
How to clean cupronickel from blackness at home. Cupronickel cleaning at home: remedies for dark plaque, stains and to add shine. Special cleaners for cupronickel cutlery


Cupronickel is used in the manufacture of many products. This is a fairly popular material, almost everyone can find items made from this metal at home. That is why you need to know how to properly clean it at home.

Where is it used?

This metal is a silvery alloy of copper and nickel, sometimes other elements, such as iron, are added to it. Jewelry cupronickel look bright and expressive, they are often encrusted with stones and crystals.

Cupronickel is also widely used in the manufacture of decorative items, caskets, figurines, candlesticks, coasters and other utensils.

Compared to other metal utensils, cupronickel utensils look very elegant. The use of sophisticated cutlery allows you to feel like a representative of high society.

Cupronickel cutlery was most widely used in the last century, but even now they have not lost their relevance.

Any hostess knows that over time, such products unattractively fade, lose their gloss. Accordingly, there is a need to clean cupronickel effectively and quickly at home, in order to return the metal to its original color and radiance.

Why does cupronickel grow dim?

This metal alloy is prone to the formation of dark gray oxides on the surface when interacting with the environment. In order for decorative items made of cupronickel not to fade, they must be wiped dry with a towel after washing. When cupronickel dishes dry naturally, water drops remain dark spots. Food and dirt residues provoke the formation of oxides in the thinnest depressions of the pattern on the product.

Consequently, to clean the cupronickel product, it is necessary to remove the oxide coating from the surface. There are many tips and tricks to solve this problem.

Due to improper storage and infrequent use cupronickel darkens and loses its attractiveness. High humidity also contributes to the formation of black spots. environment. Cupronickel cleaning should be competent and regular, which will prevent the appearance of darkening on the dishes. Currently, there are several ways to effectively deal with this type of pollution.

At the beginning of cleaning, it is necessary to remove food particles and dirt from the surface using hot water and any dishwashing detergent.

Cupronickel cutlery it is strictly forbidden to clean with products that contain chlorine, since the basis of cupronickel alloy contains nickel and copper. These elements enter into a chemical reaction with chlorine, because of this the product may deteriorate.

Cleaning products for industrial production

Manufacturers household chemicals offer a variety of products that allow you to instantly revive the original appearance and brilliance of the product. Optimal fit liquid products, as powders damage the structure of the product. The most common means are "Metal Cleaner" company Bagi and Sanita "Ultra Shine". With the help of these tools, you can achieve the desired effect quickly and for a long time.

These cleaning products help prevent further darkening and deterioration of the product. Therefore, the use of special means of industrial production - the best way clean the blackened cupronickel.

Of course it is possible to apply folk methods cleaning, they are also quite effective.

Cleaning with baking soda

Simple and effective method, which returns novelty and brilliance to cupronickel devices, is the use baking soda. It is worth noting that this method eliminates only weak blackouts. It is optimal to use it in order to prevent the loss of cupronickel color.

We take 1.5 liters of water and add 3 tablespoons of soda. After standard cleaning, the appliances are rinsed in this solution with soda. Next, wash the appliances with clean water and wipe dry. With such periodic processing, cupronickel will not turn black for a long time.

Foil cleaning

In the process of cleaning, the foil turns black, and cupronickel brightens, acquiring its former brilliance. In case of severe contamination, it is necessary to boil the devices in the above composition for ten minutes. It is important to note that this method cannot be used for products with gilding or silvering, as this will lead to damage to the coating.

Egg shell cleaning

In order to successfully cope with the darkening of cupronickel on our own, let's take an ordinary eggshell. Navar from it removes even serious blackouts on the product, old stains:

  • take a pot filled with 2 liters of water;
  • add finely chopped shells from two eggs;
  • put on the stove;
  • We immerse the workpiece in boiling water and wait for two to three minutes.
  • then we remove the processed thing, rinse it with cold water and wipe it dry.

Garlic Peeling

It is worth keeping garlic husks if there are jewelry or cupronickel utensils at home. Depending on the thickness of the contaminated layer, we select the amount of husk used. The process looks like this:

  • fill the husk with water and boil;
  • we immerse our dishes in the fat and hold until completely cleansed;
  • in the future, rinse the dishes under the tap and wipe dry.

