
Who issues a license to mine gold. Why in Russia you can get a term for storing nuggets. War period and post-war years


At the end of July 2017, the Federal Law “On Precious Metals and precious stones» has undergone changes, according to which gold mining activities can be carried out not only by state organizations, but also by private individuals. There are a number of conditions that limit such activities. First of all, you should take care of obtaining a mining license. Where to apply and how to properly issue documents?

Which organization to apply for documents

Gold mining is based on the procedure for extracting precious rocks from the bowels of the earth, which belong to the state, therefore, in order to obtain a fishing permit, it is advisable to apply to Rosnedra. This Federal body has a representative office in each region, therefore, a trip to the capital for a permit document does not seem appropriate. In some cases (for example, when the right to develop a deposit of a special status is issued), the Ministry of Nature of Russia is involved in the process.

This state structure is engaged in holding auctions and competitions. The largest gold deposit today is Sukhoi Log, the right to mine gold here will cost tens of billions of rubles.

Cases not requiring a license

In a number of situations, it is not necessary to issue a license and go through a lengthy procedure of tenders and auctions. These include:

  • The entrepreneur acquires the enterprise with all permits, if necessary, extends the permit.
  • An entrepreneur leases a mine or deposit from an organization that has the right to mine gold.

In the first case, when renewing a license, state inspectors re-evaluate the geological information at the deposit. In the second case, the work is carried out on the basis of the documents of the lessor.

How to get a license based on a competition/auction

The procedure for obtaining a gold mining permit can be divided into 5 stages:

  1. Independent search and selection of a deposit on the state site "Rosnedr" on the basis of an auction or competitive list.
  2. Registration of an application for participation in the ongoing competition / auction.
  3. Collecting and providing the party organizing the tender/auction with the required package of documents.
  4. Winning a competition/auction.
  5. Obtaining relevant papers.

A permit document for enterprises and organizations is issued for different dates which depend on the type of activity carried out. In case of mining of precious metals, the permit will be given for 20 years. In the case of combining gold mining with geological exploration, the license right is granted for 25 years. At the same time, the license right for exploration will have to be renewed every 5 years.

Individuals receive a gold mining permit for only 5 years. Private traders are limited in the choice of sites, and deposits containing gold reserves of industrial volumes are prohibited for them. In this regard, they most often develop residual dumps after the work of large organizations or not very promising places.

There is one more restriction for free miners: they do not have the right to use a bulldozer at the deposit, and they can only extract raw materials with hand tools. Any license comes into force on the day of its registration with the state body.

Where can you mine precious rocks?

When extracting precious metals, individuals cannot use mining and exploration equipment, resort to blasting, develop and maintain quarries. For this category, there are prohibitions regarding the places of extraction. Where can free gold miners mine raw gold?

  • in the Magadan region.
  • On a placer site, where the stock of expensive metal does not exceed 10 kg.
  • On a plot no larger than 0.15 sq. km.
  • At a depth of at least 5 m.

How much will the license cost?

Obtaining a legal document will cost a considerable amount. So, a number of legal organizations draw up papers for 100,000 - 200,000 rubles. The customer just needs to pay and wait. If you independently draw up the right, you only need to pay a state fee in the amount of 7,500 rubles. Renewal of the right costs 10 times less - 750 rubles.

In the event that a free gold miner intends to work on ore reserves, he will have to spend 15,000,000 - 20,000,000 dollars. The final amount is determined after the auction/competition.

Individual gold mining flourishes

Why do private gold diggers continue to operate despite numerous bans? Firstly, some of the deposits are completely unsuitable for industrial processing, since the relief, economic and geographical conditions make them unprofitable.

The cost of the work performed exceeds the cost of the production received. Secondly, there are many mines with an insignificant concentration of valuable raw materials. Thirdly, the laundering of gold by individual entrepreneurs also has advantages: a low professional level of employees, the use of an inexpensive tool. These moments greatly simplify the process of gold mining.

The new law in favor of individuals was adopted on the basis of a number of advantages in favor of the state:

  • An additional 300 kg are expected to enter the budget annually precious metal;
  • In the province, thanks to gold mining, small and medium-sized businesses are supported;
  • Additional jobs appear;
  • The number of inhabitants in sparsely populated regions is growing.

You should not lose sight of the minus: corruption and banditry are increasing, as this industry creates the basis for committing crimes. Only the most severe state control and a clear legal framework can stop all violations of the law.

How is gold extracted from ore?

