
What do people do on March 8. Master classes for kindergarten and elementary school

Pathology of the uterus

Hello dear readers! I was just going to congratulate you on March 8, but I thought about it ... What do I want to congratulate you on? I had to ask about the origin International Women's Day - a holiday on March 8 and contemporary sentiments about this day. What do we celebrate on March 8? Maybe you have known all this for a long time, but for me it’s a curiosity - well, somehow I didn’t think about March 8 before, and our family didn’t have a tradition to celebrate it ... I share my knowledge about Women’s Day and, of course, my thoughts about the holiday of March 8 - how can it be without reflection?

The history of the holiday on March 8

Firstly, International Women's Day turns out to be a holiday political. Moreover, its history dates back to the 19th century, when on this day in different countries there were demonstrations demonstrating women for their rights. Thanks to them for the fact that now we have the rights that in the 19th century could only be dreamed of - to vote in elections, to education, to a normal salary ..!

Secondly, a hundred years ago, in 1913, on March 8, Revolutionary Day was established, a day of solidarity for female workers who advocated equal rights with men, and it was established by the revolutionary Clara Zetkin. Naturally, this day was celebrated not all over the world, but only in countries that sympathize with the revolutionary movement.

There is a version linking the institution women's day March 8, which falls on February 23, according to the old style, with the Jewish holiday of Purim, which fell on one of these dates in 1918. But this version is unofficial, and I don't think it's worth considering.

Thirdly, in 1975 this day was indeed proclaimed by the UN International Women's Day- or rather, during the day all the same women's rights. You can even say that March 8 is the day of feminism. By and large, on this day it is supposed not to honor a woman for being a woman, but on the contrary, to remember that a woman is also a person!

We have everything upside down - on March 8 in Russia it is customary to congratulate a woman on the fact that she is a woman. By the way, quite recently it was accepted that the holiday lost its political coloring only at the end of the Soviet era. Then the day of March 8 ceased to be our day of combating discrimination against women and became the “professional holiday” of Women in general, and concurrently, the holiday of spring.

Many today are against the celebration of March 8

On the network you can find a lot of indignation at the expense of the March 8 holiday, many are skeptical about it. And this is quite justified - because it is completely incomprehensible what we actually celebrate on March 8?

Some say that attention and care for a woman should be every day, not just once a year. Otherwise, it turns out like a “handout” - for 364 days she plows like an ox, serving the whole family and no one pays attention to her, and on March 8, as an exception, men make her hard life easier with help around the house, allow her to rest, and even that - they donate.

Others, mostly men, consider this holiday an unnecessary "headache". It’s also necessary to look for gifts, to be hypocritical, pretending to be a “bunny” all day long, which contrasts strongly with ordinary life, and it’s generally not clear why. Do you know the phrase: "Be quiet, woman, your day is March 8"? Women who are “lucky” and hear this regularly have the opportunity to “break away” on March 8, but this contrast only emphasizes their humiliated position under oppression throughout the year.

There is an opinion that March 8 has generally become a day of discrimination against women in our country - a chauvinistic reminder of their special position and consolidation of their exploitation in the rest of the time. And we can agree with this. Because on this day, a woman can do what is usually impossible, and relatives do for her what they usually do - they don’t do ... By the way, “men's day”, February 23, is not marked by this - men on this day behave as usual holidays - only gifts are given to them.

My doubts about the holiday of March 8

In principle, March 8 is like a day off, as a reason to have a holiday - why not? But there are a few "buts"...

