
Abstract of a lesson on traffic rules in the younger group of kindergarten. Synopsis of GCD on traffic rules in the younger group “Rules of the road. What traffic rules should remember younger preschoolers

breast cancer

Types of children's activities : game, communicative, cognitive research, perception of fiction and folklore.

Target :

  • Continue work to familiarize children with urban passenger transport - the tram.
  • To consolidate children's ideas about the purpose of a traffic light, its signals.
  • Develop mental operations, attention, memory, speech.

Preliminary work: conversations, looking at illustrations, reading works of art, games.

Methods and techniques: conversation, games.

Equipment: a cat toy, transport models, high chairs, a traffic light stencil for each child, multi-colored covers, hoops.

Lesson progress

Children they enter the hall.

Educator: Guys, the cat Fluff should come to visit us today.

Knock on the door. The teacher comes in with a cat toy.

Fluff: Well, finally I got into kindergarten.

Educator: Fluff, what happened to you? Why are your paw and head bandaged?

Hitting the big and noisy city,
I'm lost, I'm lost...
I don't know the traffic lights
Nearly got hit by a car!
Around cars and trams,
Then suddenly the bus is on the way.
To be honest, I don't know
Where can I cross the road?

Educator: So you don't know the rules of the road?

Fluffy: Why should I know them? I can do without them.

Educator: Guys, tell me, why do you need to know the rules of the road?

Children: So that the car does not run over; to cross the road correctly; to know traffic lights.

Educator: Fluff, do you want to go on a trip around our city with us?

But first, solve the riddle:

What a wonder this house is
The windows light up all around.
Wears rubber shoes
Does it feed on gasoline? ( bus)

Teacher: Well done guys. We will travel with you by bus.

Let's look at the bus. ( children are shown a picture of a bus on an interactive whiteboard)

Guys, look at the bus there are windows, doors. The bus travels along the road.

Can you tell me how to get around the bus?

Children: You need to wait until the bus leaves the stop and only then cross the road.

But before you go, let's remember the rules of behavior on the bus.

What can not be done on the bus?

You can't chew on the seeds.

You can't eat ice cream.

You can't run on the bus.

You can't lean out of the window.

You can't shout loudly.

Educator: What can and should be done?

Children: - You need to sit quietly.

You need to take a ticket.

You have to hold on to the handrails.

Educator: Well done! You know the rules. And tell me, do I need to run to the bus if it is already closing the doors?

Children: No. You have to wait for another bus.

Educator: Now sit down, our bus is leaving. And you, Fluffy, sit down with us. Come on in, don't push, boys, let the girls go ahead.

(Children sit on chairs lined up one after another).

Educator: Guys, look to the right, we are passing a circus. Do you like to go to the circus? Who do you like in the circus? ( children's answers).

And now look to the left, we are passing the park. What park do you like to go to? ( children's answers).

(On the interactive whiteboard post pictures of city views).

(The teacher shows traffic lights and reads a poem)

If red fire
On his chest
On a dangerous signal
Never go.

If a yellow eye
The traffic light will wink
Get ready to go
He gives a signal.

And when on the way
The green light is on
You can safely walk
The intersection is open.

Educator: And now for you a task for attention. It is necessary to lay out a traffic light from multi-colored covers, choosing them correctly by color. Approach the tables and be careful.

(Children on the tables lay out a traffic light from multi-colored covers. Check all the children, correct those who made a mistake).

Fluff: Well done guys. I learned to recognize colors - red, yellow and green. Now I won't mix up the traffic lights.

Educator: And now we will play the game “Find your house”.

(The teacher gives the children mugs of red, yellow and green flowers. Children must correctly find their house (hoop) of the same color. The game is repeated 2-3 times).

Teacher: Well done guys! You have done well with this task. And now we need to go back to kindergarten.

(Children sit on chairs).

Educator: Guys, tell me, at what traffic light should you cross the road?

Children: Green.

Educator: With whom do you need to cross the road? Can one go out alone?

Children: Cross the road with mom and dad. One cannot.

