
Unusual crafts from ice cream sticks. DIY crafts from ice cream sticks. How to make furniture for dolls with your own hands


Summer is coming. And that means we'll all be eating ice cream! And we, mothers, are also interested in the question of early and not only early development children with the smallest possible budget). Therefore, I propose to see how you can create crafts from ice cream sticks with your children.

You can think of anything! I never thought that something could be made from these wooden sticks. Of course, you can collect such sticks for a long time or purchase packaging for classes during the summer holidays.

Ideas for creative crafts from ice cream sticks

So…what do they make with ice cream sticks? A lot of interesting, creative, beautiful and even practical!

The frame is decorated with shells from the sea and additional elements. You can make not only a frame for a photo in this style, but also just a beautiful pano on the wall. It will turn out sophisticated and cute, adding cozy notes to the surroundings.

Pano to the kitchen. Very original.

Who would have thought that this waste material, can be done cool bird feeder ! Here's what she looks like. If you use a lot of sticks, then the walls will be dense and the grains will not fall between them. A bird feeder can be built both miniature and any size.

You can do the same for the development of motor skills and memory of the child.

A children's toy train must ride on something! With a child of 2-3 years old, you can easily assemble these rails for toy railway . I think that the child will be very interesting and safe to create such crafts.

For girls a little older, you can already offer to create a cute casket! And decorate it with quilling flowers. The lid is removable. And inside you can store anything!

Paper flowers can be glued to the lid with glue, preferably liquid, as PVA is unlikely to hold. Or double sided tape.

Casket - chest . An original miniature craft for baby's first decorations or baby's miniature toys.

Lamp! Yes, yes, a real lamp for the house! How to make it? Watch the master class HERE!

The original decoration of a vase made of sticks from delicious ice cream.

Vase for fruit or berries . You can make it large enough and use it in the household in the kitchen.

Ice cream stick fences - they can be made so different! For children to play a farm, you can create such interesting fences that enclose the courtyard of the house.

Bookmarks can also be quite original!

Ice cream stick houses can also be different: large, miniature or medium. You can color them, decorate them in decoupage style, stick some interesting things, make them for dolls or birds.

Pendant-decor for flowers and flowerpots . A trifle, but nice! The comfort of the house just consists of such miniature beautiful cute crafts.

Photo frames! Each child can make them himself! Offer decor options and the child will be busy with interesting work. And making them is easy enough.

Do you love eskimo? Do not rush to throw away the stick, because it can be useful in home needlework. It is easy to make a beautiful bracelet, an original vase or a real house for a doll out of wooden sticks. Parents can collect sticks with their children or buy a set of Craft Sticks for needlework. In this article we will tell you how to make crafts from ice cream sticks. Master classes with photos are an opportunity to have fun with the whole family or learn how to create with your own hands.

Wooden bracelet made of ice cream sticks

- wooden sticks for ice cream or medical spatulas;
- paints;
- tweezers;
- brushes;
- Bowl;
- glasses or cups.

1. Dip a few sticks in a container of water for 12-24 hours.

2. Pick up glasses of the same diameter as your hand. Now insert the sticks into them so that they take the shape of a semicircle.
3. Leave the sticks to dry.

4. When the sticks are completely dry, they can be pulled out of the glasses with tweezers. Received wooden blanks.
5. Now you can start decorating. On wooden blanks, you can draw patterns with paints, as well as do decoupage with napkins or cloth.

Lacquer the original bracelet on top. This craft will complement any outfit and become a good gift for a friend.

Fans of creative decor can make a beautiful vase with their own hands. Soak wooden ice cream sticks in boiling water or leave in cold water for a day. Choose a clear glass vase for decoration.

Now, using tweezers, lower the sticks into the vase so that they take on a curved shape. Lower each stick with a slight shift to create the effect of a wooden vase.

Every girl dreams of having a doll of her own. Barbie manufacturers have offered many expensive plastic house designs, and we recommend making a house from natural wooden sticks that all ice cream lovers throw in the trash. You can come up with a design yourself or repeat from the master class we have proposed.
- scissors;
- glue;
- sticks;
- fabric and synthetic winterizer.

Master class house for dolls

1. Preliminarily draw an invented house design and calculate the required number of sticks. In our master class, 14 sticks were used for each wall and floor.

2. Lay out 12 sticks on a flat surface and glue each side to each other. Perpendicularly at a short distance from the center, glue two more sticks that will support the structure.
3. In the same way as in the previous paragraph, make 7 blanks, 2 of which fasten not with two, but with three sticks.

4. Take one blank, put it on a newspaper, put one stick on each side and spread glue on three sides. Glue three walls of the house.
5. Now take two blanks on which three, not two sticks were glued (item 3). They need to be glued into a triangle. To do this, glue a stick on one blank so that it protrudes halfway from the blank.

For dolls. Garden bench made from ice cream sticks

Lovers of sewing dolls and delighting children with fabulous doll houses I want to propose the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a garden bench from ice cream sticks. If there are no sticks, since the ice cream season has already ended, they can be replaced with medical spatulas from the pharmacy. The work to be done is quite simple, from the available simple materials so the kids can get involved. Good luck to all)

So, we are watching a master class on creating a garden bench for resting dolls and toys) By the way, about the rest, if you still have it ahead) I invite you to visit the page, here you will find the complete information about all sanatoriums and boarding houses of the Leningrad region. You can view photos of boarding houses, find out about services and prices, as well as cottages for rent. If you are planning a New Year's holiday at the recreation center in advance, take a look at this site, there are interesting offers here.

So, for work we need the following materials:

Ice cream sticks or medical spatulas

kebab sticks


Sheet of white office paper

Stationery knife

Paper glue

Acrylic paints

Varnish spray

Dry blush

Cut out the bench leg template from paper. It can be retaken directly from the monitor screen by attaching a sheet of paper and lightly pressing the pencil on the screen

Transfer the template to cardboard and cut it out.

