
Pros and cons of hardening in the table. Benefits of a contrast shower Pros and cons of hardening. Gradual and systematic implementation of procedures is the key to success

Pathology of the uterus


Degteva Yana Alekseevna

Eremenchuk Daria Alekseevna

1st year student, IT&MEO, SGEU, Russian Federation, Samara

Savelyeva Olga Viktorovna

scientific adviser, associate professor of FGBOU VPO "SGEU", Russian Federation, Samara

In my opinion, the main wealth of a person is his health. We must try to preserve and preserve it for many years. Health is given by nature and, as a rule, people practically do not think about it. And only after losing it, a person realizes how much it is dear to him. The state of physical health of each person is in his hands and it all depends on what kind of lifestyle he leads. It must be protected from birth. To do this, you need to play sports, eat right, but there is another way to preserve health - this is hardening.

The purpose of this scientific work is to find out how it affects the human body.

To achieve this goal, we single out the following tasks:

reveal the positive and negative aspects of hardening

What are the contraindications for hardening a person.

Let's turn to history. Hardening arose in ancient times. In fact, it was used in countries around the world as a means of preventing and strengthening the body. The main attention was paid to health promotion in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. There was a cult of the beauty of the body and health, therefore, hardening was included in the system of physical education as an integral part.

Hardening is a healing tool and with its help you can extend your life. It improves blood circulation, increases the tone of the nervous system. Hardened people get sick less and have a high vitality, are able to remain calm, cheerful, optimistic. The role of hardening in the prevention of colds is especially great. These procedures reduce their number by 3-4 times.

There are the following types of hardening:

· Aerotherapy:

This type of hardening includes air baths and long walks in the fresh air. Fresh air hardens the body by cooling the skin receptors and nerve endings of the mucosa and thereby improves the body's thermoregulation.

For clarity, we will express all the information in the form of a table (Table No. 1)

Table 1.

"Duration of air baths with exposure to the waist in calm cloudy weather, in minutes"

Terms and Conditions

Air temperature, "C

25 and above

Do not limit


Resting state

Walking on the plain at a speed of:

Climbing uphill (15") at a speed of 2.5 km/h

Uphill (30")


Volleyball game

Football game

recreational rowing

Dosing of air baths:

table 2 .

"Dosage of air baths depending on the temperature"


Air temperature, °C

Sequence number of the procedure

Duration of the procedure, min

Very cold

-7 – -4

-3 – -1


moderately cold

9 – 12

13 – 16


17 – 18

19 – 20


21 – 22


over 22

· Walking barefoot:

This type of hardening is useful for both children and adults. Walking barefoot increases the body's resistance to colds, improves immunity.

· Heliotherapy:

· Hardening by the sun increases the stability of the nervous system, accelerates the body's metabolic processes, increases the body's resistance, improves blood circulation, and improves the functioning of the muscular system.

· Hardening with water:

With water hardening, blood circulation in the body is more intense, bringing additional oxygen and nutrients to the organs and systems of the body.

Table 3

"Scheme of application of water hardening procedures"

hardening days

Water temperature, °C

Duration of the procedure, s

Water hardening can be divided into several types:

1. Pouring:

Pouring can be general, that is, the whole body and local - dousing the legs. After the dousing procedure, it is necessary to rub the body with a dry towel.

2. Rubbing:

Rubbing is the most gentle and sparing of all hardening procedures with water. Rubbing can be applied from the earliest childhood.

3. Shower:

Shower hardening is an even more effective hardening procedure than rubbing and dousing. There are two options for hardening with a shower, this is a cool (cold) shower and a contrast shower.

Table 4

"Scheme for the use of a contrast shower"

Water temperature, °C

Change of procedures, quantity



Initial mode

Optimal Mode

Special Mode

4. Therapeutic bathing and winter swimming:

This type of water hardening is becoming more and more popular every year. Therapeutic bathing and winter swimming have a great effect on all organs and systems of the human body, the work of the heart and lungs improves, the thermoregulation system improves. It is necessary to start winter swimming after consulting a doctor.

You must always remember that all types of hardening are created for healthy people. If you cough, complain about something and have chronic diseases, you will have to do without hardening. The maximum that you can afford is walking in the fresh air (and even then not in all cases). Understand that in a situation where the immune system is already fighting some kind of infection, hardening will only harm the body - you risk getting sick even more.

Thus, we can conclude that the hardening of the body is the improvement of functional systems aimed at increasing immunity. Hardening has a huge impact on the body, especially for people starting this procedure for the first time, so it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of a person. it is also necessary to consult a doctor and follow all the rules.

When hardening, the human body becomes resistant to cooling and thus to colds. The advantages of this type of health maintenance include improved metabolism, blood circulation. At all times, and also to this day, the main methods of hardening are the natural forces of nature: the sun, air and water. You can get the greatest effect from contrast hardening, which includes a shower, rubdown, hardening in a steam room.

The disadvantages of hardening include non-compliance with generally accepted rules, which leads to bad consequences.

Hardening, as a means of improving health, must be used consciously. And also using this type of healing of the body, one should cultivate the ability to use it without harm to health. Hardening should be applied from childhood and continue throughout life, changing the forms and methods of its application depending on age. People involved in hardening tolerate colds more easily, get sick less. The advantage of hardening means is that they can be used in any conditions, at any time of the year. They also do not require special treatment rooms and sophisticated equipment; they can be easily applied without any difficulty.


  1. Hardening by air in practice [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: (accessed 04/27/2015).
  2. Hardening and its types [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: (accessed 04/18/2015).
  3. Ilyinich V.I. "Physical culture of the student" Ed. "Gardariki" Moscow 2000.
  4. Physical health [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: (accessed 18.04.2015).

South Ural State University

Department of Valeology, Physical Culture and Sports


TOPIC: Modern hardening systems. Pros and cons.

Fulfilled: VFKiS student - 208

Popov S.V.

checked: Kamskova Yu.G.

Chelyabinsk 2001.

STRUCTURE OF WORK.............................................. ....................................4

INTRODUCTION .................................................. ................................................. ......5


1. Components of health .................................................................. ....................................7

2. The main thing is the way of life .............................................. ...................................7

3. Healing powers of nature............................................................... ............................10

4. Neither frost is terrible, nor heat .............................................. .......................thirteen

5. Body temperature and external environment .............................................. ............thirteen

6. Heat input and output ............................................................... ..................................14

7. Reactions to cooling ............................................................... ...............................eighteen

8. Reactions to high temperatures ............................................................... .............twenty

9. The main commandments of hardening .............................................................. ..............22

10. From simple to complex .................................................................. ...............................22

11. Barometer of well-being .............................................................. ...............................25

12. air hardening :

12.1.Around the air ocean .............................................. ...............................29

12.2. Like a fish in water............................................... .............................................29

12.3.Where to start.................................................... .................................................thirty

13. Hardening with water:

13.1.Secrets of water procedures............................................... ......................31

13.2. Who is not afraid of a cold! ................................................. .........................32

13.3. Swims in the polynya .............................................. ...............................................33

14. Bath:

14.1. The bathhouse floats, the bathhouse rules .............................................. .................................35

14.2. With a light steam? ................................................. ...............................................35

14.3. I washed myself, as I was born again .............................................. ......................37

14.4. Reasonable care .......................................................... ...............................38

15. Hardening by the sun:

15.1. This healing sunlight .................................................................. ..............39

15.2.Magic rays............................................................... .........................................39

15.3. The sun is not only a friend .............................................. .................................41

15.4. Maximum - in June, minimum in December .............................................. ........43

MATERIALS AND METHODS OF INVESTIGATION .............................................45


1.Air procedures:

1.1. Well - ka, wind, smooth our skin! ................................................. ................46

1.2. Frail - in a fur coat, healthy - in the cold .............................................. .................48

1.3. Knots for the memory of moms and dads .............................................. ....................50

2.Water procedures:

2.1.From rubdowns to bathing .............................................. ...............................54

2.2.Old Truths............................................... ...............................................62

2.3. Restorers of forces............................................... ...............................................63

2.4. Dive ... into a snowdrift .......................................... ...............................................64

2.5 Winter. Let's go swimming! ................................................. ...................................65

2.6.Note to parents.................................................... .................................................68

3. Bath wisdom:

3.1.Properties of generous heat .......................................................... .................................73

3.2. Is a bath harmful or not? ................................................. .................................76

3.3. Source of vivacity ............................................... .........................................77

3.4. Is it harmful for children to bathe! ................................................. .........................79

4. Sunbathing:

4.1.From spring to Indian summer .............................................. .................................80

4.2.Sessions in photos ............................................................... .........................................82

4.3. Let there always be sunshine! ................................................. .......................84

RESULTS................................................. .................................................................85

CONCLUSIONS................................................. ................................................. ........86

CONCLUSION................................................. ...............................................87

LITERATURE................................................. .................................................88


The work consists of an introduction, literature review, description of research methods, conclusions, list of references.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the work, formulates goals and objectives, substantiates the scientific novelty of the research, the theoretical and practical significance of the results obtained.

