
What needs to be done to make the house sell faster. A conspiracy for a quick and successful sale of a house. Folk signs: rituals for cleansing from negativity


Various conspiracies and ceremonies have long ceased to be a rarity, including those that help sell real estate with a piece of land. There are a number of cases when magic does not just simplify the situation, but literally cannot do without it, even if the price is set fairly, and the house is very nice; you can also face a situation where it is vital to make an urgent and profitable deal. Regardless of the reasons, the topic remains very relevant in modern world... Therefore, in a wonderful way, a conspiracy to sell a house, cottage or plot comes to the rescue, which acts quickly and decisively.

Olga Ilanovskaya's conspiracy to sell an apartment

Especially for the sale of an apartment known Siberian healer, Olga Ilanovskaya, developed a strong conspiracy to sell the house. It does not require all kinds of investments from the practitioner and anyone can do it, which makes this rite so convenient.

  • slice of bread;
  • conspiracy text;
  • the right time.

Immediately after sunset, you need to go to the kitchen, taking a piece of bread.

Then the following is slandered on him three times:

“Whispers to the side, I ask the Brownie for help. Give our dwelling delights, so much so that everyone likes it, and buyers stood in line. Yes, all buyers will be happy with this housing and you, Little Domovushechka, will treat you well. Help me this way. "

After completing the conspiracy, the bread must be left in a secluded place.

Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova for the sale of real estate

Siberia is rich in magicians, thanks to which there is a strong conspiracy and ritual for the sale of a house from another healer from the same region - Natalia Stepanova.

To carry out a conspiracy practice, you must have:

  • bucket;
  • water;
  • mop or doormat.

It is necessary to clean the floors in all rooms and hallways.

Squatting over the dirty water left in the bucket after cleaning, they say:

"Four corners,

my domina and brownie,

I deny you

from doors, locks,

from the four corners and the brownie.

Who will bring me money for you,

he will take you for himself. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspirated water is taken out into the street and poured out of the bucket onto the road.

It is imperative that the practitioner does not meet anyone along the way. Otherwise, the conspiracy will need to be repeated.

Strong Conspiracy to Sell Homes

This strong conspiracy to quickly sell a plot or house is more difficult to implement than the previous one, but you can expect more from it. Magic will reward the patient. Therefore, if you urgently need to sell real estate, it will show itself to be very fast.

To carry out the ceremony, the magician will need:

  • glass vessel;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • pin.

The ceremony is performed as follows:

All ingredients must be mixed in a 1: 1: 1 ratio. The volume of each of them should be about 125 milligrams.

After mixing all the ingredients, it is required to stick a pin with the sharp end down into the center of the resulting mixture. In doing this, you need to slander the following:

"Not wicked people, but I sell for good luck and prosperity what I don't need. For myself, the servant of God (name), I will acquire what I need (you can name the amount you are counting on). May it be so! Amen!".

A conspiracy is being carried out exclusively on the waning moon, this ritual cannot be carried out on the waxing moon. This is justified by the fact that, in this context, the property seems to the owner unnecessary - something that needs to be disposed of. After the sale of the dwelling, it is necessary to give alms to six people who especially need it - such are found in every person. This will help increase the effectiveness of the rituals' results. The owner takes the vessel from the house with him, and then bury it in an unsociable place at dawn.

Rite of passage for the sale of a house with a land plot

There are situations when the owner needs to sell not only living space, but a house with a whole land plot. Some practitioners believe that such rituals have their own characteristics. So, according to this rite, it is necessary to carry it out only at night with the waning moon.

To carry out the ritual you will need:

  • three branches plucked from any woody plant in the area to be sold;
  • candle;
  • matches;
  • a vessel with water.

It is performed as follows:

The first step is still to pluck three branches. They should be taken from a tree or bush that grows in the area of ​​interest. You cannot take branches from plants growing on the border or anywhere in the neighborhood.

A candle is lit, after which it must be surrounded with collected branches, speaking:

“You grew up with me, grow up with a different owner. To the joy of you and me, you care, I - prosperity. May it be so! Amen!".

Conspiracy branches are placed in the water or sit at the edge of the site.

There is a very significant moment in this practice - the house on the site must be tidy and clean. Well-being does not hold dirt in high esteem. Putting order in the home, you need to slander:

“Money for me, home for the buyer. I sell the house, and my happiness is with me always and everywhere. Amen!".

Pagan rite for the sale of property

Oddly enough, ancient pagan rituals are still popular among the people. In this, people are patronized by Veles - the Slavic deity of trade, livestock and wealth. This ritual is quite voluminous and to someone it may well seem complicated. In order for the deity to help in the sale, you still need to try, because magic works only when the magician shares his resources with higher powers to obtain a result. However, it has established itself as the most effective pagan conspiracy for the successful sale of a house and land, giving a quick result.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • three candles;
  • real estate documents;
  • treba;
  • bowl of water.

It is performed as follows:

First of all, you need to understand that in the context of this rite, each candle should have its own function. The first of them is assigned directly to Veles, the second to Chur-Churila, and the third to trade. The magician places the last one in the center, and next to it he puts documents and a container filled with water.

Having put everything in its place, the practitioner reads praises, and then an appeal to the deity:

“Velese, heed, do not reject the verbs of my mouth. I bow my heart to You, I gain Your help by faith. Be kind to me, bless my labors, so that the works of my hands get along well, all the obstacles are discouraged from me, the chiefs so that they do not be angry, they contribute to my affairs, so that the money does not become scarce, but it arrives in my wallet, my strength is strengthened, my health is preserved. I ask you not because of greed, but from female weakness. Do not reject, Batyushko, the woman’s prayer, I’m not asking the lord’s fate, but I ask - help me in my labors, but success accompanies me. Abide, Veles, with me in goodness, may I praise Thee in joy. Goy! "

After reading the appeal to the "cattle god", one reads a conspiracy on the very sale of land and property:

“I will go out, (name), from door to door, from gate to gate. I’ll go to the far side to the trade city. Merchants are sitting in that trading city. Their trading houses and taverns are made of stone and wood. I’ll go to the merchant people and ask about the secret words of the merchants. In the city of that trade, the mighty Veles rules everything, he listens to the entreaties of the merchants and helps them in their business. I will approach (name) to Veles priest, I will bow to the belt. Veles father, I baked a fresh loaf for you, fragrant, with cinnamon, sweet, I want to appease you. I brought you drunken beer that smells of herbs. Veles father, help me, (name), in trade, help the house soon and profitably sell. Help, deliver from envious people and haters, from sorcerers with their secret evil word, from a sorcerer and from a gypsy and a gypsy. Grant me an honest sale of the house, no deception, no intoxication. Let people come to me from all over the earth to buy my house. Veles father, give me good luck, bring a generous and rich buyer to me soon. Let me take the full price (name the amount) for the house, let me not sell it for cheap. Veles father, help me in the sale of the house, give me the price (name the amount) for the sale of my house. I sell corners, walls and ceilings, windows and doors, hearth and thresholds. With the help of the mighty father Veles, I will soon conclude a profitable and honest deal, (name the amount) I get for the sale of my house, (name where) I move. Help me, Veles Father, do not leave me, (name) alone with this case. Without you, Veles father, I cannot cope myself. You alone bring good luck, you alone know what is good for me and what I want. I sell my stone house to the boyar, I give it to you, Father Veles, delicious, magnificent, sweet loaf. Glory to Veles mighty! Goy! Glory! May it be so!".

Then three times you need to whisper into the water:

“My deed and my word, I will whisper to the water, You are the key-water, Sister of the Gods, you run between the steep banks, you do not stop, you help everyone, you don’t know peace, you hear and remember everything. Cast your spell on my house, hide the flaws of the house, show all the good things in my house to the buyers. Fill Voditsa with the strength of Veles, help me, with your strength and the strength of Veles, bring a buyer to an honest and generous house to me. Just as people cannot live without you, voditsa, so they cannot be without my house. As the water runs in the rivers, so the buyers run to me. As there is a lot of water in the sea, ocean, river, let there be so much money from the sale of the house in my wallet. Money to me, home to the buyer. I sell the house, I give away everything bad with it, and my happiness and good luck are with me always and everywhere. May it be so!".

Having spoken water, the vessel is taken in hand. Then they say the following again:

“As the water flows, splashes as if the stars in it seem as if the stars cannot be counted as if the water cannot be scooped out, as the wise Veles knows everything and knows, so Veles father helps me. in white, as if the stars shine do not go out, so let people come and visit me, but with money, but with not little money, but well-coordinated, he buys my horomina, gives me money, and takes the house for himself. let them lead their hand, let them not bypass my doorstep, let the deal be harmonious, I will not forget the tacos of the grace of Veles, father. I hope that Father Veles will help me with water, I water my key house with water. Let the water sister lead the buyer, the buyer brings me the money for the house. Come, the buyer rich and generous with money, the granddaughter of God (name) is calling you, as if Veles’s strength and help are with me. Lady sister Put your charms on my house, hide all the shortcomings, Show all the good things in my house to buyers. I will sprinkle the house with the driver, I will stick the buyer to my house. Whoever sees my house, will think about it, just look at the house and part with the money. The money is uncounted, but for the house they have been given to me, then Veles's charms, witchcraft charms, they are gold to me, but they are a hassle to people, water is a witness, if the house is sprinkled with water, then everything will be done, it will be fulfilled with a word, and my wallet will be filled with money. May it be so. Veles, father, help the house sell quickly and profitably, you need money (name the amount), no less. "

In order for the desired come true, it is necessary to continue the rite, saying further:

“I stand on the west side, At dawn,

To help I call the power of the Native Gods,

Veles Father and Lega, his guardian,

Glory to the Native Gods! Goy! Glory!

I will bow to Veles Father in the belt, I will turn to him with a prayer for help,

Veles Father, a tight sadness sucked my zealous heart, blackened it out in black need. I don't have the necessary wealth in my house, (name your problem), that's why I don't feel sweet either day or night. I, the granddaughter of God (name), will light a candle, I will put it down,

Veles father, I ask you, put your great strength around me,

District of my house, District of my arrived,

Cheat and secret word.

As the light of the Sun is visible from afar,

So my luck is visible to the world.

Luck is a wall

Around the business, around the sale of my house.

Veles father helps me,

People send me a house to buy,

From dawn to dawn, my buyers are generous

They walk briskly, they want to buy my house, they argue with a friend for my house, they are in a hurry to buy it,

(name the amount) for the sale of a house in my wallet flows like a river.

Father Veles helps me with the sale of the house,

My work strengthens me firmly.

Veles father is my hope and support,

The guardian lay down to support me,

Veles father walks across the sky,

Bags with money and good luck,

The bags have opened

Money and luck fell.

I, the granddaughter of God (name), walked along the bottom,

I collected money, took my luck

I took it home, lit the candles,

Candles, burn, Denyuzhki, and good luck come to me!

