
Synopsis of a winter walk in the senior group “Observation of seasonal changes. Synopsis of a fragment of a walk: “Let's help the birds in winter” in the senior group Synopsis of a walk in the senior group in winter



- to form ideas about changes in nature at the beginning of winter (the night grows, and the day decreases);

- to teach to distinguish the characteristic signs of the beginning of winter, to recognize their signs in poems.

Progress of observation

What is outside the window?

Light up in the house!

This snow lies like a carpet,

The very first, the whitest!

That's what I've been whistling about all night

Wind outside my window!

He wanted to talk about snow

And about the fact that he met the winter.

Dressed up and mountain ash

In white festive outfit,

Only clusters at the top

They burn brighter than before.

The teacher makes riddles for the children, talks about signs.

♦ Flowed, flowed and lay under the glass. (Water.)

♦ Without arms, without legs, but climbs into the hut. (Freezing.)

♦ December ends the year - winter begins.

♦ Warm winter to cold summer.

♦ The sun warms in summer and freezes in winter.

White, cold winter came to earth. Forest drowned in snow. With the onset of winter, it became even colder than in autumn. The sky is almost always covered with clouds. It's not raining, it's snowing. Snow covered the ground, roofs of houses, tree branches. Streams, wild rivers, lakes were frozen. The more snow falls on the ground, the better the plants will grow. Snow protects them from frost. The day is getting shorter and the night longer.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What month does December follow?

♦ What season is November?

♦ How has the general appearance of the site changed since autumn?

♦ Why are tree roots covered with snow?

♦ How do people dress in winter and autumn?

Labor activity

Covering tree roots with snow.

Target: educate the desire to help living objects.

Outdoor games

"Get in the hoop", "Pair run".

Target: continue to learn to run in pairs, throw snowballs at the target.

Individual work

Gliding exercises.

Target: learn to slide along ice paths from a running start.

Winter walk in the senior group kindergarten on the topic: "Snow - snowball"

Material Description: the proposed summary will be useful to kindergarten teachers, methodologists and senior educators, educators of extended day groups and parents.
Target: creation social situation development in the process of cognitive - research activities"Snow is snow."
1. create conditions for children to express their opinion;
2. provide conditions for encouraging children to physical activity;
3. provide conditions for the development of independence;
4. create conditions to encourage children to speech activity;
5. create conditions for the development of creativity, imagination;
6. ensure the emotional well-being of children.
Organization of children's activities: communicative activity (communication of a child with an adult, peers), cognitive - research, play.
Material and equipment: glove puppet bear, cups of water, ice cubes.
Walk progress:
Organizing time:
Educator: Guys, please remind the poem that we learned about snow.
The children remember the poem.

Like snow on a hill, snow,
And under the hill snow, snow.
And on the tree snow, snow,
And under the tree snow, snow.
A bear sleeps under the snow.
Hush, hush... don't make noise!

The teacher takes out a doll - a bear glove and plays out a dialogue.
Bear: Indeed, all my relatives are sleeping, and I am a fabulous bear. Please tell me about winter, about snow.
Educator: Misha, take a walk with us, and you yourself will learn everything about the snow. And the guys will tell you everything about the winter.
Children's answers.
Main part:
An asterisk circled
A little in the air
Sat and melted
On my palm. (Snowflake)

What is a Snowflake? What are the shapes of snowflakes? How does she get to the ground? Where the snow melts faster - on a mitten or on a hand. Why? What is formed from snow?
Experiment with snow.
Educator: Guys, there is water on the table. Dip the snow into the water. What do you see?
Children's answers. He doesn't drown.
Output: snow is lighter than water.

Educator: Guys, let's imagine that we are small snowflakes and fly a little. Little Snowflake flew, swaying high above the ground. The wind playfully pushed her in different directions, then drove it, then froze, making it possible to enjoy the height. The snowflake danced in flight and admired the intricacies of its beautiful rays. It seemed that this journey was endless, but she sank down on the soft snow of hundreds of thousands of such snowflakes, just like her, and froze.
What wonderful and different snowflakes turned out. Snowflakes flew and flew and fell to the ground. Like a white duvet covered the ground, trees, houses, everything around became white-white.

Not washed, but shiny
Not fried, but crispy. (Snow.)

Invite the children to walk in the snow and listen to how it crunches.
Educator: White snowflakes fall, fall on the ground and roofs of houses. They look like white stars. You can catch and examine them, but you can not try. Sometimes they roll together and fall to the ground in large flakes. Sometimes a cold wind breaks white stars, turning them into fine white dust. Snowflakes are formed in clouds from small ice crystals. In winter, they descend like sparkling stars to the ground and cover it with snow. When it's cold, the snow creaks underfoot. It's the rays of the snowflakes breaking. Snow refers to countless snowflakes.

What color are snowflakes? What do they look like? What happens if you breathe on a snowflake caught on a mitten? What causes snow dust? Where, how and why do snowflakes form? Why does the snow crunch? What does he feel like? When is snow wet and when is it dry? What kind of snow is easier to sculpt? Why? What is snow?
(Children answer)
Everyone is running,
Everyone wants to play snowballs.
Snowball - on a snowball.
Everything was covered in snow. (Snowball game)

- Puzzles:
1. Fluffy carpet
Not hand-woven,
Not sewn with silk,
With the sun, with the moon
Shines with silver (Snow)

2. With frost, blizzard and snow,
The Winter Wizard will come.
And all the rivers and lakes
Will cover the slippery thick ... (Ice)

3. Caught on the eaves,
Head hanging down.
Little acrobat,
Winter candy - ... (Icicle)

4. Powdered the tracks,
Decorated the windows.
Gave joy to children
And she rode on a sled. (Winter)

5. They made me humpbacked,
I was beaten, beaten,
Doused with ice water.
And then they all rolled down
From my hump in a herd. (Ice hill)

Independent play activity. Riding down the hill on ice sleds.

On a stump by an old spruce
White bunnies were sitting.
- What would we like to do?
- Brothers argued sadly.
- And we played in the snow,
And ride up the hill!
Let's maybe
Sculpt a snow woman!
Exactly! Got down to business
And the work is in full swing! Children make snowmen.

Educator: What wonderful snowmen! Everyone did a good job today, and now it's time to return to the group.

Snowflakes fly and spin
And quietly fall to the ground.
When they fall, they fall asleep
And they close the earth.


- to teach to see the beautiful, to distinguish the characteristic signs of winter, to recognize them in literary texts, poems;

- to consolidate the ability to perceive the description of patterns on the window.

Progress of observation

An amazing artist visited the window,

An amazing artist painted a window for us:

Palm trees, ferns, maples - the forest is dense on the window.

Only white, not green, all shiny, not plain.

There are flowers and leaves on the glass - everything sparkles, everything is white.

But without paints and without a brush the glass is painted.

A wonderful artist visited the window.

Guess, guys, who painted the window? (Freezing.)

It got very cold during the night. It's a frosty morning. Some amazing drawings appeared on the glasses during the night. The snow pattern on the windows is beautiful both on a sunny day and on a cloudy one.

Why do snow patterns appear on the window? How does frost draw them? Transparent water vapor, which is always in the air. There is also between the frames. Warm water vapor settles on the cold glass windows and turns into ice crystals, connecting with each other. Ice particles are grouped on irregularities, on barely noticeable scratches of glass, and an icy garden with unusual flowers gradually grows on the window.