Use of alcohol solutions

It is also possible to clean cupronickel on your own using alcohol solutions, such as ethyl or aqueous ammonia, famous for their cleansing qualities. Using this method, rubber gloves must be used to protect the skin of the hands. First, we make a working composition:

  • in 300 ml of water add 2 tablespoons of alcohol of your choice;
  • qualitatively mix the resulting solution;
  • We moisten a cloth or brush with soft bristles with the resulting composition and wipe the cupronickel cutlery. In the case of a strong darkening, deeply ingrained in the material, it is necessary to increase the friction force. Alcohol compositions qualitatively remove even stubborn stains.

You can successfully clean cupronickel using a solution of sodium thiosulfate. This drug can be purchased freely at a very democratic cost. One pack is enough for several years to clean all cupronickel utensils.

Cleansing with Vinegar

Heated vinegar is also used for cleaning. When using this method, rubber gloves must be worn.

5 ml of vinegar essence is diluted with 250 ml of water. Wet the towel with the resulting composition and treat the entire contaminated surface. After processing, the devices must be rinsed under a tap and wiped dry.

Chalk cleaning

Also a good remedy chalk is used to clean cupronickel appliances:

  • add 60 ml to 1 liter of hot water liquid soap and 50 g of chalk;
  • carefully mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • the resulting solution, using a rag, polish the surface to be treated. In the future, wipe the devices dry.

Chalk is also used in a different composition of the cleaning agent:

  • To 250 ml of water add 60 g of chalk and 110 g of ammonia.
  • The composition is mixed until a homogeneous mass.
  • We polish the treated surface with it.

After this operation, the devices will delight you with a dazzling brilliance. There are also disadvantages of using recipes with chalk. Chalk can accumulate in small depressions of the pattern on the surface of the product and form untidy light blotches. This problem is solved by using a brush when processing the depressions of the pattern.

Cleaning with citric acid

Forks from blackness will help to get rid of just such a solution. He will also be able to wash the ring with the stone.

Cleaning with carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks, for example, ordinary Coca-cola. Just fill the processed things with soda and leave for several hours. Next, rinse the dishes under the tap and wipe dry.

Precious Metal Cleaning Services

Nowadays, it is possible to entrust the restoration of the beauty of darkened appliances to a cleaning professional. silver products. Also, this service is provided by some jewelry workshops and shops.

So, it is not at all difficult to clean the blackouts on a cupronickel alloy. But it will be optimal to prevent the formation of dark spots.

Reading 4 min. Published on 04.11.2018

In the attic of my grandmother's house, I found a set of cupronickel cutlery. For those who are not in the know, cupronickel is an alloy of copper, silver, nickel and zinc.

It is durable and was very popular in the Soviet era, since each table set from it was a real work of art.

It was only when I opened the box that I saw the forks and knives darkened from time to time. So, today we will figure out how to clean cupronickel spoons and forks.

Why is it getting dark

To correct the consequences, you need to know the cause. Why does cupronickel darken? The following points can be highlighted:

  • improper care, lack of proper cleaning;
  • excess moisture, from which cupronickel becomes covered with dark spots and stains.

Clean to shine

You can, of course, run to the household chemicals department and buy special cleaning products there, but now I know how to clean cupronickel spoons at home.

  • You need to take 50 grams of ordinary baking soda and dissolve it in a liter of warm water. Rinse cutlery with this solution and rinse in cold water.

And now attention! Never leave cupronickel dishes to dry when wet. From this spots and stains will appear again. Wipe the spoons and forks with a soft, moisture-absorbing towel, only then they can be removed.

  • Ammonia copes well with dark spots and stains. It is necessary to dilute a small amount of this product in warm water and wash the appliances with a solution. After that, rinse in running water and dry with a towel.

  • Not everyone knows how to clean cupronickel spoons with eggshell decoction. This method was used by my grandmother. She took the shell from two eggs, crushed it, poured a liter of water and put it on fire. After the water began to boil, the grandmother lowered cupronickel cutlery to the bottom and boiled for a couple of minutes. Then rinsed with water and wiped dry.
  • For small dirt, take ordinary chalk, grind it and wipe the cutlery with it using a suede cloth.

For those who need to pump up their biceps, I offer a simple way to clean cupronickel. We take tooth powder or paste, apply it on a damp cotton pad and rub it until it shines.

  • This method is also for strong hands (by the way, you can attract your husband by referring to a fresh manicure). A few tablespoons of baking soda should be poured into a small bowl of warm water. Now with the rough side of the sponge, three cutlery.
  • You can boil cutlery with garlic husks. Remember: the longer it boils, the more intense the cleaning will be.

