
An open lesson in the preparatory group of the kindergarten on the topic: healthy lifestyle. Synopsis of an open lesson on healthy lifestyles “Rays of health Synopsis of a lesson for an older group on the topic of healthy lifestyles


Lesson 1: Who am I?
give children an idea of appearance a person, about his features as a living organism;
to teach to notice individual traits in oneself and in other people (I am like this, and he is different);
know good and bad habits.

1. - Guys, tell me, please, with what mood did you come to the group today? (Answers of children).
- Tell me, how can you determine the mood of a person? (By facial expression.)
- The people around us always see our face.

2. If facial features are given to us by nature and parents, facial expression is something that we create ourselves. You need to be able to control your face, it is not at all necessary for everyone around to know what is in our souls. Sometimes they say about a person: “He has such a kind face!” Are there evil people with good faces? As a rule, no. After all, a person is able to accumulate feelings that he most often has to express. What is your face?
A person needs to monitor his emotions and think whether he always expresses them correctly. The main thing is that our emotions should be pleasant both to us and to those around us.
What good fairy tale characters do you know?
What evil fairy tale characters do you know?
Which of you can read a funny poem?
How many of you know a sad poem?
Tasks for children:
Smile like the sun
Frown like a cloud;
Get angry like stubborn rams on a bridge;
Depict a cunning fox;
Draw a frightened bunny.
Describe a friend task.
Children stand with their backs to each other and take turns describing the hairstyle, face, clothes of the child standing behind the back. The winner is the one who turned out to be more accurate in describing a friend.
3. - Guys, please tell me, do you know what the human body consists of? Show body parts and name them. (Head, forehead, eyes, eyelashes, ears, mouth, nose, cheeks, chin, neck, chest, back, stomach, legs, knees, feet, hands, fingers.)
- Why do people need eyes, eyelashes, ears, heart, legs, stomach?

Listen to the verses.
Whispering mouth: "Hey, listen,
What are you, spout, depressed?
You are indifferent to everything
It's like the world doesn't like you."
The sad nose replies:
"Didn't you notice
Eye - two, ears - two,
Two arms and two legs.
Only we live with you
Alone, freaks.

One head is given to us,
And two eyes
And two ears
And two temples, and two hands,
But two mouths, two tongues, -
We would only know
What they ate and talked about.

4. - Tell me, should children take care of their health? And what needs to be done for this?
I want to ride all over the planet
Explore what children are doing in the world.
What are their names?
Do they live well?
Find out who is in school.
Cope, school is far from them.
How is their health, how old are they?
Does dad have a job or not?
Who adjusts the blanket on them,
Who gives them medicine with jam?

Lesson 2: "Man and his health"
tell preschoolers about children's body;
create a desire for healthy lifestyle life and awareness of their own health.

1. - Guys, what do you need to know to learn to read and write? You need to know the alphabet well. And there is another, more important and interesting ABC of HEALTH. It is necessary to know it in order to be healthy, dexterous, hardy. Today we will talk about how the human body works, what needs to be done in order not to get sick and always be healthy.
Many centuries ago, people realized how important it is to take care of their health, keep clean and temper the body. To always be strong and strong. You need to be careful, not endanger your life, eat right and be friends with sports.

2. Poster "The structure of the human body"
- Guys, look at the poster and name the parts of the body that you know.
- Our whole body is covered with skin. It reliably protects internal organs from damage and tells us what is happening around. We are hot or cold. Under the hot rays of the sun, the skin tans, becomes denser and darker, so that the internal organs do not overheat. Nails and hair are also skin. But only horny.

If each of you saw how many microbes swarm on your hands and hide under your nails, you would never forget to wash your hands before eating, cut and clean your nails: From plain water and soap
Microbes have power.

3. Who knows what microbes are?
Microbes are the cause of many diseases. They enter our body with food or air and multiply rapidly. The body's defenses enter into a fight with it, a person's temperature rises. That is why the doctor first of all asks the patient about his temperature.
If you get sick, for example, with the flu, then people around you can also become infected, because when you sneeze and cough, droplets of saliva are sprayed, fall on food, objects, fly in the air. They can be inhaled by people nearby and also get sick. Therefore, when you sneeze and cough, be sure to cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

4. - Who can explain why they brush their teeth?
- Who can tell you when to visit the dentist?
If a small hole has formed in the tooth, a person is lazy or afraid to go to the dentist, as if he provides a comfortable apartment for bacteria, where they multiply rapidly. But even if all the teeth are healthy, then the remains of food can get stuck in the cracks between them, this is food for bacteria. That is why it is necessary to brush your teeth after eating.
You need to brush your teeth often.
friend of teeth toothpaste.

To keep gums strong
Gnaw a carrot with a turnip.

To keep your teeth from hurting
Instead of gingerbread, sweets
Eat apples, carrots -
Here's my advice, kids!
Everything in the human body is interconnected. For example, a person has bad teeth - then the stomach may also get sick, since food needs to be chewed thoroughly, and it is difficult for sick teeth to do this.

5. Do you know which food is healthy and which is harmful to human health?
Each of you knows that in order to stay healthy, you need to walk on fresh air, do morning exercises, play sports, eat right, temper. When a person is not sick, he rarely thinks about what health is. It seems that you are healthy and always will be.
Try not to be lazy:
Every time before meals
Before you sit down at the table
Wash your hands with water.

And charge
Daily in the morning
And, of course, temper -
This will help you so much!

Breathe fresh air
When possible, always
Go for walks in the forest
He will give you strength, friends!

I have revealed secrets to you
How to maintain health
Follow all advice
And it will be easy for you to live!
Lesson 3: "Vitamins strengthen the body"
introduce children to the concept of "vitamins";
consolidate knowledge about the need for vitamins in the human body, about useful products that contain vitamins;
educate children in a culture of nutrition, a sense of proportion.

1. - Guys, today the boy Vanya Zaboleikin came to visit us. Get to know him guys, say hello! (children get acquainted with a theatrical doll).

