
Kuzminki autumn history of the holiday. Proverbs, folk signs and traditions of holidays in Russia. Autumn Kuzminki: traditions and customs

Pathology of the uterus

I am one of those people who like folk songs, dances, holidays. It is impossible to explain the reason. Maybe in a past life I lived in a village, or maybe because part of my childhood is connected with the Ukrainian village where my grandparents lived .. The main thing is that I attend events whenever possible and enjoy it. Yes, and my work (I am a teacher of additional education in the house children's center... I just want to write "Spring", now the Burkov House, because since March 2010 it has been attached to the Burkov House, Tyumen) is associated with folk crafts.
Per Lately visited the festival "Blagovest", an evening at the Institute of Culture and recently we hosted autumn holiday"Kuzminki".

For those who do not know:
"Kuzminki" - commemoration in the fall, the proverb says. folk calendar- the first winter holiday, meeting winter. It was named in honor of Saints Cosmas and Damian, who were especially revered in the village, where they were called in their own way Kuzma and Demyan. They were considered patrons of crafts, primarily blacksmiths and doctors, and were called "unmercenaries", since they did not take money into their hands. And also "kashniki", because only porridge was consumed from food. During their lifetime, the saints were free-of-charge doctors, they treated people and livestock "for the glory of God." They say that even wild animals went out to them without fear to take medical help, and the animals lived around them amicably, no one offended anyone.
"Kuzminki" has long been known as a girl's holiday. Girls of marriageable age asked them to tie the wedding tightly, like ice on a river. On this day, the girl became the mistress of the house, she cooked food for the family and treated everyone. The main course was chicken noodles, and the pie was chicken. In the evening, the girls arranged a "Kuzma evening" with games, jokes, and treated themselves to porridge "pussies" from various cereals. Such porridge was also cooked in families on the occasion of the end of the threshing, and dishes with chicken were always on the table, since among the people Kuzma and Demyan were considered the patrons of chickens and the same day was called "Kurya name day". On this occasion, they organized cockfights, gave away chickens as gifts, did not forget to “count chickens in the fall”. The children begged the cooks for feathers from plucked chickens - certainly from the right wing, the most extreme, the tightest, - wonderful comfortable brushes for painting came out of them wooden toys... And the mischievous guys went to steal neighboring chickens in the morning. But the peasants were rather condescending to thefts of this kind, and if they scolded, it was only for the sake of order.

The party was hosted by Olga V. Lapchinskaya (Vashkeba), head of the "Folk Song Lovers" club, a very interesting person, a professional who can teach any child to sing and instill a love of music ..

2. Was at a holiday and main character- Kuzma, that's how we got it.

3. On the Internet, we found information on what Kuzma and Demyana can do together, this is how they look. But only Kuzma came to us. Let's take into account next year... We will also invite Demyan.

4. There were round dances, games, songs.

6. Our girls are beautiful needlewomen.

And I also have a video recording of one song that was performed at the holiday. I liked everyone very much, but I have not yet mastered how to throw it here. Siberian folk song - "I planted cabbage, chopped cabbage". But I can now insert words and notes.

We made two more dolls at the holiday: the kids made a "gift for a gift", and the mothers made a "filipovka"

These are very interesting dolls.

"Gift for a gift" is a doll that teaches gratitude, they make it when they want to thank someone, for example, for an unexpected gift. And this doll was also a ritual during the rite of passage from the status of "child" to the status where sex is distinguished. In different regions, gender initiation took place from 3 to 5 years.
"Filippovka" is a six-armed amulet for needlewomen. It was believed that he protects female hands from fatigue, injuries. It dyes women's labor and turns it into pleasure, so that needlework will bring a small bundle with a grain and a coin on the belt of this doll.

Unfortunately, I do not have photos of how we made these dolls, and if someone else took pictures, I will be glad if you add photos and write your impressions about the holiday.

And here are recipes for the dishes prepared for the Kuzminki holiday.

"Birdie" snack.

