
I'm pregnant, I'm not in the mood. Emotional background during pregnancy. Causes of mood swings in pregnant women



Most often, a woman's mood changes dramatically in the first trimester. This is due to medical reasons. The fact is that there is a serious restructuring of the body at the hormonal level, and hormones are entirely responsible for the mood of the expectant mother. To be convinced of this, it is enough to remember how teenagers behave during the period of subadult maturation, when hormones also begin to rage with terrible force.

Basically, the changes occur due to the fact that the level of the hormone progesterone rises several times, which makes it extremely difficult to keep yourself under control.

There are also psychological reasons, after all, pregnancy is stressful for a woman, she begins to realize her new status On the one hand, this pleases her, and on the other hand, it causes certain fears. She feels both happy and unhappy, both weak and strong, hence all these emotional "swings" arise.

The second trimester is perhaps the most calm, it is during this period that the woman is most balanced, this is also due to the fact that the toxicosis has receded, the hormones have fallen into place. The pregnant woman has already got used to her condition, and begins to enjoy it to the fullest.

In the third trimester, severe anxiety often reappears. His appearance is also absolutely logical. The stomach began to grow very quickly and it becomes extremely uncomfortable with it, the date of birth is approaching, such troubles as swelling may occur. All this cannot but affect the emotional state of a woman in a position, so she can be overly irritable.

It is impossible to guess in advance how this or that woman will behave, sometimes, the new situation radically changes the ladies. The most calm and balanced, it would seem, a woman with the onset of pregnancy can literally become a hurricane, and vice versa.

Experts believe that if a woman experiences strong emotional swings, then most likely during pregnancy she will expect the same thing.

It was also noticed that during pregnancy, the character traits of a woman are significantly aggravated, that is, if she was sentimental in ordinary life, then when she became pregnant, it would be even easier to bring her to tears.

The manifestation of one's emotions is not dangerous either for a woman or for her child, on the contrary, it is not recommended to accumulate negativity in oneself, it is better to get rid of it, for example, by crying. But in any case, it is not recommended to bring the situation to the limit, you need to learn how to reduce the intensity of passions. You can go for a walk alone and just be alone with your thoughts and emotions, as a rule, this helps to restore emotional balance. You can do what you love, which also has a beneficial effect on the condition of a woman.

You may have noticed that doctors, as well as your friends and family, focus mainly on the physical aspects of your pregnancy. Their main concern is your health and the health of your child. In addition, the physical aspects are more pronounced and visible from the outside. But many pregnant women agree that over-emotionality and mood swings are just as hard to bear as the physical symptoms.

What makes pregnancy so emotional sometimes? And how can you cope with this wide range of feelings and moods?

Big changes

You, like many women, look forward to pregnancy and motherhood at some point in your life. But during the actual pregnancy, planned or not, your feelings may be different from what you expected. Women who thought it was scary may be surprised at how calm they feel; and those who thought they were ready for pregnancy may suddenly experience completely opposite feelings.

In fact, sensations change with each trimester, and each stage brings its own emotional problems. You may find it difficult to come to terms with the very fact that you are pregnant. you will focus on the fact that you will actually have a child. you will probably be thinking about the future - about your new responsibilities and the joys of motherhood. To all this, you need to adapt emotionally.

Changing Roles

Pregnancy also changes the dynamics of relationships within the family. If this is your first child, from an individual or part of a couple, with obligations only to yourself or to another adult, you will turn into a person who is completely responsible for the baby that depends on you.

If you are expecting a second child (or third, fourth), there will still be changes in the family as your responsibilities increase. The appearance of a new little man in the house can be stressful even under the most favorable circumstances. This is why pregnancy is sometimes referred to as a "developmental crisis." Although the birth of a child is an integral and beautiful part of life, you may feel a lot of anxiety. And your feelings can be fueled by hormonal changes taking place in the body.

