
What is a computer screening examination. The importance of screening laboratory tests in the work of a modern doctor. What an effective screening program includes


Today, modern medicine has already stepped far ahead and can cope with many diseases, including deadly ones. However, there is one indispensable condition - physicians must detect pathology at an early stage of development. And this means that the person himself should be interested in regular examinations. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “Forewarned is forearmed!”.

In Kazakhstan, everyone can undergo screening tests, and absolutely free of charge. We asked Natalya Klevtsova, head of the Department of Prevention and Social and Psychological Assistance at City Polyclinic No. 5, to tell us about what screening studies are and at what age they should be taken.

- Natalya Gennadievna, please tell us what a screening study is.

- These are studies aimed at identifying diseases at an early stage, as well as identifying risk factors that contribute to the onset of diseases. In order to ensure timely diagnosis of the most common diseases, mandatory screening studies were introduced in our country, which are carried out as part of the guaranteed volume of free medical care.

At what age do screenings begin?

– Examinations are carried out in several areas: diseases of the circulatory system, diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, colorectal cancer *, breast cancer, cervical cancer, hepatitis C. For example, we check for cholesterol levels from the age of 25, for breast cancer - from 50 to 60 years old. Screening examinations of the adult population are carried out in stages - at the first stage, a target population group is formed, then patients are invited for examination by district nurses, and we also send letters to the first managers of those enterprises where people who need to undergo screening work. Due to busyness, some cannot come to the examination, and for the convenience of these people, the screening room is open at our polyclinic on Saturdays as well.


The following age groups are eligible for screening
Men and women aged 25, 30, 35, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64:
– determination of cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood;
– electrocardiography (according to indications);
– examination by a cardiologist and endocrinologist (according to indications).
Men and women aged 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70:
– measurement of intraocular pressure.
Women aged 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60:
- cytological examination of a smear from the cervix to exclude pathological changes;
– examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist, colposcopy (according to indications).
Women aged 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60:
- X-ray examination of the mammary glands;
– examination by a mammologist, oncologist (according to indications).
Men and women aged 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70:
– fecal occult blood testing for early detection of colon diseases;
– endoscopic examination of the colon (colonoscopy) (according to indications).
Men aged 50, 54, 58, 62, 66:
– endoscopic examination of the esophagus and stomach (esophagogastroscopy);
– examination by a gastroenterologist, oncologist (according to indications).
Men and women diagnosed with hepatitis C:
- blood test for alpha-photoprotein;
- Ultrasound examination of the liver.

– If during the examination a person is diagnosed with a disease, what happens next?

- If our examination indicates a suspicion of any type of cancer, the patient is invited to the district oncologist, then an additional examination is scheduled at the regional oncology center. If the screening doctor detects a pathology in the circulatory system, then the patient is sent for further examination by a cardiologist. After a clinical diagnosis is made, the patient will be taken to the dispensary by a local therapist.

How long does screening research take?

- Many people think that you have to stand in line for a long time, but this is not at all the case. The survey technology has been developed. A person comes to the clinic, and the first thing he sees is a screening therapist who conducts a survey and gives a referral for a pre-medical examination, during which cholesterol and blood sugar tests are taken, intraocular pressure is determined to detect glaucoma. All this is done in one office and takes only a few minutes. To analyze for colorectal cancer, a hemocult test is used - this is an immunochromatographic study of feces for occult blood, it is issued to a patient with detailed instruction according to its application, the hemocult test can be carried out by the patient himself at home. This express method allows you to get the result within 3-5 minutes, without the participation of medical worker. So it doesn't take much time. So I think it's worth spending a little time on your health. When we invite for screening, some people say: “I am absolutely healthy! What should I do there?!” A healthy person is wonderful, and we, doctors, are only happy about this. But the fact is that there are often cases of a hidden disease that a person may not have known for years. And by the time he reaches out to us, it's too late. And the screenings good way protect yourself from serious complications. We had cases of detection and hereditary diseases that the patient did not know about. Now, having the information, we can regularly monitor the state of his health. And why not take advantage of screenings, especially since they are absolutely free. After all, such examinations in clinics will cost you a round sum.

