
How to be spiritually rich. What is "unconditional love"


Spiritual progress is a growing identification with the soul or principle of God within us. Spiritual growth is the result. A more detailed explanation of this definition, based on the principles of spiritual science, can be found in our article on.

2. The Importance of the Present Time for Rapid Spiritual Growth

As discussed in previous articles on , the period 1999 to 2023 represents the period of twilight between the two epochs as we move from a spiritually inauspicious time (mini- kaliyuga) to the spiritually better (mini- Satyayuga), within the main epoch kaliyug. When someone does spiritual practice according to the basic principles of spirituality at the twilight period of 23 years, it is of great benefit, because God gives spiritual growth to seekers who do spiritual practice even in such difficult times.

In fact, each year of spiritual practice in these 23 years is equal to 50 years in another era. Considering that the average life span of an adult is approximately 50 years, the spiritual practice that is done in those 23 years would be approximately equivalent to spiritual practice for over 1000 years. Another way to look at this is that we benefit from 20 lifetimes of spiritual practice in just one lifetime.

3. How to grow spiritually

When we are, it is important to regularly and gradually raise the level of our spiritual practice.

The table below provides practical directions for seekers who would like to save time and those who want to get a solid foundation for a lifelong spiritual practice.

It can be used as a benchmark to evaluate your efforts over the first 2 years.

Guide for Spiritual Progress

1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year 2 years
Education Learning some parts of the SSRF site Learn more about the SSRF training site SSRF site and other targeting if needed SSRF website, Instructions for Seekers, other holy texts (Spiritual Disciple, Spiritual Master's Grace Path, etc.)
spiritual remedy Salt water and 15 minutes of sitting chanting Additionally nias, incense sticks, chanting 30 min sitting Additionally, spiritual healing therapy with boxes, regular space cleaning, daily 60 minutes of sitting chanting Additionally, spiritual healing with images of deities Using all available means of spiritual protection
chanting 1 hour per day during other activities 2 hours per day during other activities 3 or more hours a day during other activities 4 hours automatic chanting during other activities 5-6 hours automatic chanting during other activities
Satsang(Staying in the company of Truth) Periodically Once a week Once a week, preparation for Satsangu Weekly once or several times a week Satsang middle level One or more times a week Satsang about the removal of personality defects)
Satseva(Service to the Absolute Truth) 2 hours per week 5 hours weekly 10 hours per week or effort to achieve the planned number of hours per week seva Seva carried out in accordance with the target number of hours seva
Donation How much should the above efforts be invested in individual spiritual practice Sacrificing some parts of the lifestyle in favor of spiritual practice Sacrificing additional parts of our lifestyle in favor of spiritual practice Sacrifice of free time for the service of God, through the reduction of affection for certain activities in Maye(Grand Illusion) such as entertainment, social events, etc.
spiritual love Some efforts (for example, for searchers in seva) Concentrated Effort
spiritual emotion Rare prayers and expressions of gratitude Rare prayers and expressions of gratitude in individual spiritual practice Daily 20 focused prayers and 20 expressions of gratitude 30 or more regular prayers during sowing and spiritual healing, expressing gratitude, Artie(prayer hymns) 50 or more prayers daily, giving thanks 50 or more times, Artie(prayer hymns) and other efforts to awaken spiritual emotions
The process of removing personality defects Studying articles and the holy text (Hypnotherapy for Happiness), introducing methods of writing down mistakes, and applying self-hypnosis Regularly writing down mistakes (3-5 per day), as well as using self-hypnosis (3-5)
Ego elimination process Studying the text (Spiritual practice of removing the ego)

The steps given in the table above are in accordance with the spiritual practice recommended for the present. They also take into account that seekers experience from the side of negative energies.

Answers to questions about following the tips in the table above can be easily obtained through our “Ask a Question” facility or by participating in the online SSRF. satsangam. More detailed explanations of some of the activities mentioned in the table, for example, nias, boxes, etc. can be found by entering these terms in the search field in the upper right corner of the right side of the page.

4. In the end - how to grow spiritually

The pace or speed of our spiritual growth will depend on a number of spiritual factors, such as: the spiritual level at which we begin our journey, the amount of destiny that we have to go through in this life, to what extent we are exposed to negative energies, our spiritual qualities, seeking etc.

We can keep in mind that a sincere effort in implementing the stages of spiritual practice suggested here will help overcome any obstacles that we may encounter on our spiritual path and this will help us achieve the main one, which is our spiritual growth.