Vanechka, you are such a good boy, only for some reason your last name is so strange - Zaboleikin.
- And I like my surname, because I like to get sick all the time. Today I came to your kindergarten, and tomorrow I will get sick and stay at home. Then I’ll come again for a day and get sick again ...
- Well, Vanechka, something incomprehensible is going on with you. Do you like to sit at home, miss interesting activities where the guys become smart, knowledgeable? And in general, sitting at home is boring, there is no one to play with!
- Guys, do you like to get sick? (Not!)
- Indeed, sometimes it happens that children get sick, but we must try to be healthy. If you want to be healthy, remember one secret: if you want to be cheerful, efficient, strong, if you want to fight infectious microbes, do not succumb to any disease - take vitamins every day.

2. - What are vitamins? Zaboleikin asks.
- Sit down, Vanechka, next to the children. Today we will learn what vitamins are. Vitamins are substances that our body needs to digest food, they increase efficiency, resistance to infectious diseases contribute to the growth of our body. If there are not enough vitamins in food, a person suffers from various diseases, becomes lethargic, weak, sad ...
Do you want me to tell you where vitamins come from? In nature, vitamins are formed in plants, so fruits, vegetables, and fruits serve as the main source of vitamin intake for people. Every blade of grass, every leaf catches the sun's rays - the sources of life. A sunbeam will fall on a green leaf and go out, but will not disappear, with its help the substances necessary for the plant will appear in the leaf, and vitamins will also appear. Just like you, vitamins have their own names. Let's get to know them better. They are usually denoted by letters: A, B, C, D, PP, E, K.
3. Vitamins have their own houses where they live. And vitamins like to play on the heels. And today they hid from you guys. And we'll have to look for them. Are you willing to look for vitamins?
Then full speed ahead. But it's not so easy to find them. For this we have to work hard. Now we will plant a garden.

The game is an imitation
We are a very friendly people, (Children stand in a circle).
And we plant a garden.
They took a few shovels, (Dig the earth with imaginary
We began to dig the earth. shovels).
They took a rake, loosened it, (They loosen the ground, make a bed
The bed was broken here. imaginary rake).
We ask you not to distract us - (They threaten with a finger).
You have to plant a bed.
Everyone took a bag of seeds (Pour the seeds into the garden).
And throws himself into the ground.
We carefully rake (they rake, water).
And we pour water.
Here is a cheerful garden, (They point to the garden with their hands),
What does not grow here!
And now, friend, do not yawn, (They are harvesting in a basket).

Now let's go to the garden.
- Who was in the garden? What grows in the garden?
Our garden
Our autumn garden is beautiful.
It has plums and grapes.
On branches like toys
And apples. And pears.
And like lanterns, they burn
Quince and plum and pomegranate.
And the night is chilly
And the yellow leaf rustles at your feet.
We will pick the fruits in the morning
And we will call all the neighbors,
And wave the sun.
Thank you autumn! - let's say.
In the course of harvesting, children will learn which vegetables, fruits, and berries contain certain vitamins.
But vitamin D turned out to be the most cunning. He hid in the rays of the sun. When you walk in the fresh air, the sun's rays give you vitamin D.
Now listen to which vegetables, fruits and foods contain certain vitamins.
Vitamin A - carrots, butter, orange, tangerine, tomato, apricot, red sweet pepper, pumpkin. Vitamin A is called the growth vitamin.
Vitamin B - black bread, peas, beans, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal, liver, pork, milk and dairy products.
Vitamin B contributes to good heart function. When it is not there, the person sleeps badly, cries a lot, and the heart works somehow.
Vitamin C - currant, apple, onion, lemon, sauerkraut. Vitamin C strengthens the entire body, helps fight colds.
Vitamin E - corn, vegetable oils, cereal germs.
Vitamin D - sunlight, fish oil, eggs, caviar, dairy products.
- That's great! Zaboleikin rejoices. - It turns out, no matter what product you take, each contains vitamins. I'll go home, I'll ask my mother to cook buckwheat porridge with milk, make a rosehip decoction, rub raw carrots - and I will have a whole set of vitamins in my body. Now I guessed the riddle why I'm sick all the time. I thought that all soups, all cereals, milk, onions, garlic are all tasteless foods, and I asked my mother to buy me sweets, lemonade, chips ... I didn’t know that there were useful and necessary products. Now I will be literate, I will go to kindergarten every day, your doctors know exactly what healthy menu to offer children, and I will be strong and healthy.

Session 4: "Healthy food"
tell children that health depends on proper nutrition: food should be not only tasty, but also healthy;
give information about the benefits of vitamins.

1. Today our conversation will be about food. Can a person live without food? (Answers of children). Yes, for a while, but not much. For a person to grow and develop well. He needs to eat every day - eat. People, animals, birds, insects eat. Any organism - from the smallest to the adult - needs food. As soon as food ceases to arrive in a timely manner (for breakfast, lunch, dinner), the body weakens. Why is this happening?
The fact is that foods contain nutrients that help the body grow and develop.
Food gives all living beings the building material for growth, supplies them with energy. This energy warms us, sets the heart and muscles in motion, makes the brain work, brings vigor and strength. Vegetables, fruits, milk contain vitamins and minerals necessary for a person. The body accumulates fats from butter and vegetable oils and uses them to generate energy.
Without food, we cannot grow, move, keep warm, recover from illness, and generally live. We need a wide variety of foods to be healthy.
People who eat too much fatty and sugary foods gain excess weight than can harm their health and even get sick.
Why do people cook food? It is easier for our stomach to digest cooked food than raw food. Even when cooking, microbes die, from which people can get sick, and food lasts longer.
2. All people need vitamins. The main ones are A, B, C, D. Vitamin A is found in carrots (juice is especially useful), in fish, in bell peppers, and in eggs.
Remember the simple truth
The only one who sees better
Who chews raw carrots
Or drink carrot juice.

Vitamin B can be found in chicken meat, milk, green peas, rye bread.
Very important early
Have oatmeal for breakfast.
Black bread is good for you -
And not just in the morning.