What can you feel

Here is a list of emotions and reactions that many pregnant women report. Note that not all of them are negative:

  • joy, happiness and excitement
  • uncertainty or fear
  • irritability
  • calmness
  • greater dependence on a partner or family members
  • pride like you've done a miracle
  • love for your child, affection even before he was born
  • reactions to changes in your body (you may or may not like the way you look during pregnancy)
  • frivolity
  • sadness that so much has changed
  • worries about finances, housing, child care, loss of independence, changes in your relationship with your partner, childbirth, doubts about whether you will be a good mother, and so on
  • impatience - feeling like you've been pregnant for ages
  • hypersensitivity to other people's comments or advice
  • often want to cry apparent reason
  • constant thoughts about your baby

Follow your emotions

While all of the above is normal, there are steps you can take to help reduce your mood swings during this amazing but challenging period:

  • Keep track of your physical condition. Eat well, exercise and get plenty of rest. If you don't feel well, or you're tired, you're more likely to feel overwhelmed or upset.
  • Find out more about what's happening to you. For example, attend prenatal classes and read books about pregnancy. Knowing what to expect, hearing it from professionals, and meeting other parents-to-be can help reduce stress.
  • Share your thoughts and feelings with your partner, friends, or family members.
  • Try not to overexert yourself with household or work responsibilities.

Talk to your doctor before taking any medication for depression or mood swings, including various herbal remedies. And remember, before taking any medication during pregnancy, whether prescription or over the counter, always check with your doctor.

Take good care of yourself, that's the most important thing right now. In a few years, you may remember those 9 months and miss them.

Bad mood during pregnancy early dates- a frequent guest of women and an enemy of their health. Of course, all the nuances that spoil the life of young mothers cannot be taken into account, but any pregnant woman needs to learn one lesson: get ready for humility and follow it all 9 months.

When the mood begins to change, the body experiences stress, it seems to heat up from the inside. And during pregnancy, this condition becomes three times worse. Think about it before you go into conflict and cry all the time! The very first weeks after the conception of a baby are characterized by the construction of especially important systems of the child. This construction can end in failure if you do not cope with a bad mood.

Bad mood in pregnant women: how does it change?

Changes in the mood of a pregnant woman are noticed by all the people around her. Moreover, one mother can cry for all 9 months for no apparent reason, and the other can scream forever. What other conditions can be noted in women?

1. Restlessness and nervousness. These two symptoms of a bad mood can overtake you with or without any reason. You leave the entrance and feel that you have forgotten the keys. What will you do? You return home. Already being in the apartment, you understand that the keys are in your bag. But how did you feel about losing them! Be careful even in the simplest situations. Anxiety can turn into depression.

2. Tearful mood during pregnancy. Have you noticed that you cry a lot? Then isolate yourself from the TV and scary programs. Don't read horror movies. Many pregnant women like to scare themselves with films and related literature. Some people just want to cry, and they deliberately create situations for themselves when they can shed a tear.

3. Forgetfulness, inattention. This condition begins to come to mothers in the second trimester of pregnancy. Going to work, to the antenatal clinic, check your bag several times.

4. Self-doubt. Suddenly, for no reason at all, you decided that you were not confident in your abilities, beauty and former functionality in general. Your strength goes to the health of the baby, so there is nothing to worry about in your condition. Just don't dramatize the situation. You are still the same. Just sometimes you need to be patient, lie down in bed, drink some tea and calm down.

Having caught at least one sign of a bad mood, immediately take measures to eliminate stress. How to do this, you will read in this article.

Bad mood in a pregnant woman: what happens in the body?

Bad mood during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, is due to a number of changes in the body. Here are some of them:

  1. Change in hormone levels, and, as a consequence, a change in the intensity of metabolism. As you know, many hormones affect mood. Therefore, your household from the first weeks of your new position can easily guess what happened to you.
  2. many life circumstances do not allow the pregnant woman to create comfortable conditions around herself for bearing a child. Someone continues to work, and even in the hospital does not part with the computer. Some do not want to stop drinking, smoking or exercising. Although in most cases, gynecologists immediately put a ban on the usual way of life. Of course, all these factors affect the female body, which, when processed, simply malfunctions, which leads to stress and bad mood.
  3. , especially in the third trimester, is caused by excessive concern for the baby. Usually, the last weeks before childbirth are very difficult: swelling, varicose veins, allergies and other troubles occur. During this period, mommy is especially worried about herself and the baby. In addition, before the hospital, she needs to have time to prepare all the things for the baby and herself. Agree, this is no less stressful than the birth itself.
  4. In the early stages the body is just adapting to the new position. Because of this, the mood of a woman can also worsen.

In addition to psychological reasons, there are also physiological ones. For example, toxicosis. Someone suffers from it almost the entire pregnancy. This is also a big reason for the bad mood of the expectant mother. During the development of the baby in the womb, a woman's perception changes. For example, some favorite smells can become very nasty. Imagine that you cannot eat your favorite ice cream or salad because these foods have begun to exude an unpleasant aroma for you. And if your new favorite perfume began to cause disgust? Of course, even such trifles infuriate.

