
What is rhodonite? Properties, extraction, application and price of rhodonite. Rhodonite stone with unique healing properties Rhodonite application


Rhodonite is one of the most "feminine" stones among the gems popular in the world. “Stone of the dawn” - that is what rhodonite was called in ancient times in the East for its pale pink color. The stone has been known to mankind since ancient times - since the time of Byzantium. The mineral seems to be created for girls and women - romantically tuned, subtly beautiful!

The magical power of rhodonite is most often used to develop creative abilities - to literature, music, painting and other arts. Bracelets and rings are worn on the left hand, since the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for Creative skills person. It is no coincidence that most creative personalities are left-handed. Rhodonite bracelets increase the volume of a person's energy and enhance his learning abilities.

Rhodonite is the patron saint of all those born under the sign of Libra and Gemini. Libra mineral gives strength and self-confidence. Gemini with the help of rhodonite develop intuition, strengthen memory, master new knowledge and skills. Rhodonite obeys the energies of Venus and Saturn - the first planet gives love and sensuality, and the second - system and order. Such a seemingly opposite union of planets gives a very good result in the end. Venus softens the rather harsh vibrations of Saturn, while acquiring a solid and reliable foundation in it.

Rhodonite suits almost all signs of the zodiac. Some astrologers argue that Sagittarius and Aries may react poorly to rhodonite.

Rhodonite is very suitable as a talisman for young girls and young women who are just striving for creative and career success. Rhodonite charms look stylish and will be a great addition to almost any wardrobe. For girls who are idle and prone to laziness, rhodonite will become a real find and a faithful assistant in their serene life. Any jewelry with this exquisite pink mineral tones up the psyche, invigorates and sets you in a working mood.

The name of the stone comes from the Greek word rhodon - rose. Indeed, the color of the stone is very reminiscent of rose petals. The chemical composition of the stone is manganese silicate. In nature, rhodonite is found quite often, but in small volumes, which makes this stone relatively rare. The color of rhodonite can be scarlet, crimson, pink, with a grayish tint. In Russia, rhodonite was called "bakan", "ruby spar". The color of the mineral is uneven. The black dendrites that are present in the mineral make it extremely piquant from an aesthetic point of view. Thin, picturesquely branching black veins on a pink background form graceful patterns. Rhodonite also has a yellowish or brownish tint (fowlerite).

To choose the shade of rhodonite that suits you best, place a stone or jewelry on your hand. If you have warm-toned skin, then a mineral of pale pastel shades will accentuate your color palette favorably. Light porcelain skin will be decorated with warm shades of pink and raspberry. When choosing a mineral, pay all your attention to your first sensations - your stone will be somehow especially beautiful, and will attract attention before the rest! Thus, through an emotional connection, you will feel the vibrations of the stone that is right for you. It is no coincidence that astrologers warn that you should not acquire all the zodiac stones that are indicated in your horoscope. It is much more important to feel "your stone", since it is such a mineral that will have the most beneficial effect on you. You can often hear from buyers that they “do not feel anything like that” when the stone falls into their hands for the first time. But after some time they are simply unable to part with it! This phenomenon is explained very simply: the stone tunes in to your vibrations and helps you energetically. If such a story happened to you, it is a great success!

Rhodonite is used to make inserts into jewelry - most often in the form of cabochons. A pale pink shade is very rare in nature, and such products significantly refresh the appearance, give the image sophistication and femininity.

Rhodonite is an excellent ornamental stone. Very cute caskets are cut out of pink rhodonite, and a stunning mosaic is laid out. In stone-cutting art, rhodonite rock is used, which is very interestingly called - orlets. Orlets is a combination of a wide variety of pink, cherry pink, raspberry and even brown manganese minerals. This stone cannot be called transparent, but it shines through well and is distinguished by richness of tones. At one time, real masterpieces of stone-cutting art were carved from rhodonite rock.

Place of Birth
In Russia, rhodonite deposits were discovered back in the 18th century in the Urals near Yekaterinburg. To this day, the highest quality rhodonite in nature is mined here. Rhodonite is supplied to the world market by Australia and Madagascar. V small quantities and lower quality rhodonites are mined in Spain, England, USA, Mexico, Japan, Uzbekistan.

Rhodonite treasures of Russia

By the middle of the 19th century, the charming rhodonite rock was widely used by Russian stone cutters - the stone lends itself well to processing and is distinguished by increased strength, which at one time made it possible to make truly monumental works of art from it. The mineral is excellently polished. In the living rooms of the Russian aristocracy, rhodonite floor lamps and candelabra, obelisks and candlesticks, vases and bowls flaunted. Some of them can still be seen in the expositions of the State Hermitage. Luxurious floor lamps made of rhodonite (280 cm) on the main staircase of the Hermitage are well known to art historians and connoisseurs of stone-cutting art all over the world. Within the walls of the Hermitage, the famous oval vase made of rhodonite is also kept - a stunningly majestic, royal bowl. The diameter of the masterpiece is 185 cm, the height is 85 cm. Rhodonite columns can be seen today at the Mayakovskaya station of the Moscow Metro.

