
Which means I'm thinking from an ex-girlfriend. He proposed to the girl to meet, she said that she would think. Phrase girl "As you wish"

Pathology of the uterus

Perhaps, in a semi-joking expression, that all men are from Mars, and all women are from Venus, there is some truth, because in the life of every man there was at least one case when he did not understand what the fair sex wants to tell him. And it seems that the woman speaks Russian, and she builds phrases correctly, and all her words are individually understandable to a man, but what she wants to say, what meaning she puts into her words is not clear. And if this woman was an outsider, this is not so bad, but if a guy misunderstands his girlfriend, he can seriously quarrel with her.

Of course, all girls are different, and they behave differently in communication and in relationships, but there are some phrases that, under certain conditions, every woman is likely to say. Knowing such popular phrases of girls and their interpretation, you will be able to better understand the fair sex, and you will also know what the girl wants to hear when pronouncing this or that phrase. Consider the most common and popular phrases of girls and their interpretation, as well as determine what should and should not be said in response to these expressions.

The girl's phrase "Oh everything"

The phrase "Oh everything!" became popular relatively recently precisely thanks to the worldwide network - both girls and guys began to use this expression when they need to quickly end an annoying argument or chat. Very quickly, the phrase "Oh, everything" began to be used not only on the Internet, but also in real communication, and especially often this expression can be heard from a girl during a dispute or conversation on a topic that is not interesting for her.

The meaning of the phrase. Having heard from your beloved, girlfriend or casual interlocutor "Oh, everything", know that this phrase, depending on the context of the situation, can mean the following:

  • "I'm tired of arguing with you on this topic"
  • "Each of us will still have his own opinion"
  • "How long can you talk about it?"
  • "I'm not interested in hearing your story/opinion about it."

Obviously, none of the meanings of the girl's phrase "Oh, everything" can be called positive, therefore, having heard this expression, you need to give the correct answer to it, and not "add fuel to the fire" and provoke the development of the conflict.

Correct answer. So that the girl is not offended, it is best to answer her “Oh, everything” like this:

  • "Ok, let's not argue over trifles. Let's talk about something more interesting"
  • "Each of us is right in his own way. Let's leave this topic, tell us better how your day went / what are your plans for tomorrow, etc."
  • "Yes, it's all unimportant. But today I saw / learned / came up with ..."

Incorrect answer. If your girlfriend or friend tells you "Oh, that's it," don't answer the following to her (unless, of course, you want to quarrel with her):

  • "What, the arguments are over?"
  • "All you girls say 'oh all' when you have nothing to say to the point"
  • "No, not all! Listen further..."

Phrase girl "As you wish"

You know the situation when you ask something to a girl, you are interested in her opinion, and she answers with a short phrase "Whatever you want"? If yes, then you are also familiar with the bewilderment caused by this answer, because it is not at all clear whether the girl really offers you to find a solution yourself or whether she was offended by something.

The meaning of the phrase. The girl's phrase "As you wish" can have different interpretations, and you need to pay attention to the situation and the reason for which this phrase was said. Depending on the situation, the expression "As you wish" can mean:

  • "I don't care, decide for yourself"
  • "I have now and I don't want to talk about anything"
  • "I'm not quite sure I want this, but let's try"
  • "I have already expressed my opinion on this issue 100 times before, but if you still haven't heard me, I don't see the point in repeating 101 times, so do what you want yourself"

Correct answer. Any relationship, and especially love, should be built on trust and mutual understanding, so it is better to make important decisions together, taking into account the opinions and wishes of both. Therefore, if a girl says "As you wish", it is better to still try to get her opinion by answering her the following:

  • "I want to know what you think about this"
  • "If you're not in the mood to discuss this matter now, let's talk about it later."

Incorrect answer. In order not to get quarrels from scratch, in response to "As you wish", it is better not to say:

  • "I see you don't care about me"
  • "Yes, I, in fact, was going to do as I myself want"
  • "Then I don't care either"

The phrase of the girl "I will not be offended"

Most likely, you will hear the phrase "I will not be offended" from a girl when you tell her that you are going to do something that she does not like (do not go with her to visit her friends or relatives, cancel a date to meet friend, you won’t be able to meet her from work, etc.). Hearing this phrase, the guys are trying to understand if the girl is really not offended, or is she already offended?