Non-industrial method of extracting precious metal from ore

The upper crust of the earth layer contains gold raw materials in small quantities, however, there are quite a lot of such areas in our country. The industrial method of rock extraction has been used since the end of the first half of the 18th century. Initially, the gold mines used an exclusively manual method of work. River sand was collected in a tray, it was thoroughly shaken under a stream of water, as a result, the sand was washed off, and grains of metals remained on the bottom.

Ten years ago, an amalgamation method based on the properties of mercury to envelop gold was widely used. Poured into a barrel a small amount of mercury, and then added gold-bearing rock and shaken. All the valuable gold particles stuck to the heavy metal, which was then heated to flake off the gold. The high toxicity of the substance used made it necessary to abandon this method.

Leaching with sodium cyanide should be mentioned among modern methods of extracting raw materials. With this treatment, all particles pass into the state of a cyanide water-soluble compound, and then, under the influence of reagents, precious grains are separated.

Along with ore mining, there are other ways to develop:

  • Recycling
  • Scatter processing.

mining machines

Sometimes gold rock is mined using floating mining machines, which provide full mechanization of the process due to the dredging and processing equipment available in them. These devices are called "dredges", they enrich minerals and remove waste rock.

What are these machines for? Raw materials are not always on dry land. flooded areas are developed and valuable raw materials are extracted. They are used in alluvial, deluvial, coastal-marine, sedimentary, alluvial areas. They are not used in viscous clay.

Mankind has been extracting valuable rocks since ancient times. Gold mining is an important basis for the financial structure of any country, since gold is a universal and stable currency. V Russian Federation on the this moment 16 companies specializing in this field are registered. The largest among them is Polyus Gold. The main deposits of raw materials are concentrated on the territory of the Magadan, Amur and Irkutsk regions, the Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk regions, and in Chukotka.

Recent changes in the legislation make it possible to obtain a license for the extraction of metals not only for large organizations, but also for individuals. One of the main conditions for obtaining a permit is the passage of a competition/auction held by a state organization. Individual entrepreneurs when carrying out work are limited by a number of prohibitions.

Amur region. Closed back in the mid-seventies mine. All tributaries have been washed over many times since the 19th century. Most of the landfills have been “pulled out to magma”. It would seem that here you can find?

... I start reconnaissance with brushes in the riverbed. Small signs are found everywhere. At one turn, I notice that the protruding rock during the work of the miners should have prevented the bulldozer from shoveling out all the sands. Having rolled out the "swamps", I wade to the rock. I rake the river bed with a scraper, I dismantle the flagstone of the brush and immediately visible gold! Practically in each depression there are one or two large pieces of gold. Some of them break and are carried away by the current. I had to break my head a lot before I managed to come up with a way to collect this small natural treasure without loss. From a microscopic area, I collected about a hundred grams.

Yakutia. Modern gold mining site. The artel is large, with powerful equipment. At some polygons, the raft is loose, composed of easily collapsible siltstones. They are removed by bulldozers to the entire depth of subsidence, reaching three to four meters! The polygons are planned as airfields. Here there is only a small chance to find flaws in gold on the sides of quarries. Another thing is areas with hard bedrock. On one of them, composed of massive sandstones, I was lucky. Having waited for its activation and completion of production, with the permission of the chief geologist, I carefully examine each depression and crack. The result does not disappoint. In a few hours of painstaking search with a metal detector, I managed to collect 50 grams. Having learned about my prey, a powerful CAT-10 was urgently sent to the landfill. An experienced bulldozer driver, remembering someone's mother, crawled around the training ground for several hours. Having broken the “loose”, tearing the caterpillars on the rock, he scraped together five hundred cubes of “crackers”. Washing gave the result - 50 grams - just like mine. The landfill was finally abandoned. In the future, this small area measuring 15 by 70 meters gave me a few hundred more grams. Why not "minieldorado"?

And here is another place, also in Yakutia. The steeply dipping bed of a small stream, in some places narrowing to a meter. No technique will work here. The slopes are crumbling, waterfalls and huge blocks-suitcases of several tons do not allow traditional work. Spoon-type placer, very small in terms of modern industrial production. The stream is fed by precipitation and meltwater and dries up from time to time. It was worked out with hand tools by the prisoners of Dalstroy, as evidenced by the shells from the PPSh, crowbars sticking out of the permafrost and the remains of a stretcher. They say that here the convict had to hand over 50 grams per day for enhanced rations! Apparently, the place is not poor. I pass several times all the channel from top to bottom. There must be enriched places somewhere?! Here is a remarkable sharp turn in the channel. The flow of flood waters knocked out a whole cave in the rock. From her? on the takeaway - blocks larger than a meter. I loosen with a pole and bring down one of them. There are several good signs in the river box, stuffed into the crack and washed in the sample tray. A few days of hard work, and here is the reward - a hollow, just stuffed with gold!