How to clean cupronickel spoons with foil, I already learned from my mother.

Cover the bottom of an aluminum pan with ordinary light foil, put all the cutlery on it and fill it with water so that it completely covers them. Now add two tablespoons of soda and put on fire. Boil for 10-15 minutes and rinse with cold water. Your instruments will sparkle again!

And if you have a very chic gold-plated cutlery set, then you just need to know how to clean cupronickel gold-plated spoons.

Sweep the dust from the gilding and wipe it with a piece of cotton wool soaked in wine vinegar or turpentine. You can also rub cupronickel devices gilded with egg white applied to a flannel cloth.


So, what can and cannot be done with cupronickel cutlery:

  • Water with soda can be replaced with potato broth, which is poured onto foil with spoons.
  • Wipe stains on appliances with a cloth soaked in warm vinegar beforehand, and then rinse under water.
  • To simply freshen up your utensils, wash them in soapy water. To do this, take 50 grams of soap per liter of water.
  • Cupronickel devices are stored in cling film without air access. So they keep their appearance longer.
  • If the pollution is insignificant, it will be enough to wipe the cupronickel devices with a rag soaked in alcohol or vodka.
  • Do not wash these items in the dishwasher.
  • Do not use substances containing chlorine when cleaning.
  • You can use special cleaning products for jewelry.
  • Remember, cupronickel appliances should be wiped dry.

The popularity of using cupronickel cutlery came to us from Soviet Union. But, unfortunately, cupronickel products have not been produced since the middle of the last century, they were replaced by similar alloys. Real cupronickel devices are passed down from generation to generation along with the secrets of proper storage and care. Even in those days, serving uncleaned spoons and forks to the table was always considered bad form. Therefore, if your favorite spoons have darkened, you must immediately give them a presentable appearance. Cleaning cupronickel spoons is quite simple, and many really useful folk recipes will come to the rescue.

What is cupronickel and why does it darken?
Cupronickel is an alloy of various metals: red copper, nickel, zinc and silver. In the future, finished appliances and dishes are covered with silver. If over time the layer of silver is rubbed, then such dishes can be re-silvered, and it will be as good as new. Cupronickel products tend to darken, which is caused by the high humidity of the room where it is stored.

Cupronickel spoons and forks are much more pleasant to eat than steel and aluminum ones. Yes, and guests can be pleasantly surprised by laying beautiful silver-plated devices on the table. In addition, you can feel like a real aristocrat, eating soup with a cupronickel spoon.

Methods for cleaning cupronickel spoons
Cupronickel spoons must be cleaned very carefully, without the use of abrasive products. There are countless ways to clean spoons from plaque, and they all came from the people:

  1. Soda-salt solution, for the preparation of which you need:
    • pot;
    • foil;
    • water;
    • salt and soda 2 tbsp.
    The foil is placed on the bottom of the pan and cupronickel spoons are placed on it, poured a small amount water (to cover the spoons) and pour soda and salt into the pan. The pan is put on the stove to heat for about 15 minutes, until the salt and soda dissolve. Spoons during this time will acquire the original shine. After the procedure, they must be rinsed with running water and wiped dry.
  2. Macaroni concoction:
    • pasta;
    • water.
    Boil water and add pasta. Boil them, stirring with cupronickel spoons or dip them for a while in the broth without taking out the pasta. Spoons will quickly clear from browning, but pasta should be thrown away. It is better not to clean spoons with blackening in this way.
  3. Ammonia.
    Whatever ammonia does not clean, they can even clean cupronickel spoons. To do this, the spoon is dipped in ammonia, then rinsed and wiped dry.
  4. Raw eggshell decoction:
    • shell of 2 eggs;
    • 1 liter of water.
    The shell is filled with water and brought to a boil. Cupronickel spoons are placed in the resulting broth for 2 minutes, after which they are rinsed and wiped dry.
  5. A decoction of garlic peel.

    If you use cupronickel appliances, then do not throw away the garlic husk. She can also clean cupronickel spoons. The amount of peel depends on how strong the plaque is. It must be filled with water and brought to a boil. Put spoons in the broth and boil until they brighten. After the procedure, they are also rinsed and wiped.

