
Message on holiday etiquette. Holiday etiquette. If this is a banquet


Knowing the intricacies of etiquette will not be superfluous.


It is better to come to the festival on time. However, if a buffet is planned, you can afford to be late, but no more than 20 minutes.

  • The first thing to do at a party is to say hello to those around you. There are a few little tricks here. In ordinary life, everything is more or less clear - the man is the first to greet the woman, and the younger in age - with the older one. But when it comes to business etiquette, the rules change slightly.
  • The subordinate greets first, and then the boss. The only exception is the situation when the boss enters the room where his wards are sitting. In this case, the chef must say the words of greeting first.
  • Business etiquette allows for the absence of a handshake. If you just like this ritual, keep in mind that the woman is the first to reach out to the man. If you shook hands with one of your colleagues, you will have to do the same manipulation with the rest of those present.
  • If you want to say hello to a colleague from a neighboring unit, whom you had only met a few times before or did not see at all, but communicated by phone and correspondence, be sure to introduce yourself and explain who you are. For example: “Good evening, I am Maria. We met at a conference in Samara.” You should not put a person in an awkward position, forcing him to think hard about who is in front of him.

Dinner is served!

So, you've said hello to your boss and co-workers, now it's time to move on to the main part of any holiday, that is, food and drink. The rules of conduct depend on the format in which the corporate party takes place.

If it's a buffet:

  • during a buffet table, guests move along the table and take turns putting food on themselves with a common fork or spoon, which should then be put in place next to the dish;
  • the plate is held in the left hand, the fork is placed on it;
  • it is permissible to put on a plate and a glass if you need to say hello to one of those present;
  • snacks should not be crowded on your plate - it’s better to go to the table several times;
  • according to the rules of etiquette, fish and meat dishes should not be put on the same plate. Moreover, if you want to eat both, it is customary to start with fish;
  • for dessert you need a separate plate;
  • the signal for the end of the buffet is usually served coffee. Sometimes cognac accompanies it. If you want to try both drinks, you need to take a cup of coffee in your left hand, and a glass in your right.

If it's a banquet:

  • women sit down at the table first;
  • you should not start eating before the treat is offered to all guests; men must wait until the women sitting next to them begin to eat;
  • in order not to get confused in the devices, you can learn a simple rule. You need to start with those that lie further from the plate. There is usually a fork and knife for snacks, then fish cutlery follows, and closest to the edge of the plate is a fork and knife for hot meat dishes;
  • you can’t put food on a fork with a knife - take as much as you can grab with just one fork;
  • you can start drinking only after a common toast;
  • if just opened new bottle, the man first pours some wine for himself, and then for the lady;
  • men pour wine to a woman sitting on the right with their left hand, sitting on the left - with their right;
  • when talking with a colleague at the table, you should not turn your whole body towards him, otherwise the other neighbor will be forced to see your back.

"Let me invite you!"

Dancing is one of the main entertainments on New Year's Eve. Here, too, there are rules of decency.

I say to you: "Goodbye!"

If you want to leave the party, you'll have to wait for the bosses to leave. According to the rules of etiquette, going home before the guide is considered disrespectful.

  • When leaving, wait for a pause in the conversation and say goodbye to the interlocutors. If you were standing in a group of people to whom you were introduced just a few hours ago, you can leave without saying goodbye. A simple nod is enough.
  • If you have to leave much earlier than the holiday is over, try to do it inconspicuously so that your departure does not push other guests.
  • If most of the guests have already left, follow suit. Staying at the restaurant after the end of the holiday is not worth it.

On a note

If it is customary in your company to give gifts to each other, take care of souvenirs in advance.

Business etiquette experts believe that new Year gifts for colleagues should not be expensive. Giving a colleague something too valuable, you put him in an uncomfortable position. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to tie gifts to the New Year theme.

It is better to buy a gift for the boss by the whole department, in a pool. So you will have the opportunity to buy a really good thing, because it is indecent to get rid of the leader with a cheap souvenir. The donated item must first of all be of high quality - if you decide to buy a folder for papers, let it be from genuine leather, if you give a picture, it should be the author's work, not stamping.


Mikhail Grushevsky:

- If a corporate party is a formalism that turns into a booze, of course, it is not interesting at it. People like it more if it is an action and they participate in it. That is why quests and skits are so popular.

