
A strong conspiracy from a bitch udder. Conspiracies that get rid of the bitch udder Folk conspiracies from the bitch udder


Bitch's udder is a popular expression for a growth on the skin. The medical name for the disease is hydradenitis. Experts concluded that such a disease in humans most often occurs in the armpits, since there are active sweat glands. You can recognize hidradenitis by an increase in body temperature and the formation of reddened bulges, up to pus inside the sore spot. But it can also be found in other areas of the skin where there are sebaceous glands. With an exacerbation of the disease, abscesses occur. To alleviate the condition and ease the pain, in parallel with pharmaceutical remedies, it is good to use the popular conspiracy from the bitch udder.

Disease development factors

Basically, this disease manifests itself in middle-aged women, usually after thirty years. The source of such phenomena are internal changes in the body, for example, in violation of hormonal background. To prevent the appearance or progression of an existing disease, you need to know and adhere to the following rules.

  1. You can not use cheap and low-quality cosmetic preparations that contain many chemicals. They, in turn, can disrupt the normal balance of the epidermis. Thus, the sebaceous glands function worse due to blockage, or completely stop working. Carefully read the instructions for use of the products and find out about the presence of contraindications and side effects.
  2. It is not recommended to wear tight underwear. Pinching elements of clothing at the points of contact tighten the skin and block normal blood circulation.
  3. Be sure to perform minimal manipulations related to personal hygiene. If there is no regular cleansing of the skin, then the accumulated toxic substances spread into the epidermis, thereby causing various infections and diseases.

Bough udder treatment

Specialists in the medical field, as a rule, oppose the use of magic in identifying a disease. Surgical intervention is also undesirable, so as not to make it worse. But the use of folk methods of treatment is welcomed and recommended by people who have experienced such methods. Undoubtedly, the impact is not as fast as with medications. However, the ritual with a tree knot brings positive results.

Alternative treatments take precedence over traditional methods due to the following advantages:

  1. Folk remedies do not harm a person. If the disease does not recede, deterioration has never been observed.
  2. The rituals are simple and easy to perform at home. All attributes for conspiracies are easy to find in stores and pharmacies.

It is important to note that in any case, be careful and careful when conducting such conspiracies. Don't expect an instant cure. It is best to perform rituals from a bitch udder on days on the waning moon, they can be performed several times until complete recovery.

Folk recipes

The development of hydradenitis - stages

This method of treatment is one of the most popular and effective ways that have come down to us from ancestors who used many conspiracies in the past. For example, it is good to perform a ritual on a tree knot before visiting a doctor. To achieve a positive result, one ritual may not be enough. They must be performed in parallel with the use of medicinal herbs. If you are not well-informed about therapy in this way, then it is best to seek the help of a healer who is knowledgeable about the usefulness of a particular herb or product for recovery.

Conspiracy for Healing

To get started, we suggest using the following recipe. Grate laundry soap. Then peel the onion and saute it in lard. Add crushed soap to the resulting mixture, mix well. You can add a little vegetable or aromatic oil. Apply a mass to the affected area of ​​the skin, cover with plastic wrap and say the following words:

“Let the disease return to the animal whose name it was given. I ask me, the servant of God (name), to leave me alone forever. Amen".

Maintain the compress for half an hour. Such compresses should be applied to the sore spot for three days. After that, you need to ask in your own words for healing from the bitch udder. You can make requests to higher powers. It is important to set yourself up positively and believe that recovery will come in the near future.

Ritual with brownie

If for some reason this presented method did not work, then try to resort to the brownie for help. To do this, you need to prepare several treats, for each of which a plot is read three times. Next, you need to ask him for help and just wait. If the brownie decides to help you, then he will definitely do it. Don't expect any signs from him. You will certainly know about his decision when you start to recover.

The words magic conspiracy sound like this:

“I ask the brownie to help me. Brownie, I turn to you for help, remove the disease from me. Let the negative from my house be forever removed, and never return. May corruption and the evil eye never fall on me. I want to be healthy and enjoy life. Let my skin not lay out like meat, but remain beautiful and young forever. So that men pay attention to me, but not be afraid. And right now, my personal life is not going well at all. My skin has ceased to please me and bring me positive emotions. Amen".

If you still encounter such an unpleasant problem, then it is best to contact traditional ways therapy and consult a doctor. Of course, alternative medicine won't do any harm. Still, you should not delay with the usual treatment. Probably, the doctor will be able to help get rid of the scourge faster. A conspiracy against a bitch udder will work only with a strong belief in a positive outcome.