Educator: Well, here we are back in kindergarten. Guys, did you enjoy our trip? How about Fluff?

Fluffy: How I liked you guys. Now I will also know all the traffic lights, and cross the road at the green light.

caregiver: Come visit us again, in kindergarten.

Goodbye, Fluff!

(Children say goodbye and go to the group).

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in kindergarten with children 3-4 years old "My friend is a traffic light"

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, educator of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg

Description: This article will be of interest preschool educators, teachers of after-school groups, teachers can use primary school for extracurricular activities on the topic for students elementary school. The abstract is designed to familiarize children with road signs and their meaning.
Target: Get to know some signs traffic.
- to consolidate the knowledge of children about the traffic light, about its signals;
- develop the ability to answer questions in full sentences.

Educator: Guys, today I suggest you go on a trip according to the rules of the road. Do you agree?
Educator: Imagine, you need to go on a visit and you need to cross the road, and cars and buses drive there. For this, you need to know the rules. Listen to the riddle and tell me the answer.
I never sleep
I look at the road.
I'll tell you when to stop
When to start moving.
Children Answer: Traffic light.

Educator: Right. What colors are on the traffic light sign?
Educator: What does each traffic light color mean?
Educator: And now the second riddle is prepared for you:
Don't take this tape
And you can't weave it into a pigtail.
She lies on the ground
Transport along it runs.
Children Answer: Road.
Educator: Say, can we walk on the road?
Educator: Why can't we walk on the road?
Educator: And tell me the transport that you know?
Educator: And who is driving, what is it called?
Educator: And what about the people who travel by bus, tram, minibus, how can we call them in one word?
Educator: I offer you a little respite in the form of a physical minute.

The road is not a path
The road is not a ditch
Look to the left first
Then look to the right.
You turn left
Smile at your friend.
Stomp with your right foot
Stomp with your left foot
And feel free to go home.
Educator: Well done, listened to the words carefully, the movements performed everything correctly. We continue the conversation, listen carefully. Another riddle.
A man walks over me.
He calls me a zebra.
Children Answer: Pedestrian crossing.
Educator: What does the crosswalk look like?
Educator: And to find out how else they call a pedestrian crossing, listen to the following riddle.
Under the feet of Serezha,
Striped track.
Boldly he walks on it
And all the people behind him.
Children Answer: Zebra.

Educator: Well answered, you know the rules, I suggest you play a little and collect the sign. And we need to assemble a traffic light. Remember what colors are on the traffic light sign?
Educator: What form are they?
Educator: What order are they in?
Educator: I invite you to the tables
And I suggest you assemble a road sign.
Educator: It's a very nice sign. But in order to better remember everything and consolidate the knowledge gained, I suggest that you also draw a traffic light sign. But for this, you need to stretch your fingers.
Finger charger:
One, two, three, four, five.
(Unclench the fingers from the fist one at a time, starting with the big one.)
The fingers went out for a walk.
(Rhythmically unclench and squeeze all fingers together.)
One, two, three, four, five.
(We squeeze in turn, widely spaced fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.)
They hid in the house again.
(Rhythmically squeeze all fingers together.)
Educator: Now, I'm sure that you will get gorgeous work. We sit down at our jobs and start doing the work, or rather we will draw a traffic light.
Educator: Good job, you did your best, you can relax.

hold on road rules strictly,
Take your time like a fire
And remember: transport is expensive,
And pedestrians - the sidewalk!
Yes, and parents are also punished
Because your children are looking at you.
Always be a worthy example
And there will be no trouble on the road!

Tatyana Pyanzina
Long-term planning for traffic rules in the second junior group

Project on traffic rules

MBDOU Kindergarten k / .v "Bell"

Long-term planning according to traffic rules

at 2 junior group

caregiver: Pyanzina T. A.

Target: Formation in children junior preschool age skills safe behavior through familiarization with the rules of the road.


Introduce children junior preschool age with road safety rules;

With a traffic light, its purpose;

Learn to understand the meaning of traffic light signals;

To form the initial skills of safe behavior on the road.


