
New Year's party in the second group of early age material (younger group) on the topic. Center for the preparation of teachers for certification 2 group of early development New Year's party


Children go to the hall to the music.

Vedas: Winter brought us a wonderful holiday,

The green Christmas tree came to the guys.

Let's take a look at the toys guys -

They hang everywhere to the very top!

(children look at the Christmas tree).

And for the Christmas tree today

We will start a round dance

They brought a green Christmas tree to the children

They put it in a corner, lit the lights

All the little guys became more fun

And they sang a song to their Christmas tree la la ....

The snow maiden comes

Snow Maiden: Hello, here I am! I am the Snow Maiden, friends!

presenter: Hello, Snow Maiden! We are glad to see you!

Snow Maiden: And I'm glad to be a guest at your holiday!

And now everyone is in a round dance,

have fun in New Year!

My dance is very simple

But cheerful, mischievous.

Is everyone ready to dance?

So you can start.

1. They ran more cheerfully near their Christmas tree.

2. We will raise our hands up, we will clap the loudest.

What a fun dance we get!

  1. Heels knock, yes knock, oh what a cheerful knock.

What a fun dance we get!

  1. We want to spin, we do not stand still.

What a fun dance we get!

Children stand in a round dance near the Christmas tree and perform movements in the course of the dance.

Snow Maiden:

As a gift, I brought you magic rings!

Takes out rings


Snow Maiden:

I walk around the room, show everyone the rings.

I'll throw them, look, come on, kids, catch!

The Snow Maiden makes a smooth wave and scatters them in different directions. Children collect rings and put them on the Snow Maiden's hand. The game is played 2 times.

Children bring rings to the Snow Maiden and sit on chairs

The Snow Maiden looks under the Christmas tree and finds shoes

Snow Maiden: Look, guys, what boots! Whose boots are these, do you know?

Maybe one of the kids lost them…. show your legs. (Children stick out their legs)

Snow Maiden: No, these boots are not yours.

Snow Maiden: Maybe these are my boots? Let me put them on.

the Snow Maiden leans down, at this time a snowball is flying from behind the screen

Snow Maiden: Guys, are you throwing snowballs?

More snow is flying from behind the screen

Snow Maiden: Who is naughty here? Come on, get out quickly!

A BUNNY with a bucket of snowballs appears from behind the screen to the music


I, guys, Bunny, Jumping Bunny!

I'm not a simple bunny, but a cheerful, mischievous one!

Snow Maiden:

Why are you being naughty, throwing snowballs at kids?


I really wanted to play with you

At the Christmas tree is elegant greet the new year!

Snow Maiden: What kind of bucket do you have? I wonder what's in it?


Here for the kids - snow-white balls.

and now don't yawn play with snowballs

Kids, look for snowballs, and quickly bring them to the bucket!

Children collect snowballs and put them in a bucket.

The Snow Maiden gives the bucket to the Bunny.

SONG "Clap, clap ..."

Clap-clap, clap-clap, clap hands

Tiny legs twirled.

Top-top, top-top, Boots stomp,

Little feet twirled.

Bright, bright stars shine

And we will run - Heels sparkle.

Snow Maiden: Bunny, did you accidentally lose your boots?

Bunny: No, I didn't lose! Oh, I have to go to the forest, we will also play snowballs. Goodbye! (runs away)

Snow Maiden: (points to the chest under the tree)

Oh guys, look what's that chest? It must have been Santa Claus who left it for us! Let's see what's in it! (takes out the beard of Santa Claus, asks the children what it is, gives them to touch, the answers of the children, and so on). Let's Natalya Mikhailovna (tutor) will measure the beard of Santa Claus, now a hat, fur coat, mittens. (The teacher puts on a Santa Claus costume). Look, a miracle happened! Natalya Mikhailovna has turned into Santa Claus!

D. Moroz: Hello guys!

Children: Hello Dedushka Moroz!

D. Moroz:

How glad I am! I am so glad that I got to your kindergarten!