The text of the maternity amulet doll is almost random, it is necessary to send the disease to the “cattle” from which it came (if the udder is the result of spoilage, the effect will be doubly fascinating than spoilage is different from the evil eye). In general, any healing: applying ichthyol ointment, onion compresses or reading complots will be more effective as an all-encompassing method. By the way, another remedy against the udder is help on how to pick up an amulet from damage to the brownie. It is necessary to prepare to buy a charm Svitovit the usual, favorite treat for him - milk with the freshest bread, protect dolls on New Year and ask him for help. The words of the complot need to be read more than 3 times for each treat. If the brownie will be able to help - you will be healthy in a couple of days.

As a traditional treatment, buy a Russian amulet, and folk remedies in the fight to cleanse yourself of spoilage with the help of candles against hydradenitis should be applied in a timely and careful manner - this will minimize the negative consequences of the disease and cure it quickly enough. If you began to feel discomfort, itching in the area of ​​​​the armpits, groin, other areas of the skin covering adjacent to each other, and this is how the curse differs from damage against the background of increased sweating, general helplessness, and the growth of painful swelling - this is, most likely, buy a bitch udder of the doll amulets in St. Petersburg. If it is not time to diagnose hidradenitis, the skin turns red, becomes narrow and inflamed, which is the difference between a love spell and damage, purulent discharge occurs.

Bitch's udder is a popular name for the opposite of how to pin up pins from the evil eye and damage to a skin ailment, which doctors call hydradenitis. In practice, this is an inflammatory process of the Kostromushka amulet doll in the sweat glands of the human body, which takes place with suppuration of the inflamed areas against the background of an increase in the overall body temperature.

In addition, it is impossible not to admit: the bitch udder is a favorite, how to get protection from damage to the sore of sorcerers, to buy a talisman of svarozhich - pests. If you are not at risk for the spread of hidradenitis, and all the likely prerequisites for the disease do not apply to you - try to turn to a professional esotericist: For you, a mystic and others can help how to help get rid of damage to alcohol traditional remedies, for curing damage with folk remedies - actually unrealistic.

Complot "From the bitch's udder"

But, the bitch udder, how to buy a swastika amulet of bacterial and magical origin, lends itself perfectly to healing by traditional means. The widespread dolls protect their name as a folk remedy at all times were listed as complots against, in fact, how prayers help from spoiling all diseases. There is a piggy bank of folk wisdom and a strong set of bitch udders.

How people heal

Before going to the doctor, you can try to make a complete from the bitch udder. Just reading a complot to buy a Russian amulet is not enough to distinguish damage from the evil eye, this ailment is serious, it is difficult to buy a charm with a wolf for healing, therefore traditional remedies should be added to the complot. Firstly, fry a couple of heads of snow-white onions in lard, rub into it what is the difference between spoilage and the evil eye of laundry soap - and attach it to the affected area. With all this, you can read to buy an amulet with a rune, what kind of prayer do you want, how to be cleansed of corruption by Muslims. This is the first step of healing.

A conspiracy to treat a bitch udder

Video: Complete from a bitch udder

Usually this nasty process, the consequences of which can be very languid, takes place in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits, but everywhere where there are sweat glands, terrible abscesses can appear.

The worldview about the inadmissibility of a doll amulet to the wealth of healing the udder by traditional means is widely spread.

The disease is of a bacterial nature, but the penetration of microbes can be with damage to the skin - which is facilitated to a large extent by the difference between spoilage and the evil eye, the indicated errors that provoke hydradenitis. Also, a prerequisite may be a blockage of the gland, entailing a violation of its normal work.

Just as extensively, dolls guarding their meanings are replicated and exploited as the church helps from damage to the statement about the inadmissibility of surgical interventions that aggravate the disease. Here, most likely, there cannot be a correct answer, cases of starting the disease, and its development into heavy burdens, were recorded as in those who were treated only traditional dolls protect the bell with means, and for those how spoilage differs from a love spell, who immediately turned to the doctor.

The age group of risk is 30-40 years, which is usually associated with hormonal changes, which occur during this period, protect the image in the human body. The process can be worsened or pushed to its appearance by the introduction of how to cleanse the energy from spoilage of bad cosmetics and wearing tight clothes, neglecting the rules of personal hygiene, how to store dolls. It is also worth shaving the designated areas with great care.

