
We decorate the interior: Autumn straw crafts (38 photos). History and folk traditions of straw products How to weave from straw


Straw has been used since ancient times not only for feeding livestock, but also for making various handicrafts. The fact is that it is a fairly cheap, environmentally friendly material. If you do not know what can be made from straw, this article will help you figure it out.

What products can be built from straw?

There are many things that can be done from the presented material. Very popular, for example, are straw bags and baskets. In hot regions of the country, hats are made from this material. The fact is that they protect well from the sun and they are not hot.

If you don’t know what can be made from straw, then pay attention to floor mats, table coasters for dishes, shoes, toys, crafts. It should be noted that straw blocks can even build a house. At the same time, it will not be inferior in quality to a brick structure.

What are the benefits of straw crafts?

You already know what can be done. Now you should deal with the merits of this material. Among them are the following:

Low cost (straw is a waste after processing grain crops, so they have a low price);

Naturalness (this material is natural);

Strength (despite the fact that the elements are considered fragile and break quickly, when wet they become elastic and difficult to break);

Nice appearance(products made from this material have a very attractive shade, in addition, they can have a complex shape, that is, you can decorate any interior);

Combination with any style decision;

The possibility of coloring crafts.

From these small elements you can build anything. In this case, you only need properly processed material and patience.

How to choose and prepare material for work?

If you know what can be made from straw, it remains to figure out what material to pick up and how it should be processed. During the collection of stems, pay attention to their color, length and elasticity. For weaving, straws of cereals such as rye should be used. You can also use wheat stalks, but they are thicker and coarser. For the production of small elements, use oat material.

Before work, the material should be well dried. Otherwise, it will start to rot and rot. Straw can be stored in boxes and bundles only after airing and drying. Also, it should be thoroughly cleaned of dust.

Before starting work, the stems must be processed. That is, you should fill the straw with warm water for half an hour (or several hours if the material is last year), cover with plastic wrap or a simple cloth and press down with some kind of load. This process continues until the stems become soft and pliable.

If you are going to do something artistic decoration paintings, it may be necessary to bleach or stain the elements. It's not at all difficult to do this. For example, to lighten elements, use a regular bleach for natural fabrics. For coloring, you can use the calcination method, as well as aniline or natural dyes. Thanks to this, the product will turn out to be very beautiful and bright. During the procedure, soda should be added to the solution to fix the color.

Lastly, the elements are ironed along the fibers.

What are "pellets" and what are they used for?

You should know what can be made from straw, not only crafts or decorative elements. This material is quickly restored and, when ignited, gives enough a large number of heat. This means that it can be used for space heating instead of wood.

In addition, straw pellets are used as feed for cattle. However, as a heating material, they are far superior to sawdust in terms of heat transfer and economy. The fact is that the composition of the granules contains a lot of volatile substances, which provide long-term combustion of the material. The presented material does not require special storage conditions. The fact is that it is very resistant to moisture, decay. The only drawback is the high ash content of the pellets. However, the waste is environmentally friendly.

Straw weaving features

In order to work with the material, it is necessary to prepare a place. It is desirable that the surface is dry and hard. In order for it not to be damaged, it is necessary to lay an oilcloth on it. You may also need the following tools and materials:

Scissors or short knife;

PVA glue;

Paint, varnish and brush.

If you will make a flat picture, and not a three-dimensional product, then you need to prepare a base for it, which is suitable for thick cardboard. During operation, observe safety precautions as much as possible. Before you begin, you must definitely think over the product that you want to build, choose a method for its manufacture, and also draw a sketch on paper.

What are the ways to weave straw products?

There are several methods for connecting elements: straight, spiral, flat and volumetric. To apply the first method, straws are required, while they can be flattened. The resulting products are used as rugs, panels or separate elements for more complex crafts.

In spiral weaving, a bundle of straws is tightly wrapped with twine. Next, they need to be laid in tight turns. If the product is large, then the tourniquet should be thick.

