
The doll was protected by a bell, the name of the skirts and the designation. Amulet doll "Bell". Master Class. To make a doll, we need


In this article, we will continue to talk about Slavic amulet dolls. For each occasion of life, our ancestors made certain amulets, and it will be useful for novice craftswomen to learn the nuances of such manufacture.

The amulet dolls did not just serve as a funny decoration for the house - these small creations were believed to help their owners. How is it? And how to create such beauty?

How to make a doll-amulet for a child?

Doll-amulet Pelenashka done quickly enough, and this procedure is within the power of even those mothers who are far from needlework. In addition, the Pelenashka can serve the basis for many pupae, which is very useful for novice craftswomen.

IMPORTANT: Earlier it was customary to make seven Swaddling dolls for the first year of a baby's life. These amulets lay in the crib, put into the baby's handle, and were tied to his clothes.

A lot of swaddling dolls were made for the child

To create a doll required:

  • Natural fabric - desirable cotton... It is even more desirable that the fabric is narrower worn and homespun- so she will transfer human warmth, vitality to the doll.
  • Filler
  • Braid, ribbons, threads, buttons - in a word, what can be used to tie and decorate a doll

Creation procedure The diaper is as follows:

  • To begin with, in the center of the bodily tissue either white placed a filler ball.
  • Then he was wrapped around a thread and tied up - so a head was created.
  • Another piece of fabric was taken, but brighter - for diaper... He wrapped himself lower than his head around the so-called torso.

IMPORTANT: Craftswomen believed that the fabric should be wrapped six times.

  • But now you can bandage the doll.
  • Next, another piece of fabric was taken, which the head of the pupa was covered. The ends should have been tightened crosswise. Could be again fasten everything with a thread.
  • And again the amulet was obsessed with a piece of fabric - this time already top diaper... The swaddle was neatly wrapped in it, tied with an elegant ribbon and decorated.

Doll amulet-motanka Bereginya: description, meaning, photo

As we wrote above, this doll was very common, as it had a special meaning. She was called meet everyone entering the house, serving as an obstacle to evil forces... Also drove away diseases, quarrels.

IMPORTANT: The ideal location of Beregini is opposite front door... At the same time, it should be higher than the heads of incoming people in order to better observe them.

Despite the fact that we have described the process of making this amulet doll, Bereginya from time to time can be completely different. It is considered that it is not a person who chooses Bereginya, but she chooses him. Therefore, if you want to buy such a doll, take the one that first attracted attention.

Amulet doll Bereginya in flirty bright outfits Amulet doll Bereginya in a colorful sundress

Amulet doll Bereginya in spring-like bright clothes

Amulet doll Bereginya in clothes painted with folk motives

Amulet doll Bereginya in a simple home dress

Solid doll-amulet Bereginya in multilayer clothes

Amulet doll Bereginya dressed in warm cozy shades

I take care of you can give. Such a gift will become a wish for comfort, kindness, joy, happiness and well-being in the house.

The craftswomen of the early eras knew that winding different components of the doll must always be in the same direction... It was believed that this was the only way Bereginya could throw away everything bad from her masters, bring harmony.

IMPORTANT: Special attention was paid to the time of creation of the amulet. For example, the growing phase of the moon was ideal for creating Bereginia for harvesting, farming and adding to the family. On the full moon, pupae were created to protect wealth in the house, the successful completion of important matters. But handicrafts in the waning moon were designed to protect from various diseases.

The doll-amulet Bereginya for the harvest should have been made with the growing phase of the moon

Amulet doll Lovebirds: description, history, meaning, photo

Our ancestors loved to make such a doll when someone created or dreamed of starting a family. It was believed that she will help keep new family united and friendly. That is why the dolls, of which there were two, in fact were made from one piece of fabric.

The dolls had in common one hand. Separate hands were connected by a common so-called thread of fate red - this the thread should not break anywhere. In a similar way, it was said that the strength of the family is a common destiny and a common foundation.

Pupes-amulets Lovebirds have one common hand and a thread of fate

Cloth doll-amulets Lovebirds

Lovebird amulet dolls can also be made of straw

Lovebirds amulet dolls can also be created from yarn

Often lovebirds were dressed up in pretty clothes, who were chosen for the holidays.

Amulets dolls Lovebirds in smart clothes and with a festive towel

However, the lovebirds amulets look beautiful in ordinary clothes.

