
The game program "Border Strip" methodical development on the topic. Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the day of the border guard Scenario dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the day of the border guard


Day of the border guard script for the holiday

The captain brought his young wife to the outpost.
The girl is quite, tenderly a naive flower.
Everything is a curiosity to her, but remembering the simple truth,
she ignites the golden flame of the family.

Now her fragile shoulders are like shoulder straps,
Fate laid harsh nights and days.
After all, in the title of this soul -
"officers' wives"
And how much hope they bring with them!

At first, everything seems strange, alien, incomprehensible,
Such an unusual, fog-shrouded world,
But the days fly by in worries about a pleasant husband,
And here on the table is her first prepared feast.

It doesn't matter that the soup is too salty, the cutlet burned,
That smoke is a rocker, dishes of an unwashed mountain.
But her darling is pleased with this care,
And tender something she will whisper until the morning.

And in the morning, trying to silently go to work,
With her breath, he will suddenly be amazed for a moment.
Now he is responsible for this Great Something,
For this girl, for the best wife in the world!

Leading 2: Now we proceed to the most tender and lyrical part of our borderline story. Try to guess what we are going to talk about now?
(The host addresses the audience: “What do you think?” “What, I didn’t hear?”
That's right, love! So, about the women of the border! Previously, there were only a few women at the border posts. As a rule, these were the wives of outpost officers. Brought from big cities and small villages, cut off from their relatives and friends for a long time, abandoned to the Far North and Kamchatka, or moving from the Trans-Baikal border to hot Turkmenistan, they arranged their life as best they could, looked after their first family rooms, laid them on makeshift tables their tablecloths, sewed curtains for the windows, sculpted dumplings for the holiday with the soldiers, drew wall newspapers, generously shared their knowledge and skills.

Lead 1: They learned to shoot, ride a horse, cook on a fire. They had to put out fires, bandage the wounded, give them their blood. By education, teachers and doctors, ballerinas and dressmakers, they themselves, not yet having time to accumulate life experience, became good psychologists, to whom soldiers went for advice. And most importantly, their ability to wait - they honed over the years. And now, when their husbands have long retired, these women also remember that time at the border as the brightest and dearest in their lives.
Here is how Olga Kazakovtseva, wife of a border officer, wrote about this in her poem:

You are an officer's wife.
Your calling is the kitchen, soot.
So one told me, an ex-girlfriend, so to speak.
The conversation was private
We ate cake and drank coffee.
And I did not expect another, I knew my friend well.
Her calling was
to live under the warm roof of the house.
Convenient husband, his car,
And need a million friends.

2 host: And I ... I live far away ....
Winter is rich in frosts. There is water here too.
Soldiers bring it to us.
My love will come home
I will open the door to my beloved.
I will tell him: “You are my hero!
So I am the wife of the Hero!
Girlfriend, are you surprised? Why carry such loads?
I am an officer's wife!
I serve the Soviet Union!

1 presenter: At present, women in the border troops serve with dignity in various positions. They go to outfits, go to shooting, prepare various documents, communicate, serve at checkpoints, work in hospitals. And, as before, they know how to faithfully wait for their husbands from the border. Let's send them now, mentally, directly from our hall, words of admiration, support, gratitude, and wishes of success and love! Happy holiday, dear border guards!
At our holiday there are wives of border guards (named by name, patronymic and surname). We have prepared a surprise for them. Here is a sign “To the wife of a border guard. Love and fidelity", it was developed by one of the members of the forum site "" and the following are invited to the stage to receive the sign "To the wife of the border guard": (we list everyone and hand over the signs on the stage).

The children are performing again. But now they go out in turn and, having told their lines, remain on the stage.

The border is the beginning of the Russian state,
Her greatest pride and glory.
The frontier where Russia meets friends,
Enemies are sobering from fornication.

Barrier from any other harm,
The border is in the service of the country for centuries.
With its extension from North to South,
There is no equal to her in the world in scope and spirit.