Oh, I want to have fun, spin around the Christmas tree!

Get in the circle soon, start the round dance!

DANCE WITH SANTA FROST "We're going to the left now..."

Santa Claus goes to the holiday

In a red hat in felt boots

He brings gifts

For little kids

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, where are the gifts for the kids?

Father Frost: What did I do old, I forgot gifts in the forest!

Now I'm going to get it. And don't get bored here! (leaves)

Vedas: Children, let's play with Santa Claus! Let's hide from him!

Game "Hide and Seek"

The presenter and the Snow Maiden hold a light blanket (a blue silk fabric decorated with snowflakes, the children hide behind it.

Music, Santa Claus comes in. The bag was placed under the tree.

Father Frost: And here I come to you with gifts! Where are these kids going? (Comes with the cover) Maybe they are here?

Vedas: No, Santa Claus, kittens live here! Hear the meow! (children meow)

(Santa Claus walks around on the other side)

Father Frost: Maybe here?

Vedas: No, dogs live here! Hear the bark! (children bark)

(Santa Claus is still looking for)

Father Frost: Maybe here?

Vedas: No, mice live here! Look how they squeak! (children squeak pee pee)

Father Frost: Well, no, you will not deceive me! Here are my kids! (opens cover) How I missed you! Now I'll play with you - I'll catch all the guys quickly! (children run to chairs)

Oh, how fast everyone! I didn’t catch up with anyone, I was just tired myself, I felt hot, blow on me, otherwise I’ll melt! (children blow) It's still hot, because I'm Frost, I need snow! Snow-snowball, come soon, my friend!


(music, adults throw up finely chopped rain)

Here is my gift bag! (pulls the bag to the middle)

I will treat everyone with a gift! I won't miss anyone!


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 28 "Rosinka"

Scenario children's New Year's party"Christmas tree holiday"

in a group early age



2014-2015 academic year G.

Characters: hare, fox, Santa Claus,
(quiet music sounds, children look at the Christmas tree)

AT - Light up the tree,
Call us for a holiday!
Fulfill all desires
Make all your dreams come true.

(Christmas tree lights up)

Brighter, brighter let it sparkle
Christmas tree with golden lights
Happy New Year
Both big and small!

Come closer guys. Look at the Christmas tree, how beautiful it is, elegant. The lights are on her.
Let's sing a song for our Christmas tree!

Song - "Little Tree"

AT- The fairy tale begins again
After all, winter has come to us again
Everything is dressed in white snow
And miracles happen

Very loud snow crunches
Someone is in a hurry to the Christmas tree

(A bunny runs out to the music)

W- I am a cheerful bunny, a bunny is a jumper!
You didn't come here in vain...
Hello my friends!
I made my way to kindergarten
Through fields and forests
And on the Christmas tree, a miracle Christmas tree,
I want to see myself!

(Walks around the Christmas tree, examines it)

W- Your tree is so beautiful.
And amazingly elegant.

AT- Bunny stay with us,
Have fun and have fun

W- I would stay even now,
Isn't there among you
cunning sister -
Red fox?

AT- You, bunny, calm down,
Don't be afraid of anyone
Look how good
Kids are kids!
- Hurry out
And dance with the bunny

Dance "Winter Dance"

AT- Ouch. Guys, hush, hush
I think I hear something
To us here sneaks deftly
A very redhead
The tail is fluffy, beautiful..

W- Ouch! Yes, it's a fox!
I'll hide behind the tree
green needle

(The hare hides, the fox runs in)

L- Hello kids,
Girls and boys!
I am a fox, a red tail!
I'll get up closer to the Christmas tree (sniffs)
- It smells like a hare ... Just like that!
So you have a rabbit here?
But where are his friends?
Bunny hid from me
I'll sit by the tree
I'm pretending to be asleep!

