
Course work "social and personal development of young children." Report "social and personal development of preschool children" Social and personal development something

Pathology of the uterus

The problem of the social and personal development of a preschool child in the process of his interaction with the outside world becomes especially relevant at the present stage, since the main personality structures are laid down in the preschool period of childhood, which, in turn, imposes on the family and the preschool institution a special responsibility for the upbringing of the necessary personal qualities in children.

One of the 5 priority areas of activity of a preschool institution (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO) is the social and communicative development of children preschool age, organization and methodological support of socially-oriented educational activities, as conditions for the implementation of the social order of society and the family.

1. Create conditions for preschool children to assimilate the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values.

2. To develop the social and emotional intelligence of children, their emotional responsiveness, empathy, the skills of friendly communication and interaction with adults and peers.

3. To promote the development of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of children's own actions.

4. To form a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to your family and to the community of children and adults in a team, positive attitudes towards different types labor and creativity.

5. Form the basics in children safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature; readiness for joint activities with peers.

To solve the set tasks, it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions ^

Use of health-saving educational technologies in the practice of the preschool educational institution;

Implementation of a general education program;

Enrichment of the subject-spatial environment.

When creating a developmental space in the group premises of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to be guided by the principles, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, which presuppose the unity of social and substantive means of ensuring the various activities of the child:

Saturation of the environment (compliance with the age capabilities of children and the content of the Program);

Transformability (the possibility of changes in teaching staff depending on the educational situation);

Multifunctionality (the possibility of various uses);

Variation (variety, periodic change of game material);

Accessibility (free access to gaming aids);

Security (compliance with the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use).

When organizing a subject-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in various age groups of preschool educational institutions, it must be remembered that its content in the direction of "Social and communicative development" of preschool children should be determined by the content of educational activities in this direction and the age category of children.

So, for example, in our group in this direction of development of preschool children, the following Activity Centers are represented:

Security Center.

Center for role-playing games.

Center for social and communicative development (labor education of boys and girls).

Requirements for their content and filling in accordance with age group reflected in the passports of the centers in the group developed by us. Let's consider each of them.

1. The analysis of the goals and objectives of the formation of the foundations of life safety in children in senior group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (they are in front of you on the screen, the main directions of work and principles made it possible to draw up a passport of the Security Center, in accordance with which it was filled with didactic games and manuals in accordance with the age of the children.

So, for example, according to traffic rules in the senior group, in accordance with the requirements, there are:

The owner is a traffic light.

An intersection layout, with the help of which children can solve complex logic problems on road safety.

Road signs set.

Didactic games.

The traffic controller's gesture schemes, the didactic game “What does the rod say? ", Attributes of the traffic police inspector: wand, cap.

The formation in children of the skills of life safety and the prerequisites of ecological consciousness (safety of the surrounding world) occurs not only in the course of spontaneous interaction with social reality and the surrounding world, but also in the process of purposeful introduction of the child to social reality in DOU group, therefore, the Security Center has didactic games, thematic albums in three directions:

Prevention of road accidents and the study of traffic rules;

Formation of the ability to take care of your health;

Fire safety prevention.

The Center has didactic aids“Zdorovyachka and Khlyupika Islands”, “In the Country of Zdravolandii”, “Pros and Cons of Natural Phenomena”, “Zdorovei-ka”, the purpose of which is to increase children's cognitive competence about the possibilities of a healthy lifestyle, healing with medicinal herbs, and the use of additional means of prevention colds; the formation in children of the ability to take care of their health. In the future, the creation in the group of didactic manuals for the formation of children's knowledge about safety on the water, in nature and in everyday life.

2. Taking into account the types of work and forms of organization of labor activity in senior preschool age (they are in front of you on the screen, the Center for Social and Communicative Development has created conditions for the labor education of children (boys and girls):

Collective cleaning organizations group room or site.

Labor organizations with small groups of children.

Organization of labor assignments and work with persons on duty.

Manual labor organizations.

Didactic manuals ("Cube of choice", "Islands of duty") have been created for organizing the work of children (determining the number of participants, type of work activity, grouping, assigning types of work, determining the type of duty and assignments, Thanks to the use of these manuals, the basic foundation of the labor skills of children is laid, formed precisely in the older group (in the future, these formed skills and abilities are only improved, the main thing in which are the skills:

Accept the purpose of labor;

Highlight the subject of labor;

Anticipate the result of labor;

Plan the work process;

Select the necessary equipment;

Bring the work started to the end.

To form an idea of ​​the work of adults, about the variety of professions, modern technology, machines and mechanisms involved in human labor and their role, thematic albums, a selection of presentations for children, didactic games have been developed.

In the future, creating conditions in the group for boys to work with wood: hammering, sawing, painting in the manufacture of toys, etc.

3. Social development of the individual is carried out in activities. Children's activities are carried out in various, age-appropriate forms of work with children, a special place among which is played by play as an activity of value in itself.

After analyzing the classification of games, the characteristics and prerequisites of role-playing games, we organized the Center for role-playing games, in which sets of objects and accessories for role-playing games, recommended precisely in older preschool age, are concentrated. At the Center, senior preschool children have the opportunity to organize role-playing games in the following areas:

Older preschoolers gain experience of cooperation with schoolchildren: “We have sports festival"," A joint literary quiz in the library "," We are waiting for our teachers. "

Engaging in situations like this deepens interest in school and relieves school anxiety. At the same time, a valuable experience of inter-age communication is formed, which is important not only for preschoolers, but also for students.


Children are very fascinated by situations like "Teach your friend what you can do yourself."

We encourage children to show attention to each other, mutual assistance and cooperation. Children share their experience, we help them to enter the role of “teacher”, that is, to be patient, attentive and condescending to the mistakes and difficulties of their peers.


Children also participate in imitation games: changes in emotional and physical states, imitations of states of nature, etc.

Now, dear teachers, I suggest you watch educational activities with older preschool children. Which is aimed at the formation in children respectful attitude to each other, readiness for joint activities.

Consultation for teachers "Social and communicative development of preschool children in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard"

The problem of the social and personal development of a preschool child in the process of his interaction with the outside world becomes especially relevant at the present stage, since the main personality structures are laid down in the preschool period of childhood, which, in turn, imposes on the family and the preschool institution a special responsibility for the upbringing of the necessary personal qualities in children.

The relevance of the social and communicative development of preschoolers is increasing in modern conditions due to the peculiarities of the social environment of the child, in which there is often a deficit of good manners, kindness, benevolence, speech culture in human relationships.

As part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the content of educational activities of preschool institutions, more attention should be paid to achieving goals and solving problems of social and communicative development.

The main goal of this direction is the positive socialization of preschool children, familiarizing them with socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state.

The tasks of social and communicative development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO are as follows:

Appropriation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values;

Development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy,

Formation of readiness for joint activities with peers,

Formation of social and communicative speech skills (development of the ability to enter into communication and maintain it).

To solve the set tasks, it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions

Use of health-saving educational technologies in the practice of the preschool educational institution;

Implementation of a general education program;

Enrichment of the subject-spatial environment.

Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education defines the nature of interaction between adults and children as personality-developmental and humanistic. presupposing respect for the child, the creation of a benevolent atmosphere of cooperation of children in a group, the orientation of children to universal human values.

The development of a child's own active position is ensured by giving him initiative in a variety of activities, and, above all, in play.

The main principles of preschool education are highlighted,

aimed at the formation of personal qualities of a preschooler and his adaptation to society:

Promotion and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;

Introducing children to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state;

Formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions child in various activities;

Taking into account the ethnocultural situation of the development of children;

FSES of preschool education changes ideas about the content and conditions for the implementation of the educational area "Social and communicative development":

On the appropriation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values;

Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;

Formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of their own actions;

Development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy;

Formation of readiness for joint activities with peers;

Formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family, small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays;

Formation of the foundations of safety in everyday life, society, nature.

There are a number of requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational area

"Social and communicative development":

1. Requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO to the basic competencies of the teacher:

Ensuring the emotional well-being of the child;

Support for the individuality and initiative of children;

Establishing rules for behavior and interaction with children in different situations;

Building a developing education focused on the zone of proximal development of each pupil;

Organization of cooperation with the parents of pupils.

with children on "Social and communicative development"

Younger preschool age

Variable organization of games-experiments and games-travels of a subject nature with children as the main methods of upbringing;

Organization of story games;

Organization of moments of joy related to cultural and hygienic skills and healthy lifestyle skills;

The simplest search and problem situations;

Simulation games;

Literature and play (reading);

Middle preschool age

Organization of role-playing games;

Variable organization of gaming problem situations, game search situations, complicating games-experiments and games-travels, games-studies.

Introduction to the process of education of the simplest situational tasks.

Conversations and joint cognitive activity teacher and children with elements of the game

Senior Preschool Age

Situational tasks, their wide variability.

Using the project method.

Using the collecting method.

The use of theatrical activities.

The use of literary and play forms (composing riddles with children, poetry games, composing limericks with children (form of short poems)

Independent activities of children.

3. Innovative forms of work with parents:

Joint educational projects, as well as family and interfamily projects;

Evenings of questions and answers;

Parents' living rooms;

Trainings at the request of parents;

Interest clubs;

Parent conferences;

Joint creativity of parents, children and teachers;

Creative exhibitions and photo exhibitions;

Theme nights and quizzes;

Joint leisure;

Video interviews and multimedia presentations;

Issue of family newspapers and baby books;

Joint creation of mini-museums.

4. Formation of social communicative competence preschoolers will be successful, subject to the following organizational and pedagogical conditions:

Creation of an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual understanding and love;

Learning to listen and hear another;

Development of the ability to use facial expressions, pantomime and voice in communication;

Development of communication skills in children in various life situations;

Learning to use formulas speech etiquette addressed and motivated;

Fostering a friendly attitude towards peers;

Formation of a feeling of sympathy between participants in communication;

Explaining to children that a carelessly spoken word hurts is no less painful than an action;

Teaching the ability of children to control themselves;

Development of the ability to analyze the situation;

Purposeful formation of communication skills in children.

FSES is aimed at improving the quality and status of preschool education, which, accordingly, provides for the professional development of teachers, increasing their professional and personal competencies. The world is changing, children are changing, which, in turn, puts forward new requirements for the qualifications of a teacher. The teacher must constantly improve himself and meet the requirements of the present.

Features of the implementation of FGT within the framework

social and personal development of preschoolers

Important tasks of the state and society in relation to children are to ensure optimal conditions for the development of their individual abilities, self-regulation, the formation of the foundations of respectful attitude towards others, and familiarization with universal human values.

The task of a modern preschool educational institution is that pupils come out of its walls not only with a certain stock of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also as independent people, possessing a certain set of moral qualities necessary for later life. It is important to form in preschoolers the ability to build relationships with others on the basis of cooperation and mutual understanding, a willingness to accept their habits, customs, views.

Modern society requires initiative young people who are able to find "themselves" and their place in life, to restore Russian spiritual culture, morally stable, socially adapted, capable of self-development and continuous self-improvement. The basic structures of the personality are laid in the first years of life, which means that the family and preschool institutions have a special responsibility to foster such qualities in the younger generation.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia approved and put into effect the Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education.

"Federal state educational requirements" - norms and regulations that are mandatory in the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education by educational institutions.

This document defines

The main 4 directions of child development are integral components of the content of preschool education: social and personal, cognitive and speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development.

Each of the areas includes educational areas.

The educational area is a structural and semantic unit of the content of preschool education, which determines the spheres of educational activity of children adequate to preschool age.

The directions of FGT through a set of educational areas provide a diversified development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics.

FGT establish a fundamentally different way of interaction and interrelation of the components of the main general educational programs of preschool education - based on the principle of integration of educational areas.

The introduction of FGT into the educational and educational process of a preschool educational institution involves a change in approaches to the organization of the educational and educational process: in this case, not through the system of classes, but through other, adequate forms educational work with preschool children.

Play activities, as a form of organizing children's activities, have a special role to play.

Play acts as the most important activity through which teachers decide everything educational objectives, including training.

Emphasis on the joint activities of the educator and children, on the game forms of education for preschoolers, on the absence of strict regulation of children's activities, taking into account the gender-role characteristics of children when organizing the pedagogical process in kindergarten and making the necessary changes to the content of the programs.

Educational tasks should also be solved during regime moments, in the joint activities of children with the teacher (including in the classroom), in the independent activities of children and in joint activities with the family.

All educational activities are based on integration and thematic planning.

The FGT provides an indication of what activities can be considered acceptable forms of practice for a preschool child.

In the text of FGT, the word occupation is not used. This term is absent, so as not to provoke an understanding of the term educational activity in the process of organizing children's activities as an educational activity, the main form of which in the previous didactics was occupation.

Of course, a lesson in kindergarten is not canceled, but a different meaning should be put into it: an activity as an entertaining business.

Thus, FGT in preschool education is aimed at creating optimal conditions for the development of preschool children in modern conditions, the realization of the child's right to an affordable, high-quality education.

The draft state standard of preschool education, differentiating the content of programs implemented in preschool educational institutions, identifies several areas, among which an important place is given to the social and personal, which includes the tasks of developing a positive attitude of the child towards himself, other people, the world around him, communicative and social competence of children.

The priority area of ​​activity of our preschool educational institution is the social and personal development of children.

Social development (socialization) is the process of assimilation and further development by an individual of socio-cultural experience necessary for its inclusion in the system of social relations, which consists of:

Labor skills;

Norms, values, traditions, rules;

Social qualities of a person that allow a person to live comfortably and effectively in the society of other people, the development of tolerance in the consciousness of parents, teachers and children (tolerance for someone else's lifestyle, opinion, behavior, values, the ability to accept the interlocutor's point of view, which differs from his own).

