
Birthday script for 4 year old boy. Birthday script for a girl (4 years old) “Birthday with Princess Lesnyanka. “Blowing bubbles, look at them!”


4 years old is an important age. The child already understands a lot, knows how to count, read and knows a lot of fairy tales. He is very inquisitive at this age and very active.

Therefore, a birthday must be celebrated. And it must be organized carefully. Where to begin?...
You need to start with the Celebration Scenario. It is necessary to prepare the program in advance, and this is not so simple. Everything must be taken into account age features baby and his interests.

My nephew turned 4 on December 4th. I adore him, so I could not help but take matters into my own hands. His mother is still too young, so I helped my sister in organizing the holiday.

Naturally, in the morning, before kindergarten, Makarik was congratulated at home by his mother, and father, and his sister Evochka, who will turn 2 years old in two months.

Makar went to Kindergarten and preparations began at home. After all, it is necessary to decorate the apartment, set the table for the arrival of guests. I entrusted this to my parents. For me, the fun part!

Tricks of Baba Yaga - Children's Birthday Scenario!

When all the guests had already gathered, there was a knock on the door. Makar was offered to open the door and see who else came to visit him?

Little Red Riding Hood appeared on the threshold with a gift in her hands and balloons! The role of Little Red Riding Hood was played well by my daughter Olesya. She handled it very well!

Little Red Riding Hood:

“Hello, dear Makarik, hello kids!
Dear Makarik, I congratulate you on your birthday! Today I was in such a hurry to you, in such a hurry, and rushed straight from the fairy tale, only to be in time for your birthday.

I wish you to grow up healthy, smart and handsome boy. I see how many friends came to your birthday party!!!

Let's all shout in unison: "CONGRATULATIONS!" Everyone congratulates you today, gives gifts. But I also came to you with a gift. - And gives a gift to Makar.

So what's the holiday today guys?

Children: Birthday!

Little Red Riding Hood: - I'm lucky! Wait, guys, now I'll call ... (takes out the phone, calls Baba Yaga):

Hello, Baba Yaga, hello! Imagine, I got to the holiday, it's so interesting, so beautiful and full of kids. Come soon, let's have fun together!

In the meantime, Baba Yaga is getting to us, let's get to know each other. One, two, three - say your name!

And now I want to find out something...

One, two, three, four, five!
Who will we congratulate?
Whose dreams will come true?
Who are our flowers for?
Who will be proud today?
Will there be a big cake?
Candles blow out?
And open gifts?
Who is this verse for?
And in the eyes of fun - whose?
Who is ahead today?
Birthday boy, come out!
How old is Makar now?

Makar: - Four!

Little Red Riding Hood:
Let's congratulate Makar!
(everyone stands in a circle, Makar - in the center of the circle):

We stomp 4 times! Have fun!
We will clap 4 times! More friendly!
Come on, Makar, turn around!
Come on, Makar, take a bow!
And once again we all stomp!
And clap your hands again!

- Come on, adults, let's
Help your children!
Say yes yes yes
If you like the words.
And if I get confused
I'll mess up with words
Don't upset me -
"No, no, no" shout:

Happy birthday? (Yes Yes Yes!)
Everyone bad mood? (No no no!)
Be, Makarik, kind, sweet? (Yes Yes Yes!)
Disobedient and pugnacious? (No no no!)
For mommy to love? (Yes Yes Yes!)
Did you hit the ass with a strap? (No no no!)
What about ice cream? (Yes Yes Yes!)
Be healthy and smart? (Yes Yes Yes!)
Like a green crocodile? (No no no!)
May success await you! (Yes Yes Yes!)
Our Makarik is the best! (Yes Yes Yes!)

Well done parents, and now let's check your children, let's play the game "I am not Me"
If I'm talking about you, then raise your hand up and shout - it's me!

If this is not about you, then stomp your foot and shout - it's not me! So let's go:

Who is funny and skillful,
The smartest, the bravest? (pause)

Who doesn't listen to mom
Who is evil, stubborn,
He is naughty and naughty,
And is he telling lies? (pause)

Who respects all elders
Doesn't hurt kids
Likes to sing and draw
Play good games? (pause)

Who is capricious and whiny,
Acting ugly
Mom and dad are rude
And strive to offend? (pause)

Who loves fairy tales so much
Loves books and coloring books
About mysterious countries
About the seas and oceans? (pause)

Who doesn't want to go to bed
Who keeps jumping and laughing,
And when it's time to get up
Says he wants to sleep? (pause)

Who is neither with a friend nor with a girlfriend
Sharing a toy? (pause)

Who helps mom
Is he putting his things away? (pause)

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Here are the good fellows, what we are all good! Let's keep doing this forever. And now let's once again loudly say to the birthday man: "Happy birthday!" three four...

There is a loud knock on the door. Everyone gets scared and asks: “Who else is knocking so hard ???”

Little Red Riding Hood: - Makarik, did you accidentally invite anyone else ??? Makar opens the door and Baba Yaga flies in on a broomstick. I played Baba Yaga...

Baba Yaga:
- Aaah, who's making a noise here, who's getting pissed here??? Kids??? Oh, so many kids! I love to eat kids. Will you let me visit?

Makara's mother and children:
- Of course, granny, come in, just promise not to frighten us, not to conjure and not to misbehave.

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Baba Yaga, don't scare our birthday boy and kids! Come on, join us! Meet our birthday boy Makarushka and his friends.

Baba Yaga:
- Oh, my good ones, don’t be afraid, I’m a kind Baba Yaga, well, maybe a little harmful, but I’m only friends with good kids, and I don’t like bad boys and girls, naughty.

I found out that today is Makar's birthday, I left my business, my hut on chicken legs and flew to you, Mak4ar. Are you a good boy??? - Yes. Well then let's be friends with you!

