
Golyavkin my good dad reader's diary. My good dad - Viktor Golyavkin


Viktor Golyavkin

My good dad

Dedicated to my father

3. On the balcony

4. My dad is going to conduct

5. Dad is there, and we are here

6. Sunday

7. My dad writes music

8. Olimpiada Vasilievna and Uncle Gosha

9. Old man Liverpool and dad

11. In the country

12. My dad and Alyosha

13. A very small chapter

16. Goodbye, dad!

18. I see dad

19. Back home

21. About fathers and about us

22. Deuce

23. Two letters

24. Goodbye Uncle Ali

25. On the roof

26. Beethoven! Bach! Mozart!

27. Olimpiada Vasilievna and mother

28. I meet Uncle Gosha

29. Carnival

31. The last chapter

1. I don't want to have lunch

I never want to have lunch. I love playing in the yard! I would play in the yard all my life. And I would never have dinner. I don't like cabbage soup at all. In general, I don't like soup. And I don't like porridge. And I don't like meatballs either. I love apricots. Have you eaten apricots? I love apricots so much! But now my mother calls me to eat borscht, I have to leave everything: an unfinished house made of sand and Rais, Rasim, Ramis, Rafis - my friends, the Izmailov brothers. My brother Boba loves borscht. He laughs when he eats borscht, and I wince. In general, he always laughs and sticks a spoon in his nose instead of his mouth, because he is three years old. No, I can still eat borscht. And I also eat meatballs. I eat grapes with pleasure! Then they put me at the piano. Perhaps I would eat borscht again. Just don't play the piano.

Ah, Clementi, Clementi, says my mother. - Happy playing Clementi!

Clementi, Clementi! - says dad. - Beautiful sonata Clementi! I played the Clementi sonatina as a child.

My dad is a musician. He even composes his own music. But he used to be in the military. He was a cavalry commander. He rode on a horse very close to Chapaev. He wore a hat with a star. I saw my dad's sword. She's here in our chest. This bowl is so huge! And so heavy! It is even difficult to hold it in your hands, let alone wave it in all directions. Oh, if there was a military dad! All in belts. Holster on the side. On the other side is a checker. Star on a cap. Dad would ride a horse. And I would go with him. Everyone would envy me! There, look what Petya's dad is.

But dad loves Clementi.

But I do not love. I love to build a house out of sand and I love my friends, four brothers: Rasim, Rafis, Rais, Ramis. What is Clementi to me!

I play. And I ask:

Will not be enough?

Play again, says mom.

Play, play, says dad.

I play, and my brother sits on the floor and laughs. He has a clockwork machine in his hands. He tore the wheels off the car. And rolls them on the floor. And he really likes it. Nobody bothers him. Doesn't force you to play the piano. And that's why he has so much fun. He very rarely cries. When something is taken from him. Or when it's being cut. He absolutely does not like to get a haircut. From this, I would have walked all my life shaggy. He pays no attention to this. In general, he is good, but I am bad.

Mom and dad listen to me play. Brother rolls wheels on the floor. Four brothers are screaming outside the window. They scream with different voices. I see through the window: they are waving their hands. They are calling me. They alone are bored.

Well, everything, - I say, - I played everything.

One more time, says dad.

I won't do it again, I say.

Please, my mother says.

I won't, I say, I won't!

You watch me! - says dad.

I try to get up. I remove notes.

I will grind you to powder! dad screams.

You don't have to, says Mom.

Dad is worried

I studied… I played five or six hours a day, right after the Civil War. I worked hard! And he? .. I'll grind him to powder!

But I knew! He won't crush me. That's what he always says when he's angry. He even says so to his mother. How can he pulverize us? Especially since he is our dad.

I won't play, - I say, - and that's it!

Let's see, says dad.

Please, I say.

Let's see, says dad.

This is the third time I'm playing Clementi.

Finally let me go! My brother Boba is following me. He lost all the wheels. And now he's bored.

Four brothers are waiting for me outside. They wave their hands, shout. My sand house is destroyed. All my work was in vain. And all because of borscht and Clementi! Rafis destroyed the house - younger brother. He cries - his brothers beat him. Nothing to do! And I say

Nothing. New house let's build.

I'm taking everyone to Uncle Gosha's shop. Uncle Gosh is my father's friend. He lends us everything. He writes down our debt on a piece of paper, and then dad pays him. So good! Dad said so: let them go. What they want. As much as they want.

Here we come to the store. Uncle Gosha gives us sweets. We can eat them as much as we want. Then dad will pay for everything.

Rais says:

I've already eaten everything.

We again go to Uncle Gosha. And we're getting more candy. He says:

Is not it too much? Come again.

We will definitely come, we say.

In the yard we are surrounded by guys. We're handing out candy to everyone. We don't have enough candy for everyone. For example, Kerim without sweets. Masha Nikonova and Sasha.

We again go to Uncle Gosha.

Please, we beg, excuse me. But we didn't have enough sweets. What to do? We are all very upset. We need some more candy. To have enough for everyone.

Why just a little! - says Uncle Gosh. - Take it! And come again.

He gives us candy, and everyone is happy. Now all the guys had enough sweets.

It was already getting dark outside. The lanterns lit up. Soon the whole sky will be full of stars. Such is the sky in our city. Our city is the most beautiful. Although I have not been to other cities. Our city has a boulevard. There is the sea, ships and boats. And the island is visible in the distance. And oil rigs in the sea. I would go to the boulevard now, but do you hear? Mom is calling us for dinner.

And I'm going to dinner. So the whole day. I have to eat all day long!

I ate dinner, but that's not all. They lead me back to the piano. Dad is not at home, and I say:

I'm over it.

Start from here, - mother asks, - from this line.

I've had enough, I say, and that's it!

Let's wait for dad, says mom.

Dad comes. He is cheerful. He is holding two large boxes. These boxes contain tangerines.

In June and suddenly tangerines?!

I got it with difficulty, - says dad.

He opens the boxes.

Well! Fly in! Guys! Grab it!

We swoop, we grab, we laugh. Dad laughs with us. Eating tangerines. And says:

Call everyone.

I call the brothers Rais, Rafis, Rasim, Ramis. And we treat them with tangerines. And the boxes are emptying fast.

Then the brothers leave. And mom takes away the empty boxes. And says to dad:

How about money? Will we still be able to go to the country? I would like to. Summer is already passing.

I see dad thinking. He says:

Maybe we can. But we may not be able to. But if we don’t even go, then it doesn’t matter - life is already so beautiful!

But I do know. More beautiful in the country. There is no piano. There are pomegranates, quince, grapes, figs ... There is a sea without end and edge. I love swimming in the sea so much! I so want to go! There is a station nearby. There are steam locomotives. There are different trains. And when you wave after them, they also wave to you from the windows of the cars. And there's hot sand, ducks, chickens, windmills, donkeys...

Then I fall asleep in a chair. Through a dream I hear voices, everything about the dacha, about the sea, about summer ...

And in the morning I wake up in bed.

Fatma khanum is aunt Fatma, mother of the brothers Ramis, Rafis, Rasim, Raisa. As soon as he sees me, he says every time: "Ah, Petka, Petka, very big!" She remembers when I was little. And now he's surprised that I'm big. How can you be so surprised! I grew up little by little. And now, I went out into the corridor, and she says:

You are growing very fast!

Everyone grows the same, I say.

Grow, grow, she says.

Mom is waiting for you, I lied.

Mom loves to talk with Fatma khanum. And Fatma khanum is with my mother. They can talk for hours.

Aunt Fatma, come to us!

Once again my mother tells me! About how I got lost. They are laughing. But I don't laugh. Why should I laugh! I have heard this many times. A hundred or two hundred times. Very strange adults! They tell the same thing. Does this happen to me? Every day I have a lot of news. Why should I remember something old? When all around is news!

I hear their conversation.

Mother. I remember he was born to me, his eyes were blue. And then they were not blue at all. Some grey. So embarrassing! That's how it happens!

Fatma Khanum. Growing fast...

Mother. Yes, yes, yes, that's what I'm saying ... And when he was little, he was small - like this ... he then went for a walk, he opened the door himself, went out into the street, then he went through the whole city, like this, obliquely the whole city, and stopped in a square; as I remember now, it was Saturday, the orchestra was playing, and the adults were dancing to the orchestra. He liked it so much! He began to dance with everyone, and they found him in this form - that's how his hands are on his hips and dancing!

Fatma Khanum. A very funny child!

Mother. Woe to me with him.

Fatma Khanum. I have four.