The last two weaving methods are quite simple. For work, you will need separate straws. At the same time, they need to be well flattened. To do this, simply run the blunt end of the knife over them several times. Straw weaving is not only a great way to decorate your home. Thanks to the process, you can show your imagination, relax and get moral satisfaction.

Construction of thatched houses

I must say that not only any crafts or household items can be made from the presented material. In some countries, houses are built from it. At the same time, housing has a lot of advantages: good sound and thermal insulation, low cost of building walls, environmental friendliness, good ventilation of the building. And the construction is quite fast.

The material for the construction of the structure must be absolutely dry so that over time it does not begin to rot. For work, wooden beams are used (as the frame of the house, as well as for the rafter system, bales, concrete mortar (for making the foundation), roofing material (for isolating the straw from the base). It will also be necessary to use other materials for the subsequent finishing of the structure. The bales are attached to each other using bent reinforcement, which is installed in each corner.

First of all, the frame of the house is built. To do this, the beams are mounted at the corners of the previously marked area, as well as in those places where doors and windows will be installed. Now you can move on to stacking bales. The evenness of the installation must be constantly checked with a level and a level.

In order for the corners of the structure to be even, make special brackets from wood. Before making a house out of straw, try to find bales of the right size. It is impossible to force them into the remaining gaps. Therefore, the elements must have different lengths.

Features of the construction of a bull and a horse from the presented material

The presented material can be used for making stuffed animals. For example, often children are interested in how to make a horse out of straw. For work, you will need three main bundles of material: from the first we make the head, neck and front legs (we divide it into two parts from top to bottom), from the second - the tail and torso, and from the third we will build the hind legs. These elements are tied with twine. For the mane, you will need additional straw.

So, first you should bandage the first bundle from one edge, then it must be turned out. Further, the twine separates the head and neck of the future horse. Here it is necessary to observe proportions. . Then a small part of the straw is bent to the side at a right angle to the head (the torso will be attached to it). The front legs are made from the remaining material. The rest of the horse is constructed in much the same way. Lastly, the mane, ears and tail are attached.

If you do not know how to make a bull from straw, then the principle of construction is the same as that of a horse. Only in addition it will be necessary to twist the horns.

What crafts can be built from straw?

In principle, even a preschooler can work with this material. Making the simplest product is not too difficult. For example, before you make a Christmas tree craft out of straw, try to learn how to design different types geometric shapes. For example, to build a square, you need to tie straws at right angles. Then the prepared frame is wrapped with flat elements. The drawing depends on your imagination.

For more complex figures, you will need to make a cross, which is subsequently braided with a straw ribbon. In addition, beautiful pigtails can be built from such materials. different sizes and forms that will decorate any thing or panel.

Features of making a doll

It is quite simple to design such a toy, so even a child can handle it. To work, you need straw, scissors, colored threads (sometimes wire), a brush and paints (for decoration). First, the straw must be collected in a bundle, bent in half and tied closer to the edge. This will be the doll's head. Be sure to consider the proportions of the craft. Next, on the sides, separate a small bundle of material. Their ends should be cut and tied. Now your hands are ready.

A little lower, you should wrap the main bundle (waist) with a rope, and gently straighten the remaining straw (this will be the doll's skirt). Next, we proceed to decorating the product. The face is painted with ordinary paints, as for clothing, it can be made from small scraps of fabric. Now you know from the straw. Good luck!

Crafts made from natural material caress the eye with natural beauty and simple shape. Any knot, stone or growth on a tree can turn into a colorful souvenir. You just need to be careful take a look at the world around and try to present a hidden image enclosed in an ordinary object. A skilled craftsman can breathe life into even the most hardened snag, just to show a little bit of invention and ingenuity. The ability to observe, listen to nature, experience the joy of creativity - these are the invaluable qualities that lessons with natural material.

With an experienced craftsman, everything will go into action, whether it be a leaf from a tree, dry grass or straw! Things made of woven straw are very airy, durable and pleasant to the touch. Since ancient times, it has been used to make furniture, hats, household utensils, funny trinkets and jewelry. Straws look great in the form of compositions on boxes, caskets and panels made by hand.

