
Conspiracies from thieves in the country. Prayer from thieves at their summer cottage. Prayer from theft in the country


Most detailed description: a prayer from the theft of a summer residence - for our readers and subscribers.

I leave the door of the slave. (list all family members)

I stand in the middle of the yard - NIKOLAI PLEASANT is standing with me.

Lock with a padlock.

Three angels sit on three doors.

Who goes - will pass, who goes - will pass.

The robber will enter the yard, he won’t reach it, his legs will become stiff, his hands will turn to stone, his eyes will darken.

Around my yard is a fast river, around a mountain, a dark forest.

Such leaflets-notes should be laid out in all buildings in the country.

Tatyana! And does it "work"? Do you mean it helps?

Tatyana Verified for many years. One friend at the dacha didn’t have a winter so they wouldn’t climb in. Three years ago, I gave her this plot, and silence. Maybe someone doesn’t need it, but in our dachas (near the village from all sides0 we wait with trepidation every winter. Either they break the windows, or they climb in, break everything or even take it out. Therefore, if someone calls from the summer house in winter, they immediately take fear ( at least nothing would happen). I have such leaves everywhere both in the house and in the kitchen, and I also need to put them in the shower. Our fences are purely symbolic.

Tatyana, thank you. I also believe in conspiracies. And that's how I was taught. Over every door and window hang the keys to the old locks (which you no longer need). They say it helps too. I did it, let's see what happens.

Valentine According to your faith, it will be given. That's what the scripture says. And I also believe in prayers (and not conspiracies, it’s more correct to call it), and I also encountered thieves in the country. But it is better to read a prayer before leaving (energy remains). You can spread out the papers, but reading is a must. I have another prayer of Jesus, the hand of the savior, and I am a servant of God.

Hello - I'm not a thief but from the village. Owners .. put SECURITY CAMERAS along the streets in dachas .. and you will show pictures of thieves on the Internet .. For musical accompaniment, I can offer families of BEES .. Bumblebees, OS. There will be laughter... CONTACT THROUGH PERSON.

Whatever the group - then conspiracies! What are you people?! There are Orthodox prayers, church, and not sinful conspiracies. They won't help you! Who do you want to petrify? No rich harvest is worth those evil words that you will pronounce! Retribution for this sin will surely come, why do you need it? (L)

I noticed with surprise and indignation that Lately in Russia in in large numbers fortune-tellers, psychics, clairvoyants, soothsayers and other charlatans appeared, have the RUSSIANS gone stupid? Do they really believe in all this nonsense? (F)

Why all these attacks? Well, why did the Russians become stupid? On the contrary, they wised up. 😉 They remember their roots, the experience of their ancestors. Once upon a time, they propped up the door from the outside with a broom - and this served more reliably than forged locks. For modern people, conspiracies are not so much a belief in dark forces, but a connection with the ancestors. After all, even though Russia was baptized more than 1000 years ago, but still, almost all of us are pagans, somewhere out there, in the depths, we remain. We’ll spit over our shoulders, then we’ll knock on a piece of wood. (md) And the fact that psychics and fortune-tellers, like dirt, divorced. So they are always especially fruitful in difficult times. On what else to cash in, if not on grief or human joy? And now - the crisis, yes swine flu, yes autumn depression - hard times. 😀 😀 😀 So, why not remember the customs and rituals of the past centuries? For example, my great-grandmother sewed dolls from rags (I remember very well how she did it). I thought then that it was a toy. And now I know - it was a talisman.

For reference: A talisman, amulet, amulet is a magical item, the function of which is to protect its owner or increase its effectiveness. magical influences. Also, amulets can bring good luck, warn of danger, improve well-being. However, an amulet that is poorly tuned to the owner can pose a serious threat, as well as other people's amulets. An amulet can be any object, from jewelry up to a piece of stone or trimming the bark of a tree.

Girls = this is not an installation to write a conspiracy. If you don’t want to, don’t write. If someone hasn’t survived the attacks of thieves, they won’t understand it. you’ll see a picture that they won’t show in any movie, then you’ll think. In winter, the lights are turned off in the dachas and the vaoras or burn something so that they can see or light bulbs are crushed out of anger, and sorry, three people poop into an empty refrigerator, then you will rack your brains, write a conspiracy or do something else. And not everyone can put security cameras, and most importantly, we turn off the light for the winter in order to save money. So the choice is yours. Now there are a lot of people (and it was before, but not so you can see) many wear amulets, and cars light up, and there are icons in the house - this is everyone's right. If you don't like it, don't do it. (K) (K)

Yes, if your electricity is turned off, then it makes no sense to set up an alarm.

😀 Tanya! Or leave food in the fridge? Well, a stick of sausage, a bottle of vodka, a jar of cucumbers. maybe they won't cheat? And will they also protect? 😀

Valentine And this is not even a laugh, but a reality. Many began to do this, in the sense of leaving some of the products, and not locking the doors with a key. So at least they are not satisfied with the rout.

Conspiracies and Orthodox prayers to Saints from theft

Today, stealing a car, stealing someone else's apartment or cottage is not uncommon. Everyone wants to protect their home and themselves from thieves. For such a case, there are special prayers and conspiracies that can secure the property and valuables of a person.

