
How to draw a drawing of a finist clear falcon. Russian folk tales in illustrations. bilibina. finista's feather is clear-falcon. Signs of a fairy tale


There was an old man with an old woman. They had three daughters; the younger one was such a beauty that one cannot say in a fairy tale, nor write with a pen. Once the old man was going to the city for the fair and said: “My dear daughters! What you need, order, - I will atone for everything at the fair. The eldest asks: "Buy me, father, a new dress." Middle: "Buy me, father, a shawl handkerchief." And the smaller one says: "Buy me a scarlet flower." The old man laughed at the younger daughter: “Well, what do you want, silly, in a scarlet flower? Is there a lot of self-interest in it! I to you better outfits buy." No matter what he said, he could not persuade her in any way: buy a scarlet flower - and that's all.

The old man went to the fair, bought a dress for his eldest daughter, a shawl for the middle daughter, but he did not find a scarlet flower in the whole city. Already at the very exit he comes across an unfamiliar old man - he carries a scarlet flower in his hands. “Sell me, old lady, your flower!” - “He is not corrupt, but cherished; if your youngest daughter will go for my son - Finista clear falcon, then I will give you a flower for free. The father became thoughtful: not to take a flower - to upset his daughter, but to take it - it will be necessary to marry her off, and God knows whom. Thought and thought, but still took a scarlet flower. “What a trouble! - thinks. “After he gets married, but if he’s not good, you can refuse!”

He came home, gave the dress to the eldest daughter, the shawl to the middle one, and gave the little one a flower and said: “I don’t like your flower, my dear daughter, it hurts!” And he himself whispers to her slowly in her ear: “After all, the flower was cherished, and not corrupt; I took it from an unfamiliar old man with the condition of giving you in marriage to his son Finist clear falcon. - “Do not be sad, father,” the daughter answers, “he is so kind and affectionate; like a clear falcon flies through the heavens, and how it hits damp earth- so the well done will become well done! - "Do you know him?" - “I know, I know, father! Last Sunday he was at mass, he kept looking at me; I talked to him ... because he loves me, father! The old man shook his head, looked at his daughter so intently, crossed her and said: “Go into the room, my dear daughter! It's time to sleep; the morning is wiser than the evening - after that we will judge!” And the daughter locked herself in the room, lowered the scarlet flower into the water, opened the window, and looks into the blue distance.

Out of nowhere - Finist clear falcon, colored feathers, fluttered in front of her, fluttered into the window, hit the floor and became a fine fellow. The girl was frightened; and then, how he spoke to her, and God knows how cheerful and good at heart became. Until dawn they talked - I don’t know what; I only know that, as it began to dawn, Finist is clear, the falcon, colored feathers, kissed her, and says: “Every night, as soon as you put a scarlet flower on the window, I will fly to you, my dear! Yes, here is a feather from my wing for you; if you need any outfits, go out onto the porch and just wave it to the right side - and in an instant everything your heart desires will appear in front of you! He kissed her again, turned into a bright falcon and flew away beyond the dark forest. The girl looked after her betrothed, closed the window and lay down to rest. From that time on, every night, as soon as she puts a scarlet flower on the dissolved window, the good fellow Finist clear falcon flies to her.

Here comes Sunday. The elder sisters began to dress up for mass. “What are you going to wear? You don't even have updates! - say the youngest. She replies: “Nothing, I’ll pray at home!” The older sisters went to mass, and the little one sits at the window, all soiled, and looks at the Orthodox people that are going to the church of God. She waited for time, went out onto the porch, waved a colored feather to the right side, and out of nowhere - a crystal carriage, and factory horses, and servants in gold, and dresses, and all sorts of dresses made of expensive semi-precious stones appeared before her.

In a moment, the red-haired girl dressed, got into the carriage and rushed to the church. People look and marvel at her beauty. “It looks like some princess has arrived!” people talk among themselves.

As they sang “It is worthy,” she immediately left the church, got into the carriage and drove back. The Orthodox people went out to stare where she would go; it wasn't there! Long gone. And our beauty just drove up to her porch, immediately waved a colored feather to the left side: in an instant the servant undressed her, and the carriage disappeared from her eyes. She sits as before, as if nothing had happened, and looks out the window as the Orthodox from the church go home. The sisters also came home. “Well, sister,” they say, “what a beauty she was at mass the other day! Just a feast for the eyes, neither in a fairy tale to say, nor to write with a pen! It must be that the princess from other lands came - so magnificent, dressed up!

Another and third Sunday comes; know the red maiden is fooling the Orthodox people, and her sisters, and her father and mother. Yes, for the last time she began to undress and forgot to remove a diamond pin from her braid. The older sisters come from the church, tell her about the beautiful princess and how they look at the smaller sister, and the diamond still burns in her braid. "Ah, sister! What do you have? the girls screamed. - After all, exactly the same kind of pin was today on the head of the princess. Where did you get it from? The red maiden gasped and ran into her room. There was no end to questions, guesses, whispers; and the younger sister is silent to herself and quietly laughs.

So the big sisters began to notice her, began to eavesdrop at the lamp at night, and once overheard her conversation with Finist the Bright Falcon, and at dawn they saw with their own eyes how he fluttered out of the window and flew beyond the dark forest. Evidently, the girls were evil - big sisters: they agreed to put hidden knives on the window of the sister's room for the evening, so that Finist Yasen Falcon would clip his colored wings. They thought of it - they did it, but the younger sister did not guess, put her scarlet flower on the window, lay down on the bed and fell asleep soundly. Finist clear falcon flew in and how it flutters through the window and cut off its left leg, but the red maiden knows nothing, sleeps so sweetly, so calmly. The clear falcon soared angrily in the sky and flew away beyond the dark forest.