But the most incredible, the most unique and the largest stone-cut product made of rhodonite is today stored in the St. Petersburg Cathedral of Peter and Paul - this is a 7-ton sarcophagus of amazing beauty, which is carved from a single block of rhodonite - the initial mass of the stone was 47 tons!

magical properties

Rhodonite has historically been considered a stone of dreams and illusions. In Eastern and Indian culture, he was revered as a deity that awakens talent and a sense of love in a person. This mineral is able to reassure a desperate person, give him hope for a new prosperous life, open the way to goodness and light. Rhodonite is considered a stone of compassion and mercy. It inspires the idea that there is much more good in life than bad, that you need to find the bright sides and feed your heart with joy. Rhodonite teaches us to love and appreciate life, to accept it as a great gift. Able to bring its owner fame and respect in society.

Magicians and mediums often use rhodonite balls in their practice to meditate and enter a state of altered consciousness. Rhodonite vibrations have a very mild corrective effect on a person. Psychics during sessions with the mineral describe a soft pink beam that comes from the stone and slowly integrates into the human aura, healing it and not destroying anything.

The rhodonite stone is closely connected with the human family tree, with the energy of the family. The mineral always reminds its owner that it is necessary to know and honor the members of their kind.

According to Eastern practice, rhodonite is an excellent regulator of Yin and Yang energies, the proper functioning of which allows a person to reveal the highest potential of his body and use it effectively. Rhodonite performs a grounding role in relation to human energy. Thanks to this property, the owner of the stone manages to take control and control the elements of his internal forces, without wasting them in vain. The fact is that it is far from always useful to give free rein to your feelings. Sometimes, as a healing procedure, it is more prudent to close for a while and learn to accumulate energy. Rhodonite tells us those moments when it is extremely necessary not to empty ourselves energetically and not to weaken our potential. The so-called "inner voice" is the emotional response of your subconscious to the situation, suggesting the most correct path and the right decision in each specific situation. You will learn to feel deeper, learn to connect your emotional intelligence and more correctly assess the surrounding reality. You will gain the ability to control the manifestation of your feelings at the earliest stages and manage them.
This wonderful property allows you to stop the processes of self-destruction in cases of sudden loss of psychological balance. If a tragedy or serious life trials suddenly hit you, do not forget about rhodonite jewelry. The mineral will help to cope with panic moods. Its vibrations will “ground” and strengthen your psyche, relieve shock, which will allow you to make the right decisions in critical moment and prevent irreparable consequences. Rhodonite heals mental wounds, strengthens weakened and damaged areas of the aura. Helps to quickly transform anger, indignation and other painful types of energy, healing and reliably protecting your psyche. It fills the physical body with higher energy and supports the work of subtle etheric bodies.

Medicinal properties
In numerous ancient sources in the eastern traditional medicine you can find evidence that oncological diseases were treated with various means, which included rhodonite powder.

Modern lithotherapists use this beautiful mineral to treat and prevent many eye diseases. It has been noticed that simple procedures of applying rhodonite plates and stones to the eyes contribute to the sharpening of the mirror.

Rhodonite has the most positive effect on nervous system human, eliminates insomnia and nightmares, prevents sclerosis. If you have increased nervousness and irritability - experience for yourself healing power rhodonite necklace. According to the strength of the vibration, the result of the impact of the mineral on the human aura is equated to the positive results of music therapy. After just a few days, you will feel a pleasant warmth in the chest area and an uplifting mood. Perhaps you will feel an irresistible desire to sing from a sudden feeling of lightness and bliss! In no case should you suppress the desire to sing in yourself - this is one of the most effective ways aura restoration and mental health.

Meditations with rhodonite

Yoga practitioners use rhodonite to cleanse and activate the Heart and Solar Plexus chakras. The mineral helps to energize both the physical and etheric bodies.

If the 4th Heart Chakra is open and active, a person perceives the beauty of works of art and other creations as brightly and fully as possible, is saturated with high-frequency energy, knows how to give the deepest feeling of joy in life and sympathy for those who suffer, cordial disposition towards others. At the physical level, the harmoniously working 4th chakra has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, chest, and spine.

The stone rhodonite in Greek means "rose". Its delicate pinkish-crimson color with an amazing pattern of black veins found recognition among carvers and jewelers in ancient times.