There are prayers and conspiracies that can secure the property and valuables of a person.

Which prayers to choose

Among the people there are saints who need to pray from thieves. Among them is the Holy Martyr John the Warrior. Prayer to him is effective in protecting against scammers and thieves:

“O glorious saint of Christ, John the Warlike, you are brave in the armies, the enemy is the chaser and the offended intercessor, all Orthodox Christians are the great intercessor and saint of Christ, remember us, sinful and unworthy slaves, in troubles, sorrows and sorrows, and in every evil misfortune, and protect us from every evil and offending person: grace has been given to you from God to pray for us, sinners, suffering evil.

  • If a person leaves his home for a long time, then before the road, pray to Joseph the Betrothed.
  • Archangel Michael is a defender of the faith and a fighter against evil forces. He is asked for the safety of the home and the health of the family, for protection from troubles, including theft and robbery.
  • Saint Tamara of Georgia read a prayer to protect the home and family from troubles and troubles.
  • Exists prayer from theft to St. Spyridon the Wonderworker. People turn to him for help in illnesses, poverty, ask for protection from thieves.
  • They pray to the holy martyr Polievkt for protection from cunning and unkind people.
  • A prayer from the attack of bandits is read to Joseph the Betrothed.

They pray to their guardian angel to protect themselves from deceivers, scammers and thieves. A short version of the prayer text:

“Having glorified the Lord, I pay tribute to you, my guardian angel. Glorious be thou in the Lord! Amen".

"Our Father" is also an appropriate prayer. This is the universal appeal of man to God.

There are prayers for the return of stolen property. If the theft has already occurred, they read the prayers of the Monk Aretha of the Caves:

"Lord have mercy! Lord, forgive me! Everything is yours, I do not regret it!

“The Lord gave. The Lord took. May the name of the Lord be blessed."

You need to pray to your guardian angel to protect yourself from deceivers, scammers and thieves

How to read prayers

Such prayers should be read at least twice a day (morning and evening), and thank Jesus Christ for every day lived, for the wealth, health of children and parents. They can be read when a person feels bad or hard, before making serious decisions related to money.

When reading, one should not be distracted by extraneous thoughts, one must concentrate and be imbued with prayer. You need to stand with your back straight.

Features of a conspiracy from intruders

A conspiracy along with prayer will help get rid of trouble. Any person can carry it out. This does not require special training. The main condition is the correct execution of the ritual. Also, the rules of the conspiracy imply the following conditions:

  • Read the plot by heart, not on paper.
  • It is necessary to pronounce the words clearly, confidently and the specified number of times.
  • The ritual should be performed from 10 pm to 1 am.
  • You can choose any day, but not Tuesday. Tuesday is considered a day of thieves.
  • It is advised to conduct the ceremony alone, so that no one interferes and does not see.

Ancient conspiracy

This old way, which was used by wealthy merchants so that they would not be robbed along the way. Take an old knife in each hand and, passing them in the air over the thing that needs to be protected from thieves, say three times:

“Like on the sea, on the river, in a forged chest,

Seven damask knives, seven brother guards.

I open that chest, I take out those knives, I direct them to work.

Come on you, knives to this and that,

To the one who did evil, put his hands on my good,

Cut it up and down

To return the theft, he did not hide anything.

My words are true, my deed is fast,

Everything is spoken, everything is fulfilled.

At the end, cross yourself.

There is an old way to protect against thieves using knives.

Effective conspiracies

Simple but effective conspiracies from thieves will help to make sure that robbers and criminals will bypass a person’s property. Some of the rituals can help find the thief and punish him.

When you leave home, stop at the doorstep. Holding the handle of the front door, say three times:

"Take off your hands, the feet of a thief on my doorstep."

These actions create an invisible energy protection houses from thieves.

Another way is just as easy. When leaving the house, put an ordinary glass and salt on the kitchen table and say:

“A thief will come, I will give you salt, but I will not pour water.”

For the next ritual, you will need old keys. There should be as many of them as there are door locks. Touching each key in turn to the locks, you need to say:

“I lock it with a key, I lock it with words, I hide from dashing people, all doors, all goodness, everything mine is mine.”

These keys are tied with red ribbon and kept at home. They will be a talisman for the house. In the same way, you can protect your car from theft by touching the key to the door lock.

To protect the house, you need as many old keys as there are total door locks

Another conspiracy involves the pronunciation of such words:

“Thief, go around my house, pass by. And if you enter, you will stay here. My words are the key and the lock. Amen".

They are spoken quietly over the castle. Then, for the best effect, the text is written on paper and attached to the door jamb or window frame.

There is a great conspiracy against pickpockets. It can only be used by baptized people. When reading, there should be a cross on the body. If there is a large amount in your pocket or purse, before going outside you need to read:

“The cross is on me, the cross is in the window, whoever takes my money will die from this cross. Amen, Amen, Amen."

If a situation occurs when there is no way to resist and call for help, and at this time a robbery or theft occurs, say to yourself:

“Take your eyes, snakes, and all the keels from my body, from hell itself. Go my damnation into the pipe, into the outlet. And for you, who took mine away, the cross will not bend, but the candle will melt - it will bend. Amen".

It is better to give money and things to the robber. They are not worth a human life. And the conspiracy will help return the stolen and catch the thief in the future.