If a couple had a child, a loop was created on the common hand. However, small figures of newborns also look quite cute.

Amulet doll Lovebird with figures of newborns

Lovebirds can also attach such small figures to the amulet dolls.

IMPORTANT: As a rule, lovebirds were not given. A girl who wanted to create a strong family had to make a doll-amulet for herself.

It was believed that for a young chaste girl, not previously married, is worth doing two pupae. And if the young lady previously had serious connections - three... However, this recommendation was not always adhered to - they often made one amulet.

But what was required was positive attitude. Often, the girls invited their girlfriends or relatives, who, in a friendly atmosphere, made lovebirds for themselves.

IMPORTANT: Did not play lovebirds. It was preferable to put them in the farthest corner, so that the evil eye would not look.

Amulets dolls Lovebirds should be attached where no one sees

But when the newlyweds were driving from church, this amulet flaunted on the arc of the team- it was believed that he drives away the evil eye... By the way, it was from here that the tradition of decorating wedding cars dolls.

Such elegant amulets-amulets Lovebirds could decorate the team of the newlyweds

Charm doll for good luck: description, photo meaning

Since ancient times it was believed that female power and beauty lies in the hair. Woman with thick long hair, as our ancestors believed, is necessarily successful, successful, able to cope with all adversity. So a large braid is an indispensable attribute of a talisman for happiness.

A braid that is longer than the pupa itself is an indispensable attribute of a talisman for happiness

For the first time, such a talisman was found thanks to excavations on the territory of Rzhev... Pupa Rzhevskoe happiness dates from 10th century. For its manufacture, the ancient craftswoman used linen.

Long thick braid also has a practical function - it makes a doll sustainable... By the way, not all amulets, and just folk dolls, can boast of this.

The big thick curved braid of the amulet doll Happiness gives stability

Despite the fact that Happiness itself is very small - about 8 centimeters- the braid can be twice, or even three times more! And she is sure to curved.

Doll-amulet Happiness is several times smaller than its braid

Such a small size of the amulet was invented for a reason. The person who took this tiny doll in his hand understands that his happiness really is in his hands- you just need to make an effort.

IMPORTANT: It is desirable that this crumbs have bast shoes. They will help you to more conveniently go on the path of finding happiness, but such a path can be long! You can also add a handbag - happiness will be added to it.

Dolls-amulets for Happiness in sandals

This little doll cannot but move. Moreover, it is quite can play, while not fearing that it will unwind like most reels.

You can also carry with you hanging as a keychain. Or you can put on the desktop. As gift such a charm will be very good.

Doll-amulet Bell

The homeland of this amulet - Valdai, and the time of appearance is approximately 15th century.

The bell counts a messenger of good events... How could it be otherwise, if it rang under the arc of festive triplets, and the ringing of large bells chased away the plague? In addition, from above, the bell resembles the sun, and in shape it is domed - all this was symbolic in the eyes of the Slavs.

The chrysalis really resembles a bell in shape thanks to three full skirts. By the way, the number of skirts is no coincidence: the Slavs said that if the body is good, then the spirit is calm, and the soul is joyful.

The amulet doll Bell was supposed to have three bright skirts

In other words, the Bell chrysalis is amulet for happiness, joy, fun, and just for a good mood. Often such a talisman gave with heartfelt wishes for good news and joy.

The colorful doll-amulet Bell by one of its kind gave an excellent mood

Often in the house they met not one, but several bells- there really is never a lot of good news. Often the pupae connected with each other.

Doll-amulet Bell will look especially good on the front door

Dolls-amulets for the home

Doll "Day and night" was often used to guard the home. As the change of day and night ensures order in the world, so the amulet dolls will maintain order in the house.

Day doll- impersonation mobility, youth, fun and hard work. It is designed to ensure that the inhabitants of the dwelling they worked diligently, and on holidays they had a lot of fun. It is possible that this amulet will help you have a good day by filling it with useful events.

Night the doll embodies thoughtfulness, calmness, wisdom. It is not for nothing that it is believed that the night makes everything and everyone unrecognizable. It is at this time of day that the most intimate conversations take place.

However, of course, the main thing that a person should do at night is to sleep. The amulet makes sure that the sleep was serene, gave strength and allowed to rest properly.

IMPORTANT: During the day, you should put forward a light pupa, and at night - a dark one.