Kolyma. Having settled down with difficulty as a geologist-tester, with the promise of the boss to allow me to walk around in a free search after the shift, I expected to receive a significant increase in addition to the basic salary. Twelve hours of hard work on the systematic testing of polygons to delineate the sands left almost no strength. But the diligent excitement and the polar night, when the sun is shining with might and main, did not allow to fall asleep. And so, after dinner, I ask the mountain foreman to throw me up to the thirtieth training ground. The old miner laughs: “What did you lose there? We scraped this landfill last season like a frying pan! Okay, let's see! The landfill was really torn out "on the conscience." The raft is composed of oxidized easily collapsible rusty siltstones. There is no trace of "grease" in the raft. Didn't they leave anything for me? I carefully go around the landfill in a circle, take a sample from the sides. In one place, some discrepancy catches the eye. Having cleaned the side and looking closely, I find traces of alluvium in the crack of the rocky side. Having delved into the wall for a meter, I notice that the riverman is not accidental here. A few days later, taking advantage of the opportunity, I asked a bulldozer driver passing by to “pick” my “digger” with a blade. Three minutes and the bulldozer drove off to the place of his work. After cleaning, I take a sample with a scraper. Something flashed in the tray. So it is, a nugget of two grams. My heart was beating fast! THERE IS! I turn around at the sound of a UAZ driving up. Damn it! "Sam" bestowed, brought it hard at such a moment! What to do, I show the washed sample. The chief's eyes widened. No heh… myself. Calls everyone on the radio. A crowd of specialists arrive at the place. The chief yells obscenities, someone makes excuses. Quietly standing aside, I understand that my place is “bye-bye”. And so it happened. For three days, bulldozers and an excavator opened the board. Under the landslide that collapsed in ancient times, the old river bed was opened. For thousands of years, a stream flowing from the opposite bank has turned a small section of the channel into a real "Eldorado". They took an additional fifteen kilograms from there. I thought the prize was in my pocket! But it was not there.

Having drawn conclusions about the degree of greed of the boss, I am looking for new places. I ask the locals where the "predators" hunted here, no one knows? They are silent, smiling slyly. Having traveled dozens of kilometers in a month, I decided to pick mushrooms. Having found several aspen mushrooms, I pay attention to the high terrace on the starboard side. I go up, pushing my way through thickets of dwarf birch, and find an exhausted landfill overgrown with larch trees 10 cm in diameter. Judging by the thickness of the trees, it was practiced 40-50 years ago, when there were no heavy bulldozers, and even to the water - oh, how far! Seems like this might be interesting. A day later I come with a metal detector. Clambered, it seemed, would be everything. The heat is at forty degrees, and I did not take water with me. It is necessary to dump, apparently empty. Sitting down to rest in the shade, I notice a few rusty cans of stew. Banks are old, from the seventies. Having carefully examined the neighboring bushes, I find the parking lot of the "predators". A mountain of cans testifies that they have been picking here for more than one year. Again, with a metal detector, I begin to carefully examine the surroundings. In one place, time-worn traces of "burrows". Is there really nothing here? A clear signal interrupted his thoughts and made his heart break into a gallop. Almost on the surface of a nugget of 20 grams! Further more. After two hours of cleaning from rubble, a depression clogged with a riverbed was exposed. Putting the device aside, I take it apart with a scraper and pick out small nuggets with my hands. Fatigue takes its toll and I, feeling a pleasant heaviness in my pocket, go to the base.

Three weeks of going to one place could not go unnoticed. In order to avoid trouble, he is forced to give up his gold plantation. The chief takes the geologist, and the three of us in his jeep drive up to the foot of the terrace…. A day later, Kamatsu swept clean all the young forest down and paved the way. Three weeks later, the device was already at the site and washing began. I managed to run there several more times with a metal detector and collect more than a dozen nuggets. The largest of them pulled 55 grams. The news that a 500-gram handsome man was found during the first shooting with the device made me only sigh heavily ...

Experienced miners can tell hundreds and hundreds of such stories. But there are fewer and fewer people who want to mine gold, and not at all because people do not need money. This is due to the fact that, according to our laws, the extraction of gold from non-industrial manifestations is not provided for and is considered a crime. It is also illegal to sell gold. If the police stop you, you will be in big trouble. Our people are mostly law-abiding and do not want to break the laws. Moreover, the police in our country are often angry and cruel.