Conspiracy against theft in the country

Very often at the dachas the owners come seasonally. Thieves love to break into country houses and take out valuable property from there. To protect yourself from them Vacation home, you need to conduct a special ritual. They take a sprig of juniper, a piece of aspen bark, elderberries, cumin seeds and garlic flowers. All this is ground, mixed and placed in a bag of material. of blue color. There also place three pins with black fasteners and three nails. You will get a very powerful amulet against thieves, which should be hung over front door Houses. But don't forget to say these words:

“To come to every well-wishing person, to be a dodger at the door, do not go past the house, do not drag with your hands, do not stuff your pockets, Do not take out sacks and sacks, So be it forever and ever.”

You can protect a country house with a special ritual

In order for your home or property not to be damaged by thieves, you need to remember important rules:

  • it is worth paying attention to security measures - locks, alarms, surveillance cameras, etc.;
  • be vigilant always and everywhere;
  • do not tell everyone about your property;
  • do not post photos of valuables on the Internet, show off a luxury car or phone;
  • learn to appreciate what is available;
  • When leaving home, always say:

"I'm out of the house - Jesus Christ into the house."

All these rules, combined with God's protection, will help protect yourself and your property. But before turning to conspiracies and prayers about theft, you need to start living piously and not steal yourself.

  • 12/20/2017 Natalia Hello everyone! I came across a similar situation, with mu.
  • 12/19/2017 Tatyana At home at work, not all health amenities are good.
  • 12/11/2017 Anonymous I want to meet the buyer in person, so that he can.
  • 10.12.2017 Maria I wonder if I can get the very first napee.

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How to protect yourself and your home from theft with the help of Orthodox prayer?

In any difficult hopeless situation in a person's life, his last hope may be an appeal to God. It is necessary to turn to God or saints through prayer - a specially established religious text. There are laudatory, thanksgiving or petitionary prayers aimed at communion with God or addressed to a particular saint. One of the pleading prayers is the prayer for theft.

We must remember that prayer will become effective when the person himself is free from this sin! So, the best protection against theft is to comply with the rule: do not steal yourself!

  • Prayer against thieves

Prayer against thieves

In Christianity, to protect the family from theft, it is customary to ask St. Michael the Archangel.

“O Saint Michael the Archangel, light-like and formidable voivode of the Heavenly King! Before the Last Judgment, weaken to repent of my sins, from the net that catches, save my soul and bring it to the God who created it, who settles on the cherubim, and pray for her diligently, but with your intercession she will go to the place of the deceased. O formidable governor of the heavenly forces, the representative of all at the Throne of the Lord Christ, the guardian, firm in all man and wise armourer, strong governor of the Heavenly King! Have mercy on me, a sinner who requires your intercession, save me from all visible and invisible enemies, moreover, strengthen me from the horror of death and from the embarrassment of the devil, and make me shamelessly present to our Creator at the hour of His terrible and righteous judgment. O all-holy great Michael the Archangel! Do not despise me, a sinner, who prays to you for help and your intercession in this life and in the future, but vouchsafe me there to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with you forever and ever. Amen."

Appeal to Blessed Varvara Skvorchikhinskaya from theft in the house and in the country

“Oh, holy blessed mother Varvaro! You fought a good feat on earth, you received in heaven the crown of truth, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him. The same upcoming race of your honest relics, we rejoice in the glorious end of your earthly life and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us become against the wiles of the devil, and get rid of sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present forever and let us be honored by your intercession, if not worthy of Esma, to see the good on the land of the living, glorifying the one in His saints, the glorious God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen."

Conspiracy against theft in a store or at work

“Angel of God, my saint, save me, a sinner, from an evil look, from an evil intention. Save me, weak and infirm, from the thief in the night and other dashing people. Do not leave me, holy angel, at a difficult moment. Do not let those who have forgotten God ruin the Christian soul. Forgive all my sins, if there are any, have mercy on me, cursed and unworthy, and save me from certain death in the hands of evil people. To you, the angel of Christ, I call with such a prayer, I, unworthy. As you cast out demons from a man, so cast out dangers from my path. Amen."

Child stealing conspiracy

Increasingly, the grief for parents is the abduction of children. To prevent trouble, perhaps by sending up a prayer against the theft of children.

“I beg you, my good guardian angel, who did me a favor, overshadowed me with his light, protected me from all kinds of misfortune. And neither a fierce beast, nor a thief can defeat me. And neither the elements nor the dashing person will destroy me. And nothing, thanks to your efforts, will harm me. I am under your holy protection, under your protection, I receive the love of our Lord. So protect my unthinking and sinless children, whom I loved, as Jesus commanded, protect from everything that you protected me from. May neither a fierce beast, nor a thief, nor the elements, nor any dashing person harm them. About this I pray to you, holy angel, warrior of Christ. And everything will be the will of God. Amen".

Prayer to help expose and punish the robber

In the case when it is very necessary to punish the offender, conspiracies will be a great helper.