– Natalya Gennadievna, thank you very much for the interesting conversation!

It remains only to add: “Take care of your health! Go to the clinic!"

Tatiana BURDEL

* Colorectal cancer is a malignant neoplasm of the large intestine.

Health is the most important component of active longevity and fruitful life of every conscious person. One of the main and indisputable achievements of modern domestic health care is prevention.

AT Russian Federation annually registers more than 500 thousand new cases of cancer. Unfortunately, more than 60% of them are diagnosed in the later stages. This is due to the fact that residents of the country are not sufficiently informed about the availability of free screening programs.

Screening is a mass carrying out of specialized instrumental and laboratory methods studies on people who are at risk for certain cancers and who do not yet have any symptoms. Diagnostic measures are designed to exclude the most common tumors of certain localizations and nosologies.

Who is at risk:

  • smokers with an experience of more than 10 years and passive smokers with an experience of more than 20 years. Children are especially susceptible to passive smoking;
  • people who abuse alcohol;
  • people who are obese and lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • patients with chronic viral and bacterial carriage;
  • patients with chronic inflammatory diseases;
  • people living in adverse environmental conditions;
  • people at blood relatives who had oncological diseases;
  • those who are employed in professions associated with exposure to carcinogens and radiation;
  • people experiencing chronic stress and lack of sleep;
  • patients with immunodeficiency;
  • people whose genome has mutations associated with cancer.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that general analysis blood tests, and especially a blood test for tumor markers, are not screening methods for diagnosing cancer. Screening must be distinguished from early diagnosis.

Early diagnosis- this is the identification of diseases in people who themselves sought medical help after they had complaints and symptoms of oncological disease. Screening programs are carried out taking into account their appropriateness for those forms of cancer that are an important health problem of the country or region, due to the high incidence and mortality from them. They are carried out not at the patient's own request, but on the recommendation medical personnel. Regular medical examinations allow you to start a comprehensive prevention of oncological diseases in time, and if they are detected, fight them in a timely manner.

Main screening methods:

  • medical questioning (questionnaire) and examination;
  • laboratory tests (examination of tissues, urine, blood, feces);
  • methods of medical instrumental imaging (examinations that allow you to get a picture internal organs);
  • genetic studies aimed at identifying mutations that can lead to the development of tumors.

Purpose of the survey:

  • find a tumor before any symptoms appear;
  • detect those types of cancer that respond well to therapy when diagnosed at an early stage;
  • reduce cancer mortality.

Breast Cancer Screening

Women under the age of 40 undergo an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands and regional lymph nodes once a year. After the age of 40, the density of breast tissue increases and mammography is the method of choice. If blood relatives have breast or ovarian cancer, it is advisable to perform a genetic analysis for BRCA1 and BRCA2.

Screening for cervical cancer

During screening, several tests are performed at once. Most often, to make an accurate diagnosis, doctors examine a Pap smear from the cervix. In addition, there are several additional screening tests - VIA, VILI, HPV.

One of the causes of pathology is. However, the papilloma virus can affect even virgins and very young girls. Such studies confirm that the disease is not only transmitted sexually, which means that screening should be done by all the fair sex.

American gynecologists recommend taking a cervical cancer screening smear once a year. The procedure must be performed by patients who have reached the age of 18. If the first 2 studies were successful and HPV was not detected, the frequency of the examination can be reduced to 1 time in 2 years.

lung cancer screening

As a screening examination for men with a smoking experience of more than 20 years in the age group from 55 to 74 years, they are used.

Screening for gastrointestinal cancer

For the diagnosis of tumors located in the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract, endoscopic examination methods, such as gastroscopy and colonoscopy, are used. In the stomach, most forms of cancer develop against the background of precancerous diseases, the most common of which is atrophic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia.

In the colon, about 80% of tumors develop from adenomatous polyps that grow for at least 2-3 years before they become malignant. Screening endoscopic examinations of the gastrointestinal tract are performed after 50 years.

Screening for liver cancer

To screen for liver cancer at a high risk of developing it, the determination of alpha-fetoprotein in the blood is used in conjunction with ultrasound.