The development of social competence is an important and necessary stage in the socialization of a child in the general process of assimilating the experience of social life and social relations.

In the field of social and personal development, the main educational areas are:

  • Socialization:

Mastering the initial ideas of a social nature;

Including children in the system social relations.

  • Safety:

Formation of the foundations of the safety of one's own life;

Formation of prerequisites for environmental awareness (safety of the surrounding world);

  • Work:

Formation of a positive attitude towards work.

The problem of familiarizing with the social world has always been and still remains one of the leading in the process of forming a child's personality. Historical analysis convinces of the need to provide a child with qualified assistance in the difficult process of entering the world of people. The socialization of a preschooler presupposes the development of the ability to adequately navigate in the social environment available to him, to realize the intrinsic value of his own personality and other people, to express feelings and attitudes towards the world in accordance with the cultural traditions of society.

The draft preschool education standard, defining the mandatory minimum of the content of the program implemented in the preschool educational institution, puts forward a number of requirements for the social and personal development of its pupils. These requirements include those presented to you on the screen.

The social and personal development of preschoolers is multifaceted, labor-intensive, often delayed in time. The main goal of kindergarten teachers is to help children enter modern world, so complex, dynamic, characterized by many negative phenomena.

The most important basis for the full-fledged social and personal development of a child is his positive sense of self: confidence in his capabilities, that he is good, he is loved.

A large role in the successful social and personal development of preschoolers is played by a team of like-minded people, which is formed from the administration of the kindergarten, educators, teacher-psychologist, music director and, of course, parents.

Thus, adults should take care of the emotional well-being of the child, respect and value regardless of his achievements, merits and demerits, establish trusting relationships with children; promote the development of a child's self-esteem, awareness of their rights and freedoms; contribute to the development of a positive attitude of the child towards the people around him, etc.

There are several basic principles for organizing the process of social education:

Thus, the main goal of our preschool educational institution for the social and personal development of preschoolers is: promoting timely social development, the formation of social competence of preschoolers in preschool conditions.

Tasks for the social and personal development of preschoolers for each age:

Pedagogical technology social and personal development of children is carried out in stages:

Collection of information about the individual personality traits of pupils;

Long-term planning of work with children for social and personal development;

Systematic work with children on social and personal development;

Correction of existing social and emotional problems.

More opportunities for the social and personal development of children is the inclusion of such partial programs as “We” by N. N. Kondratyeva; “I - you - we” by OL Knyazeva, RB Sterkina; “Open Yourself” by E. V. Ryleeva; “I am a Man” by S. A. Kozlova; "Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children" by R.B.Sterkina, O. L. Knyazeva, N. N. Avdeeva; “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture” by O. L. Knyazeva, M. D. Makhaneva; "Rostok" A. M. Strauning, in the Basic General Education Program of a preschool educational institution.

Interaction with the family in matters of social and personal development of preschoolers

The main goal of pedagogical activity on the social and personal development of children is the upbringing of a humane, socially active, independent, intellectually and emotionally developed creative personality.

Only the joint comprehensive work of all preschool teachers makes it possible to ensure the development of children in all three areas of the social and personal direction.

Productive work in all three areas of social and personal development (socialization, work and safety) is not possible only within the framework of a kindergarten, without help and cooperation with the parents of the pupils.

The fundamental idea that requires its development in the field of preschool education is the idea of ​​building interaction with the family on the basis of a humanely personal approach.

In connection with these, the main tasks of the interaction of the kindergarten with the family in the framework of the social and personal development of children are:

In order for parents to be able to give their children the opportunity to feel accepted in this world, self-confident, they themselves need to understand the peculiarities of their children, to know them. age features, be able to successfully interact with society and broadcast their experience to children; understand the latest theories of education, etc.

Based on this, the main forms of interaction with the family in matters of social and personal development of preschoolers are:

5. Characteristics of the pupil before entering school

All of the above activities, of course, are mainly aimed at the formation and development of the child. Working with preschoolers in the priority area - social and personal development, we strive to ensure that the future graduate of our institution has the following personal qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities:

Thus, in their work, the teachers of our preschool educational institution strive for the pupils to have a high level of social and personal development.

Forms of work with children in the development of educational areas

Forms of work with children for mastering

educational area "Security"


Social and communicative development

Educational area "Social and communicative development"

The social and communicative development of children is one of the most important problems of pedagogy. Its relevance is increasing in modern conditions due to the peculiarities of the child's social environment, in which there is often a deficit of good manners, kindness, benevolence, speech culture in human relationships. In front of you, the slides show the contradictions of the modern socio-cultural environment. Consequently, within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the content of educational activities of preschool institutions, more attention should be paid to achieving goals and solving problems of social and communicative development.

Purpose: positive socialization of preschool children, familiarizing children with socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state

Social and communicative development is aimed at:

· Appropriation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values;

· Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;

· The formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of their own actions;

Development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy,

Formation of readiness for joint activities with peers,

· The formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family, small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays;

· Formation of the foundations of safety in everyday life, society, nature.

  • Formation of social and communicative speech skills (development of the ability to enter into communication and maintain it).

Social and communicative development

Assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values; -development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; -establishment of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of their own actions; -development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy; -forming readiness for joint activities with peers, -forming a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization; -forming positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity; -forming the foundations of safety in everyday life, society, nature.

Educational area "Social and communicative development"

Socialization, development of communication, moral education. - Child in the family and community. - Self-service, independence, labor education.

More details

Social and communicative development. What is the socialization of preschool children

Socialization is a complex of social and mental processes due to which a person assimilates knowledge, norms and values ​​that define him as a full member of society. This is a continuous process and a necessary condition for the optimal life of the individual.

Socialization of preschool children in the federal state educational standards system

According to the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education (FSES), socialization and communicative development of a preschooler's personality are considered as a single educational area- social and communicative development. As the dominant factor social development the child's social environment acts.

The main aspects of socialization

The process of socialization begins with the birth of a person and continues until the end of his life.

It includes two main aspects:

  • assimilation of social experience by an individual due to its entry into social system public relations;
  • active reproduction of the system of social relations of the individual in the process of his inclusion in the social environment.

Socialization structure

Speaking about socialization, we are dealing with a certain transition of social experience into the values ​​and attitudes of a particular subject. Moreover, the individual himself acts as an active subject of perception and application of this experience.

It is customary to refer to the main components of socialization as the transfer of cultural norms through social institutions (family, school, etc.), as well as the process of mutual influence of individuals in the framework of joint activities. Thus, among the spheres to which the process of socialization is directed, activity, communication and self-awareness are distinguished. In all these areas, there is an expansion of human ties with the outside world.

Activity aspect

In the concept of A. N. Leontiev, activity in psychology is an active interaction of the individual with the surrounding reality, during which the subject deliberately acts on the object, thereby satisfying his needs. It is customary to distinguish types of activity according to several characteristics: methods of implementation, form, emotional tension, physiological mechanisms, etc.

The main difference between different types of activity is the specificity of the subject to which this or that type of activity is directed. The subject of activity can appear in both material and ideal form.

At the same time, there is a certain need behind each given item. It should also be noted that no activity can exist without motive. Unmotivated activity, from the point of view of A. N. Leontiev, is a conditional concept.

In reality, the motive still takes place, but it can be latent.

The basis of any activity is made up of separate actions (processes determined by a conscious goal).

Sphere of communication

The sphere of communication and the sphere of activity are closely related. In some psychological concepts, communication is considered as a side of activity.

At the same time, activity can act as a condition under which the communication process can take place. The process of expanding the individual's communication occurs in the course of increasing his contacts with others. These contacts, in turn, can be established in the process of performing certain joint actions - that is, in the process of activity.

The level of contacts in the process of socialization of an individual is determined by his individual psychological characteristics. The age specificity of the subject of communication also plays a significant role here. The deepening of communication is carried out in the process of its decentration (transition from monologue to dialogical form). The individual learns to focus on his partner, for a more accurate perception and assessment.

Sphere of self-awareness

The third sphere of socialization, the self-awareness of the individual, is formed through the formation of his self-images. It was experimentally established that self-images do not arise in an individual immediately, but are formed in the process of his life under the influence of various social factors. The structure of the I-individual includes three main components: self-knowledge (cognitive component), self-assessment (emotional), attitude towards oneself (behavioral).

Self-awareness defines a person's understanding of himself as a kind of integrity, awareness of his own identity. The development of self-awareness in the course of socialization is a controlled process carried out in the process of acquiring social experience in the context of expanding the range of activities and communication. Thus, the development of self-awareness cannot take place outside of activity, in which the transformation of the personality's ideas about oneself is constantly carried out in accordance with the idea that develops in the eyes of others.

The process of socialization, therefore, should be considered from the point of view of the unity of all three spheres - both activity and communication and self-awareness.

Features of social and communicative development in preschool age

The social and communicative development of preschoolers is one of the basic elements in the system of formation of the child's personality. The process of interaction with adults and peers has an impact not only directly on the social side of the preschooler's development, but also on the formation of his mental processes (memory, thinking, speech, etc.). Level this development in preschool age is directly proportional to the level of effectiveness of its subsequent adaptation in society.

Social and communicative development according to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool children includes the following parameters:

  • the level of formation of a sense of belonging to one's family, respectful attitude towards others;
  • the level of development of the child's communication with adults and peers;
  • the level of the child's readiness for joint activities with peers;
  • the level of assimilation of social norms and rules, the moral development of the child;
  • the level of development of purposefulness and independence;
  • the level of formation of positive attitudes in relation to work and creativity;
  • the level of knowledge formation in the field of life safety (in various social, living and natural conditions);
  • level of intellectual development (in social and emotional sphere) and the development of the empathic sphere (responsiveness, compassion).

Quantitative levels of social and communicative development of preschoolers

Depending on the degree of formation of skills that determine social and communicative development according to the Federal State Educational Standard, low, medium and high levels can be distinguished.

A high level, accordingly, takes place with a high degree of development of the parameters discussed above. At the same time, one of the favorable factors in this case is the absence of problems in the sphere of communication between the child and adults and peers.

The dominant role is played by the nature of relations in the preschooler's family. Also, classes on the social and communicative development of the child have a positive effect.

The middle level, which determines social and communicative development, is characterized by insufficient skills formation in some of the selected indicators, which, in turn, generates difficulties in the child's communication with others. but this disadvantage development, the child can compensate independently, with little help from an adult. In general, the process of socialization is relatively harmonious.

In turn, the socio-communicative development of preschoolers with a low level of severity in some of the selected parameters can generate significant contradictions in the field of communication between the child and the family and others. In this case, the preschooler is not able to cope with the problem on his own - assistance is required from adults, including psychologists and social educators.

In any case, the socialization of preschool children requires constant support and periodic monitoring by both the parents of the child and the educational institution.

Social and communicative competence of the child

Social and communicative development in preschool educational institutions is aimed at the formation of social and communicative competence in children. In total, there are three main competencies that a child needs to master within the framework of this institution: technological, informational and socio-communicative.

In turn, social and communicative competence includes two aspects:

  1. Social- the ratio of one's own aspirations to the aspirations of others; productive interaction with group members united by a common task.
  2. Communicative- the ability to obtain the necessary information in the process of dialogue; willingness to represent and defend their own point of view with direct respect for the position of other people; the ability to use this resource in the communication process to solve certain problems.

Modular system in the formation of social and communicative competence

It seems appropriate to accompany social and communicative development within the framework of an educational institution in accordance with the following modules: medical, module PMPK (psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation) and diagnostics, psychological, pedagogical and socio-pedagogical. First, the medical module is included in the work, then, in case of successful adaptation of children, the PMPk module. The rest of the modules are launched simultaneously and continue to function in parallel with the medical and the PMPk module, until the children graduate from the preschool educational institution.

Each of the modules implies the presence of specific specialists, acting clearly in accordance with the assigned tasks of the module. The process of interaction between them is carried out at the expense of the management module, which coordinates the activities of all departments. Thus, the social and communicative development of children is supported at all necessary levels - physical, mental and social.

Differentiation of children in preschool educational institutions within the framework of the PMPk module

As part of the work of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council, which usually includes all subjects of the educational process of preschool educational institutions (educators, psychologists, head nurses, managers, etc.), it is advisable to differentiate children into the following categories:

  • children with weakened somatic health;
  • children at risk (hyperactive, aggressive, withdrawn, etc.);
  • children with learning difficulties;
  • children with pronounced abilities in a particular area;
  • children with no developmental disabilities.

One of the tasks of working with each of the identified typological groups is the formation of social and communicative competence as one of the significant categories on which the educational field is based.

Social and communicative development is a dynamic characteristic. The task of the council is to track this dynamics from the point of view of the harmony of development. An appropriate consultation should be held for all groups in the preschool educational institution, including social and communicative development in its content. Middle group, for example, in the process of the program it is included in the system of social relations by solving the following tasks:

  • instilling elementary norms and rules of the child's relationship with adults and peers;
  • shaping patriotic feelings child, as well as family and citizenship.

To implement these tasks, the preschool educational institution should have special classes on social and communicative development. In the process of these lessons, the child's attitude to others is transformed, as well as the ability for self-development.

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Much attention is paid to the social and personal development of preschoolers in kindergartens, because both the Federal State Educational Standard and life circumstances require it. A young mother, knowing nothing about the Federal State Educational Standard, begins to develop and educate her baby from birth. It is important for her that the child grows up to be a good, kind, decent person, difficult situations, knew how to communicate with his peers and with adults. Mom tries to show the baby what is good and what is bad, what can and cannot be done. She protects him from dangers and shows how to get around them. WITH early age mother plays with her child and observes what talents he has.

