
Retire if 3 children. At what age do mothers with three or more children retire? Algorithm for using the right of a parent with many children


Since 2015, the pension formula has changed. Without a minimum length of service and points, you will not receive an insurance pension.

Instead of an insurance pension - social

The requirements for points and seniority required to apply for a pension are growing every year. So, in 2018, this threshold is 9 years and 13.8 points. By 2024, the indicators will increase to 15 years and 30 points. Anyone who does not earn the required minimum will not be able to apply for an insurance pension. They "shine" only a social pension 5 years later than the generally established period.

Buy yourself a pension

In order, having lived to retirement age, not to wait another 5 years for a pension, you can enter into voluntary legal relations with the PFR and buy yourself the right to a pension. Minimum contribution = 2 minimum wages * 12 * 26%. By the way, the Ministry of Labor has developed a project according to which the minimum contribution will be calculated based on 1 minimum wage.
Read more about voluntary legal relations with the FIU in the material.
In that material, we used an example to analyze the situation of pensioner Ivanov, who bought the missing 1 year of service and 2 points from the PFR for 59 thousand rubles and thus acquired the right to receive the minimum insurance pension for 4 years. Thus, having invested 59 thousand, he will receive 430 thousand rubles from the PFR in 4 years. Judge for yourself the profitability of such an investment.

In the comments to the article, one of our readers asked the question:

And what about mothers of many children? What is their experience if you give half of your life to raising children


Let's figure it out. This article will focus on a young woman, a non-working housewife, who is a mother of many children.

Profession - mom

What, in terms of future pension, awaits a mother of many children, who has devoted herself to raising children, was told in the PFR department in the Tomsk region.

The woman's husband turned to the "pensioners" with a question. By the age of 30, his wife gave birth to 4 children and is not going to stop there. The couple plans to have many children. A woman takes care of the house and brings up children, does not work. Does she run the risk of being left without a pension in connection with the new point system?

A woman is entitled to an old-age insurance pension when she reaches the age 55 years and the presence of the minimum required insurance experience and the minimum amount of points (by 2025 - 15 years and 30 points).

Meanwhile, women who have given birth to 5 or more children and raised them until they reach the age of 8 years, at 50 an early insurance old-age pension can be established (again, if you have 15 years of service and 30 points).

If a woman has less than the required amount of insurance experience or the amount of pension points, then she at 60 the right to apply to the FIU for a social old-age pension.

At the same time, the FIU reminded that experience and points can be purchased in addition. But the duration of the periods of payment of insurance premiums counted in the insurance period cannot be more than half of the insurance period required for the assignment of an old-age insurance pension.

Recall that for non-insurance periods, pension points are also accrued.

So, for example, this housewife will be credited with:
  • 1.8 points * 1.5 for 1.5 years of care for the first child,
  • 3.6 points * 1.5 for 1.5 years of caring for a second child,
  • 5.4 points * 1.5 for 1.5 years of caring for a third child,
  • 5.4 points * 1.5 for 1.5 years of caring for the fourth child.
In total, not working, she will earn 24.3 points.
Recall that points are awarded for the care of one of the parents for each child until they reach the age of one and a half years, but not more than 6 years in total.

Thus, by the time she retires, she will lack 5.7 points (30-24.3).

What about experience?

The insurance period for one of the parents includes periods of care for each child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years, but not more than 6 years in total. However, periods of childcare are counted in the insurance period if they were preceded and (or) followed by periods of work and (or) other activities (regardless of their duration), for which insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance were paid.

Thus, a woman needs to work so that the PFR takes into account the time spent caring for children when calculating the length of service.

Suppose a woman still worked for 1.5 years, earned 3 points.

In total, she has 7.5 years of experience and 27.3 points in her piggy bank. There are still 7.5 years of experience and 2.7 points missing.

Since 7.5 years is no more than half of the required length of service, they can be purchased in addition by entering into voluntary legal relations with the FIU.

We will assume that the project of the Ministry of Labor, which reduces the minimum amount of voluntary contributions, will be adopted. Let's take the average minimum wage from 2019 in the amount of about 12 thousand rubles. Then 1 year of payment of contributions, giving the right to 1 year of experience and about 2 points, will cost 37 thousand rubles.

For 7.5 years of being in a voluntary legal relationship, a woman will pay about 278 thousand rubles. Let's leave behind the scenes the question - where will a large family get this money to buy their mother the right to a pension.

Thus, a woman will secure an early retirement in the minimum amount.

