
A conspiracy for beautiful and firm breasts. How to choose an effective conspiracy for breast growth? We select a conspiracy depending on the circumstances


One of the main women's issues, after excess weight, wrinkles and cellulite, the problem of small breasts remains, which makes both young girls and mature ladies seriously complex. You can deal with this problem in different ways: get plastic surgery, go in for fitness, choose a special diet, etc. However, for those who trust the old magical recipes, it would be useful to turn to this, not quite standard, but very effective method, as a conspiracy for breast augmentation. This is a very effective ritual, like any white magic spell.

Carrying out such rituals is not a simple technique, since in order for the conspiracy to take effect, you need to clearly imagine the desired result. For example, if you need a large breast, then you need to imagine it alive, natural, grown due to the building tissue of the body, otherwise a tumor may appear in the breast, which will also give the effect of a large breast, but with a minus sign. In addition, a number of conditions must also be met:

  • Perform a ritual on the growing moon
  • Clearly state the desired result
  • Supplement the plot with appropriate techniques and exercises
  • Accompany magical passes with appropriate prayers, going to church, candles for your own health
  • Talk to your breasts as if they were alive, asking her for a favor of growth and increase in volume.

We select a conspiracy depending on the circumstances

Since the theme big breast relevant at all times (and even in Russia, where burly aunts are the rule rather than the exception, and even more so), then a lot of means have accumulated to date to create it by magic. For girls who have not given birth, but who want to enlarge their breasts, some methods are recommended, for ladies with children and grandchildren, completely different ceremonies are suitable for giving female pride a taut look, and for women who seek not to increase in size, but only to modify the shape, give elasticity to their beauty, and third rituals and means will come in handy. Let's consider them all separately.

Conspiracy with bread and oats

This ancient rite is the borderline between healers' methods and magical rites. It is used to make the breast grow, be lush and beautiful, but most often it is recommended as a remedy for mastopathy. This ritual is suitable for both young girls and older women.

  1. You need to wait for the growing moon, which symbolizes the growth and increase of everything that is being slandered during this period of time.
  2. Before dawn, early, early in the morning, after dark, you should get out of bed and, preferably, without turning on the light, go to the kitchen.
  3. Then pour a few tablespoons of oatmeal into the bowl (at least two, but not more than five tablespoons), pouring boiling water over it.
  4. Crumble a few slices of black bread into oatmeal until the resulting mass is brought to the consistency of a thick slurry.
  5. After receiving oat-bread boiling water, you need to leave the mass under the lid so that it swells and reaches readiness.
  6. While the porridge is infused, you need to wash your chest well (you can by taking a bath or shower).
  7. After washing, lay out the warm bread and oat mass on both breasts, wrapping it over several layers of dense cotton fabric.
  8. In the process of wrapping, you need to read from memory the following conspiracy for breast growth: “Here is the king-bread in the field is born, here is a full grain in the ear is poured, here the reclusive moon grows in the clouds and opens up to everyone. Let my Persians, the servants of God (pronounce their name aloud) fill up, increase, grow stronger day by day, and the black side of the disease leaves, my house will pass away! My word is strong!”
  9. After reading the text, hold the mass on the chest for another ten minutes, then gently rinse with warm water.

Plot with a key and clothes

This method is well suited for mothers whose breasts sagged after childbirth and who really want to regain their former beauty and elasticity. First you need to stock up on a key (similar to gold), holy water and some of your clothes, which you don’t mind giving up.

  1. To carry out the ritual, you need to wait for the night, and at exactly 12.00 stand with the heel of your bare right foot on upper part some favorite part of the wardrobe (selected in advance), while uttering a special conspiracy on beautiful breasts: “I have a golden key under my heel. You, the moon, are round, and my chest is magnificent. I will wash it with holy water, and close it with a key from above. Amen!".
  2. Now you need, without leaving your clothes with your heel, wash your chest with prepared holy water.
  3. The wardrobe item must be lifted from the floor, wiped with it and wrapped in a “golden key”.

Remember that now you can’t wear these clothes, but you shouldn’t throw them away either, it’s better to hide them away and never wear them.

Conspiracy for apple grains

This plot will be ideal for older women whose breasts have already begun to sag and lose their elasticity. For the ceremony, you only need red bulk apples, a dozen in number. As in all other cases, it is better to start the ritual on the growing moon, but you can repeat it at least every day. After all, both a slander on the chest and a special massage for her are hidden here - after such procedures it is easier to make it.

  • As soon as the sun rises, at dawn, you need to take the previously purchased apples and carefully cut into halves.
  • From each apple, get all the seeds without exception - apple grains.
  • In order for the chest to grow, you need to put the grains in a handkerchief made of batiste, tie it and read the following slander three times from above: Apples filled with juice, blushed. So the sun rises, slowly moves across the sky. And near the river bank, there are bare stones, large and hard. They glow with light, but under the sun they fill with heat. Here my goversta will crumble, but the pebbles will remain. The river will always run away, I, the servant of God (pronounce my name aloud) show off, everyone around me admires my magnificent breasts. Key, lock. Amen!"
  • Having tied the seeds so that they do not fall apart, you need to rub them on your chest. This must be done in a circle.
  • After the massage, hide the handkerchief with seeds. You need to store it under your own pillow, rubbing your chest every day in the morning and evening. Apples, on the other hand, must be eaten on their own, only then the rite will take effect.