But I didn’t come empty-handed either, here’s my present for you!!! (handing over my broom)

What? I do not like? Ay-yes, okay, I persuaded ... Now I’ll do a little magic and there will be a present for you! Shirley - Myrli, Fufty-Mafufty, you stop the broom, but turn into a horse! oh it worked! Hold your horse, Makar! Like it now? You can ride on it - it will serve you right!

(children ride a horse while - 5 minutes)

Little Red Riding Hood:

Children, do you know a crow? There is such a bird ... Yes, well? Now let's check!
Crow Karkusha from a magical land loves only what it has in its name favorite word CAR. For example, the favorite city of the Karkusha crow is KAraganda. And her favorite sport is KARATE, and her favorite sweets are KAramel.

But what else does a crow from a magical land love?


What is Karkusha's favorite cartoon? "Baby and ..." (Carlson)
Name your favorite Karkushin vegetable. (potato)
What is Karkusha's favorite attraction in the amusement park. (carousel)
What does Karkusha like to draw most of all? (in pencil)
Where does Karkusha hide his handkerchiefs? (in pocket)
What song does Karkusha sing to the birthday boy when they dance? ("Loaf")
And what is the name of the boy likes a crow? (Makar)
How does a crow croak? (Children croak)

Baba Yaga:
- Who's making a noise here? Who is this pissed off? I thought that a flock of crows arranged a song festival here!

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Oh, Baba Yaga, don't swear!

Baba Yaga:
- Don't like that I swear? Then I'll catch everyone and eat them! (trying to catch the kids, they dodge)

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Stop, stop, wait! You promised not to spoil our holiday! Our children are all good, smart and dexterous. Check it out!

Baba Yaga:
- Okay, now I'll give you a task for dexterity! only this agreement: If you do not cope with the task, then I will choose the most inept and eat! Deal?

Game - Bumps

Bumps made from newspapers are scattered on the floor.
Baba Yaga explains that she lives near a swamp, and in the swamp they only jump over bumps, and if a foot gets into the swamp water, you will immediately drown.

A path of bumps is laid out, the participant must jump to the end of the path, turn around, jump over the bumps to his team, hit the next player with his hand, after which the next player enters the path of bumps.

At the end of the game, Little Red Riding Hood gives everyone a candy, small prizes can be, but this will distract the children from the further program ...

Little Red Riding Hood:

You see, Baba Yaga, how clever our children are. No one fell into your swamp.

Baba Yaga:
- So what, but I see here the one who almost fell into the swamp, and I will pick up and eat this girl ... Or not, that boy ...
Little Red Riding Hood:
- Stop, stop, Baba Yaga, it's so dishonest, you have to play again.

Baba Yaga:
- Well, well, let's do it again, but only now in another game.

The bumps are laid out in two rows at opposite walls. Each player stands on a bump. At one wall - one team, at the other - another. Baba Yaga has a whistle. At the signal of the whistle, the teams run to change places. We do this 5 times. Prizes are given out for participating in the game.

Baba Yaga:
- Well, look how inept, I'll eat everyone now, probably ...

Little Red Riding Hood:
- you are playing dishonestly, Baba Yaga, look - all the children coped with your task!

Baba Yaga:
- Well, nothing, I'll outwit you! So that I don't eat you, make me some soup! Collect all sorts of yummy things in my swamp for a super soup: worms and fly agarics.

Here is a saucepan for you, and here is a list of what I put in the soup. If you collect what I need, then you will win, and if not, then I will put you in the soup ... Ha-ha.

A leaflet is hung on the wall, on which it is written:

2 bumps
2 insects,
1 spider
2 tracks
1 +1 fly agaric
3 mice
2 worms
2 crumpled papers
1 frog...
At the very end it says: "1 harmful child." This end is tucked up so that it is not visible at first.

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Let me see the list. Cones... one spider... ugh, who eats such muck!

Baba Yaga:
- I eat, I! So, collect without talking!

We pour a bunch of all sorts of toys and pieces of paper on the floor, rubber vegetables and fruits, and we had all the ingredients for the soup in the pictures, we didn’t find toys ... but somewhere there were such ...

After the children have collected, we check ...

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Well, how is everything right? Check the pot - have the children cooked everything?

Baba Yaga:
- But no! There is another point here, you missed it! (unfolds the sheet to the end, and the children read: "1 harmful child")

Baba Yaga:
- I need another bad child for soup, so I'll take this child now! (again half a minute of Baba Yaga running after the children)

Little Red Riding Hood:
- You're being dishonest! The children did everything right, so you do not need to catch the children, but to reward them.

Baba Yaga:
- Yeah, dreaming! They left dirty cones in my soup, and they caught some small spiders ... No, you won’t wait for gifts from me.
Little Red Riding Hood:
- Then I'll reward the guys myself! (distributing surprises) Well, you are harmful after all!

Baba Yaga:
"And why are you staring at me like that?" And, probably, you want to play peepers!

Game "Peepers"

Baba Yaga explains that children dance to the music, and when the music stops abruptly, everyone freezes.

Children should not laugh or move, and Baba Yaga tries to make them move - groans, scares, makes faces, unexpectedly blows a whistle next to the ear, etc.

Anyone who moves or laughs is out of the game...

Baba Yaga:
- Here we have two winners, I'll eat them!

Little Red Riding Hood:
- What are you, the winners are awarded, not eaten!

Baba Yaga:
- And I will not reward anyone.

Little Red Riding Hood:

Well, okay, then I'll give the guys prizes. And not only to the winners, but to everyone, because everyone tried, and you cheated and cunning, knocked them down - scared and made them laugh.

