
Practical qualities of baking soda and tips for use. Baking soda. Use of soda Baking soda beneficial properties use in everyday life


Baking soda is now more commonly used in baking. However, everything more people strive to find safe, non-toxic, biodegradable cleaning products. And baking soda is very good for this: thanks to its mild abrasive properties, ability to neutralize odors and absorb fats, it can be used almost everywhere. It is very popular in all kinds of homemade beauty and home care recipes. What could be safer than cleaning or cosmetic product which can be eaten? In this article, I will talk about how you can use baking soda at home to clean a variety of things - from a clogged drain to a dirty head.

1. Pipe cleaning

Conventional drain cleaners such as mole are far from harmless, just read the warnings on the bottle. Next time you have a clogged drain, try using a simpler and safe remedy. Pour a cup of baking soda into the clogged drain and then pour a cup of white vinegar into it so that the mixture begins to react (“boil”). Then cover the drain with a stopper or rag and leave for at least 15 minutes. After this, rinse with hot water. If the problem is not solved, you can always repeat the procedure without fear of harsh chemicals affecting the sink or bathtub.

2. Clean pots without scrubbing

With baking soda, you can barely scrub even the dirtiest pots or not scrub them at all.

Pour water into a saucepan and add two tablespoons of baking soda. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes and then remove the dirty layer with a wooden spoon.

3. Removing unpleasant odors

Many unpleasant odors are the result of slightly acidic molecules, so pH balance can correct the situation and baking soda can help with this. To get rid of unpleasant odors, place an open container of baking soda in the refrigerator or cupboard. Soda can be changed once every 6 months. You can find ways to get rid of unpleasant animal odors.

4. Baking soda can freshen a mattress

The property of soda to absorb odors can be useful for bed. Just sprinkle baking soda on your mattress and make your bed. The next time you change sheets, vacuum the mattress. To flavor the soda, you can add a few drops of essential oils to taste.

5. Baking soda can refresh and clean your carpet.

If your carpet has an unpleasant odor, you can also sprinkle baking soda on it and then vacuum it after 30 minutes. You can also add it to soda essential oils. The carpet can be cleaned of dirt with baking soda mixed with water. Once the mixture has dried, simply vacuum the carpet.

6. Cleaning the oven and refrigerator

Our grandmothers used this method to clean ovens and refrigerators. It's time for us to remember him too. Mix a paste of water and baking soda and apply it to the inside of the refrigerator or oven. Leave overnight (12 hours). After this, use a spatula to carefully remove the dried paste and wipe off any remaining residue with a cloth.

7. Cleaning countertops, tiles and linoleum

The same paste of baking soda and water can be used to clean a huge number of surfaces in the house. It can be used instead of harsh chemicals to clean tile, marble, countertops and linoleum.

8. Cleaning grout

Use baking soda and an old toothbrush to remove dirt and sediment from the grout.

9. Cleaning the toilet

Simply pour baking soda into the toilet, scrub and flush. The abrasive properties of baking soda are good for cleaning porcelain.

10. Bleaching bed linen

Mix equal parts baking soda and lemon juice and add this mixture when washing bed linen, towels and clothes. This mixture works as a mild bleaching agent.

11. Removing onion odor

In this case, soda is no better than soap, but it is just as good. To remove the smell of onions from your hands, put a little baking soda in your palm, add a drop of water there, apply it to your hands and rinse with water.

12. Washing your hair

Washing your hair with baking soda is not suitable for all hair types, but many people like it and find it suitable for many. Baking soda allows you to clean your hair and avoid applying various chemicals to your head once again. I tried washing my hair with soda for a month - my hair began to dry out and the ends were split, of course, I didn’t like it, so I again switched to washing my hair with natural shampoo. However, there are also many positive feedback about using such a tool, so it’s worth a try. To wash your hair, add 1 tbsp to a glass of water. l. soda and stir. Pour the mixture onto your head and massage for about a minute, then rinse with water. After this, it is better to rinse your hair apple cider vinegar, diluted in a glass of water (1 tbsp vinegar per 1 glass of water).

