
Development of intellectual qualities in children. The development of the intellectual abilities of preschool children. Target. Reveal the level of development of verbal and logical thinking


Intellectually developed, intelligent individuals have always been at a great price. A person characterized by a good store of knowledge in various fields has an advantage over other people, which leads to success in professional activity... It is necessary to distinguish between developed intelligence and well-read. After all, you can know a lot of fascinating information, but not be able to analyze, compare, think logically. Today, there are many ways to develop intelligence that can be used from a very early age.

The intelligence of a child

Knowing that the human psyche is the ability to perceive in a certain way the world and react to it, it is not difficult to understand what intelligence is. - the quality of the psyche, covering all aspects of human activity: mental, emotional, and physical. It is the ability to adapt to a variety of situations based on your level of development. In other words, a well-developed intellect is a synonym for a harmoniously developed personality, a combination of the wealth of the inner world with physical development.

“Did you know that development intellectual abilities child is an integral part harmonious development which includes spiritual and physical education? "

Many parents ask themselves the question: why develop intelligence in a child? The answer is obvious: in order for the child to become able to learn quickly, easily and effectively, to successfully use the acquired knowledge, to make discoveries in the future, or to learn to do what others cannot. Therefore, the development of intelligence should be given attention from early childhood.

Stages of development of intelligence

First of all, the level of intelligence (intelligence quotient, IQ) is manifested in the thinking ability of the child. Thinking is directly related to physical activity. Moving, crawling, running, stomping through puddles or playing with sand, the baby learns the reality around him, developing his brain. It is in this regard that one should not limit locomotor activity crumbs, allowing him to independently explore the world. Prohibitions and restrictions inhibit the brain activity of the baby.

Younger schoolchildren will develop intellectually by playing board or computer logic games. Play is a great way to organize learning about anything. Agree, it is much better when the development of intellectual abilities takes place in an unobtrusive environment.

It is even more interesting how to intellectually develop adolescents. The school curriculum becomes more difficult year after year, and therefore the first exams can be a real test for students with intellectual difficulties. Adolescence characterized by changes in the physical and mental spheres, as well as a slight decrease in cognitive interest. Here parents need to think carefully about how to stimulate the intellectual development of adolescents, not only forcing them to read more.

Factors of intellectual development

“Did you know that breastfeeding a baby activates it? mental development

The mental development of a child depends on certain factors:

1. Genetic factors. This refers to the one that the child receives from the parents at birth. The level, quality and direction of the child's intellectual development depend a lot on these factors.

2. Factors that arise during the mother's pregnancy. The way of life of a pregnant woman is reflected in the mental development of the child. For example, mental retardation of an unborn child can be influenced by:

  • malnutrition
  • lack of iodine in the mother's body
  • illness during pregnancy
  • taking medications
  • the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco smoking.

3. Factors of the external environment. Disorders in the mental activity of babies can occur due to:

  • poor nutrition of children
  • lack of communication
  • restrictions on motor and cognitive activity
  • single-parent family.

4. The factor of a large family. Studies have shown that firstborns are more mentally developed than other children in the family. However, in large families children develop better socially: they easily acquire communication skills and quickly adapt in society.
5. Factor of the social status of the family. Children from very poor families do not always delight their parents with their school performance.
6. The factor of influence of the school. In most general education schools, teachers still consider a good student who is calm, answers questions as required of him, does nothing without asking. Children with high creative potential do not correspond to these characteristics: those who show a non-standard approach to solving tasks. Only individual and student-centered approaches to education will stimulate the mental development of children in school today.
7. The factor of the child's personality traits. The development of mental abilities is also influenced by the character and temperament of the child. Thoughtful children are attentive to difficult tasks, but they are insecure and afraid of failure. Highly excitable children are somewhat superficial, but are able to spontaneously show creative impulses.
8. Factor of personal qualities of parents. It is good when parents are intellectually developed, successful, self-confident, and love their job: in such conditions, children develop faster. However, this is not the main condition for raising an intelligent child. The main thing in upbringing is the care of parents and faith in the strength of children.

The intelligence of preschoolers

"It is interesting. The child's brain is formed before three years by 80%. Try not to miss this moment for the formation of the baby's intelligence. "

Seeing a toy for the first time, the baby carefully examines it: examines, twists, shakes, tastes, listens to it. Knowing about this "exploratory" nature of young children, you need to offer them toys that stimulate their thinking ability:

  • block constructors
  • toys that can be disassembled
  • simple household items to play with.

How else can a baby explore the world by developing his brain?

  1. Try not to buy all toys. Toys can be made with your own hands, you can transform household items into toys: it will be more interesting to study them this way.
  2. Encourage your child to create together. Make a toy with your child and play with him.
  3. Allow your child to use various objects that interest him as a toy. Naturally, within reasonable limits: they must be safe.
  1. Lots of toys distract attention. Therefore, it is better to clean up unnecessary toys.
  2. Children love multi-functional toys.
  3. Toys from the store usually get boring quickly for a toddler.
  4. The child will be more interested in complex toys that can be explored endlessly.

Along with playing toys, engage in didactic (educational) games with your child, play sports games on the street, read and teach your child to read, begin to comprehend the basics of a foreign language with a little bit, do drawing and modeling, develop your child musically. There is no need to overload the child. It is ideal when classes are playful, fun and enjoyable. Only then will the preschooler's intellect develop naturally and harmoniously.

Watch a video on how you can develop the intelligence of your little ones

Features of the intellectual development of schoolchildren

Study is becoming the leading activity among younger students. On the basis of this type of activity, children are actively developing thinking, accompanying features (analysis, planning, and others), the need for learning and motivation for it. The development of the student's personality depends on how interesting the educational activity is, how successful it is. In the process of educational activity, children acquire the ability to learn and use theoretical knowledge. refers to the period of intensification of intellectual development. Mental development stimulates other qualities of the student. Thanks to this, an awareness of the need for educational activities comes, voluntary and intentional memorization is carried out, attention and the ability to concentrate develops, etc. The success of intellectual development at this age depends on the personality and activities of the teacher, his ability to be creative in teaching children, use modern teaching methods, aimed at stimulating all cognitive processes, take into account the individual characteristics of students.

Interestingly, school-age children develop a mindset. Some have an analytical mindset, others have a visual-figurative mindset, and still others are characterized by the presence of both figurative and abstract elements. In order to harmoniously develop the minds of schoolchildren, the teacher needs to influence both the logical and the figurative component of the mind, presenting the educational material in a voluminous manner.

Successful study is facilitated by the presence of such components of the thinking of schoolchildren:

  • be able to think: analyze, synthesize, generalize, classify information, formulate judgments and conclusions;
  • be able to think critically, having several options for solving a problem;
  • be able to highlight the main thing, see the goal.