Rinse chicken offal thoroughly, chop finely, fry with onions, salt and pepper, add grated cheese, chopped boiled eggs, tomato paste, sour cream and boil. Put in a greased dish, pour over beaten egg, sprinkle with grated cheese, bake in the oven. Everything.

Chicken cutlets with cheese.

Pass the chicken pulp through a meat grinder twice, season with salt and pepper, mix well. Roll the cakes from the minced meat, put butter mixed with grated cheese in the middle, combine the edges of the cake into a round cutlet. Moisten the finished cutlet in a beaten egg, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in a skillet in butter.

Festive cake "Kurnik".

In the old days, "Kurnik" was baked either for a wedding or for the "Kurya name day". There are many variations of this famous cake, and no wonder! They loved to taste it with different fillings and serve it solemnly. Inevitably, you will gasp when the hostess brings in a tall conical pie, decorated with leaves and flowers of dough, with a crater at the top, steaming appetizing steam ... But what can I say, let's bake the pie. Any yeast dough will do, but there will be several fillings. First, roll out a thin layer of dough slightly larger than the pan in which we will bake. Put the layer in a frying pan, put the first filling on the dough - boiled and cooled rice. Roll out the second layer of dough, thin as a pancake, and cover the first filling with it. Put pieces of boiled chicken on the second "floor" of "Kurnik" and again cover them with a thin dough pancake. The third filling is fried mushrooms. We will cover the sides of our conical tower with the same thin overlapping pancakes, connect and pinch the bottom layer with side pancakes, and leave a small round hole at the top. From the remains of the dough we will cut out decorations in the form of leaves, ears, flowers, stars, and place them on the sides of the "Kurnik". The surface of the cake should be greased with a beaten egg using a brush or chicken feather. Pour half a glass of chicken broth into the hole of the "crater", put the pie in the oven. Baking takes about 30-40 minutes at 220 degrees, check readiness with a splinter.
Bon Appetit!

On November 14, Orthodox believers commemorate Saints Kuzma and Demyan. In the folk calendar, this date was called autumn Kuzminki, Chicken coop.

Who are Saints Kuzma and Demyan?

Kuzma and Demyan were brothers and lived in the 3rd century. Their father died early, and the boys were raised by their mother, Saint Theodotia. As adults, the brothers studied medicine. For the righteous life that they led, the Lord gave Kuzma and Demyan the gift of healing. The brothers never charged a fee from the weak and sick, who were treated, for which they were called by the people unmercenaries.

Rites and traditions of this day

In Russia, Kuzma and Demyan were considered the patrons of poultry, crafts and marriage. That is why there are many weddings on November 14th.

Those who keep poultry should sprinkle the chicken coop with holy water on this day so that the chickens are kept alive and do not get sick. And then slaughter a few birds and cook different dishes. The chicken heart is given to the stunted or youngest member of the family to eat, then he will be strong and healthy all year round.

On the day of autumn kuzminok, after the baby has been bought up, you cannot pour water out into the street - he will cry a lot and sleep restlessly.

If you give alms to the poor on November 14, do not look them in the eyes, otherwise poverty will not escape.

How to pray today for the health of loved ones?

For every person, there is nothing more important than family well-being, happiness and health of loved ones. In order for everything to be good with loved ones, you must daily pray to the Lord God, the Most Holy Theotokos and the Guardian Angels. But November 14 is a special day, since ancient times in Russia it was customary to ask Saints Kuzma and Demyan for peace to their home and health to all family members. You can also carry out several simple ceremonies on the health of your relatives on this day.

So that no one is sick in the family, perform this strong rite. You will need a small piece of black cloth. The oldest member of the family must go to the aspen grove today and find a tree there that has recently withered. A black rag is tied on the east side of the tree and read conspiracy words:

“My dear Mother of God, Saints Kuzma and Demyan, I pray to you for the happiness and health of my family. Let none of my loved ones get sick, let all ailments bypass my family. Let all sores go away from the face and hands, from the abdomen and legs. As this tree dries up, so let the diseases of my relatives disappear. Amen".

After that, you need to turn around and quickly leave. It is very important not to stop or talk to anyone on the way back, do not go through intersections. From this day, throughout the year, you cannot give salt and bread from home, even to the closest neighbors and relatives.