There, each section is the beauty of statues,
Worthy of special descriptions.
The natural landscape includes everything,
There is no such border in the world friends.

The very first sun caresses their eyelids.
The last sends farewell rays.
And in vain, they will not overshadow him forever
those owls blind from the light.

And how many of their obscurantists stole to us
across the border and how then they
helplessly spread their beaks
In the steel vice of the Soviet five.

Stand, stand soldiers at the Border,
capable in the entrusted land,
In a silent stone, turn into a bush,
to melt like a gray ghost in the mist,
to smell a thunderstorm in an innocent rain -
and avert cruel misfortune!
They are only invisible to those sneaking around.
They are in full view of the entire State!

Border guards - green caps, -
Don't make mistakes in your business.
We should be doubly grateful to you:
You are in peacetime as in war.

Your service is out of danger and risk:
At outposts along the obelisk border,
They stand in a row like border posts.
But you do not want a different fate.

Closer to the night, when it puts everyone to sleep,
Sometimes you pay with your life for silence.
And we are calm for our Motherland:
In Russia, you stand on the edge!

Dividing the world like an invisible thread
The border runs along the ground.
To understand and love her
You have to be born a border guard.

I praise you who forget rest,
Fulfilling the sacred charter,
Proud of their service is not easy,
Detachment officers, outposts!

Lead 2: Today is a holiday for all those connected with the border, this is a holiday, first of all, yours, our courageous, our strong, reliable, gentle, real men - our border guards!
Lead 1: There are many legends about male friendship, and it is special for border guards. That’s probably why they say: “There are no former border guards!” and I will add: If they ask us if we have accumulated wealth? Then we will answer, keeping no secrets, That the best wealth is our brotherhood, A large border family!
Dear guests of our holiday! Another nice moment has come! Today we want to award a group of border guards with the medal "For Service at the Border".

(The head of the village administration enters the stage, he awards veterans-border guards according to the list. The presenters read the list. The orchestra plays).

Lead 2: No matter where the country was in danger, the first to take the blow of the enemy were warriors in green caps. So it was and so it will be, knock on our doors, God forbid, a new trouble.
Dear friends! We congratulate you on the Day of the Border Guard and wish you as few disturbing nights as possible. Let your combat duty be as calm as possible, and the enemy tremble at the sight of your formidable and courageous appearance.

Lead 1: Let not a single enemy bullet touch your body, and patrols be less dangerous. We wish you to please your mothers soon. Be valiant and brave warriors, because you are the one who guards the state border. The whole country is counting on you! Thanks to you, our Fatherland can sleep peacefully.
Low bow to you all!

2 host: Dear fellow villagers, dear guests! Today, for the first time in the history of our village, a solemn holiday is held in honor of the Day of the Border Guard. We told you about the border troops, about the features of service at the border, and also named the names of the border guard heroes. If you want to learn more about the border troops, go to the website, there is a lot of interesting information about the border, watch films, read books.

1 presenter: We have prepared for you the website address, lists of films and books, and you can get them in the lobby. We also invite you to take part in the border quiz. After you have listened carefully to us, it will not be difficult for you to answer the questions.
And the prizes are not worth it! We will gladly issue. And a question for the boys: how, guys, will you go to serve in the border troops? (I really hope that it will sound: “Yes-ah-ah-ah!”). Also, after the concert, we invite everyone to take pictures with our border guard guests. Photos are guaranteed! Look how wonderful our guests are!

2 presenter: And now our artists are performing. After the concert, we invite you all to the square to taste real border buckwheat porridge with stew!

Then everyone goes out into the foyer and onto the square, where a brass band plays, and a group of activists distribute list sheets and buckwheat porridge. Those who wish take part in the border quiz. At the end, prizes are distributed.

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Scenario of entertainment for the "Day of the border guard" (with the participation of mom and dad).

Target: creation of conditions for realization of physical activity of children in competitive activity together with parents.