The kid must be brought up in love, then he will know for sure that his parents love him. In the future, he will copy the actions of his loved ones and act in the same way with strangers: peers and adults. The kid is growing and is already trying to help his mother. He has the first errands and even household chores: press the button of the washing machine, remove the dishes from the table. A child from an early age should see and appreciate the work of adults. Such upbringing in the family is ideal conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Program moments

What is the strategy for the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the social and personal development of a preschooler? For kindergartens, programs, teaching aids, and methodologies in this area are being developed. It all boils down to the following aspects:

  • the child must be brought up in accordance with the norms, rules, values ​​of public life;
  • be able to communicate with loved ones, foreign adults, children, and their peers; to educate a preschooler to be benevolent, empathic, responsive, and able to get out of difficult situations;
  • form the child's correct self-esteem; learn to control your actions, the correct motivation for your actions;
  • foster pride in belonging to your family, a sense of collectivism; the child should feel like a part of the children's and adult team; respect the work and creativity of other people;
  • to form in children the skill of safe behavior in everyday life, in nature, in society; foster a willingness to help another person; this is achieved through joint games or performing common assignments in a children's team.

The children's institution and the family should create favorable conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard and for raising a child as a developed socially adapted person. So it will be easier for the child to prove himself in life, to achieve success, respect from other people. He will observe and appreciate public rules, learn to avoid danger. The development of a preschooler's personality in society is one of the most important aspects of the FSES.

Development of children 1-2 years old

The social and personal development of a child begins from birth.

By the age of 2, he already knows a lot and knows:

  • your name, what is the name of your parents;
  • begins to speak;
  • reacts to the behavior of adults and children;
  • shows emotions depending on the satisfaction of his needs; they gave him what he wanted - laughs; he did not get what he wanted - he screams, cries; the expression “I want” appears in speech;
  • plays with his mother, with his peers; decides whether to share a toy or not;
  • evaluates himself and other children; he has the concepts of "good", "bad";
  • has an initial idea of ​​himself; he can examine himself in the mirror; he has a body, 2 arms, 2 legs, a head, eyes, ears, hair;
  • shows a desire to do something on their own; says - "I myself."

By the age of 2, the child's personality begins to form. He understands that he is surrounded by buildings, people, animals. The development of a child's personality, his socially significant adaptation goes through games. Mom can purchase textbooks from the "School of the 7 Dwarfs" series. They use playful methods.

A series of tutorials "School of 7 Dwarfs" for children under 2 years old

  1. The manual "My Home" (from the series "School of 7 Dwarfs") will acquaint the child with the objects of the rooms. He learns that his house has an entrance hall, kitchen, bedroom, living room, toilet, bathroom. The child will look for a kitty and a dog, which are hiding all the time. Mom can continue the game without the book. Kids love hide and seek. With this game, the child will feel at home. A sense of security will begin to form in him.
  2. The book "Walks in the City" (from the series will help the child see what surrounds him on the street. The city has a road with an intersection, a park, a playground, shops and many other objects. rules: how to cross the road, how to behave in the store. The child's socialization begins to form. He went out of the house into a public place. All the lessons the mother should consolidate in practice.
  3. "In the village and at the dacha" - this manual will show the kid that besides the house, the city, there are also other places. People, animals live there, there are vegetable beds and fruit trees. The child will feed the cat and the dog in the game, which means he will share with others. Learn how vegetables and fruits are grown. The baby will begin to develop respect for the work of another person. Parents can purchase plastic tools, a set of fruits and vegetables for their child. He will "plant a vegetable garden" at home or on the street.

Raising children 3-4 years old

A series of manuals "School of 7 Dwarfs" for children 3-4 years old

With the educational complex "School of 7 Dwarfs" the kid will learn to empathize. He learns that there are different emotions: joy, sorrow, surprise. Mom should try to shape in the baby correct attitude to emotions: to feel sorry for another child if he cries. In addition to developing activities, they use methods: conversations, reading books. The child is already able to identify negative and positive characters.

In the book Who is This? What is it?" the child learns about animals, plants, birds. He will solve riddles. Learn to identify the differences between inanimate objects and living things. The child will begin to develop a sense of their importance. He can pick a flower and it will die. Let it grow better. Mom and baby will come to the park and watch how it blooms. They can feed pigeons and sparrows.

The entire series of books of the School of the 7 Dwarfs is free to download.

What does a child know at 4 years old?

By the age of 4, the baby already knows some professions. You can play with him as a doctor, a salesman, a teacher, a bus driver, a tram. Role-playing games are always socially significant.

  • The kid helps the patient: empathy for another person is brought up, he feels the strength to help by performing simple actions.
  • The child puts the doll or bear to sleep: he knows the regime moments, knows how to look after others, showing his skills. The kid can take a book and read it to a doll: he shows her drawings and explains the actions of the characters. He already gives an assessment of actions, which means that he has already formed the concept of "good" and "bad".
  • If he is sitting in an imaginary car in the role of a driver, then he already knows that he must go along the road, observing the rules. You can buy or make a traffic light for your baby.
  • In the “shop” game, the kid alternates between the roles of the seller and the buyer: earlier he has mastered the rules of behavior in the store, the culture of communication.

On the Internet, a card index of role-playing games on the socially personal education of a preschooler is widely represented. Games can be invented by yourself, preparing the child for any event.

If the family is going to the forest for mushrooms, then you can "go mushrooming." The kid will not only learn to distinguish mushrooms, but also learn the rules of behavior in the forest. If you need to cut your baby's hair, take him to the hairdresser, then you can come up with a game "in the beauty salon." It will be easier for a socially adapted child to follow the new rules of communication.

Children 5-6 years old

This is the age preparatory group to school, the last year of the preschool period. Soon the moment of truth will come, and all the mistakes and advantages of socially significant parenting will be revealed. Special attention is paid to the personal approach during this period.

It is necessary to form behavior with strangers. The child greets the neighbors, the shop assistant and may not hesitate to ask him questions. The kid thanks for the service rendered to him.

  • He should already show communication skills with children. It is necessary to create conditions for the child to be able to enter into new team, learn to meet new children and start playing.
  • The preschooler understands the words, requests, instructions of adults. This is especially important in the early days of school. Many children cannot perceive the teacher's words and do not complete assignments.
  • The child needs to be told about the country in which he lives: name, flag, coat of arms, main city, significant sights. He must feel belonging to his homeland.
  • A preschooler needs to tell basic information about his city, village: name, remarkable places.
  • In the classroom, he will be surrounded by children of different nationalities. He needs to see that adults and children with different traditions live next to him. They have a different eye shape and skin color. The child can collect photos of national costumes. He will have a large card index of the traditions of other peoples. The educator and parents are obliged to create the conditions for the child to develop tolerance and respect for a person of a different nationality.

The FSES strategy is that the preschooler should be well socially adapted to the rules of society, be able to analyze his actions, not be afraid to show his personal qualities and achievements to the adult and children's collective. The child must be ready to accept the new requirements of the teacher at school, be able to interact with his future classmates. Be careful and follow the rules of the road, behavior in a public place, at home, in nature. It is necessary that not only educators in the children's institution, but also parents take part in the social and personal development of the child.

* 1. Tasks and content of social and personal development

The social development of a child is a multifaceted process that presupposes the appropriation of cultural and moral values ​​of society, the formation of personal qualities that determine relationships with other children and people, the development of self-awareness, and awareness of one's place in society. Emphasizing the role

social impact on the development of the child, LS Vygotsky saw the consequences of deviations in development in the 4 displacement of those systems that determine all the functions of the child's social behavior "(p. 51, v. 5), defined them as" social dislocation. "

The presence of such a deviation as hearing impairment significantly complicates the social development of children, which is quite convincingly shown in a number of special studies and is supported by information about the numerous difficulties that people with hearing impairments face in their social rehabilitation. For preschoolers with hearing impairments, difficulties in understanding the surrounding events, the direction and meaning of the actions of adults and children are characteristic. Difficulties arise when understanding the feelings of people, mastering the norms of behavior, the formation of moral ideas and feelings. In special psychological studies, the undifferentiated emotional reactions of children with hearing impairments, weakness of assessment and self-esteem, a great dependence on the opinions of other people are noted (N.G. Morozova, B.D. Korsunskaya, E.I. Isenina, V. Petshak, etc. ).

Children with hearing impairments of preschool and school age experience difficulties in penetrating into the meaning of human actions and relationships due to their limited abilities to master the psychological means of cognizing social reality. These difficulties are based on the limited communication of children with adults and among themselves, underdevelopment of speech as a means of communication, inadequacy of the child's ideas about the phenomena of social life and their place in it, the weakness of operating the existing ideas in real conditions. These difficulties are aggravated by the inability of parents and teachers to guide the social development of children, to influence their personal development. The social development of deaf and hard of hearing children is negatively affected by being in boarding schools, which causes limited social contacts, reduces the social orientation of communicative activity, and leads to the inability to establish cooperation with adults and children.

Various aspects of the social development of preschool children with hearing impairments have not been sufficiently studied. To a greater extent, the means and methods of moral education of preschoolers with hearing impairments are revealed, the role of mastering speech in the process of moral development is shown (A. Rau, B. D. Korsunskaya, N. G. Morozova). A number of studies have revealed the possibilities of personal development of deaf and hard of hearing children in the process of special education (L.P. Noskova, 1989).

The special organization of teaching children, in which cognition of the surrounding social reality occurs, the formation of relations between children and adults, the child's awareness of his position, is itself a factor of social impact on children, familiarizing them with cultural and moral values. In the preschool stage of special education, LS Vygotsky saw the starting point of the system of social education for deaf and dumb children ”(1983).

The social development of a child in the process of upbringing and education is multidimensional in nature, covers various spheres of a child's life and his relations with adults and his peers. In social education, the main tasks can be distinguished: the formation of interaction and communication between the child and adults; the development of communication between the child and peers and the formation of interpersonal relationships; development of the sphere of self-awareness, the formation of an image of oneself. These lines of social development are directly related to the formation of moral ideas and ethical feelings of the child, the mastery of the norms of behavior, the enrichment of his emotional sphere, the development and formation of personal qualities.

* 2. Formation of interaction between an adult and a child

The formation of interaction and communication between a child and an adult is the most important source of mental development of preschoolers. The interaction of adults with children with hearing impairments should promote the child's awareness of himself among children and adults, form interest and enrich ideas about social and natural phenomena, contribute to the formation of personality traits such as independence, initiative, responsibility, the emergence of "I-consciousness" ...

Since the communicative activity of deaf and hard of hearing children is impaired due to speech underdevelopment, the adult remains the main initiator of communication for much longer, and his role is more responsible than in the process of communicating with hearing children. The nature of the interaction between an adult and a child is determined by the leading activity and needs of the age. The development of communication between a hearing child and an adult in the first seven years of life goes through several stages (M.I. this category and the limitation of the means of communication, the sequence of their formation is preserved. In infants, this is a personal-personal communication aimed at meeting the child's need for the benevolent influence of an adult. This type of communication stimulates the formation of perceptual actions in different analytical systems. Later, situational-business communication appears, aimed at meeting the needs of children for cooperation about objects and objects. In younger preschoolers, extra-situational-cognitive communication occurs, which is closely related to the development of the child's cognitive activity. And, finally, in older preschool children, out-of-situ personal communication with an adult is formed, who acts as a bearer of social experience, a source of information about the social environment. Interaction with children with hearing impairments organized by adults should focus on the stages of normal communication development, contribute to its enrichment and the child's transition to a higher form.

The main conditions for the interaction of adults with children before preschool and junior preschool age, who have just entered kindergarten, are the creation of emotional comfort in the group, the development of interest, trust in the adult, the desire to cooperate with him. Most babies entering kindergarten react painfully to separation from their families, from their mothers, to whom children with hearing impairments are strongly attached. Educators, organizing communication with children, strive to establish emotional contact, providing emotional comfort for children in a group. Considering the fact that many deaf and hard of hearing children are asthenic, weakened as a result of past diseases, adults demonstrate an affectionate attitude towards them, stroking the child, picking him up, looking into his eyes.

The use of various means of communication is very important for the organization of interaction with the talking children who entered kindergarten. Firstly, it is oral speech, and in children who globally perceive written speech, and tablets with written words and phrases. Secondly, it is the use by adults and children of natural (used and hearing children) gestures, facial expressions and body movements, looks. According to E.I. Isenina (1998), deaf children brought up in nursery groups of special kindergartens have various gestures, which indicates their desire to communicate. Among them, the index predominates, there are gestures of denial, prohibition, gestures of attracting attention are widely used, there are a number of depicting (eating, sleeping, etc.). If adults do not supplement their speech with natural gestures and support their use by children, gestures can disappear from communication and thereby limit it. When organizing communication with a deaf child, it is important to focus the child's attention on the subject, since without this it is impossible to assimilate the meanings of gestures and words. Of great importance is the development of views, among which EI Isenina distinguishes indicative, contact, “seeking evaluation” and connecting. All these types of views develop in the process of joint objective activity, when an adult fixes attention on toys and acts with them, thereby attracting the baby's gaze. Evaluation by adults of the child's actions, supporting them or denying them, contributes to the development of the “evaluation-seeking” gaze, which is very important in organizing the interaction and understanding of an adult with a hearing impaired child.

The content of interaction between adults and children is object-related activity, during the organization of which teachers create conditions for the development of the child's cognitive activity, understanding the functions of the object and its properties, which intensively promotes the child's sensory development, contributes to the development of visual forms of thinking. Such sections of the work as "Acquaintance with the surrounding world", "Game", "Visual activity" largely contribute to the formation of the structure of objective activity. At this stage, the formation of the ability for symbolic mediation in the process of using substitute objects, the emergence of association in the process of drawing are of paramount importance for the cognitive and social development of the child.