Rite of passage for an apple

Take a large ripe apple, wash it with spring or melt water, and read the conspiracy: “May health and strength come to us. Help us mother nature to fight troubles and ailments. And we promise to always honor all living things and help it grow. " Then divide the apple into as many slices as there are members in the family. Give each of them a bite to eat right away.

Ritual for soap

Take a new bar of soap and read the conspiracy words over it: "As this soap washes our things and the house washes the dirt off, so let him completely wipe away the disease from everyone who lives here and remove it forever." Then use the soap as directed.

Folk omens on November 14

The cat mewed that day - to bad luck.

A warm day on Kuzma and Demyan means that real winter will come only in the last decade of December and will be with little snow, not harsh.

But if by November 14, not all the trees have thrown off the foliage, then the winter must be expected to be fierce, frosty.

People say that all dreams for autumn kuzminki are necessarily prophetic.

@ Abramovich Oksana, writer

In ancient times it was believed that on the Kuzminki holiday you can radically change your life for the better. Observe folk traditions and signs associated with this day, to attract happiness, good luck and protect yourself from adversity.

On November 14, 2018, Orthodox believers will honor the memory of the unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, who in Russia were usually called "Kuzma and Demyan." Over the years, this event has absorbed many traditions and signs - both church and folk. On this day, our ancestors said goodbye to autumn and met winter, and did so in accordance with certain rules. The site experts will tell you how to properly spend this day in order to avoid trouble and attract good luck.

Kuzminki traditions

This day is of particular importance for those who suffer from various kinds of diseases and ailments. On November 14, 2018, Orthodox believers will be able to turn to Kuzma and Demyan with requests for healing and protection. In Russia at this time, ceremonies and rituals were carried out aimed at a speedy recovery.

To get rid of diseases, on this day, wealthy people sent poultry and eggs as gifts to the poor. It was believed that an egg laid by a hen on this day has strong healing properties, and with its help you can get rid of any ailment.

Kuzminki is a holiday during which our ancestors saw off autumn and prepared to meet winter. It is believed that the event should be celebrated on a grand scale, otherwise the whole next year can be spent in grief. On this day, it is customary to invite guests into the house and prepare a festive dinner from numerous dishes. If the table is scarce, then the household will suffer from poverty. The traditional drink of the holiday is freshly brewed beer, which must be treated not only to your guests, but also to all neighbors.

On November 14, chicken was celebrated name day, so the main dish on festive table there was a bird. Most often, noodles and pastries with chicken were served as treats, believing that with the help of these dishes you can attract happiness and health.

By tradition, marriageable girls independently organized a holiday in their home, cleaned and cooked chicken dishes, and then invited guests, including unmarried young people. Each of the single men present had to taste the treats prepared by the girl.

Salting a brownie is one of the most important traditions of the holiday. To do this, our ancestors cooked porridge from millet, placed bowls with delicacies in all corners of the house. If the next day the amount of porridge in one of the bowls has decreased, it means that the brownie has tried the treat. In this case, they believed that in the future the defender would protect the home from disasters, enemies and robbers.

Folk omens on November 14

In order to have money in the house all year, on November 14, you must eat at least a piece of chicken. First of all, this sign applies to those who are engaged in breeding poultry.

If you were lucky enough to find a wallet on Kuzminki, it means that the profit will grow throughout the year. Losing your wallet means poverty.

If on this day you decide to give alms, in no case look into the eyes of the needy, otherwise in the future his fate may overtake you.

Hearing a cat meow in the morning is fortunate. If a cat meows right in your home, then a positive event awaits you soon.

If a single girl meets a man on November 14, this promises a happy marriage. It is not necessary that a new acquaintance will be the groom.

Women on this day should not wash themselves with spring water, so as not to wash off their beauty and health.

In November 2018, Orthodox believers will celebrate many church events, and many of them need to be prepared for. In order not to miss a single important holiday, we recommend that you look into the Orthodox calendar. We wish you happiness and health, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Natalia Shashkova
Scenario of the folk holiday "Day of Saints Kuzma and Demyan"

Scenario of the folklore-ritual holiday

Day of Saints Kuzma and Demyan "

for children of senior and primary school age.