It is possible to legally mine gold only under an agreement with an enterprise that has a license. But there are few gold mining enterprises and they are located far away, mostly in the Magadan region and Yakutia. To go to them, you need money and time, but it is not at all a fact that you will be hired. In order to work legally, I have to conclude contracts every year, and, without exaggeration, this is the most difficult thing in gold mining. Most directors do not want to let outsiders into their site, and they can be understood.

Of course, gold can be found closer. I know many good places where industrial gold mining has long been completed and there are no enterprises. But it will be illegal, since there is no one to conclude an agreement with, and working without an agreement, you become a criminal according to our laws. The territory of Russia is huge, gold mining enterprises, all together, have licenses for a very small share of it, probably 0.01%. The rest of the territory is inaccessible. Somehow this is wrong!

I read with envy how in other countries people take a tray or a metal detector and freely search for gold near the house or in any free area. For example, in Australia, a license for non-industrial mining is sold over the Internet to anyone. The cost of a license for 2 years is 1,000 rubles ($30). The license indicates the region of work (for example, the state of Victoria) and specifies restrictions: farmland, private property, land allotments of mining enterprises, as well as a list of equipment that can be used for gold mining (tray, mini-dredge with a nozzle up to 100 mm, etc. ).

If we in Russia also provided for the simple sale of licenses for prospecting and non-industrial gold mining (as in Australia), then every Russian would have the opportunity to earn extra money in his spare time. Schoolchildren and students could earn extra money during the summer holidays, pensioners had an addition to their small pension due to gold mining. So it was before in Russia and in the USSR. A gold miner was considered to be one who, in his free time, worked as a gold miner.

As for the increase in crime due to the free mining of gold, they say, in my opinion, in vain. If people are given the opportunity to earn money, there will be fewer crimes.

Gold is a precious metal, the basis of the financial system of all mankind and any individual country at almost all times. That is why gold mining is the most important occupation from ancient times to our time.

Today, gold is mined in Russia by individuals, a license for this type of activity is required. However, this area has undergone many changes.

Gold mining in Russia today and in the past

In our country, it is officially considered that gold mining in Russia by private individuals, finding mines, and the activities of entire corporations have been carried out on an industrial scale since the 18th century. Obviously, small amounts of gold were also mined in previous centuries. And this is no coincidence. Nature has provided Russia with many rich alluvial deposits available for development in almost all parts of the country.

Modern Russia is one of the leaders in gold mining. Gold is found in all parts of the country. Since the Middle Ages, the Urals, Siberia, the Far East, etc. have been famous. There is gold in closer regions, although in smaller volumes - in the Moscow region, the Leningrad region. Gold mining in Russia at the present stage is more than 250 tons per year. According to the results of last year, our country has established itself in one of the leading places in the overall production of precious metals.

Forms of activity of gold miners

The field of activity of active and energetic people has always been vast and varied. Gold mining, although sometimes dangerous, does not necessarily require a high-tech base and large financial resources. Gold mining can be done by individuals, large firms, and government agencies. At the same time, the Russian state either took an active role in gold mining, or gave gold mining in Russia to individuals. At the present stage, corporations such as Kinross Gold, Yuzhuralzoloto OJSC, Severstal OJSC, etc. are mainly involved in gold. Until recently, gold mining in Russia by individuals has been practiced in much smaller volumes.

Passivity of private gold mining

The reasons that contributed to the passivity of free prospectors:

  1. Technical. In the modern technological world, gold is mined, first of all, in the course of the daily activities of mining and processing plants and individual special machines - dredges. Production gold mining is much more efficient, manual labor cannot be compared with the machine.
  2. Legal. State and in the modern period for a long time limited the activities of non-state small organizations and individuals. Before recent years the law was openly on the side of large companies.

Reasons for the continuation of the work of private gold miners

Nevertheless, technical and legal restrictions could not and cannot stop private gold miners. First, not all deposits are suitable for industrial development. Some of them are simply unprofitable - their cost is higher than the cost of production due to relief, geographical and economic conditions. Large enterprises will not be engaged in gold in this case. Gold mining in Russia by individuals in small shares is more relevant than large-scale. There are many deposits with a small concentration of the precious metal, the state not only cannot control them, but sometimes it is not even able to register them. At the beginning of the 21st century, small deposits of gold are being discovered even in regions where gold has never been panned.

Secondly, the laundering of gold by unorganized miners in abandoned deposits undoubtedly highlights the positive aspects: the "web" of automobile routes to mining sites, low demands on the professional level of workers, the potential for using a more primitive, inexpensive tool. There is an officially non-working field in the Amur Territory. Gold prospecting has been going on there for more than a hundred years. However, a large amount of precious metal has been lifted from the ground, so that free prospectors will find something to look for. Gold mining in Russia by individuals in abandoned mines is currently increasing.