1. Target walk "Meet the Street" Give an idea about the street, road, sidewalk, cars, elementary rules of behavior on the street. Territory kindergarten

2. Conversation "Where are we walking?" To give the children the idea that cars drive along the pavement, and people walk only on the sidewalk. Illustration "The street"

3. Cognitive development.

"Wide Path" To teach children to build a wide path (red, applying bricks to each other with a long narrow edge, to teach game actions (a trip to the bunny for carrots) Construction material

4. Examining the illustrations

"Meet the Machine".

To give the concept that all cars are transport, that transport is different. to develop children's knowledge about the various parts of the car / cab, wheel, steering wheel Car-toy, illustrations "Cars".

№ Topic Purpose Methodological support

1. finger game "Who has arrived?" Develop fine motor skills fingers, speech. Card file of finger games.

2. P. game "Sparrows and the Car" Learn to jump on two legs, keep balance, run in the same direction without bumping into each other. Toy steering wheel, masks "Sparrow".

3. Observation of cars and trucks To consolidate the concept that, in addition to cars, there is also a truck, to characterize the main parts and the purpose of each of them.

4. Role-playing game "Drivers" To acquaint children with the actions of transport drivers. Traffic light model, oilcloth "zebra", toy cars.

№ Topic Purpose Methodological support

1. Listening to a song "Merry Travelers"(M. Starokadomsky, Develop auditory perception, promote a positive - emotional mood.

audio recording

2. Cognitive development

"Truck" Develop speech activity, attention, memory, fine motor skills of hands. Cultivate respect for toys. Teach

consistently carry out the construction, controlling their actions, evenly applying details, teaching to play with buildings. Abstract, illustrations "Truck", toys.

3. Speech development

Reading A. Barto


Didactic game

"Let's show the bear how

you need to carefully roll the dolls in the car. Develop attention. Introduce children to transportation. Learn attentively -

It is important to listen to the teacher while reading the poem. Learn to pronounce words and phrases. practice in the name

transport. improve speech hearing. Synopsis, illustrations for the poem by A. Barto "Truck", toy - teddy bear, machine.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development

"On a flat path..." Learn to use paint. Learn to draw straight lines. Help the bear to drive the truck correctly. Abstract, material: sheets A-4 with the image of a typewriter, black gouache, brush, non-spill with water, napkin. The toy is a teddy bear.

№ Topic Purpose Methodological support

1. Conversation "Introducing traffic lights" To give children an idea about the purpose of a traffic light, about its signals. A layout of a traffic light.

2. Didactic game "Traffic lights" To consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about the purpose of a traffic light, about its signals;

Consolidate the children's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcolor (red, yellow, green).

Material: colored cardboard circles (yellow, green, red);

traffic light layout.

3. Board game

"Collect the car"

To consolidate the idea of ​​​​children about the types of transport;

To consolidate the idea of ​​​​children about the main parts of cars, trucks (body, cab, steering wheel, wheels) .

Material: color cut pictures of modes of transport.

4. Conversation "Street and Road"

Form ideas about the street, its main parts; introduce the traffic light, its meaning Illustrations "Street and Road"

№ Topic Purpose Methodological support

1. Cognitive development

"The truck is carrying the Christmas tree" Develop fine motor skills of hands, speech activity. Raise interest in construction, expand children's ideas about winter. Learn how to build in sequence. Abstract, illustrations "The truck is carrying a Christmas tree"

2. Dramatization of the story

I. Pavlova "By car"

words: car, wheels, let's go. Lead the children to understand the main meaning story: you can not leave friends in trouble.

Book by I. Pavlova "By car", toys. Steering wheel.

3. Didactic game "What is it?" To consolidate the knowledge of children about transport. Cards "Transport"

№ Topic Purpose Methodological support

1. Cognitive development

"Introducing Traffic Lights to Children". To acquaint children with the traffic light and its effect in regulating traffic. To consolidate with children the knowledge of the colors of the traffic light - red, yellow, green. Teach children how to be safe on the street. Street mockup with pedestrian crossing and traffic light mockup, baby toy stroller, cars.