“O great martyr John of Christ, champion of the Orthodox, the banisher of enemies and offended intercessors! Hear us, praying to you in troubles and sorrows, as if grace from God has been given to you to console the sad, help the weak, deliver the innocent from vain death and pray for all the evil suffering. Be ill and our champion is strong against all our visible and invisible enemies, as if by your help and struggle against us all those who show evil to us will be put to shame. Beg our Lord, may we, sinful and unworthy of His servants (names), receive from Him the unspeakable good, which is prepared for those who love Him, in the Trinity of the Holy Glory of God, always, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer for the return of the stolen

“From Julian, the godless king, he was sent to kill Christians, St. John Stratelat, you helped some of your estate, while others, persuading them to flee from torment by the infidels, freed them, and for this they suffered many torments and imprisonment in prison from the tormentor. After the death of the impious king, having been released from prison, you spent the rest of your life in great virtues until your death, decorating yourself with purity, prayer and fasting, giving abundant alms to the poor, visiting the weak and comforting the mourners. Therefore, in all the sorrows of our helper and in all the troubles that happen to us: we have you as a comforter, John the warrior: resorting to you, we implore you, be the healer of our passions and the suffering of our spiritual deliverer, because you received from God useful power for the salvation of all give, ever-memorable John, feeder of wanderers, liberator of captives, infirm doctor: helper for orphans! Look at us, who honor your sacred joyful memory, intercede for us before the Lord, so that we may be heirs of His kingdom. Hear and do not reject us, and hasten to intercede for us, John, the stratilate, denouncing thieves and kidnappers, and stealing, secretly committed by them, faithfully praying to you, revealing to you, and bringing people back to joy with the return of property. Resentment and injustice are hard for every person, everyone is sad about the loss of the stolen, or missing. Listen to those who mourn, Saint John: and help find the stolen property, so that, having found it, they glorify the Lord for His generosity forever. Amen."

Prayer should be said in a quiet, calm environment. Only by sincerely asking God and the saints, you will receive intercession from thieves and intruders.

Religious reading: prayer from thieves in the garden to help our readers.

To keep the harvest from thieves.

When the harvest is ripe, go out into the garden in the evening, with a cloudless sky, when the moon is visible, and three times in a whisper or to yourself (so that no one hears) say the conspiracy to remember.

Queen moon, you sit high, you see everything, you know everything. Protect my garden, my harvest and all my household from thieves, and evil people, and all passions and misfortunes. And whoever looks badly will bring evil upon himself, and there will be no harm to me and my garden. My word is strong. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After that, take a pinch of earth from any bed and throw it over your left shoulder towards the gate. Then leave without looking back.

If you want to protect your garden from thieves, drive an aspen stake into each of its corners.

A conspiracy not to steal in your garden, from thieves in the garden, from theft

When you finish planting, go around the garden crosswise, while saying:

Put your shorthand on the thief.

Walk, thief, not with your feet,

Take it, thief, not with your hands.

Who will enter my land

That thief will take fear for the heart,

He will not steal anything from my ridge.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

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Conspiracies, protect from thieves. Prayer for protection. ".

Conspiracy 1 from thieves.

Take as many keys as there are doors in your apartment, put them on a red ribbon. Then, moving clockwise around the house, touch each door with a bunch, saying three times: "Lock the thief in the night." At the end of the ceremony, hang this amulet to the right of the front door.

“I leave the door of the servant / servant of God / God ... (name), I stand in the middle of the courtyard. Nikolay Ugodnik is standing with me. I'll lock myself up, I'll shut up with a lockable lock. Two angels sit on both doors. Who goes - will pass, who goes - will pass. The robber will enter the yard - he will not reach: his legs will become stiff, his hands will turn to stone, his eyes will darken. Around my yard is a fast river, a steep mountain, a dark forest. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Rewrite the plot and leave it in the apartment, house, garage. Read three times when leaving home.

“Lord, my God, my guardian angel is with me.

I bury my luggage so that the thief cannot take it.

Water in the sand, the sun is red in the east.

There are 12 virgins, 12 sisters.

January - Ulyana, February - Maryana, March - Sofia, April - Maria, May - Pameya,

June - Sorrow, July - Ledeya, August - Gledea, September - Elena,

October - Magdalena, November - Romanea, December - Satanea.

Lord, bless, keep the thief away for all 12 months:

neither at night at dawn, nor during the day with a clear sun,

all 24 hours a day, all in an hour minute.

Whoever approaches my good will not leave the place alive.

Satan gave, Satan took, and the Lord kept.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

It is necessary to lay a cross on everything in the house, saying:

“Jesus Christ walked through 3 earths, through 3 heavens, carried, Jesus Christ the gospel and the cross. The Lord said: “Whoever steals, I will unleash passion on him, taking his hands away, his legs will not budge, the owner will come out, he will see the thief. I forbid stealing, I baptize with a cross. Jesus Christ closes with a lock, a cross in the middle, two angels on the sides. Amen."

As you leave your apartment, look back at your door and say:

"Take off the hands and feet of the thief on my doorstep."

Pick up a candle that was lit when the priest consecrated Easter cakes on Easter, and go around all the housing 12 times. Baptize all corners and say:

“Father Sabaoth, put the Cross of Crosses from heaven to earth. Close my roof. The house of Christ is the Lord's protection. Here is the Most Pure Mother of God with her angels, archangels, cherubim, seraphim, with all heavenly powers, protect us from all enemies, adversaries. Amen. Amen. Amen".