Labor activity

Filling colored water buildings on the site.

Target: develop teamwork skills.

Outdoor games

"Don't Stay on the Floor", "Oncoming Runs".

Target: continue to learn to run and jump without bumping into a friend.

Individual work


Target: learn to perform turns on the spot and on the move, climb the hill with a ladder and descend from it in a low stance.

marina mashitlova

perspective walking in the senior group« Winter»

Synopsis of organizing a walk in the senior group No. 3 on the topic: « Winter»

Structural Components walks:

1. Preparation for walk: create interest; game methods; motivation for children's activities walk.

2. Dressing: sequence, exit to walk. Introductory part.

3. Observations on walk for animate and inanimate nature.

4. Outdoor games A: 2 games of great mobility; 2 games of low and medium mobility; games for children.

5. Work on the site: motivation of children's activities; determination of the scope of work; equipment cleaning.

6. Return from walks: games; free activities of children.

Target: Increase children's motivation and interest in walk.


Development of communication skills. - Development of imagination, memory, speech and speech expressiveness, - Expansion and refinement of the dictionary.

The ability to observe the environment.

Ability to play team games.

Development of general motor skills.

Development of optical-spatial relations.

Involvement of children in labor activity.


- Draw the attention of children to the beauty of winter nature;

To consolidate children's knowledge of winter phenomena in nature;

- expand children's ideas about trees growing on the site (birch, spruce, highlighting their characteristic features and changes associated with the season;

- to consolidate knowledge about trees, the names of parts of a tree, the ability to solve riddles, recognize spruce and birch by characteristic features that distinguish it from other trees;

- expand children's horizons and vocabulary (lentil, needle)

To form the concept of a snowflake and its properties. Teach children to notice the beauty of this natural object.

-activation of the dictionary: sparkles, glitters, light, cold, small.

- introduce children to Russian folk culture;

- foster respect for nature.

Mobile game.

- To improve the ability of children to play outdoor games;

- To consolidate the ability to run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to act in the game according to the text;

- develop speed of running and coordination of movements;

- Cultivate the habit of playing together;

Didactic game.

- Develop mindfulness, logical thinking.

Individual work.

- develop fine motor skills;

- build self-confidence.

Development of optical-spatial relations.

vocabulary work: lentil, needles, needles, coniferous tree, deciduous tree.

Labor activity.

- Strengthen the ability to work together, distribute responsibilities among themselves;

- to develop in children the desire to help each other;

- develop a sense of responsibility for the assigned task.

preliminary work

Conversations: “Winter ", “December is the first winter month”, “October is the second month of autumn”, “Birch is a symbol of Russia”, “Forest beauty”, “Signs of winter”, "Wintering Birds", "The work of adults", "Rules of Conduct for walk» , "We are best friends"

View presentations for children on topic: "Seasons", « Winter» , Living and non-living nature in winter site of ready-made presentations

Poems: This fashionista is forest (I. Semenova, verses by S. Marshak from the book "All year round". (excerpt, "Snowflakes are spinning in the frosty air". (N. Nishcheva)

Folk word - proverbs, sayings, riddles.

Didactic games: “Say the word”, “What time of year?”, “What, what, what?”, “Finish the sentence”,

Outdoor games: "Frost - Red Nose", <<Снежинки>>, <<Съедобное - несъедобное>>.

Learning the rules holding breathing exercises and vision correction exercises.

Remote material: bird food, feeder, hoops, balls, paper snowflakes, shoulder blades.

1. Preparation for walk

caregiver: Ah, come on, guys, you and I will quietly get dressed and go to walk.

caregiver: Guys, stand in a semicircle. Let's look at me with our eyes.

Children: Look at the teacher.

caregiver: Guys are gathering

Have fun walking together

And of course they won't forget

Name a few rules.

Children: On the site you have to be careful, do not push a friend, do not ride down the hill on your own. Be able to share toys, etc.

caregiver: Well done!

caregiver:. To on walk we were not too hot or cold, we need to dress for the weather. Please come to the window and look: the sun is there or the clouds; cold or warm.

I organize the dressing process and take the children to walk.

2. Introduction:

On the walk I guess to children riddle:


We'll show you the season

And we will tell you about it:

White carpet, frost, snowfall,

Sledges, skis, skates, snow scooters,

Hill, ice rink, snowdrifts, snowballs,

Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, snowmen,

felt boots, fur coat, pants, mittens,

Woodpecker. owl, crow, titmouse.

It's getting dark fast, snowflakes are fluttering...

Well, when does all this happen?

Children: Winter.

caregiver:.Guys, what season is it now?

Children: Winter.

caregiver:.What month?

Children: January.

caregiver:.How many winter months are there?


caregiver:-What are their names?

Children: December January February.

caregiver: Artistic word: poems by S. Marshak from the book "All year round". (read excerpt)

Opening the calendar

January begins.

In January, in January

Lots of snow in the yard.

Snow - on the roof, on the porch.

The sun is in the blue sky.

There are stoves in our house.

Smoke rises into the sky.

Are you afraid of the cold?

caregiver: Who loves winter and who doesn't? Why?

Children: Answer.

caregiver: Well done!

caregiver: Guys, look around! Breathe in through your nose and feel the freshness of the winter air.

Breathing exercises


How Santa Claus blew -

Frost in the air

Flying, spinning

Ice stars.

3. Surveillance

Children blow for a long time while the teacher reads the poem.

caregiver: Guess riddle:

Cheerful in the spring

It's cold in summer

Feeds in autumn.

Warms in winter.

caregiver: Well done.

caregiver: Artistic word:

Trees are the decoration of our land,

Ants, nightingales do not live without them,

Neither animals, nor berries, nor mushrooms,

Not people, not birds, not elephants.

caregiver: Let's look at our trees carefully. Organize children for observation.

Today I want to talk to you about trees, but which ones you have to guess.

I make a riddle:

And beautiful and slim

She stands among her friends

All in curls and earrings

It's white (birch).

The teacher and the children approach the birch.

– How did you guess?

Children: The birch has a white trunk.

caregiver: Yes, birch is easy to find by its white trunk. But there are black dashes in the white bark. These dashes are called "lenticels" (repeat, please, this new word) Guys, it turns out that lentils are the nose of a birch through which she breathes. That's how important these black dashes - lentils - are for a tree.

caregiver: Birch is the only tree on Earth with white bark. We all know that birch has been chosen as a symbol of Russia for its beauty.

Child: Artistic word:

Early in the morning she gets up to meet the sun,

Smiling, he looks into the mirror.

And, probably, there is no birch relative in the world,

After all, birch is a particle of my Russia.

caregiver: Right. Think and say, if leaves grow on trees, what are such trees called?

Children: Deciduous.

caregiver: Guys, look carefully at the birch. Does it have as many leaves as it had in summer?

Children: No, they are not.

caregiver: - Where did the leaves from the branches go?

Children: They circled

caregiver: - Why did they fly around?

Children: Autumn has come, there is less heat and light, and the leaves began to fly around. So the tree prepares for winter rest. It will sleep. And wake up in the spring.

caregiver: - What parts of the tree do you still know?

Children: Roots, branches, leaves)

caregiver: - What are the branches of a birch?