  6. Toothpaste or tooth powder.
    In this way, cupronickel spoons must be cleaned very carefully, since mechanical friction can break the silver coating. However, people use this method, so it is effective.
  7. Potato.
    Darkened spoons can be lowered for several hours into the water, where the peeled and chopped potatoes lie. Or boil potatoes, and put appliances in the resulting broth. You can also put spoons in grated potato gruel, only raw. The method of using potatoes is popularly called the softest and safest.
  8. Special funds, silver cleaning services
    You can go to the store and purchase a special tool for cleaning such products. Fortunately, finding them today is not a problem. And you can take the darkened spoons to the master who cleans silver items. In addition, even some jewelry stores practice such a service as cleaning gold and silver.
How to store cupronickel cutlery?
If you properly store cupronickel spoons and other appliances, you can avoid such a nuisance as their blackening:
  • cupronickel spoons cannot be stored together with ordinary ones; it is better to use special boxes for storage;
  • store products should be wrapped in paper, cling film or foil; paper will take away excess moisture, film and foil will prevent air from interacting with the product;
  • after using cupronickel spoons, they should be washed and rinsed in a soda solution, and also wiped dry with a soft towel.
If you clean cupronickel spoons correctly, they will sparkle just as brightly for many more decades.

Dishes or cutlery made of cupronickel are distinguished not only by their attractive appearance but also high quality. However, this material has one serious drawback - over time, ugly spots appear on its surface, which is the result of exposure to various chemicals. If you know how to clean cupronickel, you can return the beauty to your favorite appliances.

Eggs and Shells: Cleaning New and Old Stains

Clean cupronickel spoons at home in this way:
  1. Boil the eggs and take them out of the water.
  2. Dip the products in the water in which the eggs were boiled.
  3. Remove the instruments after 15-20 minutes.
  4. Wipe spoons and forks dry with a soft cloth.
This method easily removes fresh plaque and newly appeared browning.

How to clean cupronickel spoons and forks from old stains?

  1. The shell is taken from two raw eggs and crushed.
  2. Filled with water (1 l.).
  3. Salt is added (1 tablespoon).
  4. The composition is put on the stove and left to boil.
  5. Items are lowered after 10 minutes into a boiling solution. They should boil for a while.
After such a procedure, the products return their natural shine, and all darkening is removed.

Before cleaning cupronickel at home, you need to remove food debris and dirt from their surface. To do this, use warm water and any detergent.

Ammonia: quick removal of fresh stains

Such a cupronickel cleaning at home will help remove only fresh stains. A little ammonia (1-2 tablespoons) dissolves in cold water, then contaminated objects are washed in it.

Provided that cupronickel did not have time to darken too much, after a few minutes of the procedure it returns a beautiful shine and a light natural shade.

If there are old spots on the surface of the metal, you can put it in pure alcohol and leave it for a short time(5-7 minutes). But you need to work carefully so as not to accidentally spoil the thing.

Cleaning agents: special emulsions and pastes

How to clean cupronickel spoons and forks from blackness using modern household chemicals? It is necessary to use special emulsions and cleaning pastes designed for processing silver and cupronickel.

Any powder for cleaning dishes will help clear cupronickel spoons from darkening. However, it is worth remembering that abrasive particles can leave ugly scratches on the metal surface, so you need to work very carefully.

It is strictly forbidden to clean cupronickel cutlery with household chemicals containing chlorine. This is due to the fact that the composition of this metal includes an alloy of nickel and copper. It is this substance that provokes the onset of oxidation of these metals, and therefore can ruin the product.

Chalk: homemade cleaning pastes

You can easily clean cupronickel at home with chalk. The entire surface of the product is polished with a piece of suede, then a cleaning mixture is prepared:
  1. Soap dissolves in hot water.
  2. Chalk powder is added.
  3. The mixture is well mixed to obtain a fairly thick paste.
The surface of the product is treated with this mass, with special attention being paid to areas of contamination. Finally, the cutlery is rinsed in cold water and dried with a soft cloth.

You can also clean cupronickel at home with another paste:
  1. 0.5 tbsp is poured. water.
  2. 60 g of ammonia is added.
  3. 30 g of chalk powder is sprinkled.
The resulting composition cleans the appliances until the former shine returns.

