made sets for playing Crocodile, and they are found in several versions. The first option is classic. Unlike the verbal "Crocodile", there are many interesting tasks and rules here that make this game known since the times of the USSR even more exciting. The rules of the game are extremely simple, moreover, they are described in detail in the application. Players must divide into teams, and then take turns taking cards from the deck and depicting what is written on them. Each move is one minute, the team that guesses the most words wins. At turning points, you can use special cards.

The composition of the classic game "Crocodile":

  • word cards;
  • hourglass;
  • complication cards;
  • rules of the game;
  • a plate for keeping an account;
  • marker for records.

The cost of such a set is about 1000 rubles, and it is not for once, but for many years of entertainment! You can play such a game not only at a holiday or a party, but also on the road and even during the “window” at the university! In addition to the classic, there is also big crocodile" or " big party". In the new version of the game, a large field has appeared, and words can not only be shown with gestures, but also explained using associations or drawing. The cost of such a game is 1200-1400 rubles.

Who is the killer?

There is such a wonderful and, by the way, very popular game - "Mafia", but some of its rules seem too cumbersome, and not always there are playing cards at hand, and even more so, not everyone has a special set of cards! A great alternative to the game "Mafia" - "Who is the killer?". It is perfect for a birthday or party in a fun company of 10 to 16 people. Props:

  • pieces of paper,
  • pen,
  • hat.

Training. Take the sheets according to the number of players. Write “Killer” on one, “Detective” on the second, and “Victim” on all the others. After that, roll up the leaves, put them in the hat and invite the players to draw one at random.

No one should be shown what is written on the stretched piece of paper, otherwise all the intrigue and the essence of the game will be lost.

The meaning of the game. The task of the detective is to figure out the killer, the task of the killer is to kill people by winking at them at the table, but this must be done in such a way that the detective does not notice. And the victims should just sit and wait for their fate. If the victim winked - she is considered killed and is eliminated from the game. The game ends when the detective finds the killer! At the end of the competition, you can determine the best detective, which will be the one who identified the killer with the least number of people killed.

Competition "Lemon Slices"

At any youth party, there are several couples in love or people of the opposite sex who like each other, but can not decide on a relationship. Why not help the lovers seal their union? Just for this, it is worth holding the Lemon Slices contest. Its essence lies in the fact that girls lie down on a bed or sofa, and napkins with lemon slices are placed over their bodies. One slice can be put in the girl's mouth to make the contest more spicy and unexpected for her partner! Then the guy approaches the girl with his eyes closed and starts looking for lemon slices on her body. If desired, they can be washed down with water or something stronger. The pair that completes the task the fastest wins.

Competition "Best Bartender"

This is an interesting competition for young people over 21! It is worth noting in advance that after participating in it, some true fans of alcoholic beverages completely refused them, and those who, on the contrary, neglected alcohol, began to look at the work of a bartender with completely different eyes. So, the essence of the competition. Participants are divided into pairs. The ideal option is a guy and a girl, but not necessarily. One person from the pair is blindfolded, while the sighted person at this time, armed with a wine glass, glass or the most ordinary glass, approaches an impromptu bar counter and begins to create a super-drink for his partner! The recipe, of course, is unknown to anyone in advance, so such a competition can even be called creative, since you have to improvise. You can use all available ingredients, but do not forget that the finished drink should be safe for health and taste as pleasant as possible. When everything is ready, the partner is invited to try the cocktail. The winner is the pair whose "taster" can guess the maximum number of ingredients used to prepare the drink.

Everyone Dance Contest!

If suddenly the guests get tired of logical and measured games, then you can arrange for them a real dance party, during which you will have to remember all the dances that they have ever seen! Start with "Little Ducklings", and then the competition itself will go off with a bang.

Here are some more examples of dances that all young people know for sure:

  • lambada,
  • macarena,
  • cancan,
  • waltz,
  • tango,
  • lezginka,
  • rock'n'roll.

The list is endless! The main thing is fantasy, and then the contest “Everybody Dance!” will be incredibly interesting and emotional!