Children: Thin, flexible)

caregiver: Why does a tree need a root?

Children: Eat, grow.

caregiver: - We have watched birch trees many times in different time years and noted what beautiful outfits she had. Many poets also admired the beauty of the birch and wrote many poems about it. I suggest you listen to one of them.

Children: Artistic word: "This fashionista is forest" (I. Semenova)

He often changes his outfit.

In a white winter coat

All in earrings in the spring,

Sundress green in summer.

On an autumn day - dressed in a raincoat,

If the wind blows.

The golden cloak rustles.

caregiver: Guys, what else can you tell about birch?

Children: Children's answers.

caregiver: Do you remember folk omens that are associated with birch?

Children: 1. Be severe in winter if there are still leaves on the birch in mid-October.

2. When a birch leaf falls cleanly, the year will be fruitful.

caregiver: Other trees grow on our site. I will give you a riddle, and you guess what kind of tree it is.

You can always find her in the forest -

Let's go for a walk and meet:

It is prickly, like a hedgehog,

In winter in a summer dress. (Spruce)

If the children find it difficult to answer, you can think of another riddle:

What is this girl?

Neither a seamstress nor a craftswoman,

Doesn't sew anything

And in needles all year round. (Spruce)

caregiver: Let's go to this tree. Look at the tree.

caregiver: Not leaves grow on her branches, but fluffy ones ...

Children: Needles.

caregiver: These spruce needles are called “needles” (repeat, this is a new word).

1 needle - "needles".

Many needles - "needles".

caregiver: Needles grow on spruce, so they call spruce what kind of tree?

Children: Coniferous.

caregiver: Well done. And now I propose a game "Say a word". I will begin the line of the poem, and you will finish in rhyme.

1) Quietly, quietly, as in a dream,

Falls to the ground... (snow)

2) And fluffs fly from heaven -

Silvery … (snowflakes)

caregiver: what winter words, and here the snowflakes themselves are flying, look.

Exercise for vision correction with snowflakes (paper snowflakes on a string are heard).


We saw a snowflake

They played with the snowflake.

Children take snowflakes in their hands, focusing their eyes on it.

Snowflakes flew to the right

The children looked to the right. (Look to the right)

Here come the snowflakes

The eyes looked to the left. (Look to the left)

The wind lifted the snow

And dropped to the ground. (Up down)

Children look up and down

Everything! They lay down on the ground.

Spin around and sit down

Dropping snowflakes on the floor.

We close our eyes.

The eyes are resting.

caregiver Q: What is a snowflake?

Children: Snow.

caregiver: Look, what does a snowflake look like?

Children: On an asterisk.

caregiver: Let's see what kind of snowflakes are when the sun shines on them?

Children: Brilliant, sparkle, shimmer.

caregiver: Catch a snowflake in your palm and see what happens to it?

Children: Melted.

caregiver: Why does a snowflake melt on the palm of your hand?

Children: Because the palm is warm, and the snowflake is cold.

caregiver: Why do they fly so smoothly and slowly?

Children: Snowflakes are light.

caregiver: Artistic word

Snowflakes are spinning in the frosty air.

Lace stars fall to the ground.

One fell into my palm.

Oh, don't hide, snowflake, wait a little. (N. Nishcheva)

caregiver: Guys, while we were talking about snowflakes, my hands froze. How can they be warmed up?

Children: Blow on them, rub against each other, put on mittens.

caregiver: Let's warm up and do the exercise.

Physical education minute


It's cold in our yard. The children clapped their hands on their shoulders and

So that the nose does not freeze, they stomp their feet /

Gotta stomp your feet

And clap your hands.

Snowflakes are falling from the sky, Children raise their hands above their heads and make

Like a fairytale picture. grasping movements, as if catching snowflakes.

Let's catch them with our hands

And show mom at home.

And all around are snowdrifts, Sipping - hands to the sides.

Snow covered the roads.

Do not get stuck in the field so that Walking in place with high knees.

Raise your legs higher.

We go, we go, we go Walking in place.

And we come to our house. The children take their seats.

caregiver: That we did not freeze, let's play.

4. Development of general motor skills. mobile game


IN: Now we will all turn into snowflakes for a while. I have 3 hoops in my hands. The guys to whom I will distribute them, will try form the largest beautiful snowflake. To do this, they need to catch as many guys as possible with a hoop. (snowflakes).

D: Children spin and run. The child who was caught also takes up the hoop and, together with the one who caught him, catches other children.

IN: Summarizes the game (the game can be repeated 2-3 times).

"Frost - Red Nose"

Children choose the leader according to the counting rhyme. On opposite sides of the site, two houses are indicated, the players are located in one of them. Leading - "Frost-Red Nose" stands in the middle of the court facing the players and pronounces:

“I am Frost-Red Nose.

Which one of you decides

To go on a path-path?

The choir players respond:

"We are not afraid of threats,

And we are not afraid of frost.

After pronouncing the word "freezing" the children run across the playground to another house, and the driver catches up with them and tries to touch"to freeze". "Frozen" stop at the place where they were touched, and stand still until the end of the run. Stop game. "Freezing" counts the number "frozen". Choose a new driver "Frost". At the end of the game, they compare which driver - "Freezing"- froze more players. We play 2-3 times.

caregiver: Play now with each other. Medium mobility game

<<Съедобное - несъедобное>>.

caregiver: Invites children to stand in a circle and play a game<<съедобное -несъедобное>> all together.

The teacher approaches the children for individual work.

Individual lesson on working out spatial concepts.

IN: Gives 3 guys a hoop. We will also play with you. I will pronounce different instructions, and you with the help of a hoop try to fulfill them.

Get in a circle

Get out of the circle

Put the hoop on your hand

Raise it above your head

stand by (about) hoop

Jump over the hoop

Get in front of the hoop

Get behind the hoop

Hide the hoop behind your back, etc.

D: trying to complete tasks.

caregiver: Guys stand all in a circle and help me finish the sentence.

The task "Finish the sentence"

1. Compilation of complex sentences with the meaning of opposition.

Children must complete the sentence and then repeat it. fully:

- It snows in winter, and in autumn ....

It snows in winter, and in summer...

Snow falls in winter, but in spring...

- In winter they go sledding, and in summer ...

- In winter, the forest sleeps, and in spring ...

- In winter they go skating, and in summer ...

It's cold in winter, but in summer...

Trees are white in winter, but in autumn...

5 Labor activity.

caregiver: Well done! We played and warmed up.

caregiver: Guys, what do you think, our feathered friends, is it easy in winter?

Children: No. They are hungry and cold.

caregiver: How can we help them?

art word

It is difficult for birds to winter,

We need to help the birds!

I asked to cut

spruce board,

Made with dad

The bird's canteen.

Children: Feed.

(The teacher and children hang the feeder and pour the food).

caregiver: Well done, we people should never forget about birds and animals. Well, our bird canteen is set. And remember, you and I watched the birds from the window when they flew to the feeder. Maybe someone will remember what birds flew. (children's answers) What should we do with you now?

Children: Leave.

caregiver: Why?

Children: So that the birds are not afraid of us and fly to the feeder.

caregiver: Guys, we will go to another part of the site, clean the paths from snow and insulate snowball bushes, and our birds will fly in and have lunch at this time.