Folk calendar:

November 14 according to the national calendar - celebration meetings of winter and autumn wires. Before spoke: “Kuzminki - about autumn commemoration "... The Russian people believed the holy brothers Kuzma and Demyan(To Cosmas and Damian) patrons of blacksmiths and women - needlewomen.

Will order Kuzma - Demyan, until spring do not unscrew. Kuzminki - chicken name days: Cochetes were marked. The girls - sitters arranged a feast - a conversation, for this each brought a kochet - a rooster. Good fellows who were after their hearts were invited to the feast.

The Russian people believed that Kuzma and Demyan patronize weddings, that with their hammer on a heavenly anvil, they forge a marriage chain, and then help families to live in harmony, in peace. In the villages, girls called out:

Father Kuzma - Demyan,

Send us a wedding

Firmly - firmly

Up to the gray head,

Until a long beard.

In the evening, a stuffed animal was made at gatherings Kuzma: stuffed trousers and a shirt with straw, attached a head, girded a stuffed animal with a sash. They played songs, dances and played the so-called “kissing games”. After finishing holiday the stuffed animal was taken out of the house, stripped and torn apart on straws, danced and burned the doll.

The party often lasted until morning.


Contribute to the formation of ideas about the content, structure of Russian folk ritual, foster interest and respect for him, as part of the musical folklore heritage.

Stimulate positive motivation to study Russian works folklore, develop creative thinking.

Contribute to the creation of a favorable environment for communication between adults and children.

Preliminary work:

Listening to Russian folk songs.

Conversation on this topic.

Examination of illustrations depicting folk holidays.

Learning songs and poems, dances.

Manufacturing ritual puppet- amulets.

Organization of an exhibition of folk art.

Equipment: table, benches, kitchen utensils, spinning wheel, stuffed animal Kuzma, samovar.

Costumes: all participants, both adults and children, are dressed in Russian folk costumes.

Musical instruments: wooden spoons, rattles, tambourines, box, ruble, xylophone, pipes, crackers.

Characters: Mistress, Mistress2, Grandfather Egor are adults, Petrushka and the merchant are children.

Announcement in the group:

Get up early in the morning

Clean up the house

Feed the animal

Don't be angry, smile

And hurry everyone to the yard

For a fun conversation.

Holiday in the village with us

Ku-ka-re-ku, good hour.

Start holiday"On the Kuzma-Demyana» at 10.0

Holiday progress:

Two girls come out.

1 girl .: On the heaps, in the light,

Or on some logs

Gathered gatherings

Elderly and young.

2 girl: Who was sitting at the torch

Or under the bright sky -

They spoke, they sang songs

And they went round dance.

1 girl: And how they played! into the burners!

Ah, the burners are good!

In a word, these gatherings

Were feast of the soul.

2 girl: The life of people is marked by the century,

The old world has changed.

Today we are all on the "bottom"

Private summer cottages or apartments.

Together .: Our leisure is sometimes shallow,

And, what is there to say,

It's boring to live without gatherings!

They should be revived!

(run out the door)

To a Russian folk song ( "Kalinka Malinka" performed by N. Babkina) the hostesses enter.

Hostess: Hey, good people! Are you going to sit at home today and look out the window? Should you be foggy, sad and sad today?

Mistress2: We will be glad to see you at our place, waiting for you big holiday, joyful holiday... According to the old custom Kuzminki are called. Kuzminki - commemoration in autumn.

Hostess: In honor of Saints Kuzma and Demyan, patrons of crafts. In that day revered the people of the artisan.

Mistress2: people say that the Saints these were blacksmiths and did not take money for their work - which is why they were called unmercenaries, but they always treated them to porridge, therefore they are sometimes called "Kashniki".

Hostess: Oh, I hear the guests are already coming!

Mistress2: From all doors,

From all the gates

Come soon

Hurry, people!