In the morning the beauty woke up, looking in all directions - it’s already light, but there’s no good fellow! As he looks at the window, and sharp knives stick out crosswise on the window, and scarlet blood drips from them on the flower. For a long time the girl burst into bitter tears, spent many sleepless nights at the window of her room, tried to wave a colored feather - all in vain! Neither Finist clear falcon flies nor sends servants! Finally, with tears in her eyes, she went to her father and begged for a blessing. “I’ll go,” he says, “where my eyes look!” She ordered herself to forge three pairs of iron shoes, three iron crutches, three iron caps and three iron sprouts: a pair of shoes on her feet, a cap on her head, a crutch in her hands, and went in the direction from where Finist clear falcon flew to her.

He walks through the dense forest, walks through the stumps, the iron shoes are already trampled, the iron cap wears out, the crutch breaks, the prosvir is gnawed, and the red maiden goes on and on, and the forest is getting blacker, more and more often. Suddenly she sees: standing in front of her is a cast-iron hut on chicken legs and constantly turning around. The girl says: “Hut, hut! Stand with your back to the forest, in front of me. The hut turned to face her. She entered the hut, and in it lies the Baba Yaga - from corner to corner, lips on the garden, nose to the ceiling. "Fu Fu Fu! Previously, the Russian spirit could not be seen by sight, not heard by hearing, but now the Russian spirit walks in the free world, appears with its own eyes, rushes into the nose! Where are you going, red maiden, are you going? Are you whining from business, or are you trying to do business? - “I had, grandmother, Finist clear falcon, colored feathers; my sisters did evil to him. I am now looking for Finist clear falcon. “You have a long way to go, little one! We still have to go to distant lands. Finist is clear falcon, colored feathers, lives in the fiftieth kingdom, in the eightieth state, and already wooed the princess.

Baba Yaga fed and watered the girl with what God sent and put her to bed, and in the morning, as soon as the light began to dawn, she woke her up, gave her an expensive gift - a golden hammer and ten diamond carnations - and punished: “As you come to the blue sea, the bride of Finist is clear of a falcon will go ashore for a walk, and you take the golden hammer in your hands and beat the diamond studs; she will buy them from you, you, red maiden, do not take anything, just ask to see Finist clear falcon. Well, now go with God to my middle sister!

Again the red maiden walks through the dark forest - farther and farther, and the forest is getting blacker and thicker, winding its tops into the sky. Already other shoes are being trampled, another cap is worn out, the iron crutch is broken and the iron bacon is gnawed - and now a cast-iron hut on chicken legs stands in front of the girl and constantly turns around. "The hut, the hut! Stand with your back to the forest, in front of me; I climb into you - eat bread. The hut turned its back to the forest, its front to the girl. He enters there, and in the hut lies Baba Yaga - from corner to corner, lips on the garden, nose to the ceiling. "Fu Fu Fu! Previously, the Russian spirit could not be seen by sight, not heard by hearing, but now the Russian spirit has begun to walk in the free world! Where, red maiden, are you on your way? - "I'm looking for, grandmother, Finist clear falcon." “He wants to get married. Nonche they have a bachelorette party, ”said the Baba Yaga, fed, watered and put the girl to bed, and in the morning wakes her up a little light, gives a golden saucer with a diamond ball and firmly punishes: “When you come to the shore of the blue of the sea, let a ball on a golden saucer, the bride of Finista clear falcon will come to you, she will buy a saucer with a ball; and you don’t take anything, just ask to see Finist clear falcon, colored feathers. Now go with God to my older sister!”

Again the red maiden walks through the dark forest - farther and farther, and the forest is getting blacker and thicker. Already the third shoes are being worn out, the third cap is wearing out, the last crutch is broken, and the last prosvir has been gnawed. There is a cast-iron hut on chicken legs - every now and then it turns. "The hut, the hut! Turn your back to the forest, to me in front; I climb into you - eat bread. The hut turned. Baba Yaga is again in the hut, lying from corner to corner, lips on the garden, nose to the ceiling. "Fu Fu Fu! Previously, the Russian spirit could not be seen by sight, it was not heard by hearing, but now the Russian spirit walks in the free world! Where, red maiden, are you on your way? - "I'm looking for, grandmother, Finist clear falcon." - “Ah, red maiden, he already married the princess! Here's my fast horse, sit down and ride with God! The girl mounted her horse and rushed on, and the forest became less and less.

So the blue sea - wide and spacious - spilled out in front of her, and there, in the distance, golden domes burn like heat on high white-stone towers. “Know, this is the realm of Finist clear falcon!” - thought the girl, sat down on the loose sand and beats the diamond studs with a golden hammer. Suddenly, the princess with her mothers, with nannies, with faithful maids, is walking along the shore, she stopped and began to trade diamond studs with a golden hammer. “Give it to me, princess, just look at Finist clear falcon, I’ll give them to you for nothing,” the girl replies. “Yes, Finist is clear, the falcon is now sleeping, he ordered no one to let him in; well, give me your beautiful carnations with a hammer - so be it, I'll show it to you.

She took a hammer and carnations, ran to the palace, stuck a magic pin in Finist Yasna Falcon's dress so that he would sleep better and not get up more from sleep; after that she ordered the mothers to take the red maiden to the palace to her husband, the clear falcon, and she herself went for a walk. For a long time the girl was killed, for a long time she cried over her beloved; she could not wake him up in any way ... Having walked to her heart's content, the princess returned home, drove her away and took out the pin. Finist is clear the falcon has woken up. “Wow, how long I slept! Here, - he says, - someone was, all over me wept and lamented; only I could not open my eyes - it was so hard for me! “You dreamed about it,” the princess answers, “no one has been here.”