  1. For romantic congratulations and gifts to your beloved half, we already have a holiday - February 14th. It is more thematic - they congratulate their loved ones, regardless of gender. A great opportunity to express your warm feelings to anyone. Everyone is happy and happy - and there is no discrimination for you. If you really want to celebrate spring, love and romance, then you can celebrate Valentine's Day in the spring - why not?
  2. Commitment on March 8 is terribly embarrassing. You don’t want to congratulate, but you have to - and all indiscriminately, smiling stiffly and picking up postcards, set the table ... This is extra stress for everyone and a blow to the wallet. But this also applies to women - they should congratulate each other. By the way, we have only two such obligatory holidays - New Year and 8 March. All other national holidays are celebrated at will, and for many - just a weekend.
  3. A holiday, after all, should be tied to something - dedicated to the memory of some event, for example. Every holiday has a reason - even quite justified by the change of the calendar. And on March 8 - WHAT do we celebrate? If we are fighting for the rights of women that have not yet been won back, then ... And how, in fact, should we celebrate this? And it does not seem that our country was completely concerned about the rights of women - rather, on the contrary ...
  4. Based on the foregoing, I am inclined to believe that this holiday is too ambiguous and superfluous - in our country it is just a relic of the Soviet era that has lost its original meaning.
  5. On March 8, a woman is congratulated for being a woman. But women are so different ... What is being put into this word now? What all women have in common is only secondary sexual characteristics, but to celebrate their presence somehow or to congratulate him, you see, it’s somehow strange ... Although you can think about it women's day.

Modern woman - who do we honor on Women's Day?

If we had some kind of goddess, symbolizing the feminine, as in ancient times and among primitive peoples, then a holiday in her honor would be understandable - it is decent to dedicate a holiday to any phenomenon, and even more so to a goddess. It would be logical to congratulate women on this day who are under the protection of the goddess.

We do not have a goddess, but femininity in Lately in fashion, even observed. Maybe our pagan "social unconscious" is looking for a day of femininity, and we are trying to invent a ritual of worshiping the feminine? But once, then this is a religious holiday, not a secular one, and to impose it on everyone is somehow not tolerant ...

Arranging such a holiday on the International Women's Day for the struggle for equality and the emancipation of women is already too much! The meaning is exactly the opposite! If you really want to revive ancient cults that emphasize the mystical, then this is the most inopportune day. Well, unless we also want to demonstrate our opposition to the world community at the same time :)

And if you return to the ground and look at real modern women? Here I have a question for you, dear readers and readers: What is modern woman? What is her distinctive features who are worth honoring? If this is a successful woman who has made a career and held her own, then it is logical to celebrate emancipation day.

Or is the modern woman a beauty and a “blonde”, preoccupied with fashion and self-care? Then you need to celebrate the day of shopping or fitness, with discounts in beauty salons. Or in general - the day of Beauty! True, beauty is an even more ephemeral concept than femininity ... But a legal day off for women with visits to salons or shops is a cool idea, right? Although we do this much more often than once a year ... :)

Or a woman? We already have Mother's Day, but there is no housewife's day. In principle, this is also a profession, and why not be professional holiday housewives? On this day, it is quite possible to say “thank you!” to them! for their inconspicuous, but so necessary work, for the fact that they sacrifice themselves for the comfort of others. But then this holiday is not for all women, and not only for women - after all, there are also men who share household chores with women.

By the way, our holiday on March 8 is most reminiscent of exactly housewives day, do not find? It is this function of a woman that is emphasized by men when they give their rug a day off from housework. On March 8, women themselves also arrange a day off from household chores by organizing a party with their friends. And thus, housework is ritually assigned to a woman ... - as if in mockery of the day of struggle for emancipation!

By the way, yesterday I got to one curious book just on the topic of the female role in the life of the family and society - wait soon recall.

But anyway, my dear readers, please accept my congratulations on International Women's Day - March 8! Whatever meaning you put into this day, I wish you to spend it the way you would like - without grief and disappointment! And I'm waiting for your answers to my questions: Who is the modern woman? What do we celebrate on March 8 and do we need this holiday?

© Nadezhda Dyachenko

How to plan the first hours of the morning in order to spend every day with meaning.

1. Get ready in the evening

Don't do things that cause stress. In stressful situations, the hormone cortisol is released, which will keep you awake. Instead, do something relaxing and keep these simple rules in mind:

  • Avoid using gadgets at least an hour before bedtime.
  • Put your phone in airplane mode.
  • Try not to think about work. Decisions often come to mind when you are relaxed.
  • Spend time with loved ones.
  • Create the right conditions for sleep.