Dolls-amulets Day-night

There are two options for making such a talisman. Most often they make two pupae different color connected to each other. Sometimes one could come across an even more interesting option - one pupa, as if divided into two sides.

Option for making a doll-amulet Day-night - two sides in one doll

The amulet doll was also popular. Broomstick... When everything fell out of hand, someone got irritated for no reason or diseases replaced each other, the verdict was unambiguous - evil eye. In such a case, everything unnecessary was thrown away and the amulet doll Broomstick was mastered.

Hence the name of the doll - she sweeps out the negative. And it doesn't matter where exactly the negative came from - Broomstick was considered a good helper in eliminating it.

The filler for the Broomstick was bast or straw... It is still recommended to use a bast.

Doll-amulet Broomstick

Doll-amulet Zhelannitsa

Have magic wand, which will help the fulfillment of desires, wanted by our ancestors. And among women, the amulet doll Zhelannitsa served as such a stick.

IMPORTANT: It was believed that Zhelannitsa should be made for life in a single copy. And she had to tinker alone.

As a rule, such needlework was entrusted to very young girls - 12-14 years old. At this age, they began to realize their place in society, their responsibility for the role of women.

When the girl later made a wish, she had to coax a doll with a gift in the form of a ribbon, beads, buttons or something similar. Later the amulet received praise from his mistress. And only after that, the girl voiced her wishes to the doll.

Doll-amulet Zhelannitsa with ribbons-gifts

Doll-amulet Zhelannitsa in a flirty headdress and beads Small doll-amulet Zhelannitsa with beads

Since this amulet accompanied the woman all her life, change clothes for the doll from time to time it was allowed. But here gifts should not have been removed.

When the craftswoman worked on the next doll, she put her soul into her creation, concentrated on desires, determined goals for the future. Agree, this is very similar to what in modern world called "art therapy". So why not try your hand at it?

For the meaning and description of other dolls, see the articles:

Video: Dolls amulets

Yulia Knyazeva

On the eve of Maslenitsa, I decided to conduct a training session with the children on making a doll-amulet "Bell". We prepared a conversation with the educators about amulet dolls and a demonstration master class. The children gladly accepted the offer to make the doll themselves. And here's what came of it:

Today I bring to your attention a master class on making amulet dolls.

A talisman is an object that protects the owner or the house where he is from harm. The amulet, made with your own hands, bears not only protection to its owner, but also the "imprint" of the thoughts and feelings of the person who made it. When you get to work, stock up on good thoughts and a good mood.

The homeland of the doll is Valdai, from there came the well-known Valdai bells. The ringing of a bell drives away evil spirits and diseases. If there was such a talisman in the house, then fun and happiness did not leave it.

To make a doll, we need:

three multi-colored rags of fabric (I used cotton, from which we cut out circles of different diameters (24, 27 and 30 cm);

rectangle of light plain fabric for pens and face 16X30 cm;

a colored flap of a triangular shape (a square with a side of 25 cm, cut diagonally into two parts);

threads for tying (cotton # 10)

cotton wool or synthetic winterizer for the head



1. Roll up a lump of padding polyester and tie it to the bell not very tightly so that there is a gap of about 1.5-2 cm. Cover the padding polyester ball with the bell with the largest circle and tie it with a thread.

2. Cover with a smaller circle on top and tie with a thread.

3. We also put the smallest circle evenly on the head and tie it with threads.

4. At the rectangle we find the middle, cover the head with it and tie it with threads. We distribute the folds on the face so that there is an even face. The long ends are future handles.

5. We form handles, make sleeves with cuffs. We bend long cuts inward, bend long end inward and bend lengthwise in half again. We tie the cuffs with thread.

Be careful when making the second hand, it should be the same length as the first.

6. Put on the scarf and tie it at the back, bringing the ends under the handles.

7. Straighten the skirts. The doll is ready. Good news and good mood to everyone!

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"Doll - Bell" To make our doll, we need: 3 circles of fabric, different in color and size. The threads are red for wrapping.

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Valdai doll bell magnet for joy, happiness and good mood. It protects the house from negative energy, disease, evil spirits and the words of unkind words spoken by strangers out of spite of the soul or personal resentment.

History of origin

The exact time of birth is not known.

According to some historical data, the appearance of this amulet is associated with the 15th century. At that time the bell was broken in Valdai. From the fragments, people cast a lot of small bells, which were later used by postal drivers. People heard the approach of mail thanks to the chime.