Abstract of the lesson.

2. Theatrical game

"I'm going, I'm going in the car".

Develop children's ideas about vehicles, activate the use in speech words: "car", "wheels", "steering wheel". Card file of theatrical games, chairs, toy steering wheel.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development.

Application "Truck".

Consolidation of knowledge about the parts of the machine, the development of fine motor skills.

Abstract, landscape sheet A-4, finished machine parts, glue, brush, napkin, oilcloth

4. Role-playing game

"Trip to the Store". To consolidate knowledge about the road, street, cars. Toy cars, traffic lights, zebra.

№ Topic Purpose Methodological support

1. Did. the game "Red, Yellow Green". To teach children to establish connections between objects and phenomena, to act on a signal. Material: circles (red, yellow, green)

2. Reading a poem by E. Motsikovskaya "A train".

Continue to introduce transport. Learn to choose toys related to transport. Book E. Motsikovsky "A train", illustrations for the poem.

3. Role-playing game "Let's go to grandma's village". Acquaintance with the rules of conduct in transport.

Chairs, toy steering wheel, bi-ba-bo doll "Grandmother"

4. Examining the illustrations "Meet the Bus".

Learn to distinguish and name parts of the bus / driver's cabin, passenger compartment, wheels, steering wheel Illustrations

"Meet the Bus".

№ Topic Purpose Methodological support

1. Cognitive development

"Road signs"

To form knowledge about the road, road signs and their purpose


Material: a TV with a slot for a flash card, images of road signs, toy cars, a Dunno toy, a traffic light mock-up, colored mugs cardboard: red, yellow and green, magnetic board, magic box, song "Traffic lights" Muses and words by A. Orlov

2. "Types of transport". (fixing). consideration illustrations: bus, truck, car.

Strengthen children's ability to recognize and distinguish different types Transport Cards "transport"

Reading a poem by V. Golovko "Rules of the road" Explain through reading a poem how important it is to know traffic rules Book by V. Golovko "Rules of the road"

puppet show

"Incident in the Forest" Clarify the idea that it is impossible to play on the roadway;

To consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic signals;

evoke an emotional response to the story. Operating faces:

The narrator, the cat, the fox, the cockerel, the bear are adults.

Decoration: forest glade, teremok, road. Traffic lights.

№ Topic Purpose Methodological support

1. Drawing on asphalt "Traffic lights" To consolidate the ability to draw geometric shapes and the meaning of traffic light colors. colored crayons

2. Excursion to the intersection and observation of traffic. Consolidate children's knowledge of transport, exercise in crossing the street through "zebra". Summary of the excursion

3. Entertainment:

"Red, Yellow, Green" Consolidate children's knowledge about the purpose of a traffic light, enter into the current children's dictionary the words: transport, "zebra", pedestrians. Abstract "Red, yellow, green".

Working with parents to prevent traffic rules

Topic Purpose Timing

Consultation "Rules of conduct for adults and children on the roads".

To form in parents the need to intensify their activities in studying traffic rules with children; to expand and clarify knowledge on the organization of the safety of children on the way from home to preschool and back; develop responsibility, cultivate attention, curiosity. September

"Dead Zones" on the roads and "White spots" in education." Introduce parents to the concept "dead zone" and rules of conduct in this situation. October

Exhibition of creativity "Green Light Run".

Involve parents in joint creative activities at home; to activate the creativity of children and parents November

Folder-slider “Only together can we achieve results! Parents! Remember!"

Raise the level of knowledge in the field of traffic rules among parents, show that their behavior on the road serves as an example for children.

Conversation "Me and my child on the streets of the city". Raise the level of knowledge of parents on traffic rules, identify the disadvantages, give appropriate recommendations. January

Information stand on traffic rules on the topic "Take care of young passengers". Show parents the need to purchase a child car seat for the safe transport of children February

Memo on traffic rules "Teach the kids!".

To increase the level of parents' knowledge in matters of children's safety on the road.