2. Sleep more than seven hours

“Treat yourself like your smartphone: sleep until you are fully charged,” advises Arianna Huffington, founder of The Huffington Post.

According to research from the National Sleep Foundation of America, when we get enough sleep regularly, we improve energy, resourcefulness and attention, reduce inflammation, stress and the risk of depression, and increase life expectancy.

If you get enough sleep and take care of your body, you won't need caffeine or other stimulants. For the most part, we use them because of the work schedule from 8 to 17 hours, constant lack of sleep and dependence on technology.

3. Wake up when you promised yourself

As the American thinker Ralph Waldo Emerson said, trust in oneself is main secret. And self-confidence arises when you do what you promised yourself.

The first promise in the morning - to get up or not at the planned time - will direct the whole day in a positive or negative direction.

4. Change the scene right away

Go outside, or at least move out of the bedroom and into another room. So you will be cheered up. A simple change of scenery is energizing, because our brain loves everything new.

5. Meditate and write down your goals

Morning is the perfect time to reflect on your desired future. At this time, your brain is set to be creative. Do some meditation and then visualize your goals. Turn on your imagination and imagine how you want to see your life.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination covers the whole world.

Albert Einstein

When you visualize and write down yours, do it with feeling. Imagine that your dreams have already come true. Experience this feeling for yourself. It will help you act differently so that the future is different from the past.

Write down your goals and the deadline for achieving them, as well as the price you have to pay for them. As billionaire Harold Hunt said, it takes two things to be successful. First, decide what you really want. Most people never do this. Second, determine the price you will have to pay, and then become determined to do so.

6. Go in for sports and listen to something useful

Work out at the gym or just walk. At the same time, turn on audiobooks, podcasts or. The movement will invigorate you, the brain will work better.

7. Eat brain-healthy foods

  • Nuts and seeds. They are rich in vitamin E, and it supports cognitive abilities.
  • Avocado. Contains monounsaturated fatty acids that improve blood circulation. In addition, avocados help lower blood pressure, which is also good for brain health.
  • Beet. The antioxidants contained in it protect against cancer, and nitrates improve cerebral circulation.
  • Blueberry. It has a lot of antioxidants, vitamins C and K, fiber. Due to the high content of gallic acid, blueberries protect the brain from damage.
  • Bone broth. This is the best dish to normalize the intestines. The collagen contained in it in large quantities reduces inflammation, and beneficial amino acids support immunity and improve memory.
  • Coconut oil. Suppresses inflammation, supports memory and fights harmful bacteria in the gut.
  • Turmeric. Improves brain oxygen consumption. You will think clearly and process information better.

8. Do important work or difficult task

As Mark Twain said, if you eat a live frog in the morning, nothing worse will happen to you during the day. Do the tricky thing while everyone else is just rubbing their eyes.

If you want to be successful, do something for it. Success, like wealth, cannot be earned - it must be created. Get creative and get to work.

    Men will definitely congratulate their beloved women on this day. This is not only a wife, but also a mother, sisters, daughters. All our beauties who will be the most beautiful, desired and loved on this festive day.

    Our women, we love you!

    March 8 is the holiday of all women. So on this day you need to congratulate everyone you know and want to congratulate on International Women's Day. Moreover, now this day has been made a day off - a day off from the word go out;, so you need to go out to people - go somewhere, for example, to the premiere in the theater, cinema. You can visit a cafe with your soulmate, in general, on this day you need to have fun, and not sit at home. It’s usually sunny and warm outside on this day, you can go to the park for a walk, or, if it’s snowy, go snow karting — I’m all for outdoor activities on this holiday :))!

  • What to do on March 8?

    Probably depends a lot on the weather and mood in the morning. If the weather is sunny and no one spoiled your mood, then you can put yourself in order and go for a walk in your native area.

    Show yourself, look at people, go to a cafe for lunch, drink a cup in a bar, sit on a bench in the park and watch what is happening.

    In the evening, call someone to visit and drink a bottle of something tasty and strong for us women.

    You can even go to a restaurant in the evening and dance, if you have someone ....