The wax on my candle melts and melts, so my need decreases, and prosperity arrives. May it be so! "

But this does not end there either. After reading the conspiracy for success in the sale of real estate, you need to read the prayer to Veles: “You are the crown of all work and earthly lives, Veles, our God! Let my heart be filled with joy from what was created, For my deeds are with a pure heart and bright thoughts. May my deeds be manifested by beneficent fruits and glory to my kin! Bless Velese, let it be so! "

Upon completion of all readings, you need to release the accompanying Forces, thanking them and Veles for their help in their work.

The water that was conjured during the ritual should be sprinkled on the house and land. Upon completion, there should be some more water that needs to be poured onto the road that people regularly walk on. The more pedestrians there are, the more likely it is that some of them will be attracted by the water.

This rite can be done on the growing moon, in this case the phase does not matter.

Rite of sale with a broom

Not every conspiracy to sell a house and land requires a lot of effort from the practitioner, a lot of ingredients and reading long texts. In some cases, especially if the house is good, and the magician's requests are decent, you can get by with simpler rituals that are easy to carry out at home. These include this conspiracy to quickly sell a house and land, which is mostly implemented with a broom.

To carry out the ritual, the magician will need:

  • a broom bought in a store;
  • salt (optional).

It is performed as follows:

The conspiracy is extremely simple. Having bought a broom in the store, you need to wait until the third hour of the night. When the given time comes, the practice is required to begin revenge in the house, saying:

“As I sweep the rubbish out of the house, so I call the merchants to myself. They will come, they will take my house, and I will live in another house. Amen".

Additionally, in cases where the magician believes that this may not be enough for certain reasons, you can speak salt to make it more likely to help. Such rituals are usually performed if the house has some flaws, and it is expensive to sell the hunt. To do this, on the same night, salt is placed under the moonlight on the windowsill, speaking it seven times with the words:

“White salt, pure salt, salty salt! How the light of the month hits you, So that buyers come to me! So that only the rich and the haves go, So that they carry money, so they do not regret it! As I spill this salt, the buyer will immediately come to me. Amen!".

After talking salt, the practitioner goes to sleep. In the morning, salt should be scattered throughout all the rooms of the dwelling.

Coffee bean plot

There are other conspiracies for the successful sale of a house that are quite simple to implement. Its advantage is that it directly affects everyone who crosses the threshold of the house. In addition, it is performed at any time of the day - it is not necessary to wait until the full moon comes in order for the magic to work.

To carry out a conspiracy, practice will need:

  • large church candle;
  • matches;
  • three roasted coffee beans.

The ceremony is performed as follows:

The first step is to buy a candle in the temple closest to your home. It should be the largest of all sold - if the conspirator wants the conspiracy to help him, you can't skimp.

Having all the necessary ingredients, you need to retire with them in the house away from prying eyes.

At this stage, you need to light the purchased candle with matches, placing it on the table, and put coffee beans in front of it. Setting fire to the wick, the practitioner utters a slander:

“Fire of holy light, will go everywhere, under my dwelling. But as soon as he comes, it will remain so. And anyone who enters will obscure his eyes, and everyone will like the dwelling. Oh, yes, it will sell quickly, quickly, but for the money it will be long. Amen, amen, amen. "

Then the candle is extinguished and hidden, and the coffee beans are placed under the rug at the entrance to the dwelling.

Poppy plot for real estate sale

There is more than one discussion in which people tell who and how they helped to use the rituals associated with the poppy to sell houses and other real estate. Speaking about proven methods, this conspiracy to sell a house and land should be highlighted.

To carry out the ceremony, practice will need:

  • a vessel with consecrated water;
  • vessel with poppy seeds.

The conspiracy is carried out as follows:

It is necessary to put on the table two vessels containing consecrated water and poppy, respectively.

From a vessel with poppy seeds, you need to take the contents with pinches and pour into the sacred water, saying the following:

“As I throw you a poppy, so I ask for money.

Buyer come, buy my apartment.

Poppy will help me in everything, selling an apartment at a good price.

In my hand I hold a magic poppy, as I said, so be it. "

It is necessary to continue pouring until the vessel, which originally contained the poppy, is empty.

The vessel with the resulting mixture is left in the dwelling until it is bought. After the sale, the contents are poured under the tree, thanking the poppy in advance for their help.

There is another significant moment in this conspiracy - you need to read it only from memory. Otherwise, the magic of this ritual will not give any result.

Prayer for the sale of a house to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Prayers, like rituals, have long been used by people for various needs. Thus, Muslim worship plays a special role in the sale of property. But here we will talk about prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker - very effective method rather sell the property. This saint is the most revered among Orthodox Christians, because he will always come to the aid of a person in need of her, and the result will be quite quick.

For prayer, a person will need:

  • a candle bought in a temple;
  • matches.

The prayer is read as follows:

The prayer is conventionally divided into two parts: initial and final. To read the first one, you need to go to the temple, put a candle to the Miracle Worker and say the following:

“Pleasant Nikolai, bless me for the successful sale of an apartment (house) and send down buyers who are generous, honest and not poor. Thy will be done. Amen".

At the next stage, the supplicant goes home, lights a candle in front of the icon, which depicts St. Nicholas, and the prayer that has begun ends with the words:

“Miracle worker Nikolai, I appeal to you with a prayer. Send me a bargain, honest and generous buyers. Let the client like the apartment (house) and the sale will be successful. Thy will be done. Amen".

To get an early benefit from the sale of property, a prayer is read every day. It is also recommended to contact the Wonderworker before the direct arrival of a potential buyer.

Plot for the sale of real estate on keys

Conspiracies and rituals that allow you to make a quick and profitable deal on the sale of property are by no means uncommon. Moreover, a good part of such rituals allows you to sell your home for more than it is objectively worth. But all these conspiracies to sell a house and a plot do not have such a high probability of success as this method. However, this ceremony will allow the property to be sold quickly, showing how effective it is, only if the asking price is fair.

For a conspiracy, practice will need:

  • keys to an apartment or house with a land plot that you want to sell;
  • conspiracy text;
  • lock.

It is performed as follows:

Despite the fact that the conspiracy is quite strong, it is absolutely elementary to implement it. You just need to read the words of the conspiracy on the keys:

“As a blacksmith needs to forge, a plowman has to plow, a merchant has to trade, to a priest to pray for an honest love, And I have to go to church and be baptized, So does a good, rich and generous buyer. Come to my house, pay for it and settle in it. Amen".

Real estate transactions are always stressful for owners. In addition to spending time looking for suitable tenants, people also spend money. No wonder the real estate activity is flourishing. But nobody wants to overpay, and the time spent on the sale of an apartment is better used for more pleasant moments.

Do not give up magical intervention. On the contrary, conspiracies and rituals for the sale of an apartment will only benefit, so why not use the otherworldly power.

With the help of conspiracies, you can sell an apartment

Before the ceremonies, be sure to cleanse the apartment. It is important to clean up dirty, negative energy.

Purification rites

  1. The easiest way is to ring a bell. You need to walk with him throughout the house, starting from the threshold. As soon as you feel the bell ringing start to change, stop cleaning.
  2. Cleaning with salt has a strong and long lasting effect. It is necessary to put dishes with salt in all rooms. After 2 months, change to new salt, and so on for six months. If you need to close a sale deal as quickly as possible, use sea salt. Sprinkle it on the carpet or floor, let it sit for 1 hour, then collect it and discard it immediately.
  3. The most effective remedy cleansing the house is holy water. The water collected in the Epiphany week has a strong effect. All Orthodox Christians believe in its power. But you can just bless it in the temple.

At any time, you may be interrupted, so you need to clean the house alone.

Brownie help

Your most important assistant in the house is the brownie. His help is a powerful conspiracy to sell the apartment. It is important to remember that without his approval, you cannot for a long time find new tenants.

Buy different sweets: sugar, candy, cookies, honey. Place delicious gifts in any corner and say:

“Brownie-father, welcome the new owners of the house, do not be sad and let me go. Walk around the house, respect the buyers. "

If you do everything right, the brownie will thank you with a quick deal.

Magic will help you sell real estate quickly

After you have completed the purification rite, you can get down to business. The conspiracy for the quick sale of an apartment is read in complete silence.

From the Siberian clairvoyant

The healer spoke to the water, which needed to wash the floors throughout the house:

“Four corners, my domina and the brownie, I renounce you, from the doors, locks, from the four corners and the brownie. Whoever brings me money for you will take you for himself. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Pour the used water out into the street, as soon as it gets dark. It is worth believing in the signs and making sure that there is no one on the street. Otherwise, the ceremony will have to be repeated again.

Rite of passage with a broom

“As I sweep the dirt, I sweep it, so I nail the buyers to myself. The first will come, the second will come, the third will buy, take it for himself. Amen".

Every day in the morning with this broom, the floor is swept, and so on for 3 days.

Rite of passage with keys

But perhaps the most powerful rite is to boil the keys. You need to place the keys in a saucepan and boil them. While the water is boiling, and the keys are boiling, a conspiracy is read:

“Just as people cannot live without an iron lock, without an iron key, so they cannot be without my house. Just as you people cannot be without food and water, so you cannot be without my house. Amen"

As soon as new owners are found for your apartment or private house, wash your hands with water from the key. The ritual from Natalia Stepanova has helped to sell the apartment at a profit.

Natalya Ivanovna offers another effective ritual with black bread. At night, you need to cut off a piece of bread crust and say:

“I whisper on the sly for sale, exchange, good and money. And you, Brownie, help me and call me luck. And I will not leave you, but with me in new house I'll deliver it on a broom! You will live with me, never harm and help in everything and protect new housing from troubles and misfortunes! You did not help in everything, and you kept the house in order. Here's a crust for you, I'll give you a crust! We will live together, but in a different house! Amen!".

With the help of this ritual, it will be possible to arrange a quick and successful home sale transaction.

From Sophia Vedunya

Another famous healer uses a broom in her rituals.

Be sure to buy a new broom or broom. Take holy water, you can just blessed in the temple. On the fifth day of the week, in the morning, get up thinking about the apartment, that it is no longer yours.

Put holy water on the broom and start sweeping the apartment as the sun rises. Removing dirt and dust from the house, cast a spell:

“I sweep the garbage, I clean the apartment so that it shines with cleanliness and encourages customers. Amen!".

Do this ritual for the sale of an apartment for three days in a row.

From Vanga

Vanga became famous for her help to people in trouble. Her magic is powerful. A simple conspiracy can help you recharge with success before a deal.

The sun has positive energy. You need to face the sun and, as if, hug it. It is important that you have a cross around your neck and a red scarf in your hand. Tell the conspiracy:

"Sun, give me luck, as you give the Earth with light,

Rays, bring me happiness as you bring warmth.

May Fortune be from now and forever in my deeds. Amen!".

Be sure to thank the sun for his help.

