
Celebration of Christmas in Kindergarten. Holiday "Christmas evenings" for children of the senior group in kindergarten. All characters sit down among the children


Scenario for Christmas for older preschoolers

Educational entertainment for older children preschool age"Christmas is a fun holiday."

Target: reveal the meaning of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ and the importance of this event in the life of every person.
Tasks: cultivating friendly relations with each other, love for one's neighbor, creating a positive mood, a sense of joy and fun.
Material: tree, decorations, a star on a pole, a presentation on a computer, a bag under the tree.

The teacher reads the poem:
fur trees
Smell all over the house
Each needle whispers:
"Merry Christmas!"

Educator: I congratulate you, dear children, on the feast of the Nativity of Christ. Since ancient times, the Orthodox people have celebrated Christmas. How do your families celebrate this holiday?
Children share their traditions.
Educator: On this day, gifts are given, and before the holiday, they prepare Christmas dishes, go to visit each other, sing carols, and dance.
Educator: I suggest you lead a friendly round dance under our Christmas tree to a Christmas song
"Christmas is Coming"
Sparkling stars gentle light,
They send greetings from heaven!
And to spite the crazy winds
Christmas is coming to us!
Snow is spinning, light fluff ...
Make a wish out loud!
It will be light in the soul -
After all, our Christmas is coming soon!
All my friends will gather together!
On this holiday, you can’t be bright without friends!
And the star dance will spin in the dance,
And the fairy tale will come to us!
We will light all the candles and set the table,
May this evening be joyful.
And when the clock strikes twelve,
Everything will come true with us!

(Children lead a round dance, then sit down in their places).
Educator: Children, do you know what item in the house is what for Christmas? Guess from the riddle:
What a beauty -
It stands, shining brightly.
How lavishly trimmed
Tell me who is she?
Yes, indeed, a beautifully decorated Christmas tree or pine tree. We all know that the Christmas tree in winter and summer is always the same color. What? (green). Exactly green color reminds us of life and love. Love for people, for others and for everything earthly. God loves us both in winter and summer, day and night. At Christmas, it is supposed to give each other gifts, as if reminding us that God the Father gave us a gift from heaven - His Son Jesus Christ. How exactly this happened can be read in the Holy Book of the Bible. Here is what is written there.

(The teacher goes to the presentation, invites the guys to watch the slides)
A very long time ago, Maria lived in a small town - honest, kind, hardworking. Once an angel appeared to Mary - a messenger from God. Mary was frightened at first, but the angel said: “Do not be afraid, Mary, I will tell you the good news: soon a Son will be born to You, and He will be the Son of God, and His Name is Jesus.” With these words, the angel flew away. And Mary began to expect the birth of the Son "Meanwhile, a census was announced in the country. And Mary and her husband Joseph had to go to the city of Bethlehem. When Mary and Joseph, having overcome a difficult path, came to the city. But there was no place for them: the city was overflowing with people. Exhausted and exhausted, they found refuge in a barn where sheep and other animals lived.That same night, Mary gave birth to Jesus, who became the Savior of the world from sin and evil.Mary placed Him in a manger - a feeder for animals.

That night miraculous events took place connected with the birth of Jesus Christ. At night, angels appeared to the shepherds who were grazing cattle in the field, announcing the birth of the Savior Christ in the city of Bethlehem. The shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem to look at Christ and bow. Wise men who lived far from those places also saw an unusually bright star in the sky. They mounted their camels and set off, and a star led them to Bethlehem, where little Jesus, Mary, and Joseph lived. The wise men bowed to the newborn Jesus and gave Him expensive gifts. And all Orthodox people celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ. This holiday is called Christmas. But in different countries Christmas is also celebrated on other days.

Knock on the door. A boy in Russian national clothes enters.
Boy Vanya: Good afternoon, children and adults! Why are you here?
Children: Today we learned about the feast of the Nativity of Christ.
Educator: We wish you a Merry Christmas!
Children: This holiday is celebrated all over the world.

Boy Vanya: I also had a birthday, and only my friends knew about it. What does everyone know about Jesus?
Children: Yes, he is the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
Educator: The whole world knows him. And you children, can you discern where is good and where is evil? Let's play the game "So-not so" together.
Look, here's the problem:
"No" and "yes" fled.
Together we will search
And you kids, help!
If anyone has a problem,
And you found yourself near
That should always help!
Is it correct?...

Lie, be lazy and be rude,
Greed for a friend to show ...

Hurry to answer:
Can this be done?...

For misdeeds sometimes
Should I scold you?...

There will be no trouble from fire!
Is it correct?...

Always help mom
Is it good?...