It is better not to delay the appeal to the doctor, you can also read the complete from the bitch udder in the clinic, and if medicines and quartzing do not help, the cause of the disease (as well as the method of healing) will become quite trivial. Turn to an excellent sorcerer, who protects the mother's dolls, how damage differs from the evil eye, and the daughter will determine exactly the method of healing, depending on the method of inducing an ailment on you. It may be necessary to remove the damage in advance.

But the disease can be the fruit of the witchcraft of a strong evil sorcerer - a deceptively ordinary doll how to cleanse yourself of corruption on your own, protect how they are done, a safe, very tormenting ailment that can grow into severe diseases and give completely terrible burdens - a favorite of how subtracting from corruption helps the means of occultists amulets amulets from synthetic winterizer of all stripes.

Is there a bitch udder from the evil eye

“Come with a big stick, hit the evil spirit on the head with it. Let the dolls protect what kind of evil spirit there are, crawl out of my house (apartment) and never come back here, I (name) will be cured of evil and envy, from witchcraft attacks, what is the difference between damage from a demon and hungry spirits, from damage and the evil eye, slander and enemy how to be cleansed from damage and the eyes of intrusions. All this must be repeated more than 3 times.

Complot "From the bitch's udder" to the brownie

Then (through burlap amulets for three days of compresses), try to speak the disease.

Return to that animal, whose name you bear, protect the dolls for Shrovetide, and you will leave me, the servant of God (pronounce your name), forever how to cleanse yourself of the corruption of candles.

A nasty disease develops for about 2 weeks, after the release of pus, the skin begins to grow, but the disease spreads further - through the channels of the sweat glands themselves.

Bough udder is a disease during which suppuration of the sweat glands occurs. Today, treatment involves surgery. Before deciding to take such a step, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine and magic to get rid of the bitch udder. Various until a few years ago were the only way to cure this disease.

A conspiracy from a bitch udder

To remove damage to the appearance of a bough udder, you can perform such a ritual. It is necessary to take a piece of fresh raw meat, and leading it in a circle, to problem areas, say these words:

“Go back to that cattle whose name you bear, and you will leave the servant of God (name) forever. Amen".

Thus, the disease must pass to this piece of meat, which should be given to the dog. At night it is recommended to attach to problem areas.

An effective conspiracy from a bitch udder

It is necessary to carry out the ceremony on a waning moon. From three to five in the morning you need to collect water. For the ritual, take a small branch with a knot. Around the problem area, it is necessary to circle the knot three times, saying these words:

“As this knot is dry, so the abscess is extinguished!”

After that, put the branch on the table, but there should not be a tablecloth on it. It is necessary to draw three times around the knot with the ring finger and say:

“As this knot on the tree withered, so did I, the servant of God (name), the abscess died! May it be so!"

After that, on the prepared water, say three times:

“On a steep mountain stands a young oak! Jesus Christ stands under an oak and looks at the oak. As a leaf falls from an oak tree, so Jesus Christ cleanses the blood of the servant of God (name) from pus and all stagnation! Amen!"

Spellbound water should be washed after bathing.

Another way left from the ancestors is to spread the affected area with sour cream and let the dog (bitch) lick it off. Carry out such manipulations for 12 days on the growing moon. Remember that rituals will only work if you believe in magical power. It is not recommended not to tell anyone about the rituals.

We offer a hollow disclosure of the topic: "a conspiracy from a bitch udder" with the most detailed description.

Bitch's udder (dog's tit) is the common name for inflammation of the sweat gland, which occurs most often in the axillary region or on the genitals. To get rid of the bitch udder, you can use any conspiracy.

First conspiracy

Mercy door opening,

Blessed Mother of God,

We hope in you and we praise you

For the world of salvation and the Christian race.

Second conspiracy

With the ring finger of the left hand, make a circle clockwise and say:

You bitch udder, there is no name for you, and there is no name for my finger.
Get off now, get out of the servant (a) of God (his) (name),
Go to your place!