We pierce holes for the crossbar, as in the photo below

Glue cardboard blanks to white paper

Cut out, leaving paper allowances for hem

Attach paper with reverse side blanks

We connect the legs with a kebab stick

Let's start gluing ice cream sticks

Paint the bench white acrylic paint need two layers

We dry the bench in the oven, to harden the acrylic - 120 degrees for 3 minutes

We shade the bench along the edges with a brush with dry blush

Remove excess with a tissue

We fix the painting with varnish - spray

Sourced from

You can make many unique things from ice cream sticks:bookmarks for books, bracelets, pencil boxes, caskets, mosaic toys, shelves made of ice cream sticks, and even panels. How can you make all these amazing things out of ice cream sticks see the master classes (photos and videos).

What can be made from ice cream sticks?

1. Bookmarks for books from ice cream sticks

Materials: ice cream sticks, resistant paint(preferably from a spray can), marker and fantasy. Creation is ready.

How to paint ice cream sticks with spray paint, you can see in the video below. After spraying paint from a spray can onto the sticks on one side, let the paint dry a little, then paint on the other. As the paint dries, feel free to draw any patterns with a marker.

Finally, some people cover the sticks with building varnish to make the pattern better hold. And some clear varnish for nails.

2. small p handmade ice cream sticks

Cup for pencils, pens and any stationery. Detailed MK in the video. Everything is very simple.

By the way, instead of foamiran sheets, you can use shiny colored cardboard. And the flower will be even brighter.

3. Furniture for dolls from ice cream sticks.

There is furniture for dolls that is easier to make, for example, a chair, a table, a wardrobe.

In this case, a complex example. This furniture for dolls requires painstaking work with precise measurements of details. The work is made of ice cream sticks with thick double walls, internal fastenings of drawer corners and elegant handles and even a mirror.

In addition, this work can be used as a jewelry box for a girl. Where graceful beads or sequins can be laid out on the velvet base of the drawer.

4. Shelf of sticks.

We decorate the house. You can make a shelf of ice cream sticks, use it exclusively or give it to friends. See...

5 . Various spools

From elementary to delicate in baby-chic style. All caskets have the same principle of creation, and the decoration of the lid of the casket depends on imagination.

Materials: popsicle sticks, glue, lid decorations and patience. The number of sticks to create the box depends on the desired height. In the video, it is proposed to create a small square box. Make the box the height you want.

6. The interior of the dwelling can be supplemented with a unique author's decor, ice cream stick pictures . These paintings are handmade.

You can do that yourself. The main thing is not to be afraid to turn on the fantasy. The whole process of creating a picture is described in the photo.

Materials: white canvas, glue (in a tall tube), a lot of popsicle sticks, paints and a jar. Can be used to color sticks different ways. In this experiment, it is proposed to mix paints with water in a jar and place sticks there.

As the sticks dry, the picture can be laid out, gradually gluing the sticks to the canvas from the bottom up.

7. What else can be made from ice cream sticks? Watch various videos. For example, you can create various toys, from the most elementary, made from clothespins and sticks, to flying ones. From popsicle sticks make pistols (shooting with toothpicks), small helicopters, crossbows, knives. Boats and large sailing ships are made from these sticks. Fantasy has no limits.

The flying toys made of ice cream sticks struck the imagination.

Ice cream stick craft. Master class with step by step photo

Craft "Frame" with your own hands

Needlework master class: crafts from waste material.

Purpose: craft for a sample for children for an extracurricular activity "Skillful Hands", for a gift, a surprise for a child.
The craft can be used as a frame for your favorite picture, and for a photo. The frame can be easily and quickly made from ice cream sticks. It is unique and original, does not take up much space, fits into any interior, will look on any table, shelf, nightstand.

Using the lesson come in handy: working with children aged 9 to 10.

Purpose of the lesson:
- production of a gift frame from waste material of ice cream sticks;
mastering special skills to create a product;
- development of cognitive interests, creativity;
- to cultivate diligence, accuracy, creative initiative.

Development of imagination and fantasy when using waste material;
- the development of independent creativity of children in the manufacture of crafts, to train fine motor skills;
- develop accuracy and patience in work.
- develop cognitive interest in arts and crafts.
- Mastering new technologies.

After eating another portion of a cool treat, do not rush to throw a wooden stick in the trash. This is a great material to create. original crafts. Among other things, sticks are an environmentally friendly material. Working with them is easy and pleasant. A variety of products made from ice cream sticks can not only become an element of decor, but also perform useful functions. Coasters, vases, caskets, bread boxes, coasters - these are far from all types of crafts made from ice cream sticks. Let's start with the simplest - frames for your favorite picture.
Materials and tools:
- sticks from ice cream of two forms;
glue moment;
colored stripes

Manufacturing steps

1. For the frame, take 14 sticks of one shape and 8 of another shape, a picture, colored stripes, glue moment.

2. We take clean 10 sticks and lay them in parallel, gluing one to the other.

3. Carefully glue the picture onto the sticks.

4. On the reverse side of the frame, glue the sticks with the help of colored stripes. Like this…

5. On the picture, across, we paste two sticks of a different shape, forming a frame.
From two sticks we make a roof. Glue 2 more sticks, continuing to form a frame.

6. On the reverse side of the frame, first glue two sticks in parallel, then glue the last two sticks perpendicular to them on the vertical sides, forming the inner window of the frame.

7. We begin to decorate our frame with colored stripes on both sides of the frame.

8. Let's make a leg and a support so that it does not slip and can be put in a convenient place.

9. I got such a frame.

From ice cream sticks, you can make such a practical thing as a pencil holder.