We must be on the bus
Veterans, the elderly
Always give up your seat.
Is it correct?...

Educator: You see, Vanya, our children know that doing evil is bad, you can cause trouble to others or get into trouble yourself.
Boy Vanya: And I want to learn well.
Educator: Then stay with us.
(Reading a poem)
In the realm of frost and snow
Crystal gardens blossomed.
To our window from the festive sky
The light of the Christmas star is pouring.
In every tower, in every light
The golden-winged angel has arrived,
He lit the Christmas tree
And looked at us with a smile.

Educator: I encourage all kids to play the game. "Gifts of Wizards".
All those present, in turn, put their hand into the wonderful bag and try to guess what object is in his hand; after that, the item is taken out of the bag. If you guess correctly, he takes this thing for himself.
Educator: When the Christmas holidays come, carolers set off on the road, proclaiming to all people the good news that Christ was born. They sing carols, and we will sing too.

Child:little boy
Sat down on the bed.
plays the pipe,
Carol amuses.

Child: Shchedryk-Petryk,
Give me a dumpling
a spoonful of porridge,
Sausage ring.

Child:It's not enough
Give me a piece of fat.
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze the kids.

(music sounds and children carry the Christmas Star, ring small bells)
Child: Angels sing and bring us joy,
and we accept joy
and congratulations to all of you.

Child: We are little children, we broke a branch,
They stood in the fence, glorified Christ,
Paradise opened, Christ was born.

Educator: Somewhere under the tree there was a gift for the guests. Children, look what a beautiful knot. What's in it? Every gift. Take, Vanya, a gift and come to visit us, we will learn together to do good, as God bequeathed to us.
Educator: God has made a wonderful gift from heaven for all of us by sending us Jesus Christ the Savior. So thank Him for that.
Boy Vanya: I also want to give you a poem
Christmas - great holiday,
Christmas is good news
An intercessor was born for the people
And there is a Savior for all of us!
With this joy we hasten
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart -
Peace, happiness and rest
Every day and every hour.

The song "Christmas Tree" sounds
Silver light streams through the window,
This night is not easy.
Let it be outside the window, let it be outside the window
Fairytale snow sparkles.
In the morning a star will flash in the sky
Brighter than all the stars in the world.
It will be brighter than ever
And the children will smile.
Christmas tree,
Christmas tree
Let us all give
Joy and warmth.
Christmas tree,
Tree at Christmas.
Let it become in the heart
Quiet and light.

Natalia Kandeikina
Scenario of the holiday "Christmas" in kindergarten

Christmas is a holiday in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. Celebrate him on the night of 6 to 7 January. The night before Christmas is considered magical. If you make a wish and ask God, it will come true. Only the desire must be necessarily kind and wise

Christmas- great day for everything Christendom. In many countries, as in Russia, he is considered one of the main family holidays.

At times Soviet Union about it holiday it was not customary to even mention it. But now it's quite official. holiday, day off

Nativity merged with the ancient Slavic rite - Christmas time. Christmas time continues from Christmas(January 7) before christening (January 19). Christmas rituals have evolved over time into christmas.

Every year we have the opportunity to touch this sacrament. What do your children know about Christmas? Today I invite you to introduce your children to this magical world in an interesting and accessible way. holiday.

Holiday script

« Nativity»

in kindergarten

Target: to acquaint children with the history of the Orthodox feast of Christmas; give an idea of ​​its meaning.

Educational tasks: to introduce children to Russian traditional culture.

Development tasks: spiritual and moral development of children of senior preschool age.

Educational tasks: to cultivate love and respect for Russian folk traditions, patriotic feelings, benevolent attitude towards each other.

Material: music for games, dance "Metelitsa", song recording « Christmas» , video

« Nativity» , costumes of carolers, Russian folk costumes for children, Angel, treats.

The course of the holiday

In the center of the hall stands Christmas tree. Children in Russian costumes enter the hall freely.

Leading: Children, our New Year's meetings continue.

-Everything is white-white from fluff,

There is no order in the yard.

A blizzard is circling

White snow in January.

Spinning, stirring, howling,

Snow drifts into the snowdrifts.

Creeps along the path

White blizzard.

Dance "Metelitsa" (dev. st. gr.)

Leading: Highly it's a pity: passed wonderful

And cheerful New Year.

But after him very good,

Glorious holiday is coming to us!

Child: In the sky, an asterisk, twinkling,

Just barely appears

Everyone knows: good will come,

Light coloured Christmas holiday.

A few days ago we met a big Christian holiday - Christmas. Do you know what it is holiday? (children's answers)

Leading: Christmas is a religious holiday. The very word Christmas is talking about that someone was born. According to biblical legend, on January 7, Jesus was born to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem. Christ is the Son of God.