(The fox "falls asleep", a hare appears)

W- What do I see? There's a fox!
That's so miracle miracles
Hey you fox! Silent
Is he sleeping soundly?
(brags) - They say that bunnies are cowards and smarties
I'm not afraid of anyone: neither a bear, nor a fox
I am the bravest in the forest!
Hey fox, open your eyes, I call you to fight!

L- A-a-a, got it! You are just what I need
Quickly eat you for dinner!

W- Don't scare the fox!
Catch me first!

L- Children, do not yawn,
Play with us!

Game "Fox and Hares"
To the meadow, to the path
Quietly falling snowflakes smooth hand movements
Bunnies dance in the snow
Our beggar bunnies jump on 2 legs

Bunny paws warm
And clap your hands clap your hands
These are the bunnies
Our bunnies are jumpers

And they saw a fox
Immediately the bunnies ran away
After all, they are bunny cowards
Our bunnies are jumpers

L- What? I again failed to catch up with you
Well, clever people live in this garden

AT- To us for the New Year's holiday
Santa Claus is coming today
Will sing and dance with us
Give gifts to everyone!

L- What is Frost?
Answer the question!

W- This grandfather is funny
With a long white beard!
He knows a lot of jokes
And he plays with the kids!

L- Where is Santa Claus? Gone!
Didn't get to our Christmas tree

- Don't hang your nose!
Let's shout: "Santa Claus!"
(Children call D.M. music sounds, he enters)

D. M.- Hello, my good ones!
oh how pretty you are
All ruddy yes okay
I am a cheerful Santa Claus
Your New Year's guest
Don't hide your nose from me
I am kind today!

AT- The tree glows, sparkles
Let's have fun kids
Snow swirls and flies -
He invites us to dance.

Dance of the Sugar Bunnies

D. M.- Well done boys!
And now the mischievous
Read some poetry.

(Children read poems by D. M.)

Tyoma: Our Christmas tree is beautiful!
The kids really like it.
Christmas tree hung branches
She's having a lot of fun today

Danya: Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree
prickly needle
You have snow on the branches
You are slimmer and taller than everyone

Ilya: Children lead a round dance
Clap your hands
Hello Dedushka Moroz!
You are so good!

Olya: Our tree is big
Our tree is high
Above dad, above mom
Reaches up to the ceiling

Egor: Kind Santa Claus
Came to us for the evening
How happy is everyone
New Year's meeting!

D. M.- And now the kids
I have a game for you

AT We won't freeze
Let's have fun playing
Let's clap our hands
Let's stomp our feet

Dance game "Frost and wind in the yard"

D. M. Thank you friends
Made me happy!

W- Everything around is white-white
There has been a lot of snow

(L. Takes out snowballs in a bucket)

L. Dismantle all the snowballs
And throw them at each other!

Game "Snowballs"

AT- We had a lot of fun playing!
And not at all tired!
Everything is silver today
And sparkle and sparkle

L- In the New Year, in the New Year
W- Children are waiting for gifts!

D. M. You, friends, brought gifts ...
A blizzard howled, snow circled
I dropped gifts

L.- Well well! That's it!
What are we to do now?

D. M. - We will go around the Christmas tree,
Maybe we can find them there!
(music sounds, everyone goes around the Christmas tree)

W- Where are the gifts? They are not visible!
L- What to do?
AT- How embarrassing!
D. M.- We'll tinker a little
Let's blow snowflakes!
We will shovel snow under the tree ...
And we will find gifts there!

(give gifts to children)

D. M.- Goodbye kids!
It's time to leave!
Well, in next year I will visit you!

AT.– Happy New Year everyone!
With new happiness!

Scenario new year holiday in the early age group

The script was written by the music director

MBDOU No. 10 JV "Rodnichok" Timoshenko L.A.

Target : the formation of interest in the traditional Russian holiday "New Year"

Tasks: develop the emotional responsiveness of children, encourage them to actively participate in entertainment;

to create a cheerful, festive mood in children.



fox (child senior group)

Bear (child of the senior group)

Santa Claus (voiced toy)

Children to the music enter the group

Presenter: Guys, look how beautiful our group is. Soon to be the most fun party- New Year. Santa Claus will come to us and put gifts under the Christmas tree. We just don't have Christmas trees! Where will Santa Claus put the gifts? What to do? Invented! We'll go to winter forest and find a tree. Let's hit the road!