  • You know, but I think that the answer is very individual and depends on what to do on March 8 and on material well-being too. After all, we must not forget that it depends on this whether you go to a cafe or maybe a restaurant, or maybe just arrange a holiday at home. And so you can usually go for a walk and be sure to buy a bunch of spring flowers, this will not hit the budget of any family)

    On the holiday of March 8, the day can be organized as follows:

    • have a picnic in the country;
    • organize a trip to the cinema, theater, museum, exhibition;
    • go to a cafe, restaurant;
    • arrange a romantic evening at home by candlelight;
    • arrange a tour and go to another city;
    • go to a concert of some group;
    • jump with a parachute;
    • go karting;
    • play billiards, bowling, etc.
  • For men on March 8, the most important thing is not to forget to congratulate their lovely women. Such forgetfulness is fraught with dire consequences. And if the gifts are not purchased in advance, you should not spend March 8 looking for them. There is an exit! Just send original beautiful congratulations on March 8 to your mobile phone.

    It is best to spend this day surrounded by lovely ladies. You can go to visit, you can go to a restaurant, but you can also stay at home to celebrate. In this case, you can decide on assistants in the kitchen. And most importantly - do not forget to give gifts to your ladies.

    Men, of course, should not forget to congratulate on this day, March 8, all their relatives and beloved women: wife or bride, daughter, mother, sister, just acquaintances.

    And since March 8 is a women's holiday, of course, it implies that it is better for women to spend it as a day off. Relax at home, watch a movie, do your own appearance or go somewhere. Where to go this choice is individual for everyone. And so that you don’t have to stand all day at the stove, you can bake the cake in advance or buy it in the store, and the rest of the dinner can loving husband cook.

    On the eighth of March, they usually do the same as on any other day. You can celebrate this holiday, or you can not celebrate it, it depends on the attitude of you and your family to it, as well as to the signs in general. Personally, my family and I go to visit relatives, as circumstances force me. We make gifts, prepare the house for the holiday, spend the evening. If you are an adherent of this tradition, then you may well do the same. And so everyone decides for himself what to do. When I worked as a florist, for me it was not a holiday at all, so I couldn’t celebrate it. But close girls and women are still worth congratulating.

Good afternoon dear friends! There are only a few days left until the next holiday, the sun is shining brighter on the street, which means spring has come and brought with it good mood and positive impressions and emotions. On the eve of International Women's Day, I want to invite you to make postcards for March 8.

We will create them mainly from paper, and of course from what is always at hand, using improvised materials. Let's be original and do all the work with our own hands beautifully and with love. So that all those to whom you will give such a charm will be delighted with what they see.

Be sure to do crafts for this holiday, and you can take ideas from this one, I advise you to see it, who has not seen it yet. You can also use great option and give awesome and cute

It's no secret to anyone that in order to give or make some nice present to your beloved mom, you need to have some kind of superpowers. You can do the work using a sheet of cardboard and colored paper. The symbol of the eighth of March is the number 8, so draw it and stick decorations on it.

The easiest option for a preschooler or schoolchild is presented in front of you.

Want to be more extraordinary and do more serious work. Then take this idea into your mind. Use the kirigami or vytynanka technique. Decorate with quilling figurines.

At first glance, the work may seem rather complicated, but believe me, it is not. Moreover, you can cheat and do something like this, for example:

To make such beauty, you need to print the template initially, if you like such a blank, I can send it to you, or find it on the Internet yourself.

Then, using a special cutter or stationery knife cut out the desired patterns along the lines.

Connect the two parts together using glue, you get a stylish and voluminous postcard by March 8.

You can use this technique in a different way.

Using the butterfly and flower template, make the desired work, while the drawing should be in the middle of an A4 sheet, and then insert another sheet to one of the sides.

Write your wishes or congratulations. Looks just amazing and great.

By the way, this is what happened if you combine two postcards for two holidays. We made this boat with you.

Next option greeting card will be like this, let's make a basket of flowers, or rather a pot.

First of all, draw the blanks, this is done with an ordinary simple pencil.

You can take the idea from here, so as not to invent and think out yourself. For the little ones, make cardboard blanks so that they circle around them.