The Russian folk tale Feather Finista Yasna Sokol will appeal to children aged 6 years and older. This is a story about strong love. It tells how one girl Maryushka lived in the world and had her fiance Finist-clear falcon, whom she had to free from the captivity of the queen.

Read online Russian folk tale Pyoryshko Finista Yasna Sokol

Once upon a time there was a peasant. His wife died and left three daughters. The old man wanted to hire a worker to help on the farm, but the youngest daughter, Maryushka, said:

No need, father, to hire a worker, I myself will run the household.

OK. Maryushka's daughter began to run the household. She knows everything, everything is good with her. Father Maryushka loved: he was glad that such a smart and hard-working daughter was growing up. And from herself, Maryushka is a beautiful hand-written. And her sisters are envious and greedy, ugly, and fashionistas - fashionistas - sit all day and whiten, and blush, and dress up in new clothes, and their dresses are not dresses, boots are not boots, a scarf is not a scarf.

The father went to the market and asked his daughters:

What do you, daughters, buy, than to please?

Buy a half-shawl, so that the flowers are larger, painted with gold.

But Maryushka stands silent. Her father asks:

What do you want to buy, baby?

And for me, father, buy Finista's feather - the clear falcon.

A father comes, brings half-shawls to his daughters, but he did not find a feather. My father went to the market another time.

Well, - says, - daughters, order gifts.

Buy us each boots with silver horseshoes.

And Maryushka orders again;

Buy me, father, Finist's feather - the clear falcon.

Father walked all day, bought boots, but did not find a feather. Came without a feather. OK. The old man went to the market for the third time, and the eldest and middle daughters say:

Buy us a coat.

And Maryushka asks again:

And for me, father, buy Finista's feather - the falcon is clear.

Father walked all day, but did not find a feather. I left the city, and towards me an old old man:

Hello, grandfather!

Hello Darling! Where are you going on the road?

To myself, grandfather, to the village. Yes, here is my grief: the smaller daughter ordered me to buy Finista's feather - the falcon is clear, but I did not find it.

I have such a feather, yes it is cherished, but for a kind person, no matter what, I will give it.

Grandfather took out a feather and gives it, but it is the most ordinary. A peasant rides and thinks: "What did Maryushka find good in him?"

The old man brought gifts for his daughters, the eldest and middle dress up, but they laugh at Maryushka:

As you were a fool, so it is. Put your feather in your hair and show off!

Maryushka remained silent, stepped aside, and when everyone had gone to bed, Maryushka threw the feather on the floor and said:

Dear Finist - a clear falcon, come to me, my long-awaited groom!

And a young man of indescribable beauty appeared to her. By morning the fellow hit the floor and became a falcon. Maryushka opened the window for him, and the falcon flew up to the blue sky.

For three days Maryushka welcomed the young man to her; during the day he flies like a falcon through the blue skies, and at night he flies to Maryushka and becomes a good fellow.

On the fourth day, the evil sisters noticed and told their father about their sister.

My dear daughters, - says the father, - look after yourself better!

"Okay," the sisters think, "we'll see how it goes."

They poked into the frame of sharp knives, while they themselves hid, watching. Here is a bright falcon flying. He flew to the window and cannot get into Maryushka's room. He fought and fought, cut his whole chest, but Maryushka was asleep and did not hear. And then the falcon said:

Whoever needs me will find me. But it won't be easy. Then you will find me when you wear out three iron shoes, break three iron staffs, tear three iron caps.

Maryushka heard this, jumped out of bed, looked out the window, but there was no falcon, and only a bloody mark remained on the window. Maryushka wept with bitter tears, washed away the trail of blood with her tears, and became even more beautiful. She went to her father and said:

Do not scold me, father, let me go on a long journey. I'll be alive - we'll see each other, I'll die - so, to know, it's written in the family.

It was a pity for the father to let go of his beloved daughter, but he let go. Maryushka ordered three iron shoes, three iron staffs, three iron caps, and set off on a long journey to look for the coveted Finist - a clear falcon. She walked through a clear field, walked through a dark forest, through high mountains. Birds gladdened her heart with merry songs, streams washed her white face, dark forests welcomed her. And no one could touch Maryushka: gray wolves, bears, foxes - all the animals ran to her. She wore out her iron shoes, she broke the iron staff and tore the iron cap. And now Maryushka comes out into the clearing and sees: there is a hut on chicken legs - it is spinning. Maryushka says:

Baba Yaga saw Maryushka and made a noise:

I am looking for, grandmother, Finist-clear falcon.

Oh, beauty, it will be difficult for you to look for him! Your clear falcon is far away, in a distant state. The sorceress queen drugged him with a potion and married him to herself. But I will help you. Here's a silver saucer and a golden egg for you. When you come to the distant kingdom, hire yourself as a worker for the queen. When you finish the work - take a saucer, put a golden egg, it will roll by itself. Will buy - do not sell. Ask Finista - it's clear to see the falcon. Maryushka thanked Baba Yaga and left. The forest darkened, Maryushka became afraid, afraid to even take a step, and the cat met her. He jumped to Maryushka and purred:

Don't be afraid, Maryushka, go ahead. It will be even worse, but you go and go, do not look back.

The cat rubbed his back and was like that, but Maryushka went on. And the forest became even darker.