And now, guys, let's congratulate our birthday boy again: look what I have! (I take out a chamomile, and Baba Yaga snatches it from me and begins to read it herself)

Congratulation "Chamomile"

She has a cardboard circle-core, to which leaf-petals are glued at one end. On one side of each petal, characters from a cartoon or a fairy tale are pasted: Gingerbread Man, Pinocchio, Malvina, Hare, Bear, Crocodile, Carlson, Lion and Cat. (you can: Luntik, Wolf from Well, wait a minute, Cheburashka, Winnie the Pooh, Leopold the Cat, Shrek, Spider-Man, etc.)

Baba Yaga:
- Dear Makar, we congratulate you on your birthday,
we wish you to be strong like..., bear
as smart as..., malvina
as beautiful as..., Pinocchio
as bold as ..., kolobok
patient like..., crocodile
smart as ..., carlson
as fast as ... , hare
So that you have the same cozy home as ..., a cat
We wish you the same friend as ..., a lion!

Chamomile can be attached to the wall as a keepsake!

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Look, Baba Yaga, we have children who are smart, and fast, and talented, is it possible to have such children?

Baba Yaga:
- Then I'll eat the most stupid!

Little Red Riding Hood:
- And we do not have stupid!

Baba Yaga:
- It cannot be, it must be!

Little Red Riding Hood:
We'll prove to you that it's not! Our kids are really smart. We have them and know how to count, and smart books read, and know a lot of poetry. I'll prove it to you now. Guys, I'll start poems and songs for you, and you finish!

Complete the verse or song:

Our Tanya is loud ... (children continue)
Two cheerful lived with granny ..., (children continue)
One is gray, the other ... (children continue)
There lived a greyish grandmother ... (children continue)
There lived a grandfather and a woman and they had a chicken ... (children continue)
Leopold the cat said: "Guys, let's live ..." (children continue)
Born in the forest ... (children continue)
In the forest she ... (children continue)

(Baba Yaga interferes with the children and inserts her own options, such as “Kukaryamba Hen” or “There once was a gray elephant with my grandmother”, “Our Tanya jumps loudly”, “One is gray, the other is yellow”, “Leopold the cat said: “Guys, let's live unfriendly "... a palm tree was born, it slept in winter, ... The children laughed.)
Little Red Riding Hood:
- You know poems worse than us, and songs too ...

Baba Yaga:
- So what, still eat someone! This girl, perhaps, or better, that boy! Better yet, you!

Little Red Riding Hood:
- What are you going to eat and eat! Are you hungry?

Baba Yaga: (begins to whine):
- Hungry. So you celebrate your birthday, invite all your friends, feed delicious food, but everyone forgot about me.

Well, at least once they would have invited me, they would have treated me with a delicious candy. And I will immediately improve, I will become good, good, if you treat me with candy!

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Well, come on, we'll treat you, we're not evil and not greedy, right?! Come on, children, treat Baba Yaga with something delicious! All children treat Baba Yaga with sweets from the table. Baba Yaga puts it in her purse and thanks everyone. Saying that now she will definitely get better.

Baba Yaga:
- So she became kind, even wanted to play with you? Let's play?

We are brave pilots:

At the controls of an airplane! (hands depict how the steering wheel is turned)
We're flying high (hands up)
We are flying far! (palms folded, as if a person is looking through binoculars)
Day and night we fly (wave your hands like wings)
We don't want to go to sleep! (palms under the cheek, like a sleeping person)
Let's look back (look back)
Then look forward (turn back) ...
Don't break the plane! (wiggle finger)


We are funny monkeys
We play too loud
All hands clap
We all stomp our feet
We inflate cheeks
Jumping on toes
And even to each other
We'll show the tongues
Let's stick out the ears
And stroke the belly
Tail on top
And on the nose of the pen
Together let's jump to the ceiling
Bring the finger to the temple
Let's open our mouth wide
We'll make all the grimaces!

Then Baba Yaga made riddles...

Baba Yaga:
- And now let's bake a cake for our birthday boy! Children, hold hands and line up in one long chain. Let's start baking!
If there are few children, involve adults. In front of everyone is Little Red Riding Hood, behind is Baba Yaga.

On command, the children begin to "bake the cake": it turns around itself, winding the whole chain. Little Red Riding Hood spins until a big "cake" is made. Condition - do not disengage your hands. As soon as the whole chain wraps around Little Red Riding Hood, you should stop. Some music plays during the game.

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Well, now let's sing for the birthday boy
We bring in a cake, we dance "loaf".

As we baked a loaf on Makarina's name day,
Here is such a height, here is such a width,
Here is such a supper, here is such a lowland.
Loaf, loaf, choose whom you like.
I love you all, and Makara more than anyone!

Baba Yaga:
Well, Makarik, I congratulate you again, but it’s time for me to fly to my forest. And you play with your friends, ride a magic horse, look at the gifts that you have been given.

Bye-bye everyone, invite me again. I'll definitely come. Thanks for the party, I'm going home. And finally, I’ll tell you a poem, sit back and listen:

The fly sat on the jam ......
That's all the poem!
Ha ha ha!

Little Red Riding Hood:
- Yes, well done Baba Yaga, she became very kind. And it's time for me guys to return to my fairy tale. I really liked it, Makrik is with you, and did you like the holiday? Will you invite us over for a visit? Yes? Well then: SEE YOU SOON, GOOD BYE!!!

I again arranged a holiday for my daughter best friend! Nastya is 4 years old. I'll try to tell you in order how the day of jam went and at the same time lay out the script. I collected it from the Internet, so I apologize if something is wrong ... Here is a photo of how the kids sat down at their table (on the table there is a tablecloth printed by me, but I won’t say whose ideas were used about the tablecloth, I was banned , Unfortunately...)
While the photos are not all, as I usually do the holiday and take pictures too. Once I get all the photos, I'll be sure to add them.