Screening for prostate cancer

A blood test for PSA (prostate-specific antigen) is prescribed together with a thorough digital examination.

Skin cancer

To screen for skin tumors in individuals at high risk of cancer, regular examinations by a dermatologist with mandatory dermatoscopy are used. Changes in the shape and color of moles, the appearance of new formations or ulcerations on the skin are a reason to see a doctor.

In order for patients to get sick less, be healthy and live in complete harmony with themselves and the outside world, constant monitoring of their health by a doctor is necessary. In this regard, such boring words as "prevention" and "medical examination" should once again become an integral part of the work of a doctor of any specialty.

A person rarely becomes sick overnight. It does not happen that yesterday he was super healthy, and today he is full of ailments. Something happens between these states. The problem is that while there are no specific complaints, patients rarely go to the doctor. And here the intervention of an experienced doctor is a very important aspect in the prevention of the most various diseases.

In order to identify inconsistencies and deviations from the generally accepted norm in the state of health, it is necessary to revive preventive examinations and medical examinations again, but at a more modern level.

That's why:

1) in modern medicine, the role of screening diagnostics has increased and preventive measures helping a person to return to healthy lifestyle life, recognize the disease in time and eliminate the risk of early complications;
2) in the Western rational world, the CHECK UP system is actively developing - annual examinations by a doctor, with simultaneous diagnostic and laboratory studies in order to identify deviations and negative trends.

Screening studies - what is it?

A modern form of prevention is screening (from English screening) - a mass examination of people. The word itself is translated as "protection", "shielding", "protection from the unfavorable".

The vast majority of our patients are not familiar with this concept, and some have not even heard of it. But for many, a screening examination of the body could help to avoid serious health problems! And every doctor should remember that a comprehensive medical examination of the body can help to "catch" the transition from health to ill health or the onset of the development of a disease, and then take active and effective measures to treat it and restore the patient's "shattered" health.

The official interpretation of the concept of "screening" is a set of activities in the system health care carried out for the purpose early detection and prevention of the development of various diseases in the population.

There are two types of screenings:

A - mass (universal) screening, in which all persons from a certain category are involved (for example, all children of the same age).

B - selective (selective) screening used in patients at risk (for example, screening of family members in case of a hereditary disease). Or an in-depth study if the parents of the patients had a “serious” disease and the patient is also at high risk.

We will not consider option A - these are questions of epidemiological studies. Let's go with option B.

Benefits of screening studies in these cases:

The ability to quickly navigate in solving medical problems both in the presence of symptoms and complaints in patients, and in their absence, and then prescribe adequate intervention;
allows targeted and precise selection of the profile medical care and clinical examinations, which are not always easy to perform and are not safe;
reduce the time of recovery and medication, control doses, compatibility and quality of the drugs used;

Identify underlying processes and the cause of symptoms. Often the main focus of the pathology is hidden and does not “beep”, since it contains chronic processes and degenerative processes.

Who needs screening diagnostics?

Any adult and child living in a large or industrial city should periodically undergo a complete medical examination of the body. The ecological situation of such places in itself is a risk factor for various diseases - this is the price of the "success" of our civilization.

The trend towards "rejuvenation" of many formidable diseases, which arose during the development of industry and technology, is intensifying. Therefore, preventive screening should be carried out in all age groups: children, teenagers, adults and the elderly.

Increasingly, young people, by generally accepted standards, are diagnosed with oncological diseases, which are the result of not only an unfavorable environmental situation, but also an unhealthy lifestyle, disruption of work and rest, physical inactivity, an unbalanced and saturated diet with harmful products.

But not only oncological diseases have become “younger”! Became "younger" than the disease of cardio-vascular system, lungs, liver, thyroid gland, chest and other organs.

And we are not talking about diabetes, the risk of which is growing every year.

Screening laboratory tests

Laboratory studies are a very important component in screening activities.

Important! In the modern Ukrainian laboratory reality, the ratio of screening tests and tests that are prescribed for already diagnosed diseases and for "late" treatment of patients is 1:9. That is, only about 10% go to the doctors BEFORE the appearance of serious complaints, and not AFTER!!!