But Bad mood during pregnancy, whether it is in the early stages or just before childbirth, can be eliminated.

Bad mood during early pregnancy: what to do?

A bad mood during pregnancy in the early stages brings a lot of grief. But what is its reason? Now one trend has come into fashion: now, if a couple wants to have a baby, she must be examined, prepare for pregnancy and childbirth, both mentally and physically. On the one hand, this is correct. Because in the age of digital technologies, people have forgotten about the environment and the state of human health. On the other hand, planning a baby does not mean wanting one. Some already after childbirth understand what a happiness it is to have a son or daughter. Others immediately refuse the baby.

Unfortunately, women today have simply forgotten about the maternal instinct. Because of this, they have a hard time during pregnancy.

Bad mood and pregnancy, unfortunately, are gradually becoming synonymous.

Therefore, psychologists have brought out a number of tips that future mothers are simply obliged to listen to:

  1. Do not plan your pregnancy. At some point in the preparation for childbirth or conception, you may get bored with the whole process. The kid is a full-fledged person, and not a toy that can be thrown away or given away.
  2. When you have learned about your new position, find out more about pregnancy and childbirth. Read several books on parenting. Or just hang out with other moms.
  3. Whatever your financial situation or whoever you live with, know that you will never have a closer child. Work on yourself and your mind. Don't jump to conclusions.
  4. Do not take any medication without your doctor's permission. If you really feel bad, drink tea with mint and lie down to rest.

Know that in the early stages of pregnancy, your psychological attitude towards the child is important.

How to cope with a bad mood during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

When the bad mood of the early period has already gone, and the second trimester pregnancy is on the threshold, it's time to calm down and find yourself for the entire 9 months. What is meant by this? You should find something to your liking in order to periodically be distracted from all the bad things.

  • Get creative. Maybe you dreamed of learning to play the guitar or the piano? You may be good at drawing. And best of all, compose a fairy tale for your baby! In general, take your soul as you please, within the framework of creativity, of course.
  • Try knitting. Why not? Knit your first baby booties or baby's undershirt. Perhaps this will become your additional income.
  • Be sure to replenish your circle of acquaintances with good people. Meet a couple of pregnant women, talk to them about your condition, tell them about your hobby. It helps a lot to get rid of negativity.
  • Try to surround yourself with beautiful pictures. Pregnancy is the best time to meet great artists. Also take up reading Russian and foreign classics. Fill your soul with only beautiful and selective information.
  • If you have the opportunity, change your wardrobe. Treat yourself, at least a little. Buy a blouse or dress.

These tips will definitely help you avoid your bad mood. Look for yourself in a variety of activities, and you will find what will help you calm down.

Bad mood during pregnancy: 3rd trimester

The third trimester is the most difficult and responsible. Even a bad mood in early pregnancy, which can be characterized by a special outburst of emotions, cannot compete with the last weeks before childbirth.

G inecologists, together with psychologists, advise you to refer to the following recommendations:

  1. In the last weeks before the birth, try to joke more and perceive the world in terms of humor. Believe me, it is possible in any life situations. Many people, finding themselves in terrible places, for example, in a dark forest, survived only thanks to the strength of the spirit, which rests on a good mood.
  2. After waking up recharge yourself good mood, thinking about the new day and saying a few nice words to yourself.
  3. Never discuss your problems with anyone just before the birth. The less they know, the more they sleep. In general, this advice is universal, but if you are that talker, learn to be silent.
  4. Before giving birth, do not try to find out who gave birth how. Everyone knows that childbirth is unpleasant and painful. Every woman goes through it differently. And unnecessary details of other people's births are useless to you.
  5. Create a zone of your own comfort: remove things in the house that annoy you, communicate less with those who, in your opinion, do not wish you well. Eat what you want (only within reason).

Of course, you may not achieve complete comfort, but you can make your pregnant life better.

Bad mood during early pregnancy: we are treated with a diet

Since the mood of pregnant women changes often, and you want to eat a lot when stressed, nutritionists advise adjusting your diet as follows:

  1. Forget about various seasonings and marinades. Eat more vegetables and greens. Basil and some curry are also allowed.
  2. Avoid fried foods. Roast vegetables and boil them. Try to use the grill very infrequently.
  3. Eat more fish. Treat yourself to red fish species. Be sure to eat mullet, slightly salted herring and sardines. Fish is rich in vitamin B6 and phosphorus. Thanks to her, you will be less nervous.
  4. Use foods rich in vitamins A and E. You can also buy them in drops and add them to food and even shampoos.
  5. Chromium is very beneficial for the body. It helps get rid of stress. To replenish its reserves, eat peas, meat and wholemeal bread.
  6. Now let's move on to forbidden foods: give up sweets. Sweets, cakes and pastries will not help you. True, they gain weight well. Do you need him?