Vitamin C is found in lemons, black currants, oranges, strawberries, onions, cabbage, and radishes.
For colds and sore throats
Oranges help.
Well, it's better to eat a lemon,
Although it is very sour.

Vitamin D is produced under the influence sun rays.
Fish oil is the best!
Though nasty - you have to drink.
He saves from diseases.
Without diseases - it is better to live!

I never get discouraged
And a smile on your face
Because I accept
Vitamins A, B, C.
3. What happens to the food you eat? You crush it with your teeth and it mixes with saliva in your mouth. This helps it slide down the esophagus into the stomach. Special juices in the stomach process food, break it into small pieces. This process is called digestion. The food then enters a winding tube called the small intestine, where it turns into a solution. Through the walls of the small intestine useful material from this solution they enter the bloodstream and are carried throughout the body. Waste from digestion goes into another tube called the large intestine and is expelled from the body. Here are some amazing transformations that occur with food in our body.
Remember the rules for eating:
- do not rush while eating;
- do not eat on the go:
- do not overeat;
- do not eat too cold and too hot food;
- do not eat a lot of sweets;
- Chew your food thoroughly.

Exercise "Useful and harmful food"
Under the green card, put pictures where healthy food is drawn, and under the red one, where it is harmful. Pictures: juice, cake, fruits, vegetables, sweets.

I think you know without a doubt
That not everything you eat is beneficial.
Remember and explain to everyone very clearly:
The stomach cannot be offended in vain.
He doesn't need cold food
And very hot is also harmful.
And different sweets and chips, and cola
The stomach is afraid, as the buttocks of injections.
Large pieces should not be swallowed,
And he needs to chew it carefully.
And remember - those stomachs did not hurt,
Who since childhood understood and pitied him!
K. Lutsis
To grow strong, strong and healthy, you need to eat a variety of foods. Do not turn your nose, as sometimes happens with children, and then the parents persuade them to eat at least another spoonful.

Lesson 5: "Microbes"
to give children basic knowledge about germs and how to protect against them.

1. A microbe is a terribly harmful animal:
Insidious and, most importantly, ticklish.
Such an animal in the stomach
Climb in and live quietly there.

Climb, fool, and where you want
Walks on the patient and tickles.
He is proud that so much trouble comes from him:
And runny nose, and sneezing, and sweat.
O. Nash
Scientists called the smallest representatives of this world for their insignificant size microbes or microorganisms (from the Greek word "micros", small). The microscope made it possible to examine the microbes one by one, each. It turned out that although these creatures usually consist of a single living cell, they are diverse in form, properties, lifestyle and their impact on the environment.
The main place among microbes is occupied by bacteria. All life on earth, in water and soil, in plants and animals largely depends on them. Some bacteria are very gentle and die easily, while others even tolerate boiling and freezing, exposure to acids, alkalis and poisons. Once in the human or animal body, bacteria can cause dangerous diseases - tuberculosis, anthrax, typhus, tonsillitis, plague, pneumonia, blood poisoning.
Microbes are very small, invisible living things. They can be found indoors, on the ground, in the air, and even on clothing and the human body. They can enter the body through dirty hands, unwashed vegetables or fruits, water, while breathing. They live under nails, in diseased teeth. Once ingested, microbes multiply rapidly and cause disease.
2. You know that there are many diseases in the world. Diseases caused by germs and viruses are called infectious diseases. Every contagious disease is caused by certain microbes.
What are microbes afraid of?
How well microbes would live if everyone was afraid of them, and they were nobody.
It turns out that there are reasons that prevent microbes from multiplying.
Many types of microbes die when dried, when exposed to sunlight, when heated to 60 ° C and when boiled for up to 5 minutes. Even the most persistent pathogenic microbes in the external environment die when boiled for 20 minutes. That's why it's safer to drink boiled water, rather than raw tap water, which can harbor germs.
3. What should be done in order not to get sick:
- eat only washed vegetables and fruits;
- do not drink dirty and raw water;
- always wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet, after a walk;
- eat and drink only from clean dishes;
- when sneezing and coughing, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief;
Don't forget to clean and ventilate the room.
Guys, do you know that there are beneficial bacteria. These bacteria turn milk into curdled milk, kefir, acidophilus, and grape juice into alcohol, vinegar, wine. But most importantly, without beneficial bacteria, we would have less milk, bread and meat. The fact is that the life of animals depends on plants, and plants develop best on the soil in which there is a lot of nitrogen. Nitrogen is taken from the air and transferred to the soil by the bacteria living in it.
But that's not all. If there were no decay-causing bacteria on Earth, our planet would gradually become covered with the undecayed remains of plants and animals. Decay bacteria help to destroy these remains. So all the substances that made up the bodies of plants and animals return to the soil.

Session 6: "Personal hygiene"
to develop in children an understanding of the importance and necessity of hygiene procedures.