6. Independent activity: playing snowballs, building a snow fort, making a snowman.

Final part. Ending walks.

caregiver: (calling the children) I ask:

Guys, what did we observe today?

What games were played?

I listen to the answers of the children, I praise them for their good work.

Then I line up the children in pairs.

.Educator: Pronounce words:

Close your eyes

Dream a little

The wind caught us

IN the group moved us.

(Let's go to group.)


Walk 1. Watching for seasonal changes

Goals: continue to form ideas about changes in nature at the beginning of winter (the night becomes longer and the day shorter); to learn to distinguish the characteristic signs of the beginning of winter, to recognize their signs in poems.

Observation progress: What is outside the window? Light up in the house!

This snow lies like a carpet, The very first, the whitest!

That's what the wind was whistling about all night! Behind my window!

He wanted to talk about the snow And about the fact that he met the winter.

The mountain ash also dressed up In a white festive outfit,

Only the clusters at the top are burning brighter than before.

The teacher makes riddles for the children, talks about signs.

*** Flowed, flowed and lay under the glass. (Water.)

*** Without arms, without legs, but climbs into the hut. (Freezing.)

**December ends the year - winter begins.

**Warm winter to cold summer.

** The sun warms in summer and freezes in winter.

White, cold winter came to earth. Forest drowned in snow. With the onset of winter, it became even colder than in autumn. The sky is almost always covered with clouds. It's not raining, it's snowing. Snow covered the ground, roofs of houses, tree branches. Streams, wild rivers, lakes were frozen.

The more snow falls on the ground, the better the plants will grow. Snow protects them from frost. The day is getting shorter and the night longer.

The teacher asks the children questions: What month does December follow?

What time of year is November? How has the appearance of our site changed with the advent of winter? Why do you think tree roots are covered with snow? How do people dress in winter?

Labor activity: Covering tree roots with snow.

Target: educate the desire to help living objects.

Outdoor games: "Pair run", "Get into the hoop."

Target: continue to learn to run in pairs, throw snowballs at the target.

Didactic game : "Name the extra word" Target:

Individual work: Gliding exercises.

Target: learn to run along icy paths.

Stand alone games

Walk 2. Birdwatching in winter.

Target: continue to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe life of birds in winter;

cultivate a desire to take care of birds, love for nature.

Observation progress: There are no paths in the forest,

There are bushes in sheepskin coats.

Dormant beetles and larvae

He covered the snowfall under the bark.

Fly, pichuga, to people

And hide behind the window

And we will feed you

Bread crumbs, millet.

The teacher asks the children questions: What birds do you see near your house in winter? Why do they fly to human habitation? Why do people make bird feeders in winter? Why do winter birds need to be fed? How many birds come to our feeders?

Is there a feeder near your house?

Labor activity: Clearing the site of debris or snow.

Purpose: to cultivate a desire to help each other, to continue to teach how to work together.

Outdoor games: "A tricky couple". Target: develop an eye, achieving a good result. "Hit the target." Target: learn to follow the direction of a flying object, calculate and perform movements.

Didactic game : "Courtesy Store"


Individual work: did. game "What, what, what?"Target: continue to form the ability to name various signs of objects.

Stand alone games

Walk 3. Observation of the state of nature in winter.

Goals: to teach to see the beautiful, to distinguish the characteristic signs of winter, to recognize them in literary texts, poems; develop imagination and the ability to see the natural beauty of the patterns on the window.

Observation progress: An amazing artist visited the window,

An amazing artist painted a window for us:

Palm trees, ferns, maples - the forest is dense on the window.

Only white, not green, all shiny, not plain.

There are flowers and leaves on the glass - everything sparkles, everything is white.

But without paints and without a brush the glass is painted.

A wonderful artist visited the window.

Guess, guys, who painted the window? (Freezing.)

It got very cold during the night. It's a frosty morning. Some amazing drawings appeared on the glasses during the night. The snow pattern on the windows is beautiful both on a sunny day and on a cloudy one.

Why do snow patterns appear on the window? How does frost draw them? Transparent water vapor, which is always in the air. There is also between the frames. Warm water vapor settles on the cold glass windows and turns into ice crystals, connecting with each other. Ice particles are grouped on irregularities, on barely noticeable scratches of glass, and an icy garden with unusual Flowers gradually grows on the window.

Labor activity Loosening sand in the sandbox. Target: educate diligence, form the skills of working in a team.

Outdoor games: "Don't Stay on the Floor", "Oncoming Runs".

Target: continue to learn to run and jump without bumping into a friend.

Didactic game : "Who will name more actions."

Goals: teach children to correlate the actions of people of different professions.

Individual work:"Group by Feature"

Target: teach children to group objects according to essential feature, develop logic

Stand alone games with portable material, toys, sledding.

Walk 4. Poplar observation in winter period.

Target: continue to form ideas about trees in winter, about how you can help them survive the cold winter.

Observation progress:

What do trees do in winter?

How are the trees in winter?

It turns out that the cold season is a dry period for the plant: the roots receive very little water. The leaves continue to evaporate it. Autumn leaf fall helps the plant to survive. Dropping their leaves, the trees fall into a deep winter sleep.

Labor activity: Clearing the path to the tree.

Target: learn how to take care of plants.

Outdoor games: "Two Frosts", "Horses". Goals: continue to teach to perform characteristic movements according to the content of the game; develop agility, speed, endurance.

Didactic game : « Where are the snowflakes? Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the various states of water. Develop memory, cognitive activity.

Individual work: p / and “Who is next?”. Target: exercise in throwing snowballs with your right and left hands in a certain direction.

Stand alone games

Walk 5. Observation of the work of the janitor

Goals: continue to monitor the work of the janitor; improve vocabulary; to form a desire for order and cleanliness;

to instill a love for nature, a thrifty attitude towards the environment.

Observation progress: The teacher asks the children questions.

What does the janitor do at the kindergarten site in winter?

What tools does a janitor need at this time of the year?

First winter snow

White fluff lies.

First light frost

Cheerful and invigorating.

Labor activity: Collecting snow to build a slide for a doll / collecting sand in a sandbox. Target: learn to work together, achieving the task by joint efforts.

Outdoor games: "Two frosts", "We are funny guys."

Target: teach clearly, pronounce the text in the game, follow the rules of the game.

Didactic game : « Choose the right one» . Target:

Individual work:"Listen to the sounds!"

Target: development of voluntary attention

Stand alone games with portable material, toys, ice sledding.

Walk 6. Watching pets in winter

Goals: consolidate knowledge about the life of domestic animals in the winter season; to form the idea that a person takes care of pets (prepares food, cooks food, cleans the house).

Observation progress: I love pets very much.

I feed, cherish and caress.

Dog and cat, goat and pig

I consider my friends.

Our helpers are a cow, a ram

And a dark-maned black horse

Live next to us, attached to us,

Confident, peaceful.

The teacher asks the children questions: What pets do you know? How has the life of pets changed with the onset of winter? Why do you think animals are no longer driven out to pastures? How do people take care of pets in winter?

Let's compare how domestic and wild animals live in winter.

How is the life of domestic animals different from wild ones in winter?

Why do people breed pets and treat them with care?

Labor activity: Clearing the path to the playground.

Target: Improve your ability to use a snow shovel.