1. I don't want to have lunch

I never want to have lunch. I love playing in the yard! I would play in the yard all my life. And I would never have dinner. I don't like cabbage soup at all. In general, I don't like soup. And I don't like porridge. And I don't like meatballs either. I love apricots. Have you eaten apricots? I love apricots so much! But now my mother calls me to eat borscht, I have to leave everything: an unfinished house made of sand and Rais, Rasim, Ramis, Rafis - my friends, the Izmailov brothers. My brother Boba loves borscht. He laughs when he eats borscht, and I wince. In general, he always laughs and sticks a spoon in his nose instead of his mouth, because he is three years old. No, I can still eat borscht. And I also eat meatballs. I eat grapes with pleasure! Then they put me at the piano. Perhaps I would eat borscht again. Just don't play the piano.

Ah, Clementi, Clementi, says my mother. - Happy playing Clementi!

Clementi, Clementi! - says dad. - Beautiful sonata Clementi! I played the Clementi sonatina as a child.

My dad is a musician. He even composes his own music. But he used to be in the military. He was a cavalry commander. He rode on a horse very close to Chapaev. He wore a hat with a star. I saw my dad's sword. She's here in our chest. This bowl is so huge! And so heavy! It is even difficult to hold it in your hands, let alone wave it in all directions. Oh, if there was a military dad! All in belts. Holster on the side. On the other side is a checker. Star on a cap. Dad would ride a horse. And I would go with him. Everyone would envy me! There, look what Petya's dad is.

But dad loves Clementi.

But I do not love. I love to build a house out of sand and I love my friends, four brothers: Rasim, Rafis, Rais, Ramis. What is Clementi to me!

I play. And I ask:

Will not be enough?

Play again, says mom.

Play, play, says dad.

I play, and my brother sits on the floor and laughs. He has a clockwork machine in his hands. He tore the wheels off the car. And rolls them on the floor. And he really likes it. Nobody bothers him. Doesn't force you to play the piano. And that's why he has so much fun. He very rarely cries. When something is taken from him. Or when it's being cut. He absolutely does not like to get a haircut. From this, I would have walked all my life shaggy. He pays no attention to this. In general, he is good, but I am bad.

Mom and dad listen to me play. Brother rolls wheels on the floor. Four brothers are screaming outside the window. They scream with different voices. I see through the window: they are waving their hands. They are calling me. They alone are bored.

Well, everything, - I say, - I played everything.

One more time, says dad.

I won't do it again, I say.

Please, my mother says.

I won't, I say, I won't!

You watch me! - says dad.

I try to get up. I remove notes.

I will grind you to powder! dad screams.

You don't have to, says Mom.

Dad is worried

I studied… I played five or six hours a day, right after the Civil War. I worked hard! And he? .. I'll grind him to powder!

But I knew! He won't crush me. That's what he always says when he's angry. He even says so to his mother. How can he pulverize us? Especially since he is our dad.

I won't play, - I say, - and that's it!

Let's see, says dad.

Please, I say.

Let's see, says dad.

This is the third time I'm playing Clementi.

Finally let me go! My brother Boba is following me. He lost all the wheels. And now he's bored.

Four brothers are waiting for me outside. They wave their hands, shout. My sand house is destroyed. All my work was in vain. And all because of borscht and Clementi! The house was destroyed by Rafis - the younger brother. He cries - his brothers beat him. Nothing to do! And I say

Nothing. We will build a new house.

I'm taking everyone to Uncle Gosha's shop. Uncle Gosh is my father's friend. He lends us everything. He writes down our debt on a piece of paper, and then dad pays him. So good! Dad said so: let them go. What they want. As much as they want.

Here we come to the store. Uncle Gosha gives us sweets. We can eat them as much as we want. Then dad will pay for everything.

Rais says:

I've already eaten everything.

We again go to Uncle Gosha. And we're getting more candy. He says:

Is not it too much? Come again.

We will definitely come, we say.

In the yard we are surrounded by guys. We're handing out candy to everyone. We don't have enough candy for everyone. For example, Kerim without sweets. Masha Nikonova and Sasha.

We again go to Uncle Gosha.

Please, we beg, excuse me. But we didn't have enough sweets. What to do? We are all very upset. We need some more candy. To have enough for everyone.

Why just a little! - says Uncle Gosh. - Take it! And come again.

He gives us candy, and everyone is happy. Now all the guys had enough sweets.

It was already getting dark outside. The lanterns lit up. Soon the whole sky will be full of stars. Such is the sky in our city. Our city is the most beautiful. Although I have not been to other cities. Our city has a boulevard. There is the sea, ships and boats. And the island is visible in the distance. And oil rigs in the sea. I would go to the boulevard now, but do you hear? Mom is calling us for dinner.

And I'm going to dinner. So the whole day. I have to eat all day long!

I ate dinner, but that's not all. They lead me back to the piano. Dad is not at home, and I say:

I'm over it.

Start from here, - mother asks, - from this line.

I've had enough, I say, and that's it!

Let's wait for dad, says mom.

Viktor Golyavkin

My good dad

Dedicated to my father

3. On the balcony

4. My dad is going to conduct

5. Dad is there, and we are here

6. Sunday

7. My dad writes music

8. Olimpiada Vasilievna and Uncle Gosha

9. Old man Liverpool and dad

11. In the country

12. My dad and Alyosha

13. A very small chapter

16. Goodbye, dad!

18. I see dad

19. Back home

21. About fathers and about us

22. Deuce

23. Two letters

24. Goodbye Uncle Ali

25. On the roof

26. Beethoven! Bach! Mozart!

27. Olimpiada Vasilievna and mother

28. I meet Uncle Gosha

29. Carnival

31. The last chapter

1. I don't want to have lunch

I never want to have lunch. I love playing in the yard! I would play in the yard all my life. And I would never have dinner. I don't like cabbage soup at all. In general, I don't like soup. And I don't like porridge. And I don't like meatballs either. I love apricots. Have you eaten apricots? I love apricots so much! But now my mother calls me to eat borscht, I have to leave everything: an unfinished house made of sand and Rais, Rasim, Ramis, Rafis - my friends, the Izmailov brothers. My brother Boba loves borscht. He laughs when he eats borscht, and I wince. In general, he always laughs and sticks a spoon in his nose instead of his mouth, because he is three years old. No, I can still eat borscht. And I also eat meatballs. I eat grapes with pleasure! Then they put me at the piano. Perhaps I would eat borscht again. Just don't play the piano.

Ah, Clementi, Clementi, says my mother. - Happy playing Clementi!

Clementi, Clementi! - says dad. - Beautiful sonata Clementi! I played the Clementi sonatina as a child.

My dad is a musician. He even composes his own music. But he used to be in the military. He was a cavalry commander. He rode on a horse very close to Chapaev. He wore a hat with a star. I saw my dad's sword. She's here in our chest. This bowl is so huge! And so heavy! It is even difficult to hold it in your hands, let alone wave it in all directions. Oh, if there was a military dad! All in belts. Holster on the side. On the other side is a checker. Star on a cap. Dad would ride a horse. And I would go with him. Everyone would envy me! There, look what Petya's dad is.

But dad loves Clementi.

But I do not love. I love to build a house out of sand and I love my friends, four brothers: Rasim, Rafis, Rais, Ramis. What is Clementi to me!

I play. And I ask:

Will not be enough?

Play again, says mom.

Play, play, says dad.

I play, and my brother sits on the floor and laughs. He has a clockwork machine in his hands. He tore the wheels off the car. And rolls them on the floor. And he really likes it. Nobody bothers him. Doesn't force you to play the piano. And that's why he has so much fun. He very rarely cries. When something is taken from him. Or when it's being cut. He absolutely does not like to get a haircut. From this, I would have walked all my life shaggy. He pays no attention to this. In general, he is good, but I am bad.

Mom and dad listen to me play. Brother rolls wheels on the floor. Four brothers are screaming outside the window. They scream with different voices. I see through the window: they are waving their hands. They are calling me. They alone are bored.

Well, everything, - I say, - I played everything.

One more time, says dad.

I won't do it again, I say.

Please, my mother says.

I won't, I say, I won't!

You watch me! - says dad.

I try to get up. I remove notes.

I will grind you to powder! dad screams.

You don't have to, says Mom.

Dad is worried

I studied… I played five or six hours a day, right after the Civil War. I worked hard! And he? .. I'll grind him to powder!

But I knew! He won't crush me. That's what he always says when he's angry. He even says so to his mother. How can he pulverize us? Especially since he is our dad.

I won't play, - I say, - and that's it!

Let's see, says dad.

Please, I say.

Let's see, says dad.