To successfully develop thinking at school age, it is best to use developmental learning ideas. This pedagogical technology assumes that the tasks are problematic in nature, which stimulates the active development of the student's intelligence.

Intelligence diagnostics

Knowing the level of development of the child's mental development, you can choose the right teaching methods for him. To determine the IQ level, special ones are used. For babies - bright pictures, considering which and answering questions, the child demonstrates a certain level of his intelligence. Preschoolers can be diagnosed using special tasks and questionnaires.

Psychological tests are used to check the IQ of students. They are built in the form of blocks aimed at the study of intelligence in various fields. Based on the results, you can find out how he perceives information best.

Ways to develop intelligence

What can improve the mental qualities of a child?

  1. Games that develop the brain. It can be chess or checkers, puzzles, logic, psychological and board games.
  2. Mathematics and exact sciences. Mathematics teaches you to structure concepts, treat everything with order.
  3. Reading. A good fiction book will always give you something to think about. Read to your child, teach to read on your own, discuss what you read.
  4. Education. The learning process is valuable in itself, as it activates the development of all human abilities.
  5. Studying of foreign language.
  6. Learning new things. Read encyclopedias and reference books with your child, watch educational films and programs, go to. Create an environment in which your child will be interested in discovering something new every day. So the horizons and erudition will expand. Let the child be curious.

How to stimulate intelligence?

  • constantly ask your child questions
  • use the words "Think", "Be more attentive", "Remember"
  • walking, resting, give the child tasks (observe, count, solve the riddle)
  • teach your child to follow through
  • discuss with the child the results of his activities, identify shortcomings, think about how to do better.


Develop your child harmoniously. Books alone are not enough to make a child smart. Create a whole system of intellectual development of your baby at home. Study together, paying attention to the all-round development of your mental abilities. Keep the activities fun and useful.

Preschool age is a period of active development and personality formation. It is at this age that an important stage of intellectual development takes place. The basis of intelligence, which will be laid in preschool age, will have an impact on the mental throughout life.

You will learn about what constitutes intellectual development in preschool age, as well as how to help your child develop intellectually in this article.

Not only his further education in school, but also his success in life depends on how intellectually developed a preschooler will be.

Therefore, it is very important for parents to realize the full responsibility of intellectual development in preschool age, and not to shift it to educational institutions.

Intelligence is an important quality of the human psyche, which is responsible for absolutely all areas of activity, therefore it is extremely important to start its development at a very early age.

The child's intellect begins to form from the first days of life, with each new experience acquired, a phenomenon seen, a word heard. The intellect of a preschooler is already developed to a certain extent, but it is during this period that he needs outside help, additional stimuli and tasks.

It is important for parents and teachers to understand that preschool age is the ideal time to discover the child's abilities and maximize the development of intelligence, since this stage of personality formation is more favorable than ever for developing activities.

Intellectual development in preschool age - stages

In different periods of his childhood, the baby develops in different ways, and at different rates. The same applies to the intellectual development of a preschooler.

The development of mental abilities also depends on how much attention the parents pay to the baby.

It is possible to conditionally distinguish several stages of the child's intellectual development in preschool age.

How to promote the development of the child's intelligence in preschool age

Parents can and should contribute to the development of the child's intelligence in preschool age. Since the main activity of a preschooler during this period of life is play, it is necessary to use its potential for the good and for the development of the preschooler.

You can play just for fun, but why do it if you can combine the gameplay with active development. Let's consider several ways to do this.

  • From early childhood, you can buy educational toys for your son or daughter. Let them not only be bright and attractive to the baby, but also fulfill some function. It can be a constructor, nesting dolls, pyramids, sound toys.
  • Role-playing games also contribute to the development of the child's social, communicative and intellectual abilities. It is very useful for the development of creative intelligence to invite your son or daughter to come up with a scenario for your games on their own.
  • From about four years old, you can purchase or make do-it-yourself educational dolls for puppet theater... Show your baby how to use them and prepare small performances with him for other family members. This interesting game can also be combined with the moral development of the child by inventing or using plots that have an instructive meaning.
  • Riddles contribute to the development of intelligence, therefore they are actively used in preschool educational institutions. Children also develop logical thinking and memory with the help of riddles.
  • One of the non-standard, but incredible effective ways intelligence development of preschoolers - the ability to disassemble things of interest to them. Parents often scold their children for spoiling toys or books, and do not see the benefits of such behavior for intellectual development. The child is actively interested in the structure of this world and all the things that surround it. But, for the development of a preschooler, the information received from the parents alone is not enough - he needs to be convinced of everything from his own experience.
  • Reading together - The best way development of intelligence, creative thinking, and mindfulness. Get the preschooler interested in books that are interesting in a plot plan, in which there must be bright interesting pictures. Read to your child, and then ask him to read to you and in every possible way encourage him to read on his own.
  • Talk to your child more, and in these conversations teach him to analyze, compare, reflect on some things. Teach your son or daughter to draw a conclusion by logical reasoning, tell how and why you came to a certain conclusion. And never ignore the child's questions, they will be numerous. Even if at the moment you do not have time to explain the essence of any phenomenon for your child, promise to explain later, and be sure to be true to your word.
  • Co-creation also contributes to the development of the child's intellectual abilities. Therefore, you should not skimp on buying all kinds of developmental kits for creativity. Plasticine, polymer clay, kits for applications, paints and pencils and other developmental things must necessarily be at the disposal of a preschooler. If your daughter or son is not interested in the creative kits you have purchased, take the initiative into your own hands, interest him and praise him for every smallest achievement.
  • Musical development - in preschool age, this also needs to be paid attention, since music contributes to the development of creative intelligence.
  • Sports activities not only contribute to the development of intelligence, but also teach the preschooler to interact with people around him, train his will, endurance and the ability to overcome difficulties and obstacles, which will undoubtedly come in handy in adult life.
  • Learning a foreign language contributes to the development of both hemispheres of the brain, and intellectual development. There are specially developed techniques that will help a child by the age of five to speak fluently in his native language and in one foreign language.
  • The imagination of a child in preschool age also develops rapidly, and the manifestations of a child's imagination often frighten parents. You should not punish the kid for embellishing reality or composing a little. In fact, the process of developing imagination is an integral part of the development of intelligence. Therefore, it is important that parents encourage the child's violent imagination in every possible way and help him direct his imagination in the right direction.
  • For example, write a fairy tale with your child, the plot of which he will invent on his own. Ask him to tell you an interesting fictional story. If you understand that the child does not distinguish fantasy from reality, try to draw with him invented plots and plots of reality and analyze them by comparing them.
  • Counting and studying simple math problems and examples also contributes to the development of intellectual abilities and, in particular, logical thinking. You can learn the basics of mathematics with your child in a playful way.