The pot itself will be made of wallpaper ribbons, you can even take fabric.

In general, it’s already a matter of your imagination and how old your wards are. Of course, for children 3-5 years old, the simplest version of the application from ordinary colored paper is suitable, and for older children and elementary school you can suggest using a fabric, such as felt, also foamiran.

Cut out all the details and prepare for work.

Decorate with ribbons and congratulations with wishes.

I advise you to give such a card to your mother or grandmother. And who will you give?

I also saw yesterday such an idea, why don’t we make a postcard with a surprise, in my opinion this is a great idea, you open it, and there is an up and a present.

We will need:

  • cardboard
  • toilet paper
  • paints

Stages of work:

1. Take a sheet of cardboard and fold it in half. Cut out an oval on one side.

2. Then open the sheet and draw a figure eight. And on the other half, draw the same oval, but just don’t cut it out, but stick pieces of toilet paper, paint on the head and paws, you get a turtle. You can draw any other animal. Next, depict grass with light movements in green watercolors or pencils, felt-tip pens.

3. Now take care of your appearance. To do this, cut out eight circles from colored blue paper, one circle is orange, three green leaves, three stems and one flower in the shape of a tulip.

4. After that, fold the circles in half and glue, as shown here. Do the same with the rest of the details. It turned out to be such a creative and unusual work. At the lesson of labor for grades 3-4, I am sure this view will become a novelty, children will like such a miracle.

Even from plasticine and colored pencils with the smallest you can make such magnificence.

If you fold colored paper like an accordion, you can make butterflies.

Or dream up some more, and complete such an application.

It does look cool! If you like it, share your thoughts and comment on this post.

Great paper and cardboard ideas

Have you ever thought about the fact that in addition to cardboard and paper, you can use all sorts of things, such as a twig, and a real one. Watch this master class and you will see what can come of it.

Stages of work:

1. First of all, you need to draw your brush print on a piece of paper, then glue it onto colored cardboard. The restriction is, do not stick your fingers. Next, place the branch and also carefully glue it with tape.

2. Then make a bunch of flowers.

3. Bend your fingers as if your hand is holding a bouquet. Glue flowers and leaves to the branch. Looks cool and irresistible. I like it, how about you?

The next option will also be based on the palm, only we will plant it in a pot. Prepare all the materials on the list.

We will need:

  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • pencil
  • office paper

Stages of work:

1. The base for the postcard will be a strip 20 cm long and 9 cm wide. Ask the children to circle their palm and cut it out. Next, draw another vase on colored paper and cut it out.

2. Prepare a bunch of blanks in advance, it is with them that you will decorate the future product.

3. Bend the strip in half, glue the vase and the handle. The hand will act as grass or greens.

4. Glue a flower on each finger.

5. That's all, you have achieved your goal.

Or here's another novelty idea, it looks wonderful, so you can arrange tulips in children's hands. Moreover, flowers can be made blooming.

You can also give a car with balloons.

Or a bouquet of wildflowers.

We give mothers and grandmothers cards with wishes for March 8

Have you ever taught poems for your native women and dedicated them to them? So this very moment has come, you can not only tell, but also present it beautifully and in an original way in the form of a small present.

We will need:

  • cardboard
  • colored paper
  • scissors

Stages of work:

1. Cut out flower patterns with the kids.

2. Then you have to make a vase, here you also need to take a model as a basis or draw it yourself. Do not forget to fold the sheet in half, and on one side only draw and cut.

3. On the other side, you can write a poem or stick a calendar. It depends on who it is intended for, because if it is a work colleague, then it is better for them to do it with a calendar, mom or aunt with wishes, grandmother with advice, etc.

4. Then finish the job by decorating the card with flowers.

5. Inside, you can also think of something, for example, compose a verse.

6. Quite unusual and original, and most importantly accessible to everyone.

Want to please with daisies, and the middle can be made from buttons.

Or make a souvenir out of hearts, fold each heart in half. And then glue one of the sides to the sheet.

Looks just superb.

Here is a tree also from this opera.

Using , you can easily do something like the following.

Here are the stages of this work, use it to your health.