Sit back and watch carefully.

- An elegant Christmas tree pleases the eye,

A star burns solemnly above her ...

We will give the guests a Bible story

About a memorable night Christmas.

Video « NATIVITY» for kids.

To the calm music of Beethoven, a girl appears dressed as an angel.

I am the Angel of God, I flew to you,

I'm so on holiday to come to you.

I have arrived glorify Christ

And all of you from Merry Christmas!


A great miracle took place that night. God sent us a Savior.

In a forgotten cave, in an abandoned manger, the Infant, the Son of God, lay.

The star above the cave, like a guiding light, shone to the learned magi,

And the loud song of the shepherds majestically and harmoniously rushed to heaven.

With people all nature that night rejoiced: rustling in the trees, sheets

They praised God in a mysterious whisper and the flowers smelled stronger.

Three trees - a palm tree, an olive tree and a fir tree - grew at the entrance to the cave.

And the first days in proud delight brought a bow to the baby.

A beautiful palm tree overshadowed him with green with his crown,

And fragrant oil dripped from the delicate branches of the silvery olive tree.

Only a modest Christmas tree is sad stood: she had no gifts,

And the eyes of the people were not captivated by the beauty of her unchanging cover.

I saw the angel of the Lord and the Christmas tree with love said:

“You are modest, you do not grumble in sadness, for this you are destined to receive a reward from God”.

He said - and the stars from the sky rolled onto the Christmas tree one after another,

And she shone all over, and eclipsed the palm tree with the olive tree with its beauty.

The lights on the tree are on.

The baby woke up from the bright starlight, looked at the tree,

And his face suddenly lit up with a smile, and he held out his hands to her.

And since then, every year we remember and piously honor Christmas

Whether a child, an adult - everything happy holiday, and in every family a celebration!

Let's have some fun and we christmas tree.

(round dance) Song « Christmas» (A bright star in the sky burns)

Leading: Christmas is a very fun holiday, since on this day Jesus was born, who, when he grew up, began to heal people from diseases, to help them. He could work various miracles for the benefit of people. He brought peace and harmony to the Earth! And now, as always on the day birth we will sing, dance, have fun. People on this day give each other gifts, sing carols, play games, praise birth of christ.

Guys and girls dressed up in different animals, or other costumes. In groups they went from house to house, congratulated holiday, wished the best with special songs - carols.

Carol, carol, give me a cake, give me a pancake, give me a piece of cake,

Pork leg, a little bit of everything. Carry, don't shake - come on, don't break!

The carolers asked for treats for their songs. And the owners were waiting for them and listened with pleasure, and then treated them.

A cheerful song of carolers is heard.

mummers sing: (in the corridor)

Freak out, carol,

the day before Christmas!

carol, carol,

open the gate

Leading: Hear, and mummers are coming to us, let's meet them.

1st: A carol has come,

Open the gate!

open the gate

And welcome guests!

2nd: Just like our carol

Neither small nor great.

She comes to your door

Yes, everyone sends a bow

MUCKERED together:

Hello guys!

Good day, good day!

Leading: hello! What did you bring us?


1st - Carols, carols, carols

Good with honey pancakes!

2nd- And without honey - not like that,

I will give you, children, pies!

1st- Yes, the pie is ripe! Help yourself! /takes the boy out by the hand/.

Leading: Well, on Christmas treated to delicious pies, let's play, guys? (Yes)

The host plays the game "Pie"

Children stand in two lines. Sitting in the middle "pie". All they say:

How tall is he! (hands up)

How wide is he! (hands apart)

What a softie he is! (pat yourself on the stomach)

Cut it and eat it!

(to "pie" run 1 person from the team and salute him. Who pissed off first, he takes away "pie" to your team. The loser becomes "pie" The game is repeated.)


And tell us the guests, what did you bring in the bag?


They brought you snow. It’s already winter outside, it’s time for us to play with him. (they get "snowballs")

The game is being played "Snowballs"/for 2 teams, in different sides of the hall/


Isn't it time for you, friends, to present carolers!

Treat everyone generously!

Educators with children give carolers a treat prepared in advance.


We can’t sing all the glorious songs,

Do not say good words to everyone.

Our holiday went well.

Christmas time is fun to play.

Leading: Thank you for the smiles and laughter,

And for games and for dancing,

We thank everyone.


When you are so kind

We give you gifts too! (distributing food)

Happily! Goodbye!

Children go to groups.