- consolidation and improvement of children's skills to perform the main types of movements on verbal instructions, without prior demonstration, in competitive activities;
- the formation of children's skills to act as one team, to perform actions together, to strive for the overall result of the team;
- encourage parents to take part in team competitions, support the competitive spirit of children throughout the event, take an active part, be an example for children;
Equipment and materials:
Asterisks as bonus points for the winners in contests.
Rattles, bells, noisemakers.
Skittles (about 10 pcs.)
Sandbags (according to the number of participants in the teams).
Hoops - 2 pcs.
Russian flag.

Selected by the jury.

Children enter the hall, marching and become a semicircle (to military music, or to the song of the border guards).

A boy comes out and reads a verse:

border guard

Protects our land

To work and study

All the people could calmly.

Host: Tell me, guys, do you like riddles?

Then listen carefully!

They go to sea far from their country. (ships)

Sea ice split with a sharp nose. (icebreaker)

Who taxied out there? Reactive. (airplane)

Both on land and at sea
He is always on guard
And the country will not let you down -
The intruder will not pass! (border guard)
Well done! All mysteries solved! And tell me what you need to do to grow up as a real strong defender?

Right! Need to recharge! (all children do).

Stand up straight, pull up.

Hands to the side, forward

Make a right turn.

Make a left turn.

Sit down and get up

We take out the floor with our hands.

And on the spot we walk, Raise our legs higher.

Children, stop! one-two!

So the game is over!

You are doing well! Now you will definitely grow up healthy and strong!

And now we will check it!

Host: We are starting our relay races and competitions.

Two or three families participate (mother, father and child). Everyone on command throws the ball forward. The winner is the one whose ball reaches the farthest (the results of all team members are added together).

Competition "Clever Scouts".
Stroke: rattles and bells are tied to a rope (rope). The rope is attached to the racks. Children and their parents must crawl through the enemy territory through the barrier without hitting a single object, take the envelope, and return back running.
Competition: "In the trench - fire"
The players of each team take turns throwing bags or small balls at the target (a hoop lying at a distance of two to three meters) from a prone position. The team with the most successful hits is considered the winner.

And now, while our children have a rest, moms and dads will start the competition!

Relay race: "Jumping rope".

Moms and dads are invited to jump rope. Whoever jumps the most wins! (all jumps are summed up).


Guys, do you want to grow up and become as strong as dads?

The soundtrack of the song sounds: "Dad can do anything."

Leading: Officers and soldiers
Our valiant country
All the guys wish
Never know war
On the Day of the Russian Border Guard
Congratulations to our dads.
Salutes in the blue sky
Multi-colored star volley!
The floor is given to the jury for summing up and rewarding.

Natalia Khalanskaya

Targets and goals:

To evoke an emotional response and create a patriotic mood in children;

Cultivate love for the Motherland, respect for border guards, pride in their Army and country;

Develop good friendships within the group.


At the monument « To the border guards of the Fatherland» located next to the kindergarten, and then go to the playground for games.

preliminary work:

A conversation about the Russian Army, about border guards, about the Great Patriotic War, presentation « Border Guard Day» , drawing and coloring on the topic « Border guard and his faithful dog» .

(beep sounds "Attention")

So that children sleep peacefully at night,

You are on duty in a snowstorm, in frost,

On the water surface and in the desert,

You will save us from tears.

You keep our peace vigilantly,

To avoid trouble.

And not even a mouse will slip,

Never without you.

Border Guard Day celebrated by thousands of Russians. The date is sacred for everyone, without exception, for whom the concept of Motherland, Duty and Honor are sacred.

Service at the border is not just a profession, it is a destiny and a way of life. Love for the Fatherland, high professionalism and loyalty to the oath help border guards honorably fulfill the tasks of protecting the State Border of the Russian Federation.

border guard

Protects our land

To work and study

Could our Russian people!

Border guards do not sleep

At home border

Our sea, our land,

Our sky is guarded!

If I'm a soldier

V the border guards will go.

Guys I'll be happy

Each dress up day!

We stand with Polkan on the border,

The border is closed!