The course work is presented on 88 pages typewritten.

The bibliography consists of 8 domestic sources.


General characteristics of the work. This problem has been considered for several centuries. It has long been known that human health is 10-20% dependent on heredity, 10-20% on the state of the environment, 8-12% on the level of health care and 50-70% on lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet, exercise, avoiding alcohol and smoking, and much more. Hardening also plays an important role. The increase in the number of frequently ill children, especially under the age of 3 years, in our country in recent years makes this problem extremely relevant. Hardening is a scientifically substantiated systematic use of natural factors of nature to increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental agents. Hardening as a factor in increasing the body's resistance to various meteorological conditions has been used since ancient times. The experience of hardening that has come down to us is over a thousand years old. Abu Ali ibn-Sina (Avicenna) in the VIII-IX centuries created the "Canon of Medical Science". He divided medicine into theoretical and practical, and the latter into the science of maintaining health and the science of treating a diseased body. In one of the chapters of his work, Avicenna talks about bathing in cold water, including young children, as well as about methods of preparing travelers for a kind of hardening of travelers in a hot desert and winter weather. The oldest Russian chronicler Nestor in the 10th century described how he began to soar in the bathhouse and bathe babies in cold water immediately after birth. And so - for several weeks, and then with every illness. The Scythians, according to Herodotus and Tacitus, bathed their newborns in cold water. The Yakuts rubbed newborns with snow and doused them with cold water several times a day. The inhabitants of the North Caucasus washed their children below the waist with very cold water twice a day, starting from the first day of life. The founder of Russian medicine, S.G. Zybelin (1735-1802), in his “Sermon on the harm arising from keeping oneself in excessive warmth” (1773) wrote: “It is very useful ... to wash babies with cold water to bring them to a fortress and for the prevention of many diseases. There are no medical exemptions from hardening, only acute febrile illnesses. The opinion that hardening procedures are contraindicated for weakened children is deeply erroneous. The task of the medical worker is the correct selection and dosage of these procedures individually for each child.

The relevance of this study is determined by the fact that it is dedicated to the study of the influence of natural factors on the human body.

Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to find out how the influence of natural factors has a hardening effect on the immunity of people.

Within the framework of this general goal, the following tasks were solved:

1. The influence of air on a person;

2. The influence of water on a person;

3. Influence of the sun on a person;

4. The effect of temperature on a person.

Scientific novelty is determined by the main results. It is shown that at the exact dosage, the natural factors described below increase immunity and human performance, reduce the impact of stressful situations.

The theoretical significance of the work lies in the study of the physiological mechanisms of hardening.

The practical significance of the work is determined by the fact that it provides an experimental basis for the development of effective methods of disease prevention. The results are used in practice.



The most precious gift that a person receives from nature is health. No wonder people say: Healthy everything is great! This simple and wise truth should always be remembered, and not only at those moments when failures begin in the body and we are forced to turn to doctors, sometimes demanding the impossible from them.

No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of all diseases. Man is the creator of his own health! Instead of dreaming about living water and other miraculous elixirs, it is better to lead an active and healthy lifestyle from an early age, harden, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal and public hygiene - in a word, achieve genuine harmony of health in reasonable ways.


What is a healthy lifestyle? This is a complex of recreational activities that ensure the harmonious development and strengthening of health, increase the efficiency of people, and prolong their creative longevity.

The main elements of a healthy lifestyle are fruitful work activity, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, rational nutrition, giving up bad habits and, of course, hardening.

As you know, human health is influenced by both biological and social factors, among which labor plays a leading role. The classics of Marxism-Leninism emphasized that labor is an indispensable and natural condition of life, without which ... the exchange of substances between man and nature, i.e., human life itself would not be possible.

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Modern hardening systems, pros and cons

Popov S.V.


It has long been known that human health is 10-20% dependent on heredity, 10-20% on the state of the environment, 8-12% on the level of health care and 50-70% on lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet, exercise, avoiding alcohol and smoking, and much more. Hardening also plays an important role. The increase in the number of frequently ill children, especially under the age of 3 years, in our country in recent years makes this problem extremely relevant. Hardening is a scientifically substantiated systematic use of natural factors of nature to increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental agents. Hardening as a factor in increasing the body's resistance to various meteorological conditions has been used since ancient times. The experience of hardening that has come down to us is over a thousand years old. Abu Ali ibn-Sina (Avicenna) in the VIII-IX centuries created the "Canon of Medical Science". He divided medicine into theoretical and practical, and the latter into the science of maintaining health and the science of treating a diseased body.

In one of the chapters of his work, Avicenna talks about bathing in cold water, including young children, as well as methods of preparing travelers for a kind of hardening of travelers in a hot desert and winter weather. The oldest Russian chronicler Nestor in the 10th century described how he began to soar in the bathhouse and bathe babies in cold water immediately after birth. And so - for several weeks, and then with every illness. The Scythians, according to Herodotus and Tacitus, bathed their newborns in cold water. The Yakuts rubbed newborns with snow and doused them with cold water several times a day.

The inhabitants of the North Caucasus washed their children below the waist with very cold water twice a day, starting from the first day of life. The founder of Russian medicine S.G. Zybelin (1735-1802) in his "Sermon on the harm arising from keeping oneself in excessive warmth" (1773) wrote: "It is very useful ... to wash babies with cold water to bring them to a fortress and to prevent many diseases." There are no medical exemptions from hardening, only acute febrile illnesses. The opinion that hardening procedures are contraindicated for weakened children is deeply erroneous. The task of the medical worker is the correct selection and dosage of these procedures individually for each child.


When hardening with sunlight, care must be taken to ensure that the load increases gradually. Begin sunbathing with reflected solar radiation, then gradually move to diffused light baths, and finally use direct solar radiation. Such a sequence is especially necessary for children and people who do not tolerate the sun.

Sunbathing is best taken in the morning, when the earth and air are less heated and the heat is much easier to bear. In the middle of the day, the sun's rays fall more steeply and, naturally, the danger of overheating of the body increases. In summer, in the southern regions of our country, it is better to sunbathe from 7 to 10 hours, in the middle lane - from 8 to 11 hours, in the north - from 9 to 12 hours. In spring and autumn, the best time for sunbathing is from 11 to 14 hours. Sunbathing is desirable only after 1.5-2 hours after eating. It is also not recommended to carry out irradiation on an empty stomach and immediately before meals. You can not take the procedure being very tired, before strenuous physical work, sports training or immediately after them.

They start hardening by the sun from the first warm days and regularly continue it throughout the summer and early autumn. If sunbathing starts late - in the middle of summer, then increase their duration especially carefully. Caution should also be exercised when moving from north to south, as well as when hardening in the mountains, where the intensity of solar radiation due to the reflection of light from snow and glaciers is very high.

You can sunbathe in any place protected from sharp gusty winds. However, do not forget that the atmosphere of large cities, large industrial centers contains a large amount of dust and smoke, which prevents the passage of ultraviolet rays. Try to be in the bosom of nature more often, preferably near a reservoir. The air temperature there is somewhat lower, and the air mobility is greater. And this improves the conditions for heat transfer. In addition, after irradiation, you can refresh yourself with cool water.