Experienced women are advised to rub their breasts with grains more often - so the effect of the slander will be stronger.

Conspiracy with cow's milk

This rite is done on large breasts (in order to maximize the existing one), but it should be practiced carefully so that, with the desire for large forms, you do not invite trouble in the form of some kind of neoplasm.

  • The ceremony should be performed in the morning or afternoon, on one of the feminine days (Saturday, Wednesday, Friday).
  • Immediately before the ritual, you need to buy fresh fresh milk from a domestic cow (the store will not work!).
  • Arriving home, you need to undress, close yourself in the bathroom and sequentially, in a circle, rub your chest with milk seven times each.
  • At the same time, along with milk rubdowns, a special slander should also be read: “Like in a clean field, a wide open field, and in the bright sun, a shepherd grazed cows. One cow walked and walked, dropped milk from her udder. So that milk, one drop of God's servant (pronounce your name aloud) fell on her chest and blossomed with a bright, magnificent, marvelous color. It brought me great joy. Let it be so, as it is said. Amen".

A simple plot for any food

All girls, young and old, can be advised such a simple and very effective conspiracy on the chest, which should be performed daily, several times. Each time, before eating and at the end of the prayer, you should put your right hand on your chest (it is better that it lies in the middle, on both breasts at once) and say the following conspiracy: “Eat and eat. All the same, everything will be in the titenkoe. The Lord God will help me. I will thank him. Amen". You need to repeat the text three times in a row, you can - out loud, you can - to yourself. The result is guaranteed almost immediately after reading the first day.

You can also watch this video and plot on attractiveness:

Beautiful breasts attract the eyes of men, make other women jealous. Not always by nature we get the size that we want. It can be increased by reading a simple plot for breast growth. You will be surprised how well it works. There are a number of conspiracies that help you achieve the forms you are striving for.

You can enhance your attractiveness, shape your chest beautifully, make it more noticeable. A man of dreams will not pass by such a woman. It is in your power to do everything without operations and pills - appeal to the forces of beauty and health, make your breasts the way you dream. Suitable for young girls too.

Important to know before proceeding with the rituals

You pronounce your desire, perform a ritual, read a plot. The Universe will definitely pay attention to you, consider your problems. But, you definitely shouldn’t make such a conspiracy if:

  • You have quite large breasts. The forces of justice will not understand why a woman with a 4th size needs to increase it.
  • There are some diseases of the mammary glands.
  • You have regular bleeding.
  • If you have given birth to a child and are breastfeeding, you should not read these conspiracies. Wait until you finish breastfeeding.

These restrictions are important because you want to stay healthy. If your breasts are already so large, then look at yourself in the mirror more often. Evaluate yourself from the outside, understand what exactly you do not like. To fix this, you have every opportunity. Exercising will help you get in shape.

These conspiracies only work to increase the size. If there are diseases of the glands, along with the growth in size, your troubles will increase. But for women with small breasts, conspiracies will be a great solution. The positive energy of beauty, femininity, attractiveness will respond to your call.

Enchanted rose oil for rapid breast growth

It takes a huge amount of rose petals to get just one drop of this oil. You need to buy expensive good oil. The ritual is performed at night from Wednesday to Thursday, when the moon is in its growth phase. You will need:

  • Two pink candles.
  • White tablecloth.
  • Mirror.
  • A bottle of rose oil.

Lay a tablecloth, put a mirror, candles and a bubble on it. Take off your clothes.

  1. Light the candles.
  2. Take a close look at yourself in the mirror, evaluate your body critically.
  3. Place a bottle of oil between the candles, pronounce a conspiracy, looking at yourself in the mirror:

“As the moon grows, so does my chest grow. As the moon wanes, so it takes away my illness. Amen".

The rose oil should warm up a bit from the candles. Take a drop and apply on the chest, rub in with gentle movements. The positive female energy of the Moon will interact with this drop of nature - the result will surprise you. You will get big breasts. Apply this oil once a week after bathing - it will effectively maintain the result, accelerate growth.

How to speak milk

An excellent, very effective ritual is performed using milk. A conspiracy to increase breasts using milk has been known for a long time. Then fresh milk was taken early in the morning, but now it is difficult to get it. Buy natural, fresh milk, not something that has a long shelf life. If there is an opportunity in the village to buy fresh - just fine. In order for everything to learn, it is necessary to visualize the result well.

Answer mentally the following questions:

  • What size chest would you like to get? To increase immediately from the first to the fourth, of course, will not work. You will get gradual results.
  • How do you see yourself after fulfilling the desired - imagine the image well.
  • What dresses, blouses, underwear you can wear - imagine your new wardrobe.
  • Feel the enthusiastic looks of men.