Etiquette is the standards of behavior accepted in society that help a modern person make a good impression on others.Knowledge of the basics of etiquette allows us to determine the degree of their upbringing, maturity and social position in society by some actions of people.

General rules of modern etiquette

  • greeting at a meeting: the youngest are the first to greet, then the elders, men are the first to greet women. An exception to this rule: any person entering the room, be it a man or a woman, is the first to greet those present;
  • respect for the boundaries of personal space: do not stand too close, touch, pat, kiss and hug a person, only after his permission;
  • neatness of appearance: clothes should be not only fashionable, but also clean, appropriate to the situation;
  • using polite words (thank you, please excuse).

Etiquette - when you behave a little better than it is absolutely necessary.
Will Cappy.

Good manners for men

The appearance of a man, clothes and demeanor will tell people a lot about him even before they come into personal contact with him, so do not neglect the elementary rules of etiquette:

  • pleasant, fresh scent. Modern cosmetic companies offer men to use perfume lines, which include both hygiene and aromatic products that are combined with each other;
  • a man's wardrobe should be just as carefully selected;
  • basic rule: shoes should be clean ALWAYS;
  • watches: either good or none (obvious fakes are unacceptable);
  • before shaking hands, a man must take off his glove, in the toilet they do not shake hands;
  • headgear is removed indoors;
  • a sign of good manners for a man to open and hold the door for his companion, to help put on or take off his coat;
  • small handbag men do not wear, but a real gentleman will not allow a lady to drag a heavy suitcase in his presence;
  • not to respond to rudeness and rudeness in the same way, to find acceptable ways out of conflict situations.

Etiquette for women

well maintained appearance, rich and cultured speech, goodwill, good breeding, elegance and style, refined manners, the ability to restrain excessive emotionality, posture, gait, charm and intelligence - these are the main distinguishing features of a real lady. In order to develop these qualities in yourself, you need to know the basics of etiquette for women:

  • skillfully emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws of your figure with the help of clothes, do not blindly chase after fashion;
  • when choosing a wardrobe, we always take into account the format of the event, clothes must match the situation;
  • make-up can be daytime and evening, you should not try on the image of "smoky ice" for morning lectures - it looks vulgar;
  • the aroma of your perfume enchants others, not suffocates;
  • you can fix your makeup and comb your hair only in the toilet room;
  • loud laughter, immoderate gestures, strongly pronounced facial expressions do not paint a girl;
  • swear words and curses should never break from the lips of the fair sex;
  • punctuality is a rare gift for women, remember, being late for a meeting for more than 15 minutes is a bad form;
  • the ability to conduct a conversation, keep up a conversation on various topics, be open to communication;
  • gait, posture is an important contribution to the overall image of a woman.

Code of conduct for children

The child receives the basics of etiquette, of course, in the family, and only then does he undergo socialization in kindergarten and school, where he continues to get acquainted with the culture of behavior in society. Education and courtesy respectful attitude to people, friendliness - these are the qualities that a child will definitely need for a further successful and comfortable life in society.

So, the basic rules of behavior for children:

  • when meeting with a familiar person, not embarrassed to be the first to greet;
  • do not interrupt the speaker during the conversation;
  • pointing a finger is ugly;
  • eat with your mouth closed and do not talk with your mouth full;
  • you can sit at the table only after an invitation;
  • do not forget to say the magic words: "thank you", "please", "sorry";
  • treat the elderly with respect.

Varieties of etiquette

The rules of courtesy include mandatory, observed in the interests of society, and optional, in which everyone can act at their own discretion, sense of tact and taste. There are such types of etiquette:

speech e ticket

Speech etiquette is a culture of speech, all those words and phrases that we use when communicating with each other. A complete picture of our perception of a person develops only after a conversation with him. Vocabulary, manner of communication and observance speech etiquette we can judge the intellectual level of development of the interlocutor.

There are certain formulas for communication:

  • greeting, for example, it is indecent to say “Hello”, you must say “Hello”;
  • introduction and acquaintance - they do not address an unfamiliar adult person as “you”;
  • conversation - do not interrupt the interlocutor;
  • request - in this case, always use the word "please";
  • advice - tact is important here, because it is so easy to lose an interlocutor by giving unsolicited advice;
  • refusal and consent - it is important to be able to correctly, clearly and diplomatically convey your arguments in case of refusal;
  • congratulations must correspond to age, status and gender;
  • compliment - never confuse compliments with flattery, a true compliment comes from the heart and soul;
  • farewell - the word "Bye" you can say to your friends, buddies, the rest only "Goodbye"

Business etiquette

Some conventions of behavior that help create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere at meetings, negotiations, receptions. A participant in business communication must comply with certain rules of conduct. Otherwise, the businessman risks his business reputation and lower the desired results.