Garlic peel: any blackness is removed

If you are concerned about the question of how to clean cupronickel spoons without using household chemicals, you should pay attention to the following tool.
  1. Garlic peel is taken (as much as possible) and poured with water.
  2. The mixture is put on the stove and brought to a boil.
  3. As soon as the broth boils, it drops cupronickel product and boil for 3-5 minutes until a beautiful shine appears on the surface of the metal.
If such cleaning is used at home, you need to remember that the older the pollution, the more time you need to boil the product.

Potato broth - gentle method

How to clean cupronickel spoons with plain potatoes?
  1. Potato broth is being prepared.
  2. The product is placed in the hot agent.
  3. After 20 minutes, cupronickel is washed well with cold water and wiped dry with a soft towel.
This cleaning method is gentle, so it is recommended to use it for processing products with gilding or blackening.

Foil - removing old plaque

How to clean cupronickel spoons to remove old plaque?
  1. Take a pan (preferably aluminum).
  2. Place a layer of foil on the bottom.
  3. Arrange items on top of the foil.
  4. Pour in hot water.
  5. Add baking soda (about 2 tablespoons).
  6. Leave the composition to boil for several minutes (3-7).

There is another way than to clean cupronickel cutlery:
  1. A basin is taken (you can also take a plastic one if it can withstand boiling water).
  2. A layer of foil is placed on the bottom.
  3. Above are the appliances that need to be cleaned.
  4. Soda is poured (about 1.5 tablespoons).
  5. Boiling water is poured.
After 10-15 minutes, you need to rinse the products well in cold water, and treat the most contaminated areas with a sponge.

Vinegar - cleaning stains from dampness

How to clean cupronickel cutlery from damp spots? For this purpose, you can use warm vinegar: a teaspoon of the product is dissolved in a glass of water. Wetting in the prepared solution soft fabric, and all contaminated appliances are wiped. At the end, the products are washed with clean water and wiped dry.

baking soda for prevention

An easier way than to clean cupronickel spoons is to use baking soda: 50 g of soda is dissolved in 1 liter of water, and then contaminated products are washed in the solution.

Cupronickel cleaning: video

The process of cleaning products made of cupronickel does not take much time and effort. The main thing is to carry out such procedures regularly, because removing fresh stains is much faster than old ones. More details about the methods of cleaning cupronickel are described in the following video:

Table sets - they are an indispensable attribute of any home. And, if initially, they were made of silver and gold, then with the development of high-tech equipment, dinner accessories are made from various materials, including alloys and even high quality polymer.

The notorious dark coating inherent in this material is obtained due to oxidation after contact of products with water.

A striking analogy with silver is cupronickel, which in reality has nothing to do with precious metal. It is a combination of copper and nickel. There are combinations with the addition of manganese, iron, zinc. In common with the noble metal, cupronickel has only color and increased resistance to corrosion.

The notorious dark coating inherent in this material is obtained due to oxidation after contact of products with water. However, this does not mean that water is the obvious cause of darkening. The reason is excess moisture. After washing, each item should be wiped dry with a soft cloth, since water droplets leave a mark when they dry naturally, and only then should they be put back in place.

After washing, each item should be wiped dry with a soft cloth.

The second reason lies in the lack of thorough washing. Even the tiniest food remains are almost completely absorbed into the structure of the metal.

Dining tableware made of this material is not recommended for washing in dishwashers.

Dining tableware made of this material is not recommended for washing in dishwashers.

How to clean dark plaque and other contaminants

The topic is how to clean cupronickel spoons, since almost everyone has these products. This problem can be solved as folk ways, and resorting to household chemicals. Some methods really work, but it is better to forget about others and use them for another purpose.

When cleaning, avoid the use of abrasive tools and strong chemicals, as well as preparations containing chlorine, which will only accelerate the darkening process.

When cleaning, the use of abrasive tools and strong chemicals should be avoided.

Dish cleaning powder

How to clean cupronickel cutlery using store products? With caution, before using cleaning powders, you should carefully study the composition, as well as look at the size of the powder granules. The smaller they are, the better.

Some believe that the Fae will be able to cope with the task. In certain cases, it really helps, but do not forget that the goal of the Fae is to get rid of fat.

Crushed chalk, soda, fine salt, toothpaste

Crushed chalk and other ingredients in the form of soda, fine salt, or toothpaste are all household products, answering the question of how cupronickel cutlery is cleaned at home, when there are contraindications for the use of chemistry.

Boiling with foil in soda solution

What else is used to clean a very dark cupronickel spoon. When the previous methods did not give a positive result, then boiling comes to the rescue.