For a conspiracy from Ivan Vedun you need coins

A magic rite works specifically for the room where potential buyers will go. A hostel is perfect for this ritual. Take 4 coins of the same size, water, aroma oil, and a compass.

The number of coins is specifically equal to the number of corners in the room. Fill the room with incense and stand on the east side of the room. Dip your fingers into the water and begin to recite the prayer:

"Earth to earth, money to money, man to man,

With my will and strength, spirit and body, deed and thing, I conjure:

Whoever comes here after me - thirst without water, hunger without food, rest without sleep!

Until he becomes the master of this house.

As it is said - so it is done, how it is done - it will come true, as it will come true - so be it.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Sprinkle water over the room and leave the coins until the deal is concluded. Then throw it out into the street.

Conspiracy on fir needles

Collect spruce needles in the forest, 4 will be enough. The time of the year, the type of needles do not matter. Hold the needles in your left hand for a short time, then scatter them on the table and say the spell:

“We ate a needle, pin my house to the buyer.

He will not leave him now,

He will always come to me for a purchase.

May it be so".

Do not show the needles to anyone, but rather hide them until the transaction is completed.

For urgent sale

Psychic Nadezhda Shevchenko offers her plot for the sale of an apartment. It is done simply, a spoonful of natural honey is mixed with water and a prayer is read:

“You can't knead the stone with your hands, you can't count the stars in the sky, you can't take my strong word from me. I'm a young merchant, I'm taking a golden crown with me, Like bees fly to honey, So everyone looks at my goods, They want to take it. May it be so!!!"

Wash with water and dry your face with a red towel. Wear a towel on all deals.

For a quick sale of real estate, coffee beans will help

Coffee beans can be purchased already roasted. You will also need 1 large church candle. Take 3 grains, light a candle from a match and read the conspiracy:

“The fire of holy light will go everywhere, under my dwelling. But as soon as he comes, it will remain so. And anyone who enters will obscure his eyes, and everyone will like the dwelling. Oh, yes, it will sell quickly, quickly, but for the money it will be long. Amen, amen, amen. "

The coffee beans are tucked under the rug by front door... It is important that new tenants step on the seeds, then the transaction will go through quickly and successfully.

Magic ceremony for the sale of an apartment

Perhaps the easiest way to sell your property quickly. Is a modern and magical conspiracy for the successful sale of an apartment from Simoron. All you need to do is write on green paper "Buyer, show up." Stick the paper over the door before the arrival of the first future landlord.

The Simoron magical method charges with positive energy, and the execution of the deal will not keep you waiting long.

Whispers are referred to as female conspiracies. Read on Wednesdays, Saturdays or Fridays. It is read very quickly, you can several times:

“I, a merchant, are always well done! I will sell my goods to everyone. Money to money, Me - your money. You are my product. Amen".

The fastest of all rites, but no less effective.

100% ritual with grain

Count how many corners there are in your house, and take as much grain. The conspiracy for the successful sale of an apartment is carried out on the growing moon, in one of women's days- Wednesday. The grains, before putting them in the corners, speak:

“Gold grains, lie in the corners, guard happiness in the house. When a rich merchant comes - you call him, how cozy and wonderful it is - tell me, seduce him with a sweet life. Forever so that he decides to stay here and part with his money. "

Upon completion of the transaction, all grains must be collected and buried in the ground with words of gratitude. A 100 percent conspiracy will help in the sale of real estate.

Lord, my God, I am in front of you! The plowman plows, the blacksmith forges, the merchant sells his goods. The priest priest prays for all of us, for me, for my sinful soul. The reaper walks in the field, the buyer bears the money. The reaper in the field is reaping, the buyer will take the house. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracies for the sale of an apartment at a distance were not invented in vain, often houses are unattended, and as a result, you need to quickly and expensively sell housing.

Strong conspiracy to sell an apartment

White magic helps in many things and only benefits people. In this rite, honey is spoken. In addition to a jar of honey, you will need:

  • red wool thread

You need to slander on the waning moon. Tie 12 knots on one thread, the size of the thread is about a meter. Make 3 such threads with knots. They should be tied together like ropes.

Attach one end to the street-side door handle and the other to the house. Take a plate of honey and read:

“The honey is sticky and strong! And the sale is pleasant, but it is profitable for me! She brings joy to everyone, but to me more than anyone! Honey is sweet and my life is sweet and joyful! And the sale is on the doorstep!

Coat the ends of the threads with honey, then cut them with a knife and walk around the house, saying the words:

"So be it"!

Distribute the honey to each room, then use the thread to remove the drops. And take it to the yard. And those that remained on the door must be burned.

To prevent the buyer from changing his mind, complete a conspiracy to sell your home. Prepare a red envelope, a handful of ordinary earth, a small metal item, and any wooden object in advance.

Fold all your belongings in an envelope and sprinkle it with water. For best results, place the envelope in a pond.

This is an ideal conspiracy to successfully sell an apartment at home.

Magic amulets

Various talismans made at home help to carry out the rituals:

  • Chicken amulet - a stone from the street with a hole. If you are lucky enough to find such a stone, you need to start talking about it:

"Brownie, do not scold, follow the moon, follow the moon, get attracted to the other owner."

Then hang in any conspicuous place at home.

  • Mascot made of wood. Made from any wood. He will help you sell your apartment profitably. You don't need to read the plot to sell your apartment.

If none of the above helps, the house may be damaged. You can remove it with an ordinary egg. After that, repeat one of the rituals for the sale of an apartment.

It takes a handful of poppies to dissuade selling property.

There are situations when it is necessary to dissuade from selling a home. This will require a handful of poppy seeds. It needs to be scattered around the whole house, reading the conspiracy:

“As I closed the circle with poppy seeds, so I turned the merchants away from housing. Just as the poppy cannot be collected back, so the housing cannot be sold for ever. "

Since ancient times, magic has rescued people from many troubles. The strongest ceremonies really help to urgently arrange a successful property sale. There is no need to be afraid to use rituals in such an important matter as selling a home. You will see positive developments very soon.

Everyone at least once faced a situation when it is necessary for everything to work out as best as possible. Whether it's selling a house, buying a car, or other circumstances that involve a large sum. In this case, all forces, including magical ones, must come to the rescue. Anyone can make a strong and effective ritual for the sale of a house and land.

The effect of a conspiracy on the sale of real estate acts quickly and will not keep you waiting

It is widely believed that this kind of strong rite can only be done in a love plan, but this is wrong, because there are many other areas in which the correct conspiracy can help. At first glance, this whole undertaking will seem like nonsense and self-indulgence, but in the future you will see the effect of the force used. It is worth adding that the effect of these rituals acts quickly and will not keep you waiting.

Varieties of conspiracies in the sale of property

It is possible to make a strong universal ritual if, when selling a house and land, you are faced with several problems at the same time, or you are overtaken by doubts about the correctness of your choice, then use it.

There are conspiracies for:

  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • coins;
  • candles;
  • dust, etc.

Candle conspiracy

To carry out this conspiracy, you will need candles purchased in advance in the church, there should be seven of them. Please note that the conspiracy must be carried out during the waning phase of the moon. The best place to do a strong ritual for selling your home and land is in a dark and deserted space.

Arrange the candles so that they form a circle, then light them. You should be in the middle of the circle. Before settling in the resulting figure, clear your thoughts, turn into a balancing mechanism, breathe deeply, do not disturb your mind with problems. Concentrate your compassion on a given goal, the sale of a home. Namely, how to make it more profitable and faster. An important part of the sacrament are conspiracy words that you will need to memorize, they need to be said seven times.

For a ceremony to sell a house, you need to purchase church candles.

“Let the roof and walls attract people, they will come as soon as possible in the coming days. Going in, so as not to go out, I'd rather leave. All signs will converge for my benefit, and I will gain profit from the sale. Let the church candles burn out, direct their smoke to help me. And when I burn out, I will betray them to the ground, so that everything will turn out as I wanted. Amen"

Ponder each word spoken, pronounce them clearly and slowly, as if time had slowed down for this time. The moment the candles burn out, you will need a completely blank sheet of paper or a bag to collect the remaining wax. Then go to the nearest forest, it is strictly forbidden to leave candles in a residential area, find a tree there with a wife of energy, it can be a willow, quince, aspen and drip wax near them.

Be careful, since its effectiveness and efficiency depends on the correctness of the conspiracy. In most cases, in less than three weeks, all problems will be resolved and leave no trace.

Conspiracy for the early sale of the site

This rite has to ensure that the buyer is found by himself, and even in the shortest possible time. In this case, it will be necessary to wash the floors of the housing. The cloudy contents of the bucket, which will remain from washing after washing, will serve as a liquid, which they talk about. The memorized words are pronounced three times.

“I am giving up, retreating from the house, the brownie, the four corners and the four walls. Doors and locks are closed from now on, I can’t look through these windows. Find the owner quickly, open your gates, bring me profit, and comfort and grace for him. Amen".

Immediately after committing a conspiracy, you need to pour water outside the house.

Salt Whispering Conspiracy

Salt has long been called the strongest ritual attribute, and is also famous for its effectiveness and availability. It absorbs sources of negative energy and dissolves them without leaving a trace. In order to make a conspiracy to sell a house, you will need one handful.

Salt ceremonies are done only for the outgoing phase of the moon

Rituals of this type are done only for the outgoing phase of the moon, stand in a deserted room parallel to the luminous object so that it reaches directly to your palm, which contains the charmed ingredient. Conspiracy vows to pronounce seven times, you must say them with understanding of each.

“In my palm, salt is pure, snow-white, salty. As the light enters directly, so let the welcome guest suddenly come. For a guest I will consider rich, generous. I will spill the salt, I want to see the buyer. Amen".

Get up before dawn the next day after the ceremony, salt should be sprinkled in all corners of the room being sold.

Coin conspiracy

This ceremony is suitable for those who plan to sell a land plot (garden, vegetable garden). A plot to sell a house will work if you are selling a plot that has a house on its territory. The magic of trading will work when the price for the object being sold is fair and adequate. Do not overstate or borrow the set price, because both can frighten off potential buyers.

On the territory being sold, you need to bury a coin, which must first be spoken in magic words, which must be spoken five times.

“I’ll put a coin in the soil, I’ll get the benefit from it. Mother Earth, share your luck. I will sell you honestly, I will not deceive, I will not offend, I will give you a good owner. Amen".

Key rite

This conspiracy is aimed at the successful sale of an apartment, house or land. Cars, houses, apartments, plots of land according to this rite are sold easily and quickly. It will work especially well on a living space that has been on sale for many years, but the buyer is still not found.

The key ceremony will affect the living space, which has been on sale for many years.

While you will pronounce the learned words, you should rub the key from the property in your hands, you need to do this rite three times, if the apartment is expensive, then the number of repetitions should be increased. Concentrate on what you are doing this conspiracy for.

“The blacksmith forges his iron, the farmer plows all the fields, so it's time for me to do my job. Find a kind, generous person and come to me soon. Pay off, have fun, share your new happiness. Amen".