I don't want to have lunch

I never want to have lunch. I love playing in the yard! I would play in the yard all my life. And I would never have dinner. I don't like cabbage soup at all. And I don't like soup. And I don't like porridge. And I don't like meatballs either. I love apricots! But my mother calls me to eat borscht, I have to leave everything, an unfinished house made of sand, and Rais, Ramis, Rafis, Rasim - my friends, the Izmailov brothers. My brother Boba loves borscht. He laughs when he eats borscht, and I wince. In general, he always laughs and sticks a spoon in his nose instead of his mouth, because he is three years old. No, I can still eat borscht. And I also eat meatballs. I eat grapes with pleasure! Then they put me at the piano. Perhaps I would eat borscht again. Just don't play the piano.
“Ah, Clementi, Clementi,” Mom says. – Happiness to play Clementi!
Clementi, Clementi! dad says. - Beautiful sonata Clementi! I played the Clementi sonatina as a child.
My dad is a musician. He even composes his own music. But he used to be in the military. He was a cavalry commander. He rode on a horse very close to Chapaev. He wore a hat with a star. I saw my dad's sword. She's here in our chest. This bowl is so huge! And so heavy! It is even difficult to hold it in your hands. It's not like swinging in all directions. Oh, if there was a military dad! All in belts. Holster on the side. On the other side is a checker. Star on a cap.
Dad would ride a horse. And I would go with him. Everyone would envy me! There, look what Petya's dad is!
But dad loves Clementi.
But I do not love. I love to build a house out of sand, and I love my friends, four brothers: Rasim, Rafis, Rais, Ramis. What is Clementi to me!
I play. And I ask:
- Will not be enough?
“Play some more,” Mom says.
“Play, play,” says dad.
I play, and my brother sits on the floor and laughs. He has a clockwork machine in his hands. He tore the wheels off the car. And rolls them on the floor. And he really likes it. Nobody bothers him. Doesn't force you to play the piano. And that's why he has so much fun. He very rarely cries. When something is taken from him. Or when it's being cut. He absolutely does not like to get a haircut. He would have walked like this all his life shaggy. He pays no attention to this. In general, he is good, but I am bad.
Mom and dad listen to me play. Brother rolls wheels on the floor. Four brothers are screaming outside the window. They scream with different voices. I see through the window: they are waving their hands. They are calling me. They alone are bored.
“Well, everything,” I say, “I played everything.
“One more time,” Dad says.
“I won’t do it again,” I say.
“Well, please,” Mom says.
“I won’t,” I say, “I won’t!”
- You look to me! dad says.
I try to get up. I remove notes.
"I'll grind you to powder!" dad screams.
“Don’t do this,” Mom says.
Dad is worried
- I studied ... I played five or six hours a day, right after the civil war. I worked hard! And he? .. I'll grind him to powder!
But I knew! He won't pulverize me. That's what he always says when he's angry. He even told his mother that. How can he pulverize us? Especially since he is our dad.
“I won’t play,” I say, “that’s all!”

“Please,” I say.
“We'll see,” Dad says.
This is the third time I'm playing Clementi.
Finally let me go! My brother Boba is following me. He lost all the wheels, and he is now bored.
Four brothers are waiting for me outside. They wave their hands, shout. My sand house is destroyed. All my work was in vain. And all because of borscht and Clementi! The house was destroyed by Rafis, the younger brother. He cries - his brothers beat him. I feel sorry for the house. But Rafis is a baby. And his brothers have already beaten him. Nothing to do! And I say
- Nothing. We will build a new house.
I'm taking everyone to Uncle Gosha's shop. Uncle Gosh is my father's friend. He lends us everything. He writes down our debt on a piece of paper, and then dad pays him. So good! Dad said so: let them all go. What they want. As much as they want.
Here we come to the store. Uncle Gosha gives us sweets. We can eat them as much as we want. Then dad will pay for everything.
Rais says:
- I've already eaten everything.
We again go to Uncle Gosha. And we're getting more candy. He says:
- Is not it too much? Come again.
“We will definitely come,” we say.
In the yard we are surrounded by guys. We distribute candy to everyone. We don't have enough candy for everyone. For example, Kerim without sweets, Masha Nikonova and Sasha.
We again go to Uncle Gosha.
“Please,” we ask, “excuse me.
But we didn't have enough sweets. What to do? We are very upset. We need some more candy. To have enough for everyone.
Why just a little! - says Uncle Gosha. - Take it! And come again.
He gives us candy and everyone is happy. Now all the guys had enough sweets.
It was getting dark outside. The lanterns lit up. Soon the sky will be full of stars. Such is the sky in our city. Our city is the most beautiful. Although I have not been to other cities. Our city has a boulevard. There is the sea, ships and boats. And the island is visible in the distance. And oil rigs in the sea. I would go to the boulevard now, but do you hear? Mom is calling us to dinner.
And I'm going to dinner. So the whole day. I have to eat all day long!
I ate dinner, but that's not all. They lead me back to the piano. Dad is not at home, and I say:
- I'm over it.
“Start from here,” Mom asks, “from this line.”
“I've had enough,” I say, “that's all!
“We’ll wait for dad,” says mom.
Dad comes. He is cheerful. He is holding two large boxes. These boxes contain tangerines.
- In June and suddenly tangerines ?!
“I got it with difficulty,” my father says. He opens the boxes.
- Well! Fly in! Guys! Grab it!
And we swoop, we grab, we laugh. And dad laughs with us. And eat tangerines. And says:
- Call everyone.
I call the brothers Rais, Rafis, Rasim, Ramis. And we treat them with tangerines. And the boxes are emptying fast.
Then the brothers leave. And mom takes away the empty boxes. And says to dad:
- How about money? Will we still be able to go to the country? I would like to. Summer is already passing.
I see dad thinking. He says:
“Maybe we can. But we may not be able to. But if we don’t even go, then it doesn’t matter - life is already so beautiful!
But I do know. More beautiful in the country! There is no piano. There are pomegranates, quince, grapes, figs ... There is a sea without end and edge. I love swimming in the sea so much! I so want to go! There is a station nearby. There are steam locomotives. There are different trains. And when you wave, they also wave to you from the windows of the cars. And there's hot sand, ducks, chickens, windmills, donkeys...
Then I fall asleep in a chair.
Through a dream I hear voices, everything about the dacha, about the sea, about summer ...
And in the morning I wake up in bed.


Fatma Khanum is aunt Fatma, the mother of the brothers Ramis, Rafis, Rasim, Raisa. As soon as he sees me, he says every time: "Ah, Petka, Petka, very big!" She remembers when I was little. And now he's surprised that I'm big. And now, I went out into the corridor, and she says:
- You are growing very fast!
“Everyone grows the same,” I say.
“Grow up, grow up,” she says.
“Your mother is waiting for you,” I lied.
Mom loves to talk with Fatma Khanum.
And Fatma Khanum is with my mother. They can talk for hours.
- Aunt Fatma, come to us!
Once again my mother tells me! About how I got lost. They are laughing. But I don't laugh. Why should I laugh! I have heard this many times. A hundred or two hundred times. Very strange adults! They tell the same thing. Does this happen to me? Every day I have a lot of news. Why should I remember something old? When all around is news!
I hear their conversation.
Mom: When he was born to me, his eyes were blue. And then they were not blue at all. Some grey. So embarrassing! That's how it happens!
Fatma Khanum: Growing fast...
Mom: Yes, yes, yes, that's what I'm saying ... And when he was little, he was small - like this .., he then went for a walk, he opened the door himself, went out into the street, then he went through the whole city, like this, the whole city was obliquely and stopped in a public garden, as I remember now, it was Saturday, an orchestra was playing and adults were dancing to the orchestra. He has improved so much! He began to dance along with everyone, and they found him in this form: like this - hands on hips and dancing!
Fatma Khanum: Very cheerful child!
Mom: Woe to me with him.
Fatma Khanum: I have four.
Mom: I forgot!
They are laughing. But I don't laugh. There is nothing funny here.
Aunt Fatma tells me:
- Well, tell me, how did you dance there?
“I was little,” I say, “I don’t remember.
“You are growing very fast,” she says.
“Play Clementi,” Mom says.
But I don't want to play Clementi.
“Your dad studied,” Mom says. - Immediately after the civil war ... He played for seven or eight hours ...
“I know that,” I say.
- Well, well, - says my mother, - well, well, then sing a song to Fatma.
Mom plays and I sing:

- The sun is clear
Our life is wonderful!

I sing with pleasure. I yell.
- Wait wait! - shouts mom, - first we start, three, four!

- The sun is clear
Our life is wonderful!