Do not overeat, do not make a plentiful table. If you're afraid of overeating, start counting calories.

Bad mood during pregnancy: depression in the early stages

A bad mood during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, can derail all your plans. But sometimes it becomes unclear whether it is hormones that are raging, or whether a woman has problems.

How to deal with the symptoms of depression in a pregnant woman?

  1. Follow yourself. Do you have a depressed mood? How often does it visit you? Perhaps every day. This is the first sign of depression.
  2. Do you feel weak? If it occurs frequently, then you should contact your gynecologist.
  3. Do you think that you can no longer do anything useful in this world?
  4. Can you do what you love? Do you have the strength to get out of bed and make yourself some soup?

Answer these questions for yourself. If the answers to them scared you, do not delay and go to a psychologist. Under the guise of a bad mood, real depression can be hidden.

Bad mood during pregnancy- the phenomenon is very frequent and unpleasant. Especially it starts to bother in the early stages. Psychologists say that stress and depression can be avoided if you think a little about your new position. Try to find the positives in your current state. Do gymnastics, exercise. Cheer yourself up by any means. If it’s really hard for you, find a congenial person or seek help from a psychologist. Don't give in to a bad mood!

Throughout pregnancy, a woman's mood is affected by changes hormonal background. This can be especially pronounced in the first trimester - the process of adapting the body to a new state is far from always easy and comfortable. To hormonal surges are added the delights of toxicosis, which do not contribute to a rosy mood. The proverbial whims - the desire for unusual food, increased demands on loved ones and especially on the future father - are also explained by fluctuations in the level of hormones in the blood.

At later times, changes in the woman's body are added - weight gain, swelling, sensitivity to high temperatures. The slightest ailment can cause genuine horror, fear for the life of the unborn baby. Natural fatigue, the inability to move easily and quickly, as before, cause irritability.

Absent-mindedness and a decrease in the ability to concentrate, characteristic of many, are explained by the peculiarities of the work nervous system. In the brain of a woman during this period, there is a permanent focus of excitation, called the dominant of pregnancy. All interests that are not related to pregnancy fade into the background, and it becomes difficult to focus on them.

Psychological causes of character changes

The character can change beyond recognition - rational and restrained ladies can become sentimental and nervous, and docile and non-conflicting ladies suddenly begin to criticize everything and everyone. These changes may be psychological in nature.

Expecting a child makes a woman reconsider her own values, take a more responsible attitude to her own health. The upcoming changes, affecting all areas of her life, cause fear of the future, self-doubt.

Often there is such a reason for mood changes as a discrepancy between reality and expectations. The common belief that pregnancy is the happiest time in a woman's life is facing a harsh reality. Health problems, financial instability, lack of support and understanding from relatives or, on the contrary, excessive guardianship, cause constant nervous tension, which is very difficult for the expectant mother to cope with.

Natural changes in the appearance of a pregnant woman can make her doubt her own attractiveness. The expectant mother feels more vulnerable, the slightest inattention from the partner is regarded by her as a sign of fading - because of this, the pregnant woman may become more demanding of the future father, needing more frequent demonstrations of love and affection than before.

In pink colors, pregnancy is presented to those girls and women who have yet to become future mothers. In fact, not all the nuances of the "interesting" position cause delight and peace. Let's talk about irritability during pregnancy.

Hot temper, irritability and nervousness are not the best companions while waiting for the baby, but in this situation, mood swings are justified by the fact that the female body is undergoing a serious restructuring due to pregnancy. More than one day will pass after conception, when the soul of the expectant mother, after all the worries, will overflow with calmness and quiet joy. Can a woman somehow purposefully influence her mental state, or does this difficult time just need to be experienced? Let's figure it out!

Since life was born under a woman’s heart, not only her physiological state, but also her psyche undergoes cardinal metamorphoses, and in the antenatal clinic, the attention of the expectant mother herself is, alas, not always focused on this. The absence of menstruation, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands are far from the only expressive harbingers of a woman's new status. Indicative in this regard is the mood of the future mother. For example, almost always irritability can be considered as a reliable sign of pregnancy.