If you do not support magical rituals, prayers will be the way out for you. There are many prayers for improving your financial condition, as well as the sale of property. First of all people turn to Saint Nicholas the Pleasant... According to legend, John the New Sochavsky was a merchant and trader, and he helps in this area. Nicholas the Wonderworker can also help. Prayers should be said with a burning candle, lit and purchased from the church. Through prayers, you create for yourself, first, faith in future success and a happy future.

To take action to bear fruit, adhere to some conventions. In the process magic rite what matters is how you pronounce the conspiracy words. As you read through, you should feel confident that your deal will benefit you. In any business inner feeling victories will bring you success and good luck. But try not to frighten off the coming changes with constant thoughts, everything that depended on you you did, and even more, give the conspiracy time to act. Another point is that the rites should be performed in deserted rooms and preferably at midnight.

There are times when customers have been gone for a long time, they even bypass you. The buying and selling market is overcrowded. The result can be uncertainty, nervousness, sometimes even a desire to lower the set price. But if the value of the house is adequate, and you understand that it is worth the money, then cast aside all doubts and speculations. Your faith in future success should be inexhaustible, and this applies to the sale of property and other things. Know your internal energy absorbs the space around you and the cleaner it is, the sooner a suitable client will be found.

Victoria Bonna

Specialization: Parapsychology, extrasensory perception
Education: Professional

Articles written

Ancient conspiracies are an effective and proven tool for solving a variety of problems. They are often used to quickly find a buyer for any property; it is not easy to conclude a deal on favorable terms. In solving this problem, special rituals can provide effective assistance. Conspiracies will help you quickly find a buyer for a suburban real estate or city apartment using magic.

Reasons for stagnant sales

Even great efforts do not always lead to the result that was expected.

If all efforts have not yielded the desired result, then the reasons may lie not in the owner, but in this:

  • Doesn't want to let go of the brownie.
  • Not all tenants are ready to part with the house / apartment and move to a new place of residence.
  • Poor energy prevents change from happening.

If there is a suspicion that one of these factors is the cause of the failure of the sale, then measures should be taken to eliminate them, using the signs that people have used since ancient times.

When magic will help

For a long time, connoisseurs of secret art, popularly called sorcerers or sorcerers, knew many ways to quickly sell a house, plot or product. Conspiracies have always come to the rescue and rid people of the unnecessary, without causing harm and working for the good. There are many ways to profitably and quickly, without unnecessary procrastination, to conclude a great deal and attract your client.

True, it is worth remembering that resorting to magical help is worth it as a last resort and without intent to harm anyone. If the decision came up suddenly and you want to sell the house quickly and profitably right now, conspiracies may not help. Everything takes time. It is worth doing a ceremony for the sale of a house or land plot if:

  • the property is located in an unfavorable place for the buyer;
  • the house or plot cannot be reissued in any way;
  • the owner of the apartment is already running out of strength, and the property for 4 years has not attracted the attention of buyers;
  • there is no way to live in the house because of the mystical setting;
  • the cottage or plot is located far away, and often there is no way to go there.

Who to contact in need

Expert opinion


Yes, the prayer for the sale of a house is the first thing you should say every day, several times a day. You can contact your patron saint, Nicholas the Wonderworker or Michael the Archangel.

If for you the performance and the amount billed are really of fundamental importance, The Lord, through his helpers, will certainly assist you..

A prayer for the sale of a house to Spiridon Trimifuntsky is considered very effective. He supports those who are looking for a good job, who are plagued by financial problems. Large purchases / sales are also his diocese, including real estate.

In addition, the great martyr John of Sochavsky will listen to you. He generally patronizes people whose permanent profession is trade. Consequently, your prayer for the sale of the house will certainly be heard for them, too. What should be its text? Thank God and the saints for having real estate.

Explain why you need to implement it, why exactly at the price that you assigned. For objective reasons, the Lord will understand and support you. Emphasize that you rely on His will in everything, trust in His kindness, love, and wisdom. And remember that any request, including a prayer for the sale of a house, will not bring any sense without sincerity and faith!

What to do in difficult situations

Suppose you found a buyer. But only obstinate, clearly knocking down the price, unfair... And there is no alternative, you cannot refuse it. How to proceed in this case? Let the prayer for the successful sale of the house be read in a whisper. Then mentally and calmly draw a cross on your interlocutor's forehead.

As if make the sign of the cross with your hand. The debater will immediately stop fuming, start speaking more friendly, behave appropriately, and you can easily come to an agreement. By the way, this life-giving cross perfectly helps to resolve a variety of controversial situations.

Different prayers

Strong prayer

Orthodox saints can also help with the sale of real estate. If your thoughts are pure, the deal is fair, and you have no desire to deceive your buyer, feel free to ask the great Saint Spyridon of Trimyphus for help. Saint Spyridon does not leave those who turn to him for help in financial matters. There are thousands of stories in history about how Saint Spyridon, who was distinguished by extraordinary kindness, helped the needy and the poor.

In the temple or at home, read the following prayer:

Pray, for Father Spiridon, a good and humane God, so that he does not condemn us for our iniquities. But let him do it according to his mercy. Ask him for us in the name of Christ a peaceful life, devoid of vicissitudes, mental and physical health and well-being. Deliver us from all mental and physical troubles, from diseases and devil's networks. Remember us at the throne of God and pray for us, so that he would grant forgiveness to the multitude of our sins. He gave us a comfortable and peaceful life and gave us a painless and shameless death. We also ask, may he bless our enterprise and sell our house and help us. By his mercy and your intercession, may we be delivered from the guile of people, the lies of deceivers and unjust losses. Safe and sound, may he keep us safe with your prayers. But we, giving thanks to you, ceaselessly send glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever! Amen.

Pray to Saint Spyridon every day, until there are buyers or until you complete the transaction itself.

Prayer for the sale of a house to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Prayers, like rituals, have long been used by people for various needs. Thus, Muslim worship plays a special role in the sale of property. But here we will talk about the prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker - a very effective method to quickly sell real estate. This saint is the most revered among Orthodox Christians, because he will always come to the aid of a person in need of her, and the result will be quite quick.

For prayer, a person will need:

  • a candle bought in a temple;
  • matches.

The prayer is read as follows:

The prayer is conventionally divided into two parts: initial and final. D To read the first one, you need to go to the temple, put a candle to the Wonderworker and say the following:

“Pleasant Nikolai, bless me for the successful sale of an apartment (house) and send down buyers who are generous, honest and not poor. Thy will be done. Amen".

At the next stage, the supplicant goes home, lights a candle in front of the icon, which depicts St. Nicholas, and the prayer that has begun ends with the words:

“Miracle worker Nikolai, I appeal to you with a prayer. Send me a bargain, honest and generous buyers. Let the client like the apartment (house) and the sale will be successful. Thy will be done. Amen".

To get an early benefit from the sale of property, a prayer is read every day. It is also recommended to contact the Wonderworker before the direct arrival of a potential buyer.

Conspiracy for a quick and successful sale of a house

Magic power helps with the help of a conspiracy, not only in love affairs, but also in material and financial matters. Particularly in buying and selling.

In our version of the sale of a house. What needs to be done to make the sale as fast and simple as possible?

Most people in such a complex issue as selling a house, resort to magic, but few immediately remember about the action of magical rites. This usually happens when attempts to sell have dragged on for more than one year.

Selling an apartment profitably is much easier than a whole house. Many people would prefer a small apartment, but located in the city center, than a huge house on the outskirts. A conspiracy to sell a house will help you make a good deal in a short time. The ritual will help:

  • people who have been unable to sell a house for a long time;
  • those who want to make good money on the sale;
  • those whose house is not very well located;
  • those who are completely tired of the endless red tape with papers for re-registration of the house.

Words can differ in their semantic load, which will help to use a certain conspiracy for the right thing. Each case requires a special conspiracy. There are conspiracies acting in all directions at once, for example: it will be possible to sell a house at a high price, avoiding problems with documents.

Types of conspiracies for the sale of property

WITH practical point view, selling an apartment in the city center is much easier than selling a large house. Firstly, apartments are much cheaper, secondly, they attract more customers, and thirdly, the house requires more attention from the tenants.

But what if you need to sell the house, but there are either no buyers at all, or they offer a ridiculous price? In this case, special rituals for sale come to the rescue. Depending on what result you want to achieve, you need to choose conspiracies with a certain semantic load and the principle of influencing the world around you.

In what cases are rituals used to sell a house:

  • if the seller needs to complete the transaction as soon as possible;
  • if the seller wants to make a big profit;
  • if the paperwork process is delayed;
  • and other.

Depending on the purpose and problem, you can use the appropriate conspiracy, or a universal magic ritual.

The ritual for the sale of property should be carried out by the seller, this gives the magic additional power and accelerates its effect.

Due to the simplicity of such rituals, even a beginner in magic can perform them without problems.

Speed ​​up home sale

With the help of this rite, you can significantly speed up the sale. To do this, take half a glass of raw rice, the same amount of salt and sugar. Mix everything together in a separate container, stick a new pin in the middle of the mixture, pointing it down.

After we read the words of the conspiracy:

“I sell for happiness and prosperity to good people what I no longer need myself. I myself, the servant of God (name), will then acquire what I need for (name the amount that you want to earn for the sale of the house). What is said, then everything will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

While reading the words of the conspiracy, you need to be clearly aware that you are activating the sale procedure, and it will no longer be possible to regret this house, otherwise you will ruin everything.

After that, the container with the mixture and the pin should be placed next to the entrance to the house so that no one can see it, especially potential buyers. After completing the transaction, you need to distribute alms to the six poor, and you can take the vessel with rice from the house and bury it in a deserted place, in a vacant lot.


To carry out the ritual, you need to cover the dining table in the house that you want to sell with a white, clean tablecloth, sit next to it and read the words of the conspiracy:

“White-white, white-white, a lot of snow has covered my peasant hut, Snow is disobedient, white, creaky, it flies to the windows, flies to the walls, flies to the roof. I will go a servant of God (name) to the court, sit on a white horse, gallop off a generous merchant to seek, kind, and rich. I’ll find a noble, fat buyer. How much snow falls on the roof of the hut from a blizzard, the merchant will offer me so much gold for the house. As a dog cannot be next to a cat, so generosity and stinginess will not be. I, the servant of God (name), choose generosity. As said, it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy for a young month

To carry out the ceremony, you need to wait for a clean young month for young month, open a window to the street and read the plot:

“A brave archer gallops across the sky, a brave archer, but well-aimed. The archer is looking for that black raven, the enemy of his heart. That raven is an old one, a black raven, but a weak one. Protect, archer, my free will, my own house, shoot a fast, poisonous arrow. Let her find a heart, let her fly into it, not give up. As the arrow finds its target, so the merchant will find my house. That merchant will not be a black raven in heart, but a spring bird, loud, generous. An arrow will fall into the hands of that merchant and a good purchase will happen. Another arrow will hit him in the legs, to be his new master of my house. Help the archer, I need a merchant. Hit him at his feet, let him be my buyer. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To quickly sell your house in the village, I strongly recommend that you use a magical conspiracy. You will be pleased with the fact that you do not have to prepare too much. The occult ritual is carried out without unnecessary ceremonies associated with the purchase of candles and other mysterious objects. In order for your home to be successfully purchased, you first need to clean it. With a handwritten sheet of paper, walk around the corners of the house, whispering these magical lines.