When you can visualize yourself, start. Early in the morning put a mirror on the table, heat the milk. Rub it on your chest while saying:

“In a wide field, in an open field, under a clear sun and in a free wind, a cow walked, she did not know troubles, she dropped milk from her udder. On my chest, the servant of God (name) That milk fell! So that I blossomed and became prettier, my chest filled with health Yes, it increased and became prettier! My word is heard, my wish is fulfilled! Amen!"

This ritual is performed 7 days in a row. You can't skip days. Believe in yourself - milk will give you the help you need, and the words of the conspiracy will help you achieve results quickly. Our great-grandmothers actively used this method - look at old photos. This method is natural and harmless. What is left in the cup - drink it up.

To make the chest grow big

Go out into the field at night if you want your breasts to grow quickly. The energy of the earth gives fast growth all trees, herbs, bushes, and your chest will help.

  1. Take the key, go to the field when the moon is in the sky. Always choose the phase of growth - the female energy of the Moon will fulfill your desire with joy.
  2. Put the key on the ground, stand on it with your bare heel.
  3. Read the plot, looking at the moon:

“I keep the key under my heel. As the moon grows, so my chest would grow! So that she was magnificent and fat and I was rich with a bust! Amen!"

The key will need to be buried in the ground next to a large, strong tree so that it transfers part of its growth energy. It is done in summer or late spring, but not in autumn - then nature gets ready for sleep, freezes, all processes stop. This conspiracy exceeded many expectations. Simple yet powerful - the forces of nature itself will respond to your call.

Conspiracy against breast cancer

Every woman dreams of beautiful breasts, big, magnificent. But very often we forget that she must also be healthy so that there are no troubles from her, but only joys. To do this, carefully monitor what underwear you wear, visit a doctor. A great way to keep your breasts healthy is an old Russian charm. It should be read regularly, especially if there have been cases of serious diseases in the female part in your family. Don't neglect these tips.

You need to look in the mirror at your bare chest saying:

“From this day until Holy Saturday, cancer is not a fish, a tumor is not meat. I will come to an empty field, where it is not sown, not reaped, not called by the owners, where it has grown, what is not asked, but worn by the body, put on the chest. An unsown field gave birth to burdock, eared wheat. As that wheat dries, so the tumor will fall off from the born and baptized servant of God (name) That field will dry up, there will be no tumor on the chest. Amen".

Breast health needs to be monitored. Never do a growth plot if even a tiny benign tumor is found in you. It is better to regularly repeat the words of this conspiracy, they will protect health, save you from terrible diseases. You can read it only for yourself, and it is better to teach a friend or relative a conspiracy.

Anything that can help you

You will need faith in yourself. In the same way as you spoke rose oil, you can speak any body cream to apply it regularly. Visualize your impact:

  • When you massage your breasts with a charm cream, imagine how a powerful radiance comes from your hands, penetrating under the skin.
  • You will feel how your beauty grows - even if just a little bit, imperceptibly.
  • Use the energy of the moon in the growth phase to improve the effect, speed up nice increase volumes.
  • White or pink candles are suitable for the ritual. They attract a lot of soft positive energy.

Whatever your breasts, remember: you are beautiful. These proven conspiracies will help correct the situation, and the ability to visualize will speed up the result. Starting the ritual, think that the desire has already begun to come true. Words of power will only reinforce your confidence.

If you are dissatisfied with something in your figure, then this can always be corrected with the help of magic conspiracies. And I must say that almost every woman critically evaluates her figure, it always seems to her that there is something to improve. In particular, women are not always happy with the size of their breasts. Many wish that this part female beauty was more. In such cases, you can safely use a conspiracy for breast growth.

The Importance of Visualization in Magick

If you want the breast enlargement spell to work especially well, then you need to master the skill of visualization. This is a skill that will simply be needed.

Visualization is when you imagine what you want to get very clearly before your eyes. If you do this directly during the conspiracy, then the effect of the magical rite will be much higher.

Moreover, it is very important during visualization not only to keep a picture of what you want in front of your eyes, but also to feel the emotions in your body that you will have in the future. Here everything is very closely tied to emotional sphere. The fact is that if you manage to generate emotions of happiness in this way, then the body will remember them and in the future it will attract the fulfillment of the desired to you. Because it is from the fulfillment of desire that the body will again experience happiness.

So, if you use a plot for breast growth, then be sure to imagine your breasts of the desired size. And imagine that you already have it so that you are very proud of it. Sincerely rejoice in the breast, its increase. It is very important to experience emotions, as if the desired has already happened. It is in this case that the breast will slowly and steadily grow to the desired size.

