
Crocodile. Craft with bubble wrap for kids. Masterpieces from packaging film from Bradley Hart What can be made from bubble wrap

Pathology of the uterus

Since it is three-layer, it is used for a variety of purposes and for a very wide range of goods and cargo. In order for the bubble wrap to last as long as possible, it is necessary to pay attention to the conditions for its use - it depends on this how long the air bubble wrap will last. For example, if you want to buy an inexpensive bubble wrap for wrapping light products of a small size and without sharp edges. At the same time, you are going to transport them in dry and warm weather in a car with a closed body (in a word, standard transportation conditions), then you can easily use a two-layer type air bubble film with any size of bubbles and have no doubt that it will not will only cope with all possible difficulties in the process of transportation, but will also be able to serve for a long time. However, if the runway is used to pack goods and cargo in more aggressive environmental conditions or with a special temperature regime for transportation (refrigerators and freezers, for example), then, as a rule, the maximum life of the air bubble film is significantly reduced.

It should also be borne in mind that, in addition to the standard types of two-layer and three-layer air bubble film, there are various bubble films with additives that you can easily buy in stationary and online stores in Kharkov, Kiev and other cities of Ukraine. These types of air bubble wrap can be both cheap and very expensive compared to standard types of EFP. , for example, can vary by more than 100 percent between several types of bubble wrap. However, the quality of such a film will be much higher than that of standard models. good example is an air bubble film used to cover greenhouses, nurseries and swimming pools. Standard types of such bubble wraps serve on average from 1 to 3 years, but air bubble films with additives of various metals can last, according to the manufacturers of these types of bubble wrap, up to 50 years or more. But, as practice shows, on average, with intensive use, their service life is from 5 to 10 years, however, such figures are quite good.

Rules for the use of air bubble film (two-layer and three-layer films)

And finally, so that the picture you have is as complete and understandable as possible, let's talk about the basic rules and norms for using bubble wrap. Let's make a reservation right away that these standards apply to absolutely all types of air bubble film - and to a two-layer bubble film, which is offered wholesale and retail, and to an air bubble film for packaging household appliances, electronics and electrical appliances, and to an air bubble film for swimming pools and for everyone else. It is especially important to consider them if you want to buy high-quality bubble wrap for packaging.

So, for maximum effective use packaging air bubble film and ensuring the complete safety and integrity of the goods or cargo during transportation and storage, you must comply with the following rules.

Step 1 . First of all, you should make sure that the integrity of the bubbles is not broken. You must carefully inspect the entire sheet of air-bubble film, and if bursting bubbles are found, this section of the film is best removed. Or you can save it for last if you wrap the item in several layers.

Step 2. Air bubble wrap is a very strong yet flexible packaging material. These are rolls of various sizes. Therefore, when packing any item in an air bubble film required size always cut off from the main runway roll with a knife or scissors. At this point, you should be extremely careful not to damage the bubbles in any way. This fact should also be taken into account when buying a bubble wrap - be sure to make sure that the bubbles along the edges of the film are intact and not burst.

Step 3 When packing goods or cargo in an air bubble film, the bubble layer must be placed so that it is in contact with the cargo around the entire perimeter. This is how the most complete protection against static and mechanical damage is achieved.

Step 4 Packing fragile and breakable items in bubble wrap, and if you want to create additional protection cargo, it is recommended to wrap the cargo in an air-bubble film in several layers. This applies to both two-layer models and. In addition, for items with sensitive types of coating, such as LCD computer monitors, etc., it is worth cutting out a separate gasket from the air bubble film. First, put it on the monitor screen with the bubble layer down, and then pack it in several layers of bubble wrap. In general, this is not mandatory, but for additional reinsurance, nevertheless, it is recommended.

Step 5 For ideal protection of cargo during transportation and storage from any static and mechanical damage, from unauthorized opening, to maintain confidentiality, it is recommended to use it together with other packaging materials. So, for example, in order to safely transport fragile goods, it is recommended not only to wrap them in bubble wrap, but also pack them in. What does "quality" mean? These are boxes that will not lose their shape under possible loads during transportation. For example, when a car wheel gets into a hole on the road, etc. It is also recommended to use rolled corrugated cardboard, stretch film, as well as sheet corrugated cardboard or pallets, having previously covered the floor of the vehicle or the corresponding place in the warehouse with them.