I cleanse the house from anger, sadness, abuse and envy. Let the new tenants like it, and the sale will be successful. Amen.

Expert opinion

Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


After you have cleaned all the corners, prepare your home for the sale.
Now you have to attract buyers, confidently, harshly and harshly repeating a strong magic conspiracy.
Just sit down at the table. Take another piece of paper on which the lines are written.
Don't be in a hurry. Concentrate on selling your home successfully.
Imagine a generous buyer and a fast enough deal.
The clearer your thoughts become, the more effectively the occult ritual will work.
And here is the text itself.

As a magnet pulls a magnet, so let my house surprise you. Like the doors, the decoration inside, a confident voice whispers: buy! They will not be deceived in the price, they will pay for everything quickly, they will not take someone else's hands from home. Let the dishonest merchant leave the doorway, take the dashing failures with him. I attract luck to myself in the bidding, with me it will be in risky business. Amen! Amen! Amen!

You don't need to do anything else.
Only 2 short conspiracies - and your house will be successfully sold.
In this case, the speed of alienation will directly depend on the complexity of the event itself.
Based on this, set a selling value comparable to the quality of the real estate.

Another powerful magic conspiracy to quickly sell real estate. By itself, this conspiracy is general, since it allows you to transfer to alienation not only an apartment, car or cottage, but also household appliances and other valuable accessories. This conspiracy is fast because it does not require special preparation before repeated reading. Suppose that you decide to urgently sell your TV in order to replenish your treasury as soon as possible.

  1. In this case, take a sheet of white paper and write down the proposed conspiracy on it, confidently repeating it on the necessary subject.
  2. When selling an apartment, car, land plot or summer cottage, it is not at all necessary to be near the object. Just imagine a successful auction, which will certainly take place in your favor.
  3. And here is the text of a strong magic conspiracy on real estate.

Any sale will happen successfully, the client will never get angry from the auction. He will pay everything on time, there will be no deception. Someone else will not grab, the advance payment will not be forgotten. He will inspect with his eye, approve with his mind, and the money from the deal will return to my house. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

A conspiracy to quickly sell an apartment will be a good help for you in a serious auction. Selling an apartment to conscientious clients is very difficult, given that you need to find them first. Either the price does not suit you, or the cost of the apartment is too high in the buyer's opinion. By talking about an apartment for a quick sale, you can charge its spacious rooms with the necessary energy, thereby attracting clients for a successful transaction.

Conspiracy to sell property

Occult formulation in this case will be addressed to the forces of fortune. Luck is a specific program that is endowed with the person himself. When the conspiracy begins to take effect, your property will be successfully sold.

Before starting occult reading, it is advisable to wait until midnight and light 13 candles. Looking at them, imagine a successful and quick sale of property, thereby contributing to the speedy accomplishment of your plan.

Black night, spirits of the moon, I appeal to you, I urge you. Help me successfully sell my property as soon as possible. Bring on a compliant buyer and drive away the stingy businessman. Let the deal not be fooled and the conspiracy work hard. The property will sell quickly, and I will soon succeed. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Whisper a magic conspiracy on property shortly before making a deal and immediately after it. When uttering occult lines, breathe your own energy of success into them.

Water conspiracy

Among useful tips on the use of magical ways to promote a quick and profitable sale of real estate - cleaning with spell water. Unlike most rituals, it is not performed at night, but at dawn, with the first rays of the sun.

Collect clean water and carefully wipe all horizontal surfaces (floors, window sills, countertops, cabinets), saying:

“I will pour spring water, I will attract buyers.

Kind people, come and buy generously. I want a lot of money, but not silver, but gold!

Sell, sell, sell! I refuse these corners, I give them to the buyers ”.

According to the signs, if you carry out such cleaning every day for 3 days in a row and have time to finish it before the sun rises, buyers will be found in a very short time, the transaction will go through quickly and profitably for everyone.


There is a universal 100 percent conspiracy to sell any type of property. To carry it out, you need spring water. Option - well. Before reading the text, early in the morning, you take a container of spring water and wipe the floors, windowsills and doors.

During the ritual, it is necessary to say the following words (it is better to learn the text in advance):

I water it with spring water - I attract buyers.

Welcome, buy generously.

I want money, but not silver, but gold!

I sell. I sell. I sell.

I renounce my corners.

I'm waiting for buyers.

When it comes to selling a land plot, you simply spray water around its perimeter.

On distance

What if you are far from the property? Suppose you inherited an inheritance in another city, or you simply cannot come to an apartment for sale to perform a daily ritual there due to being very busy.

Then we suggest that you dwell on the next strong conspiracy, it does not require any action. Before pronouncing it, you can focus on your desire, mentally turn to higher powers for help, perhaps light a candle. The text is as follows:

Oh my God,

I'm in front of you.

The plowman plows,

The blacksmith forges

the merchant sells the goods.

Father, priest, prays for all of us,

about me, about my sinful soul.

The reaper walks in the field, the buyer bears the money.

The reaper is reaping in the field,

The buyer (house or apartment) will take it. Amen.

To the growing moon

There is a short conspiracy that is easy to remember and easy to read. It is pronounced in the morning. To the growing moon. Three days of the week are suitable for this text: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. On other days, you should not read the text.

The plot must be repeated a certain number of times: three, seven, nine or twelve, depending on your choice and desire to sell the apartment. You read near the front door, and then in every corner of the house:

I am a merchant, always well done. I will sell our goods to everyone. Money to money, we get your money, you get our goods. Amen.

After completing the ritual, it is better to wash your hands, wash your face and thank the higher powers for their help.

For honey

For a honey plot, as the name suggests, you need fresh honey. In addition, stock up on two long red threads, metal scissors (preferably not plastic handles), and a brush.

Tie five knots on the threads, tie to the front door handle from the side of the living area. You hold a glass of honey and a brush in your hands and read the following text (facing the living space):

How strong is linden honey

The sale is so easy and successful

For everyone's joy, for our prosperity.

As honey is sweet, so will it be

Our life is sweet and joyful.

After pronouncing the text, start walking around the apartment clockwise.

Each room should have a drop of honey in the center.

After that, you return to the front door and the threads with the knots. You also need to drop a drop on each nodule and wait at least an hour. After this period of time, take metal scissors and cut the threads with the words:

What got in the way is gone

What the bad has come, is gone.

Remove the threads carefully so that no fragment remains on the handle, and find a good place under living trees (dry trees will not work). Bury the threads and wait for the buyers!

Olga Ilanovskaya's conspiracy to sell an apartment

Especially for the sale of the apartment, the famous Siberian healer, Olga Ilanovskaya, developed a strong plot to sell the house. It does not require all kinds of investments from the practitioner and anyone can do it, which makes this rite so convenient.

  • slice of bread;
  • conspiracy text;
  • the right time.

Immediately after sunset, you need to go to the kitchen, taking a piece of bread.

Then the following is slandered on him three times:

“Whispers to the side, I ask the Brownie for help. Give our dwelling delights, so much so that everyone likes it, and buyers stood in line. Yes, all buyers will be happy with this housing and you, Little Domovushechka, will treat you well. Help me this way. "

After completing the conspiracy, the bread must be left in a secluded place.

Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova for the sale of real estate

Siberia is rich in magicians, thanks to which there is a strong conspiracy and ritual for the sale of a house from another healer from the same region - Natalia Stepanova.

To carry out a conspiracy practice, you must have:

  • bucket;
  • water;
  • mop or doormat.

It is necessary to clean the floors in all rooms and hallways.

Squatting over the dirty water left in the bucket after cleaning, they say:

"Four corners,

my domina and brownie,

I deny you

from doors, locks,

from the four corners and the brownie.

Who will bring me money for you,

he will take you for himself. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspirated water is taken out into the street and poured out of the bucket onto the road.

It is imperative that the practitioner does not meet anyone along the way. Otherwise, the conspiracy will need to be repeated.

Strong Conspiracy to Sell Homes

This strong conspiracy to quickly sell a plot or house is more difficult to implement than the previous one, but you can expect more from it. Magic will reward the patient. Therefore, if you urgently need to sell real estate, it will show itself to be very fast.

To carry out the ceremony, the magician will need:

  • glass vessel;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • pin.

The ceremony is performed as follows:

All ingredients must be mixed in a 1: 1: 1 ratio. The volume of each of them should be about 125 milligrams.

After mixing all the ingredients, it is required to stick a pin with the sharp end down into the center of the resulting mixture. In doing this, you need to slander the following:

“I sell not to evil people, but to good people for happiness and prosperity what I don't need. For myself, the servant of God (name), I will acquire what I need (you can name the amount you are counting on). May it be so! Amen!".

A conspiracy is being carried out exclusively on the waning moon, this ritual cannot be carried out on the waxing moon. This is justified by the fact that, in this context, the property seems to the owner unnecessary - something that needs to be disposed of. After the sale of the dwelling, it is necessary to give alms to six people who especially need it - such are found in every person. This will help increase the effectiveness of the rituals' results. The owner takes the vessel from the house with him, and then bury it in an unsociable place at dawn.

Coffee bean plot

There are other conspiracies for the successful sale of a house that are quite simple to implement. Its advantage is that it directly affects everyone who crosses the threshold of the house. In addition, it is performed at any time of the day - it is not necessary to wait until the full moon comes in order for the magic to work.

To carry out a conspiracy, practice will need:

  • large church candle;
  • matches;
  • three roasted coffee beans.

The ceremony is performed as follows:

The first step is to buy a candle in the temple closest to your home. It should be the largest of all sold - if the conspirator wants the conspiracy to help him, you can't skimp.

Having all the necessary ingredients, you need to retire with them in the house away from prying eyes.

At this stage, you need to light the purchased candle with matches, placing it on the table, and put coffee beans in front of it. Setting fire to the wick, the practitioner utters a slander:

“Fire of holy light, will go everywhere, under my dwelling. But as soon as he comes, it will remain so. And anyone who enters will obscure his eyes, and everyone will like the dwelling. Oh, yes, it will sell quickly, quickly, but for the money it will be long. Amen, amen, amen. "

Then the candle is extinguished and hidden, and the coffee beans are placed under the rug at the entrance to the dwelling.

Poppy plot for real estate sale

There is more than one discussion in which people tell who and how they helped to use the rituals associated with the poppy to sell houses and other real estate. Speaking about proven methods, this conspiracy to sell a house and land should be highlighted.