Maryushka walked, walked, wore out her iron boots, broke her staff, tore her cap, and came to the hut on chicken legs. Around the tyn, on the stakes of the skull, and each skull burns with fire.

Hut, hut, stand back to the forest, front to me! I climb into you, there is bread.

The hut turned its back to the forest, and its front to Maryushka. Maryushka went into the hut and sees: Baba Yaga is sitting there - a bone leg, legs from corner to corner, lips in the garden, and her nose has grown to the ceiling.

Baba Yaga saw Maryushka and made a noise:

Pah, pah, smells of Russian spirit! Red girl, are you torturing the case, are you lying from the case?

Did my sister have?

There was a grandmother.

Okay, honey, I'll help you. Take a silver hoop, a gold needle. The needle itself will embroider with silver and gold on crimson velvet. Will buy - do not sell. Ask Finista - it's clear to see the falcon.

Maryushka thanked Baba Yaga and left. And in the forest, knocking, thunder, whistling, skulls illuminate the forest. Maryushka became terrified. Look, the dog is running. The dog said to Maryushka:

Av, av, Maryushka, don't be afraid, dear, go. It will get worse, don't look back.

She said and was. Maryushka went, and the forest became even darker. He grabs her by the legs, grabs her by the sleeves... Maryushka comes, goes, and does not look back. How long, how short, she walked - she wore out the iron shoes, broke the iron staff, tore the iron cap. I went out into the clearing, and in the clearing there was a hut on chicken legs, around the tyn, and horse skulls on stakes, each skull was on fire.

Hut, hut, stand back to the forest, front to me!

The hut turned its back to the forest, and its front to Maryushka. Maryushka went into the hut and sees: Baba Yaga is sitting there - a bone leg, legs from corner to corner, lips in the garden, and her nose has grown to the ceiling. Baba Yaga saw Maryushka and made a noise:

Pah, pah, smells of Russian spirit! Red girl, are you torturing the case, are you torturing from the case?

I am looking for, grandmother, Finist - a clear falcon.

It is difficult, beauty, you will look for him, but I will help. Here is a silver bottom, a golden spindle. Take it in your hands, it will spin itself, the thread will be pulled not simple, but golden.

Thank you, grandma.

Okay, you’ll say thank you later, and now listen to what I’ll punish you: if they buy a golden spindle - don’t sell it, but ask Finista - it’s clear to see the falcon.

Maryushka thanked Baba Yaga and went, and the forest rustled, hummed: a whistle rose, owls swirled, mice crawled out of their holes, and everything was on Maryushka. And Maryushka sees - a gray wolf runs towards her. The gray wolf says to Maryushka:

Do not grieve, - he says, - but sit on me and do not look back.

Maryushka sat on a gray wolf, and only she was seen. Ahead are wide steppes, velvet meadows, honey-colored rivers, kissel banks, mountains rest against the clouds. And Maryushka keeps jumping and jumping. And here is a crystal tower in front of Maryushka. The porch is carved, the windows are patterned, and the queen looks in the window.

Well, - says the wolf, - get down, Maryushka, go and hire yourself as a servant.

Maryushka got down, took the bundle, thanked the wolf and went to the crystal palace. Maryushka bowed to the queen and said:

I don’t know what to call you, how to call you, but will you need a worker?

The queen answers:

For a long time I have been looking for a worker, but one who could spin and weave and embroider.

All this I can do.

Then come on in and get to work.

And Maryushka became a worker. The day is working, and the night will come - Maryushka will take a silver saucer and a golden egg and say:

Roll, roll, golden egg, on a silver platter, show me my dear.

An egg will roll on a silver saucer, and Finist will appear - a clear falcon. Maryushka looks at him and bursts into tears:

My Finist, Finist is a clear falcon, why did you leave me alone, bitter, to cry about you!

The queen overheard her words and says:

Ah, sell me, Maryushka, a silver saucer and a golden egg.

No, - says Maryushka, - they are not for sale. Can I give them to you, if you let Finist - it's clear to look at the falcon.

The queen thought, thought.

Okay, he says, so be it. At night, when he falls asleep, I will show him to you.

Night has come, and Maryushka goes into the bedroom to Finist, the clear falcon. She sees - her heartfelt friend is sleeping soundly. Maryushka looks, does not see enough, kisses her sugary lips, presses her to her white chest, - her heart friend will not wake up sleeping. Morning came, but Maryushka did not wake up dear ...

Maryushka worked all day, and in the evening she took a silver hoop and a gold needle. Sits, embroiders, she says:

Embroider, embroider, pattern, for Finist - clear falcon. It would be something for him to dry himself in the morning.

The queen overheard and said:

Sell ​​me, Maryushka, a silver hoop, a golden needle.

I won’t sell it, says Maryushka, but I’ll give it away, let me only see Finist, the bright falcon.

Okay, - he says, - so be it, at night I will show it to you.

The night is coming. Maryushka enters the bedroom to Finist - I am clear to the falcon, and he sleeps with a sound sleep.

You are my finist, bright falcon, get up, wake up!

Sleeping Finist - clear falcon sound sleep. Maryushka woke him up, but she didn't wake up.

The day is coming. Maryushka is sitting at work, picking up a silver bottom, a golden spindle. And the queen saw: sell, sell!

I won’t sell it, but I can give it away anyway, if you let me stay with Finist, the bright falcon, for at least an hour.

OK. And she thinks: "All the same, she won't wake me up."

The night has come. Maryushka enters the bedroom to Finist - I am clear to the falcon, and he sleeps with a sound sleep.