You can be hardened by the sun in a prone position or in motion. In the first case, the procedure is taken, sitting on a trestle bed or bedding with your feet towards the sun. This will ensure uniform illumination of the entire body. The head is protected by a straw hat or umbrella. You can not tie it with a towel or scarf, put on a rubber bathing cap - all this only makes it difficult for sweat to evaporate, therefore, prevents the head from cooling. It is also recommended to wear sunglasses.

Group hardening by the sun is carried out on specially equipped sites - solariums, which are equipped in places open to air movement. The well-equipped solarium has a sunbathing area, places to relax in the shade, changing cabins, a shower, a buffet, a toilet, and a room for medical personnel.

Be especially careful about the correct dosing of sunbathing. If the body does not gradually get used to the action of sunlight, sad consequences are possible, as already mentioned. Healthy people usually use the minute way of dosing sunbathing: starting with a 5-10-minute sun exposure, and then each time the duration of the procedure is increased by 5-10 minutes. Gradually, you can bring it up to 2-3 hours (with 15-minute breaks in the shade after each hour).

Another method of dosing sunbathing is undoubtedly more accurate. The session time with it is determined by the number of heat units (calories) received by this person. For this, a device is used - an actinometer that measures the intensity of solar radiation, or special tables showing the time required to receive one dose of solar radiation at different times of the day and year. One biological dose of solar radiation is 5 cal per 1 cm2 of body surface. This dose is the original. As you harden it increase and bring up to 100-120 calories per day. Sick and debilitated people should not receive more than 50-80 calories per day. It is generally accepted that in the middle zone of our country, during a 5-minute sunbath, a person receives approximately 5 cal per 1 cm2 of body surface.

While taking a sunbath, change your body position more often - turn your back to the sun, then your stomach, then sideways. Under no circumstances should you sleep. Otherwise, it will be impossible to take into account the duration of exposure to the sun, and as a result of carelessness, dangerous burns can occur. We also do not recommend reading, because the sun has a harmful effect on the eyes.

If sweat appears, wipe it thoroughly, as damp skin burns more quickly. You should not bathe before starting a sunbath, and also continuously alternate irradiation with bathing. Only very strong, seasoned people can do this. After the solar treatment, take some rest, take a shower or swim. At the same time, there is no need to rub the body, because even without that, the rush of blood to the skin is quite sufficient.

Sunlight is useful not only on hot summer days. And in autumn, when, it would seem, there is no time for tanning, it is useful to use the generous gift of the sun. At sunset, in the fertile time of Indian summer, do not miss the slightest opportunity for hardening. And during this period, the sun, although the fall of its rays is less sheer than in July, contains in its spectrum the power of ultraviolet rays that is quite sufficient for health purposes.

In addition, in August and September the sun does not burn too much, there is no danger of an overdose of radiation. Rely on your well-being, and you will gain an additional boost of energy and reliable immunity against colds.

Sunbathing is more appropriate to combine with active movements. On a hiking trip or during a recreational jog, for example, part of the path can be covered without a shirt and T-shirt. Useful, of course, all kinds of sports and outdoor games, athletics, rowing. With systematic exercises at the stadium, athletes receive a sufficient dose of radiant energy. Naturally, they do not have to additionally take sunbaths. Athletes should be especially careful at competitions and during the main period of training, when the body is subjected to a large physical load.

That's what happened once at a major track and field competition. Before the start of the evening long jump competitions, few doubted the victory of the young athlete K. In the morning at the classification competitions, he showed a record result for himself, ahead of many masters. However, by evening the leader looked tired and lethargic. The results of the jumps were low, and K. did not even make it to the finals .. As it turned out later, the athlete sat in the sun all day, watching the performances of his comrades. His body received too much solar radiation. This led to a decrease in his performance.

When training under direct sunlight, on calm days and with high humidity, the body overheats especially easily. In the heat, it is recommended to wear a light tracksuit, and cover your head with a light-colored sports cap, cap, etc. From time to time it is useful to rest in the shade.

Everyone who wants to strengthen their body, hardening with the help of sunlight, must firmly remember that this is a potent remedy and should not be abused. Only a reasonable dosage of solar procedures will help strengthen the body and increase its vitality. In some diseases (pulmonary tuberculosis, acute inflammatory processes, malignant neoplasms, atherosclerosis, exhaustion, etc.), sun hardening is contraindicated.


It is not always possible to use sunlight to improve health and harden the body. This is explained by the fact that the value of the most biologically active part of solar radiation - ultraviolet radiation - is subject to significant fluctuations. In autumn and winter, when the sun is low on the horizon, its rays travel a longer path in the atmosphere and therefore the intensity of ultraviolet radiation decreases sharply.

In industrial centers, ultraviolet rays are blocked by dust and smoke. Even ordinary window glass does not transmit ultraviolet rays, and therefore our home is, as scientists say, in a state of biological darkness. To this it should be added that in the winter season the open surface of the body exposed to irradiation noticeably decreases: in summer it makes up 11-12% of the entire body surface, and in winter only 5-7%. That is why even in the middle latitudes, not to mention the northern regions of our country, the human body lacks ultraviolet rays.

Scientists have managed to create artificial sources of ultraviolet rays in order to use them during a period of decline in natural ultraviolet radiation. The most common of them are mercury-quartz lamps, figuratively called the artificial mountain sun (PRK-7, PRK-4, PRK-2).

The radiation of these lamps is characterized by high power and contains short-wave rays that are not found in the solar spectrum. A person has no defense mechanisms for them. In this regard, irradiation with mercury-quartz lamps can only be carried out in specially equipped rooms - fotaria - under constant supervision and control of medical personnel. The main condition for the use of artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation is the calculation of the optimal radiation dose, the so-called biological dose. It shows a measure of the individual sensitivity of the skin to the effects of radiation from a given source of ultraviolet radiation. The biological dose is determined using a special dosimeter.

When irradiated in photoria, naked people are located near sources of ultraviolet radiation. During the sessions, it is necessary to wear special glasses to protect the eyes from short-wave ultraviolet rays and strictly observe the individual dosages of radiation established by the doctor. Photoria should be equipped with ventilation providing 4-5 air exchanges per hour. The value of photaria is especially great in those areas where climatic conditions or working conditions exclude the possibility of using natural solar radiation. Irradiation in fotaria has gained wide scope in our country. Thus, over 30,000 miners are periodically irradiated in the photos of Donbass. Experience has shown that regular irradiation with the help of artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation strengthens the body, increases efficiency, and serves as an excellent tool in the fight against infection.

In an effort to make irradiation easier and more convenient, Soviet hygienists and lighting engineers created a new source of ultraviolet radiation - an erythema fluorescent lamp. It is called erythema because its radiation has the ability, like the ultraviolet radiation of the sun, to cause temporary reddening of the skin (erythema), which then turns into a tan, and luminescent - because its structure is similar to a conventional fluorescent lamp used for lighting.

Recently, high-pressure erythemal mercury lamps with built-in ballast (DRVED) have been used. The radiation of erythemal fluorescent lamps contains the long-wave ultraviolet rays necessary for humans in the range from 280 to 380 nm, and its intensity is much less than that of mercury-quartz lamps. Thus, these sources in any room can create ultraviolet irradiance similar to that which occurs in natural conditions.

The use of erythemal fluorescent lamps to enrich the light flux with ultraviolet rays in different premises (enterprises, schools, kindergartens, hospitals) in the autumn-winter period of the year is an effective means of preventing light starvation, promotes health, improves well-being, stimulates the body's defenses.

Ultraviolet irradiation with the help of artificial sources is especially useful for people living in the northern regions of our country, where during the long winter the human body is almost completely deprived of the beneficial effects of sunlight. Erythemal fluorescent lamps have found their application in sports halls. After all, training sessions create very favorable conditions for irradiation, as athletes train in open suits.