Take this unusual stencil and make a butterfly.

Unusual postcard in the style of scrapbooking

As always, there are a lot of ideas on this topic, if you look at the pictures in Yandex or Google, you can see the following. You can take this as your basis.

It certainly looks amazing.

Or make the next creative masterpiece.

We will need:

  • cardboard
  • two-sided colored paper
  • scissors
  • decorative napkins

Stages of work:

1. From an ordinary sheet of cardboard, make such a base, you can make another shape, do it at your discretion.

2. Then fold the sample like this.

3. From colored paper, cut the blanks with weed. Flowers will be collected from them.

4. Remember when you were a child, this is how bookmarks were made). Take a pencil or you can do it without using anything, the main thing is to twist in a circle, wind the paper, and then fluff the fringe.

5. Such funny balls will turn out. Make leaves out of green paper.

Or you can make such an openwork product, reminiscent of vytynanki.

Take this stencil as a basis.

Beautiful volume version of 3 d postcards

I suggest you, together with the blogger, make such a voluminous charm, it will look like it is 3 D.

You can make such a card quite tender and attractive using the trimming technique. It is quite simple, I showed you in more detail using the example of valentines. Remember, if not, then go ahead and watch.

We will need:

  • stripes of colored paper
  • pink, white and blue squares
  • pencil
  • pen stem
  • scissors

Stages of work:

1. Fold a sheet of white paper in half.

2. Glue rectangular red paper on one half. After the leaves and stem.

3. Place the square on the rod from the handle and glue it in this order.

4. Delicate and beautiful at the same time.

This is the option I really liked.

You can even make it with pasta.

Or using felt or foamiran.

Using colored paper, as well as a suitable background, you can make something that resembles a 3D picture.

In stages, it looks something like this, first make chamomile petals.

Apply the desired background to one half of the base.

And then make out according to your style and design.

Take a closer look at this view, we also learned how to do it in the last article.

You can use satin ribbons, it looks awesome easy and pretty.

Master classes for kindergarten and elementary school

If you are still looking for templates for elementary school to make postcards, then first of all you can download them from any Internet resource, but it is better to come up with your own unique and inimitable model. After all, this does not require much imagination. Look, take sheets of cardboard.

Stages of work:

1. And from one sheet, make a vase shape.

2. Cut thin strips of colored paper with scissors.

3. Plus more mugs, that's what happens.

4. Glue each blank, I mean, to glue the strip so that you get a petal.

5. Then connect these petals with a paper circle. It will turn out a real flower, similar to a chamomile.

6. Make a bunch of them, then get creative.

7. Decorate cards with them and sign your congratulations with reverse side.

In the last article, I promised you to show one work, or rather her step by step instructions which you can use for kindergarten or schools. How do you like such a cute and yellow mimosa branch?

1. Take a sheet of white paper for the base. Make a square out of it, you can fold it in half, depending on how you intended.

2. colored paper cut into thin strips.

3. Then make a decoration on each strip in the form of grass. And then twist each in a spiral, that is, in a circle. Little mimosas will come out.

4. Glue them to the sheet.

5. Make twigs from green paper.

6. Twist lightly as shown here.

7. Decorate something like this so that it looks wonderfully gentle and neat.

8. In order to make a bow, fold a strip of red color into an accordion.

9. And then crumple it so that it reminds you of a bow.

10. Glue on the bouquet for completeness. Pretty cool and looks great product.

You can also use buttons to decorate, but in principle, anything.

Look, one of the students brought such interesting and unusual lilies of the valley.

You can also make callas from cotton pads or napkins.

Or this option is quite nice and easy.

I also like this idea, but it is suitable for high school students to congratulate their teachers and girls on this international day.

At art lessons, you can use ready-made blanks that are printed on a printer, and then watercolors are taken and the background is painted over.

Choose any as a basis and create!

I took all the stories from the free access of the Internet.

You can search and find the right one for you.

Or use these, they are all pretty and pretty simple.

So choose.

Please your loved ones and relatives.

Also, I came across such a picture using gouache.

An interesting topic in my opinion is the iris folding technique, have you ever heard of this?

