
Relationships parent teenager author Markovskaya and M. Questionnaire "Parent-Child Interaction" (I.M. Markovskaya) Practical work with parents showed the lack of funds that can be. It is carried out by us in two versions.


“Markovskaya I. M. Training of interaction between parents and children. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2005. - 150s, illustration. ISBN 5-9268-0030-7 Author...»

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Markovskaya I. M.

Parent-child interaction training. - St. Petersburg: Speech,

2005. - 150s, illustration.

parents in the field of education and interaction with children. Described

experience of working with parents, conducted in the genre of group counseling

vaniya, and also contain methodological developments to the course.

The book is of interest to practical psychologists, specialists

working with children and families, as well as for parents interested in the development of the child and building effective relationships with him.

BBK88.5 © Rech Publishing House, 2000 © Markovskaya I. M., 2000 ISBN 5-9268-0030-7 © Borozenep P V., cover, 2000


The changes taking place in society in recent years relate to various aspects of life. The work that is offered to the attention of readers, in our opinion, is a manifestation of one of these changes in the public consciousness. The fact is that the psychologist's approach to solving the problems of the child or the family as a whole, considered in the book by I. M. Markovskaya, is a step towards the formation of psychological thinking and the psychological culture of society. The author proposes a training option for parents and children aimed at finding joint solutions, bringing two worlds closer together, so close, interdependent, but, unfortunately, not always peacefully coexisting.

I can safely say, based on extensive experience in training, practical, teaching work with a wide variety of groups of people, that a huge number of limitations, difficulties, untapped resources of our adult life should be sought in childhood. Oddly enough, serious wise adults manage to correct and change far from everything that is embedded in them in childhood, sometimes we carry the burden of unresolved childhood experiences all our lives. However, certainly subject to our adult awareness and control is the ability to stop moving in a vicious circle and save our children from the burden of their own problems and limitations. Group work often becomes one of the most effective means in this direction. Group effects make it possible to remove the feeling of oneness and uniqueness of one's own difficulties, allow one to receive feedback, in this case from both adults and children, allow one to look at one's family from a different point of view. In the case of communication with children, the most important condition effective interaction is the recognition of the center of interaction between parents and children of the child's nature, respect for his right to be the way he is, what is called in psychology the term "acceptance". In the setting of individual counseling, it is often much more difficult to direct a parent along this path than during group work.

The program proposed by the author is based on various theoretical approaches to understanding the relationship between an adult and a child, a summary of which precedes the actual practical part. An important place is given to diagnostic methods, where, along with traditional procedures, an author's questionnaire of parent-child relations is proposed. In our opinion, the essential advantage of the work is that all the procedures, exercises, structure of classes proposed by I. M. Markovskaya are tested, verified, included in the training program after reflection, correction and testing.

The book is intended primarily for psychologists working with children, adolescents, and parents. I would like to hope that, having served as a basis, a framework for classes, the proposed program will not remain rigid and unchanged.

Any specialist working with people knows how alive, changeable, and that is why this field of activity is tempting and interesting. As for working with children, predeterminedness and rigidity are completely unacceptable, and simply impossible for productive work. One might wish that the Parent Training program would become an example for practitioners of a creative, thoughtful approach to work, the search for its new ways and forms.

A specialist-oriented book, however, can be useful for parents who are interested in finding contact and mutual understanding with the child, ready to recognize in him a personality and appreciate his right to be himself.

And the last. No most the best program and my wise leadership itself cannot be realized and bring success without work, patience, rejection of illusions and readiness for change. I would like to wish good luck and strength on this difficult path and the author of the book to its readers.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, General manager Institute of Training Nina Khryashcheva.


In the modern world, the understanding of the family as determining not only the development of the child, but ultimately the development of the whole society is growing.

The interaction of a child with a parent is the first experience of interaction with the outside world.

This experience is fixed and forms certain patterns of behavior with other people, which are passed down from generation to generation. In every society, a certain culture of relationships and interactions between parents and children develops, social stereotypes arise, certain attitudes and views on family upbringing, and it is hardly an exaggeration to say that the civilization of society is determined not only by the attitude towards women, but also by the attitude to children.

In the second half of our century, Western psychology experienced a significant increase in research on the problems of the upbringing and development of the child in the family. Among the reasons for turning to this topic is the development of democratic relations in society, the penetration of ideas of equality into the system of family relations. According to R. Dreykus, parents who continue to speak to their children from a position of power and superiority do not realize that children listen to them from a position of equality, and for this reason, authoritarian methods of education are doomed to failure.

The growing interest in the problems of family education in our country is associated with new socio-economic conditions. Changes in ideological orientations or their complete absence create difficulties that modern parents have to face. At the same time, the ongoing democratization of the training of interaction between parents and children of social institutions could not but affect family relations.

Traditionally, psychological assistance to the family is provided within the framework of individual psychological counseling. New conditions require new approaches and methods of work of a psychologist with a family, including group methods of work with parents, who Lately are gaining more and more popularity. These methods can be seen as a model of group counseling with parents, often more effective than individual counseling. Many parents are quite aware of the shortcomings of their upbringing, but very often they lack elementary psychological literacy to solve their problems. An analysis of family situations in a group helps the parent to look at himself from the outside, “through the eyes of others”, and thus, as it were, objectify his behavior. Parents begin to better understand their own parenting stereotypes, which are not the result of a conscious choice of the educator, but are usually adopted either “inherited” from their parents, or are the result of ideas about the relationship between the child and the parent received from the close social environment, the mass media. communication and information.

This publication can be considered as a methodological manual for the course "Training of interaction between parents and children" conducted by the author in the second year of study at the special faculty of St. Petersburg University (Chelyabinsk branch). We hope that the training program offered to the attention of the reader will be useful in providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents.



(a brief overview of the main directions) Group methods of psychological work are presented and comprehended in various theoretical concepts. Recently, these forms, as noted by L. A. Petrovskaya, “have become a true sign of the times, both because of their economy and because of their efficiency, in some cases higher than individual work.”

In domestic science and practice, the interaction of a psychologist with parents is mainly carried out within the framework of psychological counseling. The mention of work with parental groups can be found only in some studies (A. S. Spivakovskaya, A. Ya. Varga, A. I. Zakharov), and most often such work is not an end in itself, but is carried out as an addition to correctional program conducted with children, or is an integral part of psychological correction. Recently, the direction using group forms of education and therapy for parents has begun to develop more actively.

In foreign psychology and pedagogy, parent groups have established themselves as a very effective form of education and solving the psychological problems of parents. Group classes with parents are most widespread in modern America. It is known that in the United States special attention is paid to the family factor, family assistance programs are carried out at the federal level and are supported by public and religious organizations. Thus, Thomas Gordon's widely known program "Training effective parent» carried out through a wide range of organisations: social service agencies, schools, churches, adult education centres, counseling centres, municipal centers mental health etc.

I would like to hope that in our country, group methods of working with parents will be disseminated and supported at the state level.

As a rule, psychological approaches to working with parental groups exist within the framework of certain theoretical concepts. Consider the most famous of them.

The need to turn to work with parents in the practice of child development counseling was first declared within the framework of the psychodynamic approach. An important merit of the psychoanalytic direction is that its founders paid attention to the early experience of interaction between parents and children and to various types of psychic trauma in childhood (3. Hall, A. Freud, K. Horney). The information obtained in the works of T. Adorno, W. Schutz, J. Bowlby, E. Erickson, M. Ainsworth and others has gained wide popularity and recognition. They emphasized the importance of early childhood care and humane treatment.

Many results of psychoanalytic research have been the focus of public discussions and decisions. Thus, a conference of experts (pediatricians, psychologists, pediatric psychiatrists and social workers), arranged in 1954 in Stockholm World Organization health care, has come to the almost unanimous conclusion that the hospitalization of a child may pose a danger to his healthy mental development. From this came certain requirements aimed at prevention: it was recommended to avoid hospitalization if possible, to admit mothers together with small children, to provide the opportunity for daily visits, to carry out profound changes in the regimen and to make the entire environment of hospitals "more humane"".

Langmeier J., Mateinik 3. Psychic deprivation in childhood / Per. from Czech. - Prague: Avicenum. - 1984.

9 In line with the psychoanalytic direction, the three-dimensional theory of interpersonal behavior by W. Schutz (1958) became famous. In his opinion, each individual is characterized by three interpersonal needs: the need for inclusion, the need for control and the need for love. Violation of these needs can lead to mental disorders. Behavioral patterns formed in childhood completely determine the ways in which an adult person orients himself in relation to others. This position of the theory of W. Schutz reproduces the fundamental position of psychoanalysis about the decisive role of early childhood in the development of personality. By inclusion, Schutz understands the need to be included in a group. Relations between the child and parents are positive if they are full of contacts, and negative if the parents minimize communication with the child. If the child is not adequately integrated into the family group, he may later show insufficient social or oversocial behavior.