Remember that the development of a child's intelligence in preschool age is directly proportional to the time you devote to this activity, as well as the effort you put into it.

His future depends on how intellectually developed your baby is, so do everything to ensure that your child achieves maximum success and is a reason for parental pride.

An important stage in the formation of personality. At the age of up to 5 years, all the basic knowledge about the surrounding reality is laid, preferences develop and information is absorbed most quickly. It is extremely important for parents not to miss the moment and to help the child develop his intellect in a timely manner.

Representatives of psychology and pedagogy cannot agree on what is meant by the concept of a child's intellectual development: a set of accumulated knowledge and skills or the ability to navigate a situation and make the right decision. Regardless of the definition, children's intelligence needs to be improved, it is flexible and its development can be accelerated. For this, there are child development programs that include a variety of games, solving problems, puzzles, classes with various materials.

The development of preschool children and primary school students throughout the entire period undergoes a number of changes, going through the following stages:

  • From birth to 1.5 years, only an emotional model appears in a child. It is characterized by the assimilation of information through emotional images and forms all further behavior of the child. At this age, it is important to maintain a calm and friendly home atmosphere that has a positive effect on the baby.
  • From one and a half years to 5, children have a logical model of information assimilation. The foundations are formed for the ability to absorb musical tones and artistic images, develop logical thinking skills. The development of the child is strongly influenced by intellectual games: puzzles, constructors, logic tasks. This is a crucial period for parents when it is necessary to lay down basic thinking skills as much as possible.
  • From 4-5 years old, a speech development model is included in the work, when the child begins to memorize information spoken aloud. Practice proves that a preschooler teaches foreign languages much faster than adults, so parents need to take advantage of this time to maximize the benefits of their child's perception. In this period useful activities there will be reading books, memorizing poetry, conversations on the topic of knowing the world around. Parents must maintain constant contact with the child, give or together find answers to questions asked to him.

The participation of parents in the development of preschool children should not be limited only to accompanying them to circles and sections. The favorable period for the formation of a gifted personality will end very quickly, so parents should become the first and main source of information for their baby, without shifting this role to educators and teachers.

Ways of logical development of children of preschool and primary school age

The child development program involves the joint work of the parents and the child. Classes should be held regularly, but without coercion. Games are selected depending on the mood of the kid.

For the development of the child, it is necessary to encourage his research activities. Situations are not uncommon when parents constantly pull up a curious baby who is trying to disassemble this or that thing, examine an object in the distance in more detail, or grab an interesting object from the ground. With this behavior, natural curiosity and exploratory fervor quickly subside, and the child loses interest in learning. But, at the same time, the baby needs to instill norms of interaction with other people, and clearly delineate that it is impossible to grab someone else's without prior permission.

The joint creativity of parents and a child instills interest in classes and a specific area of ​​knowledge. Activities can be completely different: reading a developing book, watching a film about nature or marine life, visiting a museum or a children's exhibition. The main thing is that it is interesting for both parents and children.

Technology has not been able to replace the benefits of books in child development. Reading is still a foundational activity in intellectual cultivation. In the initial stages, reading can be mechanical, skill honing. Over time, an understanding of the meaning and understanding of the plot read will come. You cannot force a child to read by force - children should study with pleasure. This rule applies not only to reading. It is very important to pay attention to the choice of kindergarten and school, and the educators and teachers working there. The mechanical presentation of knowledge, inherent in many teachers, kills the craving for knowledge in a child. If you cannot completely avoid such situations, you need to compensate for the lack of knowledge at home, arousing the baby's interest on your own.

The important point is to set your own example. If the parents' constant occupation is watching TV series or mindless surfing on the Internet, then you should not expect that the child will suddenly inflame with a passion for going to museums or exhibitions. Rather, a lack of attention will lead to uncontrollable behavior and frequent tantrums in an attempt to get attention from adults. The development of preschool children should take place by personal example and in joint activities.

For parents who are thinking about the development of their baby, special tests are provided to determine its level.

Examples of tests that determine the development of preschool children:

  • Cutting out figures from paper. It clearly shows the child's ability to take practical action. The task of the test is the most accurate and correct cutting of paper forms.
  • Find the missing item. In front of the child, several drawings are laid out in a row with objects that lack any element. Drawings with missing elements are laid out in the second row. Task: to combine them correctly as soon as possible.
  • Definition of what is superfluous. The kid is shown groups of objects united by a common meaning. At the same time, one of them gets out of the logical chain. Kid's task: to find an extra element.

There are also tests for children of primary school age. One of the options involves the use of a Rubik's cube, which includes several exercises that must be completed in one minute. Another child development program that determines the level of intelligence of the baby is called the "Rabbi Matrix". It assumes the ability to find patterns and logical connections between the elements located on the matrix.

The use of such programs involves the identification of the skills and abilities of the child, but it should be remembered that any test is universal. To identify all the inclinations and preferences of children will help joint activities and observation of them in the process of play.

Alla Chigvintseva
Intellectual and Cognitive Development in Younger Preschool Children

Over the past decades intellectual and cognitive

development in children becomes one of the most pressing problems of modern pedagogy and psychology. Development speech and thinking is one of the most important sections of early childhood pedagogy, aimed at mental child development, who will live in the third millennium. This is for a lot of us obliges: we must provide the child with opportunities to master technologies based on the latest achievements of science and designed to developed human intelligence.

We, educators and parents, must remember that the formation of thinking begins from the first years of life. It is an ongoing process in which the first 2-4 years play a strategically important role as a starting period, a period intensive development of the child's brain... Thinking preschool children attracts the attention of representatives of various fields of knowledge, such as pedagogy, psychology, physiology, general linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics. In solving its specific problems, each science at the same time touches upon general questions.

The decisive role in the formation of the first children's generalizations is played by the assimilation of the names of the surrounding objects and phenomena. Characteristic of children 2 years old is then that they think mainly about the things that they perceive at the moment and with which they act at the present time. Analysis, synthesis, comparison and other thought processes are still inseparable from practical actions with the object itself, the actual dismemberment of it into parts, the combination of elements into one whole.

Objects and phenomena of reality have such properties and relationships that can be know directly, with the help of sensations and perceptions (colors, sounds, shapes, placement and movement of bodies in visible space, and such properties and relationships that can to know only indirectly and through generalization, that is, through thinking.

Purposeful activities to familiarize with the surrounding objects teach the child younger preschool age navigate the world around you. He learns to highlight the essential connections and relationships between objects, which leads to the growth of his intellectual capabilities... Therefore, the study of this problem is of great importance.