You are my finist - a clear falcon, get up, wake up!

Sleeping Finist, does not wake up. She woke up, woke up - she couldn’t wake up in any way, and the dawn was close. Maryushka cried:

My dear Finist - a bright falcon, get up, wake up, look at your Maryushka, press her to your heart!

Maryushka's tear fell on Finist's bare shoulder - clear as a falcon and burned. Finist woke up - a bright falcon, looked around and sees Maryushka. He hugged her, kissed her:

Is it really you, Maryushka! She wore out three shoes, broke three iron staffs, wore out three iron caps and found me? Let's go home now.

They began to gather home, and the queen saw and ordered the trumpets to blow, to notify her husband of the betrayal.

The princes and merchants gathered, began to hold advice, like Finista - it’s clear to punish the falcon.

Then Finist the bright falcon says:

Which, in your opinion, is a real wife: is it the one that loves deeply, or the one that sells and deceives?

Everyone agreed that Finist's wife is a clear falcon - Maryushka.

And they began to live, live and make good. We went to our state, gathered a feast, blew the trumpets, fired the cannons, and there was such a feast that they still remember.

Russian folk tale "Finist - a bright falcon" in the processing of A. Platonov

Genre: fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Finist - a clear falcon" and their characteristics

  1. Maryushka, a beautiful girl, the youngest daughter of a peasant. Fearless, loyal, loving. Kind and hardworking.
  2. Finist is a clear falcon. He turned into a good young man. For most of the tale, the besotted queen slept.
  3. The queen, evil and treacherous, wanted to keep Finist by force, but sold him to Maryushka for gold and silver things.
  4. Peasant, Maryushka's father
  5. Elder daughters, envious and ugly
  6. Baba Yaga - three sisters, kind, but very scary
Plan for retelling the tale "Finist - the clear falcon"
  1. Maryushka runs the household
  2. Gifts for daughters
  3. Feather of Finist - a clear falcon
  4. Sisters envy
  5. Maryushka goes in search
  6. Baba Yaga, saucer and egg
  7. Baba Yaga, fingers and needle
  8. Baba Yaga, spindle and bottom
  9. Help gray wolf
  10. First night with Finist
  11. Second night with Finist
  12. Awakening Finist
  13. Wedding
The shortest content of the tale "Finist - a clear falcon" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The peasant had three daughters, the older ones were greedy and envious, the younger, Maryushka, was kind and hardworking.
  2. The peasant gave Maryushka Finist's feather, and the sisters stuck knives in the window and Finist flew off to distant lands.
  3. Maryushka went to look for Finista, she took off three pairs of iron boots, she had three women-yagas, she received three gifts.
  4. Maryushka hired herself to work for the queen, and she asks to sell magical gifts.
  5. Maryushka gave gifts for the right to look at Finist, but he slept and did not wake up until Maryushka began to cry.
  6. The queen Finista did not want to let go, but the princes and merchants decided that Finista's wife was Maryushka.

The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tale "Finist - a clear falcon"
You can't buy or sell love.

What does the fairy tale "Finist - the clear falcon" teach
This fairy tale teaches us to be kind, hardworking, persevering. It teaches you to be faithful in love and not stop at obstacles on the way to your goal. It teaches that it is impossible to trade a loved one, teaches that kindness and love will always be rewarded according to merit.

Review of the fairy tale "Finist - a clear falcon"
Very beautiful and interesting story about love, full of magic. I really like the main character of this fairy tale - Maryushka. Merry and kind girl, she fell in love with the good fellow Finist and was able to go through a very hard way, but to return Finista. There are many magical transformations in the fairy tale, good and evil heroes act in it, but it ends very well. And that's why I love this story so much.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Finist - a clear falcon"
The road will be mastered by the walking one.
Love neither burns in fire nor sinks in water.
There is no use or joy in dashing and envy.

Summary, retelling of the tale "Finist - a clear falcon"
The peasant's wife died and he was left alone with three daughters. I wanted to hire a worker, but the youngest daughter Maryushka said that she could handle the household herself.
Maryushka was kind and hardworking, a real beauty, and the sisters were evil and envious.
Here a peasant went to the city, the sisters asked for half-shawls, Maryushka - Finist's pen. He brought gifts to his father for his eldest daughters, but he did not get a feather for the youngest.
The second time I went to the city. The older boots ask, the younger one again Finista's feather. And again the father could not find a gift.
The third time he rides, meets an old man, and he gives him the feather of Finist - a clear falcon.
The sisters on Maryushka laughed, and at night she took a pen, and ordered Finist, the bright falcon, to appear before her. And then Finist appeared and became a good fellow. For three nights Maryushka called Finista to her. And then the sisters suspected something was wrong, they stuck sharp knives on the window.
Finist fought against knives, wounded his entire chest. He flew away, but said that it would be difficult to find him.
Maryushka woke up, heard those words, burst into tears, and went to her father. She said that she was leaving, ordered three pairs of iron shoes, three caps and three staffs, and went on a long journey.
Whether she walked for a long time, or for a short time, she wore out only her shoes, erased her staff. He sees a hut on chicken legs. Maryushka entered it, and there the Baba Yaga was sitting, complaining about the Russian spirit.
The kopeck piece said that Finista was looking for a clear falcon.
Baba Yaga said that the Queen made Finist drunk and made her a groom. She gave Maryushka a silver saucer and a golden egg and sent her to a distant kingdom.
Maryushka is walking through the forest, and then the cat jumps out, warning that it will be even worse further.
Maryushka came to another hut on chicken legs, with skulls on the back. And there is another Baba Yaga, the sister of the former one. She gave Maryushka a silver hoop and a gold needle and also ordered them not to sell.
Marbyushka went on. The dog runs, warns that it will be scary. Maryushka was already wearing off her third shoes, she reached the third hut. And there is an even older and more terrible woman. She gave Maryushka a silver bottom and a golden spindle, and again ordered her not to sell it.
Now the wolf is on its way. He planted Maryushka, brought him to the kingdom he needed.
Maryushka was employed by the queen as a worker. During the day she works, at night they show her a saucer and Finist's testicle. The queen found out about that, she asks to sell a saucer with an egg. And Maryushka asks Finist to show him. The queen agreed, and brought Maryushka to Finist.
Finist, the clear falcon, is sleeping in a sound sleep, Maryushka did not call him.
Maryushka is working again, and she is embroidering with a silver hoop and a golden needle.
Again the queen asks to sell the hoop and needle, and Maryushka Finista demands to be shown.
Again the queen brought Maryushka to Finist. But Finist sleeps, does not wake up.
Maryushka took out a silver bottom and a golden spindle, and again history repeats itself. Only this time Maryushka began to cry, her tear fell on Finist's shoulder and he woke up.
I saw Maryushka, was delighted, wanted to go home. And the queen persuaded the princes and merchants to seize Finist and execute him. Yes, only Finist asks them who the real wife is, the one who deceives, or the one who loves deeply.
Everyone agreed that Maryushka was Finist's real wife, and she and Finist left and began to live and make good money.