Straw is a plastic material, crafting from it is a pleasure.

Creating a do-it-yourself panel from straw has several goals:

  • The use of straw products in aesthetic education children.
  • Explore the possibilities of straw stalks and apply straw weaving in the manufacture of souvenirs.
  • Learn how to create straw panels.
  • Work out children's Creative skills through the production of straw products.
  • To instill conscientiousness, attentive and diligent attitude towards environment, diligence in weaving straw for novice artists.

Gallery: straw crafts (25 photos)

Tools and materials

  • Cutting tool (scissors).
  • Brushes.
  • Water-soluble paint (gouache).
  • Office glue.
  • Furniture varnish (PF - 283).
  • Cotton swabs or discs.
  • Adhesive tape.
  • Thick paper or cardboard.
  • Checkered paper sheets.
  • Wheat straw.

Occupational Safety and Health.

To draw the attention of children to the careful handling of sharp objects, to the use of with a hot iron and for coating products with furniture varnish.

straw harvesting

Straw is called dry shoots of cereal crops (these include: rye, wheat, oats, barley), remaining after threshing. straw stalks most common and well-known natural material for appliqué works.

It is very difficult to make crafts from dried straw. Straw stalks break quickly with little effort. But if they are steamed, then the blades of grass become elastic and pliable for deep processing. Now you can start weaving, bending and forming shoots into the future product. After drying and perfectly maintains a given figure. The shiny surface, soft pleasant color and ease of processing make straw a valuable natural material for creating elegant little things.

Only a strong and even stem is suitable for training. It is proposed to harvest raw materials manually along the outskirts of the fields. Dry straw sprout completely cleared of leaves and roots. The middle and bottom of the plant will go to work. The collected material should be cut into several pieces at the nodal part of the straw. In this form, it is very convenient to store and store straw material for weaving.

Preparing to weave straw with your own hands

  1. To avoid breakage of the stems, it is necessary to steam them. Pick up strong, flawless shoots and put in a bowl with a large bottom. Straws should lie entirely. Pour hot water. Cover the basin and leave to soak for 2-3 hours. Now the soft straw can be easily woven and bent in any direction.
  2. No need to cook more material, what is required for weaving. If, nevertheless, there is an excess of raw materials, it is better to dry it by wrapping it in plastic wrap or a dense cloth.
  3. To create an applique, you need to put straw stalks on strips. The straw is carefully cut along the stem with the tip of a knife or scissors.
  4. smooth each blank and put in a box.

Straw stripes sticker.

This is followed by an important stage of preliminary work - the sticker of strips of straw. Glue the ironed ribbons onto the sheets papers side by side without gaps, laying them out by color. Iron the paper with straws with a heated iron and place it under oppression or under a stack of books.

Straw appliqué technique

The whole operation of the application of straw flowers is carried out in several stages :

1. Selection of sketch drawings.

2. Make stencils from thick paper or cardboard according to the sketch. Number templates for straw flowers with numbers to streamline the progress of work.

3. Prepare sheets with glued straws, put inside out. Install a numbered stencil on a piece of straw and describe it along the contour, taking into account the direction of the strips. Step by step, outline all the stencils, constantly referring to the sample.

4. Carry out cutting blanks. Operation in progress from the inside along the contour line. Paper and straw should be cut immediately together, the edges of the blanks will turn out beautiful and even.

5. Stick all the details of the picture on the background screensaver, taking into account its composition.

6. Color the flowers and leaves I am a panel with colorful gouache.

7. Process the finished work with furniture varnish. Put to dry.

Preparing the base for the painting

An important stage in the manufacture of wall panels from straw is the assembly of the base for the picture. The best background screensaver dark color from self-adhesive film.

1. Cardboard cut to the size of the sketch, wrap with self-adhesive film.

2. From the inside, stick a small edging strip along the contour of the picture.

3. Glue a small rope loop on the back of the panel at the top to hang the pattern on the wall.

Composition "Daffodils", master class

1. To the back glue flower and stem constantly referring to the sketch drawing. Small gaps of 1-2 mm should be left between the parts.