Outdoor games: "Bears and Bees". Target : teach climbing "pass" over an obstacle. "Owl". Target: learn to perform movements on a signal.

Didactic game : "Recognize by voice."Target:

Individual work: Do exercises to maintain balance.Target:

Stand alone games with portable material, toys, natural material, attributes to mobile games.

Walk 7. Observation of the pine on the site.

Target: clarify knowledge about the differences between natural pine and toy pine.

Observation progress: The teacher asks the children questions.

Why is pine classified as a coniferous tree? What is the main feature of coniferous trees? Compare trees, what are their differences?

What tree is artificial? How did you know that the tree is alive?

Living pine grows on the site, except for the trunk, branches, needles, it has large roots, with the help of which the tree receives moisture and nutrients from the ground and is firmly held in one place. The toy pine tree is small, inanimate, made of artificial material(plastic), it has no roots, it does not grow.

Guys soon. New Year! It is celebrated near an elegant Christmas tree. And it would be very good if on this holiday you had an artificial pine tree at home, and not a living one. After all, if a pine is cut down, it will dry up, die, and there will be no pine in the forest. And the artificial pine tree is also very beautiful, and if you decorate it, it will bring no less joy in the New Year. new year days,

The snow is frosty, prickly.

lights lit up

On a fluffy tree.

The ball swung painted,

The beads rang.

Labor activity: Clearing paths from snow; construction of a hill for sledding dolls. Target:

Outdoor games: "The Fox in the Chicken Coop", "Airplanes". Target: exercise in running, the ability to act on the signal of the educator, jump offbenches. "Bring the bag."Target: practice balance.

Didactic game: « When does it happen?Target: teach children to recognize the signs of the seasons. With the help of a poetic word, show the beauty of the different seasons, the variety of seasonal phenomena and people's activities.

Individual work:

Target: activate attention; develop thinking, speech. Correct pronunciation skills.

Stand alone games with portable material, toys, natural material, attributes for outdoor games.


to consolidate the knowledge that water can be in a solid state (snow, ice).

Observation progress: Winter is a wonderful time of the year! Only in winter you can play snowballs or build a snowman with the whole family, as well as go sledding, skiing and skating. And then solve riddles.

It's getting colder every day

The sun is getting weaker and weaker

Everywhere snow, like a fringe, -

So, came to us ... (winter)

Here are some miracles:

The forests turned white

Shores of lakes and rivers.

What happened? Snow)

Stars are flying from the sky

And they shine in the sun.

Like a ballerina dancing

Spinning in winter ... (snowflakes)

Decorated the sorcerer

Windows are all in people's houses.

Whose patterns? - That's the question.

I drew them ... (frost)

The teacher conducts the experiment, asks the children questions. We put ice in one glass, snow in the other. What is the color of the ice, to the touch? What are snow and ice made of? Now let's put both glasses in a warm place, after a while we'll see what happened to the ice and snow.

Labor activity: Clearing paths from ice and snow. Goals:

to consolidate the skills of working with a shovel; to cultivate perseverance, independence.

Outdoor games:


Didactic game:

Individual work Target:

Stand alone games with remote material, toys, sledges

Walk 9. Watching a titmouse.

Goals: continue to arouse interest in birds; continue to acquaint with the titmouse, its habits, habitat, and appearance features.

Observation progress: The teacher asks the children a riddle, conducts a conversation:

Guess which bird

Lively, perky, dexterous, agile,

Loudly shadows: “Shadow-shadow!

What a beautiful spring day! (Tit.)

*** The painted tit whistles without getting tired.

Outside the window I will hang a piece of bacon for her,

To make the poor bird feel warmer and happier.

Is the tit a wintering or migratory bird? How she looks like?

What changes occur in the life of tits in winter? What do tits eat? How do people take care of them? What are the benefits of tits?

Labor activity:

Purpose: to cultivate love, careful and caring attitude towards wintering birds

Outdoor games: "Traps with a ball." Target: pass the ball, precisely coordinating the movements with the rhythm of the spoken words. "Ride to the target."

Target: develop coordination of movements.

Didactic game : "Name the extra word" Target: activate attention; develop thinking, speech, correct pronunciation skills.

Individual work: Did. game "Day Night"Target:

Stand alone games with remote material, toys, attributes for P / games.

Walk 10. Observation of the fixed-route taxi.

Target: to form ideas about the role of a fixed-route taxi, its purpose for people.

Observation progress: The teacher asks the children questions. What types of cars do you know? What are taxis for?

How is a fixed-route taxi different from other cars?

Labor activity: Shoveling snow in the area under the trees.

Target: develop respect for nature.

Outdoor games: "Snow Carousel" Target: exercise in orientation on the ground. "Catch up with a couple."Goals: exercise in running in the right direction to a certain place.

Didactic game : "What messed up Dunno?"Target: expand the horizons of children, their knowledge of the world around them; develop logic and thinking, learn to find inconsistencies.

Individual work: count up to 10.Target: repeat forward and backward counting to five.

Stand alone games

Walk 11. Watching the snowfall.

Goals: consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall; to develop speech, the ability to answer the questions of the educator, to cultivate a love for nature.

Observation progress: Snow came from the clouds

I wanted to lie down on the ground.

Looking for a place - will not find,

Stopped at the gate.

White snowflakes fall, lie on the ground, on the roofs of houses. Snowflakes look like white stars. You can catch and examine them, but you cannot breathe on them. Sometimes they roll together and fall to the ground in large flakes. Sometimes a cold wind breaks white stars, turning them into fine snow dust. Snowflakes are formed in clouds from small ice crystals. In winter, they descend like sparkling stars to the ground and cover it with snow. When it's cold, the snow creaks underfoot. It's the rays of the snowflakes breaking. Snow is a lot of snowflakes. The teacher asks the children questions: Why does the snow creak? Where do snowflakes form? What does snow feel like? When is snow wet and when is it dry? What kind of snow is easier to sculpt? If the snow melts, what will it become snow?

Labor activity: Cleaning the area from snow.


Outdoor games: "Geese-swans", "Who will jump better?". Goals:

continue to learn to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game; reinforce the ability to jump.

Didactic game: "Nature and Man"Target:

Individual work: Did. game "Day Night"Target: fix the names of the parts of the day.

Stand alone games with remote material, toys, balls


Walk 1. Watching wintering birds

Goals: consolidate knowledge about wintering birds; to form an idea of ​​obtaining food by wintering birds; educate the desire to take care of them and protect them.

Observation progress: The blizzard broke out again

Breaks snow caps.

The pichuga completely froze

He sits with his paws crossed.

The teacher asks the children questions: What birds are called wintering?

What do they eat? What winter birds do you know? How can a person help wintering birds?

Wintering birds do not fly away from us to warmer climes, as they find food in winter. They feed on buds, seeds and fruits of plants, hidden insects, and look for food near human habitation. Some birds die from the cold in winter. People help wintering birds - they feed them - titmouses are given unsalted fat, sparrows love millet, seeds.

Labor activity: Collection of snow for the construction of a winter town.

Target: improve work skills, the ability to work together.

Outdoor games: "Who is faster on the track?". Target: learn to perform jumps in series, side jumps. "Jumpers".

Target: learn to jump on two legs with advancement forward by 2-3 m.

Didactic game: "Where are the snowflakes?" Goals: to consolidate knowledge about the various states of water. Develop memory, cognitive activity.