Incorrectly seated guests at the reception, negotiators not dressed according to etiquette - each of these and many other "little things" can slow down, cool, and sometimes even worsen relations between partners and hinder the further successful development of business cooperation. Conversely, well-observed ceremonial allows the well-functioning mechanism of business relations to work normally.

Elements of business etiquette:

  • image of a businessman;
  • business card, invitations;
  • business gifts;
  • negotiations, receptions;
  • business letter;
  • telephone conversation;
  • email correspondence;
  • summary;
  • interviews.

Everyday etiquette

The kind of etiquette that we use daily, one principle of it is to maintain good relations between people and reduce the number of conflicts and misunderstandings. In any everyday situation, politeness, delicacy, mutual respect, modesty, and most importantly, sincere friendliness towards people will help you out.

Festive etiquette

We all love holidays and enjoy visiting friends, celebrating any events in restaurants and cafes. During the celebration, certain rules of etiquette are also used:

  • they visit only by invitation (the exception is only very close friends or relatives, however, it is better to coordinate the time of your visit with them);
  • making yourself wait, being late is a bad form, but you should not come before the agreed time;
  • do not forget about gifts;

Wedding etiquette

There is no more solemn important event in a person's life than a wedding! Often, preparation for this event lasts more than one month and all the little things are thought out. Here, of course, it will not do without knowledge of the intricacies of wedding etiquette, both on the part of the guests and the newlyweds.

  • it is advisable to arrange a wedding invitation in a stylish way and send it out at least three weeks in advance;
  • if a single dress code for guests is expected, then this wish of the newlyweds is mandatory;
  • an envelope with money as a gift for a wedding is quite appropriate;
  • seating plan for guests wedding table is also important and predetermined. As a rule, the newlyweds sit at the head of the table, with the bride's guests on the left side, and the groom's guests on the right. Closest to the young are witnesses and parents.
  • there is no place for quarrels, conflicts and blues at the wedding, only positive emotions, dances, songs, fun and laughter!

Canteen etiquette

These are the rules of behavior at the table, knowledge of the art of serving and the features of table conversation.

  • a beautifully designed table should be covered with a tablecloth (immaculately clean and ironed, hanging down by 20-30 cm, it is advisable to put a thick fabric under the tablecloth to prevent the tablecloth from slipping and the sound of appliances);
  • napkins are unfolded and placed on your knees;
  • it is customary to put a knife and a spoon to the right of the plate, a spoon with a curved surface up, and a knife with a blade to the plate, a fork to the left, with the teeth up.
  • to the right of the plate - glasses and wine glasses. Their size and shape depend on the types of drinks (the stronger the drink, the smaller the glass);
  • it is not customary to put the elbows on the table, only the hands are held on it;
  • fish is eaten with two forks, one separates the bones, the other is sent to the mouth;
  • a bird is eaten using a knife and a fork, carefully cutting off pieces of meat, it is permissible to take the remains of a bird or game with your hands only if a rinse bowl with water was served on the table to wash the fingers. Otherwise, it is not allowed.

military etiquette

Includes rules of conduct for an officer, serviceman on military service and in civil society. Of particular importance is the concept of military honor, which has been cultivated for hundreds of years. The image of a man in a uniform combines masculinity, discipline, responsibility, endurance and a special military bearing. Officers are required to always be impeccably dressed and have a clean, correct speech. It's important to be good sportswear and have unquestioned authority among juniors in rank.

Etiquette for festive table - an important part of the feast! We have collected the main table etiquette rules. It's good for everyone to know!

site - Navigator in the world of gifts and souvenirs

An obligatory “item of the program” of almost any holiday is a feast. When we pronounce this word, the imagination draws pictures of a hearty and rich in treats "walking around", but in fact, a feast can be a very responsible matter: dinner with partners, corporate party, celebration in the restaurant. Here it is important not only not to fall asleep in a salad, but also to know exactly how to eat this salad correctly, so let's talk about etiquette for.