The history of private gold mining during the Soviet era

A certain problem is the lack of significant experience in private gold mining. Gold mining in Russia by individuals has not been allowed since 1954. The Stalin era was more free. The state for gold diggers included additional payments, was given the right to develop the richest gold mines. To intensify labor, they distributed housing, vouchers to sanatoriums, etc. Before the Great Patriotic War, every resident of the country over 18 years of age who had not previously received criminal punishment had the right to work as a miner. The number of gold diggers, acting separately or in non-governmental organizations, reached 120 thousand.

The resulting gold was handed over to countless specialized points. Gold mining in Russia at the mines by private individuals, their presence has brought significant benefits. Then the deposits became state-owned. Mostly the precious metal in Russia was obtained in the east: in the Urals, in Siberia, where the Bolsheviks did not immediately find themselves after the revolution. Gold mining enterprises turned out to be in the hands of one political force, then another. The losers, leaving, destroyed the equipment, disabled the mines, and did not allow the workers to function.

Decline of private gold mining during the Civil War

In the era of the Civil War, gold mining was almost completely disabled. If on the eve of the revolution, gold mining in the country decreased, then with the beginning of the civil confrontation, it fell further. In 1918, a total of 30 tons of gold was mined, and on the eve of the war, the total amount was 64 tons per year. There was no private gold mining law (or any other gold mining law).

In subsequent years, gold was received less and less. In 1920, 2.8 tons were mined, and in 1921 - only 2.5 tons. However, during the years of the existence of free miners (1932-1941), the volume of the received precious metal increased several times.

As already noted, in 1954, by decision of the Soviet state, the work of free miners in the extraction of precious metal was prohibited. After the collapse of the USSR, the illegal production of precious metals annually amounted to about 15-20 tons - 10% of the legal volume.

Newest time

In recent decades, some changes in the field of gold mining have nevertheless occurred. Against the backdrop of the ongoing changes at the present stage, it does not look quite logical and understandable, severe restrictions in gold mining. Gold mining in Russia by individuals required a license. Gold mining and its licensing are limited by the federal law "On Subsoil" No. 2395-1, which became part of the effective ones in the first year of the existence of the Russian state, and the federal law "On Precious Metals and Precious Stones" No. 41-FZ, launched in 1998 .

The law on gold mining in Russia by individuals provides that the receipt of gold is realized only by legal entities who have taken a permit (license). The state structure that distributes licenses is the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use - Rosnedra and its organizations in the province. A permit is required for gold mining in Russia by individuals.

Obtaining a license for gold mining

The instruction for obtaining a permit document consists of the following mandatory steps:

  1. Terrain reconnaissance, the subsoil of which is recommended by the state for sale at an auction or tender (such information is available on the Internet on government websites, all messages are publicly available on the website of Rosnedra and regional offices).
  2. Submission of a demand for participation in a public auction or tender, obtaining a number of official documents determined by the competitive (auction) conditions.
  3. The participant who received the first place in the bidding (auction), and win a gold mining license.

As a rule, gold mining in Russia by individuals (a license is needed) is allowed for 20-25 years or for the period of completed gold mining at the mine. The document can be officially recognized from the moment of state registration.

In our country from 1992 to 1998. this precious metal received permission to explore any residents of Russia even without a proper official document of the state structure. Since 1998, free miners have lost many of their rights: they could only work in organizations that took out licenses for gold mining. In particular, gold mining in Russia is now carried out by individuals with a license.

Legislative changes

Only in 2016, Dmitry Medvedev, marking the next stage of liberalization in the field of gold mining, approved amendments to the law "On Subsoil". They concerned gold mining in Russia by individuals (2016 - new edition).

According to this legislative document, from the beginning of 2017, private gold mining in Russia was once again allowed. The law provided for the possibility of renting a land area of ​​0.15 square meters for a certain period of time. m, which, according to professionals, can produce up to ten kilograms of gold. However, when mining gold, it must be taken into account that there are several requirements:

  • it is necessary to obtain metal only by the surface method;
  • it is forbidden to use explosives in work;
  • you can use a layer of earth up to five meters deep.

Today, gold mining in Russia by private individuals (a license will avoid problems with the law) may result in a fine of several thousand rubles. At the same time, the miner will also be left without a tool purchased specifically for obtaining the precious metal. And if it turns out that the suspect has gold worth more than one million rubles, there is also criminal liability. A similar case applies to the development of a mine, which is the property of a company that mines gold.