2. Gradually glue the remaining flowers, stems and leaves step by step.

3. Collect all upper part compositions (three flowers).

4. Paint the stems and leaves with gouache Green colour. The painting operation looks like this:

  • moisten a cotton pad or swab a little with water and dip it in gouache. On a separate sheet of paper, perform a test painting. Make sure that the trace is bright, saturated, without stripes, then color the stems of flowers and leaves.
  • with a clean swab dipped in water, slightly correct the tone of the details of the picture.

5. Glue the remaining flowers with stems and leaves ( Bottom part panel of two flowers).

6. Paint the stems and leaves of the lower flowers green.

7. Color the flower crowns with red gouache. The painting procedure is similar to that performed when painting the stems and leaves.

8. Glue the pistil detail on the top of the crown of each flower.

9. When the glue dries, the whole product cover with a layer of furniture varnish.

The smart hotel is ready. One of best gifts the one made by hand. Straw products long time hold, look great and bring their own unique comfort to the home.

Straw is a simple and affordable material from which you can make various crafts. Making products from straw is an original occupation folk art. They made toys, baskets, caskets, paintings, appliqués, kitchen utensils and much more from it. Currently, straw crafts are very popular among hand-made lovers.

Straw crafts: harvesting

The raw materials for work are even segments of the middle part of the stems. The leaves will help you create the background of the product, and the knees are cut off. Straw ribbons are formed from the stems, which are used for crafts. The material can be dyed any color using aniline fabric dyes.

Folk remedies can give the material noble shades. So, with a hot iron, you can easily change the color of the straw to brown, and hydrogen peroxide will add a silvery white tint. When boiling in potassium permanganate, the material will acquire gently pink color, and a solution of baking soda turns it yellow-golden.

There are 2 ways to make straw ribbons: hot and cold. If you use the cold method, it is enough to cut the stems lengthwise and smooth them with scissor rings. The cold method helps the strips stay shiny and elastic for a long time.

The hot method includes pre-steaming straw stalks at a temperature of 80 degrees. After boiling, the stems are cut lengthwise and ironed with a hot iron. The ribbons are wide and shiny, completely ready to go.

What can be made from straw?


You will need:

  1. Straw;
  2. Fabric purple or other color;
  3. Threads to match the fabric;
  4. yellow ribbon;
  5. Wire;
  6. Thin paper;
  7. Thin cardboard;
  8. PVA glue;
  9. Scissors;
  10. Wide capacity;
  11. Ammonia 10 percent - 1 tsp
  12. Hydroperit - 9 tablets;
  13. Water - 500 ml.

Instructions for weaving a flower from straw:

  • Prepare a solution by mixing hydroperite, ammonia and water in a container. Put the straw in a wide container and pour the prepared composition. Leave for 6 hours: stir the material several times to whiten evenly.
  • After bleaching, rinse thoroughly. For a flower you will need 10 tubes of straw. Cut them with scissors along the fibers and unfold them with your hands. Using a hot iron, iron the strips on the inside to straighten.
  • Stick the strips on thin paper using PVA. Press firmly so that no gaps are visible. Using a rolling pin, roll the prepared layer.
  • Make a stencil out of cardboard, put it on the layer. WITH reverse side draw 12 leaves and cut them out.
  • Spread glue on each cut out leaf and glue the fabric to it. Take the threads, glue them and glue them to the edges of each leaf. Let the composition dry, then cut it out.
  • Cut out a circle from cardboard with a diameter of 1 cm and glue 6 leaves to it. Let dry. On the reverse side, glue the remaining leaves and wait again for drying.
  • Pierce the middle of the flower in two places and tie to the wire. Wrap the ribbon around the wire. The flower is ready! To create a bouquet, make several flowers, tie beautiful ribbon and put in a vase.

Read also: Protect with your own hands

straw doll

Cut the straw into the same length. Bend in half. Using wire or twine, shape the head, remembering to stick a toothpick or skewer into the knot.