Ground Rules

First of all, let us recall that putting your elbows on the table is considered indecent, as well as talking loudly with a full mouth, reaching for dishes that are far from you. In the latter case, you can ask a neighbor or a waiter to serve the dish.

Remember that the treats lying on the common, It is customary to take common appliances, namely tongs, forks, spoons. Individual appliances can only be used when the food is on your plate. If you need bread or cookies, fruits, cakes, feel free to take them with your hands - this is customary. At the same time, if you accidentally get dirty, dry your hands or mouth paper napkin, and not linen, which is placed on your knees. It can only be used at the end of the evening by touching the lips and wiping the fingertips.

"Bread Etiquette"

If we have already mentioned bread, we will pay special attention to it, because there is a special “bread etiquette”. For example, you should not bite off the whole piece of bread. It will be correct to break off small pieces over your plate and then eat them. It is also not customary to spread a whole piece with oil - again, we break off small pieces, each one in turn, spread with oil and send it to the mouth. Often, each guest is given a pie plate, in which you need to put your piece of bread.

Like bread, they take sandwiches with their hands. If they act as a snack, they are eaten using a knife and fork. In general, all hot snacks served in a cocotte maker are eaten with a special cocotte fork or a teaspoon.

What is the right way to eat soup?

Soup is usually served first. It should be eaten silently, slowly. If the soup is too hot, wait until it cools down a bit, but don't stir it with a spoon. With a spoon, the contents of the plate must be scooped away from you. Also, when you finish eating the soup to the end, you need to slightly lift the plate away from you with your left hand. The spoon is left in for the soup. The broth is brought in special bouillon cups. If the cup has one handle, the broth is drunk like tea, and if there are two, then they are eaten with a spoon.

Main course: fish, meat, salads

Fish that serves as a snack should be eaten with a snack fork. For hot fish, a fish appliance is used. Boiled fish and hot smoked fish are also eaten with a fork.

With the help of a knife and fork, not only any hot main meat dishes are eaten, but also cold meat appetizers.

Salads are also eaten with a fork. If large vegetables or lettuce leaves are found in it, they are cut into their plate with a knife. Salads - "cocktails", served in stemmed bowls, are usually eaten with a teaspoon.

Remember that if you need a knife for food (for example, for a steak, chop, ham), it is customary to cut off pieces of treats in your own plate and send them to your mouth. Immediately cutting the dish into many pieces is considered unaesthetic. Exactly the same rules apply if a bird or game is served at the table. The only exception is tobacco chicken, which is traditionally eaten with the hands.

If crayfish, lobsters or lobsters are served at the table, there are special devices for them, namely a short fork and a spatula.

Deciphering the position of the devices on the plate

If you continue... Often, before starting dessert, guests take a break and want to take a break from the gastronomic abundance. In order for the waiter to understand you correctly and not take away your device, you need to put the knife and fork on the plate the way you held it, that is, the fork with the handle to the left, and the knife with the handle to the right.

If you've already finished... When you have completely completed dinner, the knife and fork should be placed on a plate side by side, parallel to each other. At the same time, the handles of both the knife and the fork should look to the right. Cutlery that is served with dessert is left in a bowl for sweets or on a plate - a coaster. In any case, no cutlery should be left on the tablecloth.

Let us say right away that if some cutlery fell, no need to climb under the table for him. This is not only ugly, but also disturbs the neighbors. In such a situation, you need to apologize and politely ask the waiter to bring other appliances.

Dessert utensils

When it comes to dessert, they serve special crockery and cutlery. Biscuits, ice cream, creams and puddings are usually eaten with a dessert spoon. They also do it with fruit salads and compotes. If the dessert is solid treats or those that crumble (cookies, waffles), they are eaten by holding them with their hands.

What is the right way to eat fruit?

Sometimes as a dessert, and sometimes after it, fruit is served at the table. There are a number of rules about how they should be eaten. For example, apples and pears should be cut with a fruit knife into 4 or 8 slices.

Peaches and apricots are cut into two halves and the pit is removed, after which they are eaten. Any berries are eaten with a teaspoon, for example, raspberries or strawberries. If there is a watermelon on the table, you need to take a slice, put it on a plate with the peel down and gradually cut thin slices from a piece. Pineapple is eaten using a knife and fork, cutting a slice in your plate. Oranges and tangerines are peeled and eaten in slices.