Positive aspects of changes in the Law "On Subsoil"

Even taking into account all these facts, many believe that the adopted law has many positive consequences:

  • additional revenues to the budget - it is assumed that the government will earn about 300 kg of gold annually;
  • good support for strengthening small and medium-sized businesses in provincial areas;
  • creation of additional jobs and growth of self-employment of the population;
  • population growth in settlements sparsely populated regions.

However, the growth in the number of private miners leads to the danger of increasing corruption and banditry, since this is a very convenient environment for committing crimes. Tight state control and a clear legal framework will be able to stop such a process.

The procedure for the delivery of the mined precious metal will be determined after the legislative and regulatory act is approved at the federal level. Later, on the ground, the authorities will be able to make the necessary changes to the regional legislation.


With the adoption of the law, Russia can be ranked among the leading countries where not only the industrial production of precious metals is developed, but gold is also mined (in Russia, i.e. on the territory) by individuals. The growth of gold mining is possible, but not only because of the large deposits of the precious metal, but also because fresh gold deposits are being steadily explored in Russia, there are the latest technology, the needs of individual entrepreneurs and small organizations are taken into account.

According to the results of 2014, the Russian Federation took the fourth place in the rating list of the world's leading countries in terms of annual production of the yellow precious metal. Gold mining in Russia is carried out, as a rule, traditional ways. Gold mining is usually divided into public and private. Earlier, we have already mentioned the opportunities for private gold mining in Russia today and disclosed to date undeveloped mines that may be of interest to private gold miners. In this article, we will talk, in general, about the possibilities of gold mining in Russia, consider the main deposits, and also characterize the volume of annual gold mining in Russia, along with its methods.


Russia has a lot of gold deposits

Gold mines located in Russia have always brought significant profits to gold miners. However, over time, the geography of gold mines is changing due to the fact that some of them are closed, while others begin development.

Undoubtedly, the main place where most of the gold mines of Russia are concentrated is Siberia. The second most important place is occupied by the places of the Far East region.

On the map of the Russian Federation, most of the gold mines are concentrated in the central and southern regions of the country. The quantitative indicator of the northeastern artels, located on the outskirts of the country, has only 4 deposits of the yellow precious metal, namely:

  1. Kyuchus gold mine.
  2. Mayskoye gold deposit.
  3. Karalveemskoye deposit.
  4. Mine Dome.

Gold mines located in the center of the country, numbered in tens, among them, for example:

  1. Vorontsovsky mine.
  2. Blessed deposit.
  3. Olimpiada deposit.
  4. Mine Eldorado.
  5. Deposit Devil's trough.
  6. Mine Dry log.
  7. Verninskoye deposit.
  8. Kuranakh mine.
  9. Khakadzha deposit.
  10. Nezhdanninskoye deposit.

In the southern region there are also many mines and deposits, which include, for example, the following:

  1. Natalka deposit.
  2. Aginsky mine.
  3. Baranevsky mine.
  4. Versatile deposit.
  5. Spring mine.
  6. Asachinsky mine.
  7. Gay deposit.
  8. Vasin mine.
  9. Kochkar deposit.
  10. Darasun deposit.
  11. Porkovskoye deposit.

As follows:


Indicators of gold production in the regions of the Russian Federation in 2011 looked like this:

Over the past four years, the situation has somewhat changed. The following table invites you to familiarize yourself with indicators for gold mining in the Russian regions for 2013-2014:

In general, if we analyze the indicators of gold mining in the Russian regions for 2011, 2013 and 2014, we can see that the overall level of gold mining in Russia remains unchanged. Apparently, this is one of the main reasons for the increase by Russia in the volume of government purchases of the yellow precious metal abroad, which has been observed recently.

Mining methods

Modern gold mining, usually, is carried out by obtaining gold from ores of precious metals.

Besides gold mining is also carried out:

  1. At alluvial deposits.
  2. By obtaining secondary yellow precious metal in the recycling process.
  3. By developing primary deposits.
  4. Using artisanal methods of gold mining.

The development of primary deposits is today the main way to obtain the yellow precious metal. Taking into account the fact that gold, as a rule, is enclosed in quartz veins of different thickness and angle of occurrence underground, the development of primary deposits is the most promising and effective way gold mining.

Artisanal gold mining typically requires complex structural structures. To date, many countries have launched the production of various models of installations, the use of which allows for high-performance mining of the yellow precious metal. However, the cost of such equipment does not allow individuals to purchase it; as a rule, large gold mining companies become its owners.

The specificity of each of the methods of gold mining determines their prevalence.

So, for example, one of the widely used methods of gold mining - washing, is not very popular due to the fact that the peculiarity of its implementation requires the gold miner to a large number time.