Teachers fix the attention of children to adults, using speech, facial expressions, gestures, draw attention to their appearance, actions. So, he drew the attention of the children to the nurse who came to the group, the teacher smiles, waves his hand in greeting, encourages the children to imitate her actions, accompanying it with a speech: “Aunt Olya has come. Hello. Katya, say hello. " The child develops attention to various emotional states of adults and children (joy, grief, anger). Educators demonstrate empathy for children or adults, and attracted other children to this (“Have pity”). Children are taught to observe the actions of adults in kindergarten, on the site, to imitate them with the help of gestures, to reproduce in game actions. Together with teachers, children consider the people depicted in the pictures, but the possibilities reproduce their actions, since often their meaning is incomprehensible to children with hearing impairments. Drawing attention to adults, it is necessary to fix the attention of children on the face of the speaker, the movements of the organs of articulation, since observation of the speaking people is important for the development of language ability.

In various everyday and play situations, adults express their emotions and feelings, both positive - about the child's success, and negative, associated with his actions and behavior. It is important to use a positive assessment of the child's actions in the presence of other children, expressed it with the help of facial expressions, gestures and speech in oral and written form ("good", "true", "well done", "clever"). The actions of children in relation to each other, their diligence in the classroom deserve a positive assessment. Teachers express dissatisfaction with what should not be done: fight, offend other children, throw food, etc. You should not negatively assess the child's inability to complete any tasks, especially those related to speech. Gradually, in the process of life in kindergarten, children form ideas about what is good, what is bad, what can and cannot be done. Children must understand the meaning of the words "can", "not", "bad". Support for the child's initiative, recognition of his achievements develop the personal qualities of children, contribute to the formation of activity, independence, and cognitive interests.

The interaction of adults with children of middle and senior preschool age is built on a different basis, taking into account the changed interests and forms of activity.

With children of middle preschool age, communication is organized on cognitive topics, which can be included in various activities (games, construction, labor in nature, etc.). An adult should awaken the child's interest in the world of natural phenomena and the surrounding life, arouse interest in the establishment of certain phenomena. To a large extent, this occurs in a story game, where the child reproduces various phenomena of life. The role-playing behavior that develops at this stage contributes to a greater penetration into the meaning of the actions of adults. The formation of interest in the world of adults is intensively carried out when familiarizing with the world around us: observing the activities of people on excursions, viewing pictures, illustrations, slides.

The formation of social ideas and the consolidation of social experience also occurs through play, drawing, construction. One of them is speech, since representations that are not fixed in speech remain fuzzy and undifferentiated. In the middle group, the vocabulary includes the words necessary for the assimilation of norms of behavior and the formation of moral ideas (helping, caring, caring, kind, caring). The formation of social ideas, the assimilation of moral norms is facilitated by reading small texts, in the subject of which the life of children and adults is reflected. Reading-related storytelling, dramatization, illustration contributes to the formation of ethical and moral ideas. The role of reading for deaf children as the most important means of their moral education was emphasized by B. D. Korsunskaya. The texts she created (books for reading addressed to deaf preschoolers, “I read it myself,” parts 1-Z) reflect various plots related to the activities of children and adults and aimed at forming an understanding of the behavior of adults and children, assessing it, mastering such concepts, as kind ”,“ caring ”,“ hardworking ”,“ deceiver ”,“ greedy ”. The moral ideas formed in connection with reading and telling should be connected with real life events, examples from the life of children, otherwise they can be formally learned, but children will not behave in accordance with such ethical standards.

Adults create opportunities to demonstrate to children various emotional states (joyful, sad, angry, etc.), strive to show the need to express sympathy, help (“Aunt Tanya was cleaning the group, she was tired. Help her collect the dishes”). The disclosure of the world of people's feelings occurs throughout the life of children in kindergarten, especially fully - in various everyday situations, games, reading and storytelling, staging. The emotional development of children with hearing impairments is impossible without enriching the speech of children with the appropriate words ("glad", "satisfied", "upset", "missed", "nice", "not nice"), which are used by adults in everyday life, when organizing games and other activities. Initially, children learn to understand these words, and in their own speech, they are usually included in the senior and preparatory groups.

The organization of communication between adults and older children with hearing impairments is built taking into account the expanding interest of children in the world of adults, the formation of a new form of communication - extra-situational-personal, in the process of which the object of the child's attention is the adult, with whom he seeks to cooperate. Not all older preschool children who are deaf or hard of hearing develop this form of communication, but adults must guide and prepare it. For older preschoolers, a respectful, equal attitude towards them on the part of adults, an objective assessment of activities are very important.

The world of adults is reflected through a role-playing game, in which the object of interest is the behavior of people, their relationships. Emotionally rich communication between adults and children also occurs in theatrical activities: staging of fairy tales, puppet theater performances. At this stage, children's ideas about the work and professions of people are intensively expanding, as a result of children's visits to shops, post offices, schools and other institutions for household purposes, as well as theater, museum, circus, where ideas about the rules, norms of behavior and communication of people are also formed. These ideas are consolidated and enriched in the process of watching cartoons, videos, viewing albums, illustrations, games, plotting, etc. In the process of this work, an interest in work is formed, an understanding of its significance, and a desire to engage in joint activities with adults.

In the process of enriching ideas about the life of adults, it is important to fix the attention of children on the emotional state of people, their mood, to clarify the reasons for the change in mood. At the same time, it is imperative to clarify the meanings of words associated with moral and ethical concepts, emotional states. Children should be able to use phrases in appropriate siguations that include an explanation of the reasons for the change in mood (“Natalya Fedorovna is upset because Katya is ill,” “The guys are cheerful, because today is a holiday!”).

Of particular importance for children with hearing impairments is learning to establish contact with adults, maintaining communication, mastering the norms of speech behavior in various situations, when meeting and communicating with acquaintances and strangers. Adults should demonstrate examples of such behavior during the arrival of kindergarten staff, parents, new people in the group, encouraging children first to imitate, and then to independent actions. For children with hearing impairments, the choice of distance for communication is of particular importance, the ability to look into the face of the speaking person, listen carefully to the end, be able to ask again in case of misunderstanding. Children need to be taught to smile affably, to know the basic forms of address when meeting, saying goodbye, if necessary, apologize, thank, turn to a stranger. It is very important to develop in children of this category their own initiative in establishing contacts with acquaintances and unfamiliar adults and children, and not to do it just according to the teacher's instructions such as “say hello”, “say goodbye”.

At all stages of communication with a deaf or hard of hearing child, an assessment of his actions by adults is important for the development of his personal qualities. It is not the behavior in general that is assessed, but the concrete actions and achievements of the child (“You did the right thing: you gave way to Alena”). This assessment is especially important for children with learning difficulties, lagging behind other children and painfully experiencing their failures.

* 3. Development of communication between the child and peers

Communication of a child with peers is one of the conditions for his social and personal development, since the way of mastering social norms of behavior is primarily associated with the child's life in a team. Psychologists emphasize that “the practice of children's relationships within a team is of decisive importance in the formation of their personality” (DI Feldstein, 1989). In the conditions of upbringing in a preschool institution, the leading role in the organization of interpersonal communication among children with hearing impairments belongs to adults.

Deaf and hard of hearing children between the ages of two and three who enter preschool do not have enough contact with other children. Most of them prefer to play alone or with a tutor. One of the tasks of adults at this stage is to develop interest and a benevolent attitude towards peers. To this end, in the process of various activities and activities, adults fix the child's attention on other children, introduce them by naming names (in oral and written form), teach them to correlate the child's appearance with his photograph. Teachers encourage children to look at each other, draw children's attention to the appearance of girls and boys, their clothes. The attention of children is drawn to the emotional state of the children ("Katya is crying: mom is gone"). Teachers show how you can help, comfort, feel sorry for another child, attract children to this. At this stage, communication between children is organized taking into account their individual interests and characteristics. Simple games are organized in pairs, when the boys take turns rolling the ball, the girls feed the doll. It is important to emphasize children's play together. The nature of children's relationships is influenced by the teacher's assessments of their actions, therefore, negative assessments should be done very carefully, since for children with hearing impairments, the authority of an adult is very significant and they form their attitude towards a peer, focusing on the teacher's opinion. Therefore, the assessment of bad actions can be negative (hit another child, scattered toys).

Children of middle preschool age are more interested in communicating with their peers. The need for contacts with other children among older preschoolers increases especially sharply.

In the process of communication, children exchange information, organize joint activities, distribute responsibilities and actions. Child leaders stand out, which other guys imitate. However, often in groups there are children with whom other children are not friends, demonstrating indifference or even a negative attitude towards them, not taking them into common games. The task of adults is to help these children find friends, during games to distribute roles so that inactive preschoolers can play the main roles, entering into various relationships with other children. Adults support the cooperation of children in joint games, drawing, construction, in some cases offering children to organize themselves in small groups, in pairs to perform collective work, taking into account the interpersonal relationships of children and their individual characteristics. In labor classes, building games and other collective activities, it is important to evaluate the overall result of work and the contribution of each participant. It should also be emphasized that such a result is impossible without joint work. Friendship and affection develop between children. Some preschoolers can explain the choice of their friends. It is necessary to teach children to identify significant motives of relationships (“Alyosha is kind, he helped Tanya to arrange the dishes because the guys often name minor situational reasons (he treated them with candy) or are guided by the teacher's assessment (speaks well, does well).

Of great importance for the formation of relations between children is the analysis of samples of social behavior: a positive attitude towards sympathy and responsiveness shown by one of the peers, helping a comrade; negative attitude to rudeness, deception. The teacher organizes an analysis of the behavior of children, attracting the opinion of children, helping them to express it, including in their speech the necessary words, the meanings of which are clear to children in a real situation (told a lie, deceived children - a deceiver; pushed and hit a girl - a rude girl). The analysis of the social experience of children contributes to the formation of moral ideas, an understanding of how to behave in relations with other children and adults. The analysis of real situations is supported by games in which children demonstrate the relationship between the characters. The most important factor in the formation of moral ideas in senior preschool age is reading stories, fairy tales, analyzing the relationships between characters, the motives of their actions, and assessing their qualities. However, this work will be effective if the learned ideas are transferred and realized in the lives of children. For this purpose, not only spontaneously emerging situations are analyzed, but also problem situations are specially created in which children must help babies, a new child, etc.

The assessment by adults of the relationship of children, their behavior and actions greatly influences the attitude of the child towards other children and determines his emotional well-being in the group. Children who are not friends with others need special support: these can be children with behavioral difficulties, often disinhibited, aggressive, or, conversely, shy, timid. It is necessary to teach THEM to address other children, to express their desire to play, to design together.

Consistent work on rallying the children's team, the ability of children to be friends, support and protect each other contributes to their more natural entry into the school team and determination of their place in it. In the process of this work, a number of personal qualities are formed in children: a sense of collectivism, the ability to participate in a common cause, responsibility for the assigned task, the ability to find mutual understanding with other children.

* 4. Formation of the child's attitude to himself

The child's understanding of himself, the formation of stable ideas about himself, the creation of an image of his “I” is the result of his interaction with adults and children. A hearing child begins to distinguish himself from the surrounding space by the end of the first year of life: he recognizes himself in the mirror, selects parts of his body in response to questions from adults. In the third year of life, the baby develops elements of self-awareness, he begins to realize his actions, desires, intentions, to compare his actions with the actions of adults. At this stage, the child seeks to get along when performing some actions without the help of an adult; he wants to fulfill the demands of adults, to earn their approval. By the end of an early age, hearing children develop the phenomenon "I myself", which is a consequence of comparing their own actions with the actions of an adult, awareness of the possibility of their independent performance. The “I” system, which normally develops by the age of three, includes identifying oneself with one's own name, understanding one's gender, evaluating one's actions and the need for recognition (“I am good”), striving for independence (“I myself”). Cognition of oneself occurs in a hearing child in the process of correlating and interconnecting various means: views, pointing gestures, naming others and oneself, designating objects, actions, one's own qualities and the qualities of other people. In children with hearing impairments, the sphere of self-awareness develops more slowly. And this dictates the need for teachers and parents to participate in such a process, since the area of ​​social development under consideration is of paramount importance for the formation of a personality, awareness of one's place in a team, and an assessment of one's successes and failures.

In the process of pedagogical work with children of two or three years old with hearing impairments, it is necessary to fix the baby's attention on his face, body, to consider with him parts of the body - ours and dolls, to select and correlate the child's personal belongings. This can occur at various regime moments, in games, in classes on familiarization with others and the development of speech, the material of which includes the topics "Family", "Parts of the body", etc. The development of ideas about oneself occurs in the process of acquaintance with the names of children, photographs of the child and his family members. The introduction and use of the words "boy", "girl" helps to understand the gender of the child. It is very important for educators to maintain a child's self-confidence by focusing on their achievements. Given the increased orientation of children with hearing impairments to the actions of adults, it is necessary to develop children's independence and activity ("do it yourself"). Support for the child's initiative and approval of his actions should be associated with specific actions, tasks (he ate carefully and quickly, fastened his shoes, collected toys).

Recognition of the child's success by adults, communication and a benevolent attitude towards him on the part of adults and children of the same age contributes to the formation of the image of "I", the formation of self-assessment, an adequate assessment of their own actions and achievements. Presentation of tasks that are difficult to complete, constant guardianship, frequent remarks and a negative assessment of the child's behavior lead to self-doubt, isolation, and often to aggressiveness. This is especially true for children with hearing impairments who have behavioral disorders, such as hypermobility, disinhibited, or, conversely, inhibited, lethargic. Therefore, the communication style of adults with such children requires special attention. In some cases, it is advisable to discuss it with a psychologist, specifying how to form the self-esteem of such children, what the reward system should be, in what form to present negative assessments.