I sing at the top of my lungs.
- Can't you be quieter? Mom asks. I can't even hear the piano.
“Of course you can,” I say, “but then what’s the point?
- First, first! Mom screams, “Fatma is waiting for us!”
Good thing there was a knock on the door. This is old Liverpool. I knew right away. It's just how he knocks. He, when drunk, knocks softly. Almost inaudible.
He twists his hands in front of his face. It's like making a mill.
- Where is Volodya? he says.
“He hasn’t come yet,” Mom says.
I need him so badly...
“But he isn't.
I wanted to feed him...
You know he doesn't drink.
– I know, but all of a sudden... he's my neighbor... I really need him...
“Liverpool, Liverpool,” Mom sighs.
– Hello! he says to Fatma Khanum.
Hello, I say.
“Hello, old man,” he says to me.
“I’m not an old man,” I take offense.
“It doesn't matter,” he says.
- How does it matter? I say.
“Sorry,” he says.
“Please,” Mom says.
“I owe you money,” he says, “could you lend me some more?”
Mom gives him a piece of paper.
"I'll give you back," says Liverpool.
“Of course, of course,” Mom says.
And old Liverpool is gone.
Liverpool has a tiny childish voice, a crochet beard and a bald head. It was his mother who called him Liverpool, although he had a different name. He, it seems, was from Peru, somehow ended up in Russia and stayed here to live forever.
I don't like it when he's drunk. He then waves his arms, sways. Like it's about to fall. He suddenly called me an old man. Here's more news!
Mom is talking to Fatma Khanum. I look out the window. I see my brother. He builds a house out of sand.
- What are you doing here? Mom says.
“Yeah, nothing,” I answer.
I'm waiting for dad. Now he comes out from around the corner. His hands are full of guests. What is not there! And tangerines, big orange tangerines!
And there is no dad. Always so. He's always gone when I'm waiting for him. But as soon as I move away from the window, he will appear.

On the balcony

I go to the balcony. I see a girl with a bow. She lives in that front door. She can whistle.
She looks up. And see me.
This is what I need. "Hello," I say, "tra-lyala, three-li-li!"
She will say - "Fool!" or something different. And it will go further. As if nothing had happened. Like I didn't tease her. Me too! What is a bow to me! Like I'm waiting for her! I'm waiting for dad. He will bring me presents. He will tell me about the war. And about different old times. Dad knows so many stories! Nobody can tell better. I listened and would listen!
Dad knows about everything in the world. But sometimes he doesn't want to talk. Then he is sad and keeps saying: “No, I wrote the wrong thing, the wrong music... But you! (he tells me this). You won’t let me down, I hope?” I don't want to offend my dad. He wants me to become a composer. I am silent. What is music to me? He understands. "It's sad," he says. "You can't even imagine how sad it is!" Why is it sad when I'm not sad at all? After all, my father does not want me bad. Then why is that? "Who will you be?" he says. "Commander," I say. "War again?" My dad is unhappy. And he fought. He himself rode a horse, fired from a machine gun ...
My dad is very kind. My brother and I once said to dad: "Get us ice cream. But more. So that we can eat." "Here's a basin," said dad, "run for ice cream." Mom said: "They'll catch a cold!" "It's summer now," dad answered, "why would they catch a cold!" "But the throat, the throat!" Mom said. Dad said: "Everyone has a throat. But everyone eats ice cream." "But not in such quantity!" Mom said. "Let them eat as much as they want. What does the quantity have to do with it! They won't eat more than they can!" That's what dad said. And we took a basin and went for ice cream. And they brought a whole basin. We put the basin on the table. The sun shone from the windows. The ice cream began to melt. Dad said: "That's what summer means!" He ordered us to take spoons and sit down at the table. We all sat down at the table - me, dad, mom, Boba. Bob and I were thrilled! Ice cream flows down the face, down the shirts. We have such a good dad! He bought us so much ice cream that now we won't feel like it anytime soon...
Dad planted twenty trees in our street. Now they have grown. Huge tree in front of the balcony. If I reach out, I'll get the branches.
I'm waiting for dad. Now he will appear. It's hard for me to see through the branches. They close the street. But I bend down and see the whole street.

My dad goes to conduct

I hear my father's voice in the room. He's at home, and I'm still hanging out on the balcony!
And on the table! Cookies, sweets, two jars of jam, two cakes, two jars of compote, wonderful amateur sausage, ham and apples, two more boxes and other tasty things. Just a whole store!
- That's right! I say. – How did you end up here?
“Let go of your father,” my mother tells me, “he is going to conduct today.
I once saw him conduct. Dad then took me with him. I was sitting in a big room. Everyone was looking at the stage. Dad was on stage. He stood with his back to the audience, facing the orchestra. And it was quiet all around. Then dad waved his hands up, and the whole orchestra would burst out! I even shuddered. I looked at the chandeliers, at all the people. I turned my head and got up all the time. "What are you jumping?" - told me. "I'm not jumping," I said. I was taken out of the hall by force. "I'm with my dad," I said, "he conducts there." "And you're not lying?" “What should I lie,” I said, “my dad is there.” They took me straight to my dad. They asked: "Your son?" My dad was drenched in sweat. And daddy's hair was wet. I looked at him and could not understand: why is dad wet? Dad took off his jacket. The whole shirt was also wet. As if he had been doused with water. He said, "That's the job..." I was so surprised that I didn't know what to say. All the time he kept saying: "let's go, let's go" ... and pulled dad by the hand.
My brother Boba is crying loudly now. He wants his dad to take him with him. But dad doesn't want to take it. Dad has already taken me. He's had enough.
Dad: I'm going to conduct today!
Mom: Yes, but these patches...
Dad: What patches?
Mom: Have you forgotten? Your patched trousers.
Dad: I'm standing with my back to people!
Mom: I have nothing to do with it. You know very well! Obsessed with his tangerines! I've been carrying these boxes all winter! People think you're crazy!
Dad: Who thinks? Show it to me!
Mom: Everyone thinks! What, are there only tangerines? Why two receivers? Two gramophones?
Dad: But there are two of them? Let them listen to music...
Mom: They really need your music!
Dad: Everyone needs music.
Mom: But not so much!
Dad: I'm in a hurry ... I'm going to conduct today ...
Mom: Well, go conduct!
Dad: It turns out that I can't conduct!
Mom: At least once in my life I would buy a saucepan!
Dad: Why do I need a saucepan? Buy it yourself!
Mom: Ah, so it’s my fault? .. With my sick heart ... with such a person ... how can you! .. Give me some water, Petya ...
I run to the kitchen for water. I give my mom a drink. She is getting better.

Dad: I'm going to conduct...
Mom: Let all the neighbors say!
Dad: What do they say?
Mom: Let them talk!
Dad sighs. He says:
- We'll have to borrow pants from the neighbors.
Mom: Who will lend you his pants?
Dad: They treat me very well.
Everything, exactly everything! For example, Liverpool... no, I'd rather go to Ali, he treats me well...
Mom says to me:
“Petya, do you hear? Here's your papa! Do not be like that! Be smart. And then, here, in the same way, you will go in patches ... somewhere there ... to conduct ...
I say:
“I’m not going anywhere to conduct.
“I don’t know yet,” Mom says.
My dad says:
- Let's go, Petya, with me for pants.
We go with dad to Uncle Ali. Uncle Ali is the father of the Izmailov brothers. He just got home from work. I saw him from the balcony. He even smiled at me. Of course, he will give his dad pants.