Amalgamation- one of the artisanal methods of gold mining, which is based on the unique ability of mercury to form various compounds with gold. To obtain a yellow precious metal in this way, mercury is added to the crushed gold ore, after which the resulting mixture is processed in a special way. Amalgamation is in a good way obtaining gold, however, is expensive, so it is also used very rarely.

The gold amalgamation process goes like this

Technology cyanidation gold is usually obtained by private gold miners. To do this, they use hydrocyanic acid or "aqua regia", the main properties of which are capable of dissolving gold in themselves. This method refers to the main artisanal methods of extracting the yellow precious metal.

Gold cyanidation is carried out, in particular, in laboratory conditions

Video about private gold mining opportunities

Private mining

Private gold mining may be based on artisanal methods of extracting the yellow precious metal, the main of which were described in the previous section.

However, for its implementation, a private gold miner needs to know some aspects of state regulation of this activity.

It is important! As a rule, artisanal gold mining is primitive. The volumes of gold mined by artisanal methods are small.

The main issues of mining the yellow precious metal in the Russian Federation are regulated by a single legislative act - federal law"On Precious Metals and Precious Stones". In accordance with the main provisions of this regulatory legal act, gold mining by individuals (private) persons is allowed on the territory of the Russian Federation. But, at the same time, the opinion that any person can start mining gold in Russia when, how and where he wants is erroneous. In order to carry out private gold mining in Russia, it is necessary, first of all, to acquire an appropriate license for mining the yellow precious metal from the relevant regional state administration.

However, there are some limitations here too, namely:

  • an individual can obtain a gold mining license only if he is registered as an individual entrepreneur;
  • the validity of such a license will apply only to certain areas of the earth's surface, where an individual entrepreneur is allowed to mine the yellow precious metal;
  • such sites should contain no more than ten kilograms of gold;
  • gold mining in the form of individual entrepreneurship can be carried out according to the obtained license for no more than five years.

In general, gold mining is quite a promising and profitable event if the investor organizes a certain campaign for the extraction of the yellow precious metal. To do this, it is necessary to register as a legal entity in accordance with the procedure established by law, choose a place for gold mining, obtain a license for gold mining in a certain region, purchase appropriate equipment, hire employees (miners and other support personnel) and organize their work.

Investments in gold mining are promising on a large scale.

If you want to carry out private gold mining, then you should not expect to receive significant profits legally.

Kavchik B.K., Candidate of Geology and Mathematics, Irgiredmet

How much money do you need for a gold mining business

Gold is mined from alluvial and primary (ore) deposits. It is advisable to start gold mining in alluvial deposits. They require less capital investment and are less risky for the investor.

Industrial gold mining from placers requires investments of about 10-100 million rubles, mainly for the purchase of machinery and equipment. The minimum investment (up to 10 million rubles) may be when working under a contract on someone else's site. At the same time, the risks are relatively small: if any problems arise, the equipment can be picked up and moved to another site. At the same time, investments that cannot be returned are minimal.

For independent development of a new alluvial deposit, investments of about 50-100 million rubles are required.

Industrial mining of ore goldrequires 15-20 million dollars, only at the first stages of work: for exploration, research and design. It will be necessary to invest about another 50-200 million dollars in the construction of the mine. The investment cycle at ore deposits is long, gold mining will not begin in less than 5 years, and the payback period of the project may be 10 years or more. In this regard, investments in ore are more risky than in placers: a longer term means a greater risk. An example is the Natalka deposit in the Magadan region. Polyus Gold invested a lot of money in it over 10 years, built a mine and a factory, and the price of gold fell in 2013. Gold mining began only in 2017.

How to find a deposit for gold mining

1. The fastest way to buy an existing gold mine, which already has a license and agreed documents for production alluvial gold(land allotment, mining project, etc.). Gold mining enterprises are sold quite often, especially small ones with one or two licenses. The main reason for the sale is the lack of mining equipment or working capital. Banks are reluctant to lend to small businesses. License holders often find themselves in a hopeless situation: for inaction, the license should be taken away, and there is no money for work.

To find and choose a good enterprise, place an ad in the Zolotodobycha magazine or on this website:

"I will buy a gold mining enterprise"

“I will buy an enterprise that has a license for gold mining”

In the text of the ad, specify where and what kind of enterprise you need. For example, “I will buy an enterprise that has a license for the extraction of alluvial gold in the Republic of Buryatia.”

After receiving the offers, you can choose what suits you best in terms of conditions and price. You can buy the company in its entirety, or you can buy a share of the company in order to receive part of the mined gold or part of the profit.