Rhodonite is an ornamental stone. Among the Ural artisans, it is in second place in popularity after malachite. In the old days in the Urals, pieces of this gem were found in the nests of Eagles, so its Russian name is Orlets. In Russia, it was also known as cormorant and ruby ​​spar.

The stone is mined from sedimentary carbonate deposits. In these rocks, the formation of two minerals at once often occurs - rhodonite and chalcedony.

According to its chemical composition, orlets is a complex silicate of manganese, iron, magnesium and calcium. Its hardness is low, and the color is pink, lilac with black inclusions and raspberry.

Some varieties of crystal, especially those with alternating multi-colored layers, are confused with jasper due to the similarity in color. beautiful pattern dark color is due to the presence of black dendrites and veinlets of manganese hydroxides in the structure. The purer and more uniform the color, the less other chemical elements in the composition of the mineral.

Especially valued pink stones with thin black veins that resemble trees with their branching shape. These inclusions form whimsical, graceful patterns. There are specimens with impurities of brown or yellow color. Such rhodonite is called fowlerite.

The so-called mourning eagle has a predominant amount of black inclusions in its structure. A high-grade ornamental material is one in which impurities occupy no more than a third of the surface area.

Extraction and use

The first major mineral deposit was the village of Sedelnikovo near Yekaterinburg. It is in the Urals that especially rare and beautiful stones are still mined. In small quantities, the gem is found in many countries, but the largest importers today are Australia and Madagascar. Spain supplies cheap stones of low quality. In England, the USA, Japan and Mexico, rhodonite is not mined on a permanent basis.

The mineral is used mainly for the manufacture of small sculptures, caskets, vases. It cuts and polishes well. A large number of unique products of Russian artisans are stored in the Hermitage. In the same place, on the main staircase, you can find world-famous floor lamps about three meters high, made of rhodonite.

The columns at the Mayakovskaya station in the Moscow metro are also finished with rhodonite slabs.

In jewelry, it is used in the form of cabochons or thin plates. Expensive jewelry stone is a rare translucent variety with a bright crimson color and a small amount of impurities. With proper processing, you can achieve the similarity of such an instance with a low-quality ruby. The mourning eagle was previously used to decorate tombs and monuments.

Medicinal properties

Our ancestors knew the recipe for a cure for cancer, it contained rhodonite powder.

Today, lithotherapists advise using a gem to treat eye diseases, to strengthen vision. To relieve fatigue after a long load on the eyes, it is necessary to put small pieces of the mineral on the eyelids.

The pink color makes the stone a remedy for heart disease and liver disease. In addition, the crystal can calm and relieve insomnia and nightmares.

magical properties

A rhodonite talisman must be worn by those who strive for wealth and recognition. It will suit creative people, give them inspiration and opportunities to reveal their talents.

Rhodonite is the stone of youth. He must accompany the person at the beginning of his life path to help, prompt and direct on the right paths.

He struggles with laziness and frivolity, strengthens faith in himself.

The mineral reminds people that they need to honor their family and always paves the way for them to their parental home. In family life, this is one of the most effective amulets. A large piece of gem would be a great wedding gift.

Crystal capable long time radiate positive energy, improve mood and take away the irritability and anger of the owner. If you wear an amulet with rhodonite all the time, you can learn to enjoy life and accept everything that happens without grief and unnecessary stress.


A significant part of jewelry with rhodonite refers to costume jewelry.


Bracelets are made of polished beads, often they combine two stones: rhodonite and turquoise. These minerals perfectly match each other and create a gentle duet in soothing pastel colors.


In earrings, pendants and rings, the crystal is inserted in the form of cabochons. For the manufacture of men's rings, polished plates of dark-colored gems are used.



The cost of such jewelry is quite low. Yes, the bracelet precious metals will cost a thousand rubles, silver earrings - from one and a half thousand.

Although rhodonite belongs to ornamental stones, decorations from it are in demand. They are not capricious in use, do not require special conditions and are perfect for everyday wear.

The name of the stone "rhodonite" comes from the Greek "rhodon", which means "rose". Indeed, its color resembles scarlet or pink roses. Geologists call this mineral ruby ​​or pink spar, and poets and romantics call it the dawn stone.

Rhodonite: description and meaning

The semi-precious rhodonite stone, jewelry and ornamental, is valued for its high decorative effect.

It is easy to recognize by the description: the colors vary from scarlet to pale pink. Shades and blotches can be dotted or patterned, which looks especially impressive. The mineral is not transparent, but thin plates are translucent in the light. The most noble copy - without inclusions and impurities.

Stone characteristics

The chemical composition of rhodonite is a chain manganese silicate - (Mn, Ca) 5)