Remember that leaving half-eaten food on a plate is considered indecent, because it casts doubt on the taste of the dish. The best compliment to the hostess is an empty plate. Also, if the guests did not gather in a restaurant, but at home, it is good manners to mention a wonderful table in your toast and thank the hostess. If the celebration is organized by you, you should not deny and assure that “everything is not difficult at all”, as they like to do in our country. Enough to thank for the compliment of their own culinary arts. Also, don't forget to say a toast with gratitude to the guests who have gathered at your table.

You have guests Arriving for a visit earlier than the specified time and being late are tactless and are regarded as disrespectful to the hostess of the house and guests. You should not offer your slippers to guests. First, it is not hygienic. Secondly, you should also think about what kind of slippers can go with festive clothes and how guests will look in slippers from someone else's feet during dances. After the guests took off outerwear, straightened their hair, they need to be familiarized with the location of the rooms in the apartment, if they came for the first time, then offer to rinse their hands. Not all guests may be familiar with each other.

The introduction procedure should take place in the room where the guests gather. It is necessary to introduce a man to a woman, but if two men and two women meet, they introduce the younger ones to the older ones. When visiting, a man can introduce himself to a woman. At the same time, he fully names his full name and surname. A woman, getting acquainted and saying goodbye, is the first to give a man a hand, but does not shake it. A firm male handshake is appropriate between men.

Table etiquette

When all the guests are assembled, the hostess and the owner invite everyone to the table. They recommend each of the guests to take one or another place, but do not insist on their choice. Guests should be seated in such a way that there are no “female” and “male” sections of the feast. Husband and wife are usually seated. The only exceptions are the owner and mistress of the house, who sit side by side in the center of the table. Moreover, the hostess sits down first, setting an example for the guests, and the host is the last, when everyone is already seated.
Men should help women take their places: pull out a chair and pull it out when a woman sits down. At the same time, they take the back with both hands so that the chair does not knock.
If someone was late and came when the weight had already sat down at the table, he should apologize to the hosts and greet the guests with a general bow, and then take his place at the table. If you need to leave the celebration earlier, be sure to approach the host or hostess, explain the reason for leaving, but do not say goodbye to other guests and generally try not to draw attention to their disappearance.

How to behave at the table

The rules of table etiquette do not allow coercion to eat. Putting some appetizer on the guest's plate, the hosts can say about the merits or originality of the dish, but do not insist, and even more so do not put food on the plate if the guest does not want to taste it. And the guests will not act tactfully if they criticize the dish or snack served on the table. It should not even be said that once, somewhere, a delicious dish, an unusual pie, etc. were laid out on the knees, and when they finish eating, they wipe their lips with a napkin and put it on the table to the left of the plate, without folding.
The festive table can be served with several knives and forks - for snacks, meat, fish. They are used in the order in which dishes are served: first - the most extreme from the plates. Hands can take bread, cookies, fruit. In other cases, use a fork with a knife or a spatula, depending on the type of dish. For a dish that is far away, do not reach across the table, but ask someone to serve it closer. Thanks for the services.

How to behave at morning tea

You should not blow too noisily into a cup, pour tea into a saucer and slurp. Everything that is on the plate is to be eaten. You can't leave pieces of bread. If you drink sweet tea, put sugar into the cup carefully, do not dip the edge of the common spoon. Sugar should be thoroughly stirred so that it does not remain in the cup. If you will not drink tea with a spoon, be sure to put it on a saucer. In no case do not leave it in a cup, because. there is a danger of tipping over the tea. Leaving dirty dishes until the evening is not recommended.
Morning breakfast can be hearty, hearty or minimal. In the morning it is enough to drink a glass of tea without sugar, eat a sandwich with cheese. Or drink a glass of tea with milk and eat a cheese sandwich. After all, breakfast can only consist of a cup of tea and fruit. Sausages, smoked meats and canned food excite appetite and thirst, as a result, body weight grows, and for most people it is already above the norm. We advise sweet lovers to drink tea not with sugar, but with jam. It is better for children to give a second tea leaves, because. it has significantly less caffeine.