What will it give in material terms? She will start receiving a pension of about 9,000 rubles at the age of 50, while in the absence of experience and points she would have to wait 60 years. Over these 10 years, she will receive about 1 million rubles from the PFR.

But let us remind you that in order to receive this 1 million, she must invest 278 thousand, officially work at least a little (otherwise childcare will not be included in the experience, and the purchase of experience will become meaningless, since you can buy only 7.5 years of experience ), and most importantly, live to the age of retirement.

If a woman does not work in her entire life, then even despite the hypothetical right to early retirement for having many children at the age of 50, she will actually be able to claim only a social pension at 60.

The article tells on what conditions a pension is paid to mothers with many children in 2020, explains the nuances of the legislation.

Basic provisions

The state encourages the birth rate. Moms with many children have many benefits, including early retirement.

In the Russian Federation, pension benefits simply cannot be obtained.

The right to early retirement gives preferential seniority or having many children.

4 conditions for early retirement:

  1. Age not less than fifty years;
  2. Birth of 5 children.
  3. Children are over 8 years old.
  4. Insurance activity for 15 years.

Example. Semenova V.M. brings up five children. The youngest son was six years old. In this case, you cannot apply for a benefit. We'll have to wait until the boy is eight years old.

If you have experience in the Far North, then you can get a benefit with two children

In Russia, there is a preferential procedure for paying guardians. The retirement age is reduced by 1 year in a year and a half. The experience must be at least fifteen years. The maximum reduction occurs for five years.

Transfer size

For mothers with many children, early retirement is transferred in different ways.

The amount depends on the following indicators:

  • the salary of a mother with many children;
  • the pension of a mother with many children also depends on the number of years of work;
  • age when a woman came to an appointment with OPFR specialists.

Data on experience and wages must be documented.

Required documents

When a mother of 3 children goes on a well-deserved rest, it is necessary to confirm the right to a benefit.

Important! Information about work activity is confirmed by a work book. It contains all relevant information about the periods of work. If the work was carried out not only according to the work book, additional certificates and contracts will be needed.

The right to early retirement is confirmed by documents on the birth of children and their upbringing up to eight years.

Natural mothers and those who have adopted children have equal rights. Both those and others can go on vacation ahead of schedule.

Prior to 2002, data are provided for any sixty months of employment.

Specialists of the pension fund department carefully check all documents. If necessary, they will send additional requests about the work of citizens who retire. It is advisable to come to the consultation in advance to check if everything is in order.


Raising children of spouses does not give the right to early retirement benefits. Requires a formal adoption.

Example. Kuzovkina N.A. She raised three sons and two daughters of her husband from her first marriage. She began to raise girls from the age of three, she did not officially adopt. In this case, the woman does not retire before the due time, since she did not adopt her husband's children.

A preferential pension for mothers with many children is not assigned if children under the age of eight have not been brought up. For example, children died before this age, or there are other reasons. Applicants with three children lose their right to the benefit if they have been deprived of parental rights.

Before retiring, applicants can come for a consultation with OPFR specialists. Employees will review the documents, tell you what certificates you need to submit additionally.

Categories of beneficiaries

  1. Mothers who have given birth to five children and work under normal conditions. At the same time, insurance experience of at least fifteen years is required.
  2. Mothers who gave birth to two children. Have experience in the Far North or equivalent areas.

Thus, in order to receive benefits, you need to raise 5 children or 2 children, but work in difficult climatic regions. Payments can be made five years earlier when there is experience and children. At the age of 50, you can already contact the specialists of the pension fund.

Even if a woman raised four or five children and did not work, there will be no benefits. For example, the period of receipt of a survivor's pension is not included in the period of insurance activity.

If it is not possible to receive a pension on this basis earlier, other provisions of the law may be suitable. How many years the benefit is due also depends on the working conditions.

Rules for calculating seniority

Childcare time is included in the length of service. Changes were made by law No. 427-FZ.

When determining the right to payments, the time of "sitting" with children up to one and a half years is taken into account. The maximum is four and a half years. Previously, the maximum was three years.

Therefore, mothers with many children will receive increased transfers. To confirm the time of departure, it is necessary to apply with supporting documents to the specialists of the OPFR.

For applicants who have previously applied for benefits, the right is given to apply with supporting documents for recalculation. The time of "sitting" with children does not pass without a trace. Retirement points are required;

  1. During the "sitting" with the first baby, one and a half points are given.
  2. 3.6 points are due for the time of caring for the second baby.
  3. For the third baby and the fourth, 5.4 points are already given.