Musical and motor game "Into the forest behind the Christmas tree"

(at the end of the game, the teacher puts the Christmas tree in the center of the group)

Presenter: Look: our Christmas tree has green needles.
You smell - odorous,
(inhale aroma)
You touch - prickly, (touch) Ay! (
play a few times)

This is how we have a Christmas tree - to everyone's surprise.

How decorated it is - just a feast for the eyes!

Let's start a cheerful round dance,

Let's sing a song about the Christmas tree!

The song "Beads hang on the Christmas tree"

Presenter: Our Christmas tree is so beautiful, we need to invite our friends - forest animals to the holiday. They will be very happy to have fun at the Christmas tree. Let's clap our hands loudly, the animals will hear that we have a holiday and come to us.

(clapping ... .. Bunny appears to the music)

Fox enters (a girl from the senior group)

Fox: Hello guys. And then I think who is in the forest having fun, dancing and singing songs.
Presenter: Lisonka, we are celebrating the New Year!
Fox: Do you want me to sing my song to you?
I'm a fox, I'm a sister, I can't hear you walking
Early in the morning, out of habit, she went hunting
(goes behind the tree, hides)

Presenter: Let's, while the fox is gone, let's jump in the clearing in front of the Christmas tree.

(children jump like bunnies, Chanterelle peeps out and claps her hands, children run away)

Presenter: Stop Lisonka, today is a holiday, our children and bunnies should not be offended. Better yet, dance with them near the elegant Christmas tree.

Dance "One, two - clap your hands"

(sit down)

Presenter: Guys, let's clap our hands again, maybe someone else will come to visit us?

Bear comes out (child of the senior group)

presenter : - Hello Mishka !!


Hi Hi!

It's good that you didn't forget

I was invited to the party.

I just love to sleep

And please don't bother me!

(The bear lies down under the tree and snores. A game is played with the bear)

presenter : Our Bear fell asleep! What to do? Let's wake up the bear!

Mishka, Mishka, why are you sleeping so long?

Mishka, Mishka, why are you snoring like that?

Bear, Bear, Bear, get up!

Mishka, Mishka, play with us!

(Bear growls,children run away. The bear walks, looking for children, saying: “Who sang songs here? Didn't let the bear sleep?

When Mishka falls asleep again, the song repeats,

Presenter: Stop Bear, today is a holiday, our children should not be offended. Better yet, sing a Christmas tree song with us!

(children, Chanterelle and Bear sing a song, then the animals dance)

Song "Little Christmas Tree"

Dance of the Beasts

Bear and Fox: For your fun, we have a treat for you. Here (shows snowballs)

We tried so hard, sculpted, pleased with the treat?

Presenter: What are you, we don’t eat snow ... Don’t be upset, let’s play snowballs better, we’ll leave them.

Game "Snowballs"

Presenter: Something Santa Claus is not coming. Probably got lost. Let's sing a song, he will hear and hurry to us for the holiday.

The song "Who is this - Santa Claus"

Presenter: Oh guys, who appeared under our Christmas tree ... well, this is Grandfather Frost!

(considering D.M)

Presenter: Grandpa, and our children know a song about you. Do you want to listen?

The song "Santa Claus brought a Christmas tree to the children"

Presenter: Santa Claus brought gifts for everyone. Come on Mishka and Fox, help distribute gifts!

(characters give gifts to children)

Presenter: Here is the New Year's Eve

It's time for us to finish.

Much happiness to you today

We wish you kids!

May it always be under this tree

There is loud laughter.