Conducting parent groups relies heavily on a number of general principles organization of their work. WITH.

Slavson introduces the concept of "primary group code", which includes three main postulates:

1) the subject of discussion is children and ways of interacting with their parents;

2) all members of the group have the right to freely participate in a discussion devoid of formalism and routine;

Alfred Adler can rightly be considered one of the pioneers in the study of the interaction between an adult and a child. The Adlerian direction in working with parents has its own methods, methods and techniques in working with parents and children, it is largely socially oriented and can be considered as different from the psychoanalytic approach. In 1919, A. Adler founded a psychopediatric center in Vienna, where he developed his innovative consulting approach and worked with children, parents and preparators.

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"Christensen O.-K, Thomas K. R. Dreykus and the search for equality // Help for parents in raising children - M .: Progress - 1992.

Sidorenko E. V. Complex of "inferiority" and analysis of early war commemorations in the concept of Alfred Adler. - C 116- St. Petersburg State University 1993, Group forms of work with parents 11 pointed to equality between parents and children both in the field of rights and in the field of responsibility - equality, but not identity. Parents must be taught to respect the uniqueness, individuality and integrity of their children from the very beginning. early age, Adler believed. The main principle of family education, according to A. Adler, is mutual respect for family members. He puts the self-consciousness of the child in direct dependence on how much he is loved and respected in the family. This line of work with parents is based on their conscious and purposeful behavior. A. Adler considers parental education not only from the point of view of the development of the child and the family, but also from the point of view of society - as an activity, the result of which affects his condition 4.

Among the most important results of the public recognition of the psychology of A. Adler was the appearance family counseling and family education study groups to help families establish a democratic lifestyle based on the principles of social equity and the public interest. In the USA, this movement was largely stimulated by the work and personal enthusiasm of R. Dreykus, A. Adler's student. He first organized parental counseling at the Center. Abraham Lin Coln in Chicago in 1939.

The relevance of the ideas of Adler and Dreykus is undoubtedly connected with the crisis in which families found themselves in the first half of our century. Traditional methods of parenting, establishing relationships between parents and children based on the principle of superiority and subordination, have proven to be rather ineffective. With the development of a democratic social system and the struggle for social equality in the United States of America, the idea of ​​equality has gripped society so much that children also see themselves as socially equal to adults, and for this reason authoritarian methods of education are doomed to failure. Talking to children "from top to bottom" leads to the fact that children, in turn, also speak "from top to bottom" with their parents. This type of interaction can be observed in families with varying degrees of tension.

Khyamyalyaynen Y. Parenting: Concepts, directions and perspectives / Per. from Finnish - M.: Enlightenment. - 1993.

12 Parent-Child Interaction Training Rudolf Dreykus pioneered the organization of discussion groups with parents living in the neighborhood (Dreykus and Soltz, 1964). He contributed to the development of the idea of ​​"family council" as one of the means to help establish an atmosphere of love and trust in the home. Dreykus believed that parents in their activities should be based on such principles as:

the principle of logical and natural consequences, the principle of non-use of force, the principle of accepting and responding to the needs of children, and the principle of supporting children. He assumed that parents would share experiences with each other, ask questions, and seek the support and approval of the group. The main task of the leader of the group is the skillful organization of the discussion, the formulation of questions, and each member of the group can periodically take on the role of the leader of the group in the exchange of information and special knowledge.

R. Dreykus considers bad behavior as the activity of a child whose efforts, focused on achieving goals, are directed in the wrong direction. Dreykus formulated the goals of the negative behavior of the child. The concept of four goals is based on Adler's assumption that people are social beings whose behavior is purposeful and whose basic desire is to be part of a group.

Any undesirable behavior of a child may be based on the following goals:

Demanding attention or comfort;

Desire to show their power or defiant defiance;

Revenge, retribution;

Assertion of one's insolvency or inferiority.

The purpose of psychological assistance to parents, according to Dreykus, is to help them and their children learn as much as possible. suitable types interactions. Interaction should be based on the principle of equal values ​​and mutual respect. The main task of family education is to help the child become a competent person who uses constructive means to form a sense of his own dignity and achieve a certain social position.

Group forms of work with parents

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From the point of view of H. Ginott, parents need to provide practical assistance in family education through the formation of their communication skills Ginott X. Parents and children / Per. from English. - M.: Knowledge. - 1986.

Training of interaction of parents with children and management of children's behavior. In his writings, he described three different types of group work with parents: psychotherapy proper, psychological counseling, and personal guidance. Group psychotherapy is especially indicated for those parents who are not able to benefit from a pedagogical-psychological education, because their perceptions, values ​​and attitudes are too distorted and do not allow changing the style of family education.

The model of group psychological counseling for parents makes it possible to introduce greater objectivity into the relationship of group members with their own children. The main methods are group discussion, work in subgroups, role-playing games. The hallmark of parents who can benefit from group work is that their problems are not "chronic".

According to Ginott, the most difficult times are when:

The child begins to walk;

He is being potty trained;

He is going to school;

He begins puberty;

He's going to high school.

The groups were formed both in accordance with the age of the children and in accordance with certain problems of the children and their parents. In his work, Ginott used two main methodological techniques: tactful, purposeful questioning about how the child may feel in difficult moments of interaction with parents, and analysis of the group members' own emotional experiences.

According to Ginott, parent-child communication should be based on three basic principles.

First, in all situations, parents should strive to maintain a positive self-image in the child.

Secondly, one should talk about the situation, the child's act, avoiding personal negative value judgments. The statements of an adult should not contain a diagnosis and prognosis of the future fate of the child.

Thirdly, in communication, an adult should always initiate proposals for co-group forms of work with the parents of the operation. This sentence should not be filled with a direct indication of the appropriate course of action, but should reveal to the child the possibility of independently resolving the problem situation.

Many of Jainop's provisions are consistent with the ideas of another model of work with parents - T. Gordon's program. This program is based on the ideas of human mystical psychology. In Western psychology, this direction exists in line with the concepts of G. Allport, A. Maslow, K. Rogers, S. Bueller, V. Frankl, R. May and many others. G. Allport, A. Maslow and K. Rogers created a philosophy of science that combined the methods of natural science and phenomenology and recognized the priority of human subjectivity. G. Allport first used the term "humanistic psychology" in 19306. Maslow in his work “On the Psychology of Being” (1962) wrote: “... [Science]. to diplomats. All these people can have amazing insight, ask exactly the questions that should be asked, put forward hypotheses worthy of attention, and can even be for the most part accurate and right. But ... they will never be able to make people believe it all mankind .... Science is the only way at our disposal to force the recognition of the truth.

Despite the differences in the directions of humanistic psychology, they have in common the approach to a person as a specific model that differs from models that explain the behavior of animals or machines. A significant role is given to the activity of the individual. R. May, recognizing the significance of the influence of the elements of the external environment, emphasizes that one cannot still attribute personal problems to the facts of heredity or the environment: “A personal problem primarily requires a redistribution of stresses within the personality, and not a search for reasons outside”7.

Creeper S, Carvalo R. de. The problem of method in humanistic psychology// Psychological w-l. 1993. V. 14. No. 2. S. 113-126.

" May R. The Art of Psychological Counseling / Translated from English - M .: NF "Class", 1994.

Parent-Child Interaction Training Rogers believed that it was very important to be able to establish a "helping relationship" between parent and child, teacher with student, therapist with client. He wrote that the helping attitude is “characterized by acceptance of the other person as an individual of value, as well as a deep empathic understanding that enables me to see personal experience person from his point of view.

According to Rogers, increased acceptance of oneself leads to increased acceptance of the other, and all this, ultimately, leads to improved human relations. N. Neil and J. Neil formulated the principles of a humanitarian-psychological approach to marriage, in which each of the spouses can remain himself and develop his talents. These principles are connected with Maslow's concept of self-actualization and with the views of K. Rogers on the innate goodness of a person. According to S. Kratochvil, such ideas about a person can be considered “somewhat idealistic, and the idea of ​​marriage - to a certain extent romantic”8.

The ideas of humanistically oriented psychology are reflected in the practice of raising children in the family and society (T. Gordon, M. Snyder, R. Snyder), where special attention is paid to the ability to listen and understand children. At the same time, understanding is considered not just as a technique or the use of the right words, but as a model of the relationship between an adult and a child9.

Recently, in Russian psychology, many scientists are increasingly based on humanistic principles. The basis of this direction in our country was the ideas of M. M. Bakhtin about the dialogical nature of human communication, the human personality. This approach to the study of man is now used by L.A.

Petrovskaya, A. U. Kharash, G. A. Kovalev, O. E. Smirnova, A. F. Kopyev and others. A. U. Kharash notes that dialogic communication has the greatest educational potential10.