The other day, while doing some spring cleaning, I found two packs of expired soda in the kitchen cabinet. I decided to refresh my knowledge on the use of soda, looked into dictionaries and encyclopedias, visited websites and forums and was surprised at how widespread the use of baking soda is not only in cooking and in everyday life, but also in medicine to improve health.

Baking soda, baking soda or sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate - white powder, salty-soapy taste.

All housewives know that soda has an alkaline reaction; it easily reacts with acids, and we often see one of them in our kitchen when we extinguish soda with acetic acid. As a result of this reaction, water, heat and sodium acetate are formed, which is used in the food industry as a preservative and is known as a food additive - E262. Sodium bicarbonate itself, or baking soda, is also registered as a food additive - E500. But soda, like all food products, becomes unsuitable for consumption over time; read the article on how to determine the expiration date.

Application of soda in industry:

But the main, well-known use of soda is cooking. It is used as a leavening agent in baking, because when heated, soda breaks down, releasing carbon dioxide, which makes baked goods fluffy and soft. I read about the above-mentioned properties of baking soda in the encyclopedia.

But as we already know, housewives are cunning, and over the past centuries, and soda was known in ancient Egypt, they learned to apply and use the wonderful properties of baking soda: loosen, wash, absorb, bleach, absorb, dissolve wherever possible, sometimes even where not…. Where else can you use baking soda? To use soda correctly, you must remember that it is alkaline. The alkaline properties of soda are successfully used both in the kitchen and at home.


In everyday life, not only baking soda is used, but also washing soda and caustic soda. They differ in the degree of alkaline activity. Baking soda is the weakest of these, but despite this, it helps to cope with various household problems.

If you glued strips of paper when insulating windows, a warm solution of soda (a teaspoon per liter of warm water) will help remove them in the spring; wet the strips of paper and after a few minutes they will easily come off;

Soda cleaning . Everyone faces the problem of dirty wallpaper. How to clean them? To do this, make a solution of baking soda: 2 teaspoons per liter of water. If this solution does not remove the dirt, then make a paste from soda (1 tablespoon of soda to 1 teaspoon of water), apply this paste to the dirt for a few minutes, and then rinse with a damp sponge;

Everyone is familiar with the situation when upholstered leather furniture (chairs, sofas) acquire unpleasant odors. Baking soda can easily remove these odors. To do this, you need to spray it in a thin layer on the surface of the furniture and allow it to absorb these odors, and then simply vacuum it;

You can clean upholstered furniture and carpets in a similar way; this is especially true when there are animals in the house;

Can you use baking soda to clean your toilet? Of course, to do this, it is enough to pour 2 packs of baking soda into the toilet at night once a month. In a few hours, the alkali will dissolve all deposits from the walls of the toilet and pipes. In the morning, rinse well;

Since soda has the ability to “capture” unpleasant odors, place a cup of soda in the bathroom and even in the refrigerator;

To eliminate all unpleasant odors, you can use a baking soda solution to clean all surfaces in the kitchen, bathroom, shower, dishwasher, oven, microwave...

To remove greasy blockages in the pipes in the kitchen, clean with baking soda, pour ½ pack of baking soda into the drain hole and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 1-2 and rinse with hot water.

For more severe clogs, try using soda ash. It works more effectively, just 2 tablespoons of soda mixed with a glass of hot water will remove the blockage. You need to pour the solution carefully, in a thin stream. After 20 minutes, rinse with hot water;

Baking soda is good at refreshing colored fabrics when washing, especially blue and bright red ones; when rinsing colored fabrics, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to the washing machine's softener tray;

Or add soda while washing clothes, instead of expensive “anti-scale agents”, it softens the water and inhibits the formation of scale;

Baking soda will also help remove iron marks on silk fabrics. You will need to apply soda slurry to the scorch mark and let it dry. After drying, shake off.