Laboratory studies during screening are divided into routine and special.

Routine studies allow you not to "miss" the most common deviations in the body. These include:

General blood analysis;
general urine analysis;
biochemical blood tests - total protein, liver tests, creatinine / urea, blood glucose;
stool test for occult blood.

Special screening studies are aimed at finding diseases and conditions in the risk zone for which the patient is located. Among them, the most common and important are:

Cholesterol and its fractions - to assess the risk of atherosclerosis;
glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) + HOMA index - to assess the development of prediabetes, impaired glucose tolerance and insulin resistance;
TSH - to exclude the involvement of the thyroid gland in the "masked" symptoms;
HbsAg - to exclude the "masks" of hepatitis B;
cortisol - the "stress hormone" - it is especially important to assess the chronic increase in this hormone;
prostate specific antigen (PSA, PSA) in men, since its high level in the blood serum gives reason to suspect the presence of prostate cancer;
PAP test and HPV (human papillomavirus) - to exclude the risk of developing cervical cancer.

Important! If there is the slightest doubt and there are grounds, it is necessary to prescribe screening laboratory tests in combination with instrumental methods.

Remember, it's better to overdo it than not underdo it!

Health diagnostics should be carried out annually, the same opinion is shared by World Organization health care, who recommended as a preventive measure to regularly undergo examination by qualified specialists. In this case, you should not be limited to a superficial examination, but find time to conduct a complete medical examination. In this case, the chances of detecting a serious disease at its early stage increase significantly, and, as a result, the likelihood of its successful treatment increases.

Our clinic offers you the opportunity to undergo a medical examination in comfortable conditions in 1-2 days.

You will pass:

  • consultation with the leading family doctor of the clinic
  • instrumental and laboratory diagnostics
  • functional check

You'll get:

  • detailed health report
  • treatment recommendations
  • recommendations for necessary additional examinations

General diagnostic programs (check-up) for adults

Special diagnostic programs (check-up) for adults

General diagnostic program (check-up) for children

What is screening?

Perhaps, after reading the title, many will ask themselves the question: “What is screening?”.

In fact, the vast majority of people have no idea about it, and some have not even heard the word! Meanwhile, many of these people body screening could help avoid serious health problems! After all, it has long been known that the earlier it was possible to detect a problem, the more chances for its successful elimination. From this it follows that a periodic full examination of the body of people at risk for a particular disease can help to "catch" the beginning of the development of pathology and take active and effective measures to cure it. At the same time, the price of a complete diagnosis of the human body in our clinic in Moscow is immeasurably lower than the cost of treating advanced diseases, both in monetary and moral terms!

It is widely believed that Screening means "Sifting, selection." In personnel management, this may be the case. But this word has another translation: "Protection", "Protection of someone from something unfavorable." It is this meaning that underlies the term "screening studies".

Full / comprehensive examination of the body

Generally speaking, from time to time pass complete (comprehensive) medical examination is worth any adult living in Moscow or in another large or industrial city, since, as a rule, the environmental situation in such places is in itself a risk factor for various diseases. This is the price that people pay for the opportunity to be closer to "civilization".

It should not be thought that we are talking exclusively about the elderly. Unfortunately, the tendency towards "rejuvenation" of many formidable diseases, which arose during the development of industry and technology, is not weakening, but, on the contrary, is intensifying. Increasingly, young people, by generally accepted standards, are diagnosed with oncological diseases, which are the result of not only an unfavorable environmental situation, but also an unhealthy lifestyle, disruption of work and rest, physical inactivity, an unbalanced and saturated diet with harmful products, and the like. But not only oncological diseases have become “younger”! Diseases of the cardiovascular system, lungs, liver, and other organs have become “younger”.

None of us can be completely sure that these terrible diseases have not yet taken root in our bodies, which is why a periodic comprehensive medical examination of all organs and body systems is a necessity, not a luxury (by the way, the price of screening studies in Moscow is relatively low , as you can see by looking at the table below) for any person from the age of 30 - 35 years!