Irritability during early pregnancy

Remembering how her pregnancy proceeded, any woman will agree that it was not so easy to cope with mood swings at that time. Add to this the constant nervousness, unreasonable fits of anger and a drop of hysteria - that's the full "bouquet" of sensations of a newly-made pregnant woman. In a word, where does it come from?

The feeling of irritation appears in the early stages of an "interesting" position along with other symptoms of pregnancy. Moreover, all pregnant women relate to this phenomenon in different ways: some women perceive a bad mood for granted and even abuse it, others try to change to a positive band, but lose to a bad mood. All this suggests the pattern of what is happening. Science considers a sharp change in character traits with the onset of pregnancy to be a natural process that does not require any correction. Scientists have not yet been able to study in detail the mechanism of this phenomenon, but, of course, they have made some conclusions in the course of complex studies.

It is no coincidence that nature has allocated as many as nine months for bearing a child: such a long period of time is needed not only for the full development of the baby, but also for a radical restructuring of the way of thinking of the expectant mother at a subconscious level. That is how much the female psyche will be transformed and adjusted to the new, maternal, status. In the course of studying the issue, three important stages in the psychological development of a woman as a mother were conditionally identified, which to some extent can be correlated with the three trimesters of pregnancy. Each stage differs from others in its nuances.

Irritability in the first weeks of pregnancy is nothing more than an attempt by the female psyche to fully understand and accept what has happened. It is very important for the expectant mother to come to terms with the new sensations and changes that come into her life along with the new position. Even if they really wanted a baby and waited for a long time, it will take more than one day for his parents, first of all, for his mother, to fully realize that a little man now lives inside her.

Some scientists explain the appearance of irritability and nervousness in early pregnancy by the subconscious return of a woman to primitive animal sources. She is unable to keep herself within the bounds of decency, cannot control her thoughts and emotions just because she is under the power of the instinct of procreation and the whole world seems hostile to her.

Another theory suggests that the new position of a woman returns her to childhood - the model of behavior during pregnancy is in many ways reminiscent of a child's. The expectant mother is so overwhelmed with emotions that for some time she forgets about the social experience that she managed to acquire already as an adult woman. During this period, the complexes that overcame her in her childhood may again become aggravated. For example, a closed and indecisive woman in the past will feel a certain sacrifice of her position, feel sorry for herself. Shy and insecure girls, growing up, can change their negative worldview with the help of trainings personal development, however, with the onset of pregnancy, they again fall into the fetters of unreasonable fears and panic attacks.

Possible causes of nervousness and irritability during pregnancy

There are several factors that, according to experts, can take a pregnant woman out of the zone of calm and peace of mind.

The instability of the emotional background can be explained by the hormonal hurricane that rages in the body of a woman during pregnancy. In this case, the main part of the blame can be safely shifted to progesterone. Its content in the blood rises whenever the time for the next menstruation comes up - every woman knows firsthand about the "charms" of PMS. However, immediately after the onset of pregnancy, the concentration of the hormone in the body of the expectant mother soars to such heights that it changes her character beyond recognition. Fortunately, with the advent of the embryo in the body, the amount of the hormone estrogen also increases, which to some extent negates the stimulating effect of progesterone, but cannot fully neutralize it, so every pregnant woman is provided with a certain amount of irritability.

In search of truth, one can even hear the original opinion that the constant irritation and whims of a pregnant woman are needed in order to mentally prepare the future father and other close people for the difficulties that await the family in the future. And it's not worth saying how abruptly the habitual life will change married couple soon and how difficult it will be for young parents to manage with a new family member.

Do not forget that a variety of circumstances that a woman could tolerate before can cause nervousness and irritability in a pregnant woman: problems in relations with relatives, difficulties at work, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Basically, a woman, especially one who is preparing to become a mother for the first time, is worried and nervous about the course of pregnancy, the upcoming birth and the health of her baby. She is also worried about how she looks, how her husband treats her and a number of other minor points. The more time has passed since conception, the less anxiety and irritability a pregnant woman experiences.

Irritability during late pregnancy

The second trimester is considered the most favorable in all respects - the golden mean of pregnancy. The woman finally got used to her position, felt the first movements of the tiny man and ... calmed down! Now there is simply no time for irritability and outbursts of rage, because there are so many other pleasant worries: listen to your baby, try to feel him more subtly, sing him a lullaby, gently stroking his tummy. The improvement of her physical condition also contributes to the peace of mind of a pregnant woman - toxicosis is left behind!