The distinctive features of dialogic communication are as follows:

Kratokhvil S. Psychotherapy of family-sexual disharmony. - M.: Medicine, 1991.

Snyder M., Snyder R., Snyder Jr. R. The child as a person: the formation of a culture of justice and education of conscience / Per. from English.

I. Sergeeva, V. Kagan. - M.: Meaning; St. Petersburg: Harmony, 1994.

Kharash A. U. Socio-psychological mechanisms of communicative influence. Abstract of the dissertation for the competition uch. Art. cand.

psychol. Sciences. - M., 1983.

Group forms of work with parents

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A great contribution to the study of the interaction of parents with children, of course, was made by representatives of the behavioral direction.

Back in the 40s B.-F. Skinner encouraged some of the world's most famous psychologists and social planners to use evidence-based methodology based on behavioral technology as a means of strengthening the family and society as a whole. He developed a number of projects that were based on principles that contribute to the improvement and increase in the quantity and quality of interactions - interactions between parents and children.

There are different concepts of learning. In classical Pavlovian conditioning, subjects begin to give the same response to different stimuli. In Skinner's operant learning, a behavioral act is shaped by the presence or absence of reinforcement for one of the many possible responses. These concepts do not explain how new behavior occurs. A. Bandura believed that Gordon T. R. E. T. in action. - Toronto, Bantam Books, 1979.

Group forms of work with parents, reward and punishment, are not sufficient to teach new behavior13. Children acquire new behavior by imitating the model. Learning through observation, imitation and identification is the third form of learning. Imitation-identification is a process in which a person borrows the thoughts, feelings, or actions of another person as a model.

Imitation leads to the fact that the child can imagine himself in the place of the model, experience sympathy, participation, empathy for this person.

The main emphasis in this direction is on the study of the technique of parental behavior and the formation of skills for modifying the child's behavior. Most proponents of the behaviorist theory recognize that behavior appears to arise from both observable and hidden factors. However, behaviorists are only interested in observable, directly measurable variables. They own the developed interaction analysis schemes, which are based on the understanding of human behavior as a function of reinforcements, rewards, rewards and punishments, for example, the theory of dyadic interaction by J. Thiebaud and G. Kelly. T. Newcomb suggested that attraction between individuals is a function of the degree to which mutual rewards are presented in interaction.

The efforts of practitioners in this area in working with parents are mainly focused on teaching parents how to change the child's behavior. So, using behavioral methods, R. J. Valer, J. X.

Winkel, R.-F. Peterson and D.-S. Morrison (1965) simultaneously successfully taught mothers of boys to school age techniques for canceling unacceptable responses, differential reinforcement, and timeout. In the study of K.-E. Allen and F.-R. Harris (1966) gives an example of how the mother of a five-year-old girl was taught to use a system of symbolic reinforcements - the so-called sign economy, which made it possible to wean the child from scratching himself.

Obukhova A.F. Child psychology: theories, facts, problems. - M.:

Trivola, 1995.

Andreeva G. M., Bogomolova N. N., Petrovskaya L. A. Modern social psychology in the West. - M.: Ed. Moscow State University, 1978.

20 Parent-Child Interaction Training Behavioral observers and experimentalists have found that rewards and reinforcements are much more effective at changing a child's unwanted behavior than punishments (K.-A. Anderson and H.-E. King, 1979).

B. Bucher and O.-I. Lovaas (1968) believed that the benefits that result from the methods of punishment are negligible compared to the very often occurring negative emotional reactions15.

In the experiments of N. Miller, J. Dollard, the conditions for imitation of the leader (with or without reinforcement) were clarified. Experiments were carried out on rats and on children, and in both cases similar results were obtained. The stronger the urge, the more the reinforcement enhances the stimulus-response connection. If there is no motivation, learning is not possible. Miller and Dollard believe that self-righteous people are bad learners.

N. Miller and J. Dollard rely on the Freudian theory of childhood traumas. They regard childhood as a period of transient neurosis, and the young child as disoriented, deceived, disinhibited, incapable of higher mental processes. From their point of view, a happy child is a myth. Hence the task of parents is to socialize children, to prepare them for life in society. N. Miller and J. Dollard share the idea of ​​A. Adler that the mother, who gives the child the first example of human relations, plays a decisive role in socialization. In this process, in their opinion, the four most important life situations. These are feeding, toilet training, sexual identification, the manifestation of aggressiveness in a child. Early conflicts are nonverbalized and therefore unconscious. To understand them, according to Miller and Dollard, it is necessary to use the therapeutic technique of 3. Freud. “Without understanding the past, it is impossible to change the future,” wrote Miller and Dollard.

Some practical psychologists use the methods of behavioral psychology in their work with parents. Application of the behavioral model in the process Simpson R.-A. Modification of the child's behavior // Help for parents in raising children. - M.: Progress, 1992.

Group forms of work with parents All group work with parents assumes that parents will have to master specific behavioral methods in order to achieve and evaluate pre-set goals. In line with this approach, the following authors can be noted: L. Berkowitz, Graziano, J. E. Simpson, Valer, and others. Proponents of behaviorism are focused on observable and measurable behavioral reactions, as well as facts of the surrounding reality that can be corrected with the help of behavior modification techniques. These should be controlled behavioral responses that contain movements that are amenable to external observation and fixation.

In the literature, you can also find another name for the behaviorist approach to working with parents - the educational-theoretical model (J. Hämäläine). The purpose of the educational-theoretical model of parenting is to inculcate social skills of behavior in parents, and through them and in their children. The term "social skills" is of great importance in the theory of social learning, it is understood as such a formed and fixed behavior with the help of which an individual can carry out purposeful actions in various situations, interacting with the social environment. Parents who possess social skills pass them on to their children through their behavior.

The tasks of such group work with parents are as follows:

First of all, parents are taught the skills of social observation (diagnostic skills);

F they are taught the principles of theory and their application in the upbringing of children (learning and applying theory);

Finally, parents are taught to create a specific evaluation program to change the child's behavior (child behavior intervention).

The facilitator of the program, together with the parents, develops a system of positive reinforcement and negative sanctions, although behaviorists primarily use their entire arsenal of positive reinforcement, as well as methods of ignoring.

One of the popular and frequently used models of working with parents is a model based on transactional analysis. The theory of transactional analysis was applied in work with parents by such psychologists as K. Steiner, M. James, and D. Jongward,16 as well as in our country, E. V. Sidorenko. The technique of working in line with transactional analysis involves mastering the basic concepts of this theoretical direction and transferring them to family soil. Working in groups involves the acquaintance of parents with the concept of personality according to the theory of E. Berne, with the main elements of structural analysis. So, in the training program, E. V. Sidorenko includes the development of the concept of "Pig Parent" by K. Steiner; experimenting with verbal and non-verbal signals emanating from the ego-states "Pig parent", "Caring parent", "Adult", "Little professor", "Natural child"; sociodrama "Transactional Discussion" and the fight against the "Pig Parent" 17.

M. James and D. Jongward use the example method in their practice, that is, they show how to act in each situation, having previously analyzed it.

It should be noted that group work with parents is carried out by specialists from different fields. Most often, such groups are organized for psychotherapeutic purposes, however, in the future, their creators transfer their work experience into the practice of conducting groups for parents whose children do not have any pronounced mental disorders. G.-L. Landreth. The main form of training is a live discussion in a group consisting of six to eight parents and a therapist18.

A description of group methods of working with parents, mainly within the framework of a correctional program with children with mi-neurotics, can be found in the works of domestic psychologists and psychotherapists A. Ya. .: Progress, 1993.

Sidorenko E. V. Experiences of reorientation training. - SPb., 1995.

Landreth G.-L. Play therapy: the art of relationships / Per. from English.

M.: Intern. teacher academy, 1994.

"Varga A. Ya. Structure and types of parental relationship. Dissertation for the competition of an academic candidate of psychology. Sciences. - M., 1986.

Group forms of work with parents A. I. Zakharova21. Understanding the essence of children's problems and improving the relationship between parents and children, which, according to the authors, occurs in the process of group work, increases the effectiveness of psycho-corrective measures with children.

Among other areas, one can also note the systems associated with religious views on the upbringing of children and parents. We in Russia now know one of the leading theoreticians of this direction - R. Camibell. Many of his conclusions coincide with theories, devoid of a Christian connotation, and especially often with the views of T. Gordon.

Thus, the directions described above are focused on different practices of working with parents, have different goals, objectives, attitudes, as well as different levels of complexity. The use of some models is impossible without knowledge of terminology and theory - behavioral model, transactional analysis; other models are largely socially oriented, aim at building democratic relationships with children and pay much attention to the elements of specific interaction - the Adlerian model, T. Gordon's program. These areas complement each other in many ways, and this is the reason for the use of elements of various programs in our practice of group psychological work with parents.

t Spivakovskaya AS Prevention of childhood neurosis. - M.: Ed.