Recommendations: "A reflective vest will increase your safety by 40 times!". Show parents the need to purchase a reflective element for the safety of the child on the road. Show parents the need to purchase a reflective element for the safety of the child on the road. April

Information stand on traffic rules “I got on the bike - follow the rules!”. To acquaint parents with the rules for choosing a bicycle for a child; show the need to comply with traffic rules. May

Abstract of the lesson on traffic rules in the second junior group. “Everyone should know the rules of the road”

Teacher Gnezdilova Maria Sergeevna

Material Description:

I offer you a summary of the direct educational activities on this topic “Everyone should know the rules of the road” for children 3-4 years old, this material will be useful to teachers preschool education second junior group. This cognitive activity It is aimed at consolidating children's ideas about the rules of the road.

Equipment and materials: two puppets, pictures of road signs, TV, didactic game "Sparrows and Cars" .


  • To give children knowledge about where and how to cross the street, familiarize them with special signs - indicators of pedestrian crossings, enter the word into the children's active dictionary "transition" .
  • To acquaint children with the rules of safe behavior on the roads, to develop cognitive abilities, speech, expand orientation in space, achieve children's answers to the questions posed, arouse interest in learning the rules of the road
  • Explain to children that you need to go out only with adults, bring up in children such qualities as benevolence, attentiveness, responsiveness, independence, curiosity

Lesson progress:

Teacher: Hello children! Oh, someone is knocking on our door, let's see who it is. (The teacher brings the dolls Masha and Katya.) Guys, dolls Masha and Katya came to visit us. When they came to visit us, they almost got into trouble on the road. They are still small and do not know at all how to cross the road and where to cross it. Shall we show and tell our dolls where to cross the road? Children (in chorus): Yes!

Educator: Is the road needed for cars?

Educator: That's right, cars are driving along the road. And tell me, is it possible to play on the road and cross it where you want?

Children: No!

B. That's right. Let's remember what they call people walking down the street?

D. Pedestrians.

V. Well done! Do pedestrians have to follow the traffic rules?

B. Of course! And we teach these rules. And we must cross the roadway in specially designated places and where the sign "Pedestrian crossing" is installed. It is installed at the crossing point of the carriageway, next to the markings of the pedestrian crossing, such markings are called "zebra".

This sign is not difficult at all,

But so reliable

He helps along the way.

We have to cross the road.

E. This sign is called "Crosswalk".

Q. Let's recap how do pedestrians walk?

(with a calm step, along ... the sidewalk, on the right side, so as not to interfere with other pedestrians who are walking towards. But we need to cross to the other side. How to be?)

D. Cross the road at the pedestrian crossing.

B. That's right. The road must be crossed in a special designated place and only at the green traffic light. What is another name for the sign? "crosswalk" ?

Q. Why?

D. Because the zebra also has black and white stripes.

Teacher: Yes, that's right! But I know that Masha and Katya were in a hurry to visit us and ran across the road in the wrong place. Is it possible to do so?

Children: No!

Educator: Remember, Masha and Katya, and you guys: walking across the road not on a pedestrian crossing is life-threatening!

Physical education minute "On the way"

We're going, we're going home
By passenger car.
(movements imitating the turn of the steering wheel)
We drove up the hill: bang!
(hands up, clap above head)
The wheel went down: stop.
(hands through the sides down, sit down)

Educator: What good fellows you are! And now guys, let's watch a cartoon about the rules of behavior on the road.

Children: Come on!

Educator: Well done! Let's repeat Masha and Katya again: where do you need to cross the road?

Children: At the pedestrian crossing.

The teacher invites the children to play the game "Sparrows and Cars" . The game is repeated at the request of the children 2-3 times.

The teacher asks the children questions to consolidate their knowledge: So, can children play on the road? (Not). That's right, well done, we cannot play on the road because it is dangerous for our lives. Now tell me where to cross the road? (At the pedestrian crossing). Quite right, we cross the road only in specially designated places for pedestrians. Is it possible to cross the road in the wrong place? (Not). Well done, this is dangerous for our lives and is a violation of traffic rules. Now the guys and I are sure that you Masha and Katya will not violate the rules of the road and will be competent pedestrians, like the guys and I. Thank you bye.