Here, in general, and all the basic rules that should be followed for the most efficient use of bubble wrap. And at the end of the article, we once again want to remind you that bubble wrap, like any other type of packaging material, should be purchased only from reliable suppliers who are ready to provide guarantees for the quality of the product offered. So, in the Express Packing online store you can not only buy bubble wrap wholesale and retail in rolls of any winding length at the lowest prices in Kharkov and Kiev, but also get really high-quality packaging that will serve you as efficiently as possible and long.

Bubble wrap packaging material has confidently entered our lives due to its features - air bubbles in the inner layer. This type of packaging is the best for protecting products from shock, moisture, pollution, cold. In the article we will tell you what air bubble wrap is, its properties, varieties, features of production and application.

What is air bubble film, its characteristics

Air bubble film (VPP) is a polymeric material in which smooth polyethylene and a bubble layer are combined. It is also commonly called "pimple", "bubble", "bubble film".

Small spheres filled with air work in compression. Upon impact, the energy of destruction is used to compress the bubble, and not to damage the packaged item. Bubble wrap has heat-saving properties, since air is a good heat insulator.

GOST for air bubble film has not been developed, so the material is manufactured in accordance with TU 2245-001-96117480-08. Characteristics of the raw material from which it is made - polyethylene high pressure(LDPE) must comply with the requirements of GOST 16337-77.

The main characteristics of the air bubble film:

  • Number of layers. The industry produces 2- and 3-layer air-bubble film. In a two-layer one layer of smooth polyethylene and one - corrugated with bubbles. In a three-layer film, the bubbles are the middle of the "sandwich", sealed between two layers of a smooth polymer material.
  • Roll sizes. Standard width of runway rolls: for packing furniture - 1.0; 1.2 and 1.6 meters; for packaging equipment - 0.8 meters; for packing dishes - 0.3 and 0.4 meters. Roll footage: 25, 50 and 100 meters.
  • Film Density:

Two-layer: from 45 to 300 g/m2;

Three-layer: from 90 to 260 g/m2;

Covering (for greenhouses) - 83-120 g / m2.

The higher the density, the greater the load the packaging bubble film can bear. Three- and two-layer bubble wrap with a density of 200-250 g/m2 is used to transport computers and radio equipment, thin antistatic (65-90 g/m2) is used for packaging electronic components, a three-layer runway with the addition of antifog (250 g/m2) is covered swimming pools and greenhouses.

You can check this parameter without special equipment. If the density is less than 50 g / m2, then the bubbles are easy to crush with your fingers and no cotton will be heard. At a density of 50-120 g/m2, the sound of a bursting bubble is clearly audible. Packaging with a density of more than 120 g / m2 is difficult to crush with your fingers, and if this parameter is higher than 180 g / m2, then it is completely impossible.

The thickness of one layer of pimply film varies from 45 to 150 microns.

  • Air bubble height and diameter. The cushioning properties of the bubble wrap depend on these dimensions. The higher the sphere, the better material protects the cargo from mechanical damage. A film with a bubble diameter of 6,10,30 mm and a height of 3-10 mm is produced. The most common type of runway is two-layer, with a bubble height of 4 mm and a diameter of 10 mm.
  • Temperature range of application. Air bubble film can be used in the temperature range from -60 0 С to +80 0 С.
  • Film marking is written as follows:

For example, VP 3-4-75 means:

VP - air-bubble;

3 - three-layer;

4 - bubble diameter, mm;

75 - density, g / m2 (1 meter weighs 75 grams).

Sometimes, at the end of the marking, the footage of the roll is added (25,50,100 m).

