
Preparation of the hand for writing (workbooks). Recipes for children - letters, numbers, games Recipes draw in the cells to print


The desire of parents for the child to be able to write letters and numbers beautifully is understandable and justified. But desire alone is not enough. You should make a lot of effort and patience so that your beloved child can easily overcome tasks in prescriptions. And therefore, caring parents are advised to follow those rules that help. Below in the article you will find prescriptions for preschoolers, which you can download to your computer and print. First, we advise you to read the rules for teaching a child writing in prescriptions in order to initially put the hand, inclination, and posture correctly.

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Recipes for download

Bortnikova E.
“My first recipes.
Cells and rulers»

Medeeva I. G.
“Recipes for preschoolers.
We write in lines"

Petrova E. S.
"Recipes with exercises
for babies"

Zakharova O.
“Recipes for preschoolers.
We write and pronounce correctly

Aleksandrova O.
“I want to go to school.
Learning to write.
For preschoolers»

Zakharova O.
for preschoolers.
Reading in syllables and writing

coloring pages
for preschoolers

Operenova O. V.
“I write words.
Workbook for children 4 - 6 years old "

coloring pages
for preschoolers

Shtec A. A.
“Recipe. Tutorial
for class 1"

Zavyazkin O.
In Russian"

Betenkova N. M.
“Recipe for preschoolers.
My first notebooks

Bezrukikh M. M.
"Recipes for first graders
having difficulty learning to write
and left-handed children

Panshina I. A.
"Recipe for left-handers"

Gavrina S. E. and others
“We draw by cells.
Notebook number 2 with assignments
for the development of children"

Shevchuk L. N.
“Getting ready for school.
Recipe for preschoolers in a line
for children 4 - 6 years old "

Bortnikova E.F.
“My first recipes.
Notebook for children 5 - 6 years old "

Bortnikova E.F.
“My first recipes.
Notebook for children 6 - 7 years old "

Merry recipes
for preschoolers

Golenishcheva O.
Charging for fingers»

“Recipes for preschoolers.
We draw with two hands.
For children 5 - 6 years old "

Creating conditions for classes in copybooks for preschoolers

The primary task is to organize the workplace of the baby. The child must understand that the play area is incompatible with the learning areas. Therefore, you should carefully consider and determine a comfortable space for doing copywriting, taking into account the following factors:

Installing the necessary inventory

Consider the question of choosing a desk and a chair for it. The parameters directly depend on the growth of the baby. We can safely say that the furniture for the child grows with him. The chair on which the future student will sit should not be too high for his legs. When planting a child on a chair, the legs are comfortably located on the floor. We also choose a student table based on the size of growth, but at the same time taking into account the parameters of the selected chair. The length of the desk is not less than 600 millimeters, and the width is not more than 50 centimeters. At the same time, choose the color of the student table neutral shade. Coloring should not have too dark or light tones.

Selection of lighting equipment for a preschooler

A necessary parameter for the hygiene of the child's vision. The main criteria for choosing table lighting are:

  • Uniform light output.
  • No discomfort from too bright light.
  • Discreet color and graphic design of the ceiling.
  • The lamp should completely hide the light bulb and have the shape of a trapezoid or a small cone.
  • It is desirable that the color of the lamp, which is necessary for a better visual perception, corresponds to a green tint. This color is favorable for the pupils of the eyes.

Follow these criteria for the necessary arrangement of the written zone of the child when purchasing. A properly equipped workplace for a future student is a kind of foundation for future achievements.

Preparing a preschooler for practical exercises with prescriptions

Having placed the equipment and inventory properly, take care of no less global tasks that are also necessary to achieve your goals. For example, such as:

Gradual addiction of the child to the desktop. Teach the future student to take a break from games and engage in practical work. Do it systematically and little by little. During such abstractions from games, take up drawing or modeling with your child. The main basis here is the child's getting used to working at a desk. The best option adaptation to such activities will be daily and a certain time.

Correct posture at the desk

To avoid subsequent complications of the spinal muscles and spine, as well as malfunction internal organs should strictly follow the rules for the prevention of violations of posture. Since it does not help in preventing curvature in the vertebral part and has a beneficial effect on mental performance and the development of mindfulness. Therefore, it is imperative to teach the child to sit properly at the desk. The following are the basic rules for sitting at the practice table:

  • The knee part has a strict right angle.
  • The joints of the elbows lie on the student table.
  • Both feet are on the floor. If the legs do not reach the floor surface, then you should purchase a special footrest.
  • The back is straight and not tense. Invaluable assistance is provided by a special ledge on the back of the chair. It is needed as a support for the lumbar.
  • During classes, make sure that the child does not tilt his head forward, or does not try to bend his back to the side.

Choosing a pen for writing

This task is not as easy as it might seem at first. At the moment, the stationery market is extensive and the range of pens, respectively, is also rich. To choose the right option for your beloved child, you will have to understand the intricacies of the purchased product.