Points are given to mothers who refused to work and sat with their children. A woman can independently choose for what period to take points: take into account the period of work or “sitting” with children.

Legislative news

The State Duma is discussing a draft law on lowering the retirement age for large families. The question of how much to receive benefits will be decided differently for mothers with three children. For regions where a decrease in the birth rate has been recorded, the age threshold will be lowered to forty-seven years. Where the birth rate is good, the age limit, on the contrary, will be increased.


Only women are eligible for early retirement. Male pensioners are not given such privileges.

Pension legislation is constantly changing. The pension for mothers with many children is preserved in 2020.

The birth and further high-quality upbringing of children is a responsible, lengthy and, in our time, financially costly process. A woman devotes all her time and energy to babies, especially at preschool and school age. And the state, in turn, provides it with certain benefits. For example, a woman with many children can receive a pension ahead of schedule.

Is there a plan to raise the retirement age in 2020?

No longer talk, but reality. However, it is planned to maintain a number of, as well as some benefits. There is no talk about raising the retirement age for mothers of many children in Russia.

Therefore, we can conclude that in the coming years this reform will not affect this category of pension recipients.

Pension for a mother of many children with 3 children

For pension legislation, a mother with many children with the right to early retirement due to old age is considered a woman who has given birth and raised (up to at least 8 years of age) five children or more.

According to federal law, if a woman has given birth to three children, then, as a general rule, she retires in the same way as everyone else - when she reaches 55 years old. However, at the same time, periods of caring for each baby up to the age of one and a half years, that is, 4 years and six months in total, can be counted into her retirement experience.

Since 2019, new rules for early retirement have appeared.

Mothers of many children with 3-4 children received the right to early retirement. If a woman has 3 children, she will be able to retire 3 years earlier than the new retirement age, subject to transitional provisions. If a woman has 4 children - 4 years earlier than the new retirement age, taking into account transitional provisions.

In this case, you must have 15 years of insurance experience.

To whom does it apply

As a general rule, a woman with three children can retire early if she has a special seniority in addition to the general one. For example, if she worked in a hot shop for more than 7 and a half years, then she is entitled to a pension from the age of 45. When a woman has accumulated 25 years of experience as a teacher at school, while having three children, she will also be able to retire earlier in old age.

A woman who has given birth and raised children (from two or more) in the northern latitudes has the right to retire early. At the same time, she must have more than 12 years of northern experience directly in the Far North and more than 15 years in the adjacent territories.

However, the regions have the right to determine for themselves which family and the woman living with them has large families. Therefore, in such subjects, even if there are three children, a woman will receive some benefits, additional payments, subsidies. But he will retire at the age of 55.

In these cases, children must be born and raised by the woman herself (biological). The exception is the presence of children with disabilities. Early retirement is due to those who raised them (up to the age of 8 years), regardless of biological relationship.

Also in relation to them, the mother should not be deprived of parental rights.

Attention! If a woman, for example, has two native children and she married a man who has one child to raise, she will be considered to have many children only if her stepdaughter or stepson is officially adopted (adopted). However, this will not give her the right to early retirement. The exception is again if the adopted child has a disability and the stepmother will raise him until the age of 8.

Where to apply for clearance

You can apply for a pension:

  • to the branch of the multifunctional center at the place of residence or registration;
  • to the FIU branch.

When applying, a woman writes an application and attaches documents confirming not only her experience, but materials on the birth and upbringing of children (birth certificates). If there is a child with a disability, then a certificate of this is also required.

How to calculate insurance experience and pension points

The minimum threshold for receiving a pension is thirty. They accumulate over the course of employment annually. But the weaker sex often combines work with raising children, so employment is not permanent and needs state support.

Preparing for the birth of a baby, a working woman first goes on sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth. Then he receives leave to care for a child up to one and a half years. These periods are included in both the general and insurance experience.

Mother heroine's right to pension

To exercise the right to early retirement under the law, a woman must meet a number of parameters:

  • give birth to or officially take care of at least five babies;
  • grow them for at least eight years;
  • accumulate insurance experience of fifteen years;
  • reach the fiftieth birthday;
  • have 30 pension points.

If we are talking about, then for her the following conditions for receiving a preferential pension:

  • the birth of two or more children;
  • their successful upbringing;
  • age fifty;
  • the presence of general and special experience (in the Far North and nearby areas) - 20 and 17 or 15 years, respectively.