Ultraviolet rays actively influence the immunological resistance of the body, increasing the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system. However, it must be remembered that the sensitivity to ultraviolet rays is the higher, the younger the child. Therefore, sunbathing for children under one year is contraindicated. They are prescribed with extreme caution to children from 1 to 3 years old, and only at an older age they are carried out quite widely, but after a preliminary weekly course of daily light-air baths. There are quite a lot of ultraviolet rays in scattered sunlight and relatively little, unlike direct solar radiation, infrared rays, which cause overheating of the child's body, which is especially dangerous for children with increased neuro-reflex excitability. In the autumn-winter and spring periods, direct sunlight does not cause overheating, so getting them on the open face of a child is not only acceptable, but also necessary. In summer, it is recommended to carry out light-air baths at an air temperature of 22oC and above for infants and at 20oC for children 1-3 years old, preferably in calm weather. The behavior of the child at the time of the bath should be active. In central Russia, it is better to start baths from 9 to 12 noon, in a hotter climate from 8 to 10 am. The duration of the first bath in infants is 3 minutes, in older children - 5 minutes with a daily increase of up to 30-40 minutes. and more. Direct sunbathing (after training with light-air) in older children is carried out no more than 15-20 minutes, in total for the summer no more than 20-30 baths. An absolute contraindication to sunbathing is an air temperature of 30oC. After sunbathing, and not before them, children are prescribed water procedures, and it is imperative to wipe the child, even if the air temperature is high, since when the skin is wet, hypothermia of the child's body occurs. Artificial ultraviolet radiation, which a few years ago was widely used not only in the North, but also in central Russia, primarily for the prevention of rickets, is now either not recommended by many authors to prescribe to young children at all, or to be used with extreme caution, given its possible carcinogenic effect.


The effect of bathing procedures is higher, the more favorable the hygienic conditions. In this case, we are talking about cleanliness, microclimate, maintaining a strictly defined air temperature, necessary ventilation

The air temperature in steam baths should be 50-60 ° C at a humidity of 80-100%, and in dry-air baths - 70-90 ° C at a humidity of 10-15%. Recall that temperature and humidity are interrelated factors, and an increase in one of them requires a decrease in the other. This is the only way to maintain a rational microclimate.

Higher air temperature and humidity sharply intensify heat transfer processes, cause significant stress on the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, disrupt the normal course of thermoregulatory reactions and the corresponding physiological processes. It is also important to take into account that the high humidity of the air greatly complicates heat transfer, as it prevents sweat from evaporating.

Take a warm shower or foot bath before entering the steam room. This procedure will soften the transition to higher temperatures. However, you should not wet your head and use soap. Otherwise, fat will be removed from the surface of the skin, protecting it from burning. Washing with soap is recommended only at the end of the bath procedure.

After taking a shower, put on an old ski cap, a felt hat, or simply cover your head with a terry towel folded in half - this will protect you from overheating, heat stroke. Entering the steam room, first sit for a while on the lower shelf, where the air temperature is naturally lower. Once you get used to the heat, go higher. If the temperature is not very high, you can immediately lie down for 10-15 minutes on the top shelf. This will allow all parts of the body to warm up better and gradually prepare the body for the main procedure.

Usually 2-3 calls lasting 8-10 minutes are enough. The first run is needed for high-quality warming up of the body - until the skin turns red and sweat appears, for the second and third you will need brooms. In between visits to the steam room, you can take a cool or cold shower, plunge into the pool. To replenish the loss of water and minerals in moderation, you can drink tea, juice, kvass.

In order to raise the heat, hot water is poured over the hot stones little by little. Remember: the smaller the portion of water, the hotter and drier the air will be. Breathing while watering water is better with the nose, because in this case the hot air is somewhat cooled, and the dry air is moistened.

Quilting with brooms helps to strengthen the effect of generous heat on the body. This peculiar form of massage contributes to a faster warming up of the body, allows you to locally influence one or another part of it. Use a broom in a certain, proven in practice order.

A fresh birch or oak broom can be used immediately. Before use, it is dipped in warm water for 10-25 minutes, and then steamed for another 2-3 minutes in the steam room. A dry broom is placed on a bench, straightened with a fan and poured with boiling water 2-3 times, after which it is covered with a basin and kept in this position for 10-15 minutes. For periodic wetting of a broom, a basin with warm water should be at hand.

Steaming with a broom usually starts lying on your stomach. The partner, wielding two brooms (one in each hand), makes strokes - from feet to head and hands. In the opposite direction, brooms are carried out along the side surfaces of the body. Such repetitions should be 3-4 lasting 10 minutes. At high temperatures, the brooms are moved slowly, at less hot temperatures - faster, with periodic raising of the brooms at the feet and head.

After stroking, they move on to fastening. Light blows are applied on the back in all directions, then on the lower back, thighs, calf muscles and feet. The time for this potent technique is small - up to 1 minute. After fastening, stroking is repeated, but with faster movements than before.

The recipient of the procedure then turns over on his back, and all the techniques are repeated in the same sequence on the front surface of the body.

Stroking and lashing replaces the main technique - whipping in combination with a broom compress. Start from the back. Brooms are slightly lifted, as if capturing hot air, and make 2-3 light whips on the back muscles. Then, raising the brooms again, they lower them to those areas that were whipped, and turn them and put them on the body with the hot side - the one that was facing up, pressing it with your hand for 2-3 seconds. The same is done on the lower back, lower leg. Such compresses are especially useful to apply to muscles that have received a lot of physical activity. After the compress on the feet, the brooms are placed on the lower back and at the same time spread them to the sides - to the head and feet. This technique is called stretching, it is carried out 4-5 times. The massaged person turns on his back, and the reception is performed along the front surface of the body. The procedure for soaring with a broom is completed.

In subsequent visits, it is repeated, and at the end of soaring, rubbing is used: with one hand (most often with the left) they take the broom by the handle, and with the palm of the other, lightly press on its leafy part, rubbing the muscles of the back, lower back, thighs, chest, arms and legs.

By pouring water on the hot stones of the stove and the shelves of the steam room, you can spray aromatic substances at the same time. Eucalyptus tincture, which is very useful for the upper respiratory tract, is especially popular with the regulars of the baths. Aromatic substances are added to warm water poured onto hot stones at the rate of: 1 teaspoon of eucalyptus tincture or 10-20 drops of menthol oil or 1.5 cups of kvass per 2-3 liters of water.

Connoisseurs also recommend such drugs with poetic names as Aroma of the Steppe (infusion of chamomile, oregano and thyme) or Forest Fairy Tale (infusion of birch, juniper and linden leaves). Kvass, infusion of mint, St. John's wort, sage, blackcurrant leaves give a wonderful aroma.

But the main thing is not to forget about the time spent in the steam room. In the sauna, the maximum time, taking into account 2-3 visits, is 25-30 minutes. After hard work, it is reduced to 18-20 minutes. In steam baths even less: up to 4-5 minutes - with a single stay and 8-12 minutes, taking into account the total duration. The entire bathing procedure should not take more than 2 hours, and you can stay in the steam room for no more than 10-30 minutes. For beginners, at first, it is enough to make one entry into the steam room for 4-6 minutes.

Strictly adhere to the principles of gradualness and consistency. In all cases of deterioration of health (feeling of excessive heat, difficulty breathing, the appearance of a feeling of weakness, dizziness), you must immediately go to the locker room. Otherwise, heat stroke or other serious troubles are possible.

At the end of the bath procedure, it is useful to take a contrast shower. Alternating warm water with cool water refreshes and invigorates. Body temperature, activity of the cardiovascular and other body systems after the bath remain elevated. Avoid sudden cooling. Extremely undesirable immediately after the bath cold drinks, drafts. If possible, rest in a warm room, lie down wrapped in a sheet, drink a glass of tea with lemon.

A burst of vivacity, excellent appetite, sound sleep, improved well-being and increased efficiency are objective signs of the positive effect of the bath. But irritability, loss of appetite, insomnia, headaches, lethargy - a signal to change the method and dosage of bath procedures.