A spiritual person is distinguished by kindness. This quality was inherent in all known spiritual leaders, which means that it is necessary to go to her. It comes with forgiveness. This is an opportunity to stop holding grudges against others, stop being angry and worried about everything that happens. You need to forgive those who are now near, and those who were once. Most start work with the closest: wives and husbands, parents, children. Special techniques help to raise even the most ancient and almost forgotten emotions and let them go.

A spiritual person is loyal to everything around him. He does not judge others, but accepts their choice. He is ready to look with a smile, listen and not resist. If necessary, he can suggest what to do, express his opinion, but only upon request. You need to learn to accept everyone, but you can do this only by working with yourself. To accept oneself is a lot of work, it is a desire to know oneself, to discover different sides in oneself, and an uncomplaining agreement with what it is inside. And when the work with oneself is finished, one will be surprised that a similar feeling will arise for all the people around.

Gratitude is a great quality, it is worth striving for in order to achieve spirituality. Gratitude should be for everything that happens and surrounds. This is an opportunity to form a special relationship, when everything around is good, this is a lesson that allows you to reach an even higher level. You need to thank any trouble and look for the grain of development in it, accept and analyze any insult that caused this reaction, and it also becomes even wiser.

A spiritual person believes in a higher power. The realization that there is something more than earthly life is a prerequisite for spirituality. Each religion and school has its own gods, its own ideas, but it doesn’t matter what you believe in, the main thing is to have this feeling. The feeling that this life is not finite, that there is something else after death, that there is something special, faith in this gives strength to live. Faith is a huge force, and the more a person knows it, the more multifaceted he becomes.

Having faith gives birth to prayer. Every person should learn to pray. This is a set of magic words, addressed outside or deep into oneself. These are words of gratitude, apology, acceptance, which sound from the heart. This is a sincere appeal to being, which gives peace and harmony inside. Prayer is not a request, but an appeal, a desire to find a dialogue with the higher.

Do not speak badly about him in the absence of a person, because he is the same piece of divine perfection as you are.

2. Smile, smile and smile again. Constantly. At first it may be a burden, but the habit will develop and over time, every cell of your body will be an unconditional smile. It heals the soul and body, tunes in goodwill towards the world around and oneself.

3. Do not take responsibility for the development of another person, for his worldview and happiness- everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness. Take off the burden that you drag for another - this is his karma, his spiritual growth! Let the other be different and have their own path of becoming. He came here for this! Don't deprive him of this pleasure.

4. Do not judge yourself, your actions in the past or present- without such a past there would be no present, and instead of blaming yourself for the present - either do not do what you condemn yourself for, or do not condemn. stop judging yourself - in judging yourself you condemn the divine will in yourself, the will of the creator, and you are the creator, and therefore it’s better not to argue, or repent. And do not be the creator of more and more idiocy!

5. Let go easily - don't hold on to anything- be it people or objects. if something leaves, it means that the universe and, above all, you need it, no matter how absurd it may seem at first glance. There is your personality, your ego, which clings to something or someone, considering it vital, and there is a spirit, your great beginningless spirit, which knows better what you really need.

6. . , this is an internal conflict that gives rise to diseases of the body and spirit. As soon as you have registered an insult inside yourself - look into her eyes, where did she come from, from a sense of self-importance or from a feeling of her own worthlessness? In any case, immediately direct a ray of light from the heart into this resentment, at this puffed-up imp, or the enraged Dracula, and watch how he dissolves along with his resentment or disagreement.

7. Say less words in your head- this is an empty market, taking a large amount of energy. try to listen to your soul more often, then fragments of phrases, songs, sounds will immediately begin to emerge - all the rubbish that accumulates in the brain. Cut off deliberately these words in mid-sentence, thereby deceiving your head, accustomed to being your master.

8. Be more aware of your body. You often make body movements on autopilot: you bite your nails, dangle your foot, scratch yourself, make sounds unconsciously, in general, the habits of your body keep you in the system, again you are not the owner, but everything that has grown to you. Relax your body more often, consciously, wherever you are - take a comfortable relaxed posture, then the energy will flow correctly, it will not accumulate anywhere, pinch, thereby introducing you into a state of tension. Those around you will immediately begin to notice the strength and openness that appears in your field.

9. Learn to speak less. Talking wastes your energy a lot, especially talking that is fueled by emotions. When something happens in your life, try one practice - do not tell anyone about it when it itches to tell it to the pain. Something happens - keep it in yourself, then you will keep the strength and potential of this event within yourself. Also, when someone tries to involve you in their stories - keep calm and watch your emotions, do not let them control you and get involved in other people's emotions. This will be noticed even by those around you in what halo of strength and mystery you will begin to stay, but in fact you just saved yourself, not wasting for more valuable feats than idleness.