To carry out the ceremony, practice will need:

  • a vessel with consecrated water;
  • vessel with poppy seeds.

The conspiracy is carried out as follows:

It is necessary to put on the table two vessels containing consecrated water and poppy, respectively.

From a vessel with poppy seeds, you need to take the contents with pinches and pour into the sacred water, saying the following:

“As I throw you a poppy, so I ask for money.

Buyer come, buy my apartment.

Poppy will help me in everything, selling an apartment at a good price.

In my hand I hold a magic poppy, as I said, so be it. "

It is necessary to continue pouring until the vessel, which originally contained the poppy, is empty.

The vessel with the resulting mixture is left in the dwelling until it is bought. After the sale, the contents are poured under the tree, thanking the poppy in advance for their help.

There is another significant moment in this conspiracy - you need to read it only from memory. Otherwise, the magic of this ritual will not give any result.

Conspiracies to attract buyers

There are conspiracies for realtors, helping to sell not only residential premises, but also commercial real estate. Allows you to find a buyer for an office, shop, warehouse. The ceremony is performed on a red sworn scarf. This is the most suitable option for the sale of large premises. The thing is carried through all the rooms, first 3 times clockwise, then three times in the opposite direction. They are tied in such a place so as not to catch the eye, they say the spell:

“I don’t call the devil, I don’t want to lose, I knit only for successful trading. The term is short, but the money is large. "

In conclusion, they spit over the left shoulder three times. The sworn headscarf ritual is helpful in all matters related to finance, suitable for real estate transactions. Protect against scammers and ill-wishers. Before meeting with a client, wash yourself with clean water, to which a little lime honey has been added. Wipe your face dry with a bright yellow or red handkerchief. Say the words:

Carry a scarf with you when you go to a meeting with a client. To gain the favor of buyers in order to speed up the sale of real estate, it is possible not only by talking about a personal thing, the apartment itself, but also individual items related to it.

Conspiracies for household items

There are many rituals that do not require preparation. Folk remedies proved to be effective, therefore they are passed on to the next generations. They are made using ordinary things that are in every home.

In number strong rituals includes a ceremony for the keys to the apartment. To carry it out, you will need to boil water in any suitable container and lower the keys from the dwelling that is being sold into it. The words are spoken over boiling water:

Wait for the liquid to cool, then pour it into a jar wrapped in clean paper or foil. Before showing the living quarters, where the magical effect on boiled keys was carried out, soak your hands in the prescribed water. The same is done before signing the documents on its sale. Then there will soon be buyers for the home, and the deal will be profitable.

Grain conspiracy

You need to collect grains, the number of which will be equal to the number of corners in the house. At night, they turn their backs to the front door and, holding the seeds in their hand, say the following words on them:

“Baotiroma, help me quickly find a buyer and sell this property. Yes, so that the buyer pays a good amount. You do your job, and I brought you something to eat (la) "

After that, you need to go around the house counterclockwise and, reaching the corner, put grain there with the words "To the delight of Baotirome." So they go around all the corners, repeating this phrase once.


One of the most simple ways speed up the sale of real estate - a ritual with a broom. You will need to buy a new broom and sweep the whole house with it, uttering a conspiracy:

After these simple steps, you can quickly and profitably sell any property.

Conspiracy cleaning the house

Before selling a dwelling, a good owner puts things in order. Read the quick bargain conspiracy and attract buyers while cleaning. The floors are washed with one bucket of water, without changing it, in all rooms. Exceptions are not made even for storage rooms, balconies or loggias.

The dirty water is untouched until nightfall, make sure it is not poured out. As soon as 3 o'clock comes, read the hex three times:

“Letting you go to kind hands to avoid getting bored. Call a good tenant - a nice fellow, and free me. Amen".

After that, a bucket of water is taken out into the street and its contents are poured onto the ground. In a private house, this is done behind the gate, in apartment buildings. the best way- lawn, flower bed. You can't look around and talk until you get home.


Many have noticed that money is attracted to money. This rule is triggered when an apartment is sold. The coin spell is the simplest ritual available to everyone. It will require several five-ruble coins. They are dipped in clean spring water, heated over a candle flame and the words are said:

“They were hardened with water and fire, they were good for a quick sale. I will spread you out in the corners, help in my affairs. Amen".

Coins are laid out in all left corners of the room.


If you need to sell an apartment as soon as possible, a strong conspiracy on rice is suitable for a successful trade. In addition to cereals, you will also need salt and sugar. It is necessary to pour half a glass of each ingredient into a glass container and mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. Then stick a new pin in the middle so that the point is at the bottom. While you are doing, say the words of the conspiracy:

Place the container in a place where no one will see it near the front doors of the house. This ritual is done on the waning moon. After the sale of the apartment, give alms to the six needy people who are the first to catch the eye. In the early morning, when the sun is just beginning to rise, bury the charmed container along with the contents in a deserted place.

There is a second version of the rice ritual. Groats are bought on Thursday, the action itself takes place on Friday. It is necessary to pour a little rice into all corners of the apartment, a spell is pronounced over each:

Spruce needles

A ritual with Christmas tree needles can help in the sale of an old apartment. They will need 7 pieces in any condition (fresh, dried). Place in your right palm and whisper softly:

Then put the needles under the threshold, after completing the transaction, take them with you and bury them in a secluded place.

A ritual for a quick and profitable real estate sale

Magical rituals designed to facilitate trade have been practiced for centuries. Conspiracies for the sale of real estate work effectively now. Their use is advisable under the following circumstances:

  • it is required to attract buyers as quickly as possible and sell the property profitably, without reducing the price;
  • repeated attempts were made to sell real estate, but each time the deal was canceled;
  • it is known that someone actively opposes the sale and is ready to do everything to make the search for buyers long and unsuccessful.

Before carrying out a magic ritual, it is necessary to carefully analyze the situation for the presence of extraneous blocking influences (damage, curse, evil eye).

Signs of outside interference interfering with a successful transaction are:

  • refusal of potential buyers to enter the premises or their desire to leave it as soon as possible during inspection;
  • the appearance of permanent errors, typos, inaccuracies in the documents required for the transaction;
  • detection of linings in a house, apartment, which they want to sell. These can be tangles of thread, tufts of hair, broken needles, scissors, fragments of knives, lumps of earth. Positive energy is blocked through such objects.

Therefore, before conducting a magic ritual, it is necessary to block strangers negative impacts and clean the room. To do this, you can use any available technique to cleanse the evil eye.

Regardless of which particular plot for the sale of a house will be chosen, 3 main conditions should be carefully observed:

  1. only the owner of the property should perform the ritual;
  2. it is optimal to perform the ceremony in the second half of the calendar month;
  3. more efficient magical influences during the waning moon.

Any conspiracy will work as intended only with unconditional belief in its effectiveness. Using magical methods in jest is very dangerous. As a result of such entertainment, you can bring enormous troubles on yourself and your loved ones.

Expert opinion

Practitioner of magic and occult rituals


The choice of this or that method depends primarily on the living conditions. Some rituals are quite difficult to carry out in a city apartment, but it is very convenient to use in a village or village.

The issue of personal trust is also important. Preference should be given to the conspiracy that intuitively seems most effective and gives confidence in success.

It is necessary to take into account and Organizing time- there are contact methods that are applicable only directly to the house or apartment. There are conspiracies that can be used at a distance, being far from the object of sale.

Ritual with a coin for the sale of land, houses, cottages

This is a method of effective assistance profitable sale land plot, house or summer cottage. It is not suitable for making a deal with a city apartment, since the impact is directly on the land. But this method will definitely help to quickly sell a house.

To carry out the ceremony, you need to take any coin from your wallet. It is important that this is money in circulation. The denomination of the coin does not matter.

At night, on the waning moon, you need to bury a coin with your hands in the ground on a site for sale.

It is important that the head of the person performing the magic ritual is covered (wearing a headdress or a scarf).

During the ceremony, you need to say out loud three times:

“My gain is in mother damp earth.

I will take a fair price for you - I will not demand too much, I will not give it away for nothing. "

The price to be charged for the property must be fair, not overpriced or understated. This is the main condition for the rite to work.

Ritual with salt, sugar and rice

Salt is a substance that is used in many magic rituals and has powerful strength. Therefore, the use of all conspiracies with salt requires a clear formulation of desire and the mandatory fulfillment of certain conditions. If this is not observed, magic will turn against the person and bring him misfortune.

A salt conspiracy will help you quickly find a buyer and sell property for good price... The condition of this ritual is that a part of the proceeds must be donated to charity.

To carry out the ritual, half a glass of table salt, half a glass of granulated sugar and dry rice are mixed in a container. You should also prepare a new safety pin.

Mix salt, sugar and rice in a bowl with your hands, accompanying this action with the words:

“I, the Slave (s) of God (my name), will sell my house (apartment, dacha, plot) not to evil people, but to good people.

I will sell for my own happiness and prosperity, and with the money received, I will buy what I need.

I need money (give the exact amount) rubles. Amen. "

When pronouncing the word "amen" in the center of the mixture, you need to stick a safety pin with the tip down. The container with the contents after the ritual must be hidden in one of the premises of an apartment or house for sale. A closet or pantry will do. It is important that this item does not catch the eye when viewed by potential buyers. If a person appears who offers an amount greater than that named when reading the conspiracy, he should be refused. The sale should take place exactly for the money that was named during the ritual.

On apples and a pin

The apple ritual is performed when there is a buyer. You need to buy 7 red apples in advance. Agree with clients to inspect the premises in the morning, before 16:00. Apples can help you get the deal you need. An hour before the meeting, open wide all the windows in your apartment or house, and put a plate of apples on the table. Then the words should be said: “The windows in my upper room are light, the thresholds in my house are gilded, the pillars in my chambers are twisted. Admire and haggle. Amen".

After the news that the purchase has been made, it is necessary to distribute the apples to the children, but in no case eat them yourself. If, for some reason, the sale fell through, then careless customers need to quietly spit after, and they will definitely return.

Our ancestors also used a plot to sell a house and a plot of land using an ordinary pin. For the ceremony you need:

  • 0.5 cups of rice;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 0.5 cups of salt;
  • new pin.

At noon on the waning moon in a whole, unbroken plate made of natural material, mix sugar, salt and rice and stick a pin into it with the tip down. At the same time, say the following: “For luck, for well-being, I’m selling my house (plot). Good, kind people. For myself, the servant of God (name), I will buy something else, better and more spacious. May it be so! Amen!".

After the spell, it is necessary to remove the bowl with all the contents in a secluded place where prying eyes would not see it. In this case, the required client will appear in a few days.

Cleaning floors

  1. Half a bucket of clean water must be placed in a secluded place so that no one can see it.
  2. Three days later, they wash the floors with this water and, washing the corners, say goodbye to the house, let it go, renounce it.
  3. It is better to do this at a time when no one is at home, and ideally the owner (hostess) should wash the corners.

