
She gave birth to 10 full-term children. Kurianka gave birth to ten children - the best April Fools' joke! (video). The largest number of simultaneously born twins - Olga Ignatova - Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Pathology of the uterus

The harvest was stolen by mistake

The police say that April 1 is not much different from normal everyday life. Unless some drunken joker tries to entertain with a ridiculous phone call. But there are amusing incidents on other days as well.

In the Fatezhsky district, one family had a house and country cottage area, which was used as a vegetable garden. The residents of Kursk asked their relatives to help dig up the potatoes, and they explained the way. The owners themselves were away.

Later it turned out that the assistants confused the gardens, leaving the neighbors without potatoes, who were not there at that time. They wrote a statement to the police, it was established there who worked at the site. Fortunately, the conflict was avoided. The root crops were returned, and the victims helped the neighbors dig a vegetable garden.

Often, drunken smokers turn to the police and rescuers. At first it seems that the crime is serious, but on the spot it turns out that the exit is false. A resident of Kursk was resting in the company of friends. After the feast, the man went outside and did not find his car. Hijacked! Kuryanin called the police, and the Intercept plan was introduced in the city. When the alcohol began to be dispensed, the driver remembered that he had asked a friend to drive the car to another place. As a result, the question arose of opening a criminal case against the applicant: after all, a false report of a crime.

Another chicken, coming out of the guests, confused his car with a stranger. One brand, color, did not pay attention to the license plate. The door did not work, which did not stop the man: he opened the car. True, he did not go far - the police detained him.

House for the president

Journalists love practical jokes. A few years ago, on April 1, almost every editorial office considered it their duty to release one or two comic news. DDD organized a competition inviting readers to try to separate truth from fiction. Guesses were not always made, and sometimes the reality surpassed fantasies.

In 2008 Dmitry Medvedev became the President of the Russian Federation. On April 1, "DDD" wrote that the new head of state is planning to visit the Kursk region. Then it only became clear that the birthplace of Dmitry Anatolyevich's ancestors was the village of Mansurovo. We joked that a separate house with a Russian bathhouse and a small pond in the courtyard was being built there for the president's arrival, and the officials were seriously thinking about gasification. Like, it's not good if the distinguished guest finds out that his fellow countrymen are still burning the stoves.

The readers recognized the duck. Someone was confused by the cost figure - five million rubles - it seemed too much even for a present to the president, someone did not believe in the gasification of a remote village.

The truth turned out to be more enchanting. Three years later, Mansurovo was transformed beyond recognition. Not only gas came here - all the roads were asphalted, the local school was overhauled, the Internet was installed, a mansion and a helipad were built so that Medvedev could quickly arrive at his small homeland. And the village was officially renamed into a village after the construction of a large temple.

"Kuryanka gave birth to 10 children"

- this is still one of the most popular Yandex searches related to the word "Kursk". Half of the country unexpectedly believed in the April Fools' rally, filmed 10 years ago by colleagues from the Takt TV company in the Kursk maternity hospital.

The journalists themselves did not expect such an effect. Moreover, we made every effort to make the news as implausible as possible. “The idea to tell about the“ mother-heroine ”came to the correspondent Lyudmila Soboleva. She herself once worked in the 6th maternity hospital and knew the team well. The doctors were happy to join the game. They described in paints how the babies were born one after another, and their emotions about this. Moreover, it was mentioned more than once that all babies were full-term and were in excellent health. The weight of each is 2.5-3 kilos. Even the fact that the belly of a woman in labor in this situation would have weighed about 30 kilograms, did not bother viewers.

“The next day, the phone of the editorial office got hot from the calls,” recalls 46TV editor Nina Nikitina, who at that time worked for Takt. - Kuryans wanted to help: with things or money. Whole collectives collected funds at enterprises!

Men called. After all, the journalists said that the father of the children, having learned about their number, ran away from his wife. The angry smokers wanted to find the "scoundrel" and have a heart-to-heart talk. “When we put the story on the air, we indicated that it was on the April Fools' news block, and we emphasized this after the video,” Nikitina continues. - But nobody paid attention to it. There were two more comic news, one about the demolition of the Lenin monument on Red Square. But only the story about 10 children caused such a reaction.

They also called the hospital. From different cities and countries - from Russia, Israel, Germany, England, USA, Austria. People wanted to help and were even upset when they learned that this was a prank.

The news reached federal channels. Three years later, the story about a joke from Kursk colleagues was filmed by NTV. The record childbirth was seriously discussed on the forums and in social networks. Even now, 10 years later, the YouTube video is still receiving reviews. Some write that it turned out to be an excellent joke, others are interested: is it really true?