Individual work: "Who knows more professions"

Purpose: to teach children to correlate the actions of people with their profession, to form the corresponding verbs from nouns (builder - builds, teacher - teaches, etc.).

Walk 2. Watching a birch in winter.

Goals: to form knowledge about the features of the life of trees in winter;

cultivate a caring attitude towards plants (do not touch branches and buds that are fragile from frost, as they break).

Observation progress: There is a birch in a cape,

The fringe rings on the branches.

The lighter, the more tender the snowflakes,

The colder is the winter!

In winter, the birch does not freeze, it is alive, but from the frost its twigs and buds become brittle and quickly break, therefore they cannot be touched. If we pick up branches broken off by the wind and put them in the water, they will turn green.

The teacher asks the children questions: How do the trees feel in winter?

What happens to them? How are the trees in winter? (At rest.) How did you recognize the birch?

Labor activity:

Goals: learn to work together; cultivate industriousness.

Outdoor games: “To whom is the flag?”, “Relay with hoops”.

Goals: exercise in jumping forward, climbing into the hoop; cultivate dexterity, purposefulness.

Didactic game: "Pronounce it right."Goals: formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds, fixing the names of professions.

Arouse the desire to learn tongue twisters, tongue twisters, jokes, improve the clear pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds.

Individual work: " When does it happen? Goals: teach children to recognize the signs of the seasons. With the help of a poetic word, show the beauty of the various seasons, the variety of seasonal phenomena and people's activities

Stand alone games with toys, balls, natural material.

Walk 3. Spruce watching.

Target: to consolidate the ability of children to recognize spruce by the characteristic features of its structure, the signs that distinguish it from otherstrees, cultivate interest in nature.

Observation progress: The teacher gives the children a riddle:

What is this girl? Neither a seamstress nor a craftswoman,

She does not sew anything herself, but in needles all year round. (Christmas tree.)

Spruce is like a pyramid, all its branches are covered with needles growing instead of leaves; they are short, sharp, prickly, dark green in color. The needles of the spruce are covered with a dense skin, densely and tightly sit on the branches, stick out in different directions, do not fall off if they are touched.

Labor activity: Removal of debris or snow on the site.

Goals: continue to learn to work together; develop friendly relationships.

Outdoor games: "Get in the box."Target: train accuracy of throws. "Hunters and Hares".Goals: learn to coordinate movements with each other; develop an eye.

Didactic game: "Name the objects in one word."Target: Continue to develop the ability to find a common concept in the named words; learn to name one word.

Individual work: "Recognize by voice."Target: development of auditory attention, the formation of the ability to recognize each other by voice.

Stand alone games

Walk 4. Observation of snow, snowfall.

Goals: continue form an idea of ​​the properties of snow; consolidate knowledge about seasonal phenomena - snowfall, ice; to develop speech, the ability to answer the questions of the educator, to cultivate a love for nature.

Observation progress: The teacher makes riddles for the children:

Who is it, guess what?

in a white dress hostess? She shook her feathers -

snowflakes swirl in the sky. (Winter)

Scattered Lukerya

silver feathers.

Twisted, swept

the street became white. (Blizzard)

Curled, twisted white swarm,

lay down on the ground - became a mountain. (Snow)

White, not sugar, soft,

not cotton wool, without legs, but walking. (Snow)

The teacher asks the children questions: Why do you think the snow creaks? Where do snowflakes form? What does snow feel like? If the snow melts, what will it become snow?

White snowflakes are falling, covering the ground, roofs of houses, trees, passers-by. Snowflakes are like little white stars that you can catch and see, but you can't breathe on them. Snowflakes are formed in clouds from small ice crystals. Snow is a huge amount of snowflakes.

Labor activity: Cleaning the area from snow.

Target: learn to collect snow on a stretcher, pour it into a certain place.

Outdoor games: "Circle", "Cold - hot."

Purpose: to achieve the implementation of the correct technique in previously mastered types of walking.

Didactic game : "Name the extra word" Target: activate attention; develop thinking, speech, correct pronunciation skills.

Individual work: count up to 10.Target: repeat direct and ordinal counting to ten.

Stand alone games with toys, snow, sledding.

Walk 5. Watching the sun

Goals: continue to acquaint with natural phenomena, give the concept of one of the signs of winter - frost; to form an interest in inanimate objects of nature.

Observation progress: Where are you, the sun, really? We are completely frozen.

Without you, the water froze, without you the earth froze.

Come out, sunshine, hurry up! Cuddle up and warm up!

Who noticed which way the sun is in the morning? That's right, at sunrise, the sun rises there, and in the evening it will be in the other direction - in the west, where the sun will hide for the night. In winter, the sun shines, but does not warm. Days in winter are short, nights are long. In summer the sun warms, in winter it freezes. In winter, the sun smiles through tears.

Labor activity: Shoveling snow in a specific place to build snow figures. Target: to learn to work together, to achieve goals with common efforts.

Outdoor games: "Empty space", "Make a figure".

Target: learn to perform actions on a signal, without bumping into each other. "Elements of hockey."Target: learn to roll the puck in a given direction, roll it into the goal.

Didactic game : "What happens if..."Target:

Individual work: Did. game « Choose the right one."Target: consolidate knowledge of nature. Develop thinking, cognitive activity.

Stand alone games

Walk 6. Watching the crow.

Goals: expand the idea of ​​wintering birds, learn to distinguish them in appearance; cultivate love and respect for nature.

Observation progress:

I'm so groovy

Glorious and mischievous

I walk on asphalt

I don't serve you people.

I walk proudly

I put on a black cloak,

I'm jumping fast and merrily

Kar, kar, kar, always screaming. (Crow)

Carrying a bread crust
Doesn't let other birds in.
Holds the defense firmly
Loudly croaking? (

Outside the window is almost a market:
Quarrels, screams, moans
And it sounds everywhere “kar!-kar!”,
So here...

Who is this, what is the name of this bird? What are the characteristics of her appearance?

Where she lives? What does it eat? Does she have enemies?

Signs: if a crow hides its nose under its wing - to frost.

Labor activity: Clearing the site and paths from snow and debris. Target: educate diligence, the desire to bring the work begun to the end.

Outdoor games: "Oncoming dashes", "Get into the hoop."

Goals : raise motor activity children on a walk; develop accuracy, dexterity, endurance. "Jumping rope"

Target: develop physical activity.

Didactic game : "Group by Feature" Purpose: to teach children to group objects according to an essential feature (metal; wooden; round; edible; red; small; needed for school, etc.), develop logic.

Individual work: "Name an extra word"

Target: activate attention; develop thinking, speech; develop the skill of correct pronunciation.

Stand alone games with portable material, toys, natural material, attributes for outdoor games.

Walk 7. Watching a titmouse.

Goals: to form ideas about wintering birds, to encourage care for them; to acquaint with the characteristic features of the bullfinch.

Observation progress: The teacher offers to solve riddles, and then asks the children questions.

To the feeder to us in winter
A bird arrives
With a yellow downy breast -

What does a tit look like? What does it eat? Where does it winter? How does a person take care of birds in winter? Why did the tit fly to us for the winter?

Labor activity: Feeding birds in the kindergarten area.

Target: to cultivate love, careful and caring attitude towards wintering birds.