“Saint John the warrior, put your bright guard on my estate, around my house, on windows and doors. Protect my house and all who live in it. Amen".

Time: any Monday, three in the morning. Outerwear on you. Sit down with your bare back on the threshold of your bedroom and you can read such a conspiracy on paper:

"Damask knives, steel needles,

stab, cut out the brain from my enemy,

Close the light in his eyes

take out his movement from the hands and feet,

blow his belly, tear it,

wrap his legs with cones.

Black is white for him

red is gray for him.

Let him not find the door

his hand will not take the bracket,

he can't see the window

will not steal, will not offend.

I bury his way

I send him longing, anxiety.

The dog is a bird to him,

wolf fox to him,

shit for him honey,

fire is ice for him.

Let the brain turn his mind

will not remember anything and will not understand:

no name, no kind,

He is not from any tribe or people.

I roll it into tartars:

to the grave, the earth, the desert.

Like a dead man will not come out of his grave,

so he will not leave my circle.

Be you, my words, strong,

sculpting, relentless, inexorable:

neither gray-haired, nor young, none.

From now on and forever and ever.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

This conspiracy will be enough for a year.

It will also last for a year. Go around the apartment with a candle. You need to walk crosswise, from corner to corner of each room, kitchen, saying this conspiracy nine times:

harrow not with a plow.

Be you thief nailed to the ceiling

with their brains, wadded feet,

trembling hands, blind eyes.

I'm walking, I'm walking the cross

I dress you in a shroud

I cover you with a coffin.

I put God's amulet on my threshold.

Who plans to come with evil,

I will crush that, I will dry up with a candle,

I'll drink my eyes, I'll pour my brains out.

Okrivey, lame, goofy,

stiffen, bezruch, starve,

lean, wallow in the mud,

don't get along with people

suffer, suffer, and die a cruel death. Amen."

Then this candle is extinguished and placed behind the icon.

A very strong slander. Always used when washing the car. Read about yourself:

"I conjure you from a thief,

from approach and theft,

from the gypsy eye

from the first order.

Take off your legs, take off your hands

all blood and bloodless,

vein and bone.

Let the falling man beat

if a thief takes mine.

If he takes and does not return,

let him die a cruel death.

How not to take off your hat with your back,

so my spell cannot be appeased, not dissuaded,

do not pray, do not interrupt.

My word is strong and tenacious,

“Only when the copper castle becomes golden, then my hex will become empty. Amen. Amen. Amen".

V critical moment when you need strength to shield you, protect you from attack, etc., say:

“A thousand darkness at the right hand, a protective and miraculous power. Angels before me and their wings above me. Amen".

Take a dull knife, cut the flame of a lit candle with the words:

“Whoever stole, who took mine, come in a dream, take the knife, otherwise I will cut your soul like a butcher cuts a pork carcass. Amen."

Put the knife under the pillow, do not talk until morning.

“There is an iron chest on the sea-ocean on Buyan Island, and damask knives are in the iron chest. Go you, damask knives, to (name) - to a thief, chop his body, prick his heart, so that he-the thief will turn back the theft (so-and-so), so that he does not conceal a blue-gunpowder, but would give everything in full. Be you thief cursed by mine strong conspiracy into the underworld, beyond the high mountains, into seething pitch, into combustible ash, into swamp mud, into a mill dam, into a bottomless house, into a bath jar. Be nailed to the lintel with an aspen stake, dried up by dry grass, frozen more than ice. Curve, limp, goofy, woody, decapitate, starve, emaciate, wallow in the mud, don’t get used to people, don’t die your own death.

1. They tie a handkerchief around the leg of the table, saying:

"Damn, damn it, play it, give it back again."

2.Clap your hands and say:

“Damn brothers, come here, help look for Argamas, Arbamas, Avramas. In the name of this, in the name of this and the other. Take away the brains, get the thoughts of the thieves, take away the will and share until then, until that hour, until that minute. until they return what they took. Amen."

Part 79 - Conspiracies, protect from thieves. Prayer for protection. ".

Prayer from theft in the country.

On our site there are prayers and conspiracies for all occasions. There are also prayers that will be of interest to everyone who has summer cottages or country houses. Leaving the dacha for a long time, in order to protect yourself from theft, I advise you to read one protective prayer. Prayer will protect your dacha or house from theft and looting. Reading a prayer will take you a maximum of 10 minutes, but you will be calm all winter, because you will know that not a single thief will enter your house and no one will steal or steal anything.

Go through each room and room in the cottages with a cross, from corner to corner. Leave a salt shaker and an empty glass on the front table. Then read the prayer three times for theft in the country.

So, the words of prayer from theft in the country.

“Whoever enters my house with evil deeds,

He won't live long after that.

How he behaves, such a death he will die.

Satan will send him, and he will die from him.

He will not be in good health either from the doctor or from the healer.

Without water I will send him with salt, I will torment him with Satan.

I wish the house well, I lock my words with a lock.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

When you arrive at the dacha in the spring, the salt on which you read the prayer against theft will need to be thrown away.

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In our life sometimes there are unnecessary, annoying people, from.

With spring comes Easter. Many who are interested.

Losing weight is always painstaking work, even if it is carried out.