Another example of bubble wrap labeling:

Air bubble film modifications

In addition to the usual bubble wrap, there are several modifications of the runway:

  • Penobabal is a combination of WFP and polyethylene foam. The material is used for the transportation of expensive goods. This protective packaging is made of 2- or 3-layer bubble film with polyethylene foam backing, 1-4 mm thick. Foam bubble has excellent shock-absorbing and heat-insulating properties, does not let water and dust through, is very durable - it can be used several times.
  • Craftbubble is a combination of runway and paper. Conventional bubble wrap stretches in the longitudinal direction, which is not always desirable. After it is strengthened with kraft paper, it does not deform even under the influence of a heavy load. It is used for transportation of antique furniture, mirrors, office equipment. The paper layer absorbs moisture well, preventing the cargo from dampening, so it is better to use Kraftbubble in autumn and spring, when air humidity is high.
  • Alububble is a pimply film coated on one or both sides with aluminum foil or polypropylene metallized film. The low coefficient of thermal conductivity (0.007 - 0.011 W / (m * deg) and the good reflectivity of the aluminum bubble make it possible to use this durable (more than 50 years) material for thermal insulation of load-bearing walls, roofs, balconies.

Air bubble film production

The film is made from high-density polyethylene, which is supplied to the production in the form of translucent white granules. Even before melting, special additives can be added to the granules to prevent the accumulation static electricity in the finished film.

The mixture is fed into the extruder hopper, where it is heated to 280 0 C. The straightened homogeneous mass is poured out of the extruder in two thin streams. The first stream enters the forming drum. The drum has a perforated surface, the diameter of the holes corresponds to the diameter of the bubble. A vacuum is maintained inside the drum, so the mass is drawn in to a certain depth (bubble height) and solidifies. The second molten flow covers the stamped bubble layer and seals it, leaving air inside the bubbles.

This is how a two-layer runway is made. In the manufacture of a three-layer air bubble film, a third stream of molten polyethylene is passed over the bubbles. When hardening, such a “sandwich” forms a sealed and durable packaging material.

Advantages of air bubble film

Bubble wrap has many advantages, the main ones are:

  • Protects the packaged cargo from all environmental factors - dust, dirt, water, damage;
  • Protects the product from vibration, mechanical shock, friction, damage when falling due to good shock absorption;
  • Retains heat. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the film of 0.06 W/(m*K) approaches the thermal conductivity of mineral wool - one of the most popular heaters. This makes the runway an indispensable packaging material for the transport of goods that are harmful to the temperature difference.
  • Break resistant. Tensile strength of packaging film with bubbles - 70-90 N/m. For comparison, for stretch, one of the main competitors of the runway, this parameter lies within 50 N/m.


Air bubble wrap has many applications:

  • Bubble material found the greatest application in packaging. In this film, you can safely transport (at any distance) valuable and fragile things - mirrors, glass, equipment, antiques. Since the runway is made of food-grade polyethylene and has a hygiene certificate, it is used to transport food. Roll material is used for packing large loads (the edges are fastened with adhesive tape), bubble wrap bags are used as containers for phones, accessories, car parts, and plumbing.

Interesting. A new packaging solution has appeared - an envelope with an air bubble film from the inside. They are bought when you need to send an electronic circuit or a ceiling lamp from a lamp, a souvenir or a DVD. For the outer layer, moisture-proof kraft paper is used, for the inner layer, two-layer pimply polyethylene is used. There are 11 standard sizes of "bubble" envelopes - from 100x160 mm to 350x470 mm.

  • Film for pools (solar). A two-layer air-bubble film spreads directly on the surface of the water. Thanks to the layer with air bubbles, the material perfectly adheres to the water, protects the pool from pollution, and prevents evaporation. The lower, smooth layer of polyethylene is made in color. The standard thickness of the runway for pools is 500 microns, the thickness of the "package" is determined by the height of the bubble.
  • Greenhouse film. This covering material, due to the bubble layer, is an excellent heat insulator. Due to the low weight of the runway, it does not need a serious frame. It is stronger than other polymer films - even if you do not remove it for the winter, the runway can serve on vertical surfaces for at least 3 years. At the manufacturing stage, light stabilizers, antifog, luminous additive are introduced into the polyethylene granulate. They slow down the destruction of polyethylene, prevent it from fogging from the inside, and convert UV radiation into a blue and red spectrum useful for plants.
  • In construction, the runway is used as a steam, hydro and thermal insulation of walls, engineering systems, roofs, floors.