Sometimes ants appear in houses. Baking soda can deal with them in no time. Treat all openings: ventilation, sockets, with a solution of baking soda and the insects will disappear;

And don’t forget that baking soda is included in all fire extinguishing agents, therefore, at the slightest danger of a fire, feel free to sprinkle baking soda on all fires;

How much creativity and wisdom housewives show in their homes, you won’t remember it all at once. In this section you will find bits of folk ingenuity, little tricks and everyday advice.

Uses of baking soda in the kitchen:

If a pot or pan is burnt, boil a few tablespoons of baking soda in the dish, the bottom of the dish will be cleaned;

Soda easily removes tea and coffee sediment from cups, teapots, and coffee pots. The dishes can be cleaned with a sponge soaked in soda.

In general, it is better to replace dishwashing detergents with baking soda, because it is not harmful to health, is easily washed off and cleans everything perfectly.

To prevent milk from turning sour, in villages, when boiling, soda was added to it - a quarter of a teaspoon per liter of milk;

A solution of baking soda, prepared at a rate of 2 teaspoons per liter of water, absorbs fishy odor. Even the fish itself will not smell if you wrap it in wet wipe soaked in this solution and put in the refrigerator for one hour;

Tough meat will be much more tender and softer if you rub it with soda before cooking and keep it in the refrigerator for about an hour. Before use, rinse the meat with running water;

The cooked omelette will be airy, soft, fluffy if you add a little soda to it;

When using baking soda, do not forget that prolonged exposure to mucous membranes causes irritation...

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Baking soda has found application not only in cooking and folk medicine, but also in everyday life, becoming an indispensable assistant for many housewives. This well-known white powder will help you quickly clean the kitchen, bedroom or bathroom, take care of your pet and get rid of unpleasant odors.

Due to hard water with a large number of impurities, various contaminants may appear on the soleplate of the iron. They are dangerous because when ironing they leave unpleasant dirty stains, which are subsequently quite difficult to remove from clothes.

The simplest and effective method part with dirt - clean the iron with soda. To process the iron:

  • Take baking soda and toothpaste. Mix them in equal proportions. It is necessary to obtain a mushy mass.
  • Spread the “cleaner” over the entire soleplate of the iron, including the sides. Leave until completely dry.
  • Remove the product with a damp soft cloth.

There is a second recipe:

  • You will need to mix baking soda powder with a small amount dishwashing detergents.
  • When you get a mixture that resembles a thick porridge, apply it evenly to the sole. When applying, try to rub the mixture into particularly dirty areas.
  • Wait for the mixture to dry completely and remove with a soft cloth.

Soda consists of small crystals that act as a natural abrasive. Therefore, this cleaning method cannot be used for irons with Teflon soles - it will damage the delicate coating.

How to clean coins with soda?

You can clean copper or silver coins with low purity in a simple way:

  • Mix 1 tsp. baking soda with a little water. Add water gradually while mixing - you should get a thick mixture.
  • Apply the product to the coin and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Dirt is cleaned with a medium-hard brush, and the remaining mixture is easily removed with a damp cloth.

In order to clean coins from the USSR era or coins made from hard metals, you will need:

  • Prepare a solution of soda powder and 9% acetic acid, mixed in equal proportions. When mixing, be sure to use rubber gloves; mix the solution in a non-metallic container.
  • Dip the coins in the soda-vinegar solution. Leave until the stains are completely gone. It is better to use a wooden spatula to turn coins in the solution.
  • Clean further if necessary laundry soap and a soft brush.

Remember - acetic acid and soda cannot be used to clean gold and silver coins with a high standard.

Is it possible to clean an aquarium with baking soda?

Pathogenic bacteria often accumulate in an aquarium, leading to the death of fish. To preserve the “fish” kingdom, it is recommended to regularly wash the aquarium, thoroughly cleaning the glass, soil and decorative elements.

Baking soda is a good antiseptic that does not contain aggressive chemicals. Therefore, it can and should be used for an aquarium, especially if there is a need to urgently disinfect the aquarium.

  • Move the fish into any tank. Drain the water.
  • Wet a soft sponge and dip it in baking soda powder. Rinse the walls of the aquarium thoroughly and use a toothbrush to clean the joints.
  • Rinse the aquarium under a warm shower.