1. Guys, listen to an excerpt from V. Mayakovsky’s poem “What is good and what is bad” (illustrations are shown during the reading):
This boy loves soap and tooth powder.
This boy is very sweet, doing well.
This one got into the mud and is glad that his shirt is dirty.
They say about this: “He is bad. Slut!"
- Which of the boys do you like best?
- Why did you like a neat, neat boy?
- Did anyone like the other boy?
- Why didn't you like it?
2. In order for a person to look clean and tidy, he must follow the rules of personal hygiene. But what is it?
Personal hygiene rules - this is when a person keeps cleanliness
your face, hands, body, teeth.
- What toiletries help a person to be clean? That's right, soap, towel, washcloth, toothpaste and brush.
I have a concern
Soap goes to work.
Sasha lathers, launders,
Often invites guests.
Accept the invitation
Don't forget soap.
Towel (riddle)
Terry, fragrant, soft, fluffy.
He likes to get wet with water, where it is wet to wipe.
The guys from the walk will come - and to the crane. Let the water run, rub your palm against your palm a little without soap and reach for the towel, the dirt will remain on it.
Guys, tell me how to wash your hands properly. (Children's answers.)
Listen to 8 rules for washing your hands:
1. Roll up your sleeves.
2. Wet your hands.
3. Take soap and lather your hands until foam appears.
4. Rub not only your palms, but also their back side.
5. Wash off the foam.
6.Check if you washed your hands well.
7. Dry your hands
8.Check if you dry your hands - put the back to your cheek.
Here is the washcloth,
She doesn't care about your back.
Foams, lathers, launders,
Wants a clean body.
You are friends with a washcloth,
Where something is dirty - tell her.
- Dirt on the body?
- No problem!
Will wipe everything off without difficulty.
The teacher offers to show how the children wash their hands and face (imitation of movements), and then remember which poem contains the words:
Let's wash, bathe,
splash, dive, tumble
In the tub, in the trough,
In the river, in the stream, in the ocean,
Both in the bath and in the bath.
Anytime and anywhere
Eternal glory to water!
3. The main enemy of teeth is caries. He has assistants - plaque and black stone. You brushed your teeth, ate, after a while the surface of the tooth becomes yellow and rough. If you do not remove plaque in time with a brush and paste, that is, if you do not brush your teeth. Then a black stone will come and make the tooth ugly and sick. And then the insidious caries begins to act, which begins to destroy the tooth.
Caries and his friends are afraid of brushes and toothpaste. Remember, they are best friends your teeth.
Guys, tell me how to take care of your teeth?
That's right, you need to brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening, drive nasty caries from your teeth. Slightly hesitate, be lazy - and he is right there. And in the afternoon after eating, rinse your mouth with warm water. A toothbrush is a true friend to your teeth. If only you know how to use it. And it happens that the guys lightly brush the front teeth 2-3 times, somehow, and everyone thinks that they did it, they defeated caries. Yes, it wasn’t there, he - caries - is just waiting for you to be lazy and brush your teeth somehow. No, there will be no benefit from such a purge.
4. Ball game "What is good for teeth and what is not good"
Helpful Not helpful
Carrot Chocolate
Apple Cookie
Milk Candy
Cottage cheese Lollipops
Sour cream Marshmallow
Butter Cake
Kefir Ice Cream
solemn promise
To get dirty and slovenly
I can't turn
I promise every day clean, clean ... (wash).
I want to be very clean.
And not a black daw,
I promise to be friends with soap and ... (washcloth).
Also, twice a day
I promise to brush ... (teeth).
I promise all around
Be an obedient child.
Walk clean and tidy
Very, very… (carefully).

Lesson 7: "Mode of the day"
form an idea of ​​the correct daily routine and its significance for the body.

1. Let's figure out what the daily routine is. The daily routine is when a person does his main things at a certain time. Remember where you start and how your day goes. (Children's stories).
From your stories, you can highlight the main points of your daily routine: getting up, breakfast, lunch, sleep, dinner, getting ready for bed, sleep.
The mode is not only in human life. The mode is in nature.
- Change of seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn.
- The change of night and day.
Solve riddles.
Light lamps, candles -
A dark one crept up to us ... (evening).

We hear birds we are rubbish:
“The night has passed, meet ...” (day).

Here the sun closed its eyes -
The kingdom has come ... (night).
The sun has fled away
Go to bed: it has come ... (night).

In the morning he looks at us through the window
And it tickles with a beam ... (the sun).
The night is dark, dark, dark
Hidden in the clouds ... (moon).
2. Animals have a daily routine. They wake up in the morning just like you do, and sleep at night. And some animals have their own special mode. For example, a bear goes to bed in winter and wakes up in spring. But if anyone happens to wake up a bear in winter, oh, and it will be bad for him. The bear will get angry, and will go to scare everyone in the forest for violating his regime, disturbing his sweet dream.
Bear, bear, couch potato
Bear, bear, couch potato!
He slept long and deep
Slept through the whole winter
And didn't hit the tree
And I didn't go sledding
And didn't throw snowballs
Everything would be a little bear to snore.
Oh, you little bear!

The night is leaving
The night goes to rest
And takes away
And the cricket and the firefly
And a night moth.
Those who flew at night
To us through the open window,
They trembled, they chirped,
Somewhere they sleep a long time ago.
Hiding in folds
The smell is sweet
petal by petal,
Covered himself up
And the night flower fell asleep.
The owl flies into the hollow.
It's dawning. It dawned…
3. Plants also have a regimen. Remember how trees bloom in spring, and in autumn they shed their leaves and go to bed in the winter until next spring. Watch the plants. In the morning they open their amazing buds, and in the evening they get ready for bed and close the petals until the next day.
4. Everything has its own order, regime. Now imagine if there were no regime. In the middle of summer, it would snow for no reason, the trees would not know what to do, the sun and moon would forget about the queue and go out when they please. The poor crickets and night moths did not know what to do - sing songs or go to bed, and in winter spring would suddenly come and wake up the couch potato, and then the disturbed and angry bear would walk through the forest and look for someone to scare, and maybe even eat for such tricks. What a mess it would be.
I hope you understand that the regime is very important not only for nature, but also for your body. Learn to get up at the same time, take breakfast, lunch and dinner, get ready for bed and go to bed. If you learn to do this, the body will thank you with health, and if not, then in your body, as in nature, confusion and confusion will begin. The eyes want to sleep, and the stomach will say: "I want to eat." Which one is more important to please? It is important to both, but ... to each in his own time.
In your daily routine, there must be games and walks in the fresh air, but not only them. First of all, you are also helpers around the house.

Mom's helper
I didn't want to sleep anymore
I washed and dressed
And then she took a broom
And swept the porch.
She washed the cups and saucers, did not break a single one,
Cleaned up everything in the kitchen
Helped this mom.
She is full of care
Lots of work.
If I could do it myself
I would help her with everything!
Remember, the correct daily routine will make your body healthy and strong.

Session 8: "My wonderful nose"

tell the children about why a person needs a nose, what is its purpose.
Explain why you need to take care of clean indoor air.
Educate children about a healthy lifestyle.