Signs of a fairy tale

  1. Three repetitions: three times a peasant went to the city, Maryushka met three women-yagas, received three gifts, woke up Finista for three nights.
  2. Magic transformation - Finist turned into a bird and into a man
  3. Magical creatures - baba yaga, gray wolf
  4. Magic items - hoop, needle, spindle, testicle, bottom
Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Finist - the clear falcon"

There was an old man who had three daughters. The eldest and middle are dandies, and the youngest is modest. Once the father was going to the fair and said: “My good daughters, tell me what gifts to bring you?”

The eldest asks: "Buy me, father, a satin dress." - The middle one asks: "Buy me, father, morocco boots." - And the smaller one says: “I don’t need anything, father, I just need Finista’s feather - the falcon is clear.”

The old man came to the fair. I bought an update for my eldest daughter and I bought it for my middle daughter, but Finista's feather - a clear falcon - is nowhere to be found. The old man was sad. Yes, what can you do? So I had to come back.

And suddenly he comes across a wanderer on the road. The old man asks him: “Can you tell me, good man, where is Finist’s feather for me - is it clear to find a falcon?” - “And I will give it to you,” the wanderer says and gives the old man a box.

The old man does not know how to thank the wanderer. Yes, while I was looking for words, it was as if it had not happened. The old man hid the box in his bosom and went home cheerfully. He whips horses, sings songs with joy.

All three daughters meet him at home. The elders began to try on new things. And the smaller one took the box, only she doesn’t open it and doesn’t show anyone what is in it.

By nightfall, the sisters had gone to their lamps. The smaller one also shut herself up in her bottle. She opened the box - and there it lies, the treasured feather shimmers with all colors.

The girl stroked him, kissed him and threw him on the floor. And at the same moment the feather turned into a beautiful prince. They look at each other, they don't fall in love. And they started a conversation - they can’t talk enough.

Then the prince hit the floor and again turned into a feather. She hid the smaller feather in a box, and then let the sisters in.

The sisters look there, and look here - there is no one. So they left with nothing.

And the smaller one opened the window, took out a feather and said: “You fly, my feather, in an open field! Fly, my feather, in the free space!

And she just said - the feather turned into a clear falcon. The falcon soared to the skies and flew over the high mountains, over the blue sea. “Wait for me again tomorrow!” he shouted on the fly.

The sisters spied how the falcon flew out of the window, and conceived an evil deed. The next day, towards evening, they drugged my sister with a sleeping potion, and then they locked her window from the inside, and poked the window with sharp knives from the outside.

At midnight, Finist flew in - a bright falcon, beat at the window, beat, all covered in blood. "Farewell, fair maiden," he said sadly. “If you love, look for me now in a distant kingdom, in a distant state.”

The girl hears him, but to open her eyes - there is no strength. I woke up in the morning, looking - on the window the knives were sharp, like a palisade, poked and scarlet blood dripped from them. The girl wept bitterly: “It was the sisters who ruined my dear friend!”

At the same time she ran to the smithy, ordered to forge herself iron shoes, an iron staff, an iron spit, and set off on her way to look for her dear friend, Finista, the clear falcon.

She walked for a long time, she went to the very end of the world. She has already trampled on the iron shoes, and broken the iron staff, and gnawed the iron prosvir.

Suddenly he sees: there is a hut on chicken legs in a dense forest. “Hut, hut,” the girl asks, “turn your back to the forest, front to me.”

The hut turned, and the girl entered. And in the hut of Baba Yaga - his nose is hooked, his chin is upright, he sweeps the floor with his ears, throws firewood into the stove with his teeth. The girl bowed to her waist,

Baba Yaga shook her head and said: “Fu-fu-fu! I haven't heard the Russian spirit for a long time! Where are you going, pretty girl, are you on your way?"

The girl answers her: "I, grandmother, am looking for my dear friend, Finista - a clear falcon. My evil sisters wanted to destroy him, and he flew away."

I know, I know, - says Baba Yaga. - Your falcon lives in a crystal palace on the seashore and is already betrothed to an overseas princess. Yes, do not worry! Go to sleep. The morning is wiser than the evening!