Children are looking at gifts

I printed out such a garland and hung it in the hall. I also posted photos of Nastya at different ages everywhere around the house.

Children at the holiday table!


Refreshed, and began ...

I collected the script in parts from the Internet - somewhere mine, but somewhere I took it for general use. Basically, I was guided by the website "Solnyshko" Thank you very much!

One, two, three, four, five!
Who will we congratulate?
Whose dreams will come true?
Who are the flowers for?
Who will be proud today?
Will there be a big cake?
Candles blow out?
And open gifts?
Who is this verse for?
And in the eyes of fun - whose?
Who is ahead today?
Birthday boy, come out!
(Nastya enters the circle.)

How old is Nastya now?

Children: Four!

We stomp 4 times! Have fun!
We will clap 4 times! More friendly!
Come on, Nastya, turn around!
Come on, Nastya, take a bow!
And once again we all stomp!
And clap your hands again.

Every girl dreams of being a princess, and every boy dreams of being a prince. Let's turn into them now!

(blanks of crowns, precious stones (you can use self-adhesive paper different colors, glue stick, paper clips or crocodile clips)
We make paper crowns, decorate with “precious” paper stones using glue.

Putting on crowns

Here is the birthday girl in the crown

And here is mine and Nikita in crowns

Birthday girl with grandmother

Mother of our Nastya. She also decided to try on the crown

And let's check if you are real princesses!

(a bead or a button is placed on one of the chairs, pillows are placed on all the chairs, the girls must guess where the bead is)


"The king walked through the forest."
Children join hands and form a circle. In the center of the circle is the "king" (birthday girl). Everyone dances and sings:
The king walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,
Found myself a princess, princess, princess.
("king" chooses "princess")
Let's jump with you, jump, jump,
(everyone jumps)
Legs kick, kick, kick,
(jumping legs)
Let's clap, clap, clap,
(clap hands)
We stomp our feet, we stomp, we stomp,
(stomp feet)
Let's shake our heads,
(shaking their heads)
Let's start first!
(child returns to seat)


What the Frog King ate for breakfast: (frog with a box, small prizes)
Prepare a frog out of cardboard. Glue eyes and a crown to the frog's head. Draw a nose with felt-tip pens. (two dots). Cut out the frog's mouth (larger) so that the child's hand fits into it.
Take the box and cut a hole in the end the size of the frog's mouth. Glue pieces of red fabric (mouth) on the back side. Glue the frog's head to this box where the hole is. The box must be closed on all sides. The hole remains just where the frog's mouth is. Hide a variety of small items in this box.
The children take turns putting their hand in the frog's mouth and guessing what the Frog King ate today.
(if you guessed right, they take the prize for themselves)


Where the king's treasure is kept: (pan, spoon, sweets)

Prepare small sweets. You will also need a saucepan decorated with stars, a wooden spoon and a bandage. The participant (ku) is blindfolded with a bandage and handed a spoon. Not far from him they put a pan in which sweets lie. The participant (k) is looking for this pan, and the guys tell her (him) where it is by shouting - cold, warm or hot. Once the contestant has found the treasure pot and hit it with the spoon, she can scoop out the prize with the spoon. And now the next participant (participant) goes to mine gold bars.


Let's play the game "Gnome".

Once upon a time there was a little scarlet dwarf.
(sit down)
With a larger cap.
(handles raised up, folded into a house)

He was a gnome traveler.
(walking in place)

He jumped on a frog.
Jumping gallop. Qua-qua.
(we jump)

And flew on a dragonfly -
Wow, high.
(we wave our hands like we're flying)

Floated along the stream in a teacup.
Bool-boo, boo-boo.
(depicting how we swim)

He rode on a turtle.
Top-top, top-top.
(we walk)

And trodden all the paths,
The dwarf swayed in the cobweb.
Swing-swing, bye-bye.
(tilts to the side)

Morning will come
The gnome will go on a hike again.
(we walk)

And now let's collect fabulous and not so fabulous heroes! (game "Collect a hero")

Suddenly there is a knock on the door and Baba Yaga appears on the threshold with a broom.

Baba Yaga: Hello, I came for my birthday, I brought everyone ... Well, guess what I brought? (suggest options). That's right, a gift! Where is my birthday girl, she already turned 60 years old!

Children and adults: No, granny, you must have made a mistake, Nastya's birthday is celebrated here, and she is only 4 years old!

Baba Yaga: Oh, I don't believe it, I don't believe it! Come on, show me that granny! (looks at the child). Yes, I see, I’m still small, but oh well, you’re still far from 60, but now I would like to stay with you, it’s so fun, interesting here, and in the forest the goblin, flywheels, chanterelles are tired. May I stay with you for a while?

Children: Of course, granny, come in, just promise not to scare us, not to conjure and not to misbehave.

Baba Yaga: No, I won't. I will-I will play, I will-I will dance!

A cheerful children's song sounds (it can be from the m / f “Flying Ship”, where grandmother-hedgehogs sing), everyone dances with the guest, sits on a broom, spinning. After the song, you can measure your strength: pull the broom with children and Baba Yaga.

Then a little tired Baba Yaga makes riddles to all the guests.