Movie quiz for the most erudite

Mobile and logical contests are, of course, interesting and useful, but do not forget about erudition! In order to understand which of the guests is the smartest and most savvy, you can hold an interesting movie quiz. It will be most appropriate in a small company of up to 6 people. Props for the contest:

  • paper,
  • pens.

The competition begins with a simple warm-up, during which participants need to write on pieces of paper as quickly as possible:

  • 3 films about animals;
  • 3 films with numerals in their titles;
  • 3 disaster films.

Whoever will be the first to hand over the leaflets with the correct answers to the presenter will receive the first points in the competition.

The main part is divided into two stages. In the first one, you need to guess the movie characters according to the description, and in the second - the movie according to the famous quote.

Below are some unique options for descriptions that you can add at your discretion, and it will not be difficult to deal with well-known quotes on your own, because their choice is incredibly extensive!

Riddles about movie characters with answers:

According to the results of the movie quiz, the winner is the one who scored the most points thanks to his ingenuity. The prize options for the winner are a movie disc or movie tickets.

It is customary to celebrate a birthday in a cheerful friendly company. To make the holiday memorable for a long time, organize active events for young people.

"Kit and cat"

All players sit in a circle holding hands. The host whispers the name of the animal to each player. Then, when everyone remembers their words, the fun begins. The essence of the game is that the person who was told “whale” should immediately sit down at the words of the host. The task of his neighbors is to prevent him from doing this. It is better to name words at a fast pace so that the participants do not have time to take a breath. The funny thing is that the presenter guessed the word "whale" to each odd player, that is, through one. At the end of the game, you can say "whale". This will lead to the fact that almost all participants will sit down abruptly. Most likely, the rest will not cope, and the game will end with a general "fellow" on the floor.


Birthday games and entertainment can be diversified with pranks and jokes. In this fun, the leader offers to organize a real one. For this, one participant is invited, and the leader sits down with him at a pre-prepared table in front of him. There are two plates on the table. A coin is placed in the leader's plate. All other spectators stand around the table. The participant in the game is explained that he must exactly follow the movements of the host, and then the coin will move to his plate. Lights are extinguished, candles are lit and the session begins. The leader without words makes various movements, including running his palm over the plate and over his face. At the end of the competition, the presenter declares that the session failed and turns on the light. The whole point is that the player's plate was sooty, and now his face is smeared with soot.


It will be more fun for young people if many active participants are involved. In this game, young people are invited to play a fairy tale. To do this, all participants disperse in different directions. Each group sits on chairs in one line. The roles of grandmother, granddaughter and so on are distributed among the participants. In addition, all players receive a second role - a bun. The host starts telling the story. The bottom line is that the one who hears his role must quickly run around all the chairs. The host should often name all the characters. For example: “a grandmother baked ... although, maybe not a grandmother ... a bun ... or not a bun ...”. The fun ends when all the participants are exhausted.

"Erotic bridge"

Birthday contests for young people are more fun if there are enough boys and girls among the guests. For this game, the young are divided into two cheerful teams. The host explains that the brave team that will lay out the longest bridge from their own clothes will win. You need enough space to play.

These for young people can be organized without spending on additional attributes. If the company is active and provocative, then everyone will have fun even without alcohol. You can hold such contests for the birthday of an adult or a child, the main thing is to clearly explain the rules and give prizes to the most active participants.

Surely everyone wants this holiday to go with a bang! Especially when it comes to this age group. In order for it to be so, you need to approach the matter in detail and have time to think through and implement many fads that make up the preparation for the celebration. Choosing a good leader will decide a lot! As well as a selection of birthday contests for young people, here you will find ready-made entertainment ideas for guests that you will love! They can be held both in a cafe and a restaurant, and in nature. Read and choose!

Top best birthday contests for young people

There are many ways to interestingly spend this holiday and make it unforgettable, a lot depends on you and your desire! In addition, you need to take care of funny and funny birthday contests for young people in a timely manner, and then everything will be fine!