What screening programs does GMS Clinic offer?

It is clear that the problems that arise in people of different sexes and different age categories are of a different nature. In order to most effectively identify these problems and, at the same time, optimize the cost of this process for our patients, GMS Clinic specialists have developed several programs, each of which is designed and recommended for people of a certain gender and age.

It should be noted that, despite some differences in the volume associated with the specific characteristics of the people included in the group for which this or that screening program is intended, they all require a complete examination of the body, including computer diagnostics, all necessary tests and studies. , allowing to draw correct conclusions about the state of the human body as a whole and about the work of its individual systems.

That is, we can say that the periodic passage by people of a complete examination of the body with the performance of the necessary studies and analyzes for their age and gender allows minimizing the risk that a person will suddenly face the fact that he has a serious disease in an advanced stage.

Why GMS Clinic?

Screening examination in the modern sense of the term is a complex and high-tech process that includes many laboratory tests, computer diagnostics of the body, the latest medical equipment is involved in this process.

But, of course, not only advances in medical technology make screening effective. The main condition is the highest qualification and practical experience doctors and specialists! After all, computer diagnostics of the body is insufficient, its results will not say anything to a non-professional. For their correct interpretation, the doctor often must have not only a solid baggage of theoretical knowledge, but also intuition, which comes with experience. Only then, with the help of a screening study, it is possible to detect a disease at a very early stage, when there are no obvious symptoms yet, there are only its first precursors.

We, at GMS Clinic, employ professionals of the highest standard, many of them have experience in clinics in Europe and the USA. Their professionalism and experience are harmoniously complemented by the most modern diagnostic and laboratory equipment, excellent conditions created in our clinic. All this makes screening in our clinic extremely effective! It would not be an exaggeration to say that GMS Clinic is on a par with the best European and world clinics! By contacting us, choosing one of our screening programs, you are not just spending money - you are investing in your health and prosperity!

You can learn more about our medical examination programs from the table above, and if you have any questions, please contact us by phone +7 495 781 5577, +7 800 302 5577 . You will find the address and directions to our clinic in the Contact Information section.

Why GMS Clinic?

GMS Clinic is a multidisciplinary medical and diagnostic center that provides a wide range of medical services and the ability to solve most health problems with Western-level medicine without leaving Moscow.

  • No queues
  • Own parking
  • Individual approach to each patient
  • Western and Russian standards of evidence-based medicine

What is the difference between conventional ultrasound and screening, is there a difference between them? To answer this question, you need to know what screening is and whether it can differ from ultrasound.

Screening is the examination of a specific group of the population. It is carried out to identify a specific disease characteristic of a group of people or an area.

In other words, it is dispensary. It is under this word that screening is known to people who have undergone medical examinations at school and at enterprises.

The purpose of this event is to identify diseases at an early stage, which makes it possible to start treatment on time and reduce mortality.

Screening equipment differs from the devices used in conventional diagnostics in lower accuracy, since the goal in this case will be the detection or exclusion of the disease.

There are mass medical examinations and selective ones, which are carried out in risk groups, for example, when not all family members in which there is a hereditary disease are examined, but only a few.

Prenatal screening, which is carried out during pregnancy, is the most famous. But there are other types of screening: children's and adult medical examinations, annual mass screening for tuberculosis, etc.

Pediatric medical examinations are planned universal examinations of children. In children under one year old, they are carried out monthly, in children aged 3 to 18 years - annually.

Medical examination of adults is carried out once every 3 years, and some groups of citizens are required to undergo it annually.

Examples of such screening include mammography (examination of the breast), colonoscopy (examination of the bowel), and dermatological examination to detect skin cancer.

Newborn screening - this is the name of the mass examination of children in maternity hospitals using laboratory tests.

The aim is to detect hereditary diseases before their symptoms appear. Before being discharged from the hospital, a drop of blood is taken from the baby's heel and sent to a genetic laboratory for analysis.

In Russia, newborns are screened for phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, galactosemia, and adrenogenital syndrome.

Screening improves the health of the population as a whole. It allows you to identify the disease at an asymptomatic stage, at which treatment is most effective.