You will need to print a sample first.

Then cut along the contour of the tulip.

And then the fun begins. Apply on the back different color paper along the desired contours of the template. You can stick it with tape.

The result will amaze you with its splendor. Isn't it beauty?

But you can put a rose like that.

This is the kind of work you can offer school students to do using plasticine.

Or you can even use disposable tableware such as cups.

Come up with an image, and then create your masterpiece, which will be folded in half, and there are wishes inside.

Or something nicer).

On this I have all the respected friends. Write your comments and reviews, I will look forward to it. I wish you creative success and victories. Bye everyone!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

A beautiful bouquet that will never wither.

What do you need

  • yarn of white, beige and pink shades;
  • scissors;
  • several thin branches;
  • white spray paint;
  • glue gun;
  • green felt;
  • white lace trim;
  • pink ribbon;
  • twine.

How to do

Wrap three fingers with yarn of the same color 50-75 times. Can you make pom poms? different sizes if wrapped around two or four fingers. The more you use, the bigger the flowers will be. After cutting the pom-pom thread from the skein of yarn, cut another thread 20 cm long.

Pull this thread between your fingers and tie a knot, securing the pompom as shown in the photo.

Carefully remove the pom-pom from your fingers and tie it tightly again. Cut the resulting loops in half.

Fluff up the pom-pom and trim any loose threads to create a perfect ball. Make a few more pom poms in the same way.

Paint the branches white and leave to dry. Then glue pom poms to them.

Cut out a double piece of felt for each flower. Glue the leaves to the stems.

Cut strips of braid, ribbons and twine to the same length and tie a bow on the bouquet.

An exquisite dessert option for wonderful sweet lovers. Do not forget to pack the truffles in a beautiful box.

What do you need

  • 220 g white chocolate;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 3 tablespoons of whipping cream;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • 60 g of powdered sugar.

How to do

Grind 170 g of chocolate, add butter, cream, salt and vanillin. Place in the microwave for 1-2 minutes, stirring the mixture every 30 seconds. Remove the mass from the microwave and mix again until smooth. Warm it up a little more if necessary.

Cover the bowl with foil and refrigerate for a couple of hours until the chocolate mixture is firm.

Then use a teaspoon to shape the mixture into small balls. Roll them in the powder and with your hands give them an even shape. Place the truffles on a parchment-lined platter and refrigerate for at least 2 more hours.

Grind the remaining chocolate, melt it in and mix until smooth. Using a fork or skewer, dip the chilled truffles into the chocolate icing. Before the icing has set, you can sprinkle the truffles with coconut flakes, chopped nuts, or confectionery sprinkles.

Lay the candies on parchment paper and refrigerate for 10-15 minutes.

Tea is a rather banal gift, but tea in homemade bags with your favorite photos will be remembered for a long time.

What do you need

  • white paper coffee filters;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • delicious small-leaf tea;
  • photo paper or thin cardboard;
  • thick white thread or thin rope;
  • needle;
  • stapler.

How to do

Cut out two small identical rectangles from coffee filters. On the sewing machine sew them together on three sides, stepping back a few millimeters from the edges.

Fill the resulting bags with tea, bend the corners and sew the top on a typewriter. If you decide to make round bags, then leave a small hole in them for tea, and then just sew it up without bending anything. Make a few more bags in the same way.

Select your favorite photos, reduce or crop them so that they are the same size. Print on photo paper or cardboard, cut and poke holes in them with a needle. Cut a few threads 10-15 cm long and thread them through the holes in the photo.

If your tea bags are rectangular, then attach the threads with a stapler by bending the top edge of the bag. And if round, then sew them to them. It remains only to choose a beautiful package for your gift.

5. Flower vase

You can put artificial or paper flowers in it, or insert a water bottle for real flowers.

What do you need

  • 4 spools of tape;
  • glue;
  • several sheets of double-sided paper in different colors;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • beads;
  • several sheets of A4 double-sided green paper;
  • a skein of twine;
  • glue gun;
  • some thick white cardboard.