All: Happy New Year

Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

Scenario New Year's party in the 2nd group of early age

The kids go to the music. Hall.
Leading: What kind of guest came to us?
So elegant and slim
How the toys shine on her ...
Here's an icicle of ice
And on the very top -
Five-winged star!
This is our Christmas tree
Prickly needle!
Around the Christmas tree, kids,
We will go slowly.
Hey guest! Hey tree!
How good is that!
Do you want the tree
Did you light your fires?
Then all together cheerfully loudly say to the Christmas tree one, two, three Christmas tree burn! does not burn. Let's blow on the Christmas tree, clap our hands, stomp our feet and once again say all together cheerfully loudly one, two, three Christmas tree burn! (Christmas tree lights up)
Christmas tree game
Clap, clap, say: "Our Christmas tree, burn!"
And the heels will stomp - and the lights will go out. (2-3 times)
The Christmas tree blinks with colored eyes,
Invites children to dance around him.
Song "Little Christmas Tree"
Kids, don't make noise
And sit quietly.
Hear the snow crunches
Someone is in a hurry to visit us!

Music sounds, Petrushka enters:
I am a fun toy
And my name is Petrushka.
I don't sit still
Legs in a hurry to dance.
Hey guys get out
And dance with me.
Parsley begins to dance, children dance with him.
why are you so smart today?
Leading: we have parsley today holiday.
Parsley: what kind of holiday is that? I love holidays.
Children answer with the teacher: New Year!
Then let's not yawn!
We will play with you
Let's jump to the music from a flash drive
Leading: Now we have a zama, I play snowballs in winter,
on a sleigh from a hill I ride
making a snowman in winter
I love winter very much.
We don't have slides in the hall. there is no snow either, but I found snowballs, let's play snowballs
1 snowball game scatter snowballs kids collects (muses how the white snow fell)
I'll throw snowballs high. Snowballs will fly far. And the guys will collect them and bring them to me in a bucket.
Well, if the hands freeze, we will clap, if the legs freeze, we will stomp.
What was warmer for us, come out to dance soon.
The game "we'll warm up a little"
Leading: Look here.
Whose glove is this?
Who walked by the Christmas tree
And lost her here?
Maybe it's a fox, maybe a mischievous squirrel, maybe a gray wolf with a toothy?
Whose glove is this?
Parsley, whose mitten do you think it is? Parsley answers.
Of course, this is the mitten of Santa Claus. He must have dropped it. Let's call him to give the mitten and celebrate the New Year with him.
Together we call Santa Claus: Grandfather frost hey! Santa Claus!
Santa Claus: Hey, I'm coming, I'm coming!
Hello guys!
I was in a hurry to celebrate with you!
I wish you happiness, health and strength!
Almost fell into a snowdrift on the way!
But it looks like he showed up just in time!
I lost my mitten on the way, did you see it? (children answer)
And here is my mitten. (trying to take the mitten from the floor, the parsley pulls it by the thread around the Christmas tree. As a result, Santa Claus catches the mitten) that's who joked with me Petrushka, the mischievous one.
Parsley: Hello Dedushka Moroz. I’m a parsley, a fun toy, I can’t sit still, I want to have fun. It was fun.
Father Frost. Since you can’t sit still, I propose to circle. The New Year is coming! Get into the round dance! (General free dance.)
Father Frost. Oh, I'm growing! Hot.
Presenter: get up guys, spin around like snowflakes, blow on Santa Claus so that he does not melt. (circling, waving, blowing). Let's sing a song about him to Santa Claus, then he definitely won't melt.
Song: "Santa Claus, Santa Claus brought a Christmas tree to the children"
Father Frost: what good fellows, you know how to dance and sing. And now my friends will give gifts to me.
Leading: Thank you Santa Claus for bringing us gifts.
Father Frost: and now I have to go. Goodbye kids.
Presenter: and it's time for us guys to say goodbye to the parsley Christmas tree, and go to the group.

New Year's holiday "Yolochka" for young children (1.5-3 years old).