If an infection occurs, soak the soil and other elements in a weak soda solution for 20-30 minutes. Rinse them well after the procedure.

Soda for mold

If mold has appeared in the house, sodium bicarbonate powder will help you quickly and effectively get rid of such “surprises.” Unlike most products, soda powder does not contain aggressive substances that pose a health hazard. Is a safe cleaner.

The following solution is considered the most effective way to combat mold:

  • Dissolve 1/4 tbsp. tea soda in one glass of water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and shake the container to completely dissolve the powder.
  • Spray onto contaminated areas. Leave for 5-7 minutes, then remove the product with a brush or sponge.
  • Spray the solution again and let it dry completely. Remove any residue with a damp cloth and dry.

Soda for cleaning wallpaper and other surfaces

Soda powder is a good helper in the fight against various stains. To clean wallpaper or other surfaces:

  • For 1 l. add 2 tsp of warm water. baking soda. Dampen the sponge and rub it onto the fresh stain.

Tea soda - universal remedy, which has found wide application in many household areas. Thanks to its antiseptic and cleansing properties, you can always keep your home tidy without any extra effort.

In the video, Elena Malysheva talks about using baking soda.

Baking soda is an excellent leavening agent that is most often used to make dough. But don't underestimate her!

It's also universal folk remedy for cleaning. They wash and clean almost everything. Soda is safe for health, does not cause allergies, leaves no odor, is cheap and perfectly cleans a wide variety of stains.

Old upholstery

Dissolve baking soda in warm water and use this product on furniture whose upholstery is slightly dirty and smells unpleasant. After 15 minutes, vacuum it and enjoy the resulting freshness.


Of the kitchen utensils, the kettle is perhaps the most likely to become contaminated from the inside. The reason for this may be the quality of the water and the fact that when using it, we do not often look inside.
The easiest and most affordable way to clean a kettle and get rid of scale is to treat it with regular baking soda.
To clean the kettle, fill it with water, add 1 tablespoon of soda to the water, bring the water to a boil, then leave on low heat for 30 minutes. Next, wash the kettle, refill with water and boil again to remove any remaining soda.

Oily frying pan

mix detergent for dishes with baking soda and wipe greasy pans with this paste. Fat will come off without much effort.

Silver jewelry and cutlery

If yours silver jewelry have lost their shine, place a sheet of foil on the bottom of the pan, pour 60 grams of soda into it, pour 1 liter of hot water and place the decorations in the water. After this, put the dishes on the fire.
Boil on the lowest heat for 15 minutes. In just 3-4 minutes you will see the metal brighten. Cleaning silver with baking soda returns items to their original shine.


Regular baking soda does an excellent job of removing unpleasant odor from shoes. It works best on leather shoes and boots, but you can also use it to eliminate the smell of sweat in sneakers or sneakers.
To do this, take a small amount of baking soda and pour it into your shoes. Then leave the shoes, sneakers or boots in this form for one hour. After an hour, all that remains is to remove the soda, and not a trace will remain of the smell.

Food containers

They can get dirty quite quickly. Therefore, refresh them with a sponge sprinkled with soda or wipe them with the most stubborn stains paste this substance with a little warm water.

Dirty refrigerator

If there are foreign odors in your refrigerator, you can get rid of them with baking soda. Wipe all the walls and shelves with it. Also, pour some powder into an open container and leave it on the shelf for a while.

Fruits and vegetables

To remove wax deposits from purchased products, wash them in a warm soda solution.

All kitchen surfaces

Almost every dirty spot your kitchen can be cleaned with baking soda. By mixing it with water, you will safely and effectively clean work surfaces, countertops, and sinks. of stainless steel, microwaves, ovens and kitchen appliances.

Kitchen sponges

After several days of intensive use, kitchen sponges absorb odors and dirt, becoming unusable. You can correct the situation by soaking them in a solution of warm water and soda. But don’t expect too long a service life - the sponges should be changed every 2-3 weeks.

Pet Beds

Deodorizing a lounger is very simple: just sprinkle it with baking soda, wait 15 minutes and vacuum thoroughly.