  • "Hello!". This competition is perfect for the beginning of the holiday and will allow everyone to relax a bit. It can be carried out both in a large and in a small company. All guests stand in a circle and receive a task from the host - to imagine themselves in the role of a famous character (any one that comes to mind). The first participant introduces himself as the named hero and accompanies this action with a characteristic gesture. The task of the second participant is to repeat the words and actions of the first guest and present their own. And so on in a circle. The winner is the one with the best memory and artistry.
  • "Who do we have there?" This original competition is perfect even for a drunk company. Girls transform into women in childbirth, and young people into newly-made fathers, and neither of them have mobile phones and they cannot shout to each other either. The task of dads, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, is to ask their faithful about who was born to them, and moms should be able to answer them. Thanks to the colorful and cheerful comments of the presenter, this game turns out to be very funny.
  • "What are you thinking about?". This is a very simple yet fun competition. The host will have a “special” object in their hands that can read minds. And with his help, he will voice what all the guests present are thinking about and, of course, the hero of the occasion himself. And as a voiceover, it’s enough to pick up songs like “I got another one ...”, “Oh, what a woman ...” and so on.
  • "Remember the leaf." This competition is erotic in nature, so it would be more appropriate to hold it among existing or upcoming couples. The host sits the guys on chairs, and puts a regular sheet of paper on his knees. The task of the girls in a certain time is to have time to crush this sheet with the help of their fifth point, that is, sitting on the knees of a young man. You can accompany the process with appropriate music, which will make the moment more piquant.
  • "Catch the killer!" The original game, which essentially resembles the popular "Mafia", but its rules are simpler. You can do it right at the table. To do this, you need to sign the same paper sheets according to the roles by the number of participants, one should become a “detective”, the other - a “murderer”, but all the others become “victims”. You can not show each other what is written on your paper. The game begins and the detective must figure out the killer, and the killer must shoot as many participants as possible by simply winking at them. Those victims who winked cannot give out the villain, but should simply drop out of the game. The competition continues until the detective finds the culprit of all the atrocities.
  • "Disco dancer". A good competition in order to stir up the overstayed audience, and belongs to the category of dance. To do this, they will have to remember everything they know or even learn new things! A selection of completely different musical compositions and an incendiary presenter are the main necessary components of this game. Fun is guaranteed!
  • "Remember!" This fun quiz will be a good way to get young people to think a little. For her, you need to prepare in advance songs from various famous films that are popular with young people. The task of the guests is to determine what kind of song it is and what movie it belongs to. As an addition, you can invite the guessing participants to perform this composition.
  • "You are in trouble". This competition can also be held outdoors. To do this, you will need 10 glasses (plastic can be used), each of which needs to be filled with a certain drink (tasty and not very tasty). All containers are put in a pile and the participants take turns throwing ping-pong balls into these glasses. Depending on which one your ball hits and you need to drink the contents. Keep in mind that the so-called spoiled drinks should be made in moderation, that is, not to harm the health of the birthday man and his guests.
  • "Who is bigger". An old well-known competition, which is traditionally held with balloons. To do this, the leader with his assistants scatters a lot of colorful balls on the floor. The task of the contest participants is to collect as many balls as possible within the strictly allotted time. The smartest one wins!
  • « Hurry, diver!". The task of the participants in this game is to overcome the required distance faster than others. The whole difficulty is that you need to do this, being shod in fins, and looking through binoculars from the back. General fun is guaranteed!

Cool contests for youth

We offer you some more cool videos with vulgar birthday contests for young people.

There are many ways to interestingly spend this holiday and make it unforgettable, a lot depends on you and your desire! In addition, you need to take care in a timely manner to decorate the room for your birthday. Of course, you can entrust this to specialists who know exactly how to quickly and easily make everything around shine and sparkle! And you can do this process yourself! Firstly, there should be a free area for dancing and playing games for your company. And of course, no one has canceled the usual spherical design, which instantly transforms any room! Connect your imagination, make a little effort and you will succeed!