10. Protect yourself from negativity! But with a kind of protection, as soon as you notice what is on you, sharply direct your positive to the source of the negative. They yell at you - say a kind word, they hate you - start loving! But not for the sake of appearance, but actually from the inside, really, be kind, and not to neutralize the vampire or the offender. Only then will it work, and calm the person, and not inflame even more anger in him. The best defense against any kind of dark stuff is inner light.

11. Start doing the impossible. At first it will seem difficult, but then you will see how much potential is released for various kinds of actions and states. As soon as the thought “no, I’m not able to approach this girl, she’s too good” flashes through your head, you immediately got up and went, or “I can’t say the word Kama Sutra on the whole minibus now, because everyone will condemn me” - overcome and say this Kamasutra. You will have so much power that you cannot even imagine. The social boxes you are locked into block you from your power and freedom to be yourself, start small - train yourself in moments that are blocked by your own ego. train yourself by deceiving your own mind, go beyond the impossible! You are possible, and this is already the most impossible!

12. Don't betray your nature! You are the master of your own happiness. Do not delude yourself that you will be happy by making someone happy who has high hopes for you. If you justify the expectations of another person, you will not justify your own fact of existence. This is self-deception, to believe that you owe something to someone. If you owe something, it is not to betray yourself in anything and never. Act according to the voice of your heart, and not the hypocritical hiss of the ego.

13. Learn something new every day! Enrich your soul with new impressions, your vocabulary with new aphorisms, your heart with even greater wisdom! Set aside time for reading, which will enrich you with new knowledge, stories and impressions. Do not leave a day without discoveries and magical revelations, be filled andimbued with the wisdom passed through the millennia.

14. Eliminate from your "diet" people who are pulling you back who make you nervous, who suck your juices out of you, who judge you. They don't accept you for who you are. Stop coming back again and again to the company of people who are degrading, those with whom you no longer feel anything in common, even if it was not so before. People die with the past. What happened before does not justify their actions and lifestyle in the present. Move forward! Communicate with people who share your interests, admiring your pluses, and not forever poking at your minuses, which are enough in themselves. You have freedom of choice if most people value ego gratification, sensual pleasure, idle booze Or success, money, connections - ask yourself if your soul really wants what the majority is after. You have a choice to go your own way or with a crowd of egoists excommunicated from their true essence.

15. Be honest with yourself! Many people live in blinders of self-deception, reveling in sweet lies. It was easier for them to convince themselves of facts convenient for them about themselves, others, about the world as a whole. It’s easier not to feel pain from the realization of the bitter truth that they are not what they seem to themselves. People are not the way you make them out to be. The world is not the way you think it is. Face the truth, do not deceive yourself, live in reality! Do not deceive others, help them live in reality.

16. The way the whole universe loves you unconditionally. how your dog loves you unconditionally, your best friend. The logic in the world is this - "I will love you if you will be such and such, if you do not do this, but you will do that" - this is love on conditions, what kind of love is it? This is deceit, manipulation, disrespect for the freedom of another. You also need to love yourself without conditions, and not so that “I will love myself if I have a beautiful press, if I am beautiful, if I have good diction, success, good character, willpower, optimism and talents” . Unconditional love for yourself is this: “I love myself, a divine creature, a child of eternity, so clumsy at times, so touchy, so vulnerable, so hungry, so moody, so skinny (fat), so taciturn (talkative). I just love myself the way I am, the way the whole universe loves me without conditions.

Remember that one day your body will die. Timelines are not so endless. Do not forget that every day may be the last, and therefore - have time to realize your spirit.

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Spiritual growth is a process of inner awakening as well as awareness of our inner being. It means the growth of consciousness beyond ordinary existence, and the awakening of some universal truths. It means going beyond mind and ego and understanding who you really are.

Spiritual growth is the process of enlightenmentour misconceptions and unrealistic ideas, thoughts, beliefs and ideas, everything becomes more and more conscious. We know more and moreour inner being.

This process opens the inner spirit, which is everywherepresent but hidden outside the ego-personality. Spiritual growth has a hugemeaning to so many not only for people seeking spiritual enlightenmentand prefer to live in distant or secluded places.

Spiritual growth is the basis for a better andharmonious life for all.Teaches a life that will be free from anxiety, tension and fear. Realizing ourselves, who we really are, we will have a different approach to life.

Let us learn not to allow external circumstances to influence our inner being, the state of the soul.Learn to show calmness and detachment,develop internaland physical strength. All thatis a very useful and important tool.