What they talk about at the table
The topics of table conversations should be common to all or most of those present. One person should not talk for too long. In any conversation, you must follow simple rules: talk about yourself modestly and laconicly, about those who are absent or not at all, or only good things, stop talking if there is nothing more to say. Being able to listen is just as important as being able to speak. You can not bombard the interlocutor with questions, ask the next question without listening to the answer to the previous one. You need to express your disagreement with something correctly or keep silent if there are no tactful expressions for solving problems. In such situations, the culture of a person manifests itself in order not to overshadow the general fun with its non-aesthetic behavior, too violent a reaction. Table talk should be an equal exchange of views. The hosts should not go to the kitchen often and for a long time, but should give constant attention to all those invited: offer to taste this or that dish, maintain a general conversation, help the guests who came to the house for the first time to overcome awkwardness.

Table etiquette
Do not "expose" someone who is trying not to drink another glass or sip it just for show. Do not demand "penalty" cups for latecomers. This should not be done even by the owners of the table. Anyone who insists on drinking at the festive table runs the risk of showing his bad manners and complete ignorance of table customs. No one should be offended by the refusal to drink again. Do not ask for an explanation for the rejection. And if you do not drink, then it is not necessary to disclose the reasons for this. Some, out of fear of offending their owners by their refusal, engage in lengthy discussions about indigestion, ulcers, bloating and other diseases. This is tactless. Refuse alcohol without explanation, or only touch the glass with your lips when the other guests raise their glasses. It is impossible to insist at the table, offering not only alcoholic drinks, but also food. A person who constantly offers guests his favorite snacks or dishes looks ridiculous.

About toasts

Proclamation of a toast is that rare case. When a person can openly or somewhat veiledly show another person his spiritual attitude, friendship, admiration. The best toast is a short toast. Among some peoples, especially Caucasians, through toast in intricate, allegorical, full of life truths expressions are sometimes given moralizing and helpful tips, sometimes shortcomings of a person, attitude towards family, friends, work are noticed. Usually such toasts sparkle with folk humor and, although they touch on the negative, they only amuse the audience, without hurting anyone. At all times, table toasts were the privilege of men. The rules of decency stipulate that women should not be forced to speak at the table. It is also not customary to demand answers to a toast. The one to whom were spoken kind words, only a slight tilt of the head or a phrase like “Thank you for the kind words” expresses appreciation. Having proclaimed a toast or raising a glass after a toast, you can not raise your hand with a glass very high, reach across the table, clink glasses through a neighbor on the table.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk Region

District Department of Education Kazachinsko-Lensky District

Municipal educational institution

"Ulkan Secondary School No. 2"

Abstract of the lesson.

"Holiday Etiquette"

(etiquette for younger students)

Compiled by the teacher of the extended day group

Neustupalova Anna Viktorovna

Ulkan 2013

preliminary work cchildren: production of caps, paraphernalia for decorating the table and the holiday itself, an exhibition of bouquets of sweets, gifts with their own hands.

Homework for groups:

    Prepare one interesting game, a contest that can be held on your birthday.

    1st group - to think over the design and serving of the festive table;

2nd group - to make a festive menu;

3rd group - arrange the exhibition "Gifts with your own hands"

4th group - to draw up and issue an invitation to the birthday.

Holiday etiquette.

Topic of the lesson : "Favorite holiday - Birthday!"

Lesson type: Workshop on etiquette.

Purpose of the lesson: consolidate knowledge of the rules for receiving guests, behavior at the table, accepting gifts, how to entertain guests; show students that a holiday is interesting when people participate in its preparation.

Interdisciplinary connections:

    technology, literary reading, music.


    multimedia equipment;

Planned learning outcome:


    formation of skills to listen to the interlocutor, work in a group and in pairs;

    mastering the forms of etiquette in the preparation and holding of the holiday.

Preparatory work: Students practice their skills and abilities

Form of conducting: lesson - workshop; group, frontal work.

The class is divided by the teacher into 4 groups, taking into account the wishes of the students.

Actors: presenter, Pluntochka.

Course progress.

    Self-determination to activity. (1 min).

Good afternoon, dear guys!

Everyone got up at their desks beautifully,

Greeted politely.

Sit quietly, back straight.

I see our class anywhere.

Well, let's start the lesson, friends.

    Statement of the educational task. (8-10 min.)

Space music sounds. Pluntochka appears (a hero from the planet Pluntonia)

Pluntochka: Well, the light has finally arrived!