Thank you, granny, on a kind word, - says the girl. - I climbed on the floor and fell asleep.

The next morning, the light dawned a little, Baba Yaga woke her up. “You,” she says, “respected me yesterday, bowed to my waist, for this I will respect you. Here, take the golden spindle, you will need it. You start spinning a tow, and a thread will stretch, but not a simple one, but a golden one.

The girl took the spindle, and Baba Yaga again says: “For

the fact that you called me grandmother, I will reward you again.

And he gives her a silver saucer, a golden apple.

An apple rolls on a saucer, gold on silver, and on a silver platter you can see everything - ships on the seas, and shelves in the fields, and mountains high, and heavens beauty.

The girl hid this miracle, and Baba Yaga again says: “You thanked me yesterday, for this I will thank you. Here, take a golden hoop with a silver needle, and the needle is not simple - it sews and embroiders itself.

The girl hid this wonder as well, bowed low to Baba Yaga and got ready to go.

And Baba Yaga instructs her: “Remember my words - the princess will trade your curiosities with you, but you don’t sell, just ask to let her look at her fiancé. Well, go, go!"

“To know, this is Finista - the realm of the falcon is clear,” the girl thought. She sat on the bank, took out her golden spindle and began to spin. Then the princess came out of the palace with her nannies - maids.

The princess saw a wonderful spindle and asked: “Sell me this curiosity!” - “I won’t sell it, but if you let me look at your fiancé, I’ll give it back,” the girl replies.

“Well, look,” says the princess. She took the spindle and quickly went to the palace. She drugged Finist - the clear falcon with a sleeping potion, and when he fell asleep, she called the girl.

The red-haired girl saw her dear friend, bent over him, calls him, speaks affectionate words to him. But he does not hear - he sleeps soundly. The girl began to cry and left the palace.

The next day, in the same manner, the princess lured out a silver saucer - a golden apple, and then let the girl look at her fiancé. And he sleeps again - does not wake up, does not respond to her speech.

On the third day, the girl again sat down on the bank. The sad one sits, in the runes she has a golden hoop, a silver needle sews and embroiders herself. Yes, these patterns are amazing!

The princess, as she saw it, again asks: “Sell and sell! What do you want to ask! I won't regret anything!"

And the girl again says: “Let me look at your fiance again.” “Look, I don’t feel sorry,” the princess answers. The girl hurried to the palace.

And Finist, the bright falcon, flew all morning through the skies, just returned home.

The princess fed him, gave him a drink and poured a sleeping potion into his drink.

Finist, the bright falcon, drank it and fell into a sound sleep. A girl came, calling a friend of the heart. Only he does not wake up, he sleeps soundly. The girl bent over him for the last time, and her hot tear fell on his cheek.

At the same moment, Finist woke up - a clear falcon. “Ah,” she says, “what did it burn me?” “It was my tear that burned you,” says the girl. Then Finist recognized her - a bright falcon, and was so delighted that it was impossible to say.

The fair girl told him how she was looking for him around the world, and Finist, the bright falcon, loved her even more than before, she became even dearer to his heart.

At the same hour, he drove away the greedy princess with all her nannies - maids, and then played the wedding. And the young began to live - to live, to make good.

St. Petersburg: Expedition for the Procurement of State Papers, 1902. 12 p. from ill. The cover and illustrations are made in the technique of chromolithography. In color illustrated publisher's cover. 32.5x25.5 cm. Fairy tales series. Super classic!

Of course, Bilibin had predecessors and, above all, Elena Dmitrievna Polenova (1850-1898). But Ivan Yakovlevich nevertheless went his own way. At first, he did not make illustrations by order, but, one might say, for himself. But it turned out that the Expedition for Procurement of State Papers became interested in them. The best Russian printing house, founded in 1818, printed banknotes, credit notes and other official products that needed special means forgery protection. Questions of cost and economic feasibility did not occupy her. The expedition was generously financed by the state, she did not feel the need for funds. But the people who led the Expedition for the Procurement of State Papers - its manager - the prince, but also the famous scientist, academician Boris Borisovich Golitsyn (1862-1916), engineer and inventor Georgy Nikolayevich Skamoni (1835-1907), got tired of the monotony of official products. Bilibin makes illustrations for "The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf", for "The Frog Princess", for "The Finist Yasna-Falcon's Feather", for "Vasilisa the Beautiful".

All were watercolors. But the Expedition for Procurement of State Papers decided to reproduce them by chromolithography. The twentieth century was in the yard, and the dominance of photomechanical methods of reproduction had already established itself in printing, and the Expedition seemed to be reviving ancient reproduction processes. Bilibin showed his watercolors in 1900 at the second exhibition of the World of Art. The artist seems to be reconsidering his views on the community, which both Ilya Efimovich Repin and the outstanding critic Vladimir Vasilievich Stasov (1824-1906) interpreted as decadent and decadent. The word "decadence", derived from the Latin decadentia, which means "decline", stuck to the new artistic movement.

It is curious that V.V. Stasov, in his critical analysis of the World of Art exhibition, contrasted Bilibin with the rest of its participants - the "decadents", drawing parallels between this artist and the Wanderer Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin (1859-1937). “Not so long ago, in 1898,” wrote Stasov, “Malyutin exhibited about a dozen illustrations for Pushkin’s fairy tale “Tsar Saltan” and the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” ... There are no illustrations by Mr. Malyutin at the current exhibition, but there are several excellent similar illustrations by Mr. Bilibin - 10 pictures for the fairy tales “The Frog Princess”, “The Finist Feather ...” and for the saying:

There lived a king

The king had a court

There was a stake in the yard

Bast on a stake,

Why not start the story over?