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They said the same Maximov you can't watch TV from morning till night.

The gossip Maksimov is also a sucker!

March 30, 2012, 18:41
Kurianka gave birth to ten children - the best April Fools' joke! (video)

The April Fools' rally that the Kurian woman gave birth to ten children was shown three years ago on the air of the Kursk television company "Takt". Then at the editorial meeting it was decided to make three April Fools' stories. The first is about the fact that a monument to Lenin will be removed on the Red Square of Kursk, and a monument to Zhirinovsky will be erected in its place. The second is that an episode for Yuri Grymov's new film "Lenin in Spill" is being filmed in Kursk, the third is about a woman who gave birth to ten children

The best April Fools' draw

Of the three materials, one shot the most - about the mother-heroine. Its author - journalist Lyudmila Soboleva - at that time was pregnant herself, which, in fact, led to the idea of ​​creating just such a plot.

At first I thought to make a story about a woman giving birth to five children, then that of six. Well, in the end I decided let it be ten, so that it is completely implausible- says Lyudmila Soboleva.

Lyudmila Soboleva still cannot understand how people could believe that a woman managed to bear and give birth to ten full-term babies!

Everything in our life is real - this is how people decided and ... they believed in the joke, which was directed and filmed so skillfully that it left no doubts about its authenticity!

The role of the main character of the plot was played by Irina Alferova from Kursk. In fact, then she had one son, Ilya. He also played his role 3 years ago - he was one of the "magnificent ten". In fact, Irina has two children - Ilya and Lisa. Tatyana Alferova loves to joke, therefore she agreed to participate in the drawing right away.

A doctor came to me and said, you will be filming, and I didn’t mind, it was fun! - says Irina Alferova.

The shooting of the story about the birth of ten children at the 6th maternity hospital in Kursk was really fun. Both the main character and the doctors immediately got used to their roles and worked literally from the first take. Perhaps this is partly why people did not see the joke and ... showed their best qualities. Residents of Kursk immediately began to collect money to help the mother-heroine, from whom, moreover, as it was said, her husband left.

In a word, the story touched the heart of all the Kurds, and then, when the April Fool's story was posted on the Internet, shook the whole world. The very next day after the airing of the material, all the participants in the drawing felt its consequences in full. V maternity hospital and the Takt TV company began receiving calls from a wide variety of people - from retirees and engineers, heads of enterprises and administration workers. They called from different cities and countries - from Russia, Israel, Germany, England, USA, Austria ... People wanted to help and were even upset when they found out that all this was a joke.

Be that as it may, all the participants in the April Fools' joke believe that it revealed the most important thing - that people are ready to sympathize, help and laugh.

The story that happened in 2012 shocked everyone, without exception, because in its center was a woman who gave birth to 10 children. Even foreign citizens did not stand aside, who called Kursk with great enthusiasm to find out the condition of newborn children in the local maternity hospital.

The beginning of the story of how a woman gave birth to 10 children in Kursk was more than ordinary. One morning a woman came to the local maternity hospital with labor pains. The doctors were immediately surprised by the unusual size of her belly, which, against the background of the woman herself, seemed simply huge. In addition, she never was registered with a gynecologist, did not have a hospital card and did not do an ultrasound scan during the entire period of her pregnancy. Accordingly, the woman in labor did not know about the number of children she carries under her heart. There was no time left to do an ultrasound scan, and it was decided to give birth immediately. Within half an hour after admission to the hospital, ten adorable babies were born. This story was a real shock for local doctors, because the woman gave birth

Big harvest.

On this amazing day, Irina (that was the name of the young mother) gave birth to five girls and five boys, which shocked not only ordinary citizens, but also doctors who had seen a lot. They were especially amazed that all the crumbs were completely healthy and full-term. The woman herself, who gave birth to 10 children, is also completely healthy and happy. She has long dreamed of having at least one child, and as a result she received as many as ten. Irina has already given names to all her children, however, she is still confusing which one.

Plans for the future life.

Numerous aunts and grandmothers, who were immediately summoned from all over the Kursk region, will help Irina fight a whole army of toddlers. But dad, it seems, went to heal his mental wounds. It is known that he visited Irina only once. Having learned how many children he had, the young father disappeared. No one saw him again. However, the brave woman herself, who gave birth to 10 children, is not afraid of any difficulties. In her mind, she is already calculating how much government money will be paid to her and gifts for the birth of ten healthy citizens of Russia at once. But so far, only medical luminaries are interested in such a phenomenal phenomenon, trying to solve the riddle of how exactly ten full-term babies could fit in a woman's stomach at once.

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