“Lord, deliver the servant (a) of God (his) (name) from all purulent boils,
boiled, red, internal, black and from a bitch name forever. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Third conspiracy

take a bread crumb, roll a ball out of it and drive over the place where the bough's udder was formed. In this case, it is necessary to pronounce such a conspiracy three times

Return to the cattle whose name you bear, and you will leave the servant of God (name) forever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Some people have skin problems. One part of the world's population is faced with the usual skin rashes. But, there is such a category of people whose sweat glands are very festering. If we call this problem in medical terms, then it is called hydradenitis. But, in the popular environment, this problem is called a bitch udder. Usually, treatment cannot be carried out with standard medicines. In order to get rid of this disease, surgical intervention is necessary. Those people who are not ready to take such a desperate step resort to the help of traditional medicine and use a conspiracy from a bitch udder.

Strong conspiracy from the udder

How to get rid of the disease with the help of onions

There is a method in which treatment is carried out with the help of a charmed bow. In order to get rid of the disease, you should follow certain rules.

  1. If the disease overtook a woman, then she needs to perform some ritual. First of all, on Women's Day, you need to go to the market and buy onions. It is important that the seller is male.
  2. If a man falls ill, then he needs to buy onions on Men's Day. But the seller must be female.

The brought onion must be brought home, peeled and fried. It is best if you fry the onion in animal oil. Grate laundry soap in advance and mix with fried onions.

Apply the prepared mixture to the sore spot and read the following conspiracy from the bitch udder:

“I, the servant (s) of God (s), turn to higher powers in order to get rid of the most terrible disease that only I had. I do not know for what reason, but my skin began to deteriorate very badly and bring me discomfort. As soon as I use any cream, it seems to me that I will have to amputate a part of my body. I don't want people to think that I'm contagious, because it's very scary. I want to get rid of the bitch udder and never have to deal with it again. May my words reach heaven, and the Lord will hear my prayers. I ask you, Lord, help me in difficult times. Amen".

Conspiracy with meat

The performer must take a piece of any meat and throw it into boiling water. As soon as the meat is cooked, it should be applied to the sore spot and read the following conspiracy "from the bitch's udder":

“May cooked meat help me get rid of a serious illness. I, the servant of God (name), wish that all the disease passed to the animal, and left me forever and ever. As soon as I say the words of the prayer, I will immediately be cured and will never get sick again. The animal is not afraid if he has to feel discomfort. But for me, as a person, it is very difficult to join a team that moves away from me at the greatest distance. I ask you, Lord, deliver me from this problem. Only you can help me and solve this worldly problem. Amen".

Spelled meat should be given to the dog

Conspiracy on a wooden stick

Before reading a plot from a bitch disease, choose the branch in which there are knots. It is they who will allow you to associate it with the disease and save you from the disease. Wait until the waning moon appears in the sky. After that, fill the dishes with water and place on the window sill. Take the selected stick and circle the sore spot with it.

“I, the servant of God (name), chose a dry stick. It will dry out even more and take away my illness. As soon as it dries completely, so stasis will get rid of the unpleasant sensations on my skin. Amen".

The stick must be put on the table and the finger of the hand should be made in a circular motion around the knot. At the same time, the following words of the prayer should be repeated:

“The stick was able to dry on the branch. So let her dry up what spoils me so much appearance. Let all unpleasant sensations disappear, and I will find beauty again. For so long I tried to get rid of the disease, but nothing helped. Now I’m reading a conspiracy on a bitch udder, in the hope that it will help me quickly and effectively get rid of skin problems. Experts told me that this is the most effective conspiracy of all currently in existence. Amen".

Water should be spoken with the following words of prayer:

“The Lord always helps those in need. Today it is I, the servant of God (name), who asks to help me and remove pus from my body. Purulent inflammation greatly spoil my appearance and bring some discomfort. As soon as I read the words of the prayer, a feeling of lightness and calm will immediately come to me. I want all people to see beauty and success in me. And as long as I feel pus on my skin, this will never happen. I ask you, Lord, hear my words and help. Amen".

conspiracy for skin diseases

HEALING FROM SKIN DISEASES For women Sytin (no music)

Healing from skin disease

After that, you must collect all the knots from the stick and lower them into a bowl of water. Leave to infuse overnight, and in the morning wash the sore spot. It is important to draw your attention to the fact that the water must be infused under the light of the moon. Therefore, place the dishes in such a way that the moonlight penetrates the window very strongly and charges the water. According to experts, a plot for a strong knot helps very quickly. You just need to believe in the result.

How to speak dog bone

First of all, you must buy meat and take out all the bones from it. After that, they should be spoken in the following words:

“Let all the pain leave my body and go to this bone. The dog will not be able to resist my prayers and will take all the pain on himself. As soon as I ask for help from higher powers, they will immediately come to my aid. Amen".