Abstract of the lesson in the 2nd junior group on the rules of the road

"Our friend Traffic Light"


Learn to recognize and name road signs, understand their significance; continue to acquaint children with the work of a traffic light, its signals and the actions of pedestrians.

Enrich active vocabulary; improve sensory standards;

Develop active attention logical thinking children;

To develop skills for the conscious use of knowledge of the rules of the road in everyday life.

Equipment: Masha doll, letter, traffic light with three windows, red, yellow and green circles, steering wheel, road signs, plane cars different color, houses-garages matching the color of the cars.

Lesson progress:

One hand, two hands

We became friends a little

We are friendly guys

Friendly, obedient.

Let's smile at each other!

(children stand in a circle and hold hands)

Oh, look, who is in a hurry to visit us?(Masha appears)

Masha: Hello, kids! I brought you a letter from my friend Traffic Light. He asks you to help him. His traffic lights stopped working. But for this you will need to complete tasks.

Well, guys, let's help the Traffic Light?(Yes)

Let's remember what signals a traffic light has?(red, yellow, green)

Well done! To go on a journey, guess the riddle.

The house is walking down the street

Everyone is lucky to work.

Not on thin chicken legs,

And rubber boots. (bus)

Well done, and we'll go by bus. Who can tell me where we get on the bus?(at the bus stop)

That's right, what road sign means "bus stop"?(children show a sign, stand near it)

At the bus stop, we get on our bus and go!

Children stand behind the teacher, make a circle and stop near the “bus stop” sign.

And here is the first task!

Game "Name the Sign"

The teacher demonstrates the signs: "pedestrian crossing", "food point", "point of the first medical care”, “children”, “bus stop”.

What do these signs mean?


Pedestrian stripes

There is at every intersection,

And they're at the crossroads

Drawn for a reason!

Pedestrian walking on them

Pedestrian helps

Striped horse -

"Zebra", in other words!


This is a very important sign

It doesn't just hang.

Be careful, driver!

Near the garden, school yard.

First aid point

If something hurts

Doctor Aibolit needed!

The Red Cross helped along the way

Save the sick!

Food point

Hold on, my friend, just a little!

See the fork, see the spoon!

We won't rush

Here we can refresh ourselves!

What a nice sign

A fragrant lunch awaits us!

Bus stop

Stop, crowds of people.

The bus will be coming soon.

City transport is waiting here,

They go to the office, to the shop, home.

They go to school, kindergarten,

On holiday they go to the parade.

In the street circle

City transport in high esteem!

Well done, you know a lot of road signs! At our traffic light the first signal lights up(a red circle is hung at the traffic light)

Children go around the circle and stop.

Our Traffic Light wants to test your knowledge of traffic lights.

Game "Traffic Light"

I show you a red flag, you stand still, yellow - you clap your hands, if green - you march.

Everyone did their job.(traffic lights turn yellow)

Physical education minute

We're going, we're going home(movements imitating steering wheel)

By passenger car.

We drove up the hill: clap,(hands up, clap above head)

The wheel went down: stop.(hands through the sides down, sit down)

And we continue our journey.(children pass and stop)

Children, look what is this?(cars)

How many cars and all colorful.

Game "Put the car in the garage"

The teacher shows flat cars of different colors. Houses-garages are laid out on the table.

It is necessary to find a garage for each car.(children take turns calling the color of the car and putting it to a suitable garage house)

What good fellows you all are, our Traffic Light has earned all the signals.(green signal lights up)

What signals do traffic lights have?(red, yellow, green)

At what signal can you cross the road?(to green)

What should you do at a red traffic light?(to stand)

What are the names of the signs that we have learned today?(road)

Masha: Thank you very much! You have completed all the tasks. Now you know road signs. Helped my friend Traffic Light, next time he will definitely come to visit you. Goodbye, kids! See you soon!