Zakharov AI, Psychotherapy of neurosis in children and adolescents. - L.:

Medicine, 1482.







A practical study of the interaction between a parent and a child cannot do without specific methods. psychological diagnostics. At the same time, both personal characteristics of children and parents, as well as characteristics of parent-child relationships and interactions, can fall into the diagnostic zone. In group work with parents, the main emphasis is on diagnosing the sphere of relations and interaction.

The latter are closely related to each other: relationships are included in real interaction both as conditions and as a result. Therefore, it seems reasonable that researchers often draw conclusions about a certain interaction by studying the relationship of the participants of the parties to the interaction, and, conversely, judge the relationship of the parties by the nature of the interaction.

It should be noted that the methods of diagnosing parent-child interaction and parent-child relations are closely related to the tasks of psycho-correctional work, therefore it is desirable that they be not only ascertaining, that is, they would reveal a picture of existing relationships, but also heuristic - giving and expanding the possibility Diagnosis of the interaction of parents with children 25 understanding of the subjective world not only for the psychologist, but also for the person being examined. Such methods are usually not subject to very strict requirements regarding their diagnostic and prognostic validity - they serve to build working hypotheses, which are then refined and verified22.

In this area of ​​research, there are also new requirements for methods, such as the psycho-corrective effect of the research procedure itself, or at least the absence of a negative impact on the client23. It is also important that these methods contribute to the establishment of good contacts between the psychologist and the children and their parents.

Shmelev points out the need to comply with a certain proportion of standardized and clinical diagnostic methods of psychodiagnostics, as well as the correctional and therapeutic work itself, which should be in adequate accordance with:

The psychological content and dynamics of the problem complex itself, which characterizes the current state of the family;

Objective socio-economic conditions of work of a psychologist24.

Various bases are used for the systematics of psychodiagnostic methods.

So, based on the structural features of the methods, four groups of methods for diagnosing parental relationships are distinguished:

Conversations, interviews;



Purposeful or participatory observation of actual behavior and relationships.

It should be noted that not all methods lend themselves to such a clear classification, some General Psychodiagnostics / Ed. A. A. Bodaleva, V. V. Stolin. - M.: 23 Ed. Moscow State University, 1987.

Bodalev A. A., Stolin V. V.

On the tasks in the field of scientific and psychological support for the family service // Family and Personality Formation:

Sat. scientific works. - M., 1981. - S. 2-10.

"Shmelev A. G. Standardized methods of family psychodiagnosis // Family in psychological counseling / Edited by A. A. Bodalev, V. V. Stolin. - M., 1989. - P. 78-85.

Parent-child interaction training combines elements of various groups of methods.

A child's drawing can be regarded as a kind of interview given with the help of visual means, and the difference between this interview is its projective nature, since the drawing often shows such emotional experiences of children that they are not fully aware of or about which children prefer don't tell.

According to the subject of diagnostics, A. G. Shmelev divides standard psychodiagnostic methods into the following six types.

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In this classification, it is obvious that the category of interaction is understood in the narrow sense of the word, in its interactive meaning. However, if interaction is understood as a broader phenomenon, then it is necessary first of all to take into account the importance of the joint study of interaction and relationships.

In our opinion, three areas of study of parent-child interaction can be distinguished.

Diagnosis of interaction between parents and children 27 Study of interaction in the process of observation This is the study of visible interaction, the observed behavior of participants, partners in interaction. In this case, it is possible to use certain observation schemes, structured tasks, expert assessments, analysis of the products of a particular interaction, etc. There are well-known methods of observation that are used both in laboratory conditions and in conditions of psychological counseling. Such are, for example, instrumental techniques such as "homeostat", methods of symbolic interaction, STR - a joint Rorschach test. The use of these methods, as a rule, requires clear observation schemes and orientation to some theoretical concept.

An important feature of the methods aimed at studying the interaction in the process of observation is that they can be used in the process of training work with parents. In our work, direct observation of the interaction between parents and children is carried out in joint classes with children. This can be observation of “spontaneously” manifested interaction and observation in the process of performing special tasks, games, and exercises. Thus, the joint drawing of a parent and a child has proven itself well in the diagnostic plan.

It is carried out by us in two versions:

For children aged 3-5 years and their parents, we offer to draw a picture on a specific topic (“Our House”, “House”, “Holiday”);

Parents with older children are given the task to draw with one pen (pencil or felt-tip pen), but at the same time they are not allowed to negotiate and generally speak with each other.

In the future, each drawing is presented by the participants in the creative process and a story about how the interaction took place in a pair.

Observer psychologists (usually two of them) note in the observation map the characteristic type and features of interaction at various stages of drawing: cooperation, suppression by one of the participants, ignoring the needs of a partner, rivalry (competition), agreement, orientation to the interests of a partner, etc. d.

Parent-Child Interaction Training

–  –  –

The study of the relations of the participants in the interaction This is the study of the relations of the participants in the interaction, showing likes and dislikes for each other, a certain degree of closeness and distance, dependence and independence, etc. The study of the relations of the participants in the interaction process gives an indirect idea of ​​the process of interaction itself. Nevertheless, it is very important for understanding the essence and content of the interaction.

Some, methodical procedures, such as a color test of relationships, the technique of "included conflict"

Eidemiller E. G., Yustitsky V. V. Family psychotherapy. - L.:

Medicine, 1990.

Varga A. Ya., Stolin VV Test-questionnaire of parental attitude // Workshop on psychodiagnostics. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1988. - S. 107-113.

Etkind A. M. Color test of relationships // Workshop on psychodiagnostics. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1988. - S. 119.

Diagnosis of the interaction of parents with children 29 by Yu. V. Baskina28 can be used to study both children and parents. Others are supposed only for children (methods "Two houses", "SRT", R. Gilles' method, drawing methods) or only for parents (semantic differential, composition "My child").

It is important to note that, since interaction and relationships are closely related to each other, many methods can simultaneously provide information about both the participants' idea of ​​the interaction and their relationship (family relationship test, semantic differential, drawing methods, etc.). ).

We did not set ourselves the task of describing in detail all the methods used - they can be found in the psychological literature. Below is a summary of the author's methods used in group work with parents and for individual counseling of parents on the issues of raising children.




Practical work with parents has shown the lack of tools that can be used to diagnose parent-child relationships and interactions. It also turned out to be important to know not only the assessment of one side - the parents, but also the vision of this interaction on the part of the children. This need especially often arises in the psychological counseling of adolescents and their parents. The idea arose to compile a mirror questionnaire, which has two forms - for parents and for children. There are data in the literature on the study of the relationship of parents with children using questionnaires designed for children. So, there is a parent-child relationship questionnaire - Parent-Children Relations Questionnaire, which includes five attitudes: love, exactingness, attention, rejection and permissiveness. This questionnaire is widely used for Yu. - Abstract of diss. for an apprenticeship Art. cand. psychol. Sciences. - M., 1992.

Training of interaction between parents and children running. A. E. Lichko has a favorable experience in using the Bronfenbrenner Parental Positions Questionnaire. Finally, when the author's questionnaire presented to your attention was ready, data appeared in the press about the use of the ADOR questionnaire for adolescents by I. A. Gorkova29. However, none of the questionnaires mentioned above contains parallel forms for parents and children.

At the first stage of our work, we were faced with the task of choosing criteria for evaluating the interaction between parents and children, which could later become questionnaire scales.

Literature data indicate that most authors single out the following parameters of interaction between a parent and a child:

Autonomy-control (E. S. Sheffer, R. K. Bell, S. Brody, E. E. Maccoby, W. Schutz);

Rejection-acceptance (A. Roe, M. Segelman, A. I. Zakharov, D. I. Isaev, A. Ya. Varga);

Demanding (E. E. Maccoby, O. Conner, P. Slater);

The degree of emotional intimacy, affection (J. Bowlby, V. Schutz, G. T. Homentauskas);

Severity (E. E. Maccoby, P. Slater);

Inconsistency-consistency (S Brody, E. E. Maccoby, W.-H. Sevell, A. I. Zakharov).

These parameters were taken by us as the basis for the scales of the parent-child interaction questionnaire.

The questionnaire also included the scales "cooperation" and "consent" as important parameters of interaction, according to R.-F. Bales.

And S. Makarenko, S. V. Kovalev also note the importance of the authority of parents and associate with it the possibility of influencing the child. We considered it necessary to include the “authority” scale in the questionnaire. One of the most important indicators is the degree of satisfaction of parents with the process of interaction with children. Dissatisfaction of the parent with the relationship with the child can be an important factor in seeking psychological counseling. Satisfaction scale

included in the adult and children's versions of the questionnaire.