For children of middle and especially senior preschool age, it is not obhfshchmo to form an assessment of their own actions in terms of their consequences for the child himself and other children (tore a button from another child's coat - all the guys will walk less, because first you need to sew a button).

The attention of adults should be directed to the development of interest in certain types of activities, ways of behavior, typical for boys and girls. Attention is drawn to the activities of adult men and women, it is reproduced in games (boys build, drive cars; girls cook, sew). In this regard, children develop ideas about the character traits typical of girls and boys (boys are brave and strong; girls are gentle, caring). The formation of these ideas is provided in the process of getting to know the world around, in games, in theatrical activities, in the process of reading and discussing what has been read. The presence of such ideas contributes to the child's awareness of these qualities in relation to himself, forms a sense of self-respect.

It is necessary to teach children to express their emotions and feelings, which implies saturation of the vocabulary of older preschool children with the appropriate words and expressions (“glad”, “offended”, “sad”, “missed”.

The main conditions for the personal growth of a child, that is, the formation of his best human qualities: kindness, hard work, honesty, responsiveness, independence, initiative - are the love and respect of adults, friendly relations between peers.

Questions and tasks for independent work

1. What is meant by the social development of a child?

2. What are the main tasks of the social and personal development of children with hearing impairments.

3. How is the interaction of adults with a child organized at different stages of his upbringing in preschool?

4. What are the main communication tools used by children with hearing impairments?

5. What are the main conditions for the formation of interaction between a child with hearing impairment and peers?

6. What is the basis for the formation of moral concepts of deaf and hard of hearing preschoolers?

7. What personal qualities are formed in children with hearing impairments in the process of education and training?


Vygotsky LS Principles of social education of deaf and dumb children // Sobr. op. - M., 1983 .-- T. 5.

Zaporozhets A.V. The importance of early childhood for the formation of a child's personality / Principle of development in psychology. - M., 1978.

Korsunskaya B. D. Methods of teaching speech to deaf preschoolers. - M., 1969. Correctional training as the basis for the personal development of abnormal preschoolers / Ed. L.P. Noskova. - M., 1989.

Lisina M.I.Problems of the ontogenesis of communication, - M., 1986.

Morozova N.G. On the moral education of deaf preschoolers // Questions of training and education of deaf preschoolers. - M., 1963. - Issue. 2.

The development of social emotions in preschool children / Ed. A. V. Zaporozhda, Ya. Z. Neverovich. - M., 1986.

Feldshtein DI Psychology of personality development in ontogenesis. - M., 1989.

Chapter Z. Aesthetic Development


  1. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of early age and social and personal development of the child
  2. Personal development of a young child
  3. Social and personal development of a young child in communication with adults
  4. Social and personal development of a young child in communication with peers




The relevance of the study is due to the importance of the childhood period for the formation of personality and social ties at an early age.

V last years scientists are increasingly drawing the attention of preschool teachers and parents to the importance of the problem of development, upbringing and education of a child in early childhood. Domestic and foreign scientists come to a common opinion about the presence of a special sensitivity of children of this age to speech, sensory, mental, physical, aesthetic, patriotic and other areas of personality development. Early age is considered unique in terms of solving teaching, developmental and educational problems.

Object term paper made the social and personal development of young children.

Subject- features of the social and personal development of young children.

The purpose course work is a theoretical study of the features of the social and personal development of young children in the process of communication with adults and peers.


  1. To study the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of an early age.
  2. Describe the characteristics of the personal development of a young child
  3. To study the features of the development of an early child in communication with adults
  4. Describe the developmental features of an early child in communication with peers

1. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of early age and social and personal development of the child

Age 1 - 3 years is a period of significant changes in the life of a small child. First of all, the child begins to walk. Having got the opportunity to move independently, he masters the distant space, independently comes into contact with a mass of objects, many of which previously remained inaccessible to him.

As a result of such a “release” of the child, a decrease in his dependence on an adult, cognitive activity and object actions are rapidly developing. In the second year of a child's life, the development of objective actions is observed; in the third year of life, objective activity becomes the leading one. By the age of three, the leading hand is determined and the coordination of the actions of both hands begins to form.

With the emergence of objective activity based on the assimilation of precisely those methods of action with an object that ensure its intended use, the child's attitude to surrounding objects changes, and the type of orientation in the objective world changes. So, with a free choice of objects and toys, he seeks to get to know as many of them as possible, involving objects in his activities.

In close connection with the development of object-related actions, the child's perception develops, since in the process of actions with objects the child gets acquainted not only with the methods of their use, but also with their properties - shape, size, color, mass, material, etc.

Children develop simple forms of visual-active thinking, the most primary generalizations, directly related to the selection of certain external and internal features of objects.

At the beginning of early childhood, the child's perception is still extremely poorly developed, although in everyday life the child looks quite oriented. Orientation occurs rather on the basis of recognizing objects than on the basis of true perception. The very same recognition is associated with the allocation of random, striking features-landmarks.

The transition to a more complete and comprehensive perception occurs in the child in connection with the mastery of object-related activity, especially instrumental and correlating actions, during the performance of which he is forced to focus on different properties of objects (size, shape, color) and brings them into line according to a given feature. First, the relationship between objects and their properties occurs practically. Then this practical correlation leads to the appearance of correlations of a perceptual nature. The development of perceptual actions begins.

The formation of perceptual actions in relation to different content and different conditions in which this content is embodied does not occur simultaneously. In relation to more difficult tasks, a child of an early age can remain at the level of chaotic actions, without any consideration of the properties of the objects with which he acts, at the level of actions with the use of force that do not lead him to a positive result. In relation to tasks that are more accessible in content and closer to the child's experience, he can move on to practical orientation - to problems that in some cases can provide a positive result of his activity. In a number of tasks, he goes over to perceptual orientation proper.

Although a child at this age rarely uses a visual relationship, but uses a detailed "measurement", it provides a better account of the properties and relationships of objects, gives more opportunities for a positive solution to the task. Mastering "measuring" and visual correlation allows young children not only to differentiate properties, objects at the "signal" level, i.e. search, detect, distinguish and identify objects, but also display the properties of objects, their true perception based on the image. This is reflected in the ability to make a choice according to a model. The close connection between the development of perception and activity is manifested in the fact that the child begins to make a choice according to the model in relation to form and size, i.e. in relation to the properties that must be taken into account in practical action, and only then - in relation to color.

The development of speech during this period is especially intensive. Mastering speech is one of the main achievements of a child in the second or third year of life. If by the age of 1 year the child comes almost completely without speech, having 10-20 babbling words in the dictionary, then by the age of 3 his dictionary has more than 400 words. During an early age, speech becomes more and more important for the entire mental development of the child. It becomes the most important means of transferring social experience to the child. Naturally, adults, guiding the child's perception, actively use the name of properties, objects.

The emergence of speech is closely related to the activity of communication, it appears for the purposes of communication and develops in its context. The need for communication is formed with the active influence of an adult on a child. A change in the forms of communication also occurs with the initiative of an adult on a child.

Thus, in early childhood, one can note the rapid development of the following mental spheres: communication, speech, cognitive (perception, thinking), motor and emotional-volitional spheres.

In the field of social and personal development of young children, the main areas of pedagogical work are:

Formation in the child of a positive attitude towards himself and the idea of ​​himself;

Formation of social skills;

Development of gaming activities;

Communication with peers.

To form and support a child's positive attitude towards himself, teachers must create such conditions so that he feels his significance for others, their love, and is sure that he will always receive support and help from them. All this forms the child's confidence in the world and provides an opportunity to actively and effectively master it.

It is very important to show interest in his feelings and preferences, to talk to him about his parents, about events in his life, favorite games, toys. Adults should be sensitive to all the child's experiences, rejoice with him, sympathize with upset, help him understand the reason for this or that experience, expressing it in words.

Adults should help the child develop a sense of their appearance. You should pay attention to the color of his eyes, hair, clothes, emphasize his dignity. This can be done both in direct communication and looking at his reflection in the mirror with him, where you can see details that are usually invisible to the baby, for example, a bow on the back, a drawing in a back pocket, etc. As a rule, babies are happy to look at themselves in mirror, smile at their reflection, call themselves by name, try to correct something in their appearance. This indicates that the child's primary self-image is already sufficiently formed, stable, that he has formed a positive attitude towards himself.

In the third year, children usually have a clear idea of ​​themselves as a boy or a girl, and therefore, already at this age, attention should be paid to the formation of gender-role identification in the child: to point out the peculiarities of the hairstyle and clothing of boys and girls, to offer girls to be a mother in games, aunt, nanny, boys - dad, uncle, chauffeur, etc. As a rule, in young age groups there are mainly toys “for girls” (dolls and items of care for them) and toys that are “neutral” in terms of gender and role (cubes, balls, pyramids). Traditional toys for boys such as toy cars, toy soldiers, knights, horsemen, toy hammers, pliers, etc. often absent. However, there should be toys for both girls and boys in the group room and area. This does not mean that girls can only play with dolls, and boys with cars. Everyone has the right to play with those toys that he likes, but the assortment must be selected in such a way as to stimulate games that promote gender-role identification.

2. Personal development of a young child

Every child has an inherent need to actualize their potential capabilities in different spheres of life. In the process of objective activity and communication, not only the child's ideas about the surrounding objective and social world are formed, but also the attitude towards it. At the same time, in the process of interacting with the external world, the child develops an attitude towards himself as an active participant in this process. It is the totality of these three types of relations - to the objective world, to other people and to oneself that constitutes the essence, the heart of a person's personality. This idea is based on the theoretical principles of Russian psychology in the works of M.I. Lisina and others.

Each of the identified types of relations has its own development logic, but at the same time they constantly intersect, intertwine, forming a "whole" - that unique ensemble of relations that characterizes each personality as uniqueness.

At each of the age stages, specific personality structures are formed, in which the selected types of relationships intersect, mutually influencing each other and mutually complementing one another. Each age stage ends with the emergence of a personality neoformation, the emergence of a new way of mediating the child's relationship to the world around him and to himself. Periods of the formation of a neoplasm are accompanied by crisis phenomena, which reflect the formation of new types of activity, a change in the form of communication between a child and an adult and attitude towards oneself.

The experimental development of the advanced provisions regarding children of infancy, early and preschool age was carried out in the works of M.I. Lisina and her staff. As studies by M.I. Lisina, the foundations of personal development begin to be laid already in the first year of a child's life. They are associated with the formation of the basic personal education of this age - activity. In the first months of life, in communication with an adult, the first pre-personal education arises - activity in relation to an adult. By the age of three months, it begins to manifest itself in two other areas of the relationship.

During the first year of life, the child's affective-personal ties develop with an adult, which reflect the baby's positive attitude towards loved ones: trust in them, persistent desire for communication. These qualities at the same time testify to the presence of a child's attitude to himself, which is expressed in a positive sense of self, in his experience of his own value, in a cheerful, joyful mood, in self-confidence. Under the influence of communication with adults and individual experience, children begin to develop an attitude towards the objective world, which manifests itself in the persistence of cognition of the environment, the complication of methods of acquaintance with objects. Strengthening activity in the field of communication and actions with objects contributes to the development of the child's idea of ​​himself as a subject of communicative and subject-manipulative activity.

With a successful experience of communication between a child and the adults around him, by the age of one year, three lines of relationship are tied into a "knot" and form a stable structure. Its core is the child's relationship to himself, through which his relationship to the surrounding people and the objective world is refracted. A child who is active as an established personal formation increasingly begins to defend his right to freedom of choice of actions, shows selective preferences in communication and object-related actions, which often look like obstinacy, negativism, whims. This behavior of the child is characteristic of the crisis period of infancy.

At an early age, there is a further transformation of all three lines of relationships that form the developing personality of the child.

Attitude to the objective world. The change in the child's attitude to the objective world is associated with the development of his leading activity: it is built along the path of mastering the culturally fixed purpose and methods of using objects. During an early age, the child's awareness of the meaning of adult activity grows, the operational and technical side of his own activity is being improved. Under the influence of an adult, the child increasingly pays attention to the result of his actions, begins to strive to achieve it. The procedural side of the action with objects is very important for him, and in the game remains the main one, but in real life, with the utilitarian, practical use of objects, the child increasingly wants to get the same result as the adult. If at the beginning of the second year of life, imitating an adult, the baby reproduced only an external picture of his action (for example, sweeping the floor with a broom, left garbage around him), then by the end of an early age, the main thing for him becomes getting the correct result (now, sweeping floor, he makes sure the floor is clean). Thus, the child's attitude to his activity is gradually changing: the result becomes its regulator. In independent activities, games, the baby is also increasingly guided by a plan, an idea of ​​the final result of the action.

The mastery of objective activity stimulates the development of such personal qualities of children as initiative, independence, purposefulness. The child becomes more and more persistent in achieving the set goal. The expanding framework of the surrounding world stimulates the development of his curiosity. This is evidenced by the desire to study various properties, objects, questions of a cognitive nature, interest in experimenting with unfamiliar objects, natural substances, etc. relationship to the environment. Attitude towards an adult at an early age is mediated by transformations in leading activities. During the period of her birth, up to about one and a half years, the child most of all needs the participation of an adult in joint affairs and help in case of difficulty. Therefore, initially, children develop an attitude towards an adult as a partner in joint activities and an assistant. At the same time, although children try to copy the actions of an adult, he is not yet for them in the full sense of the word a role model for how to do it. During this period, observing the actions of the elder, the baby takes the object from him and begins to act with it independently, not paying attention to the advice of an adult.