Girls enter to the accompaniment of Russian folk music.

Hostess: Hello, dear guests!

Come on in, make yourself at home!

Girls: Kind day to your house!

Mistress2: Let my hut not be red in the corners, not rich in pies, but glad to guests, as if they were good news! (bows)

1st girl: Don't worry, Hostess. We don't lie at home,

And we are not at a party.

The hostess seats the guests on the bench.

Master: We have a word and a place for everyone.

2nd girl: Guests are forced people,

Where they put them, they sit there.

Hostess: Oh, the table will be rich today.

1st girl: There is both porridge and flat cakes!

2nd girl: Both pies and testicles!

3rd girl: And here is the kurnichek waiting for you, on Kuzma - Demyana always baked chicken poultry.

Hostess: Yes, Kuzminki - chicken name days.

4th girl: And where else are our guests?

Hozyka2: Soon, soon they will be!

Hostess: In the meantime, they are not, sit down to needlework, start spinning winter yarn. Yes ask Kuzma with Demian, because they are our patrons, to help us keep up with those who started it earlier.

Girls: (in chorus) Father, Kuzma - Demyan!

Compare me late to early!

1st girl: The spinning wheel is not God, but gives a shirt!

2-girl: Don't be lazy to spin, you will dress well!

Girls perform a Russian folk song "Already you, spinning wheel, my cocoa"

3girl: We have girls - for all trades craftswomen.

They can spin, knit, and embroider.

4 girl: Stretch, don't break the thread, but pull yourself together!

(dance is a game "clew")

There is a knock on the door, more come in guests: boys performing a dance a scene under p... n. P. "Lady" .

Guys: Kind day, pullets-winches!

Girls: Hello, if you’re not joking, guys, good fellows, cheerful daredevils!

Sing ditties:

the boys: Blow, blow the winds, violent whirling,

we go through the village - all move aside!

Girls: And who are you? Where did they come from?

We don't have girls like that to fall in love with you!

Boys: WELL! Girls: YES! Together: These are the things of the cat!

Boys: Play the balalaika, start the party,

We will sing ditties for you, for the whole meeting!

Girls: I have petechiae clubfoots on my sundress,

I myself am not clubfoot - clubfoot grooms!

Boys: WELL! Girls: YES! Together: These are the things of the cat!

Boys: I'll harness the cat into the droshky. and a kitten in a tarantass-

I'll take my girlfriend, all the neighbors to the show!

Girls: I'm sitting on a barrel, ruddy cheeks-

They say that she's got it, but I was born this way!

Boys: WELL! Girls: YES! Together: These are the things of the cat!

Small. 2: Health to you! Do you need us?

Dev. one: we have guests in the house, like the sun in a tower!

Dev. 2: Dear guests, happiness to you. We ask you to visit us in the tower.

Dev. 3: Come in, dear guests! Honor to the guest, joy to the owner!

Dev. 4: We have been waiting for you for a long time - we are waiting, we are not starting the holiday.

Mal .: beat our foreheads to dear owners. And thank you for your welcome!

(boys bow)

Boy: We went around the whole village, all to preparing for the holiday, nobody in this day does not work.

Reb. one:Celebration of this craft,


The holiday is not idleness -

Handicraft festival!

Reb. 2:Like this holiday is coming,

All the people go for a walk.

Very fun, with enthusiasm

Sings Russian songs!

Children perform the folk song “On Kuzma - Demyana ".

Sing: On the Kuzma, Kuzma-Demyana to Kuzma, Kuzma-Demyana,

On the merry celebration, on merry celebration.

Powder fell out, powder fell out,

White is good, white is good.

As for this powder, as for this powder.

Vanya walked good, Vanya walked good.

Not by the way, not by the way, not by the way not by the way.

Another's garden, another's garden.

He is someone else's garden, he is someone else's garden.

Katya's path, Katya's path.

(a boy and a girl dance, at the end of the song all the children are united in pairs, the boys accompany the girls to the chairs, then stand in a semicircle.)

Hostess: lovely boys, today is yours celebration, after all Kuzma and Demyan were artisans and blacksmiths.