Line the bottom of the pot with foil. Then lay the appliances on top of the foil and pour about 2 tablespoons with a slide of soda. To enhance the effect, some advise adding 2 tablespoons without a hill of salt. Pour hot water so that it covers the products and boil over very low heat for a quarter of an hour.

Do not use aluminum containers for boiling, as the metal darkens from the soda solution. For these purposes, you can take dishes made of stainless or enameled steel. Plus, this method is not suitable for products with gilding.

Do not use aluminum containers for boiling, as the metal darkens from the soda solution.

Boiling with garlic peel

How else can you wash cupronickel forks and spoons at home? Using a decoction of garlic husks. To do this, pour the husk into the container and fill it with water. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Place appliances in this decoction. Keep on fire until the metal is completely clarified.

The more peel, the more effective the result.

The more husk, the more effective the result

Boiling with eggshell

The shell of two fresh eggs is crushed, one large spoonful of salt is added and one liter of water is poured. Then the mixture is brought to a boil. The broth is allowed to stand for 10 minutes, after which the instruments are lowered into it. All this is again set on fire.

Alternatively, you can use the remaining water after boiling the eggs for boiling. Salt is needed for maximum effect.

The shell of two fresh eggs is crushed, one large spoonful of salt is added and one liter of water is poured.

The device with an ultrasonic wave is designed to clean objects made of various materials. In a special container, the bath is filled with water to the desired mark. Then cutlery is placed in it and the “Turn on” button is pressed. Ultrasound is taken for business, which literally knocks out all the dirt from the products.

In this way, it is not advised to clean appliances with gilding, as it will also leave with the dirt.

The device with an ultrasonic wave is designed to clean objects made of various materials.

Vinegar, ammonia

Components such as vinegar or ammonia can be found in any home. However, you need to take apple cider vinegar 6 or 9 percent. Unlike the previous method, this one is good because it helps to clean cupronickel spoons with gilding.

Here it is necessary to moisten a cotton wool with vinegar or ammonia solution and wipe the spoons. Ammonia solution consists of 50 milliliters of ammonia and one liter of warm water.

It is necessary to moisten a cotton wool with vinegar or ammonia solution and wipe the spoons.

Potato broth

For this cleaning method, ordinary potatoes are boiled, and devices are lowered into the resulting broth from half an hour to 50 minutes. The main thing is not to add salt when cooking tubers. Otherwise, a reverse reaction will occur and the metal will darken even more.

You can use raw potatoes or their gruel. Objects are rubbed with a cut bulb, and they are lowered into gruel until clarified.

For this cleaning method, ordinary potatoes are boiled, and devices are lowered into the resulting broth from half an hour to 50 minutes.

How to clean cupronickel coated spoons? Egg white helps. A cotton pad or soft cloth is moistened in it and the objects are rubbed to a shine.

There are plenty of other tips, too, such as tapping into the carbonic acid present in any type of sugary soda. Soak forks and spoons in them for 20 minutes. The method with pasta is similar to the recipe for cleaning with potato broth. True, the boiling time of appliances along with pasta is 20-30 minutes.

A cotton pad or soft cloth is moistened in it and the objects are rubbed to a shine.

Comparison of different cleaning methods for cupronickel products

All previous methods are ideal in theory. In practice, only a few of them work. So, how to clean cupronickel spoons with a positive result?

Methods with foil are effective, oddly enough with toothpaste (although experts did not advise) and an ultrasonic bath. It turned out to be ineffective eggshell, Apple vinegar, pasta and potato broth. Raw potatoes, ammonia and garlic broth did a good job.

Raw potatoes, ammonia and garlic broth did a good job.

How to avoid darkening of cupronickel

It is better to prevent any problem than to solve it. Following a few simple recommendations will help avoid the issue of cleaning products.

It is important to remember that cupronickel does not tolerate moisture. Therefore, all devices should be thoroughly wiped. Periodically, they need to be polished with chalk rubbed to a state of flour. Experienced housewives advise after wiping the spoons, wrap them in a dry cloth and wrap in foil to avoid contact with air.

Periodically, they need to be polished with chalk rubbed to a state of flour.

Store products in a dry place. Well, even better if there is a small case for them. With proper care, cupronickel cutlery will be a wonderful decoration and pride of the festive table.

Video: How to clean cupronickel cutlery