In children's thinking there is a feature - syncretism, which enables the child to think in whole blocks, without dismembering or separating one object from another. Syncretic character children's thinking, that is, thinking in whole situations, in whole connected parts, is so strong that it still holds in the field of verbal thinking in a schoolchild and is a transformative form of thinking in a child preschool age.

Hence the problem of the need to form thinking, and visual-figurative in particular, from the first years of life. Means, development the child's speech affects thinking and restructures it. The main thing in the activities of a teacher is the enrichment of mental and speech development of children from the first years of life.

For a more successful assimilation of the material, it is advisable to use integrated classes with many visual aids - plot pictures and subject pictures, didactic games, didactic dolls, object toys, real vegetables, fruits and their dummies.

When preparing for organized educational activities, one must proceed from the leading ideas of modern pedagogy (speech not only serves cognition, but it is also a necessary tool, a tool of human thinking) and modern psychology (for two- or three-year-olds children analysis, synthesis, comparison and other mental operations are still inseparable from practical actions with an object, with its real dismemberment into parts and the combination of elements into one whole).

The development of thinking in children does not happen by itself, not spontaneously.

It is led by adults, raising and educating the child. Based on the child's experience, educators and parents pass on knowledge to him, inform him of concepts that he could not have thought of on his own and which have developed as a result of work experience and scientific research of many generations.

Children younger preschool age not only accumulate impressions and expand their sensory experience. The main thing is that they learn to navigate in the world around them, a system of knowledge begins to form in them. The first knowledge is pivotal in knowledge of the surrounding world.

Related publications:

Relevance. The effective development of the intellectual abilities of preschool children is one of the urgent problems of our time.

Intellectual and creative development of children of primary preschool age using non-standard gaming technologies All modern programs and technologies preschool education put forward as the main task - all-round development the personality of the child ,.

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The following factors influenced the formation of my experience: - studying methodological literature - studying the experience of colleagues - attending classes.


"Intellectual development of senior preschool children through educational games and puzzles"

1.1 Development of intellectual abilities in preschool age ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..6

1.2 The use of didactic games as a means of developing the intellect of preschoolers ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13

1.3 Classification of games and their influence on the development of mental processes of preschoolers .................................................................. 16

4. Chapter II. Experimental and experimental work on the study of the dependence of the intellectual development of older preschoolers on the level of development of voluntary attention with the help of educational games and puzzles ………………………………………………………………………… .. twenty

2.1 Methodology for conducting the ascertaining experiment ... ... ... ... ... 20

2.2 Technique for conducting a formative experiment ..................... ... 26

2.3 Control experiment, comparison of the results of the control and experimental groups ………………………………………………… ... 29

4. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………… .34

5. References ……………………………………………………… ... 35

5. Appendix ……………………………………………………………… ... 36


The intellectual development of older preschoolers is determined by a complex of cognitive processes: attention, perception, thinking, memory, imagination. At the senior preschool age, the child must be prepared for the leading activity in the primary school age - educational. In this case, the development of intellectual abilities and the formation of corresponding skills in children will be of great importance. The development of a preschooler can be carried out only in the natural, most attractive type of activity for him - play. A child, carried away by the concept of the game, does not notice that he is “learning,” although he encounters difficulties in doing so. The use of developing games and puzzles in the pedagogical process allows you to restructure educational activities, to move from the usual activities with children to cognitive play activities, organized jointly with an adult or independently. The teacher only has to use this natural need to involve children in more complex and creative forms of play activity.

Educational games are games that simulate the creative process itself and create their own microclimate, where opportunities arise for the development of the creative side of the intellect.

In work preschool institutions educational games are of great importance. They are used in organized educational activities and in the independent activities of children. Performing the function of a learning tool, such a game can serve part of educational activities. It helps assimilation, consolidation of knowledge, mastering ways cognitive activities... Children master the signs of objects, learn to classify, generalize, compare. The attention of older preschoolers is not arbitrary, not stable enough, limited in scope. Voluntary attention develops along with other functions and, above all, motivation for learning, a sense of responsibility for the success of learning activities.

Using play as a teaching method increases children's interest in educational activities, develops concentration, and ensures better assimilation of program material. Therefore, the topic of my research was "Development of the intellectual abilities of older preschoolers through developing games and puzzles."

The development of the intellectual abilities of preschool children is urgent problem modern preschool education. Today, society's need for the upbringing of creative people who have a non-standard view of problems, who are able to work with people, information flows, and quickly adapt to changing conditions has become especially acute. In preschool age, knowledge is accumulated at a rapid pace, speech is formed, cognitive processes are improved, the child masters the simplest ways of mental activity. It has been proven that intensive development of intelligence in preschool age increases the percentage of children learning at school. After all, what you can lay in the mind of a child from an early age remains with him for the rest of his life.

The search for ways to solve this problem determined the choice of the topic of our research: "Intellectual development of older preschoolers with the help of educational games and puzzles."

The solution to this problem is the goal of our research.

Purpose of the study: increasing the level of intellectual development of older preschool children through a system of educational games and puzzles.

Research objectives:

1. To analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the development of the intellect of preschoolers.

2. To reveal the importance of developing games in the development of mental processes of preschoolers.

3. To reveal the level of intellectual development of senior preschool children.

4. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, draw conclusions about the effectiveness of use logic games and puzzles to develop the intellectual abilities of preschoolers.

Object of study: intellectual development of older preschool children.

Subject of study: educational games and puzzles as a means of developing the intellectual abilities of older preschool children.

Research hypothesis. The development of voluntary attention of older preschoolers with the help of educational games and puzzles will contribute to accelerated intellectual development if:

1. The presence of clearly substantiated goals and content of the educational process in a preschool educational institution will be aimed at the intellectual development of preschoolers;

2. Individual characteristics of older preschool children will be taken into account;

3. Systematic work will be established by activating developmental games and game techniques that arouse children's interest in classes;

4. The variability of the use of preschool programs educational institution stimulating the intellectual development of preschoolers;

5. Educational games and puzzles will be used systematically.

Research base. Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution "Kindergarten No. 6" Cheryomushka ", Tynda senior and preparatory group.

The novelty of the work consists in creating a set of specially selected educational games and puzzles for children 5-7 years old and developing guidelines for their use.

Research methods. To solve the set tasks and test the hypothesis, a set of methods was used: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, observation, conversation, questionnaires, testing, study of the products of children's activities, forming an experiment, processing (quantitative and qualitative) of the results obtained.