Mal .: and I know that Kuzma and Demyan are great workers, blacksmiths and carpenters. They forge plows and plows and distribute them to people.

Mistress2: they and the house protect from any trouble. From all daring.

2 small .: and they also say they are wizards. Blacksmiths can shackle land and water in chains of ice.

Hostess: oh, you are my clever girls! You know everything!

Small 3: hostess! Do you need workers?

Mistress2: what can you do?

Boys: and that's what!

(song "Like in our workshop")

sing: look at how we have it in the workshop,

the workers work there day-day.

As they begin to chop with a hatchet,

Pound the nails with hammers,

And with saws they saw, saw, saw

Sawdust is flying in all directions.

It's time for the carpenters to finish their work,

And they will go squatting down dance:

Ay, luli, ai, luli, luli, luli,

Ay, lyuli, ah, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli.

1 boy: and I have a folder - a potter, how it works! (shows)

2 boy: and in our smithy it is not worse!

(A controversy flares up - who is better working: we work better - no, we)

Hostess: hey, roosters! Fight now!

Boy: and we are carpenters - this is how we work. See what musical instruments have been made.

Hostess: and we can play on them now!

Boy: Here are the Khokhloma spoons,

tambourines, mischievous rattles,

Come on, people, music has been waiting for everyone for a long time!

(Russian folk song "Lanky crane", children play along with musical instruments)


Legs, arms stretched, but forgot about the head?

We have riddles so tricky,

Whoever guesses the riddles will go to the scientists.


1. The red maiden grew up in a dungeon,

People took it in their hands, tore off their braids.

2. Antoshka stands on one leg.

3. I found a ball, broke it,

I saw gold and silver.

4. Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats,

Whoever undresses him sheds tears.

5. Not a rider, but with spurs, not a watchman, but wakes up.

Hostess: Well done, guys, they solved all the riddles!

Hostess: It seems there are more guests coming to us!

(Parsley appears)

Parsley: I am Parsley, a funny toy!

Oak legs, silk curls.

I myself walk, wander, move,

I'm not afraid of anyone in the world!

Good health to you guys!

Everything: Hello Petrushka!

Hostess: Who came to us, so important and serious?

(The Merchant appears.)

Merchant: I am a merchant - a dandy in trade.

Parsley: Why did you come to the fair?

Merchant: Trade.

Parsley: Steal?

Merchant: yes, not to steal, but to trade.

Parsley: Ah, feast! Well, then I'll go with you!

Merchant: Okay, feast like this. And you there is money? You must have two hundred rubles.

Parsley: Five nails?

Merchant: Yes, not nails, but rubles.

Parsley: Yes, I did not drive pigeons.

Merchant: Don't be ridiculous, Petrushka people.

Parsley: You ask me, beat me? With pleasure!

(Parsley takes a stick, the merchant runs away.)

Parsley: Drink tea, merchant, don't shake your head.

Above don’t shake your money, and got away with Petrushka.

Oh, I'm kind of tired. Amuse me guys. Sing me a funny song.

(Boys come out to the music)

Boy1: We, Boys are daredevils, mischievous tomboys,

We invite you to dance, we ask you not to refuse.

Boy2: Hey girls are laughter and guys are great,

Come out, do not hesitate, help yourself to the seeds!

(song "Seeds")

Mistress 2: Now, boys, play with our girls. Business time - fun hour!

Hostess: Have you forgotten about the custom? On that celebration guys bring girls a chicken.

Boys: but of course! here they brought it! (They take out the toy chickens and give them to the girls.)

Girls: Well, since they've brought it, so be it, we'll play with you!

(the game "Wattle")

Hostess: Oh, and you are cheerful people!

Hostess: We did a good job, it's time to refresh ourselves.

Help yourself, dear guests, than God sent.

Bagels, and drying, sweet donuts.

(the hostess hangs drying and bagels on the hosts)

Mistress2: well, people, disperse - who loves drying here, and who loves bagels here.

Everything: Get ready, people, in a round dance, in a round dance.

He who is not afraid of work dances and sings.