As he masters object-related actions, the complexity of their composition and under the influence of the assessment of adults in the process of joint activity, the child gradually develops a new attitude towards the people around him: their behavior begins to serve as an example for him to follow. The kid is more and more eager to act in the same way as an adult. But he still cannot assess objectively the degree of similarity of his actions with the actions of an adult, the correctness of their implementation. Therefore, the assessment of an adult is so important for him during this period. A child's desire to receive praise reflects his attitude towards an adult as an expert in his knowledge and skills. His need for an adult's assessment of his actions becomes especially acute after two years. The child's new attitude to the objective world and the adult gives rise to a specific type of interaction with an adult - cooperation.

In communication with an adult, as well as in substantive activity, the child's personal qualities develop - initiative, perseverance, benevolence, the ability to understand and empathize. Their manifestations indicate that he has formed a basic personal quality, which is distinguished by all psychologists of early childhood - trust in people.

The child's attitude to himself at an early age reflects a new level of his personality formation. He begins to pay more and more attention to the result of his activity, which acts as a regulator of this activity, and the assessment of an adult becomes for him the measure of success and failure in it. It is precisely the achievements in object-oriented activity and the nature of communication with an adult that the child's attitude towards himself begins to be mediated.

The main structural elements of this relationship are general and specific self-esteem. Let us dwell in more detail on their characteristics.

The attitude towards oneself begins to develop in the child already in the first months of life. Initially, it manifests itself in his experience of his subjective in the process of communication with adults and is expressed in an active search for pleasant contacts with them, in protest against unwanted influences, in vivid emotional reactions to the attitude of adults to the initiative shown by him. A child's attitude to himself reflects the attitude of adults towards him, which, as a rule, is based on his full acceptance. No matter how much trouble and disappointment he may bring, he still remains the most beloved and priceless. The attitude of relatives to the little-shu is an expression of absolute love, therefore their assessment of the child is absolutely positive. On its basis, the baby develops a feeling of his need and value. His, albeit amorphous, attitude towards himself is formed as a general positive self-esteem, which is a reflection of the adult's attitude to the child's personality. The feeling of love of adults is so great that at first he does not even distinguish a negative assessment from a positive one, reacting equally joyfully to any appeal to him by his parent. Only in the second half of the year does he begin to distinguish between two types of assessments, positive and negative, and take offense at censure that conflicts with the positive self-feeling of the baby and causes him a pro-test.

In the second half of the year, he has an attitude towards himself CE. To the subject of manipulative activity: acting with objects, he experiences the pleasure that he knows how to do something himself, is the source of the changes taking place. With all the complication of the child's attitude to himself during the first year of life, a sense of the value and significance of his existence prevails in him, regardless of success in certain actions, i.e. general positive self-esteem.

At an early age, cardinal changes take place in the child's attitude to himself. In the center of them is the formation of his attitude to the results of his actions. Gradually, in the course of mastering objective actions, he begins to feel the need to evaluate them. Initially, such an assessment is at the pole of an adult as an example of an “ideal result” of activity. Against the background of a positive attitude towards the baby, the adult increasingly draws the baby's attention to the result of his actions: he praises if he is successful, blames wrong actions, asks to correct them. Under the influence of such assessments, the child begins to develop a specific self-assessment, i.e. attitude to the result of their activities. And it is no longer always positive. Thus, a contradiction arises between two types of self-esteem: an absolutely positive attitude towards oneself, which continues to dominate in a child even at an early age, often comes into conflict with the inevitable blame of an adult. The psychological difficulty for a child in overcoming this contradiction lies in the fact that two types of relationships collide in him - value (i.e., personal, unconditional acceptance of the baby) and evaluative, which determines the value of the child, depending on the achievement of some specific non-personal relationship. goals. And both types of values ​​are expressed to the child by the same faces - close adults.

Initially, the child attributes the adults' assessment of his actions to his personality, which determines his vivid affective reactions to censure. The emergence of a specific self-esteem is associated with the fact that he begins to separate the attitude towards himself as a person from the attitude towards his specific actions. This makes it possible to soften the affective intensity of his perception of the adult's assessments, to treat remarks “in a businesslike manner”, to restructure his activities in order to achieve the correct result.

With age, the baby feels more and more competent in objective activity and strives for independence, for independence from an adult. The tendency towards independence, the desire to act without the help of adults, to overcome difficulties on one's own, even in a sphere that is still inaccessible to a child, is expressed in the words "I myself!" The shifts occurring in the personality and self-consciousness of the child are clearly revealed in the facts of awareness of their “I”, in the use of personal pronouns and possessive adjectives (he increasingly pronounces, referring to adults, “mine”, “mine”, “me ").

In the study of T.V. Guskova discovered a peculiar symptom of a complex in the behavior of children from 2.5 to 3 years old, in which three highlighted lines of the child's relationship to the objective world, the adult and himself, intersect. Here are its main characteristics:

  • The child's desire to achieve a result in activity, persistent search for the necessary way to solve a practical problem.
  • The desire to demonstrate their success to an adult, without the approval of which achievements lose a significant share of their value for the baby.
  • Heightened self-esteem, which is expressed in the child's increased sensitivity and sensitivity to the attitude of an adult.

This symptom complex is called “pride in achievement” and acts as a behavioral correlate of the main personality neoplasm of the three-year crisis, the essence of which is that the child begins to see himself through the prism of his achievements, recognized and appreciated by others.

The core of the personality neoplasm, as in infancy, remains the child's attitude to himself. But in contrast to the general, unconditional self-acceptance characteristic of a child of the first year of life, his attitude towards himself at an early age is refracted through the prism of real achievements. In accordance with this, the objective world begins to act as a sphere of realizations of oneself, of one's personality, and an adult - as a connoisseur and connoisseur of children's achievements.

The complex and contradictory process of the formation of a new attitude towards oneself largely determines the crisis manifestations in the second half of the early age. They are associated with an aggravation of the child's sensitivity to success and failure in activities and to assessments from adults, which is manifested in affective forms of behavior.

3. Development of an early child in communication with adults

In the first years of life, adults play a decisive role in ensuring the mental development of children. They are carriers of universal human experience for the child. All the social qualities of a child's developing personality are formed only in the process of his interaction with others. Communication with adults is the only possible context in which the kid comprehends and "appropriates" the riches of human culture, and develops spiritually. As the child's mental life is enriched, his connection with the world expands, his abilities develop, the value of communication does not wane, its content becomes more and more complex and deep, stimulates further mental development.

The problems of ontogenesis of communication between children and adults are most fully developed in the concept of the genesis of communication by M.I. Lisina, in the framework of which communication is considered as the interaction of people aimed at coordinating and joining efforts in order to establish relationships and achieve a common result.

An important characteristic of communication is the mutual activity of people. One-sided influence of one person on another is not communication, but just an influence. The criterion for distinguishing communication from other types of interaction can serve as the addressing of people to each other, counting on getting an answer, a response. So, if a baby, listening to an adult, looks into his face, smiles in response to his words, you can be sure that communication is developing between them. If, attracted by the noise in the next room, the child turned away or was distracted by some activity, communication was interrupted and replaced by cognitive activity. In young children, communication, as a rule, is closely intertwined with playing, exploring objects, acting with them. Communication can only fulfill its developmental function when it is carried out as a personality-oriented interaction, in which each of its participants acts as a subject, and not as an object of influence or manipulation.

In the concept of M.I. Lisina's communication is interpreted as a communicative activity that has its own structure and content.

The approach to communication as an activity allows us to isolate its main points from the general flow of interaction, to understand how it develops. The most important parameters of communicative activity are:

  • the place of communication in the child's general life system and its importance for mental development at each age stage;
  • the content of the need for communication;
  • the leading motive for communication;
  • basic means of communication.

At different stages of a child's development, these structural components together make up integral formations, which are defined as stages of the ontogeny of communication or as "forms of communication."

There are four forms of communication between a child and an adult from birth to 7 years.

  1. Situational-personal communication, which lasts from birth to 6 months.
  2. Situational business communication is the main type of communication at an early age.
  3. In non-situational-cognitive communication, which develops at a younger preschool age.
  4. In non-situational and personal communication that occurs in older preschool age.

Each form of communication is characterized by a special, specific for it content of parameters.

The sequential appearance in ontogenesis of more and more complex forms is the development of communicative activity. At the same time, the previously formed forms do not disappear, but are preserved, giving way to new ones.

Situational-business communication with adults begins to take shape already in the second half of a child's life, replaces situational-personal communication and constitutes the main content of communicative activity throughout the entire early age.

To better understand the specifics of the second form in ontogenesis, we list the main features of the situational-personal communication of a child with adults.

Situational-personal communication is the leading activity in the first half of a child's life. The content of the communicative need at this age is the satisfaction of the child's need for the benevolent attention of adults. The leading motive for communication is the personal motive. An adult acts as a source of attention and affection for a child. It is also the first object of cognition to which the child's attention and actions are directed. The means of communication are expressive-mimic operations (glances, smiles, movement animation, vocalization). In the process of situational-personal communication, the child's attachment to loved ones begins to form, the foundations of personality and self-awareness are laid. Under the influence of communication, the baby's cognitive activity develops in relation to the objective world. The appearance of purposeful movements towards objects and actions with toys marks his transition to a new leading activity - subject-manipulative. A child who knows how to operate with objects takes a new position in relation to an adult, which leads to the emergence of a new form of communication - situational business.

At an early age, communication loses its leading significance, giving way to objective activity. It has another function - it is woven into a new leading activity, helping and serving it. The main reasons for contact with adults are actions with objects.

Content of the need for communication. Throughout an early age, the main content of the communicative need is the need for cooperation with an adult. The concept of "cooperation" combines two components: business communication, the object of which for the child is an adult, and the actual object interaction, in which the child's attention is directed to the object.

At this age, he needs from an adult, first of all, participation and help in business. The need for benevolent attention, formed at the previous age stage, remains, but changes in nature. If in infancy it was expressed in the child's desire to receive the caress of an adult, to establish physical contact with him, now he needs his support and encouragement in actions with objects. Satisfaction of this need is very important both for successful self-awareness and for the development of his cognitive activity and objective activity.

This means that when organizing substantive interaction with children, the educator must not only give the child samples correct actions, but also to express his personal focus, provide emotional support.

The motives that induce a child to communicate are those qualities of an adult, for the sake of which he enters into interaction with him. The main reason for such contacts is actions with objects, therefore the business motive is put forward to the central place among all the motives of communication. The child shows great interest in what and how an adult does with things, seeks to imitate his actions and involve him in his activities. The business qualities of adults come to the fore for the child. At an early age, a child needs an adult as:

  • game partner;
  • role model;
  • expert in assessing skills and knowledge.

In joint activity with an adult, these qualities are manifested in their totality.

Means of communication are operations with the help of which each participant in the interaction builds joint actions. Three main categories of means of communication between a child and others can be distinguished: expressive-my-mental, objective-effective and speech.

Expressive-mimic means convey the child's attitude to the communication situation: looks, smiles, facial expressions, gestures, expressive vocalizations. They appear already in the first months of a baby's life and continue to be used throughout a person's life. They express attention, interest in another person, disposition to him, or, conversely, dissatisfaction, unwillingness to communicate.

As the child develops, learns new class communicative means: substantively effective, which arise in his joint activity with an adult. Their main purpose is to express the child's readiness for interaction, an invitation to joint activities. This method of communication is most common in the second year of life, when the baby still does not know how to speak.

The most common ways to engage in joint activities are pointing to objects, holding them out to an adult, and putting them in the hand. Sometimes a child expresses his affection for an adult: he brings him his toys, puts them next to him or puts them on his lap.

And, finally, speech means of communication appear: first in the form of babbling, then in the form of autonomous children's speech, then practically full-fledged active speech, the use of which expands the possibilities of communication and its influence on other types of child's activities.

Communication with adults affects the leading activity: in the course of it, the child learns new and more complex actions. With the help of showing, support, prompting, participation of an adult, he masters the cultural ways of handling objects, assimilates the meanings and the operational-technical side of object-tool actions. Cooperation with an adult is the main, decisive psychological condition for the formation of a child's objective activity.

In joint activities with an adult, the prerequisites are formed story game, a procedural game develops. An adult opens to the child the world of the conditional use of objects, shows him the first play actions, offers play plots, teaches him how to use substitute objects. In the process of such interaction, the beginnings of the child's role-playing behavior emerge, the foundations are laid for the future role-playing game.

Communication with adults has a decisive influence on the emergence and development of speech in children. Speech is born from the need for communication, for the purpose of communication and in the context of communication. Only in communication with an adult does a child face a special communicative task - to understand the speech addressed to him and give a verbal answer to it. It is the adult who creates for the child the practical need to assimilate and actualize the connection between the object and its verbal designation. In the process of situational-business communication, the child develops such an attitude towards the objective environment, which requires designation in speech. In cooperation with an adult, the child's verbal thinking develops, allowing him to go beyond the limits of a particular situation "into the vastness of wide cognitive activity."

Communication with adults is one of the decisive factors in the development of a child's personality and self-awareness. The experience of situational-business communication affects the development of a child's understanding of himself and his capabilities. Influenced is in the development of those types of activities and such personality traits that require an individual, personal approach to the child for their formation. It is known that children from orphanages are ahead of their peers in terms of mastering everyday skills: they use a spoon better, dress faster, get used to the toilet, etc. Such actions are not difficult to form by "coaching" a child. As for such types of activity that are fundamental for children's development as communication with an adult, cognitive activity, and creative play, in terms of their level of development, pupils of children's homes are significantly behind their peers from the family.