Chapter 1. Theoretical analysis of the development of the intellect of preschoolers in the works of domestic and foreign psychologists

1.1 Development of intellectual abilities in preschool age

For a long time, the level of a child's mental development was judged by the amount of knowledge revealed in him, by the volume of his "mental inventory", which is revealed in the vocabulary. Even now, some parents (and sometimes teachers) think that the more words a child knows, the more developed he is. This is not entirely true. Now children literally bathe in streams of information, absorb, like a sponge, new words and expressions. Their vocabulary is growing sharply, but this does not mean that thinking is developing at the same pace. There is no direct relationship here.

Studies have found that by the age of preschool age, children, using the assimilated system of socially developed sensory standards, master some rational methods of examining the external properties of objects. Their use enables the child to perceive and analyze complex objects in a differentiated manner. Preschoolers can understand the general connections, principles and patterns that underlie scientific knowledge. So, for example, at 6-7 years old, a child is able to assimilate not only individual facts about nature, but also knowledge about the interaction of the organism with the environment, about the relationship between the form of an object and its function, need and behavior. However, preschoolers reach a sufficiently high level of cognitive activity only if education during this period is aimed at the active development of mental processes and is developmental, focused on the "zone of proximal development" (LS Vygodsky) / 3 /.

A six-year-old child can do a lot. But one should not overestimate his mental capabilities. Although the logical form of thinking is available, it is not yet typical, not characteristic of it. His type of thinking is specific. Higher forms visual-figurative thinking are the result of the intellectual development of the preschooler. Based on them, the child gets the opportunity to isolate the most essential properties, relationships between objects of the surrounding reality. At the same time, preschoolers without much difficulty not only understand schematic images, but also successfully use them (for example, a room plan for finding a "secret" object hidden in it, a diagram like a geographic map for choosing the right path, graphic models for constructive activity, etc.). P.). However, even acquiring the features of generalization, based on real actions with objects and their "substitutes" / 4 /. Teachers should take into account the position of Russian psychologists on the leading role of practical activity in the development of children, on the important role of visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking - specifically preschool forms of thinking. Research carried out in recent years convinces us that these forms of thinking are fraught with no less powerful reserves than logical thinking. It is important to emphasize that they perform their specific functions in the general process of mental development of children, not only of preschool, but also of school age. V preschool years the child must be prepared for the leading primary school age activity - educational. In this case, the formation of the corresponding skills in the child will be important. Possession of these skills, as shown by the research of A.P. Usova, provides the child with a "high level of learning" / 5 /. Its characteristic feature is the ability to single out an educational task and turn it into an independent goal of activity. Such an operation requires from the child the ability to be surprised and look for the reasons for the change, novelty he has noticed. Here the teacher can rely on the keen curiosity of the growing person, on his inexhaustible need for new impressions. “A poet,” wrote J. Korczak, “is such a person who rejoices and grieves greatly, easily feels, worries and sympathizes. And children are like that. And a philosopher is such a person who thinks deeply and definitely wants to know how everything is. in fact. And again the children are .... " / 6 /. However, there are also children who are intellectually passive. This leads them eventually to the number of lagging, poorly performing students. The reasons for this kind of passivity often lie in the limited intellectual impressions and interests of the child. At the same time, being unable to cope with the simplest educational task, they quickly complete it if it is translated into a practical plane or a game.

For the preschooler, the leading role in his intellectual life is played by the role of practical interaction with objects. This experience is complemented by visual representations, as if guiding - speech development. Nevertheless, the development of intelligence is carried out as one masters all three forms of presenting information: in the form of actions, visual images and linguistic signs. That is, the presentation of information should be carried out in different ways (visual-spatial, sensory-sensory, verbal-symbolic). The preference for one of the ways of presenting information leads to the formation of a superficial view of the world. The development of intelligence presupposes the development of the ability to translate from one "language" of information presentation to another and vice versa. For the formation of an object picture of the world, for the development of the child's intellect, taking into account his individual characteristics of perception, it is necessary to acquaint the preschooler with different ways reflections of reality. The child knows the meaning of things, gestures, words, events, etc. But these meanings are not scattered, but combined into certain structures.

An individual system of meanings characterizes the content structure of the intellect of a separate subject. For its development, it is necessary to expand the horizons of the child, the study of patterns and connections in the surrounding world. The intellectual development of a child is determined by a complex of cognitive processes: attention, perception, thinking, memory, imagination / 7 /.

The famous psychologist N.F. Dobrynin wrote that when a child is guided by rapidly passing interests, when his attention, depending on the feeling of pleasure or displeasure, focuses on one or another subject, when this is accompanied by what we call interest, and has the character of a game, then we say about involuntary attention. Such involuntary attention, arising without a consciously set goal, prevails in a six-year-old child. However, by the end of the preschool period, the rudiments of voluntary, active attention, associated with a consciously set goal, with a volitional effort, appear. Its appearance is an important neoplasm in the psyche of a child. Voluntary attention does not arise by itself from involuntary, but only in the course of interaction between a child and an adult. The first to notice this was the Soviet psychologist L.S. Vygodsky. Each person in the process of his development with the help of communication with other people masters the historically established ways of organizing his own attention. The first stages of such mastery fall exactly at 6-7 years. The main types of attention - involuntary and voluntary - are closely interrelated and sometimes turn into one another. The attention of a 6-7 year old child is characterized by involuntary spontaneity; he still cannot control his attention and is often at the mercy of external impressions. This manifests itself in the rapid distraction, the inability to concentrate on one thing, in the frequent change of activity. The teacher's guidance should be aimed at the gradual formation of voluntary attention, which is closely related to the development of responsibility. This presupposes the careful execution of any task, both interesting and not very interesting.

The most important characteristics of attention are the stability of attention, as the ability to maintain concentration for a longer period, switch attention, as the ability to quickly navigate a situation and move from one activity to another, and the distribution of attention - the ability to focus simultaneously on two or more different objects. The role of emotional factors (interest), thought and volitional processes clearly affects the development of attention. All properties of attention develop well as a result of exercise.

The child's perception is developed literally from the first months of life. By the age of 6-7, the child usually distinguishes well the colors and shapes of objects (he names various geometric shapes). The child is well oriented in space and correctly uses the variety of designations for spatial relationships. More difficult for a child is the perception of time - orientation in the time of day, in assessing different periods of time. It is still difficult for a child to imagine the duration of any activity.