1. Today we will talk about the meaning of the sense organs. Guess what will be discussed.
Between two luminaries in the middle one.
Here is a mountain, and mountains are two deep holes.
In these burrows the air roams -
It comes in, it goes out. (Nose.)
Why do we only need them, these noses? Some suffering with them: then you will fall from the hill, but you will break it; then he sneezes, even a special handkerchief was invented for him - a nasal one. And we can breathe through our mouths. So? Yes, not so. Our nose is no less important than other organs, and it is desirable to breathe through the nose, and not through the mouth. Why? But listen.
Getting into the nose, the air passes through two corridors, the walls of which are covered with hairs. You can see them yourself if you look at your nose in the mirror. Hairs play the role of guards - they do not let dust particles into the nose.
The air then passes through the labyrinth. The walls of the labyrinth are covered with a sticky liquid - mucus. Microbes stick to it, which, together with the air, try to get into our body. In addition, passing through the labyrinths, the air warms up. So it enters the lungs warm and purified.
The nose is the first to enter the battle with germs. When a person catches a cold, a lot of mucus begins to be produced in the nose, which tries to delay the invasion of germs and prevent them from entering the throat and lungs. If there is too much mucus with microbes adhering to it, we sneeze. And the nose clears up. But when sneezing, you need to cover your nose with a handkerchief so that you don’t infect those who are nearby with your germs.
Remember what to do if you have a runny nose? First, you need to dress warmly. The main thing is to keep your feet warm. In the evening at home, take a bowl of hot water, add dry mustard, put your feet in it and warm it up a little. Then wipe dry and put on warm woolen socks as soon as possible. Secondly, you need to drink something hot. Suitable tea with honey, raspberries, lime blossom, with various medicinal herbs.
Try to keep your feet always warm and dry. Wet - go home immediately, change shoes. Experienced hikers and travelers always carry spare socks and shoes. They will never set off until they dry their wet things by the fire.
The nose can be tempered. To do this, rinse it twice a day with salted water. And never breathe through your mouth! Why? (Cold air, germs).
Our nose is the first to tell the brain about unbreathable air: gas, chemical smells, the smell of burning in a fire. How could we enjoy the wonderful smell of flowers if not for our wonderful nose? Scientists have calculated that a person is able to distinguish up to 400 different odors. There are people with a heightened sense of smell, they can create perfumes, eau de toilette.
Let's see if you can identify familiar smells with your nose.
2. The game "Find out by smell"
Children are invited to close their eyes and identify some familiar smells: anise-based cough mixture, fir oil, coniferous smell, garlic, pickles. You can also determine what is inside the capsules from kinder surprises with pierced holes: cotton wool soaked in perfume; a piece of chocolate, a clove of garlic; orange peel; a piece of herring or pickled cucumber.
I know nothing.
And suddenly my nose says
That somewhere and someone
Something is on fire!
I know nothing.
This nose reported:
Someone bought oranges
And wow, he put it there!
I know nothing.
I'm in a daze.
The nose says: “Let's take a walk!
I beg you very much."
Walk with him and play.
He says, "You know
It smells like spring!”
E. Moshkovskaya
3. I think everyone understood what important role in a person's life plays the nose. Therefore, observe the following rules:
- do not pick your nose with your finger and even more so with a sharp object;
- Do not put foreign objects in your nose;
- with a runny nose, you can not blow your nose hard and draw mucus into yourself, this can lead to ear disease;
- do not use someone else's handkerchief, it should be personal for each person.
4. It is very unpleasant when a person does not follow his nose and does not use a handkerchief on time.
The little boy is about six.
He has pockets
And the good in these pockets
And do not count!
There are candy bars
Buckles, corks,
Wood, nails,
Buttons, coils,
Old closet key
All sorts of stuff is full, but!
In the boy's two pockets
There is no place for ... a scarf!
And so the mischievous walks:
Nose - sniff,
Nose - sniff,
Every now and then: nose - sniff!
The people say: "Take care of your nose in a big frost." Do you know how to do it? Do you need to take care of your nose in hot weather? What will you do if your nose bleeds? Why is this happening?
When people say: “the nose has not grown”, it means that the younger ones teach the older ones; “hung his nose” - upset; “leads by the nose” - deceives; "keep your nose up" - do not lose heart!

Lesson 9: "Posture - a beautiful back"
learn to take care of your health;
to encourage to perform physical exercises, to rejoice at the achieved result.

1. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived two very noble families. One family - hunchbacks - was very proud. They said this to themselves: “We are the most noble, we are the richest, we are the most beautiful. We have round backs, and our head always looks down - we all see what lies on the ground ”(show the illustration). And the family of the persistent tin soldier was very modest. The father always told his son: “Look always ahead, son. Don't bow your head to difficulties. Straighten your shoulders, expose your chest to all the winds, and never be afraid of anything ”(show an illustration).
- Guys, what do you think, in which family are people more beautiful? (Answers of children).
- A person's beauty can be internal (these are his thoughts, his feelings, his character) and external (these are facial features, height, figure, posture).
- Who has a more beautiful posture: a hunchback or a soldier?
2. Imitation game “Show with what back they walked in the family of hunchbacks. Show with what back they walked in the family of the tin soldier.
- Guys, what do you think, is it nice to look at a slender person or a stooped one? How do you like to walk more: straightening your back or hunched over? (Answers of children).
3. - It's nice to look at a slender person, slender people are pleasing to the eye. But it's not just beauty. A slender person has a properly formed skeleton. With proper posture, it is easier for the heart, lungs, stomach and other important organs to work. Correct posture is not given to a person from birth, but is acquired by him. It is developed in childhood, in youth, and after 18 years it is very difficult to correct its shortcomings, because in childhood cartilage tissue in the vertebrae has not yet been replaced by bone.
The tin soldier knew about it. Because from childhood I was engaged in physical exercises, sports, and more than once I heard from my parents: “Do not bend your back! Straighten your shoulders! Sit up straight!"
- Incorrect posture makes the back crooked, ugly. If in childhood you learn to keep your back straight, then at an older age they will not suffer pain in the lower back, back.
- And in the family of hunchbacks, parents did not teach their children to keep their backs straight. They walked with their noses on the ground, and did not notice how beautiful the world. They never told their children, “Watch your posture! Straighten your shoulders, raise your head! their children were often ill and complained of back pain. Their backs became more and more twisted and hunched over.
4. - Guys, who wants to check their posture?
Exercise 1
Sit as straight as anyone can. (The teacher praises the children for their straight backs.)
Exercise 2
Go to the wall and stand so that the back of your head. The shoulder blades, heels fit snugly against her. Move away from the wall and try to maintain this position for as long as possible.
Exercise 3
Put a sandbag on your head and walk (slowly, then faster). The moment your posture is wrong, the bag will fall.
5.- Guys, who knows why hunchbacks have such crooked backs? (Answers of children).
- The hunchback has a violation of posture. This disease is called scoliosis. This means that the spine is deformed, i.e. twisted. This disease is difficult to treat and takes a long time. The spine helps us to maintain correct posture - this is the main core of the body. It runs down the middle of the back. The ribs are attached to the spine, they protect the internal organs from damage.
- Guys, what do you think, can the child himself form the correct posture, or, conversely, deform it? Why does the spine curve in children?
The tin soldier knew that if you keep your spine in a straight position, the muscles become fixed, get used to this position. And without physical exercise, the muscles weaken and become decrepit. If you remember this from childhood, systematically engage in physical education, run, swim, ride a bike. Play sports games, then the skeletal muscles will be strengthened, and the posture will remain even.
In the family of hunchbacks, the children were very lazy. They believed that their backs were already beautiful, so you should not make extra efforts to make your posture slim.
But once there was a trouble. All the children in the hunchback family had back pain, they could not get out of bed, they could not go to school. What to do? And then they remembered how the steadfast tin soldier always said: “I protect the spine ... I will run away from illnesses ...” and decided to call the soldier to help them. The tin soldier immediately came to their aid and gave the following useful advice:
1. Do not be lazy, carry out labor assignments at home, in kindergarten, at school, in the country, etc.
2 Do morning exercises daily, exercise.
3. Correctly sit at the table on a chair, do not stoop, do not bow your head low.
4. When carrying heavy loads, load your hands evenly. If carried early or a briefcase in one hand, one shoulder will become lower than the other.
5. Sleep on a hard bed with a low pillow.
6.When writing or reading, change your posture every 15-20 minutes, stretch, move, do physical education.
7. If you have to stand for a long time during work, after 15 minutes you should definitely change your position, move around, give your spine a rest.
8. More walks in the fresh air, play sports: football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, go to towns, play with a jump rope, hoops, balls, etc.
9. Every day, look at yourself in the mirror, which will remind you of your posture.

After the children of the hunchbacks began to follow the advice of the tin soldier, a miracle happened. All the children recovered and became really beautiful, slim, fit. And most importantly, they stopped being proud. Who knows how to work, he does not know how to be proud!

Session 10: "Sport is health"
contribute to the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, the need to engage in physical culture and sports.
To consolidate knowledge about various sports.

1. Guys, every day we hear the familiar words “physical education”, “sport”. What do you think is the difference between these two concepts? (Everyone can do physical education, but not sports).
Physical education can be done by the small, and the old, and the sick. Sports are played by the strongest, strongest and healthiest. But every athlete dreams of becoming an athlete.
2. Athletes are people who have dedicated their lives to sports. (Children look at photos of athletes from various kinds sports).
To become a real athlete, you need a lot of strength, energy, health, work and desire. A real athlete acquires many qualities. These are endurance, strength, dexterity, accuracy, grace, speed, slender figure, correct posture.
However, not everyone knows that in order to achieve all these qualities, athletes train very, very hard. From day to day, from morning to evening, the life of an athlete takes place in training. Not everyone is capable of this, and health does not allow everyone.
But this does not mean at all that you should not be friends with sports. “Yes, I can’t do it,” someone will say. But no! Do you want to be smart, accurate, hardy? That is great! Therefore, I suggest that you organize your own home stadium. Mandatory sports equipment for every boy is a ball. Organize a football team with the guys in the yard. Now you are a football player. And girls, meanwhile, can jump rope, twist the hoop, as they do in athletics.
Draw a circle on the ground. This is a target, now move back a few steps and aim at it with a pebble. Got it? Fine! Here you have already shown accuracy. Now step back, increase the distance, and try again.
Probably, there is not a single kid who would not like to jump. Draw an even line on the ground with a stick and jump from it with the guys in turn, who is further. Whoever jumped the farthest is the champion.
And you can go for a run. Choose a flat place where nothing interferes. Draw a straight line on the ground with a stick. Put the ball in front at some distance. Now stand with the guys at the line and on a signal: one, two, three! - run to the ball and back. Whoever runs first is the winner.
You can come up with many more interesting games and competitions. And those guys who want to seriously go in for sports can enroll in sports clubs and sections.
3. As you guessed, sport is, first of all, physical education.
The meaning of physical culture
And in the beauty of the muscles,
And in the health of the body -
To easily go through life!
Is it hard to keep fit?
You need to play sports!
Sleep interrupted early sweet,
Do exercises in the morning!

For a beginner athlete
Where did you start? From nothing -
Decided to reach the ceiling.
Didn't work - didn't get it
But he straightened up - he became taller.
And then - more: in order
I began to do exercises from top to bottom.
Head, hands and feet...
Charging done - higher sense:
Just a little bit, I became stronger.
This is how you start your day.

Sport, guys, is very necessary,
We are close friends with sports.
Sport is health, sport is an assistant,
Sport is a game, physical education is a hooray!