My polkan is the most faithful dog,

He kept watch with me all night!

Many trials have fallen to the lot of Russian soldiers and officers. But the Russian army is true to its traditions. She firmly stands guard over peace throughout our land.

A deep bow to them for their great sacrifice and love, without which it is impossible to be a real soldier, a warrior, without which it is impossible to resist the world. Eternal memory to the fallen - soldiers, sergeants, officers!

Inextinguishable memory of generations

And the memory of those whom we so sacredly honor,

Come on kids, stand up for a moment

And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

(moment of silence, bell)

We are the children of a free and peaceful country,

Our great people do not want war!

And our mothers, and our fathers -

Fighters for peace, freedom and happiness!

Children move to the playground in formation behind the teacher, under the speech vku:

Squad was walking down the street

Brave little soldiers

One-two! Do not snooze!

Sing the song out loud!

Chest forward and step harder!

Beware, insidious enemy!

One-two! Do not snooze!

Sing the song out loud!

Children sing a song "Good Soldiers" (music by A. Filippenko).

And here's a riddle for you guys:

He guards the border

He knows and knows everything.

In all matters, the soldier is an excellent student

And it's called... (border guard)

And to become border guard, to serve in our valiant Army, we must become strong, dexterous and courageous! Let's show our skill in games and contests!

Competition "THE BORDER"

Children are divided into two teams. A rope is placed in the middle of the site, marking the border. Whistle commands start "rewind" balloons into enemy territory.

Whoever has more balls in the territory, he lost.

Attention game "BATTLE ALARM"

On command "Combat Alert" each team is built in a line, on command "Disperse" everyone disperses, under command "Step march", everyone is built in a column and marching.


A circle is drawn on the site. Blindfold balloon fight while standing in a circle. Whoever did not stay in the circle, he lost.


Throwing balls at a target. Who is bigger?


All participants put matchboxes on their shoulders. They must wear them without dropping them. Who kept all shoulder straps - won.


Children take part in this competition. Children put caps on their heads. The task is to remove the cap from the other, but at the same time keep your own on the head - not to give it away.

Guys, grow up strong, courageous and noble, a worthy change border guards.

Soldiers guard

And life, and the world, and work,

So let all the guys

They grow up happy!

Let the sun shine bright

And don't let the guns roar

Peace, people, native country

Always protect the soldier!

For everything we have now.

For our every happy hour

For the fact that the sun shines on us ...


Thanks to the brave soldiers.

Grow up, guys, healthy and strong for the joy of everyone!

Children launch balloons into the sky.

Related publications:

Purpose: to create a positive emotional environment, the development of the desire to have fun and bring joy to peers. Tasks:.

Scenario of the holiday "Victory Day" Children enter the hall to the music of D. Tukhmanov "Victory Day". The drummers are ahead. Host: May 9 is the day of our glorious Victory. All today.

Scenario of the holiday "Victory Day - the most important day!" Children of the senior and preparatory groups go to the chairs, two leaders come out. Host 1: Victory! Victory! Great word, Glory in it.

I would like to bring to your attention a photo report on the work of the circle "Young friend of the border guard". This academic year has been very interesting and informative.

Summary of the lesson “Defender of the Fatherland Day. The work of the border guard»"Defender of the Fatherland Day. The work of the border guards. Tasks: to consolidate, systematize and generalize the knowledge of children about the Russian army - reliable.

The room intended for the evening must be decorated in a lyrical style. The stage is decorated with tulips and lilacs, in the foyer there is an exhibition of drawings on border theme .

It would be nice to hold a photo exhibition called "Pages - Borders" before the holiday, which will certainly become an adornment of the festive event.

Before the start of the celebration, music sounds - compositions on the border theme.

Leaders appear on the stage. They sing the song to the music from the song "Good evening" .

- Hello, dear friends!

- Hello, dear guests!

-Today we have gathered in this wonderful hall to congratulate our dear ones on their professional holiday. border guards !

- And also cute border guards!

(The motive of the border waltz sounds).