Divide the body into 2 parts, tie it with a rope and insert straw hands. Weave your hands with a pigtail or wrap with straws.

The ends of the arms can be tied to the belt, defining the waist of the straw doll, or left free. Straw doll is ready.

Straw weaving

golden-maned horse

For work, you only need straw, twine and wire.

  • The horse is assembled from 3 straw sheaves. Twist one sheaf tightly near the end cut, securing with wire. Leave two long ends free. Bend the straws through the wire ring in the opposite direction. Make sure the ends are inside the straw bundle. Tie the bundle with twine and bend the upper part with an arc - this will be the basis for the head and neck.
  • Now start doing the mane. It is assembled from individual straws. Each go around the neck of the horse and twist with a rope made of straw. When the mane is completely ready, take a new bundle and go around it around the horse's body, pulling it with twine.
  • Step back a short distance, drag the bundle again with twine, marking the horse's torso. Divide the rest of the straw bundle into 3 parts - these will be the hind legs and tail. Bend 2 parts of the tourniquet at a right angle to the body and tie with string near the end cuts.
  • Divide the first bundle of straw in half so that the ends of the wire are in the middle of each half - these will be the front legs. The knees are indicated by twisting the middle of the legs with twine and strips of straw. Trim or bend the protruding ends of the wire so that they are not visible. Gently bend your legs to give the impression of movement.
  • Take a few straws and twist them with scissors or a screwdriver. Attach the tail to the body of the horse.
  • The final stage of the product is finishing the figurine: tie up the places with twine with straw strips. Golden-maned horse is ready! It can be presented to a child or a friend who appreciates hand-made.

Straw paintings

Straw paintings are especially beautiful and original. It is not difficult to make such work, the main thing is to follow the basic rules.

You will need:

  1. Straw;
  2. Scissors;
  3. Cardboard;
  4. Glue;
  5. Iron;
  6. Tassel.

Instructions for making paintings from straw:

  • For the manufacture of any picture you need a sketch. Take colored pencils and sketch out a sample of future crafts on a landscape sheet.
  • Before painting, prepare the straw hot or cold. Prepare cardboard - this will be the basis of the picture. Using a pencil, draw the outlines of the details on the cardboard.
  • Cut the necessary pieces of straw according to the size of the details of the picture. Coat the back of the straw with glue and press firmly against the cardboard in the desired location. The main thing is not to rush, so as not to spoil the product. Wait until the part is well glued to the cardboard. Do this with every detail until you get the intended picture. Now decorate it with paints and put it behind the glass.

Painting "Butterfly"

Cut out the wings, the body of the butterfly and the details of the pattern on the wings from the straw plate. Make sure that the pair of wings is symmetrical. Cut out the head and antennae from one wide straw strip.

Draw a picture on the cardboard and glue each piece of straw in the right place. First, it is better to glue the wings by placing patterns on them. Place the body, head and antennae on top. Use paint to decorate your butterfly.

Painting "Squirrel"

Cut out the details of the squirrel from a straw plate: head (circle), torso (triangle), tail (large oval), ears (small triangles). Glue the parts to the cardboard, creating a squirrel: first the body, then the tail, head and ears. Cut out eyes and mouth from a wide plate.

Straw is an ideal material for creating crafts. You will get not only a lot of pleasure, but also beautiful original products. Create pictures, baskets, caskets, toys, bags, etc. from straw. You can decorate your house with straw figurines or give them to relatives or friends for some holiday. They will surely appreciate such an unusual gift!

Weaving: birch bark, straw, reed, vine and other materials Nazarova Valentina Ivanovna

Straw weaving

Straw weaving

From straw you can make many original and necessary things that are not similar to products from other materials. These products are highly appreciated not only due to the natural material, but also for their artistry and constructiveness. Last but not least is the craftsmanship.

On a note

Preserving the natural properties of the material, craftsmen create not just a bag, but a piece of applied art. To learn how to weave bags and hats, caskets and other souvenirs from straw, you need to know the main types of weaving and apply them in your work.