These are all very pleasant and wonderful phenomena. The folk spirit in the work of our new artists has not yet perished! Against!". The watercolor with the king picking his nose was reproduced by the Expedition for Procurement of State Papers using a special technique - algraphy - flat printing from aluminum plates. The prints were attached to the St. Petersburg magazine "Printing Art", which enjoyed great prestige among printers, but, unfortunately, did not come out for long. They started talking about Bilibin, emphasizing the originality and originality of his talent.

Acquaintance with the artists of the Mammoth circle E. Polenova and S. Malyutin, with the paintings of V. Vasnetsov, helped Bilibin find his subject. He, being a member of the "World of Art" circle, becomes an adherent of the national-romantic direction. It all started with an exhibition of Moscow artists in 1899 in St. Petersburg, where I. Bilibin saw a painting by V. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs". Brought up in a St. Petersburg environment, far from hobbies for the national past, the artist unexpectedly showed interest in Russian antiquity, fairy tales, and folk art. In the summer of the same year, Bilibin leaves for the village of Yegny, Tver province, in order to see the dense forests, transparent rivers, wooden huts, hear fairy tales and songs. Pictures from the exhibition of Viktor Vasnetsov come to life in the imagination. Artist Ivan Bilibin begins illustrating Russian folk tales from the collection of Afanasiev. And in the autumn of the same year, the Expedition for the Procurement of State Papers began to publish a series of fairy tales with Bilibino drawings.

For 4 years, Ivan Bilibin illustrated seven fairy tales: “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “White Duck”, “The Frog Princess”, “Marya Morevna”, “The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf "," Feather of Finist Yasna-Falcon", "Vasilisa the Beautiful". Editions of fairy tales belong to the type of small large-format books-notebooks. From the very beginning, Bilibin's books were distinguished by patterned drawings and bright decorativeness. The artist did not create individual illustrations, he strove for an ensemble: he drew a cover, illustrations, ornamental decorations, a font - he stylized everything like an old manuscript. The names of fairy tales are filled with Slavic script. To read, you need to look at the intricate pattern of letters. Like many graphics, Bilibin worked on a decorative font. He knew well the fonts of different eras, especially the Old Russian charter and semi-character. For all six books, Bilibin draws the same cover, on which he has Russian fairy-tale characters: three heroes, the bird Sirin, the Firebird, the Gray Wolf, the Serpent Gorynych, the hut of Baba Yaga. And yet it is clear that this antiquity is stylized as modernity. All page illustrations are surrounded by ornamental frames, like rustic windows with carved platbands. They are not only decorative, but also have content that continues the main illustration.

In the fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, the illustration with the Red Horseman (sun) is surrounded by flowers, and the Black Horseman (night) is surrounded by mythical birds with human heads. The illustration with Baba Yaga's hut is surrounded by a frame with grebes (and what else can be next to Baba Yaga?). But the most important thing for Bilibin was the atmosphere of Russian antiquity, epic, fairy tales. From genuine ornaments, details, he created a semi-real, semi-fantastic world. The ornament was a favorite motif of ancient Russian masters and the main feature of the art of that time. These are embroideries of tablecloths, towels, painted wooden and earthenware, houses with carved architraves and chapels. In the illustrations, Bilibin used sketches of peasant buildings, utensils, and clothes made in the village of Yegny. Bilibin showed himself to be an artist of the book, he did not limit himself to performing individual illustrations, but strove for integrity. Feeling the specifics of book graphics, he emphasizes the plane with a contour line and a monochromatic watercolor coloring. Systematic drawing classes under the guidance of Ilya Repin and acquaintance with the magazine and the World of Art society contributed to the growth of Bilibin's skill and general culture. The expedition to the Vologda and Arkhangelsk provinces on the instructions of the ethnographic department of the World of Art society was of decisive importance for the artist. Bilibin got acquainted with the folk art of the North, saw with his own eyes ancient churches, huts, utensils in the house, old clothes, embroideries. Contact with the primary source of artistic national culture forced the artist to practically overestimate his early works. From now on, he will be extremely accurate in depicting architecture, costume, and everyday life. From a trip to the North, Bilibin brought many drawings, photographs, a collection of samples of folk art. The documentary substantiation of every detail becomes the invariable creative principle of the artist. Bilibin's passion for ancient Russian art was reflected in the illustrations for Pushkin's fairy tales, which he created after a trip to the North in 1905-1908. Work on fairy tales was preceded by the creation of scenery and costumes for Rimsky-Korsakov's operas The Tale of the Golden Cockerel and The Tale of Tsar Saltan by A.S. Pushkin. Bilibin achieves special brilliance and fiction in his illustrations for the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin.

Luxurious royal chambers are completely covered with patterns, paintings, decorations. Here, the ornament so abundantly covers the floor, ceiling, walls, clothes of the king and the boyars that everything turns into a kind of unsteady vision that exists in a special illusory world and is about to disappear. "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" was the most successful for the artist. Bilibin combined the satirical content of the tale with the Russian lubok into a single whole. Beautiful four illustrations and a spread tell us the content of the tale in full. Recall a popular print, in which there was a whole story in a picture. Pushkin's fairy tales were a huge success. The Russian Museum of Alexander III bought illustrations for The Tale of Tsar Saltan, and the Tretyakov Gallery acquired the entire illustrated cycle of Tale of the Golden Cockerel.