2. It is possible not to buy an enterprise, but to conclude an agreement with the license holder to develop its deposit or site. This is the cheapest option. The legal entity - the owner of the license has the right to mine gold independently, as well as to conclude agreements with other legal entities. The registration of all documents and permits is carried out by the owner of the license. The mined gold also belongs to the owner of the license, and the one who works on someone else's site must hand over the gold to him. The license holder will pay the contractor for the extracted gold at the price specified in the contract or under a production sharing agreement.

To find an enterprise, give or in the magazine "":

“I will rent a plot for gold mining”

Indicate the area and your capabilities: the availability of equipment, specialists.

Contracts between legal entities are quite widespread. Especially often, large enterprises give under the contract unfinished or remote areas to small artisanal artels with a pair of bulldozers and a flushing device.

Buying a placer or working under a contract is a real option to get gold in a few months.

3. Buying a placer license at an auction is currently less attractive. There are almost no good placers at auctions. They can offer something like: “the right tributary of the Veseliy river with predicted resources of category P2 - 140 kg or “The upper reaches of the stream. Wide - predicted resources of category P3 - 40 kg, etc. Forecast resources are "whether it will be or not." And they offer you to find out for your money. After purchasing a license, you will be required to conduct exploration, count, and approve reserves, if any. If there are no stocks, then no one will return the money to you. Consumer Rights Act does not apply here.

At best, you can start gold mining in 2-3 years, having spent about 10-20 million rubles on exploration and other work.

Due to the lack of good objects at auctions, it is more attractive to purchase an enterprise that has a license. You can get a good deposit with proven and approved reserves and quickly extract real gold.

Optimal sequence of actions

It is necessary to start a business with an assessment of your financial capabilities and the choice of an object for them that provides a return of funds and a profit within a timeframe acceptable to you. In terms of financial opportunities, the main options are as follows.

- If you don't have money to invest and you're hoping to make money out of gold by investing nothing but your own labor, you'd better get a job with an established business. Write a few words about yourself in the section: .

- In the presence of 3-10 million rubles. it is possible to start gold mining under an agreement with an existing gold mining enterprise for the development of a separate area. This a good option to start a business.

- Funds up to 30-50 million rubles., you can invest in an enterprise that already has a license and needs funds for production. That is, to enter the business by buying a share in the enterprise.

- 50-100 million rubles allow you to buy an enterprise at the "zero" stage of work or unprofitable, and transform it into a profitable one through technical modernization.

- If investments are possible (50-100 million rubles) for several years, then you can purchase a new object at the auction.

1. The choice of the field. You can still find a good placer () now, and you need to choose the one that will allow you to achieve high profitability. It's not worth taking anything just because it's close to home. This placer can be complex in structure, require increased capital investments and, at the same time, be unprofitable. To evaluate placers and select the most promisingneeded, first of all,

The presence of a geological report on the object and approved reserves is not enough. Reserves can be either less or more than calculated by exploration. It's good when there is more gold, but sometimes less. An experienced geologist should help in assessing the object, if necessary, carry out verification work. In addition, the geologist must collect data for mining design and enrichment.

The choice of an object for acquisition must be taken as carefully as possible. If you intend to invest millions of dollars in a business, then saving on collecting information is not worth it. The more options you find, the more you will be able to choose a good deposit and make a profitable investment. Give a few ads, invite an experienced specialist to evaluate the proposals received. Choose the best.

An ore deposit requires investments of tens and hundreds of millions of dollars. For the selection and evaluation of an ore object, it is advisable to involve specialized firms and the best geologists, although this is not cheap.

2. The second most important thing is mining. Perhaps, at first glance, this is not the most difficult thing, since the mining technology is well known. In any city, pits are being dug for houses and other objects. But mining on placers and in construction are fundamentally different. In construction, the cost of a cube is insignificant, since its share in the cost of a house is negligible. At placers, mining is the main cost item. Therefore, a well-calculated and economical mining project is needed, taking into account the specific characteristics of the placer and with economic calculation. Contact the experts.

3. The third thing is the execution and approval of documents. If you do not draw up paperwork correctly, you will have to pay fines and you can earn serious trouble if representatives of regulatory authorities follow the letter of the law.

4. Fourth, the organization of production, including its financing. Constant control over expenses is necessary so that the money does not run out at the most inopportune moment, and they are enough for good equipment suitable for the facility. The acquisition of cheap second-hand equipment often ruins the best business. The cost of a cubic meter of displaced rock mass increases when using old equipment. The equipment must ensure trouble-free operation during the season (4-5 months). A cheap flushing device can also spoil the case due to large losses of gold.