Initially, we were focused on ensuring that the questions were understandable not only to parents, but also to DeGorkova IA The influence of the family on the formation of delinquency in adolescents / / Psychological J-l. 1994. V. 15. No. 2. S. 57-65.

psychology e-mail: [email protected] Kursk State University The article analyzes modern research effective leadership, carried out by representatives of the Kursk socio-psychological school in the framework of the parametric concept of a small group. Particular attention is paid to both the personal qualities of youth effective ... "

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«ISSN 2076-7099 2010, No. 4 Psychological Journal of the International University of Nature, Society and Man "Dubna" Korepanova I.A. Ideas of happiness in children of five, six and seven years old // Psychological journal of the International University of Nature, Society and Man "Dubna". - 2010. - No. 4. Ideas of happiness in children of five, six and seven years old I. A. Korepanova, D. V. Bobrineva The article presents the results of an empirical study of subjective ...»

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“Yuzhaninova A. L. PROBLEMS OF THE USE OF FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAMINATION IN THE RUSSIAN LEGAL PROCEEDINGS Article address: on the issue under consideration. Source Almanac of modern science and education Tambov: Diploma, 2008. No. 6 (13): in 2 parts. Part I. C. 238-240. ISSN 1993-5552. Journal address: Contents of this journal issue:...”

“Foreword to the Russian edition This is not the first time the domestic reader has met this author. His books, co-authored with Robert Cialdini and Steven Neuberg, Laws and Secrets of Human Behavior: The Newest Psychological Encyclopedia (2008) and Psychological Atlas of Human Behavior (2008) were translated and published in the Newest Psychological Encyclopedia series, as well as Influence. Social Psychology. Understand yourself to understand others” (2002), “Aggression. Social Psychology. Understand yourself…”

“moral psychology. If we talk about the importance of the family as the main factor in educating the personality of students, then I would like to note that our domestic psychologist L.S. Vygotsky emphasized: “The basis for the correct development of a person is moral development. Morality begins with parents and teachers: a) with examples of behavior, b)..."

"Ron Hoff I See You Naked: How to Prepare for a Presentation and Deliver It with Brilliance" and psychotherapy Issue 12 Moscow Independent firm "Class" Hoff R. I see you naked: How to prepare for the presentation and hold it with brilliance / Per. from English by A.D. Jordanian. M.: Nezavisimaya firma Klass, 2005..p. Library of psychology and psychotherapy)...."

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116 Psychology. Historical-critical Reviews and Current Researches. 5`2014 Publishing House ANALITIKA RODIS ( [email protected]) UDC 159.92 Imprinting and development of the human brain Rasnitsyna Maria Sergeevna Pedagogue-psychologist of secondary secondary school 169 Moscow, Moscow Institute of Open Education, 119415, Moscow, st. Udaltsova, 21; e-mail: [email protected] Annotation The article is devoted to the features of human imprinting from the point of view of psychology and...»

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: 55°20′44″ s. sh. 39°49′45″ E d. /  55.3457000° N sh. 39.8293944° E d./ 55.3457000; 39.8293944(G) (I)

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50, 90, 150, 190, 750

OKATO code


The village is mentioned in written sources as Markovskaya .

The name probably comes from a personal name Mark or last name Markov .


It was first mentioned in the scribe books of the Vladimir district of the 17th century as a village Markovskaya Babinskaya kromina of the volost of Murom Selets, Vladimir district. The village belonged to Prince Ivan Kropotkin.

According to the X revision of 1858, the village belonged to Agrafena Mikhailovna Lyalina, princes Peter and Dmitry Nikolayevich Kropotkin, Elena Andreevna Afanasyeva, Marya Efremovna Konivalskaya and Trufanovsky Nikolai, Vera, Catherine.

The last owners of the village before the abolition of serfdom were Prince Kropotkin, the landowners Afonasiev, Palitsin, Protopopov, Protasiev and the landowner Lyalina.

After the abolition of serfdom, the village became part of the Korobovskaya volost.

During the Soviet era, the village was part of the Dmitrovsky Selsoviet.


1858 1859 1868 1885 1905 1926
156 ↘ 119 ↗ 121 ↗ 215 ↗ 280 ↘ 264
1970 1993 2002 2006 2010 2011
↘ 121 ↘ 39 → 39 → 39 ↘ 37 ↗ 52
↘ 46

Write a review on the article "Markovskaya (Moscow region)"


  1. , Page 157.
  2. , Pages 366-369.
  3. , Pages 94-95.
  4. , Page 70.
  5. , Pages 342-369.
  6. , Page 108.
  7. Collection of statistical information on the Ryazan province. Volume V. Issue. I. Yegoryevsky district. - Ryazan, 1886.
  8. Ryazan province. List of populated places according to 1859 / Ed. I. I. Wilson. - Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. - St. Petersburg. , 1863. - T. XXXV. - 170 s.
  9. Commemorative book of the Ryazan province for 1868. - Ryazan: Ryazan Provincial Statistical Committee, 1868.
  10. Populated places of the Ryazan province / Ed. I. I. Prokhodtsova. - Ryazan Provincial Statistical Committee. - Ryazan, 1906.
  11. . - Moscow Statistical Department. - M ., 1929. - 2000 copies.
  12. Kazakov V. M. Watch book. History of Shatura villages. Book one. - M .: Publishing house of the magazine "Moscow", 1995. - 244 p. - ISBN 5-89097-002-X.
  13. Census 2002 data: Table 2C. Moscow: Federal State Statistics Service, 2004
  14. (RTF+ZIP). Development of local self-government in the Moscow region. Retrieved February 4, 2013. .
  15. (DOC + RAR). M.: Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Moscow Region (2013). Retrieved October 20, 2013. .
  16. Decree of the Administration of the Shatura Municipal District dated November 16, 2011 No. 2799 “On the Creation of Conditions for Providing Food and Industrial Goods to Citizens Living in Rural Settlements of the Shatursky Municipal District”


  • Shatursky district of the Moscow region. Cultural and natural heritage (Explanatory text for the map, index of heritage sites). - M .: Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D.S. Likhachev, Administration of the Shatursky district of the Moscow region, 2003. - 104 p. - ISBN 5-86443-084-6.
  • Davydov N.V. Shatura region under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich in letters and measures of Prince. V.P. Kropotkin. - M .: Izvestia Publishing House, 2010. - 480 p. - ISBN 978-5-206-00783-1.
  • Kazakov V.M. Watch book. History of Shatura villages. Book one. - M .: Publishing house of the magazine "Moscow", 1995. - 244 p. - ISBN 5-89097-002-X.
  • Ryazan province. List of populated places according to 1859. / Ed. I. Wilson. - St. Petersburg, 1862. - S. 29-43.
  • Collection of statistical information on the Ryazan province. Volume V. Issue. I. Yegoryevsky district .. - Ryazan, 1886.
  • Collection of statistical information on the Ryazan province. Volume V. Issue. II. Egorevsky district .. - Ryazan, 1887.
  • Populated places of the Ryazan province / Ed. I.I. Prokhodtsov. - Ryazan, 1906.


  • . .

An excerpt characterizing Markovskaya (Moscow region)