Her house is on a white cloud,
But she is afraid of the sun's rays.
silver fluff,
Hexagonal ... (snowflake)

Caught on the ledge
Head hanging down.
Little acrobat,
Winter lollipop - ... (icicle)

He is from the snow alone,
His nose is made of carrots.
A little warm, cry instantly
And it will melt ... (snowman)

Whose drawings on the window
How is the pattern on the crystal?
Pinch anyone on the nose
Winter grandfather ... (frost)

A hot ball in the sky shines
Anyone will notice this ball.
In the morning he looks at us through the window,
Joyfully shining, ... (sun)

Hear mosquitoes singing
Time for berries and mushrooms
The lake is warm
Calls everyone to swim ... (summer)

He trumpets, but not a trumpeter,
A recognized strongman by all.
He sleeps standing under a palm tree.
Guessed? This is an elephant)

Pee, pee, pee - she said
She immediately ran into a hole.
What is this baby?
This is a small ... (mouse)

Long ears, fast paws,
Grey, but not a mouse.
Who is this? .. (bunny)

Wakes up early in the morning
Indiscriminately the whole family,
Singing caresses the ear
Our village ... (rooster)

Whose antics without difficulty
Repeats the kids?
Who lives among the vines?
A flock of wild ... (monkeys)

All words are behind you
Will repeat like clockwork.
Who is it, guess!
Well, of course... (parrot)

Lives in the Nile River
Evil, toothy ... (crocodile)

For us to be healthy
Give us milk ... (cow)

The tallest of animals -
African long neck -
Walks proudly like a count
It's called... (giraffe)

clumsy, clumsy,
He sucks his paw in the den.
Who is that? answer quickly!
Well, of course, ... (bear)

Red, fluffy
Lives on a tree.
strong teeth
Gnawing nuts. (Squirrel)

He is prickly, but not a Christmas tree,
In needles, but not pine
Can curl up into a ball
Of course - this is ... (hedgehog)

Jumping through the swamp
Green frog.
green legs,
Her name is ... (frog)

Lying on the sofa
Only "meow" says.
Drinking milk in a bowl
I know it's...(pussy)

Mixed with sour cream
It's cold on the window
Round side, ruddy side
Rolled ... (kolobok)

Growth different girlfriends
But they look alike
They all sit next to each other
And just one toy. (matryoshka)

He makes friends with the fox,
For others, terribly evil.
All teeth click and click,
Very scary gray ... (wolf)

Quack-quack-quack! Here, here!
Distributed from the pond.
That's what he calls his little ones
Mallard, in a different way ... (duck)

The nose is round, patchy,
It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
The tail is small, crochet,
Instead of shoes - hooves! (piggy)

Baba Yaga: Well, thanks for the party, I'll go home. And finally, I will tell you a poem, sit back and listen:
The fly sat on the jam ......
That's all the poem!
Ha ha ha!

Says goodbye, wishes everyone fun, gives coloring pages and leaves. You can wave to her from the window.

(at this time, the children are painting (or something else) - while Yaga is changing clothes)

And this birthday girl paints with a prize (wax crayons) a donated coloring book

My daughter plays with Nastya's stroller (the stroller is also a gift from Nastya's mom and dad)

Just pissed off sister and brother

Fairy tale "Turnip"
Fairy tale character masks are required (7 masks in total). And in order not to be offended by who will portray whom, children can draw lots. Connect and adults.
For active participation, all children receive prizes.


Game "Wishers".

You help each other
Answer questions
Only "Yes" and only "No"
Kindly give me an answer:
If "No" you say
Then tap your feet
If you say yes
Clap your hands then.

An old grandfather goes to kindergarten.
Is it true kids? ... ("No!" - the children knock with their feet)
Does he take his granddaughter there?
Answer in unison ... ("Yes!" - clap your hands)
Is birthday a fun day? ... (Yes)
Are you waiting for games and jokes? ...(Yes)
Are you okay with humor? ...(Yes)
Are we charging now? ...(Not)
Congratulate the birthday girl? ... (Yes)
Or send to grandma? ... (Not)
Shall we give her chocolate? ... (Yes)
Let's kiss sweetly sweetly? ... (Yes)

Happy birthday congratulations!
And, of course, we wish:
Grow up Nastya more ... (Yes)
Definitely be fatter! ... (Not)
Be healthy, smart, strong! ... (Yes)
And noisy, and pugnacious ... (No)
So that parents love! ... (Yes)
With a strap to beat more often! ... (Not)
To be fed ice cream! ... (Yes)
Maybe stop congratulating?
Should we play games? ... (Yes)

In this game, you need to keep the kids in good shape all the time, not let them get bored, change intonation, wait for those who are lagging behind, cheer them up.

Game "Funny monkeys".

"We are funny monkeys,
We play too loud.
We clap our hands
We stomp our feet
We puff out cheeks
Jumping on toes
And even to each other
We'll show you the tongues.
Together we jump to the ceiling,
Let's put a finger to the temple.
Let's stick out our ears,
Tail on top.
Let's open our mouth wide
We'll make all the grimaces.
How do I say the number 3,
All freeze with grimaces!"

Cheerful congratulations.

The guests name adjectives, they fit into the text and then the whole text is read out.
............... and............... Nastyushka!
Congratulations on your fourth birthday! During these 4 years, from ....... and ....... baby, you turned into ....... ..... and............ girl! And it's all thanks to your ................. mom and your ................. dad. Let them continue to do the same .............. love you and .............. educate. I wish you to remain the most ....... grandson for your ....... grandmother Nina and.......... ..... grandfather Vova. And let your grandmother Galina still do not have a soul in you. Nikita let him give And that's all.......... the guests who are here today, let them come and visit you more often.
In general, grow up, Nastenka, ............... and ..............
We kiss and hug, your ................. mom, ............... dad and all-all-all.

And now I invite everyone to a photo session! (photo in the poster, with false mustache)

On the door of one room there is a sign "Panic room". Invite into the room one at a time, the rest remain outside the door. The person who enters must blow out the burning candle with a cry. Then the next and the next...

Clothespins (1 less)

Mummy brains

Focus with toothpicks
Distribute toothpicks and ask to eat a salad, shoot on video.
- What's in here? smart people are doing? Don't you see forks?