(children get up in two round dances, leading in the middle)

(play "Hit the swing, swing, swing.")

Sing: hit, swing, swing, swing, look the steering wheel, roll,

Look at the bagels, rolls - hot, hot from the oven.

With the heat, the heat from the oven - all the blush is hot,

Rooks arrived here - grabbed the rolls -

We were left with little baranoi.

(at the end, the children sit down, close their eyes, the presenters stand in another place, as the music ends, children must build a circle around their presenter, the game is repeated 3 times, for 3 times the presenters stand side by side, hold hands. Children make one circle)

1st child: we were in the round dance,

who should be seen!

2nd child: a beautiful girl,

good fellow!

(Rebuild in a semicircle, a boy and a girl come out.)

Girls .: in the yard the gate creaks.

The little one comes to me, whistles!

Boy: past the milky windows

I will not pass on the quiet,

Either I knock, or I blur,

Or I'll sing a song!

(Russian folk song "A young Cossack was leaving the service.")

Hostess: Wow, how great you are doing. You play well, sing well, but how do you dance?

Mistress 2: here are silk scarves, scarlet, blue, purple - run up, choose.

(girls take scarves)

Girl: he who dances with a handkerchief and plays the balalaika is never bored!

Girl 2: I sewed a shawl with a border,

Velvety, painted!

Girl 3 .: It's not a pity for such a shawl - gold!

Girl4: And on my handkerchief there are small flowers!

Girl 5: But the half-shawls are a wonderful gift!

(Children perform a dance with headscarves.)

(there is a knock on the door, grandfather Yegor comes in)

Grandfather: are you not enough? Don't you need us?

Everything: necessary! Necessary! come in, grandfather Yegor!

Grandfather: The welcome guest does not wait for the call, but he himself goes to visit.

Hostess: did you dress up like that?

Mistress2: look how beautiful you are!

Hostess: dress up the stump and it will be beautiful! (joking, laughing)

Grandfather: look you! You all play, yes you dance, but about our Kuzma forgotten - but today it celebration! (take out a scarecrow Kuzki) let's make it bigger.

(everyone stands around the scarecrow in a circle, Grandfather Yegor is holding the scarecrow.)

Everybody is singing: Our dear Kuzyushka!

We praise you, we praise you,

Let's put it in a round dance. We meet you, we dignify you! (scarecrow falls)

Let's say goodbye to you, you go to rest!

Grandfather: Oh, my dear fell. Know the end of autumn!

Hostess: came Kuzma and Demyan, amused us, took the autumn with them, paved the road to winter.

Mistress2: oh, my dear guests! It's time to see our coveted priest off!

Everything: (together) goodbye, Kuzyushka! Until the new autumn! Until the next harvest!

(Grandfather carries away the stuffed animal Kuzma.)

Hostess: Well, funny kids, all come here! See who I'm leading!

Mistress2: oh, yes this is Kostroma!

(the game "Kostroma")


Everything: great, Kostroma!

Kostroma: healthy!

Everything: why are you doing this?

Kostroma: strand a tow!

Everything: well, spin, spin.

Sing: Kostroma, Kostroma, my lady, Kostromushka has jelly with milk, Kostromushka has pancakes with cottage cheese.

Everything: great, Kostroma!

Kostroma: healthy!

Everything: why are you doing this?

Kostroma: trampled, trampled and gathered to knit!

Everything: well, knit, knit.

Sing: Kostroma, Kostroma, my lady, Kostromushka has jelly with milk, Kostromushka has pancakes with cottage cheese.

Everything: great, Kostroma!

Kostroma: healthy!

Everything: why are you doing this?

Kostroma: knitted, tied, but was going to weave!

Everything: well, work, work, God help.

Sing: Kostroma, Kostroma, my lady, Kostromushka has jelly with milk, Kostromushka has pancakes with cottage cheese.

Everything: great, Kostroma!

Kostroma: healthy!

Everything: why are you doing this?

Kostroma: Yes, I’ve worked, but I’m going to sleep!

Everything: well, sleep, sleep.