The standard of beauty changes every era. Previously, white was valued in Russia.

Hanging moles can cause a lot of inconvenience. Elementary, .

It's no secret that extra sweets and buns in the form of fat are deposited.

Sometimes a too slender body does not always look beautiful. Too much.

Dandruff can spoil the look of even the most beautiful hair. Sometimes.

  • Strong love spell for a girl. (69589)
  • Conspiracy to find a job for the husband. (66452)
  • A conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one. (65095)
  • Spell to get the child to talk. (56887)
  • Prayer to be hired after the interview. (51538)

Friday | 06/02/2017 | No comment.

Saturday | 04/18/2015 | No comment.

Work occupies an important place in the life of every worker.

Not all people are lucky, not all work is a holiday. Very.

The love and respect of others can be achieved through conspiracies. .

It seems like yesterday you were smiled sweetly at work, but now.

Everyone knows how much depends on mercy and benevolence.

Probably, many have noticed that a few days before your birthday, various minor troubles begin to pour on you. This is no accident! .

If you are waiting for an important decision for yourself and want it to be in your favor, then it is advisable to enlist magical support.

Who among us has not dreamed of happiness? Didn't want to start a new one happy life? There is one prayer that will help you with this. If you follow.

Each of us has desires. Someone patiently waits for the fulfillment of a desire, and someone strives to achieve what they want at all costs. .

There are many conspiracies to be held in high esteem by people. Use them, then the honor and respect of those around you are guaranteed. For.

Peace of mind ... How sometimes we miss it! In the life of each of us there are moments when everything seems to be fine, there are no big problems,.

To get rid of colds and coughs, you need to be treated, treated, treated. If you do not want to take pills, which, by the way, is not always the case.

One of the ancient ways of treating frights and fears in children and adults was pouring fright with wax. Before, almost all grandmothers.

Autumn is not only a beautiful time, but a time when you can easily catch a cold. We communicate with a large number of people in transport.

One of the unpleasant diseases that are treated with the help of conspiracies is called " bitch udder"or hydrodenitis. Unpleasant and painful.

A good restful sleep is very important for us. But what to do if there has been no sleep for several nights, and peace of mind has disappeared with it? .

Sometimes we are haunted by terrible pains. Medicines and pills bring only short-term relief. Of course, in such cases, you need to perform.

Conspiracy from thieves (at home, in the country)

I leave the door of the slave. (list all family members)

I stand in the middle of the yard - NIKOLAI PLEASANT is standing with me.

Lock with a padlock.

Three angels sit on three doors.

Who goes - will pass, who goes - will pass.

The robber will enter the yard, he won’t reach it, his legs will become stiff, his hands will turn to stone, his eyes will darken.

Around my yard is a fast river, around a mountain, a dark forest.

Such leaflets-notes should be laid out in all buildings in the country.

Tatyana! And does it "work"? Do you mean it helps?

Tatyana Verified for many years. One friend at the dacha didn’t have a winter so they wouldn’t climb in. Three years ago, I gave her this plot, and silence. Maybe someone doesn’t need it, but in our dachas (near the village from all sides0 we wait with trepidation every winter. Either they break the windows, or they climb in, break everything or even take it out. Therefore, if someone calls from the summer house in winter, they immediately take fear ( at least nothing would happen). I have such leaves everywhere both in the house and in the kitchen, and I also need to put them in the shower. Our fences are purely symbolic.

Tatyana, thank you. I also believe in conspiracies. And that's how I was taught. Over every door and window hang the keys to the old locks (which you no longer need). They say it helps too. I did it, let's see what happens.

Valentine According to your faith, it will be given. That's what the scripture says. And I also believe in prayers (and not conspiracies, it’s more correct to call it), and I also encountered thieves in the country. But it is better to read a prayer before leaving (energy remains). You can spread out the papers, but reading is a must. I have another prayer of Jesus, the hand of the savior, and I am a servant of God.

Hello - I'm not a thief but from the village. Owners .. put SECURITY CAMERAS along the streets in dachas .. and you will show pictures of thieves on the Internet .. For musical accompaniment, I can offer families of BEES .. Bumblebees, OS. There will be laughter... CONTACT THROUGH PERSON.

Whatever the group - then conspiracies! What are you people?! There are Orthodox prayers, church, and not sinful conspiracies. They won't help you! Who do you want to petrify? No rich harvest is worth the evil words you will utter! Retribution for this sin will surely come, why do you need it? (L)

I noticed with surprise and indignation that lately fortune-tellers, psychics, clairvoyants, soothsayers and other charlatans have appeared in Russia in large numbers, have the RUSSIANS really become stupid? Do they really believe in all this nonsense? (F)

Why all these attacks? Well, why did the Russians become stupid? On the contrary, they wised up. 😉 They remember their roots, the experience of their ancestors. Once upon a time, they propped up the door from the outside with a broom - and this served more reliably than forged locks. For modern people, conspiracies are not so much a belief in dark forces, but a connection with the ancestors. After all, even though Russia was baptized more than 1000 years ago, but still, almost all of us are pagans, somewhere out there, in the depths, we remain. We’ll spit over our shoulders, then we’ll knock on a piece of wood. (md) And the fact that psychics and fortune-tellers, like dirt, divorced. So they are always especially fruitful in difficult times. On what else to cash in, if not on grief or human joy? And now - the crisis, but the swine flu, and the autumn depression - difficult times. 😀 😀 😀 So, why not remember the customs and rituals of the past centuries? For example, my great-grandmother sewed dolls from rags (I remember very well how she did it). I thought then that it was a toy. And now I know - it was a talisman.