Types of straw weaving shown on rice. 31 a-e. In most cases, in the manufacture of a product, the master uses several types of weaving: some are basic (cross, rosette, weave bundles), others are suitable for making individual elements or as decoration for decoration. There are straight (cross) and twisted, as well as the spiral technique of oblique weaving. Direct weaving is used for handbags, hats, twisted - souvenir boxes, oblique - braids.

Rice. 31. Types of straw weaving: a - cross; b - socket; c - oblique; g - twisted braid; d - teeth; e - weaving straw bundles; g - twisted braid; h - round braid; and - a spiral weave of bundles of straw

Spiral braiding technology is the oldest and very simple to perform (Fig. 31 g). They are made from a bundle (15–20 pieces) of long and thin straws, from which a round tourniquet is formed. As weaving, the tourniquet is continuously increased. Its length is determined by the size of the product. The product starts at one end of the bundle and ends with the other. The manufacture of the product consists in weaving a straw bundle with a willow ribbon, a narrow (3-7 mm) strip of bast or birch bark, as a result of which the outer coil of the bundle spiral is tightly attached to the previous one. It is desirable to keep the distances between the dressing tapes uniform.

The holes in the previous row of weaving for pulling the dressing tape are made with a wooden tattoo. The straw tow is formed in thickness using a guide tube. In the process of weaving, the sealing cord is twisted around the axis inside the product. The last turn of the spiral is first fixed as usual, and then a continuous braid of a straw bundle is made with tape. It turns out a neat and durable side.

The end of the bundle gradually thins and is wound with tape when braiding the side. Spiral weaving technology is used in the manufacture of round and oval shape. The shape and dimensions of products are controlled by a template. In the manufacture of spherical products, the template must be collapsible.

Making braids start by moistening the straw to give it elasticity. Rye straw of a new crop is soaked in water at room temperature for 5-30 minutes, last year's 3-10 hours. Soak should not exceed the daily norm of weaving, as raw straw becomes moldy and loses ornamental properties. Moistened straw during operation is kept in a moistened cloth or plastic bags. For weaving flat braided ribbons, plain straw is used: light or dyed. Sometimes braids with straws of a different color are woven for decoration.


In the manufacture of any braids, it is necessary to follow the general requirements: weave tightly, since weaving weakens when dried; use straws of the same diameter and various lengths so they don't end at the same time.

The extension can be done in two ways: a thin end of a new one is inserted into the section of the ending straw, or a new one is applied to the end of the previous straw by 1.5–2.0 cm and braided together. For alignment and compaction, the pigtail is knocked out with a wooden hammer, passed several times through the squeeze rollers of household washing machine, ironed. Pigtails are woven in three, four, five, six and seven ends (Fig. 32).

Three-ended. A three-way pigtail is the easiest to make. You can start weaving with three straws tied into a bundle, or with two, if one is folded in half. The sequence of weaving a straight three-pointed pigtail, as well as the manufacture of corners, are shown on rice. 32 c, g . Turning the pigtail at a right angle is obtained by sequentially bending all three intertwined straws in one direction: to the right - right-handed, to the left - left-handed.

Rice. 32. Braiding: a - reception of hand weaving; b - four-ended with jagged edges; c - scheme of weaving a three-terminal; d - general view of the three-ending; d - weaving four-ended; e - six-ended weaving pattern; g - a scheme for the manufacture of a round braid; h - general view of the pigtail in seven ends; and - general view of the four-end; k - seven-ended; l - five-pointed; m - square weaving

Making a flat braid of four or more straws is shown in rice. 32 d, h, k, l. The principle of weaving is similar to the manufacture of three-ending. There is one feature: pigtails from an even number of straws stretch more during further processing, and the four-end also twists around the axis. Therefore, after manufacturing, they must be ironed with a hot iron.

The scheme of weaving a flat pigtail in four ends with jagged edges is shown on rice. 32 b. The pigtails of the four-end and six-end are durable. Each side has its own pattern. When weaving such braids, you cannot weave right angles, but you can make turns - reverse weaving. To ensure a clear pattern of the pattern in these pigtails, it is necessary to strictly observe the right angle between the left and right groups of straws. A pigtail of six straws is performed similarly to a pigtail in four ends, weaving the edge for one straw. This braid has a two-sided pattern: parquet and transverse stripes. To get a beautiful pigtail, it is necessary to strictly maintain a right angle between the left and right groups of straws.