“Today I say these words with great pride:

(Reads a congratulatory poem addressed to the border guards).

- On this day, it is especially pleasant to see smiling, familiar faces, which on ordinary everyday life we ​​often see as serious and strict.

- I don't quite agree with you. It seems to me that even on weekdays, our dear border guards illuminate the world with their smiles, making it kinder and happier.

- Well, to raise the mood even more, we give the floor to the commander of our military unit. (The head of the HF speaks).

We are all one big border family.

- We do not look at ranks or titles.

- We were bound by military fate.

- And our border calling.

The hosts leave the stage to the sound of the first musical chords.

The compositions "Border Spring", "Officers of the Border" sound.

Also, in the concert, you can use any songs of the border theme, performed by participants in amateur performances.

Not a single holiday can pass without congratulations, and therefore, between the performances of artists, the hosts must give the floor to the guests of the celebration.

- Our dear men, thank you so much for so many beautiful and kind words that you said to us today. Now we know for sure that you remember us not only on holidays March 8 .

And although today's holiday concerns everyone who is somehow connected with the border, we still believe that first of all it is yours, our strong, courageous, gentle, reliable, real men - our dear border guards !

- There are many legends about male friendship, but it is special for a border guard. Perhaps that is why they say: "The border brotherhood is strong."

(Some songs about friendship and friends sound).

- Today we celebrate our professional holiday, but what kind of holiday is it without jokes, humor and laughter.

To the sounds of a balalaika or button accordion, amateur ditty players come out on stage, dancing, in elegant costumes. For this number, you can prepare special decorations of rustic color: sunflowers, a bench, a wattle fence. It is desirable to dilute the costumes with elements of the border form: trousers, a cap, a tunic.

This is followed by the musical part of the evening, guests have the opportunity to relax a little, dance to lyrical compositions. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age of the guests in the evening. The music does not have to be only modern, you can also use retro compositions.

Dances should alternate with competitions, you can play a lottery, the sale of which is arranged a few days before the celebration.

Winners will be pleasantly surprised by inexpensive souvenirs.

At the end of the evening, the hosts reappear on the stage.

- Dear border guards! This wonderful evening has come to an end. We were very happy to spend it with you!

Goodbye! See you soon!

Scenario of the ceremony

Location: Art. Tatsinskaya, Revolution Fighters Square.

The call signs of the holiday sound.

Epigraph. Sleep well, dear Russia,

Sons take care of your heart.
Day and night without closing your eyes,
They guard the border.

Leading. Of the many military holidays that the Russian people honor, Border Guard Day is a holiday of particular significance.

Leading. The words "border", "border guard" - each of us knows from childhood. We associate these concepts with courage, heroism, boundless devotion to our Fatherland.

Leading. The Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of May 28, 1918 established the Border Guard of the RSFSR. At the same time, the Main Directorate of the Border Guard was created, into which the officers of the former department of the separate corps of the Russian border guard passed in full force.

Leading. The successor of these structures was the Federal Border Service, established by Decree of the President of Russia on December 30, 1993.

Leading. The holiday - Border Guard Day was established by the Decree of the President of Russia in 1994 in order to revive the historical traditions of Russia and its border troops.

Leading. The holiday itself is aimed at demonstrating the combat power of this type of troops, as well as raising the morale of soldiers performing their duty to the Motherland and the state.

Leading. Happy holiday, dear border guards, the Head of the Tatsinsky rural settlement Vakulich Alexander Stepanovich congratulates you.

Congratulation of Vakulich A.S.

Leading. Basenko Igor Valeryevich, Chairman of the Council of the Border Troops of the Tatsinsky District.

Congratulations Basenko I.V.

Leading. Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Border Troops (calling).


Leading. Chairman of the Council of Veterans (calling).


Leading. Your life is one of danger and risk.
At outposts along the obelisk border

But you do not want a different fate.

In Russia, you are on the edge.

The song “On the Border” sounds (from the solution of the group “Night Snipers”).