“Ah, hello, prince, hello, my dear, let’s go ...” he said wearily, looking around, and heavily entered the porch, creaking under his weight. He unbuttoned and sat down on a bench on the porch.
- Well, what about the father?
“Yesterday I received news of his death,” said Prince Andrei shortly.
Kutuzov looked at Prince Andrei with frightened open eyes, then took off his cap and crossed himself: “Kingdom to him in heaven! May the will of God be over all of us! He sighed heavily, with all his chest, and was silent. “I loved and respected him and I sympathize with you with all my heart.” He embraced Prince Andrei, pressed him to his fat chest and did not let go for a long time. When he released him, Prince Andrei saw that Kutuzov's swollen lips were trembling and there were tears in his eyes. He sighed and grabbed the bench with both hands to stand up.
“Come, come to me, we’ll talk,” he said; but at this time Denisov, as little shy before his superiors as before the enemy, despite the fact that the adjutants at the porch stopped him in an angry whisper, boldly, banging his spurs on the steps, entered the porch. Kutuzov, leaving his hands resting on the bench, looked displeasedly at Denisov. Denisov, having identified himself, announced that he had to inform his lordship of a matter of great importance for the good of the fatherland. Kutuzov began to look at Denisov with a tired look and with an annoyed gesture, taking his hands and folding them on his stomach, he repeated: “For the good of the fatherland? Well, what is it? Speak." Denisov blushed like a girl (it was so strange to see the color on that mustachioed, old and drunken face), and boldly began to outline his plan for cutting the enemy's line of operations between Smolensk and Vyazma. Denisov lived in these parts and knew the area well. His plan seemed undoubtedly good, especially in terms of the force of conviction that was in his words. Kutuzov looked at his feet and occasionally looked back at the yard of a neighboring hut, as if he was expecting something unpleasant from there. Indeed, during Denisov's speech, a general appeared from the hut he was looking at with a briefcase under his arm.
- What? - in the middle of Denisov's presentation, Kutuzov said. - Ready?
“Ready, your grace,” the general said. Kutuzov shook his head, as if to say: "How can one person do all this," and continued to listen to Denisov.
“I give you an honest noble word from a Hussian officer,” said Denisov, “that I am g“ azog ”wu of Napoleon’s messages.
- You Kirill Andreevich Denisov, Chief Quartermaster, how do you have to? Kutuzov interrupted him.
- Uncle g "one, your grace.
- O! there were friends, ”Kutuzov said cheerfully. - All right, all right, my dear, stay here at the headquarters, we'll talk tomorrow. - Nodding his head to Denisov, he turned away and held out his hand to the papers that Konovnitsyn brought him.
“Would your lordship please come into the rooms,” the general on duty said in a displeased voice, “it is necessary to review the plans and sign some papers. - The adjutant who came out of the door reported that everything was ready in the apartment. But Kutuzov, apparently, wanted to enter the rooms already free. He winced...
“No, tell me to bring it, my dear, here is a table, I’ll look here,” he said. “Don’t go away,” he added, turning to Prince Andrei. Prince Andrei remained on the porch, listening to the general on duty.
During the report outside the front door, Prince Andrei heard a woman's whispering and the crunch of a woman's silk dress. Several times, looking in that direction, he noticed behind the door, in a pink dress and a purple silk scarf on her head, a plump, ruddy and beautiful woman with a dish, who, obviously, was waiting for the entry of the commander in chief. Adjutant Kutuzov explained to Prince Andrei in a whisper that it was the mistress of the house, the priest, who intended to serve bread and salt to his lordship. Her husband met the most illustrious with a cross in the church, she is at home ... "Very pretty," the adjutant added with a smile. Kutuzov looked back at these words. Kutuzov listened to the report of the general on duty (the main subject of which was criticism of the position under Tsarev Zaimishch) just as he listened to Denisov, just as he listened to the debate of the Austerlitz military council seven years ago. He apparently listened only because he had ears which, despite the fact that one of them had a sea rope, could not but hear; but it was obvious that nothing that the general on duty could tell him could not only surprise or interest him, but that he knew in advance everything that was said to him, and listened to all this only because he had to listen, how to listen singing prayer. Everything that Denisov said was sensible and clever. What the general on duty said was even more detailed and smarter, but it was obvious that Kutuzov despised both knowledge and mind and knew something else that was supposed to solve the matter - something else, independent of mind and knowledge. Prince Andrei carefully followed the expression on the commander-in-chief's face, and the only expression that he could notice in it was an expression of boredom, curiosity about what a woman's whisper outside the door meant, and a desire to keep up appearances. It was obvious that Kutuzov despised the mind, and knowledge, and even patriotic feeling which Denisov showed, but despised not by his mind, not by feeling, not by knowledge (because he did not try to show them), but he despised them for something else. He despised them with his old age, his experience of life. One order, which Kutuzov made on his own behalf in this report, deviated to the looting of the Russian troops. At the end of the report, the rederal on duty presented the brightest for signature with a paper about the penalties from the army commanders at the request of the landowner for mowed green oats.
Kutuzov smacked his lips and shook his head after hearing this matter.
- Into the stove ... into the fire! And once and for all I tell you, my dear, - he said, - all these things are in the fire. Letting them mow bread and burn firewood for health. I do not order this and do not allow it, but I cannot exact it either. It is impossible without this. Firewood is chopped - chips fly. He glanced again at the paper. - Oh, the accuracy of the German! he said, shaking his head.

“Well, now that’s all,” said Kutuzov, signing the last paper, and, getting up heavily and straightening the folds of his white plump neck, with a cheerful face, he headed for the door.
Popadya, with blood rushing to her face, grabbed the dish, which, despite the fact that she had been preparing for so long, she still did not manage to serve it on time. And with a low bow, she brought it to Kutuzov.
Kutuzov's eyes narrowed; he smiled, took her chin in his hand and said:
- And what a beauty! Thank you dove!
He took a few gold pieces out of his trousers pocket and put them on a dish for her.
- Well, how do you live? - said Kutuzov, heading to the room allotted for him. Popadya, smiling with dimples on her ruddy face, followed him into the upper room. The adjutant went out to Prince Andrei on the porch and invited him to breakfast; half an hour later, Prince Andrei was called again to Kutuzov. Kutuzov was lying on an armchair in the same unbuttoned frock coat. He held a French book in his hand, and at the entrance of Prince Andrei, having laid it with a knife, he rolled it up. It was Les chevaliers du Cygne, the composition of madame de Genlis [The Knights of the Swan, Madame de Genlis], as Prince Andrei saw from the wrapper.