Sing: Kostroma, Kostroma, my lady, Kostromushka has jelly with milk, Kostromushka has pancakes with cottage cheese.

Everything: great, Kostroma!

Kostroma: healthy!

Everything: why are you doing this?

Kostroma: Yes, I sleep, I sleep!

Everything: why are you talking?

Kostroma: yes out of habit. And now, as I get up, I will catch up with you.

(children run to high chairs).

Hostess: Play music loudly,

invite everyone to dance!

Reb .: Disperse, people,

The dance takes me.

I'll go dance

I will show myself to people!

(dance "Varenka")

Hostess: Good people, honest people.

Holiday in the hut, with treats, games, dances.

Came Kuzminki - the amulet brought:

for the soul, for the house, for health, for happiness,

so that the squeaky pigs were found, the pots did not beat.

Mistress2: The guys tried to make them themselves - protective dolls. Take them, dear guests, but keep them, they will bring you a lot of joy.

(Music is played by the Cossack folk choir "Mother Russia"... Children give guests dolls-amulets, then they stand in a semicircle, holding hands, bow to the guests - boys, then girls, then hostesses.)

Hostess: for such fun, our compliments to you!

Mistress2: and a delicious treat awaits you!

Hostess: to all of you, both craftsmen and needlewomen, and you, dear guests, we wish you success and joy, laughter and fun!

Mistress2: we ask you to sit down at the oak tables, and taste the birthday chicken!

(guests with children go to the tables, treat themselves to chicken, and wash them down with kvass or compote.)

Autumn Kuzminki (Day of Kuzma and Demyan) November 14, 2017: what kind of holiday it is, how is it celebrated, signs, traditions, history. Annually November 14 about marked folk holidayAutumn Kuzminki.

On this day, the Orthodox Church remembers the miracle workers Kuzma and Demyan (Cosma and Damian) and their mother the Monk Theodotia.

history of the holiday says that Kuzma and Demyan were siblings. Their mother Theodotia raised her sons in Christianity. V adolescence Kuzma and Demyan were given to study healing. However, the surprise of the people knew no bounds when the brothers began to heal the terminally ill. It is worth noting that they did not take payment for their labor.

Once there was a case when miracle workers healed a woman who, as a token of gratitude, brought them three eggs. As usual, the brothers did not want to take the gift. However, the woman begged God to take Kuzma from her eggs as a token of great gratitude. Kuzma could not refuse the woman's pleas and accepted the gift. To which his brother Demyan was very offended. He said that Kuzma had broken their vow, therefore he forbids burying them nearby.

After the death of the brothers, Christians remembered Demyan's prohibition to bury him next to Kuzma. They wondered what to do for a long time. And at that moment a camel appeared, speaking in a human voice. That camel told the Christians to bury the brothers together, since Kuzma did not receive the woman's gifts out of self-interest at all. And the brothers were buried together.

Autumn Kuzminki November 14, 2017 Is a national holiday. Therefore, it has its own traditions, customs, signs. On this day, it is customary to exchange special gifts - chickens. These chickens were never chopped, they were fed with barley and oats. It was believed that the eggs laid by such a chicken have healing properties.

Young girls on Kuzminki on November 14 arrange gatherings. They always bustled in advance - they brought food, prepared for the feast. Boys also came to the holiday, there they could choose a bride for themselves. When the treats ran out, the youth could go and steal chickens in the village. On Kuzminki on November 14, such thefts were considered permissible and were not punishable.

On Kuzminki, on the autumn of November 14, the last weddings usually took place in this year... It was believed that on this day the wedding season ends.

The women began to spin. But the blacksmiths did not work that day. After all 14 november also called Happy blacksmith... Therefore, working on a holiday for people of this craft was considered a sin.

Signs on Kuzminki in autumn on November 14, 2017 are mainly associated with the weather. It is believed that if it is warm on November 14, then the winter will also be warm.

If the autumn foliage on Kuzminki has not yet flown from the trees, then the winter will be harsh, and the harvest will be poor.
If it snows on Kuzminki in autumn on November 14, 2017, the river will overflow in spring.