The production rate of bubble wrap is growing every year by 15-20%. The main consumers are furniture manufacturers. They account for almost half of the volume. 31% are taken by companies producing electrical engineering and electronics, 17% - by "dishes" and "glass makers". The demand for these packaging products is huge. In Russia, 25 large enterprises are engaged in the production of multilayer films, including air bubble films, but imports still account for a large share of consumption.

bubble prints

This is the most versatile creative option with this kind of film, because our bubbles give a very interesting pattern when used correctly. And it will be very interesting for children who, with the help of a film, will also be able to better understand the scheme for creating a regular drawing. This method is suitable even for kindergarten children: they will be able to make interesting drawings, great creative and unusual cards, book covers and bookmarks, scrapbooking and collage inner sheets, and at the same time get acquainted with colors and the concept of abstraction.

Protect the table from a flurry of activity with paints, duct tape and paper (or alternatively newspapers) by covering the piece of furniture. Give your child different-sized brushes and bubble wrap, as well as paints and thick paper. Paint must be applied directly to the bubbles. You can make a bubble rainbow by applying different colours lines on the bubbles are unlikely, older children can be shown how to make a colored abstraction or make a figure of some animal, insect or inanimate object out of dot bubbles. It is very interesting to get in this way, for example, multi-colored houses and two-color giraffes with brown spots or zebras with monochrome stripes, respectively.

You can initially cut out a certain shape from the film and only then make prints: for example, a heart or any other shape. A rigid part on top (like a pen) can then be attached to a similar form to make it more convenient to hold and print. Work quickly so that the paint on the first bubbles doesn't dry before you finish the last ones.

Finally, the last part of the job is to carefully flip the colored bubble wrap over and make a print on the paper. If you / the child managed to apply more paint and less water - and there will be no dripping from the film - feel free to turn the film over, gently press it against the paper (put something under the paper, for example, cellophane, so that wet prints do not pass to the table) and do not remove the film less carefully. So the print will be clearer. If, nevertheless, it is about to drip from the film, leave it on the table and, conversely, gently press the paper to the bubbles, also trying not to smear the drawing and not to wrinkle the paper itself here. Then let the print dry completely.

The same prints can be used on already drawn, but not yet dry, pictures, or before the picture itself is painted in a standard way.

Underwater creatures from bubble wrap

Let's now try to make a fish out of film, paint and paper. Wrap a piece of cling film around the rolling pin. Use transparent sticky tape to securely seal the edges of the film. Roll the film on a rolling pin in paint (on a wide tray) and then transfer the paint with a rolling pin to a sheet of paper. You will now have a nice “scaly” fish pattern in your hands on paper. Let the paper dry and cut out elongated shape fish without a fin and tail, and then paste the resulting one on both sides onto cardboard of the same shape. Next, using pieces of clean or also colored bubble wrap, wrap or paste over the base of cardboard, and then - made from the same film, but already without cardboard inside - attach “airy” fins and a tail to the figure. Several of these figures can be hung in the form of a mobile on a chandelier or a crib.

Or you can make a jellyfish / octopus from a film and a plastic transparent / white bowl / bowl. Before attaching the bowl and cling film to each other, paint them white, blue, or purple, if desired. Or leave it transparent. If it's an octopus, draw eyes on the bowl. Take a fairly large square of the film (side up to a meter), lay it flat on a hard surface. Turn the bowl upside down and place in the center, then tape to the cling film with clear or double-sided tape. Next, the edges of the film remaining outside the bowl are cut into relatively thin strips - if it is a jellyfish, and of medium width - if it is an octopus. It is optimal to hang the finished toy over a point non-heating light source (LED, for example), or you can fix it under a chandelier / on the ceiling, or in a doorway.

Do you like popping bubble wrap? If so, then you probably don’t have enough willpower to create masterpieces from it :) But the American artist Bradley Hart found her much more useful application and makes incredible pictures with this film! How does he do it? See below.

Huge rolls of this plastic "drug" are stored in Bradley's workshop, but he is in no hurry to pop the transparent vials. Filling them with paint, the artist draws pictures, as if putting together a multi-colored children's mosaic.