The meaning of the phrase. Depending on the situation, the occasion and from, the phrase "I will not be offended" can be interpreted as follows:

  • "I understand everything and really will not be offended"
  • "I'm a little offended, but I won't show you this because I understand that under the circumstances you can't do otherwise."
  • "I was offended, but I see no reason to tell you about it, because you will do it your own way anyway"

Correct answer. So that the girl is not really offended, especially if, due to unforeseen circumstances, you had to cancel a date with her or postpone some common affairs, it is better to answer her phrase "I will not be offended" like this:

  • "I'm sorry that things turned out this way. I'm glad that you understand everything, you are my best"

Incorrect answer. Even if the girl is really not offended, she will get angry when she hears the following words in response to her "I will not be offended":

  • "So that's great"
  • "Yeah, I don't really care"
  • "Be offended, don't be offended, I won't change my mind"

The girl's phrase "I'll think about it"

If the question, which implies the answer "Yes" or "No", the girl answers "I'll think about it", this is not very pleasant, because you wanted certainty now. Contrary to popular belief, a woman's "I will think" does not always mean "No", and in order to better understand a girl, it is often enough at the moment when she promised to think. For example, if a girl looks you straight in the eye, does not "close" from you with crossed arms or foreign objects (purse, papers, etc.), and her posture is quite relaxed, most likely, a little later she will give you the answer to which You count.

The meaning of the phrase. When saying "I'll think about it", a girl may mean the following:

  • "I want what you want, but I'll play a little game to make you nervous"
  • "I want what you want, but I'm a little afraid, so I need time to convince myself"
  • "This is very unexpected and I need time to make a decision"
  • "I don't want the same thing as you, but I also don't want to upset you with a direct rejection"
  • “I don’t want the same thing as you, but I won’t upset you - what if in the future I change my mind or I need something else from you”

Correct answer. To persuade a girl to make the decision you need, you can say something like:

  • "Yes, I understand that such an important decision is difficult to make right away, but I am sure that you are a smart girl, so you will think everything over and make a positive decision"

Incorrect answer. Do you want the girl's phrase "I'll think about it" to mean exactly "No"? Then answer this phrase like this:

  • "What, in the eyes to say" No "is scary?"
  • "Smart people don't have to think long to make a decision"
  • "Are you trying to culturally send me off? It won't work, I know your intentions very well"
  • "Eh, all my ex-girlfriends told me what they would think..."

The girl's phrase "What are you thinking about?"

A familiar situation: You are having a great time on a date, watching a movie together or lying in bed and suddenly your girlfriend looks at you and asks "What are you thinking about?". After this phrase, you will definitely think about what she wants to hear and whether you should tell her that at this very moment you were thinking about your work or say something else.

The meaning of the phrase. When asking "What are you thinking about?", most often a girl means one of two things:

  • "You look like you are completely immersed in yourself and absolutely do not notice me. So explain to me what is more important to you at the moment than me?"
  • "I doubt that you like me and you feel good with me. I'm afraid that right now you are thinking how to leave me. Dispel my fears and convince me otherwise!"

Correct answer. When asking this question, the girl, first of all, wants to make sure that you are interested in her and that you do not regret that you are spending time with her now, so it’s best not to say the girl “What are you thinking about?” answer something like this:

  • "About the fact that I feel very good with you now"

Incorrect answer. The girl wants you to think about her, and not about something extraneous, while spending time with her. Therefore, to her question "What are you thinking about?" it's better not to answer:

  • "About what an incompetent fool my boss is"
  • "About which bar to go to tomorrow with friends."

He proposed to the girl to meet. She said she "needed another day to think." and got the best answer

Answer from Kosichkin[guru]
Chooses...between you and someone else...

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Offered a girl to meet. She said she "needed another day to think."

Answer from Limit[guru]

Answer from Achilles[active]

Answer from Џ_One_Such_(Lenchik)[guru]

Answer from Microbe![guru]

Answer from Sm...[guru]

Answer from Alexey Rogozhin[guru]
call say joking

Answer from Pantera[expert]

Answer from Tanya[newbie]

Answer from Catherine[guru]

Answer from `extraord1nary`[active]

Answer from Ludmila Safronova[guru]
Does not love

Answer from Oksana Tereshkina[guru]
wait a day and you'll know

Answer from Wowan_zh[guru]

- Why?

Answer from User deleted[active]

Answer from Honey ***[newbie]

Answer from ______ [guru]
Just wait, don't run ahead of the train!

Answer from Achilles[active]
Do not take on what is doomed to failure...

Answer from Џ_One_Such_(Lenchik)[guru]
or maybe NO, only the answer YES will follow, which will mean nothing

Answer from Microbe![guru]
it seems to me that nothing will come of it, if a girl likes you, she should immediately say yes ... or she likes you, but she fills her own worth ... do not call her yourself, let her be the first to call, then you will win this round 🙂

Answer from Sm...[guru]
she called all her fans and weighed the odds

Answer from Alexey Rogozhin[guru]
call say joking

Answer from Pantera[expert]
a ti chto jdal, chto ona srazu u tebja na shee povisnet? nujno je ej sdelat vid chto ona DUMAET !