Smell from the trash can

Place a spoonful of baking soda in the bottom or under a trash bag. Baking soda is a natural absorbent, it will cope with nasty odors, and you won’t have to wince every time you open the lid of the bucket.

Sink drain

Was there a not-so-pleasant odor coming from the drain, or did it begin to gurgle, hinting that it was about to clog? Feel free to pour half a glass of baking soda directly inside, then pour half a glass of vinegar.
Immediately cover the drain with a thick napkin or saucer - there will be fireworks. There is no need to be afraid of it, just wait 5 minutes. After that, turn on the hot tap and rinse.

Old toys

Walk over the animals with a washcloth soaked in a solution of baking soda and warm water. Drawings on the walls
If children have scribbled on recently painted walls, try removing the scribbles with a wet sponge and baking soda, rubbing lightly.

Mold in the bathroom

Mold can start as a small spot and quickly become a health hazard. Make simple, inexpensive, and easy-to-make recipes at home effective remedy from mold in the bathroom. To do this, you only need hot water, soda and washing powder.
A couple of tablespoons of baking soda and a spoon washing powder add to a glass of hot water, stirring thoroughly. Then use an old toothbrush dipped in this solution to remove mold from the bathroom surface. The same method can be used to clean the seams between the tiles.


A little baking soda in each load of laundry will make colored clothes brighter and whites lighter. In addition, the product will help balance water hardness, providing protection for the machine. Cleaning washing machine baking soda will extend its service life and get rid of plaque and odor.


Baking soda will help you clean carpets quickly and easily. You just need to sprinkle baking soda on the carpet and then vacuum it. In addition, baking soda will help remove unpleasant odors.

Grill grates

No need to soak, no need to put it in water - first let it cool, sprinkle with baking soda and only then start dry scrubbing with a washcloth or a ball of foil. Alternatively, pour baking soda onto the brush and clean it.

Stuffed animals

If you have stuffed animals, then you know for sure that this is the ideal dust collector. But they can also be cleaned with baking soda. To do this, place the stuffed animal in a suitable plastic bag, pour out a glass of soda, go out to Fresh air and, tightly covering the bag, shake everything together.
Baking soda will help draw out all the dirt and dust. After that, the scarecrow was vacuumed at low power and from a safe distance.


Just like with your refrigerator shelves, an open pack of baking soda will solve the problem of keeping your towels and bed linen fresh. After all, baking soda easily absorbs unpleasant odors. Iron with carbon deposits
Stubborn traces of rust, soot and scale can be removed from the soleplate of the iron with baking soda. Mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda with a little water or 9% vinegar to make a paste. Apply the paste to a slightly heated sole and rub with a cloth.

We all know that sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) - and this is what chemists call the familiar baking soda to us all - is widely used in some areas of the household (for example, in the manufacture of confectionery and baked goods). However, not everyone knows that baking soda is an amazing universal remedy with which you can greatly facilitate the solution of many household issues and at the same time save considerable money for your home budget. In this article, baking soda beneficial features application in everyday life and for treatment, you will certainly learn a lot of useful things!

I bring to your attention a list of situations in which baking soda can certainly help you:

  • Fluffy omelettes

To make your omelettes as tender, light and fluffy as those made by seasoned chefs, try adding a quarter teaspoon of baking soda for every 3 eggs. The result will pleasantly surprise you! The main thing here is not to overdo it with the amount of soda, otherwise a specific taste will not be avoided.

  • Soft legumes

Do you want beans, peas, lentils or other legumes to turn out boiled and soft? There is nothing simpler - first soak them in water, adding a pinch of baking soda.

  • Fighting unpleasant persistent odors

We have all noticed that no matter how thoroughly we wash our hands with soap after cutting fish or chopping garlic, the smell still remains. Try this remedy: take some baking soda, add a couple of drops of warm water, and then wash your hands with the resulting substance. Then rinse your hands with warm water - and the smell is gone!