Pre-sale ritual

On the new moon, you need to sweep the floors and, collecting the litter in a scoop. Take it to the intersection of two paths or footpaths. They pour out the trash with the words "Trash for whom, but money for me!"

On pennies before the sale

You should lay out a penny in each corner of the house and say the following words: "Let the money come back in money!"

In a day, you need to collect coins and distribute them to the poor.

After that, you need to buy a candle in the church, bring it home, light it and say: "As God's fire flared up, so merchants will come running to it!"

Rite of passage with keys

The magic ritual on the keys is very simple and efficient way assistance in the sale of any real estate.

The keys to all locks in an apartment or house are placed in a metal container with water and put on fire. When the water boils, they say the words of the conspiracy three times:

“How people do not live without iron locks, without iron keys,

May they also not be able to be without this house.

Just as people do not live without food and water, so you, rich merchants, cannot live without this house.

May it be so. Amen".

The charmed water is cooled, the keys are taken out of it. The liquid is poured into a glass container with a lid and hands are washed in it for three days.

This conspiracy works not only for the sale of real estate, it will help to profitably sell a garage, an office and any thing that has a key and a lock.

Rite of passage with church candles

This conspiracy is only suitable for baptized Christians. There is no sin in this method, since this is an ancient prayer with which a believer turns to higher powers with a request for help in trade.

Buy 7 church candles in advance. Household candles are not suitable for the ritual. It is best to take those that are usually placed in front of icons.

A ritual is performed in one of the rooms of a house or apartment that they want to sell. Doors and windows must be closed. During the performance of the ceremony, no one should enter or leave the premises. The procedure is quite long, so it is better to carry it out at night.

Candles are placed on the floor in the form of a circle. The person performing the ritual sits in its center, lights the candles and fully concentrates on his desire to sell the property. No other thoughts should disturb you at this time.

“Let the walls and roof of my house attract and attract people.

I, the Slave (s) of God (s) (name), want to sell my house as soon as possible.

Let the buyers come here from the street, but they will decide to buy it as they go out into the street.

And I will choose who to sell to. And let the bargaining be in my favor.

Money will come to me as church candles burn out, and they will help me in my business.

Let the candles cry, and as they melt, I will deliver them to their holy land.

May it be so. Amen".

One of the options for this method is to pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker, who helps in the fulfillment of desires.

It is impossible to extinguish lighted candles, they must burn out naturally. The remaining cinders are wrapped in a clean white sheet, immediately taken out of the house and buried under an alder or birch. You cannot simply throw away the remains of candles or leave them in the house.

Rite of passage for the sale of a house with a land plot

There are situations when the owner needs to sell not only living space, but a house with a whole land plot. Some practitioners believe that such rituals have their own characteristics. So, according to this rite, it is necessary to carry it out only at night with the waning moon.

To carry out the ritual you will need:

  • three branches plucked from any woody plant in the area to be sold;
  • candle;
  • matches;
  • a vessel with water.

It is performed as follows:

The first step is still to pluck three branches. They should be taken from a tree or bush that grows in the area of ​​interest. You cannot take branches from plants growing on the border or anywhere in the neighborhood.

A candle is lit, after which it must be surrounded with collected branches, speaking:

“You grew up with me, grow up with a different owner. To the joy of you and me, you care, I - prosperity. May it be so! Amen!".

Conspiracy branches are placed in the water or sit at the edge of the site.

There is a very significant moment in this practice - the house on the site must be tidy and clean. Well-being does not hold dirt in high esteem. Putting order in the home, you need to slander:

“Money for me, home for the buyer. I sell the house, and my happiness is with me always and everywhere. Amen!".

Pagan rite for the sale of property

Oddly enough, ancient pagan rituals are still popular among the people. In this, people are patronized by Veles - the Slavic deity of trade, livestock and wealth. This ritual is quite voluminous and to someone it may well seem complicated. In order for the deity to help in the sale, you still need to try, because magic works only when the magician shares his resources with higher powers to obtain a result. However, it has established itself as the most effective pagan conspiracy for the successful sale of a house and land, giving a quick result.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • three candles;
  • real estate documents;
  • treba;
  • bowl of water.

It is performed as follows:

First of all, you need to understand that in the context of this rite, each candle should have its own function. The first of them is assigned directly to Veles, the second to Chur-Churila, and the third to trade. The magician places the last one in the center, and next to it he puts documents and a container filled with water.

Having put everything in its place, the practitioner reads praises, and then an appeal to the deity:

“Velese, heed, do not reject the verbs of my mouth. I bow my heart to You, I gain Your help by faith. Be kind to me, bless my labors, so that the works of my hands get along well, all the obstacles are discouraged from me, the chiefs so that they do not be angry, they contribute to my affairs, so that the money does not become scarce, but it arrives in my wallet, my strength is strengthened, my health is preserved. I ask you not because of greed, but from female weakness. Do not reject, Batyushko, the woman’s prayer, I’m not asking the lord’s fate, but I ask - help me in my labors, but success accompanies me. Abide, Veles, with me in goodness, may I praise Thee in joy. Goy! "

After reading the appeal to the "cattle god", one reads a conspiracy on the very sale of land and property:

“I will go out, (name), from door to door, from gate to gate. I’ll go to the far side to the trade city. Merchants are sitting in that trading city. Their trading houses and taverns are made of stone and wood. I’ll go to the merchant people and ask about the secret words of the merchants. In the city of that trade, the mighty Veles rules everything, he listens to the entreaties of the merchants and helps them in their business. I will approach (name) to Veles priest, I will bow to the belt. Veles father, I baked a fresh loaf for you, fragrant, with cinnamon, sweet, I want to appease you. I brought you drunken beer that smells of herbs. Veles father, help me, (name), in trade, help the house soon and profitably sell. Help, deliver from envious people and haters, from sorcerers with their secret evil word, from a sorcerer and from a gypsy and a gypsy. Grant me an honest sale of the house, no deception, no intoxication. Let people come to me from all over the earth to buy my house. Veles father, give me good luck, bring a generous and rich buyer to me soon. Let me take the full price (name the amount) for the house, let me not sell it for cheap. Veles father, help me in the sale of the house, give me the price (name the amount) for the sale of my house. I sell corners, walls and ceilings, windows and doors, hearth and thresholds. With the help of the mighty father Veles, I will soon conclude a profitable and honest deal, (name the amount) I get for the sale of my house, (name where) I move. Help me, Veles Father, do not leave me, (name) alone with this case. Without you, Veles father, I cannot cope myself. You alone bring good luck, you alone know what is good for me and what I want. I sell my stone house to the boyar, I give it to you, Father Veles, delicious, magnificent, sweet loaf. Glory to Veles mighty! Goy! Glory! May it be so!".

Then three times you need to whisper into the water:

“My deed and my word, I will whisper to the water, You are the key-water, Sister of the Gods, you run between the steep banks, you do not stop, you help everyone, you don’t know peace, you hear and remember everything. Cast your spell on my house, hide the flaws of the house, show all the good things in my house to the buyers. Fill Voditsa with the strength of Veles, help me, with your strength and the strength of Veles, bring a buyer to an honest and generous house to me. Just as people cannot live without you, voditsa, so they cannot be without my house. As the water runs in the rivers, so the buyers run to me. As there is a lot of water in the sea, ocean, river, let there be so much money from the sale of the house in my wallet. Money to me, home to the buyer. I sell the house, I give away everything bad with it, and my happiness and good luck are with me always and everywhere. May it be so!".

Having spoken water, the vessel is taken in hand. Then they say the following again:

“As the water flows, splashes as if the stars in it seem as if the stars cannot be counted as if the water cannot be scooped out, as the wise Veles knows everything and knows, so Veles father helps me. in white, as if the stars shine do not go out, so let people come and visit me, but with money, but with not little money, but well-coordinated, he buys my horomina, gives me money, and takes the house for himself. let them lead their hand, let them not bypass my doorstep, let the deal be harmonious, I will not forget the tacos of the grace of Veles, father. I hope that Father Veles will help me with water, I water my key house with water. Let the water sister lead the buyer, the buyer brings me the money for the house. Come, the buyer rich and generous with money, the granddaughter of God (name) is calling you, as if Veles’s strength and help are with me. Lady sister Put your charms on my house, hide all the shortcomings, Show all the good things in my house to buyers. I will sprinkle the house with the driver, I will stick the buyer to my house. Whoever sees my house, will think about it, just look at the house and part with the money. The money is uncounted, but for the house they have been given to me, then Veles's charms, witchcraft charms, they are gold to me, but they are a hassle to people, water is a witness, if the house is sprinkled with water, then everything will be done, it will be fulfilled with a word, and my wallet will be filled with money. May it be so. Veles, father, help the house sell quickly and profitably, you need money (name the amount), no less. "

In order for the desired come true, it is necessary to continue the rite, saying further:

“I stand on the west side, At dawn,

To help I call the power of the Native Gods,

Veles Father and Lega, his guardian,

Glory to the Native Gods! Goy! Glory!

I will bow to Veles Father in the belt, I will turn to him with a prayer for help,

Veles Father, a tight sadness sucked my zealous heart, blackened it out in black need. I don't have the necessary wealth in my house, (name your problem), that's why I don't feel sweet either day or night. I, the granddaughter of God (name), will light a candle, I will put it down,

Veles father, I ask you, put your great strength around me,

District of my house, District of my arrived,

Cheat and secret word.

As the light of the Sun is visible from afar,

So my luck is visible to the world.

Luck is a wall

Around the business, around the sale of my house.

Veles father helps me,

People send me a house to buy,

From dawn to dawn, my buyers are generous

They walk briskly, they want to buy my house, they argue with a friend for my house, they are in a hurry to buy it,

(name the amount) for the sale of a house in my wallet flows like a river.

Father Veles helps me with the sale of the house,

My work strengthens me firmly.

Veles father is my hope and support,

The guardian lay down to support me,

Veles father walks across the sky,

Bags with money and good luck,

The bags have opened

Money and luck fell.

I, the granddaughter of God (name), walked along the bottom,

I collected money, took my luck

I took it home, lit the candles,

Candles, burn, Denyuzhki, and good luck come to me!

The wax on my candle melts and melts, so my need decreases, and prosperity arrives. May it be so! "

But this does not end there either. After reading the conspiracy for success in the sale of real estate, you need to read the prayer to Veles: “You are the crown of all work and earthly lives, Veles, our God! Let my heart be filled with joy from what was created, For my deeds are with a pure heart and bright thoughts. May my deeds be manifested by beneficent fruits and glory to my kin! Bless Velese, let it be so! "

Upon completion of all readings, you need to release the accompanying Forces, thanking them and Veles for their help in their work.

The water that was conjured during the ritual should be sprinkled on the house and land. Upon completion, there should be some more water that needs to be poured onto the road that people regularly walk on. The more pedestrians there are, the more likely it is that some of them will be attracted by the water.