With matches
In the snowless season, in close company (it is better if as few people as possible know this joke), choose a victim. Put it in the middle of the room (kitchen, shed, forest glade, lake), where, in fact, everyone gathered. Ask them to stretch their hands forward, and in each hand, between the thumb and forefinger, insert a match head down. And then put one more match under the toe of the boot or
shoes so that more than half of the match sticks out forward. AND
- What month is it?
- ... - the victim will cheerfully answer.
- Why are you skiing?
The effect is simply amazing! A few minutes of laughter guaranteed!

And these children themselves had fun, based on my contests

This scenario can also be used when holding a boy's birthday

Holding a holiday

1. Staging the fairy tale "Turnip".

Would need: make the masks of the heroes of this fairy tale in the form of a hoop (approximately as in the figure).

To make masks, you need to draw the faces of animals and people and glue them to a strip of paper glued in a circle.

2. Feast.

Menu: small sandwiches, ice cream with fruits and nuts, birthday cake with candles, soda, sweets, cookies, fruits. (This is an approximate set of dishes, maybe some food is not allowed for children, check with their parents.)

3. The game "Cat and mice."

Rules: the cat catches, the mice run away, who was caught, that cat.

Fence off the territory for mice, you need a bell, a chair for the cat.

Kotu hoop with ears (attach colored paper ears to the hoop), draw a mustache and nose.

The cat is walking in the yard

Looking for mice Vaska-cat.

The cat is looking for mice.

The mice are sitting in the house

They look at the cat.

They look at the cat.

You see the cat is sleeping.

The mice came out once

See what time it is.

One two three four -

The mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a terrible ringing.

(Ring the bell.)

The mice ran away.

4. The game "Guessing".

Put in a bag various items: ball, soft toy, typewriter, pistol, book. Blindfold the child, and he must guess the object by touch. If correct, a prize. Sequence by numbers.

5. "Merry relay race."

Two teams of 2 people (or more). Prizes for the winners.

Obstacles: jump over the rope, run around the chair, throw the ball into the bucket.

Need to: 2 chairs, 2 ropes on pegs, 2 buckets, 2 balls.

6. I know...

This word game. The facilitator asks the baby (if in a group of children, then in turn to each child) a common name, a concept for which you need to name more private words related to it. For example, name five names of plants. Saying each name, the child should hit the ball with one hand on the floor: "I know five names of plants: chamomile - one, dandelion - two, rose - three, carnation - four, tulip - five." The number of such words can not be limited, then the child should name them as many as possible.

The following general concepts can be used for the game: fruits, vegetables, berries, drinks, food, clothes, shoes, hats, furniture, vehicles, trees, animals, birds, names of girls and boys, etc. Who will complete the task faster - to that prize.

7. Riddles

Children's puzzles about toys

wooden girlfriends

Dancing on his crown,

They beat him, and he rattles -

Tells everyone to walk in step. (Drum)

The fraction beats off, it helps to walk. (Drum)

Dancing baby, just one leg. (Yula)

Ask me how I work.

I spin around my axis. (top)

She doesn't need a driver at all.

You start it with the key -

The wheels will start to spin.

Put it on and she'll rush. (Clockwork machine)

The animal is funny sewn from plush,

There are paws, there are ears.

Give the beast some honey

And arrange a lair for him. (Teddy bear)

Gray flannelette animal,

Clubfoot long-haired.

Well guess who he is

And give him a carrot! (Bunny)

He is slim and handsome.

He has a thick mane.

Too bad you can't ride it

You can only rock (rocking horse)

Thunder roared, merry thunder.

All around sparkled!

Rushing into the sky relentlessly

colorful fountains,

Splashes of light pour everywhere.

This is a festive ... (salute)

That's a stubborn man!

Do not force to lie down forever!

He doesn't want to sleep at all

I put it - rises again,

And it's worth it - it's swinging.

Do you meet this? (Vstanka-Vstanka)

Round, smooth, like a watermelon.

Any color, for different tastes

When you let go of the leash,

Fly away for the clouds. (Ball)

These miracle bricks

I received as a gift.

What I will make of them - I will break

I collect first. (Dice)

Not offended, but inflated.

They lead him across the field.

And hit - nothing

Do not keep up with ... (ball)

G. Satir

Everyone rejoices today!

In the hands of a child

Dancing for joy


This horse does not eat oats

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive. (A bike)

Very fast two horses

They carry me through the snow

Through the meadow to the birch

Pull two strips. (Skis)

The river is flowing - we are lying.

Ice on the river - we run. (Skates)

Riddles about fairy-tale heroes

Heals birds and animals.

Treats young children.

Looking through his glasses

Kind doctor... (Aibolit)

The fat man lives on the roof.

He flies above all.

Loves the jam

And plays with the kid. (Carlson)

On sour cream it is mixed.

On the window, he is cold.

Round side, ruddy side.

Rolled ... (Kolobok)

My father had a strange boy.

Unusual wooden.

On land and underwater

Looking for a golden key.

Everywhere the nose sticks its long.

Who is this? .. (Pinocchio)

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

Whoever solves the riddles the most, will receive a prize - a "golden" chocolate medal.

8. "What's rolling?"

Organize a fun competition game - who will quickly roll their figure to the toy gates lined up on the table or on the floor. And let the figures that need to be rolled be ... cubes. Since the cube does not roll, it will be funny to watch. Definitely need to be encouraged. Whoever rolls the farthest wins.

9. Fanta game.

Needed: balloons with notes, carnations - to pierce balloons, attributes for completing tasks. The sequence is numbered.

10. Lotto or cartoon (so that the children calm down until they come for them).

By the time a child is 4 years old, he or she has probably been to several birthdays. And so he understands what it is. Discuss the upcoming holiday with him. The event may be based on the interests or wishes of the child.

Birthday morning

To make your birthday memorable, you can start the morning with a surprise.

Inflate a lot of balloons, secure them with reverse side children's room door. When the baby wakes up and opens the door, the balloons will pop a give to him.