A child's thinking is connected with his knowledge. And by the age of 6, his mental outlook is already large enough. In the studies conducted by N.N. Poddyakov and his staff, revealed interesting data on the knowledge that is formed in children in preschool age / 8 /. There are two conflicting tendencies here. First, in the process of mental activity, there is an expansion of the volume and deepening of clear, clear knowledge about the world around. This stable knowledge forms the core of the child's cognitive sphere. The second - in the process of mental activity, a circle of uncertain, not entirely clear knowledge arises and grows, acting in the form of guesses, assumptions, questions. This developing knowledge is a powerful stimulator of mental activity in children. In the course of the interaction of these tendencies, the uncertainty of knowledge decreases - they are refined, clarified and transferred into certain knowledge. Throughout the preschool age, the forms of mental activity are also developed: concept, judgment, inference. All activities available to the child can contribute to the development of thinking in a six-year-old child. At the same time, it is necessary to organize conditions conducive to in-depth knowledge of a particular object. In the research of the Research Institute of Preschool Education, attempts were made to form in the child the initial forms of the so-called methodological knowledge, which simultaneously reflect the most significant relationships of objects learned by the child, and the organization of his cognitive experience, the ordering of newly acquired knowledge. This methodological knowledge reflected in the simplest form the interconnection of objects and phenomena, their movement, change and development, the possibility of their qualitative transformation. So, for example, the knowledge was formed in children that objects and phenomena should be considered not by themselves, but in relation to other objects. What is characteristic of such a child's cognition of this or that subject? It involves going beyond this subject and considering it in a more general set of objects and phenomena. At the same time, the child invariably encounters other objects little known to him, knowledge of which appears for him at first as vague, unclear. Thus, the deepening process of cognition of objects and phenomena inevitably leads to the emergence and growth of uncertain, indistinct knowledge. Recall that this knowledge, manifested in the form of guesses, assumptions, is an important stimulus for the child's mental activity. In a 6-7 year old child, memory is involuntary, based on emotions, interest. That is, the child easily remembers what interests him. But the memory mechanisms of the six-year-old are not limited to involuntary memorization. By this stage of life, an important new formation appears in the psyche - children master their own mnemonic activity, an arbitrary memory arises in them. Emotional memory reaches a high degree of development in a six-year-old child. But the child does not remember the feeling at all, but the feeling for specific person, subject, i.e. his emotional memory is inseparable from figurative, visual. This type of memory is very developed in six-year-old children and forms its basis. Its development is manifested not only in a significant expansion and deepening of the range of representations, but also in the transition from single and specific images to generalized representations. When it comes to the memory of six-year-old children and its formation, one should not lose sight of its peculiarities related to the child's gender. Research recent years indicate that in boys and girls, the rate of maturation of various brain formations does not coincide, and the rate of development of the left and right hemispheres is different, which differ significantly in their functions. It has been established, in particular, that in girls, the development of the functions of the left hemisphere is much faster than in boys. But in the latter, on the contrary, it is the right hemisphere of the brain that is more effective due to the earlier maturation of its functions. What does this have to do with children's memory? Currently, scientists have found that the left hemisphere, to a greater extent than the right, is responsible for conscious voluntary acts, verbal and logical memory, rational thinking, positive emotions; the right hemisphere has a leading role in the realization of involuntary, intuitive reactions, irrational mental activity, figurative memory, negative emotions. In the process of working with six-year-olds, one should not ignore the information about the "distribution" of roles between the hemispheres. All types of memory should be developed, strive for learning memorization based on mental activity, on understanding. The formation of concepts, according to scientists, plays a key role in the process of intellectual development, and also implies the inclusion of sensory-sensory impressions, figurative representations, verbal-speech (sign) definitions. The most active formation of concepts occurs in adolescence, but the beginning of this process can be seen already in early childhood. For example, mastering speech, the ability to communicate. In addition, the image of objects, phenomena of everyday life, also testifies to the development of conceptual thinking. Getting to know the world, the child actively learns the signs of objects, their properties, connections with other objects, generalizes the knowledge gained.

The child's imagination, arising on the border of early and preschool age, undergoes major changes in preschool age. Along with the further development of involuntary imagination, a qualitatively new type of imagination appears - voluntary imagination. Psychologists associate its appearance and further development in preschool age with the emergence of new, more complex types of activity, with a change in the content and forms of communication between the child and others, primarily with adults. Important role external support plays in the development of the child's imagination. If at the first stages, during the period of its inception, the preschooler's imagination is practically inseparable from real actions with play material and is determined by the nature of the toys, the attributes of the role, the similarity of substitute items with the replaced items, then in children of 6-7 years old there is no longer such a close dependence of the game on the play material and imagination can already find support in such objects that do not look like substituted. Images of imagination at this age are characterized by special brightness, clarity, mobility and variability. The imagination of a six-year-old child is often reproductive in nature. It helps to imagine what the teacher is talking about, what is written in the book, which has not yet been in direct experience, the memory of the child (events of history and the future, distant countries, amazing, rare animals, plants, etc.). But the imagination of the child is not limited to this. In the process of creating images, a six-year-old child uses both a combination of previously received ideas and their transformation, which is carried out by analyzing and synthesizing existing ideas. One of the most accessible methods for transforming reality for a child is the change in the size of objects, reaching extremes. In general, exaggeration (hyperbole) is widely used by children to create sharp opposites that are easily accessible to an undeveloped understanding (people are either examples of virtue and beauty, or monsters and villains, etc.). The child also creates new images, attributing to objects unusual qualities (often anthropometric), endowing them with the ability to transform into another object, into another state, etc.

Speech is closely connected with the child's thinking. 6 years is a period of extremely intensive development. Let us recall that in preschool age the leading activity is play. In the process of playing situations and roles, mastering the functions and forms of speech becomes very important for him. At the same time, the physical side speech activity recedes into the background, obscured by the task of mastering the diverse functions of speech and the forms of their expression. The emphasis shifts to the semantic (semantic) side of speech. A significant expansion of the child's circle of communication by the age of 6 leads to the development of his free speech. By the time he enters school, he practically masters all aspects of his native language: vocabulary, sound composition, grammatical structure. Mastering concepts and their meanings allows a six-year-old child to apply generalization in speech and develops his thinking.

To date, intellectual abilities as external manifestations of intelligence are classified by different authors in different ways. One of the approaches is the division into divergent and convergent. Another emphasizes additionally learning ability as an intellectual ability.

Learnability manifests itself in the ability to assimilate new knowledge and ways of working. Learning is characterized by the child's level of independence in completing tasks, as well as the application of knowledge and methods of activity to perform a similar task. The highest degree of learning is the active creative initiative of the subject. When assessing the effectiveness of learning, it is necessary to take into account the starting level and individual characteristics of the intellectual development of each child. M.A. Cold introduces a fourth kind - intelligent styles. But this type of ability in preschool age is not sufficiently organized, it is only beginning to be identified under the condition of a high level of intellectual development / 10 /. Intellectual abilities are reflected in the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, contrast, synthesize, are manifested in the peculiarities of the development of the child's speech, attention, perception, memory, imagination, thinking. The development of intellectual abilities and mental experience is closely related to the education of certain personal qualities. They can be conditionally divided into 4 groups:

cognitive: initiative, curiosity, independence.

self-assessed: self-confidence, a sense of intellectual consistency.

communicative: benevolence, the ability to take into account the point of view of another person, criticality in assessing "indisputable" truths, the ability to engage in intellectual dialogue.

emotional: characterize the attitude to life phenomena, the surrounding reality, art, creativity, knowledge, intellectual activity.