Leading. It is deeply symbolic that your professional holiday is celebrated in a short period of time from your favorite national holiday - Victory Day.

It was from the heroic battles of the border outposts, on Sunday morning 1941, that the first steps were taken on the path to the great Victory. The frontier guards, every single one, showed unparalleled courage and heroism, stamina, courage. The professional skills and selfless devotion to the Motherland were shown by the border guards in the post-war years. Their students worthily continue the work of their mentors.

Leading. Today, the border troops make a significant contribution to ensuring security, protecting the economic and political interests of the country, strengthening friendship, good neighborliness and mutual understanding between peoples, reliably guarding the borders of our State.

Leading. Border guards - green caps,
In your business, do not make mistakes,
We should be doubly grateful to you:
You are in peacetime as in war,
Your service is out of danger and risk.

At outposts along the border - obelisks

They stand in a row like border posts.
But another you does not want fate.
Closer to the night, when it puts everyone to sleep,
Sometimes you pay with your life for silence,
But we are calm for our Motherland,
In Russia, you are on the edge.

There are songs about the army. The rally ends.

Voytyuk S., Krasnoyarsk Territory


Scenario of the Social Worker's Day

Before the evening starts, a brass band plays in the lobby.

The curtain is closed. 15.00. Fanfare sounds. Leaders come to the fore.

FIRST. Good evening!

SECOND. Hello!
The real fact cannot be denied
And the essence is not easy to explain,
What has become a lot of lonely
And the fact that it's getting worse for them to live ...

FIRST. However, holiness exists
And there is compassion in people,
And disinterestedness has not disappeared,
And mercy is uncountable.

SECOND. These verses are dedicated to you, who have chosen the profession of being merciful.

FIRST. The Decree of the President of Russia that every year on June 8 we celebrate the All-Russian Day of the Social Worker testifies to the elevation of mercy to the rank of the state policy of caring for fellow citizens, the need for society of your profession.

SECOND. Happy professional holiday!

The curtain opens. On the stage is the emblem of the social security service. Many colors. Stage clothes are white, festive. The stage space is organized in two plans. Brass band performs "Ceremonial March" by P. Tchaikovsky.

Leaders come out.

FIRST. This is the first congratulation to you, dear social workers, from the brass band under the direction of the honored cultural worker Mikhail Eidlin.

SECOND. And congratulations are just beginning! The word is given...

FIRST. Order received from the Ministry... (Reads)“For achieving the best performance in the organization of pension provision and social protection of the population, the badge “Honorary Worker of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation” is awarded ...” (surnames)

FIRST. Holiday greetings are continued by the folklore ensemble "Krasnoyarye".

Performance of the ensemble "Krasnoyarsk".

The host gives the floor to the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the region. Letters of appreciation and letters of appreciation from the AP are awarded.

The awarding procedure: the presenters name the names, the awarded ones rise to the stage, during their passage a short information about them is reported, smart girls take out certificates (letters) and flowers, officials hand them over.

SECOND. Today the Krasnoyarsk Children's Choir congratulates you on your professional holiday under the direction of the Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Lyudmila Stebenkova: "Wreath of Russian Songs".

Choir performance. Leaders come out.

FIRST. We will not be dishonest if we say that social workers in their problems always find support from the deputy governor of the region, Nadezhda Ivanovna Kolba. Nadezhda Ivanovna with honor and skillfully manages this most difficult, most problematic industry. According to her unofficial status, Nadezhda Ivanovna is social worker No. 1 and, of course, we invite her to the stage.

Speech by N. I. Kolb. Presentation of letters of thanks to governor (if any).

FIRST. The most expensive guests at our evening are veterans. Five medals and a gold medal of VDNKh of the USSR, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the Order of the Badge of Honor awarded the work of the head of the regional department of social security in the seventies - early eighties, Ivan Mikhailovich Senashov. Ivan Mikhailovich, your ability to educate personnel, your high gift of creative initiative and confidence in the success of your new business have laid a solid foundation!