This rite can be done on the growing moon, in this case the phase does not matter.

How to call a brownie for help

The ceremony is held in order to sell an empty apartment, a house in which no one lives now. Only in this case it is possible to contact the housekeeper. You need to dress as if you are going to go outside. If the action takes place in winter, then warm outerwear, in the summer - a sundress or a light suit. It is just right for a housekeeper to show seriousness of intentions, readiness to part with real estate in any case. Then he will not interfere and will help to quickly find new owners for the home.

The ritual is performed during daylight hours, the curtains are drawn tightly. You will need:

  • dry sage branches;
  • lemongrass;
  • birch;
  • heather.

They are set on fire in turn, they go through the house with them, not missing a single room, pantry. At this time, the words are constantly pronounced:

Burnt twigs are left in the house until they buy it. After being sold, they are taken outside and buried under a large tree. After the ritual, they come to the apartment only during the day to show it to potential buyers. It is not worth spending the night in it, otherwise the ceremony will lose its power, and the offended brownie will never let you go. Negative consequences do not arise after contacting the house keeper; he, as a rule, agrees to accept the new owner of the apartment.

Wanga's help

V difficult situation when it is impossible to sell a house with a land plot, the ritual left over from Vanga will come in handy. To execute it you will need:

  • wax;
  • natural threads;
  • matches;
  • home keys.

The ritual for the sale of real estate is simple, it is carried out on the waning moon in several stages:

  1. melt the wax on the full moon, put the threads in the middle, wait until the homemade candle cools down;
  2. when the moon begins to wane, take one candle with your right hand and the keys with your left;
  3. lightly tapping on the walls, pronounce the conspiracy 7 times;
  4. light a candle and wait until it completely burns out;
    the rite is repeated for three days.

The famous seer for a quick sale of real estate advised to read a conspiracy on salt. They take it in their hand and, rubbing it in their palms, say the words:

After that, the salt is scattered under the front door and on all window sills.

Magic abilities are inherited, their keepers sometimes share their secrets. An effective ritual from Sophia Vedunya is performed early on Friday morning. He will need a new broom and holy water. Sequencing:

  • wake up before dawn;
  • mentally tell yourself that you are giving up your home;
  • sprinkle holy water on a broom;
  • with the first rays of the sun, start sweeping the house, uttering a conspiracy.

“I sweep all the rubbish, I clean the house so that it shines with cleanliness, the buyer feels good about it. Amen".

To enhance the effect, the action is carried out for three days continuously. There is a more complex ritual from Ivan Vedun, performed in one of the rooms. It is advisable to choose the one where negotiations with potential buyers will take place. The conspiracy is designed to attract a client, evoke positive emotions in him, a desire to purchase real estate. You will need:

  • aroma sticks;
  • four coins of the same denomination;
  • shallow container for water;
  • compass to determine where the east is.

The ritual is performed in several stages:

  • put coins in all corners of the room;
  • stand in its center, facing the east and light an incense stick;
  • sit on your knees and lower your left hand into a bowl of water so that only your fingers touch it;
  • make a few deep breaths, say the mantra "UuuuMmmmAaaa";
  • speak loudly the text of the conspiracy and spray water in front of you;
  • collect coins in a wallet, which you will take with you to a meeting with customers.

After completing the transaction, give them to the beggars or throw them into running water. Text:

This ritual belongs to black magic, it is able to make a person decide to buy. Then he will not be able to understand how it happened.

Not everyone knows what danger the rituals that suppress someone else's will and their consequences are fraught with. Violence against a person in any form - an invasion of him life path, violation of a higher purpose. Outside interference does not pass without a trace. Problems will appear in any sphere of life: work, health, family.

12 will take a quick and successful sale

If agreement with the brownie is reached, but stagnation is still observed, then you can use simple signs.

  1. You shouldn't tell everyone that you are selling housing. People are different, and some can jinx without knowing it. When questioning, it is better to answer in general phrases, or to transfer the conversation to another topic.
  2. You can't show joy in public at the opportunity to make a deal. It would be more correct to keep it a secret from others, or vice versa, to complain that the buyer is not in any way.
  3. All household members must have positive attitude otherwise, the unwillingness of some of them to part with a house or apartment may become an obstacle on the way to the goal. But don't remember good moments associated with living in houses for sale - this can slow down the process.
  4. Horse figurine hanging over the front door, and an upside-down broom placed in the kitchen or in the hallway, contribute to a speedy move.
  5. Potential buyers should be invited to sit down, or better yet, have tea. Thus, potential clients perceive the energy of the room better, and quickly become attached to it. In this case, you should not sit down yourself.
  6. It is advisable to sweep or mop the floor before leaving the house. Garbage and dirt must be swept / washed over the threshold. According to legend, in this way they cover up their tracks and "sweep" a person out of their dwellings.
  7. You can't keep trash in the house, old, unnecessary things - it clogs up the energy.
  8. You can put 5 coins under the rug or rug, but after the sale you will need to leave them in your old apartment or house.
  9. It is better to remove cats, dogs, old people and children from the house during a home inspection by potential buyers. Ideal option there will be only the presence of the owner.
  10. The best time for home sales will be the waning moon. It is also believed that on February 29 it is impossible to make large transactions and sign important documents.
  11. You can knock on the walls and floor with a hammer, name the price for which you plan to sell the house and say loudly "Sold!"
  12. Horseshoe above the door, fixed with horns up, will bring good luck to your home, attract buyers and protect you from thieves.


Every day you need to imagine how housing is sold, how you get money for it, buy something new with it.

It is necessary to feel all this, to believe that it really is, to experience the joy of the deal, as if it had already happened.

For a positive attitude, you can use affirmations (a kind of mindset for the best). With the repeated repetition of these phrases, a certain positive image is formed in the mind, but you yourself need to believe in what you are saying. Within 21 days, the following phrases should be repeated:

I enjoy the sales process immensely!
I can sell anything!
I start my business easily and with pleasure!
I am a sales master!
I'm organized!
I'm effective!

Warning signs

The universe often gives people clues that can keep them from unpleasant deals. Here are some of them:

  1. Rats in a dream are a signal that housing is not worth selling yet. This is also evidenced by rodents seen by chance in real life.
  2. It is believed that on February 29, major transactions and important documents cannot be signed. You shouldn't do this even on the days of the eclipse.
  3. It is better to move in the morning. According to popular beliefs, this is the ideal time for resettlement.
  4. You cannot change your place of residence on Saturday - it is considered that on this day you can take with you negative energy Houses.

Of course, selling a home is a very laborious and complex process, and sometimes very long, but if you believe in the best and help the universe a little, then it will certainly fulfill your desire and help you achieve your goal.

Selling an apartment can be very difficult. For some reason, buyers do not appear or the deal is canceled at the last moment. And this situation can drag on for years. The sale of such an object as a house or, indeed, is complicated by various legal subtleties, the history of the apartment, its location.

Perhaps, very strong feelings and emotions were associated with this real estate, and you subconsciously do not want to let go of the apartment. Sometimes this needs to be done at the most as soon as possible... What to do in this case if there is no desire to wait? Try a traditional folk conspiracy.

Conspiracies: how to quickly and profitably sell a house?

People have long faced this problem and used a variety of rituals to help themselves. They are remembered. Because their effectiveness has been tested by time.

There are several important conditions:

  1. Read the conspiracy seriously feeling responsibility while addressing higher powers.
  2. Perform the ritual daily, to enhance the effectiveness.
  3. Try to do it without witnesses.
  4. Necessarily thank higher powers for help.
  5. You cannot perform several rituals at once.... Their action can be multidirectional. Pick one.


There is a universal 100 percent conspiracy for any kind of real estate... To carry it out, you need spring water. Option - well. Before reading the text, early in the morning, you take a container of spring water and wipe the floors, windowsills and doors.

During the ritual, it is necessary to say the following words (it is better to learn the text in advance):

I water it with spring water - I attract buyers.

Welcome, buy generously.

I want money, but not silver, but gold!

I sell. I sell. I sell.

I renounce my corners.

I'm waiting for buyers.

When it comes to selling a land plot, you simply spray water around its perimeter.

On distance

What if you are far from the property? Suppose you inherited an inheritance in another city, or you simply cannot come to an apartment for sale to perform a daily ritual there due to being very busy.

Then we suggest that you dwell on the next strong conspiracy, it does not require any action... Before pronouncing it, you can focus on your desire, mentally turn to higher forces for help, perhaps ignite. The text is as follows:

Oh my God,

I'm in front of you.

The plowman plows,

The blacksmith forges

the merchant sells the goods.

Father, priest, prays for all of us,

about me, about my sinful soul.

The reaper walks in the field, the buyer bears the money.

The reaper is reaping in the field,

The buyer (house or apartment) will take it. Amen.

I am a merchant, always well done. I will sell our goods to everyone. Money to money, we get your money, you get our goods. Amen.

After completing the ritual, it is better to wash your hands, wash your face and thank the higher powers for their help.

For honey

For a honey plot, as the name suggests, you need fresh honey. In addition, stock up on two long red threads, metal scissors (preferably not plastic handles), and a brush.

Tie five knots on the threads, tie to the front door handle from the side of the living area. You hold a glass of honey and a brush in your hands and read the following text (facing the living space):

How strong is linden honey

The sale is so easy and successful

For everyone's joy, for our prosperity.

As honey is sweet, so will it be

Our life is sweet and joyful.

After pronouncing the text, start walking around the apartment clockwise.

Each room should have a drop of honey in the center.

After that, you return to the front door and the threads with the knots. You also need to drop a drop on each nodule and wait at least an hour. After this period of time, take metal scissors and cut the threads with the words:

What got in the way is gone

What the bad has come, is gone.

Remove the strings carefully so that no fragment remains on the handle, and find a good spot under living trees (dry trees will not work). Bury the threads and wait for the buyers!

Strong prayer

Orthodox saints can also help with the sale of real estate. If your intentions are clear, the deal is fair, and you have no desire to cheat your buyer, feel free to ask for help from the great Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky... Saint Spyridon does not leave those who turn to him for help in financial matters. There are thousands of stories in history about how the saint, who was distinguished by extraordinary kindness, helped the needy and the poor.

In the temple or at home, read the following prayer:

Pray, for Father Spiridon, a good and humane God, so that he does not condemn us for our iniquities. But let him do it according to his mercy. Ask him for us in the name of Christ a peaceful life, devoid of vicissitudes, mental and physical health and well-being. Deliver us from all mental and physical troubles, from diseases and devil's networks. Remember us at the throne of God and pray for us, so that he would grant forgiveness to the multitude of our sins. He gave us a comfortable and peaceful life and gave us a painless and shameless death. We also ask, may he bless our enterprise and sell our house and help us. By his mercy and your intercession, may we be delivered from the guile of people, the lies of deceivers and unjust losses. Safe and sound, may he keep us safe with your prayers. But we, giving thanks to you, ceaselessly send glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever! Amen.