Holiday in preschool for children of senior preschool age "Christmas"

Markova Ruslana Pavlovna Musical of work: MDOU d.s. "Fairy tale" of the village of Trostyanka, Balashovsky district, Saratov region.description: this scenario is intended for holding a Christmas holiday in kindergarten in senior group. The script will be useful to music directors and preschool teachers.goal: Organization of an event of a spiritual and moral orientation.Tasks: introduce children to the traditional Orthodox holiday"Christmas", To form a careful attitude to traditions, to develop spiritual and moral qualities, to develop Creative skills, fantasy. Holiday progress:

1. Bell chime. (phonogram)Presenter: The feast of God has comeHe proclaimed joy to people!Ringing is heard from the bell tower - He is called the Blessing.Guys, what holiday are we talking about?Guys: Christmas!Presenter: What is this holiday? (children answer how they understand this holiday.)Presenter: During our holidays, which we spent with relatives and friends, from the sixth to the seventh of January, we celebrated the Nativity of Christ. This holiday is dedicated to the birth of Christ, the son of God. Today in honor of the birth of Christ and we will sing and dance. For starters, listen to this wonderful story.In ancient times, good people Mary and Joseph lived in a distant country. For a good heart and obedience, God chose Mary to become the Mother of God. An angel, the messenger of God, told Mary about this joy. After some time, the king of that land ordered everyone to come to their hometowns for a population census. Mary and Joseph came to Bethlehem. But too many people came, and in not a single house was there a place for them to spend the night, and they stopped to spend the night in a cave called a den (points to a makeshift den in the middle of the hall). Shepherds drove their cattle into this nativity scene in inclement weather. Here Mary gave birth to her Son Jesus Christ. She placed the baby in a cattle feeder called a manger.

At this time, many angels appeared in heaven. They sang a song.Children come out, angels in their hands. The phonogram of the carol turns on - “Christmas, the Angel has arrived. He flew across the sky, sang a song to people. The children sing along. (The presenter asks the children to portray angels, waving their winged arms.)

Presenter: So how do angels fly. Together we will show how the Angels fly up (stand on their toes, stretch up) We reach for the sun, for the light. And now we are descending to the ground (squatting down), the wings are folded, and again the Angels are flying up, and now the Angels are joyfully spinning in a festive dance. (Whirl around themselves) Well done guys. You did a wonderful job of portraying the Angels.1 child: And I know about Christmas too!At Christmas the Star will light upThere will be a bright light!The light of Christ burns, shinesThird thousand years!

Presenter: Before the birth of the baby, a bright star shone in the sky, announcing everyone about the birth of the son of God.

A child comes out, in his hands is a star on a stick. Children sing the song “A bright star, it burns in the sky”, the author is unknown.That night, many people came to the cave, and shepherds and magicians were scientists. Everyone brought gifts to the baby - gold, incense, fragrant oil and other gifts. Even trees and flowers tried to look into the cave and bow to the Savior of the world.

(Three characters come out)

And here are three trees standing near the cave: a beautiful Palm tree, a fragrant Olive tree and a modest Christmas tree spoke among themselves:Palm: Let's go and worship the Divine Child.Herringbone: Take me with you too.Palm: Yes, you have nothing but needles and sticky resin.Presenter: And Elochka modestly stepped aside. But this conversation was heard by the Angel, and he decided to help the modest Christmas tree. (An angel appears to the ringing of the bell, and remains at the den). The palm tree has laid its best leaf in the den.Palm: May it give you coolness in the heat.Olive: And let my branch overshadow You with a delicate aroma.Presenter: Sadly, but without starting, Elka looked at it all. But then the Angel made a sign - several stars rolled down directly onto the branches of the Christmas Tree, and it all shone. (the bell rings, the Christmas tree is sprinkled with sparkles).Presenter: When the Divine Infant woke up, it was not the fan of the Palm tree and not the fragrant Olive tree that attracted his gaze, but the shining Christmas tree. Then the Angel said.Angel: From now on, kind and modest Christmas Tree, you will be decorated for Christmas, and all people, looking at you, will rejoice and have fun.

1. A game is being played - dress up the Christmas tree.

Presenter: On the feast of Christmas, bells ring in all churches, loudly, joyfully, announcing to everyone about the birth of the Infant Christ. And we have bells. And Vanya will tell us a poem about a bell.

Silver Christmas bellHe rings, rings until the morning.His ringing is heard everywhere, far away, -It means joy again, Christmas!

Presenter: So let the bells ring loudly and joyfully, congratulating everyone on Christmas.

Dance with bells.