METHODOLOGY: Parent-Child Interaction (VRC) (I.M. Markovskaya). Method I.M. Markovskaya [Markovskaya I.M., 1998] is one of the few in which, from the very beginning, two parallel questionnaires were supposed - for children and for parents - measuring the same parameters of child-parent interaction. It is important for a psychologist to know not only the assessment of relations on the one hand - parents, but also the vision of this interaction on the other hand - from the position of children. This need arises especially often in the psychological counseling of adolescents and their parents. As the basis for the scales of the questionnaire, the author took the following parameters identified in a number of studies on this issue: autonomy-control (E.S. Sheffer, R.K. Bell); rejection-acceptance (A.I. Zakharov, A.Ya. Varga); exactingness (O. Konner); the degree of emotional closeness (V. Schutz, G.T. Homentauskas); severity (P. Slater); inconsistency-consistency (A.I. Zakharov); collaboration (R.F. Bales); consent (R.F. Bales); authority (I. Markovskaya); satisfaction (I. Markovskaya). The adult and children's versions of the questionnaire include 60 questions each and have a similar structure. More than a hundred statements were made describing interactions in the family, as a result of further analysis, 80 statements were left, which were presented to the experts to determine the content validity. The group of experts was made up of psychologists from the cities of St. Petersburg and Chelyabinsk, who have practical experience work with children and parents for at least 5 years. The experts had to evaluate the content of each question for compliance with its specific scale of the questionnaire. Questions that received less than 80% of the votes or were assigned by the majority of experts to several scales at the same time were excluded from further work. To give the questionnaire a good shape, an equal number of questions were left on each scale, except for two, which are identified by most researchers and which can be considered basic in parent-child relationships. These are the scales of autonomy - control and rejection - acceptance, they included 10 statements each, and the rest of the scales - 5 statements each. The final version of the questionnaire for children included 60 statements. Scales of the questionnaire "Parent-Child Interaction". 1. Undemanding - demanding. 2. Softness - severity. 3. Autonomy - control. 4. Emotional distance - closeness. 5. Rejection - acceptance. 6. Lack of cooperation - cooperation. 7. Disagreement - consent. 8. Inconsistency - consistency. 9. Parent authority. 10. Satisfaction with the relationship with the child (parent). VPP questionnaire scales for parents of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. 1. Undemanding - demanding. 2. Softness - severity. 3. Autonomy control. 4. Emotional distance - closeness. 5. Rejection - acceptance. 6. Lack of cooperation - cooperation. 7. Anxiety for the child. 8. Inconsistency - consistency. 9. Educational confrontation in the family. 10. Satisfaction with the relationship with the child. 1. Undemanding-demanding parent. The data of this scale show the level of exactingness of the parent, which is manifested in the interaction of the parent with the child. The higher the score on this scale, the more demanding the parent is, the more he expects a high level of responsibility from the child. 2. Softness-strictness of the parent. Based on the results of this scale, one can judge the severity and severity of the measures applied to the child, the rigidity of the rules established in the relationship between parents and children, the degree of forcing children to do something. 3. Autonomy-control in relation to the child. The higher the scores on this scale, the more pronounced the controlling behavior towards the child. High control can manifest itself in petty guardianship, obsession, restrictiveness; low control can lead to complete autonomy of the child, to permissiveness, which can be the result of either an indifferent attitude towards the child, or a consequence of admiration. It is also possible that low control is associated with the manifestation of trust in the child or the desire of the parent to instill independence in him. 4. Emotional distance - the emotional closeness of the child to the parent. Special attention should be paid to the fact that this scale reflects the parent's idea of ​​the closeness of the child to him. Such an interpretation of this scale is caused by the mirror form of the questionnaire, according to which children evaluate their closeness to their parents, their desire to share the most intimate and important with a parent. Comparing the data of the parent and the data of the child, one can judge the accuracy of the parents' ideas, the overestimation or underestimation of the child's closeness to him. 5. Rejection-acceptance of the child by the parent. This scale reflects the parent's basic attitude towards the child, his acceptance or rejection of the child's personal qualities and behavioral manifestations. Acceptance of the child as a person is an important condition for the favorable development of the child, his self-esteem. The behavior of parents can be perceived by the child as accepting or rejecting. 6. Lack of cooperation - cooperation. The presence of cooperation between parents and children perfectly reflects the nature of the interaction. Cooperation is a consequence of the inclusion of the child in the interaction, recognition of his rights and merits. It reflects equality and partnership between parents and children. Lack of this may be the result of broken relationships, authoritarian, indifferent, or permissive parenting styles. 7. Disagreement-agreement between the child and the parent. This scale also describes the nature of the interaction between parent and child and reflects the frequency and degree of agreement between them in various life situations. Using two forms of the questionnaire: for children and adults, it is possible to assess the degree of agreement not only on this scale, but also on all other scales, since the discrepancies between them also make it possible to judge the differences in the views of the child and the parent on the educational situation in the family. 8. Inconsistency-consistency of the parent. Consistency of the parent is an important parameter of interaction; this scale reflects how consistent and constant the parent is in his demands, in his attitude towards the child, in the application of punishments and rewards, etc. The inconsistency of a parent may be the result of emotional imbalance, educational uncertainty, a rejecting attitude towards the child, etc. 9. Parent authority. The results of this scale reflect the parent's self-assessment in the area of ​​his influence on the child, how much his opinions, actions, actions are authoritative for the child, what is their power of influence. Comparison with the data of the child makes it possible to judge the degree of divergence of assessments of parental authority. When children give a high assessment of the authority of a parent, then most often this means a pronounced positive attitude towards the parent as a whole, so the indicators on this scale are very important for diagnosing the positivity-negativity of the child's relationship to the parent, as well as the indicators on the following - 10- th scale. 10. Satisfaction with the relationship of the child with the parent. According to the tenth scale, one can judge the general degree of satisfaction with the relationship between parents and children, both from one side and the other. A low degree of satisfaction may indicate violations in the structure of parent-child relationships, possible conflicts, or concern about the current family situation. In the variant of the questionnaire for parents of preschool children and younger schoolchildren, some questions were changed that turned out to be inadequate for children of this age and two scales of the questionnaire were replaced. Instead of the scales "disagreement-agreement" and "authority of the parent" (scales 7 and 9), two new scales were introduced: 7. "Anxiety for the child." 9. "Educational confrontation in the family." Many authors draw attention to parental anxiety for the child as an important factor in understanding the emergence of neurotic reactions in children. A.I. Zakharov also identifies low cohesion and disagreement of family members on issues of education as a feature of a pathogenic type of upbringing, which can lead to educational confrontation within the family. In addition, the replacement of the 7th and 9th scales is caused by the lack of a parallel form for children, since at this age it is quite difficult for children to answer questions related to their relationship with their parents, and without comparison with children's data of the scale of consent and authority lose their diagnostic value. Note for PC version. The chart and interpretation of test results is based on indicators expressed in percentiles. Percentile - the percentage of test subjects from the standardization sample who received an equal or lower score than the test subject's score. For example, the 50th percentile value indicates that 50% of the values ​​are below that level. A percentile is any of 99 numbered points that divide an ordered set of values ​​into 100 parts, each containing 1/100th of the total value. The author of the technique gives percentiles multiple of 10, i.e. 10, 20, 30, etc. without intermediate values, which should be taken into account when analyzing the test results. In this computer version, the following conditional criteria for automatic interpretation are adopted: 1 - 20 low score; 21 - 40 low rate; 41 - 60 average; 61 - 80 increased rate; 81 - 100 is a high score. The questionnaire consists of 60 questions. Estimated testing time is 15-20 minutes. EXAMPLE OF TESTING: --- PSYCHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS. Methodology: Parent-Child Interaction (PCR). Option for parents of preschoolers and younger students: father - son. Full name:____________________ Add. data:______________ Chart: * 100 ──────────██────────██─────▄▄─ 70 ┼ ██ ██ ██ 60 ─██───────██────██─ 50 ┼ ▄▄ ██ ██ ██ 40 ┼───────██─▄▄─██───── ───██────██─ 30 ┼ ██ ██ ██ ▄▄ ▄▄ ██ ██ 20 █─██─▄▄─██─ 10 ┼ ██ ▄▄ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ 0 ─+──+──+──+──+──* NT MS AC DB OP OS TR NP VK UD 03. Autonomy - control - AC = 15.0 50 04. Emotional distance - closeness - DB = 19.0 40 05. Rejection - acceptance - OP = 19.5 90 06. Lack of cooperation - cooperation - OS = 17.0 30 07. Anxiety for the child - TR = 15.0 30 08. Inconsistency - consistency - NP = 22.0 90 09. Educational confrontation in the family - VC = 6.0 20 10. Satisfaction with the relationship with the child - UD = 21.0 80 INTERPRETATION: 1. Undemanding-demanding parent. The low level of exactingness of the parent, which manifests itself in a weakly expressed expectation of responsibility from the child. 2. Softness-strictness of the parent. The low level of severity of measures applied to the child, the softness of the rules established in the relationship between the parent and the child, the low degree of coercion of the child to do anything. 3. Autonomy-control in relation to the child. The average level of controlling behavior in relation to the child, a moderate degree of autonomy-control of the child. 4. Emotional distance - closeness. Decreased indicator of the parent's idea of ​​the child's emotional closeness to him, his desire to share the most intimate and important with the parent. 5. Rejection-acceptance of the child by the parent. A high level of acceptance of personal qualities and behavioral manifestations of the child, which is an important condition for the favorable development of the child, his self-esteem. 6. Lack of cooperation - cooperation. Reduced level of cooperation between parent and child, which may be the result of a broken relationship, authoritarian, indifferent, or permissive parenting style. 7. Anxiety for the child. A reduced level of anxiety for the child, a weakly expressed desire to protect him from all sorts of dangers. 8. Inconsistency-consistency of the parent. A high level of consistency and constancy of the parent in their demands, in their attitude towards the child, in the application of punishments and rewards. 9. Educational confrontation in the family. Low educational confrontation within the family, which may indicate cohesion and lack of disagreement among family members on issues of education. 10. Satisfaction with the relationship with the child. An increased degree of general satisfaction with the relationship between the parent and the child, the conviction that there are no special violations in the structure of parent-child relations and possible conflicts, a tendency to be unconcerned about the current family situation. (A.N. Volkova) The purpose of the methodology: 1. Clarification of ideas about the significance in family life sexual relations, personal community of husband and wife, parental responsibilities, professional interests of each of the spouses, household services, moral and emotional support, external attractiveness of the partner. These indicators, reflecting the main functions of the family, make up the scale of family values ​​(FSC). 2. Clarification of spouses' ideas about the desired distribution of roles between husband and wife in the implementation of family functions, united by the scale of role expectations and claims (SHROP). Thus, the results of this technique allow us to identify the hierarchy of family values ​​of the spouses, as well as to draw a conclusion about the socio-psychological compatibility of the spouses in the family. Description of the methodology The methodology "Role expectations and claims in marriage" contains 36 statements in each version (male and female) and consists of 7 scales. Spouses are invited to independently familiarize themselves with a set of statements corresponding to their gender, and express their attitude to each statement using the following answer options: “I completely agree”, “In general, this is true”, “This is not entirely true”, “This is not true”. Instruction: "There are a number of statements in front of you that relate to marriage, family, relations between husband and wife. Carefully read the statements of the text and assess the degree of your agreement or disagreement with them. You are offered 4 answers expressing one or another degree of agreement or disagreement with the statement , namely: "I completely agree", "In general, this is true", "This is not entirely true", "This is not true". When choosing an answer for each of the statements, try to convey your personal opinion as accurately as possible, and not what what is accepted among your relatives and friends. Record your answers in a special form. " Questionnaire text (female version)
  1. A husband is a friend who shares my interests, opinions, hobbies.
  2. A husband is, first of all, a friend with whom you can talk about your affairs.
  3. The main concern of the husband is to provide material wealth and household comfort for the family.
  4. The husband should do housework equally with his wife.
  5. A husband should be able to serve himself, and not wait for his wife to take care of him.
  6. A husband should take care of children no less than a wife.
  7. I would like my husband to love children.
  8. I judge a man by whether he is a good or bad father to his children.
  9. I like energetic business men.
  10. I really appreciate men who are seriously passionate about their work.
  11. It is very important for me how business and professional quality my husband.
  12. A husband should be able to create a warm, trusting atmosphere in the family.
  13. For me, the main thing is that my husband understands me well and accepts me for who I am.
  14. A husband is, first of all, a friend who is attentive and caring to my feelings, mood, state.
  15. I like it when my husband is beautifully and fashionably dressed.
  16. I like prominent, tall men.
  17. A man should look so that he was pleasant to look at.
  18. The main concern of a woman is that everyone in the family is well-groomed.
  19. I always know what to buy for my family.
  20. I collect helpful tips hostess: how to cook delicious meals, preserve vegetables, fruits.
  21. The main role in the upbringing of the child is always played by the mother.
  22. I am not afraid of the difficulties associated with the birth and upbringing of a child.
  23. I love children and enjoy working with them.
  24. I love beautiful clothes, wear jewelry, use cosmetics.
  25. I attach great importance to my appearance.
Questionnaire text (male version)
  1. The mood and well-being of a person depends on the satisfaction of his sexual needs.
  2. Happiness in marriage depends on the sexual harmony of the spouses.
  3. Sexual relations are the main thing in the relationship of husband and wife.
  4. The main thing in marriage is that the husband and wife have many common interests.
  5. A wife is a friend who shares my interests, opinions, hobbies.
  6. A wife is, first of all, a friend with whom you can talk about your affairs.
  7. The main concern of the wife is that the family be fed and well-groomed.
  8. A woman loses a lot in my eyes if she is a bad housewife.
  9. A woman can be proud of herself if she is a good mistress of her house.
  10. I would like my wife to love children and be a good mother to them.
  11. A woman who is weary of motherhood is an inferior woman.
  12. For me, the main thing in a woman is that she be a good mother to my children.
  13. I like business and energetic women.
  14. I really appreciate women who are seriously passionate about their work.
  15. It is very important for me how the business and professional qualities of my wife are assessed at work.
  16. The wife must, above all, create and maintain a warm, trusting atmosphere.
  17. .For me, the main thing is that my wife understands me well and accepts me the way I am.
  18. A wife is, first of all, a friend who is attentive and caring to my feelings, mood, state.
  19. I like it when my wife is beautifully and fashionably dressed.
  20. I really appreciate women who know how to dress beautifully.
  21. A woman should look so that they pay attention to her.
  22. I always know what to buy for our house.
  23. I love doing household chores.
  24. I can repair and furnish an apartment, fix household appliances.
  25. Children love to play with me, willingly communicate, go into my arms.
  26. I really love children and know how to work with them.
  27. I would take an active part in the upbringing of my child, even if my wife and I decided to separate.
  28. I strive to achieve my place in life.
  29. I want to become a good specialist in my field.
  30. I am proud when I am entrusted with difficult and responsible work.
  31. Relatives and friends often turn to me for advice, help and support.
  32. People often trust me with their troubles.
  33. I always sincerely and with a sense of compassion console and take care of people in need.
  34. My mood largely depends on how I look.
  35. I try to wear the clothes that suit me.
  36. I am picky about the cut of the suit, the style of the shirt, the color of the tie.
Form for registration of answers Date ___________________ Full name Sex Age Education Length of married life Number and age of children
I completely agree In general, this is true It's not quite right This is not true