The nerves of the expectant mother begin to "play pranks" with the approach of the third trimester. The baby grows by leaps and bounds, and it becomes more and more difficult to bear him: his back hurts, his legs are filled with lead, constipation and heartburn are more frequent, swelling comes. Yes and own appearance not happy, because dark spots and stretch marks on the abdomen do not color anyone. Everything is difficult, even finding the most comfortable position for sleeping is a whole adventure. These are the main physiological causes, according to which the mood of the pregnant woman begins to deteriorate more and more often.

Let's not forget that increased irritability during pregnancy is also explained by psychological reasons. The future mother is no longer able to be pregnant, it is no coincidence that many of the women who are at the final stage of the “interesting” position say that they would like to give birth as soon as possible. There is nothing surprising in such behavior, since by this time the woman is already fully psychologically mature in order to become a mother. All her thoughts are about what awaits her in the future, when the long-awaited baby appears. Thoughts about the upcoming birth also add fuel to the fire: how will everything go, will there be any complications? A rich imagination obligingly draws the most unfavorable pictures and, if not distracted in time, the mood irretrievably deteriorates.

How to deal with bad mood and irritability during pregnancy

So, we found out that mood swings in pregnant women should be considered as one of the natural symptoms of their special situation, but this does not mean at all that it is impossible to correct the situation.

The husband and relatives of a pregnant woman must understand that any trifle is enough for the future mother to wind up out of the blue, and you cannot blame her for this - everything happens very spontaneously and does not completely depend on her will. It is better for the pregnant woman herself to discard the remorse that she feels about her behavior, unless she herself starts a tantrum purposefully in order to achieve something at the expense of her position.

Remember that irritability during pregnancy is not one of those problems that cannot be solved in your favor. Nervousness and anger are just emotions that can and should be dealt with. Let's think about what we can do for this:

  • try to block bouts of irritability before the steam breaks out. For example, before throwing a hurtful phrase at someone, just shut up and take a deep breath. Believe me, this time is quite enough to assess and, possibly, rethink the situation for its peaceful resolution. This will help you stop and not offend the person close to you. If you know that you are unlikely to be able to keep your mouth shut, just go to another room and stay there for a while. You will see, very little time will pass, and you will learn to control your feelings;
  • start doing what you really like and what you didn’t have time for before. Transfer your fears and bad mood to paper, listen to pleasant music, cross-stitch a cute picture for a child's room. If you are an adherent of an active lifestyle, in no case do not give up yoga and fitness. Sport will drive away all negative emotions;

  • in a series of gray everyday life filled with the torments of toxicosis, find your sense of humor and take care of it like the apple of your eye! Laugh not only at what surrounds you, but also at your own tantrums as well. The easier you treat your mood swings, the easier it is to survive this difficult period in your life;
  • do not be ashamed to ask for forgiveness if someone is seriously offended by your sudden attack. Sincerely apologize to the victim of your anger and explain how hard it was for you to hold back. Do not be silent, tell others about your feelings - you will definitely be understood and supported!
  • do not turn away from your relatives, because now it’s just as hard for them as it is for you, they just don’t know that you may need a psychological release. Try to explain to them the reasons for your eccentric behavior, listen to their opinion on this matter - perhaps together you will come up with a way for you to behave more calmly;

  • this tip is the hardest. If possible, try to eliminate from your life all the factors that annoy you, provoking your outbursts of anger. Stress, anxiety, poor sleep, communication with unpleasant people - all this does not contribute to a good mood. Give up doing all the housework, you should have more time to rest. Minimize communication with pessimists, bores and people who are dissatisfied with everything;
  • Bad odors also play an important role in psycho-emotional state pregnant. Ventilate your home more often, avoid strongly smelling foods and smokers.

Excessive irritability during the period of bearing a child confuses and upsets each future mother. However, as we have already seen, there is nothing shameful in this - in this way the body copes with a new role for it. And it depends only on the woman how to treat the problem: to give in under her onslaught in order to constantly feel like a hostage to the situation, or to resist her in order to fully enjoy the wonderful period of waiting for the baby.

Why is it bad to be nervous during pregnancy. Video

Not a single future mother is immune from irritability, however, it is important not to dwell on your negative emotions, but to try with all your might to get rid of them. Mom and baby in her womb are a single whole, and everything that worries you will certainly affect your child. Do you want your baby to suffer from your bad mood?