Children are built on verses.1. Merry winter has comeWith skates and sleighs With a ski track priroroshenny,With a magical old fairy tale.2. On a decorated Christmas tree The lanterns swingMay the winter be cheerfulIt doesn't end anymore!3. Silvered frost birch,Silvered the frost of the field,We celebrate the holiday togetherBright Christmas holiday.

Presenter: Our hall is also decorated with a Christmas tree. See how the lights sparkle on it. Let's take each other's hands, and stand in a cheerful round dance.(New Year's round dance music. Lyrics: N. Solovyova Music: G. Struve)

White, white in December, in DecemberChristmas trees, Christmas trees in the yard, in the yard.Slippery, slippery in January, in JanuaryHills, hills in the yard, in the yardSpinning and spinning and singing and singingFestive, festive round dance, round dance!Voiced, voiced in February, in February,Songs, songs in the yard, in the yard.Spinning and spinning and singing and singingFestive, festive round dance, round dance!Presenter: The Christmas tree is shining, Merry Christmas to everyone. Let's see magic story about how children in the forest talk to the Christmas tree.1.child. - Elochka, hello! We will take youFar, far, we'll take with us.Herringbone. - Dear children, do not touch me,-Let's live until the spring day!2 child. - Christmas tree, Christmas tree, how many candlesWe would light on top of yourHerringbone. - Dear children, in the forest above meThe stars shine like a night crown!1 child. - Christmas tree, Christmas tree! sweet candiesYou probably don't have it here, do you?Herringbone. - Kids! You come to me in the summer - The berries will be in the depths of the forest.2 child. - Herringbone, cold, terribly in winter,Let's go home on a sled!Herringbone. - Kids! God himself has already thought of us, Fir-trees from the snow He fur coats in store!1 child. - Christmas tree! You won't get bored with usWe will sing, dance and play!Herringbone. - Kids! Can I not be sad?I will not be able to forget my native forest.2 child. - Christmas tree, how, tell me, without you
Are we going to celebrate the holiday?
Herringbone. - Children, but on a bright holiday,
The tree will pray for you.

The song "Little Christmas tree is not cold in winter"
Presenter: Guys, what is the Christmas tree asking for children? What do the children say to her? Why does the Christmas tree not want to leave the forest? (her house is there, without a forest she will die, she is needed in the forest) Let's play together, draw a Christmas tree and her native home - the forest. I will tell and show, and you repeat. (story to the music "The Seasons" December by P.I. Tchaikovsky.
Presenter: How good it is for Christmas trees in their native forest! (hands up, spinning happily) All summer they smiled, listening to the birds singing, rejoiced at the light touch of the breeze (hands at the top sway slightly). And even the onset of cold weather (we hugged ourselves crosswise and rub our shoulders) Christmas trees are happy. After all, God took care of them and dressed them in warm snow coats (hands slightly apart, slowly spinning). Forest animals will run past, and the Christmas tree will cover them from winter cold with their large fluffy branches (they lean forward, as if covering animals). Thank you, Christmas tree, for decorating our forest with your modesty and kindness.
Presenter: And thank you guys for your attention, for funny songs, round dances and dances. Once again I congratulate you on the past holiday of the Nativity of Christ, I wish you that you would be kind and sympathetic children, that you would never leave each other in trouble, that you would obey mom and dad. On this our holiday came to an end, I ask everyone to go to their group. (exit to a Christmas song).

Christmas celebration in kindergarten

Centertainment scenario« Christmas time » for children MDOU No. 19

Musical director Kuznetsova A.I.

Target : introduce children toholidays"Nativity" , "Baptism" andyuletideweeks.

Tasks :

Continue to expand knowledge about folk traditions, to form interest in folk games, songs, entertainment. Expand children's knowledge of winter phenomena and signs with the help of proverbs, riddles, jokes;

Develop cognitive and creative activity using Russian folklore; develop emotional, creative and figurative perception of folklore material;

Continue to educate children in the best traditions of Russian folk art to introduce children to the spiritual values ​​of folk culture.

The music director with a subgroup of disguised children walk in groups, all services of MDOU No. 19, sing carols and invite toholidayinmusicalHall.

All: We sow, we weave, we sing,
Merry Christmas to you!
You glorify Christ
Give us treats!

1. Merry Christmas to you people

So that you do not know grief, Senyk Vasya

What would be in abundance!

2. Ding, ding, ding, the bells are ringing
Sons and daughters came to you,
You meet carolers, Yakubovskaya Elya
Greet us with a smile!

3.Kolyadin, kolyadin,
I'm alone with my mother
Knee-length jacket, David Lichonin
Give me, aunt, a pie!
Open the chest
Give me a piglet!
What is in the oven - swords in a bag!