After that, the bone needs to be buried, preferably away from your home. In just a few days, you will notice that the skin condition has become much better. And you can get rid of the disease within a month. You just need to read special prayers every day.

portal of magic

Bitch's udder is a disease that is popularly called hydradenitis. Medical workers came to the conclusion that such a disease is reflected in the human sweat glands. The patient begins to have a body temperature, after which skin irritation begins to fester. A conspiracy from a bitch udder is quite common among the inhabitants of the modern world.

A conspiracy from a bitch udder

Most often, this disease spreads in the armpits. In principle, it can spread to any place where the sebaceous glands are located. But the armpits are the most common place for the development of the disease. Sometimes the disease progresses so much that abscesses appear and, in addition to medications, you can apply a conspiracy from a bitch udder.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Most often, this disease affects women over the age of thirty. The reason for such processes is the restructuring of the body, and the violation of the hormonal levels of a woman. In order not to exacerbate the development of the disease, you should not use a number of certain things.

  1. Cheap and poor quality cosmetics. It is precisely because they contain low-quality substances that they can upset the balance of the skin. The sebaceous glands can either become clogged or completely stop functioning. That is why, take care of your health, and do not save on your appearance.
  2. Tight underwear. Since tight underwear is very tight skin covering a person, this can also negatively affect your appearance.
  3. Non-observance of personal hygiene. If you do not observe personal hygiene, then you can earn yourself various diseases. This is one of the main reasons for the development of the bitch udder.

Bough udder treatment

Many experts in the field of medicine are against people using magic from a bough boil. They also do not recommend surgical removal of the formation, because it is believed that this will only aggravate the situation. It's just worth remembering that folk remedies have never brought a negative result to a person. Yes, it's a lot longer than surgery, but the tree knot plot is paying off.

But traditional medicine has several advantages over hospitals. Firstly, folk methods cannot harm a person. Even if the disease cannot be cured, then deterioration will definitely not be observed. Secondly, it is easy to carry out healing rituals on your own at home. All the ingredients for rituals are quite easy to find in nature, or at home.

It is worth recalling that treatment should be carried out with extreme caution. Don't count on instant results. Perform a conspiracy and rituals on a bough udder several times, and you should not expect the result to come after the first one.

Folk methods of treatment

On a bough udder, a plot on a tree knot is quite effective and in some cases necessary. It was used by our ancestors, who treated almost all diseases only by such methods. Before you go to see a doctor, you can read the plot. The only caveat is that the ritual alone will not be able to bring a positive result. They should be observed in conjunction with folk herbs. In principle, if you do not know how this disease is treated, then you should contact a specialized healer. There are a number of medicinal herbs and products that can help you with the problem.

First of all, it is customary to use the following recipe. First, peel the onion and fry it in lard. Laundry soap should be added to the resulting consistency, and everything should be mixed thoroughly. Apply the consistency to the wound, and make compresses. Can you add a little vegetable oil. You can replace the oil with aromatic oils.

How to treat hydradenitis at home with folk remedies

Effective Conspiracy

“Let the disease return to the animal whose name it was given. I ask me, the servant of God (name), to leave me alone forever. Amen".

Apply compresses to the sore spot for three days. Three days later, the ritual should be read on the bitch udder. This conspiracy has no definite words. You can address your requests to higher powers. The main thing is to set yourself up in a positive way, and believe that you will be cured soon.

If this method does not suit you, then you can turn to the brownie for help. Prepare some treats for him and ask him to help you. Each product is spoken separately. For each item, the plot should be read at least three times. If the brownie decides to come to your aid, then you will not know about it. He does not give any signs of his decision. The only time you will be able to find out about his decision is during your recovery.

The magical conspiracy reads as follows:

“I ask the brownie to help me. Brownie, I turn to you for help, remove the disease from me. Let the negative from my house be forever removed, and never return. May corruption and the evil eye never fall on me. I want to be healthy and enjoy life. Let my skin not lay out like meat, but remain beautiful and young forever. So that men pay attention to me, but not be afraid. And right now, my personal life is not going well at all. My skin has ceased to please me and bring me positive emotions. Amen".

But, if you had to deal with this disease, then, first of all, go to see a doctor. It is clear that ethnoscience does no harm. But, and delay with the usual treatment is not worth it. It is possible that the doctor will help you much faster than you can do it yourself. A conspiracy from an unpleasant bitch udder will only be effective if you yourself believe in a positive result.