SECOND. From social security to social protection. Life changed priorities, and in the early nineties, reforming the pension service, introducing a program-targeted approach, developing regional comprehensive programs and regional laws on various forms of social protection became the concern of Alexander Dmitrievich Tyugaev, who was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree in this post .

FIRST. You have passed the baton into safe hands!

SECOND. And more about veterans. N. V. Petruchen, T. L. Lozova, R. P. Gavrikova, who are known and remembered in the districts and cities of the region, passed from the student bench in the social security authorities, and then in the social protection authorities. The former head of the social security department of the Severo-Yenisei region, Petr Mikhailovich Narykin, is also present at the evening today.

Leading down from the stage to P. M. Narykin.

Pyotr Mikhailovich is from a generation that went through the war, which means from a generation of unbending ones. He writes poetry, and today we asked him to read one of his poems.

PM Narykin reads poetry about a military nurse. Veterans receive flowers.

FIRST. Sisters of Mercy is an old name of nurses and nurses since the last century. The name has changed, but the very essence of this work has not changed at all. Nina Semenovna Yakovleva (Sharypovsky boarding house), Maria Petrovna Efremova (Uyut dispensary), nurse Valentina Ivanovna Lopatina (Irbey boarding house) can be called sisters of mercy in our time ...

SECOND.“Our Hope” is the name of the nurses Nadezhda Nikolaevna Kozhukhova in the Tinsky boarding school and Nadezhda.

Melnichuk, putting a special meaning into this word - HOPE!

Veterans receive flowers.

FIRST. The life credo of Vera Kornilovna Gilgenberg, a nurse at the Social Rehabilitation Center: "Good for everyone - good for everyone." Vera Kornilovna turns 55 this year, and today she is also in this hall. Let the years not diminish your strength - people really need you.

SECOND. Congratulations on your professional holiday! Our congratulations are joined by the choreographic ensemble of the Slavica Technological Academy, artistic director Alexander Zuev.

Ensemble performance.

Leader exit.

FIRST. Statistics show that today 60% of the region's population needs some form of social protection.

SECOND. Professional credo of social workers: there is no another's grief! People come to this profession in different ways, but there are those who made the right choice. As Alla Dmitrievna Sukhikh was not mistaken 30 years ago, in the distant past she was a clerk, in the present she is the deputy head of the pension department of the Central District.

FIRST. And would the work of all institutions of the industry be so clear and professional if it were not for Olga Ivanovna Yuzhakova, deputy head of the computerization department of the regional administration. Thanks to her, over six hundred specialists have mastered the knowledge of the computer!

SECOND. The pain and misfortune of the 21st century is “unnecessary children”. What difficult and only known ways are social educators Galina Ivanovna Veshkina (Sayan Orphanage), Lilia Andreevna Loginova (Krasnoturansky Center for Assistance to Families and Children), educator Zinaida Alexandrovna Ritter (family group, Achinsk district) go to the hearts of children ...

FIRST. Thanks to all the social educators who warm up the fragile frozen sprouts and return them to life, faith and hope... Children are dancing for you - the Inspiration Ensemble, artistic director Lyudmila Burlakova.

Ensemble performance.

Exit Leading.

FIRST. Poems were composed about social workers and their wards.

Keep a close eye on new shoots

Seeing trouble - rush to the rescue.
Compassion for old age
This does not require much training.
Just a kind, pure soul is needed,
Without treachery, evil or envy.
Heart, at the sight of a defenseless face,
To shrink from pity.

SECOND. It's about you, Tatyana Mikhailovna Sokolova, Olga Grigoryevna Khamazina, Nina Grigoryevna Mankova, Tatyana Nikolaevna Kampur, Valentina Vasilievna Stavitskaya...

FIRST. If you ask Nadezhda Valentinovna Shelomentseva what her working day consists of, then most likely the answer will be: how it goes. Today - to help one person plant potatoes, tomorrow - to wash another ... And most importantly, everything must be done sincerely, without falsehood - otherwise they will be offended.