Outdoor games: "Traps", "Homeless Hare". Goals: exercise in the ability to run without bumping into each other; cultivate agility and endurance. "Knock down the flag." Goals: learn to throw snowballs (balls) at a target;

develop accuracy, attention.

Didactic game : "Protect the environment"Target : to consolidate knowledge about the protection of natural objects.

Individual work : "Recognize the bird by its silhouette"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about wintering and migratory birds, to exercise the ability to recognize birds by silhouette.

Stand alone games with toys, sports equipment, sledding.

Walk 8. Observation of snow and ice

Goals: to form a realistic understanding of inanimate nature;

to consolidate the knowledge that water can be in a solid state, be ice and snow.

Observation progress: Oh, you winter beauty!

Whitewashed all the forests

Mountains of snow covered,

She invited us to ride.

The teacher, together with the children, conducts an experiment and asks the children questions. We put ice in one glass, snow in the other. What is the color of the ice, to the touch? Name its properties. What is the color of snow, to the touch? Name its properties. What are snow and ice made of?

Now we put both glasses in a warm place, after a while we'll see what happened to the ice and snow.

Labor activity: Cleaning the area from snow.

Target: reinforce ideas about the protective properties of snow.

Outdoor games: "Entertainers", "Firemen for training".

Target: to consolidate the ability to run, dodge a trap, crawl under an obstacle.

Didactic game : "Courtesy Store"Target: teach children to communicate politely, to behave appropriately in various situations.

Individual work: Movement development.Target : learn to throw snowballs into the distance.

Stand alone games with toys, natural material, sledding.

Walk 9. Pigeon watching.

Target: to consolidate ideas about the bird world (what birds eat, where they live, how a person helps them in the winter).

Observation progress: The teacher asks the children questions.

Who often flies to our site? Where did they come to us from?

Where do they live? Who feeds them? What do they like to peck?

Are pigeons migratory or wintering birds?

Labor activity: Making a slide for dolls or collecting sand in a sandbox. Target: to learn to work together, to receive joy from the work done and its result.

Outdoor games: "We are fun guys." Goals: learn to listen carefully to the command of the educator; develop attention, monitor the correct execution of tasks. "Don't hit the flag."

Target: learn how to snake between objects without knocking them down.

Didactic game : "Name the extra word" Target: activate attention; develop thinking, speech, correct pronunciation skills.

Individual work: " When does it happen? Goals: teach children to recognize the signs of the seasons.

Stand alone games with toys, natural material, sports equipment.

Walk 10. Acquaintance with construction equipment - truck crane.

Goals: continue to introduce different types freight transport;

to consolidate knowledge about the features of freight transport, its importance in human life.

Observation progress: He works at a construction site, lifting loads smartly.

The one-armed giant is our ... (crane).

The teacher asks the children questions: Where is the crane used? (In construction, road repair.) What kind of work does he do? (Lifts heavy loads.) Who operates the crane? (Crane operator.)

Labor activity: Garbage collection on site.

Target: teach teamwork.

Outdoor games: "Look outside." Target: perform movements according to the content of the game. Goals: continue to learn to jump with giant steps;

Didactic game : « Guess what's in the bag?"Target: to teach children to describe objects perceived by touch and guess them by their characteristic features.

Individual work: "Day Night"Target: fix the names of the parts of the day.

Stand alone games with portable material, toys, natural material, attributes for outdoor games.


Walk 1. Observation of a titmouse.

Goals: continue to form ideas about wintering birds, about human care for them; learn to recognize wintering birds by their appearance.

Observation progress: Tit wants grain,

But he is afraid to sit in the feeder.

"Be bolder, don't be shy!"

- Sparrow invites. ( G. Ladonshchikov)

The teacher asks the children questions: What does a titmouse look like?

How does it move and what does it eat? Where does the titmouse winter?

How does one take care of her? Why did the titmouse stay for the winter?

Labor activity: Garbage collection on site.

Target: educate diligence, the desire to work together.

Outdoor games: "Who better to jump", "Cunning fox".

Target: develop dexterity, speed of running, attention.

Didactic game : "Protect the environment" Target: consolidate knowledge about the protection of natural objects.

Individual work: "Let's dress the doll for work."Target: to teach children to correlate work clothes with a person’s profession, to name the corresponding professions.

Stand alone games

Walk 2. Watching the willow.

Goals: keep learning watch the willow in winter, educate respect for trees and bushes as a living object.

Observation progress: The teacher asks the children questions: What is the name of this tree? Tell us about its structure. And what does the willow not have in winter?

Why? What do trees do in winter?

Labor activity: Warming the roots of trees and bushes with snow or fallen leaves.Goals: to form a positive attitude towards work on the site; to bring up ecological ideas about the relationship between living and inanimate nature.

Outdoor games: "The Dog and the Sparrows", "On the Sled".

Target: exercise in running in different directions, the ability to navigate in space, quickly reach the sled and sit on them.

Didactic game : "Find the sound in the word" Target: develop phonemic hearing, learn to find the right sound in a word, determine where it is located.

Individual work: “Why (why, why) do you need to do this?”

Target: to form in children an idea of ​​the need for labor, to expand knowledge about labor processes.

Stand alone games with portable material, toys, natural material, attributes for outdoor games.

Walk 3. Observation of seasonal changes in nature.

Goals: form ideas about changes in nature;

learn to distinguish the characteristic signs of the end of winter; to consolidate the ability to perceive the poetic description of winter.

Observation progress: Snow and blizzard patterns

In the field of blizzard conversations.

Cold, darkness...

Day - skates, mountain, sleigh,

Evening - grandmother's tales.

Here it is - winter!

The teacher gives riddles to the children.

*** Walking in the field - but not at night.

Flies in the wild - but not a bird. (Blizzard, blizzard.)

*** He lay, lay, and in the spring he ran into the garden. (Snow.)

The teacher asks the children questions: Name all winter months. Why do we cover tree roots with snow and fallen leaves? Name signs of February.

Labor activity: Decoration of the site with colored flags.

Goals: learn to work in a team; develop aesthetic taste.

Outdoor games: "Cunning Fox", "Who will make fewer jumps?".

Goals: continue to teach long jump from a place; start the game at the signal of the teacher.

Didactic game : "Say one word." Goal: Continue to learn to combine the named words with one common concept.

Individual work: "Four forces". Target : development of attention,

coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

Stand alone games with portable material, toys.

Walk 4. Observation of the pine.

Target: Continue to teach children to observe wildlife in the winter; show children that under different circumstances, people can damage or help coniferous trees.

Observation progress: Pine, although a thorny tree, but dangers lie in wait for it. A strong wind can break a trunk, branches, uproot a tree from the ground. If there is little snow, the pine tree and its roots can freeze through in the cold winter. A person can damage a tree if he cuts it with a knife, thinks of cutting it down to New Year's holiday. Pine can be helped: dig snow around the trunk to keep it warmer; Gently brush the snow off the branches so they don't break.

Labor activity: Teach dig a tree trunk with fallen leaves or snow so that the pine tree is warm in winter. Target: to cultivate a humane-active attitude towards plants, the ability to take care of them in a timely manner.

Outdoor games: "Knock down the pin."Target: develop dexterity, speed of reaction. "Swan geese"Target: continue to learn to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game.