Used Books
1. Blinova G.M. cognitive development children 5-7 years old. Toolkit. - M., 2006
2. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Abstracts of classes in senior group kindergarten. cognitive development. A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh, 2005
3. Golitsyna N.S., Shumova I.M. Promoting a healthy lifestyle in children. - M., 2008
4. Fisenko M.A. LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Middle and senior groups. Lesson development. ITD "Coripheus". – Volgograd, 2006

Topic: Save your own health

Target: to learn to independently monitor their health, to know simple methods of self-healing, to be able to provide themselves with elementary help; instill a love for exercise, self-massage

Lesson progress

Guys, today we will talk with you about health. Who wants to be healthy? (I want to!)

Guys, do you know that every person can improve his own health? No wonder it says:

I will keep my health

I will help myself.

Let's learn these words with you. (learning)

And how we can help ourselves, we'll talk now. (Sit down on the rug.)

Guys, who can answer what is health? (This is strength, this is beauty, this is intelligence, this is when everything works out.)

How can you improve your health? (Engage in physical education, eat right, observe the daily routine, temper.)

How much do you know! Well done! This must be done every day. Let's start in the morning, (finger gymnastics)


Morning has come, the sun has risen.

Hey, brother Fedya, wake up the neighbors.

Get up, big boy! Get up pointer!

Get up middle! Get up, orphan

And little Mitroshka! Hello palm!

Everyone woke up, stretched! Well done! And now let's hurry to a fun exercise, (rhythmic gymnastics)

Guys, after training, try, have our muscles become stronger? (Children check their muscles.)

Guys, as you know, today Moidodyr came to our group. He wanted to see you so much and it's a pity that he didn't wait for you, he has a lot of worries in the morning. But he left you this wonderful bag. Want to see what's in there? (V wonderful bag- toilet soap, comb, toothpaste, toothbrush)

The teacher takes out one item at a time, finds out with the children what each item is for, talks about the need to follow hygiene procedures in order to strengthen and harden the body.

Oh, what a good fellow Moidodyr! Let's say "Thank you" to him for such necessary items.

Guys, look, Moidodyr wrote us a letter. What did he write here?

“Guys, if you carefully examine your group, you will find a very interesting drawing ...”

Children search, find a poster with a picture of a tooth, children look at it.

What is drawn here? (Tooth.)

Guys, but for some reason he's kind of strange. One half of the tooth is sad, crying, and the other half, on the contrary, cheerful, laughing. What happened here? (Children tell which foods destroy teeth and which strengthen them, list: sweets, cake, chocolate, lollipops, ice cream, carrots, berries, cabbage, apples, etc.)

Guys, what useful products do they give you in kindergarten? Let's name them. (children's answers)

That's how much useful products we get in kindergarten! And the main product that makes us strong, helps to grow and develop, and without which any dish seems tasteless, is ... (... bread.) There are very good proverb about bread: "Bread is from the earth, and silushka is from bread."

And hardening also strengthens health. It's a shame we don't have a TV in our group. I have a wonderful film, I would like to show you the film. Or maybe we can figure it out without TV. (The teacher with the children examines the drawn "film", which depicts various hardening methods, talk about each frame, recall stories from personal experience where and how they were tempered, etc.)

What a useful movie we watched! Did everyone remember? Don't forget to do these important procedures.

Anyone who wants to be healthy

Temper you with me.

Morning run and invigorating shower,

As for adults, real,

Open windows at night

Breathe fresh air

Wash feet with cold water.

And then the microbe is hungry

You will never be overcome.

"If you want to be healthy - show will and patience."

“You can’t become strong instantly - temper yourself gradually.”

True, it is not always possible to run barefoot on the grass or swim in the river. But there is such a wonderful way of hardening, which can be done every day. Let's remember him. (children sit on the carpet, do self-massage)

Guys, you learned a lot about health today, and I see a smile on your faces. But a smile is a guarantee Have a good mood. This is how we give each other health and joy. And gloomy evil person can bring us health? (No, of course not!)

So let's give each other our smiles and good mood.

Good health to you all!

Theme "Take care of yourself, baby"

Goal and tasks: familiarize children with dangerous situations that may occur when the child is on vacation in nature.

  1. Teaching children the basic rules of behavior in extreme situations; develop safe entertainment skills, be able to choose places and toys for entertainment, so that it brings joy, and does not cause injury.
  2. To expand children's knowledge about the basic rules of personal safety when meeting strangers (people on the street, in the yard).
  3. Teach ways to avoid danger, develop the ability to navigate in difficult situations, assess the danger and choose actions for self-defense.
  4. To consolidate knowledge of the basic rules of hygiene and their importance to health.
  5. Teach your child to value their health, to treat their safety accordingly.
  6. Cultivate caution, prudence, vigilance.

Preliminary work.

Reading and telling fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Kit, Cockerel and cunning fox”, “Wolf and seven kids”, “ The Snow Queen”,“ Little Red Riding Hood ”,“ The Tale of the Naughty Little Mouse.

Reading stories, evaluating the actions of the heroes of these works.

Board game "We will be careful."

Consideration of the illustrations "Take care of your safety", modeling situations using moving pictures.

Learning proverbs, poems about health.

Playing performances of "Dunno in kids", fairy tales "Cat, Cockerel and cunning fox".

Lesson progress

Educator. I am very pleased that you all came to kindergarten today. I am glad to see you cheerful, cheerful, and most importantly healthy. I see that you have chosen your favorite toys. Each of you has your favorite toy, please tell us about your toy.

Children talk about their toys. For example, I have a fox. I love Stuffed Toys they are tender and soft. I have a machine. I like to build a road for her, a garage. I have a book. I like to look at drawings for fairy tales, they are bright and interesting. And I can also read.

Educator. Well done! Tell children how to play in kindergarten.
Recall with the children what was told in the story "The Robber".

The game "Each toy has its own place" (children put toys in place).

A knock is heard at the door. The stranger comes in.

Dunno. Hello to all! I am Dunno, your friend,
I am a hero everyone knows!
What are you doing here?

Children. Let's play!

Dunno. And I also played along the road: I shot sparrows from a slingshot, dispersed the dogs with stones, played ball on the road.

Educator. Oh oh oh! Is that how they play?

Children. Not! This is dangerous! (They show a sign of caution - a raised index finger).
You cannot shoot from a slingshot; You cannot throw stones; You cannot play with a ball on the road.