Spiritual growth is not a means of avoiding responsibility, acting strangely, and becoming an impractical person. Spiritual growth makes it possibledevelop and become stronger, happier and more responsible person.

You can follow the path of spiritual growth and at the same time live the same life as everyone else. Should not live a solitary life in some remote places. You can start a family, work or run a business, and at the same time engage in practices that lead to inner growth.

A balanced life requires that we take care not only of the needs of the body, feeling and mind, but also of the spirit. This is what it consiststhe role of spiritual growth.

10 tips for spiritual growth:

1. Read spiritual books that lift your spirits. Think about what you read and figure out how you can use the information in your life.

2. Meditate at least15 minutes every day. IfIf you don't know how to meditate, it's easy to find books, websites, or teachers that will teach you how to meditate.

3. Learn to make your mind calm through concentration and meditation exercises.

4. Recognize the fact that you are not a physical body with a spirit, but a spirit with a physical body. Ifyou can really accept this idea, it will change your attitude to many situations that occur in your life.

5. Look at yourself more oftenand on your mind and try to figure out what it is whyfeel conscious and alive.

6. Think positive. Ifcatch yourself on a negative thought, immediately switch to a positive one thinking. Exercise control over what enters your mind. Open the "door"for good thoughts and, of course, close it for negative ones.

7. Do happiness is a habit, it always looks at the bright side of its life,and strives to be happy. Happiness comes from within. Don't let your external circumstances decide for you, for your happiness.

8. Frequent exercise strengthens your willpower and decision making. It strengthens and gives control over your mind.

9. Thanks to the Universe for everything that we receive.

10. Develop tolerance, patience, tact and respect for others.

Spiritual growth is the inalienable right of every human being. This is the key to a happy life and peace of mind, a manifestation of the tremendous power of the inner spirit. This spiritis equally present in the very material of man.

The level of manifestation of spirituality depends on how close the inner spirit is to the surface, and on how much it is hidden in thoughts, beliefs and negative habits.

The main thing is to take the first step, and then everything will work out.

How do followers of Jesus grow spiritually? Spiritual growth can also be expressed by another term - "sanctification". Sanctification is the supernatural process by which the Holy Spirit molds us into the image of Christ through God's Word.

Perhaps you are already fed up with various spiritual growth seminars, books. Therefore, I hope that the "negative" formulation of the question - five ways NOT to grow spiritually- will encourage you to look at the problem of spiritual growth in a different way:

1. Don't make spiritual growth your goal.

I am amazed at how few Christians make spiritual growth their top priority. If you treat church as a hobby, don't be surprised if you don't grow spiritually. If you do not seek spiritual knowledge from the Bible and good Christian books, if you do not study the Scriptures and do not practice spiritual disciplines, you will never grow spiritually. You will remain the same as you were. If you don't want to grow spiritually, devote only the rest of your time and energy to it.

One of the ways God raises us to a higher level of spiritual development is through contact with those who are radically different from us. We live in a very individualized society, and the older we get, the more willingly we withdraw into our own little world. This leads to a tendency to associate only with those whose character is similar to ours, or whose opinion always coincides with ours. As a result, our views remain the same as they were five years ago, although some should be changed. If you do not want to develop, look only for those friends and acquaintances who will tell you only what you want to hear. Avoid the influence of other cultures and never talk to those who disagree with you on any issues.

3. Never take risks.

If you have set yourself a goal for five years (and more) to remain the same as you were, avoid any risk. However, I have heard the opinion of many well-known ministers that true faith contains an element of risk. Thus, the less faith in your life, the less risk. And vice versa: the less risk, the less faith. Would Abraham have shown his great faith if he had not taken risks? Yes, he would never have left the limits of Ur of the Chaldees! If you do NOT want to grow spiritually, always stay in a comfort zone where everything is familiar and familiar and there is no risk.

4. Consider yourself a great connoisseur.

Praise yourself for having already received all the wisdom and all the knowledge. Reassure yourself that you have nothing more to learn. Many young guys follow this rule. I used to be so arrogant, too, until I got married and had four children. Then I suddenly realized that I didn’t really understand life, that I was in dire need of God’s wisdom, His guidance. I suddenly realized that the most humble and diligent students of God's Word are those who have the most responsibility.

5. Run for innovation.

If you want to live a fruitless life, run after every new book like "The Secret of Spiritual Life" that promises you an easy path to spiritual growth. Easily succumb to every new fashion trend, flow. Do not believe that true spiritual growth requires a lot of effort - "blood and sweat." Do not agree to go the hard way - and complete spiritual stagnation is guaranteed to you.