Dad is there and we are here

Me, mom, Boba, old Liverpool, uncle Ali, Fatma Khanum, Rafis, Rasim, Rais, Ramis - we all sit at the receiver. Now dad will be announced on the radio. And the orchestra will play. Although the pope will not be seen, but we know, he is there on the stage, he conducts the orchestra. We all think about dad here, and he thinks about us there. Although there he has no time to think, but it does not mean anything!
My dad is on the radio. This has never happened before!
“Long wait,” says Liverpool.
“Now, now,” my mother worries.
“Well done Volodya,” says Fatma.
When does mom say:
- I didn’t think, he suddenly calls on the phone, so and so, he says, as soon as I found out, they will broadcast me. I shout: "What to broadcast?" He replies: "Broadcast me." I say: "In what way?" He says, "On the radio." But I don’t understand everything, because for the first time ... then I just realized, I was so worried!
- For such a person as Volodya, - says Liverpool, - I would gladly drink. I'm always ready to drink for him.
- Everything about that again! Mom is outraged.
“No, for success,” says Liverpool. - I am for success ... I'm not just like that ...
“Stop it,” Mom says.
- Hush, don't disturb us!
- It will start now!
“There’s nothing there,” my brother Boba says.
“Your dad is there,” Mom says.
- Where is dad, since he is not there?
“Vanity of vanities,” says Liverpool.
Are you drunk again? I say.
“Doesn’t concern you,” he says.
“That’s right,” I say, “but still…
You see, this happens to me. Not like every day. But quite often. I won't say it's all great. Maybe it's even bad...
- Disgusting! Mom says.
- ... but here, brag, nothing can be done. That's the thing, brother. I'm used to it - and that's it! Well, you won't understand...
– There is nothing to understand! Mom says.
“In general, this is a bad thing. And most importantly, it's useless. There is no sense from this. Well, it doesn't make any sense at all. Not a bit... It's hard to say why I'm doing this. But I do it. And I don't recommend it to anyone...
- Stop it! Mom says.
- ... you, brother, do not think that I am unhappy. I may even be the happiest. I've seen the world, many different people, and now I'm here with you... Your father sailed on the schooner "Maria"... It was a schooner, I'll tell you! Look for such schooners in the world! Your father swam there as a cabin boy. Before great things. Then these events - he is on a horse. Squadron Leader! It's like a fairytale!..
- Shut up! Mom screams.
- There are very few people in the world, - says Liverpool, - like your father.
- What? Ali suddenly says, “why is the scale on Paris?”
- O! Paris! Liverpool says. - I was there...
– Why scale on Paris? Uncle Ali says.
What Paris are you talking about? Mom says.
“French itself,” he says.
- Ouch! - Mom screams, - the scale is on Paris! The receiver is on a completely different wavelength!
My brother Boba has disappeared somewhere. Of course, this is his handiwork!
Everyone turns the receiver. Everyone is looking for a wave.
Finally! We hear the thunder of the orchestra.
- What a shame! Mom worries. - Volodya has already been announced!
- Hooray! I shout, hooray!
- Hurrah!!! shout the Izmailov brothers.
“What a shame,” Mom says. – How can that be! After all, the most important thing! - Mom is embarrassed. She is looking for Bob.
Boba is under the bed. He feels something is wrong.
- Well, get out! Mom screams. - Right now!
He doesn't think about getting out.
- I wait! - Mom screams, - let's get out!
“Leave him alone,” Liverpool says.
- I'll show him! Mom screams. - He's not normal!
“I'll ask him,” Liverpool says.
He comes to the bed and asks:
- Have you eaten boiled galoshes?
“I haven’t eaten,” Boba replies.
Didn't you crumble the bowls into the soup?
- Didn't crumble...
- Didn't you see anything with the back of your head?
- I didn't see anything...
- What kind of crazy is he? You hear? God bless him!
“Liverpool, Liverpool,” my mother says, “you cripple my child.”
The Izmailov brothers sing a song. Under the powerful thunder of the orchestra.


The Izmailovs knocked on the wall. We always knock on them, and they knock on us. This is our connection.
I run to them to find out what's the matter.
Ramis, Rafis, Rasim, Rais in white shirts, panamas and blue sandals. Uncle Ali says:
- How is Volodya? Does he want to take a walk with the children? Such an evening! Here we are all ready.
My dad was sleeping. But he got up now.
- Of course! Of course! - he said. - Immediately! We're going for a walk!
It's so unexpected!
I'm looking for my suit. My brother Boba is crying. He cannot dress himself.
- What's the matter? Mom says.
“Hurry,” says dad, “it’s a wonderful evening, Ali is waiting for us, the children are waiting, I’ll go and wash myself ...
My dad is going to wash.
“I don’t understand,” my mother says, “he was sleeping ...
My dad is getting dressed. I'm dressing Bob.
- Crazy! Mom says.
Here is Aunt Fatma. She rushes us. They have conversations with their mother. They have no time to walk. They need to talk. Everyone around them interferes. Always not allowed to talk.
We go to the boulevard with the whole company. We have a wonderful company! Are companies better? four of mine best friend All in white shirts and blue sandals. I'm in red sandals and Boba is in brown. Bob is carrying a clockwork engine, and Rafis is carrying a rifle. He has a great rifle. It was made by Uncle Ali. He can do anything - a chair, a table, a stool... We had a huge Christmas tree last year. We began to put it - well, no way! The tree is falling down all the time. “I need a cross,” says dad, “where can I get it?” We put the tree in the barrel again, but the tree keeps falling. Uncle Ali enters, says: "Do you have boards?" We say: "Which boards?" "Wooden," he says. I brought two boards. And he says: "Is there fatter?" I say: "It's thicker." He says, "Drag them." He takes these boards, one or two, and the cross is ready. We were so surprised! Our neighbors are rare. We go to them. They go to us. Papa teaches music to Rais, Ramis, and Rasim and Rafis are still small. And then dad would teach them too.
We go to the boulevard with the whole company.
And people on the boulevard! The sea is like a mirror! Music is playing. Dad holds my hand tightly, and I walk along the barrier. Beyond the barrier is the sea. They ride a boat there.
- Who is with me? dad says. He goes first to the pier.
We get on the boat. The engine rumbles and we're on our way. And I'm sitting with an accordionist. He plays with might and main. And he sings just fine:
Beloved city can sleep peacefully...
I also sing, the Izmailov brothers sing. Everyone sings.
From the sea, our city is all in lights. It's like fireworks. Very beautiful!
It's just a shame they didn't ride much.
- We want more! shout the Izmailov brothers. The boat approaches the pier.
My brother Boba grabbed the railing. Barely tore it off.
He goes and roars to the whole boulevard.
“Stop it,” Daddy yells. - I do not like it!
We go to the shooting range.
Dad and Uncle Ali are shooting. But they don't give us. We stand, we look, we do not even ask. We know: you can’t interfere, since people are aiming.
“Everything is in the top ten,” says dad.
They aim again, and we look.
- Where's Bob? dad says.
We run out of the range. Dad even forgot his bonus.
There is a crowd near the shooting range.
- What happened? dad says.
“Yes, the boy is lost here. And where he lives, he does not know. That is, he remembers the number of the house. And he forgot the street.
- Where is this boy?
Can you see a boy here? In such a crowd! Of course we don't see it. But we hear him say:
I forgot my street...
Well, of course it's Bob!
They tell him:
“Remember, boy, this is important.
"Now," says Boba, "I'll remember..."
They tell him:
- Don't be in a hurry. Remember without worry.
And he says:
- I'm not worried at all.
They tell him:
– Do you want to eat?
“I do,” Boba says.
- Do you want cheese?
- I don't want cheese.
- What about candy?
- I want candy.
Are you well fed?
- Badly.
- Comrades! The boy is not fed well! Are you being fed very poorly?
- Highly.
- What do they feed you?
- Everyone.
"So you don't get hungry?"
- I do.
- How can you be hungry if you are fed everything?
- And I'm not hungry.
- You said you were.
- I did it on purpose.
Why are you deceiving us?
- Just.
Are you fooling everyone?
– Everyone.
– Why are you doing this?
- Just.
- Look what! Just horror! Well, baby!
Then dad said almost a whole speech. He said:
- Comrades! This is my son. He escaped from the range. Let me have it here! I am his father. And he talks great. That's right. And where did he learn to talk! You are simply amazed! I see you like him. But I won't leave it to you. Since he is my son.
Then everyone parted. My dad took Boba on his shoulders. Wishing everyone success in their work. And we went home.
And the premium remained in dash. Here you will forget everything in the world!

My dad writes music

Our dad is at home today. Today he does not go to the music school where he usually teaches. Dad has a free day today. Today he writes music. At this time, our house is quiet. Mom and I walk on tiptoe. My brother Boba goes to the Izmailovs.
Our dad writes music!
- Tru-ru-ru! sings dad. - Ta-ta! Ta-ta-ta!
It's true, I don't like Clementi. I don't really like music.
But when dad sings and plays like this at the piano, and writes notes, it seems to me that he is composing a march. I don't like music, that's true. I love different songs. The ones that the soldiers sing. And I love marches that thunder in parades. If my dad would write such a march! I would be very pleased. I asked my dad about it. He promised me. Maybe he is now writing a march for the soldiers? Maybe someday I will see a whole regiment - all with rifles, in helmets, one or two! One-two! - everyone is marching to the loud father's march! How great that would be!
Are you writing a march? I tell dad.
- March? What march?
“The most military,” I say.
“Put it away,” Dad says.
“Get out of here,” Mom says.
I go to the balcony. I see a girl with a bow. Think bow! My dad writes music! Maybe march!
- Tru-ru-ru! dad sings.
Yep, you can hear it! Let her know. Everyone pretends not to hear!
– There-there! Dad taps on the lid of the piano.
It cannot be heard.
She raises her head. But I look away. Let her know!
- Bam! Dad tapped on the lid of the piano. With such force that I even flinched.
– Bam!!! Bam!!! Bam!!! He thumps the lid with his fist.
– Aha! Well, what's it like?
And she just waved her bow.
Then I got angry and shouted:
- Hey, you! Nothing to go through here! Do you hear? There is nothing!
Frustrated, I left the balcony. I see that dad is upset. He sits with his cheek propped on his hand. All so sad.
“Mom is in the kitchen,” he says.
- Why do I need a mother?
“Then whatever you want,” he says.
Here is mom. She says:
- Drop it... Volodya...
- What to throw something? dad says.
– This your... symphony...
“But I feel... it’s not right here... it’s not right here... but here it is!”
- Well, come on, if everything is not right ...
- It's not all...
- Does not matter.
– How is it so all the same?!
“I have nothing to do with it,” his mother tells him.
"You're right, that's right...
- And Petya has nothing to do with it, and Bob.
“And Petya and Boba ...” says dad.
He looks at us and we look at him.
“Give me a break,” Dad says.
But he is not allowed to rest. We have a call.
This is Olimpiada Vasilievna. With my son Misha. Dad will take care of him.