Processing of the results obtained (for a complete family)
After the spouses have completed the task, the answers of the husband and wife are entered in the table "Consulting study of family values" (table No. 1).

Table No. 1 - Consulting study of family values

Family values ​​scale Approval No. score Approval No. score General indicator (in points)
Intimate sexy
Personal identification with spouse
Household Expectation Claim
= =
= =
Social activity
= =
= =
External attractiveness
= =

The text of the methodology is divided into 7 scales of family values. The scores for each scale of family values ​​are summarized separately. For the first two scales, these results will be final and transferred to the last column of the table. The final scores of the remaining five scales are calculated as half the sum of the scores for the "expectations" and "claims" sub-jackets. Role expectations- this is the attitude of the husband and wife to the active fulfillment of family responsibilities by the partner, and role claims- the personal readiness of each of the partners to fulfill family roles. Answers are scored as follows:

  • The answer "Totally agree" is estimated at 3 points.
  • the answer "In general, this is true" - 2 points.
  • the answer "It's not quite so" - 1 point.
  • the answer "That's not true" - 0 points.

Thus, the minimum total score on the scale is 0 points, the maximum total score on the scale is 9 points.
Low scores on a scale - 0 - 3 points;
Average marks on the scale - 4 - 6 points;
High scores on a scale - 7 - 9 points.

Interpretation of scales of family values:

  1. Intimate Sexual Scale(statements No. 1 - 3) - a scale of the significance of sexual relations in marriage. High scores on the scale mean that the spouse considers sexual harmony an important condition for marital happiness, the attitude towards the spouse depends significantly on the assessment of her (him) as a sexual partner. Low scores on the scale are interpreted as an underestimation of sexual relations in marriage.
  2. Scale of personal identification with spouse) (statements No. 4 - 6) - a scale that reflects the attitude of the husband (wife) to personal identification with a marriage partner: the expectation of common interests, needs, value orientations, ways of spending time. Low scores on the scale suggest an attitude towards personal autonomy.
  3. Household scale measures the attitude of the spouses to the implementation of the household functions of the family. This scale, like all subsequent ones, has two subscales: "role expectations" and "role claims". Subscale "role expectations" (statements No. 7 - 9) - assessments are considered as the degree of expectation from the partner of an active solution of domestic issues. The higher the ratings on the scale of role expectations, the more demands the husband (wife) makes on the participation of the spouse in the organization of everyday life, the more important is the household skills and habits of the partner. The "role claims" subscale (statements No. 22-24) reflects attitudes toward one's own active participation in housekeeping. The overall rating on the scale is considered as the husband's (wife's) assessment of the importance of the household organization of the family.
  4. Parenting scale allows you to judge the attitude of spouses to their parental responsibilities. The subscale of role expectations (statements No. 10-12) shows the severity of the spouse's attitude to the active parental position of the marriage partner. The subscale of role claims (statements No. 25 - 27) reflects the orientation of the husband (wife) on their own responsibilities in raising children. The overall rating of the scale is considered as an indicator of the significance for the spouse (s) of parental functions. The higher the scale score, the more importance the husband (wife) attaches to the role of father (mother), the more he (she) considers parenthood to be the main value that centers the life of the family around him.
  5. Scale of social activity reflects the attitude to the importance of external social activity (professional, public) for the stability of marriage and family relations. The "role expectations" subscale (statements No. 13-15) measures the degree of the husband's (wife's) orientation to the fact that the marriage partner should have serious professional interests and play an active social role. The subscale "role claims" (statements No. 28 - 30) illustrates the severity of the spouse's own professional needs. The overall assessment of the scale expresses the importance of extra-family interests for the husband (wife), which are the main values ​​in the process of interpersonal interaction between spouses.
  6. Emotionally - psychotherapeutic scale expresses the attitude towards the importance of the emotional-psychotherapeutic function of marriage. The subscale "role expectations" (statements No. 16 - 17) measures the degree of orientation of the husband (wife) to the fact that the marriage partner will take on the role of an emotional leader in the family in matters of: correcting the psychological climate in the family, providing moral and emotional support, creating " psychotherapeutic environment. The subscale "role claims" (statements No. 31 - 33) shows the desire of the husband (wife) to be a family "psychotherapist". The overall assessment of the scale is considered as an indicator of the significance for the spouse of mutual moral and emotional support of family members, orientation towards marriage as an environment conducive to psychological relaxation and stabilization.
  7. Scale of external attractiveness reflects the attitude of the husband (wife) to the importance of appearance, its compliance with the standards of modern fashion. The "role expectations" subscale (statements No. 19 - 21) reflects the desire of the spouse (s) to have an outwardly attractive partner. The subscale "role claims" (statements No. 34 - 36) illustrates the installation on one's own attractiveness, the desire to dress fashionably and beautifully. The overall assessment is an indicator of the orientation of the spouse (s) to modern models of appearance.

Processing and analysis of the results involves three stages:
1. Analysis of individual indicators of the scale of family values, role expectations and claims of the husband (wife), the importance of family values. It is carried out on the basis of scoring in the table "Consulting study of family values" (Table 1). As a result of the calculation, we have the following data:

  • characterizing the idea of ​​a husband (wife) about the hierarchy of family values. The higher the score on the scale of family values, the more significant for the spouse (and) this environment of family life.
  • data reflecting the orientation of the wife (husband) towards the active role behavior of the marriage partner (role expectations) and towards her own active role in the family in the implementation of family functions (role claims).
  • the sum of the value indicators is calculated (indicator 1 of the scale + indicator 2 sks + ... ... indicator 7 sks) which characterizes the importance of the family for the husband (wife). The maximum indicator - 7 scales x 9 (max indicator on the scale) = 63 points is compared with the individual indicator of the sum of values ​​(ZST - the importance of family values)

2. Comparative analysis of ideas about family values ​​and role attitudes of husband and wife. To do this, it is necessary to compile a table that determines the degree of consistency in the family values ​​of the spouses (table No. 2).