Rules for pronouncing a conspiracy

There are also general rules that will help make breast augmentation conspiracies even more effective. Be sure to use them:

  • The first such rule is that it is better not to tell anyone that you are doing a conspiracy for breast growth. The fact is that magic loves very much when its affairs are kept secret. She takes it as a kind of respect. Secret plots work much better.
  • For a conspiracy of breast growth, there is a condition that it be reproduced during the growing moon. Conspiracies where they ask to bring something to life should always be done during the growing moon. This is especially true of conspiracies where a woman asks for something. The fact is that the moon is the patroness of female energy, so a woman has a unique opportunity to enlist the support of the moon. This is also a significant factor.
  • If at least one word is not clear to a woman in a magical text for breast growth, then it is imperative to find out its reliable meaning. When a girl reads a conspiracy for breast growth and understands every word in it, this increases her awareness in reading. And the more consciously the text is read, the more soul, feelings are invested in it, which means that the conspiracy will work much better.
  • It makes no sense to engage in a conspiracy for breast growth if you do not believe in it. This is a very important criterion. Magic just won't work if you don't believe in it. So, if you are doing a conspiracy just for show, then don’t even waste your energy on it.
  • Pronounce the magical text with feeling, the more feelings and your desire you bring into the ritual, the better it will work.

A conspiracy for breast growth on a cabbage leaf and honey

The strongest conspiracy for breast growth will turn out if you combine it with folk remedy to enlarge this part of the body. There is one folk recipe, which involves applying a cabbage leaf with honey to the chest. In the evening, when the moon is very high, take a cabbage leaf, smear it with a thin layer of honey, attach it to your chest, and put on a sports bra on top. Underwear must be necessarily sports, so as not to be shy of movement. Then put both hands on top of the bra and say the following plot:

“I put cabbage with honey on my lush chest, on my chest high and beautiful. It will be as sweet and appetizing as honey. As fresh and lush as cabbage. It was medium, it became large, it was not with me, and now I have such a beautiful one. So that you grow magnificently, so that you grow beautifully. I'm asking for myself, not for anyone else. On the magnificent chest, on the high and beautiful chest I speak.

After that, go to bed immediately. It is desirable to perform such a ritual for twenty-one days. During this time, you will learn the plot by heart. The more feelings you put into the text, the better. It is not worth doing such folk overlays for more than twenty-one days. Within a month, you will notice that the breasts have become much larger.

Conspiracy for water

Water absorbs information very well. Therefore, you can also slander a magical text on her so that her breasts grow. This ritual is very simple and useful. Drink a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach. By the way, this in itself is very useful rule. And, if you want to increase your breasts with water, then read the following magic plot on the water before drinking it:

“I want everything, I get everything. My chest is already beautiful, and it will be even more beautiful. I speak to increase her water, to increase the beauty and health in her. Healthy big, beautiful big. As I drink water, so beauty will come to me in my chest.

These words must be pronounced as joyfully as possible, then they will have a very high effect. After that, drink water in small sips. In fact, such a ritual can be carried out until the chest reaches the desired size. But you must start such a ritual during the growing moon.

Conspiracy for milk

There is effective conspiracy for breast augmentation for milk for breast augmentation. To carry out this ritual, you need to warm a glass of milk to room temperature. The main thing is that it should not be cold. In the evening on the day of the growing moon, start rubbing milk into the chest, but in a certain way. Use your left hand to rub milk into your right hand and vice versa. Three times on each breast you need to read the following conspiracy to increase it:

“In a wide field, in a green field, a beautiful cow walked, walked. She ate green grass, gained strength for beauty. And her udder is beautiful, full. Drops of milk from the udder fell on the grass. That milk dripped onto my chest. It is to increase the beauty of my breasts. For my health, for my beauty, my mammary glands increase with God's help. As milk dripped onto my chest, it became beautiful and magnificent.

Read this text with maximum gratitude, love for your future beautiful mammary gland. It is advisable to repeat this procedure three times. Every time there is a new moon, then with the growth of the moon, your chest will also grow.

Bathing conspiracy

When you take a shower or bath, or bathe in a bath, it is also very good to pronounce a conspiracy to increase the mammary glands. At this moment you are alone with yourself. In addition, water is very cool relaxes the body and mind. And under these circumstances, a conspiracy to increase the mammary glands will work even better. So, during water procedures, pay attention to the mammary glands and read the following plot:

“A whole fruit grows from a small flower. It is sweet, fragrant, it seems to be pomp and beauty for everyone. So from a girl, a child grows beautiful woman with breasts lush and attractive. She needs breasts to feed a small child. And for this, it must be large and elastic. So let her be like that. Strong, tall, beautiful, mine. The flower is loose, the chest is blooming. As it is said, it will be so, but it cannot be otherwise.”