When one of the specified parameters is not met, then the right to preferential pension provision does not come.

Important! If a woman had five children, but one of them died after the age of eight, she does not lose the right to early retirement. The FIU provides a death certificate for such a child.

How "points" are accumulated when caring for children

The state has taken into account the fact that when giving birth or adopting children, a woman should spend her time as much as possible on their upbringing. Therefore, often a long time can not resume employment, which affects the accumulation of the required minimum pension points.

Therefore, for each baby, a woman is charged their certain size:

  • 1.8 for the first child;
  • 3.6 - for the second;
  • 5.4 - for the third, fourth, fifth and so on.

This measure helps a woman to accumulate pension points, while raising babies. It is easy to calculate that if a woman has five children whom she has successfully “raised on their feet” before the age of eight, 21.6 points will accumulate on their personal account. As a result, she will have to “get” to a minimum of 8.4 points.

Important! A minimum score of 30 points will only be required from 2025. In the meantime, it is 16.2 points. The same rule applies to the minimum tenure of 15 years. It will be needed if the woman goes on vacation in 2025. And in 2018, 9 years were enough. In 2019 - already 10, and in 2020 - 11 years. The increase over the years is gradual. One year per calendar year.

Conditions for early retirement of mothers with many children

A woman with many children goes on a well-deserved rest if the conditions for:

  • age - 50 years;
  • the number of children - at least five as a general rule, and for northern women - two or more;
  • experience - at least 15 years, northerners - 20 years general, special - 15 or 17 years (depending on the area of ​​​​residence and work);
  • the number of points on the pension account - more than 30.

Another important indulgence on the part of the state for women with children is that their total length of service may include the time of caring for each child up to one and a half years. In total, such a period of six calendar years can be taken into account.

The main condition for a mother of many children to retire early is not only a certain age, length of service, points and the number of children born or adopted by her, but also their successful upbringing up to the age of eight.

This means that a woman should not be deprived of parental rights in relation to children. Children should not only "survive" to a certain age, but also receive the necessary care and upbringing.

Benefits for retirement in the conditions of the North

Since not only working conditions, but also life itself in the northern latitudes is not easy, the state provided for and legally secured the right of early retirement for a mother who lives, works and raises children in such specific conditions.

For her, the criterion for the number of children has been reduced - from five to two. The total experience for a northerner should be 20 years.

Planned changes in legislation

The demographic situation in Russia still leaves much to be desired. The unstable economic situation and the problems of young families in acquiring housing are doing their job: basically, families bring up one or two children each. Therefore, the state in every possible way, for its part, is trying to solve the problem.

In addition to early retirement, a woman with many children raising five or more children is planned to be entitled to receive a housing subsidy. A draft law on this is currently under consideration in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

According to this law, a gratuitous and one-time subsidy is supposed to be provided to a large family with five or more children to improve their living conditions. The funds are supposed to be allocated from the federal budget. According to the draft law, those families that have permanently resided in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for 10 years and are recognized as in need of improved housing conditions will receive the right to receive payment.

Also under consideration in the State Duma is another bill, according to which it is proposed to reduce the minimum value of the individual pension coefficient (the so-called points) from 30 to 15. pension due to lack of points.

If the law is passed, the change will also apply to mothers with many children. To assign an early pension, they will need 15 points.

Video about pensions for mothers with many children

Those mothers who have given birth and are raising three or more children are considered to have many children. The state appreciates such women and provides them with financial support in old age. The benefits under the law on the pension of a mother with many children relate not only to additional benefits, but also to the upcoming pension of a woman with many children.

With the advent of 2020, mothers with many children will have the opportunity to retire earlier than expected. Such an innovation was introduced in the pension reform, in the fall of 2018, after the bill of Vladimir Putin (Article 28 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 173 “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”). Early exit, based on the amendment, will be available only to those women whose insurance experience is at least 15 years (does not apply to women living in rural areas).

The more children a woman has, the earlier their retirement age will come. For example, mothers of five children will be able to retire at only 50 years old.

What is the pension of a mother with many children

The main part of a woman's pension is the same as that of ordinary citizens. Her seniority and a penny. coefficient will be calculated in exactly the same way. The amount of pension payments will primarily be determined by her deductions from salaries and insurance experience.

And the basic pension of a mother with many children will be increased by an allowance for having many children, which will vary depending on the number of children in the family. Also, as mentioned earlier, benefits will allow the mother to retire much earlier.