You can fix them either with polyethylene glued on the sides with adhesive tape, or with stretched ribbons of corrugated paper.

Parents' gifts can also be given immediately, in the morning.

Theme party

A themed birthday party is a popular option.

The "leading motive" can be:

  • favorite cartoon character;
  • for boys: pirate party, cowboys;
  • for girls: mermaids, forest fairies;
  • space adventure;
  • fairy tales.

Venue and decorations

Most often, for 4 years, holidays are "home" (indoors or outdoors). A park, a place for a picnic in nature, and a room will do. kids club. Of course, there are parents who can organize a "party" in a water park, a zoo and in more exotic places.

If you have chosen a specific theme for the holiday, gather ideas and inspiration to implement the appropriate atmosphere. Where? You can, for example, look on the Pinterest network, there is always a lot of interesting things there!

If there is no special theme, then the decorations of the room can be of a general plan. For instance, Balloons, fairy lights.

Birthday script for 4 years (home version)

We meet guests

The arrival of guests may stretch a little in time, so it is advisable to think about what to do with the children during this period.

At the meeting, distribute a cap or some small identification mark (badge, medal, armband) to all participants in the holiday. It will interest and unite them.

Games for children 4 years old

Here are some classic games that are suitable for four year olds (and preschoolers in general).

Mobile game "Duck, duck ... goose"

Age: 4+

Number of players: 6+

The more players and more free space, the more interesting it is to play.

All participants, except the driver, sit in a circle. If the game is played on carpet or grass, you can sit down. If on the ground - squat down. The driver walks outside the circle, touches the players in turn and says: "Duck ... (duck ...) duck ...". Then he should say "Goose!". The one who turned out to be the “goose” must get up and run after the leader in the outer circle.

If the “goose” catches the driver until he takes his place (having run around the circle), then the game continues with the same roles. If the “goose” does not catch the driver, he becomes a “duck” in a circle, and the “goose” leads in the next round.

Make sure that everyone has been "goose" so that no one is bored.

By the way, for older children this game will also be interesting. You can complicate it by setting various rules. For example, in order not to run in a circle, but to jump on one leg or walk backwards (etc.).

Hot potato

Another popular outdoor game for a large company. Children stand in a circle, a ball is launched in a circle to the music - “hot potatoes”. Children must pass the ball to a neighbor as quickly as possible. The adult stops the music, and the one who had potatoes in his hands at that time is out of the game. When one child remains, the game ends and he is declared the winner.

Follow the leader

The driver is chosen - the "leader". He will move in any way. Everyone else should follow him, repeating the movements. Make sure all children are leaders. You can turn on music (or musical cuts from different compositions so that the movements are diverse).

After outdoor games, you can move on to calmer ones.

Tail for a donkey

To play, you will need a board for drawing with markers.

An adult draws on the board a view of a donkey from behind (but without a tail). The leader is chosen. He is blindfolded and given a marker. The child is at some distance from the board. The rest of the participants in the game must "lead" his actions. Commands should be simple. For example, “take a step forward”, “raise your hand”, “lower your hand a little”, “move to the right”, etc.

As a result, the driver must put a dot - a mark for the tail. A child of 4 years old will not be able to draw the tail itself, so you must have a blank. You can make it from a rope, fluff it up at the end and tie a bow, like a donkey Eeyore. Attach the tail (with a magnet) to the place indicated by the child. Take a photo: "author" next to the resulting option.

For the most accurate option, you can give a small prize.


Piñata can be the final chord of the holiday. The birthday boy “breaks”, and then they all collect the scattered contents together.


“Better less, but better” - this rule is suitable for compiling a menu. Toddlers can be quite picky about food, and serious meals are not very appropriate. Prepare a variety of simple snacks: fruit and vegetable slices, melon or watermelon (if in season), berries, cookies, cheese cubes.

Unusually decorate small sandwiches - the children will love it!

Of course, without a festive cake with tea, nowhere. But you can also bake cupcakes. Cupcakes or muffins are convenient in that they are small in size - so it will less problems with crumbs and sticky hands.

Diverse leisure

What else will be interesting for children at this age?

  • Building a "castle" of blankets and pillows.
  • City from Lego.
  • Help in the design of pizza and its subsequent eating.
  • Face art (drawings on the face with special safe paints).
  • Dancing and just playing to music.

Dear readers, today we continue a series of articles about how our kids are the brightest and most memorable. This article will focus on children 3 - 4 years old. These funny fidgets already understand everything, realize and know how to think. It is they who expect magic and miracles from the holidays. Celebrating their birthday becomes much easier than for very young children, but also more responsibly ...

How to celebrate the birthday of a child 3 - 4 years old

Three-year-olds are already completely conscious little people, although they still continue to be afraid of strangers, especially those dressed in some strange costumes. That is why we suggest that you spend a holiday for a three-year-old at home with your family and refrain from inviting animators. Although the child is looking forward to this day, as many gifts will be brought to him, no one has canceled the daily routine for such a baby. Afternoon sleep helps to relax, relieve stress and avoid unplanned tantrums. Especially if his little friends will be present at the celebration.

How to have a party at home

Arrange a holiday for fidgets at home, having previously thought through all the details of the upcoming event:

  • prepare beautiful invitation cards with the date and time of the celebration and distribute them to future guests;
  • choose the right time for the holiday so that all the invited kids are well-rested, healthy and friendly;
  • invite only those children who sympathize with each other and do not like to fight;
  • make sure that all available toys are presented in several copies so that the children do not become capricious and do not start to conflict because of them;
  • remove carpets or cover the entire floor space with a large oilcloth to avoid damage to your property;
  • carefully consider the menu, after consulting with the parents of the invited children. Make sure that the products are fresh, of high quality and do not cause allergies in young guests.