It is interesting. The ringing of bells from ancient times meant good news and protection from evil spirits.

There is an opinion that bells existed in ancient Russia, before her baptism. The ancient Slavs used chimes to protect themselves from evil spirits that inhabited the earth at that time. In many sources, you can find a mention of cheerful bells on a team of newlyweds during wedding ceremonies.


In its shape, the doll resembles a bell, and the bell, suspended from handles or hidden inside, fills it with a living ringing. It is made of bright rags and therefore raises the mood on an unconscious level. Children play with such dolls with great pleasure.

In addition to playing purposes, the doll can become a talisman for the house. In the case of manufacture, for protection, it is important to observe the basic .

In the case of making a protective doll, skirts should be made from square patches and the fabric should not be cut with scissors.

When making souvenir or game toys skirts can be cut, decorated with embroidery, braid, beads.

In addition to protection at the energy level, it served as a local signaling,suspended over the doorinformed about the entrance to the house. Now this role has lost its significance, because all the doors are closed and it is not realistic to freely enter the dwelling.Although it can be used at the entrance to the study.

Bell doll features

The bell doll should be made by the mistress of the house, you can give it for housewarming. A man should not touch this amulet. If a craftswoman makes it as a gift, then only the craftswoman herself and the person to whom it is intended can take it into her hands.

The Valdai bell personifies human happiness, which consists of 3 components: health of the body, peace of mind and joy in the soul. Only a combination of these 3 aspects makes you feel happy.

At the symbolic level, 3 skirts mean the connection of 3 worlds: Reality, Prav, Nav.


Prayer to Perun to activate the amulet.

It is important to charge the bell with positive energy. To sit down to work only in good mood and excellent health. You can talk with the talisman, share your innermost desires. To create a talisman for health, love, well-being, the ancient Slavs turned to Perun, and to preserve harmony in the family, to the goddess Lada.

To create a talisman hearth you can carry out a ceremony to activate the power of the talisman.

The full moon is a symbol of a full cup, prosperity, health, happiness.

The rite to do on the full moon. You will need a slice of bread (it is better to bake it yourself, but a purchased one will work) and a saucer of milk. Place milk and bread at the front door, which will be guarded by a bell doll. Light a candle and say a conspiracy prayer.

The offering remains for a day after which it is fed to the animals. After a simple ceremony, your motanka will be in full force.

Master Class

A similar master class for making a protective bell doll. It is better to do it on the growing moon, it is good if there are no men at home at the time of working on the coil. First, prepare everything you need. It is better to choose materials that are bright and natural.

For the manufacture of dolls amulets try to take natural fabrics

Materials for the Valdai Talisman:

    for skirts 3 bright flaps made of natural fabric 30.35 and 40 cm, preferably 1 of the segments is red;

    a little filler (synthetic winterizer or linen);

    a square of white fabric 24 cm for the head and torso;

    for an eyelet, a ribbon, braid or a piece of fabric;

    I have a bright triangle for a scarf from a square of 28 cm;

    bell - optional;

    good mood and at least 60 minutes of free time.

Cut 3 circles out of the rags prepared for skirts.

The trimmings can be shredded and used in place of printed material.

You can make skirts different ways... Form each skirt in turn, starting from the largest to the smallest, or knit all at once.

Spread circles on the table from smallest to largest, wrong side up.

For the head, you can use scraps of fabric, linen, wool, synthetic winterizer or dried herbs.

Put scraps of fabric or synthetic winterizer in the middle.

We wear skirts from larger to smaller.

We form the head, for this you should carefully collect all 3 circles and bandage the head of the pupa. For work, it is better to use a red natural thread that has protective properties.

Find the center on a white cloth, put the doll so that the crown of the future amulet coincides with the center.

We shape the head and thread it around the neck. It is better to do an even number of windings, three knots.

Making pens. Fold the fabric at the edge.

Bend the corner inward

fold the edges to the center

Fold towards center.

Fold it in half we get a handle

Stepping back 1 finger from the edge, wind the thread.

Thus, we make both handles.

We form a shirt. To do this, fold the edges of the loose fabric to prevent the shirt from coming loose. We turn it up from below and fasten it with a thread. The shirt is secured with a double protective cross, you can simply tie it around the waist.

We put on a headdress and tie a belt. Important. the belt is tied on the left side.

There should be a double guard cross in front.