You can do such a ritual whenever you take water procedures. Until you get the desired result. It is very good to do such a ritual while taking a bath. When your body is relaxed, longing is present. At this point, it is very easy to generate feelings that, together with visualization, will help to attract what you want to you.

spell for breast augmentation

Breast augmentation method from Vera Lyon

Full moon conspiracy

The full moon is a particularly magical day. On these days you can do the most various conspiracies, including conspiracies for breast augmentation, they will have very great power. A conspiracy to increase the mammary glands can be carried out as follows. You need to go out at midnight as much as possible, you can go right at midnight in a light nightgown. It is important that at this moment you do not have underwear on. Look at the full moon, take a deep breath in and out. Then you need to clearly visualize the effect that you want to get from the plot. That is, imagine yourself with magnificent beautiful breasts and imagine how you rejoice at this circumstance. It is very important to catch this feeling of joy in the body, then the desired will be attracted easily and quickly. When this happens, then read this plot, looking at the full moon:

“The moon is beautiful, the moon is full. Let my chest please me with its fullness and beauty. In gratitude for you, I will remember the moon every time I look at myself in the mirror. Let me shine with your mysterious light. Let everyone look at me, at my milk glands and remember you full beauty. I will enchant everyone, I will enchant. I am beauty, thank you very much to the moon always. That's agreed. As it is said, it will be so, but it cannot be otherwise.”

After that, you can immediately go to bed. It will be better if you don't talk to anyone tonight. On this night, amazing dreams can come from direct contact with the full moon, which also means that the conspiracy to grow your breasts is working.

Complete collection and description: strong prayer for breast augmentation for the spiritual life of a believer.

Visualization plays magic very important role. Even modern science recognizes the power and effectiveness of self-hypnosis. With its help, you can heal your body from a variety of diseases, as well as affect your body and the whole world around us. With the help of visualization - presenting the desired result, you can significantly increase the chances of success of any magical ritual.

For centuries, Russian women have been famous for their beauty all over the world, and our ladies have always been especially proud of their magnificent breasts. For a long time, breasts have been a matter of concern and pride for a woman, she attracted the attention of men and became the subject of getting other representatives of the fair sex.

The root cause of any disease is.

There is a fairly large section.

Currently, there are many ways to help increase the breast or change its shape. These are special massages (the effectiveness of which is questionable), and surgical operations that give instant results.

If you do not want to go under the surgeon's knife, then there is an old way to solve the problem - a conspiracy or a magical ritual for breast augmentation. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used such means, and the world fame of the beauty of Russian women indicates that the rituals performed really helped to achieve the desired results.

Magic is very diverse, for each occasion of life and to solve any problem, you can pick up a whole section of special rituals, including rituals that will help you increase your breasts.

Magic and visualization of the desired

Visualization plays a very important role in magic. Even modern science recognizes the power and effectiveness of self-hypnosis. With its help, you can heal your body from a variety of diseases, as well as affect your body and the whole world around us. With the help of visualization - presenting the desired result, you can significantly increase the chances of success of any magical ritual. There are even whole techniques that allow you to comprehensively influence your body.

Imaging for breast augmentation

For any ritual you perform to be most effective, take some time to visualize your desires. First you need to lie down on a soft bed and take a position that will be most comfortable for you. Now close your eyes and imagine yourself in some place that is pleasant for you, it could be a sandy beach next to a warm sea.

Try to imagine the chest in all details, its size, elasticity, tan, all this will allow you to feel the changes in your body and get on the right path before the ceremony.

When you can easily visualize the desired breast, you need to move on to the next step - to the sensations. Now you need to feel your body, feel that it is completely perfect, it is exactly what you have always dreamed of, you are slim, have beautiful forms, your breasts are magnificent, lush and firm.

Such rituals are aimed at forming a special field

Next, you need to concentrate on your own heartbeat, try to feel every beat of your heart, imagine how blood flows from it throughout your body. The warmth from the heart goes to your chest and fills it, it takes on the desired shape and size, you feel how it grows.

After such practices, you can proceed to magical rites.

Full moon spell to make breasts grow

This magical ritual should be performed at midnight during the full moon. It is very important that at this moment the sky is clear and the stars with the moon should be clearly visible. You need to turn off all the lights in the room, open the window so that the moon illuminates you. Now we take off the upper part of the clothes (t-shirt, blouse or shirt), put it on the floor, stand on the thing with bare feet, look at the starry sky and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I hold under my heel a magic key, a golden key. As the moon is round in the night sky, in the starry sky, so my chest will be round, but magnificent, rich and thick. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Carry out similar rituals in a complex, do not stop at one method

After pronouncing the magic words, you need to hide the charmed piece of clothing in a safe place where no one will see it.

Conspiracy for breast growth

To perform the ceremony, you need to heat fresh milk to the temperature of your body. The resulting milk is gently rubbed with your right hand into left breast and then left hand to the right chest. On the left breast, you need to apply the liquid counterclockwise, and on the right - clockwise. In the process of applying milk, you need to read a special plot fourteen times, 7 times for each breast. The words:

“In a wide freedom, in a clean field, under a bright sun, under a red sun, a cow walked in the wind, she dropped milk from her udder on the grass.

That milk fell on my chest, the servant of God (name). It fell so that I, the servant of God (name), bloomed with a violent color, bright beauty, for my own joy, for others to envy.

As I said, so it will come true. Amen".

And don't forget the massage

After completing the reading of the plot, you need to wipe the chest with a clean, soft towel, however, the milk should not be washed off. The next day, after sunset, you need to take a warm bath and spend about an hour in it.