How to do

Lubricate the edges of the bobbins with glue and glue them tightly to each other. Cut sheets of paper into squares 6 × 6 cm in size. Flowers will be made from them, 10-13 such squares will be enough for a vase. Fold them diagonally in half, then again, draw a petal on the fold and cut it out. Using scissors, slightly twist the edges of the petals. Press the pencil on the middle of the flower and glue the bead there.

Then make leaves out of green paper. To be sure, watch the video. It shows in detail how to do it.

Wrap the twine around the bobbin blank, gluing the ends with a glue gun. Circle the bottom of the workpiece on white cardboard, cut and glue the circle to the bottom. Then glue flowers and leaves to the vase.

Such a gift will require a minimum of funds and effort, but it looks very impressive.

What do you need

  • 60 g flour;
  • 60 g of salt;
  • 3-5 tablespoons of water;
  • stamps (you can use boxes, frames and other carved items instead);
  • silver paint;
  • black water-soluble paint;
  • some water;
  • tassel;
  • paper towel;
  • holders for suspension;
  • black ribbons.

How to do

Mix flour and salt. Add water and knead the dough. It is better to pour water not immediately, but gradually to achieve the desired consistency. The dough should be plastic and not stick to your hands.

Roll it into a layer 5-7 mm thick and cut out the pendants. You can make pendants in the form of hearts, squares, circles, droplets, flowers and much more. The rest of the dough can be wrapped in cling film or put in a container with a lid and left in the refrigerator for several days.

Using stamps, make a pattern on the pendants. Make a small hole in the top for the tape. Put the blanks on a baking sheet and bake at a temperature of 100 ° C for 1-1.5 hours. The dough should completely harden.

Cool the pendants and paint them silver. You can use regular or spray paint. After the pendants dry, dilute the black paint with water and paint the patterns on the jewelry with it. Then wipe off the paint with a damp paper towel. This will give the pendants a rare look.

Insert holders into the holes, and ribbons in them.

Two stylish options for real ones.

What do you need

  • a piece of cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • some felt in contrasting colors;
  • scissors;
  • hammer;
  • small carnation;
  • 2 connecting rings in gold color;
  • pliers;
  • 2 small gold chains;
  • 2 hooks-hooks of gold color;
  • beads - optional;
  • line - optional.

How to do

On cardboard, draw a template for earrings in the form of a feather. Use it to cut out two pieces of felt of different colors. Connect them to each other, and drive a nail on top to make holes for the hooks.

Bend the rings with pliers and insert into the holes. Attach chains and hooks to them. Beads can be attached to the end of the chain with a fishing line.

What do you need

  • some felt in a neutral color;
  • scissors;
  • rhinestones;
  • glue gun;
  • 2 connecting rings;
  • 2 studs.

How to do

Cut out two identical ovals from felt. Put a pattern of rhinestones on them and glue them to the felt.

Make small holes on top of the earrings and insert the connecting rings into them. Attach studs to the rings. If you could not find suitable earwires, then glue beautiful rhinestones to ordinary ones.

If you cannot find exactly the same materials for these beautiful accessories, then be inspired by master classes, use your imagination and transform the combs in your own way.

What do you need

  • scissors;
  • a ribbon of golden leaves (look in textile stores);
  • plastic or metal comb for;
  • fishing line;
  • needle;
  • black, transparent and gold beads;
  • glue gun.

How to do

Cut two ribbons along the length of the comb. Thread the line into the needle and tie the ribbon tightly to the comb, threading it through the teeth. Tie a second ribbon on top so that the leaves look in the opposite direction.

Then decorate the comb with beads by gluing them or attaching them with fishing line.

What do you need

  • scissors;
  • some black felt;
  • plastic or metal hair comb;
  • multi-colored stones, beads, rhinestones;
  • glue gun;
  • black thread;
  • needle.

How to do

Cut out a free-form shape from the felt so that it is slightly longer than the comb. Beautifully lay out the stones on it and glue them with a glue gun. When the glue dries, cut off the protruding parts of the felt.

Sew the felt firmly to the comb, passing the thread through the teeth. For reliability, fasten the parts with glue.