If the bath is not used properly, even healthy people can faint or heat stroke. Symptoms of fainting - pale skin, weakness, dizziness, and even loss of consciousness, weak pulse, rare breathing. In this case, urgently take the patient to a cool room, lay him down, provide fresh air, let him smell cotton wool with ammonia. In case of heat stroke, place the victim in a cool room, put cold on his head, drink plenty of water, create peace and provide medical assistance as soon as possible.

Of course, you cannot bring yourself to such a state. Therefore, we remind you once again: do not neglect the advice of a doctor and hygiene rules, a reasonable sense of proportion.


Very popular among lovers of miraculous steam, especially athletes, and the so-called Finnish sauna. The advantage of this dry-air bath over a steam bath is that it has a higher temperature and very low humidity. This provides good heat dissipation. However, the sauna also has its downsides. In it, for example, there is no air movement. This drawback, however, is absent in the design of the Russian dry wind, created by the Moscow engineer P.P. Belousov. Hot air circulates here all the time. Special filters clean it from excess moisture, fumes, carbon dioxide, and the air flow is saturated with vapors of medicinal herbs and ionized. Procedures in such a bath to a greater extent tone up the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, positively affect the biochemical composition of the blood. A comparative analysis carried out by specialists showed that Belousov's design is much superior to the Finnish sauna in terms of microclimatic, technical and economic parameters.

The sauna is especially popular among athletes to restore the necessary shape. It is recognized that the most optimal conditions in a sauna are considered to be an air temperature of 70-75 ° C, and a relative humidity of 5-10%.

Staying in a sauna requires strict rationing, taking into account the state of health, age and individual ability of a person to adapt to its conditions. Too high a temperature and a long stay in the bath is not advisable, as they can lead to a decrease in efficiency, deterioration of well-being.

The time spent in the sauna depends on the following circumstances: whether or not before the bath, intense physical work, sports training, when (on the same day or a day or more after the bath) they are planned. In this regard, it is recommended to adhere to some rules for using a dry-air bath (air temperature 70 ° C and relative humidity 5-15%). If you bathe in the sauna on the day of physical activity, then the duration of stay is 8-10 minutes, and for those who do not have such work - 10-12 minutes.

In cases where physical activity takes place a day or more after the sauna, the optimal duration of stay in it is 20-25 minutes. If the microclimatic conditions in the sauna differ from those indicated, the duration of stay in the bath should be changed accordingly.

After the sauna, rest is necessary, the duration of which depends on the duration of the procedures. So, with the maximum stay in the sauna, you need to rest for 45-60 minutes, that is, until the initial level of physiological functions is restored.

As a means of recovery, you can use the portable thermal camera Termika, produced by the domestic industry. It consists of two units: in one there is a heating device, in the other - the actual thermal chamber. There is also a heat-shielding awning made of two layers of nylon with a foam padding. The temperature in the heating chamber can rise up to 130°C, but the person does not experience difficulty in breathing, since his head is outside the chamber.

For recovery after heavy physical exertion, sessions are recommended at a temperature of 60-75 ° C lasting 30, 45, 60 minutes. It is useful to combine the effect of heat with self-massage, vibration massage, etc. Thermal chamber Thermic can also be used by athletes for a general warm-up before training and competitions. The duration of the session in this case is 15 minutes at a temperature of 75-90 °C.


Bath procedures are perfectly combined with massage. Thanks to him, the blood supply to the muscles, joints, ligaments improves. Heat, steam, in turn, activate the physiological effect of massage. The restorative effect of the combined use of massage and generous heat, as studies have shown, is more significant than if they were used separately.

Experts have identified a relationship between the duration of rest, the type of procedure used and the restoration of performance after physical exertion. If urgent restoration of working capacity is necessary, it is advisable to use only massage. When the duration of rest between physical activities exceeds 2.5 hours, it is recommended to combine a sauna with a massage.

Since the conversation turned to massage, it is worth introducing the reader at least briefly to this effective means of combating fatigue, a way to increase efficiency, as well as prevent and treat injuries, and improve well-being.

The beneficial role of massage is explained by the fact that the techniques used, acting on the nerve endings embedded in the skin, muscles and ligaments, affect the central nervous system, and through it the functional state of all organs and systems. Blood circulation and nutrition of the skin and muscles are improved, the excretory function of the sebaceous and sweat glands is enhanced. The working capacity of the muscles increases - they are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients, they are more quickly released from decay products. The elasticity and strength of the ligaments, mobility in the joints increase, the flow of blood and lymph is accelerated. All this leads to the fact that a person after the massage feels more cheerful, and the process of restoring his strength is faster. Massage is usually performed by a specialist. However, it is quite possible to learn how to perform certain techniques on your own.

What are the basic rules to follow?

First of all, hands and body must be clean. In order for the skin to become slippery enough to protect it from irritation, you can use baby powder, talcum powder, rice powder, boron petroleum jelly.

During the massage, the body takes a comfortable position, the muscles are extremely relaxed. The movements of the massage therapist are always made in the direction of the flow of blood and lymph:

hands are massaged towards the elbow and axillary areas; legs - to the popliteal and inguinal regions; chest - from the sternum to the side to the armpits;

back - from the spine to the sides to the armpits; rectus abdominis - from top to bottom, and oblique - from bottom to top; neck - from the hairline down.

Massage begins with large areas of the body. However, we remind you that lymph nodes cannot be massaged.

During massage, the following techniques are used in the order of their application: stroking, squeezing, kneading, shaking, rubbing, active and passive movements with resistance, shock techniques, shaking. Massage techniques should not cause pain. Performing any technique, it is necessary to observe a certain rhythm, pace of movements and force of pressure (squeezing).

There are two forms of massage: private (local), when any part of the body is massaged separately, and general massage, in which the whole body is massaged.

The following types of massage are distinguished: hygienic, sports, cosmetic, therapeutic. Of particular importance for strengthening health is hygienic massage, which helps to maintain the vitality of the body, increase efficiency, accelerate recovery processes and prevent diseases.

It is best to do hygienic massage in the morning, although it can be performed at other times of the day. Morning hygienic massage or self-massage, along with a healing effect, contributes to a faster transition from sleep to wakefulness and entry into the working rhythm of the day.

The duration of the general hygienic massage is 30-40 minutes with the following distribution: 7-8 minutes on the back and neck, 8-10 minutes on the arms, 3 minutes on the pelvis, 10-12 minutes on the legs, 4-5 minutes on the chest and stomach.

The distribution of time for individual massage techniques is as follows: stroking, movements and percussion techniques - 5%, squeezing - 20%, kneading - 60%, rubbing - 15%. After hygienic massage, water hardening procedures are taken.

Sports massage is used in the process of training sessions and has the following types: training, preliminary, recovery.

Training massage is used to maintain high performance. It can be done 1.5-6 hours after training and stopped one or two days before the competition. Its duration is 40-60 minutes. All massage techniques are used, but most of the time is spent on kneading. The distribution of time for massaging individual parts of the body depends on the type of sport, the nature of the activity and the duration of the training.

Pre-massage is used before training and competitions to prepare for the upcoming physical activity. Depending on the specific situation and tasks, various types of it are used. So, a warm-up massage is done 3-5 minutes before the start of physical activity. With excessive arousal, they resort to a soothing massage aimed at reducing arousal. In a depressed state, apathy, on the contrary, a tonic massage is performed. Warming massage is carried out before training or competitions for quick and deep warming of the muscles.

Restorative massage is useful after physical exertion. It contributes to the fastest recovery of working capacity. With significant fatigue, massage is carried out 1-2 hours after exercise in a warm room. The main technique is kneading. A short-term restorative massage can also be carried out in between races, fights, attempts, swims.

Massage for injuries and injuries is prescribed by a doctor. Stroking, rubbing, kneading, active and passive movements are used.

However, it should be remembered that massage should not be done in case of acute febrile diseases, inflammatory processes, inflammation of the lymphatic and venous vessels, bleeding, skin diseases, etc. In all doubtful cases, be sure to consult your doctor.