4. So that your home is fun,

Beauty bloomed all around, Makarenko Agata

So that you give good

The same thank you.

5. Carols, carols, carols -
Good with honey pancakes! Turbin Alexey
And without honey - not like that,
Give, aunt, pies!

7. Open, owners, chests,
Take out the patches! Karpegin Vanya
Give a penny to the carolers!

8. An angel came down to us today

And he sang: "Christ is born." Polyanskaya Carolina

We came to glorify Christ

And congratulate you on the holiday

9.. Good evening good people!

Let happy holiday will be.

We congratulate you on Christmas. Belousov Vitalik

We wish you happiness, joy!

10. Well, let you live,
Everything you want is given
To inspire thoughts, Kirill Yevtushenko
And dreams have always come true.

All children : We walked, we were looking for Kolyadaholy !

HOST : And Kolyada was found near your yard!

Treat the mummers - beautiful, smeared with soot!

The hosts are serving food. Put treats in a bag. Then the children say wish :

CHILDREN : The hosts are kind, be healthy!

Live without trouble for many, many years!

Music is playing in the music hall. All invitees gather and sit down.

HOST : Hello, dear guests,

Old and young!

We gathered together for fun,

Like our grandparents used to

On the funny songs yes riddles,

into RussianChristmas time !

To the song "Christmas" the children go into the hall

Child 1 : Timokhin Karina

The cherished star lit up again

And with it, Christmas comes into the world.

It brings joy as always

Hope, happiness, faith triumph.

CHILD 2: Nevzorov Leon

May the beam of the Christmas star

From heaven shines on us all.

And the light of happiness, kindness

Fills hearts.

CHILD 3: Slow Lisa

On this day we speak

About the birth of Christ.

On this day they cannot be silent

Our children's lips.

CHILD 4: Karpova Milena

It snows at Christmas

falls like the grace of God.

Snow is falling - and magic

it can happen on this day

CHILD 5: Alekhina Vika

Merry Christmas, wonderful

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

In the expanses of heaven

The asterisk floats in silence.

CHILD 6: Misik Vlada

Holidaythis one is the longest

He's funny and old

Our ancestors drank, ate,

We had fun for 2 weeks.

CHILD 7: Karpenko Artem

From Christmas to Epiphany

Having prepared a meal

Walked through the yardsChristmas time,

Sang different carols...

Here we are sleeping now

Let's start the happy holiday.

Children sing "It's Christmas"

HOST : And now sit down, my kids, I'll tell you about everythingholidays. Christmas holiday, from which they startChristmas time, is the brightest and most joyful day for many people. It was on this day that Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born to the Virgin Mary.Christmasis a religious holiday. The very wordChristmas is talking aboutthat someone was born. According to biblical legend, January 7thHolyVirgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem was born Jesus Christ - the Son of God. news aboutbirthJesus was carried away by heavenly angels. The star of Bethlehem appeared in the sky.Christmas- the feast of those who believe in Christ. This is the expectation of happiness, peace, home warmth and family consent.

AfterChristmas holidaybeganChristmas timeand they lasted 12 days.

When the Son of God was born, everyone came to him with gifts. Listen to a poem about what came of it.

children read

    Polianskaya K.

A great miracle took place that night.

God sent us a Savior.

In a forgotten cave, in an abandoned manger

Baby, the Son of God lay.

    Kolokolova N.

The star above the cave is like a guiding light,

shone to the learned magi,

And the loud song of the shepherds majestically

and gracefully rushed to heaven.


With people all nature that nightrejoiced :

rustling in the trees, sheets

In a mysterious whisper they praised God

and the flowers smelled stronger.

Three trees - palm tree, olive tree and fir tree

grew at the entrance to the cave.

And the first days in proud delight

they brought a bow to the baby

    Angelin a

A beautiful palm tree dawned on him

with his green crown,

And from the delicate branches of the silver olive

dripped fragrant oil.

Only a modest Christmas tree is sadstood :

she had no gifts

And the eyes of people are not captivated by beauty

her permanent cover.


I saw the angel of the Lord and the Christmas tree with lovesaid :

“You are modest, you do not grumble in sadness, for this you are destined to receive a reward from God” .

He said - and the stars from the sky rolled onto the Christmas tree one after another,

And she shone all over, and eclipsed the palm tree with the olive tree with its beauty.

The lights on the tree are on.


The baby woke up from the bright starlight, looked at the tree,

And his face suddenly lit up with a smile, and he held out his hands to her.

And since then, every year we remember and piously honorChristmas

Whether a child, an adult - everyone is happy for the holiday, and in every family there is a celebration!