Round braids. The most common is a round braid of five main straws and one additional (Fig. 32 g). One thick and five thin straws are tied into a bundle. The thin ones are bent away from the thick one and evenly distributed in a circle. Then one of the five straws (the first) is bent to the right on top of the two neighboring ones, then the far one is bent in the same direction and shifted on top of the first and next straw. All five straws are intertwined in the same way. The cross section is a square. To obtain a round braid, a few more are added to the additional axial straw.

Square weaving. Two straws are folded crosswise with 90° angles between the four ends. The fifth end is attached to the center of the cross with a thread, which is sequentially wrapped around four rays. The original cross can be with four or six ends. Depending on this, the cross section can be square, rectangular or hexagonal.

From the book Weaving from straw and other materials author Mushroom Alesya Anatolyevna

Harvesting straw Only hand-harvested straw is suitable for weaving, and it must be harvested in different dates- then it will be of various shades: from green to bright yellow. The stems are cut off near the ground and immediately tied into sheaves. If harvested

From the book Weaving: birch bark, straw, reed, vine and other materials author Nazarova Valentina Ivanovna

Spiral weaving from the roots of spruce, pine, cedar, straw Roots of spruce, pine, cedar, fir are unusually flexible. A fresh root is easy to tie in a knot without fear of breaking it. Drying, it becomes elastic and durable, and the glossy surface of the peeled root is unusually

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Weaving can rightly be called one of the oldest crafts. Wicker products at all times can be adapted to modern life, and many of them are still popular with the most sophisticated fashionistas (handbags, hats, bracelets, various jewelry).

For weaving, the most different materials, one of which is the straw of cereal plants. Straw products not only play the role of household items, but at the same time are a work of art, which is especially famous for the products of Belarusian masgers (straw sculptures, shrushkn, decorative hanging "spiders", etc.).

Wicker products are good everywhere: in farmhouse, in an apartment, in a small dacha or in a modern cottage, in a nursery, in a rest room and in an office. Both adults and children, and even completely blind people, can engage in weaving, using their imagination and receiving great satisfaction at the same time. The process of straw weaving can be mastered quite quickly and soon you will be able to make toys, jewelry, bags, baskets, hats, rugs, boxes, caskets and even shoes. The starting material is straw, best of all rye - it is the most durable. Wheat straw (it is somewhat coarser, thicker and shorter), barley or oat straw (it is soft, with very beautiful shades of yellow and greenish flowers), as well as the stems of some herbs: wheatgrass, meadow mint, fescue, white bent grass, timothy and others.

The straw is a tubular part of the stems of cereal plants, it can be of different shades: yellow, reddish, silver-green and other unusual colors. For high-quality products, it is best to grow rye or wheat yourself in a small area; only straw cut by hand with sickles is suitable for products. Mostly straw harvested during the period of milky-wax ripeness is used.

Mowed green straw must be dried immediately, turning over from time to time. If dried in the sun, the straw will acquire a golden color in 2-3 days, when dried in the shade it will retain a green color, to obtain a silver-white color, the straw must be washed with hydrogen peroxide, then washed several times with hot water and dried. In addition, using aniline dyes. Straws can be given practically any color. In particular, when boiling in water with the addition of onion peel, the yellow straws, with alder or oak bark buds, it turns brown.

Leaves, spikelets, and the lower part of the stem are removed from the dried straw. Each straw is cut into separate knees, removing the knots. The two thinner upper arms are considered the best for weaving, the rest of the parts should not be thrown away, they are quite suitable for decorative details. Straws should be stored in a darkened room.
Before weaving, to give elasticity and flexibility, the straw must be soaked or steamed, for which it is enough to hold the freshly dried straw for 20-30 minutes in water at room temperature, and the old harvested straw must be poured with boiling water, in some cases it is necessary to boil for 10-15 minutes until it becomes flexible. The straw prepared in this way is kept in a plastic bag for work. a small amount of can be wrapped in a dense wet cloth.