Ultrasound examination

Ultrasound or ultrasound examination is the study of any organ or tissue using ultrasonic waves.

Ultrasound examination differs from other methods in safety, it does not violate the integrity skin, does not involve the introduction of foreign substances into the body, does not increase the radiation background in the human body.

The method is considered absolutely safe, has no side effects and can even be used to study the fetus at any stage of pregnancy.

The study is carried out using an ultrasound diagnostic apparatus or a scanner. Most types of ultrasound do not require special preparation.

Ultrasound is used in almost all branches of medicine. Ultrasound is used in ophthalmology, gynecology, pediatrics, therapy, urology, cardiology.

It is used to diagnose diseases of internal organs, abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, small pelvis.

This is an inexpensive and affordable study that allows you to diagnose many dangerous diseases with sufficient accuracy.

It also has a drawback - it is difficult to examine hollow organs with the help of ultrasonic waves.

Some types of ultrasound are included in the complex of mandatory studies conducted during medical examinations.

For example, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is included in the list of mandatory examinations conducted in people over 39 years of age.

If we talk about the study of ultrasound, then here the female medical examination differs from the male. In women, the pancreas, kidneys, uterus, ovaries are examined.

In men, the pancreas, kidneys, prostate gland, and since 2015, smoking men of a certain age, a single ultrasound examination of the abdominal aorta is performed to exclude aneurysm.

An ultrasound examination conducted as part of such a screening makes it possible to detect neoplasms of internal organs that have not yet manifested themselves.

Now there are all the possibilities for conducting this examination, in any large city there are medical centers where you can apply for this.

The study can be done free of charge under the CHI program. The attending physician who ordered the ultrasound must explain in which institution it is carried out free of charge.

What is the difference between screening ultrasound and ultrasound?

Prenatal screening is a diagnostic examination of all pregnant women, which consists of a combination of ultrasound and blood tests. Screening ultrasound is performed in all pregnant women, regardless of their well-being.

What is the difference between an ultrasound as part of screening and just an ultrasound that a pregnant woman undergoes? Strictly speaking, nothing. In both cases, the study can be carried out on the same apparatus.

The difference is in the approach to deciphering the results of an ultrasound study.

During screening, ultrasound indicators are compared with the results of a blood test and conclusions are drawn regarding the development of the fetus based on the combination of these two studies, and with a conventional ultrasound, the doctor simply looks at the fetus or organ and writes a conclusion.

It is clear that the screening study is deeper, it helps to better examine the fetus.

Screening ultrasound is only one of the preventive measures that, along with a biochemical blood test, is included in prenatal screening.

Biochemical analysis reveals certain marker enzymes in the blood. Deviations from their normal concentration indicates malformations.

Such a complex allows you to assess the risk of congenital anomalies:

  • Down syndrome;
  • Edwards syndrome;
  • defects in the brain and spinal cord.

During pregnancy, a woman undergoes two screenings, and if necessary, a third is also carried out.

The first diagnosis includes an ultrasound and a blood test for two hormones, the second - an ultrasound and an analysis for three hormones (triple test).

The last screening (third trimester) consists only of ultrasound, which is carried out on a high-precision "Expert" class apparatus.

During a routine ultrasound during pregnancy, you can examine not the fetus, but the organ of the expectant mother.

A pregnant woman can be sent for examination of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, blood vessels, glands.

Just an ultrasound during pregnancy is prescribed if there are indications for this, for example, a doctor suspects a pathology or a woman has any health problem.

In this case, she is prescribed an ultrasound as a normal patient.

In other words, technically, screening ultrasound and ultrasound during pregnancy do not differ from each other. They just have different goals.

The main purpose of ultrasound during pregnancy is to determine the position of the fetus in the uterus and development.

task ultrasound carried out as part of the screening is to determine the possible pathology in the child.

This allows you to choose therapeutic measures or decide on the termination of pregnancy.

Now it is clear that the question of “what is the difference between screening and ultrasound” sounds incorrect.

It is impossible to say whether they are different or not, since ultrasound is just one of the studies that are included in the screening or carried out outside of it.