This question, which worries moms and dads, can be answered unequivocally: no, it’s not harmful! Special studies carried out in our country, in Finland and Germany, have shown that the healing heat is useful for children from the age of 3. However, the bath procedure for babies should be more gentle than for adults. It is recommended to do no more than 2 visits for 5 minutes at a temperature not higher than 60-70 °C. Try to protect children from hypothermia - the effects of too contrasting temperatures. After the steam room, they are advised to take not a cold, but a warm shower. Intensive cooling can disrupt the adaptive mechanisms of the child's body, and this, in turn, will lead to serious diseases.


As already noted, the body responds to the action of cold water on the skin with an energetic reaction. At the first moment, due to a sharp narrowing of the vessels of the surface of the body, the blood rushes to the internal organs, goose bumps appear. After the first phase, the second phase begins: the body begins to intensively produce heat, the blood vessels of the skin dilate, the blood rushes to the skin again, the feeling of chills is replaced by a pleasant feeling of warmth. This is a kind of gymnastics that teaches the vessels to expand and contract in a timely and unfailing manner, depending on temperature conditions.

To obtain a beneficial effect, approach the water should be warmed up, since in chilled water, instead of warming, even more cooling occurs. The main thing when hardening is the temperature of the water, and not the duration of the procedure. Strictly adhere to the rule: the colder the water, the shorter should be the time of its contact with the body.

The best time for procedures is in the morning, immediately after sleep or at the end of morning exercises, when the skin is evenly warmed, which ensures a good vascular response. Such water procedures contribute to the transition of the body to an active state after sleep, cause a cheerful, high spirits. But water procedures performed before bedtime are poorly tolerated, because the nervous system is excited, irritability and insomnia appear, and well-being worsens.

The combination of water hardening with physical exercises is especially effective. That is why after training sessions it is recommended to take water procedures.

The most favorable time to start water procedures is summer and early autumn. Initially, water at a temperature of 33-34 ° C is used for procedures. Then every 3-4 days the water temperature is reduced by 1 °C. For 1.5-2 months. gradually it is brought to 18-20 ° C and below, depending on the state of health and health. There should be no discomfort during the procedures. The following types of procedures are recommended: wiping, dousing, showering, bathing.

Rubbing is the initial stage of hardening with water. Within a few days, wipes are made with a towel, sponge, or simply with a hand moistened with water. At first they wipe only to the waist, then they move on to wiping the whole body. Rubbing is carried out in the direction of blood and lymph flow - from the periphery to the center.

Stick to a certain sequence. First, they wipe the head, neck, arms, chest, back with water, wipe them dry and rub them to redness with a towel. After that, the same is done with the feet, shins, thighs. The duration of the entire procedure, including rubbing the body, which partially replaces self-massage, should not exceed 5 minutes.

Pouring is characterized by the action of low water temperature, low pressure of the jet falling on the surface of the body. This dramatically enhances the effect of irritation, so dousing is contraindicated for people with increased excitability and the elderly.

When pouring, water pours out of a vessel or a rubber hose connected to the water supply. And here the principle of gradualism is necessary. For the first douche, water at a temperature of about 30 ° C is used. Later on, the temperature drops to 15 ° C and below. The duration of the procedure followed by rubbing the body is 3-4 minutes.

Douching is first done indoors at an air temperature of 18-20 ° C, then outdoors. In order to prepare the body for such a transition, before each procedure, thoroughly ventilate the room, reducing the temperature in it to 15 ° C. In summer, douching should be done outdoors every day in any weather. For people with a high degree of hardening, these procedures can be continued until late autumn.

The shower is an even more energetic water treatment. Due to mechanical irritation by falling water, the shower causes a strong local and general reaction of the body. Our advice - before you start systematic hardening with the help of a shower, consult a doctor.

For hardening, a shower with an average jet force is used - in the form of a fan or rain. At first, the water temperature is 30-35 ° C, the duration is no more than 1 minute. Then the water temperature is gradually reduced, and the shower time is increased to 2 minutes. The procedure must necessarily end with vigorous rubbing of the body with a towel, after which, as a rule, a cheerful mood appears.

With a high degree of hardening after physical exertion, for hygienic purposes, to relieve fatigue caused by training or hard physical work, it is useful to use the so-called contrast shower. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that warm and cold water are alternately used with a temperature difference from 5-7 to 20 °C or more (Table 5).

In the optimal mode of hardening, the lower limit of water temperature for persons aged 16-39 is 12 ° C, 40-60 years - 20 ° C. When the hardened well adapts to cooling, you can move on to a special mode of hardening with water. Before and after procedures it is useful to apply physical exercises and self-massage.

For a better orientation in the application of hardening procedures, we recommend using Table. 6. It indicates the doses of cooling during hardening with water in the morning and afternoon for persons aged 16 to 60 years.

In the initial and optimal modes of hardening, a decrease in water temperature by 2 ° C every 5 days is recommended for persons 16-39 years old, and by 1 ° C - 40-60 years.

In late autumn, winter and early spring, for all types of hardening for beginners, the water temperature should be 30-38 ° C, and the air temperature in the rooms should be 18-20 ° C.

Bathing in open water is one of the most effective ways of hardening. The temperature regime is combined with simultaneous exposure to the surface of the body of air and sunlight. Swimming, in addition, is of great health importance, contributes to the harmonious development of the body, strengthens the muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and forms very important motor skills. It seems that it was no coincidence that in ancient times they spoke with disdain about inferior people: they can neither read nor swim ...

The bathing season begins when the temperature of water and air reaches 18-20°C. Bathing is stopped at an air temperature of 14-15 ° C, water - 10-12 ° C. It is better to swim in the morning and evening hours. First, bathe once a day, then 2-3 times, while observing the interval between bathing (3-4 hours). It is not recommended to swim immediately after eating. The break should be at least 1.5-2 hours. Do not enter the water excessively heated or chilled.

In the water you need to move and swim more. The cooler the water, the more energetic the movements should be. The duration of bathing at first is 4-5 minutes, then it increases to 15-20 minutes or more.

Older people are better off limiting their time in the water. Focus on the state of your health, weather conditions. Avoid chills. Cooled skin no longer gives the proper reaction, and instead of redness and warming, even more cooling occurs. In short, we recommend that you carefully monitor your well-being. Otherwise, with prolonged bathing, excessive irritation of the nervous system, general weakness, etc.

Sea bathing has a strong effect on the body. Their special value lies in the fact that there is a combination of thermal irritation with mechanical - shock waves. The increased content of dissolved salts in sea water, primarily table salt, causes chemical irritation of the skin.

When bathing, we recall this, there is a complex effect of the water procedure and the subsequent air bath. For toddlers with such hardening, you can use the special recommendations outlined in Table. 7, and for older children and adults - in Table. eight.

Traditional water procedures for children:

The method of water hardening depends on the age of the child. It is necessary to introduce an element of hardening into ordinary water procedures (washing, washing, bathing).

i. The age of the child from birth to 2-3 months.

1. General baths - the child is bathed daily with water at a temperature of 37-36oC for 5 minutes, then doused with water at a temperature 2oC lower.

2. Washing, washing, which lasts 1-2 minutes, is first carried out at a water temperature of 28oC, every 1-2 days and reduced by 1-2oC and brought to 20-22oC.

3. Local wet wiping - with a mitten moistened with water at a temperature of 33-36oC, wipe the arms from the hand to the shoulder, then the legs from the foot to the knee for 1-2 minutes. Once every five days the temperature is lowered by 1°C and brought to 28°C. A necessary condition is that each part of the body is wiped dry to a slight redness immediately after its wet rubbing.

ii. The age of the child is from 2-3 to 9-10 months.

3. General wet rubdown. First wipe the upper limbs, then the lower and finally the chest and back. The temperature of the water is the same as for local sponging. You can add salt to the water (2 teaspoons of salt per 1 cup of water). It is necessary to observe the same rule - to wipe each part of the body dry immediately after rubbing it.

iii. The age of the child is from 9-10 months. up to 1 year.