The upbringing of the above-mentioned personal qualities is the conditions for the development of intelligence. Developed intelligence, in turn, contributes to the formation of these personality traits. This relationship can be displayed as follows:

Personal qualities of the subject

Intellectual development.

1.2 Using didactic games as a means of developing the intellect of preschoolers

Play is the main activity of a child in preschool age, playing, he learns the world of people, playing, the child develops. V modern pedagogy there are a huge number of developmental games that can develop the sensory, motor, and intellectual abilities of a child. Before talking about the development of games, it should be recalled that the concept of "development of intelligence" includes the development of memory, perception, thinking, ie. of all mental faculties. Having focused on only one indicator, one cannot talk about the development of children's intelligence in general. It is worth noting that it is better to conduct educational games with a group of children, since it is collective games that are much better able to develop intellectual abilities. Preschool childhood is the first stage in the mental development of a child, his preparation for participation in the life of society. This period is an important preparatory stage for the next stage - schooling. The main difference between a preschool child and a schoolboy is the difference in the main, leading types of their activities. In preschool childhood - play, school - learning. Each of these types of activity makes its own requirements for the child's psyche and creates specific conditions for the development of certain mental processes and personality traits. Therefore, the task of studying continuity between ages is to a large extent to identify which mental qualities that develop in play are of the greatest importance for subsequent learning and how children’s play should be guided in order to educate these qualities.

The developmental significance of the game is diverse. In the game, the child learns the world around him, his thinking, feelings, will develop, relationships with peers are formed, self-esteem and self-awareness are formed. But let us restrict ourselves to considering the importance that play has for mental development. From this point of view, the most important are the ideas of children that form in it about the world of adults and the mental abilities that develop under its influence. Research by psychologists Z.A. Zak, / 11 /, A.N. Polivanova / 12 /, S.S. Stepanova / 13 / it was confirmed that in the game in children a symbolic (sign) function of consciousness develops, consisting in the use of substitutes instead of real objects. Indeed, it is in the play situation that the child begins to use object substitutions (a cube instead of soap, a chair instead of a car) and role substitutions. And this is the beginning of the path leading to the assimilation and use of all the wealth of human culture, fixed and transmitted from generation to generation in the form of such systems of signs as oral and written speech, mathematical symbolism, musical notation, etc. The use of external real substitutes turns into the use of internal, figurative substitutes, and this rebuilds all mental processes of the child, allows him to build in his mind ideas about objects and phenomena of reality and apply them in solving various mental problems. The most typical form of such representations for preschool children is the construction and use of visual models (such as a diagram, plan, drawing) / 14 /. Research has shown that the ability to visualize spatial modeling is one of the most important intellectual abilities that develop in preschool childhood. The level of her development largely determines the general level of the child's intellectual development. The ability to visualize modeling is due precisely to the fact that the very activity of children is of a modeling nature and that play predominates in it. That is why playful modeling of reality is of particular value for the intellectual development of a child.

Another acquisition in intellectual development, directly related to play, is the formation of the ability to take the point of view of another person, to look at things through his eyes. The substitution and modeling of phenomena, reality, which are formed in the game, are not passive, but active in nature. So, the need to use in play not those objects that are used in the activities of adults, but others that only resemble them and allow them to perform play actions, pushes children on the path of finding suitable substitutes; the same substitute begins to be used to denote different objects, and vice versa. And these are already elements of imagination, creativity. An even greater impetus to the development of imagination is given by the comparison of the model created in the game with the simulated reality itself. The child begins to see a second, imaginary plan behind his own play actions and the actions of partners.

Thus, the development of thinking in play is inextricably linked with the development of imagination. Of course, what was said above about the developmental significance of play is, indeed, provided that the play itself reaches a sufficiently high degree of development in preschoolers. And for this, systematic and skillful guidance from adults. Even in the presence of such guidance, the intellectual qualities that play carries do not develop in all children to the same extent: it depends on the place that the child occupies in joint games, on his individual psychological characteristics and on a number of other reasons. But it is important to emphasize: these qualities are of lasting importance, they constitute the golden fund of the personality. So, the ability to visualize modeling, developed imagination are necessary in different types labor, and if they are not formed in preschool childhood, it is extremely difficult to make up for it later. As noted, the game is not easy favourite hobby children, this is the leading activity of preschoolers. It is in it that the main neoplasms are formed, preparing the child's transition to primary school age. Play is also the first school of will; it is in play that the ability to submit to various requirements voluntarily, on its own initiative, is initially manifested.

Developing games help the assimilation, consolidation of knowledge, mastering the methods of cognitive activity. Children master the signs of objects, learn to classify, generalize, compare. The use of developing games increases children's interest in classes, develops concentration, and ensures better assimilation of the program material. These games are especially effective in the classroom for acquaintance with the environment, for teaching the native language, for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. In the game, educational, cognitive tasks are interconnected with the game ones, therefore, when organizing the game, special attention should be paid to the presence of elements of entertainment in the classes: search, surprise, guessing, etc. Developmental games aimed at the mental development of preschoolers (in the process, their children master certain skills, acquire new knowledge, consolidate them), can be as close as possible to educational activities. Conducting didactic games, the teacher purposefully influences the children, thinks over the methodological methods of conducting, strives for the didactic tasks to be accepted by all children. Systematically complicating the material, taking into account the requirements of the program, the teacher communicates available knowledge through didactic games, forms the necessary skills, improves mental processes (perception, thinking, speech, etc.) / 15 /.

In our time, there is the new kind games - computer. They are most directly related to intellectual development. On the one hand, they require the child's psychological readiness, which consists in the development of visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking, on the other hand, they can become an important means of developing the foundations of logical thinking. However, computer games and their content require serious scientific substantiation and so far can be used in kindergartens on an experimental basis, under the supervision of specialists - teachers, psychologists. But, undoubtedly, the day is not far off when they will replenish the arsenal of means aimed at the intellectual development of the child.