HOST: It was believed that at this time the most cherished desires come true. Now I will light the candles, and we will make wishes! Let everyone make a wish, what do you want, what do you dream about! And the angels will help us!

Dance of the Angels

HOST : Did everyone think about their desire? Now make a wish and let's all blow out the candle together (children make a wish and blow). And whyChristmas just like thatcalled? It turns out that people called thesefestiveeveningssaints: according to ancient custom, it was impossible to work on these evenings. But you could have fun, dress up ... yes, so that no one would recognize you! They turned fur coats inside out, smeared their faces with soot and white clay, put on masks, painted mustaches, glued on beards, and even carved terrible crooked teeth out of turnips!

HOST: Hear and mummers are coming to us, let's meet them.

Mummers enter, caroling:


Merry Christmas to you people

May peace be with you!

So that you do not know grief

What would be in abundance!

2. Angelina

The carol has come

Open the gate!

open the gate

And welcome guests!



Good day, good day!

We sow, we sow, we sow,

Happy New Year!

(scatter grain)

4. Anya

Just like our carol

Neither small nor great.

She comes to your door

Let everyone bow!

The guys, together with the mummers, perform "Carols"

HOST : According to tradition, at the beginningChristmas timeit was customary to guess! Everyone guesses - both adults and children.

People love this game very much. Girls in ancient times threw their boots out the gate - in which direction"nose" he will look at him, and the bridegroom will come from there; they put a candle by the mirror and waited for what they saw in it; burned paper and watched the ashes fall. There were many other divinations as well. Not everyone believed in fortune-telling, but they still guessed, just for fun. Let's guess with you!


    bread - living in abundance;

    ring - for the wedding;

    vata - whoever becomes, will get a soft life;

    a coin - to prosperity, you will live richly;

    candy - there is no better joy for the guys than sweets;

    sliver - to good health;

    thread - the thread stretches far, to travel

Unexpectedly in the hall "flies" Baba Yaga.

BABA YAGA : And tell me, I also want happiness! (pulls out a twig from under the pot). What's this? Well, break it down!

HOST : Looks like a new broomstick!

BABA YAGA : (sorrowfully looks under the pot) Isn't there a ring?

HOST : So who will marry you? How old are you, grandma?

BABA YAGA A: Oh, you are! Well, now I'll arrange for you! You dance with me! I will also remind you of the New Year, Koshcheyushka still cannot come to his senses!


Children, sitting on chairs, pass Baba Yaga's broom from hand to hand to the music. On whom the music stops, he guesses the riddle of Baba Yaga.

HOST : Oh, Grandmother-Yozhka, bone leg!

Do not boast that you know a lot of mysteries,

And brag about the fact that you catch us!


BABA YAGA : All the same, I won’t forgive you, I’ll take revenge on you hard!

HOST : Oh, you, Baba Yaga, bone leg, you can’t calm down!

Now I'll take your broom and sweep it!

I'll sprinkle the paths with salt - it will pinch your heels.

The presenter speaks and pretends to sprinkle with salt. Baba Yaga starts to jump and spin onplace : "Ouch! Ai! and runs out of the room.

HOST : So the first stars appeared. There is also a sign with them - when you catch a star from the sky and make a wish, it will certainlycome true! ... Catch. (throws multi-colored stars) Make a wish? Just take care of the asterisk, otherwise you will forget everything and nothingcome true.

Presenter: So our holiday is coming to an end.

Holiday, bright, clear,

Majestic and beautiful.

Christmas holiday.

We heartily congratulate

Merry Christmas to all of you

We sincerely wish you happiness

in this bright hour.

Children sing the song "Christmas Day"

LEADING: And now it's time to taste the treat - you won't be full of songs and fortune-telling!


To the cheerful music, girls run in, ringing bells

1 - It's a pity: passed wonderful

And happy new year.

And what else is good

A glorious holiday awaits us all?

2 - In the sky, an asterisk, twinkling,

Just barely appears

Everyone knows: good will come

Bright holiday of Christmas.

Song "Christmas"(A bright star in the sky burns ...)

Leading-Everything is white-white from fluff,

There is no order in the yard.

A blizzard is circling

White snow in January.

Spinning, stirring, howling,

Snow drifts into the snowdrifts.

Creeps along the path

White blizzard.

Dance "Metelitsa"

Leading-Snow covered the city with a white veil,

Outside the window, a sharp wind will beat,

Collect snowflakes, snuggle up to the frame.

I will put up a festive tree in the hall,

I will put golden candles on the table,

And under the tree I will hide sweets and gifts.

And with friends together I will meet Christmas,

Most the best holiday, joyful and bright!