We put on a scarf.

Handkerchief. Back view

If you wish, you can tie a ribbon on the handles and hang it over the door or the baby's cradle. You can tie funny bells to the handles, or a more elegant doll and mood can be raised with a light chime. It is important if you are making a protective talisman, you do not need to cut anything off, the skirt is made of squares.

The power of the amulet is designed to protect your home from any evil, attract good luck, wealth, health and bring only good news.

It remains only to determine the place in the house for your doll.

The Bell doll is another ritual keeper of the hearth. The homeland of Lyalka is Valdai. Our ancestors believed that if there was such a talisman in the house, then joy, happiness and fun never left it.

In the article:

Bell doll - master class

Our ancestors treated with special respect. There were a lot of them, there were different kinds lalek, which were used for different purposes. There were, etc.

materials for Kokolchik

In order to make a Bell doll, you will need:

  • white linen fabric;
  • multi-colored material (several shreds, it is advisable to take chintz or cotton);
  • multi-colored threads;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • ruler.

Preserved with my own hands

When making a ritual doll, refrain from using scissors and needles. The fabric is torn only by hand. Using a ruler, measure the required length and width of the doll's future body.

It should be a square with sides of 24 cm. Next, you need 3 multi-colored shreds. You will need to make 3 skirts from them. Three circles with a diameter of 28, 32 and 36 cm are required.

The lyalka will have 3 skirts that will personify the three worlds: reality, nav and rule.
Try to pull off the fabric as carefully as possible, as the edges cannot be processed with a needle. Place in front of you a circle of matter of the smallest diameter ( face down).

Place a larger circle on top and cover it with the largest skirt. Place a synthetic winterizer in the center. After that, collect the fabric so that you get a bag with a padding polyester inside.

Accentuate with a thread (fasten the synthetic winterizer inside the fabric). It is advisable to use a red thread, as it (as our ancestors believed) drives away evil spirits and attracts wealth. Now turn the piece over. It turned out the head and torso.

Place a square piece of white cloth in front of you (face down) so that it resembles a diamond, and position the doll so that the top of its head is in the center of the cloth. Gather the white cloth around the doll's neck and again accentuate the neck with red thread.

Remember, you cannot draw eyes, mouth or nose on the motanka's face. Our ancestors were sure that an evil spirit infiltrates a doll with a face and it can harm a person.

You can start creating hands. Gather the white cloth on both sides of the doll, fold the sharp ends inward and accentuate with the thread on the wrists.

The front and back should be hung over a small piece of white cloth. It must be folded inward and fixed with a thread. After that, you should get a shirt with an emphasis on the waist.

The head of the doll can be decorated with a small handkerchief. Lyalka Bell can be decorated with beads and multi-colored braid.

How to activate a protective doll

Almost any talisman will be just a toy if not activated. Therefore, if you decide to create a real ritual doll, then it will need to be activated.

To do this, you should talk to her during creation, put your thoughts and energy into her. But sometimes this may not be enough.

Since such ritual dolls came to us from ancestors, it is advisable to turn to the Slavic gods in their conspiracies. In this case, Christian prayers may not work.

Find a plot that matches what you want to put into the doll. Most often, they asked the bereghina for health, prosperity, happiness and love. Therefore, conspiracies in which people turned to Perun are suitable:

Perun! Listen to those who call You! Glorious and Trislaven wake up! Health, bread and Family, to my children (names ...) even, wake up thunder! Rule over Everyone! Vsche from Rodno! Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco byst, taco, wake up taco!

Or to Lada:

Oh you, Lada mother, mother Sva (heavenly) most pure! Do not leave us without love and happiness! Grace descended on us, as if we honor and glorify you Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco byst, taco, wake up taco! Until the end of time, while the sun shines on us.

Additional rules for creating a Bell doll

In addition to the fact that you cannot use a needle or scissors when making a doll, there are a few more tips to remember.

The preparation of such a talisman is an exclusively female occupation, therefore a man cannot be present during the process or take direct part in the creation of the keeper.

If the Bell doll is being prepared as a gift to some specific person, then only the person to whom it is intended can pick it up.

When making bereginia, you can use shreds from old clothes but she must be “happy”. It is forbidden to use things of strangers, sick or deceased people.

Do not start creating a talisman in bad mood or during illness.

The Bell doll will always be the faithful keeper of your home if you can fill it with your love and energy and clearly define its main function.