If you want to keep your child busy with something unusual, surprise him with the following unusual toy: mix 2 parts baking soda, 5/4 parts water and 1 part cornstarch. Brew the resulting mixture until a thick mass forms, and you will get an absolutely safe semblance of clay. Modeling from such a mass will be very exciting for your baby!

  • Dishwasher care assistant

To get rid of the inevitable dishwasher odor, try pouring 1 cup of baking soda directly into the dishwasher container, then run it as normal. Sometimes it is not possible to immediately get rid of the smell - in this case, add 1 tsp. baking soda every time you use the machine.

  • Fighting the burnt bottom

Every housewife knows that dealing with a burnt bottom is an extremely difficult task. However, everything becomes easier if we have soda on hand: try to clean off everything that comes out, and then add half a cup of soda, add water and boil thoroughly. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated a second time.

  • Delicious sweet tomatoes

Sprinkle baking soda on the soil around your tomato plants to make the vegetables much sweeter.

  • Eliminating book mold

Sometimes, if not stored properly, mold can develop on books. In this case, sprinkle a little baking soda between the pages, then place the book in paper bag for a few days. Then clean the affected areas of mold and leave the book to sit in the sun.

  • Say no!" sunburn pain!

To take away the pain from sunburn, add 1 cup of baking soda to the bath, the water in which should be at room temperature. This is an effective remedy - you will immediately feel relief.

  • We prevent babies' skin from flaking

It happens that the skin on the head of young children begins to peel off. Try this remedy: mix a few teaspoons of baking soda and 1 tsp. water. Next, use this mixture as a scrub, first applying it to the flaky area of ​​the baby’s skin. Be careful - the mixture should never get into the baby's eyes. Then wipe the child's head with a damp cloth. The procedure should be repeated for 2-3 days.

  • Treating mouth ulcers

The rapid healing of small ulcers in the mouth is facilitated by rinsing the mouth every 2 hours with a solution of 1 tsp. baking soda to 1 cup warm water.

  • Cleaning the microwave

In order to effectively clean the microwave, you should place a glass of water inside, after adding 1 tbsp. soda Then turn on the microwave at maximum mode (3-5 minutes is enough). As a result, you can easily remove any dirt from the walls with a regular soft cloth.

  • Removing stains from walls

If you notice a stain on your wallpaper (or even plaster), don’t despair! Take a little baking soda on a damp cloth and wipe it off, then rinse off the soda with water and let the wall dry.

  • Prevent heartburn and stomach pain

Baking soda is alkaline in nature, so it is great at neutralizing excess acid. The slightest pinch of soda added to a dish with high acidity (containing tomatoes or garlic, citrus juice, etc.) is enough to avoid the unpleasant symptoms of heartburn and abdominal pain. Here is a simple use of soda for medicinal purposes.

  • Fighting the grass between the tiles

You can prevent grass from growing between tiles in your dacha or garden by sprinkling a little baking soda along the seams.

  • Relieving itching from insect bites

Everyone knows how unpleasant insect bites are. To relieve itching and swelling (if it's a bee or wasp sting), try this remedy: add a couple drops of water to a few teaspoons of baking soda. You should end up with a paste of fairly thick consistency. Apply the mixture to the bite area and let it dry before shaking it off the skin.

  • Eliminate foot odor

Your feet will stop sweating and the unpleasant odor will completely disappear if you regularly take foot baths with baking soda. For 5 liters of water you will need 2-3 tbsp. baking soda. Soak your feet in this solution for 15-20 minutes, then wipe them dry. This remedy is also excellent in the fight against foot fungus.

  • Using baking soda for hair

In addition to the methods listed, it is also possible to use soda for hair, we wrote about this in the article.

  • Using baking soda on the face

Baking soda perfectly cleanses pores, so it is indispensable as the main ingredient in a facial scrub. Soda is just a lifesaver teenage years, and also if you have oily skin.

  • The use of soda for medicinal purposes

One of simple ways To use baking soda and pamper yourself and your loved ones is to create your own bath bombs. This is a fun and completely safe process that the whole family can take part in, and even get a lot of benefits from the baths. Read about how to make and recipes with video master classes.