Bitch's udder is a disease that is popularly called hydradenitis. Medical workers came to the conclusion that such a disease is reflected in the human sweat glands. The patient begins to have a body temperature, after which skin irritation begins to fester. A conspiracy from a bitch udder is quite common among the inhabitants of the modern world.

Most often, this disease spreads in the armpits. In principle, it can spread to any place where the sebaceous glands are located. But the armpits are the most common place for the development of the disease. Sometimes the disease progresses so much that abscesses appear and, in addition to medications, you can apply a conspiracy from a bitch udder.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Most often, this disease affects women over the age of thirty. The reason for such processes is the restructuring of the body, and the violation of the hormonal levels of a woman. In order not to exacerbate the development of the disease, you should not use a number of certain things.

  1. Cheap and low-quality cosmetics. It is precisely because they contain low-quality substances that they can upset the balance of the skin. The sebaceous glands can either become clogged or completely stop functioning. That is why, take care of your health, and do not save on your appearance.
  2. Tight underwear. Since tight underwear is very tight on the skin of a person, this can also negatively affect your appearance.
  3. Non-observance of personal hygiene. If you do not observe personal hygiene, then you can earn yourself various diseases. This is one of the main reasons for the development of the bitch udder.

Bough udder treatment

Many experts in the field of medicine are against people using magic from a bough boil. They also do not recommend surgical removal of the formation, because it is believed that this will only aggravate the situation. It's just worth remembering that folk remedies have never brought a negative result to a person. Yes, it's a lot longer than surgery, but the tree knot plot is paying off.

But traditional medicine has several advantages over hospitals. Firstly, folk methods cannot harm a person. Even if the disease cannot be cured, then deterioration will definitely not be observed. Secondly, it is easy to carry out healing rituals on your own at home. All the ingredients for rituals are quite easy to find in nature, or at home.

It is worth recalling that treatment should be carried out with extreme caution. Don't count on instant results. Perform a conspiracy and rituals on a bough udder several times, and you should not expect the result to come after the first one.

Folk methods of treatment

On a bough udder, a plot on a tree knot is quite effective and in some cases necessary. It was used by our ancestors, who treated almost all diseases only by such methods. Before you go to see a doctor, you can read the plot. The only caveat is that the ritual alone will not be able to bring a positive result. They should be observed in conjunction with folk herbs. In principle, if you do not know how this disease is treated, then you should contact a specialized healer. There are a number of medicinal herbs and products that can help you with the problem.

First of all, it is customary to use the following recipe. First, peel the onion and fry it in lard. Laundry soap should be added to the resulting consistency, and everything should be mixed thoroughly. Apply the consistency to the wound, and make compresses. You can add some vegetable oil. You can replace the oil with aromatic oils.

bitch udder

How to treat hydradenitis at home with folk remedies

Prayers for boils

Effective Conspiracy

“Let the disease return to the animal whose name it was given. I ask me, the servant of God (name), to leave me alone forever. Amen".

Apply compresses to the sore spot for three days. Three days later, the ritual should be read on the bitch udder. This conspiracy has no definite words. You can address your requests to higher powers. The main thing is to set yourself up in a positive way, and believe that you will be cured soon.

If this method does not suit you, then you can turn to the brownie for help. Prepare some treats for him and ask him to help you. Each product is spoken separately. For each item, the plot should be read at least three times. If the brownie decides to come to your aid, then you will not know about it. He does not give any signs of his decision. The only time you will be able to find out about his decision is during your recovery.

The magical conspiracy reads as follows:

“I ask the brownie to help me. Brownie, I turn to you for help, remove the disease from me. Let the negative from my house be forever removed, and never return. May corruption and the evil eye never fall on me. I want to be healthy and enjoy life. Let my skin not lay out like meat, but remain beautiful and young forever. So that men pay attention to me, but not be afraid. And right now, my personal life is not going well at all. My skin has ceased to please me and bring me positive emotions. Amen".

But, if you had to deal with this disease, then, first of all, go to see a doctor. It is clear that traditional medicine does not bring harm. But, and delay with the usual treatment is not worth it. It is possible that the doctor will help you much faster than you can do it yourself. A conspiracy from an unpleasant bitch udder will only be effective if you yourself believe in a positive result.