For reference: A talisman, amulet, amulet is a magical item, the function of which is to protect its owner or increase the effectiveness of its magical effects. Also, amulets can bring good luck, warn of danger, improve well-being. However, an amulet that is poorly tuned to the owner can pose a serious threat, as well as other people's amulets. Any item can be an amulet, from jewelry to a piece of stone or a piece of tree bark.

Girls = this is not an installation to write a conspiracy. If you don’t want to, don’t write. If someone hasn’t survived the attacks of thieves, they won’t understand it. you’ll see a picture that they won’t show in any movie, then you’ll think. In winter, the lights are turned off in the dachas and the vaoras or burn something so that they can see or light bulbs are crushed out of anger, and sorry, three people poop into an empty refrigerator, then you will rack your brains, write a conspiracy or do something else. And not everyone can put security cameras, and most importantly, we turn off the light for the winter in order to save money. So the choice is yours. Now there are a lot of people (and it was before, but not so you can see) many wear amulets, and cars light up, and there are icons in the house - this is everyone's right. If you don't like it, don't do it. (K) (K)

300 protective conspiracies for success and good luck Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From stealing in the garden

From stealing in the garden

When you finish planting, go around the garden crosswise, while saying:

Lord, protect my garden

Put your shorthand on the thief.

Walk, thief, not with your feet,

Take it, thief, not with your hands.

Who will enter my land

That thief will take fear for the heart,

He will not steal anything from my ridge.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

From the book The Strongest Conspiracies and Spells for Love, Sex, family relations author Estrin Anatoly Mikhailovich

From robbery and theft (1) I close my conspiracy (name) from any loss: from robbery, robbery, theft, attack. Protection is on all sides. The edge of the blade cuts bandits, thieves, deceivers, corrupt officials, tax officials, bailiffs and all others who claim to be

From the book Conspiracies that attract money author Vladimirova Naina

From robbery and theft (2) You have a shield, O Lord, for me! Protect me, your faithful servant, and my property from the encroachments of unworthy people. Block their way to me and my home. Hide my valuables and fortune from them. Protect me from attacks and robbery. I myself, Lord,

From the book Conspiracies Siberian healer. Release 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Prayer to save the harvest from hail and theft Stand in the middle of the garden, cross yourself and read all the prayers below three times. Then turn the open Gospel of John to all four corners of the world and at the same time make the sign of the cross, repeating three times

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 01 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

So that everything grows in the garden In the spring for a young month, once in the morning (in someone else's garden), and another time in the evening (in your own garden), read the following conspiracy: You have grass-ant, we have full boxes. I take, I take. I take, I take. I profit, you lose. Amen. Just remember

From the book The book of love spells and conspiracies for all occasions author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy against pests in the garden and vegetable garden So that pests do not spoil the future harvest, do not forget to read a special conspiracy: Do not hit, worms, do not eat, Sowing fields, sowing gobins, sowing winters. Gray worm and white worm, Small harm and great harm, Go to the west, To the green

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 07 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

TROUBLES IN THE GARDEN AND GARDEN To those who go to plant in the garden Before leaving the house, step with your right foot on your left foot and say: I will give the earth, and the earth will give it back to me. And no one will stop me in this. Amen. To those who go to mow

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

An urn with ashes in a garden When trouble happens, people lose their common sense from grief and despair. It seems to them that if they bury the ashes of a loved one in the garden or in the garden, then he will be closer to them. Then, when the pain is somewhat dulled, the time of doubt and fear comes.

From the book of 300 protective conspiracies for success and good luck author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To those who go to plant in the garden Before you leave the house, step with your right foot on your left foot and say: I will give the earth, and the earth will give it back to me. And no one will stop me in this. Amen.

From the book Removing damage and the evil eye by whispering. Prayers and conspiracies author Vinogradova Ekaterina A.

On growth in the garden In clear weather, when the stars are visible in the sky, go around the garden crosswise and whisper: The earth gave birth, the earth rewarded, the earth enriched. Mother of God, save. Amen.

From the book Conspiracies, amulets, rituals the author Luzina Lada

From theft in the garden When you finish planting, go around the garden crosswise, saying at the same time: Lord, protect my garden, put your shortening on the thief. Walk, thief, not with your feet, take, thief, not with your hands. Whoever enters my land will take fear for the heart of that thief, he will do nothing from my ridge

From the author's book

From childish theft From a letter: “... My husband and I adopted a boy when he was three months old. Today he is sixteen. He was small and was like a demon, and now he has grown a real demon. He does not want to study, he left school after the eighth grade, and runs away from home endlessly. 23 September

From the author's book

A conspiracy against theft on a long journey Before embarking on a long journey, make sure that you are not robbed on the road. Get on your right knee, look up and say: My foot to the floor, my eyes to the valley, go, thief, past me, past my horse, past the wheel, past