Didactic game : "What happens if..."Target: exercise in the ability to evaluate and predict the consequences of a certain action, develop attention.

Individual work: "Recognize by voice."Target: development of auditory attention, the formation of the ability to recognize each other by voice.

Stand alone games with toys, natural material.

Walk 5. Watching the wind and snowstorm.

Goals : form an idea about one of the signs

winters - blizzards; continue to learn to determine the direction of the wind.

Observation progress: Spinning and whining blizzard for the New Year.

The snow wants to fall, but the wind does not.

And fun to the trees and every bush.

Snowflakes, like giggles, dance on the fly.

Pay attention: the wind carries the snow from one place to another, does not allow the snow to fall to the ground - this is a blizzard.

Labor activity: Shoveling snow into a common pile to build a slide.Target : to work together, to receive joy from the work done.

Outdoor games: "Knock the ball", "Carry the ball without hitting the pin."

Target: learn to throw the ball on the run, complete tasks on command.

Didactic game: "Who are we going to feed?" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about wintering birds, their life in the winter and nutritional habits.

Individual work : Did. game "Which squares are more?"Target: continue to learn to compare two groups of objects up to 10.

Stand alone games with remote material, toys, sleds.

Walk 6. Watching a car.

Goals : continue to distinguish between cars according to their purpose (cars, trucks); to form an interest in the profession of a driver, the ability to distinguish between freight and passenger vehicles.

Observation progress: The teacher offers to watch the cars moving along the city street, consider them appearance organizes the conversation.

What types of transport do you know? What is the difference between a passenger car and a truck? What are car headlights for? (To illuminate the road.) The car also has fog lights. They are necessary so that the car can be seen in the period of fog and rain.

Who is driving the car? (Driver.) Anyone can drive a car? (Not.)

They can be seen everywhere, they can be seen from the windows,

Down the street they move in a long stream,

They carry various cargoes:

Furniture, cookies, notebooks, watermelons.

And people in them go to work,

On a visit, to the market, to grandma on Saturday.

We love them for this job.

They are called ... (cars).

Labor activity: Shoveling garbage to a certain place, cleaning paths on the site, feeding birds. Goals: to teach cleanliness and order; to consolidate the ability to work in a team; cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Outdoor games: "Get in the box." Target: train accuracy of throws. "Golden Gate". Target: develop mindfulness, learn to perform actions according to the rules.

Didactic game : « Choose the right one."Target: consolidate knowledge of nature. Develop thinking, cognitive activity

Individual work: Boom walking; jumping from a place on two legs (energetic repulsion and correct landing).

Target: develop a sense of balance.

Stand alone games with portable material, toys

Walk 7. Watching icicles.

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the various states of water.

Observation progress: The teacher gives the children a riddle, offers to answer questions.

*** If you sat on the ledge,

That grow all the time down. (Icicles.)

Icicle - frozen drops of water that have turned into ice. They form only on the sunny side of the house. Why? The snow melts and flows into droplets that do not have time to fall from the roof and freeze.

Does the icicle grow or shrink on a frosty day? What about sunny?

What is the difference between a place where there are icicles and another area?

Why do icicles grow upside down? (As the droplet flows down the icicle, it pulls out the tip and it becomes thin.)

If icicles appear - this is the first sign of the approach of spring. Kapel - the struggle of spring with winter.

Labor activity: Clearing paths and benches from snow and debris. Target: educate the desire to help adults clean the site.

Outdoor games: "Obstacle Track", "Hunters and Hares".

Goals: learn to coordinate movements with each other; develop an eye.

Didactic game : « Guess what grows where. Target: to clarify children's knowledge about the names and places of growth of plants; develop attention, intelligence, memory.

Individual work :"Find the flaw in the portrait."Target . Learn to see the missing parts of the face in the portrait. Continue to get acquainted with the portrait genre, its features.

Stand alone games with portable material, toys, natural material, attributes for outdoor games.

Walk 8. Observation of the sun in February.

Target: Continue to teach to notice and name the state of the weather: the sun is shining, cloudy, frosty, warm, windy, windless. To clarify the knowledge of children that at the end of February the sun begins to shine stronger, as spring will come soon. Learn to establish a causal relationship: the sun is shining - it is getting warmer. Maintain a joyful, fertile, good mood.

Observation progress: You look all around

Raise your face to the sun

Stretch your hands, children

It kindly shines on us.

All winter the sun did not warm the earth, but only illuminated it, it went to bed early and rose late. The days were short and the nights were long. Now, at the end of February, the sun rises higher into the sky, so it begins to warm the earth. The days are getting longer.

The teacher asks the children questions: who knows which waythe sun rises in the morning? Right,the sun rises at sunrise, and in the eveningsits in the west, that is, on the other side. What day is it, clear or cloudy? Daysolar, so we have a joyful mood, I want to play, laugh.

Daysolar, clear, but it's cold outside. Why? (the sun is not hot yet, does not heat as much as in summer).

Labor activity: Shoveling of garbage under trees, bushes.

Target: to cultivate a humane-active attitude towards plants.

Outdoor games: "Fifteen".Target : exercise in loose running. "Hares and Bears".Target: develop dexterity, the ability to reincarnate.

Didactic game: "Nature and Man"Target: to consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.

Individual work: Mobile game "Don't lose the ball." Target: reinforce the ability to perform the exercise in a coordinated manner.

Stand alone games with remote material, toys, attributes for outdoor games.

Walk 9. Observation of the footpath

Target: continue to form knowledge about the pedestrian part of the road, the rules of the road.

Observation progress: Through the fence, consider with the children the pedestrian part of the road and ask them where pedestrians are supposed to walk? Remember that you need to stick to the right side so as not to collide, not to bypass the oncoming ones, turning to the side. Remind them to walk down the street at a calm pace. Draw the attention of the children to the pedestrian crossing, ask how they knew that it was here that the crossing was across the road? That's right, because there is a sign "Pedestrian crossing" and wide white stripes are drawn on the road, which are called "zebra".

Labor activity: Clearing the area of ​​snow or debris.

Target : to cultivate the desire to collectively ennoble your site.

Outdoor games : "Hit the target."Target: learn to throw the ball at the target, develop accuracy, follow the rules of the game. "Catch up with a couple." Purpose: to exercise in running in the right direction to a certain place.

Didactic game : « Choose the right one» . Target: consolidate knowledge of nature. Develop thinking, cognitive activity.

Individual work: Did. game "Day Night"Target: fix the names of the parts of the day.

Stand alone games with toys, natural material, balls.

Walk 10. Observation of the Crimean mountain ash.

Target: continue monitoring the mountain ash in winter.

Observation progress: Compare autumn and winter mountain ash in the picture. What changed? Remind children how to take care of trees in winter. The teacher asks the children questions: What happened to the mountain ash?

Who eats rowan berries?

Labor activity: Clearing paths and game equipment from debris. Target: to instill a desire to work in small groups together and cheerfully.

Outdoor games: "Frost-red nose", "Walk in a circle."

Target: learn to deftly and quickly run across the site; develop balance while walking on a rope lying on the ground in a ring.

Didactic game : "Name the extra word" Target: activate attention; develop thinking, speech, correct pronunciation skills.

Individual work: " When does it happen? Goals: teach children to distinguish signs of parts of the day.

Stand alone games with portable material, toys, natural material.