  • The plastic tube of the pen must have a writing ball tip.
  • The ink is pasty and of good quality.
  • Pen body without ribbed surface.
  • For left-handers, there are handles with a special slope.
  • The rod is required without indicators scratching the paper.
  • The length of the writing instrument is medium in size (about fifteen centimeters).
  • In no case should you use a gel-filled pen, as its use will inevitably lead to a negative result of calligraphy.

After the child is accustomed to systematic studies and has learned to keep his back at the desktop, we can say that he is ready to master the recipes.

Rules for alphabetic and numerical spelling in copybook for a preschooler

The next stage is the fulfillment of direct tasks for the correct spelling of numbers and letters in copybooks. For your child to achieve results, pay attention to:

  1. Correct hand position while writing. A right-handed child must remember that the tip of the pen with which he writes is looking at the shoulder of his right hand. Well, naturally mirror reflection of this rule is the left shoulder for lefties.
  2. Any writing instrument, whether it be a pen or a pencil, should be covered by three fingers. Above the index and large, and below the middle.
  3. The distance from the rod tip to the index finger is 15 millimeters. Try not to forget about such a trifle, otherwise the future student will get used to writing in a way that is convenient for him at that time.
  4. While writing, one should not forget about the gap between the desk and the abdominal part of the body, the size of this distance is one fist length.
  5. The distance between the eyes and the working base of the table is 30 centimeters, otherwise the child will have vision problems.
  6. The sheets of prescriptions required for filling are rotated 30 degrees from themselves, for a better perception of information.
  7. The pressure of the hand on the writing instrument is medium.

When writing alphabetic or numeric values ​​in special notebooks, one should not forget that:

  • The hand with which the child displays letters or numbers is directly connected to the wrist. This part of the brush is its immediate support.
  • When writing, make sure that the little finger and edge of the writing hand move the wrist gradually and with care.
  • Use rubber tips on your writing instrument. They have small indentations for the fingers. With its help, you can speed up the process of holding your hand correctly when writing.

For children who write with their left hand, there are slight deviations from the general rules and they say the following.

In the "Recipe" section, you can download for free teaching materials for the development of writing skills, designed for schoolchildren and preschoolers. Also, with the help of copybooks, you can correct your own handwriting or learn to write in a different handwriting.

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Y. Astapova

Recipes are designed to prepare children preschool age to writing in a notebook. Tasks will help develop fine motor skills and hand coordination, form graphic skills and imagination of the child. Recipes will help children learn to navigate on a sheet of paper in a narrow oblique ruler, tasks will develop visual perception, logical thinking. You can work on these recipes both individually and in a group.

N.V., Musberg

Here is a prescription, exercising according to which the baby will be able to train the small muscles of the hand and achieve proper coordination of the fingers when writing.
The material in the recipes is presented in the form of exciting tasks for attentiveness, accuracy and coordination of movements. The kid must learn to draw various curly and continuous lines evenly and beautifully, and try not to tear the pencil off the paper. Performing such tasks, he will learn to carefully trace along dotted line, will easily master the first skills of writing and drawing, will gain dexterity when working with a pen and pencil.

Astapova Yu.

Recipes are designed to prepare preschool children for learning to write.
The tasks of the notebook introduce the child to the configuration of the letters of the Russian alphabet. Children memorize the name of the letters and their configuration, learn to enter the shape of the letter into the working line, observing its proportions, write letters at an equal distance from each other, start work at the beginning of the line on the left, observe the size of the line, and use the hygienic rules of writing.

Dragonfly Publishing House

Coloring books that are designed to help develop the small muscles of the hand and the correct coordination of the fingers when writing in children younger age. By completing tasks, the child will master the first skills of drawing, writing, tracing, and also learn to think and fantasize. For primary school students.

Trifonova N.M., Romanenko E.V.

To successfully master school skills, a child needs to have a well-developed, since a large load on the hand at school can cause a feeling of fatigue, tension and a violation in the formation of handwriting.

Mastering writing skills is a long and difficult process. Without the help of adults, it is very difficult to learn how to write, to visually control the direction of the hand when writing, while maintaining the duration and continuity of movements.

The modern school makes great demands on children entering the first grade. At the first stage of education, children most often experience difficulty with writing: the hand gets tired quickly, the working line is lost, the correct spelling of letters does not work out, the child does not fit into the general pace of work.

Developed children's hands are needed not only for school, but also for the entire subsequent life of children. Therefore, the surest way is not to wait for school, but to prepare for it.

All the proposed tasks on writing skills can be printed and studied with the child.




These exercises will help a preschooler master the skills of orientation on a sheet of paper in a cage, copy drawings, copy figures point by point.

Today's school makes quite serious demands on children aged 6-7 who come to the first grade. It is no longer possible to count on the fact that, as once in the past, children will come to school and be taught everything there. One of the most important signs of a child's readiness for school is the development of fine motor skills and initial writing skills.

It is to solve this problem that specialists have developed recipes. These simple squiggles, lines, pictures help him get used to the pen, develop his hand, form the skill of writing future parts of letters and numbers. To help preschool children prepare for school, parents, thanks to the Internet, can print copybooks for children 6-7 years old for free.