Material Description: The material will be of interest to educators and music directors when organizing a New Year's party with younger children preschool age.
Target: Creation festive mood in children.
1. Disclose Creative skills children through different kinds musical activity.
2. Promote the development of positive emotions.
3. Involve children in New Year traditions kindergarten.
Characters: Presenter, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden - adult roles.
Children: parsley boys, snowflake girls.
Decor: the hall is festively decorated.
Attributes: rattles according to the number of children, Frost's mitten, put a bell inside under the Christmas tree, snowballs in a box for playing.

To the calm music of "Waltz", together with the Host, dressed-up children enter the hall: girls - snowflakes, boys - parsley.

Leading:“Having spread its needles, the tree shines with beauty
How many balls, toys, cones, stars, crackers are here,
We need to consider the Christmas tree, let's stand in a circle soon guys.
(stand in a circle in front of the Christmas tree)
Leading:"Snowing! Snowing! Hello New Year's Eve!
The Christmas tree will sparkle, we will blink with lights.
Let's sing a song to the Christmas tree, let's start our round dance!
Round dance "Little Christmas tree"(sit on chairs)
Leading: Look here! Whose glove is this?
(The presenter draws attention to the mitten of Santa Claus under the tree).
Grandfather Frost was walking by the Christmas tree and lost his mitten.
(takes the bell out of the mitten)

Bell, help Santa Claus call! ( ringing).
Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden enter to cheerful music.
Father Frost:"Hello children! You recognized Santa Claus. I came to you together with the Snow Maiden. How nice and bright it is here. Am I in kindergarten?
Snow Maiden:“Today is a holiday for the guys! All the people are having fun.
It's New Year's Eve!"
Father Frost:"That's right, that's right! New Year! The tree is calling us.
We will sing a song to her now, we will have fun together.
One, two, three - well, the Christmas tree is on fire!
(strike with a staff, turn on the lights on the Christmas tree, children stand in a round dance)
They sing the song "Holiday Tree".
Santa Claus sees a mitten in the hands of the Host.

Father Frost: The glove has been found! Yesterday she was in the snow.
Leading: I'll give you my mitten if you dance for us. Come on, granddaughter, help me.
Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are dancing the Gopachok dance.

Father Frost: Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit, I'll look at the guys.
Leading: Hey, parsley - well done, bells on top. Well, come out to the Christmas tree and dance at the Christmas tree.
(The presenter distributes rattles to parsley)
Petrushka dance with rattles
Snow Maiden: I'm a Snow Maiden girl came to you for a holiday,
She brought jokes and fun with her.
Like light fluffs, white snowflakes are circling.
Dance with me, near the forest tree.
dance "Snowflakes and Snow Maiden"

Father Frost: Children, do you want to play snowballs? "Snowball game"
Good in winter. Is it true?
The kids are so excited for winter! Sledges, skis, it's snowing,
Christmas tree, holiday - New Year. They perform the song "Yolka".
Surprise moment. Leading Grandfather Frost, did you bring gifts?

Father Frost: Here they are, in a bag. Oh, oh, oh! At the very bottom, Grandfather Frost folded, he did not forget about the gifts. ( Distributes treats with the Snow Maiden)

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka: Goodbye, kids, it's time to say goodbye!
Leading: Come visit us in a year, we will be very glad to see you!

New Year's music sounds, the children leave the hall.

"The evening is magical, sparkling snow.
Music, songs and laughter are heard!
The smell of candles and many stars
Faith, the holiday brought hope!
Elena Makarova

A wonderful holiday goes to every home!
I wish you Merry Christmas!
Let good and successful
There will be a coming year!
May goodness, warmth and joy,
An angel will bring to your house!

Christmas (P. Sinyavsky)
In the realm of frost and snow
Crystal gardens blossomed.
To our window from the festive sky
The light of the Christmas star is pouring.
In every tower, in every light
The golden-winged angel has arrived,
He lit the Christmas tree
And looked at us with a smile.
We dream on Christmas Eve
A string of holiday miracles
The Lord Himself in wonderful garments
Coming down to you and me from heaven.
Near the Christmas tree again a celebration,
Christmas! Christ's Christmas.