SECOND. Vera Anatolyevna Alekseeva, Galina Stanislavovna Tolstikova, Nina Vasilievna Sokolsky, Natalia Alekseevna Lykhina, who are also present in this hall today, are developing in the same way.

FIRST. We congratulate you on the holiday, and may your wards always be waiting for you, they will not be too capricious. As they say, old age is not a joy, but there is no substitute. You understand this sometimes better than your own children... Low bow to you. The ensemble of Russian song "Siberian Dawns" congratulates you. Artistic director, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Anatoly Khlopkov.

Ensemble performance.

Leader exit.

FIRST. There are people about whom they say: good work elevates any position. And the position of the laundry workers Lyubov Petrovna Shestakova (Shumovsky boarding house), Lyubov Evgrafovna Kuzmicheva (Regional orphanage), dishwashing Tamara Pavlovna Nekrasova (Shumovsky boarding house), cleaning lady Tamara Nikolaevna Kudryashova (Soviet District Assistance Center), and without them - nowhere. Because without them there is no order and comfort in the house ...

SECOND. How not to say kind words to Nikolai Venyaminovich Stashkov, who works in the Bolshemurtinsk boarding house in the winter - in the boiler room, in the summer - in the fields, Mikhail Yuryevich Bobylev (Kansky boarding house) ...

FIRST. Is it possible to forget on this day about the cooks Irina Borisovna Kartavenko (Achinsk shelter), Maria Mikhailovna Verevkina (Birilyu shelter "Luchik").

SECOND. People say: a good cook is worth a doctor...

FIRST. With a good cook - do not grieve to live. Here's your job! Thank you! People's honor at work flows. And the festive concert program is continued by the Assol vocal ensemble.

Ensemble performance. Block of songs in retro style.

The host behind the scenes announces the performance of the ensemble "Inspiration". Leader exit.

FIRST. On professional holidays, it is customary to take stock and look to the future.

SECOND. In the bodies of social protection of the population, 750 regional and municipal institutions have been created, in which about 10 thousand people work. As we have already said, the veterans passed the baton of their business into reliable hands. A person who has known this troubled industry for 10 years, heading the committee for interaction with the social sphere of the regional administration. And, finally, it is time to give the floor to Viktor Sumenovich Kim. I ask you to!

Speech by B.C. Kim. He reads out the order on the results of the work of the territorial bodies of social protection of the population, comments on it, congratulates on the holiday, awards.

FIRST. One of the signs of a humane and civilized society, which we strive to become in the new century, is the new attitude of society itself to social problems. Someone else's grief does not happen! – this should become a life credo not only not only for social workers, but for the whole society.

SECOND. And there are good signs for this. The work of social protection bodies would be simply impossible without cooperation with public and charitable organizations. We will name some of them.

FIRST. Regional Council of Veterans of War, Labor, Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies.

SECOND. Regional council of mothers of soldiers who died in Afghanistan.

FIRST. Regional public movement of veteran organizations and military-patriotic associations "Brother".

SECOND. Regional public organization of the All-Russian Society of the Blind.

FIRST. Regional branch of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf.

SECOND. Regional public organization of the All-Russian Society of the Disabled.

FIRST. Regional committee of the human rights movement "Soldiers' mothers and soldiers of Russia".

SECOND. Newspaper "Krasnoyarsk trade unions".

FIRST. And many, many others. Thanks! As they say, there would be reason and consent, and there would be grief from the mountain with a wheel!

SECOND. With the wish that grief from the mountain wheel, from all of us, from our children and the elderly, from our homeland of Russia - the well-known and beloved Krasnoyarsk ensemble "Yakhont".

Performance of the ensemble "Yakhont".

In the finale, the choir led by L. Stebenkova joins him, together they perform a song about Russia.

Leaders say goodbye.

FIRST. We wish all workers of social protection health!

SECOND. Let your hearts not get used to someone else's grief and someone else's misfortune, and patience and kindness, worldly wisdom and mercy will not run out in them. Goodbye!