Song "Christmas"

1 - Needlewoman-winter

Christmas tree-baby

Cleaned it up in the morning

In a white coat.

2 - A light cloud over the forest

Sailed fairy tale

And touched with snowflakes

Tree branches affectionately.

Snowflake dance

3 - Snow is spinning with fluffs

At my window.

Let's have fun together:

Christmas tree! Holiday! Christmas!

4 - We will decorate the spruce with a star

And a golden garland.

Soon, soon the celebration -

Christmas! Christmas!

Leading- An elegant Christmas tree pleases the eye,

A star burns solemnly above her ...

We will give the guests a Bible story

About a memorable Christmas night.


DONKEY and SHEEP enter the stage.

Listen - how wonderful! It's dark outside

And in our cave it is light without fire.

Do you remember yesterday I told you

That the owner beat me with a stick?

My back hurt so badly, well, and now -

Here is a miracle! - I don't feel any pain!

Yes, glorious, right, things are happening

Since Mary the Child gave birth!

Wait a minute, the baby is cold ...

We warm Him with our breath.

Leading- And on the same dark night, quiet

The shepherds guarded the flock.

We missed you, sitting by the corral,

They were silent, fell asleep.

But suddenly one looked up at the sky

And I was very scared:

There are hundreds of angels singing

The Lord's light shines...

Dance of the Angels

Angel - Sent by God I bring

Happy news to people!

Celebration on earth and in heaven
Christ our God Christmas!

1st shepherd(joyfully) We will go, shepherds,

Marvel at the miracle

Marvel at the miracle

Bow down to God.

Angel - I, Angel, will show you the way.
I will show you the way

To Christ God...

2nd shepherd: Thanks for coming to see us off.

But just what can we give Him?

1st shepherd We are simple people.

Here is bread, cheese and honey...

Angel- And let everyone take the faith on the road.

2nd shepherd: And I am fresh hay from fragrant grass

I'll put him in a manger. He is the best in the world!

Leading - Shepherds, believing the Word,

They let go at full speed,

So that the Holy Child

Open your heart.

Song Christmas. The Angel has Arrived

Shepherds approach the den, bow.

Look, there seems to be someone coming...

The shepherds have come and are standing at the gate.

2nd shepherd:- Everything came true according to the angelic word!

We entered the barn and saw there:

The regal baby in the straw

He lay down and smiled at us.

Leave gifts

Leading - A golden star lit up in the sky.

This asterisk was not simple.

The Almighty God Himself lit that star.

And the star burns and shines

We are illuminating the path to salvation.

Star dance

Star - May there be peace in the soul of that

Who will accept the Lord as a friend

And it will be true for him,

Praising his deeds everywhere.

I see the light in one window

The scientist studies the stars.

Here's a glance fixed on me,

Reading dusty books...

There are children in the costumes of the Magi.


1 - You saw a bright star,

What did the ancient writings foretell?

2 - Yes! Saw. I'm just waiting for you

To share the holy rejoicing.

3 - Let's get ready to go.

May every holy child

Take something as a gift.

first sorcerer- He is the King of kings, and, therefore, it is necessary

Bring him gold as a gift.

Second sorcerer(solemnly)- In the vessel I carry something completely different -

There is myrrh and aloe.

Third Magus- He is a Deity, and therefore

I carry incense for Him (shows).

Leading - By the command of God

Led by a bright star

Through deserts and villages

Through forests and cities.

first sorcerer— Look! Seems like a road

Us in new town led.

Second sorcerer- The star is out of place.

So here. Let us open the gate.

Third Magus We were led by a star.
Brought here.

(The light comes on.)

Leading - Everyone hurried to bow to the miraculous Divine Infant. People rejoiced, nature rejoiced.

Bunny dance



The path is not far.

Don't get off the road -

I see a star.

I hasten to bow to the Christ Child.

Leading - Run, bunnies, run.

Flowers are blooming in the meadow.

Dance of flowers

Flowers: We are flowers, flowers

We are growing silently.

This night-night

The most fragrant.

Leading - Where are you, flowers? You are supposed to sleep at night...

Flowers: This night-night

The light shines brighter.

bow at the feet

We go to the Baby.

Leading- Christmas! And my heart is light with happiness!

On our children's holiday, let's glorify Christ!

May all be touched by its beauty!

1 - Christmas!

Light in my heart!

feast of the saint

The sun has risen.

2 - The sky is so clear

White day in the night

That baby in the manger

The star sends rays!

3 - The Word became flesh

For our troubles

Nativity -

Eternal life light!

Song "Christmas"(Quietly whispering, falling, snowflakes ...)

Watch the photo presentation of the holiday.