Olimpiada Vasilievna and Uncle Gosh

Misha grimaces, makes faces, shows his tongue to everyone. And dad is sitting next to him, counting to the beat: one-and, two-and, three-and ...
Dad does it for free.
Because familiar.
- You are a golden man, - says Olimpiada Vasilievna.
“He’s a prankster with you,” dad answers her.
She screams into her son's ear:
- Where is the conscience? Where is the conscience? Where is the human conscience?
He stops making faces. But not for long.
- Shameless! shouts Olimpiada Vasilievna.
“They’re all like that,” Dad says.
“All unscrupulous,” says Olimpiada Vasilievna.
Why, I thought, was he being taught music? Why am I being taught music? Why is everyone around being taught music? If no one wants? I couldn't understand this!
“Here is a present for you,” says Olimpiada Vasilievna.
“Give it up,” Dad says.
- No, please, I beg you.
“I beg you too,” her father answered her.
- No, let me...
Dad laughed.
My mom used to say:
- He is strange. You don't pay attention.
“I can see it,” Olimpiada Vasilievna sighed. For some reason, she sighed all the time.
Her husband, Uncle Gosh, came for her.
Misha immediately jumped up and yelled at the top of his lungs:
- End!
He wanted to go home soon.
Uncle Gosha paced the room.
Where are the sailors now? he yelled. - There are no sailors now! That's for sure. It's a fact!
- What is a fact? Dad asked.
- Listen further. Don't interrupt. Do you know the dove "Queen Mary"?
“I don’t know,” Dad says.
“So, I swam on this dove, on this old vessel. Under sail, no, at full speed! We rushed, I'll tell you - like hell! One hundred and eighty miles an hour! What do you think? As it is sung: fifteen people for a dead man's chest, ho-ho-ho! - it seems so? Great song! Hmm... so, it was a spectacle!
- How interesting! Mom said.
- I was in Africa, crocodiles, one might say, climb, but our brother, he has cards in his hands ... guys from our galoshes ...
- What? I asked.
“Shut up,” he told me. “So, what am I talking about, then?” Yes! Our ship carried possums. For different zoos there. Have you seen possums? They climbed out of the boxes, walked around the deck like sailors. We fed them. They frolicked with them ... These are the cutest animals!
- How do they look?
- Very cute, damn cute, button nose, wonderful tail! And when I was in Marseille...
– Have you been there too? Mom was surprised.
- I've been everywhere! Uncle Gosha answered.
- You are an interesting person! Mom said.
He continued thoughtfully:
– I was in London... and in Amsterdam... By the way, I forgot about possums! “They fucking eat chocolate, ha-ha-ha!”
He laughed for a long time. Then suddenly it stopped abruptly. And he began to speak very quickly:
– Cairo, Istanbul, languages ​​are easy for me, I owe everything to the sea, trips, lianas, magnolias, cacti... somehow Serbian, German, French...
“Enough,” my dad begs. - You don't need to go any further.
- No, why, I'm not tired.
“I understand everything,” my father said.
“Well, okay,” he agreed. “Your children should always come in. I beg! They need sweets. Candy and more.
“Thank you,” dad said.
- Account like in a bank!
“Thank you,” dad said.
Olimpiada Vasilievna did not listen. She was on the balcony. She did not listen to Uncle Gosha. She was not interested.
I look, and dad is so tired! His eyes are closed. He wants to sleep.
Uncle Gosh keeps walking around the room. He hits the closet with his palm.
- How do you live like that!
Dad: How?
Uncle Gosha: Well, for example, you don't have a sideboard.
Dad: No, what is this?
Uncle Gosh: This old box?
Dad: What?
Uncle Gosh: No, I don’t understand you, because you have the cards in your hands!
Dad: And I don't understand.
Uncle Gosh: I will never understand how you can live like this!
Dad: How?
Uncle Gosh: That's right.
Mom: Yes, yes, yes ... I told him ...
Uncle Gosha: True, the hostess plays a role here ...
Mom: Am I to blame?
Uncle Gosh: I don't know...
Mom: With my aching heart...
Dad: I beg you, stop!
Uncle Gosha: After all, you have cards in your hands ... the latest sideboard ... I saw in one house ... I wish you well. I'm from the heart, so to speak. I don't care anyway. But if I were you...
Dad: What's in our place?
Uncle Gosha: I would buy an excellent sideboard.
Dad: What else?
Uncle Gosh: I would buy an excellent chandelier. After all, you have the cards in your hands!
Dad: Tell me, please, why do I have cards in my hands? I didn't understand at all.
Uncle Gosh: After all, you are a musician. So to speak, aesthetically - the musical movement of the soul. Am I saying right? I, brother, understand everything. I know your brother. Are you a cultured person or not? After all, you have money. You are wasting them. Understand? They don't go there, they don't go there! You think, because I am for you, for your own good, because I only wish you well!
And dad is sleeping. He no longer hears anything. So he won't know! So he will spend them in the wrong place. Never buy a sideboard, my dad. And he won't buy a chandelier either. He's sleeping. And he doesn't hear anything. And what I heard I forgot. What to do. This man is my dad!
Our guests are leaving. Olimpiada Vasilievna sighs. And dad is sleeping.
I go to close the door behind them. I give a farewell click to Misha. He rushes to give me an answering click. But it's too late. I quickly slammed the door.
Beautiful woman- says mom, - and Gosha is so romantic.
And dad is sleeping.

Old man Liverpool and dad

Dad smoked his pipe. The smoke from the pipe went up to the ceiling.
Old Liverpool blew on tea and ate sugar. He has all his teeth. Mom asks every time: "And how did you keep your teeth?"
He taps his teeth with his fingernails and says he ate crabs, lobsters and acorns.
My dad says he also ate acorns.
Mom waves her hand and laughs. She does not believe that dad ate acorns.
“Dear Liverpool,” Mom says, “what the hell is that?
They thought that I was sleeping, but I did not sleep, and even slightly opened the door to see their faces.
Old Liverpool loves papa. When my dad was sailing as a cabin boy (it was a long time ago), he was in the edges of Liverpool. And although it was a long time ago, dad remembers what trees, houses, even the sky were there ...
Old Liverpool: Yes, yes, yes, that's exactly the sky!
Dad: I remember.
Mom: Gosha was there too.
Dad: This Gosha is just a talker.
Mom: Nothing like that.
Old man Liverpool: Where was Gosha?
Mom: Wherever you are.
Dad: He's never been there.
Mom: How can...
Dad: I completely forgot. He really was there, calm down.
Old man Liverpool: There was, and thank God!
Mom: What am I saying?
Dad: The same.
Mom: Well, that's it!
Everyone drinks tea in silence. Only the crunch of sugar is heard.
Liverpool: The world is uneasy right now.
And when Hess flew to England...
Dad: It was a long time ago. But Hitler, this is no longer Hess ...
Mom: We have peace with the Nazis.
Dad: What can be the world with the Nazis! I have little faith in this world.
Mom: How can you not believe it? The world is the world.
Dad: That's right, that's right...
Why is the world worried? Who is Hess? And this Hitler... Everything was so interesting! But I couldn't understand anything.
My brother Boba tosses and turns. He lies next to me in this room. He gets up suddenly from the bed, goes to the door. Opening the door, he says to Liverpool:
- Can you eat sand?
Everyone laughs. Boba runs back.
Mom shut the door tightly. Now I can't see anything. I just hear something:
... "Maria" drowned in 1917...
... If Hess flew to England, then this means ...
... The devil knows what it means, but the fact is that he flew there ...
... I hear the crunch of sugar, I see lobsters in big red hats, the schooner "Maria", Hess, who flies to his England, pours sand on top of the schooner, and the schooner "Maria" sinks ...