But you need to start preparing early. The first prescriptions can be given to babies already from three years. For this, special developing funny pictures and patterns are developed for children 3-4 years old, circling which they begin their first acquaintance with pencils and pens.

In order to print, click on the picture, it will open in a special window, then right-click on the picture and select "Print"

Coloring pages with pictures and the simplest lines and shapes are the first stage of learning for children. The kid gets used to holding a pencil or brush in his hands, coloring his favorite characters. Some colorings also include a copybook element, when the silhouette of the picture is made in the form of a thin dotted line. The young artist traces it to make the drawing bright and clear, learning how to draw smooth lines in this way.

Recipes for children 3-4 years old do not include any letters or numbers. Preschoolers learn to trace simple geometric shapes, large drawings and lines. Sticks and hooks are built into the coloring picture. The kid can first color the drawing, and then circle these elements.

Adults make sure that the line that the baby leads is not interrupted and does not go much beyond the contour.

Even if your kids are over the age of 3-4, it's worth checking how easy they are with coloring pages and the simplest copybooks before moving on to the next step. The more a preschooler draws in coloring books (any), the more developed fine motor skills hands, the easier it will be for him to write.

Recipes for children - learning to write in a playful way

Letters and numbers

At the age of 5-6 years, children begin to be introduced to letters and numbers, to master their spelling. First, they learn to write the elements of letters correctly - hooks and squiggles, sticks and lines. Mandatory included in prescriptions for children 5-6 years old printed letters, which they circle along the dotted lines.

When teaching children to write letters, do not forget about numbers. Learning how to write them is no less difficult for toddlers. At this age, the preschooler also begins by mastering the correct spelling of the elements of numbers.

At the beginning, at the first stage of working with letters and numbers, the parents hold the baby's hand in theirs. So he can feel correct order hand movements. This is very important for the subsequent beauty and correctness of writing. After the preschooler has understood how to act, he will trace the lines himself.

Alphabet for schoolchildren

At the age of 6-7 years, children come to school and begin to learn Russian. The correct order of writing letters determines the speed of writing in the future, the beauty and clarity of handwriting. The teacher at school does not have enough time to work it out. Here, parents and prescriptions come to the aid of the student. At 6-7 years old, children should already master capital letters. Arrows indicate the direction of hand movement. Parents must ensure that the novice student follows these instructions.

Recipes - mathematical

In order for children of 6-7 years old to have success in mathematics, parents should use mathematical prescriptions. They include examples of writing numbers and their elements, simple examples, geometric figures. If a small student works out at home writing numbers to automatism, without confusing, for example, 6 and 9, this will give him more time in mathematics at school to understand the essence of the examples, tasks and rules that the teacher explains.

Copy-books - English

Often children 6-7 years old already begin to learn English language. Writing the English alphabet has its own specifics. It includes both letters corresponding to the Russian alphabet, and completely unfamiliar to children before. Even letters similar to Russian ones are written a little differently, and completely new ones are especially difficult to master. Here, students will also come to the aid of copybooks with English letters. All these necessary and developing recipes can be downloaded and printed for free.

Capital letters for children, learn to write Russian capital letters

It is important to immediately correctly place the child's hand when writing. The need for calligraphic writing, as well as the choice of the correct posture when writing in a notebook, is dictated by life itself. Many children write in any position they like, and hold a pen or pencil as they please. The kids explain at the same time that it is more convenient for them to hold a pen or pencil clenched into a fist. But as a result of the lack of the necessary support, the hand can turn out, the hand quickly becomes numb, the shoulder joint swells. In this situation, there is no question of good technique and staging of writing. There are special recipes for children 6-7 years old that help children easily, effortlessly learn how to draw beautiful circles, sticks, curls. You can download recipes on the Internet in your free time, so that if necessary, work out with your child. It is difficult and problematic to remake an incorrect posture or an erroneous writing technique as a consequence, and it is very difficult to wean from what becomes a habit.

When teaching the technique of writing, you need to apply soft perseverance. The child will initially put his fingers the way he wants, therefore, in all cases, the help of an adult is needed during classes.

Correct posture and hand position when writing

If the elbow joints stick out a little from the edge of the table, it is necessary that the child sits down and folds his arms completely on the table. It is impossible for the baby to lean his chest on the edge of the table, this can lead to a curvature of the spine and visual impairment. Moms and dads, looking from the side, will immediately understand how the baby is sitting, whether his back is even.

The pen should not be constantly pointed at the child's shoulder during writing lessons. Using prescriptions for children downloaded on the Internet, you can achieve the correct movement of the hand. The most important thing is that during such exercises, the fingers of the children hold the handle in the correct position, do not squeeze it strongly, and that the position of the body is not very tense.

During classes, you should do a hand massage, it is useful to do it several times a day. They do it as follows: starting to massage the fingers, lightly stroking, and rubbing. Then, the fingers are lightly pressed and pinched, bent and unbent all together or in turn. During flexion and extension of the fingers, a nursery rhyme is usually read, for example: “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers are tired. We'll take a break and start writing again. Finishing the massage, you just need to shake your hands.