1. As in the previous age group.

2. As in the previous age group.

3. General douche. During this procedure, the child can sit or stand. The flexible shower hose should be kept close to the child's body (25-30 cm). The jet of water must be strong. First, the back is poured, then the chest, stomach, and lastly the arms. After dousing, wipe dry until slight redness. Initially, the water temperature is 35-37oC, then every 5 days it is reduced by 1oC and brought to 28oC.

iv. The age of the child is from 1 year to 3 years.

At this age, you can use general rubdowns with a decrease in water temperature to 24oC, general douches with a temperature of up to 24-28oC. From 1.5 years old, you can use a shower, which has a stronger effect than dousing, since, in addition to the water temperature, a mechanical effect is also included here. The duration of the procedure is up to 1.5 minutes; the temperature of the water and its decrease - as with a general douche. For infants suffering from exudative-catarrhal diathesis, herbal baths "Cheburashka" can be used for hardening: they take a mixture of herbs of oregano, succession, coltsfoot, calendula, violets 40-50 g each, pour 3-4 liters of boiling water, insist 2 -3 h, filtered and poured into a warm water bath at 35-36oC. First, the child is in the water for 1-2 minutes, gradually the duration of stay is increased to 8-10 minutes, while lowering the water temperature to 24-28oC, and for more hardened children even to 15oC. Such baths are used after 1-2 days.

Contrasting and non-traditional hardening for children:

Intensive (non-traditional) methods of hardening include any methods in which there is at least a short-term contact of a naked human body with snow, ice water, air at a negative temperature. There is sufficient experience of intensive hardening of young children in parent health clubs. However, there are practically no scientific studies showing the possibility of using this type of hardening. The reaction of the body to the action of any stimuli is designated as a general adaptation syndrome, in which three stages are distinguished: the stage of anxiety (activation of the function of the adrenal cortex, as a result of which the volume of the thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes decreases), the stage of resistance (the development of hypofunction of the adrenal cortex) and the stage of exhaustion . The physiological immaturity of the organism of young children, primarily the immaturity of the neuroendocrine system, is often the cause of not increasing, but, on the contrary, suppression of immune activity, the rapid development of the stage of exhaustion when the child is excessively hardened to cold. Therefore, almost all authors dealing with the hardening of young children consider bathing children in ice water contraindicated. However, contrast hardening exists as a transitional stage between traditional and intensive hardening. These are contrast foot baths, contrast rubdown, contrast shower, sauna, Russian bath, etc.

The most common method for children is contrast pouring of the legs.

It is necessary to follow the rule - you can not pour cold water on cold feet, i.e. feet need to be warmed up first. Two basins are placed in the bath so that the water covers the legs up to the middle of the lower leg. In one of them, the water temperature is always 38-40oC, and in the other (for the first time) it is 3-4oC lower. The child first immerses his feet in hot water for 1-2 minutes. (tramples them), then in a cool one for 5-20 s. Number of alternate dives 3-6. Every 5 days the temperature of the water in the second basin is lowered by 1°C and brought to 18-10°C. In healthy children, the procedure is completed with cold water, and in weakened children, with hot water. Contrasting wiping to enhance the effect can be carried out with an infusion of herbs. For more intense cooling, mint infusion is used. Dry grass with flowers is poured with boiling water at the rate of 4 tablespoons per 1 liter, infused for 30 minutes, filtered, cooled to 20-22oC. A hot infusion is prepared with warming plants: thyme, yarrow, tansy, pine and spruce needles. They are taken 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water, infused, filtered, heated to 38-40oC. First, rub the child's hand with a towel soaked in cold infusion, then with another mitten soaked in a hot solution, and then rub the hand with a dry towel until it turns red. So carry out the procedure with the second handle, legs, torso. In older and hardened children, in the presence of positive emotions, the temperature of the hot infusion can be gradually increased to 40-42oC, and the cold one can be reduced to 4-6oC. For older children, contrast foot baths can be replaced with a contrast shower: exposure to hot water at 40-50oC for 1 minute, then dousing with cold water with a minimum temperature of 10-15oC for 10-20 seconds. Alternate 5-10 times. The sauna (dry-air bath) uses a high air temperature in a steam room (about 60-90oC) with low humidity and cooling in a pool with a water temperature of 3-20oC, and in winter bathing in the snow. In the absence of contraindications, the desire of parents, a child can visit the sauna from 3-4 years old, once a week, at first in the form of one visit for 5-7 minutes. at a temperature in the steam room of about 80oC at the height of the top shelf. Then you can bring up to three visits to the steam room for 10 minutes. followed by cooling. In many regions of our country, the hardening effect of the Russian bath is widely used. Its basis is the strict observance of the contrast cycle: heating - cooling - rest. The hardening cycle formula is 1:1:2, i.e. steaming and taking a cool shower take about the same time, and rest twice as long. For young children who are just getting used to the Russian bath, one cycle is enough. At first, you should stay in the steam room for no more than 3-5 minutes, after several visits you can increase the time to 5-10 minutes. At first, it is better to cool by dousing, then with a cold shower, later - by bathing in cold water, including in an ice hole, by rubbing with snow. Gradually, the number of visits to the steam room is increased to 4-5. In a Russian bath, they often pour not ordinary water on hot stones, but bath cocktails in the form of an aromatic infusion of herbs. For example, for an antiseptic effect, mint, sage, thyme, eucalyptus leaf are used in equal proportions; with a calming purpose - thyme, mint, oregano, chamomile, birch buds, green spruce needles; poplar buds (1 part), flower baskets of common tansy (2 parts), denticle leaves (1 part) have a tonic effect; improve breathing leaves of birch, oak, linden, herb oregano, thyme. Brooms are widely used in the Russian bath, and each broom causes a specific effect. For example, a birch broom has an analgesic, sedative and bronchodilator effect, an oak broom has a calming, anti-inflammatory effect, a linden broom has a bronchodilator, diuretic, and also helps with headaches, colds, a fir broom helps with radiculitis, neuralgia, an alder broom - with myalgia, a mountain ash - has exciting action, etc.

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Many people know about the benefits that hardening brings to the body. But for some reason, not everyone uses it. You can only notice the benefits of hardening over time. It is important to follow the basic rules of this process.

What are we talking about?

Hardening is a method of preventive action by which a person strengthens his immune system so that the body resists the adverse effects of the environment. If a person hardens, then even strong fluctuations in temperature are not reflected in the body. If you do not use cold water dousing in everyday life, then there is a chance to become more prone to various diseases. The body will react even to small temperature fluctuations.

Also, the benefit of hardening is that it increases the endurance of the body. Such procedures have a positive effect on the nervous and immune systems. Thanks to this, a person becomes stronger. Many doctors believe that hardening is one of the best options for maintaining health.

Heliotherapy: description, features

The sun, air and water harden the body. Now consider the types of hardening. The first type of recovery is heliotherapy. This method of hardening has a positive effect on the nervous system, accelerates metabolic processes, improves protective functions and blood circulation, strengthens muscle tone, and tones up almost all the work of organs. Heliotherapy is sunbathing.

This method must be used very carefully. It can do harm though. When tanning, the skin can get burned, which is very unpleasant and painful. In addition, you can overheat and get a heat stroke, the consequences of which are quite complex. It is necessary to begin to harden by the sun gradually. You should also take into account the age and health of the person. Equally important is the weather outside.

Aerotherapy: description

The second type of healing with the help of hardening is aerotherapy, which is carried out with the help of air. This method involves long walks in the fresh air. It is clean air, which may not always be warm, that is most useful for the human body.

Hardening is the most affordable method of healing the body, so you need to go out more often and be in the fresh air, in a forest plantation, park area, near water bodies - where there is clean air. But even in winter, walks are very important. It is in the winter season that it is most useful to harden.


Water is vital for all living beings. It is she who will help harden your body, make it stronger and more resistant to various irritants.

When a person is doused, blood circulation is activated. All organs receive more oxygen and nutrients.