To the cottage

We are still on our way!
“I would like to go to Moscow,” says dad.
- Which Moscow? Mom doesn't understand.
- We would get off in Moscow at the Kazan station ... Well, would it really be bad?
- Why is it all? Mom doesn't understand.
My dad was born in Moscow. He wants to go to Moscow. He hasn't been there for a long time. He wants to go to Moscow every year. But mom doesn't want to. She was born here. She loves the cottage. And I love the cottage. Who does not love the cottage! I love Moscow too. Who doesn't love Moscow! But what to do! I also want to go to the cottage.
We are standing next to the car on the street. All our things are in the back. Mom and Boba got into the cab. Dad keeps talking about Moscow. It happens to him.
“I'm in a hurry,” the driver says.
Mom suddenly says:
Where is the pillow and kettle?
I run for a pillow and a kettle.
Don't forget to close the door! Mom screams.
The pillow is huge. It's hard to run. I'm losing my teapot lid.
“She tinkled somewhere,” I say.
- Look for her! Mom screams.
The whole street follows us. Here, of course, are all the Izmailov brothers. And other boys. They all run up the stairs. They are looking for our cover there. Chauffeur says:
- I'm tired of it.
“You see,” Dad says.
“I see it,” he says.
- What's the matter? dad says.
Finally, the cover is found, I climb into the body. Anyone wants to ride in the back! The Izmailov brothers are leaving tomorrow. They go to the pioneer camp.
But they will be taken on the bus. They will not go in the body.
- Move away! I scream. - It's a car. And not some wagon!
“Oh,” shouts dad, “they forgot the bucket!”
I run for the bucket. I give a bucket to dad.
- Have you forgotten anything? the driver shouts.
Liverpool are coming to us.
“A little late,” he says.
Old man Liverpool shakes hands with everyone.
We're moving.
All the boys are running after us. They shout something and wave their hands. One Liverpool remained. He stands, looks after us...
And we are going with might and main! The wind is whistling. Dad's hair was messed up. And my hair was frizzy. Our house is no longer visible. And all the boys, and Liverpool...
Dad suddenly looked at me - I'm at dad. And we laughed. Not because the hair is tousled. And just like that. That's not why. It's great to go to the country when dad is nearby, here on things, you can't imagine!
It's a pity we're going during the day. It would be better at night. Then our headlights would be on. But the day is bright. This is not bad either. It's very hard to say which is better!
Suddenly I remembered the girl with the bow... Oh, if I were a pirate! That's how I would race in my schooner... The waves are beating, and the schooner is rocking... There is a ship in the distance... A girl with a bow is riding in it... There is a whole detachment with me... I take the ship prisoner.. "Oh, it's you! - I will say - well, well, hello!" "Oh! - she will scream, - give me water..." I will say: "I let you all go. Swim to your health! Wherever your eyes look..." She will say: "Oh, you are so noble! Just go on nowhere! I'm staying with you. I'm in love!" "Okay," I'll say, "please, as you wish..."
The bucket hits the pot. Spoons and forks jingle in a bag. The lid of the teapot rings.
We are leaving the city. I see towers. A whole forest of towers. Uncle Ali must be around here somewhere. Maybe he sees me.
We are driving along the sea. Boats in the sea and on the sand. And white seagulls over the sea. And networks. And rocks.
We drive through the vineyards. The road shines in the sun. And on the sides of the vineyards.
We are driving very close to the train. We rush, and the train rushes - who will overtake whom!
Cars are coming towards us. We drive towards the cars.
People are walking towards us. We are going towards people.
Shouting donkey.
Sheep scream and goats bleat.
The hens cackle, the rooster crows.
Our cottage is very close.

In the country

In the dacha we have vineyards, fig trees and quince trees, and behind the trees and vineyards the sea is blue, and sometimes green, and when it rains and winds, gray. What a sea! The sand is hot underfoot. But I'll get used to it. Last year my legs burned so much - you can't imagine! And then I got used to it and walked as much as I liked. We have a bull in our country house. He's in the shed. His name is Alyosha. I saw him only in the crack of the shed. Huge bull. Horns - in! They say very angry. Aunt Elya, our hostess, told me. He broke two fences, gored two, did a lot of trouble. The bull is terrible, well, just horror! Sometimes he roars for a long time. Then I get scared. I run away from the barn. I grab a stick and wait. I am ready to meet him bravely. We just arrived yesterday, and Aunt Elya already told us:
“Look, our bull is dangerous!”
Mom said:
- How dangerous?
- He's fierce. Keep out the kids. So that they do not open the door to the barn.
Mom told us:
- Do you hear?
I won't open the door. Here's Bob, he can. What is a bull to him! He has the same weight. He is a strange man! I don't believe that I was like him. Although they tell me that I was.
I am now standing in a vineyard. I see a train in the distance, white smoke. I hear the sound of wheels. Birds are screaming and flying in the sky. And the sun is like a fire burning. My whole head is warm. I would like to go to sea now! But my mother won't let me alone. It is a pity that the Izmailov brothers are not here with me! Here is a boy sitting on the fence - all black. You need to get to know him. I'm sure I'll tan like him. Whatever it costs me!
I am in the vineyard. It's great that we are in the country! Soon our grapes will ripen. We will eat as much as we want. Until we eat. My dad taught me this: “You pick up a brush. Like this, and with the other hand you pick grapes. And put them in your mouth. You pick them up in your mouth. As much as possible. how they eat grapes! Every year he repeated: "Wait. Let him just ripen. I'll show you how it's done. Let him just ripen!" "This is amazing!" I said. "Sure," said dad. "Besides, you can dry it. Over there on that flat roof. Spread a tarp and sushi. In the winter you will treat everyone." Every year I was going to dry. But it never dried out. This year I will dry two sacks or three or even four...
Now dad is in the city, what to do! Our dad has a job. He can't be with us all the time. He will arrive only in the evening. I can see a train from a distance. With all legs I will rush to the gate. To meet him on the road.
I am in the vineyard. Soon all the grapes will ripen, the figs will ripen, the quince will ripen, the pomegranates will ripen ... I even composed a verse:

The sun is shining and the sea is sparkling
And quince and figs ripen,
And the grapes grow and grow.
How glad I am! How glad I am! How glad I am!

Mom is looking for me in the garden. She is holding Bob's hand. You hear? Mom is calling me.
I'm walking towards my mother.

My dad and Alyosha

I never saw my dad like this. And my mother never saw him like that. He walked with a strange gait, covered in dust, but in a briefcase, in his hands and in all his pockets - we did not immediately understand what it was!
- It's a radish! - I said.
- Radishes?
Why does dad need so many radishes?
There was something to be surprised!
We stand on the veranda and look at dad. He sees us too. Shouts to us:
- I was at the market!
He's very funny. Waving a briefcase. The radish flies in all directions.
My dad was drunk.
We saw it with my mom.
- What does it mean? Mom screams at him.
And dad! - he was so funny! - walked the whole yard, straight to the barn door, opened this door and called the bull.
Mom was so scared! Still would! Aunt Eli is not at home, her husband is not, they are both in the city - what to do?
“Come here,” the father of the bull calls.
The bull does not go.
- Hey Alyosha! his dad screams.
The bull looks out of the door.
- Alyosha! Who am I talking to!
Then the bull went straight to dad.
He goes straight to dad, and dad screams and even stamped his foot, and again the radish fell.
The bull calmly approaches dad. And dad bent down to the ground. And picking radishes.
The bull is waiting for him to rise.
“Oh, Alyosha, Alyosha,” says dad.
- Leave! - Mom screams, - hurry away! As long as he eats!
And dad, he can't even hear. He doesn't even think about leaving.
“Eat, eat,” he says to Alyosha.
Alyosha eats with pleasure.
“Now let’s go for a walk,” Dad says. Op takes the bull by one horn and drags him for a walk. And the bull follows dad.
Dad made circles around the yard. The bull followed him and ate a radish.
“I love summer,” my dad said, “it’s a wonderful summer here.” And the sun is amazing here. But I still want to go to Moscow. I was born there... There is sun there too... of course... but not in such quantity...
- You're drunk! Mom screams at him.
- I am coming right now! Dad answers.
I want to run to my dad. But my mother holds me tightly by the T-shirt.
What is he doing!!! Mom screams.
Dad doesn't hear. He walks in circles. The bull follows him. Eating a radish. And listens to dad:
- Hunting in Moscow ... there is a lot of snow in winter ... And in summer? Well... it's warm there in the summer too. Well, not like here... That's right...
The bull looks at dad. The radish is gone.
- No, - says dad, - you understand, - the sun is there too ... but not in such quantity ...
For some reason, it even made me laugh. What does daddy keep repeating? Anyone will understand, even a bull. What is he repeating?
The bull howls! And his dad clapped his hand on the neck. And the bull was silent.
“Me too,” says dad, “I thought of yelling!” We can all scream. You better listen. A person is talking to you, so you listen... And don't yell! So know. What are you yelling? I got pissed off too!
The bull looks at dad carefully.
- Well, what are you staring at? dad says. I didn't write good music. And why? I don't know myself... Although I always wanted to... And even now I really want to. And the sun is here, that's true ... But there is not so much ...
Then Uncle Bagheer, Aunt Elya and someone else enter the yard.
- Wai! Aunt Eli says.
Uncle Bagheer shouts:
- Bull! Look!
- BUT! - says dad, - it's you!
“Be careful,” Uncle Baghir shouts to him.
“Nonsense,” says dad, “everything is che-poo-ha ... He drops the briefcase and walks straight towards us. The bull rips daddy's briefcase. Flying notes in the wind...
- What happened to you? - My mother is crying. This is the first time she sees her father like this. - What's wrong with you today!?
- Nothing, - says dad, - all Liverpool ... Liverpool treated me ... He treated me. For success... it's not just...
- For what success?!
- Well ... how is it? - said dad, - I'm for success ...
Dad suddenly became ill.