Rite with bathing

“Like a small apple grows from a small flower, a round apple, a ripe, red apple. Just as a heifer grows a bulge, and sunflowers grow from a small seed, so a woman grows from a little girl. The Lord commanded that woman to give birth to a child, and to feed him with her milk, and for this she needs breasts, elastic and magnificent. So it is with me, the servants of God (name), the chest will be white, strong. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The words of the conspiracy are read in a whisper, at this time you need to lightly stroke your chest with your fingertips and imagine how it grows, gaining strength.

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this actually works.

Hello, please tell me, Do on a full moon? That is, then the moon will decrease ... And what day is better? Male or female. And about the decoction of burdock, is pharmacy burdock suitable?

Pharmacy will do, but as a last resort. do you have herbalists? Still, do not do it on a waning moon.

Hello, can you tell me exactly on the full moon? Or on a new moon?

A good spell can be done while the moon is growing, right?

It is better to read conspiracies on the new moon.

Hello Svetlana. The rite for another person is done on the full moon or on the new moon?

Take it to the new moon.

Good afternoon. Tell me the ceremony for another person is done in what phase of the moon and at what time of the day, to observe wives. and husband. days? Thanks for the answer.

If for a man - on a men's day, for a woman - on a women's day.

What if the house I live in is not my property?

Yulishna, what kind of ritual do you mean?

... and what is the result, at least one guy spoke his bald head and returned his hair?

If you work purposefully, everything turns out as it should. Only a few systematically work, but it’s better to swell money into super drugs.

If I'm not baptized as a servant of God to speak?

Say "Betrothed (name)

And the burners work

There are no non-working ways. It's up to the performer.

What plot to read for breast enlargement?

Women are constantly dissatisfied with their weight, complexion, hair and breast size. These imaginary flaws make girls different ages complexes and do not allow to spread their wings. Psychological attitude can correct the situation, sports activities or special cosmetics. But using a conspiracy for breast growth is for girls with a small bust size, since disproportionate body sizes can turn out to be ugly.

Using an effective ritual can only bring benefits. white magic will not adversely affect if used correctly. It is worth recalling that an independent uncontrolled ritual can only harm if you do not believe in a positive result. The slightest doubt should be the reason for a visit to a professional who has been engaged in such rituals for more than one year.

Folk recipes

Application of the majority folk conspiracies for breast augmentation, it requires reading on the growing moon in order for the rite to work correctly. It is believed that the waxing moon will promote desires and aspirations. It is permissible to read the plot either on your own, or entrust it to a person who wants only good deeds for the girl.

The selection of conspiracies for breast augmentation must be carried out with great care so that every word in it reflects the true wishes of the girl and does not contradict her comfortable feelings. Of the many available love spells, not all have a truly effective effect and may even be unsafe for human energy.

Reading a conspiracy for breast augmentation should call on higher powers only to increase healthy and living tissue. The text should not contain any hints of the possible formation of a foreign body, so as not to provoke the development of tumors. This is also possible with an incorrect interpretation of the words of the rite.

Ritual on the full moon

A separate type of conspiracies for breast augmentation is made precisely on the full moon. A special condition for the ceremony is:
  • clear sky;
  • clear visibility of the moon and stars;
  • complete darkness in the room;
  • an open window to let the moon in.

Having removed the T-shirt or jacket that was worn, the rite is read on it. The words of the ritual are:

“I have a magic key under my heel, a golden key. And the moon is in the night sky, and it is round in the starry sky, so be my chest round, thick and extensive. As I said, so be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Having spoken all the words, the clothes with which the ritual was performed must be hidden in a secluded place so that no one sees it.

Bathing to help

The daily ritual of taking a shower or bath can be the subject of a conspiracy for breast enlargement. To turn an ordinary procedure into a ritual, you need to pronounce the words every time:

“From a small flower grows a large apple, round, red, ripe and juicy. A small seed grows into a huge sunflower, a small heifer grows into a big dick, and a little girl grows into a beautiful lady. The Almighty ordered that a woman give birth to a child, feed him with her milk, and for this she cannot do without a large and magnificent breast. So I, the servants of God (the name of the girl), the chest will grow large, lush and strong, and elastic. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The words of such conspiracies for breast enlargement should be read with particular confidence in success. In this case, you need to stroke the bust and at the same time imagine what it becomes. The more realistic you can imagine, the faster and more effectively the result will come.

Rituals for healing and improving forms

It is no secret that a sick person uses every opportunity to heal. There will be no exception to the use of certain conspiracies for breast enlargement. They are able not only to increase the size, but also to heal from mastopathy, and increase the shape. Such rituals consist of several parts:
  1. The first time you need to read on Friday late at night in the dark (with a waning moon 3-5 days before the new moon).
  2. The second night must be clear, without clouds and clouds, so that the stars and the moon are clearly visible (with the growing moon 3-5 days after the full moon).