The lag in the personal development of children in children's homes is especially noticeable. Baby growing up in favorable conditions family education, inquisitive, open and kind-hearted in relation to the world around him, initiative and in objective activity, and in communication. He stubbornly seeks the attention of adults, readily responds to their initiative, persistently achieves his goal, actively declares his I. he has not formed attachments either to adults or to peers, he is not very sensitive to the assessment of an adult, poorly differentiates between positive and negative assessments, which affects the quality of his objective activity and the development of speech, leading to their delays.

At the same time, the practice of correctional work with such children shows that deviations in their mental and personal development that arose at the early stages of ontogenesis are not fatal and can be overcome provided that such pedagogical work is organized, in the center of which is the formation of an adequate the child communicates with an adult and expands his experience of interaction with the surrounding objective and social world.

4. Development of an early child in communication with peers

An interest in other children appears in a child quite early - already in the first year of life. Kids curiously look at their peers during walks, smile at each other, try to touch their hands, clothes. If they happen to be around, they often treat each other as if they were an inanimate object. The baby examines the peer (feels, pulls the hair, pulls the ear); trying to reach the toy, he can step on it without responding to crying. Random episodes of interaction are quickly interrupted by the inability of children to communicate with each other. In the first year of life, contacts between children are not true communication, but are stimulated by needs that are not specific to communicative activity.

Full-fledged communication between children begins to take shape at an early age, when they increasingly find themselves next to each other on the playground, in the nursery. This stimulates increased interest in peers, the emergence of the first contacts with them. However, communication does not arise immediately, children at first do not play together, but side by side, each with his own toy. Interest in the actions of a peer often develops into a conflict over a toy: children tend to take possession of exactly the toy that is in the hands of another. Communication with a peer develops gradually and goes in its development a path that is different from the development of communication with an adult.

The process of establishing communication between a child and peers goes through a number of stages associated with the specifics of the content of the need, which encourages children to interact. Initially, the child's contacts with other children are prompted by the needs for impressions, active functioning and communication with an adult. Actually, the need for communication with peers develops on their basis and is formed gradually. M.I. Lisina put forward four criteria for identifying a child's need for communication.

The first is the child's interest and attention to the other person. This criterion reveals his focus on the cognition of another, which becomes the object of the child's special activity.

The second criterion is his emotional attitude towards another person, which testifies to an unequally stuffy, biased attitude towards him.

The third criterion includes proactive actions aimed at attracting the attention of a partner. They have as their goal to prove themselves, to involve a partner in joint actions and at the same time to see their capabilities through the reaction of another person.

The fourth criterion is the child's sensitivity to the attitude of the other, in which there is a readiness to accept the initiative of the other and respond to it. This criterion also reveals the child's ability to perceive the assessment and attitude of the communication partner, to coordinate (or restructure) his actions in accordance with them.

The selected criteria are common for a child's communication with both adults and peers, since these are two aspects of a single communication process that have a social nature.

The presence of a child's need for communication can only be asserted when his behavior contains actions that are correlated with all four criteria of communicative need.

The need to communicate with peers develops gradually during an early age.

Initially, in the second year of life, children show only interest and attention to each other, colored by positive emotions, and contacts between them are episodic and short-term. Their behavior towards peers meets only the first and second criteria of the need for communication. Initiative appeals to peers are rare, just as children rarely respond to their initiative. There is no synchronicity in their interaction. Weak attempts to attract the attention of another are often unanswered or simply not noticed.

At the end of the second year of life, against the background of growing interest in peers, initiative and sensitivity to peer appeals grow. These two parameters of the need for communication grow rapidly in the third year of life. At this age, all four parameters of the communicative need are already formed and one can speak of children's contacts as full-fledged communication.

A distinctive feature of children's contacts at the beginning of the second year of life is an ambivalent attitude towards peers on the one hand, kids address their peers in the same way as an adult: they look into each other's eyes, smile, laugh, babble, show their toys. The child transfers these actions to a peer from the sphere of communication with an adult, they are common for both communicative spheres. A characteristic feature of these actions is that they express the child's attitude towards another person as a subject, as a potential partner in interaction, suggesting a response, an exchange of activity. However, there is no specific content characteristic of the attitude of children to their peers in such actions. The first communicative contacts only indicate that the subjectivity of the peer is perceived by the child.

On the other hand, a very special kind of action is observed in the behavior of the youngest children, which is rarely found in their communication with adults. These actions are prompted by the child's need for impressions and active functioning. They are expressed in the fact that babies in the second year of life often treat each other as with an interesting object, a toy. If you put a peer next to a one-year-old child and put a doll, you can see that the baby behaves in relation to them in almost the same way. For example, he touches a doll's eye with his finger and tries to do the same with a peer; pats the doll on the head and repeats the same with the child; will raise and lower the doll's leg - and immediately try to perform this action with a “living toy”. Experimenting in a similar way with animate and inanimate objects, the child explores, compares their properties.

At the same time, the kid compares his peer to himself: he touches his own leg, then the peer’s leg, examines and loses his fingers, then does the same with his neighbor’s fingers. In similar ways, the baby studies his own physical properties and the properties of his peer, discovers the similarities between them.

This behavior is typical for children aged 1 to 1.5 years and indicates that in their contacts, acquaintance with a peer as an interesting object comes to the fore. The object qualities of another child overshadow his subjective properties. This explains the special impudence in the treatment of children of the same age: they pull each other by the coals, by the nose, slap their hand or a toy on the head, push the other away if he interferes with the passage, etc. Sometimes you can observe, like a child, trying to get some something that steps on the feet of the person sitting next to him, not paying attention to his protests. In this case, a peer is simply an obstacle on the way to the goal. As a rule, in communication with an adult, such actions are extremely rare, and in contacts with peers - constantly, overshadowing the subjective component of communication.

So, during the first half of the second year of life, the subjective and object attitudes towards the peer are intertwined in the contacts of children, making it difficult to communicate fully valuable. Contacts of children are also unstable due to the fact that they are still insensitive to the initiative of a peer, to his experiences, emotional states.

After a year and a half, there is a noticeable change in the attitude of children. Actions with peers as with inanimate objects are declining, the share of initiative acts designed to interest a peer is growing. The sensitivity of babies to the attitude of other children is aggravated: their treatment with each other becomes more delicate, attentive. They are becoming more and more interested not in the object, but in the subjective qualities of their peers - the ability to respond to the initiative, express agreement and approval, the ability to combine their actions with the behavior of another. The peer becomes more and more attractive as a communication partner, not as an object of manipulation. The interaction of children takes on the character of subject-oriented communication.

By the end of the second year of life and in the third year, a special type of communication unfolds between children - an emotional-practical game, which has a number of distinctive features.

First, it includes a special category of actions that are characteristic only of children's contacts. This game stems from the child's desire to demonstrate himself to a peer in the most direct way: children jump in front of each other, fall, scream, squeal, tease, carefully observing the partner's reaction. As a rule, such interaction is a "chain reaction": the action of one causes imitation of the other, which, in turn, creates a series of new imitative actions.

Secondly, joint play unfolds and proceeds without conflict when children communicate directly.

The emotional and practical interaction of children is born spontaneously, without the participation of an adult. Despite the great attractiveness of such interaction for babies, the need for communication with peers at this age is less pronounced than the need for communication with adults and in actions with objects. Important role in the further development of communication between children and peers, in enriching its content, the surrounding adults play.

The need to communicate with peers is built on the basis of previously formed needs - in communication with an adult, in impressions and active functioning. Since the need for impressions and actions with objects initially overshadows the need for communication with peers and the child perceives the peer as an object for a long time, an adult helps the child to "open" his subjectivity. Relying on the object-oriented activity leading at an early age, he can organize such interaction between children, which opens up the possibility for the emergence of a subjective attitude towards another child and at the same time enriches the experience of communication of children with each other with new content.


In the course of the research, it was found that the social and personal development of a child is the formation of a positive attitude towards himself and the idea of ​​himself in the child; the formation of social skills; development of gaming activities; communication with peers.

To form and support a child's positive attitude towards himself, teachers must create such conditions so that he feels his significance for others, their love, and is sure that he will always receive support and help from them. All this forms the child's confidence in the world and provides an opportunity to actively and effectively master it. Therefore, it is advisable to create situations where every child is the center of attention as often as possible. It is very important to show interest in his feelings and preferences, to talk to him about his parents, about events in his life, favorite games, toys. Adults should be sensitive to all the child's experiences, rejoice with him, sympathize with upset, help him understand the reason for this or that experience, expressing it in words.

At an early age, the main form of communication between a child and an adult is situational-business communication. It is characterized by the need for cooperation with an adult. The leading ones are "business" motives. An adult acts for a child as a play partner, a role model, an expert in assessing skills and knowledge. The main communicative means here are subject-practical actions and speech.

Along with situational-business communication, the previously established situational-personal communication retains its importance and continues to develop. On the basis of them, by the end of an early age, a situational-cognitive form of communication begins to take shape.

Communication between a child and peers develops at an early age and goes through several stages in its development. In the second year of life, children show only interest and attention to each other, colored with positive emotions, contacts between them are episodic and short-term. These contacts are prompted by the child's need for impressions and active functioning. At this stage, children mainly treat each other as an interesting object, a toy, highlighting his partner's object qualities.

At the end of the second year of life, children have a desire to attract the attention of a peer and demonstrate their skills to him.

In the third year, children's sensitivity to peer relationships appears. By the end of the third year, the need for communication with peers is fully formed. Children's contacts acquire the character of a subject-oriented interaction.

Communication of children with each other at an early age is carried out in the form of emotional and practical interaction, built on mutual imitation. Its distinctive features are the lack of subject content, spontaneity and relaxedness.

An important role in the formation of communication between children and peers belongs to an adult. By organizing the subjective interaction of children in the process of joint objective activity, he enriches the experience of spontaneously emerging emotional and practical communication of children with each other with new content.

The main importance of communication with peers is that it opens up opportunities for self-expression of the child, contributes to his social development and the development of self-awareness.

The essence of a person's personality is determined by the combination of three types of relations - to the objective world, other people and oneself. At each of the age stages, specific personality structures are formed, in which these types of relationships intersect, mutually complementing one another. Each age stage ends with the emergence of personal new education, the emergence of a new way of mediated relationship of the child to the world around him and to himself.

The periods of the formation of a neoplasm are accompanied by crisis phenomena, which reflect the formation of new types of activity, a change in the form of communication between a child and an adult and a relationship to oneself.

During an early age, a new attitude of the child to the objective world is formed, which consists in the fact that “in actions with objects, he begins to be guided by the idea of ​​the result; the desire to obtain the correct result becomes a regulator of his activity.

In relation to an adult at this age, the baby's need for assessing his actions increases. The assessment of an adult begins to act for him as an objective measure of the correctness of his actions. The need for assessment becomes especially acute after 2.5 years.

The child's attitude to himself begins to be mediated by success in objective activity and the nature of communication with an adult. In the course of independent activity and cooperation with an adult, a specific self-assessment is formed - an attitude towards the result of one's actions.

By the age of 3, the child's aspiration for independence and independence from an adult grows, the awareness of his "I", which is expressed in the words "I myself!" The complex process of the formation of a new attitude towards oneself leads to the emergence of a “crisis of three years. Symptoms of the crisis are negativism, stubbornness, obstinacy and self-will of the child. At the center of the crisis is the resistance to authoritarian education, the struggle for independence.

The main personality neoplasm that arises during the three-year crisis is the symptom of the “pride in achievement” complex, the essence of which is that the child begins to see himself through the prism of his achievements, recognized and appreciated by other people.


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Personality. There are more than 50 definitions for the concept of “personality” alone. We will cite one belonging to LI Bozhovich, which we will use as a worker in the further consideration of the selected problem: "A personality is a person who has reached a certain, sufficiently high level of his mental development."

Personality development is the sequence and progression of changes that occur in the consciousness and behavior of an individual.

Socialization (in developmental psychology) [lat. socialis - social] - the process and result of assimilation and active reproduction by an individual of social experience, carried out in communication and activity. S. can occur both under the conditions of a spontaneous impact on the personality of various life circumstances, which sometimes have the character of multidirectional factors, and under the conditions of education and upbringing - a purposeful, pedagogically organized, planned process of a person's development, carried out in the interests of him and (or) society, to which it belongs. Education is the leading and defining principle of S.

Social and personal development is a process and result of two interrelated and interdependent processes: socialization and interiorization, which are aimed at the child's entry into the socio-cultural environment.

Interiorization is a process as a result of which a child acquires new personality traits, drawing them from social reality, the process of the social becoming individual (L. S. Vygotsky).

Currently, special attention is paid to the problem of social and personal development and education of preschool children, which is one of the components of the draft State Standard for Preschool Education. Increasing attention to the problems of socialization is associated with changes in the socio-political and socio-economic conditions of life, with instability in society. In the current situation of an acute deficit of a culture of communication, kindness and attention to each other, teachers experience difficulties in the prevention and correction of such negative manifestations of children as rudeness, emotional deafness, hostility, etc. The need for a detailed and in-depth study of the problem is also dictated by the established practice of preschool educational institutions and the relevance of developing programs and methods for using modern technologies for the social and personal development of preschoolers.

The problem of familiarizing with the social world has always been and still remains one of the leading in the process of forming a child's personality. Historical analysis convinces of the need to provide a child with qualified assistance in the difficult process of entering the world of people. The socialization of a preschooler presupposes the development of the ability to adequately navigate in the social environment available to him, to realize the intrinsic value of his own personality and other people, to express feelings and attitudes towards the world in accordance with the cultural traditions of society.