The nuances of early retirement are as follows:

  1. A mother will not be able to retire early if she raised five children, but lost parental rights to 1 of them before the child reaches the age of 8 years. In the case of having six children, but she is deprived of the rights to two, the situation is similar. And on the rise.
  2. If the mother was deprived of parental rights later - the child was eight years old, her right to early retirement remains in force (if the other conditions have been achieved).
  3. If a woman has received the necessary work experience by earning in the Far North, then she can retire early with two or more children.

If a woman is 80 years old, then the pension will be recalculated and will be increased additionally. The allowance will depend on the number of children:

  • if there are two children, then from 6440 to 12800 rubles will be added to the pension;
  • for three children they will add from 7200 to 14400 r;
  • for 1 child they can add from 4000 to 11200 rubles.

Additional conditions have been developed for mothers to receive an increased pension:

  • children must have been born before 1990;
  • mother was due to retire in 2015.

How is a mother's pension calculated?

The final amount of pension for mothers with many children will depend on factors:

  1. The amount of deductions deducted from the mother's salary.
  2. Work experience.

The pension for mothers with many children in 2020 will be calculated from two amounts: a fixed (labor) payment and insurance. Mothers of many children (especially heroine mothers) spend a significant part of their work experience on maternity leave, for which they earn points. For the first child, a woman receives 1.8 points, for two - 3.6, and for three, respectively, 5.4. With four or more children, points are not awarded. By the way, the decree is also included in the length of service - one and a half years for each child. But in total, no more than six years are taken into account (for four children).

IPC is an abbreviation for the concept of "individual pension coefficient". It denotes the very points awarded to a woman for children. The amount of the insurance pension will be calculated according to the formula:

Pension = IPC * SPC (pension coefficient value).

How much will be added to the pension? In numbers, the surcharge will look like this:

  • for one child, the amount of the additional payment will be 3416 r;
  • for two - 4270 r;
  • for three children - 5124 rubles.

What documents are needed to apply for a pension for a mother with many children

To apply for an increase in pension and ensure early access to it, a mother of many children needs to contact the Pension Fund of Russia. Increases will not be automatically accrued - the process begins exactly in the order of the application. A woman will need to collect the necessary package of documents:

  1. The application itself. It must be properly drafted, with a well-formulated request.
  2. A copy of the Russian passport - confirmation that the mother has Russian citizenship, and her age is suitable for early retirement.
  3. SNILS (document in the form of a plastic card).
  4. Employment history.
  5. Other documents that confirm the required work experience of a mother of many children. Read more about the transition to the electronic version of the labor.
  6. Certificates and documents on the current individual pension coefficient. It is possible to issue them only in the regional center of the Pension Fund.
  7. Copies of passports or birth certificates for each of the children.
  8. If necessary, adoption documents.
  9. A document confirming social status is a certificate of a mother with many children. It must be pre-registered, since the document has its own specific validity period - 1 year.

The main advantage for women with many children is the possibility of early retirement. How to get the right to rest ahead of schedule for mothers who have given birth to 4 babies, how to draw up documents, where to apply, in detail in this material.

Definition of the concept of a mother of many children under the law

For women who have more than 3 children, that is, those who are considered to have many children, benefits are provided when entering state support. Such a concept is given, for example, in the legislation of Moscow and the Moscow region. In some cases, this definition includes mothers with 2 or more dependents, subject to the following conditions:

  • successful upbringing until they reach the age of 8;
  • the number of children in general is up to 5 people.

Important: when providing an early pension, not only the upbringing of children by blood, but also adopted children, is taken into account. However, minors who are under guardianship and guardianship are not taken into account.

General conditions and features of granting a pension for mothers with many children in 2020

As a general rule and on the basis of the law "On Insurance Pensions", retirement is carried out according to the following standards:

  • the person is required to be insured in the state system;
  • for women it is enough to reach the age of 55, for men - 60, an increased qualification is set for employees, their age should be 63 and 65 years, respectively;
  • insurance experience - at the time of application and retirement - up to 15 years at the time of 2014;
  • pension points, by 2025 it is enough to accumulate 30 points under the IPC system.

For mothers with many children, the following factors do not matter when assigning state support:

  • seniority;
  • age at the time of registration of the pension;
  • insurance contributions to special funds.