Very small head

I went out into the garden to look at the grapes. I knew it was still green. But I wanted to take another look. Suddenly I see a boy running along the road, there is a column of dust around and such a heat! - and he yells:
- War! War! Mom also left the house. He hears this and says to me:
"Here's a bad boy!" Yesterday he also shouted: "Fire! Fire!" And there was no fire.

Another little chapter

Dad got better in the evening. He went to the station for a walk. He always went to the station for a walk. He really loved train stations! He will sit there somewhere on the platform and everything is sitting, resting.
He returned very quickly. My dad came in and said one word:
- War!
He did not like to say many words. That was the man, my dad!


We are leaving the cottage.
I feel very sorry for the dacha. I feel sorry for the grapes - they haven't ripened yet... It's a pity for me to part with the sea...
But we're leaving. Our dad is going to the front tomorrow. We will accompany him. Now we are getting into the car. And we're going in the opposite direction.
We are driving along the same road. Again I'm going with my dad in the back. But why am I not having fun? I'm not even interested. Although I'm going in the same body. And everyone can envy me again ...
“It’s going to rain,” Dad says.
– But what about us?
- Just like now.
But it's raining...
- So what?
But we'll get wet...
- Let's get wet...
And the sky is already gray. And the rain came.
My dad takes out a blanket. And we cover up. We are sitting under the covers. And the rain lashes and lashes at us. Water is pouring everywhere. Our things must have gotten wet...
We are almost in the dark. I look through the crack and see the rain - I see nothing else.
“Stupid rain,” says dad, “damn him ...
“It’s bad,” I say, “when you drive and you don’t see anything.
- That's right, - says dad, - not very good ...
And when it rains, it's bad too.
“That’s bad too,” says Dad.
And when your feet are wet.
"That's right, too," says Dad.
Why are you answering me like that?
- How?
Well, it's kinda boring...
- Do you have fun?
- No, for some reason I'm not happy ...
“So for some reason I don’t have fun either.
Because it's raining?
– And rain, and war. Together.
But will we win? After all, right?
- But how!
- Oh, - I say, - it's interesting all the same! Fuck-bang! planes, tanks...
The blanket almost fell off us. Dad corrected him and said:
“Well, well, well, don’t wave your hands.
Will they give you a helmet? I say.
“They will,” says dad, “they will give everything.
She must be made of iron. Even steel. What do you think, steel helmet?
“Steel,” says dad.
“You wear a helmet,” I say, “since it’s all steel.”
“Definitely,” Dad says.
And the rain keeps pouring and pouring.
And we are all going.

Goodbye, dad!

Me, mom, Boba are standing on the balcony.
We look into the darkness - everything around is dark, in our city there is a blackout. There, in the dark, is my dad. We hear daddy's steps, it seems to me, I see him, so he turned around, waved his hand to us ...
He just left the house. Just said goodbye to us. He goes further and further, there, into the darkness.
- Goodbye, dad! I scream.
- Goodbye, dad! Boba screams.
Only mother stands with us in silence.
I shout into the darkness: - Goodbye! Boba waves with both hands. What darkness! And he keeps waving. If dad sees him...
... Papa's footsteps are not audible. He must have turned the corner. Boba and I shout:
- Goodbye, dad!
My dad went to war.
We leave the balcony.

1. I don't want to have lunch

I never want to have lunch. I love playing in the yard! I would play in the yard all my life. And I would never have dinner. I don't like cabbage soup at all. In general, I don't like soup. And I don't like porridge. And I don't like meatballs either. I love apricots. Have you eaten apricots? I love apricots so much! But now my mother calls me to eat borscht, I have to leave everything: an unfinished house made of sand and Rais, Rasim, Ramis, Rafis - my friends, the Izmailov brothers. My brother Boba loves borscht. He laughs when he eats borscht, and I wince. In general, he always laughs and sticks a spoon in his nose instead of his mouth, because he is three years old. No, I can still eat borscht. And I also eat meatballs. I eat grapes with pleasure! Then they put me at the piano. Perhaps I would eat borscht again. Just don't play the piano.

Ah, Clementi, Clementi, says my mother. - Happy playing Clementi!

Clementi, Clementi! - says dad. - Beautiful sonata Clementi! I played the Clementi sonatina as a child.

My dad is a musician. He even composes his own music. But he used to be in the military. He was a cavalry commander. He rode on a horse very close to Chapaev. He wore a hat with a star. I saw my dad's sword. She's here in our chest. This bowl is so huge! And so heavy! It is even difficult to hold it in your hands, let alone wave it in all directions. Oh, if there was a military dad! All in belts. Holster on the side. On the other side is a checker. Star on a cap. Dad would ride a horse. And I would go with him. Everyone would envy me! There, look what Petya's dad is.

But dad loves Clementi.

But I do not love. I love to build a house out of sand and I love my friends, four brothers: Rasim, Rafis, Rais, Ramis. What is Clementi to me!

I play. And I ask:

Will not be enough?

Play again, says mom.

Play, play, says dad.

I play, and my brother sits on the floor and laughs. He has a clockwork machine in his hands. He tore the wheels off the car. And rolls them on the floor. And he really likes it. Nobody bothers him. Doesn't force you to play the piano. And that's why he has so much fun. He very rarely cries. When something is taken from him. Or when it's being cut. He absolutely does not like to get a haircut. From this, I would have walked all my life shaggy. He pays no attention to this. In general, he is good, but I am bad.

Mom and dad listen to me play. Brother rolls wheels on the floor. Four brothers are screaming outside the window. They scream with different voices. I see through the window: they are waving their hands. They are calling me. They alone are bored.

Well, everything, - I say, - I played everything.

One more time, says dad.

I won't do it again, I say.

Please, my mother says.

I won't, I say, I won't!

You watch me! - says dad.

I try to get up. I remove notes.

I will grind you to powder! dad screams.

You don't have to, says Mom.

Dad is worried

I studied… I played five or six hours a day, right after the Civil War. I worked hard! And he? .. I'll grind him to powder!

But I knew! He won't crush me. That's what he always says when he's angry. He even says so to his mother. How can he pulverize us? Especially since he is our dad.

I won't play, - I say, - and that's it!

Let's see, says dad.

Please, I say.

Let's see, says dad.

This is the third time I'm playing Clementi.

Finally let me go! My brother Boba is following me. He lost all the wheels. And now he's bored.

Four brothers are waiting for me outside. They wave their hands, shout. My sand house is destroyed. All my work was in vain. And all because of borscht and Clementi! The house was destroyed by Rafis - the younger brother. He cries - his brothers beat him. Nothing to do! And I say

Nothing. We will build a new house.

I'm taking everyone to Uncle Gosha's shop. Uncle Gosh is my father's friend. He lends us everything. He writes down our debt on a piece of paper, and then dad pays him. So good! Dad said so: let them go. What they want. As much as they want.

Here we come to the store. Uncle Gosha gives us sweets. We can eat them as much as we want. Then dad will pay for everything.

Rais says:

I've already eaten everything.

We again go to Uncle Gosha. And we're getting more candy. He says:

Is not it too much? Come again.

We will definitely come, we say.

In the yard we are surrounded by guys. We're handing out candy to everyone. We don't have enough candy for everyone. For example, Kerim without sweets. Masha Nikonova and Sasha.

We again go to Uncle Gosha.

Please, we beg, excuse me. But we didn't have enough sweets. What to do? We are all very upset. We need some more candy. To have enough for everyone.

Why just a little! - says Uncle Gosh. - Take it! And come again.

He gives us candy, and everyone is happy. Now all the guys had enough sweets.

It was already getting dark outside. The lanterns lit up. Soon the whole sky will be full of stars. Such is the sky in our city. Our city is the most beautiful. Although I have not been to other cities. Our city has a boulevard. There is the sea, ships and boats. And the island is visible in the distance. And oil rigs in the sea. I would go to the boulevard now, but do you hear? Mom is calling us for dinner.

And I'm going to dinner. So the whole day. I have to eat all day long!

I ate dinner, but that's not all. They lead me back to the piano. Dad is not at home, and I say:

I'm over it.

Start from here, - mother asks, - from this line.

I've had enough, I say, and that's it!

Let's wait for dad, says mom.