Educator. You see the unknown. Children know the rules well safe behavior. Do you know these rules?

I'm not used to listening
For other people's advice
Why learn the rules
I'm good and so!
And here are my toys, now I will play with them ...
He pulls his toys out of his backpack, the children stand around the table and examine them.

Educator. These are your toys.
Wait unknown!
You can't play with this!
Consider the rules!

Children say:
you can step on the button and prick painfully; you can get hurt with a broken toy; you can prick with a nail; matches are not a toy at all.

Children together: These items are not for play!

Dunno. I understood everything, I am very ashamed that I do not know any rules.

Educator. Don't be upset, stranger. There are many in the garden different toys they are interesting, bright, and most importantly safe!!!
And no other things
You do not take for the game,
Because they are very dangerous
Everyone for life they!

(Children help Dunno collect his dangerous toys).

Educator. Stay Dunno in our group, along with the children.
Another guest came to us today - this is Dr. Aibolit.

Dr. Aibolit.
Good afternoon my babies
Dear boys and girls.
And I'm Dr. Aibolit,
Maybe someone hurts?

Children. Not! Everyone in the kindergarten is healthy, everyone is cheerful and cheerful!

Dr. Aibolit. I am very happy for you! Tell me the same, how do you understand what healthy people they are?
Of course, everyone knows
It's nice to be healthy
But you need to know well
How can we become healthy?

Didactic exercise "Continue the sentence"

When I am healthy I have...
cheerful mood; I go to kindergarten; nothing hurts; good appetite; sound sleep; I smile; I walk, play, swim, sing, draw ...

Educator. Everyone wants to be healthy, but desire alone is not enough. It is necessary to be able to organize a healthy lifestyle from childhood, and also take care of your health, avoid danger.

Educator. Children, I want to invite you on an exciting journey where they are waiting for us. interesting tasks, and various unusual situations. Listen to the poem:
Where did disease come from?
They were created by evil microbes.
These little villains
Hooligans, robbers,
that live everywhere,
Where is full of dirt:
In swamp and mud
In trash and dust
Under dirty nails
Claws and claws...
The one who does not wash his hands
They will be swallowed and sick.

Therefore, in order to prevent disease, it is necessary (consideration of the table “Cleanliness is the guarantee of health”):
wash your hands; take a shower; brush your teeth; take care of your hair; keep your clothes clean; keep your home clean.
All this contributes to the preservation and strengthening of our health.

Riddles "Health Assistants":

They say I give beauty
Both health and strength
I bring cleanliness to the house -
Everyone calls me ... (soap).

Who will lead with me -
He will be healthy.
Will often smile with white teeth,
All the kids know me, both grandmothers and mothers. (Toothbrush).

I am not a dish, not a drink,
And at work often
I'm friends with a brush
My name is ... (toothpaste).

I am soft fabric
Sweet as a cat.
I'm from cheeks and hair
I'll soak the water. (Towel).

The day started off interesting.
The sun is shining gently
Looks into the room
What are you doing kids?
We draw and sing
We sculpt, we read poetry,
Then let's go for a walk
Let's have lunch and sleep.
After sleep - physical exercise,
Then we'll go to the show.
The sun will say:
“Oh, what healthy babies!”

(I expose the table "Hardening").
Remember kids:
To never get sick
Gotta get hardened!
sunbathe in the sun,
And swim in the river
And cold water
Wash your face in the morning
After that with a towel
Rub well.

Educator. How do we temper our body in the kindergarten?

in the morning we do exercises; attending physical education classes; we walk; swim in the pool; eat onion and garlic; gargle; we walk barefoot on a ribbed board.

Educator. Tempering gives good health, good mood, protects against colds.


Educator. We continue our journey. I invite you for a walk in the forest. Spring will come soon, and after it summer is a wonderful time to relax. It is always nice to walk with mom and dad in the park or in the forest. But while on vacation, you should remember to be careful. And now you will see why.
(I expose the table "Moving Pictures".

Imagine that we are in a forest where there are many different colors, berries, mushrooms, insects. Everything interests us here, because nature is beautiful, but nature is our friend - when we know it well.

Didactic game "Vigilant eye".

Take care of your own safety
And remember her!
Know the rules with "NOT",
Your memory won't let you down!

DO NOT eat unfamiliar berries! DO NOT touch unfamiliar mushrooms! DO NOT pick unfamiliar flowers, DO NOT weave wreaths from them! DO NOT touch the ants! DO NOT destroy wasp nests!

Educator. Let's think about why I said that we would go to the forest with mom and dad.
You are Sasha and I am Masha
You are my brother, I am my sister.
Dad, mom, you and I are a friendly, pleasant family!
Who is this verse about? Who else do we refer to as relatives? And who are these strangers?
Already from childhood, you should know that people can be different. It's important to know that a "stranger" is any person you don't know. For all offers strangers, we must refuse, and in case of safety, shout: “I don’t know you!”, Attracting the attention of others.
I know that you are very fond of listening to and telling fairy tales, and now I suggest you solve riddles about the heroes of fairy tales.

Who ran away from the woman and grandfather, -
Couldn't sit on the window.
I met different animals in the forest
And sang songs to everyone? ("Kolobok").

The cockerel sits on the stove
Eat delicious pies.
Here the fox comes running
Quickly the cockerel is enough.
cat runs to rescue
Take the rooster from the fox. ("Cat and Cockerel").

An old grandmother lived in the forest,
The granddaughter carried the hotels for her ...
Who met this girl on the way?
What is this fairy tale called? Who would answer?
What happened to the kolobok? Did he do well? Could this not have happened?
I really want this story to have a happy ending. Let's think together a new fairy tale about the kolobok

(The teacher puts on a Gingerbread glove).
I'm a cheerful gingerbread man.
Grandpa and grandma are my family
I asked permission from them.
I was going to the kindergarten for the kids.

Making up stories for children.

Conversation on the content of the story.

What would you do in such a case? (Answers of children).
The children give their home address.