The first water hardening procedures should be carried out gradually. You can start by wiping with wet towels. This method is the most gentle and tolerant. By the way, it is used when hardening children.

You can carry out water hardening in another way. Dousing is an excellent tonic exercise for the whole body. You can pour over both the whole body and the lower limbs. It is important to rub yourself well after the procedure. It is also effective to douse with a shower. This is a simple and effective way to strengthen your body. A contrast shower is very useful.

Gradual and systematic implementation of procedures is the key to success

We have already figured out what hardening is. Where to start it? Now we'll find out. Many would like to start tempering, but do not know how to do it right. With any type of hardening, it is very important to follow some rules. Doctors recommend starting hardening gradually, and not abruptly. It is necessary to increase the number of procedures each time, as well as the time and their intensity. The first few treatments should be short. In this case, you can use not cold water, but slightly cool. The benefit of hardening is to accustom the body step by step to endure natural conditions.

In addition to the gradual entry into hardening, it is necessary to take into account the systematic. If you take long breaks in hardening, then the body will wean from this type of recovery. This can cause a decrease in the protective functions of the body. A person gets used to hardening in about a month. This period is enough for the body to adapt. If you are forced to take a break, try not to exceed a month.

Hardening: where to start, important points

When choosing a method of hardening, it is very important to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. You also need to consider age and general health. If a child begins to temper, then you should approach this more responsibly.

It is important to take into account the lifestyle of a person, the presence of certain diseases. In some cases, hardening can only aggravate a person's condition. It would be ideal to undergo a complete medical examination. You should not engage in dousing with cold water if you have chronic or viral diseases.

When a person begins to engage in health improvement, he does not know the sense of proportion. It seems to him that he is capable of more, but this feeling is deceptive. Remember that the benefits of hardening are obvious only for healthy people. It is very important to listen to the signals of your body so as not to harm it. But it is worth ignoring the ailments, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

It is undesirable to focus on only one method of hardening, because it is much more efficient to use them all in a complex. Go hiking, sunbathing, pour cold water on yourself. All this will energize the body and strengthen the immune system.

Doctors insist on the importance of physical activity. It is worth paying attention to this, because the effectiveness of wellness procedures increases many times if you supplement them with physical exercises.

A couple more rules

During hardening, you need to carefully monitor your well-being. If before the procedures a person does not sleep well, loses appetite, becomes irritable and gets very tired, then his body is not ready for an active lifestyle. On such a day, it is better to cancel all wellness procedures and just gain strength and relax.

When you start doing procedures, set yourself a goal that will motivate you to further achievements. It is very important not only to understand the importance of the actions performed, but also to find joy and satisfaction in them.

Dousing with cold water: benefit or harm?

When a person is doused with cold water or immersed, the blood begins to move faster, the body finds itself in a stressful situation. Blood enters the internal organs faster, metabolic processes improve, and defenses increase. Pouring cold water, a person makes the body get used to the cold. This has a positive effect on overall health. Truly, the sun, air and water work wonders!

Water quenching helps in weight loss. Dousing gives the skin elasticity, even helps to recover after the birth of a child. But it is better for lactating and pregnant women to consult a doctor before starting such a recovery.

We have already found out what the benefits of hardening are. And what harm can dousing? It has a negative effect when a person is sick with serious chronic diseases, SARS. Also, pouring is harmful for any heart disease. Such a procedure can aggravate a person's condition.

It is best to do home hardening. This will allow the person to feel more comfortable and enjoy the procedure. At home, it is much more convenient to carry out any recovery. It is necessary to understand the basic rules of hardening (which we did above), and you can proceed. Morning dousing with water is very invigorating and gives a charge of vivacity for the whole day. After a month of such procedures, you will notice that you have become much more resilient and stronger. Do not neglect the sun and air baths. Take a daily walk in the fresh air, warm your bodies. After this, the thermoregulation of the body will increase significantly. Hardening will make your body more resistant to temperature fluctuations.


Now you know how hardening is useful and how dousing with cold water occurs. Benefit or harm is obtained from this procedure - it is difficult to say, because it all depends on the specific case. If possible, it is best to check with a doctor. If this is not possible, you just need to listen to the signals of your body. Remember that a healthy lifestyle is the key to a happy and successful life. Strengthening health, hardening and proper nutrition is the key to health.

I think that you have already come across the concept of "contrast shower". First, let's figure out what its "contrast" is. This procedure differs from the usual shower in several ways. Firstly, a contrast shower was not invented at all in order to make our body cleaner. During it, it is not necessary to use a variety of shower gels, shampoos, soaps and washcloths. No, a contrast shower is a procedure, rather, of a therapeutic and health-improving nature. Secondly, you can use a regular shower in time as much as you like until you get bored. A hardening soul has a certain time limit. And, in the end, this procedure should be regular.

Benefits of a contrast shower Pros and cons of hardening
What do you need for a contrast shower?

First of all, the whole point of a contrast shower is precisely in the sudden changes in temperature that affect your body. Therefore, for the correct execution of the procedure, you will need:

Actually, time. The duration of the procedure varies from 10 to 15 minutes.

Bathtub or shower. You will have to take a contrast shower while standing, so it is recommended to make sure that the shower is fixed on the wall above your head. For comfort.

Of course, the water itself. The range should be from "hot and almost burning" to "wow, how cold." But without fanaticism: there are enough patients with burns and frostbite in emergency rooms without you.

Towel, preferably soft, with hard fibers. An important step in the procedure is rubbing after taking a contrast shower.
How to take a contrast shower?

It’s hard to think of a better time to take a contrast shower than in the morning. As you know, this procedure gives a remarkable charge of vivacity and energy. And what, if not this, is required for a good start to the day? I would like to immediately warn against taking a contrast shower in the evening or, especially, at night. After such a sudden shake-up of the whole body, you are unlikely to be able to calmly and soundly fall asleep. Therefore, it is simply recommended to go to bed early, and in the morning, with fresh strength, join the battle with the cold-hot elements. The correct contrast shower should be taken as follows:

Benefits of a contrast shower Pros and cons of hardening Turn on warm water that is pleasant to you and stand under it for a while to get used to it. Enough 3-4 minutes.

Then we switch to cold water as quickly as possible so that the body feels a shock. Do not "gradually" move to cold or pour "slightly cool." It will not bring any benefit and, on the contrary, may cause harm. The whole point is in a sharp drop - "contrast". We stand from 30 seconds to a minute.

Next, we return to the same hot one for another minute.
In total, we repeat the procedure from 3 to 5 times (as convenient for anyone), being under hot and cold water from about 30 seconds to one and a half minutes. We finish a contrast shower ALWAYS on cold water. We turn off the water, get out of the bath and carefully wipe ourselves with a hard towel, disperse the blood. It is necessary to achieve the effect of slightly rosy skin.

We wipe ourselves dry and leave the bathroom, pleased with ourselves.

Benefits of a contrast shower How to develop a habit?

Many successful individuals, or ordinary people with a well-organized daily routine and efficient use of time, often advise using the so-called “30-day method”. The bottom line is this: if some business is not particularly pleasant, but very useful for you, do exactly 30 days without missing a single one, after this short period it will become a habit. You will no longer need to force yourself to do this, on the contrary, you are unlikely to feel good about missing this important event. Unlike bad habits, which we already have enough, it will be useful to have at least one useful one.

In exactly the same way, we can do with a contrast shower. The benefit of a contrast shower at the same time increases in an arithmetic progression. Every morning for 30 days, you just need to force yourself to do cold hardening. No matter how early you have to get up, or how you "don't want to go under cold water", you need to do this procedure.

Make yourself better

Benefits of a contrast shower Pros and cons of hardening The benefit of a contrast shower lies not only in its undoubtedly positive effect on health and immunity, but also in “hardening”, first of all, of the personality. Having made taking a contrast shower a habit, after a while you yourself will feel that, firstly, you have become better at managing your time. Secondly, they increased their efficiency both at school or work, as well as in household chores, and in hobbies. And, thirdly, they simply improved their emotional state in addition to their physical well-being.