And here is some art!

Leading: Wait, where is the art here? These are 3rd grade kids. This is not art!

Pluntochka:- Why not art? Look - how thin!

Leading: Excuse me, but who are you?

Pluntochka:- Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. I am Pluntochka from the planet Pluntonia.

Leading:- What are you doing here? How did you get here?

Pluntochka: I? I travel to different planets and galaxies to get acquainted with the life, culture, customs and rules of behavior of their inhabitants! I set my appliances to a place where I can learn good manners, and for some reason ended up here!? Perhaps there was a glitch in the program?

Leading: Pluntochka, you don't have to be upset. You just landed very precisely and got straight into the etiquette class.

Pluntochka: Truth? What is your ETIQUET?

Now, dear guest, we will tell you - what is ETIQUETTE!

1st student:

What is etiquette

We should know from childhood.

These are the rules of conduct:

How to go to a birthday?

How to meet?

As it is?

How to call?

How to get up?

How to sit?

How to greet an adult?

There are many different questions.

And he answers them

This very ETIQUET.

Leading: Tell me, Pluntochka, do you have holidays on your planet?

Pluntochka: Holidays?! How are they! We especially love the day of fun, when all the plutos, both adults and kids, pick up umbrellas Have a good mood and go out for a walk. On this day, everyone smiles at each other, jumps merrily, pushes, exchanges mixers and sticks various funny little things on each other's antennas. And on this day, we also like to play pranks in the pluto park: wallow in air holes, ride rail cars, treat ourselves to funny cakes and fly on jet mattresses.

Do you have favorite holidays?

Leading: What holidays do we love? (list).

Pluntochka: Hmm... birthday!? What is your birthday like? BUT???

Leading:- Guys, let's devote today's lesson to the topic: "Festive etiquette" and tell and show Pluntochka what kind of holiday it is and how we prepare for it. And to begin with, we will all sing the song "Birthday" together.

Children sing a song to the tune of "Chunga-Chango". (while the loss is playing, the children put on caps and decorate the central wall (garland, balls).

We love birthdays since childhood.
On a birthday, flowers are given.
On the birthday - we drive "Karavai".
On your birthday, sing along with us.

Chorus: Children have fun together.
The holiday is known to everyone in the world -
There is a birthday only once a year.
Congratulations and gifts,
And the outfits are very bright -
We are always looking forward to our birthday.

Birthday - songs, dances, laughter.
Birthday is the brightest holiday of all.
Birthday - celebrate friends.
Birthday is impossible without it.

We will celebrate birthday.
Birthday - no time to be bored.
Birthday - fairy tales and dreams.
Birthday, how beautiful you are!


Leading: Guys, what do you think, did everything immediately become clear to Pluntochka? We see that she knows nothing about it at all.

    Consolidation of knowledge. Discovery of new knowledge. Group work. (7 min.)

    Practical work.

Leading: A let's show Pluntochka how we prepare for this holiday. We have divided into groups.

And I invite the groups to take their places in the following order:

Table number 1"Invitation Etiquette"

Table number 2"Gift Etiquette"

Table number 3"Table Etiquette"

Table number 4 Holiday menu

On the table is a card with a task that you now need to complete.

But first, let's remember the rules of working in a group! (MEMO) We read the rules in a chain.

Group rules:

    Know how to listen to a friend;

    Everyone should express their opinion;

    When finished, help a friend;

    Work quietly so as not to disturb others;

    Keep your workplace in order.

Group work (5-7 min.)

1st group "Table etiquette"

- think over the design and serving of the festive table (d / s)

Set the festive table for tea drinking; (practical)

2nd group "Festive menu"

Create a holiday menu (d/z)

Prepare a cocktail and decorate a glass. (Practical work)

3rd group "Gift etiquette"

Wrap a gift (show different ways of wrapping)

Design an exhibition "Gifts with your own hands."

4th group Invitation etiquette»

Make an invitation card (practical work)

Prepare a short message (d/z)

Leading: Well done, everyone coped with the practical part, I ask everyone to take their seats.

Group Report(10 min.)

Invitation etiquette.

Leading: On our holidays, we need to invite friends in advance.

Children: And a lot depends on how we invite them, with what mood they come to us.