Answer from Tanya[newbie]
she wants you to be nervous 🙂

Answer from Catherine[guru]
I'm not ready for this turn of events...
or he thinks how to tactfully refuse you, but so that you remain in reserve

Answer from `extraord1nary`[active]
Well, either you are not very nice to her and she went home to think about how to refuse you, or she thinks carefully before each of her actions.

Answer from Ludmila Safronova[guru]
Does not love

Answer from Oksana Tereshkina[guru]
wait a day and you'll know

Answer from Wowan_zh[guru]
It's good that it's only a day, and not like in a joke:
- Did Christina agree to your proposal?
- Yes, just asked to wait a bit.
- Why?
- She told me: "You will be the last one I will marry."

Answer from User deleted[active]
it can mean yes or no. if so, then he simply doesn’t want to immediately agree, but no, then he doesn’t want to immediately upset, although I wouldn’t do that. In general, if a friend said yes, then yes, because he probably knows her better than those who are now asking ..

Answer from Honey ***[newbie]
lucky! probably a good girl. Didn't jump right on the neck.

Hello. I met a girl six months ago. We have a lot of common interests and we always had a good time together. There was room for misunderstanding. But I have always been open to any questions. But the girl is very closed in herself. He took a lot out of her. But she seemed to be talking normally. She always said that she loves me, that she misses me, there was always time for correspondence and conversations. They lived together almost constantly. But due to certain circumstances, she could not live with me permanently. Since she has children and she cannot introduce us, too, due to certain circumstances. But at the same time, it was never difficult for her to devote time to me by correspondence or a call. But lately, she stopped coming out to me and began to talk to me very coldly. Justifying that he can not leave the children. When I asked her to get out for an hour, she couldn't do it either. When I put the question point-blank why. What's stopping you from getting out at least for an hour to see each other? She says that she cannot leave the children. At the same time, there were tougher circumstances before, but she found the time. She lived right next to me. Before that, she raised the issue of the future together, but I could not give a normal answer because I did not know how relationships could be formed from the circumstances. Since in addition there were adjustments with work and housing. I answered wait and see. She was very upset and even cried. Six months later. With housing and work, everything returned to normal. And it became possible to build normal relationships. But they were, in principle, and she was chosen whenever possible and was chosen almost every day. But when she began to spend with the children almost every day and I felt her coldness. I began to feel that I was losing her and asked why so? She said I put pressure on her. But after a little pressure. She says with tears that what I wanted when she raised this topic, then I said that circumstances interfere. What is our status, who are we to each other? This is where I landed. How can you ask such a question after I told her almost every day that I love her. I also heard from her. I ask her so do you want a serious relationship? She says she wanted to then, she doesn't know now. And what should she think? I asked how much she talks for a couple of days. The second day has gone. And I don't want to miss my chance to get things right and change. I wrote to her that everything can be changed. She texts me every other time and doesn't pick up the phone. I spoke with one of her close friends, she says that she is now really thinking about sitting at home with her children looking for a job. She tells her friend what to think. A friend asked what you wanted from him in such circumstances? She is silent. She now has problems with housing and does not live at home. I was always open to her and did not touch her if I did not want to. But for some reason she stopped coming to me. A friend advised me to write what I really have to offer and really give her a couple of days. That's exactly what I did. Spoke to her today. He asked how are you? He says he's okay with kids. I inquired about her work and says tomorrow for an interview. He asked her how she was feeling, she didn't say much. He asked how much more time you need, he says I don’t know. My head is bursting with thoughts or she will want to distance herself from me and quit. Or she will be in this state for months and then she will not need anything. She is a very peculiar person and I just don’t know what she can come to and how I can somehow influence it. Despite the fact that she does not pick up the phone and does not want to see each other. moreover, contradictions in her words are beginning to be noticed; she used to say one thing, and now I remember every quote from her. And she can't always answer. Please advise me how to proceed. And what to expect. As you can see her torment and torment. I don't want to lose her.

Addition of the author from 03/20/18 18:35:56
Everything would be nothing. I am a sensitive and understanding person. and at the same time I will not let you wipe your feet on me. Part of the problem is that it was so abrupt. and under such circumstances. From inattention to how I exacerbated the problem. You could discuss it as you like, I never closed before her. But this is a direct blow to the heart. I understand that such a person can. But it hurts me a lot. Because I love her.