The draft preschool education standard, defining the mandatory minimum of the content of the program implemented in the preschool educational institution, puts forward a number of requirements for the social and personal development of its pupils. These requirements include:

The development of a positive attitude of the child towards himself, other people, the world around him, the communicative and social competence of children;

Creation of conditions for the formation of a positive sense of self in the child - confidence in his abilities, that he is good, that he is loved;

Formation of self-esteem in the child, awareness of their rights and freedoms (the right to have their own opinion, choose friends, toys, activities, have personal belongings, use personal time at their own discretion);

Fostering a child's positive attitude towards people around them - respect and tolerance for children and adults, regardless of social origin, race and nationality, language, religion, gender, age, personal and behavioral originality, respect for the self-esteem of other people, their opinions, desires , views;

Involvement of children in the values ​​of cooperation with other people: assistance in realizing the need for people in each other, planning joint work, subordination and control of their desires, coordinating opinions and actions with partners on activities;

The development in children of a sense of responsibility for another person, a common cause, a given word;

Creation of the child's communicative competence - recognition of emotional experiences and states of others, expression of their own experiences;

Formation of social skills in children: mastering different ways resolving conflict situations, the ability to negotiate, observe the order, establish new contacts.

A large role in the successful social and personal development of preschoolers is played by a team of like-minded people, which is formed from the administration of the kindergarten, educators, teacher-psychologist, physical education instructor, music leaders. Educators form children's ideas about the social world, about themselves, people around, nature and the man-made world, bring up social feelings, an active life position. Musical directors help in creating dramatizations, playing out situations using sets and costumes. The teacher-psychologist works with children to master the language of emotions, to correct aggressiveness; the formation of self-confidence, social skills, moral consciousness.

In order to ensure social partnership between the preschool educational institution and the family, it is necessary to pay great attention to working with parents. To ensure close interaction between teachers and parents in the social and personal direction of work with children, it is necessary to draw up a plan of work with parents in this direction, and to familiarize parents with the work of the kindergarten, use parental meetings, consultations, open classes, joint holidays, registration in the "Parents' Corner", etc.

To implement the tasks of social and personal development of preschool children, teachers need a high level of professional competence, because the process of social education of a child in a preschool educational institution requires the teacher to master special professional attitudes and understand the originality of the author's preschool education programs.

Social development (socialization) is the process of assimilation and further development by an individual of socio-cultural experience necessary for its inclusion in the system of social relations, which consists of:

· Labor skills;

· Knowledge;

· Norms, values, traditions, rules;

Social qualities of a person that allow a person to live comfortably and effectively in the society of other people, the development of tolerance in the consciousness of parents, teachers and children (tolerance for someone else's way of life, opinion, behavior, values, the ability to accept the interlocutor's point of view, which differs from his own).

The development of social competence is an important and necessary stage in the socialization of a child in the general process of assimilating the experience of social life and social relations. Man is by nature a social being. All the facts describing the cases of forced isolation of young children, the so-called "Mowgli", show that such children never become full-fledged people: they cannot master human speech, elementary forms of communication, behavior and die early.

Means, methods, techniques for the social and personal development of children in preschool educational institutions

The implementation of the tasks of social development of preschool children is most effective in the presence of a holistic pedagogical system, built in accordance with the main approaches of the general scientific level of pedagogical methodology.

· The axeological approach allows us to determine the set of priority values ​​in education, upbringing and self-development of a person. With regard to the social development of preschoolers, the values ​​of communicative, psychosexual, national, ethnic, legal culture can act as such.

· The culturological approach allows taking into account all the conditions of the place and time in which a person was born and lives, the specifics of his immediate environment and the historical past of his country, city, the main value orientations of the representatives of his people, ethnic group. The dialogue of cultures, which is one of the dominant paradigms of the modern education system, is impossible without familiarization with the values ​​of one's culture.

The humanistic approach presupposes the recognition of the personality principle in the child, orientation towards his subjective needs and interests, recognition of his rights and freedoms, the self-worth of childhood as the basis of mental development, the cultural-creative function of childhood as one of the most important aspects of social development, psychological comfort and the well-being of the child as priority criteria in assessment of the activities of social institutions.

· The anthropological approach makes it possible to raise the status of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics in determining the dynamics of social development of preschoolers, to take into account various (age, gender, national) characteristics of personal development in the process of moral, sexual, patriotic, international, legal education.

· The synergistic approach allows us to consider each subject of the pedagogical process (children, educators, parents) as self-developing subsystems that make the transition from development to self-development. In the aspect of the social development of children, this approach provides, for example, a gradual change in the general orientations of the teacher in the formation of the main types of activity (from perception - to reproduction according to a model - to independent reproduction - to creativity).

· The polysubjective approach implies the need to take into account the influence of all factors of social development (micro-factors: family, peers, kindergarten, school, etc.; mesofactors: ethnocultural conditions, climate; macro-factors: society, state, planet, space).

The systemic-structural approach involves the organization of work on the social development of preschoolers in accordance with an integral pedagogical system of interrelated and interdependent goals, objectives, content, means, methods, forms of organization, conditions and results of interaction between teachers and children.

· An integrated approach assumes the relationship of all structural components of the pedagogical system in relation to all links and participants in the pedagogical process. The content of social development includes the orientation of the child in the phenomena of social and his own life, in himself.

· The activity approach allows to determine the dominant of the child's relationship with the outside world, to actualize the realization of the needs in the awareness of oneself as a subject of activity. Social development is carried out in the process of significant, motivated activities, a special place among which is played by play, as an intrinsically valuable activity that provides a feeling of freedom, subservience to things, actions, relationships, allowing one to fully realize oneself "here and now", achieve a state of emotional comfort, become involved in a children's society, built on the free communication of equals.

· The environmental approach allows you to solve the problem of organizing the educational space as a means of social development of the individual. The environment is a set of niches and elements, among which and in interaction with which the life of children flows. Niche is a certain space of opportunities that allows children to satisfy their needs. They can be conditionally divided into natural, social, cultural. With regard to the tasks of social development, the organization of the educational space requires the creation of a subject-developing environment that ensures the most effective introduction of children to the standards of culture (universal, traditional, regional). The element is an unrestrained force acting in the natural and social environment in the form of various social movements, manifested in moods, needs, attitudes. In relation to the plan of social development, the element will be found in the interaction of children and adults, in the dominance of value orientations, in the hierarchy of target attitudes in relation to the ranking of educational tasks.

Socialization, or assimilation by a child of universal human experience accumulated by previous generations, occurs only in joint activities and communication with other people. This is how the child masters speech, new knowledge and skills; his own beliefs, spiritual values ​​and needs are formed, character is laid. The teachers are faced with a very difficult task, working with a group of children, to find such effective methods and techniques of work that will give the best results in the social and personal development of children.

Play is of great importance for the development of ethical norms in preschool age. A child can accumulate and assimilate the experience of social behavior, not only gaining theoretical knowledge that parents and teachers give him, but, most likely, in practical activity.

In the game, children acquire the skills of social behavior, they learn to get out of conflict situations on their own, moral and ethical skills are formed, such as responsiveness, tolerance, friendliness, mutual assistance, etc. They are especially clearly manifested in the play, work activities of children and in everyday life.

When organizing search situations with preschoolers, the teacher must follow a certain algorithm:

1. To get the children interested in the problem to be solved, to present it emotionally, to introduce the children in the situation: What is happening? What happened? What is the problem? Why is there a difficulty?

2. Arouse active empathy and understanding of the participants in the situations: How did they feel? What is their mood? Have you ever had this in your life? What feelings did you experience then?

3. Encourage the search for possible options and ways to resolve the situation: What can happen? How to help? What would you do if you were one or another participant? Discuss all the proposals and find a common solution on how to proceed and achieve success.

4. Include children in a specific practical action: show concern, comfort, express sympathy, help resolve conflict, etc.

And it is very important: to help to experience a feeling of satisfaction from a successfully resolved problem, to understand how it has changed emotional condition participants, and rejoice with them. Here are some situations that resonate most emotionally with kids:

1. Practicalsituations humanistic choice.

Preschoolers become front choice : to respond to the problems of other children or to prefer personal interests and be indifferent?

For example, keep the drawing for yourself or include it in a general message to a sick peer; respond to a request for help or ignore it?

The behavior of children in situations of choice helps to better understand the features of their social, moral and emotional development.

2. Practical situations problematic character like "What to do, what to do?" personality behavior education preschool

These are various situations of difficulty that we create in order to awaken initiative, independence, intelligence, responsiveness of children, and a willingness to look for the right solutions.

Situations: there are no paints of certain colors, there is not enough plasticine for modeling. Children independently seek solutions, jointly solve problems.

3. Practical situations "We the most elder v children's garden ".

Children learn to take care of babies, they develop a sense of self-esteem, a kind attitude towards little ones, an understanding of their problems.

It is possible to organize situations “Let's please the kids with gifts made by ourselves”, “We will prepare a concert for the kids”, “We will show a fairy tale”, “We will help to make a snow slide”, “We will teach the kids to dance in circles”.

4. The following situations type "We are friends with schoolchildren. "

Older preschoolers gain experience of cooperation with schoolchildren: “We have a sports holiday”, “Joint literary quiz in the library”, “We are waiting for our teachers”.

Engaging in situations like this deepens interest in school and relieves school anxiety. At the same time, a valuable experience of inter-age communication is formed, which is important not only for preschoolers, but also for students.

5. They are very fascinating to children. situations type "Teach his friend to that what can you myself".

We encourage children to show attention to each other, mutual assistance and cooperation. Children share their experience, we help them to enter the role of a “teacher”, ie. be patient, considerate, and condescending to the mistakes and difficulties of peers.

6. Children also participate in simulation games : changes in emotional and physical states, imitations of states of nature, etc.

I would like to emphasize that our constant assistant in the social and personal development of children is family... Only in cooperation with close adults can you achieve high educational results.

Interaction with the family is effective if trust in each other, understanding and acceptance of common goals, methods and means of social and personal development.

It is necessary to instill in the child a love for the closest one - for his home and kindergarten. This is the basis of moral education, the first and important step.

A child must first of all realize himself as a member of the family, an integral part of his small homeland, then as a citizen of Russia, and only then as a resident of planet Earth. We go from close to far.

In the work, you can use such forms of cooperation with parents as co-creation of parents and children. Decorate albums: "Everything about our Motherland", "Our work", "My favorite animal", "I look at my family like in a mirror ...". Parents and children share their impressions of the holidays, proudly demonstrate their pedigree.

It is becoming traditional in preschool institutions to conduct family creative projects: “The world is in my window”, “I am an adult, you are a child”, “A bird of family happiness”. Creative collaborative projects bring parents closer to children and educators.

In a kindergarten, it is necessary to monitor: how the social development of a preschool child takes place, to identify those areas of socialization in which the child has difficulties, and to determine how far his social development has progressed during a particular period of stay in kindergarten. The method of pedagogical assessment is the observation of the child's behavior in the natural conditions of his life in kindergarten. Diagnostic results are essential for planning joint and individual work with kids.


The social and personal development of a preschooler child is inextricably linked with the general processes of his intellectual, emotional, aesthetic, physical and other types of development, therefore it sometimes seems quite difficult to restrict him from other types and directions.

Preschool age is a period of active knowledge of the world and human relations, the formation of the foundations of the personality of a future citizen.

Social and personal development takes place successfully on condition of its continuous implementation, i.e. inclusion in all aspects of the educational process. It is important to note that the social and personal development of children occurs favorably, subject to the satisfaction of their needs for positive emotional contacts with others, for love and support, active cognition, independent activity according to their interests, self-affirmation, self-realization and recognition of their achievements on the part of others.

The personal experience of the child is organized so that, in a natural way, in the types of activity available to him, he mastered the means and methods of cognition, communication and activity, allowing him to show independence, responsiveness, a culture of communication, a humane attitude to the world.

It is important to create an emotionally comfortable climate in the group and meaningful personality-oriented interaction of the teacher with children, to be able to support the initiative of children.

Preference is given to practical methods of organizing children's experience of the culture of communication, the active use of life circumstances.

The organization of various situations that ensure the development of positive experience and value orientations is one of the most relevant means of social and personal development of children.

Situations are constructed by the teacher as play, imitation, situations of real positive experience and conditional situations of the verbal plan.

It is necessary that their meaning is clear to every child, close to his personal experience, evokes an emotional response and encourages the manifestation of active actions.

Organized situations of accumulation of positive social and emotional experience are problematic in nature, i.e. always contain a life task close to the child, in the solution of which he is directly involved.

The social and personal development of preschoolers is multifaceted, labor-intensive, often delayed in time. The main goal of kindergarten teachers is to help children enter the modern world, so complex, dynamic, characterized by many negative phenomena. Pedagogical technology of social and personal development of children is carried out in stages:

Collection of information about the individual personality traits of pupils;

Long-term planning of work with children for social and personal development;

Systematic work with children on social and personal development;

Correction of existing social and emotional problems.


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2. Voloshin M.I. Modern programs for preschool educational institutions // elementary School. 2000. № 1.

3. Vygotsky L.S. Collected works: In 6 volumes. Vol. 4. Child psychology / Under. ed. D.B. Elkonin. M .: Pedagogika, 1984.432 p.

4. Dozorova MA, Koshleva NV, Kronik AA, Seven Ya. Program of social and personal development of preschool children. Yaroslavl, "Remder", 2005.164 p.

5. Ryleeva E.V., Barsukova L.S. Quality management of social development of pupils of a preschool educational institution: A guide for leaders and methodologists. 2nd ed., Rev. M .: Ayris-press, 2004.64 p. (Preschool education and development)

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8. Internet resource:

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