The procedure for calculating points for the early assignment of a pension to mothers of large families

The total number of points under the IPC program must reach 30 at the time of application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the general manner. When raising two or more children, the summation occurs in multiple sizes according to the following standards:

Expert opinion

Additional points for parenting are taken into account for both parents who are in a formal marriage relationship. They affect the possibility of assigning an early pension for both father and mother. At the same time, for the mother, the indicators are taken into account from the first child to the fourth, and for the father - from the fifth to the eighth dependent. For regions, the calculation procedure is different. For example, in the Rostov region, points can be counted only up to the fourth baby.

Shapovalov N.N., employee of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Samara region

Where to apply to receive a pension for a mother of many children

To apply for state support in connection with the achievement of a disability, you should visit and receive confirmation in the following instances:

Employer To confirm the length of service, obtaining archival certificates in the event of the liquidation of the enterprise in the absence of records of periods of activity in the work book.
Employment Center If, for any reason, the mother has never worked or is not employed at the time of enrollment, a certificate of unemployment status from the local job center will be required.
Social Security Authority On granting the status of a large family.
Management Company On confirmation of the fact of cohabitation with dependents.
prosecutor's office, court With the requirement to respect the rights of the child and the norms of the law, to provide compensation or appeal against the illegal refusal to assign a pension.

Important: when a woman retires upon reaching 50 years of age, if her children also remain dependent and have not reached 18 years of age or 23 years of age at that moment, if they receive full-time education at an institute, then the amount of material support will increase by a certain amount, provided by law for each disabled child in the upbringing. When calculating the length of service of the mother, all the benefits inherent in working in the northern regions necessarily apply.

When an early pension is denied to a mother of many children

Upon the occurrence of certain cases, the registration of state security in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is denied:

  • if the child did not live up to 8 years;
  • when the mother was deprived of parental rights on the basis of a court decision;
  • in situations where the child is transferred to full state support, for example, to orphanages, boarding schools, he is assigned a disability allowance, etc.

When raising children on the basis of guardianship or guardianship, it is recommended for parents to establish the official status of adoptive parents, adoptive parents. Only in this case it is possible to apply for a preferential pension.

The procedure for registration and documents in 2020 for mothers of large families

Registration of the right to early retirement is carried out in the following order:

  1. Collection of documents, making copies, if necessary, their certification.
  2. Filling out an application and sending it along with a package of documents to the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  3. Waiting for a decision, issuing a pensioner's certificate and receiving financial support from the state. Usually, the procedure for reviewing papers is no more than 7 days from the date of application. To speed up the process, it is recommended to provide a detailed calculation of the length of service with links to the attached documents.
  4. Making monthly payments to the bank details of a pensioner with four or more children.

The list of documents that will be required to apply for a pension include:

  • identity card in a copy;
  • birth certificates of children of the registry office;
  • SNILS for both parents;
  • marriage certificate of the registry office, on divorce, if necessary;
  • decisions on adoption from the court that have entered into force;
  • work book, certificates of work experience;
  • an extract from the house book or a certificate from the management company on the composition of the family and cohabitation with children, respectively, bearing the costs of their maintenance and participation in education.

Common Mistakes

Mistake 1. Assignment of an early pension to the father upon accumulation in the aggregate of the number of points required for registration of state security. Based on federal law, the father, natural or adoptive, is entitled to state support before the onset of age as a standard for every fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth child. From the first to the fourth, only the mother receives the benefit.

Mistake 2. Waiting for the appointment of a pension ahead of schedule automatically in connection with the upbringing of children in a large family. In any case, if there are more than three children in the family, it is required to apply to the Pension Fund with supporting documents for calculating points and assigning material support prematurely.

A case from one's life

The family brought up five children. The mother received an early retirement pension in connection with the cumulative accumulation of points in the total amount of 30 for raising from the first to the fourth child, taking into account taking care leave until each of them reaches 1.5 years.

Question answer

Question 1. There are four children in our family. Two of them are adopted. I am 50 years old, when can I apply for early retirement?

When raising four children, mothers are assigned an early pension. At the same time, reaching a certain age, as well as experience, do not matter. You need to calculate how many points you will receive under the IPC system according to the table provided for all children and during the period of parental leave until they reach 1 year and 1.5 years. If the total score is 30, then you may qualify for a pension. To do this, you need to apply with an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.

Question 2. Can my husband claim early retirement if we have four children?

You can apply to the Pension Fund for early retirement. However, for a husband, such an opportunity, according to the requirements of federal law, is permissible only if there are from 5 to 8 dependent children. Thus, he has the right to claim to receive material support from the state only upon reaching the retirement age in the presence of experience. When applying, you should also seek advice from staff about opportunities for large families, based on the terms of local law.