For the manufacture of products, a special tool is practically not required, you will need a ruler, scissors, twine, a large darning needle and linen thread for sewing braids, a bag needle, an awl. With spiral weaving, it is convenient to use a shuttle instead of a needle with twine.
There are four main types of straw weaving: straight, spiral, flat and three-dimensional weaving. The simplest types are spiral and straight weaving.

Spiral weaving technology. Several thin straws are folded together into a bundle, wrapped with twine and rolled into a tight ring. The ring is wrapped several times with twine, the remaining part of the tourniquet is gradually twisted around it, and after each turn, the needle with the twine is passed under the next turn of the twine located on the previous spiral.

Twisting goes all the time in one direction. To maintain a constant thickness of the harness (you can control it with the help of some kind of tube), it is necessary to add straw bundles in time. The rest of the tourniquet at the end of the work is cut so that it smoothly approaches the thin end, after which it is wrapped with twine. Instead of twine, you can use ribbons of vines, roots, bast, birch bark, they look more attractive.
In this way, you can get circles of various diameters, that is, you can make various coasters for dishes, rugs. Depending on the shape, each subsequent turn can be increased, while the diameter of the product will expand or, conversely, decrease, then the diameter of the product will narrow. Using these techniques, you can weave baskets, bowls, dishes, etc.

Direct weave technology. For this type of weaving, a pre-moistened thick straw must be smoothed along the stem with the blunt end of the knife on the board, first from the wrong side, then from the glossy side until the straw becomes a straight ribbon. The amount of straw required for a particular product
tapes are laid vertically parallel to each other, while it is better to glue or clamp the ends. The even straws are lifted (through one), and the first horizontal straw is placed under them perpendicular to the odd straws. Next, the odd vertical straws are lifted, and the second horizontal straw is laid in the same way, etc.

It is necessary to dry such a braid under pressure. Using this technique, you can make diagonal weaving, only horizontal straws are shifted not through one, but through two vertical ones, in each row shifting the weaving to the right or left by one straw.
Straight and diagonal weaving is usually used for weaving napkins, separate fragments of appliqués, as a background in panels and other similar products.

In addition to the simplest types of weaving described above, it is necessary to learn how to make flat braids: three-pointed, four-pointed, five-pointed, six-pointed. "catfish", as well as voluminous braids. Volume is achieved by weaving methods and the use of frames made of straw, wire, vines, sticks, etc. Usually, caskets, various boxes, and caskets are woven using frames.

The lashes from individual straws are weaved “from oneself”, holding the braided part on the knees; thick lashes, woven from bundles of straw, are woven “towards themselves”, having previously attached its beginning to something. Braids can be prepared in advance, and then used as parts, cords when assembling straw products, as well as for making jewelry such as bracelets, hair bands, etc.
For a medium-sized bowl, you will need up to 20 m of wickerwork 10-12 mm wide (woven from 7 straws), for a box with a lid, at least 50 m of wickerwork.

In addition to the ability to weave different ways, it is necessary to learn how to sew braids for the manufacture of various products. Sew them by hand with needle-forward stitches or<адазад иголку», способа-ми «встык», «уступом», «плоскостью» или с помощью швейной ма-шинки. Всгык обычно сшиваются плетенки при изготовлении панно, ширм, циновок. Уступом сшиваются плетенки дня всевозможных го-ловных уборов, сумок, абажуров и других аналогичных изделий. Го-товое изделие выравнивается постукиванием молотка или проглаживанием через влажную ткань утюгом.

Volumetric rhombuses and squares are assembled from straws. They are made separately and then attached to caskets and caskets. Due to the various combinations of voluminous rhombuses, rugs and round knitting, many variants of one type of product are achieved. You can make various coasters for dishes, large and small baskets, hats, wicker flower pots, caskets. The more elegant and interesting products, the more in demand they are.