1.3 Classification of games and their impact on the development of mental processes in preschoolers

In the work of preschool institutions, educational games play an important role. They are used in the classroom and in the independent activities of children. Fulfilling the function of a learning tool, an educational game can serve as an integral part of the lesson. It helps the assimilation, consolidation of knowledge, mastering the methods of cognitive activity. Children master the signs of objects, learn to classify, generalize, compare. The use of developing games as a teaching method increases children's interest in classes, develops concentration, and ensures better assimilation of the program material.

V kindergarten, in each age group, there should be a variety of educational games. The need to select a variety of games does not mean that you need to have a large number of them. The abundance of games and toys scatters the attention of children, does not allow them to master the content and rules well. When choosing games, children are sometimes faced with too easy or, on the contrary, overly difficult tasks. If the complexity of the games does not correspond to the age of children, then they cannot play them, and vice versa - too easy tasks do not excite their mental activity. Studies by Russian psychologists and teachers have shown that organized training in the classroom is the most productive. Such training contributes to the better acquisition of knowledge, abilities, skills by children, as well as the development of their speech, thinking, attention, memory. Naturally, with the introduction of teaching in kindergarten, the role and place of didactic play in the pedagogical process has changed. It has become one of the means of consolidating, clarifying and expanding the knowledge that children receive in the classroom. The characteristic features of educational games are that they are created by adults for the purpose of teaching and educating children. However, created for didactic purposes, they remain games. The child in these games is attracted first of all game situation, while playing, he unnoticed for himself solves a didactic problem. Each game includes several elements, namely: a didactic task, content, rules and game actions. The main element of the didactic game is the didactic task. It is closely related to the training program. All other elements are subordinate to this task and ensure its implementation.

The didactic tasks are varied. This can be familiarization with others, the development of speech. Didactic tasks can be associated with the consolidation of elementary mathematical concepts. The content of didactic games is the surrounding reality (nature, people, their relationships, everyday life, work, social events, etc.). Rules play an important role in the didactic game. They determine what and how each child should do in the game, show the way to achieve the goal. The rules help develop the ability of children to slow down. They educate children in the ability to restrain themselves, to control their behavior.

An important role in such games belongs to the game action. Play action is a manifestation of children's activity for play purposes. If we analyze didactic games from the point of view of what occupies and fascinates children in them, it turns out that children are primarily interested in play action. It stimulates children's activity, makes children feel satisfied. The didactic task, veiled in a play form, is solved by the child more successfully, since his attention is primarily directed to the development of the play action and the implementation of the rules of the game. Unbeknownst to himself, without much stress, playing, he performs a didactic task. Due to the presence of game actions, didactic games used in the classroom make learning entertaining, emotional, help increase the voluntary attention of children, create the prerequisites for a deeper mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities. In each didactic game, didactic tasks, game actions and rules of the game are interrelated / 16 /.

Didactic games-lessons with objects and toys most of all correspond to the tasks of developing the object-play activity of young children. Kids master actions with objects and thus learn their various properties. They begin to practically understand the differences between, for example, a cube and a ball, between a volumetric object and a flat one. Games-activities with didactic toys develop concentration, the ability to calmly, without distraction, do something for some time, develop the ability to imitate an adult. Actions with such objects always pose a mental task for the child - he is trying to achieve a result. Gradually, tasks of a sensory nature are included: to teach to distinguish between size, shape, color.

Board-printed games meet the characteristics of visual-active thinking of young children. In the process of these games, kids learn and consolidate knowledge in practical action not with objects, but with their image in the pictures. The tasks solved in the classroom are also varied: consolidation of knowledge about subjects, their purpose, classification, generalization of subjects according to essential features, establishing the relationship between objects, making a whole from parts. In order to maintain children's interest in playing games and to form generalized ideas about the attributes of objects, one should offer them a solution to the same problem using different didactic material. The methodological manuals for teaching and upbringing of children provide the content different types games-lessons, the sequence of complication of cognitive tasks is indicated. So, the games developed by L.M. Shvedova, are aimed at the formation of an elementary culture of thinking, the ability to transfer the acquired skills to the solution of new practical problems. Games-activities with imaginative toys expand the orientation of children in the environment, enrich their vocabulary, contribute to the development of independent play activities / 17 /.

Great value in speech development children have verbal didactic games. They form auditory attention, the ability to listen to the sounds of speech, repeat sound combinations and words. Game actions in verbal didactic games (imitation of movements, search for the one who called, actions on a verbal signal, onomatopoeia) induce multiple repetitions of the same sound combination, which exercises the correct pronunciation of sounds and words. Taking into account the recommendations of physiologists (MM Koltsov and others) about the need to train the fingers in order to develop the speech zones of the brain, appropriate games should be carried out with children, for example, "Fingers". Development fine motor skills- the main indicator of a child's readiness to master writing, reading, correct speech and intelligence in general; the arms, head and tongue are linked by a single thread, and any lag in this chain will lead to a lag.

Of great value in the intellectual development of children are word games(folk riddles, silence, forbidden word). These games stimulate mental activity. Correctly used didactic games help to form perseverance in children, the ability to inhibit their feelings and desires, to obey the rules. In games, the child is forced to show mental activity and perseverance in mastering others, in the implementation of his plans, the ability to set a goal and achieve its solution. Children of this age are better able to control their mental processes, speech and thinking. Systematically conducting didactic games with the children of the preparatory group for school, one can not only develop the mental abilities of children, but also develop their moral and volitional character traits, teach children to a faster pace of mental activity.

This topic was widely sanctified in their works by such pedagogical psychologists as Yu.P. Azarov. / 18 /, Boguslovskaya Z.M. / 19 /, Bondarenko A.K. / 10 /, Dzhaparidze M.A. / 21 /, Subbotin O.Yu. / 22 /, Sorokina A.I. / 23 /.

Conclusions for chapter 1

In preschool age, the foundation of ideas and concepts is laid, which significantly affects the intellectual development of children. Preschool childhood is the optimal period in the intellectual development of a person. It has been established that the possibilities for the intellectual development of preschool children are very high: children can successfully learn not only the external, visual properties of objects and phenomena, but also their internal, essential connections and relationships. In the period of preschool childhood, the ability for the initial forms of abstraction, generalization, and inference is formed.

Educational games contribute to the formation of mental qualities in children: attention, memory, observation, intelligence. They teach children to apply existing knowledge in different play conditions, activate a variety of mental processes and bring emotional joy to children.

Developing games are an irreplaceable means of teaching children to overcome various difficulties in their mental and moral activities. These games are fraught with great opportunities and educational impact on preschool children.

In play, perception, thinking, memory, speech are formed - those fundamental mental processes, without the sufficient development of which it is impossible to talk about the development of the child's intellect. With the help of didactic games, the intellectual abilities necessary for each child are developed, the level of development of which, of course, affects the process of school education and is of great importance for the subsequent development of the personality.