For the ceremony, you will need a new skein of thread or yarn made from natural material. The day before the ceremony in the evening, you need to cook a decoction of St. John's wort, mint and chamomile (equal proportions) in an enamel pan. On the night of the ritual, you need to strip naked and wipe the bust with infusion, while saying special words:

“Paraskeva-Friday, needlewoman-craftswoman! Vyshey yes vytki from my ripe breasts (the name of the petitioner) all the black ailment! Let my well-groomed breasts bloom and become prettier, please me modest (the name of the petitioner) and a good and good husband!

Then you need to soak a skein of thread in the infusion and bury it in an open field or at least on a large lawn, saying:

“Paraskeva-Friday, accept a gift from the petitioner of peace (the name of the petitioner), full of gratitude! I will not weave, nor spin, nor sew on this Friday!

After the procedure, you need to return home, go to bed and do not get up until the morning.

The second part of the rite is a procedure similar to the previous one. You just need to open the window, pronounce special words and make catching movements. Then you need to use rubbing movements to imitate the smearing of what is caught on the chest. Required words:

“Moon, beautiful clear-faced girl, give me your mind (the name of the petitioner)!”, “And I caught it, great and deep gratitude to you!”.

The use of rituals helps not only to feel more attractive, but also to heal from diseases. The main condition is their correct application, since it is very easy to cause a negative effect, and it is almost impossible to correct it.

Several conspiracies to help quickly increase breasts

Beautiful breasts attract the eyes of men, make other women jealous. Not always by nature we get the size that we want. It can be increased by reading a simple plot for breast growth. You will be surprised how well it works. There are a number of conspiracies that help you achieve the forms you are striving for.

You can enhance your attractiveness, shape your chest beautifully, make it more noticeable. A man of dreams will not pass by such a woman. It is in your power to do everything without operations and pills - appeal to the forces of beauty and health, make your breasts the way you dream. Suitable for young girls too.

Important to know before proceeding with the rituals

You pronounce your desire, perform a ritual, read a plot. The Universe will definitely pay attention to you, consider your problems. But, you definitely shouldn’t make such a conspiracy if:

  • You have quite large breasts. The forces of justice will not understand why a woman with a 4th size needs to increase it.
  • There are some diseases of the mammary glands.
  • You have regular bleeding.
  • If you have given birth to a child and are breastfeeding, you should not read these conspiracies. Wait until you finish breastfeeding.

These restrictions are important because you want to stay healthy. If your breasts are already so large, then look at yourself in the mirror more often. Evaluate yourself from the outside, understand what exactly you do not like. To fix this, you have every opportunity. Exercising will help you get in shape.

These conspiracies only work to increase the size. If there are diseases of the glands, along with the growth in size, your troubles will also increase. But for women with small breasts, conspiracies will be a great solution. The positive energy of beauty, femininity, attractiveness will respond to your call.

Enchanted rose oil for rapid breast growth

It takes a huge amount of rose petals to get just one drop of this oil. You need to buy expensive, good oil. The ritual is performed at night from Wednesday to Thursday, when the moon is in its growth phase. You will need:

Lay a tablecloth, put a mirror, candles and a bubble on it. Take off your clothes.

  1. Light the candles.
  2. Take a close look at yourself in the mirror, evaluate your body critically.
  3. Place a bottle of oil between the candles, pronounce a conspiracy, looking at yourself in the mirror:

“As the moon grows, so does my chest grow. As the moon wanes, so it takes away my illness. Amen".

The rose oil should warm up a bit from the candles. Take a drop and apply on the chest, rub in with gentle movements. The positive female energy of the Moon will interact with this drop of nature - the result will surprise you. You will get big breasts. Apply this oil once a week after bathing - it will effectively maintain the result, accelerate growth.

How to speak milk

An excellent, very effective ritual is performed using milk. A conspiracy to increase breasts using milk has been known for a long time. Then fresh milk was taken early in the morning, but now it is difficult to get it. Buy natural, fresh milk, not something that has a long shelf life. If there is an opportunity in the village to buy fresh - just fine. In order for everything to learn, it is necessary to visualize the result well.

Answer mentally the following questions:

  • What size chest would you like to get? To increase immediately from the first to the fourth, of course, will not work. You will get gradual results.
  • How do you see yourself after fulfilling the desired - imagine the image well.
  • What dresses, blouses, underwear you can wear - imagine your new wardrobe.
  • Feel the enthusiastic looks of men.

When you can visualize yourself, start. Early in the morning put a mirror on the table, heat the milk. Rub it on your chest while saying:

“In a wide field, in an open field, under a clear sun and in a free wind, a cow walked, she did not know troubles, she dropped milk from her udder. On my chest, the servant of God (name) That milk fell! So that I blossomed and became prettier, my chest filled with health Yes, it increased and became prettier! My word is heard, my wish is fulfilled! Amen!"

This ritual is performed 7 days in a row. You can't skip days. Believe in yourself - milk will give you the help you need, and the words of the conspiracy will help you achieve results quickly. Our great-grandmothers actively used this method - look at old photos. This method is natural and harmless. What is left in the cup - drink it up.