You can invite guests in written and oral form. For example: Dasha is my close friend, we often visit each other: “Dasha, I invite you to my birthday. Sunday at 12 o'clock" (play the situation of a verbal invitation.)

Slide: "Did I write the invitation correctly?" (find error)

Leading: So, the invitation has been received, now you need to think about the gift.

gift etiquette

Among the many gifts, we must choose the one that we would like to give to our friend or girlfriend.

Pluntochka: What are the gifts? Children's answers.

(SLIDE) Types of gifts:






Children: A gift can be made by hand.

The selected gift must be beautifully packaged. We offer different types and forms of packaging.

2nd student: Guys, I want you to listen to my story and help me figure out what I was wrong about.

Monologue. An excerpt from the story "Chocolate Cake" (props: book, board game, felt-tip pens).

When my birthday came, I invited the guests, and my mother bought a chocolate cake to treat. Guests arrived. And all with gifts. Kolya, a neighbor, gave me a board game "Football" brought.

"Thank you," I said. interesting game. Uncle Gleb gave me exactly the same.

Vadik, with whom they were in the same camp, presented the book "Adventures of Dunno".

- Thank you, I say. The book is wonderful. It's nothing that she's not new. It can be seen that all your relatives have read it.

Lilya, a classmate, gave me a set of felt-tip pens.

“That's good,” I say. I just need markers. The only pity is that there are only six colors. You won't get especially upset. So I saw a set in the store - eighteen colors!

I put gifts and invited guests to the table. He began to divide the cake and pour tea. I see that my guests are somehow boring. I have already turned on the cheerful music, but they still do not have fun. They pick the cake with a spoon and look at the plate. Then one by one they said goodbye and left. And why didn't I please them? Maybe you didn't like the cake?

Children's answers.

Fizminutka. Dance with Pluntochka. Group "Barbariki" KINDNESS.

Leading: Pluntochka, pay attention to how beautiful and smart the guys are!

Pluntochka: Well, well, I want to take a closer look at you. Everyone go to the circle.

You put on beautiful clothes

And immediately your life changed

You improved in front of everyone

And, looking in the mirror, he exclaimed:

"That's how I am!"

Leading: Guys, do festive clothes have to be very expensive? And what should she be? That's right - clean and tidy!

Be careful with your clothes

Avoid holes and stains!

(Open proverbs and sayings on the board)

"They are greeted by clothes, they are escorted by mind"

“You must be clean, not only for yourself”

“Everything in a person should be beautiful: the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts!”

Pluntochka: And let's dance my favorite dance, I will show the movements, and you will repeat after me.

Leading: Well, in such outfits you can go to visit.

Table etiquette.

Leading: A beautiful table is already waiting for us.

3rd student: Serving a tea table has its own characteristics: A cup is placed on the table opposite the chair, a saucer is placed under it. The cup handle points to the right. Under it on a saucer lies a teaspoon. A pie plate is placed on the left, a napkin is on it. Various sweets, a sugar bowl, chopped lemon are placed on the tea table.

Leading: Our table is laid and right now it is necessary to remember the rules of behavior at the table. We invite you to take a short test: "Do you know how to behave at the table?" (slides). Children answer questions.

Holiday menu.

Leading: The guys of this group made up a festive menu for us.

Children read the menu, list what they have done, show the decorated cocktail, jelly, fruit on skewers. Distribute the recipes for the preparation of the holiday menu to the children.

Leading: Also, guys, what's a birthday not to do without? Right. Pluntochka, on their birthday they bake a beautiful, festive cake for the birthday boy.

Summing up: (1 min)

Pluntochka: Oh, what a lot of interesting things I learned! (questions from Pluntochka)

Reflection of activity.

- Cake decorations with candles:

Red candle - invitation

Yellow candle - gift selection and wrapping

Blue candle - table setting

Green candle - cooking.

What stage of preparation for the holiday did you like the most? (choose a candle and decorate the cake with it)

Guys, can you tell your relatives and friends how to prepare for your birthday?

I'm glad you all remembered. I really liked the way you prepared and worked in class, especially….

The main task of the guests is not to eat as much as possible, but the host is to fatten the guests. The main purpose of a friendly meeting is the atmosphere - friendly gestures, looks, smile. Games, songs, dances help here well.

We invite you to play and have fun with Pluntochka.

Part 2: "Merry etiquette." (games, competitions, dances, tea drinking.)