The art project with wrapping film and bubbles filled with paint is called Injections. The artist really has to inject each transparent pimple in order to inject paint of a certain color into it, or even mix several colors in it at once to get the desired shade.

So moving from bubble to bubble, Bradley Hart makes several hundred injections a day, gradually turning ordinary packaging film into a natural art object - a portrait, landscape, or some other picture.

Bradley Hart has already painted portraits of Steve Jobs and himself, singer Tamiya and artist Germinio Pio Politi, as well as other people's faces, urban landscapes and abstractions, by injecting paint into transparent pimples of packaging film.

Curiously, when the painting is ready, the wooden stand, to which the bubble wrap has been attached all this time, also becomes a painting. The same multi-colored and bright, but blurry and fuzzy, painted with smudges of acrylic paint. Looking at them, it seems that you are looking at the very original work of the artist, but through the rain-drenched glass. Atmospheric and creative, especially considering that this painting technique is still quite popular. So instead of one picture, the artist draws two at once. By the way, at the exhibitions in which Bradley Hart takes part with his art project, he always exhibits both results of the creative process.

How are these magical paintings created?

The process of creating paintings is quite "simple": using conventional syringes, Hart injects acrylic paints into individual vesicles.

This is not only a long, but also an incredibly difficult process.

And although the portraits are amazing, in order to understand all their beauty, you need to see with your own eyes the process of their creation.

Hart's portraits will be on display through March 29 at an exhibition in New York called What? Where? When? What for? How?".

We all have enough stress and anxiety in our lives. But as long as good and joyful outweighs - everything is fine. And yet, there are two proven antidepressants that, without harm, save you from the blues at any age and at any time of the year - a portion of delicious ice cream and burst bubble wrap. By the way, the last anti-stress tool boasts 11 more unexpected, but very useful properties.

Nervous? Keep a small piece of bubble wrap with you at all times. Amazing but perfect children's activity, like popping plastic bubbles great mood booster. And you can spare the wrapper-“pimple” and effectively use it to solve simple everyday problems. For example:

1. Take her shopping

When you go on a long grocery run, take a couple of layers of bubble wrap with you. If you put it along the walls and at the bottom of bags or bags, it will help to bring frozen food, ice cream and fresh vegetables home in the same condition as they were in the store. Nothing will melt or leak.

2. Protect your pants from wrinkles

Store trousers on hangers, but even from them there are creases on the fabric? There is a solution: wrap the hanger with bubble wrap. Just be sure to bubble inside. Put your pants back on. The film will smooth and soften the surface. So from now on, no wrinkles.

3. Entertain the kids at the party

What's a birthday without dancing? And to make the holiday of your beloved child even more fun, equip a special dance floor for guests by covering part of the floor with a “pimple”. Children are dancing, bubbles are bursting, everyone is safe and happy - joyfully!

4. To make shoes last longer

Favorite shoes and boots will not lose their shape in anticipation of the new season, if you put inside the folded film to size.

5. How to make a long trip by car comfortable?

Going on a trip in your own car is not for you to roll up for bread. Of course, there are many pluses, but there are also many minuses. In particular, pain in the back and lower back from a long "sitting" position. To alleviate the situation, put bubble wrap on top of the backrest and the seat itself (bubbles up). Light massage and orthopedic effect is provided.

6. Sleep in a tent or outdoors

Put the "pimple" under sleeping bag when camping: it will make sleeping on the ground dry and comfortable.

7. Protect young tree shoots during heavy rainstorms or lawn work

Wrap the stem of the seedling with a film and fix it with tape. Just remember to remove the protection when the sprout is safe again.

8. We warm the housing of the smaller brothers

Keep a four-legged watchman in a booth? Insulate its walls and floor with bubble wrap in winter. By the way, animals are also amused by popping bubbles.

9. To make tools last longer…

… carefully wrap each copy in “individual packaging”. Good protection against rust and corrosion, and it’s nice to use the “brand new” every time.

10. Making a pillow for traveling and hiking

Film folded in several layers + pillowcase = a comfortable pillow for all occasions.

11. Going for a picnic

To keep drinks and snacks cool, wrap them in such a useful "pimple". Bon appetit outdoors!