To make the chest grow big

Go out into the field at night if you want your breasts to grow quickly. The energy of the earth gives rapid growth to all trees, herbs, bushes, and your chest will help.

  1. Take the key, go to the field when the moon is in the sky. Always choose the phase of growth - the female energy of the Moon will fulfill your desire with joy.
  2. Put the key on the ground, stand on it with your bare heel.
  3. Read the plot, looking at the moon:

“I keep the key under my heel. As the moon grows, so my chest would grow! So that she was magnificent and fat and I was rich with a bust! Amen!"

The key will need to be buried in the ground next to a large, strong tree so that it transfers part of its growth energy. It is done in summer or late spring, but not in autumn - then nature gets ready for sleep, freezes, all processes stop. This conspiracy exceeded many expectations. Simple yet powerful - the forces of nature itself will respond to your call.

Conspiracy against breast cancer

Every woman dreams of beautiful breasts, large, lush. But very often we forget that she must also be healthy so that there are no troubles from her, but only joys. To do this, carefully monitor what underwear you wear, visit a doctor. A great way to keep your breasts healthy is an old Russian charm. It should be read regularly, especially if there have been cases of serious diseases in the female part in your family. Don't neglect these tips.

You need to look in the mirror at your bare chest saying:

“From this day until Holy Saturday, cancer is not a fish, a tumor is not meat. I will come to an empty field, where it is not sown, not reaped, not called by the owners, where it has grown, what is not asked, but worn by the body, put on the chest. An unsown field gave birth to burdock, eared wheat. As that wheat dries, so the tumor will fall off from the born and baptized servant of God (name) That field will dry up, there will be no tumor on the chest. Amen".

Breast health needs to be monitored. Never do a growth plot if even a tiny benign tumor is found in you. It is better to regularly repeat the words of this conspiracy, they will protect health, save you from terrible diseases. You can read it only for yourself, and it is better to teach a friend or relative a conspiracy.

Anything that can help you

You will need faith in yourself. In the same way as you spoke rose oil, you can speak any body cream to apply it regularly. Visualize your impact:

  • When you massage your breasts with a charm cream, imagine how a powerful radiance comes from your hands, penetrating under the skin.
  • You will feel how your beauty grows - even if just a little bit, imperceptibly.
  • Use the energy of the moon in the growth phase to improve the effect, accelerate a pleasant increase in volume.
  • White or pink candles are suitable for the ritual. They attract a lot of soft positive energy.

Whatever your breasts, remember: you are beautiful. These proven conspiracies will help correct the situation, and the ability to visualize will speed up the result. Starting the ritual, think that the desire has already begun to come true. Words of power will only reinforce your confidence.

What tricks do the fair sex resort to in order to look even more feminine, more attractive and more desirable! In particular, to achieve these goals, lovely ladies often use a variety of magical rites and tools. Quite popular is, for example, a conspiracy for breast augmentation. Let's talk about what the ritual in question is, how it should be carried out, and what its effectiveness depends on.

Conspiracies to help beauty

How and when it is necessary to perform rituals for breast augmentation

How to make a conspiracy correctly

If you are not satisfied with the size or shape of your breasts, it is not at all necessary to seek the help of a plastic surgeon or take hormonal drugs - magic will help you. Take into account that even our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used special conspiracies for breast enlargement, which, despite their simplicity, made it possible to achieve truly amazing results. And you can use these conspiracies too - there are many of them, so choose the one that you like the most and start working on your body!

Note that any conspiracy for breast augmentation must be done exclusively on the growing moon or on the full moon. Most the best time for such rites, it is early morning (the period when the sun rises), as well as daytime between noon and two o'clock. And choose for the ritual exactly the “female” days of the week, which include: Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. And remember that the conspiracies in question are so simple and harmless that they can be repeated quite often - even once a week (just do not forget that the Moon should not be in the waning phase).

Every time, before eating, the following conspiracy is pronounced:

“Eat and eat. All the same, everything will be in the titenkoe. The Lord God will help me. I will thank him. Amen".

What determines the effectiveness of conspiracies?

The effectiveness of the conspiracy

Whatever plot for breast augmentation you prefer, do not forget about the need for visualization. That is, at the stage of preparation for magic ritual, be sure to imagine what kind of breasts you want to have (in size and shape). You need to mentally see yourself beautiful and desirable - to see your elastic, full breasts with velvety skin and perfect nipples. At the same time, you should feel how the heartbeat accelerates, how heat spreads in the chest area. Get used to this feeling and learn how to call it yourself while reading a magical plot.

Rituals to increase the size of the breast and improve its shape can be carried out by both the woman herself and someone from her close people who wish her well. However, do not trust a person about whom you are not sure to do this, because otherwise he can seriously harm you. In addition, you should be extremely serious about choosing a conspiracy and pronouncing it - you must pronounce all the words accurately, clearly and distinctly in order to get exactly the result you are counting on. After all, we are talking about increasing the volume of natural body tissues, and therefore it is very important to make sure that your breasts grow without any harm to health (so that no tumors and other formations appear in it).