You can invite an animator to a child's birthday from the age of 4. Then the baby will no longer be afraid, but, on the contrary, will take part in fun games and contests with pleasure and genuine interest. Animators in Almaty perfectly cope with this role.

Here are some tips for organizing a celebration at home:

  • before decorating your apartment for the holiday, ask your birthday boy to help you with this interesting business. A kid at this age can do simple things, for example, hang flowers, garlands or ribbons on chairs for guests. And if you consult with your son or daughter about what color balls to choose and how many to place in each room, then your child will be in seventh heaven with happiness, and will feel the importance of the upcoming event even more;
  • you can leave a few balls on the floor so that the invitees can play with them with pleasure;
  • prepare large sheets of paper, pencils and felt-tip pens - the kids will be happy to use them;
  • small children are very fond of, for which they will chase with a joyful squeal. Let them have their fun, but take care of the safety of little fidgets. Take care of their eyes and make sure that the children do not fall from the fact that the floor will become slippery from the soapy solution. Let the floor be covered with a dense cloth that absorbs moisture. After the fun, it can be easily removed;
  • hide the baby's gift in the morning. Create a small one that will lead the birthday boy straight to his treasure. Help your child find him by going through all the stages of the task with him. Draw a wardrobe on A4 sheet and cut the sheet into 4 parts. Collect the sheet piece by piece and go with your daughter or son to the closet. There you will find, for example, a picture of a bed broken into 4 parts. Follow the clue and you'll find a beautifully wrapped present under the bed. The delight of the fact that he coped with the task will cheer up the baby for the whole day. Do not complicate the task, otherwise the little one will get nervous and upset;
  • help the kid feel like the most important thing on his holiday. Build a throne out of a regular chair by wrapping it in foil. Create a birthday crown out of foil and cardboard. Believe me, he will be very pleased;
  • accompany contests for invited children with rhythmic music with simple movements. Fidgets will always be happy to jump and dance;
  • take care of gifts for all invited kids;
  • prepare simple and tasty dishes, originally designed, for example, in the form of funny faces, small animals or butterflies;
  • prepare more water and natural juices (it is better to choose apple juice - it, most often, does not cause allergies in children);
  • let the birthday cake be "enchanted". Let the kids guess a few riddles in order to disenchant it and try it. Or you can announce that the cake was stolen and hidden in an unknown place. A small quest to find the location of the sweet will delight the guys. Let the birthday boy blow out the candles and receive a bright surprise and applause from the audience for this;
  • gifts that were brought to the birthday man should not be opened at the beginning of the holiday, otherwise the event may fail. Children will take care of toys and forget about the celebration;
  • for adults, it is worth setting a separate table, but it is not necessary that they just sit. Attract uncles and aunts to participate in contests and games. So it will be more fun;
  • end the holiday at home puppet theater. This will calm the kids and set them up for the end of the celebration; I showed the kids what to say, children's delight is guaranteed. They liked the story very much and they asked for more)))
  • thank the guests for coming to visit you;
  • if the birthday passes during the warm season, then it is better to organize a holiday in the country or in the yard, of course, after taking care of the safety of the space. There should be no open fire and water near children. Also bring a tent in case it rains.

What to give a child for 3 years

And now about gifts. For children, gift options are incredibly diverse. A variety of toys are suitable for three-year-olds:

  • safe constructors by age;
  • bicycles with safety wheels;
  • balance bikes;
  • scooters;
  • snow scooters;
  • sled;
  • swing;
  • cars;
  • pistols;
  • dolls and baby dolls;
  • music books.

Your baby will be very happy with any of the above, as well as fun games and competitions, which are best held to cheerful rhythmic music.

Games and contests at the children's birthday party

All children love to play. And the competitive-playing part should be on children's holiday necessarily. When choosing competitions, it is important to take into account the age characteristics of children. Here are some options for competitions for three- and four-year-olds:

Air flight game

Distribute to children in the most usual way balloon. Then we ring the bell, which starts the game. Children throw balls and try not to let them fall on the floor. The winner is the one whose balloon stays in the air the longest. All children receive prizes (this is necessary so that there are no offenses);

A game of skill and dexterity

We divide the kids into 2 teams and give them a small ball. We put 2 buckets or baskets in front of the teams. Each team tries to hit exactly the basket. The group with the most hits is the winner;

Favorite riddles

We make simple ones for the guys - the kid who guesses the most riddles wins;

Game "Rainbow Items"

Preparing multi-colored cardboard cards. We show them to the children one by one. Participants need to name as many objects of the same color as possible;

Merry relay race

We divide the children into teams, put the participants of each team one after another, placing a small, light, soft pillow between each of them. Teams must run around the room with this pillow without dropping it. Whoever did it faster, he won;

Get the prize

The good old game that has proven itself over time and generations. Wrap delicious prizes in bright paper and hang on a string stretched in the room so that the baby can reach them. Blindfold the participant, spin it and give the task to find the prize by touch and pick it. Of course, the child takes the prize.

Harvest Game

Hand out to the kids plastic bags or baskets and scatter on the floor more toys(it will be especially great if it is toy vegetables, fruits, mushrooms). The task is for the child to collect as many toys as possible in his bag to cheerful music. Whoever succeeded, he won.

guessing game

The game of tactile sensations is very useful for children of all ages. Blindfold your baby and give a toy in your hands. It can be a plush toy, Lego blocks and figurines, cars, planes, dolls, etc. The task of the child is to determine by touch who he is holding;

Game "My Slippers"

We arrange slippers in the room according to the number of participants. However, one slipper does not have a pair. To the music, the kids run around the room and, when the music stops, jump into paired slippers. Someone alone will not count the pair ...;

Sincerely, Marina Talanina.

We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our video channel "Workshop on the Rainbow"