From the author's book

A conspiracy against theft on a long journey Before embarking on a long journey, make sure that you are not robbed on the road. Get on your right knee, look up and say: My foot to the floor, my eyes to the valley, Go, thief, past me, past my horse, Past the wheel, past

From the author's book

A conspiracy so that everything grows in the garden In clear weather, so that the stars are visible in the sky, go around the garden crosswise and whisper: The earth gave birth, the earth rewarded, the earth enriched, Mother of God, save. Amen. Gently loosen the earth in the beds, lovingly offer your

From the author's book

So that everything grows in the garden for you grass-ant, we have full boxes. I take, I take. I take, I take. I profit, you lose. Amen. They read in the spring, in the morning in someone else's garden, in the evening in their own, for a young month. Where they read - there will be no harvest, but you will

From the author's book

To work in the garden Lord, help! If only the Lord would give birth to the earth so that both me and the people would be. Give birth, God, to every share! Pronounced when sowing.

Unfortunately, this happens with us ... But I want to tell you one incident about this. A neighbor in the dacha has several mousetraps of a hundred samples in the house, from time to time in the fall he puts them out for mice. Grandchildren came to his dacha - boys. And he had a loaded mousetrap on the veranda. Well, so that the boys would not grab it with his hands, he carefully picked it up - and into such a wide flower vase - he has two such stationary ones in front of the entrance to the veranda. The boys are not specialists in colors, zero attention to the vase, there is something to do with the grandfather and the woman)) In the evening, everyone calmed down, went to rest.
And before dawn, everyone was awakened by a female screech. A neighbor visited to pick flowers ... and the flowers there were not God knows what - not orchids))) At first everyone was scared, then they laughed for a long time, but the owners still had a sediment. And that neighbor is, in fact, a good, decent woman, in her life she would never have thought anything of her. Now, as I see it, I remember it all the time, although I myself have not been there. And everyone knows...
This is how it happens (and not only in country life ...)
Do you have a mousetrap?

Only a fence will stop such kind aunts-neighbors who, without a twinge of conscience, believe that if they steal, it is better to take root than to ask. I caught a neighbor, but that's what she told me. And they put a fence and a lock on the gate, then the flowers stopped disappearing.

Start digging from her! And absolutely calm during the day, in front of everyone! And still mumbling louder, what a boorish and thief she is! You don't steal, you take what's yours! And she will yell - show her a photo of how it all grew at first! And call the police yourself, you can pretend that you are calling, usually only a phone at your ear and the phrase “Hello, police!” like a cold shower on thieves.

Elena, I disagree here. If you set out to catch a thief who systematically steals in the same place - you will definitely catch him!
It's just the beginning of the flower season.
In the first option - plant a beautiful flower / flowers, take a picture of them ... and wait. Yes, just wait, watch the curtain with the camera. If it concerns your reputation - do not spare a few days. And take pictures at the time of the theft))

In the second option - use a coloring matter. Well... figure out what you can get... buy... consult. Up to the elementary - lubricate / sprinkle the soil at the very stem with fucorcin, sprinkle some blue ... In a word, something that will color your hands at least for a short time. Of course, do not ring about it on every corner ... But! Make a note of what you poured / watered, indicate the date, seal it in an envelope))) or make a note on Skype, here in the comments - this is in order to later confirm the presence of the coloring matter under your flower. It will be funny when the thief tells how he broke the bottle he just bought with a solution of fucorcin or accidentally spilled a bag of bluing ... (well ... if you still manage to take a picture of his hands as a keepsake ....)))

In the third option - cruel ... stick old rose stems with thorns, a couple of glass fragments into the soil near the flower ... well, come up with something minor ... the main thing is not to forget about it yourself ...

Well, wait - something will work. BUT, MOST IMPORTANTLY - even if you miss the very moment of the theft - the thief will know that a surprise awaits him. And think well next time if it's worth it.
Elena, who set a goal - he will achieve it) There is no point in crying and giving up. In the end, you are challenged ... well, win))))

Only a fence saves from such “nice” neighbors ... A neighbor came for flowers, I don’t feel sorry, there are many flowers, but you ask, I will give ... and don’t go secretly when we are not there ... When they put up a new fence 1.5 meters high, she is all with me summer didn’t talk, pouted that now she couldn’t go into my garden and see what and how I have ... now “she sees the eye, but the tooth is numb” ... Again, I spied on her that there was feverfew, which she didn’t have she asked me - she herself invited and dug in front of me ... without her, of course, she didn’t climb ... My husband always grumbles, “What are you looking at ?! You need to - buy and plant, there is nothing to stare at your eyes ... "
One madam from another street went to me for several years - she dug a peony - without asking, of course ... they told me later that she climbed in my garden ... I transplanted it to another place, and it became not clear what color it was ... stopped walk ... and then we put up a fence and hung a lock on the gate ... an 80-year-old aunt would not climb over the fence ... And she came across, and cursed with her, and even beat her somehow ... nothing helped - she still walks through other people's gardens ... drags all the rastushkas he likes to himself ... now the old one is already, maybe it has stopped ...
And at home, many years ago, my mother simply stopped planting something, because. they will either trample on everything, or throw bottles and cigarette butts, or dig it up and drag it into their garden ... now there is no beauty under the windows ... solid celandine with nettles ...